Applied Microbiology (Zool-417)
Applied Microbiology (Zool-417)
Applied Microbiology (Zool-417)
Course Contents
mended Book
• Pelczzar, M.J. Jr., Chan, E.C.SS. and Kriegg, N.R. 19866. Microbioloogy– McGraaw Hill Inc., New
• Benson, H.J., 199 94. Microbioological appllications. Wm
mC Brown Publishers,
Dubuque, US SA.
• Alcammo, E. 1994 4. Fundamenntals of Micrrobiology. The
T Bengamiin/Cumminggs Publishingg Co.
Inc. Redwood
R citty, CA 940655.
• Pelczzar, M.J. Jrr., Chan, E.C.S.
E and Krieg, N.R R. 1993. Microbiolog
M y concepts and
applications – MccGraw Hill Inc.,
I New York.
BS (4 Yeaars) for Affilliated Collegees
Course Contents
Bacteriollogical exam
mination of water;
w isolation and identtification of coliform bacteria and ennteric
pathogenns. Isolation of pathogeenic Staphyllococci. Norrmal throat flora and reeaction on blood b
agar. Enuumeration annd identificaation of micrroorganismss in urinary tract
t infectioons. Isolationn and
identificaation of microorganism
m ms from the t diseasedd ear. Inhibition andd destruction of
microorgganism by ph hysical agennts. Action ofo disinfectaants on bactteria. Bacteriostatic actioon of
certain dyes
d and dru
ugs. Bacterial sensitivity tests (somme contempoorary antibiootics). Baccterial
examinattion of food,, raw milk. Surveys
S of microorganism
m ms’ activitiees based induustries.
mended Book
• Pelczzar, M.J. Jr., Chan, E.C.SS. and Kriegg, N.R. 19866. Microbioloogy– McGraaw Hill Inc., New
• Benson, H.J., 199 94. Microbioological appllications. Wm
mC Brown Publishers,
Dubuque, US SA.
• Alcammo, E. 1994 4. Fundamenntals of Micrrobiology. The
T Bengamiin/Cumminggs Publishingg Co.
Inc. Redwood
R citty, CA 940655.
• Pelczzar, M.J. Jrr., Chan, E.C.S.
E and Krieg, N.R R. 1993. Microbiolog
M y concepts and
applications – MccGraw Hill Inc.,
I New York.