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Bio9 Report Final Report

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Final Report



DIAH LARASWATI (1406533674)
MAUHIBAH YUMNA (1406577650)
RISKA AMALIA (1406575544)
RIZKI LARASATI (1406533541)
WAWAN IRAWAN S (1406533636)


i Universitas Indonesia


Name : Desti Octavianthy
NPM : 1406533586
Place, Date of Birth : Jakarta, October 15th 1996
Address : Jl. Kemuning No. 16B, Utan Kayu, Matraman
Name : Diah Laraswati
NPM : 1406533674
Place, Date of Birth : Jakarta, May 20th 1996
Address : Jl. Persatuan II No. 97, Kp. Rumbut Cimanggis, Depok
Name : Mauhibah Yumna
NPM : 1406577650
Place, Date of Birth : Jakarta, January 17th 1997
Address : Gema Pesona Estate, Blok AN/02 No. 45, Depok
Name : Riska Amalia
NPM : 1406575544
Place, Date of Birth : Jakarta, October 22nd 1996
Address : Pajak Asri Residence No. 6, Cipadu Jaya, Tangerang
Name : Rizki Larasati
NPM : 1406533541
Place, Date of Birth : Depok, July 7th 1997
Address : Jl. Barkah No. 36, Ciganjut, Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan
Name : Wawan Irawan Sah
NPM : 1406533636
Place, Date of Birth : Brebes, April 22th 1995
Address : Jl. Rawapule 1 No. 61B, Kukusan Beji, Depok

ii Universitas Indonesia

Thanks to Allah who had been giving strength for us to finish this final
report of plant design. This final report is made to fulfill the final task of Plant
Design class as capstone course of Bioprocess Engineering Study, Chemical
Engineering, Universitas Indonesia. This report is presents about our plant design
entitled ―Production Of Lipase Enzyme From Aspergillus Niger Using Rice Bran
And Palm Oil For Use In Detergents‖.
In finishing this final report, writers really gives the best regards and thanks
for people who had given guidance and help, they are :
1. Dr. Tania Surya Utami, S.T.,M.T., Dr. Ing. Ir. Misri Gozan M.Tech., Dr. rer.
nat. Ir. Yuswan Muharam M.T., Prof. Dr. Ir. Widodo Wahyu Purwanto, DEA.,
and Yoga Wienda Pratama, S.T., M.T., who has given their best guidance to
the writer in writing a great quality report and well developed chemical
2. Our family who always pray and given their support and love for each writer
during this plant design.
3. Our friends in Chemical Engineering Department batch 2014 who had given
critism, suggestion, smile, support one another and have shown good
friendship as helping each other.
Finally, the writers realize there are unintended errors in writing this final
report. The writers really appreciates all readers giving their suggestion to
improve its content in order to be made as one of the good examples for the next
Depok, December 11th 2017

Writer Team

iii Universitas Indonesia

Desti Octavianthy1, Diah Laraswati1, Mauhibah Yumna1, Riska Amalia1, Rizki
Larasati1, Wawan Irawan Sah1
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas
Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia


Lipase is the one of the most used enzyme in detergents with protease,
amylase and others enzymes. Lipase is one type of enzyme that can break down
fat or lipids into fatty acids in biological processes which contain in clothes stain.
This enzyme produced by Aspergillus niger with Submergerd Fermentation
(SmF). This plant located in Pancatama Industrial Area, Serang, Banten. Total
capital investment of this plant is about $ 5,009,487 with operating cost is about
$ 862,965.50 per year. Revenue per year is about $ 1,996,500 with selling weight
36300 kg per year. Lipase enzyme price is US$ 55 per kg and with that price, net
present value (NPV) is about US$ $ 1,562,669.95 with internal rate of return
(IRR) 14.76 % and 6.34 years of payback period (PBP).

Keywords: Lipase, Detergents, Submerged Fermentation (SmF), Aspergillus

niger, IRR, NPV, PBP

iv Universitas Indonesia

The detergent industry in Indonesia is currently developing positively and

significantly, the detergent market is indeed interesting to contend. But on the
other side, the detergent is known difficult to be damaged by microorganisms
(non-biodegradable) so that it can cause environmental pollution. Enzymes are
one of the most important proteins in biological processes, and lipase enzyme has
been widely used as an additional ingredient in detergent. The limited production
of lipase enzyme for detergent makes the industry in Indonesia not ready to
replace chemical surfactant material into enzyme. Therefore, it is necessary to
develop a related plant for producing lipase enzymes for basic materials in the
manufacture of detergents on a large scale to supply the needs of the detergent
industry in Indonesia.
This lipase enzymes production plant will be designed with production
capacity 35 tons per year or 106 kg/year. The raw material required in this plant
will be used Aspergillus niger as main raw material lipase producers. To produce
lipase enzymes, A. niger requires some nutrition for their growth, whereas it will
be use rice bran as substrate, molasses as carbon source, corn steep liquor as
nitrogen source, and palm oil are the best inducers to produce lipase enzyme.
The production process consists of selection process after scoring in each
process, we able to select the best method which is; Aspergillus niger preparation
by doing cell culture medium PDA; Fermentation medium preparation which used
molasses as carbon source, steep liquor as nitrogen source, and palm oil as
inducer; fermentation method using submerged fermentation; enzyme recovery
technology which used centrifugation and ultrafiltration as selected process; and
last drying method we used freeze drying method as our selected process.
In addition, rice bran and molasses is accessible in Java island and palm oil
as inducer that accessible in Riau, Sumatera Selatan. Therefore, we choose
modern industrial area Cikande, and several first area, Pancatama as our plant
location in East of Java, meanwhile industrial area Pancatama located in Cikande,
Serang District has minimum wages in Rp3,258,866.25.

v Universitas Indonesia
Lipase enzyme plant will be built with the total area 2,374.15 m2 and
divided into some areas which consisting several different area, namely: main
process area, office area, control room and laboratory area, utility area include;
water treatment area, waste water treatment area, steam area, cooling water area,
and supporting area include green area, parking area, musholla, canteen, and
security post.
To determine whether this plant is profitable or not, profitability analysis
calculation is required. The calculation is begin with Capital Investment
(CAPEX). CAPEX is calculation cost for designed chemical plant with
summarize of total bare module costs, direct permanent investment costs, total
depreciable capital costs, and total permanent investment costs.
The Total CAPEX for lipase enzyme plant is USD 5,009,487. After doing
calculation of CAPEX, OPEX (Operational Cost) is needed to be done.
Operational Cost is including the raw material, direct labors, indirect employee,
utilities, assurance, maintenance, and other cost we spent for operating the plant.
From the operational cost breakdown, the biggest cost for operational is raw
material, followed by building cost. Lipase plant total operating cost is USD
862,965.50. To run lipase enzyme plant we loan the money form investor about
70% and bank about 30%. This loan have some interest. The WACC that we get
from calculation is 12.8% and MARR is 13.80%. This MARR will be used for
calculating the NPV. We also calculate the depreciation from each asset (main
equipment, supporting equipment, and building). Meanwhile, our revenue
calculation begin with determine the price of our product. The price per package
is USD 55.00 per kg, which can only be use for one time used.
Then, we make the Before Tax Cash Flow and After Tax Cash Flow, and
calculate the profitability analysis. The IRR is 14.76%, ROI is 18.54%, Payback
Period is 6.5 years, IRR is 14.29%, BEP is 235,950 kg of lipase enzyme or 32.5%
of production sale, and NPV is USD 1,562,669.95. All of profitability component
that we get means that our plant is very profitable and can be implemented. We
also done the sensitivity analysis, with selling price is the most sensitive
component where the small changes can affect IRR, NPV and Payback Period

vi Universitas Indonesia


TITLE PAGE ......................................................................................................... i

LIST OF GROUP MEMBERS ............................................................................ ii
PREFACE ............................................................................................................. iii
ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... iv
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................... v
LIST OF CONTENT .......................................................................................... vii
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................. ix
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................ x
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 1
1.1. Background ............................................................................................... 1
1.2. Source & Raw Material Analysis ............................................................. 2
1.3. Market & Capacity Analysis ..................................................................... 5
CHAPTER 2. PROCESS SYNTHESIS .............................................................. 8
2.1. Process Alternative & Selection ............................................................... 8
2.2. Process Description ................................................................................. 17
2.3. Block Flow Diagram ............................................................................... 23
2.4. Process Flow Diagram ............................................................................ 24
2.5. Mass and Energy Balance ....................................................................... 25
CHAPTER 3. EQUIPMENT DESIGN ............................................................. 26
3.1. Main Process Equipment ........................................................................ 26
3.2. Utility Equipment.................................................................................... 34
CHAPTER 4. PROCESS CONTROL STRATEGY ....................................... 37
4.1. Piping & Instrumentation Diagram ......................................................... 37
4.2. Equipment P&ID and Control Instrumentation ...................................... 37
CHAPTER 5. PLANT LAYOUT ...................................................................... 38
5.1. Plant Location ......................................................................................... 38
5.2. Overall Plant Layout ............................................................................... 38
5.3. Main Process Layout............................................................................... 43
5.4. Utility Layout .......................................................................................... 43
5.5. Warehouse Layout .................................................................................. 45
CHAPTER 6. HEALTH, SAFETY, AND ENVIRONMENT ......................... 47
6.1. HSE Aspect ............................................................................................. 47
6.2. HSE Management ................................................................................... 47
6.3. Area Classification & Safety Range ....................................................... 50
6.4. Waste & Impurities Identification .......................................................... 51
6.5. Waste Treatment ..................................................................................... 55
CHAPTER 7. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS .......................................................... 60
7.1. Cost Index ............................................................................................... 60
7.2. Total Capital Investment ......................................................................... 61
7.3. Equity ...................................................................................................... 64
7.4. Depreciation ............................................................................................ 65
7.5. Direct Production Cost ............................................................................ 65
7.6. Fixed Operation Cost .............................................................................. 69
7.7. Plant Overhead Cost ............................................................................... 70
7.8. Communication Cost .............................................................................. 71
vii Universitas Indonesia
7.9. Distribution Cost ..................................................................................... 71
7.10. Total Operating Cost ............................................................................... 72
7.11. Investment Feasibility Analysis .............................................................. 73
7.12. Profitability Analysis .............................................................................. 74
7.13. Sensitivity Analysis ................................................................................ 75
CHAPTER 8. OUTSTANDING ISSUES.......................................................... 79
8.1. Technical Aspect ..................................................................................... 79
8.2. Economical Aspect ................................................................................. 80
CHAPTER 9. CONCLUSION ........................................................................... 81
REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 82
APPENDIX .......................................................................................................... 87
APPENDIX A: Mass and Energy Balance.................................................... 87
APPENDIX B: Equipment Sizing ................................................................. 99
APPENDIX C: Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) ................................. 144
APPENDIX D: Process and Instrumentation Diagram ............................ 201
APPENDIX E: Health and Safety Assessment Analysis ........................... 230
APPENDIX F: Capital Expenditure ........................................................... 250
APPENDIX G: Operating Cost ................................................................... 260
APPENDIX H: Economic Analysis ............................................................. 269

viii Universitas Indonesia



Figure 2.1. Biomsas Conversion Technology Process ............................................ 8

Figure 2.2. Industrial Enzyme Production ............................................................ 10
Figure 2.3. Blending Tank .................................................................................... 19
Figure 2.4. Freeze Drying Process ........................................................................ 22
Figure 5.1. Lipase Production Plant Location (top view) ..................................... 38
Figure 5.2. Plant Layout ........................................................................................ 40
Figure 5.3. Main Process Layout .......................................................................... 43
Figure 5.4. Utility Layout ..................................................................................... 43
Figure 5.5. Waste Treatment Layout..................................................................... 44
Figure 5.6. Steam Utility Layout........................................................................... 44
Figure 5.7. Cooling Water Utility Layout ............................................................. 45
Figure 5.8. Raw Material and Product Warehouse Layout ................................... 45
Figure 5.9. Utility Warrehouse Layout ................................................................. 46
Figure 6.1. NFPA Hazard Rating .......................................................................... 49
Figure 6.2. HMIS Hazard Rating .......................................................................... 49
Figure 6.3. Wastewater Treatment ........................................................................ 57
Figure 7.1. CEPCI Graph 2000 – 2016 ................................................................. 61
Figure 7.2. Operating Cost Breakdown ................................................................ 72
Figure 7.3. Cash Flow Diagram ............................................................................ 74
Figure 7.4. Cumulative Cash Flow Diagram ........................................................ 74
Figure 7.5. IRR Sensitivity Chart .......................................................................... 77
Figure 7.6. NPV Sensitivity Chart ........................................................................ 77
Figure 7.7. Payback Period Sensitivity Chart ....................................................... 78

ix Universitas Indonesia


Table 1.1. Substrate Comparison ............................................................................ 3

Table 1.2. Carbon Source Comparison ................................................................... 3
Table 1.3. Nitrogen Source Comparison ................................................................. 4
Table 1.4. Relation between Inducers and Lipase Activity by A. niger.................. 4
Table 1.5. Maltodextrin Specification ..................................................................... 4
Table 1.6. Maltodextrin Specification (continued) ................................................. 5
Table 1.7. Imported Enzyme Data in Indonesia ...................................................... 5
Table 1.8. Indonesia Detergent Consumption in 2005 - 2009 ................................ 6
Table 1.9. Indonesia Detergent Consumption in 2010 - 2042 ................................ 6
Table 1.10. Enzyme and Lipase Demand in 2010 - 2042 ....................................... 7
Table 2.1. SmF and SSF Comparison ................................................................... 11
Table 2.2. SmF and SSF Comparison (continued) ................................................ 12
Table 2.3. Fermentation Method Scoring ............................................................. 12
Table 2.4. Fermentation Method Scoring (continued) .......................................... 13
Table 2.5. Enzyme Recovery Technology Comparison........................................ 13
Table 2.6. Enzyme Recovery Technology Scoring ............................................... 14
Table 2.7. Enzyme Recovery Technology Scoring (continued) ........................... 14
Table 2.8. Drying Method Comparison ................................................................ 16
Table 2.9. Drying Method Scoring ....................................................................... 16
Table 2.10. Selected Process of Lipase Production .............................................. 17
Table 2.11. Fermenter Operating Condition ......................................................... 20
Table 2.12. Ultrafiltration Operating Condition ................................................... 21
Table 3.1. MX-101 Specification .......................................................................... 26
Table 3.2. CF-101 Specification ........................................................................... 26
Table 3.3. FR-101 Specification ........................................................................... 26
Table 3.4. FR-101 Specification (continued) ........................................................ 27
Table 3.5. FR-102 Specification ........................................................................... 27
Table 3.6. DC-101 Specification ........................................................................... 27
Table 3.7. UF-101 Specification ........................................................................... 28
Table 3.8. MX-102 Specification .......................................................................... 28
Table 3.9. FD-101 Specification ........................................................................... 28
Table 3.10. C-101 Specification............................................................................ 29
Table 3.11. C-102 Specification............................................................................ 29
Table 3.12. C-103 Specification............................................................................ 29
Table 3.13. C-104 Specification............................................................................ 30
Table 3.14. C-105 Specification............................................................................ 30
Table 3.15. V-101 Specification ........................................................................... 30
Table 3.16. V-102 Specification ........................................................................... 30
Table 3.17. V-102 Specification (continued) ........................................................ 31
Table 3.18. V-103 Specification ........................................................................... 31
Table 3.19. V-104 Specification ........................................................................... 31
Table 3.20. V-105 Specification ........................................................................... 31
Table 3.21. V-106 Specification ........................................................................... 32
Table 3.22. P-101 Specification ............................................................................ 32
Table 3.23. P-102 Specification ............................................................................ 32
x Universitas Indonesia
Table 3.24. P-102 Specification (continued)......................................................... 33
Table 3.25. P-201 Specification ............................................................................ 33
Table 3.26. P-202 Specification ............................................................................ 33
Table 3.27. P-301 Specification ............................................................................ 33
Table 3.28. P-301 Specification (continued)......................................................... 34
Table 3.29. P-302 Specification ............................................................................ 34
Table 3.30. Piping Specification ........................................................................... 34
Table 3.31. Boiler Specification............................................................................ 35
Table 3.32. Water Storage Tank Specification ..................................................... 35
Table 3.33. Cooling Tower Specification ............................................................. 35
Table 3.34. Condenser Specification .................................................................... 36
Table 3.35. Generator Specification...................................................................... 36
Table 3.36. Boiler Steam Specification ................................................................ 36
Table 5.1. Main Process Total Area ...................................................................... 41
Table 5.2. Outside Battery Limit Area .................................................................. 42
Table 6.1. HAZID Risk Matrix ............................................................................. 47
Table 6.2. Sections in MSDS ................................................................................ 48
Table 6.3. Waste Identification ............................................................................. 51
Table 6.4. COD in Waste Stream .......................................................................... 52
Table 6.5. Wastewater Standard in Biomass Processing Acitivity ....................... 53
Table 6.6. Government Wastewater Standard....................................................... 54
Table 6.7. Governmental Standard for Domestic Waste Water Parameter ........... 54
Table 6.8. Noise Intensity Standard ...................................................................... 55
Table 7.1. CEPCI 2000 - 2016 .............................................................................. 60
Table 7.2. CPECI 2017 - 2025 .............................................................................. 61
Table 7.3. Site Development Cost......................................................................... 62
Table 7.4. Offsite Facilities Cost .......................................................................... 62
Table 7.5. Contingency Cost and Contractor Fee ................................................. 62
Table 7.6. Overall Piping Cost .............................................................................. 63
Table 7.7. Controller cost ...................................................................................... 63
Table 7.8. Electrical Equipment Cost ................................................................... 63
Table 7.9. Overall Land and Building Cost .......................................................... 63
Table 7.10. Additional Cost .................................................................................. 64
Table 7.11. Loan Source and Its Interest Rate ...................................................... 65
Table 7.12. Fuel Utility Cost ................................................................................. 67
Table 7.13. Solid Waste Disposal Cost ................................................................. 67
Table 7.14. Direct Operating Labor Requirement for Chemical Plant ................. 68
Table 7.15. Total Labor Cost ................................................................................ 69
Table 7.16. Plant Overhead Cost .......................................................................... 70
Table 7.17. Plant Overhead Cost (continued) ....................................................... 71
Table 7.18. Communication Cost.......................................................................... 71
Table 7.19. Distribution Cost ................................................................................ 72
Table 7.20. Total Operating Cost .......................................................................... 72
Table 7.21. Break Even Point ............................................................................... 75
Table 7.22. Selling Price Fluctuation .................................................................... 76
Table 7.23. Raw Material Fluctuation................................................................... 76
Table 7.24. Capacity Fluctuation .......................................................................... 76
Table 7.25. Capacity Fluctuation (continued) ....................................................... 77
xi Universitas Indonesia


1.1. Background
Industry of detergent in Indonesia is currently developing positively and
significantly. Detergent belongs to the category of product that is absolutely
required by the household. Detergent demands in Indonesia has increase
significantly every year due to the increase of population. With the increasing
population, the detergent needs will increase as well.
The average detergent production in Indonesia is 380,000 tons per year. As
for the level of consumption, according to survey results conducted by
Technology Audit Center in Jabotabek area in 2002, per capita averaged at 8.232
kg. In addition to the household occupants who play the role of detergent, the
development of laundry business increased the consumption of detergent.
Detergent waste water including pollutants or substances that pollute the
environment because there in contain substances called ABS (alkyl benzene
sulphonate) which is a hard detergent. The detergent is difficult to be damaged by
microorganisms (non-biodegradable) so that it can cause environmental impact.
Surfactants are a major component in detergents and who have complex
chemical chain to break down in nature. Surfactant is a surface-lowering active
compound which can be produced by chemical or biochemical synthesis.
Surfactant's surface active properties are capable of lowering surface tension,
interface voltage and increasing the stability of the emulsion system. With the
widespread use of detergents, the risks to human health and environmental health
are increasingly vulnerable. Waste generated from detergents may have adverse
impacts on the environment which will further disrupt or affect people's lives.
Enzymes are one of the most important proteins in biological processes.
These compounds can catalyze the chemical processes present in living systems.
Biological processes can run efficiently due to the presence of enzymes that work
specifically against the substrate. Currently, there are 4,000 enzymes that have
been successfully studied. A total of 200 of these enzymes were then isolated,
manufactured, and used for industrial purposes (Biotechnology Advance, 2001).

1 Universitas Indonesia

One of the most widely used enzymes for industrial use is lipase. Lipase is one
type of enzyme that can break down fat or lipids into fatty acids in biological
processes. In the industrial world, this enzyme has been widely used as a cheap
and environmentally friendly catalyst, which one as an additional ingredient in
detergent (Biotechnology Advance, 2001).
It is known that almost 99 percent of the enzyme (biocatalyst) needs for
industry are still imported from abroad such as China, India, Japan and parts of
Europe. Enzyme requirements tend to increase every year and it is estimated that
global market demand for enzymes increases by about 7 percent (2015-2020) per
year (BPPT, 2015). The consumption of industrial enzymes in Indonesia is
estimated to reach 2,500 tons with an import value of around Rp200 billion in
2017 with an average growth rate of 5 to 7 percent per year (Good News for
Indonesia, 2017).
The limited production of lipase enzyme for detergent makes the industry
have to think twice to replace chemical surfactant material into enzyme.
Therefore, it is necessary to develop a related plant for producing lipase enzymes
for basic materials in the manufacture of detergents on a large scale to supply the
needs of the detergent industry in Indonesia. In addition, the replacement of
chemical surfactants into these enzymes can improve the quality of the

1.2. Source & Raw Material Analysis

Lipase can be produced from several sources such as plants, animals, and
microorganisms. The detergent lipase-producing microorganisms are isolated
from soil, oily environment or watery environment (Niyonzima et. al 2014).
Microorganisms with potentials to produce lipases can be found in different
habitats, including wastes of vegetable oils and dairy product industries, soils
contaminated with oils, seeds, and deteriorated food (Sharma et al., 2001).
Production of detergent compatible lipases The detergent lipases are
mainly produced by the microorganisms belonging to the following:
Acinetobacter, Bacillus, Burkholderia, Aspergillus, Streptomyces, Rhodococcus,

Universitas Indonesia

Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus, Cryptococcus, Fusarium, Talaromyces, and

Trichosporon (Niyonzima et. al 2014).
1.2.1. Source Selection
HAZID procedure are used to identify main hazards, to review the
effectiveness of selected safety measures and, where required, to expand the HSE
1.2.2. Raw Material Selection Substrate Selection
The substrates used for submerged fermentation can be classified as
agricultural raw materials and waste products, industrial wastes, and synthetic
materials (Kumar A, et al 2012). Due to commercial applications for plant design
development, simple and inexpensive substrates with agro industrial residues has
been chosen. From the following substrate, rice bran produce a maximum activity
with 121.53 U/gss at 30.3°C.
Table 1.1. Substrate Comparison
Fermentation Lipase activity
Substrate References
condition (hours) (units)
Hosseinpour et al.,
Rice bran pH6.8 – 7, 30.3°C 121.53 (U/g dss)
30°C, 7 days, pH
Shea butter cake 3.35 U/g Salihu A et al., 2013
Soya bean and Colla LM et al.,
37°C, pH 7.7, 96 h 4.23 U/ml
Rice husk 2014 Carbon Source Selection

Carbon source is the one of the most important source to provides
biosynthesis in enzymatic reaction. Molasses is efficent for fermentation because
has the greatest rate of energy production and cheaper among other carbon source
options. Molasses‘ rate of energy production was more than three times that of
lactose. Molasses has a pH of 5.5 - 6.5 which is slightly acidic due to the free
organic acids as well as operating conditions sugar processing.
Table 1.2. Carbon Source Comparison
Carbon Source Glucose Lactose Molasses
Composition C6H12O6 Monosaccharide Mainly carbohydrates
Yes Yes No
Price Range ($/kg) 0.10-0.35 0.25-0.36 0.08-0.12
Source Starch Milk Sugar beet, sugar cane
Brix/ 1 of sucrose 0.6-0.7 0.2-0.4 0.4-0.5
(Source: Heinzle, E., 2006)

Universitas Indonesia
4 Nitrogen Source Selection

For lipase production, the nitrogen source used is derived from cornsteep
liquor. Cornsteep liquor is a by-product of corn wet milling and has excellent
source of organic nitrogen source. Therefore, corn steep liquor can be chosen as
potential nitrogen source instead of cotton seed meal.
Table 1.3. Nitrogen Source Comparison
Nitrogen Source Steep Liquor Cotton Seed Meal
pH 7.1-7.5 7.4
Time of Max Yield 96 hour 114 hour
Price Range $ 0.37-0.45 $ 9.97
(Source: Heinzle, E., 2006) Inducer and Enhancer Selection
Lipidic carbon source such as fats and vegetable oils inducers appear to
be generally important for obtaining a high lipase yield. Vegetable oils were used
for inducers on lipase production of lipase-producing microorganism.
Table 1.4. Relation between Inducers and Lipase Activity by A. niger
Lipase Activity
Palm oil 12.0
Corn oil 6.6
Olive oil 24.0
Sunflower oil 10.5
Cotton seed oil 17.0
Glucose 3.5
(Source: El Batal, 2016 International Letters of Natural Sciences vol. 60)
Olive oil shows the most effective inducer for lipase production followed
by cotton seed oil, but due to the high price of both of them, therefore palm oil is
choosed as the main of lipidic carbon sources which also shows high lipase
enzyme activity and high availability in Indonesia.
Besides considering the nutrition needed for Aspergillus niger‘s growth,
other material such as maltodextrin (enzyme protection layer that will enhance
enzyme activity). The advantage of using maltodextrin as wall material is the
relatively cheap price, neutral flavor, low viscosity at high solid concentration,
and provides good protection for oil-shaped core material.
Table 1.5. Maltodextrin Specification
Criteria Specification
White powder with a littlebit
Smell The smell is like maltstrument
Flavors Less sweet, tasteless
Universitas Indonesia

Table 1.6. Maltodextrin Specification (continued)

Criteria Specification
Water content 6%
DE (Dextrose Equivalent) 10-20%
pH 4.5-6.5
Sulfated ash 0.6% (maximum)
Total Plate Count (TPC) 1500 / g
(Source: Blancard, P. H. and F. R. Katz, 1995)

1.3. Market & Capacity Analysis

The detergents industry, regulated by the European Commission (EC)
Detergent Directive is considered as the largest enzyme consuming sector. Our
market is decided to be in Indonesia because Indonesia does not have any lipase
production plant yet and will produce lipase enzyme specifically for FMCG (Fast
Moving Consumer Goods) especially on laundry and detergents industry.
1.3.1. Lipase Market Analysis
The world market for lipase is projected to reach $590.5 Million by 2020,
at a CAGR of 6.5% between 2015 and 2020. In 2014, Asia-Pacific was the largest
and fastest-growing market for lipase. By region market, Asia-Pacific market size
is a promising market for lipase enzyme for the next 3 years above America and
Europe. It means that Indonesia based on Asia region also has promising market
to set up and invest on enzyme market especially on lipase enzyme.
According to Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education
Indonesian only have one plant of enzyme production unit PT. Petrosida located
in Gresik Regency, East Java. Almost 99% of the enzyme (biocatalyst) needs for
industry are still imported from abroad, such as China, India Japan and parts of
Europe. Enzymatic requirements are increasing every year and global demand for
enzyme estimates increases by 7.0 percent (2015 - 2020) per year.
Table 1.7. Imported Enzyme Data in Indonesia
Year Trade Value Weight (kg)
2005 $12,500,788 2,457,576
2006 $16,663,677 3,380,713
2007 $19,000,734 3,661,397
2008 $20,209,947 3,803,030
2009 $20,308,007 3,731,550
2010 $22,081,547 4,041,376
2011 $36,099,271 5,357,884
(Source: Markets and Markets Analysis)

Universitas Indonesia

1.3.2. Supply and Demand Analysis

For determining the production capacity of lipase plant, calculation of
detergent demand that contain active energy is necessary. Number of detergent
demand is obtained by data of detergent consumption in Indonesia which increase
over the year.
Table 1.8. Indonesia Detergent Consumption in 2005 - 2009
Consumption Growth
(tons) (%)
2005 594,135
2006 643,064 8.2
2007 680,087 5.8
2008 720,612 6
2009 738,365 2.5
(Source: Ministry of Industry, reproduced by PT. Data Consult, Inc (2011))
Average growth of detergent consumption is 5.625%. Later, forecasting
value is made for 2010 – 2017 until the next 25 years which is 2042 to see the
perspective of detergent industry demands in Indonesia.
Table 1.9. Indonesia Detergent Consumption in 2010 - 2042
Year Demands (tons) Year Demands (tons) Year Demands (tons)
2010 779,898 2021 1,423,875 2032 2,599,595
2011 823,767 2022 1,503,968 2033 2,745,822
2012 870,104 2023 1,588,566 2034 2,900,275
2013 919,048 2024 1,677,923 2035 3,063,415
2014 970,744 2025 1,772,306 2036 3,235,732
2015 1,025,348 2026 1,871,998 2037 3,417,742
2016 1,083,024 2027 1,977,298 2038 3,609,990
2017 1,143,944 2028 2,088,521 2039 3,813,052
2018 1,208,291 2029 2,206,000 2040 4,027,536
2019 1,276,258 2030 2,330,088 2041 4,254,085
2020 1,348,047 2031 2,461,155 2042 4,493,378

1.3.3. Production Capacity

Demands of lipase enzyme can be determine by knowing enzyme
concentration in detergent. Enzyme is used in small amounts at major detergent
preparations. According to European Patent for Laundry Detergent, there are 19
examples of detergent composition from granular to liquid detergent patent. For
the lipase plant, patent number 16 is chosen for granular fabric compositions
which provide softening agent with enzyme composition in detergent shows in the
following table
Universitas Indonesia

Enzyme Composition (%)

Protease 0.02
Lipase 0.02
Amylase 0.03
Cellulase 0.001
Total 0.071
(Source: European Patent for Laundry Detergent)
Therefore, total enzyme demand and specified lipase enzyme demand can be
determined for 2010 – 2042.
Table 1.10. Enzyme and Lipase Demand in 2010 - 2042
Enzyme Lipase Enzyme Lipase
Year Demands Demands Year Demands Demands
(ton) (ton) (ton) (ton)
2010 554 156 2027 1,404 395
2011 585 165 2028 1,483 418
2012 618 174 2029 1,566 441
2013 653 184 2030 1,654 466
2014 689 194 2031 1,747 492
2015 728 205 2032 1,846 520
2016 769 217 2033 1,950 549
2017 812 229 2034 2,059 580
2018 858 242 2035 2,175 613
2019 906 255 2036 2,297 647
2020 957 270 2037 2,427 684
2021 1,011 285 2038 2,563 722
2022 1,068 301 2039 2,707 763
2023 1,128 318 2040 2,860 806
2024 1,191 336 2041 3,020 851
2025 1,258 354 2042 3,190 899
2026 1,329 374 Average 1,749 493

Since there is no lipase enzyme production in Indonesia, the future plant have a
great opportunity to fulfill the Indonesian demands of lipase enzyme. BPPT and
PT. Petrosida Gresik already have a plan to build 200 ton/ year enzyme plant in
Gresik. The lipase plant target of production capacity is 7% of market share from
the demand of lipase enzyme in Indonesia.

So, lipase enzyme production capacity of our plant will be produce 35 ton lipase
enzyme annually. With an assumption one year is equal to 330 days, the
production capacity is equal to 106 kg/day.

Universitas Indonesia


2.1. Process Alternative & Selection

Before choosing the processesof lipase enzyme production, the basic
concept of enzyme production must be detailed first as in Figure 2.1. below.

Figure 2.1. Biomsas Conversion Technology Process

(Source: Heinzle, E. 2006)
Lipase enzyme can be produce using fermentation. The first step to do is to
culture Aspergillus niger in a pre-culture medium. Aspergillus niger that being
used is isolated from InACC. Later, we need to prepare the medium used for
fermentation by combining substrate, carbon source, nitrogen source, salt, and
water which are nutritions for the growth of Aspergillus niger. Medium is the
mixed and sterilized to distribute the nutritions all over the medium and prevent
contamination that could reduce the quality and quantity of the enzyme that will
Massive number of Aspergillus niger and prepared medium is going
through fermentation in small scale on seed fermentor with air supply to help the
growth and production process. As Aspergillus niger already able to adapt in new
environment, they will moved into a bigger fermentor where enzyme will be
produced in large capacity. Slowly, the lipase enzyme and some residuals will be
moved into storage tank before it going to be recovered. Lipase enzyme will be
separated from its residual using separation and later the enzyme will be dried and
layered with certain additive to enhance the enzyme activity and become the layer
protection of enzyme. Finally, lipase enzyme can later be used in detergent as
replacement of surfactant.
8 Universitas Indonesia

Before determined the processes that used to produce lipase, several

alternative processes is analyzed to know further whether the process meet the
requirement of product characteristic or not. However, some of the processes do
not have any alternative since it is patented for enzyme production.
2.1.1. Preparation
Preparation process is divided into Aspergillus niger preparation and
medium preparation. Preparation of Aspergillus niger is needed in order to
produce a massive number of Aspergillus niger while medium preparation will
later be consumed by Aspergillus niger to produce the lipase enzyme. Aspergillus niger Preparation
In the production process of enzymes by using microorganisms, the steps
to be considered include the selection of strains and the setting of operating
process conditions. The strain chosen in the production plant of this lipase enzyme
is Aspergillus niger. It is because Aspergillus niger is a type of fungi that
produces extracellular enzymes with high activity and can be easily maintain. In
addition, the microbial economy must be easily obtained and able to develop on
the media that relatively cheap and easy to find. Aspergillus niger that being used
is first needed to be cultured from InACC F504 – F507 (which was isolated from
Rhizosphere Piper Bantamense Blume)using pre-cultured medium PDA (Potatoes
Dextrose Agar) for 2 days at 27°C. Fermentation Medium Preparation
The medium prepared for the fermentation process should have sufficient
medium composition to fulfill the nutrient requirements, which serve as food for
microorganisms. These nutrients must consist of atoms C, N, P, S, Fe, and Mg as
well as salt and other minerals. Medium is created from mixtures of rice bran as
substrate; water; molasses as carbon source; cornsteep liquor as nitrogen source;
KH2PO4, NaH2PO4, MgSO4.7H2O, CaCl2 as salt and mineral source; with addition
of palm oil as inducer (used to enhance enzyme activity). After the preparation,
medium is needed to be sterilized before entering the seed fermenter and main

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2.1.2. Fermentation
Fermentation process need lots of consideration and selection in nutritional
sources and type of fermentation that will be used since this step will directly
affect the quantity and quality of lipase enzyme that will be produced. Seed Fermentation
Seed fermenter is a mini-model of production fermenter to develop an
inoculum to initiate the process in the main fermenter. All the seed stage is
provided moderately large numbers of living microorganisms. The prepared
fermentation medium is sent to seed fermenter as well as the Aspergillus niger.
From the seed fermenter, after the culture is stabilized and growth enough, they
will be sent into main fermenter. Main Fermentation
Fermentation technologies have been employed exclusively for the
production of industrial enzymes, preferably by microorganisms such as bacteria
or fungi under carefully controlled conditions due to the ease of multiplication and
handling (Pandey et al., 2015). Submerged fermentation (SmF) and solid-state
fermentation (SSF) are two important fermentation technologies available. Both
of these technologies offer several benefits but have their own limitations. A
schematic representation of both the technologies for enzyme production is shown
in figure below.

Figure 2.2. Industrial Enzyme Production

(Source: Industrial Biorefineries & White Biotechnology, 2015)
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Submerged fermentation (SmF) is the fermentation where the presence of

excess of free water is termed (Pandey et al., 2015). SmF is the preferred
technology for industrial enzyme production due to ease of handling at large-
scale. Large-scale fermenters, varying in volumes of thousands of liters for SmF
are well developed and offer online control over several parameters such as pH,
temperature, and dissolved oxygen (DO). The medium in SmF is liquid, which
remains in contact with the microorganisms. In addition, SmF utilizes free
flowing liquid substrates such as molasses and broths (Ravichandran and Vimala
R, 2012). Stirrer and impellers and their design play imporant role in these
fermenters for mixing the air, biomass, and suspended particles. In the batch
culture, the microorganisms are inoculated in fixed volume of the medium. The
fermentation proceeds for certain duration (the ‗fermentation time‘ or ‗batch
time‘), and batch fermentations typically extend over 4-5 days (Chisti, 1999).
SmF technique is best suited for microorganisms such as bacteria that require high
moisture content.
Solid-state fermentation (SSF) is the fermentation process occuring in the
absence or near-absence of free water (Pandey et al., 2015). It utilizes solid
substrates like bran, bagasse, and paper pulp (Ravichandran and Vimala R, 2012).
SSF presents potential opportunities for developing ―green process‖ employing
agro-industrial residues. SSF use tray fermenters or rolling drum fermenters, and
enzymes formed are in concentrated form and easy to recovery. In addition, it
appears to possess several other biotechnological advantages such as higher
fermentation productivity, higher end-concentration of products, higher product
stability, lower catabolic repression, and lower demand on sterility due to the low
water activity. SSF is best suited for fermentation techniques involving fungi and
microorganisms that require less moisture content. However, it cannot be used in
fermentation processes involving organisms that require high water activity such
as bacteria (Babu and Satyanarayana, 1996). Major differences in SmF and SSF
are available in the following table
Table 2.1. SmF and SSF Comparison
Characteristics Submerged Solid-state
Microorganism, Substrate Agitated Static
Water Usage Unlimited Limited

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Table 2.2. SmF and SSF Comparison (continued)

Characteristics Submerged Solid-state
Oxygen Supply by Aeration Diffusion
Fermentation Mash Volume Larger Smaller
Liquid Waste Produced Significant volume Negligible
Physical Energy Requirement High Low
Human Energy Requirement Low High
Capital Investment High Low
(Source: Current Developments in Solid-state Fermentation, 2008)

To select the fermentation method that will be used, all methods will be
scored by several parameters. The total score is obtained from multiplication
between the score for each parameters and the score percentage. Parameters that
used to evaluate the fermentation method are listed below.
a. Medium form suitability for raw material: Analyze the medium form suitability
for raw material used such as microorganism and its substrate.
b. Production capacity: Considering the capacity of each method, from laboratory
it can be scaled up or not.
c. Process time: Considering how long the fermentation process of each method
will be done.
d. Physical energy requirement: Analyze the physical energy which needed by the
equipment and handling (for example) that required.
e. Human energy requirement: Analyze the human energy required to control the
process, analyze there is a problem or not, etc.
f. Installation: Long term and difficulties in manufacturing technology affects the
plant benefit and even creates a long plant payback period.
g. Capital investment and operational cost: Considering the capital investment of
our plant if use both methods.
Range for score is varied with 1 = worst, 2 = bad, 3 = equal, 4 = good, 5 =
very good. Scoring for fermentation method selection is available below.
Table 2.3. Fermentation Method Scoring
No. Criteria Percentage
1 Medium Form Suitability 20% 5 1 3 0.6
2 Production Capacity 15% 4 0.6 2 0.3
3 Process Time 10% 3 0.3 3 0.3
4 Physical Energy Requirement 15% 2 0.3 3 0.45

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Table 2.4. Fermentation Method Scoring (continued)

No. Criteria Percentage
5 Human Energy Requirement 10% 3 0.3 2 0.2
6 Installation 10% 2 0.2 3 0.3
7 Capital Investment & Ops. Cost 20% 2 0.4 3 0.6
Total 100% 3.1 2.75
Rank 1 2

2.1.3. Enzyme Recovery

Enzyme recovery or separation is an important step in enzyme production
where residual cell, proteins, and other contaminants are removed. Different
techniques have been developed for purification of enzymes based on their
properties or use in biotechnological and industrial processes. Commercial use of
lipase generally does not require purification of the enzyme but for enzyme
applications in food industries, pharmaceutical, and clinical sectors requires high-
purity lipases.
Table 2.5. Enzyme Recovery Technology Comparison
Advantage Disadvantage
Separate small solids (cells
and cell debris)
Centrifugation Mechanically complex
Can be used continuously,
eliminating cleaning time
Cost-effective Impurities persist
Easy handling Flow relatively slow
Higher operating pressure Sensitive to oxidative
(compared to MF) chemicals
Membrane damage at
Lower energy consumption
pressure > 3 bar
High yield of purification Denature the enzyme
Faster operation Use more energy
Expensive, success varied,
Chromatography Highest purity
and dependent on the protein
Extraction Cost-effective Impurities persist
(Source: Enzyme Technology, 2012)

To select the enzyme recovery technology that will be used, all methods
will be scored by several parameters. The total score is obtained from
multiplication between the score for each parameters and the score percentage.
Parameters that used to evaluate the enzyme recovery technology are listed below.

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a. Purity: Analyze the purity of the enzyme after separation, which are
contaminated with cells, carbohydrates, other protein, nucleic acid, etc.
b. Capacity: Considering the capacity of each method, from laboratory it can be
scaled up or not.
c. Process time: Considering how long the fermentation process of each method
will be done.
d. Energy requirement: Analyze the energy needed by the equipment and
e. Installation: Long term and difficulties in manufacturing technology affects the
plant benefit and even create a long plant payback period.
Capital investment and operational cost: Considering the capital investment of
our plant if use both methods.
Range for score is varied with 1 = worst, 2 = bad, 3 = equal, 4 = good, 5 =
very good. Scoring for fermentation method selection is available below
Table 2.6. Enzyme Recovery Technology Scoring
Centrifu- Micro- Ultra-
No. Criteria Percentage gation filtration filtration
1 Purity 25% 4 1 3 0.75 5 1.25
2 Capacity 15% 4 0.6 3 0.45 3 0.45
3 Process Time 20% 3 0.6 3 0.6 4 0.8
4 15% 5 0.75 4 0.6 4 0.6
5 Installation 10% 3 0.3 4 0.4 3 0.3
6 CI and OC 15% 4 0.6 4 0.6 3 0.45
Total 100% 3.85 3.4 3.85
Rank 1 2 1

Table 2.7. Enzyme Recovery Technology Scoring (continued)

Evapora- Chromato-
No. Criteria Percentage tion graphy
1 Purity 25% 4 1 5 4 1 5
2 Capacity 15% 4 0.6 4 4 0.6 4
3 Process Time 20% 3 0.6 4 3 0.6 4
4 15% 2 0.3 2 2 0.3 2
5 Installation 10% 2 0.2 2 2 0.2 2
6 CI and OC 15% 2 0.3 1 2 0.3 1
Total 100% 3 3.3 3.2
Rank 5 3 4

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2.1.4. Enzyme Drying

Removal of solvent from purified wet product (crystal or dissolved solute)
is usually achieved by drying. In selecting drying conditions, the physical
properties of the product, its heat sensitivity, and the desirable final moisture
content must be considered. The parameters affecting drying can be classified in
four categories: physical properties of the solid-liquid system, intrinsic properties
of the solute, conditions of the drying environment, and heat-transfer parameters
(Sculer and Kargi, 2002). The major types of dryer used for drying fermentation
product are the following:
a. Vacuum-tray drier: Consist of heated shelves in a single chamber and its
usually used in pharmaceutical product.
b. Freeze drying (lyophilization): Method where water is removed by sublimation
(from solid ice to vapor) from the freeze solution. The freezing can be
accomplished either outside or inside the vacuum chamber prior to drying. This
method is used for antibiotics, enzyme solutions, and bacterial suspensions.
Freeze-dried product has a long shelf life without refrigerator, approximately
two years for a 2% residual moisture content product being usual. But, freeze
drying as always been recognized as the most expensive process for
manufacturing a dehydrated product.
c. Rotary-drum drier: Not good for granules or crystal solutions.
d. Spray dryers: Employ atomization and spraying of product solution into a
heated chamber through a nozzle. Hot gas inside the chamber provides the
necessary heat for evaporation of the liquid. Dried particles are separated from
hot gases using cyclones. Spray dryer are expensive to purchase but are the
preferred method for heat sensitive materials.
e. Pneumatic conveyor driers: Use hot air stream to suspend and transport
particles. Such systems work well when surface drying is critical, but do not
provide sufficient exposure times to dry large porous particles where water
removal is diffusion controlled. Pneumatic conveyor systems are well suited
for heat-sensitive and easily oxidized materials.
f. Fluidized bed dryer: Used in granulation process for drying the material to get
desired moisture content in tablet formulation granules. Air is allowed to flow

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through a bed of solid powdered material in upward direction with the velocity
greater than the settling rate of the particles. The solid particles will be blown
up and become suspended in the air stream. At the stage solid bed looks like
the boiling liquid, therefore this stage is called as fluidized. Use of hot air to
fluidizing the bed will increase the drying rate of material.
Drying of enzyme lipase must be carried out with extreme care to maintain
its chemical and biochemical activity while also ensure that it retains a high level
of activity after drying (Mc. Glade and Lemon, n.d.). Based on the explanation
above, the possible types of drying for production enzyme lipase are freeze drying
and spray drying with comparison as stated below.
Table 2.8. Drying Method Comparison
Freeze Spray
Drying Drying
Inlet Temperature (Oc) 130 150-200
Efficiency (%) 70-90 20-50
Drying Time 2 hours 2 hours

To select the drying method that will be used, all methods will be scored
by several parameters. The total score is obtained from multiplication between the
score for each parameters and the score percentage. Parameters that used to
evaluate the drying method are listed below.
a. Inlet temperature: Analyze the range of temperature used in drying process
b. Efficiency: Considering the drying process efficiency in water removal
c. Drying time: Considering how long the drying process will be done
d. Cost: Analyze the overall cost needed for drying process
Range for score is varied with 1 = worst, 2 = bad, 3 = equal, 4 = good, 5 =
very good. Scoring for fermentation method selection is available below
Table 2.9. Drying Method Scoring
Freeze Drying Spray Drying
No. Parameter Percentage
Rating Score Rating Score
1 Inlet Temperature 20% 4 0.8 2 0.4
2 Efficiency 30% 5 1.5 3 0.9
3 Drying Time 20% 4 0.8 4 0.8
4 Cost 30% 3 0.9 3 0.9
Total 100% 4 3
Rank 1 2

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2.1.5. Process Selection

From considerations and scoring in each process above, the best methods
that will be used for lipase enzyme production are listed below.
Table 2.10. Selected Process of Lipase Production
Alternative Selected
Processes/Criteria Process/Criteria
Cultured from pre-cultured medium PDA, isolated from
Aspergillus niger
InACC F504 – F507 (which was isolated from
Rhizosphere Piper Bantamense Blume)
Substrate: Rice bran
Carbon sources: Glucose,
Carbon source: Molasses
Lactose, Molasses
Fermentation Nitrogen sources:
Medium Preparation Nitrogen source: Cornsteep
Cornsteep liquor,
Cottonseed meal
Inducers: Olive oil, Cotton
Inducer: Palm oil
seed oil, Palm oil
Methods: Submerged
Fermentation (SmF) and Method: Submerged
Fermentation Method
Solid-state Fermentation Fermentation (SmF)
Enzyme Recovery Microfiltration, Technology: Centrifugation
Technology Ultrafiltration, Evaporation, & Ultrafiltration
Methods: Freeze Drying,
Drying Method Method: Freeze Drying
Spray Drying

2.2. Process Description

2.2.1. Cell Culture
Cell culture is the process by which cells are grown under controlled
conditions, generally outside of their natural environment. Cell culture conditions
can vary for each cell type, but artificial environments consist of a suitable vessel
with substrate or medium that supplies the essential nutrients (amino acids,
carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals), growth factors, hormones, and gases (CO2,
O2), and regulates the physio-chemical environment (pH buffer, osmotic pressure,
temperature). Most cells require a surface or an artificial substrate (adherent or
monolayer culture) whereas others can be grown free floating in culture medium
(suspension culture). The lifespan of most cells is genetically determined, but

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some cell culturing cells have been ―transformed‖ into immortal cells which will
reproduce indefinitely if the optimal conditions are provided.
In practice, the term "cell culture" now refers to the culturing of cells
derived from multicellular eukaryotes, especially animal cells, in contrast with
other types of culture that also grow cells, such as plant tissue culture, fungal
culture, and microbiological culture (of microbes). The historical development
and methods of cell culture are closely interrelated to those of tissue culture and
organ culture. Viral culture is also related, with cells as hosts for the viruses.
The laboratory technique of maintaining live cell lines (a population of
cells descended from a single cell and containing the same genetic makeup)
separated from their original tissue source became more robust in the middle 20th
century (Caudry, 2004). It is concluded that good condition for most cell culture
process are temperature between 30°C and neutral pH level.
2.2.2. Medium Mixing and Sterilization
Enzyme lipase is strongly influenced by the operation conditions of the
process and environment. Factors to be considered in the process of medium
mixing are: temperature, pH, aeration system, stirring system, and sterilization.
a. Temperature: Fermentation to manufacture enzyme lipase will produce the
maximum if the operating temperature is maintained at 25oC (at room
temperature). Temperature is closely related to the growth of microorganism,
because it can increase the temperature rise the number of new microorganism
b. pH: pH adjustment is done to prevent fluctuations in the pH of the system.
According to Moyet and Coghill, enzyme lipase losses can occur at a pH below
5 or pH above 7.5. pH medium is affected by the type and amount of
carbohydrates (molasses) and buffer. Buffer solation can be used to
maintaining the pH of the system. Calcium carbonate is a compound that is
often used for this purpose. Calcium carbonate has the ability to increasing the
pH of the current system of fermentation media added.
c. Aeration systems: Sufficient aeration is essential to maximize production of
enzyme lipase, because aeration can produce oxygen for its metabolism.

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d. Stirring systems: Selection of the type of stirrer and the stirring speed
corresponding fix result of enzyme lipase when aeration rate constant. Stirring
speed fermentation process generally ranged in the range of 250-500 cm/sec. In
this case, molasses as carbon source, nitrogen source, rice bran, salt, and water
will be mixed to create a complex substrate.
e. Sterilization: Contamination can be avoided by sterilization of the piping
system, fermenter, and other equipments with direct contact to Aspergillus
Preparation of the media is an important step in the bioprocess widely is
preparing the conditions for the microorganisms that will produce the product.
The medium used for Aspergillus niger usually consists of a carbon source,
nitrogen source, and salts such as magnesium sulfate, potassium phosphate,
sodium nitrate. This salt will provide essential ions needed by Aspergillus niger in
its metabolic activities.
After the mixing process is completed, medium is sterilized at high
temperature and pressure. Pipe fermentation usually done on sterilization, but also
can be done on the fermentation reactor. Pressurized steam is used to sterilize the
temperature at 120oC and pressure 30 psi or 2 times at atmospheric pressure.Based
on Carlo Pinto journal, the operating condition in blending tank are pH 7, agigate
frequency at 180 rpm, strelization temperature at 70°C, pressure at 30 psi, and
residence time is 20 min.

Figure 2.3. Blending Tank

(Source: Dr. Machine, 2013)

Universitas Indonesia

2.2.3. Seed Fermentation

Fermentation process consisted of a seed culture stage and a fed-batch
fermentation stage. A seed tank is a fermentation vessel designed to optimize the
growth of the inoculum and give the time the culture to adapt with medium and
environment inside the fermenter. Seed fermentation where a pure starter of
Aspergillus niger maintained under carefully controlled conditions. Spray the
inoculum pit with 70% alcohol and sterilized the seed fermenter before put
Aspergillus niger into it. In the seed fermentation process, pH and temperature
control of growth medium is important, the supply of O2 is important as well
because O2 is the most important gaseous substrate in aerobic fermentation.
Operating condition in seed fermenter is shown in Table 2.11.
2.2.4. Main Fermentation
After Aspergillus niger set in the seed fermenter, the next process is to
transfer the culture into the main fermenter with bigger volume. In Solid State
Fermentation technique, the rice brans as substrate utilized has a stable property,
so that the same substrate can be used for a long time of fermentation. Therefore,
this technique supports the controlled release of nutrients. SSF suited for
fermentation techniques involving fungi, Aspegillus niger that require less
moisture content. However, it cannot be used in a fermentation process involving
organisms that require high water content (water activity), such as bacteria. (Babu
and Satyanarayana, 1996).
Due to the batch system of fermentation and the process takes some days
to be finished we set more than one fermenter to always fulfill the needs of
Aspergillus niger in lipase production. So, when other fermenter still in the
fermentation process we have another fermenter that ready to be used to the next
process and it will be arrange in process scheduling. In this step the main
fermentation production stage is conducted. Operating condition for main
fermenter is the same as in seed fermenter and it is available in Table 2.11.
Table 2.11. Fermenter Operating Condition
Parameter Value Parameter Value
pH 7 Airflow rate 30 L/hour
Temperature 28-30°C Stirrer rate 120 rpm
Pressure 0.05 MPa O2 saturation 50%

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2.2.5. Centrifugation
Centrifugation is a separation process which uses the action of centrifugal
force to promote accelerated settling of particles in a solid-liquid mixture. Centrifuges
achieve separation by means of the accelerated gravitational force achieved by rapid
rotation. This can either replace normal gravity in the sedimentation of suspension or
provide the driving force in the filtration through a filter medium of some kind. The
driving force is higher because it is resulting from the rotation of the liquid. In the
case of sedimentation, where the driving force is resulting from the difference in
density between the solids particles and the liquid, the separation is achieved with a
force from 1000 to 20000 times that of gravity.
Centrifugation can only be used when the dispersed material is denser than
the medium in which they are dispersed. Several types of centrifuge are
hydrocyclone, tubular bowl, chamber bowl, disc stack separator, and decanter. For
this process, decanter separator is used because it suitable for large scale condition
and is usually needed in the enzyme purification.
2.2.6. Ultrafiltration
Ultrafiltration is type of filtration that suitable for separation of material
that consists of mixed cellulose, polypropilene, polycarbonat, and
polyetersulphone (PES), polyvyniliden fluoride (PVDF), inorganic and others.
Size and allowable pressure that being used in membranes are around 0.001 – 0.1
μm and 0.2 – 1.0 MPa. Separation using ultrafiltration has several characteristics,
which are using cross flow, various types of membrane may be used, and allowed
to used various membrane arrangement based on the equipment (Cheryan, et al
1988). Output flow in conventional filtration is dead-end flow and ultrafiltration is
cross flow, where the filtered filtrate liquid will come out of the pore while the
unfiltered liquid will be missed from the filter from the other side hole. One of the
advantage on using ultrafiltration is large cross-flow area where permeable liquid
will quickly comes out from membrane pores as retenate.
Table 2.12. Ultrafiltration Operating Condition
Parameter Value
Type Cross flow
Pore Size 0.001 – 0.1 μm
Pressure 0.2 – 1.0 MPa
(Source: Japonika, 2015)

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2.2.7. Freeze Drying

Freeze drying is one of the ways in drying enzymes. In this way of drying
all materials are initially frozen, then treated with a light warming process in a
vacuum. These ice crystals are formed during the clotting stage, subliming when
heated at a vacuum pressure that changes directly from the ice into water vapor
without passing through the liquid phase. This process will produce a porous
product with very small changes to the size and shape of the original material.
Because heat is used a little, then heat damage is also small compared to other
drying methods. Porous products can be rapidly rehydrated in cold water (Gaman
and Sherrington, 1981). Freeze drying process is describe as follows:
a. Cooling: Cooling of samples was followed by the conversion of freezable
solution water to ice, crystallization of easily crystallized solutes, and the
formation of an amorphous matrix consisting of a non-crystallized solute.
b. Primary drying: Sublimation of ice in the vacuum.
c. Secondary drying: This process works in contrast to the working of the primary
drying process, in which the dynamic process is associated with a high rate of
vapor flow.
d. Termination: Desorption of chemcai-absorbed moisture resident in dried cake.

Figure 2.4. Freeze Drying Process

(Souce: Julianti, 2014)

In freeze drying, heat transfer to the drying zone may be carried out by
conduction or transmission or by a combination of both of these methods.
Supervision of heat transfer rate is very important to avoid melting ice and thus
the heat transfer rate should be low enough to guarantee this. Heat transfer rate
should be as high as possible so the product can dry as soon as possible. Another
factor to note is that the surface temperature should not be as high as it will cause
damage to the material on its surface (Earle, 1969).

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2.3. Block Flow Diagram

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2.4. Process Flow Diagram

2.5. Mass and Energy Balance

After create simulation by first determining BFD and PFD for lipase
production, overall mass and energy balance for each equipment will be known
and plant can adjust the condition and time for components in each process to get
the production target. Detail informations is available at Appendix A.1. for mass
balance and Appendix A.2. for energy balance. Efficiency of heating energy can
be calculated using Equation 2.1. and it equals to 32.63%


Meanwhile, for product conversion efficiency can be calculated using Equation

2.2. with results of 49%. Besides that, energy consumption per unit product can be
calculated with Equation 2.3. which equals to 22.61 kJ/kg lipase.



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Sizing calculation of main process equipments and utility equipments will

be detailed and shown in Appendix B.1. – B.12. Specification for each main
equipments and utility equipments will be describe as follows.
3.1. Main Process Equipment
3.1.1. Medium Blending & Sterilization (MX-101)
Table 3.1. MX-101 Specification
Equipment Specification
Name – Code Medium Blending & Sterilization – (MX-101)
Number of Unit 1
Function Mixing medium and sterilizing medium
Specification Design
Type Vertical Cylinder tank
Material Stainless Steel 316
Inside Diameter (m) 0.68
Outside Diameter with jacket (m) 0.98
Tank Height (m) 1.02

3.1.2. Air Blower (CF-101)

Table 3.2. CF-101 Specification
Equipment Specification
Name – Code Air Blower – (CF-101)
Number of Unit 1
Function Sent air to seed fermenter and main fermenter
Type Centrifugal fan
Operating Condition
Inlet Temperature (°C) 27
Pressure (bar) 1
Speed (rpm) 2200
Flow (m3/h) 18
Voltage (V) 220
Frequency (Hz) 50

3.1.3. Seed Fermenter (FR-101)

Table 3.3. FR-101 Specification
Equipment Specification
Name – Code Seed Fermenter – (FR-101)
Number of Unit 2
Function Pre-fermentation

26 Universitas Indonesia

Table 3.4. FR-101 Specification (continued)

Operating Condition
Storage Time (days) 2
Flowrate (kg/day) 81.82
Capacity (m ) 0.074
Temperature ( C) 25.00
Pressure (bar) 1.31
Specification Design
Type Vertical Cylinder tank
Material Stainless Steel 304
Inside Diameter (m) 0.39
Tank Height (m) 0.78

3.1.4. Main Fermenter (FR-102)

Table 3.5. FR-102 Specification
Equipment Specification
Name – Code Main Fermenter – (FR-102)
Number of Unit 7
Function Pre – fermentation
Operating Condition
Storage Time (days) 5
Flowrate (kg/day) 601.82
Capacity (m3) 0.896
Temperature (⁰C) 25
Pressure (bar) 1.37
Specification Design
Type Vertical Cylinder tank
Material Stainless Steel 304
Inside Diameter (m) 0.83
Tank Height (m) 1.66

3.1.5. Decanter Centrifuge (DC-101)

Table 3.6. DC-101 Specification
Equipment Specification
Item Centrifuge
Type Decanter Centrifuge
Number of Unit 1
Function Separate solid waste and product
Material Stainless steel
Mode of Operation Continuous
Design Specification Unit
Mass flow 101.2 kg/h
Rotation speed (n) 83.33 rps
Drum diameter 0.25 m
Angular Velocity (w) 8.72 rad/s

Universitas Indonesia

3.1.6. Ultrafilter (UF-101)

Table 3.7. UF-101 Specification
Equipment Specification
Name Ultrafiltration
Code UF-101
Function To separate solid waste and product
Amount 1
Type Ultrafiltration Membrane
Design Specification Unit
Pressure 1.013 bar
Temperature 30 C
Flow Rate 96.8 kg/h
Pressure Differential 1 bar
Volumetric flow 9.479 l/h

3.1.7. Lipase Mixer (MX-102)

Table 3.8. MX-102 Specification
Equipment Specification
Code MX-101
Number of Unit 1.00
Function Mixing lipase with maltodextrin
Operating Condition
Operation Continue
Flowrate (kg/day) 193.30
Capacity (m3) 0.763
Temperature ( C) 35
Pressure (bar) 1.27

3.1.8. Freeze Dryer (FD-101)

Table 3.9. FD-101 Specification
Equipment Specification
Number of shelves 10 heat plates (1 Module)
2.41m long x 1.1m wide x 2.01m high
Chamber – Over all dimensions
(AISI 304 S/S)
Vapour Condenser Capacity 80 kg in a 24hr period
Usable Shelf Area (m2) 9m2
Ice Capacity (kg) 80kg
Shelf Dimensions (Depth = 1730 mm) 7 @ 620mm, 1 @ 550mm, 1 @ 480mm
Shelf Spacing (mm) 35mm
Shelf Temperature -20oC to +70oC
(Source: Cuddon Freeze Dryer)

Universitas Indonesia

3.1.9. Conveyor Rice Bran Conveyor (C-101)
Table 3.10. C-101 Specification
Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Belt Conveyor
Equipment Code C-101
Function Delivering rice bran to medium mixing
Quantity 1
Equipment Type Closed Belt Conveyor
Equipment Vendor Xinxiang Dahan Vibrating Machinery Co.,LTD
Operating Condition
Flow Rate Input 224,670 kg/day
Flow Rate Output 224,670 kg/day
Pressure 101.325 kPa
Material Temperature 30 oC
(Source: Alibaba, Xinxiang Dahan Co.,Ltd) Salt Conveyor (C-102)
Table 3.11. C-102 Specification
Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Belt Conveyor
Equipment Code C-102
Function Delivering salt to medium mixing
Construction Data
Conveyor Length Customized
Dimension 1500*300*750mm
Belt Width 250 mm
Material Stainless Steel
Belt Material Rubber
(Source: Alibaba, Wuhan Willita Marking & Packing Technology Co.,Ltd) Solid Waste Conveyor (C-103)
Table 3.12. C-103 Specification
Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Belt Conveyor
Equipment Code C-103
Function Delivering Solid Waste from main fermenter
Construction Data
Conveyor Length Customized
Dimension Customized
Belt Width 400/500/650 mm
Material Carbon Steel
Belt Material PVC PU Rubber
(Source: Alibaba, Xinxiang Dahan Co.,Ltd)

Universitas Indonesia
30 Maltodextrin Conveyor (C-104)

Table 3.13. C-104 Specification
Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Belt Conveyor
Equipment Code C-104
Function Delivering maltodextrin to mixing tank
Construction Data
Conveyor Length Customized
DimensionL*W*H Customized
Belt Width 400/500/650 mm
Material Carbon Steel
Belt Material PVC PU Rubber
(Source: Alibaba, Xinxiang Dahan Co.,Ltd) Dry Lipase Conveyor (C-105)
Table 3.14. C-105 Specification
Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Belt Conveyor
Equipment Code C-105
Function Delivering dry lipase to storage
Construction Data
Conveyor Length Customized
Dimension L*W*H Customized
Belt Width 400/500/650 mm
Material Carbon Steel
Belt Material PVC PU Rubber
(Source: Alibaba, Xinxiang Dahan Co.,Ltd)
3.1.10. Silo Storage V-101
Table 3.15. V-101 Specification
Equipment Identification
Name – Code Silo Storage – (V-101)
Function For medium storage
Operation mode Continuous
Composition Rice bran
Specification Design
Volume (m3) : 5.8 Height Tank (m) : 1.6
L/D (m) : 0.8 Wall Thickness (mm) : 9
Diameter Tank (m) : 2.0 V-102
Table 3.16. V-102 Specification
Equipment Identification
Name – Code Silo Storage – (V-102)
Function For medium storage
Universitas Indonesia

Table 3.17. V-102 Specification (continued)

Equipment Identification
Operation Mode Continuous
Composition Molasses
Specification Design
Volume (m3) : 0.086 Height Tank (m) : 0.4
L/D (m) : 0.8 Wall Thickness (mm) : 5
Diameter Tank (m) : 0.5 V-103
Table 3.18. V-103 Specification
Equipment Identification
Name – Code Silo Storage – (V-103)
Function For medium storage
Operation Mode Continuous
Composition Salt
Specification Design
Volume (m ) : 0.168 Height Tank (m) : 0.51
L/D (m) : 0.8 Wall Thickness (mm) : 5
Diameter Tank (m) : 0.64 V-104
Table 3.19. V-104 Specification
Equipment Identification
Name – Code Vessel Storage – (V-104)
Function For medium storage
Operation Mode Continuous
Composition Corn steep
Specification Design
Volume (m3) : 0.069 Height Tank (m) : 0.38
L/D (m) : 0.8 Wall Thickness (mm) : 5
Diameter Tank (m) : 0.48 V-105
Table 3.20. V-105 Specification
Equipment Identification
Name – Code Vessel Storage – (V-105)
Function For medium storage
Operation Mode Continuous
Composition Water
Specification Design
Volume (m3) : 1.24 Height Tank (m) : 1.0
L/D (m) : 0.8 Wall Thickness (mm): 7
Diameter Tank (m) : 1.25

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32 V-106
Table 3.21. V-106 Specification
Equipment Identification
Name – Code Vessel Storage – (V-106)
Function For medium storage
Operation Mode Continuous
Composition Palm Oil
Specification Design
Volume (m3) : 0.176 Height Tank (m) : 0.52
L/D (m) : 0.8 Wall Thickness (mm) : 5
Diameter Tank (m) : 0.65

3.1.11. Pump
There are total 18 pumps used that classified as 6 pumps in main process
and 12 others in utility. Other pumps information are available in Appendix B.11. P-101
Table 3.22. P-101 Specification
Pump Identification
Name – Code Pump – (P-101)
Function Pumping molasses to mixing tank
Mode of Operation Batch
Material Composition
Specification Design
Type Positive Displacement
Material Polivinylidene flouride (PVFD)
NPSHr (m) 4.90
NPSHa (m) 5.34
Head (m) 11.56 P-102
Table 3.23. P-102 Specification
Pump Identification
Name – Code Pump – (P-102)
Function Pumping water to mixing tank
Mode of Operation Batch
Material Composition
Specification Design
Type Centrifugal
Material Polivinylidene flouride (PVFD)

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Table 3.24. P-102 Specification (continued)

Specification Design
NPSHr (m) 9.06
NPSHa (m) 9.75
Head (m) 16.98 P-201
Table 3.25. P-201 Specification
Pump Identification
Name – Code Pump – (P-201)
Function Pumping water to water storage tank
Mode of Operation Continuous
Material Composition
Specification Design
Type Centrifugal
Material Polivinylidene flouride (PVFD)
NPSHr (m) 9.172
NPSHa (m) 9.365
Head (m) 16.224 P-202
Table 3.26. P-202 Specification
Pump Identification
Name – Code Pump – (P-202)
Function Pumping fuel to boiler
Mode of Operation Continuous
Material Composition
Specification Design
Type Centrifugal
Material Polivinylidene flouride (PVFD)
NPSHr (m) 7.313
NPSHa (m) 8.343
Head (m) 14.977 P-301
Table 3.27. P-301 Specification
Pump Identification
Name – Code Pump – (P-301)
Function Pumping water to cooling tower
Mode of Operation Continuous
Material Composition

Universitas Indonesia

Table 3.28. P-301 Specification (continued)

Specification Design
Type Centrifugal
Material Polivinylidene flouride (PVFD)
NPSHr (m) 7.98
NPSHa (m) 9.36
Head (m) 18.26 P-302
Table 3.29. P-302 Specification
Pump Identification
Name – Code Pump – (P-302)
Function Pumping make up water from condenser
Mode of Operation Continuous
Material Composition
Specification Design
Type Centrifugal
Material Polivinylidene flouride (PVFD)
NPSHr (m) 8.94
NPSHa (m) 10.33
Head (m) 15.85

3.1.12. Piping
Table 3.30. Piping Specification
NPS Wall Thickness
Stream Sch ID (mm) OD (mm)
(inch) (mm)
1-3 0.125 40 8.437 1.73 10.3
2 0.5 40 14.658 2.77 21.3
3 1.5 40 41.795 3.68 48.3
4 0.5 40 15.828 2.77 21.3
5 0.125 40 3.896 1.73 10.3
6 0.5 40 17.271 2.77 21.3
7 0.5 40 17.634 2.77 21.3

3.2. Utility Equipment

Detail information of utility sizing is available in Appendix B.13.
3.2.1. Steam Utility
Steam unit produce saturated steam using feed water for further use in
sterillization process and maintain temperature within the system.

Universitas Indonesia
35 Boiler
Table 3.31. Boiler Specification
Item – Code Boiler – (B-201)
Function Heating water from water storage for autoclave
Type Electric Steam Boiler
Feed Composition
Water 657.34 (kg/hr)
Specification Design
Material Carbon steel
Weight 95 kg
Width 404 mm
Height 426 mm
Length 791 mm Water Storage Tank

Table 3.32. Water Storage Tank Specification
Item – Code Water Storage Tank – (T-201)
Function Storing Water
Type Cylindrical tank with ellipsoidal top and flat bottom
Specification Design
Material Carbon steel A285 Grade C
Volume 7.52 m3
Tank Diameter 1.64 m
Height 3.55 m
Length 3.28 m

3.2.2. Water Utility

Water utility covers up water requirement such as feed water, cooling
water, process water, hot water, and domestic water. PDAM Tirta Albantani is
used as water source since it is near plant location in Cikande, Serang. Cooling Tower
Table 3.33. Cooling Tower Specification
Item Cooling Tower
Code CT 301
Specification Design
Fan 550 mm
Motor power 0.18 Kw
Diameter 950 mm
Height 1830 mm
Weight 180 kg
Material Superdyma

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36 Condenser
Table 3.34. Condenser Specification
Item Condenser
Code CD 301
Number of unit 1
Specification Design
Heat Rejection 5218 MBH
Capacity Factor 1.37
Corrected Heat Rejection 7148.7 MBH
Model Selection DTC 1212-SAC1

3.2.3. Electrical Utility

Electrical utility explains electricity provided by PT. PLN Persero for plant
as main electricity supply. Generator is also needed for back-up supply.
Table 3.35. Generator Specification
Specifications Detail
Series HQY650GF
Rated power 600 KW/650KVA
Fuel Diesel
Rated fuel consumption 12 kg/h
Rated Speed 1500/ 1800 rpm
Power Factor 0.8
(Source: Shandong Huaquan Power Company, 2017)

3.2.4. Fuel Utility

Fuel utility is needed to run boiler, generator, and co-generation, and
heating. Equipment included are boiler and generator (available in Table 3.36). Boiler
Table 3.36. Boiler Steam Specification
General Characteristic Specification
Type ZD Boiler WNS-T3, China
Pressure 1.62 Mpa
Capacity 3 ton/h
Themal efficiency 92.4-94.5%
Water supply 20 oC
Steam temperature 204 oC
Price 15,6 million IDR
General power 10 kWh
Fuel consumption 2 liter/hour
(Source: Alibaba, 2017)

Universitas Indonesia


4.1. Piping & Instrumentation Diagram

Piping and instrumentation diagram is needed to control main process and
utilities to run stable. Controllers are set in different types and location to measure
specific parameters for each equipment. Those parameters must remain within the
designated number or range. If those parameters are offset, production process
will not run as it should be and lipase characteristic may not fulfill the required
specification. Main process piping & instrumentation diagram (P&ID) is available
at Appendix D.1. and utility P&ID is in Appendix D.2.

4.2. Equipment P&ID and Control Instrumentation

Design in P&ID is further described based on the parameter that used to
control each equipments. After determine the parameter, things such as sensor
with its type of controlling, maipulated variable, and final element control are
determined. These informations will be useful to know the controlling function,
condition when it is need to be controlled, and the following action. Detail
informations for main processes control and instrumentations is available in
Appendix D.3. while for utility control and instrumentations is listed in Appendix

37 Universitas Indonesia


5.1. Plant Location

Infrastructure also considered as major factor in plant location selection.
Good infrastructure will support plant operation by expedite our raw materials and
product distribution, electricity supply, and communication facilities. Therefore,
plant is decided to build in Jl. Pancatama, Sukatani, Cikande, Pancatama
Industrial Area, Serang, Banten 42186 (coordinate: -6.202687, 106.330959).

Figure 5.1. Lipase Production Plant Location (top view)

(Source: Google Maps, 2017)

5.2. Overall Plant Layout

Plant layout has many strategic impact for the layout determining the
competitiveness of companies in terms of capacity, processes, flexibility, and cost
and quality of the work environment, customer contacts and company image.
effective layout can help organizations achieve the strategy that supports the
differentiation, low cost, or a quick response. Destination layout strategy is to
build an economical layout that meets the needs of enterprise competition (Heizer
and Render, 2009). The safety, health, and environmental objectives of the layout

38 Universitas Indonesia

are to minimize the potential for injuries, overall property and environmental
damage, and related business interruption.
Lipase enzyme plant will be built with the total area 2,314.22 m2 and
divided into some areas. Overall, this plant consists of process area and office
area. In the process area, there are main process area, product storage, water
treatment unit, utility unit, waste treatment plant, control room, quality control,
evacuation area, and other supporting process areas.
a. Manufacturing Area
Basically, in lipase enzyme manufacturing, the operating temperature is
required to maintain steady because if it highest than 45oC the microorganism
cannot working properly. Surrounding area is also need to stay sterile because
contamination on lipase may affect lipase quality.
b. Utility Area
This utility area is placed aside from the production area. The reason is
to avoid the flow of production area. Utility area is one of the hot zone and
hazardous due to high temperature and pressure that is why it is perfect to be
placed in the back.
c. Waste Treatment Area
Waste treatment area is placed near the quality control so the
composition of the waste can be easily and control the contaminant that might
hazardous to the workers and environment.
d. Administration Area
Area included in this category are office, parking, etc which far from
production area to make sure its safety. Besides that, this area is very sensitive
as a place to connect us with the customer.
e. Supporting Area
Area that support workers activity such as mosque, toilet, canteen,
green area, etc are available so that workers feel comfortable and will always
work at the best condition.
f. Evacuation and Emergency Area
Evacuation and emergency area includes assembly points which located
near the gate for easy evacuation and access by police or ambulance.

Universitas Indonesia

Table 5.1. Main Process Total Area

Net Distance
Length Width Machine Allowance Length Width Total Area Total Area
Description Room Length
(cm) (cm) Area in Room (cm) (cm) (cm2) (m2)
Required (cm)
Rice Bran 125 125 15,625 137.5 400 400 245 98,000 9.8
Molasses 125 125 15,625 137.5 400 400 245 98,000 9.8
Water 160 160 25,600 120 400 400 245 98,000 9.8
Cornsteep 125 125 15,625 137.5 400 400 245 98,000 9.8
Palm Oil 125 125 15,625 137.5 400 400 245 98,000 9.8
Mixing Tank V-101 250 250 62,500 100 450 450 500 225,000 22.5
FR-101 125 125 15,625 100 325 325 500 162,500 16.25
FR-102 250 250 62,500 100 450 450 500 225,000 22.5
Decanter DC-101 150 150 22,500 100 350 350 500 175,000 17.5
Ultrafiltration UF-101 400 200 80,000 100 600 600 500 300,000 30
Mixing Tank MX-101 125 125 15,625 100 325 325 500 162,500 16.25
Freeze Dryer FD-101 300 300 90,000 100 500 500 500 250,000 25
Filler Filler 150 150 22,500 100 350 350 500 175,000 17.5
Packager Packager 200 200 40,000 100 400 400 500 200,000 20
Total Main Process Area 236.5

41 Universitas Indonesia

Table 5.2. Outside Battery Limit Area

Room Dimension (m x m) Area (m2)

Raw Material Storage 4 5 20
Green Area 18 5.5 99
Labor Parking Area +
10 12 120
Assembly Point
Guest Parking Area 10 10 100
Product Storage 4 5 20
Laboratory & Control
8.5 6 51
Maintanance Unit 6 5 30
Utility Warehouse 3.4 5 17
Quality Control 3.5 5 17.5
Power Plant 6 5 30
Lobby&Office 10 6 60
Security 1 4 5 20
Security 2 3 5 15
Security 3 3 5 15
Waste Treatment Unit 6.5 5 32.5
Canteen 7.5 4 30
Musholla 6 4 24
Toilet 1 4.5 4 18
Toilet 2 3 6 18
Toilet 3 4.5 5 22.5
Steam Utility 3.3 5 16.5
Cooling Water Utility 3.3 5 16.5
Total Building Area 710
Total Non-Process Area 792.5
Total Plant Area 2,314.22

Universitas Indonesia

5.3. Main Process Layout

Design of main process layout is available in Figure 6.3. below.

Figure 5.3. Main Process Layout

5.4. Utility Layout

Utility layout divided in four main utility layout area, which are waste
treatment unit, steam unit, cooling water unit, and utility warehouse. These are
located apart from main process area but accessible.

Figure 5.4. Utility Layout

5.4.1. Waste Treatment Layout

Water treatment contained several equipments, such as clarify water tank,
NaOCl and Nitrite injection vessel, demineralization tank, and deaeration tank.

Universitas Indonesia

Figure 5.5. Waste Treatment Layout

5.4.2. Steam Utility Layout

Steam utility layout for lipase plant is available in the following figure.

Figure 5.6. Steam Utility Layout

5.4.3. Cooling Water Utility Layout

Cooling water utility layout is available in the following figure.

Universitas Indonesia

Figure 5.7. Cooling Water Utility Layout

5.5. Warehouse Layout

There will be three areas for warehouse which are raw material warehouse,
product warehouse, and utility warehouse. Raw material and product warehouse is
combined and separated from utility warehouse.

Figure 5.8. Raw Material and Product Warehouse Layout

Universitas Indonesia

Utility warehouse is separated from others since it contains several materials that
need to be handle carefully, such as NaH2PO4, KH2PO4, CaCl2, Nitrite, NaOCl,
Zeolite, and Diesel.

Figure 5.9. Utility Warrehouse Layout

Universitas Indonesia


6.1. HSE Aspect

Aspect of health and safety environment can be evaluated using several
methods such as Hazard Identification Study (HAZID) and Hazard and
Operability Study (HAZOP). HAZID procedure are used to identify main hazards,
to review the effectiveness of selected safety measures and, where required, to
expand the HSE. HAZID is not only applied in main process area, but also in
utilities and other areas that may contain possible hazard. Classification in HAZID
is available in form of HAZID risk matrix as follows. Further HAZID analysis of
plant is available at Appendix E.1.
Table 6.1. HAZID Risk Matrix
Frequency (F)
Possible/ Very Certain to
Consequences (C) Rare Unlikely
Likely Likely Occur
Catastrophic Moderate Moderate High Critical Critical
Major Low Moderate Moderate High Critical
Moderate Low Moderate Moderate Moderate High
Minor Very Low Low Moderate Moderate Moderate
Insignificant Very Low Very Low Low Low Moderate

HAZOP is a systematic technique for identifying all plant or equipment

hazards and operability problems where each equipments is studied carefully
about all possible deviations that may happen from its normal and design
operation condition. In order to generate systematic questions for HAZOP
analysis, primary and secondary keyword will be used. Detail HAZOP analysis is
available in Appendix E.2.

6.2. HSE Management

6.2.1. Operation Details
After the plant construction is completed, pre-commissioning and
commissioning steps are planned and commenced. Phases in plant commissioning
and start-up are listed as follow: preparing and planning equipment for pre-
commissioning (mechanical completion/testing), clean and pressure test systems,

47 Universitas Indonesia

check and prepare major mechanical equipment, instrumentation, and also

protection system, final preparation for start-up commissioning, dan charge with
feedstock and other materials. Plant commission can be considered as successful
if has at least 4 parts, there are: no loss time accident, no equipment damage, on
test product within reasonable period, 7 days would be acceptable, and no
environmental incidents. Therefore, start-up and shut-down procedure is crucial
and determine to make sure plant run smoothly. Detail steps of plant start-up and
shut-down procedure are available in Appendix E.3.
6.2.2. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
PPE is used to minimize the possible exposure to various types of hazards.
In order to provide the suitable types of PPE, employer need to identify both
physical and health hazard in workplace and its level. It is better for employer to
provide PPE with higher protection level from the result of hazard assessment.
Basic PPE examples in workplace are gloves, foot protection, eye protection
(goggles), protective hearing devices (earplug and muff), hard hat, respirators, and
full body suits.
a. Respiratory Protection: Air purifying, Air supplied, Self-contained Breathing
Apparatus (SCBA)
b. Eye and Face Protection: Safety spectacles, Goggles, Face shield
c. Hand and Foot Protection: Synthetic gloves, Latex rubber gloves, Neoprene
gloves, Safety shoes, Legging
d. Body Protection: Coveralls, Laboratory coat, Surgical gowns, Full-body suit
6.2.3. Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Material Safety Data Sheet is information that provides guidance to help
workers who handle hazardous chemicals to become familiar and understand the
contents within.
Table 6.2. Sections in MSDS
1. Identification of Substance 9. Physical and Chemical Properties
2. Hazard Identification 10. Stability and Reactivity
3. Composition/Information on Ingredients 11. Toxicology Information
4. First Aid Measures 12. Ecological Information
5. Fire-fighting Measures 13. Disposal Consideration
6. Accidental Release Measures 14. Transport Information
7. Handling and Storage 15. Regulatory Information
8. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection 16. Other Information
Universitas Indonesia

Symbols that include in MSDS such as National Fire Protection

Association (NFPA) and Hazardous Materials Identification System (HMIS)
rating is needed to get general information of material. NFPA Fire Diamond
(NFPA 704) is divided into 4 sections with 4 different colors and numbers that
explain hazard level and categories.
a. Colors: Blue (Health hazard), Red (Flammability), Yellow (Instability/
reactivity), and White (Special Hazard)
b. Numbers: 0 (least severe hazard) – 4 (most severe hazard)

Figure 6.1. NFPA Hazard Rating

(Source: ILPI, 2016)
HMIS is also using colors and numbers just like NFPA but just in different
form (HMIS is in bars while NFPA is in diamond) and categories (Specific
Hazard changed into Personal Protection). Changes has been made with HMIS
which is in HMIS I and II, one of the categories is Reactivity changed into
Physical Hazard.
a. Colors: Blue (Health), Red (Flammability), Yellow/Orange (Reactivity/
Physical Hazard), and White (Personal Protection)
b. Numbers: 0 (least severe hazard) – 4 (most severe hazard). Asterisk (*) is
added as an indicator for chronic health hazard

Figure 6.2. HMIS Hazard Rating

(Source: ILPI, 2016)

Universitas Indonesia

Detail MSDS for each component used in plant is available at Appendix C.

6.3. Area Classification & Safety Range

Area classification methods provide a succinct description of the
hazardous material that may be present, and the probability that it is present, so
that the appropriate equipmentmay be selected and safe installation practices may
be followed. It is intended that each rooms, sections, or area of a facility shall be
considered individually in determining its classification. Briefly, this plant will
have several areas, the production process area, utilities area, waste treatment
area, the office area, safety areaand another supporting area.
Layout for production process must be designed carefully and later will be
used to produce lipase. Employee must wear PPE and production equipments are
placed in order to ease production process. Utility and waste treatment area is
placed across production area since lots of temperature fluctuation occur, possible
contamination, and may sensitive to other components involved in production
process. Safety and emergency area is available near the parking area for
accessible evacuation area. Supporting areas such as office, mosque, and canteen.
Safety range between the equipment is also very important to make a plant
layout. For example, tanks with volumes ranging from 5000-33000 liters, the
minimum tank spacing is 6 meters. Distance between one tank group and another
small tank group is 15 meters. Minimum distance between tanks with the limit of
the tank site, building, or process area for the intended tank size is 6 meters.
The using safety range in layout is such as the range between the tank is
equals to the diameter of the tank or vessel itself and the range between the
control room to the production area is about 30 m. But if the tank does not contain
a hazardous material, the distance can be only 1.2 m. Besides that, range between
the heat exchanger with other equipments is about 50 ft. Any danger material and
equipmnet must be place in a safe distance from office or another public place.
The purpose is to minimize the risk if there is any trouble and problem of the
equipment or the people. Usually equipment or material that placed near the
public area is less dangerous, less hazard, and safe.

Universitas Indonesia

By managing the safe range between equipment, it can helps the company
to achived several reward and achivement from many safety standars like ISO and
SNI. Usually ISO and SNI doing audit every month in many aspect of factory, and
if passed, certificate is given as a company who give high attention to the safety
aspect. This certificate will lead the company to get many benefit, such as money
loan from the bank, get an allowance from the goverment to expand the factory,
and so on. But if it did not passed, the worst consequences is to close the factory.

6.4. Waste & Impurities Identification

Waste can be classified into two main groups of waste form and the type
of hazard to waste. The form of waste is divided into three groups of wastes
(waste water), solid waste, and waste gas, while the type of waste hazard is
divided into hazardous and toxic waste andnon-hazardous and toxic waste.
Table 6.3. Waste Identification
Waste Phase Process
Gas Emission Gas Seed Fermentation (FR-101)
Gas Emission Gas Main Fermentation (FR-102)
Medium Waste Solid Main Fermentation (FR-102)
Solid Waste Solid Liquid Separator (S-101)
Liquid Waste Liquid Decanter Centrifuge (DC-101)
Water Waste Liquid Ultrafiltration (UF-101)
Gas Emission Gas Freeze Drying (FD-101)
Liquid Waste Liquid All Processes
Water Liquid & Gas Water Demineralization& Boiling (Utility)
Flue gas Gas Natural Gas Combustion (Utility)
Domestic Water Liquid Household and Sanitation

6.4.1. Solid Waste

Solid waste generated in this plant is slurry. Slurry is the residual, semi-
solid material left. Slurry is produced from main fermentation (FR-102). The
quantity of slurry waste is 241.175 kg/day. Solid waste can be recycled or sold
and if not,the waste be disposed of properly. Recycling the slurry will be lead to
higher conversion.
6.4.2. Liquid Waste
Liquid waste of lipase enzyme plant is including the waste water from
main process, waste water for equipment washing (CIP), water utility, and
household waste from domestic water. Waste water from main process is waste
water that comes from decanter centrifuge (DC-101), ultrafiltration (UF-101).
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Waste water from utility such as water from demineralization process. The other
production of waste water is mostly from cleaning in place (CIP) equipment in
lipase enzyme plant. On the other hand, the source from waste water for cleaning
in place equipment in lipase enzyme plant is depends on the condition of
equipment. In general, waste water from cleaning in place (CIP) equipment
contains high content of total suspended solid (TSS). Whereas waste from
household activities comes from non manufacturing activities in lipase enzyme
plant such as office, canteen, etc.
Concentration of this type of waste is highly depends on the level of the
activities therefore it is hard to predict the amount of housekeeping activities
waste. The majority of the wastewater used in the process is to be recycled back to
the process. In order for the water to be recycled, it has to first be treated. In
Indonesia, regulation contained in Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup Republik
Indonesia Nomor 5 Tahun 2014 about Waste Water Quality Standards concerned
for this particular issues.
a. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
Terms of chemical oxygen demand (COD) is used to express the
amount of oxygen consumed during oxidation of a sample under certain
condition. Quantity of oxidant consumed is expressed in terms of oxygen
equivalence. Both organic and inorganic components of sample are subject to
oxidation, but in most cases the organic component predominates and is of the
greater interest. Total COD shows in Table 6.4. is 475.25 g/L.
Table 6.4. COD in Waste Stream
Mass Volume Concentration COD
Substance Reaction
(kg/day) (L) (g/L) (g/L)
11.73 11,630 69.23 203.09
1.501 1,670 8.9 26.12
Oleic Acid 6.06 6,580 35.7 107.35
6.76 7,940 40 125
0.707 794 4.5 13.69
Total 475.25

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b. Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)

Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) refers to the amount of oxygen
that would be consumed if all the organics in one litre water were oxygen by
bacteria or protozoa (ReVelle and ReVelle, 1988). Biological Oxygen Demand
(BOD) is a measure of the oxygen used by microorganisms to decompose this
waste. As the waste is consumed or dispersed through the water, BOD levels
will begin to decline. Based on Metcalf and Eddy, 1991 k for biodegradation is
range between 0,05 – 0,3/day at 20°C depend on the type of waste. In effluent
from biological treatment processes, k is normally 0,2 (Metcalf & Eddy 4th).
Assuming the biodegradation follow 1st kinetic reaction, therefore:
BOD itself could be calculated from COD with relationship formula
(Eckenfelder, 2003):
𝑥 (6.2)
( )
( ) (6.3)

𝑥 (6.4)

The COD and BOD level of this waste is very high compared to
governmental standard. In Indonesia there is special regulation that arranges
which is this concern of Environmental Ministers Decision 5 year 2014 about
quality standard of wastewater disposal.
Table 6.5. Wastewater Standard in Biomass Processing Acitivity
Level Limit Highest Pollution Load
(mg/L) (kg/ton)
BOD 100 50
COD 250 125
TSS 100 50
Amonia (NH3-N) 5 2.5
Klor 1 0.5
PH 6-9
Highest Wastewater Load 500 m3 per ton product
(Source: Cipta Karya)

Due to the very big gap between parameter and the fact in the field, it
has to apply appropriate treatment for reducing this big amount of waste. In the

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management, reduction of waste will firstly be attempted in the form of reduce,

reuse, and recycle (3R) wherever possible. The rest of the wastes will be
treated and discarded according to the regulation applied by the Indonesian
government. Those wastes will be separated and receive different treatments.
Table 6.6. Government Wastewater Standard
Formula Preparation Mixing Formulation
Process (mg/L) (mg/L)
BOD5 100 75
COD 300 150
TSS 100 75
Total-N 30 -
Phenol 1.0 -
pH 6.0-9.0 6.0-9.0
(Source: Reproduced from Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup)

Meanwhile, the governmental standard for domestic waste water based

on UU Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup No. 112 Tahun 2003 about domestic
waste water parameter is available as follows.
Table 6.7. Governmental Standard for Domestic Waste Water Parameter
Household Waste
Parameter Unit
pH - 6-9
BOD mg/l 100
TSS mg/l 100
Oil and Fat mg/l 10
(Source: Reproduced from Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup)
6.4.3. Gas Waste
Besides the solid and liquid waste, lipase enzyme plant also generated the
emission gas. Emission gas that is released during fermentation and freeze drying
prosess is carbon dioxide (CO2). From standards, emission gas can be released
into the environment by venting CO2 emission (directly discharge into the air)
because it is no dangerous emission.
6.4.4. Noise Waste
Noise generated by the pump, compressor, conveyor, and also be caused
by damage to the mechanical system on the appliance. To reduce the noise level,
performed regular maintenance and replacing parts causing noise. For workers
who are in area that generate noise should be equipped with ear protection (ear
plugs). Noise standards for industry based on KEP-48/MENLH/11/1996 is 70 dB.

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According to the Ministry of Manpower Decree No. Kep.51/MEN/1999,

Threshold Limit Value (TLV) is a standard workplace factors that can be accepted
employment without cause disease or ill-health, the daily work for a period not
exceeding 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week. In Decree stated that Threshold Limit
Value noise set at 85 decible (dBA). The noise levels that exceed Threshold Limit
Value as follows.
Table 6.8. Noise Intensity Standard
Exposure Intensity
Time Daily Noise (dBA)
8 hours 85
4 hours 88
2 hours 91
1 hour 94
30 minutes 97
15 minutes 100
7.5 minutes 103
3.75 minutes 106
1.88 minutes 109
0.94 minutes 112
28.12 seconds 115
14.06 seconds 118
7.03 seconds 121
3.52 seconds 124
1.76 seconds 127
0.88 seconds 130
0.44 seconds 133
0.22 seconds 136
0.11 seconds 139
(Source: Reproduced from Keputusan Menteri Tenaga Kerja)

6.5. Waste Treatment

Waste water come from production process and domestic water. Waste
water treatment are needed to recycle water that had been used in both process.
The classification of wastewater treatments divided into 4 main treatment.
c. Preliminary Treatment
Pre-treatment usually refers to any treatment the wastewater is
subjected to before entering a conventional wastewater treatment plant. The
objective of preliminary treatment is the removal of coarse solids and other
large materials often found in raw wastewater.

Universitas Indonesia

d. Primary Treatment
Primary treatment pertain to the removal of easily separable materials
such as settleable organic and inorganic solids by sedimentation oils, floating
solids, or quickly settling solids. Primary treatment involves operations such as
equalization, neutralization, sedimentation, oil separation, and flotation.
Approximately, 25 – 50% of the incoming biochemical oxygen demand
(BOD5), 50 – 70% of the total suspended solids (TSS), and 65% of the oil and
grease are removed during primary treatment.
e. Secondary Treatment
Secondary treatment involves the removal of biodegradable dissolved
and colloidal organic matter using aerobic biological treatment processes.
Aerobic biological treatment is performed in the presence of oxygen by aerobic
microorganisms (principally bacteria) that metabolize the organic matter in the
wastewater, thereby producing more microorganisms and inorganic end-
products (principally CO2, NH3, and H2O).
f. Tertiary Treatment
Tertiary advanced wastewater treatment is employed when specific
wastewater constituents which cannot be removed by secondary treatment must
be removed. This treatment processes are necessary to remove nitrogen,
phosphorus, additional suspended solids, refractory organics, heavy metals and
dissolved solids.
6.5.1. Solid Waste Treatment
Solid waste come from medium fermentation which mostly presence
organic nutrients. Best treatment options is to recycle those solid waste using
composting method such as liquid and solid fertilizer. The nature of composting
method can degrade abundant amount of organic material in the waste and
transform it into the smaller organic material that can be useful as organic
fertilizer. Later, the composting product can be recycled as a useful and added
value to the product.

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6.5.2. Wastewater Treatment

Figure 6.3. Wastewater Treatment

Process for wastewater treatment are describe as follows

a. Filtration
Wastewater is firstly filtered out to remove any solids that are present in
the wastewater and are large enough in size to be removable using a filter
screen.This filtering is done to prevent blockage of pipe, valve, and pump.
Moreover, this filtering is done to prevent any solid wastes get caught on the
propeller aerator that can lead to crashes and damage of the aerator motor.
b. Oil Separators
Wastewater that contains oil from palm oil that use in medium mixing
and engine oil spill must be removed. Oil removal can be done with
emulsifier. Oil is separated equipment called Plate Separator. This equipment is
designed to separate oil droplets larger than 0.006 cm. it has been found by
experience that a 0.006 cm separation will generally produce 10 mg/L free oil
effluent. After separation process, gained emulsified oil. Emulsified oil is
filtrated using filters with sand media or other specific media such as graded
silica medium.
c. Mixing and Equalization
Liquid waste from the oil separator is then transferred through the
pipeline system with gravity to a tub of equalization.Waste water from
production process and domestic water will enter equalization tank and mixed.
The different flows of wastewater which may vary in terms of concentration,
flow rate, pH, and other properties are combined into one large equalization

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tank.. This process is to minimize or control fluctuation in wastewater

characteristic in order to provide optimum conditions for subsequent treatment
d. pH Adjustment Tank
The wastewater from equalization basin then transferred to
neutralization basin through the pipeline with pump-assisted. Neutralization
basin has a function to neutralize pH of wastewater from alkaline properties
(pH > 14) to normal condition by using hydrochloric acid (HCl). This
addition is performed to reduce the degree of acidity (pH) because it will
have an effect on the growth of bacteria. The wastewater treatment that will
be used in our plant is a biological treatment where will use activated slurry.
This process will optimally proceed if the pH is around 8 – 9. For an accurate
pH setting process with the optimal use of chemicals, the pH adjustment tank is
equipped with a pH-controller.
e. Anaerobic Treatment
The liquid waste from mixing & equalization tank then transferred to
anaerobic treatment tank. In this tank, majority of BOD will be degraded by
anaerobic microbes. The pathogen and toxic compound will also be destroyed
in this tank.Anaerobic treatment is very commonly used in industrial
wastewater treatment and produces biogas in the form of methane which can be
sold to be reused as one of the sources of bioenergy.
f. Aerobic Treatment
From anaerobic treatment, it continues to aerobic treatment. This step is
the final step for reducing the BOD and COD biochemically that will be
relegated ± 90% with the help of these bacteria. After treated in this tank, the
BOD & COD level has decreased significantly since from the first time.
g. Coagulation
The waste that already consumed by bacteria will produce slurry or
mud. Waste and slurry which are mixed in suspension is then transferred to
sedimentation tank from the bottom center. In this clarifier, the chemical and
physical process is happen, where the slurry added with coagulant, so there
will be a particle destabilization and the particles will form clods or clumps

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which are large enough to later go down due to its phase that heavier than
water. The coagulant that is used is PAC (Poly Alumunium Chloride).
h. Sedimentation
After treated in coagulation tank, the stream moves to sedimentation
tank. The aim of this step is to settle the flocculate from coagulation with the
help of gravity force. The flocculate of this waste contains organic soluble
solid & biomass from previous processes. The settled flocculate then can be
transferred to composting unit as recyclable material. Meanwhile the separated
waste water will move to next step. Slurry or mud that has been sedimented
will then collected by scraper to centre of clarifier, which will go to slurry
collector. From the slurry collector, slurry will be pumped using the mud pump
to automatically heading to the slurry thickener and then streamed to the
decanter and partially mud will be returned.
i. Decanter
Liquid slurry originating from the slurry thickener is pumped into the
decanter machine to be compacted. Liquid slurry compacting was done with a
decanter by using centrifugal force which to thicken and compact the slurry.
Furthermore, the mud that has been compacted is accommodated in the sack
and collected in a shelter slurry. Slurry which has been compacted will
periodic were discarded periodically into landfills.
6.5.3. Gas Waste Treatment
Gas wastes emitted from the plant are mostly from fermentation process
which contain nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide and doesnot need any special
treatment to release because carbon dioxide is meant to be wasted in amount of
2000 ppm. Gas waste also come from flue gas from the combustion process to
produce steam from boiler and electricity from generator. Flue gas will be filtered
through screens using chimneys in the factory which ensures that the released gas
is not toxic and safe for humans and the surrounding environment. These gas
emissions have met the standards regarding the quality of waste gas emissions
from non-moving sources set by Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup Republik
Indonesia Nomor 13 Tahun 1995. From the standards, we can be directly released
gas waste into the environment by way of venting for CO2 emission.

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7.1. Cost Index

Several assumptions for firther economic calculation are available below
a. Cost estimation for each equipments are using Chemical Engineering Plant
Cost Index (CEPCI) as guidance for year gap between purchasing equipment
and economic calculation.
b. Overall calculation will be converted and calculated in USD.
c. 1 USD is equal to IDR 13,513.
d. Lipase plant operates 330 days per year, 24 hours a day.
e. Plant will be built and equipment will be purchased in 2019.
f. Plant will be ready to operate in 2020.
g. Plant capacity for producing lipase is 106.6 kg per day.
h. Method for calculating depreciation is Single Declining Balance (DB).
Cost index is considered as dimensionless number that used to adjust process
plant construction cost from one period to another. Number that used as cost index
will be changed depends on inflation and deflation at certain period that will
affect the value of money. Using an example that equipment cost (cost at A) need
to be updated from period A (with cost index A, considered as base period) to
period B (with cost index B, considered as future period), therefore equipment
cost at period B will be as following equation

( ) (7.1)

In Table 7.1. below are listed CEPCI from 2000 – 2016.

Table 7.1. CEPCI 2000 - 2016
2000 394.1 2006 499.6 2012 584,6
2001 394.3 2007 525.4 2013 567,3
2002 395.6 2008 575.4 2014 576,1
2003 402 2009 521.9 2015 556,8
2004 444.2 2010 550.8 2016 541,7
2005 468.2 2011 585.7
(Source: Chemical Engineering Online)

60 Universitas Indonesia

Since equipment will start purchased in 2019, cost index from knwn index
will be interpolated to determine cost index for 2017 – 2025.
400 y = 12,845x - 25288
R² = 0,7848
2000 2005 2010 2015 2020

Figure 7.1. CEPCI Graph 2000 – 2016

Table 7.2. CPECI 2017 - 2025

2017 686.29 2022 783.14
2018 705.66 2023 802.51
2019 725.03 2024 821.88
2020 744.4 2025 841.25
2021 763.77

7.2. Total Capital Investment

Total Capital Investment or also known as Capital Expenditure (CAPEX)
can be explained as cost that being used by a new company to acquire and
purchase assets or used by an existed company to invest, upgrade, and maintain
assets. Guthrie methos is an example for calculating TCI.
7.2.1. Total Equipment Cost
Cost for equipment can be obtained using formula in Process and
Production Principles by Seider or directly consult with specified vendors. Cost
then will be convert using cost index in 2019 and bare-module cost of each
equipments to predict the cost expenses. Bare-module factor is available in
Appendix F.1. and detail equipment cost is in Appendix F.2. Total equipment
bare-module cost is USD 467,085.54.
7.2.2. Site Development Cost
Site development cost can be referred as cost to prepare area for a plant

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and expansion of existing integrated complex. Since the plant is built in an

industrial area, expansion cost is used which is 4 – 6% from equipment cost.
Table 7.3. Site Development Cost
Source of Final Cost
No Detail Cost N
Cost (USD) (USD)
1 Expansion Cost 6% $ 467,085.54 $ 28,025.13
Total Site Development Cost $ 28,025.13

7.2.3. Offsite Facilities Cost

Plant utilities (cooling water, steam, electricity, and process water) needs
are calculated in Table 7.4. based on the plant needs.
Table 7.4. Offsite Facilities Cost
Needs Conversion Cost Final Cost
Utility Unit
Needs Unit Needs Unit (USD) (USD)
6.23 m3/hr 27.43 gpm 58 /gpm $ 1,590.91
Steam 657.34 kg/h 1449.4 lb/hr 50 /(lb/hr) $ 72,471.74
Electricity 480.24 kW 480.24 kW 203 /kW $ 97,488.72
8.33 m3/hr 36.66 gpm 347 /gpm $ 12,718.70
Total Offsite Facilities Cost $ 184,270.07

7.2.4. Supporting Facilities Cost

Any equipments that help activities around the plant is listed as supporting
facilities. List of equipment and its cost are available in Appendix F.3. with
supporting facilities cost is USD 225,593.
7.2.5. Contingency Cost and Contractor Fee
Contingency cost is prepared for unexpected cost needed during plant
construction and calculated as 15% from equipment cost. Meanwhile, contractor
fee costs 3% from equipment cost.
Table 7.5. Contingency Cost and Contractor Fee
Source of Final Cost
No Detail Cost N
Cost (USD) (USD)
1 Contingency Cost 15% $ 467,085.54 $ 70,062.83
2 Contractor Fee 3% $ 467,085.54 $ 14,012.57
Total Contingency and Contractor Fee $ 84,075.40

7.2.6. Piping and Insulation Cost

Piping cost specified into pipe size, length, and material for each type of

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stream. Fitting and valve is also considered, while insulation cost is not needed.
Detail cost information is available in Appendix F.4. which is summarized below.
Table 7.6. Overall Piping Cost
Detail Cost Price (USD)
Piping Cost $ 3,722
Fitting Cost $ 315
Valve Cost $ 6,857.7
Total Overall Piping Cost $ 10,895.7

7.2.7. Controller Cost

Controller is needed to maintain stable production process. Amount and
type of controller is defined in P&ID of lipase plant.
Table 7.7. Controller cost
Price/Unit Total Price
Controller Type Qty Spare
Level Control 3 2 $ 2,699 $ 13,495
Flow Control 18 5 $ 2,650 $ 60,950
Pressure Control 6 2 $ 1,750 $ 14,000
Temperature Control 9 2 $ 3,670 $ 40,370
Total Controller Cost $ 128,815

7.2.8. Electrical Equipment Cost

List of electrical equipment needed in plant is available in Table 7.8.
Table 7.8. Electrical Equipment Cost
Price/Unit Total Price
Equipment Qty
Lamp (PL-C 36 Watt) 25 $ 7 $ 185
Stabilizer 2 $ 592 $ 1184
Socket Outlet Manufacture Process 35 $ 30 $ 1036
Socket Outlet for Domestik 35 $ 15 $ 518
Switch 240 $ 6 $ 1332
Electric Panel 30 $ 6 $ 167
Total Electrical Equipment Cost $ 4,422

7.2.9. Land and Building Cost

Detail cost included in land and building cost (land cost, building and
concrete cost, also asphalt and green area) is available in Appendix F.5.
Table 7.9. Overall Land and Building Cost
Price Total Price
Detail Cost Area (m²)
Land Cost 2,314.22 $ 239 $ 552,084
Building Cost + Concrete Cost 777 $ 220 $ 175,534
Asphalt Cost + Green Area Cost 1,537.22 $ 1000 $ 1,440,983
Total Overall Land and Building Cost $ 2,168,602

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7.2.10. Additional Cost

Market research for demand and consumer expectation, installation cost,
and marketing cost are listed in Table 7.10. below.
Table 7.10. Additional Cost
Total Cost Total Cost
No Component
1 Market Research by Consultant Rp 50,000,000 $ 3,700
2 Industry Design Permission Rp 15,000,000 $ 1,110
3 Brand Rp 20,000,000 $ 1,480
4 Water Installation (PDAM Tirta Albantani) Rp 20,053,969 $ 1,484
5 Hydrants Installation Rp 16,100,000 $ 1,191
6 Telephone Wire Installation (Telkom) Rp 11,640,000 $ 861
7 Internet Nework Installation Rp 87,000,000 $ 6,438
8 Electrical Installation Rp 102,000,000 $ 7,548
Total Additional Cost Rp 219,793,969 $ 23,814

7.2.11. Working Capital

Working calculation is needed to meet its obligations until payment is
received. Amount of working capital is 15% from Total Capital Investment,
which equivalent to 17.6% of the Total Permanent Investment with USD 749,719.
7.2.12. Calculation of TCI
From all cost explained before, Total Capital Investment (TCI) can be
determined by sum up Total Permanent Investment (C-TPI) and Working Capital
(C-WC) which equals to USD 5,009,486.75. Detail TCI informations is available
in Appendix F.6.

7.3. Equity
Equity is often interpreted as equity of capital or ownership capital, which
is if a company needs funds for business development then one alternative source
can be derived from their own capital. Lipase plant assumed that the bussiness
start without any capital. Therefore, the solution is to find loan from any possible
sources, such as banks and investors. Since the Total Capital Investment needed is
USD 5,114,975 the first thing to do is finding the interest rate of banks. For lipase
plant, it is decided to propose a credit to Bank Jawa Barat where each bank has
the same capital share which is 30% which means USD 1,502,846.03 from the
Total Capital Investment. The remaining 70% which is USD 3,506,640.73 will be

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is given to investor. List of possible loan and its interest rates are available in the
following table.
Table 7.11. Loan Source and Its Interest Rate
Source of Loan Interest Rate
Bank Jawa Barat 11.06%
Investor 12.08%

Interest given to investor is already above the interest of deposit which is

between 5 – 6% per year. Therefore, total interest for the Bank is USD 914,181.24
and total payment is USD 2,417,027.26. Meanwhile, total interest for the Investor
is USD 2,468,675 with total payment USD 2,417,027.26. The summarize of the
equity cost is shown in Appendix G.1. Next, WACC (Weighted Average Cost of
Capital) is calculated to know the minimum rate of payback for lipase company
can be concluded as acceptable for the project or not, which in case of lipase plant
is 12.8% with its calculation available in Appendix G.2.

7.4. Depreciation
Depreciation is cost that caused by use the equipment so the price of
equipment become decreasing. Salvage value is the estimated trade-in or market
value at the end of the asset‘s useful life. List of all equipment have been
elaborated in Appendix F. Depreciation rate is applied for main equipment,
supporting, land, and building. Assumption for depreciation factors are 10% for
main equipment and 3% for building and supporting equipment. Calculation of
depreciation are summarize in Appendix G.3.

7.5. Direct Production Cost

Direct production cost consists of raw material cost, utility, operating cost
(direct labor wages), and waste treatment cost.
7.5.1. Raw Material Cost
The raw material used in the production of lipase enzyme are: rice bran,
Aspergillus niger, rice bran, molasses, corn steep liquor, palm oil, maltodextrin,
PDA (Potato Dextrose Agar), calcium chlorida (CaCl2), KH2PO4, MgSO4.7H2O,
and NaH2PO4. Raw material cost is calculated based on production capacity and
sell price are done annually. Calculation is done by assumed that plant has to
Universitas Indonesia

order 20% from total amount per day per material (and it called as stock).
Purchase price is multiply of price per unit and ammount suply. After this plant
gets the value, next it calculate the annual value. So, at the end this plant gets total
raw material cost for this plant is USD 357,305.90 per year. Detail raw material
cost is available in Appendix G.4.
7.5.2. Utility Cost
Utility costs are costs that used to finance the main necessities of the
production such as water, electricity, fuel, and solid waste are used for production
processes. We have also the utility for water and solid waste disposal cost. Electricity Utility
Electricity in lipase enzyme plant is supplied directly from PLN. The
data for electricity cost is obtained from PLN website. This plant is categorized as
number 9 I-4/TT group which is electricity for industrial purposes with electricity
power above 30,000 kWh. It is mentioned that the price for this group since
September 2017 is equal to USD 0.108 or IDR 1,467.28 per kWh. Electricity for
process and utility unit is 29,096 kWh and for supporting facilities is 176,335.24
kWh with total electricity cost is USD 22,306.35. Detail calculation for electricity
cost is available in Appendix G.5. Water Utility
For the water requirement, this plant is using PDAM Tirta Albantani
(local water supply company) price for medium industry since January 2017 as
the calculation. The price for water in this category is USD 0.46/m3 with total cost
for water utility unit is USD 3,260.04. Detail water utility cost calculation is
available in Appendix G.6. Fuel Utility
In case of a power outage, lipase enzyme plant uses a generator to keep
the continuity of the production. For diesel motor generators, it assumed used a
diesel not every time but at one month just used a diesel for 24 hour. The
specification for the generator is about 300 kW. Based on those assumption, diesel
needed for lipase enzyme plant generator is equal to the fuel used is diesel for
industries with price USD 0.62/liter include tax. Needs of diesel per batch
production can be calculated as follows

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Fuel needed: 10.41 liter/hour (300 kW)

Power needed/month: fuel needed x operating time = 8,845.2 liter
Cost of fuel: Power needed/batch x diesel price = USD 154.99
Cost of fuel per year = USD 2,261.76x 12 month = USD 51,146.18
Table 7.12. Fuel Utility Cost
Operation Fuel Needed Diesel Price Cost of Cost/ Year
Time (h) (L/h) (USD) Fuel (USD)
24 10.41 249.84 0.62 154.99 $ 51,146.18 Solid Waste Disposal

Plant solid waste is collected in wastewater treatment consist of 12.5
kg/day process slurry (come from byproduct of mixer-settler operation) and 150
kg/day wastewater slurry (assume 50% w/w of treated process wastewater result
are slurry). Slurry will be dried in slurry thickener and headed into landfill as non-
hazardous material and dumped in TPA (Tempat Pembuangan Akhir). According
to Busche (1995) in Seider (2003), cost of solid waste disposal are USD 0.13/dry
kg. Therefore, the cost of solid waste disposal are available as follows
Solid waste disposal cost/batch = Solid waste/batch x cost of solid waste disposal
= USD 21,125
Annual solid waste disposal cost = Solid waste cost disposal/batch x Amount of
batch/year = USD 761
Table 7.13. Solid Waste Disposal Cost
Disposal Disposal
Amount Cost/year
Type of Waste Price/kg Cost
(kg/batch) (USD)
Process Slurry 12.5 $ 1.625 $ 59
Wastewater Slurry 150 $ 19.5 $ 702
Total Solid Waste Disposal Cost $ 761

7.5.3. Labor Cost

When considering the amount of labor wages cost, plant should follow the
standard of regulation. The wages cost for each labor should be greater than the
minimum regional wages (Upah Minimum Regional/UMR) in the plant location,
Kabupaten Serang, Banten. For 2017, the minimum regional wages in Serang is
IDR 3,258,866.25 or $ 241.03 per month. In deciding wages, estimation of wages

Universitas Indonesia

increase in 2020 is needed to be considered based on Serang monthly inflation

data which is 0.045%. Direct Labor
Direct labor is production or services labor that is assigned to a specific
product, cost center, or work order. The cost of direct labor is generally
considered to be the cost of regular hours, shift differentials, and overtime hours
worked by employees, as well as the related amounts of payroll taxes. Direct labor
is considered to be a direct cost, which means that it varies directly with revenue
or some other measure of activity.
To determine the number of direct labors, we have to see the shift
scheduling of our plant. The cost for labor-related operation covered the direct
wages & benefit (DW&B) of operators and direct salaries & benefit (DS&B) of
supervisors and engineering personnel. The DW&B and DS&B can be calculated
from an hourly rate for the labors of a proposed plant. Estimates of all labor
related operations will include the estimation of number of operators needed for
the plant per shift (Seideret al.,2003). The direct operating labor requirements will
be estimated by basis plant with 1-100 ton/day of product in the following table.
Table 7.14. Direct Operating Labor Requirement for Chemical Plant
No Type of Process Number of Operation Per Process Section
Continuous Operation
Fluids Processing 1
Solid-fluids Processing 2
Solids Processing 3
Batch or Semibatch Operation
Fluids Processing 2
Solid-fluids Processing 3
Solids Processing 4
(Source: Seider, 2003)
Detail direct cost is available at Appendix G.7. Indirect Labor
Indirect labor will work 5 day each week from 08.00 A.M to 17.00 P.M.
The minimum wage in Kabupaten Serang is about USD 241.03. Indirect labor
cost including stakeholder such as director, financial department, sales and
marketing, HRD, production departemen, HSE department, and so on. Total for

Universitas Indonesia

indirect labor cost is USD 230,352. Detail indirect labor cost is availbale at
Appendix G.7.
Therefore, total labor cost which contains direct and indirect labor cost is
available in the following table.
Table 7.15. Total Labor Cost
Detail Cost Price (USD)
Direct Labor Salary $ 65,700
Indirect Labor Salary $ 230,352
Total Labor Cost $ 296,052

7.6. Fixed Operation Cost

Fixed operation cost related to the expenses which are related to the
operation of a device, component, and pieces of equipment of facility. Fixed
operation cost consists of building tax, insurance, marketing, distribution, and
maintenance cost.
7.6.1. Maintenance Cost
Maintenance can be defined as an activity to maintain condition of the
facilities or plant equipments and made repairs or replacement that necessary in
order to obtain a satisfactory state of production operations, as well as planned
before. Maintenance is required both for factories, offices, and supporting
equipments so it can be used continuously and optimal production quality can be
assured. Maintenance activities may include activities of the inspection,
lubrication, and refit existing damages, and also adjustment or replacement of
spare parts or components contained in the facility. So, with these maintenance
activities, the facilities or equipments arenot damaged during the production
process. It means that the planned production process can be expected to runs
smoothly, because the possibilities of congestion caused by the ineffectiveness of
the production facilities or equipments have been eliminated or reduced.
Maintenance process is performed with the three parts, i.e. major
equipments maintenance, plant and office building maintenance, and supporting
equipment maintenance. Based on those informations, maintenance cost of
enzyme plant is USD 96,423.73 and the details are available at Appendix G.8.

Universitas Indonesia

7.6.2. Insurance Cost

Insurance cost include costs of buildings and equipment owned insurance
company (the insurance company's assets) and employee insurance. Insurance is a
way to protect company assets, both movable and fixed. Total insurance cost is
USD 24,400.00 and the details are listed in Appendix G.9.
7.6.3. Land and Building Tax
Land and building tax is calculated based on Direktorat Jenderal Pajak
Indonesia because the plant is located in Indonesia. To determine the tax, it
separate the land area building process and non building process area, because
each of that has different selling price that impacting the tax. The area is classified
into classes based on selling price where A20 for land, A4 for non process
building, and B13 for process building. Then, according to those classes, the
selling price is converted into the class selling price provided.
After that NJOP (Nilai Jual Objek Pajak) is calculated by multiplying area
with class selling price. NJOP dasar pengenaan is the total of each area.
NJOPTKP (NJOP Tidak Kena Pajak) has value of IDR 12,000,000. This will
substract the NJOP dasar pengenaan and results in NJOP calculated for PBB
(Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan). This value is then multiplied by 40% to attain NJKP
(Nilai Jual Kena Pajak). Finally, PBB is attain from 5% of the NJKP. So, the total
PBB is USD 4,589.55 with further details are available in Appendix G.10.

7.7. Plant Overhead Cost

For safety and environmental consideration based on the risk hazardous in
our plant from production, safety cost is a necessary. Safety cost divided into
safety facilities and personal protection equipment. Breakdown for safety and
environmental cost can be seen in the following table.
Table 7.16. Plant Overhead Cost
Type of Price/Unit Total Cost
Equipment (IDR) (IDR)
Safety Facilities
Fire Alarm Rp 388,000 5 Rp 1,940,000
Fire Hydrant Rp 550,000 5 Rp 2,750,000
Fire Extinguisher Rp 1,200,000 1 Rp 1,200,000
Total Safety Facilities Cost Rp 5,890,000

Universitas Indonesia

Table 7.17. Plant Overhead Cost (continued)

Type of Price/Unit Total Cost
Equipment (IDR) (IDR)
Personal Protection Equipment
Safety Helmet Rp 35,000 50 Rp 1,750,000
Protection Clothes Rp 150,000 50 Rp 7,500,000
Goggle Rp 30,000 50 Rp 1,500,000
Mask Rp 40,000 50 Rp 2,000,000
Ear Plug Rp 9,000 50 Rp 450,000
Boots Rp 200,000 50 Rp 10,000,000
Safety Shoes Rp 250,000 50 Rp 12,500,000
Gloves Rp 50,000 50 Rp 2,500,000
Total PPE Cost Rp 38,200,000
Total Plant Overhead Cost (IDR) Rp 185,290,000
Total Plant Overhead Cost (USD) $ 3,263

7.8. Communication Cost

Communication cost is the cost used for communicating with customer,
distributors, suppliers, and other third parties conducting to the operation. The
communication cost can be seen in the following table.
Table 7.18. Communication Cost
Cost/month Cost/year Cost/year
Communication Type
Telephone and Fax Rp 450,000 Rp 5,400,000 $ 399.62
Office Operationals Rp 400,000 Rp 4,800,000 $ 355.21
Total Communication Cost Rp 850,000 Rp 10,200,000 $ 754.83

7.9. Distribution Cost

Product will be sold to Unilever and Wings in Jabodetabek. Distribution
service that will be used to deliver lipase product to the client is Dakota Cargo. In
Dakota service, the first 5kg will cost IDR 30,000 and the other kg after will cost
IDR 1,000. Product will be distributed from the plant every 3 days, therefore total
distribution for a year will be 110 times. Since the production capacity is 106
kg/days, it means that lipase that will be distributed is 318 kg in total. Calculation
for lipase ditribution is available in following table.

Universitas Indonesia

Table 7.19. Distribution Cost

Cost for
Cost for other kg Weight Total Cost Total Cost
Route first 5kg
(IDR/kg) (kg) (IDR) (USD)
Rp 30,000 Rp 1,000 Rp 318 Rp 343,000 $ 25.38
- Jakarta
Total Distribution Cost $ 2,792

Therefore, total distribution cost per year (110 times) is:

Total distribution cost = Distribution per year x cost per 1 distribution
Total distribution cost = 110 x $ 25.37 = $ 2,792

7.10. Total Operating Cost

Total operating cost from overall calculation is available as follows
Table 7.20. Total Operating Cost
No Detail Cost Amount (USD)
1 Raw Material Cost $ 357,305.90
2 Utility Cost $ 77,473.08
3 Labor Cost $ 296,052.00
4 Maintenance Cost $ 99,461.10
5 Insurance Cost $ 24,800.00
6 Building Tax $ 4,501.05
7 Plant Overhead Cost $ 3,262.78
8 Communication Cost $ 754.83
9 Distribution Cost $ 2,792.13
Total Operating Cost $ 866,402.88

Raw Material Cost

Utility Cost
Labor Cost
Maintenance Cost
Insurance Cost
Building Tax
Plant Overhead Cost
Communication Cost
Distribution & Selling Cost

Figure 7.2. Operating Cost Breakdown

Universitas Indonesia

7.11. Investment Feasibility Analysis

In order to design and build a chemical plant, investment feasibility is
needed to be considered by analyzing some economical aspects to know whether
the plant will be profitable or not. If the design of the plant is fulfill all of the
economical aspects, it means that the plant is worth to build and develop.
Therefore, this chapter will be specifically discussed about the basic concepts of
economical evaluation that need to be analyzed to know the feasibility of this
project. An investment can be worth if the investment can provide an advantage
that equal to or more than the minimum expected return. The minimum expected
return is often referred as MARR and profit calculated in the analysis of
investment feasibility known as IRR. The feasibility study can be done by
analyzing some of the important investment parameters, such as plant income and
the product cash flow.
7.11.1. Income
Lipase will be sold as the main product and results the main income of our
plant. In a year, the amount of lipase enzyme that will be on sale is 36,300 kg.
From the comparison that will be explained in this chapter, the set price for lipase
is in USD 55/kg. Therefore, the annual profit of this plant in a year is USD
7.11.2. Cash Flow
From all of the cost that has been considered in the previous chapter, cash
flow can be made that contains revenue, operational cost, maintenance cost,
depreciation, cash expenses, all expenses, gross profit, net profit before tax
(NPBT), net profit after tax (NPAT), and cumulative cash flow. Several
informations that obtained from the cash flow in 20 years are volume solid
produce is 726,000 kg, anual salvage value is USD 1,000,729, all expenses is
USD 20,509,926, and present worth of NPAT is USD 5,081,460.3. Detail cash
flow will be presented in Appendix H.1. Meanwhile, annual cash flow and
cumulative cash flow diagram are available in Figure 7.3. and Figure 7.4.

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Figure 7.3. Cash Flow Diagram












Figure 7.4. Cumulative Cash Flow Diagram

7.12. Profitability Analysis

Plant profitability can be analyzed by determining profitability indexes,
such as internal rate of return (IRR), net present value (NPV), payback period
(PP), rate of return (ROR/ROI), and break even point (BEP).
IRR is a discount rate that makes the net present value (NPV) of all cash
flows from a particular project equal to zero. IRR calculations rely on the same
formula as NPV does using Equation 9.1.

Universitas Indonesia

∑ (9.1)
( )

From the calculation that has been done, IRR value is 14.76% which higher than
WACC (12.80%) and MARR.. Therefore, the plant project is feasible to built and
developed. After determined IRR, NPV calculation can be done and the project is
considered profitable when NPV > 0. NPV that obtained from calculation is USD
1,562,669 which means project is feasible and profitable. Table of NPV is
available in Appendix H.2.
Payback period defines period in years of investment will be returned. By
reviewing at the cash flow, it can be implied that plant payback period is in 6.5
years when the cumulative cash flow becomes positive. Rate of return or
investment (ROR/ROI) of plant is percentage of annual profit generated by one
unit of capital invested. Calculation of ROI is done using Equation 9.2.

( ) (9.2)

With known annual net profit after tax is $ 928,986 and total capital investment is
USD 5,009,486, ROI obtained from this plant is 18.5%. Correlated with payback
period, break even point (BEP) used to analyzed number of product that need to
sell in order to cover up expenses or when the cumulative cost is getting positive.
BEP of the plant is happened at 6.5 years when 233,950 kg of product has been
sold, which is 32.5% of total production.
Table 7.21. Break Even Point
Years Days Products (kg)
1 330 36300
2 330 36300
3 330 36300
4 330 36300
5 330 36300
6 330 36300
6,5 165 18150
BEP (ton) 235950

7.13. Sensitivity Analysis

Sensitivity analysis determines how a measure of worth is altered when
one or more parameters vary over a selected range of values. Usually one

Universitas Indonesia

parameter at a time is varied and independence with other parameters is assumed.

For analyze plant sensitivity, fluctuation is made for selling price, raw material,
and plant capacity. Deviation used to see the sensitivity is ranging from -15% to
15%. The result of sensitivity will be analyze further to see its effects to IRR,
NPV, and payback period.
From Table 7.22., increasing in selling price affect in increasing both IRR
and NPV while reducing payback period. Product must be sell at price higher than
USD 46.75 in order to create a positive NPV and faster payback period.
Table 7.22. Selling Price Fluctuation
Deviation Product Price (USD) IRR (%) NPV (USD) PP (years)
-15% 46.75 9.43% (175,693.34) 8.84
-10% 49.50 11.28% 403,761.09 7.82
-5% 52.25 13.20% 1,035,893.20 6.93
0% 55.00 14.76% 1,562,669.95 6.34
5% 57.75 16.43% 2,142,124.38 5.79
10% 60.50 18.07% 2,721,578.81 5.33
15% 63.25 19.67% 3,301,033.24 4.94

It can be implied from Table 7.23. that increase in raw material will reducing both
IRR and NPV while increasing payback period. Since the deviations give slight
differences, it means that raw material fluctuation does not really sensitive.
Table 7.23. Raw Material Fluctuation
Raw Material Price
Deviation IRR (%) NPV (USD) PP (years)
-15% 303,710.02 15.53% 1,840,557.53 6.07
-10% 321,575.31 15.28% 1,747,928.34 6.16
-5% 339,440.61 15.02% 1,655,299.15 6.25
0% 357,305.90 14.76% 1,562,669.95 6.34
5% 375,171.20 14.50% 1,470,040.76 6.43
10% 393,036.49 14.23% 1,377,411.57 6.53
15% 410,901.79 13.97% 1,284,782.37 6.63

For capacity fluctuation, it can be seen that by increasing plant capacity will
increase IRR and NPV while reducing plant payback period. Difference with each
deviations is quite high, therefore the capacity fluctuation is quite sensitive.
Table 7.24. Capacity Fluctuation
Deviation Capacity (kg) IRR (%) NPV (USD) PP (years)
-15% 30,855 8.28% (523,366.00) 9.60
-10% 32,670 10.00% 171,979.32 8.19
-5% 34,485 12.70% 867,324.64 7.15

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Table 7.25. Capacity Fluctuation (continued)

Deviation Capacity (kg) IRR (%) NPV (USD) PP (years)
0% 36,300 14.76% 1,562,669.95 6.38
5% 38,115 16.76% 2,258,015.27 5.69
10% 39,930 18.71% 2,953,360.59 5.17
15% 41,745 20.63% 3,648,705.90 4.73

Further analyze is made by creating sensitivity chart for IRR, NPV, and
payback period in the following figures.





-20% -15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20%

Selling Price Raw Material Capacity

Figure 7.5. IRR Sensitivity Chart


-20% -15% -10% (500.000,00)
-5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20%


Selling Price Raw Material Capacity

Figure 7.6. NPV Sensitivity Chart

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PBP 8,00




-20% -15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20%
Selling Price Raw Material Capacity

Figure 7.7. Payback Period Sensitivity Chart

For IRR sensitivity in Figure 7.3., it can be summarized that increase in

selling price and capacity cause significant increase of IRR while raw material
increase leads to decrease of IRR. NPV sensitivity in Figure 7.4. also gives result
the same as IRR sensitivity but with more significant in both increasing (along
with increase of selling price and capacity) and decreasing (for increase of raw
material). Different from IRR and NPV sensitivity, for payback period if selling
price and capacity is increasing, payback period will be reduced (faster).
Meanwhile, increasing in raw material will lead to increase (longer) payback
From results above, it can be concluded that selling price and production
capacity are the most sensitive component to IRR, NPV, and payback period.
Lipase selling price is very sensitive because with only ±5% deviation it can
greatly affect IRR, NPV and payback period. Therefore, due to keep profits in
every year we need to maintain the selling price at USD 55/kg and will continue
to do so. It is possible since this plant will be the first lipase enzyme plant in
Indonesia, so for doing a market monopoly in Indonesia is certainly possible. If
the product selling price is needed to be decreased because of unpredicted things
happens maybe inflation, production capacity can be reduced in order to make the
lipase plant still profitable.

Universitas Indonesia


As a new plant we need to position our plant from other existing plants in
Indonesia. As for enzyme manufacturing plant, Indonesia only has 1 exist plants
which is PT. Petrosida located in Gresik, East Java. Positioning can be seen from
many aspects and two most influenced is seen from technical and economical
8.1. Technical Aspect
This outstanding issues of lovastatin plant technical aspect including the
benefit of selected raw material and selected fermentation process. Below is the
explaination of each technical aspect.
a. Raw Material Selection
Rice bran is choosed as substrate for Aspergillus niger, because this
substrate is most abundant amount in Indonesia and has low price. Indonesia
has the potential to produce rice bran is about 7,1 million tons / year, or 8-12%
of the average production of rice, thus opening up export markets (BPS, 2013).
Moreover, rice bran is very cheap, beacuse from rice field waste with price
only IDR 3,800/kg or USD 0.281/kg. Palm oil also has high available in
Indonesia as number one producer in the world with IDR 8,204/kg or USD
b. Process Selection
Fermentation technology that used in this plant is Submerged
Fermentation (SmF) technology. SmF utilizes free flowing liquid substrates,
such as molasses and broths. The bioactive compounds are secreted into the
fermentation broth. The substrates are utilized quite rapidly; hence need to be
constantly replaced/supplemented with nutrients. This fermentation technique
is best suited for microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi that require high
moisture content. An additional advantage of this technique is that purification
of products is easier. SmF is primarily used in the extraction of secondary
metabolites that need to be used in liquid form (Subramaniyam, 2012).

Universitas Indonesia

8.2. Economical Aspect

Economical aspect is also one of consideration beside of technical aspect
in our lipase plant. Benchmarking with other lipase enzyme plant is one of
important things to ensure ensure the validity of cost and investment of this
project plant. But in Indonesia there is only one enzyme plant and only produce
technical enzyme which just launched on 2017, therefore benchmarking is done
by using other lipase producer from abroad. Most of data shown from China due
to high number of industrial enzyme supplier on China. One of the famous
enzyme producer is Novozymes from Denmark, but they sell pharmaceutical and
food grade enzyme which is more expensive than industrial grade. Benchmarking
had been done into other companies that also produce lipase enzyme which
classified in industrial grade and located in China. For example, Mianyang BP
Biotech Co., Ltd. produce lipase USD 10 – 55/kg, meanwhile the other companies
such as Weifang Yuexiang Chemical Co., Ltd. and Sichuan Habio Bioengineering
Co., Ltd. produce lipase with price USD 30 – 100/kg.
According to the those price comparison, it is concluded that the lipase
plant can take market in Indonesia using product price at USD 55/kg which is
cheaper than others. It also can be concluded that this plant is more economic.

Universitas Indonesia


Things that can be concluded in Final Report are:

1. In a biochemical plant, especially a enzyme plant, Health, Safety, and
Environemnt analysis is important to support their production process.
2. There are two hazard studies, Hazard Identification (HAZID) and Hazard and
Operability Studies (HAZOP) is used in this plant safety analysis to recognize
any possibilities of risk, causes and at the end planning the prevention of it.
3. Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) is a systematic and structured process that
is designed to identify and evaluate all possible problem and hazard that may
happen in process of personnel or equipment.
4. Hazard Identification (HAZID) is an analysis of hazard prevention on
industrial installation by observing whole aspects, especially the outside
factor like human, assets, and environment.
5. Health and safety of workers is supported by usage of personal protection
equipment (PPE) neccessary in the working place and during working hour
which provided by the plant according to Occupational Safety & Health
Administration (OSHA).
6. The waste of this production is grouped in four types (solid, liquid, gas, and
7. When the wastewater liquid has a high contain of BOD and COD, it will be
treated in waste water treatment plant, which consists of filtration, oil
separator, mixing and equalization, pH adjustment tank, anaerobic treatment,
aerobic treatment, coagulation, sedimentation, and decanter.
8. This plant (enzyme lipase plant) will be built in Kawasan Industri Pancatama,
Serang, Banten with total area 2,314.22 m2
9. All materials we used have a difference of danger, so we must know the
handling and storage to minimize the casualties.
10. Utility plant placed outside the main process to minimize the contact from
another process.

81 Universitas Indonesia

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Sharma, R., Chisti, Y., and Banerjee, UC. 2001. Biotechnology Advances, Pages
627-662. National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research,
Sector 67, SAS Nagar, Mohali, Punjab, India.
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Zhu K., et al.: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 2001, 1547, 329-338.

Universitas Indonesia

A. APPENDIX A: Mass and Energy Balance

A.1. Mass Balance

Table A.1. Overall Mass Balance
Components Input (kg) Output (kg)
A. niger 12.243 5.62
Rice bran 170.21 103.687
Water 117.117 73.37
Molasses 10.98 6.697
Cornsteep liquor 8.15 4.97
NaH2PO4 12.77 7.544
KH2PO4 2.12 1.525
MgSO4.7H2O 0.32 0.1112
CaCl2 0.27 0.252
Oleic acid 5.67 3.495
Linoleic acid 1.41 0.589
Palmitic acid 6.38 3.94
Stearic acid 0.71 0.343
Nitrogen 214.58 209.78
Oxygen 65.14 63.97
Carbon dioxide 0 33.54
Lipase 0 107.47
Maltodextrin 1.9 1.9
Total 630 630

Table A.2. Medium Mixing Mass Balance

Medium Mixing
Input Output
1 2+3
T (C) 25 25
P (bar) 1.013 1.013
Components (kg)
A. niger 0 0
Rice bran 224.67 224.67
Water 148.30 148.30
Molasses 14.49 14.49
Cornsteep liquor 10.75 10.75
NaH2PO4 16.85 16.85
KH2PO4 2.81 2.81
MgSO4.7H2O 0.42 0.42
CaCl2 0.35 0.35
87 Universitas Indonesia

Table A.3. Medium Mixing Mass Balance (continued)

Components (kg)
Oleic acid 7.48 7.48
Linoleic acid 1.87 1.87
Palmitic acid 8.42 8.42
Stearic acid 0.94 0.94
Nitrogen 0 0
Oxygen 0 0
Carbon dioxide 0 0
Lipase 0 0
Maltodextrin 0 0
Total 437.35 437.35
Total all 437.35 437.35

Table A.4. Seed Fermenter Mass Balance

Seed Fermenter
Input Output
4 2 5 6 7
T (C) 30 25 25 30 30
P (bar) 0.738 1.0132 1.013 1.013 1.013
Components (kg)
A. niger 12.23 0 0 12.23 0
Rice bran 0 22.47 0 22.467 0
Water 4.75815 14.83 0 19.588 0
Molasses 0 1.45 0 1.449 0
Cornsteep liquor 0 1.08 0 1.075 0
NaH2PO4 0 1.69 0 1.68486 0
KH2PO4 0 0.28 0 0.28091 0
MgSO4.7H2O 0 0.04 0 0.04209 0
CaCl2 0 0.04 0 0.035 0
Oleic acid 0 0.75 0 0.7484 0
Linoleic acid 0 0.19 0 0.1871 0
Palmitic acid 0 0.84 0 0.84195 0
Stearic acid 0 0.09 0 0.09355 0
Nitrogen 0 0 0.79 0 0.851
Oxygen 0 0 0.24 0 0.25
Carbon dioxide 0 0 0 0 20
Lipase 0 0 0 0 0
Maltodextrin 0 0 0 0 0
Total 16.98815 43.74 1.03 60.72286 21.101
Total all 61.75315 81.82386

Table A.5. Main Fermenter Mass Balance

Main Fermenter
Input Output
6 8 3 9 11 10
T (°C) 30 26.35 25 30 30 25
P (bar) 1.013 1.033 9.262 0.264 1.013 1.013
Universitas Indonesia

Table A.6. Main Fermenter Mass Balance (continued)

Components (kg)
A. niger 12.23 0 0 5.437 9.069 0
Rice bran 22.467 0 202.203 1.037 180.437 0
Water 19.588 0 95.47 73.37 0 0
Molasses 1.449 0 13.041 0.11756 11.638 0
1.075 0 0.087 8.632 0
liquor 9.675
NaH2PO4 1.68486 0 15.163 0.13708 13.57 0
KH2PO4 0.28091 0 2.52 0.02234 2.21 0
MgSO4.7H2O 0.04209 0 0.378 0.00357 0.3532 0
CaCl2 0.035 0 0.316 0.00268 0.265 0
Oleic acid 0.7484 0 6.735 0.06063 6 0
Linoleic acid 0.1871 0 1.684 0.0152 1.5 0
Palmitic acid 0.84195 0 7.577 0.06797 6.73 0
Stearic acid 0.09355 0 0.842 0.0077 0.765 0
Nitrogen 0 142.3 0 0 0 108.76
Oxygen 0 43.2 0 0 0 33.02
0 0 0 0 13.52
dioxide 0
Lipase 0 0 0 111.582 0 0
Maltodextrin 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 60.72286 185.5 355.604 191.94768 241.17 155.3
Total all 601.82686 588.41688

Table A.7. Decanter Centrifuge Mass Balance

Decanter Centrifuge
Input Output
9 12 13
T (C) 30 30 35
P (bar) 0.264 0.264 1.013
Components (kg)
A. niger 5.437 4.89 0.547
Rice bran 1.037 0.010 1.027
Water 73.37 117.315 -43.945
Molasses 0.11756 0.00118 0.1164
Cornsteep liquor 0.087 0.00087 0.0861
NaH2PO4 0.13708 0.00137 0.1357
KH2PO4 0.02234 0.00022 0.0221
MgSO4.7H2O 0.00357 0.00004 0.0035
CaCl2 0.00268 0.00003 0.0027
Oleic acid 0.06063 0.00061 0.0600
Linoleic acid 0.01515 0.00015 0.015
Palmitic acid 0.06797 0.00068 0.06729
Stearic acid 0.0077 0.00008 0.00762
Nitrogen 0 0 0
Oxygen 0 0 0
Carbon dioxide 0 0.00000 0
Lipase 111.582 110.15000 1.432
Maltodextrin 0 0.00000 0
Universitas Indonesia

Table A.8. Decanter Centrifuge Mass Balance (continued)

Components (kg)
Total 235.89268 188.43 47.46745
Total all 235.893 235.893

Table A.9. Ultrafilter Mass Balance

Input Output
12 14 15
T (C) 35 35 40
P (bar) 0.264 0.264 0.264
Components (kg)
A. niger 4.89 0 4.89
Rice bran 0.01 0 0.01
Water 73.37 81.45 8.076
Molasses 0.00118 0 0.00118
Cornsteep liquor 0.00087 0 0.00087
NaH2PO4 0.00137 0 0.00137
KH2PO4 0.00022 0 0.00022
MgSO4.7H2O 0.00004 0 0.00004
CaCl2 0.00003 0 0.00003
Oleic acid 0.00061 0 0.00061
Linoleic acid 0.00015 0 0.00015
Palmitic acid 0.00068 0 0.00068
Stearic acid 0.00008 0 0.00008
Nitrogen 0 0 0
Oxygen 0 0 0
Carbon dioxide 0 0 0
Lipase 110.15 110.15 0
Maltodextrin 0 0 0
Total 188.42523 191.60 3.17077
Total all 188.43 188.43

Table A.10. Freeze Dryer Mass Balance

Freeze Dryer
Input Output
14 16 18 19
T (C) 35 25 12 30
P (bar) 0.264 1.013 0.264 1.013
Components (kg)
A. niger 0 0 0 0
Rice bran 0 0 0 0
Water 81.45 0 0.903 80.543
Molasses 0 0 0 0
Cornsteep liquor 0 0 0 0
NaH2PO4 0 0 0 0
KH2PO4 0 0 0 0
MgSO4.7H2O 0 0 0 0
CaCl2 0 0 0 0

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Table A.11. Freeze Dryer Mass Balance (continued)

Components (kg)
Oleic acid 0 0 0 0
Linoleic acid 0 0 0 0
Palmitic acid 0 0 0 0
Stearic acid 0 0 0 0
Nitrogen 0 0 0 0
Oxygen 0 0 0 0
Carbon dioxide 0 0 0 0
Lipase 110.15 0 110.15 0
Maltodextrin 0 1.9 1.9 0
Total 191.596 1.90 112.953 80.543
Total all 193.50 193.50

A.2. Energy Balance

Table A.12. Overall Energy Balance
Unit Process Input (kJ/day) Output (kJ/day)
Medium Mixing 0 0
Seed Fermentation 550.685305 759.8887564
Main Fermentation 4801.464111 2624.485658
Centrifugation 2494.778812 2579.405563
Ultrafiltration 1628.17099 1678.440203
Freeze Drying -10341.87296 -10132.93848

Table A.13. Medium Mixing Energy Balance

Medium Mixing
Input Output
1 2+3
T (C) 25 25
P (bar) 1.013 1.013
Components (kJ)
Mass Cp Energy Mass Cp Energy
A. niger 0 0.35 0 0 0.35 0
Rice bran 224.67 1.694 0 224.67 1.694 0
Water 148.3 4.18 0 148.3 4.18 0
Molasses 14.49 1.6 0 14.49 1.6 0
Cornsteep liquor 10.75 1.195 0 10.75 1.195 0
NaH2PO4 16.84862 0.665 0 16.84862 0.665 0
KH2PO4 2.809 0.855 0 2.809 0.855 0
MgSO4.7H2O 0.42086 1.04 0 0.42086 1.04 0
CaCl2 0.3514 2.32 0 0.3514 2.32 0
Oleic acid 7.484 2.046 0 7.484 2.046 0
Linoleic acid 1.871 2.73 0 1.871 2.73 0
Palmitic acid 8.4195 2.02 0 8.4195 2.02 0
Stearic acid 0.9355 2.3 0 0.9355 2.3 0
Nitrogen 0 1.0402 0 0 1.0402 0
Oxygen 0 0.9185 0 0 0.9185 0
Carbon dioxide 0 0.8452 0 0 0.8452 0
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Table A.14. Medium Mixing Energy Balance (continued)

Mass Cp Energy Mass Cp Energy
Lipase 0 0.221 0 0 0.221 0
Maltodextrin 0 1.5 0 0 1.5 0
Total 2.809 0.855 0 2.809 0.855 0
Total Mass 437.34988 437.34988
Total Heating
0 0

Universitas Indonesia
Table A.15. Seed Fermenter Energy Balance
Seed Fermenter
Input Output
4 2 5 6 7
T (C) 30 25 26,5 30 30
P (bar) 0.738 1.0132 1.013 1.013 1.013
Components (kJ)
Mass Cp Energy Mass Cp Energy Mass Cp Energy Mass Cp Energy Mass Cp Energy
A. niger 12.23 0.35 0 0 0.342 0 0 0.342 0 12.23 0.35 21.4025 0 0.35 0
Rice bran 0 1.698 0 22.467 1.694 190.29549 0 1.694 0 22.467 1.698 190.74483 0 1.698 0
Water 4.7582 4.2 0 14.83 4.18 309.947 0 4.18 0 19.588 4.2 411.348 0 4.2 0
Molasses 0 1.65 0 1.449 1.6 11.592 0 1.6 0 1.449 1.65 11.95425 0 1.65 0
Cornsteep liquor 0 1.2 0 1.075 1.195 6.423125 0 1.195 0 1.075 1.2 6.45 0 1.2 0
NaH2PO4 0 0.685 0 1.685 0.665 5.602625 0 0.665 0 1.68486 0.685 5.7706455 0 0.685 0
KH2PO4 0 0.878 0 0.281 0.855 1.201275 0 0.855 0 0.28091 0.878 1.2331949 0 0.878 0
MgSO4.7H2O 0 1.06 0 0.042 1.04 0.2184 0 1.04 0 0.04209 1.06 0.223077 0 1.06 0
CaCl2 0 2.39 0 0.035 2.32 0.406 0 2.32 0 0.035 2.39 0.41825 0 2.39 0
Oleic acid 0 2.094 0 0.748 2.046 7.65204 0 2.046 0 0.7484 2.094 7.835748 0 2.094 0
Linoleic acid 0 2.81 0 0.187 2.73 2.55255 0 2.73 0 0.1871 2.81 2.628755 0 2.81 0
Palmitic acid 0 2.06 0 0.842 2.02 8.5042 0 2.02 0 0.84195 2.06 8.672085 0 2.06 0
Stearic acid 0 2.38 0 0.094 2.3 1.081 0 2.3 0 0.09355 2.38 1.113245 0 2.38 0
Nitrogen 0 1.0402 0 0 1.04 0 0.79 1.04 4.108 0 1.040 0 0.851 1.040 4.42605
Oxygen 0 0.9185 0 0 0.918 0 0.24 0.918 1.1016 0 0.919 0 0.25 0.918 1.14813
Carbon dioxide 0 0.8452 0 0 0.8448 0 0 0.8448 0 0 0.845 0 20 0.845 84.52
Lipase 0 0.221 0 0 0.221 0 0 0.221 0 0 0.221 0 0 0.221 0
Maltodextrin 0 1.5 0 0 1.5 0 0 1.5 0 0 1.5 0 0 1.5 0
Total 17.01 27.97 0 331.338 27.51 4132.52 142.18 27.51 503.39 331.89 27.97 3379.65 158.56 27.97 785.45
Total Mass 61.75315 81.82386
Total Heating
550.685305 759.8887564

93 Universitas Indonesia
Table A.16. Main Fermenter Energy Balance
Main Fermenter
6 8 3
T (°C) 30 26,35 25
P (bar) 1.013 1.013 9.262
Components (kJ)
Mass Cp Energy Mass Cp Energy Mass Cp Energy
A. niger 12.23 0.35 0 0 0.358 0 0 0.358 0
Rice bran 22.467 1.698 0 0 1.671 0 202.203 1.671 1689.40607
Water 19.588 4.2 0 0 4.204 0 95.47 4.204 2006.7794
Molasses 1.449 1.65 0 0 1.662 0 13.041 1.662 108.37071
Cornsteep liquor 1.075 1.2 0 0 1.206 0 9.675 1.206 58.34025
NaH2PO4 1.68486 0.685 0 0 0.687 0 15.163 0.687 52.084905
KH2PO4 0.28091 0.878 0 0 0.881 0 2.52 0.881 11.1006
MgSO4.7H2O 0.04209 1.06 0 0 1.064 0 0.378 1.064 2.01096
CaCl2 0.035 2.39 0 0 2.415 0 0.316 2.415 3.8157
Oleic acid 0.7484 2.094 0 0 2.1 0 6.735 2.1 70.7175
Linoleic acid 0.1871 2.81 0 0 2.86 0 1.684 2.86 24.0812
Palmitic acid 0.84195 2.06 0 0 2.072 0 7.577 2.072 78.49772
Stearic acid 0.09355 2.38 0 0 2.388 0 0.842 2.388 10.05348
Nitrogen 0 1.0402 0 142.3 1.0422 541.313 0 1.0422 0
Oxygen 0 0.9185 0 43.2 0.9189 144.892 0 0.9189 0
Carbon dioxide 0 0.8452 0 0 0.8457 0 0 0.8457 0
Lipase 0 0.22 0 0 0.226 0 0 0.226 0
Maltodextrin 0 1.5 0 0 1.5 0 0 1.5 0
Total 60.72286 27.9789 0 185.5 28.1008 686.20562 355.604 28.1008 4115.25849
Total Mass 601.82686
Total Heating

94 Universitas Indonesia
Table A.17. Main Fermenter Energy Balance (continued)
Main Fermenter
9 10 11
T (°C) 30 30 30
P (bar) 1.013 1.013 1.013
Components (kJ)
Mass Cp Energy Mass Cp Energy Mass Cp Energy
A. niger 5.437 0.35 0 9.069 0.35 11.585648 0 0.342 0
Rice bran 1.037 1.698 6.4270149 180.437 1.698 1118.2944 0 1.694 0
Water 73.37 4.2 1124.7621 0 4.2 0 0 4.18 0
Molasses 0.11756 1.65 0.7080051 11.638 1.65 70.089855 0 1.6 0
Cornsteep liquor 0.087 1.2 0.38106 8.632 1.2 37.80816 0 1.195 0
NaH2PO4 0.13708 0.685 0.34273427 13.57 0.685 33.928393 0 0.665 0
KH2PO4 0.02234 0.878 0.071592998 2.21 0.878 7.082387 0 0.855 0
MgSO4.7H2O 0.00357 1.06 0.01381233 0.3532 1.06 1.3665308 0 1.04 0
CaCl2 0.00268 2.39 0.02337898 0.265 2.39 2.3117275 0 2.32 0
Oleic acid 0.06063 2.094 0.463401153 6 2.094 45.8586 0 2.046 0
Linoleic acid 0.01515 2.81 0.155385975 1.5 2.81 15.38475 0 2.73 0
Palmitic acid 0.06797 2.06 0.51106643 6.73 2.06 50.60287 0 2.02 0
Stearic acid 0.0077 2.38 0.0668899 0.765 2.38 6.645555 0 2.3 0
Nitrogen 0 1.0402 0 0 1.0402 0 108.76 1.04 0
Oxygen 0 0.9185 0 0 0.9185 0 33.02 0.918 0
Carbon dioxide 0 0.8452 0 0 0.8452 0 13.52 0.8448 0
Lipase 111.582 0.22 89.600346 0 0.22 0 0 0.217 0
Maltodextrin 0 1.5 0 0 1.5 0 0 1.5 0
Total 191.9477 27.9789 1223.526788 241.1692 27.9789 1400.9589 155.3 27.5068 0
Total Mass 588.41688
Total Heating

95 Universitas Indonesia
Table A.18. Decanter Centrifuge Energy Balance
Decanter Centrifuge
Input Output
9 12 13
T 30 35 35
P 0.264 0.264 1.013
Components (kJ)
Mass Cp Energy Mass Cp Energy Mass Cp Energy
A. niger 5.437 0.33 8.97105 4.89 0.34 8.313 0.547 0.358 0.97913
Rice bran 1.037 1.59 8.24415 0.01 1.598 0.0799 1.027 1.712 8.79112
Water 117.315 4.02 2358.0315 73.37 4.1 1504.085 43.945 4.26 936.0285
Molasses 0.11756 1.6 0.94048 0.00118 1.64 0.009676 0.11638 1.69 0.983411
Cornsteep liquor 0.087 1.05 0.45675 0.00087 1.1 0.004785 0.08613 1.28 0.551232
NaH2PO4 0.13708 0.58 0.397532 0.00137 0.585 0.00400725 0.13571 0.691 0.468878
KH2PO4 0.02234 0.771 0.0861207 0.00022 0.778 0.0008558 0.02212 0.882 0.097549
MgSO4.7H2O 0.00357 0.904 0.0161364 0.00004 0.906 0.0001812 0.00353 1.069 0.018868
CaCl2 0.00268 2.212 0.0296408 0.00003 2.22 0.000333 0.00265 2.42 0.032065
Oleic acid 0.06063 1.99 0.6032685 0.00061 1.992 0.0060756 0.06002 2.1 0.63021
Linoleic acid 0.01515 2.78 0.210585 0.00015 2.8 0.0021 0.015 2.86 0.2145
Palmitic acid 0.06797 1.94 0.659309 0.00068 1.96 0.006664 0.06729 2.082 0.700489
Stearic acid 0.0077 2.26 0.08701 0.00008 2.28 0.000912 0.00762 2.41 0.091821
Nitrogen 0 1.022 0 0 1.03 0 0 1.052 0
Oxygen 0 0.89 0 0 0.901 0 0 0.922 0
Carbon dioxide 0 0.739 0 0 0.743 0 0 0.851 0
Lipase 111.582 0.208 116.04528 110.15 0.21 115.6575 1.432 0.23 1.6468
Maltodextrin 0 1.5 0 0 1.5 0 0 1.5 0
Total 0 0.89 0 0 0.901 0 0 0.922 0
Total Mass 235.89 235.89
Total Heating
2494.778812 2579.405563

96 Universitas Indonesia
Table A.19. Ultrafilter Energy Balance
Input Output
12 14 15
T 35 35.2 40
P 0.264 0.264 0.264
Components (kJ)
Mass Cp Energy Mass Cp Energy Mass Cp Energy
A. niger 4.89 0.34 8.313 0 0.352 0 4.89 0.354 8.6553
Rice bran 0.01 1.598 0.0799 0 1.71 0 0.01 1.715 0.08575
Water 73.37 4.1 1504.085 81.446 4.22 1718.51 -8.076 4.224 -170.56512
Molasses 0.00118 1.64 0.009676 0 1.64 0 0.00118 1.649 0.0097291
Cornsteep liquor 0.00087 1.1 0.004785 0 1.24 0 0.00087 1.246 0.0054201
NaH2PO4 0.00137 0.585 0.00400725 0 0.689 0 0.00137 0.691 0.00473335
KH2PO4 0.00022 0.778 0.0008558 0 0.879 0 0.00022 0.88 0.000968
MgSO4.7H2O 0.00004 0.906 0.0001812 0 1.065 0 0.00004 1.068 0.0002136
CaCl2 0.00003 2.22 0.000333 0 2.4 0 0.00003 2.45 0.0003675
Oleic acid 0.00061 1.992 0.0060756 0 2.054 0 0.00061 2.058 0.0062769
Linoleic acid 0.00015 2.8 0.0021 0 2.82 0 0.00015 2.89 0.0021675
Palmitic acid 0.00068 1.96 0.006664 0 2.08 0 0.00068 2.085 0.007089
Stearic acid 0.00008 2.28 0.000912 0 2.39 0 0.00008 2.394 0.0009576
Nitrogen 0 1.03 0 0 1.048 0 0 1.0484 0
Oxygen 0 0.901 0 0 0.915 0 0 0.9153 0
Carbon dioxide 0 0.743 0 0 0.849 0 0 0.8498 0
Lipase 110.15 0.21 115.6575 110.15 0.221 121.715 0 0.226 0
Maltodextrin 0 1.5 0 0 1.5 0 0 1.5 0
Total 0 0.901 0 0 0.915 0 0 0.9153 0
Total Mass 188.42523 188.42523
Total Heating
1628.17099 1678.440203

97 Universitas Indonesia
Table A.20. Freeze Dryer Energy Balance
Freeze Dryer
Input Output
14 16 18 19
T 40 25 12 30
P 0.264 1.013 0.264 1.013
Components (kJ)
Mass Cp Energy Mass Cp Energy Mass Cp Energy Mass Cp Energy
A. niger 0 0.352 0 0 0.342 0 0 0.215 0 0 0.35 0
Rice bran 0 1.71 0 0 1.694 0 0 1.51 0 0 1.698 0
Water 81.446 4.22 -9623.65936 0 4.18 0 0.903 4.02 -101.64168 80.543 4.2 -9471.8568
Molasses 0 1.64 0 0 1.6 0 0 1.492 0 0 1.65 0
Cornsteep liquor 0 1.24 0 0 1.195 0 0 1.03 0 0 1.2 0
NaH2PO4 0 0.689 0 0 0.665 0 0 0.545 0 0 0.685 0
KH2PO4 0 0.879 0 0 0.855 0 0 0.701 0 0 0.878 0
MgSO4.7H2O 0 1.065 0 0 1.04 0 0 0.983 0 0 1.06 0
CaCl2 0 2.4 0 0 2.32 0 0 2.21 0 0 2.39 0
Oleic acid 0 2.054 0 0 2.046 0 0 1.97 0 0 2.094 0
Linoleic acid 0 2.82 0 0 2.73 0 0 2.62 0 0 2.81 0
Palmitic acid 0 2.08 0 0 2.02 0 0 1.964 0 0 2.06 0
Stearic acid 0 2.39 0 0 2.3 0 0 2.16 0 0 2.38 0
Nitrogen 0 1.048 0 0 1.04 0 0 0.972 0 0 1.0402 0
Oxygen 0 0.915 0 0 0.918 0 0 0.815 0 0 0.9185 0
Carbon dioxide 0 0.849 0 0 0.8448 0 0 0.725 0 0 0.8452 0
Lipase 110.15 0.221 -681.6082 0 0.217 0 110.15 0.16 -493.472 0 0.22 0
Maltodextrin 0 1.5 0 1.9 1.482 -36.6054 1.9 1.24 -65.968 0 1.51 0
Total 0 0.915 0 0 0.918 0 0 0.815 0 0 0.9185 0
Total Mass 193.496 193.496
Total Heating
-10341.87296 -10132.93848

98 Universitas Indonesia
B. APPENDIX B: Equipment Sizing

B.1. Medium Mixing

Material Selection
The medium mixing tank use vertical cylindrical tank because its is most common
typer of tank and has a great structural strength and easy to fabricated. The top
and bottom of the storage tank use ellipsoidal shape. For the material, medium
mixing storage tank use carbon steel because it does not needed extreme operating
Volume of Tank
The feed into the medium storage tank is 437.35 kg. To calculate the total volume
of medium mixing tank, safety factor also has to be considered. For most mixing
applications the ideal liquid level to tank diameter ratio is 0.8. It can assume that
safety factor of the tank is 20% of the total volume. The volume calculation is :
𝑉= (B.1)

The total volume:

Diameter and Height of Tank

𝑉 𝑦 (B.2)

Take an sssumption the ratio of the height and diameter of tank ( 𝑠: ) is 2:1.

𝑉 𝑦 (B.3)

𝑉 𝑦 (B.4)


Therefore height of Tank ( 𝑠) is:

𝑠 = 0.68×2=1.02
Height of head is (Walas, 1990)

99 Universitas Indonesia

= 0.113 m

Total height of tank is calculated as:

𝑠 (B.5)

Pressure Design
Height of fluid in the tank is calculated as follows:


The pressure tank is :

𝑃 =𝜌 (B.7)
In calculating the design pressure, assume that the pressure safety factor is 20%.

𝑠 𝑠
𝑃 ( )

Thickness of Wall and Head

To calculate the wall and head thickness, there are several data that needs to be
pre-determined, such as corrosion factor, maximum allowable stress, joint
efficiency, and equipment age. These data are determined based on the material
used for storage tank. Calculation of wall thickness is based on circumferential
and longitudinal stress. Formula of circumferential stress (Towler, 1990).

Formula of longitudinal stress


The minimum head thickness is calculated based on torispherical head, with

pressure design 15-200 psig (1.02-13.6 atm)

t = material thickness P = pressure gauge
R = shell radius = D/2 Di = shell inner diameter
Universitas Indonesia

S = maximum allowable stress E = joint efficiency

CA = corrosion factor Material : Stainless steel 316
Corrosion factor : 3 mm Max. Allowable stress (S) : 15600 psi
Joint efficiency (E) : 1.0 for double-welded butt joint, full)

Impeller Sizing
 Impeller Dimension
Based on Wallas (1988), the standard requirements used for impeller dimension
are :
Diameter of Agitator : Diameter of Tank = 1 : 3 = 0.23 m
Shaft Diameter : Agitator Diameter = 1 : 8 = 0.03 m
Distance from Bottom of Tank : Diameter of Tank = 1 : 3= 0.23 m
 Type of Impeller
Mixture viscosity = 718 cP (mPas)
The power number is determined by calculating the rotation speed in unit rps. For
the speed of 200 rpm, the N is 3.33 rps. The Reynold Number will be calculated
using :

We determined that the most suitable agitator is 6 pitched blade turbine.

Power needed for stirring
𝑃 𝜌 (B.11)
 Jacket Design

Universitas Indonesia

Specification Detail
Table B.1. MX-101 Specification
Equipment Specification
Code MX-101
Number of Unit 1
Mixing medium and
sterilizing medium
Operating Condition
Storage Time (days) 1.00
Flowrate (kg/day) 437.35
Capacity (m3) 0.49
Temperature ( C) 70
Pressure (bar) 1.33
Specification Design
Type Vertical Cylinder tank
Material Stainless Steel 316
Inside Diameter (m) 0.68
Outside Diameter with jacket (m) 0.98
Tank Height (m) 1.02
Impaller Type Pitch Blade
Number 1
Diameter 0.23
Rotation Speed (rpm) 200
Shaft Diameter 0.03
Distance from Tank Bottom 0.23
Power (W) 60.84

B.2. Air Blower

Specification Detail
Table B.2. CF-101 Specification
Air Blower
Code CF-101
Number of Unit 1
Supplier Taizhou Gaogong Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd.
Function Sent air to seed fermenter and main fermenter
Type Centrifugal fan
Series 85FLJ2
Mounting Wall fan
Material Alluminium alloy
Weight (kg) 6
Operating Condition
Inlet Temperature (oC) 27
Pressure (bar) 1

Universitas Indonesia

Table B.3. G-101 Specification (continued)

Operating Condition
Speed (rpm) 2200
Flow (m3/h) 18
Voltage (V) 220
Frequency (Hz) 50
Power (W) 22
Noise dB(A) <50

B.3. Seed Fermenter

Tank Sizing
The feed into the seed fermentor is 81.82 kg, with mixture density 1104.57 kg/m3

The total volume with safety factor 20% :

Height ratio cylinder with a diameter of the cylinder is 2:1

Tank Diameter
𝑉 (B.12)

𝑉 ( ) (B.13)

Height of Cylinder (HS)

Height of Head
= 0.13 m

Total Height of Seed Fermenter

HT = Hs + Hc (B.14)
HT = 0.78 + 0.13 = 0.91 m
Design Pressure


The pressure tank is :

𝑃 =𝜌 (B.16)

Universitas Indonesia

In calculating the design pressure, assume that the pressure safety factor is 20%.

𝑠 𝑠
𝑃 ( )

Material of Seed Fermenter

Stainless steel SS 316 is chosen because it is perfect for pharmaceutical grade.
Calculation of wall thickness is based on circumferential stress and longitudinal
stress. Formula of circumferential stress (Towler, 1990).

Formula of longitudinal stress


The minimum head thickness is calculated based on torispherical head, with

pressure design 15-200 psig (1.02-13.6 atm)

Corrosion factor : 3 mm
Max. Allowable stress (S) : 20000 psi
Joint efficiency (E) : 1.0 (for double-welded butt joint, full)

Impeller Sizing
 Impeller Dimension
Based on Wallas (1988), the standard requirements used for impeller dimension
are :
Diameter of Agitator : Diameter of Tank = 1 : 3 = 0.13 m
Shaft Diameter : Agitator Diameter = 1 : 8 = 0.016 m
Distance from Bottom of Tank : Diameter of Tank = 1 : 3 = 0.13 m
Baffle width : Diameter of tank = 1: 10 = 0.039 m

Universitas Indonesia

 Type of Impeller

Mixture viscosity = 604 cP (mPas)

The power number is determined by calculating the rotation speed in unit rps. For
the speed of 100 rpm, the N is 0.83 rps. The Reynold Number will be calculated
using :

We determined that the most suitable agitator is propeller with 4 baffles.

Power needed for stirring
𝑃 𝜌 (B.20)
Specification Detail
Table B.4. FR-101 Specification
Equipment Specification
Code FR-101
Number of Unit 2
Function Pre-fermentation
Operating Condition
Storage Time (days) 2
Flowrate (kg/day) 81.82
Capacity (m3) 0.074
Temperature (oC) 25.00
Pressure (bar) 1.31
Specification Design
Type Vertical Cylinder tank
Material Stainless Steel 304
Inside Diameter (m) 0.39
Tank Height (m) 0.78
Head Type Tori-Spherical Head
Head Height (m) 0.130
Total Height 0.908
Shell Thickness (m) 0.0043
Head Thickness (m) 0.0037
Impeller Type Propeller with baffles
Number 1
Diameter 0.13
Shaft Diameter 0.02
Distance from Tank Bottom 0.13
Baffle width (4) 0.0389
Universitas Indonesia

Table B.5. FR-101 Specification (continued)

Rotation Speed (rpm) 50
Impeller Power (W) 18.80
Diameter (m) 0.049
Air input (kg/h) 0.043
Pore size (µm) 10

B.4. Main Fermenter

Tank Sizing
The feed into the main fermenter is 601.82 kg, with mixture density 839.93 kg/m3

The total volume with safety factor 20% :

Height ratio cylinder with a diameter of the cylinder is 2:1

Tank Diameter
𝑉 (B.21)

𝑉 ( ) (B.22)

Height of Cylinder (HS)

Height of Head
= 0.276 m

Total Height of Fermenter

HT = Hs + Hc (B.23)
HT = 1.66 + 0.276 = 1.94 m
Design Pressure


The pressure tank is :

𝑃 =𝜌 (B.25)

Universitas Indonesia

In calculating the design pressure, assume that the pressure safety factor is 20%.

𝑠 𝑠
𝑃 ( )

Material of Main Fermenter

Stainless steel SS 316 is chosen because it is perfect for pharmaceutical grade.
Calculation of wall thickness is based on circumferential stress and longitudinal
stress. Formula of circumferential stress (Towler, 1990).

Formula of longitudinal stress


The minimum head thickness is calculated based on torispherical head, with

pressure design 15-200 psig (1.02-13.6 atm)

Corrosion factor : 3 mm
Max. Allowable stress (S) : 20000 psi
Joint efficiency (E) : 1.0 (for double-welded butt joint, full)

Impeller Sizing
 Impeller Dimension
Based on Wallas (1988), the standard requirements used for impeller
dimension are :
Diameter of Agitator : Diameter of Tank = 1 : 3 = 0.276 m
Shaft Diameter : Agitator Diameter = 1 : 8 = 0.034 m
Distance from Bottom of Tank : Diameter of Tank = 1 : 3 = 0.276 m
Baffle width : Diameter of tank = 1: 10 = 0.083 m

Universitas Indonesia

 Type of Impeller

Mixture viscosity = 604 cP (mPas)

The power number is determined by calculating the rotation speed in unit rps. For
the speed of 100 rpm, the N is 0.83 rps. The Reynold Number will be calculated
using :

We determined that the most suitable agitator is propeller with 4 baffles.

Power needed for stirring
𝑃 𝜌 (B.29)
Specification Detail
Table B.6. FR-102 Specification
Equipment Specification
Code FR-102
Number of Unit 7
Function Main – Fermentation
Operating Condition
Storage Time (days) 5
Flowrate (kg/day) 601.82
Capacity (m3) 0.896
Temperature (⁰C) 25
Pressure (bar) 1.37
Specification Design
Type Vertical Cylinder tank
Material Stainless Steel 304
Inside Diameter (m) 0.83
Tank Height (m) 1.66
Head Type Tori-Spherical Head
Head Height (m) 0.276
Total Height 1.935
Shell Thickness (m) 0.0058
Head Thickness (m) 0.0047
Impeller Type Pitch blade turbin with baffles
Number 1
Diameter 0.28
Shaft Diameter 0.03
Distance from Tank Bottom 0.28
Baffle width (4) 0.0829
Universitas Indonesia

Table B.7. FR-102 Specification (continued)

Rotation Speed (rpm) 100
Impeller Power (W) 627.92
Diameter (m) 0.104
Air input (kg/h) 7.73
Pore size (µm) 120

B.5. Decanter Centrifugation (DC-101)

Specification Detail
Table B.8. DC-101 Specification
Equipment Specification
Item Centrifuge
Type Decanter Centrifuge
Number of Unit 1
Separate solid waste
and product
Material Stainless steel
Mode of Operation Continuous
Design Specification Unit
Mass flow 101.2 kg/h
Rotation speed (n) 83.33 rps
Drum diameter 0.25 m
Angular Velocity (w) 8.72 rad/s
Centrifugal accelaration (Ac) 1.,01 rad2/s
G-Force 19.40
Drum length 0.9 m
Capacity 0.5 m3/h
Power 0.039 hp

B.6. Ultra-Filtration (UF-101)

Specification Detail
Table B.9. UF-101 Specification
Equipment Specification
Name Ultrafiltration
Code UF-101
To separate solid waste
and product
Amount 1
Type Ultrafiltration Membrane
Design Specification Unit
Pressure 1.013 bar
Temperature 30 C

Universitas Indonesia

Table B.10. UF-101 Specification (continued)

Design Specification Unit
Flow Rate 96.8 kg/h
Pressure Differential 1 bar
Volumetric flow 9.479 l/h

B.7. Lipase Mixer (MX-102)

Table B.11. MX-102 Specification
Lipase Mixer
Code MX-102
Number of Unit 1.00
Function Mixing lipase with maltodextrin
Operating Condition
Operation Continue
Flowrate (kg/day) 193.30
Capacity (m3) 0.763
Temperature (oC) 35
Pressure (bar) 1.27
Specification Design
Type Vertical Cylinder tank
Material Stainless Steel 304
Inside Diameter (m) 0.79
Tank Height (m) 1.57
Head Type Torispherical Head
Head Height (m) 0.262
Total Height 1.835
Shell Thickness (m) 0.0055
Head Thickness (m) 0.0045
Impeller Type Curved Blade Turbin with baffles
Number 1
Diameter 0.26
Shaft Diameter 0.03
Distance from Tank Bottom 0.26
Baffle width (4) 0.0786
Rotation Speed (rpm) 100
Impeller Power (W) 181.27
Specification Design
Type : Slurry Mixing Tank
Type Mixer : Homogenizer
Material : Carbon Steel
Structure : 3 layers
Max. Load Cap. : 10.000 L
Voltage : 220/380/415V
Dimension L*W*H : (customized)
Universitas Indonesia

Table B.12. MX-102 Specification (continued)

Specification Design
Low machine speed : 0-63 rpm
High speed homogenizer : 0-3660 rpm
Power (W) : 1,1 kW

B.8. Freeze Drying (FD-101)

Freeze drying (lyophilization) is a method where water is removed by
sublimation (from solid ice to vapor) from the freeze solution. The freezing can be
accomplished either outside or inside the vacuum chamber prior to drying. This
method is used for antibiotics, enzyme solutions, and bacterial suspensions.
Table B.13. FD-101 Specification
Equipment Specification
Number of shelves 10 heat plates (1 Module)
2.41m long x 1.1m wide x 2.01m high
Chamber – Over all dimensions
(AISI 304 S/S)
Vapour Condenser Capacity 80kg in a 24hr period
Usable Shelf Area (m ) 9m2
Ice Capacity (kg) 80kg
Shelf Dimensions (Depth is
7 @ 620mm, 1 @ 550mm, 1 @ 480mm
Shelf Spacing (mm) 35mm
Shelf Temperature -20oC to +70oC
Low temperature model: shelf freezing to -35oC and vapour condenser
temperature -55oC
Shelf Cooling Rate
(+40oC to –20oC) (Min)
Shelf Heating Rate (oC / Min)
S/S 2B finish – 18 per set (2 sets
Product Trays
2 kWh / kg of wet product
Energy consumption (based on
80kg of ice over 24hr period) 2.2 kWh / kg of wet product if air cool
condenser is used
Heating / Cooling medium Glycol
Power Requirement 12kW, 50 or 60 Hz, 3-phase
Weight 1900kg (approx.)
(Source: Cuddon Freeze Dryer)

B.9. Conveyor
There are five conveyors belt used, which are rice bran conveyor, salt
conveyor, solid waste conveyor, maltodextrin conveyor, dry lipase conveyor.

Universitas Indonesia

Rice Bran Conveyor Specification Detail

Table B.14. C-101 Specification
Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Belt Conveyor
Equipment Code C-101
Function Delivering rice bran to medium mixing
Quantity 1
Equipment Type Closed Belt Conveyor
Equipment Vendor Xinxiang Dahan Vibrating Machinery Co.,LTD
Operating Condition
Flow Rate Input 224,670 kg/day
Flow Rate Output 224,670 kg/day
Pressure 101.325 kPa
Material Temperature 30 oC
Construction Data
Conveyor Length Customized
Dimension Customized
Belt Width 400/500/650 mm
Material Carbon Steel
Belt Material PVC PU Rubber
Voltage 380 V
Power 1 kW
(Source: Alibaba, Xinxiang Dahan Co.,Ltd)
Salt Conveyor Specification Detail
Table B.15. C-102 Specification
Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Belt Conveyor
Equipment Code C-102
Function Delivering salt to medium mixing
Quantity 1
Equipment Type Closed Belt Conveyor
Wuhan Willita Marking & Packing
Equipment Vendor
Technology Co.,Ltd.
Operating Condition
Material Temperature 30 oC
Flow Rate Input 20,430 kg/day
Flow Rate Output 20,430 kg/day
Pressure 101.325 kPa
Construction Data
Conveyor Length Customized
Dimension 1500*300*750mm
Belt Width 250 mm
Material Stainless Steel
Belt Material Rubber

Universitas Indonesia

Table B.16. C-102 Specification (continued)

Construction Data
Voltage 220 V
Power 120 W
(Source: Alibaba, Wuhan Willita Marking & Packing Technology Co.,Ltd)
Solid Waste Conveyor Specification Detail
Table B.17. C-103 Specification
Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Belt Conveyor
Equipment Code C-103
Function Delivering Solid Waste from main fermenter
Quantity 1
Equipment Type Closed Belt Conveyor
Equipment Vendor Xinxiang Dahan Vibrating Machinery Co.,LTD
Operating Condition
Flow Rate Input 241,175 kg/day
Flow Rate Output 241,175 kg/day
Pressure 101.325 kPa
Material Temperature 30 oC
Construction Data
Conveyor Length Customized
Dimension Customized
Belt Width 400/500/650 mm
Material Carbon Steel
Belt Material PVC PU Rubber
Voltage 380 V
Power 1 kW
(Source: Alibaba, Xinxiang Dahan Co.,Ltd)
Maltodextrin Conveyor Specification Detail
Table B.18. C-104 Specification
Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Belt Conveyor
Equipment Code C-104
Function Delivering maltodextrin to mixing tank
Quantity 1
Equipment Type Closed Belt Conveyor
Equipment Vendor Xinxiang Dahan Vibrating Machinery Co.,LTD
Operating Condition
Flow Rate Input 1.9 kg/day
Flow Rate Output 1.9 kg/day
Pressure 101.325 kPa
Material Temperature 30 oC

Universitas Indonesia

Table B.19. C-104 Specification (continued)

Construction Data
Conveyor Length Customized
DimensionL*W*H Customized
Belt Width 400/500/650 mm
Material Carbon Steel
Belt Material PVC PU Rubber
Voltage 380 V
Power 1 kW
(Source: Alibaba, Xinxiang Dahan Co.,Ltd)
Dry Lipase Conveyor Specification Detail
Table B.20. C-105 Specification
Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Belt Conveyor
Equipment Code C-105
Function Delivering dry lipase to storage
Quantity 1
Equipment Type Closed Belt Conveyor
Equipment Vendor Xinxiang Dahan Vibrating Machinery Co.,LTD
Operating Condition
Flow Rate Input 106 kg/day
Flow Rate Output 106 kg/day
Pressure 101.325 kPa
Material Temperature 30 oC
Construction Data
Conveyor Length Customized
Dimension L*W*H Customized
Belt Width 400/500/650 mm
Material Carbon Steel
Belt Material PVC PU Rubber
Voltage 380 V
Power 1 kW
(Source: Alibaba, Xinxiang Dahan Co.,Ltd)

B.10. Silo Storage

V-101 Specification Detail
Table B.21. V-101 Specification
Equipment Identification
Name Silo Storage
Code V-101
Amount 1
Function For medium storage
Operation mode Continuous
Composition Rice bran

Universitas Indonesia

Table B.22. V-101 Specification (continued)

Operation Condition
Temperature (oC) : 25
Residence time (hour) :1
Feed flowrate (kg/hr) : 9,361
Density (kg/m3) : 325
Pressure (bar) : 1,013
Specification Design
Type of Silo : Vertical with Legs
Material : Stainless Steel
Volume (m3) : 5,8
L/D (m) : 0,8
Diameter tank (m) : 2,0
Height tank (m) : 1,6
Open/close silo : Close
Wall thickness (mm) :9
Silo head type : Dished head

V-102 Specification Detail

Table B.23. V-102 Specification
Equipment Identification
Name Silo Storage
Code V-102
Amount 1
Function For medium storage
Operation mode Continuous
Composition Molasses
Operation Condition
Temperature ( C) : 25
Residence time (hour) :1
Feed flowrate (kg/hr) : 0,604
Density (kg/m3) : 1411,6
Pressure (bar) : 1,013
Specification Design
Type of Silo : Vertical with Legs
Material : Stainless Steel
Volume (m3) : 0,086
L/D (m) : 0,8
Diameter tank (m) : 0,5
Height tank (m) : 0,4
Open/close silo : Close
Wall thickness (mm) :5
Silo head type : Dished head

Universitas Indonesia

V-103 Specification Detail

Table B.24. V-103 Specification
Equipment Identification
Name Silo Storage
Code V-103
Amount 1
Function For medium storage
Operation mode Continuous
Composition Salt
Operation Condition
Temperature (oC) : 25
Residence time (hour) :1
Feed flowrate (kg/hr) : 0,851
Density (kg/m3) : 1017,5
Pressure (bar) : 1,013
Specification Design
Type of Silo : Vertical with Legs
Material : Stainless Steel
Volume (m3) : 0,168
L/D (m) : 0,8
Diameter tank (m) : 0,64
Height tank (m) : 0,51
Open/close silo : Close
Wall thickness (mm) :5
Silo head type : Dished head

V-104 Specification Detail

Table B.25. V-104 Specification
Equipment Identification
Name Vessel Storage
Code V-104
Amount 1
Function For medium storage
Operation mode Continuous
Composition Corn steep
Specification Design
Volume (m3) : 0,069
L/D (m) : 0,8
Diameter tank (m) : 0,48
Height tank (m) : 0,38
Wall thickness (mm) :5

V-105 Specification Detail

Table B.26. V-105 Specification
Equipment Identification
Name Vessel Storage
Code V-105
Function For medium storage
Operation mode Continuous
Composition Water
Universitas Indonesia

Table B.27. V-105 Specification (continued)

Specification Design
Type of Vessel : Vertical with Legs
Material : Stainless Steel
Volume (m3) : 1,24
L/D (m) : 0,8
Diameter tank (m) : 1,25
Height tank (m) : 1,0
Open/close vessel : Close
Wall thickness (mm) :7
Vessel head type : Dished head

V-106 Specification Detail

Table B.28. V-106 Specification
Equipment Identification
Name – Code Vessel Storage – (V-106)
Function For medium storage
Operation mode Continuous
Composition Palm Oil
Operation Condition
Temperature (oC) : 25
Residence time (hour) :1
Feed flowrate (kg/hr) : 0,78
Density (kg/m3) : 889,75
Pressure (bar) : 1,013
Specification Design
Type of Vessel : Vertical with Legs
Material : Stainless Steel
Volume (m3) : 0,176
L/D (m) : 0,8
Diameter tank (m) : 0,65
Height tank (m) : 0,52
Open/close vessel : Close
Wall thickness (mm) :5
Vessel head type : Dished head

B.11. Pump
The calculation of the pump is still a rough calculation because the pipping
design has not been determined yet. Therefore, pipe length and elevation is
decided based on our estimation. Steps to achive power requirement consist of:
a. Step 1: Calculating pressure differences between the inlet and outlet using
below equation.
Δ𝑃=𝑃 −𝑃 (B.30)
b. Step 2: Calculating height differences between the suction height and discharge
height using below equation.

Universitas Indonesia

Δ = 𝑠 − 𝑠 (B.31)
c. Step 3: Calculating Friction Horse Power (FHP) using equation below.
𝐹 𝑃=(Δ𝑃/𝜌+ .Δ𝑧+𝐹). 𝑠𝑠 𝑤 (B.32)
FHP = Friction Horse Power (kW) Δ𝑃= Pressure Difference (Pa)
ρ = Density (kg/m3) F = Friction Head (m2/s2)
d. Step 4: Calculating Break Horse Power (BHP) using equation below.
𝑃=𝐹 𝑃 (B.33)
Where: = Pump Efficiency, in this case we assume pump efficiency is 80%.
e. Step 5: Calculating Head and Actual Head using equation below.
= 𝐹 𝑃/ . 𝑠𝑠 𝑤 (B.34)
= / (B.35)
f. Step 6: Calculating Net Positive Suction Head required (NPSHr) using equation
𝑃𝑆 =(𝑃 −𝑃𝑣 𝑝)/𝜌. (B.36)
g. Step 7: Calculating Net Positive Suction Head actual (NPSHa) using equation
𝑃𝑆 = 𝑃𝑆 + 𝑠 −(𝐹/ ) (B.37)
Materials that we choose for pumps is PVFD. Consideration of choosing
Polivinylidene flouride (PVFD) as material of pumps are:
 Durable
 High temperature resistant
 Inert
 Long service life
 Resistant to acids
P-101 Specification Detail
Table B.29. P-101 Specification
Pump Identification
Name Pump
Code P-101
Function Pumping molasses to mixing tank
Amount (unit) 1
Mode of Operation Batch
Material Composition

Universitas Indonesia

Table B.30. P-101 Specification (continued)

Operating Condition
Mass flow (kg/s) 1.678
Density (kg/m3) 1560.72
Temperature (oC) 25
Pressure Difference (Pa) 126,962.47
Pressure Vapour (Pa) 3,130
Specification Design
Type Positive Displacement
Material Polivinylidene flouride (PVFD)
NPSHr (m) 4.90
NPSHa (m) 5.34
Head (m) 11.56
FHP (kW) 0.152
BHP (kW) 0.19

P-102 Specification Detail

Table B.26. P-102 Specification
Pump Identification
Name Pump
Code P-102
Function Pumping water to mixing tank
Amount (unit) 1
Mode of Operation Batch
Material Composition
Operating Condition
Mass flow (kg/s) 1.716
Density (kg/m ) 1000
Temperature ( C) 25
Pressure Difference (Pa) 121,477.88
Pressure Vapour (Pa) 3,130
Specification Design
Type Centrifugal
Material Polivinylidene flouride (PVFD)
NPSHr (m) 9.06
NPSHa (m) 9.75
Head (m) 16.98
FHP (kW) 0.229
BHP (kW) 0.286

Universitas Indonesia

P-103 Specification Detail

Table B.27. P-103 Specification
Pump Identification
Name Pump
Code P-103
Function Pumping cornsteep to mixing tank
Amount (unit) 1
Mode of Operation Batch
Material Composition
Operating Condition
Mass flow (kg/s) 1.24
Density (kg/m ) 986.7
Temperature (oC) 25
Pressure Difference (Pa) 124,400.82
Pressure Vapour (Pa) 3,130
Specification Design
Type Positive Displacement
Material Polivinylidene flouride (PVFD)
NPSHr (m) 8.38
NPSHa (m) 9.08
Head (m) 17.58
FHP (kW) 0.171
BHP (kW) 0.214

P-104 Specification Detail

Table B.28. P-104 Specification
Pump Identification
Name Pump
Code P-104
Function Pumping palm oil to mixing tank
Amount (unit) 1
Mode of Operation Batch
Material Composition
Operating Condition
Mass flow (kg/s) 0.571
Density (kg/m ) 965.3
Temperature (oC) 25
Pressure Difference (Pa) 124305.3208
Pressure Vapour (Pa) 3130

Universitas Indonesia

Table B.29. P-104 Specification (continued)

Specification Design
Type Positive Displacement
Material Polivinylidene flouride (PVFD)
NPSHr (m) 9.09
NPSHa (m) 9.31
Head (m) 17.95
FHP (kW) 0.080
BHP (kW) 0.100

P-105 Specification Detail

Table B.30. P-105 Specification
Pump Identification
Name Pump
Code P-105
Function Pumping mixture to seed fermentor
Amount (unit) 1
Mode of Operation Continuous
Material Composition
Operating Condition
Mass flow (kg/s) 0.703
Density (kg/m3) 1,117
Temperature ( C) 25
Pressure Difference (Pa) 135,294.8
Pressure Vapour (Pa) 3,130
Specification Design
Type Centrifugal
Material Polivinylidene flouride (PVFD)
NPSHr (m) 8.83
NPSHa(m) 9.157
Head (m) 17.108
FHP (kW) 0.0942
BHP (kW) 0.118

P-106 Specification Detail

Table B.31. P-106 Specification
Pump Identification
Name Pump
Code P-106
Function Pumping mixture to main fermentor
Amount (unit) 1
Mode of Operation Continuous

Universitas Indonesia

Table B.32. P-106 Specification (continued)

Material Composition
Operating Condition
Mass flow (kg/s) 0.675
Density (kg/m ) 1,023.6
Temperature (oC) 30
Pressure Difference (Pa) 121,564.06
Pressure Vapour (Pa) 4,190
Specification Design
Type Centrifugal
Material Polivinylidene flouride (PVFD)
NPSHr (m) 9.78
NPSHa (m) 10.18
Head (m) 16.90
FHP (kW) 0.089
BHP (kW) 0.112

P-107 Specification Detail

Table B.33. P-107 Specification
Pump Identification
Name Pump
Code P-107
Pumping mixture from main
fermentor to centrifugation
Amount (unit) 1
Mode of Operation Continuous
Material Composition
Operating Condition
Mass flow (kg/s) 0.645
Density (kg/m ) 1,021.5
Temperature ( C) 30
Pressure Difference (Pa) 126,509.78
Pressure Vapour (Pa) 4,190
Specification Design
Type Centrifugal
Material Polivinylidene flouride (PVFD)
NPSHr (m) 8.030
NPSHa (m) 8.434
Head (m) 17.552
FHP (kW) 0.0889
BHP (kW) 0.111

Universitas Indonesia

P-108 Specification Detail

Table B.34. P-108 Specification
Pump Identification
Name Pump
Code P-108
Function Pumping mixture as liquid waste
Amount (unit) 1
Mode of Operation Continuous
Material Composition
Operating Condition
Mass flow (kg/s) 0.933
Density (kg/m ) 1,045.56
Temperature (oC) 35
Pressure Difference (Pa) 126,959.73
Pressure Vapour (Pa) 5,550
Specification Design
Type Centrifugal
Material Polivinylidene flouride (PVFD)
NPSHr (m) 7.39
NPSHa (m) 8.05
Head (m) 16.94
FHP (kW) 0.124
BHP (kW) 0.155

P-109 Specification Detail

Table B.35. P-109 Specification
Pump Identification
Name Pump
Code P-109
Pumping mixture from
centrifugation to ultrafiltration
Amount (unit) 1
Mode of Operation Continuous
Material Composition
Operating Condition
Mass flow (kg/s) 0.645
Density (kg/m ) 1,023.99
Temperature (oC) 35
Pressure Difference (Pa) 126,515.7
Pressure Vapour (Pa) 5,550

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Table B.36. P-109 Specification (continued)

Specification Design
Type Centrifugal
Material Polivinylidene flouride (PVFD)
NPSHr (m) 7.875
NPSHa (m) 8.276
Head (m) 17.512
FHP (kW) 0.089
BHP (kW) 0.110

P-110 Specification Detail

Table B.37. P-110 Specification
Pump Identification
Name Pump
Code P-110
Pumping mixture from
ultrafiltration to mixing
Amount (unit) 1
Mode of Operation Continuous
Material Composition
Operating Condition
Mass flow (kg/s) 0.542
Density (kg/m ) 1,025.3
Temperature ( C) 35
Pressure Difference (Pa) 126,921.75
Pressure Vapour (Pa) 5,550
Specification Design
Type Centrifugal
Material Polivinylidene flouride (PVFD)
NPSHr (m) 7.824
NPSHa (m) 8.224
Head (m) 20.047
FHP (kW) 0.075
BHP (kW) 0.106

P-111 Specification Detail

Table B.38. P-111 Specification
Pump Identification
Name Pump
Code P-111
Function Pumping mixture as liquid waste
Amount (unit) 1

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Table B.39. P-111 Specification (continued)

Pump Identification
Mode of Operation Continuous
Material Composition
Operating Condition
Mass flow (kg/s) 0.56375
Density (kg/m ) 1051.56
Temperature ( C) 40
Pressure Difference (Pa) 121,969.19
Pressure Vapour (Pa) 7,280
Specification Design
Type Centrifugal
Material Polivinylidene flouride (PVFD)
NPSHr (m) 7.219
NPSHa (m) 8.316
Head (m) 16.792
FHP (kW) 0.0742
BHP (kW) 0.0927

P-112 Specification Detail

Table B.40. P-112 Specification
Pump Identification
Name Pump
Code P-112
Pumping mixture from mixing
to freeze dryer
Amount (unit) 1
Mode of Operation Continuous
Material Composition
Operating Condition
Mass flow (kg/s) 3.137
Density (kg/m ) 1,051.5
Temperature (oC) 40
Pressure Difference (Pa) 122,906.7
Pressure Vapour (Pa) 7,280
Specification Design
Type Centrifugal
Polivinylidene flouride
NPSHr (m) 6.95
NPSHa (m) 7.83
Head (m) 16.63

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Table B.41. P-112 Specification (continued)

FHP (kW) 0.409
BHP (kW) 0.511

P-201 Specification Detail

Table B.42. P-201 Specification
Pump Identification
Name Pump
Code P-201
Pumping water to water
storage tank
Amount (unit) 1
Mode of Operation Continuous
Material Composition
Operating Condition
Mass flow (kg/s) 1.826
Density (kg/m ) 999.2
Temperature ( C) 27
Pressure Difference (Pa) 115,412.06
Pressure Vapour (Pa) 3,920
Specification Design
Type Centrifugal
Polivinylidene flouride
NPSHr (m) 9.172
NPSHa (m) 9.365
Head (m) 16.224
FHP (kW) 0.232
BHP (kW) 0.290

P-202 Specification Detail

Table B.43. P-202 Specification
Pump Identification
Name Pump
Code P-202
Function Pumping fuel to boiler
Amount (unit) 1
Mode of Operation Continuous
Material Composition
Operating Condition
Mass flow (kg/s) 1.017
Density (kg/m ) 1,120.5
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Table B.44. P-202 Specification (continued)

Operating Condition
Temperature ( C) 27
Pressure Difference (Pa) 114,762.19
Pressure Vapour (Pa) 3,920
Specification Design
Type Centrifugal
Material Polivinylidene flouride (PVFD)
NPSHr (m) 7.313
NPSHa (m) 8.343
Head (m) 14.977
FHP (kW) 0.119
BHP (kW) 0.149

P-203 Specification Detail

Table B.45. P-203 Specification
Pump Identification
Name Pump
Code P-203
Pumping water from storage
tank to boiler
Amount (unit) 1
Mode of Operation Continuous
Material Composition
Operating Condition
Mass flow (kg/s) 1.826
Density (kg/m ) 999.2
Temperature (oC) 27
Pressure Difference (Pa) 115,395.26
Pressure Vapour (Pa) 3,920
Specification Design
Type Centrifugal
Polivinylidene flouride
NPSHr (m) 8.93
NPSHa (m) 9.36
Head (m) 16.51
FHP (kW) 0.236
BHP (kW) 0.295

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P-204 Specification Detail

Table B.46. P-204 Specification
Pump Identification
Name Pump
Code P-204
Pumping Blowdown water from
boiler to water storage
Amount (unit) 1
Mode of Operation Continuous
Material Composition
Operating Condition
Mass flow (kg/s) 2.2825
Density (kg/m3) 999.2
Temperature ( C) 27
Pressure Difference (Pa) 115,474.33
Pressure Vapour (Pa) 3,920
Specification Design
Type Centrifugal
Material Polivinylidene flouride (PVFD)
NPSHr (m) 7.74
NPSHa (m) 9.36
Head (m) 18.01
FHP (kW) 0.322
BHP (kW) 0.403

P-301 Specification Detail

Table B.47. P-301 Specification
Pump Identification
Name Pump
Code P-301
Function Pumping water to cooling tower
Amount (unit) 1
Mode of Operation Continuous
Material Composition
Operating Condition
Mass flow (kg/s) 0.528
Density (kg/m3) 999.2
Temperature ( C) 27
Pressure Difference (Pa) 119,644.48
Pressure Vapour (Pa) 3,920

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Table B.48. P-301 Specification (continued)

Specification Design
Type Centrifugal
Material Polivinylidene flouride (PVFD)
NPSHr (m) 7.98
NPSHa (m) 9.36
Head (m) 18.26
FHP (kW) 0.0755
BHP (kW) 0.0944

P-302 Specification Detail

Table B.49. P-302 Specification
Pump Identification
Name Pump
Code P-302
Pumping make up water from
Amount (unit) 1
Mode of Operation Continuous
Material Composition
Operating Condition
Mass flow (kg/s) 2.42
Density (kg/m ) 999.2
Temperature ( C) 27
Pressure Difference (Pa) 105,689.36
Pressure Vapour (Pa) 3,920
Specification Design
Type Centrifugal
Material Polivinylidene flouride (PVFD)
NPSHr (m) 8.94
NPSHa (m) 10.33
Head (m) 15.85
FHP (kW) 0.300
BHP (kW) 0.375

B.12. Piping
Piping system is important in plant design because it connects stream from
each process equipments. Schedule number and pipe type are determined based on
contains in each streams. Here is the step in calculating the dimension of pipe.
1. Determine the mass flow rate and density of the fluid

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The mass flow rate can be calculated by capacity in every material that
flow in pipe by divided with 24 hour.
2. Calculate the volume flow rate of the fluid
The volume flow rate can be calculated with equation below

𝑉 (B.38)

3. Determine the fluid velocity

The fluid velocity rate will be based on rule of thumb. Table below shows
the typical velocity rate in fluids.
Table B.50. Rule of Thumb for Piping Sizing
Fluid Type Velocity (m/s)
Liquid 1–3
Vapor 15 – 30
Vapor (P > 8 bar) 30 – 60
(Source: Coulson, 2005)
4. Calculate diameter of pipe
The diameter can be calculated with equation below

( ) (B.39)

Where, v = velocity (m/s); D = diameter (m); Q = volumetric flow rate (m3/s)

5. Determine Pipe Nominal Diameter
The inner diameter calculation will be matched with nominal diameter
data in the pipe flow expert application.
Table B.51. Pipe Diameter Data

(Source: Pipe Flow Expert App Calculation)

Universitas Indonesia

Table B.52. Piping Specification

Stream NPS Schedule ID Wall Thickness OD
Number (inch) Number (mm) (mm) (mm)
1-3 0.125 40 8.437 1.73 10.3
1-4 1 40 26.990 3.38 33.4
1-5 0.125 40 7.267 1.73 10.3
1-6 0.25 40 9.587 2.24 13.7
2 0.5 40 14.658 2.77 21.3
3 1.5 40 41.795 3.68 48.3
4 0.5 40 15.828 2.77 21.3
5 0.125 40 3.896 1.73 10.3
6 0.5 40 17.271 2.77 21.3
7 0.5 40 17.634 2.77 21.3
8 2 40 52.284 5.54 60.3
9 1.22 40 34.040 3.9 41.1
10 1.8 40 47.839 3.82 55.5
11 2.3 40 59.616 4.8 69.17
12 1.1 40 30.424 3.46 37.3
13 0.5 40 15.270 2.77 21.3
14 1.12 40 30.679 3.5 37.4
15 0.125 40 3.946 1.73 10.3
16 0.125 40 5.291 1.73 10.3
17 1.5 40 40.799 3.67 48.2
18 1.23 40 34.452 3.54 41.5

Table B.53. Piping Steam Specification

Stream NPS Schedule ID Wall Thickness OD
Number (inch) Number (mm) (mm) (mm)
1 2.37 40 60.051 4.8 69.7
2 2.32 40 58.995 4.7 68.4
3 3/8 40 13.408 2.31 17.1
4 0.53 40 16.402 2.78 21.96
5 2 40 51.873 3.9 59.6
6 0.85 40 23.199 3.07 29.3

Table B.54. Piping Cooling Water Utility Specification

Stream NPS Schedule ID Wall Thickness OD
Number (inch) Number (mm) (mm) (mm)
1 2.7 40 69.635 5.3 80.3
2 2.6 40 67.963 5 78.4
3 5/8 40 18.189 2.77 23.8
5 1/8 40 7.307 1.73 10.3
6 0.5 40 15.169 2.77 21.3
1 2.7 40 69.635 5.3 80.3

Universitas Indonesia

B.13. Utility Sizing

Steam Utility
Overall steam required based on simulation and calculation
Tabel B.55. Overall Steam Requirement
No Period Steam (kg)
1 Daily 13,146.744
2 Annual (330 days) 4,338,424.2

Boiler Sizing
Based on ―Blodgett (Steam Boiler Sizing Guide)‖ there are guide that consist of
several guide that can lead to sizing boiler. The several guidelines are:
- 1 Boiler Horsepower (BHP) = Approximately 33.475 BTU
- 1 Boiler Horsepower (BHP) = Approximately 10 kW
- 1 Boiler Horsepower (BHP) = Approximately 34.5 LBS/ Hour of steam
Notes that actual steam output depends upon boiler efficiency. There are general
rule about sizing boiler for steam, there are:
- Blodgett Convection Steamers- require 34.5 LBS/ Hour of steam at start up and
operation or each steamer requires approximately ¾ BHP per compartment
- Blodgett Steam Kettles- require approximately 1 BHP per 20 gallon to operate
at medium heat. As example that 40 Gals = 2 BHP
Tabel B.56. Steam Flow Rate Of Blodgett Dteam Boilers

(Source: Blodgett)

Tabel B.57. Steam Flow rate Requirments Of Blodgett Direct Steam Kettles

(Source: Blodgett)

Universitas Indonesia

The formula of sizing boiler:

W = (Hg - Hf) M (B.40)
W = Boiler capacity (Btu/h)
Hg = Enthalpy Steam (Btu/lb, kJ/kg)
Hf = Enthalpy Condensate (Btu/lb, kJ/kg)
M = Steam evaporated (lb/lh, kg/s)
W is boiler horsepower (BHP) which is the amount of energy required to
produce 34.5 pounds of steam per hour at a pressure and temperature of 0 psig and
212oF, with feed water at 0 psig and 212 212oF.
Hg (Enthalpy Steam) = M x S x ∆T (B.41)
Hg (Enthalpy Steam) = 0.152 kg/s x 4.2x103 J/kgoC x (152 oC – 27oC)
= 6.5x10-5 lb x 1 Btu/lboF x 257oF
= 0.017 btu/lb
Hg (Enthalpy Evaporated) = M x S x ∆T (B.42)
Hg (Enthalpy Evaporated) = 0.152 kg/s x 4.2x103 J/kgoC x (28 oC – 27oC)
= 6.5x10-5 lb x 1 Btu/lboF x 33.8oF
= 2.197x10-3 btu/lb

( )

⁄ 0.49 W
Table B.58. Boiler Specification
Item Boiler
Code B 201
Number of unit 1
Function Heating water from water storage for autoclave
Type Electric Steam Boiler
Feed Composition
Water 657.34 (kg/hr)
Operating Condition
Capacity 660 (kg/hr)
Pressure 0-6 bar
Temperature of water 27oC
Temperature of steam 152 oC
Fuel Consumption 36.6 l/hr
Specification Design
Power 10 kW

Universitas Indonesia

Tabel B.59. Mass and Energy Balance of Boiler

1 2 3 4 5 6
T (°C) 27 27 27 179,87 158,83 27
P (bar) 2 4 1 10 6 2
Components (kg/h)
Zeolir 25,57 0 0 0 0 0
NaCl 51,13 51,13 0 0 0 0
PDAM Water 657,34 657,34 0 0 0 0
Fuel 0 0 36,6 0 0 0
Steam 0 0 0 0 547,78 0
Blowdown Water 0 0 0 0 0 0
Losses 0 0 0 0 0 82,17
Exhaust Gas 0 0 0 54,77 0 27,39

Water Storage Tank

The water storage tank use cylindrical tank. The top of the storage tank use
ellipsoidal shape. And due to large amount of water needed for the process, so the
water storage tank for this process is separated, therefore there will be 1 storage
tank for water.
Basic Planning
Construction materials = Carbon Steel SA-285 grade C
Materials Store = HCl /batch = 4176,14 kg/batch x 2 batch
= 8,352.28 kg
Safety factor is 20 %, so 80% of volume is filling materials warehouse
Operating Condition
Pressure = 1 atm
Temperature = 30 0C
Density = 1000 kg/m3
Design needs = 2 batches
a. Volume of tank
Volume of liquid (Vl) = 6,26 m3
Volume of tank (Vt) = (1+0,2) 𝑥 0,55 3
= 7,51 m3
b. Diameter and height of shell
Comparison of height and diameter = 2:1
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Volume of shell (Vs) = ¼ x 3.14 x Di2 x H

Volume of head = 1/24 x 3.14 x D3
Volume of tank (Vt) = volume of shell + volume of head = 13/24 x π x D3
Diameter of shell = √ 𝑉 = 1.64 m
Height of shell = 2 x D
= 3.28 m
c. Diameter and height of head
Diameter of head = diameter of shell = 1,64 m
Height of head = D / 6
= 0,27 m
Total Height = 3,55 m
d. Design pressure

Height of fluid = x height of tank

= 2.96 m
Pressure of tank = ρ x g x l
= 1000 kg/m3 x 9.8 m/s2 x 2.96 m
= 29.029 kPa
Operation pressure = 1 atm = 101.325 kPa
Total pressure = 130.354 kPa
e. Thickness of wall and head
Safety factor = 20 %
Corrosion factor = 0,002 in/year (Perry and Green, 1999)
Allowable working stress (S) = 94450 kPa (Walas, 1990)
Efficiency of connection (E) = 0,8 (Brownell and Young, 1979)
Approximation age of equipment = 10 year
Thickness of shell = + (CxA)

= 2.65 in
= 0.067 m

Thickness of of head = + (CxA)

= 0.043 in = 0.001114 m
K = ellipsoidal formula factor = 1/6 [2 + (D/ 2h)2] = 0.356

Universitas Indonesia

Table B.60. Water Storage Tank Specification

Item Water Storage Tank
Code T 201
Number of unit 1
Function Storing Water
Mode Operation Batch
Operating Condition
Capacity 12528 (kg/hr)
Pressure 1 bar
Temperature of water 30oC
Mass Flow Rate 8352 kg/h
Density 1000 kg/m3
Specification Design
Cylindrical tank with ellipsoidal
top and flat bottom
Material Carbon steel A285 Grade C
Volume 7.52 m3
Tank Diameter 1.64 m
Height 3.55 m
Length 3.28 m
Ellipsoidal Height 0.27 m
Wall Thickness 67.45 mm
Head Thickness 67.45 mm

Water Utility
Cooling Tower
There are several rules of sizing cooling tower for water utility based on Rules of
Thumb Ludwigs Applied Proccess:
a. Water in contact with air under adiabatic conditions eventually cools to wet
bulb temperature.
b. In commercial units, 90% of saturation of the air is feasible.
c. Relative cooling tower size is sensitive to the difference between the exit and
the wet bulb temperatures:
∆T, oF 5 15 25
Relative Volume 2.4 1.0 0.55
d. Tower fill is of a highly open structure so as to minimize pressure drop,
which is in standard practice a maximum of 497.6 Pa (2 in. of water)

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e. Water circulation rate is 48.9-195.7 L/min.m2 and air rate is 6344-8784

kg/h.m2 or 1.52-2.03 m/s.
f. Chimney-assisted natural draft towers are hyperboloidally shaped because
they have greater strength for a given thickness; a tower 76.2 m high has
concrete walls 127-152.4 mm thick. The enlarged cross section at the top aids
in dispersion of exit humid air into the atmosphere.
g. Countercurrent-induced draft towers are the most common in process
industries. They are able to cool water within 2oF of the wet bulb.
h. Evaporation losses are 1% of the circulation of every 10oF of cooling range.
Windage or drift losses of mechanical draft towers are 0.1-0.3%. Blowdown
of 2.5-3% of the circulation is necessary to prevent excessive salt buildup.
Table B.61. Cooling Tower Specification
Item Cooling Tower
Code CT 301
Number of unit 1
Operating Condition
Capacity 20 m3
Pressure 0.32 Mpa
Wet Bulb 30 oC
Temperature 37-32 oC
Water flow (Max) 6.23 m3/hr
Spesification Design
Fan 550 mm
Motor power 0.18 Kw
Diameter 950 mm
Height 1830 mm
Weight 180 kg
Material Superdyma
Pipe Inlet 40 mm
size Outlet 40m

For sizing condenser, we must know the heat rejection method. There are several
commonly used methods for selecting an evaporative condenser as part of a
mechanical refrigeration system. The most accurate method sizes a condenser
based on the Total Heat Rejection required at a given condensing duty. Total Heat
Universitas Indonesia

Rejection is defined as the sum of the heat input at the evaporator and the energy
input at the compressor.
Step 1: Establish the Design Duty
a. Refrigerant
b. Condensing temperature (oF)
c. Wet bulb temperature (oF)
d. Total Heat Rejection required = MBH
Open Compressors:
THR (MBH) = Compressor Evaporator Capacity (MBH) + Compressor Power
(bhp) x 2.545
Hermetic Compressors:
THR (MBH) = Compressor Evaporator Capacity (MBH) + Compressor Input
(kW) x 3.415
Step 2: Determine the Heat Rejection Cpacity Factor
a. Select the appropriate Heat Rejection Capacity Factor table based on the
system Refrigerant.
1. Table 2 – Ammonia R717
2. Table 3 – HFC and HCFC
b. Find the Heat Rejection Capacity Factor corresponding to the design
Condensing Temperature and design Wet-Bulb Temperature
Step 3: Calculation The Corrected Heat Rejection
Multiply the Total Heat Rejection from Step 1 by the Heat Rejection Capacity
Factor from Step 2 to obtain the Corrected Heat Rejection.
Step 4: Select an Evaporative Condenser Model
Select an Evaporative Condenser model with a Base Heat Rejection Table 1
greater than or equal to the Corrected Heat Rejection calculated in Step 3. If the
Corrected Heat Rejection exceeds table values, multiple cells are required.
Table B.62. Evaporative Condenser Selection
Design Duty
Refrigerant Ammonia
Wet-Bulb Temperature 78oF
Condensing Temperature 96.3oF
Compressor Evaporator Capacity 350 Tons
Compressor Power 400 BHP

Universitas Indonesia

The Total Heat Rejection, THR, is calculated using the formula for open
compressors. 350 Tons x 12 MBH/Ton + 400 bhp 2.545 MBH/BHP = 5218
MBH. From the Ammonia Refrigerant Capacity Factor Table 2, at a 78°F Wet-
Bulb Temperature and a 96.3°F Condensing Temperature, the Heat Rejection
Capacity Factor is 1.37.

Universitas Indonesia

Table B.63. Condenser Calculation

Heat Rejection 5218 MBH
Capacity Factor 1.37
Corrected Heat Rejection 7148.7 MBH
Model Selection DTC 1212-SAC1

Multiplying the Total Heat Rejection of 5218 MBH by 1.37 yields a Corrected
Heat Rejection of 7148.7 MBH. DTC-1212-SAC1 is the smallest Model Selection
with a Base Heat Rejection Table 1 greater than 7148.7 MBH.

Table B.64. Condenser Specification
Item Condenser
Code CD 301
Number of unit 1
Refrigerant Ammonia
Wet-Bulb Temperature 78oF
Condensing Temperature 96.3oF
Compressor Evaporator Capacity 350 Tons
Compressor Power 400 BHP
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Table B.65. Condenser Specification (continued)

Spesification Design
Heat Rejection 5218 MBH
Capacity Factor 1.37
Corrected Heat Rejection 7148.7 MBH
Model Selection DTC 1212-SAC1

Electrical Utility
Total electricity requirement within an hour is 47.34 kWh. Overall calculation for
daily and annual in lipase production is available below
Table B.66. Overall Electricity Requirement
No Period Power (kWh)
1 Hours 480.24
2 Daily 11,525.76
3 Annual (330 days) 3,803,500.8

Electricity requirement for generator within an hour is 480.24 kW with over

design 20% and the generator should generate 576.29 kW of electricity.
Table B.67. Generator Specification
Specifications Detail
Series HQY650GF
Rated power 600 KW/650KVA
Fuel Diesel
Rated fuel consumption 12 kg/h
Rated Speed 1500/ 1800 rpm
Power Factor 0.8
(Source: Shandong Huaquan Power Company, 2017)

Figure B.1. Diesel Generator

(Source: Shandong Huaquan Power Co, Ltd, 2017)
Calculation of fuel needed to generate electricity is available in table below.
Table B.68. Generator Diesel Fuel Requirement
No Period Fuel (kg)
1 Hours 12
2 Daily 288
3 Annual (330 days) 95,040

Universitas Indonesia

Cost of Electricity
Electricity from PLN for industries with price 1,467.28 IDR/ kWh for 650
kVA. Needs of electricity per day is:
Operational time/day : 24 hour
Cost of electricity/day : Electricity x price = 480.24 x 1467.28 IDR/kWh x 24hr
= 16,911,517.13 IDR

Fuel Utility
In fuel utility section, total fuel consumption for plant daily will be calculated.
Diesel fuel is used for generator since diesel is one of the most efficient fuel for
generator, easy to maintenance, fuel is safer to store and long-lasting.
Boiler Fuel
Steam boiler utilize liquified petrolium gas (LPG) to execute process. Steam
boiler generate the steam from water for coil heater on reactors.

Figure B.2. Steam Boiler

Source: Vendor Alibaba, 2017
Table B.69. Boiler Steam Specification
General Characteristic Specification
Type ZD Boiler WNS-T3, China
Pressure 1.62 Mpa
Capacity 3 ton/h
Themal efficiency 92.4-94.5%
Water supply 20 oC
Steam temperature 204 oC
Price 15,6 million IDR
General power 10 kWh
Fuel consumption 2 liter/hour
(Source: Alibaba, 2017)

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The fuel used is LPG for industries with price 7,785 IDR/liter include tax. Needs
of LPG per batch production is:
Production time/day: 24 hour
Fuel needed: 2 litre/hour
Power needed/day: fuel needed x production time = 48 litre
Cost of fuel : Power needed/ day x LPG price = 373,680 IDR
Generator Fuel
Besides the boiler that consume fuel, we also use generator for emergency
occasion to supply electricity. Type of boiler we use is specified in Table B.67.
The fuel used is solar for industries wwith pricce 7700 IDR/litre include tax etc.
Needs of solar per hour which generate power up to 550 kW is:
Fuel concumption : 150 litre
Cost of fuel : power needed/ day x solar price = 63,525,000 IDR
Total cost of fuel : cost of fuel boiler + cost of fuel generator = 6,635,623,680

Universitas Indonesia
C. APPENDIX C: Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

C.1. Aspergillus niger

Table C.1. Aspergillus niger PSDS
Section 1: Infectious Agent
Product Name: Aspergillus spp. Contact Information:
Synonym:Aspergillosis, farmer’s lung, A. Pathogen Safety Data Sheets and Risk
fumigatus, A. flavus, A. niger, A. nidulans, Assessment from Laboratory Biosafety and
A. terreus. Biosecurity, Pathogen Regulation
Characteristics: The genus Aspergillus Directorate, Public Health Agency of
belongs to the class Euascomycetes of the Government of Canada
Phylum Ascomycota. Aspergillus spp.
contain approximately 184 species, 40 of
which have been reported to cause human
or animal infections.
Section 2: Hazard Identification
Most cases of aspergillosis are caused by A. fumigatus, with A. flavus and A. niger being
the second most common pathogenic Aspergillus spp. worldwide. Diseases caused by
Aspergillus spp. include clinical allergies (allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis,
rhinitis, Farmers‘s lung), superficial and local infections (cutaneous infections,
otomycosis, tracheobronchitis), infections associated with damaged tissue (aspergilloma,
osteomyelitis), and invasive pulmonary and extrapulmonary infections.
Aspergillus spp. are rare causes of disease in humans, and occur primarily in
immunocompromised individuals. Aspergillus spp. have been associated with high rates
of morbidity and mortality especially in immune compromised individuals such as
transplant patients.
Host Range: Humans, cows, dolphins, birds, and horses.
Mode of Transmission:
Inhalation of airborne conidia, through contaminated water (exposure to conidia during
showering), and nosocomial infections (hospital fabrics and plastics may serve as
importance source of Aspergillus spp.).
Infectious Dose: Unknown.
Incubation Period: 2 days – 3 months.
Communicability: No evidence of human to human transmission.
Section 3: Dissemination
Reservoir: Conidia of Aspergillus are present in decomposing organic matter and soil.
Water and food may also act as reservoirs of transmission of Aspergillus spp.
Zoonosis: None.
Vector: None.
Section 4: Stability and Viability
Drug Susceptibility/Resistance:Aspergillus spp. are resistant to itraconazole.
Susceptibility to Disinfectants: A. niger and A. fumigatus are sensitive to 0.5% alkaline
solution of glutaraldehyde. A. niger is also sensitive to 0.125% butyl paraban ester.
Physical Inactivation: Conidia are generally heat resistant; however, treatment at 60°C
for 45 minutes has been reported to completely inactivate A. niger and A. flavus conidia.
Survival Outside Host: Can survive in soil and decomposing vegetation.

144 Universitas Indonesia


Table C.2. Aspergillus niger PSDS (continued-1)

Section 5: First Aid/Medical
Surveillance: Not necessarily available in all countries.
First Aid/Treatment:
The guidelines of the Infectious Diseases Society of America recommend the use of
voriconazole as the primary therapy for invasive aspergillosis. Amphotericin B lipid
complex and Caspofungin are used for patients who are intolerant of conventional
amphotericin B therapy. Debridement is required for local aspergillosis such as sinusitis,
cutaneous disease and osteomyelitis.
Immunization: None.
Prophylaxis: Prophylaxis for Aspergillus spp. is recommended for those at risk of
invasive aspergillosis, such as those with graft vs. host disease or neutropenic patients
with acute myeloid leukaemia or myelodysplastic syndrome.
Section 6: Laboratory Hazards
Laboratory-Acquired Infections: None reported so far.
Source/Specimens: Sputum, biopsy material, transtracheal aspirates, blood, soil.
Primary Hazards:Inhalation of air contaminated with Aspergillus spores.
Special Hazards: None.
Section 7: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Risk Group Classification: Risk group 2 (applies to the genus as a whole, and may not
apply to every species within the genus).
Containment Requirement: Containment Level 2 facilities, equipment, and operational
practices for work involving infectious or potentially infectious materials, animals, or
cultures (applies to the genus as a whole, and may not apply to every species within the
Protective Clothing: Lab coat. Gloves when direct skin contact with infected materials
or animals is unavoidable. Eye protection must be used where there is a known or
potential risk of exposure to splashes.
Other Precautions:
All procedures that may produce aerosols, or involve high concentrations or large
volumes should be conducted in a biological safety cabinet (BSC). The use of needles,
syringes, and other sharp objects should be strictly limited. Additional precautions should
be considered with work involving animals or large scale activities.
Section 8: Handling and Storage
Spills:Allow aerosols to settle, then, wearing protective clothing, gently cover the spill
with absorbent paper towel and apply appropriate disinfectant, starting at the perimeter
and working towards the center. Allow sufficient contact time before clean up.
Disposal: Decontaminate all wastes that contain or have come in contact with the
infectious organism by autoclave, chemical disinfection, gamma irradiation, or
incineration before disposing.
Storage: The infectious agent should be stored in leak-proof containers that are
appropriately labeled.
Section 9: Regulatory and Other Information
Regulatory Information:
The import, transport, and use of pathogens in Canada is regulated under many regulatory
bodies, including the Public Health Agency of Canada, Health Canada, Canadian Food
Inspection Agency, Environment Canada, and Transport Canada. Users are responsible
for ensuring they are compliant with all relevant acts, regulations, guidelines, and
Updated: October 2010
Prepared by: Pathogen Regulation Directorate, Public Health Agency of Canada
(Source: Public Health Agency of Canada)
Universitas Indonesia

C.2. Rice Bran

Figure C.1. Rice Bran NFPA and HMIS Rating

(Source: Science Lab)
Table C.3. Rice Bran MSDS
Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification
Product Name: Rice Bran Contact Information:
Catalog Codes: SLR1060 Sciencelab.com, Inc.14025 Smith Rd.
CAS#: Not available. Houston, Texas 77396. US Sales: 1-800-
RTECS: Not available. 901-7247
TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: No products International Sales: 1-281-441-4400
were found. Order Online: ScienceLab.com
CI#: Not available. CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency
Synonym:Rice Bran Telephone), Call:1-800-424-9300
Chemical Name: Not available. International CHEMTREC, Call: 1-703-
Chemical Formula: Not available. 527-3887
For non-emergency assistance, Call: 1-
Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients
Name CAS # % by Weight
Rice Bran 100
Toxicological Data on Ingredients: Not applicable.
Section 3: Hazards Identification
Potential Acute Health Effects: Slightly hazardous in case of eye contact (irritant), of
inhalation. Non-irritant for skin. Non-hazardous in case of ingestion.
Potential Chronic Health Effects:Carcinogenic Effects: Not available.Mutagenic
Effects: Not available.Teratogenic Effects: Not available.Developmental Toxicity: Not
available. Repeated or prolonged exposure is not known to aggravate medical condition.
Section 4: First Aid Measures
Eye Contact: Check for and remove any contact lenses. In case of contact, immediately
flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention if irritation
Skin Contact: Wash with soap and water. Get medical attention if irritation develops.
Serious Skin Contact: Not available.
Inhalation: If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If
breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical attention.
Serious Inhalation: Not available.
Ingestion:Do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Never
give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. If large quantities of this material are
swallowed, call a physician immediately. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt
or waistband.
Serious Ingestion: Not available.

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.4. Rice Bran MSDS (continued-1)

Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data
Flammability of the Product: May be combustible at high temperature.
Auto-Ignition Temperature: Not available.
Flash Points: Not available.
Flammable Limits: Not available.
Products of Combustion: Not available.
Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Slightly flammable to flammable in
presence of heat. Non-flammable in presence of shocks.
Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Slightly explosive in presence
of open flames and sparks. Non-explosive in presence of shocks.
Fire Fighting Media and Instructions:
Small Fire: Use dry chemical powder.Large Fire: Use water spray, fog or foam. Do not
use water jet.
Special Remarks on Fire Hazards: As with most organic solids, fire is possible at
elevated temperatures.
Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards: Material in powder form, capable of creating a
dust explosion.
Section 6: Accidental Release Measures
Small Spill:Use appropriate tools to put the spilled solid in a convenient waste disposal
container. Finish cleaning by spreading water on the contaminated surface and dispose of
according to local and regional authority requirements.
Large Spill:Use a shovel to put the material into a convenient waste disposal container.
Finish cleaning by spreading water on the contaminated surface and allow to evacuate
through the sanitary system.
Section 7: Handling and Storage
Precautions:Keep away from heat. Keep away from sources of ignition. Do not breathe
Storage:Keep container tightly closed. Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Do
not store above 24°C (75.2°F).
Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Engineering Controls: Personal Protection: Safety glasses. Lab
Use process enclosures, local exhaust coat.
ventilation, or other engineering controls to Personal Protection in Case of a Large
keep airborne levels below recommended Spill:
exposure limits. If user operations generate Splash goggles. Full suit. Boots. Gloves.
dust, fume or mist, use ventilation to keep Suggested protective clothing might not be
exposure to airborne contaminants below sufficient; consult a specialist before
the exposure limit. handling this product.
Exposure Limits: Not available.
Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical state and appearance: Solid. Specific Gravity: Not available.
(Powdered solid.) Vapor Pressure: Not available.
Odor: Not available. Vapor Density: Not available.
Taste: Not available. Volatility: Not available.
Molecular Weight: Not available. Odor Threshold: Not available.
Color: Not available. Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: Not available.
pH (1% soln/water): Not available. Ionicity (in Water): Not available.
Boiling Point: Not available. Dispersion Properties: Not available.
Melting Point: Not available. Solubility: Not available.
Critical Temperature: Not available.

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.5. Rice Bran MSDS (continued-2)

Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data
Stability: The product is stable. Corrosivity: Non-corrosive in presence of
Instability Temperature:Not available. glass.
Conditions of Instability:Incompatible Special Remarks on Reactivity: No
materials, excess heat. information found at this time.
Incompatibility with various substances: Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Not
Not available. available.
Polymerization: Will not occur.
Section 11: Disposal Considerations
Waste Disposal: Waste must be disposed of in accordance with federal, state and local
environmental control regulations.
Section 12: Toxicological Information
Routes of Entry: Inhalation. Ingestion. Special Remarks on Chronic Effects on
Toxicity to Animals:LD50: Not available. Humans: Not available.
LC50: Not available. Special Remarks on other Toxic Effects
Chronic Effects on Humans: Not on Humans: Acute Potential health
available. effects: Skin: Unlikely to cause skin
Other Toxic Effects on Humans: irritation. Eyes: Dust can cause eye
Slightly hazardous in case of inhalation. irritation. Ingestion: Swallowing this
Non-irritant for skin. Non-hazardous in material is not likely to be harmful.
case of ingestion. Inhalation: This material is a dust or may
Special Remarks on Toxicity to Animals: produce dust. It may cause respiratory tract
Not available. irritation. Breathing small amounts of this
material is not likely to be harmful.
Section 13: Ecological Information
Ecotoxicity: Not available.
BOD5 and COD: Not available.
Products of Biodegradation: Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not
likely. However, long term degradation products may arise.
Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.
Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.
Section 14: Transport Information
DOT Classification: Not a DOT controlled material (United States).
Identification: Not applicable.
Special Provisions for Transport: Not applicable.
Section 15: Other Regulatory Information
Federal and State Regulations: No HMIS (U.S.A.):
product were found. Health Hazard: 1. Fire Hazard: 1.
Other Regulations: Not available. Reactivity: 0. Personal Protection: A
WHMIS (Canada): Not controlled under National Fire Protection Association
WHMIS (Canada). (U.S.A.):
DSCL (EEC): This product is not Health: 1. Flammability: 1. Reactivity: 0.
classified according to the EU regulations. Specific Hazard: -
Not applicable. Protective Equipment:
Lab coat. Safety glasses.
(Source: Science Lab)

Universitas Indonesia

C.3. Molasses
Table C.6. Molasses MSDS
Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification
Product Name: Sugar Cane Molasses Supplier:Premier Molasses
Product Code: 1 Contact Information:
Product Type: Animal feed ingredient, Harbour Rd., Foynes, Co. Limerick
Fermentation substrate, Soil redemption t: +353 (0)69-65311
and Briquetting e: info@premiermolasses.ie
Chemical Name: Not available.
Chemical Formula: Not available.
Section 2: Composition and Process
A by-product of sugar factories in countries growing sugar cane and/or sugar refineries
processing raw sugar cane.
A dark brown syrupy liquid with earthly caramel-like, non-pungent smell.
Section 3: Hazards Identification
Inhalation: Not applicable.
Skin Contact: None under normal ambient conditions.
Eye Contact: None under normal conditions.
Ingestion: None under normal conditions.
Section 4: First Aid Measures
Eye Contact: May cause irritation, flood eye with water.
Skin Contact: May cause slight irritation, wash area with soap and water.
Section 5: Fire-Fighting Measures
Not applicable, not combustible when spilled or transported.
Section 6: Accidental Release Measures
Personal Precautions: None under normal conditions.
Environmental Precautions: Biodegradable, increases BOD and COD – see Section 13.
After Spillage/Leakage: Contain spills with sand and shovel into salvage container for
disposal. Hose down small spillages or residue (slippery when wet) into sewers serviced
by wastewater plant with plenty of water. Prevent direct discharge into watercourses or
lakes due to high BOD. If this does occur, inform Local Authorities at once.
Section 7: Handling and Storage
Handling:Avoid contact with skin, eyes & clothing. Wear recommended PPE.
Storage:Store in ventilated tanks (mild steel, stainless steel, polyethylene, PVC) at
ambient temperatures. Avoid microbiological contamination or dilution with water.
Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Personal Protection: None under normal conditions.
Repiratory Protection: Not applicable.
Hand Protection: Not required, butyl rubber gloves advised.
Eye Protection: Safety glasses or goggles may be desirable when emptying containers or

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.7. Molasses MSDS (continued-1)

Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical state at 25°C: Viscous solid. Relative Density at 20°C: 1.4 – 1.44 kg/L.
Odor: Weak caramel, earthy, non-pungent. Viscosity at 20°C: 5,000 – 20,000 cps.
Molecular Weight: Not available. Solubility in Water (%weight): Forms
Color: Very dark brown. infinite aqueous solution.
pH: About 5.0. Vapor Pressure: Not applicable.
Initial Boiling Point: >100°C. Thermal Decomposition: Begins about
Flash Point: Not applicable. 60°C.
Explosion Limits: Not applicable.
Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data
Hazardous Decomposition Products: Microbiologal Stability: Stable unless
Burning can produce CO2 and water, N diluted with >5% water when yeast, mould
compounds. and some harmless bacterial (e.g.
Materials to Avoid: Strong acids and Lactobacillus spp.) growth may occur in
alkalis, oxidising agents. warm temperatures. Pathogens will not
grow in undiluted product due to its high
osmotic pressure and low water activity.
Section 11: Disposal Considerations
Disposal: See Section 6.
Section 12: Toxicological Information
Acute Toxicity: None, non toxic.
Chronic Toxicity: None.
Section 13: Ecological Information
No significant environmental hazard or adverse effect from human or animal exposure
resulting from accidental release of this material is anticipated. Its components are used in
food and feed and there is no LD50.
Ecotoxicity: Due to its high BOD, accidental discharge of large quantities into rivers or
lakes will cause temporary algal growth (‗bloom‘) and dissolved oxygen reduction with
possible deleterious effects on fish.
BOD5: About 1,000 mgO2/g ds.
COD: About 1,100 mgO2/g ds.
Section 14: Transport Information
No special requirements or precautions applicable.
Section 15: Regulatory Information
Feed Legislation: Complies with the Feeding Stuffs Regulations (EC) No 767/2009 and
(Source: Premier Molasses)
C.4. Cornsteep Liquor

Figure C.2. Cornsteep Liquor NFPA and HMIS Rating

(Source: Spectrum Laboratory)

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.8. Cornsteep Liquor MSDS

Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification
Product Name: Corn Steep Liquor Synonym: Not available.
Catalog Codes: C3848 Chemical Name: Not available.
CAS#: 66071-94-1 Chemical Formula: Not available.
RTECS: Not avilable. Contact Information:
TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Corn Spectrum Laboratory Products Inc.
Steep Liquor 14422 S. San Pedro Street Gardena,
CI#: Not available. California 90248
Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients
Name CAS # % by Weight
Corn Steep Liquor 66071-94-1 100
Toxicological Data on Ingredients: Not applicable.
Section 3: Hazards Identification
Potential Acute Health Effects: Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of
eye contact (irritant), of ingestion. Non-hazardous in case of inhalation.
Potential Chronic Health Effects: Carcinogenic Effects: Not available.Mutagenic
Effects: Not available.Teratogenic Effects: Not available.Developmental Toxicity: Not
available. Repeated or prolonged exposure is not known to aggravate medical condition.
Section 4: First Aid Measures
Eye Contact: Check for and remove any contact lenses. In case of contact, immediately
flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention if irritation
Skin Contact: Wash with soap and water. Cover the irritated skin with an emollient. Get
medical attention if irritation develops.
Serious Skin Contact: Not available.
Inhalation: If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If
breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical attention.
Serious Inhalation: Not available.
Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Never
give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. If large quantities of this material are
swallowed, call a physician immediately. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt
or waistband.
Serious Ingestion: Not available.
Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data
Flammability of the Product: Non-flammable.
Auto-Ignition Temperature: Not applicable.
Flash Points: Not applicable.
Flammable Limits: Not applicable.
Products of Combustion: Not applicable.
Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Not applicable.
Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances:Not available.
Fire Fighting Media and Instructions: Not applicable.
Special Remarks on Fire Hazards: Not available.
Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards: Not available.

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.9. Cornsteep Liquor MSDS (continued-1)

Section 6: Accidental Release Measures
Small Spill:Absorb with an inert material and put the spilled material in an appropriate
waste disposal.
Large Spill:Absorb with an inert material and put the spilled material in an appropriate
waste disposal. Finish cleaning by spreading water on the contaminated surface and allow
to evacuate through the sanitary system.
Section 7: Handling and Storage
Precautions:Do not breathe gas/fumes/vapor/spray. Keep away from incompa-tibles such
as oxidizing agents.
Storage:Keep container tightly closed. Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area.
Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Engineering Controls: Personal Protection in Case of a Large
Provide exhaust ventilation or other Spill:
engineering controls to keep the airborne Splash goggles. Full suit. Boots. Gloves.
concentrations of vapors below their Suggested protective clothing might not be
respective threshold limit value. sufficient; consult a specialist before
Personal Protection: Safety glasses. Lab handling this product.
coat. Gloves (impervious). Exposure Limits: Not available.
Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical state and appearance: Specific Gravity: Not available.
Liquid. (Viscous liquid (suspension)) Vapor Pressure: Not available.
Odor: Not available. Vapor Density: Not available.
Taste: Not available. Volatility: Not available.
Molecular Weight: Not available. Odor Threshold: Not available.
Color: Yellowish-brown. Brown. Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: Not available.
pH (1% soln/water): Not available. Ionicity (in Water): Not available.
Boiling Point: Not available. Dispersion Properties: Not available.
Melting Point: Not available. Solubility: Not available.
Critical Temperature: Not available.
Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data
Stability: The product is stable. Corrosivity: Not available.
Instability Temperature:Not available. Special Remarks on Reactivity: Not
Conditions of Instability:Incompatible available.
materials, excess heat. Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Not
Incompatibility with various substances: available.
Reactive with oxidizing agents. Polymerization: Will not occur.
Section 11: Disposal Considerations
Waste Disposal: Waste must be disposed of in accordance with federal, state and local
environmental control regulations.
Section 12: Toxicological Information
Routes of Entry: Skin contact. Eye Special Remarks on Toxicity to Animals:
contact. Not available.
Toxicity to Animals: LD50: Not available. Special Remarks on Chronic Effects on
LC50: Not available. Humans: Not available.
Chronic Effects on Humans: Not Special Remarks on other Toxic Effects
available. on Humans: Acute Potential health
Other Toxic Effects on Humans: effects: Skin: May cause skin irritation.
Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact Eyes: May cause eye irritation. Ingestion:
(irritant), of ingestion. Non-hazardous in Expected to be a low hazard. Inhalation:
case of inhalation. Not expected to be an inhalation hazard.
Universitas Indonesia

Table C.10. Cornsteep Liquor MSDS (continued-2)

Section 13: Ecological Information
Ecotoxicity: Not available.
BOD5 and COD: Not available.
Products of Biodegradation: Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not
likely. However, long term degradation products may arise.
Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.
Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.
Section 14: Transport Information
DOT Classification: Not a DOT controlled material (United States).
Identification: Not applicable.
Special Provisions for Transport: Not applicable.
Section 15: Other Regulatory Information
Federal and State Regulations: TSCA DSCL (EEC): This product is not
8(b) inventory: Corn Steep Liquor classified according to the EU regulations.
Other Regulations:EINECS: This product Not applicable.
is on the European Inventory of Existing HMIS (U.S.A.):
Commercial Chemical Substances Health Hazard: 1. Fire Hazard: 0.
(EINECS No. 266-113-4).Canada: Listed Reactivity: 0. Personal Protection: B
on Canadian Domestic Substance List National Fire Protection Association
(DSL). China: Not listed on National (U.S.A.):
Inventory. Japan: Listed on National Health: 1. Flammability: 0. Reactivity: 0.
Inventory (ENCS). Korea: Listed on Specific Hazard: -
National Inventory (KECI). Philippines: Protective Equipment:
Not listed on National Inventory (PICCS). Gloves (impervious). Lab coat. Safety
Australia: Listed on AICS. glasses.
WHMIS (Canada): Not controlled under
WHMIS (Canada).
(Source: Spectrum Laboratory Products)
C.5. Palm Oil

Figure C.3. Palm Oil NFPA and HMIS Rating

(Source: Science Lab)

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.11. Palm Oil MSDS

Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification
Product Name: Palm Oil Contact Information:
Catalog Codes: SLP4939 Sciencelab.com, Inc. 14025 Smith Rd.
CAS#: 8002-75-3 Houston, Texas 77396. US Sales: 1-800-
RTECS: RJ3696300 901-7247
TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Palm oil International Sales: 1-281-441-4400
CI#: Not available. Order Online: ScienceLab.com
Synonym: Not available. CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency
Chemical Name: Not available. Telephone), Call:1-800-424-9300
Chemical Formula: Not available. International CHEMTREC, Call: 1-703-
For non-emergency assistance, Call: 1-
Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients
Name CAS # % by Weight
Palm Oil 8002-75-3 100
Toxicological Data on Ingredients: Not applicable.
Section 3: Hazards Identification
Potential Acute Health Effects:Hazardous in case of ingestion. Slightly hazardous in
case of eye contact (irritant), ofinhalation.
Potential Chronic Health Effects:Hazardous in case of ingestion. Slightly hazardous in
case of inhalation.Carcinogenic Effects: Not available.Mutagenic Effects: Not
available.Teratogenic Effects: Not available.Developmental Toxicity: Not available.
Section 4: First Aid Measures
Eye Contact: No known effect on eye contact, rinse with water for a few minutes.
Skin Contact: No known effect on skin contact, rinse with water for a few minutes.
Serious Skin Contact: Not available.
Inhalation: Allow the victim to rest in a well ventilated area. Seek immediate medical
Serious Inhalation: Not available.
Ingestion:Do not induce vomiting. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or
waistband. If the victim is not breathing, performmouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Seek
immediate medical attention.
Serious Ingestion: Not available.
Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data
Flammability of the Product: May be combustible at high temperature.
Auto-Ignition Temperature: 316°C (600.8°F)
Flash Points: Closed Cup: 162°C (323.6°F).
Flammable Limits: Not available.
Products of Combustion: Not available.
Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Not available.
Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Not available.
Fire Fighting Media and Instructions:
Small Fire: Use dry chemical powder.
Large Fire: Use water spray, fog or foam. Do not use water jet.
Special Remarks on Fire Hazards: Not available.
Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards: Not available.

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.12. Palm Oil MSDS (continued-1)

Section 6: Accidental Release Measures
Small Spill:Use appropriate tools to put the spilled solid in a convenient waste disposal
container. Finish cleaning by spreading water on the contaminated surface and dispose of
according to local and regional authority requirements.
Large Spill:If the product is in its solid form: Use a shovel to put the material into a
convenient waste disposal container. If the product is in its liquid form: Absorb with an
inert material and put the spilled material in an appropriate waste disposal. Finish
cleaning by spreading water on the contaminated surface and allow to evacuate through
the sanitary system.
Section 7: Handling and Storage
Precautions:Keep away from heat. Keep away from sources of ignition. Empty
containers pose a fire risk, evaporate the residue under a fume hood. Ground all
equipment containing material. Do not breathe dust.
Storage:Keep container dry. Keep in a cool place. Ground all equipment containing
material. Keep container tightly closed. Keep in a cool, well-ventilated place.
Combustible materials should be stored away from extreme heat and away from strong
oxidizing agents.
Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Engineering Controls: Personal Protection: Safety glasses. Lab
Use process enclosures, local exhaust coat.
ventilation, or other engineering controls to Personal Protection in Case of a Large
keep airborne levels below recommended Spill:
exposure limits. If user operations generate Splash goggles. Full suit. Boots. Gloves.
dust, fume or mist, use ventilation to keep Suggested protective clothing might not be
exposure to airborne contaminants below sufficient; consult a specialist before
the exposure limit. handling this product.
Exposure Limits: Not available.
Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical state and appearance:Solid Specific Gravity: 0.952 (Water = 1)
Odor: Not available. Vapor Pressure: Not applicable.
Taste: Not available. Vapor Density: Not available.
Molecular Weight: Not available. Volatility: Not available.
Color: Not available. Odor Threshold: Not available.
pH (1% soln/water): Not applicable. Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: Not available.
Boiling Point: Not available. Ionicity (in Water): Not available.
Melting Point: 35°C (95°F) Dispersion Properties: Not available.
Critical Temperature: Not available. Solubility: Insoluble in cold water.
Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data
Stability: The product is stable. Special Remarks on Reactivity: Not
Instability Temperature:Not available. available.
Conditions of Instability:Not available. Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Not
Incompatibility with various substances: available.
Not available. Polymerization: No.
Corrosivity: Non-corrosive in presence of
Section 11: Disposal Considerations
Waste Disposal: -

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.13. Palm Oil MSDS (continued-2)

Section 12: Toxicological Information
Routes of Entry: Ingestion. Special Remarks on Toxicity to Animals:
Toxicity to Animals: LD50: Not available. Not available.
LC50: Not available. Special Remarks on Chronic Effects on
Chronic Effects on Humans: Not Humans: Not available.
available. Special Remarks on other Toxic Effects
Other Toxic Effects on Humans: on Humans: Not available.
Hazardous in case of ingestion. Slightly
hazardous in case of inhalation.
Section 13: Ecological Information
Ecotoxicity: Not available.
BOD5 and COD: Not available.
Products of Biodegradation: Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not
likely. However, long term degradation products may arise.
Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: The products of degradation are more
Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.
Section 14: Transport Information
DOT Classification: Not a DOT controlled material (United States).
Identification: Not applicable.
Special Provisions for Transport: Not applicable.
Section 15: Other Regulatory Information
Federal and State Regulations: TSCA HMIS (U.S.A.):
8(b) inventory: Palm oil Health Hazard: 0. Fire Hazard: 1.
Other Regulations:Not available. Reactivity: 0. Personal Protection: A
WHMIS (Canada): Not controlled under National Fire Protection Association
WHMIS (Canada). (U.S.A.):
DSCL (EEC): This product is not Health: 0. Flammability: 1. Reactivity: 0.
classified according to the EU regulations. Specific Hazard: -
Protective Equipment:
Lab coat. Safety glasses.
(Source: Science Lab)
C.6. NaH2PO4

Figure C.4.NaH2PO4 NFPA and HMIS Rating

(Source: Science Lab)

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.14. NaH2PO4 MSDS

Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification
Product Name: Sodium phosphate Contact Information:
monobasic, Anhydrous Sciencelab.com, Inc. 14025 Smith Rd.
Catalog Codes: SLS3160, SLS4582 Houston, Texas 77396. US Sales: 1-800-
CAS#: 7558-80-7 901-7247
RTECS: WA1900000 International Sales: 1-281-441-4400
TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Sodium Order Online: ScienceLab.com
phosphate monobasic, Anhydrous CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency
CI#: Not available. Telephone), Call:1-800-424-9300
Synonym: International CHEMTREC, Call: 1-703-
Sodium Dihydrogen phosphate; 527-3887
Monosodium Dihydrogen Phosphate; For non-emergency assistance, Call: 1-
Chemical Name: Sodium Phosphate 281-441-4400
Monobasic, Anhydrous
Chemical Formula: NaH2PO4
Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients
Name CAS # % by Weight
Sodium Phosphate 7558-80-7 100
Monobasic, Anhydrous
Toxicological Data on Ingredients: Not applicable.
Section 3: Hazards Identification
Potential Acute Health Effects:
Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion,
of inhalation.
Potential Chronic Health Effects: Carcinogenic Effects: Not available.Mutagenic
Effects: Not available.Teratogenic Effects: Not available.Developmental Toxicity: Not
available. Repeated or prolonged exposure is not known to aggravate medical condition.
Section 4: First Aid Measures
Eye Contact: Check for and remove any contact lenses. In case of contact, immediately
flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Cold water may be used. Get
medical attention if irritation occurs.
Skin Contact: Wash with soap and water. Cover the irritated skin with an emollient. Get
medical attention if irritation develops. Cold water may be used.
Serious Skin Contact: Not available.
Inhalation: If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If
breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical attention.
Serious Inhalation: Not available.
Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Never
give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical attention if symptoms
Serious Ingestion: Not available.

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.15. NaH2PO4 MSDS (continued-1)

Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data
Flammability of the Product: Non-flammable.
Auto-Ignition Temperature: Not applicable.
Flash Points: Not applicable.
Flammable Limits: Not applicable.
Products of Combustion: When heated to decomp ... emits toxic fumes of phosphoxides
and sodium oxide.
Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Not applicable.
Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Not available.
Fire Fighting Media and Instructions: Not applicable.
Special Remarks on Fire Hazards: Not available.
Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards: Not available.
Section 6: Accidental Release Measures
Small Spill:Use appropriate tools to put the spilled solid in a convenient waste disposal
container. Finish cleaning by spreading water on the contaminated surface and dispose of
according to local and regional authority requirements.
Large Spill:Use a shovel to put the material into a convenient waste disposal container.
Finish cleaning by spreading water on the contaminated surface and allow to evacuate
through the sanitary system.
Section 7: Handling and Storage
Precautions:Do not ingest. Do not breathe dust. If ingested, seek medical advice
immediately and show the container or the label. Keep away from incompatibles such as
acids, alkalis.
Storage:Keep container tightly closed. Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area.
Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Engineering Controls: Personal Protection in Case of a Large
Use process enclosures, local exhaust Spill:
ventilation, or other engineering controls to Splash goggles. Full suit. Dust respirator.
keep airborne levels below recommended Boots. Gloves. A self contained breathing
exposure limits. If user operations generate apparatus should be used to avoid
dust, fume or mist, use ventilation to keep inhalation of the product. Suggested
exposure to airborne contaminants below protective clothing might not be sufficient;
the exposure limit. consult a specialist before handling this
Personal Protection: Safety glasses. Lab product.
coat. Dust respirator. Be sure to use an Exposure Limits: Not available.
approved/certified respirator or equivalent.
Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical state and appearance: Solid. Specific Gravity: Not available.
(crystalline powder) Vapor Pressure: Not applicable.
Odor: Odorless. Vapor Density: Not available.
Taste: Not available. Volatility: Not available.
Molecular Weight: 119.98 g/mole Odor Threshold: Not available.
Color: White. Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: Not available.
pH (1% soln/water): Not available. Ionicity (in Water): Not available.
Boiling Point: Not available. Dispersion Properties: See solubility in
Melting Point: Not available. water.
Critical Temperature: Not available. Solubility: Easily soluble in cold water,
hot water.

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.16. NaH2PO4 MSDS (continued-2)

Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data
Stability: The product is stable. Special Remarks on Reactivity: It is a
Instability Temperature:Not available. neutralizing agent for acids and caustics.
Conditions of Instability:Incompatible Also incompatible with magnesium and
materials, excess heat, dust generation methenamine, and carbonates.
Incompatibility with various substances: Special Remarks on Corrosivity: When
Reactive with acids, alkalis. wet, mild steel or brass may be corroded.
Corrosivity: Non-corrosive in presence of Polymerization: Will not occur.
Section 11: Disposal Considerations
Waste Disposal: Waste must be disposed of in accordance with federal, state and local
environmental control regulations.
Section 12: Toxicological Information
Routes of Entry: Inhalation. Ingestion. Special Remarks on other Toxic Effects
Toxicity to Animals: Acute oral toxicity on Humans: Acute Potential health
(LD50): 8290 mg/kg [Rat]. effects: Skin: May cause skin irritation.
Chronic Effects on Humans: Not Eyes: Dust may cause eye irritation.
available. Ingestion: It is considered a low hazard for
Other Toxic Effects on Humans: usual industrial handling and systemic
Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact reactions are unlikely when ingested.
(irritant), of ingestion, of inhalation. Inhalation: It is considered a low hazard for
Special Remarks on Toxicity to Animals: ususal industrial handling. Dust may cause
Not available. respiratory tract irritation and may affect
Special Remarks on Chronic Effects on respiration.
Humans: Not available.
Section 13: Ecological Information
Ecotoxicity: Not available.
BOD5 and COD: Not available.
Products of Biodegradation: Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not
likely. However, long term degradation products may arise.
Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: The product itself and its products of
degradation are not toxic.
Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.
Section 14: Transport Information
DOT Classification: Not a DOT controlled material (United States).
Identification: Not applicable.
Special Provisions for Transport: Not applicable.
Section 15: Other Regulatory Information
Federal and State Regulations: TSCA HMIS (U.S.A.):
8(b) inventory: Sodium phosphate Health Hazard: 1. Fire Hazard: 0.
monobasic, Anhydrous. Reactivity: 0. Personal Protection: E
Other Regulations:EINECS: This product National Fire Protection Association
is on the European Inventory of Existing (U.S.A.):
Commercial Chemical Substances. Health: 1. Flammability: 0. Reactivity: 0.
WHMIS (Canada): Not controlled under Specific Hazard: -
WHMIS (Canada). Protective Equipment:
DSCL (EEC): This product is not Gloves. Lab coat. Dust respirator. Be sure
classified according to the EU regulations. to use an approved/certified respirator or
Not applicable. equivalent. Safety glasses.
(Source: Science Lab)

Universitas Indonesia

C.7. KH2PO4

Figure C.5. KH2PO4 NFPA and HMIS Rating

(Source: Science Lab)
Table C.17. KH2PO4 MSDS
Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification
Product Name: Potassium phosphate Contact Information:
monobasic Sciencelab.com, Inc. 14025 Smith Rd.
Catalog Codes: SLP2023, SLP2824 Houston, Texas 77396. US Sales: 1-800-
CAS#: 7778-77-0 901-7247
RTECS: TC6615500 International Sales: 1-281-441-4400
TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Potassium Order Online: ScienceLab.com
phosphate monobasic CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency
CI#: Not available. Telephone), Call:1-800-424-9300
Synonym: Monopotassium Phosphate; International CHEMTREC, Call: 1-703-
Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate 527-3887
Chemical Name: Potassium Phosphate For non-emergency assistance, Call: 1-
Monobasic 281-441-4400
Chemical Formula: KH2PO4
Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients
Name CAS # % by Weight
Potassium Phosphate 7778-77-0 100
Toxicological Data on Ingredients: Not applicable.
Section 3: Hazards Identification
Potential Acute Health Effects:
Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion, of
inhalation. Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (permeator).
Potential Chronic Health Effects: Carcinogenic Effects: Not available.Mutagenic
Effects: Not available.Teratogenic Effects: Not available.Developmental Toxicity: Not
available. Repeated or prolonged exposure is not known to aggravate medical condition.

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.18. KH2PO4 MSDS (continued-1)

Section 4: First Aid Measures
Eye Contact: Check for and remove any contact lenses. In case of contact, immediately
flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Cold water may be used. Get
medical attention if irritation occurs.
Skin Contact: In case of contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of water. Cover the
irritated skin with an emollient. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Cold water
may be used. Wash clothing before reuse. Thoroughly clean shoes before reuse. Get
medical attention.
Serious Skin Contact: Wash with a disinfectant soap and cover the contaminated skin
with an anti-bacterial cream. Seek medical attention.
Inhalation: If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If
breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical attention.
Serious Inhalation: Not available.
Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Never
give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical attention if symptoms
Serious Ingestion: Not available.
Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data
Flammability of the Product: Non-flammable.
Auto-Ignition Temperature: Not applicable.
Flash Points: Not applicable.
Flammable Limits: Not applicable.
Products of Combustion: Not available.
Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Not applicable.
Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Not available.
Fire Fighting Media and Instructions: Not applicable.
Special Remarks on Fire Hazards: Not available.
Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards: Not available.
Section 6: Accidental Release Measures
Small Spill:Use appropriate tools to put the spilled solid in a convenient waste disposal
container. Finish cleaning by spreading water on the contaminated surface and dispose of
according to local and regional authority requirements.
Large Spill:Use a shovel to put the material into a convenient waste disposal container.
Finish cleaning by spreading water on the contaminated surface and allow to evacuate
through the sanitary system.
Section 7: Handling and Storage
Precautions: Do not ingest. Do not breathe dust. If ingested, seek medical advice
immediately and show the container or the label. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Keep
away from incompatibles such as acids, alkalis.
Storage:Keep container tightly closed. Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area.

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.19. KH2PO4 MSDS (continued-2)

Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Engineering Controls: Personal Protection in Case of a Large
Use process enclosures, local exhaust Spill:
ventilation, or other engineering controls to Splash goggles. Full suit. Dust respirator.
keep airborne levels below recommended Boots. Gloves. A self contained breathing
exposure limits. If user operations generate apparatus should be used to avoid
dust, fume or mist, use ventilation to keep inhalation of the product. Suggested
exposure to airborne contaminants below protective clothing might not be sufficient;
the exposure limit. consult a specialist before handling this
Personal Protection: Splash goggles. Lab product.
coat. Dust respirator. Be sure to use an Exposure Limits: Not available.
approved/certified respirator or equivalent.
Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical state and appearance: Solid. Specific Gravity: 2.34 (Water = 1)
(Crystals solid. Granular powder solid) Vapor Pressure: Not applicable.
Odor: Odorless. Vapor Density: Not available.
Taste: Not available. Volatility: Not available.
Molecular Weight: 136.09 g/mole Odor Threshold: Not available.
Color: White. Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: Not available.
pH (1% soln/water): 4.5 [Acidic.] in a 5% Ionicity (in Water): Not available.
soln/water Dispersion Properties: See solubility in
Boiling Point: Not available. water.
Melting Point: 253°C (487.4°F) Solubility: Soluble in cold water. Insoluble
Critical Temperature: Not available. in alcohol
Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data
Stability: The product is stable. Special Remarks on Reactivity:
Instability Temperature:Not available. Loses water at 400°C, forming
Conditions of Instability:Incompatible metaphosphate. Incompatible with strong
materials. bases.
Incompatibility with various substances: Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Not
Reactive with alkalis. available.
Corrosivity: Non-corrosive in presence of Polymerization: Will not occur.
Section 11: Disposal Considerations
Waste Disposal: Waste must be disposed of in accordance with federal, state and local
environmental control regulations.
Section 12: Toxicological Information
Routes of Entry: Absorbed through skin. Special Remarks on Chronic Effects on
Inhalation. Ingestion. Humans: Not available.
Toxicity to Animals: Acute dermal Special Remarks on other Toxic Effects
toxicity (LD50): >4640 mg/kg [Rabbit]. on Humans: Acute Potential health
Chronic Effects on Humans: Not effects: Skin: May cause skin irritation.
available. Eyes: Dust may cause eye irritation.
Other Toxic Effects on Humans: Ingestion: Ingestion of large amounts may
Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal
of ingestion, of inhalation. Slightly discomfort (cramps), diarrhea. Inhalation:
hazardous in case of skin contact Inhalation may cause respiratory tract
(permeator). irritation, coughing and choking.
Special Remarks on Toxicity to Animals:
Not available.
Universitas Indonesia

Table C.20. KH2PO4 MSDS (continued-3)

Section 13: Ecological Information
Ecotoxicity: Not available.
BOD5 and COD: Not available.
Products of Biodegradation: Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not
likely. However, long term degradation products may arise.
Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: The product itself and its products of
degradation are not toxic.
Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.
Section 14: Transport Information
DOT Classification: Not a DOT controlled material (United States).
Identification: Not applicable.
Special Provisions for Transport: Not applicable.
Section 15: Other Regulatory Information
Federal and State Regulations: TSCA HMIS (U.S.A.):
8(b) inventory: Potassium phosphate Health Hazard: 1. Fire Hazard: 0.
monobasic Reactivity: 0. Personal Protection: E
Other Regulations: National Fire Protection Association
EINECS: This product is on the European (U.S.A.):
Inventory of Existing Commercial Health: 1. Flammability: 0. Reactivity: 0.
Chemical Substances. Specific Hazard: -
WHMIS (Canada): Not controlled under Protective Equipment:Gloves. Lab coat.
WHMIS (Canada). Dust respirator. Be sure to use an
DSCL (EEC): This product is not approved/certified respirator or equivalent.
classified according to the EU regulations. Splash goggles.
Not applicable.
(Source: Science Lab)
C.8. MgSO4.7H2O

Figure C.6. MgSO4.7H2O NFPA and HMIS Rating

(Source: Science Lab)

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.21. MgSO4.7H2O MSDS

Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification
Product Name: Magnesium sulfate Contact Information:
heptahydrate Sciencelab.com, Inc. 14025 Smith Rd.
Catalog Codes: SLM3601, SLM2830, Houston, Texas 77396. US Sales: 1-800-
SLM4207 901-7247
CAS#: 10034-99-8 International Sales: 1-281-441-4400
RTECS: OM4508000 Order Online: ScienceLab.com
TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Magnesium CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency
sulfate heptahydrate Telephone), Call:1-800-424-9300
CI#: Not available. International CHEMTREC, Call: 1-703-
Synonym: - 527-3887
Chemical Name: - For non-emergency assistance, Call: 1-
Chemical Formula: MgSO4.7H2O 281-441-4400
Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients
Name CAS # % by Weight
Magnesium Sulfate 10034-99-8 100
Toxicological Data on Ingredients: Not applicable.
Section 3: Hazards Identification
Potential Acute Health Effects:
Hazardous in case of ingestion. Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye
contact (irritant), of inhalation.
Potential Chronic Health Effects: Carcinogenic Effects: Not available.Mutagenic
Effects: Not available.Teratogenic Effects: Not available.Developmental Toxicity: Not
available. Repeated or prolonged exposure is not known to aggravate medical condition.
Section 4: First Aid Measures
Eye Contact: Immediately flush eyes with running water for at least 15 minutes, keeping
eyelids open. Cold water may be used.
Skin Contact: After contact with skin, wash immediately with plenty of water. Gently
and thoroughly wash the contaminated skin with running water and non-abrasive soap. Be
particularly careful to clean folds, crevices, creases and groin. Cold water may be used.
Cover the irritated skin with an emollient. If irritation persists, seek medical attention.
Serious Skin Contact: Not available.
Inhalation: Allow the victim to rest in a well ventilated area. Seek immediate medical
Serious Inhalation: Not available.
Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or
waistband. If the victim is not breathing, perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Seek
immediate medical attention.
Serious Ingestion: Not available.

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.22. MgSO4.7H2O MSDS (continued-1)

Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data
Flammability of the Product: Non-flammable.
Auto-Ignition Temperature: Not applicable.
Flash Points: Not applicable.
Flammable Limits: Not applicable.
Products of Combustion: Not available.
Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Not applicable.
Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Not available.
Fire Fighting Media and Instructions: Not applicable.
Special Remarks on Fire Hazards: Not available.
Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards: Not available.
Section 6: Accidental Release Measures
Small Spill:Use appropriate tools to put the spilled solid in a convenient waste disposal
container. Finish cleaning by spreading water on the contaminated surface and dispose of
according to local and regional authority requirements.
Large Spill:Use a shovel to put the material into a convenient waste disposal container.
Finish cleaning by spreading water on the contaminated surface and allow to evacuate
through the sanitary system.
Section 7: Handling and Storage
Precautions: No specific safety phrase has been found applicable for this product.
Storage:No specific storage is required. Use shelves or cabinets sturdy enough to bear
the weight of the chemicals. Be sure that it is not necessary to strain to reach materials,
and that shelves are not overloaded.
Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Engineering Controls: Personal Protection in Case of a Large
Use process enclosures, local exhaust Spill:
ventilation, or other engineering controls to Splash goggles. Full suit. Dust respirator.
keep airborne levels below recommended Boots. Gloves. A self contained breathing
exposure limits. If user operations generate apparatus should be used to avoid
dust, fume or mist, use ventilation to keep inhalation of the product. Suggested
exposure to airborne contaminants below protective clothing might not be sufficient;
the exposure limit. consult a specialist before handling this
Personal Protection: Safety glasses. Lab product.
coat. Dust respirator. Be sure to use an Exposure Limits: Not available.
approved/certified respirator or equivalent.
Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical state and appearance: Solid. Specific Gravity: 1.67 (Water = 1)
Odor: Not available. Vapor Pressure: Not applicable.
Taste: Not available. Vapor Density: Not available.
Molecular Weight: 246.46 g/mole Volatility: Not available.
Color: White. Odor Threshold: Not available.
pH (1% soln/water): 4.5 [Acidic.] in a 5% Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: Not available.
soln/water Ionicity (in Water): Not available.
Boiling Point: Not available. Dispersion Properties: See solubility in
Melting Point: Decomposes. water.
Critical Temperature: Not available. Solubility: Easily soluble in cold water.

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.23. MgSO4.7H2O MSDS (continued-2)

Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data
Stability: The product is stable. Corrosivity: Non-corrosive in presence of
Instability Temperature:Not available. glass.
Conditions of Instability: Incompatible Special Remarks on Reactivity:
materials. Not available.
Incompatibility with various substances: Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Not
Not available. available.
Polymerization: No.
Section 11: Disposal Considerations
Waste Disposal: -
Section 12: Toxicological Information
Routes of Entry: Absorbed through skin. Special Remarks on Toxicity to Animals:
Inhalation. Ingestion. Not available.
Toxicity to Animals:Not available. Special Remarks on Chronic Effects on
Chronic Effects on Humans: Not Humans: Passes through the placental
available. barrier in human.
Other Toxic Effects on Humans: Special Remarks on other Toxic Effects
Hazardous in case of ingestion. Slightly on Humans: Not available.
hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant),
of inhalation.
Section 13: Ecological Information
Ecotoxicity: Not available.
BOD5 and COD: Not available.
Products of Biodegradation: Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not
likely. However, long term degradation products may arise.
Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: The products of degradation are more
Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.
Section 14: Transport Information
DOT Classification: Not a DOT controlled material (United States).
Identification: Not applicable.
Special Provisions for Transport: Not applicable.
Section 15: Other Regulatory Information
Federal and State Regulations: TSCA HMIS (U.S.A.):
8(b) inventory: Magnesium sulfate Health Hazard: 1. Fire Hazard: 0.
heptahydrate Reactivity: 0. Personal Protection: E
Other Regulations: Not available. National Fire Protection Association
WHMIS (Canada): Not controlled under (U.S.A.):
WHMIS (Canada). Health: 1. Flammability: 0. Reactivity: 0.
DSCL (EEC): This product is not Specific Hazard: -
classified according to the EU regulations. Protective Equipment: Gloves. Lab coat.
Dust respirator. Be sure to use an
approved/certified respirator or equivalent.
Safety glasses.
(Source: Science Lab)

Universitas Indonesia

C.9. CaCl2

Figure C.7. CaCl2 NFPA and HMIS Rating

(Source: Science Lab)
Table C.24. CaCl2 MSDS
Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification
Product Name: Calcium chloride, Contact Information:
Anhydrous Sciencelab.com, Inc. 14025 Smith Rd.
Catalog Codes: SLC5011, SLC2221, Houston, Texas 77396. US Sales: 1-800-
SLC4012, SLC4798,SLC1006 901-7247
CAS#: 10043-52-4 International Sales: 1-281-441-4400
RTECS: EV9800000 Order Online: ScienceLab.com
TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Calcium CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency
chloride, Anhydrous Telephone), Call:1-800-424-9300
CI#: Not available. International CHEMTREC, Call: 1-703-
Synonym: - 527-3887
Chemical Name: Calcium Chloride, For non-emergency assistance, Call: 1-
Anhydrous 281-441-4400
Chemical Formula: CaCl2
Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients
Name CAS # % by Weight
Calcium Chloride, 10043-52-4 100
Toxicological Data on Ingredients: Calcium chloride, Anhydrous: Oral (LD50): Acute:
1000 mg/kg [Rat]. 1940 mg/kg[Mouse].
Section 3: Hazards Identification
Potential Acute Health Effects:
Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion, of
inhalation. Slightly hazardous in case ofskin contact (permeator).
Potential Chronic Health Effects: Carcinogenic Effects: Not available.Mutagenic
Effects: Mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells, bacteria and/or yeast.Teratogenic
Effects: Not available.Developmental Toxicity: Not available. The substancemay be toxic
to heart, cardiovascular system. Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can
produce target organsdamage.

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.25. CaCl2 MSDS (continued-1)

Section 4: First Aid Measures
Eye Contact: Check for and remove any contact lenses. In case of contact, immediately
flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15minutes. Cold water may be used. Get
medical attention.
Skin Contact: In case of contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of water. Cover the
irritated skin with an emollient. Remove contaminatedclothing and shoes. Cold water
may be used.Wash clothing before reuse. Thoroughly clean shoes before reuse. Get
Serious Skin Contact: Wash with a disinfectant soap and cover the contaminated skin
with an anti-bacterial cream. Seek immediate medicalattention.
Inhalation: If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If
breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medicalattention.
Serious Inhalation: Not available.
Ingestion:Do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Never
give anything by mouth to an unconsciousperson. If large quantities of this material are
swallowed, call a physician immediately. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar,tie, belt or
Serious Ingestion: Not available.
Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data
Flammability of the Product: Non-flammable.
Auto-Ignition Temperature: Not applicable.
Flash Points: Not applicable.
Flammable Limits: Not applicable.
Products of Combustion: Not available.
Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Not applicable.
Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Not available.
Fire Fighting Media and Instructions: Not applicable.
Special Remarks on Fire Hazards: Not available.
Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards: Furan-2-peroxycarboxylic acid + calcium
chloride causes explosion at roomtemperature.
Section 6: Accidental Release Measures
Small Spill:Use appropriate tools to put the spilled solid in a convenient waste disposal
container. Finish cleaning by spreading water on the contaminated surface and dispose of
according to local and regional authority requirements.
Large Spill:Use a shovel to put the material into a convenient waste disposal container.
Finish cleaning by spreading water on the contaminated surface and allow to evacuate
through the sanitary system.
Section 7: Handling and Storage
Precautions: Keep locked up. Do not ingest. Do not breathe dust. Wear suitable
protective clothing. In case of insufficient ventilation,wear suitable respiratory
equipment. If ingested, seek medical advice immediately and show the container or the
label. Avoidcontact with skin and eyes. Keep away from incompatibles such as moisture.
Storage:Hygroscopic. Keep container tightly closed. Keep container in a cool, well-
ventilated area. Do not store above 30°C (86°F).

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.26. CaCl2 MSDS (continued-2)

Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Engineering Controls: Personal Protection: Safety glasses.
Use process enclosures, local exhaust Synthetic apron. Gloves (impervious).
ventilation, or other engineering controls to Personal Protection in Case of a Large
keep airborne levels below recommended Spill:
exposure limits. If user operations generate Splash goggles. Full suit. Dust respirator.
dust, fume or mist, use ventilation to keep Boots. Gloves. A self contained breathing
exposure to airborne contaminants below apparatus should be used to avoid
the exposure limit. inhalation of the product. Suggested
protective clothing might not be sufficient;
consult a specialist before handling this
Exposure Limits: Not available.
Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical state and appearance: Vapor Pressure: Not applicable.
Solid.(Crystalline solid.) Vapor Density: Not available.
Odor: Odorless. Volatility: Not available.
Taste: Saline. Odor Threshold: Not available.
Molecular Weight: 110.99 g/mole Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: Not available.
Color: Colorless. White. Off-white. Ionicity (in Water): Not available.
pH (1% soln/water): 9 [Basic.] Dispersion Properties: See solubility in
Boiling Point: 1670°C (3038°F) water, acetone.
Melting Point: 772°C (1421.6°F) Solubility: Easily soluble in cold water,
Critical Temperature: Not available. hot water, acetone. Freely soluble in
Specific Gravity: 2.15 (Water = 1) alcohol. Soluble in Acetic Acid.
Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data
Stability: The product is stable. Special Remarks on Reactivity:
Instability Temperature:Not available. Hygroscopic. Reacts violently (violent
Conditions of Instability: boiling) with water, generating heat. Forms
Incompatible materials, moisture. flammable gases and evolves
Incompatibility with various substances: hydrogenwhen reacted with zinc. Solutions
Reactive with moisture. attack some metals. Generates heat and
Corrosivity: Non-corrosive in presence of violent polymerization occurs when mixed
glass. withmethyl vinyl ether. Bromine trifluoride
reacts violently with and attacks calcium
Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Not
Polymerization: Will not occur.
Section 11: Disposal Considerations
Waste Disposal: Waste must be disposed of in accordance with federal, state and local
environmental control regulations.

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.27. CaCl2 MSDS (continued-3)

Section 12: Toxicological Information
Routes of Entry: Absorbed through skin. Special Remarks on Chronic Effects on
Inhalation. Ingestion. Humans: May affect genetic material
Toxicity to Animals:Acute oral toxicity based on animal data. May cause cancer
(LD50): 1000 mg/kg [Rat]. (tumorigenic) based on animal data.
Chronic Effects on Humans: Mutagenic Special Remarks on other Toxic Effects
Effects: Mutagenic for mammalian somatic on Humans: Acute Potential Health
cells. Mutagenic for bacteria and/or yeast. Effects: Skin: May cause severe irritation
May cause damage tothe following organs: and possible burns, especially if skin is
heart, cardiovascular system. wet.Eyes: May cause severe irritation,
Other Toxic Effects on Humans: possible transient corneal injury, and
Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), possible eye burns.Inhalation: Maycause
of ingestion, of inhalation. Slightly severe irritation of the upper respiratory
hazardous in case of skin contact tract with pain, inflammation and possible
(permeator). burns. Ingestion: May cause
Special Remarks on Toxicity to Animals: severegastrointestinal (digestive) tract
Lowest Published Lethal Dose: LDL irritation with nausea, vomiting and
[Rabbit] - Route: Oral; Dose: 1384 mg/kg. possible burns.
Section 13: Ecological Information
Ecotoxicity: Ecotoxicity in water (LC50): 100 mg/l 96 hours [Fish].
BOD5 and COD: Not available.
Products of Biodegradation: Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not
likely. However, long term degradation products may arise.
Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: The products of degradation are less toxic
than the product itself.
Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.
Section 14: Transport Information
DOT Classification: Not a DOT controlled material (United States).
Identification: Not applicable.
Special Provisions for Transport: Not applicable.
Section 15: Other Regulatory Information
Federal and State Regulations: TSCA HMIS (U.S.A.):
8(b) inventory: Calcium chloride, Health Hazard: 2. Fire Hazard: 0.
Anhydrous Reactivity: 1. Personal Protection: C
Other Regulations: Not available. National Fire Protection Association
WHMIS (Canada): Class D-2B: Material (U.S.A.):
causing other toxic effects (TOXIC). Health: 2. Flammability: 0. Reactivity: 2.
DSCL (EEC):R36- Irritating to eyes. S2- Specific Hazard: -
Keep out of the reach of children. S22- Do Protective Equipment:
not breathe dust. S24- Avoid contact with Gloves (impervious). Synthetic apron.
skin. Wear appropriate respirator when
ventilation is inadequate. Safety glasses.
(Source: Science Lab)

Universitas Indonesia

C.10. Water

Figure C.8. Deionized Water NFPA and HMIS Rating

(Source: Science Lab)
Table C.28. DeionizedWater MSDS
Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification
Product Name: Water, Deionized Contact Information:
Catalog Codes: SLW1015 Sciencelab.com, Inc. 14025 Smith Rd.
CAS#: 7732-18-5 Houston, Texas 77396. US Sales: 1-800-
RTECS: ZC0110000 901-7247
TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Water International Sales: 1-281-441-4400
CI#: Not available. Order Online: ScienceLab.com
Synonym: Dihydrogen oxide CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency
Chemical Name: Water Telephone), Call:1-800-424-9300
Chemical Formula: H2O International CHEMTREC, Call: 1-703-
For non-emergency assistance, Call: 1-
Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients
Name CAS # % by Weight
Water 7732-18-5 100
Toxicological Data on Ingredients: Not applicable.
Section 3: Hazards Identification
Potential Acute Health Effects:
Non-corrosive for skin. Non-irritant for skin. Non-sensitizer for skin. Non-permeator by
skin. Non-irritating to the eyes. Non-hazardousin case of ingestion. Non-hazardous in
case of inhalation. Non-irritant for lungs. Non-sensitizer for lungs. Noncorrosiveto the
eyes. Non-corrosive for lungs.
Potential Chronic Health Effects:Non-corrosive for skin. Non-irritant for skin. Non-
sensitizer for skin. Non-permeator by skin. Non-irritating to the eyes.Non-hazardous in
case of ingestion. Non-hazardous in case of inhalation. Non-irritant for lungs. Non-
sensitizer for lungs. Carcinogenic Effects: Not available.Mutagenic Effects: Not
available.Teratogenic Effects: Not available.Developmental Toxicity: Not available.
Section 4: First Aid Measures
Eye Contact: Not applicable.
Skin Contact: Not applicable.
Serious Skin Contact: Not available.
Inhalation: Not applicable.
Serious Inhalation: Not available.
Ingestion:Not applicable.
Serious Ingestion: Not available.

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.29. Deionized Water MSDS (continued-1)

Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data
Flammability of the Product: Non-flammable.
Auto-Ignition Temperature: Not applicable.
Flash Points: Not applicable.
Flammable Limits: Not applicable.
Products of Combustion: Not available.
Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Not applicable.
Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Not applicable.
Fire Fighting Media and Instructions: Not applicable.
Special Remarks on Fire Hazards: Not available.
Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards: Not available.
Section 6: Accidental Release Measures
Small Spill:Mop up, or absorb with an inert dry material and place in an appropriate
waste disposal container.
Large Spill:Absorb with an inert material and put the spilled material in an appropriate
waste disposal.
Section 7: Handling and Storage
Precautions: No specific safety phrase has been found applicable for this product.
Storage:Not applicable.
Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Engineering Controls:Not applicable. Personal Protection in Case of a Large
Personal Protection: Safety glasses. Lab Spill:Not applicable.
coat. Exposure Limits: Not available.
Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical state and appearance: Liquid. Specific Gravity: 1 (Water = 1)
Odor: Odorless. Vapor Pressure: 2.3 kPa (@ 20°C)
Taste: Not available. Vapor Density: 0.62 (Air = 1)
Molecular Weight: 18.02 g/mole Volatility: Not available.
Color: Colorless. Odor Threshold: Not available.
pH (1% soln/water): 7 [Neutral.] Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: Not available.
Boiling Point: 100°C (212°F) Ionicity (in Water): Not available.
Melting Point: Not available. Dispersion Properties: Not applicable.
Critical Temperature: Not available. Solubility: Not applicable.
Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data
Stability: The product is stable. Special Remarks on Reactivity:Not
Instability Temperature:Not available. available.
Conditions of Instability: Not available. Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Not
Incompatibility with various substances: available.
Not available. Polymerization: Will not occur.
Corrosivity: Not available.
Section 11: Disposal Considerations
Waste Disposal: Waste must be disposed of in accordance with federal, state and local
environmental control regulations.

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.30. Deionized Water MSDS (continued-2)

Section 12: Toxicological Information
Routes of Entry: Absorbed through skin. Special Remarks on Toxicity to Animals:
Eye contact. Not available.
Toxicity to Animals:LD50: [Rat] - Route: Special Remarks on Chronic Effects on
oral; Dose: >90 ml/kg LC50: Not available. Humans: Not available.
Chronic Effects on Humans: Not Special Remarks on other Toxic Effects
available. on Humans: Not available.
Other Toxic Effects on Humans:
Non-corrosive for skin. Non-irritant for
skin. Non-sensitizer for skin. Non-
permeator by skin. Non-hazardous in case
ofingestion. Non-hazardous in case of
inhalation. Non-irritant for lungs. Non-
sensitizer for lungs. Non-corrosive to the
eyes. Non-corrosivefor lungs.
Section 13: Ecological Information
Ecotoxicity: Not available.
BOD5 and COD: Not available.
Products of Biodegradation: Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not
likely. However, long term degradation products may arise.
Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: The product itself and its products of
degradation are not toxic.
Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.
Section 14: Transport Information
DOT Classification: Not a DOT controlled material (United States).
Identification: Not applicable.
Special Provisions for Transport: Not applicable.
Section 15: Other Regulatory Information
Federal and State Regulations: TSCA HMIS (U.S.A.):
8(b) inventory: Water Health Hazard: 0. Fire Hazard: 0.
Other Regulations: Reactivity: 0. Personal Protection: A
EINECS: This product is on the European National Fire Protection Association
Inventory of Existing Commercial (U.S.A.):
Chemical Substances. Health: 0. Flammability: 0. Reactivity: 0.
WHMIS (Canada): Not controlled under Specific Hazard: -
WHMIS (Canada). Protective Equipment:
DSCL (EEC):This product is not classified Gloves (impervious). Lab coat.Safety
according to the EU regulations. Not glasses.
(Source: Science Lab)

Universitas Indonesia

C.11. Maltodextrin

Figure C.9. Maltodextrin NFPA and HMIS Rating

(Source: Science Lab)
Table C.31. Maltodextrin MSDS
Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification
Product Name: Maltodextrin Contact Information:
Catalog Codes: SLM4276 Sciencelab.com, Inc. 14025 Smith Rd.
CAS#: Not available. Houston, Texas 77396. US Sales: 1-800-
RTECS: Not available. 901-7247
TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: No products International Sales: 1-281-441-4400
were found. Order Online: ScienceLab.com
CI#: Not available. CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency
Synonym: - Telephone), Call:1-800-424-9300
Chemical Name:Not available. International CHEMTREC, Call: 1-703-
Chemical Formula: Not available. 527-3887
For non-emergency assistance, Call: 1-
Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients
Name CAS # % by Weight
Maltodextrin 100
Toxicological Data on Ingredients: Not available.
Section 3: Hazards Identification
Potential Acute Health Effects:
Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion, of
Potential Chronic Health Effects: Carcinogenic Effects: Not available.Mutagenic
Effects: Not available.Teratogenic Effects: Not available.Developmental Toxicity: Not
available.Repeated or prolonged exposure is not known to aggravate medical condition.

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.32. Maltodextrin MSDS (continued-1)

Section 4: First Aid Measures
Eye Contact: Check for and remove any contact lenses. Do not use an eye ointment.
Seek medical attention.
Skin Contact: After contact with skin, wash immediately with plenty of water. Gently
and thoroughly wash the contaminated skin with runningwater and non-abrasive soap. Be
particularly careful to clean folds, crevices, creases and groin. Cover the irritated skin
with anemollient. If irritation persists, seek medical attention. Wash contaminated
clothing before reusing.
Serious Skin Contact: Wash with a disinfectant soap and cover the contaminated skin
with an anti-bacterial cream. Seek medical attention.
Inhalation: Allow the victim to rest in a well ventilated area. Seek immediate medical
Serious Inhalation: Not available.
Ingestion:Do not induce vomiting. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or
waistband. If the victim is not breathing, performmouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Seek
immediate medical attention.
Serious Ingestion: Not available.
Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data
Flammability of the Product: May be combustible at high temperature.
Auto-Ignition Temperature: Not available.
Flash Points: Not available.
Flammable Limits: Not available.
Products of Combustion: Not available.
Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Not available.
Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Not available.
Fire Fighting Media and Instructions:Small Fire: Use dry chemical powder. Large
Fire: Use water spray, fog or foam. Do not use water jet.
Special Remarks on Fire Hazards: Not available.
Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards: Not available.
Section 6: Accidental Release Measures
Small Spill:Use appropriate tools to put the spilled solid in a convenient waste disposal
container. Finish cleaning by spreading water onthe contaminated surface and dispose of
according to local and regional authority requirements.
Large Spill:Use a shovel to put the material into a convenient waste disposal container.
Finish cleaning by spreading water on thecontaminated surface and allow to evacuate
through the sanitary system.
Section 7: Handling and Storage
Precautions: Keep away from heat. Keep away from sources of ignition. Empty
containers pose a fire risk, evaporate the residue undera fume hood. Ground all equipment
containing material. Do not breathe dust. Wear suitable protective clothing In case
ofinsufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment If you feel unwell, seek
medical attention and show the label whenpossible. Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
Storage:Keep container dry. Keep in a cool place. Ground all equipment containing
material. Keep container tightly closed. Keep in acool, well-ventilated place. Combustible
materials should be stored away from extreme heat and away from strong

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.33. Maltodextrin MSDS (continued-2)

Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Engineering Controls:Use process Personal Protection in Case of a Large
enclosures, local exhaust ventilation, or Spill:Splash goggles. Full suit. Dust
other engineering controls to keep airborne respirator. Boots. Gloves. A self contained
levels below recommendedexposure limits. breathing apparatus should be used to avoid
If user operations generate dust, fume or inhalation of the product. Suggested
mist, use ventilation to keep exposure to protective clothing might not be sufficient;
airborne contaminantsbelow the exposure consult a specialist before handling
limit. thisproduct.
Personal Protection: Splash goggles. Lab Exposure Limits: Not available.
coat. Dust respirator. Be sure to use an
approved/certified respirator or equivalent.
Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical state and appearance: Solid. Specific Gravity: Not available.
Odor: Not available. Vapor Pressure: Not applicable.
Taste: Not available. Vapor Density: Not available.
Molecular Weight: Not available. Volatility: Not available.
Color: Not available. Odor Threshold: Not available.
pH (1% soln/water): Not available. Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: Not available.
Boiling Point: Not available. Ionicity (in Water): Not available.
Melting Point: Decomposes. Dispersion Properties: Not available.
Critical Temperature: Not available. Solubility: Not available.
Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data
Stability: The product is stable. Corrosivity: Non-corrosive in presence of
Instability Temperature:Not available. glass.
Conditions of Instability: Not available. Special Remarks on Reactivity:Not
Incompatibility with various substances: available.
Not available. Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Not
Polymerization: No.
Section 11: Disposal Considerations
Waste Disposal: -
Section 12: Toxicological Information
Routes of Entry: Eye contact. Inhalation. Special Remarks on Toxicity to Animals:
Ingestion. Not available.
Toxicity to Animals:Not available. Special Remarks on Chronic Effects on
Chronic Effects on Humans: Not Humans: Not available.
available. Special Remarks on other Toxic Effects
Other Toxic Effects on Humans: on Humans: Not available.
Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant),
of ingestion, of inhalation.
Section 13: Ecological Information
Ecotoxicity: Not available.
BOD5 and COD: Not available.
Products of Biodegradation: Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not
likely. However, long term degradation products may arise.
Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: The products of degradation are more
Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.34. Maltodextrin MSDS (continued-3)

Section 14: Transport Information
DOT Classification: Not a DOT controlled material (United States).
Identification: Not applicable.
Special Provisions for Transport: Not applicable.
Section 15: Other Regulatory Information
Federal and State Regulations: TSCA HMIS (U.S.A.):
8(b) inventory: No products were found. Health Hazard: 2. Fire Hazard: 1.
Other Regulations:Not available. Reactivity: 0. Personal Protection: E
WHMIS (Canada): Not controlled under National Fire Protection Association
WHMIS (Canada). (U.S.A.):
DSCL (EEC):R36/38- Irritating to eyes Health: 2. Flammability: 1. Reactivity: 0.
and skin. Specific Hazard: -
Protective Equipment:Gloves. Lab coat.
Dust respirator. Be sure to use an
approved/certified respirator or equivalent.
Splash goggles.
(Source: Science Lab)
C.12. Lipase

Figure C.10. Lipase NFPA and HMIS Rating

(Source: Fisher Science Education)
Table C.35. Lipase MSDS
Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification
Product Name: Lipase Contact Information:
CAS#: 9001-62-1 Supplier Details: Fisher Science
Manufacturer/Supplier Article number: Education. 15 jet View Drive, Rochester,
S25731 NY 14624
Manufacturer Details: AquaPhoenix Emergency Telephone Number: Fisher
Scientific. 9 Barnhart Drive, Hanover, PA Science Education. Emergency Telephone
17331 No.: 800-535-5053

Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients

Name CAS # % by Weight
Lipase Powder 9001-62-1 100
Section 3: Hazards Identification
Classification of the Substance or Mixture: Not classified for physical or health
hazards according to GHS. Hazards Not Otherwise Classified – Combustible Dust.
Signal Word: Warning
Hazard Statements: -
Precautionary Statements: If medical advice is needed, have product container or label
at hand. Keep out of reach of children. Read label before use.

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.36. Lipase MSDS (continued-1)

Section 4: First Aid Measures
Eye Contact: Protect unexposed eye. Rinse/flush exposed eye(s) gently using water for
15 – 20 minutes. Remove contact lenses if able to do so during rinsing. Seek medical
attention if irritation persists or if concerned.
Skin Contact: Rinse/flush exposed skin gently using water for 15 – 20 minutes.Seek
medical attention if discomfort or irritation persists.
Serious Skin Contact: Not available.
Inhalation: Loosesn clothing as necessary and position individual in a comfortable
position. Move exposed to fresh air. Give artificial respiration if necessary. If breathing is
difficult, give oxygen. Get medical assistance if cough or other symptoms appear.
Serious Inhalation: Not available.
Ingestion:Rinse mouth thoroughly. Do not induce vomiting. Seek medical attention if
irritation, discomfort, or vomiting persists. Never give anything by mouth to unconscious
Serious Ingestion: Not available.
Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data
Extinguishing Media:
Suitable Extinguishing Agents: Use water, dry chemical, chemical foam,carbon dioxide,
or alcohol-resistant foam.
For Safety Reasons Unsuitable Extinguishing Agents: -
Special Hazard Arising from the Substance or Mixture: Thermal decomposition can
lead to release of irritating gases and vapors.
Advice for Firefighters:
Preotective Equipment: Wear protective eyeware, gloves, and clothing. Refer to Section
8. Use NIOSH-approved respiratory protection/breathing apparatus.
Additional Information (Precautions): Avoid inhaling gases, fumes, dust, mist, vapor,
and aerosols. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothing.
Section 6: Accidental Release Measures
Personal Precautions, Protective Equipment, and Emergency Procedures:
Ensure adequate ventillation. Ensure that air handling systems are operational.
Environmental Precautions: Should not be release into environment. Prevent from
reaching drains, sewer, or waterway.
Methods and Material for Containment and Cleaning Up: Wear protective eyeware,
gloves, and clothing. Refer to Section 8. Sweep up or use vacuum with HEPA filter and
place in appropriate container for disposal. For disposal, refer to Section 13. Prevent
generation from dust.
Section 7: Handling and Storage
Precautions for Safe Handling: Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothing. Follow
good hygiene procedures when handling chemical materials. Refer to Section 8. Do not
eat, drink, smoke, or use personal products when handling chemical substances.
Conditions for Safe Storage, Including Any Incompatibilities: Keep container tightly
sealed. Store away from incompatible matgerials. Store with similar hazards.

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.37. Lipase MSDS (continued-2)

Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Control Parameters: 9001-62-1, Lipase, Skin Protection: Select glove material
OSHA PEL TWA (Total Dust) 15 mg/m3 impermeable and resistant to the substance.
(50 mppcf*). 9001-62-1, Lipase, ACGIH Select glove material based on rates of
TLV TWA (Inhalable Particles) 10 mg/m3. diffusion and degradation. Dispose of
Appropriate Engineering Controls: contaminated gloves after use in
Provide adequate ventilation. Ensure eye accordance with applicable laws and good
wash and safety showers are available. laboratory practices. Use proper glove
Respiratory Protection: Not required removal technique without touching outer
under normal condition of use. Where risk surface. Avoid skin contact with used
assessment shows air-purifying repirators gloves. Wear protective clothing.
are appropriate use a full-face particle Eye Protection: Safety glasses or goggles
respirator type N100 (US) or type P3 (EN are appropriate eye protection.
143) respirator cartridges as a backup to General Hygienic Measures: Perform
engineering controls. When necessary use routine housekeeping. Wash hands before
NIOSH approved breathing equipment. breaks and at the end of work. Avoid
contact with skin, eyes, and clothing.
Before wearing wash contaminated clothes.
Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical state and appearance: Powder. Specific Gravity: Not available.
Odor: Unpleasant. Vapor Pressure: Not applicable.
Taste: Not available. Vapor Density: Not available.
Molecular Weight: Not available. Volatility: Not available.
Color: Beige. Odor Threshold: Not available.
pH (1% soln/water): Not available. Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: Not available.
Boiling Point: Not available. Ionicity (in Water): Not available.
Melting Point: Not available. Dispersion Properties: Not available.
Critical Temperature: Not available. Solubility: Not available.
Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data
Reactivity: Non-reactive under normal Conditions to Avoid: Incompatible
conditions. materials. High temperatures. Avoid
Chemical Stability: Stable under normal formation of dust.
conditions. Incompatible materials: Strong oxidizers.
Possible Hazardous Reactions: None Hazardous Decomposition Product:
under normal processing. Oxides of carbon.
Section 11: Disposal Considerations
Waste Disposal: Chemical waste generators must determine whether a discarded
chemical is classified as a hazaedous waste. Chemical waste generators must also consult
local, regional, and national hazardous waste regulations. Ensure complete and accurate
Section 12: Toxicological Information
Acute Toxicity: Not available. Numerical Measures: Not available.
Chronic Toxicity: Not available. Carcinogenicity: Lipase 9001-62-2: Not
Corrosion Irritation: Not available. listed as a carcinogen (ACGIH, IARC,
Sensitization: Not available. NTP)
Single Target Organ (STOT): Mutagenicity: Not available.
Not available. Reproductive Toxicity: Not available.

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.38. Lipase MSDS (continued-3)

Section 13: Ecological Information
Ecotoxicity Persistence and Degradability: Not available.
Bioaccumulative Potential: Not available.
Mobility in Soil:Not available.
Other Adverse Effects: Not available.
Section 14: Transport Information
UN Number: Not available.
UN Proper Shipping Name: Not available.
Packing Group: Not available.
Section 15: Other Regulatory Information
Other Regulations:United States TSCA (Toxic Substance Control Act) and Canada DSL
(Domestic Substances List).
TSCA (U.S.): All ingredients are lsited.
DSL (Canada): All ingredients are lsited.
(Source: Fisher Science Education)
C.13. NaOCl

Figure C.11. NaOCl NFPA and HMIS Rating

(Source: Science Lab)
Table C.39. NaOCl MSDS
Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification
Product Name: Sodium Hypochlorite, 5% Contact Information:
Catalog Codes: SLS1654 Sciencelab.com, Inc. 14025 Smith Rd.
CAS#: Mixture. Houston, Texas 77396. US Sales: 1-800-
RTECS: Not applicable. 901-7247
TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory:Sodium International Sales: 1-281-441-4400
hypochlorite; Sodiumhydroxide; Water Order Online: ScienceLab.com
CI#: Not applicable. CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency
Synonym: Chlorine Bleach, Bleach, Soda Telephone), Call:1-800-424-9300
Bleach, Chlorox; Sodium Hypochlorite, International CHEMTREC, Call: 1-703-
Solution, 5% AvailableChlorine 527-3887
Chemical Name:Hypochlorous acid, For non-emergency assistance, Call: 1-
sodium salt, solution 281-441-4400
Chemical Formula: NaOCl
Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients
Name CAS # % by Weight
Sodium hypochlorite 7681-52-9 4–7
Sodium hydroxide 1310-73-2 <1
Water 7732-18-5 >92
Toxicological Data on Ingredients: Sodium hypochlorite: Oral (LD50): Acute: 5800
mg/kg [Mouse]. 8910 mg/kg [Rat].
Universitas Indonesia

Table C.40. NaOCl MSDS (continued-1)

Section 3: Hazards Identification
Potential Acute Health Effects:
Very hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion.
Hazardous in case of skin contact(corrosive), of eye contact (corrosive). Slightly
hazardous in case of inhalation (lung sensitizer). Non-corrosive for lungs. Liquidor spray
mist may produce tissue damage particularly on mucous membranes of eyes, mouth and
respiratory tract. Skincontact may produce burns. Inhalation of the spray mist may
produce severe irritation of respiratory tract, characterized bycoughing, choking, or
shortness of breath. Prolonged exposure may result in skin burns and ulcerations. Over-
exposure byinhalation may cause respiratory irritation. Inflammation of the eye is
characterized by redness, watering, and itching. Skininflammation is characterized by
itching, scaling, reddening, or, occasionally, blistering.
Potential Chronic Health Effects:Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (sensitizer).
Carcinogenic Effects: Classified 3 (Not classifiable for human)by IARC [Sodium
hypochlorite]. Mutagenic Effects: Mutagenic for bacteria and/or yeast [Sodium
hypochlorite].Mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells [Sodium hydroxide].Teratogenic
Effects: Not available.Developmental Toxicity: Not available.
The substance may be toxic to lungs, mucous membranes, skin, eyes. Repeated or
prolongedexposure to the substance can produce target organs damage. Repeated or
prolonged contact with spray mist may producechronic eye irritation and severe skin
irritation. Repeated or prolonged exposure to spray mist may produce respiratory
tractirritation leading to frequent attacks of bronchial infection.
Section 4: First Aid Measures
Eye Contact: Check for and remove any contact lenses. In case of contact, immediately
flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15minutes. Cold water may be used. Get
medical attention immediately.
Skin Contact: In case of contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least
15 minutes while removing contaminated clothingand shoes. Cover the irritated skin with
an emollient. Cold water may be used.Wash clothing before reuse. Thoroughly
cleanshoes before reuse. Get medical attention immediately.
Serious Skin Contact: Wash with a disinfectant soap and cover the contaminated skin
with an anti-bacterial cream. Seek medical attention.
Inhalation: If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If
breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medicalattention immediately.
Serious Inhalation: Evacuate the victim to a safe area as soon as possible. Loosen tight
clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband. Ifbreathing is difficult, administer oxygen.
If the victim is not breathing, perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Seek
Ingestion:Do not induce vomitingunless directed to do so by medical personnel. Never
give anything by mouth to an unconsciousperson. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar,
tie, belt or waistband. Get medical attention if symptoms appear.
Serious Ingestion: Not available.

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.41. NaOCl MSDS (continued-2)

Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data
Flammability of the Product: Non-flammable.
Auto-Ignition Temperature: Not applicable.
Flash Points: Not applicable.
Flammable Limits: Not applicable.
Products of Combustion: Not available.
Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Combustible materials, metals,
organic materials
Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances:Slightly explosive in presence
of open flames and sparks. Non-explosive in presence of shocks.
Fire Fighting Media and Instructions:Not applicable.
Special Remarks on Fire Hazards: Releases chlorine when heated above 35°C. The
substance itself is non-combustible and does not burn. However,when heated to
decomposition it emits corrosive and/or toxic fumes. May ignite combustibles. Fire risk
in contact with organicmaterials. Contact with metals may evolve flammable hydrogen
Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards: Anydrous Sodium Hypochlorite is very
explosive. Primary amines and calcium hypochlorite or sodium hypochlorite reactto form
normal chloroamines, which are explosive. Interaction of ethyleneimine with sodium (or
other) hypochlorite givesthe explosive N-chloro cmpd. Removal of formic acid from
industrial waste streams with sodium hypochlorite soln becomes explosive at 55°C.
Several explosions involving methanol and sodium hypochlorite were attributed to
formation of methylhypochlorite, especially in presence of acid or other esterification
catalyst. Use of sodium hypochlorite soln to destroy acidifiedbenzyl cyanide residues
caused a violent explosion, thought to have been due to formation of nitrogen trichloride.
Section 6: Accidental Release Measures
Small Spill:Dilute with water and mop up, or absorb with an inert dry material and place
in an appropriate waste disposal container.
Large Spill:Corrosive liquid. Oxidizing material. Stop leak if without risk. Absorb with
DRY earth, sand or other non-combustible material.Do not get water inside container.
Avoid contact with a combustible material (wood, paper, oil, clothing...). Keep substance
damp using water spray. Do not touch spilled material. Use water spray curtain to divert
vapor drift. Prevent entry into sewers,basements or confined areas; dike if needed. Call
for assistance on disposal. Be careful that the product is not present at aconcentration
level above TLV. Check TLV on the MSDS and with local authorities.
Section 7: Handling and Storage
Precautions: Keep locked up.. Keep container dry. Keep away from heat. Keep away
from sources of ignition. Keep away from combustiblematerial.. Do not ingest. Do not
breathe gas/fumes/ vapor/spray. Never add water to this product. In case of
insufficientventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment. If ingested, seek medical
advice immediately and show the container orthe label. Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
Keep away from incompatibles such as reducing agents, combustible materials,organic
materials, metals, acids.
Storage:Keep container tightly closed. Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area.
Separate from acids, alkalies, reducing agentsand combustibles. See NFPA 43A, Code for
the Storage of Liquid and Solid Oxidizers. Air Sensitive Sensitive to light. Store inlight-
resistant containers.

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.42. NaOCl MSDS (continued-3)

Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Engineering Controls:Provide exhaust Personal Protection: Face shield. Full
ventilation or other engineering controls to suit. Vapor respirator. Be sure to use an
keep the airborne concentrations of vapors approved/certified respirator or equivalent.
below their respectivethreshold limit value. Gloves. Boots.
Personal Protection in Case of a Large Exposure Limits: Sodium hypochlorite
Spill:Splash goggles. Full suit. Vapor TWA: 1 CEIL: 1 (ppm as Cl2) STEL: 1
respirator. Boots. Gloves. A self contained (ppm as Cl2) from ACGIH (TLV) [United
breathing apparatus should be used to States] Sodium hydroxideSTEL: 2 (mg/m3)
avoid inhalation of the product. Suggested from ACGIH (TLV) [United States] TWA:
protective clothing might not be sufficient; 2 CEIL: 2 (mg/m3) from OSHA (PEL)
consult a specialist before handling [United States] CEIL: 2 (mg/m3) from
thisproduct. NIOSH Consult local authorities for
acceptable exposure limits.
Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical state and appearance: Liquid. Specific Gravity: 1.07 - 1.093 (Water = 1)
Odor: Chlorine-like (Slight.) Vapor Pressure: 2.3 kPa (@ 20°C)
Taste: Not available. Vapor Density: The highest known value
Molecular Weight: Not applicable. is 0.62 (Air = 1) (Water).
Color: Colorless to light greenish yellow. Volatility: Not available.
pH (1% soln/water): Neutral. Odor Threshold: Not available.
Boiling Point: Decomposition temp.: 40°C Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: Not available.
(104°F) Ionicity (in Water): Not available.
Melting Point: Not available. Dispersion Properties: See solubility in
Critical Temperature: Not available. water.
Solubility: Easily soluble in cold water.
Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data
Stability: The product is stable.
Instability Temperature:Not available.
Conditions of Instability: Incompatible materials. light, air, heat.
Incompatibility with various substances: Reactive with reducing agents, combustible
materials, organic materials, metals,acids.
Corrosivity: Extremely corrosive in presence of aluminum.Corrosive in presence of
stainless steel(304), of stainless steel(316). Noncorrosivein presence of glass.
Special Remarks on Reactivity:Decomposed by carbon dioxide from air. Slowly
decomposes on contact with air. Unstable in air unless mixed with sodiumhydroxide.
Incompatible with ammonium acetate, ammonium carbonate, ammonium nitrate,
ammonium oxalate, andammonium phosphate. Decompostion of sodium hypochlorite
takes place within a few seconds with these salts. Alsoincompatible with primary amines,
phenyl acetonitrile, ethyleneimine, methanol, acidified benzyl cyanide, formic acid,urea,
nitro compounds, methylscellulose, celloluse, aziridine, ether, ammonia. Mixing this
product with chemicals (e.g.ammonia, acids, detergents, etc.) or organic matter (e.g.
urine, feces, etc.) will release chlorine gas. Chloramine gas may beevolved when
ammonia and bleach are mixed. Decomposed by hot water. Sensitive to light. Exposure to
light acceleratesdecompositon.
Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Sodium Hypochlorite is extremely corrosive to brass,
and moderately corrosive to bronze. There is no corrosivity informationfor copper.
Polymerization: Will not occur.

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.43. NaOCl MSDS (continued-4)

Section 11: Disposal Considerations
Waste Disposal: Dilute with water and flush to sewer of local ordinances allow,
otherwise, whatever cannot be saved for recovery or recyclingshould be managed in an
appropriate and approved waste disposal facility. Waste must be disposed of in
accordance withfederal, state and local environmental control regulations.
Section 12: Toxicological Information
Routes of Entry: Absorbed through skin. Eye contact. Inhalation. Ingestion.
Toxicity to Animals:Acute oral toxicity (LD50): 5800 mg/kg [Mouse]. (Sodium
Chronic Effects on Humans: Carcinogenic Effects: Classified 3 (Not classifiable for
human.) by IARC [Sodium hypochlorite]. MutagenicEffects: Mutagenic for bacteria
and/or yeast. [Sodium hypochlorite]. Mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells.
[Sodiumhydroxide]. Contains material which may cause damage to the following organs:
lungs, mucous membranes, skin, eyes.
Other Toxic Effects on Humans:Very hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of
ingestion.Hazardous in case of skin contact (corrosive), of eye contact(corrosive).
Slightly hazardous in case of inhalation (lung sensitizer, lung corrosive).
Special Remarks on Toxicity to Animals: Not available.
Special Remarks on Chronic Effects on Humans: May affect genetic material
(mutagenic) (Sodium hypochlorite)
Special Remarks on other Toxic Effects on Humans:
Potential Health Effects: Can cause severe irritation and possible burns to skin and eyes.
Eye contact may also causecorneal and conjunctival edema, conjunctival hemorrhages.
Contact with skin may also cause vesicular eruptions andeczematoid dermatitis which
becomes evident upon re-exposure. Prolonged or repeated eye contact may cause
conjunctivitis.Ingestion can cause burns to the digestive tract. Symptoms may include: 1.
pain and inflammation of the mouth, pharynx,esophagus, and stomach, 2. erosion of the
mucous membranes (chiefly of the stomach), nausea, vomiting, choking,coughing,
hemorrhage,3. circulatory collapse with cold and clammy skin (due tomethemo-
globinemia), cyanosis, and shallowrespirations, 4. confusion, delirium, coma, 5. edema of
the pharynx, glottis, larynx with stridor and obstruction, 6. Perforationof the esophagus,
or stomach, with mediastinitis or peritonitis. Inhalation causes slight to severe respiratory
tract irritation anddelayed pulmonary edema. Prolonged or repeatedinhalation may cause
allergic respiratory reaction (asthma).
Section 13: Ecological Information
Ecotoxicity: Not available.
BOD5 and COD: Not available.
Products of Biodegradation: Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not
likely. However, long term degradation products may arise.
Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: The product itself and its products of
degradation are not toxic.
Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.
Section 14: Transport Information
DOT Classification: Class 8: Corrosive material
Identification: Hypochlorite solution UNNA: 1791 PG: III
Special Provisions for Transport: Not available.

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.44. NaOCl MSDS (continued-5)

Section 15: Other Regulatory Information
Federal and State Regulations: Illinois toxic substances disclosure to employee act:
Sodium hydroxide Illinois chemical safety act: Sodium hydroxide NewYork release
reporting list: Sodium hydroxide Rhode Island RTK hazardous substances: Sodium
hydroxide Pennsylvania RTK:Sodium hypochlorite; Sodium hydroxide Florida: Sodium
hypochlorite Minnesota: Sodium hypochlorite; Sodium hydroxideMassachusetts RTK:
Sodium hypochlorite; Sodium hydroxide New Jersey: Sodium hypochlorite; Sodium
hydroxide Louisianaspill reporting: Sodium hydroxide TSCA 8(b) inventory: Sodium
hypochlorite; Sodium hydroxide; Water CERCLA: Hazardoussubstances.: Sodium
hypochlorite: 100 lbs. (45.36 kg); Sodium hydroxide: 1000 lbs. (453.6 kg);
Other Regulations:OSHA: Hazardous by definition of Hazard Communication Standard
(29 CFR 1910.1200).
WHMIS (Canada): Class E: Corrosive liquid.
DSCL (EEC):R8- Contact with combustible material may cause fire. R31- Contact with
acids liberates toxic gas. R36/38- Irritating to eyesand skin. S28- After contact with skin,
wash immediately with plenty of water. S36/37/39- Wear suitable protective
clothing,gloves and eye/face protection. S45- In case of accident or if you feel unwell,
seek medical advice immediately (show the labelwhere possible).
HMIS (U.S.A.):
Health Hazard: 3. Fire Hazard: 0. Reactivity: 0. Personal Protection: -
National Fire Protection Association (U.S.A.):
Health: 1. Flammability: 0. Reactivity: 0. Specific Hazard: -
Protective Equipment:Gloves. Full suit. Vapor respirator. Be sure to use an
approved/certified respirator or equivalent. Wear appropriate respiratorwhen ventilation is
inadequate. Face shield.
(Source: Science Lab)
C.14. Nitrite

Figure C.12. Nitrite NFPA and HMIS Rating

(Source: Science Lab)
Table C.45. Nitrite MSDS
Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification
Product Name: Sodium Nitrite Contact Information:
Catalog Codes: SLS2356, SLS3778, Sciencelab.com, Inc. 14025 Smith Rd.
SLS1558 Houston, Texas 77396. US Sales: 1-800-
CAS#: 7632-00-0 901-7247International Sales: 1-281-441-
RTECS: RA1225000 4400Order Online: ScienceLab.com
TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory:Sodium CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency
nitrite Telephone), Call:1-800-424-9300
CI#: Not applicable. International CHEMTREC, Call: 1-703-
Synonym: - 527-3887
Chemical Name:Sodium Nitrite For non-emergency assistance, Call: 1-
Chemical Formula: NaNO2 281-441-4400
Universitas Indonesia

Table C.46. Nitrite MSDS (continued-1)

Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients
Name CAS # % by Weight
Sodium Nitrite 7632-00-0 100
Toxicological Data on Ingredients: Sodium nitrite: Oral (LD50): Acute: 180 mg/kg
[Rat]. 175 mg/kg [Mouse].
Section 3: Hazards Identification
Potential Acute Health Effects:
Very hazardous in case of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion, of inhalation. Hazardous in
case of skin contact (irritant).Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (permeator).
Prolonged exposure may result in skin burns and ulcerations. Over-exposureby inhalation
may cause respiratory irritation. Severe over-exposure can result in death. Inflammation
of the eye ischaracterized by redness, watering, and itching.
Potential Chronic Health Effects:Carcinogenic Effects: Not available.Mutagenic
Effects: Mutagenic for bacteria and/or yeast. Mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells.
Teratogenic Effects: Classified possible for human.Developmental Toxicity: Classified
Reproductive system/toxin/female, Reproductive system/toxin/male [POSSIBLE].
The substance may be toxic toblood, cardiovascular system, Smooth Muscle. Repeated or
prolonged exposure to the substance can produce target organsdamage. Repeated
exposure to a highly toxic material may produce general deterioration of health by an
accumulation in oneor many human organs.
Section 4: First Aid Measures
Eye Contact: Check for and remove any contact lenses. In case of contact, immediately
flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15minutes. Cold water may be used. Get
medical attention immediately.
Skin Contact: In case of contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of water. Cover the
irritated skin with an emollient. Remove contaminatedclothing and shoes. Cold water
may be used.Wash clothing before reuse. Thoroughly clean shoes before reuse. Get
Serious Skin Contact: Wash with a disinfectant soap and cover the contaminated skin
with an anti-bacterial cream. Seek medical attention.
Inhalation: If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If
breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medicalattention immediately.
Serious Inhalation: Evacuate the victim to a safe area as soon as possible. Loosen tight
clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband. Ifbreathing is difficult, administer oxygen.
If the victim is not breathing, perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Warning: It maybe
hazardous to the person providing aid to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation when the
inhaled material is toxic, infectious orcorrosive. Seek immediate medical attention.
Ingestion:If swallowed, do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical
personnel. Never give anything by mouth to anunconscious person. Loosen tight clothing
such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband. Get medical attention immediately.
Serious Ingestion: Not available.

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.47. Nitrite MSDS (continued-2)

Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data
Flammability of the Product: Non-flammable.
Auto-Ignition Temperature: Not applicable.
Flash Points: Not applicable.
Flammable Limits: Not applicable.
Products of Combustion: Not available.
Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Not applicable.
Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances:Slightly explosive in presence
of shocks, ofheat.
Fire Fighting Media and Instructions:Not applicable.
Special Remarks on Fire Hazards: When in contact with organic matter, it will ignite
by friction. May ignite combustibles.
Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards: Explodes when heated over 1000°F (538°C).
Sodium Nitrite + thiocyanate explodes on heating. A mixture of sodium nitrite andvarious
cyanides explodes on contact. Mixture of sodium nitrite and phthalic acid or anhydride
explode violently on heating. Fusion of urea with sodium nitrite Interaction of nitrites
when heated with metal amidosulfates (sulfamates) may becomeexplosively violent
owing to liberation of nitrogen and steam mixed with ammonium sulfamate form. Violent
explosion occursif an ammonium salt is is melted with nitrite salt. Shock may explode
nitrites. must be carried out exactly as described to avoidrisk of explosion.
Section 6: Accidental Release Measures
Small Spill:Use appropriate tools to put the spilled solid in a convenient waste disposal
Large Spill:Oxidizing material. Poisonous solid. Stop leak if without risk. Do not get
water inside container. Avoid contact with acombustible material (wood, paper, oil,
clothing...). Keep substance damp using water spray. Do not touch spilled material.Use
water spray to reduce vapors. Prevent entry into sewers, basements or confined areas;
dike if needed. Call for assistanceon disposal.
Section 7: Handling and Storage
Precautions: Keep locked up.. Keep away from heat. Keep away from sources of
ignition. Keep away from combustible material.. Do notingest. Do not breathe dust. In
case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment. If ingested, seek
medicaladvice immediately and show the container or the label. Avoid contact with skin
and eyes. Keep away from incompatibles suchas reducing agents, combustible materials,
organic materials, metals, acids.
Storage:Oxidizer. Hygroscopic. Air sensitive. Keep container tightly closed. Keep
container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Separatefrom acids, alkalies, reducing agents and
combustibles. See NFPA 43A, Code for the Storage of Liquid and Solid Oxidizers.Do not
store above 23°C (73.4°F).
Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Engineering Controls:Use process Personal Protection: Safety glasses.
enclosures, local exhaust ventilation, or Synthetic apron. Gloves (impervious).
other engineering controls to keep airborne Personal Protection in Case of a Large
levels below recommendedexposure limits. Spill:Splash goggles. Full suit. Boots.
If user operations generate dust, fume or Gloves. Suggested protective clothing
mist, use ventilation to keep exposure to might not be sufficient; consult a specialist
airborne contaminantsbelow the exposure before handling this product.
limit. Exposure Limits: Not available.

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.48. Nitrite MSDS (continued-3)

Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical state and appearance: Solid. Vapor Density: Not available.
(Powdered solid.) Volatility: Not available.
Odor: Odorless. Odor Threshold: Not available.
Taste: Saline. (Slight.) Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: Not available.
Molecular Weight: 69 g/mole Ionicity (in Water): Not available.
Color: White to slightly yellowish. Dispersion Properties: See solubility in
pH (1% soln/water): 9 [Basic.] water, methanol.
Boiling Point: 320°C (608°F) Solubility: Easily soluble in hot water.
Melting Point: 271°C (519.8°F) Soluble in cold water. Partially soluble in
Critical Temperature: Not available. methanol. Very slightly soluble in diethyl
Specific Gravity: 2.2 (Water = 1) ether.
Vapor Pressure: Not applicable.
Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data
Stability: The product is stable.
Instability Temperature:Not available.
Conditions of Instability: Excess heat, dust generation, ignition sources, exposure to air,
combustible materials, incompatible materials, exposure tomoist air or water.
Incompatibility with various substances: Highly reactive with combustible materials,
organic materials. Reactive with reducing agents, metals, acids. Slightly reactive
toreactive with moisture.
Corrosivity: Non-corrosive in presence of glass.
Special Remarks on Reactivity:Hygroscopic. Strong oxidizer. Slowly oxidizes to nitrate
in air. Reacts vigorously with reducing materials. Sodium nitrite isa strong oxidizer and is
incompatible with the following: acetanilide, metals as powders, ammonium salts,
aminoguanidinesalts, anitpyrine, Butadiene, chlorates, hypophosphites, activated carbon,
iodides, mercury salts, permanganate, phthalic acid,phthalic anydride, sodium amide,
sodium disulphite, cyanides (e.g. potassium cyanide, sodium cyanide), sodium
thiocyanate,lithium, sulfites, tannic acid, urea, wood, vegetable astringent decoctions,
infusions, or tinctures.
Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Not available.
Polymerization: Will not occur.
Section 11: Disposal Considerations
Waste Disposal: Waste must be disposed of in accordance with federal, state and local
environmental control regulations.

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.49. Nitrite MSDS (continued-4)

Section 12: Toxicological Information
Routes of Entry: Absorbed through skin. Inhalation. Ingestion.
Toxicity to Animals:Warning: The LC50 values hereunder are estimated on the basis of
a 4-hour exposure. Acute oraltoxicity (LD50): 175 mg/kg [Mouse]. Acute toxicity of the
dust (LC50): 5.5 4 hours [Rat].
Chronic Effects on Humans: Mutagenic Effects: Mutagenic for mammalian somatic
cells. Mutagenic for bacteria and/or yeast. TeratogenicEffects: Classified possible for
human. Developmental Toxicity: Classified Reproductive
system/toxin/female,Reproductive system/toxin/male [POSSIBLE]. May cause damage to
the following organs: blood, cardiovascular system,Smooth Muscle.
Other Toxic Effects on Humans:Very hazardous in case of ingestion, of inhalation.
Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant). Slightly hazardous in case ofskin contact
Special Remarks on Toxicity to Animals: Not available.
Special Remarks on Chronic Effects on Humans:May cause cancer (tumorigen), affect
gentic material (mutagen), cause adverse reproductive effects (fertility, fetotoxicity)
andbirth defects based on animal data. Passes through the placental barrier in animal.
Special Remarks on other Toxic Effects on Humans:
Acute Potential Health Effects: Skin: Causes skin irritation. May be absorbed through
skin. Eyes: Causes eye irritation. Maycause conjunctivitis. May cause permanent corneal
opacification. Ingestion: Harmful if swallowed. Causes gastrointestinaltract irritation with
nausea. May affect behavior, brain, nervous system (change in motor activity, muscular
incoordination,loss of reflexes, convulsions, coma), blood (methemo-globinemia), liver,
metabolism, cardiovasular system (decrease inblood pressure, rapid pulse) and urinary
system. May also cause weakness. Inhalation: May be fatal if inhaled. May
causerespiratory tract irritation, cyanosis, dyspena, pulmonary edema, asphyxia, chemical
pneumonitis, upper airway obstructioncaused by edema and possible death. May cause
biochemical changes. May affect the blood (methemoglobinemia), and thecardiovascular
system (tachycardia).
Section 13: Ecological Information
Ecotoxicity: Not available.
BOD5 and COD: Not available.
Products of Biodegradation: Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not
likely. However, long term degradation products may arise.
Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: The products of degradation are less toxic
than the product itself.
Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.
Section 14: Transport Information
DOT Classification: Class 5.1: Oxidizing material. Class 6.1: Poisonous material.
Identification: Sodium nitrite UNNA: 1500 PG: III
Special Provisions for Transport: Marine Pollutant

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.50. Nitrite MSDS (continued-5)

Section 15: Other Regulatory Information
Federal and State Regulations: New York release reporting list: Sodium nitrite
Pennsylvania RTK: Sodium nitrite Massachusetts RTK: Sodium nitrite NewJersey:
Sodium nitrite California Director's List of Hazardous Substances: Sodium nitrite TSCA
8(b) inventory: Sodiumnitrite TSCA 12(b) one time export: Sodium nitrite SARA 313
toxic chemical notification and release reporting: Sodium nitriteCERCLA: Hazardous
substances.: Sodium nitrite: 100 lbs. (45.36 kg)
Other Regulations:OSHA: Hazardous by definition of Hazard Communication Standard
(29 CFR 1910.1200). EINECS: This product is on theEuropean Inventory of Existing
Commercial Chemical Substances.
WHMIS (Canada): Class C: Oxidizing material. Class D-1A: Material causing
immediate and serious toxic effects (Very Toxic). ClassD-2A: Material causing other
toxic effects (Very Toxic).
HMIS (U.S.A.):
Health Hazard: 3. Fire Hazard: 0. Reactivity: 0. Personal Protection: C
National Fire Protection Association (U.S.A.):
Health: 3. Flammability: 0. Reactivity: 1. Specific Hazard: -
Protective Equipment:Gloves (impervious). Synthetic apron. Wear appropriate
respirator when ventilation is inadequate. Safety glasses.
(Source: Science Lab)
C.15. NaCl

Figure C.13. NaCl NFPA and HMIS Rating

(Source: Science Lab)
Table C.51. NaCl MSDS
Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification
Product Name: Sodium Chloride. Contact Information:
Catalog Codes: SLS3262, SLS1045, Sciencelab.com, Inc. 14025 Smith Rd.
SLS3889, SLS1669,SLS3091 Houston, Texas 77396. US Sales: 1-800-
CAS#: 7647-14-5 901-7247
RTECS: VZ4725000 International Sales: 1-281-441-4400
TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Sodium Order Online: ScienceLab.com
Chloride. CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency
CI#: Not available. Telephone), Call:1-800-424-9300
Synonym: Salt; Sea Salt International CHEMTREC, Call: 1-703-
Chemical Name:Sodium Chloride. 527-3887
Chemical Formula: NaCl For non-emergency assistance, Call: 1-

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.52. NaCl MSDS (continued-1)

Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients
Name CAS # % by Weight
Sodium Chloride. 7647-14-5 100
Toxicological Data on Ingredients: Sodium chloride: Oral (LD50): Acute: 3000 mg/kg
[Rat.]. 4000 mg/kg [Mouse].Dermal (LD50): Acute: &gt;10000 mg/kg [Rabbit]. Dust
(LC50): Acute: &gt;42000 mg/m 1 hours [Rat].
Section 3: Hazards Identification
Potential Acute Health Effects:
Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion,
Potential Chronic Health Effects: Carcinogenic Effects: Not available.Mutagenic
Effects: Mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells. Mutagenic forbacteria and/or yeast.
Teratogenic Effects: Not available.Developmental Toxicity: Not available.Repeated or
prolonged exposure is not known to aggravate medical condition.
Section 4: First Aid Measures
Eye Contact: Check for and remove any contact lenses. In case of contact, immediately
flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15minutes. Cold water may be used. Get
medical attention.
Skin Contact: Wash with soap and water. Cover the irritated skin with an emollient. Get
medical attention if irritation develops. Cold watermay be used.
Serious Skin Contact: Not available.
Inhalation: If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If
breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medicalattention if symptoms appear.
Serious Inhalation: Not available.
Ingestion:Do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Never
give anything by mouth to an unconsciousperson. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar,
tie, belt or waistband. Get medical attention if symptoms appear.
Serious Ingestion: Not available.
Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data
Flammability of the Product: Non-flammable.
Auto-Ignition Temperature: Not applicable.
Flash Points: Not applicable.
Flammable Limits: Not applicable.
Products of Combustion: Not available.
Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Not applicable.
Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Not available.
Fire Fighting Media and Instructions:Not applicable.
Special Remarks on Fire Hazards: When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes.
Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards: Electrolysis of sodium chloride in presence of
nitrogenous compounds to produce chlorine may lead to formation of explosivenitrogen
trichloride. Potentially explosive reaction with dichloromaleic anhydride + urea.
Section 6: Accidental Release Measures
Small Spill:Use appropriate tools to put the spilled solid in a convenient waste disposal
container. Finish cleaning by spreading water onthe contaminated surface and dispose of
according to local and regional authority requirements.
Large Spill:Use a shovel to put the material into a convenient waste disposal container.
Finish cleaning by spreading water on thecontaminated surface and allow to evacuate
through the sanitary system.

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.53. NaCl MSDS (continued-2)

Section 7: Handling and Storage
Precautions: Keep locked up.. Do not ingest. Do not breathe dust. Avoid contact with
eyes. Wear suitable protective clothing. If ingested,seek medical advice immediately and
show the container or the label. Keep away from incompatibles such as oxidizingagents,
Storage:Keep container tightly closed. Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area.
Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Engineering Controls:Use process Personal Protection in Case of a Large
enclosures, local exhaust ventilation, or Spill:Splash goggles. Full suit. Dust
other engineering controls to keep airborne respirator. Boots. Gloves. A self contained
levels below recommendedexposure limits. breathing apparatus should be used to avoid
If user operations generate dust, fume or inhalation of the product. Suggested
mist, use ventilation to keep exposure to protective clothing might not be sufficient;
airborne contaminantsbelow the exposure consult a specialist before handling
limit. thisproduct.
Personal Protection: Splash goggles. Lab Exposure Limits: Not available.
coat. Dust respirator. Be sure to use an
approved/certified respirator or equivalent.
Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical state and appearance: Vapor Density: Not available.
Solid.(Solid crystalline powder.) Volatility: Not available.
Odor: Slight. Odor Threshold: Not available.
Taste: Saline. Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: Not available.
Molecular Weight: 58.44 g/mole Ionicity (in Water): Not available.
Color: White. Dispersion Properties: See solubility in
pH (1% soln/water): 7 [Neutral.] water.
Boiling Point: 1413°C (2575.4°F) Solubility: Easily soluble in cold water,
Melting Point: 801°C (1473.8°F) hot water. Soluble in glycerol, and
Critical Temperature: Not available. ammonia. Very slightly soluble in alcohol.
Specific Gravity: 2.165 (Water = 1) Insoluble inHydrochloric Acid.
Vapor Pressure: Not applicable.
Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data
Stability: The product is stable. Special Remarks on
Instability Temperature:Not available. Reactivity:Hygroscopic. Reacts with most
Conditions of Instability: Incompatible nonnoble metals such as iron or steel,
materials, high temperatures. building materials (such as cement)
Incompatibility with various substances: Sodium chloride israpidly attacked by
Reactive with oxidizing agents, metals, bromine trifluoride. Violent reaction with
acids. lithium.
Corrosivity: Non-corrosive in presence of Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Not
glass. available.
Polymerization: Will not occur.
Section 11: Disposal Considerations
Waste Disposal: Waste must be disposed of in accordance with federal, state and local
environmental control regulations.

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.54. NaCl MSDS (continued-3)

Section 12: Toxicological Information
Routes of Entry: Inhalation. Ingestion.
Toxicity to Animals:Warning: The LC50 values hereunder are estimated on the basis of
a 4-hour exposure. Acute oraltoxicity (LD50): 3000 mg/kg [Rat.]. Acute dermal toxicity
(LD50): >10000 mg/kg [Rabbit]. Acute toxicity of the dust (LC50):>42000 mg/m3 1
hours [Rat].
Chronic Effects on Humans: Mutagenic Effects: Mutagenic for mammalian somatic
cells. Mutagenic for bacteria and/or yeast.
Other Toxic Effects on Humans:Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of
ingestion, of inhalation.
Special Remarks on Toxicity to Animals: Lowest Published Lethal Dose (LDL) [Man]
- Route: Oral; Dose: 1000 mg/kg
Special Remarks on Chronic Effects on Humans:Causes adverse reproductive effects
in humans (fetotoxicity, abortion) by intraplacental route. High intake of sodium
chloride,whether from occupational exposure or in the diet, may increase risk of toxemia
of pregnancy in susceptible women(Bishop, 1978). Hypertonic sodium chloride solutions
have been used to induce abortion in late pregnancy by direct infusioninto the uterus
(Brown et al, 1972), but this route of administration is not relevant to occupational
exposures. May causeadverse reproductive effects and birth defects in animals,
particularly rats and mice (fetotoxicity, abortion, musculoskeletalabnormalities, and
maternal effects (effects on ovaries, fallopian tubes) by oral, intraperitoneal,
intraplacental, intrauterine,parenteral, and subcutaneous routes. While sodium chloride
has been used as a negative control n some reproductivestudies, it has also been used as
an example that almost any chemical can cause birth defects in experimental animalsif
studied under the right conditions (Nishimura & Miyamoto, 1969). In experimental
animals, sodium chloride has causeddelayed effects on newborns, has been fetotoxic, and
has caused birth defects and abortions in rats and mice (RTECS, 1997).May affect genetic
material (mutagenic)
Special Remarks on other Toxic Effects on Humans:
Acute Potential Health Effects: Skin: May cause skin irritation. Eyes: Causes eye
irritation. Ingestion: Ingestion of largequantities can irritate the stomach (as in overuse of
salt tablets) with nausea and vomiting. May affect behavior (musclespasicity/contraction,
somnolence), sense organs, metabolism, and cardiovascular system. Continued exposure
mayproduce dehydration, internal organ congestion, and coma. Inhalation: Material is
irritating to mucous membranes and upperrespiratory tract.
Section 13: Ecological Information
Ecotoxicity: Not available.
BOD5 and COD: Not available.
Products of Biodegradation: Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not
likely. However, long term degradation products may arise.
Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: The product itself and its products of
degradation are not toxic.
Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.
Section 14: Transport Information
DOT Classification: Not a DOT controlled material (United States).
Identification: Not applicable.
Special Provisions for Transport: Not applicable.

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.55. NaCl MSDS (continued-4)

Section 15: Other Regulatory Information
Federal and State Regulations: TSCA HMIS (U.S.A.):
8(b) inventory: Sodium chloride Health Hazard: 1. Fire Hazard: 1.
Other Regulations: Reactivity: 0. Personal Protection: E
EINECS: This product is on the European National Fire Protection Association
Inventory of Existing Commercial (U.S.A.):
Chemical Substances. Health: 1. Flammability: 1. Reactivity: 0.
WHMIS (Canada): Not controlled under Specific Hazard: -
WHMIS (Canada). Protective Equipment:Gloves. Lab coat.
DSCL (EEC):R40- Possible risks of Dust respirator. Be sure to use an
irreversible effects. S24/25- Avoid contact approved/certified respirator or equivalent.
with skin and eyes. Splash goggles.
(Source: Science Lab)
C.16. Zeolite

Figure C.14. Zeolite NFPA and HMIS Rating

(Source: Science Lab)
Table C.56. Zeolite MSDS
Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification
Product Name: Zeolite Contact Information:
Catalog Codes: SLZ1258 Sciencelab.com, Inc. 14025 Smith Rd.
CAS#: 1318-02-1 or 68989-22-0 Houston, Texas 77396. US Sales: 1-800-
RTECS: ZG6800000 or ZG6800200 901-7247
TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: No products International Sales: 1-281-441-4400
were found. Order Online: ScienceLab.com
CI#: Not available. CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency
Synonym: Valfor (R) 100 Zeolite NaA; Telephone), Call:1-800-424-9300
SodiumAluminosilicate; Zeolite Type A International CHEMTREC, Call: 1-703-
Chemical Name:Zeolite 527-3887
Chemical Formula: For non-emergency assistance, Call: 1-
Na2O.Al2O3.xSiO2.yH2O 281-441-4400
Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients
Name CAS # % by Weight
Zeolite 1318-02-1 or 68989-22-0 100
Toxicological Data on Ingredients: Not applicable.

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.57. Zeolite MSDS (continued-1)

Section 3: Hazards Identification
Potential Acute Health Effects: Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of
eye contact (irritant), of ingestion, ofinhalation.
Potential Chronic Health Effects:Hazardous in case of skin contact (corrosive). Slightly
hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant).Carcinogenic Effects: 3 (Not classifiable for
human.) by IARC.Mutagenic Effects: Not available.Teratogenic Effects: Not
available.Developmental Toxicity: Not available.
Section 4: First Aid Measures
Eye Contact: Check for and remove any contact lenses. In case of contact, immediately
flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15minutes. Get medical attention if irritation
Skin Contact: Wash with soap and water. Cover the irritated skin with an emollient. Get
medical attention if irritation develops.
Serious Skin Contact: Not available.
Inhalation: Allow the victim to rest in a well ventilated area. Seek immediate medical
Serious Inhalation: Not available.
Ingestion:Do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Never
give anything by mouth to an unconsciousperson. If large quantities of this material are
swallowed, call a physician immediately. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar,tie, belt or
Serious Ingestion: Not available.
Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data
Flammability of the Product: Non-flammable.
Auto-Ignition Temperature: Not applicable.
Flash Points: Not applicable.
Flammable Limits: Not applicable.
Products of Combustion: Not available.
Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Not applicable.
Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Not available.
Fire Fighting Media and Instructions:Not applicable.
Special Remarks on Fire Hazards: Not available.
Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards: Not available.
Section 6: Accidental Release Measures
Small Spill:Use appropriate tools to put the spilled solid in a convenient waste disposal
container. Finish cleaning by spreading water onthe contaminated surface and dispose of
according to local and regional authority requirements.
Large Spill:Use a shovel to put the material into a convenient waste disposal container.
Finish cleaning by spreading water on thecontaminated surface and allow to evacuate
through the sanitary system.
Section 7: Handling and Storage
Precautions: No specific safety phrase has been found applicable for this product.
Storage:Keep container tightly closed. Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Do
not store above 25°C (77°F).

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.58. Zeolite MSDS (continued-2)

Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Engineering Controls:Use process Personal Protection in Case of a Large
enclosures, local exhaust ventilation, or Spill:Splash goggles. Full suit. Dust
other engineering controls to keep airborne respirator. Boots. Gloves. A self contained
levels below recommendedexposure limits. breathing apparatus should be used to avoid
If user operations generate dust, fume or inhalation of the product. Suggested
mist, use ventilation to keep exposure to protective clothing might not be sufficient;
airborne contaminantsbelow the exposure consult a specialist before handling
limit. thisproduct.
Personal Protection: Safety glasses. Lab Exposure Limits: Not available.
coat. Dust respirator. Be sure to use an
approved/certified respirator or equivalent.
Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical state and appearance: Specific Gravity: >1 (Water = 1)
Solid.(Powdered solid.) Vapor Pressure: Not applicable.
Odor: Odorless. Vapor Density: Not available.
Taste: Not available. Volatility: Not available.
Molecular Weight: Not available. Odor Threshold: Not available.
Color: White. Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: Not available.
pH (1% soln/water): Not applicable. Ionicity (in Water): Not available.
Boiling Point: Not available. Dispersion Properties: Not available.
Melting Point: Not available. Solubility: Insoluble in cold water, hot
Critical Temperature: Not available. water.
Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data
Stability: The product is stable. Corrosivity: Non-corrosive in presence of
Instability Temperature:Not available. glass.
Conditions of Instability: Incompatible Special Remarks on Reactivity:Not
materials. available.
Incompatibility with various substances: Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Not
Not available. available.
Polymerization: Will not occur.
Section 11: Disposal Considerations
Waste Disposal: Waste must be disposed of in accordance with federal, state and local
environmental control regulations.
Section 12: Toxicological Information
Routes of Entry: Inhalation. Ingestion. Special Remarks on Chronic Effects on
Toxicity to Animals:Not available. Humans: Not available.
Chronic Effects on Humans: Special Remarks on other Toxic Effects
Carcinogenic Effects: 3 (Not classifiable on Humans: Nuisance dust. Acute
for human.) by IARC. Potential Health Effects: Skin: May cause
Other Toxic Effects on Humans: dehydration or irritation to skin. Eyes: May
Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact cause abrasionor mechanical irritation to
(irritant), of ingestion, of inhalation. the eyes. Inhalation: Dust may irritate
Special Remarks on Toxicity to Animals: respiratory tract. Ingestion: May cause
Not available. gastrointestinal tractirritation. No adverse
effects known.

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.59. Zeolite MSDS (continued-3)

Section 13: Ecological Information
Ecotoxicity: Not available.
BOD5 and COD: Not available.
Products of Biodegradation: Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not
likely. However, long term degradation products may arise.
Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: The product itself and its products of
degradation are not toxic.
Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.
Section 14: Transport Information
DOT Classification: Not a DOT controlled material (United States).
Identification: Not applicable.
Special Provisions for Transport: Not applicable.
Section 15: Other Regulatory Information
Federal and State Regulations: New HMIS (U.S.A.):
Jersey: Zeolite (for CAS no. 1318-02-1) Health Hazard: 1. Fire Hazard: 0.
Other Regulations: Reactivity: 0. Personal Protection: E
EINECS: This product is on the European National Fire Protection Association
Inventory of Existing Commercial (U.S.A.):
Chemical Substances. Health: 1. Flammability: 0. Reactivity: 0.
WHMIS (Canada): Not controlled under Specific Hazard: -
WHMIS (Canada). Protective Equipment:Gloves. Lab coat.
DSCL (EEC):This product is not classified Dust respirator. Be sure to use an
according to the EU regulations. Not approved/certified respirator or equivalent.
applicable. Safety glasses.
(Source: Science Lab)
C.17. Diesel Fuel

Figure C.15. Diesel NFPA and HMIS Rating

(Source: Tesoro Refinering & Marketing)
Table C.60. Diesel MSDS
Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification
Product Name: Biodiesel Contact Information:
Synonym: Biofuel Oil, Diesel Fuel. Tesoro Refining & Marketing Co.
CAS#: 68476-34-6 300 Concord Plaza Drive, San Antonio, TX
78216-6999. (877) 783-7676
Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients
Name CAS # % by Weight
Diesel Fuel 68476-34-6 100
Toxicological Data on Ingredients: Not available.

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.61. Diesel MSDS (continued-1)

Section 3: Hazards Identification
Regulatory Status: This material is considered hazardous by the Occupational Safety
and HealthAdministration (OSHA) Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR
Signal Word: Warning
Hazard Summary:Combustible Liquid. Toxic. Long-term, repeated skin contact with
liquid may cause skin cancer.
Section 4: First Aid Measures
Eye Contact: Remove contact lenses. Rinse immediately with plenty of water, also under
theeyelids, for at least 15 minutes. If eye irritation persists, seek medical attention.
Skin Contact: Take off all contaminated clothing immediately. Wash off immediately
with soapand plenty of water. Wash contaminated clothing before re-use. If skin
irritationpersists, call a physician.
Serious Skin Contact: Not available.
Inhalation: Move to fresh air. Give oxygen. If breathing is irregular or stopped,
administerartificial respiration. Seek medical attention immediately.
Serious Inhalation: Not available.
Ingestion:Do not induce vomiting. Ingestion may result in nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
andrestlessness. Aspiration may cause pulmonary edema and pneumonitis. Seekmedical
attention immediately
Serious Ingestion: Not available.
Symptoms: Dizziness, Discomfort, Headache, Nausea, Disorder, Vomiting,
Lungoedema, Aspiration may cause pulmonary edema and pneumonitis. Liver disorders,
Kidney disorders.
Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data
Form: Liquid
Flash Point: 38°C (100 °F)
Auto Ignition Temperature: 177°C (351°F)
Lower Explosive Limit: 0.3 %(V)
Upper Explosive Limit: 10 %(V)
Suitable Extinguishing Media: Carbon dioxide (CO2), Water spray, Dry chemical,
Foam, Keep containers and surroundings cool with water spray.
Specific Hazard During Firefighting: Fire Hazard Do not use a solid water stream as it
may scatter and spread fire. Coolclosed containers exposed to fire with water spray.
Special Protective Equipment for Fire-fighters: Wear self-contained breathing
apparatus and protective suit. Use personalprotective equipment.
Section 6: Accidental Release Measures
Personal Precautions: Evacuate nonessential personnel and remove or secure all ignition
sources.Consider wind direction; stay upwind and uphill, if possible. Spills may infiltrate
subsurface soil and groundwater; professional assistance may be necessary todetermine
the extent of subsurface impact.
Environmental Precautions: Carefully contain and stop the source of the spill, if safe to
do so. Protect bodies ofwater by diking, absorbents, or absorbent boom, if possible. Do
not flush downsewer or drainage systems, unless system is designed and permitted to
handlesuch material. The use of fire fighting foam may be useful in certain situations to
reduce vapors.
Methods for Cleaning Up: Take up with sand or oil absorbing materials. Carefully
shovel, scoop or sweep upinto a waste container for reclamation or disposal - caution,
flammable vapors mayaccumulate in closed containers. Response and clean-up crews
must be properlytrained and must utilize proper protective equipment.

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.62. Diesel MSDS (continued-2)

Section 7: Handling and Storage
Handling: Keep away from fire, sparks and heated surfaces. No smoking near areas
wherematerial is stored or handled. The product should only be stored and handled
inareas with intrinsically safe electrical classification.
Storage:Keep away from flame, sparks, excessive temperatures and open flame.
Useapproved containers. Keep containers closed and clearly labeled. Empty orpartially
full product containers or vessels may contain explosive vapors. Do notpressurize, cut,
heat, weld or expose containers to sources of ignition. Store in awell-ventilated area.Keep
away from food, drink and animal feed. Incompatible with oxidizing agents.Incompatible
with acids.
Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Engineering Controls:Use adequate Hygiene Practice:Emergency eye wash
ventilation to keep gas and vapor capability should be available in the near
concentrations of this productbelow proximity tooperations presenting a
occupational exposure and flammability potential splash exposure. Use good
limits, particularly in confinedspaces. Use personal hygienepractices. Avoid repeated
only intrinsically safe electrical equipment and/or prolonged skin exposure. Wash
approved for use inclassified areas. hands beforeeating, drinking, smoking, or
Personal Protection: Splash goggles. Lab using toilet facilities. Do not use as a
coat. Air-purifying respirator. Be sure to cleaning solventon the skin. Do not use
use an approved/certified respirator or solvents or harsh abrasive skin cleaners for
equivalent. Gloves (nitrile or neoprene). washing thisproduct from exposed skin
Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical state and appearance: Liquid. Specific Gravity: Not available.
Odor: Characteristic petroleum (kerosene) Vapor Pressure: < 2 mmHg at 20°C
odor. Vapor Density: Not available.
Taste: Not available. Volatility: 100%
Molecular Weight: Not available. Odor Threshold: Not available.
Color: Clear, straw colored. Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: Not available.
pH (1% soln/water): Not applicable. Ionicity (in Water): Not available.
Boiling Point: 148°C(298°F) Dispersion Properties: Not available.
Melting Point: Not available. Solubility: Negligible in water.
Critical Temperature: Not available.
Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data
Conditions to Avoid: Avoid high temperatures, open flames, sparks, welding, smoking
and otherignition sources. Keep away from strong oxidizers.
Materials to Avoid: Strong oxidizing agents. Peroxides.
Hazardous Decomposition Products: Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and non-
combusted hydrocarbons (smoke).Diesel exhaust particulates may be a lung hazard.
Thermal Decomposition: No decomposition if stored and applied as directed.
Hazardous Reaction: Keep away from oxidizing agents, and acidic or alkaline products.
Section 11: Disposal Considerations
Waste Disposal: Consult federal, state and local waste regulations to determine
appropriate wastecharacterization of material and allowable disposal methods.

Universitas Indonesia

Table C.63. Diesel MSDS (continued-3)

Section 12: Toxicological Information
Carcinogenicity: Acute oral toxicity (LD50 rat): 5,001 mg/kg. Acute dermal toxicity
(LD50 rabbit): 2,001 mg/kg. Acute inhalation toxicity (LC50 rat): 7,64 mg/L for 4 h
exposure. Skin irritation: Severe irritation. Eye irritation: Mild irritation
Section 13: Ecological Information
Adsorbed Organic Bound Halogen (AOX): Not available.
Additional Ecological Information:Keep out of sewers, drainage areas, and waterways.
Report spills and releases, asapplicable, under Federal and State regulations.
Section 14: Transport Information
TDG: Proper shipping name: Diesel Fuel. UN-No.: UN1202. Class: 3. Packing group :
Section 15: Other Regulatory Information
OSHA Hazards: Highly toxic by ingestion. Severe skin irritant. Moderate eye irritant.
Possible Cancer Hazard.
TSCA Status: On TSCA Inventory.
DSL Status: All components of this product are on the Canadian DSL list.
SARA 311/312 Hazards: Acute Health Hazard. Chronic Health Hazard. Fire Hazard.
(Source: Tesoro Refinering & Marketing)

Universitas Indonesia
D.1. Main Process Process and Instrumentation Diagram
D.2. Utility Process and Instrumentation Diagram

203 Universitas Indonesia

204 Universitas Indonesia
D.3. Main Process Control and Instrumentations
Table D.1. Main Process Control and Instrumentations
Controlled Sensor + Manipulated
Equipment Element Controlling Function Controlling Action
Parameter Controller Variable
Main Process

Condition: When the amount

of medium per time is not
suitable with the design
Maintain amount of
Flow Meter Flow Medium Flow
Flow medium per time Controlling: If medium flow
(PID) Medium In Control Valve
(flow) into mixer is lower than the design,
control valve will open more
until the flow target is
Medium reached (vice versa)
Condition: When the mixer
temperature for sterilization
is not suitable with the design
Adjust mixer
Thermocouple Flow Steam Steam Flow
Temperature temperature when Controlling: If mixer
(PI) In Control Valve
sterilizing medium temperature is higher than
design, control valve will
close more until the
temperature target is reached

206 Universitas Indonesia

Table D.2. Main Process Control and Instrumentations (continued-1)
Controlled Sensor + Manipulated
Equipment Element Controlling Function Controlling Action
Parameter Controller Variable

Condition: When the mixer

temperature for medium
cooling down is not suitable
Adjust mixer
with the design
Flow Cooling temperature when
Temperature Cooling Water Flow medium being cooled
(PI) Controlling: If mixer
Water In Control Valve down before supplied
temperature is higher than
into fermenter
design, control valve will
open more until the
Medium temperature target is reached
Mixer (V-
Condition: When the medium
level is not suitable with the
Flow Medium Flow Maintain medium level
Level Indicator Controlling: If medium level
Medium In Control Valve inside the mixer
Digital (PI) is lower than the design,
control valve will open more
until the level target is
reached (vice versa)

207 Universitas Indonesia

Table D.3. Main Process Control and Instrumentations (continued-2)
Controlled Sensor + Manipulated
Equipment Element Controlling Function Controlling Action
Parameter Controller Variable

Condition: When the amount

of A. niger per time is not
suitable with the design
Maintain amount of A.
Flow A. A. niger Flow
niger per time (flow) Controlling: If A. niger flow
niger In Control Valve
into seed fermenter is lower than the design,
control valve will open more
until the flow target is
Seed reached (vice versa)
Flow Meter
Fermenter Flow
Condition: When the amount
of medium per time is not
suitable with the design
Maintain amount of
Flow Medium Flow medium per time
Controlling: If medium flow
Medium In Control Valve (flow) into seed
is lower than the design,
control valve will open more
until the flow target is
reached (vice versa)

208 Universitas Indonesia

Table D.4. Main Process Control and Instrumentations (continued-3)
Controlled Sensor + Manipulated
Equipment Element Controlling Function Controlling Action
Parameter Controller Variable

Condition: When the stream

pressure with seed fermenter
is not suitable with the design
Control pressure of
Air Flow
Flow Air In components inside Controlling: If air stream
Control Valve
seed fermenter pressure is higher than the
design, control valve will
open more until the pressure
Seed Pressure target is reached
Fermenter Pressure Regulator
(FR-101) (PID)
Condition: When the
compressed air pressure into
seed fermenter is not suitable
with the design
Flow Emission Control pressure of
Emission Flow Control compressed air inside
Controlling: If emission gas
Gas Out Valve seed fermenter
pressure is higher than the
design, control valve will
open more until the pressure
target is reached

209 Universitas Indonesia

Table D.5. Main Process Control and Instrumentations (continued-4)
Controlled Sensor + Manipulated
Equipment Element Controlling Function Controlling Action
Parameter Controller Variable

Condition: When the amount

of components with seed
fermenter per time is not
Maintain amount of
Flow from suitable with the design
Flow from components per time
Seed (flow) from seed
Fermenter Controlling: If flow with seed
Fermenter In fermenter into main
Control Valve fermenter is lower than the
design, control valve will
open more until the flow
Main target is reached (vice versa)
Flow Meter
Fermenter Flow
Condition: When the amount
of medium per time is not
suitable with the design
Maintain amount of
Flow Medium Flow medium per time
Controlling: If medium flow
Medium In Control Valve (flow) into main
is lower than the design,
control valve will open more
until the flow target is
reached (vice versa)

210 Universitas Indonesia

Table D.6. Main Process Control and Instrumentations (continued-5)
Controlled Sensor + Manipulated
Equipment Element Controlling Function Controlling Action
Parameter Controller Variable

Condition: When the stream

pressure with seed fermenter
is not suitable with the design
Flow Compressed Control pressure of
Compressed Air Flow components inside Controlling: If compressed air
Air In Control Valve seed fermenter stream pressure is higher than
the design, control valve will
open more until the pressure
Main Pressure target is reached
Fermenter Pressure Regulator
(FR-102) (PID)
Condition: When the
compressed air pressure into
seed fermenter is not suitable
with the design
Flow Emission Control pressure of
Emission Flow Control compressed air inside
Controlling: If emission gas
Gas Out Valve seed fermenter
pressure is higher than the
design, control valve will
open more until the pressure
target is reached

211 Universitas Indonesia

Table D.7. Main Process Control and Instrumentations (continued-6)
Controlled Sensor + Manipulated
Equipment Element Controlling Function Controlling Action
Parameter Controller Variable

Condition: When the amount

of solid waste per time is not
suitable with the design
Solid Waste Maintain amount of
Flow Solid
Flow Control solid waste per time Controlling: If solid waste
Waste Out
Valve (flow) from centrifuge flow is lower than the design,
control valve will open more
until the flow target is
Decanter reached (vice versa)
Flow Meter
Centrifuge Flow
Condition: When the amount
of separated liquid per time is
not suitable with the design
Maintain amount of
Flow Separated
separated liquid per
Separated Liquid Flow Controlling: If separated
time (flow) from
Liquid Out Control Valve liquid flow is lower than the
design, control valve will
open more until the flow
target is reached (vice versa)

212 Universitas Indonesia

Table D.8. Main Process Control and Instrumentations (continued-7)
Controlled Sensor + Manipulated
Equipment Element Controlling Function Controlling Action
Parameter Controller Variable

Condition: When the

centrifuged lipase
temperature is not suitable
Adjust centrifuged with the design
Decanter Hot Water
Thermocouple Flow Hot lipase temperature
Centrifuge Temperature Flow Control
(PI) Water In when being heated up Controlling: If centrifuged
(DC-101) Valve
in centrifuge lipase temperature is higher
than design, control valve
will close more until the
temperature target is reached

Condition: When the stream

pressure of filtrated lipase is
not suitable with the design
Pressure Flow Filtrated Control pressure of
Pressure Regulator Filtrated Lipase Flow filtrated lipase in Controlling: If stream
(PID) Lipase Out Control Valve ultrafilter pressure is higher than the
design, control valve will
open more until the pressure
target is reached

213 Universitas Indonesia

Table D.9. Main Process Control and Instrumentations (continued-8)
Controlled Sensor + Manipulated
Equipment Element Controlling Function Controlling Action
Parameter Controller Variable

Condition: When the amount

of solid waste per time is not
suitable with the design
Solid Waste Maintain amount of
Flow Meter Flow Solid
Flow Flow Control solid waste per time Controlling: If solid waste
(PID) Waste Out
Valve (flow) from ultrafilter flow is lower than the design,
control valve will open more
until the flow target is
Ultrafilter reached (vice versa)

Condition: When the filtrated

lipase temperature is not
suitable with the design
Adjust filtrated lipase
Hot Water
Thermocouple Flow Hot temperature when
Temperature Flow Control Controlling: If filtrated lipase
(PI) Water In being heated up in
Valve temperature is higher than
design, control valve will
close more until the
temperature target is reached

214 Universitas Indonesia

Table D.10. Main Process Control and Instrumentations (continued-9)
Controlled Sensor + Manipulated
Equipment Element Controlling Function Controlling Action
Parameter Controller Variable

Condition: When the amount

of wet lipase per time is not
suitable with the design
Wet Lipase Maintain amount of
Flow Wet
Flow Control wet lipase per time Controlling: If wet lipase
Lipase In
Valve (flow) into mixer flow is lower than the design,
control valve will open more
until the flow target is
Lipase reached (vice versa)
Flow Meter
Mixer Flow
Condition: When the amount
of maltodextrin per time is
not suitable with the design
Flow Maltodextrin Maintain amount of
Maltodextrin Flow Control maltodextrin per time Controlling: If maltodextrin
In Valve (flow) into mixer flow is lower than the design,
control valve will open more
until the flow target is
reached (vice versa)

215 Universitas Indonesia

Table D.11. Main Process Control and Instrumentations (continued-10)
Controlled Sensor + Manipulated
Equipment Element Controlling Function Controlling Action
Parameter Controller Variable
Condition: When the freeze-
dried lipase temperature is
not suitable with the design
Resident Adjust lipase mixture
Freeze- Dry Lipase Controlling: If freeze-dried
Thermocouple Time Lipase temperature when
Dryer (FD- Temperature Flow Control lipase temperature is higher
(PI) Mixture In being freeze-dried in
101) Valve than design, control valve
Freeze-Dryer freeze-dryer
will close more until the
temperature target is reached
so the resident time for lipase
will be longer

Condition: When the amount

of dry lipase per time is not
suitable with the design
Maintain amount of
Freeze- Dry Lipase
Flow Meter Flow Dry dry lipase per time
Dryer (FD- Flow Flow Control Controlling: If dry lipase
(PID) Lipase Out (flow) from freeze-
101) Valve flow is lower than the design,
control valve will open more
until the flow target is
reached (vice versa)

216 Universitas Indonesia

Table D.12. Main Process Control and Instrumentations (continued-11)
Controlled Sensor + Manipulated
Equipment Element Controlling Function Controlling Action
Parameter Controller Variable

Condition: When the pressure

of emission is not suitable
with the design
Freeze- Pressure Emission Control pressure of
Dryer (FD- Pressure Regulator Flow Control emission in freeze Controlling: If emission
Emission Out
101) (PID) Valve dryer pressure is higher than the
design, control valve will
open more until the pressure
target is reached

217 Universitas Indonesia

D.4. Utility Control and Instrumentations
Table D.13. Utility Control and Instrumentations
Controlled Sensor + Manipulated
Equipment Element Controlling Function Controlling Action
Parameter Controller Variable

Condition: When the storage

water level is not suitable
with the design
Level Flow Water Water Storage
Maintain water storage
Level Indicator Storage Tank Flow Control Controlling: If storage water
Digital (PI) In Valve level is higher than the
design, control valve will
open more until the level
Boiler (B- target is reached (vice versa)
Condition: When the amount
of fuel per time is not suitable
with the design
Maintain amount of
Flow Meter Fuel Flow
Flow Flow Fuel In fuel per time (flow) Controlling: If fuel flow is
(PID) Control Valve
into boiler lower than the design, control
valve will open more until
the flow target is reached
(vice versa)

218 Universitas Indonesia

Table D.14. Utility Control and Instrumentations (continued-1)
Controlled Sensor + Manipulated
Equipment Element Controlling Function Controlling Action
Parameter Controller Variable

Condition: When steam

temperature is not suitable
Adjust steam with the design
temperature when
Boiler (B- Thermocouple Flow Steam Steam Flow
Temperature treated water being Controlling: If steam
201) (PI) Out Control Valve
heated up to produce temperature is higher than
steam design, control valve will
close more until the
temperature target is reached

Condition: When the amount

of components per time is not
Flow Treated
suitable with the design
Water Water, Maintain amount of
Storage Flow Meter Zeolit, NaCl, components per time
Flow Flow Control Controlling: If components
Tank (T- (PID) and (flow) into water
Valve flow is lower than the design,
201) Blowdown storage tank
control valve will open more
Water In
until the flow target is
reached (vice versa)

219 Universitas Indonesia

Table D.15. Utility Control and Instrumentations (continued-2)
Controlled Sensor + Manipulated
Equipment Element Controlling Function Controlling Action
Parameter Controller Variable

Condition: When the storage

water level is not suitable
with the design
Level Flow Water Water Storage
Storage Maintain water storage
Level Indicator Storage Tank Flow Control Controlling: If storage water
Tank (T- level
Digital (PI) Out Valve level is higher than the
design, control valve will
open more until the level
target is reached (vice versa)

Condition: When the amount

of zeolit for recovery per
time is not suitable with the
Water Zeolit Maintain amount of design
Flow Zeolit
Storage Flow Meter Recovery zeolit for recovery per
Flow Recovery
Tank (T- (PID) Flow Control time (flow) from water Controlling: If zeolit for
201) Valve storage tank recovery flow is lower than
the design, control valve will
open more until the flow
target is reached (vice versa)

220 Universitas Indonesia

Table D.16. Utility Control and Instrumentations (continued-3)
Controlled Sensor + Manipulated
Equipment Element Controlling Function Controlling Action
Parameter Controller Variable

Condition: When the amount

of treated water per time is
not suitable with the design
Maintain amount of
Treated Water
Flow Meter Flow Treated treated water per time
Flow Flow Control Controlling: If treated water
(PID) Water In (flow) into cooling
Valve flow is lower than the design,
control valve will open more
until the flow target is
Cooling reached (vice versa)
Tower (CT-
301) Condition: When the
compressed air pressure into
cooling tower is not suitable
with the design
Pressure Flow Compressed Control pressure of
Pressure Regulator Compressed Air Flow compressed air inside
Controlling: If compressed
(PID) Air In Control Valve cooling tower
air pressure is higher than the
design, control valve will
close more until the pressure
target is reached

221 Universitas Indonesia

Table D.17. Utility Control and Instrumentations (continued-4)
Controlled Sensor + Manipulated
Equipment Element Controlling Function Controlling Action
Parameter Controller Variable

Condition: When cooling

water temperature is not
Adjust cooling water
suitable with the design
temperature when
Cooling Flow Cooling
Thermocouple treated water being
Tower (CT- Temperature Cooling Water Flow Controlling: If cooling water
(PI) cooled down before
301) Water Out Control Valve temperature is higher than
supplied into medium
design, control valve will
close more until the
temperature target is reached

Condition: When condensed

water temperature is not
suitable with the design
Flow Condensed Adjust condensed
Condenser Thermocouple
Temperature Condensed Water Flow water temperature from Controlling: If condensed
(CD-301) (PI)
Water Out Control Valve condenser water temperature is higher
than design, control valve
will close more until the
temperature target is reached

222 Universitas Indonesia

Table D.18. Utility Control and Instrumentations (continued-5)
Controlled Sensor + Manipulated
Equipment Element Controlling Function Controlling Action
Parameter Controller Variable

Condition: When the amount

of evaporated water per time
is not suitable with the design
Maintain amount of
Flow Evaporated
evaporated water per
Evaporated Water Flow Controlling: If evaporated
time (flow) from
Water In Control Valve water flow is lower than the
cooling tower
design, control valve will
open more until the flow
target is reached (vice versa)
Condenser Flow Meter
(CD-301) (PID)
Condition: When the amount
of condensed water per time
is not suitable with the design
Maintain amount of
Flow Condensed
condensed water per
Condensed Water Flow Controlling: If condensed
time (flow) from
Water Out Control Valve water flow is lower than the
design, control valve will
open more until the flow
target is reached (vice versa)

223 Universitas Indonesia

Table D.19. Utility Control and Instrumentations (continued-6)
Controlled Sensor + Manipulated
Equipment Element Controlling Function Controlling Action
Parameter Controller Variable

Condition: When the amount

of water source per time is
not suitable with the design
Maintain amount of
Flow Water Water Source
water source per time Controlling: If water source
Source In Control Valve
(flow) flow is lower than the design,
control valve will open more
until the flow target is
Clarifier reached (vice versa)
Flow Meter
Water Tank Flow
(CR-501) Condition: When the amount
of clarified water per time is
not suitable with the design
Flow Clarified Maintain amount of
Clarified Water Flow clarified water per time Controlling: If clarified water
Water Out Control Valve (flow) flow is lower than the design,
control valve will open more
until the flow target is
reached (vice versa)

224 Universitas Indonesia

Table D.20. Utility Control and Instrumentations (continued-7)
Controlled Sensor + Manipulated
Equipment Element Controlling Function Controlling Action
Parameter Controller Variable

Condition: When the amount

of NaOCl per time is not
suitable with the design
Flow NaOCl NaOCl Flow Maintain amount of
Controlling: If water source
In Control Valve NaOCl per time (flow)
flow is lower than the design,
control valve will open more
until the flow target is
NaOCl reached (vice versa)
Injection Flow Meter
Vessel (V- (PID) Condition: When the amount
501) of treated water with NaOCl
per time is not suitable with
Maintain amount of the design
Flow Treated Condensed
treated water with
Water with Water Flow
NaOCl per time (flow) Controlling: If treated water
NaOCl Out Control Valve
from condenser with NaOCl flow is lower
than the design, control valve
will open more until the flow
target is reached (vice versa)

225 Universitas Indonesia

Table D.21. Utility Control and Instrumentations (continued-8)
Controlled Sensor + Manipulated
Equipment Element Controlling Function Controlling Action
Parameter Controller Variable
Condition: When the filtrated
water pressure from filtration
tank is not suitable with the
Filtration Pressure Flow Filtrated Control pressure of
Water Tank Pressure Regulator Filtrated Water Flow filtrated water from
Controlling: If filtrated water
(FT-501) (PID) Water Out Control Valve filtration tank
pressure is higher than the
design, control valve will
close more until the pressure
target is reached

Condition: When the amount

of nitrite per time is not
suitable with the design
Injection Flow Meter Flow Nitrite Nitrite Flow Maintain amount of
Flow Controlling: If nitrite flow is
Vessel (V- (PID) In Control Valve nitrite per time (flow)
lower than the design, control
valve will open more until
the flow target is reached
(vice versa)

226 Universitas Indonesia

Table D.22. Utility Control and Instrumentations (continued-9)
Controlled Sensor + Manipulated
Equipment Element Controlling Function Controlling Action
Parameter Controller Variable

Condition: When condesed

water temperature is not
suitable with the design
Flow Condensed Adjust condesed water
Temperature Condensed Water Flow temperature from Controlling: If condesed
Water Out Control Valve condensate tank water temperature is higher
than design, control valve
will close more until the
Condensate temperature target is reached
Tank (WT-
501) Condition: When the amount
of cooling water per time is
not suitable with the design
Flow Cooling Maintain amount of
Flow Meter
Flow Cooling Water Flow cooling water per time Controlling: If cooling water
Water In Control Valve (flow) from V-101 flow is lower than the design,
control valve will open more
until the flow target is
reached (vice versa)

227 Universitas Indonesia

Table D.23. Utility Control and Instrumentations (continued-10)
Controlled Sensor + Manipulated
Equipment Element Controlling Function Controlling Action
Parameter Controller Variable

Condition: When the amount

of final treated water per time
is not suitable with the design
Maintain amount of
Flow Final Final Treated
final treated water per
Treated Water Flow Controlling: If final treated
time (flow) into
Water In Control Valve water flow is lower than the
demineralization tank
design, control valve will
open more until the flow
Deminera- target is reached (vice versa)
lization Flow Meter
Tank (WT- (PID)
502) Condition: When the amount
of cooling water per time is
not suitable with the design
Flow Cooling Maintain amount of
Cooling Water Flow cooling water per time Controlling: If cooling water
Water Out Control Valve (flow) into V-101 flow is lower than the design,
control valve will open more
until the flow target is
reached (vice versa)

228 Universitas Indonesia

Table D.24. Utility Control and Instrumentations (continued-11)
Controlled Sensor + Manipulated
Equipment Element Controlling Function Controlling Action
Parameter Controller Variable
Condition: When the amount
of demineralized water per
time is not suitable with the
Demineraliza- Maintain amount of design
tion Water demineralized water
Flow Control per time (flow) into Controlling: If demineralized
tion Water In
Valve deaeration tank water flow is lower than the
design, control valve will
open more until the flow
Deaeration target is reached (vice versa)
Flow Meter
Tank (WT- Flow
503) Condition: When the amount
of deaerated water per time is
not suitable with the design
Flow Deaeration Maintain amount of
Deaeration Water Flow deaerated water per Controlling: If deaerated
Water Out Control Valve time (flow) into B-201 water flow is lower than the
design, control valve will
open more until the flow
target is reached (vice versa)

229 Universitas Indonesia

E. APPENDIX E: Health and Safety Assessment Analysis
E.1. HAZID Analysis
Table E.1. HAZID Analysis
Potential Hazard
Unit/Equipment/Location Description Causes Frequency Prevention
Hazard Effect
To cultivate Product in Unappropriate Maintain safe distance, use PPE
A. niger Bioreactor Unit Moderate Unlikely
A. niger aerosol form treatment appropriately
High Keep storage below 24°C and
Fire and/or
temperature Major Possible well-ventilated, stay away from
To strore explosion
Rice Bran Storage Unit condition any heat and fire source
rice bran
Regularly check and control the
Leakage Over capacity Major Possible
storage capacity
To store Store molasses away from strong
Fire and/or
Molasses Storage Unit liquid Instable product Major Unlikely acid, strong alkali, and oxidizing
molasses agents
To store Store molasses away from any
Cornsteep Liquor Storage Fire and/or
cornsteep Instable product Major Unlikely oxidizing agents and excess heat,
Unit explosion
liquor maintain storage temperature
Fire and/or Keep storage away from any heat
temperature Major Possible
To store explosion and fire source, acid, and alkali
Palm Oil Storage Unit condition
palm oil
Regularly check and control the
Leakage Over capacity Major Possible
storage capacity
Product in Unappropriate Maintain safe distance, use PPE
Moderate Unlikely
aerosol form treatment appropriately
To store
NaH2PO4 Storage Unit Contact with
NaH2PO4 Maintain condition around the
Corrosion wet, mild steel or Moderate Unlikely

230 Universitas Indonesia

Table E.2. HAZID Analysis (continued-1)
Potential Hazard
Unit/Equipment/Location Description Causes Frequency Prevention
Hazard Effect
Keep storage away from
To store Product of High temperature oxidizing agents and any heat and
NaH2PO4 Storage Unit Major Unlikely
NaH2PO4 combustion condition fire source, storage should be dry
and cool
Product in Unappropriate Maintain safe distance, use PPE
Moderate Unlikely
aerosol form treatment appropriately
To store Keep storage away from
KH2PO4 Storage Unit
KH2PO4 Fire and/or High temperature oxidizing agents and any heat and
Major Possible
explosion condition fire source, storage should be dry
and cool
Product in Unappropriate Maintain safe distance, use PPE
Moderate Unlikely
aerosol form treatment appropriately
Reaction with
To store furan-2- Keep storage away from furan-2-
CaCl2 Storage Unit
CaCl2 Fire and/or peroxycarboxylic, peroxycarboxylic and
Major Possible
explosion Instable in hygroscopic condition, store
presence of below 30°C and well-ventilated
To store
Regularly check and control the
Water Storage Unit process Leakage Over capacity Major Possible
storage capacity
To mix Regularly check and control the
Medium Blending Unit ingredients Leakage Over flow Moderate Possible inlet and outlet flow. Check the
for medium mixing rate

231 Universitas Indonesia

Table E.3. HAZID Analysis (continued-2)
Potential Hazard
Unit/Equipment/Location Description Causes Frequency Prevention
Hazard Effect
To mix Maintain flow rate and
Pressure above
Medium Blending Unit ingredients Implode Catastrophic Possible temperature by controlling steam
the limit
for medium and cooling water flow rate
Regularly check and control the
inlet and outlet flow, check the
mixing rate, make sure to handle
Leakage Over flow Moderate Possible
spill carefully since there is
To produce A.niger and medium with health
Fermentation Unit hazard
Pressure above
Implode Catastrophic Possible Maintain flow rate and
the limit
temperature by controlling steam
High temperature and cooling water flow rate
Fire Major Possible
To separate
product and Leakage Over flow Minor Possible Regularly check and control the
Decanter Centrifuge Unit by-product
inlet and each outlet flows.
based in
density Clogging Blokage Moderate Possible
Maintain flow rate and
To separate
temperature by controlling steam
lipase from Membrane Over flow and
Ultrafiltration Moderate Possible and cooling water flow rate,
by-products filter damage high pressure
regularly check the membrane
by size

232 Universitas Indonesia

Table E.4. HAZID Analysis (continued-3)
Potential Hazard
Unit/Equipment/Location Description Causes Frequency Prevention
Hazard Effect
Maintain flow rate and
To separate
temperature by controlling
lipase from
Ultrafiltration Leakage Over flow Minor Possible steam and cooling water flow
by-products by
rate, regularly check the
membrane condition
Product in Unappropriate Maintain safe distance, use PPE
Moderate Possible
To mix lipase aerosol form treatment appropriately
Lipase Mixing Unit with Regularly check and control the
maltodextrin Leakage Over flow Moderate Possible inlet and outlet flow, check the
mixing rate
Heating and
To produce Extreme Regularly check and control
Freeze Drying Unit final powdered temperature Major Unlikely temperature inside freeze dryer,
lipase transition control exhaust gas outlet flow
Using silencer, insulation, or
Noise High decibel Very
Moderate provide employees with ear
pollution operation Likely
To transport Regularly control, check, and
Pumps fluids between Implode Pressure above
Catastrophic Unlikely maintain fluid pressure and
equipment/unit the limit
flow within safe range
Shut down pump when it is not
Component High temperature
Major Possible being operated, regularly
damage condition
maintain pump condition
To distribute Piping
Regularly check whether there
Piping Network System fluid in damage and Blokage Major Possible
is clog or not
process leakage

233 Universitas Indonesia

Table E.5. HAZID Analysis (continued-4)
Potential Hazard
Unit/Equipment/Location Description Causes Frequency Prevention
Hazard Effect
To distribute Piping Control fluid condition and
Piping Network System fluid in damage and Corrosion Major Possible maintain within normal pH to
process leakage prevent any corrosion happen
Regularly control, check, and
Component Pressure above
Catastrophic Unlikely maintain fluid pressure and
damage the limit
flow within safe range
Maintain fluid and heating
High temperature
Catastrophic Possible temperature within design
To generate condition
Boiler Unit steam for Regularly check piping
heating Fire and/or Piping leakage Major Possible condition and place gas detector
explosion surrounding boiler unit
Presence of spark Keep any fire, heat source, and
or any heat Catastrophic Possible combustible material away from
source nearby generator
To separate Over flow Major Possible
Regularly check and control the
water from High pressure
Filtration Water Tank Leakage inlet and outlet flow and
large within filtration Major Unlikely pressure
particulate layer
Regularly check and control the
Demineralization Unit demineralize Leakage Over flow Major Possible
inlet and outlet flow

234 Universitas Indonesia

Table E.6. HAZID Analysis (continued-5)
Potential Hazard
Unit/Equipment/Location Description Causes Frequency Prevention
Hazard Effect
Low final Maintain and check the quality
Demineralization Unit demineralize Resin saturation Moderate Possible
water quality of resin bed regularly
To remove Regularly check and control the
Leakage Over flow Major Unlikely
CO2 an inlet and outlet flow
Deaeration Unit oxygen Not all oxygen
dissolved in Check and maintain oxygen
Corrosion remove Major Possible
water level in inlet and outlet flow
Leakage in fuel Maintain fuel pipe condition by
To generate Catastrophic Possible
pipe regular checking
back-up Fire and/or
Diesel Generator Unit Presence of spark Keep any fire, heat source, and
electricity for explosion
or any heat Catastrophic Possible combustible material away from
source nearby generator
Over flow or Maintain regular schedule for
waste that store Major Possible waste treatment so the flow will
To manage too long be in safe range
and treat waste Waste
Waste Treatment Unit
from all Chemical characteristic Employee that will handle
process exposure or (BOD, COD, and Major Unlikely waste should be equipped with
contact TSS) above proper PPE and safe distance
allowed level

235 Universitas Indonesia

Table E.7. HAZID Analysis (continued-6)
Potential Hazard
Unit/Equipment/Location Description Causes Frequency Prevention
Hazard Effect
Chemical Chemical and/or Make sure to wear proper PPE
To check the exposure or biological Major Possible equipment and be careful when
product contact substance spill handling the substance
quality and Handling product carefully and
QC Laboratory Unappropriate
further stay away from any substances
Fire and/or treatment and
research and Major Unlikely that cause product become
explosion condition for
development unstable, reactive, and

236 Universitas Indonesia

E.2. HAZOP Analysis
Table E.8. HAZOP Analysis
Unit/Equipment Parameter Deviation Possible Cause Effect Action Required Control
Unbalance amount of
Medium valve is
medium for A. niger
too wide Regularly maintain and
check controller
Wet lipase valve
is too wide
Different final product
specification Adjust conveyor rate to
conveyor rate is
its optimum
too fast
Unbalance amount of
Medium valve is
medium for A. niger Flow Control
Flow too small Regularly maintain and
cultivation (FC)
check controller
Wet lipase valve
Mixer (V-101, Low
is too small
MX-101) Different final product
specification Adjust conveyor rate to
conveyor rate is
its optimum
too slow
Clean up clog within
Pipe clogged Process flow is stopped
Belt conveyor Overcapacity of maltodextrin Change the error
error storage component in conveyor
Steam flowrate is Nutrient within medium will Decrease steam
too high not affect A. niger growth flowrate
Temperature High Cooling water Temperature for cooling-
Increase cooling water Control (TC)
flowrate is too down medium process is not
low achieved

237 Universitas Indonesia

Table E.9. HAZOP Analysis (continued-1)
Unit/Equipment Parameter Deviation Possible Cause Effect Action Required Control
Steam flowrate is
Increase steam flowrate
too low
Temperature for sterillization Temperature
Temperature Low Cooling water
is not achieved Decrease cooling water Control (TC)
flowrate is too
Inlet flowrate is
Mixer (V-101, Decrease inlet flowrate
too high
MX-101) High
Outlet flowrate is
Increase outlet flowrate
too small Unbalance componen for Level Control
Inlet flowrate is cultivation (LC)
Increase inlet flowrate
too small
Outlet flowrate is Decrease outlet
too high flowrate
A. niger flow is
too high
Medium valve is
too wide Not optimum condition and Regularly maintain and
A. niger flow is balance for cultivation check controller Flow Control
Flow Low
too low (FC)
Fermenter (FR- Medium valve is
101, FR-102) too small
Clean up clog within
None Pipe clogged Process flow is stopped
Accumulation of
gas and Open more emission Pressure Control
Pressure High Implodes
components valve (PC)
within fermenter

238 Universitas Indonesia

Table E.10. HAZOP Analysis (continued-2)
Unit/Equipment Parameter Deviation Possible Cause Effect Action Required Control
Separated liquid Regularly maintain and
valve is too wide check controller
Solid waste
Adjust conveyor rate to
conveyor rate is
its optimum
too fast Product from centrifuge is Flow Control
Separated liquid not fulfill qualification Regularly maintain and (FC)
valve is too small check controller
Solid waste
Centrifuge (DC- Adjust conveyor rate to
conveyor rate is
101) its optimum
too slow
Hot water
Decrease hot water
High flowrate is too
high Unstable temperature for Temperature
Hot water maintain lipase condition Control (TC)
Increase hot water
Low flowrate is too
Driving force
Trigger heat and posibbly Open outlet flow valve
High from pump is too
fire in filtration proces more Pressure Control
Pressure high
Clogged in filter Product do not meet
Low Clean up filter
Ultrafilter (UF- by particulate specification after filtration
101) Filtrated lipase Regularly maintain and
valve is too wide check controller
Product from ultrafilter is not Flow Control
Flow High Solid waste
fulfill qualification Adjust conveyor rate to (FC)
conveyor rate is
its optimum
too fast

239 Universitas Indonesia

Table E.11. HAZOP Analysis (continued-3)
Unit/Equipment Parameter Deviation Possible Cause Effect Action Required Control
Filtrated lipase Regularly maintain and
valve is too small check controller
Product from ultrafilter is not Flow Control
Flow Low Solid waste
fulfill qualification Adjust conveyor rate to (FC)
conveyor rate is
its optimum
too slow
Ultrafilter (UF-
Hot water
101) Decrease hot water
High flowrate is too
high Unstable temperature for Temperature
Hot water maintain lipase condition Control (TC)
Increase hot water
Low flowrate is too
Emission flow Open emission valve
High Implodes
valve is too small more Pressure Control
Emission flow Close emission valve (PC)
Low Unstable emission flow
valve is too high more
Dry lipase
High flowrate is too
Water content in dry lipase
high Regularly maintain and Flow Control
Flow product is not meet
Freeze Dryer (FD- Dry lipase check controller (FC)
101) Low flowrate is too
Time for freezing
High and drying are
Adjust timing for
too long Unstable temperature for Temperature
Temperature freezing and drying of
Time for freezing final dry lipase product Control (TC)
Low and drying are
too slow

240 Universitas Indonesia

Table E.12. HAZOP Analysis (continued-4)
Unit/Equipment Parameter Deviation Possible Cause Effect Action Required Control
Water inlet flow
High Leakage
is too high Flow Control
Water inlet flow (FC)
is too slow
temperature Regularly maintain and
Boiler (B-201) High
produced in Insufficient amount of steam check controller
boiler is too high produced in boiler Temperature
Steam Control (TC)
produced in
boiler is too low
Driving force Trigger heat and posibbly
Open outlet flow valve
High from pump is too fire in increase flow
Filtration Water more Pressure Control
Pressure high temperature
Tank (FT-501) (PC)
Clogged in filter Product do not meet Clean up and maintain
by particulate specification after filtration filter condition
Final treated
water valve is too
High wide
Water is not fully
Demineralization Cooling water Regularly maintain and Flow Control
Flow demineralized and will effect
Tank (WT-502) valve is too small check controller (FC)
the rest of process
Final treated
Low water valve is too

241 Universitas Indonesia

Table E.13. HAZOP Analysis (continued-5)
Unit/Equipment Parameter Deviation Possible Cause Effect Action Required Control
High water valve is too
Deaerated water
Dissolved oxygen and CO2 is
Deaeration Tank valve is too small Regularly maintain and Flow Control
Flow still consisted in an suitable
(WT-503) Demineralized check controller (FC)
water valve is too
Low small
Deaerated water
valve is too wide

242 Universitas Indonesia


E.3. Operation Details

1. Start-Up Procedure
Before the plant operates for the first time, several procedures needed to be
done so the plant can run safely. Details procedures description are available as
a. Mechanical Completion (MC)
Any unit or facility inside plant will be considered as Mechanically
Complete (MC) when it has been erected in accordance with applicable
drawings and specifications. Several mechanical completion activities that
classified as non-operating activities are piping and equipment installation,
integrity testing (hydrostatic/pneumatic), equipment inspection, develop punch
list, cold alignment checks, point to point continuity checks, free water removal
from systems, preservation and maintenance.
b. Punch List
It is an integral part of the mechanical completion and is a critical step
to verifying the status of systems completion. The category of a punch list item
determines if a system is ready to move into the next phase of commissioning.
Punch list items are prioritized into one of three categories; type A (can be
repaired later), type B (can be cleared after MC but before pre-commissioning),
or C (cleared prior to proceeding into commissioning and safe start-up).
c. System Turn Over
Develop turnover procedure and schedule must be arraged in order to
define how system will be turned over from construction to commissioning and
any informations related to it. Usually, utilities and outside battery limit will be
scheduled first, followed by process area or inside battery limit. Later on,
detailed set of system definitions will be developed by highlighting P&IDs and
other engineering documents in appropriate way.
d. Pre-commissioning
After a system or sub-system achieved MC, pre-commissioning/static
commissioning can be done and monitored by using different types of fluids
such as water, air, nitrogen, hydrocarbons that being introduced into several
section in facilities. Activities that are done in pre-commissioning such as:

Universitas Indonesia

 Temporary screens, strainers, and blinds test

 Air and steam blowing
 Flushing, chemical and mechanical cleaning
 Cleaning and passivation
 Electrical system energizing
 Instrumentation verification
e. Commissioning
If all facilities inside plant have already been designed, procured,
fabricated, installed, tested, and prepared for operation in accordance with
design and specifications, commissioning as a verification process should be
done. Items that are listed in commissioning such as:
 Operational tightness testing
 Oil system flushing
 Loading of desiccants and catalyst
 Refractory dry out
 Run in of rotating equipment
 Drying out and inerting
 Instrument and electrical function testing
 Function testing of safety systems
f. Pre-start-up Safety Review (PSSR)
This procedure will be conducted prior to start-up after all construction
is already complete. Things that checked up in PSSR are:
 Accordance of construction and equipment with the design specifications
 Procedures such as safety, operating, maintenance, and emergency are in
place, adequate, and functioning properly
 Process hazard analysis has been performed and recommendations have
been implemented before start-up
g. Acceptance Test Run (ATR)
The test run will be held after commissioning and an approved
procedure will be developed and utilized.

Universitas Indonesia

2. Shut-Down Procedure
Procedures for plant shut-down are available in 2 conditions, which are
planned shut-down (for maintenance and evaluation equipments) and unplanned
shut-down (in case of emergency). In both cases, safety precautions for shut-down
activities needed to be taken into account. It is required to prevent all potential
hazards that commonly appear during plant shut-down.
a. Planned Shut-Down
 Constantly reduce steam and hot water flow into seed and main fermenter
and set so the temperature inside will constant at 60°C for 45 minutes to
inactivate A. niger. Let cooling water still flow to help maintain inactivation
process. After 45 minutes, steam and hot water flow will be reduced again
until the valve is closed. Once the temperature already normal, constanly
reduced the cooling water flow until the valve is closed
 Constantly reduce steam and hot water flow into other equipments by
closing the control valve so that the temperature can be set into normal. Let
cooling water still flow to help temperature reduced faster. Once the
temperature already normal, constanly reduced the cooling water flow until
the valve is closed
 Turn off utilities such as steam and cooling water utility. Treated water flow
into any equipments should be stopped also
 Open up network into venting and flare system to let any remaining gas
within equipment to flow out
 Stop any pumps and conveyors flow from storage into main process. Clean
up any remaining components within pipe (that has not reach main process
yet) and collect those back into storage
 Shut-down all remaining pumps in other processes (include main and utility
 Collect components in each equipment and store it in a temporary storage
 Flush equipments and piping with fresh water and drain it to remove the
remaining substances inside.

Universitas Indonesia

b. Emergency Shut-Down
Since emergency shutdown needs extra protection to prevent any
hazardous situation from occuring, the system should be reliable and function
perfectly when needed. Several actions that can be done in case of emergency
 In case of fire and/or possible of combustion, shut-down all transports of
flammable material and liquid within process
 Vent all gases into flare system and drain component inside the equipment
to prevent furher or unexpected reaction
 Shut-down electricity surrounding the area
 Evacuate employees into safe area from the location
Contact local fire department and hospital if further assistant is needed

E.4. NFPA Detail Informations

Table E.14. Fire Diamond Information Details
Very short exposure could cause death or serious residual injury even
though prompt medical attention was given.
Short exposure could cause serious temporary or residual injury even
Blue: Health though prompt medical attention was given.
Hazard Intense or continued exposure could cause temporary incapa-citation
(Position: or possible residual injury unless prompt medical attention is given.
Left) Exposure could cause irritation but only minor residual injury even if
no treatment is given.
Exposure under fire conditions would offer no hazard beyond that of
ordinary combustible materials.
Will rapidly or completely vaporize at normal pressure and
temperature, or is readily dispersed in air and will burn readily.
Red: Liquids and solids that can be ignited under almost all ambient
Flammabili- conditions.
ty (Position: Must be moderately heated or exposed to relatively high temperature
Up) before ignition can occur.
1 Must be preheated before ignition can occur.
0 Materials that will not burn.
Yellow: Readily capable of detonation or of explosive decomposition or
Instability/ reaction at normal temperatures and pressures.
Reactivity Capable of detonation or explosive reaction, but requires a strong
(Position: 3 initiating source or must be heated under confinement before initiation,
Right) or reacts explosively with water.

Universitas Indonesia

Table E.15. Fire Diamond Information Details (continued)

Normally unstable and readily undergo violent decomposition but do
2 not detonate. Also: may react violently with water or may form
potentially explosive mixtures with water.
Normally stable, but can become unstable at elevated temperatures and
1 pressures or may react with water with some release of energy, but not
Normally stable, even under fire exposure conditions, and are not
reactive with water.
An oxidizer, a chemical which can greatly increase the rate of
Gases which are simple asphyxiants, for liquified carbon dioxide
vapor withdrawal systems or areas where large amounts of dry
White: ice are used in confined spaces. The use of this hazard symbol
Special appears to be optional.
Hazards Unusual reactivity with water, which indicates a potential hazard
(Position: using water to fight a fire involving this material.
Below) Material is an acid, a corrosive material that has a pH lower than
An alkaline material, also called a base. These caustic materials
have a pH greater than 7.0
COR A material that is corrosive (it could be either an acid or a base).
(Source: ILPI, 2016)

E.5. HMIS Detail Informations

Table E.16. HMIS Detail Informations
Color Category Details
Life-threatening, major or permanent damage may result
from single or repeated overexposures.
Major injury likely unless prompt action is taken and
Blue: Health medical treatment is given.
(Position: First) 2 Temporary or minor injury may occur.
1 Irritation or minor reversible injury possible.
0 No significant risk to health.
Flammable gases, or very volatile flammable liquids
with flash points below 73°F, and boiling points below
100°F. Materials may ignite spon-taneously with air.
(Class IA) .
Materials capable of ignition under almost all normal
temperature conditions. Includes flammable liquids with
Red: Flammability
3 flash points below 73°F and boiling points above 100°F,
(Position: Second)
as well as liquids with flash points between 73°F and
100°F. (Classes IB & IC).
Materials which must be moderately heated or exposed
to high ambient temperatures before ignition will occur.
Includes liquids having a flash point at or above 100°F
but below 200°F. (Classes II & IIIA).
Universitas Indonesia

Table E.17. HMIS Detail Informations (continued-1)

Color Category Details
Materials that must be preheated before ignition will
1 occur. Includes liquids, solids and semi solids having a
flash point above 200°F. (Class IIIB).
0 Materials that will not burn.
Orange: Physical 4 Materials that are readily capable of explosive water
Hazard (Position: reaction, detonation or explosive decom-position,
Third) polymerization, or self-reaction at normal temperature
and pressure.
3 Materials that may form explosive mixtures with water
and are capable of detonation or explosive reaction in
the presence of a strong initiating source. Materials may
polymerize, decompose, self-react, or undergo other
chemical change at normal temperature and pressure
with moderate risk of explosion.
2 Materials that are unstable and may undergo violent
chemical changes at normal temperature and pressure
with low risk for explosion. Materials may react
violently with water or form peroxides upon exposure to
Orange: Physical 1 Materials that are normally stable but can become
Hazard (Position: unstable (self-react) at high temperatures and
Third) pressures. Materials may react non-violently with
water or undergo hazardous polymerization in the
absence of inhibitors.
0 Materials that are normally stable, even under fire
conditions, will not react with water, polymerize,
decompose, condense, or self-react.Non-explosives.

White: Personal
(Position: Fourth)

Universitas Indonesia

Table E.18. HMIS Detail Informations (continued-2)

Color Category Details

Universitas Indonesia
F. APPENDIX F: Capital Expenditure

F.1. Bare-module Factor

Table F.1. Bare-module Factor
Factor (FBM)
Furnaces and direct-fired heaters, shop-fabricated 2,19
Furnaces and direct-fired heaters, field-fabricated 1,86
Shell-and-tube heat exchangers 3,17
Double-pipe heat exchangers 1,8
Fin-tube air coolers 2,17
Vertical pressure vessels 4,16
Horizontal pressure vessels 3,05
Pumps and drivers 3,3
Centrifuges 2,03
Conveyors 1,61
Bucket conveyors 1,74
Crushers 1,39
Mills 2,3
Crystallizers 2,06
Dryers 2,06
Evaporators 2,45
Filters 2,32
Flakers 2,05
Screens 1,73
Average Module Factors 2,29
(Source: Seider, 2003)

250 Universitas Indonesia

F.2. Equipment Cost
Table F.2. Equipment Cost
Total Cost Index Total Bare
FOB/unit Cost Index Price in 2019 Bare
No Equipment Code Qty Price at 2019 Module Cost
(USD) Reference (USD) Module
1 A. niger Bioreactor BR-101 6 $ 7,000 $ 42,000 576,1 646.055 $ 7,100.00 1 $ 47,100.00
2 Rice Bran Storage V-101 1 $ 6,896 $ 6,896 500 646.055 $ 8,916.94 1.96 $ 17,477.21
3 Molasses Storage V-102 1 $ 600 $ 600 444,2 646.055 $ 872.65 1.96 $ 1,710.40
4 Salt Storage V-103 1 $ 800 $ 800 444,2 646.055 $ 1,163.54 1.96 $ 2,280.54
Cornsteep Liquor
5 V-104 1 $ 600 $ 600 444,2 646.055 $ 872.65 1.96 $ 1,710.40
6 Palm Oil Storage V-105 1 $ 800 $ 800 444,2 646.055 $ 1,163.54 1.96 $ 2,280.54
Process Water
7 V-106 1 $ 2,738 $ 2,738 500 646.055 $ 3,540.82 1.96 $ 6,940.00
Medium Mixing &
8 MX-101 1 $ 3,268 $ 3,268 500 646.055 $ 4,225.52 1.96 $ 8,282.01
Sterilization Tank
9 Seed Fermenter FR-101 1 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 325,3 646.055 $ 1,916.17 2.8 $ 33,365.28
10 Main Fermenter FR-102 1 $ 8,500 $ 8,500 325,3 646.055 $ 6,881.24 2.8 $ 47,267.47
11 Process Blower CF-101 1 $ 37 $ 37 500 646.055 $ 47.26 1 $ 47.26
12 Decanter Centrifuge DC-101 1 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 550,8 646.055 $ 1,729.39 2.03 $ 23,810.67
13 Ultrafilter UF-101 1 $ 1,570 $ 1,570 500 646.055 $ 2,029.84 2.32 $ 4,709.22
14 Lipase Mixing Tank MX-102 1 $ 4,017 $ 4,017 500 646.055 $ 5,194.00 2.25 $ 11,686.49
15 Freeze Dryer FD-101 1 $ 120,000 $ 120,000 556,8 646.055 $ 39,235.99 1 $ 139,235.99
16 Water Storage Tank T-201 1 $ 8,053 $ 8,053 500 646.055 $ 10,413.32 1.96 $ 20,410.10
17 Boiler B-201 1 $ 6,500 $ 6,500 444,2 646.055 $ 9,453.75 2.19 $ 20,703.72
251 Universitas Indonesia
Table F.3. Equipment Cost (continued-1)
Total Cost Index Total Bare
FOB/unit Cost Index Price in 2019 Bare
No Equipment Code Qty Price at 2019 Module Cost
(USD) Reference (USD) Module
18 Cooling Tower CT-301 1 $ 1,018 $ 1,018 500 646.055 $ 1,316.11 1 $ 1,316.11
19 Condenser CD-301 1 $ 7,982 $ 7,982 500 646.055 $ 10,322.19 1 $ 10,322.19
20 Rice Bran Conveyor C-101 1 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 444.2 646.055 $ 2,908.85 1.61 $ 4,683.24
21 Salt Conveyor C-102 1 $ 600 $ 600 444.2 646.055 $ 872.65 1.61 $ 1,404.97
Solid Waste
22 C-103 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 444.2 646.055 $ 2,327.08 1.61 $ 3,746.60
23 C-104 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 444.2 646.055 $ 2,327.08 1.61 $ 3,746.60
Dry Lipase
24 C-105 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 444.2 646.055 $ 2,327.08 1.61 $ 3,746.60
25 Molasses Pump P-101 1 $ 780 $ 780 395.6 646.055 $ 1,273.82 1.89 $ 2,407.52
26 Water Pump P-102 1 $ 940 $ 940 402 646.055 $ 1,510.68 1.89 $ 2,855.18
Cornsteep Liquor
27 P-103 1 $ 940 $ 940 444.2 646.055 $ 1,367.16 1.89 $ 2,583.93
28 Palm Oil Pump P-104 1 $ 940 $ 940 468.2 646.055 $ 1,297.08 1.89 $ 2,451.48
Medium Mixing &
29 P-105 1 $ 940 $ 940 500 646.055 $ 1,215.56 1.89 $ 2,297.40
Sterilization Pump
Seed Fermenter
30 P-106 1 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 525.4 646.055 $ 1,229.64 1.89 $ 2,324.03
Main Fermenter
31 P-107 1 $ 860 $ 860 575.4 646.055 $ 965.60 1.89 $ 1,824.99
Centrifuge Liquid
32 P-108 1 $ 860 $ 860 521.9 646.055 $ 1,064.59 1.89 $ 2,012.07
Waste Pump

252 Universitas Indonesia

Table F.4. Equipment Cost (continued-2)
Total Cost Index Total Bare
FOB/unit Cost Index Price in 2019 Bare
No Equipment Code Qty Price at 2019 Module Cost
(USD) Reference (USD) Module
Decanter Centrifuge
33 P-109 1 $ 860 $ 860 550.8 646.055 $ 1,008.73 1.89 $ 1.906,50
34 Ultrafilter Pump P-110 1 $ 860 $ 860 585.7 646.055 $ 948.62 1.89 $ 1.792,89
Ultrafilter Liquid
35 P-111 1 $ 860 $ 860 584.6 646.055 $ 950.41 1.89 $ 1.796,27
Waste Pump
Lipase Mixing
36 P-112 1 $ 800 $ 800 567.3 646.055 $ 911.06 1.89 $ 1.721,90
Boiler Treated
37 P-201 1 $ 940 $ 940 576.1 646.055 $ 1,054.14 1.89 $ 1.992,33
Water Pump
38 Fuel Pump P-202 1 $ 860 $ 860 556.8 646.055 $ 997.86 1.89 $ 1.885,95
Water Storage
39 P-203 1 $ 940 $ 940 541.7 646.055 $ 1,121.08 1.89 $ 2.118,85
Boiler Blowdown
40 P-204 1 $ 940 $ 940 620.365 646.055 $ 978.93 1.89 $ 1.850,17
Cooling Tower
41 Treated Water P-301 1 $ 940 $ 940 633.21 646.055 $ 959.07 1.89 $ 1.812,64
Condensed Water
42 P-302 1 $ 940 $ 940 646.055 646.055 $ 940.00 1.89 $ 1.776,60
43 WWTP 1 $ 11,691 $ 11,691 $ 11.691 1 $ 11,691.24
Total Equipment Bare Module Cost $ 467,085.54

253 Universitas Indonesia


F.3. Supporting Facilities Cost

Table F.5. Supporting Facilities Cost
Life Qty of Total
Price per Unit per
No Equipment Qty Time 20 Unit Price
(IDR) Unit
(Years) Years (USD)
1 5 7 3 15 Rp 3,800,000 $ 281 $ 4,218
2 Air Filter 1 10 2 2 Rp 1,107,000 $ 82 $ 164
Back Up
3 1 8 3 3 Rp 55,000,000 $4,070 $ 12,210
4 1 10 2 2 Rp 2,000,000 $ 148 $ 296
5 20 10 2 40 Rp 1,000,000 $ 74 $ 2,960
6 Clocks 15 10 2 30 Rp 60,000 $ 4 $ 133
7 1 10 2 2 Rp 1,100,000 $ 81 $ 163
8 25 10 2 50 Rp 6,500,000 $ 481 $ 24,051
9 10 10 2 20 Rp 1,000,000 $ 74 $ 1,480
10 Digital 3 10 2 6 Rp 2,000,000 $ 148 $ 888
11 Cars and 3 9 3 9 Rp150,000,000 $11,100 $ 99,904
12 10 10 2 20 Rp 750,000 $ 56 $ 1,110
13 2 10 2 4 Rp 2,000,000 $ 148 $ 592
14 Cupboards 2 10 2 4 Rp 1,500,000 $ 111 $ 444
15 Dispensers 10 10 2 20 Rp 300,000 $ 22 $ 444
16 5 10 2 10 Rp 7,000,000 $ 518 $ 5,180
17 Faximilies 2 10 2 4 Rp 900,000 $ 67 $ 266
18 First Aid Kit 5 10 2 10 Rp 1,500,000 $ 111 $ 1,110
19 3 7 3 9 Rp 100,000 $ 7 $ 67
20 Kitchen Sets 1 10 2 2 Rp 4,000,000 $ 296 $ 592
21 Microwaves 1 10 2 2 Rp 500,000 $ 37 $ 74
22 Neon Lamps 40 10 2 80 Rp 35,000 $ 3 $ 207
23 25 10 2 50 Rp 400,000 $ 30 $ 1,480
24 25 10 2 50 Rp 600,000 $ 44 $ 2,220

Universitas Indonesia

Table F.6. Supporting Facilities Cost (contiued)

Life Qty of Total
Price per Unit per
No Equipment Qty Time 20 Unit Price
(IDR) Unit
(Years) Years (USD)
Office $
25 25 10 2 50 Rp 400,000 $ 1,480
Stationeries 30
Pantry $
26 1 10 2 2 Rp 1,500,000 $ 222
Utensils 111
27 PPE 25 7 3 75 Rp 3,600,000 $ 266 $ 19,981
Scanner, and
28 5 10 2 10 Rp 1,800,000 $ 133 $ 1,332
29 3 10 2 6 Rp 7,500,000 $ 555 $ 3,330
and LCDs
30 1 10 2 2 Rp 2,500,000 $ 185 $ 370
Desk Sets
31 Recycle Bin 20 10 2 40 Rp 70,000 $ 5 $ 207
32 Sofas 2 10 2 4 Rp 1,500,000 $ 111 $ 444
33 Telephones 25 10 2 50 Rp 175,000 $ 13 $ 648
34 Televisions 3 10 2 6 Rp 1,300,000 $ 96 $ 577
35 Toilet Sets 22 10 2 44 Rp 2,000,000 $ 148 $ 6,512
36 Toiletries 6 10 2 12 Rp 400,000 $ 30 $ 355
37 UV Lamps 2 10 2 4 Rp 450,000 $ 33 $ 133
38 9 10 2 18 Rp 110,000 $ 8 $ 147
39 2 10 2 4 Rp100,000,000 $7,400 $ 29,601
Total Supporting Facilities Cost $ 225,593

F.4. Piping and Insulation Cost

Table F.7. Piping Cost
Requirements Total Total Price/ Total
No Nominal Length Weight Unit Price
Material Sch (lb/ft)
Size (in) (ft) (lb) (USD) (USD)
1/8 40 5.7 0.24 1.38 $ 6 $ 4
1/4 40 15.7 0.42 6.61 $ 6 $ 18
3/8 40 8.7 0.573 4.98 $ 6 $ 14
Stainless 1/2 40 34.17 0.86 29.38 $ 6 $ 80
steel 3/4 40 3.12 1.143 3.56 $ 6 $ 10
1 1/4 40 9.35 2.298 21.48 $ 8 $ 78
2 40 49.7 3.693 183.71 $ 8 $ 667
3 40 9.0 7.66 69.09 $ 8 $ 251
1 1/4 40 5.2 0.653 3.43 $ 10 $ 16
2 Copper 3 40 43.73 1.695 74.13 $ 10 $ 336
4 40 38.27 2.885 110.40 $ 10 $ 501
Universitas Indonesia

Table F.8. Piping Cost (continued)

Requirements Total Total Price/ Total
No Nominal Length Weight Unit Price
Material Sch (lb/ft)
Size (in) (ft) (lb) (USD) (USD)
1/4 40 4.92 0.148 0.73 $ 10 $ 3
1/2 40 6 0.296 1.78 $ 10 $ 8
3 Aluminium 3/4 40 8.20 0.393 3.22 $ 10 $ 15
1 40 61.23 0.584 35.76 $ 10 $ 162
2 1/2 40 104.96 2.014 211.39 $ 14 $ 1,342
1/8 40 45.9 0.051 2.34 $ 6 $ 84
1/2 40 38.3 0.17 6.51 $ 6 $ 70
4 ABS 3/4 40 19.1 0.226 4.32 $ 6 $ 35
1 1/4 40 8.2 0.45 3.69 $ 6 $ 15
2 40 8.2 0.72 5.90 $ 6 $ 15
Total Piping Cost $ 3,722

Table F.9. Fitting Cost

Requirements Price/ Total
No Nominal Qty Unit Price
Material Sch (USD) (USD)
Size (in)
Elbow 90
1/8 40 1 10 10
1/4 40 4 10 40
Stainless 3/8 40 2 10 20
steel 1/2 40 1 10 10
2 40 2 13 26
3 40 1 13 13
1 1/4 40 2 10 20
2 Copper 3 40 2 10 20
4 40 2 10 20
1/4 40 2 7 14
1/2 40 3 7 21
3 Aluminium 3/4 40 2 7 14
1 40 3 7 21
2 1/2 40 3 7 21
1/8 40 2 3 6
1/2 40 2 3 6
4 ABS 3/4 40 4 3 12
1 1/4 40 2 3 6
2 40 2 3 6
5 Aluminium 1/4 40 1 9 9

Universitas Indonesia

Table F.10. Valve Cost

Price/Unit Total Price
Type Location Qty
Main Process 29 $ 1,650 $ 1,512.7
Globe Steam Utility 9 $ 700 $ 847.4
Valve Cooling Water Utility 7 $ 775 $ 717.6
Water Treatment Utility 10 $ 378 $ 3,780
Total Valve Cost 55 $ 6,857.7

F.5. Land and Building Cost

Table F.11. Land Cost
Price Total Price
Detail Cost Area (m²)
Land Area (m²) 2,314 $ 239 $ 552,084

Table F.12. Detail Plant Building Area

Size (m) Area
Plant Area
Length Width (m2)
Laboratory & Control Room 8.5 6 51
Lobby + Office 1st Floor 10 6 60
Ofiice 2nd Floor 10 6 60
Raw Material Storage 4 5 20
Product Storage Warehouse 4 5 20
Quality Control Room 3.5 5 17.5
Maintenance Unit 4 5 20
Utility Warehouse 4.4 5 22
Power Plant 5 5 25
Cooling Water Utility 4.5 5 22.5
Steam Utility 4.5 5 22.5
Waste Treatment Utility 7.5 5 37.5
Canteen 7.5 4 30
Musholla 6 4 24
Toilet 1 4.5 4 18
Toilet 2 3 6 18
Toilet 3 4.5 5 22.5
Security 1 4 5 20
Security 2 3 5 15
Security 3 3 5 15
Main Process Area 236.5
Total Building Area 777

Universitas Indonesia

Table F.13. Asphalt Area

Size Asphalt
Plant Area
Length Width Area (m2)
Labor Parking Area +
10 12 120
Assembly Point
Guest Parking Area 10 10 100
Road 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 46.1 26.5 1218.22
Total Open Area 1438.22

Table F.14. Concrete Cost

Total Area Total Price
Equipment Price per
(m3) (USD)
m3 (USD)
Rice Bran Storage 2.45 $ 77.70 $ 190.37
Molasses Storage 2.45 $ 77.70 $ 190.37
Water Storage 2.45 $ 77.70 $ 190.37
Cornsteep Storage 2.45 $ 77.70 $ 190.37
Palm Oil 2.45 $ 77.70 $ 190.37
Mixing Tank 1 5.625 $ 77.70 $ 437.07
Seed fermentor 4.0625 $ 77.70 $ 315.66
Main fermentor 5.625 $ 77.70 $ 437.08
Decanter 4.375 $ 77.70 $ 339.95
Ultrafiltration 7.5 $ 77.70 $ 582.77
Mixing Tank 2 4.0625 $ 77.70 $ 315.67
Freeze Dryer 6.25 $ 77.70 $ 485.64
Filler 4.375 $ 77.70 $ 339.95
Packager 5 $ 77.70 $ 388.51
Total Concrete Area Cost $ 4,594.18

Table F.15. Green Area Cost

Green Area Price per Total Price
Item Variable (USD) (USD)
Grass 99 m $ 2,960 $ 293.05
Trees 50 trees $ 55,502 $ 2,220.08
Soil $ 250 $ 250
Total Green Area Cost $ 2,763.14

F.6. Total Capital Investment

Table F.16. Total Capital Investment
Capital Component Amount (US$) Parameter
Total bare-module costs for equipment $ 467.086 Calculated
Total bare-module costs for spares $ 934.171 Calculated
Total bare-module investment (C-TBM) $ 1.401.257 Calculated

Universitas Indonesia

Table F.17. Total Capital Investment (continued)

Capital Component Amount (US$) Parameter
Cost of site preparation (Csite) $ 28.025 15% CTBM
Cost of supporting facilities (Csupp) $ 225.593 Calculated
Cost of offsite facilities (Coff) $ 184.270 Calculated
Total of direct permanent investment (C-DPI) $ 1.839.145 Calculated
Cost of contingency $ 70.063 15% CDPI
Cost of contractor's fee $ 14.013 3% CDPI
Total depreciable capital (C-TDC) $ 1.923.221 Calculated
Cost of piping and insulation $ 10.895 Calculated
Cost of controller $ 128.815 Calculated
Cost of electrical equipment $ 4.422 Calculated
Cost of land (Cland) $ 552.084 Calculated
Cost of bulding (Cbuilding) $ 175.534 20% CTBM
Cost of asphalt (for road) $ 1.440.983 Calculated
Cost of market research by consultant $ 3.700 Calculated
Cost of industry design permission $ 1.110 Calculated
Cost of branding $ 1.480 Calculated
Cost of water installation (PDAM Tirta
$ 1.484 Calculated
Cost of hydrants installation $ 1.191 Calculated
Cost of telephone wire installation (Telkom) $ 861 Calculated
Cost of internet network installation $ 6.438 Annually
Cost of electrical installation (PLN) $ 7.548 Annually
Total Permanent Investment (C-TPI) $ 4.259.768 Calculated
Working Capital (C-WC) $ 749.719 17.6% CTPI
Total Capital Investment (C-TCI) $ 5.009.486,75 Calculated

Universitas Indonesia
APPENDIX G: Operating Cost

G.1. Equity
Table G.1. Capital Share for Debt and Equity
Investor To Loan Ratio
Capital Source Capital Share
Bank Jawa Barat 30% $1,502,846.03
Investor 70% $3,506,640.73
Total $5,009,486.75

Table G.2. Debt Payment and Interest of Bank Jawa Barat

Loan Total Loan After
Year Initial Loan Payment
Interest Payment Payment
0 $1,502,846 $1,502,846.03
1 $1,502,846 $166,214.77 $150,284.60 $316,499.37 $1,352,561.42
2 $1,352,561 $149,593.29 $150,284.60 $299,877.90 $1,202,276.82
3 $1,202,276 $132,971.82 $150,284.60 $283,256.42 $1,051,992.22
4 $1,051,992 $116,350.34 $150,284.60 $266,634.94 $901,707.62
5 $901,707.62 $99,728.86 $150,284.60 $250,013.46 $751,423.01
6 $751,423.01 $83,107.39 $150,284.60 $233,391.99 $601,138.41
7 $601,138.41 $66,485.91 $150,284.60 $216,770.51 $450,853.81
8 $450,853.81 $49,864.43 $150,284.60 $200,149.03 $300,569.21
9 $300,569.21 $33,242.95 $150,284.60 $183,527.56 $150,284.60
10 $150,284.60 $16,621.48 $150,284.60 $166,906.08 -
Total $914,181.24 $1,502,846 $2,417,027.26

Table G.3. Debt Payment and Interest of Bank Investor

Loan Total Loan After
Year Initial Loan Payment
Interest Payment Payment
0 $3,506,640.73 $3,506,640.73
1 $3,506,640.73 $448,850.01 $350,664.07 $799,514.09 $3,155,976.65
2 $3,155,976.65 $403,965.01 $350,664.07 $754,629.08 $2,805,312.58
3 $2,805,312.58 $359,080.01 $350,664.07 $709,744.08 $2,454,648.51
4 $2,454,648.51 $314,195.01 $350,664.07 $664,859.08 $2,103,984.44
5 $2,103,984.44 $269,310.01 $350,664.07 $619,974.08 $1,753,320.36
6 $1,753,320.36 $224,425.01 $350,664.07 $575,089.08 $1,402,656.29
7 $1,402,656.29 $179,540.01 $350,664.07 $530,204.08 $1,051,992.22
8 $1,051,992.22 $134,655.00 $350,664.07 $485,319.08 $701,328.15
9 $701,328.15 $89,770.00 $350,664.07 $440,434.08 $350,664.07
10 $350,664.07 $44,885.00 $350,664.07 $395,549.07 -
Total $2,468,675 $3,506,640.7
260 Universitas Indonesia

Table G.4. WACC Calculation
Parameter Value
WACC = E/V x Re + D/V x Rd x (1 - tax rate) 0.128
E = market value of the firm's equity $3,506,640.73
D = market value of the firm's debt $1,502,846.03
V=E+D $5,009,486.75
E/V = Percentage of financing that is equity 0.7
D/V = Percentage of financing that is debt 0.3
Re = cost of equity 17.71%
Re = Rf +βe x (Rm-Rf) 17.71%
Rf = risk - free rate 8%
Rm = market return 12.50%
βex = stock beta 1.33
(Rm-Rf) = market risk premium 7.30%
Rd x (1-tax rate) = cost of debt after tax 0.0165
Rd = interest rate or cost of debt 2.20%
Tax rate = tax rate 25%

G.3. Depreciation
Table G.5. Depriciation
Main Supporting
Value Building Total
Equipment Equipment
Initial Value in 1st
467.086 225.593 1.616.517
D 46.709 6.768 48.496 101.972
Year 1
SV 420.377 218.826 1.568.022
D 42.038 6.565 47.041 95.643
Year 2
SV 378.339 212.261 1.520.981
D 37.834 6.368 45.629 89.831
Year 3
SV 340.505 205.893 1.475.352
D 34.051 6.177 44.261 84.488
Year 4
SV 306.455 199.716 1.431.091
D 30.645 5.991 42.933 79.570
Year 5
SV 275.809 193.725 1.388.158
D 27.581 5.812 41.645 75.037
Year 6
SV 248.228 187.913 1.346.514
D 24.823 5.637 40.395 70.856
Year 7
SV 223.406 182.276 1.306.118
D 22.341 5.468 39.184 66.992
Year 8
SV 201.065 176.807 1.266.935

Universitas Indonesia

Table G.6. Depriciation (continued)

Main Supporting
Value Building Total
Equipment Equipment
D 20.107 5.304 38.008 63.419
Year 9
SV 180.959 171.503 1.228.927
D 18.096 5.145 36.868 60.109
Year 10
SV 162.863 166.358 1.192.059
D 16.286 4.991 35.762 57.039
Year 11
SV 146.576 161.367 1.156.297
D 14.658 4.841 34.689 54.188
Year 12
SV 131.919 156.526 1.121.608
D 13.192 4.696 33.648 51.536
Year 13
SV 118.727 151.830 1.087.960
D 11.873 4.555 32.639 49.066
Year 14
SV 106.854 147.276 1.055.321
D 10.685 4.418 31.660 46.763
Year 15
SV 96.169 142.857 1.023.662
D 9.617 4.286 30.710 44.612
Year 16
SV 86.552 138.572 992.952
D 8.655 4.157 29.789 42.601
Year 17
SV 77.897 134.414 963.163
D 7.790 4.032 28.895 40.717
Year 18
SV 70.107 130.382 934.268
D 7.011 3.911 28.028 38.950
Year 19
SV 63.096 126.471 906.240
D 6.310 3.794 27.187 37.291
Year 20
SV 56.787 122.676 879.053 1.001.729

G.4. Raw Material Cost

Table G.7. Raw Material Cost
Amount Price/ Annual Price In
Raw Material Supplied Unit Price per First Years
(kg) (USD) Year (USD) (USD)
2 2.4 $ 18.50 $ 12,210.46 $ 14,652.55
Rice Bran 224.67 269.60 $ 0.26 $ 19,203.27 $ 23,043.92
Molasses 14.49 17.39 $ 0.91 $ 4,352.47 $ 5,222.96
Corn Steep
10.75 12.9 $ 5.58 $ 19,820.63 $ 23,784.76
Palm Oil 18.71 22.45 $ 0.59 $ 3,655.32 $ 4,386.38
Maltodextrin 1.9 2.28 $ 0.925 $ 579.99 $ 695.99
PDA 9.625 11.55 $ 74.00 $ 235,051 $ 282,061.7
CaCl2 0.35 0.42 $ 0.32 $ 36.75 $ 44.10
Universitas Indonesia

Table G.8. Raw Material Cost (continued)

Amount Price/ Annual Price In
Raw Material Supplied Unit Price per First Years
(kg) (USD) Year (USD) (USD)
KH2PO4 1.4 1.68 $ 4.07 $ 1,880.41 $ 2,256.49
MgSO4.7H2O 0.42 0.50 $ 13.74 $ 1,904.91 $ 2,285.89
NaH2PO4 0.8 0.96 $ 222.00 $ 58,610.22 $ 70,332.27
Total Raw Material Cost $ 357,305.9 $ 428,767.08

G.5. Electricity Utility Cost

Table G.9. Main Equipment Electricity Requirement
Power Power
Usage Power
Req. Required
No Equipment Code Qty Time Req.
(kWh) (kWh)
(h) (kW)
per day per year
1 A. niger Bioreactor BR-101 1 3 0.011 0.033 10.89
Medium Mixing &
2 MX-101 1 1 0.006 0.006 1.98
Sterilization Tank
3 Seed Fermenter FR-101 1 24 0.011 0.26 87.12
4 Main Fermenter FR-102 1 7 5 35 11,550
5 Process Blower CF-101 1 7 0.022 0.154 50.82
6 Decanter Centrifuge DC-101 1 1 0.029 0.029 9.57
7 Ultrafilter UF-101 1 1 0.025 0.025 8.25
8 Lipase Mixing Tank MX-102 1 1 1.1 1.1 363
9 Freeze Dryer FD-101 1 2 12 24 7,920
10 Boiler B-201 1 1 10 10 3,300
11 Cooling Tower CT-301 1 1 0.18 0.18 59.4
12 Condenser CD-301 1 1 2.9 2.9 957
13 Rice Bran Conveyor C-101 1 1 1 1 330
14 Salt Conveyor C-102 1 1 0.12 0.12 39.6
Solid Waste
15 C-103 1 1 1 1 330
16 C-104 1 1 1 1 330
17 Dry Lipase Conveyor C-105 1 1 1 1 330
18 Molasses Pump P-101 1 1 0.19 0.19 62.7
19 Water Pump P-102 1 24 0.29 6.96 2,296.8
Cornsteep Liquor
20 P-103 1 1 0.21 0.21 69.3
21 Palm Oil Pump P-104 1 1 0.1 0.1 33
Medium Mixing &
22 P-105 1 1 0.12 0.12 39.6
Sterilization Pump

Universitas Indonesia

Table G.10. Main Equipment Electricity Requirement (continued)

Power Power
Usage Power
Req. Required
No Equipment Code Qty Time Req.
(kWh) (kWh)
(h) (kW)
per day per year
Seed Fermenter
23 P-106 1 1 0.11 0.11 36.3
Main Fermenter
24 P-107 1 1 0.11 0.11 36.3
Centrifuge Liquid
25 P-108 1 1 0.15 0.15 49.5
Waste Pump
Decanter Centrifuge
26 P-109 1 1 0.11 0.11 36.3
27 Ultrafilter Pump P-110 1 1 0.11 0.11 36.3
Ultrafilter Liquid
28 P-111 1 1 0.09 0.09 29.7
Waste Pump
29 Lipase Mixing Pump P-112 1 1 0.51 0.51 168.3
Boiler Treated Water
30 P-201 1 1 0.29 0.29 95.7
31 Fuel Pump P-202 1 1 0.15 0.15 49.5
32 Water Storage Pump P-203 1 1 0.29 0.29 95.7
Boiler Blowdown
33 P-204 1 1 0.4 0.4 132
Cooling Tower
34 P-301 1 1 0.09 0.09 29.7
Treated Water Pump
Condensed Water
35 P-302 1 1 0.37 0.37 122.1
Total Electricity 29,096.43

Table G.11. Supporting Facilities Electricity Requirement

Daily Total Power
Supporting Power Power
Qty Usage per Year
Equipment (kW) per Day
Time (h) (kWh)
Computers 25 10 1 250 82,500
Telephone 25 10 0.006 1.5 495
Faximilies machine 2 10 0.018 0.36 118.8
scanner, and 5 10 0.5 25 8,250
printer machine
CCTV 20 24 0.008 4.03 1,330.56
Coffee Dispenser 1 10 0.0042 0.042 13.86
Water Dispenser 10 24 0.5 120 39,600
UV Lamps 2 24 0.032 1.55 513.22
Neon Lamps 40 24 0.036 34.56 11,404.8
Air conditioner
5 10 0.8 40 13,200
Split Type

Universitas Indonesia

Table G.12. Supporting Facilities Electricity Requirement (continued)

Daily Total Power
Supporting Power Power
Qty Usage per Year
Equipment (kW) per Day
Time (h) (kWh)
Projectors and
3 10 1.8 54 17,820
Television 3 10 0.11 3.3 1,089
Total 534.35 176,335.24

Table G.13. Electricity Utility Cost

No Requirement Unit Requirement/year
1 Process and utility unit 29,096
2 Other 176,335
Total 205,431.67
Total Electricity Cost (USD) $ 22,306.35

G.6. Water Utility Cost

Table G.14. Water Utility Cost
Needs Needs Cost/ m3 Cost/ year
(m3/ day) (m3/ year) (USD) (USD)
Boiler Water
Water for Requirement
Boiler/Steam Make up 2,186.56 $ 1,011.32
Generator Water for 1.10
Water 9.47
Cooling $ 0.46
Make up 3,282.91 $ 1,518.40
Water for
Process Water 0.189 62.12 $ 28.73
Hot Water 0.09 32.93 $ 15.23
Domestic Water - 1,483.94 $ 686.35
Total Water per year 16.86 7,048.48
Total Water Cost (USD) $ 3,260.04

Universitas Indonesia

G.7. Labor Cost

Table G.15. Direct Labor Cost
Salary/ Month Total Salary/
Type of Worker Person
(USD) Year (USD)
Production Operator 8 $ 375 $ 36,000
Production Supervisor 1 $ 675 $ 8,100
Utility Operator 2 $ 375 $ 9,000
WWTP Operator 1 $ 375 $ 4,500
Utility Supervisor 1 $ 675 $ 8,100
Total of Direct Labor Salary $ 65,700

Table G.16. Indirect Labor Cost

Type of Salary Per Total Salary
Indirect Position Person Month Per Per Year
Labors Person (USD) (USD)
President Director 1 $ 1,375 $ 16,500
Stakeholder Secretary of
1 $ 705 $ 8,460
President Director
Financial Accounting 1 $ 705 $ 8,460
Department Manager
Finance Staff 2 $ 475 $ 11,400
Sales and Marketing
1 $ 705 $ 8,460
Marketing Manager
Department Marketing Officer 2 $ 705 $ 16,920
HRD HRD Manager 1 $ 705 $ 8,460
Department HRD Staff 2 $ 475 $ 11,400
Production &
Maintenance 1 $ 775 $ 9,300

Production Process and 2 $ 705 $ 16,920

Department Facility Engineer
1 $ 475 $ 5,700
1 $ 475 $ 5,700
HSE HSE Manager 1 $ 675 $ 8,100
Department HSE Engineer 2 $ 475 $ 11,400

Universitas Indonesia

Table G.17. Indirect Labor Cost (continued)

Type of Salary Per Total Salary
Indirect Position Person Month Per Per Year
Labors Person (USD) (USD)

Research &
Research and Development 1 $ 705 $ 8,460
Development Manager
Departement Research &
2 $ 475 $ 11,400
Development Staff
Quality Control
Quality 1 $ 675 $ 8,100
Department Quality Control
2 $ 475 $ 11,400

General General Manager 1 $ 675 $ 8,100

Support and Receptionist 1 $ 372 $ 4,464
Service Cleaning Service
Department 2 $ 372 $ 8,928
and Office Boy
General Transport Service 2 $ 372 $ 8,928
Support and
Service Security 3 $ 372 $ 13,392
Total of Indirect Labor Salary $ 230,352

G.8. Maintenance Cost

Table G.18. Maintenance Cost
Criteria Cost (USD) Details
Wages and Benefit (MW&B) $ 41,923.36 4.5% of CTDC
Salaries & Benefit (Engineer &
$ 10,480.84 25% of MW&B
Supervisory Personnel)
Materials and Services for
$ 41,923.36 100% of MW&B
Maintenance Overhead $ 2,096.17 5% of MW&B
Total Maintenance Cost/year (USD) $ 96,423.73

G.9. Insurance Cost

Table G.19. Insurance Cost
Price of Price of
Insurance Percentage
Source Source Insurance
Type (%)
Salary for
Worker 3.7 $ 296,052.00 $ 11,000.00
Plant 1.345 $ 467,085.54 $ 6,300.00

Universitas Indonesia

Table G.20. Insurance Cost (continued)

Price of Price of
Insurance Percentage
Source Source Insurance
Type (%)
Raw Raw Material
2 $ 357,305.90 $ 7,100.00
Material Cost
Total Insurance Cost $ 24,400.00

G.10. Land and Building Tax

Table G.21. Land and Building Tax
Building Building
Category Area
(Non-process) (Process)
Area 2,314.22 1,597.22 717
Selling Cost
Rp3,258,866.25 Rp 720,000 Rp 1,000,000
Class A20 A4 B13
Selling Cost
Rp 537,000 Rp 700,000 Rp 968,000
NJOP Rp1,242,736,140 Rp1,118,054,000 Rp752,136,000
NJOP* Rp 3,112,926,140
NJOPTKP Rp 12,000,000
NJOP PBB Rp3,100,926,140
NJKP 40% Rp 1,240,370,456
PBB (Rp) Rp 62,018,522.8
PBB (USD) $ 4,589.55

Universitas Indonesia
G. APPENDIX H: Economic Analysis

H.1. Cash Flow

Table H.1. Cash Flow
Year Volume Product Salvage Operating Maintenance Cash All
Year Depreciation Revenue
Number Sold (kg) Price Value Expenses Cost Expenses Expenses
0 2019 - - - - - - - - -
1 2020 36,300 55 934,427 96,424 101,972 1,996,500 1,030,850 1,132,822
2 2021 36,300 55 862,966 96,424 95,643 1,996,500 959,389 1,055,032
3 2022 36,300 55 862,966 96,424 89,831 1,996,500 959,389 1,049,220
4 2023 36,300 55 862,966 96,424 84,488 1,996,500 959,389 1,043,877
5 2024 36,300 55 862,966 96,424 79,570 1,996,500 959,389 1,038,959
6 2025 36,300 55 862,966 96,424 75,037 1,996,500 959,389 1,034,427
7 2026 36,300 55 862,966 96,424 70,856 1,996,500 959,389 1,030,245
8 2027 36,300 55 862,966 96,424 66,992 1,996,500 959,389 1,026,382
9 2028 36,300 55 862,966 96,424 63,419 1,996,500 959,389 1,022,808
10 2029 36,300 55 862,966 96,424 60,109 1,996,500 959,389 1,019,498
11 2030 36,300 55 862,966 96,424 57,039 1,996,500 959,389 1,016,428
12 2031 36,300 55 862,966 96,424 54,188 1,996,500 959,389 1,013,577
13 2032 36,300 55 862,966 96,424 51,536 1,996,500 959,389 1,010,925
14 2033 36,300 55 862,966 96,424 49,066 1,996,500 959,389 1,008,456
15 2034 36,300 55 862,966 96,424 46,763 1,996,500 959,389 1,006,153
16 2035 36,300 55 862,966 96,424 44,612 1,996,500 959,389 1,004,002
17 2036 36,300 55 862,966 96,424 42,601 1,996,500 959,389 1,001,990
18 2037 36,300 55 862,966 96,424 40,717 1,996,500 959,389 1,000,106
19 2038 36,300 55 862,966 96,424 38,950 1,996,500 959,389 998,339
20 2039 36,300 55 862,966 96,424 37,291 1,996,500 959,389 996,680
Total 726,000 20,509,926
269 Universitas Indonesia
Table H.2. Cash Flow (continued)
Year Gross Cumulative PW of
Number Profit Cash Flow NPAT
0 2019 -5,009,487 -5,009,487 -5,009,487 -5,009,487 0
1 2020 965,650 863,678 647,758 1,067,621 800,716 749,730 -4,259,757 574253.8
2 2021 1,037,111 941,468 706,101 1,132,754 849,565 801,744 -3,458,013 554943.1
3 2022 1,037,111 947,280 710,460 1,126,942 845,206 800,291 -2,657,722 495007.9
4 2023 1,037,111 952,623 714,467 1,121,599 841,199 798,955 -1,858,767 441312.1
5 2024 1,037,111 957,541 718,156 1,116,680 837,510 797,726 -1,061,041 393254.0
6 2025 1,037,111 962,073 721,555 1,112,148 834,111 796,592 -264,449 350279.6
7 2026 1,037,111 966,255 724,691 1,107,966 830,975 795,547 531,098 311881.3
8 2027 1,037,111 970,118 727,589 1,104,103 828,077 794,581 1,325,679 277596.0
9 2028 1,037,111 973,692 730,269 1,100,530 825,397 793,688 2,119,367 247002.3
10 2029 1,037,111 977,002 732,752 1,097,220 822,915 792,860 2,912,227 219718.0
11 2030 1,037,111 980,072 735,054 1,094,150 820,612 792,093 3,704,320 195397.6
12 2031 1,037,111 982,923 737,192 1,091,298 818,474 791,380 4,495,700 173728.7
13 2032 1,037,111 985,575 739,181 1,088,647 816,485 790,717 5,286,417 154430.3
14 2033 1,037,111 988,044 741,033 1,086,177 814,633 790,100 6,076,517 137249.4
15 2034 1,037,111 990,347 742,761 1,083,874 812,906 789,524 6,866,041 121958.6
16 2035 1,037,111 992,498 744,374 1,081,723 811,292 788,986 7,655,027 108354.1
17 2036 1,037,111 994,510 745,882 1,079,712 809,784 788,483 8,443,510 96253.3
18 2037 1,037,111 996,394 747,295 1,077,828 808,371 788,012 9,231,523 85492.6
19 2038 1,037,111 998,161 748,620 1,076,061 807,046 787,571 10,019,093 75925.7
20 2039 1,037,111 999,820 749,865 1,074,402 805,801 787,156 10,806,249 67421.9
Total 5081460.43

270 Universitas Indonesia


H.2. Net Present Value (NPV)

Table H.3. Net Present Value
Year PW of
Number NPAT
0 2019 0
1 2020 647,758 574253.8
2 2021 706,101 554943.1
3 2022 710,460 495007.9
4 2023 714,467 441312.1
5 2024 718,156 393254.0
6 2025 721,555 350279.6
7 2026 724,691 311881.3
8 2027 727,589 277596.0
9 2028 730,269 247002.3
10 2029 732,752 219718.0
11 2030 735,054 195397.6
12 2031 737,192 173728.7
13 2032 739,181 154430.3
14 2033 741,033 137249.4
15 2034 742,761 121958.6
16 2035 744,374 108354.1
17 2036 745,882 96253.3
18 2037 747,295 85492.6
19 2038 748,620 75925.7
20 2039 749,865 67421.9

Universitas Indonesia

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