Bio9 Report Final Report
Bio9 Report Final Report
Bio9 Report Final Report
Final Report
Name : Desti Octavianthy
NPM : 1406533586
Place, Date of Birth : Jakarta, October 15th 1996
Address : Jl. Kemuning No. 16B, Utan Kayu, Matraman
Name : Diah Laraswati
NPM : 1406533674
Place, Date of Birth : Jakarta, May 20th 1996
Address : Jl. Persatuan II No. 97, Kp. Rumbut Cimanggis, Depok
Name : Mauhibah Yumna
NPM : 1406577650
Place, Date of Birth : Jakarta, January 17th 1997
Address : Gema Pesona Estate, Blok AN/02 No. 45, Depok
Name : Riska Amalia
NPM : 1406575544
Place, Date of Birth : Jakarta, October 22nd 1996
Address : Pajak Asri Residence No. 6, Cipadu Jaya, Tangerang
Name : Rizki Larasati
NPM : 1406533541
Place, Date of Birth : Depok, July 7th 1997
Address : Jl. Barkah No. 36, Ciganjut, Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan
Name : Wawan Irawan Sah
NPM : 1406533636
Place, Date of Birth : Brebes, April 22th 1995
Address : Jl. Rawapule 1 No. 61B, Kukusan Beji, Depok
ii Universitas Indonesia
Thanks to Allah who had been giving strength for us to finish this final
report of plant design. This final report is made to fulfill the final task of Plant
Design class as capstone course of Bioprocess Engineering Study, Chemical
Engineering, Universitas Indonesia. This report is presents about our plant design
entitled ―Production Of Lipase Enzyme From Aspergillus Niger Using Rice Bran
And Palm Oil For Use In Detergents‖.
In finishing this final report, writers really gives the best regards and thanks
for people who had given guidance and help, they are :
1. Dr. Tania Surya Utami, S.T.,M.T., Dr. Ing. Ir. Misri Gozan M.Tech., Dr. rer.
nat. Ir. Yuswan Muharam M.T., Prof. Dr. Ir. Widodo Wahyu Purwanto, DEA.,
and Yoga Wienda Pratama, S.T., M.T., who has given their best guidance to
the writer in writing a great quality report and well developed chemical
2. Our family who always pray and given their support and love for each writer
during this plant design.
3. Our friends in Chemical Engineering Department batch 2014 who had given
critism, suggestion, smile, support one another and have shown good
friendship as helping each other.
Finally, the writers realize there are unintended errors in writing this final
report. The writers really appreciates all readers giving their suggestion to
improve its content in order to be made as one of the good examples for the next
Depok, December 11th 2017
Writer Team
Lipase is the one of the most used enzyme in detergents with protease,
amylase and others enzymes. Lipase is one type of enzyme that can break down
fat or lipids into fatty acids in biological processes which contain in clothes stain.
This enzyme produced by Aspergillus niger with Submergerd Fermentation
(SmF). This plant located in Pancatama Industrial Area, Serang, Banten. Total
capital investment of this plant is about $ 5,009,487 with operating cost is about
$ 862,965.50 per year. Revenue per year is about $ 1,996,500 with selling weight
36300 kg per year. Lipase enzyme price is US$ 55 per kg and with that price, net
present value (NPV) is about US$ $ 1,562,669.95 with internal rate of return
(IRR) 14.76 % and 6.34 years of payback period (PBP).
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v Universitas Indonesia
Lipase enzyme plant will be built with the total area 2,374.15 m2 and
divided into some areas which consisting several different area, namely: main
process area, office area, control room and laboratory area, utility area include;
water treatment area, waste water treatment area, steam area, cooling water area,
and supporting area include green area, parking area, musholla, canteen, and
security post.
To determine whether this plant is profitable or not, profitability analysis
calculation is required. The calculation is begin with Capital Investment
(CAPEX). CAPEX is calculation cost for designed chemical plant with
summarize of total bare module costs, direct permanent investment costs, total
depreciable capital costs, and total permanent investment costs.
The Total CAPEX for lipase enzyme plant is USD 5,009,487. After doing
calculation of CAPEX, OPEX (Operational Cost) is needed to be done.
Operational Cost is including the raw material, direct labors, indirect employee,
utilities, assurance, maintenance, and other cost we spent for operating the plant.
From the operational cost breakdown, the biggest cost for operational is raw
material, followed by building cost. Lipase plant total operating cost is USD
862,965.50. To run lipase enzyme plant we loan the money form investor about
70% and bank about 30%. This loan have some interest. The WACC that we get
from calculation is 12.8% and MARR is 13.80%. This MARR will be used for
calculating the NPV. We also calculate the depreciation from each asset (main
equipment, supporting equipment, and building). Meanwhile, our revenue
calculation begin with determine the price of our product. The price per package
is USD 55.00 per kg, which can only be use for one time used.
Then, we make the Before Tax Cash Flow and After Tax Cash Flow, and
calculate the profitability analysis. The IRR is 14.76%, ROI is 18.54%, Payback
Period is 6.5 years, IRR is 14.29%, BEP is 235,950 kg of lipase enzyme or 32.5%
of production sale, and NPV is USD 1,562,669.95. All of profitability component
that we get means that our plant is very profitable and can be implemented. We
also done the sensitivity analysis, with selling price is the most sensitive
component where the small changes can affect IRR, NPV and Payback Period
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1.1. Background
Industry of detergent in Indonesia is currently developing positively and
significantly. Detergent belongs to the category of product that is absolutely
required by the household. Detergent demands in Indonesia has increase
significantly every year due to the increase of population. With the increasing
population, the detergent needs will increase as well.
The average detergent production in Indonesia is 380,000 tons per year. As
for the level of consumption, according to survey results conducted by
Technology Audit Center in Jabotabek area in 2002, per capita averaged at 8.232
kg. In addition to the household occupants who play the role of detergent, the
development of laundry business increased the consumption of detergent.
Detergent waste water including pollutants or substances that pollute the
environment because there in contain substances called ABS (alkyl benzene
sulphonate) which is a hard detergent. The detergent is difficult to be damaged by
microorganisms (non-biodegradable) so that it can cause environmental impact.
Surfactants are a major component in detergents and who have complex
chemical chain to break down in nature. Surfactant is a surface-lowering active
compound which can be produced by chemical or biochemical synthesis.
Surfactant's surface active properties are capable of lowering surface tension,
interface voltage and increasing the stability of the emulsion system. With the
widespread use of detergents, the risks to human health and environmental health
are increasingly vulnerable. Waste generated from detergents may have adverse
impacts on the environment which will further disrupt or affect people's lives.
Enzymes are one of the most important proteins in biological processes.
These compounds can catalyze the chemical processes present in living systems.
Biological processes can run efficiently due to the presence of enzymes that work
specifically against the substrate. Currently, there are 4,000 enzymes that have
been successfully studied. A total of 200 of these enzymes were then isolated,
manufactured, and used for industrial purposes (Biotechnology Advance, 2001).
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One of the most widely used enzymes for industrial use is lipase. Lipase is one
type of enzyme that can break down fat or lipids into fatty acids in biological
processes. In the industrial world, this enzyme has been widely used as a cheap
and environmentally friendly catalyst, which one as an additional ingredient in
detergent (Biotechnology Advance, 2001).
It is known that almost 99 percent of the enzyme (biocatalyst) needs for
industry are still imported from abroad such as China, India, Japan and parts of
Europe. Enzyme requirements tend to increase every year and it is estimated that
global market demand for enzymes increases by about 7 percent (2015-2020) per
year (BPPT, 2015). The consumption of industrial enzymes in Indonesia is
estimated to reach 2,500 tons with an import value of around Rp200 billion in
2017 with an average growth rate of 5 to 7 percent per year (Good News for
Indonesia, 2017).
The limited production of lipase enzyme for detergent makes the industry
have to think twice to replace chemical surfactant material into enzyme.
Therefore, it is necessary to develop a related plant for producing lipase enzymes
for basic materials in the manufacture of detergents on a large scale to supply the
needs of the detergent industry in Indonesia. In addition, the replacement of
chemical surfactants into these enzymes can improve the quality of the
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Since there is no lipase enzyme production in Indonesia, the future plant have a
great opportunity to fulfill the Indonesian demands of lipase enzyme. BPPT and
PT. Petrosida Gresik already have a plan to build 200 ton/ year enzyme plant in
Gresik. The lipase plant target of production capacity is 7% of market share from
the demand of lipase enzyme in Indonesia.
So, lipase enzyme production capacity of our plant will be produce 35 ton lipase
enzyme annually. With an assumption one year is equal to 330 days, the
production capacity is equal to 106 kg/day.
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2.1.2. Fermentation
Fermentation process need lots of consideration and selection in nutritional
sources and type of fermentation that will be used since this step will directly
affect the quantity and quality of lipase enzyme that will be produced. Seed Fermentation
Seed fermenter is a mini-model of production fermenter to develop an
inoculum to initiate the process in the main fermenter. All the seed stage is
provided moderately large numbers of living microorganisms. The prepared
fermentation medium is sent to seed fermenter as well as the Aspergillus niger.
From the seed fermenter, after the culture is stabilized and growth enough, they
will be sent into main fermenter. Main Fermentation
Fermentation technologies have been employed exclusively for the
production of industrial enzymes, preferably by microorganisms such as bacteria
or fungi under carefully controlled conditions due to the ease of multiplication and
handling (Pandey et al., 2015). Submerged fermentation (SmF) and solid-state
fermentation (SSF) are two important fermentation technologies available. Both
of these technologies offer several benefits but have their own limitations. A
schematic representation of both the technologies for enzyme production is shown
in figure below.
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To select the fermentation method that will be used, all methods will be
scored by several parameters. The total score is obtained from multiplication
between the score for each parameters and the score percentage. Parameters that
used to evaluate the fermentation method are listed below.
a. Medium form suitability for raw material: Analyze the medium form suitability
for raw material used such as microorganism and its substrate.
b. Production capacity: Considering the capacity of each method, from laboratory
it can be scaled up or not.
c. Process time: Considering how long the fermentation process of each method
will be done.
d. Physical energy requirement: Analyze the physical energy which needed by the
equipment and handling (for example) that required.
e. Human energy requirement: Analyze the human energy required to control the
process, analyze there is a problem or not, etc.
f. Installation: Long term and difficulties in manufacturing technology affects the
plant benefit and even creates a long plant payback period.
g. Capital investment and operational cost: Considering the capital investment of
our plant if use both methods.
Range for score is varied with 1 = worst, 2 = bad, 3 = equal, 4 = good, 5 =
very good. Scoring for fermentation method selection is available below.
Table 2.3. Fermentation Method Scoring
No. Criteria Percentage
1 Medium Form Suitability 20% 5 1 3 0.6
2 Production Capacity 15% 4 0.6 2 0.3
3 Process Time 10% 3 0.3 3 0.3
4 Physical Energy Requirement 15% 2 0.3 3 0.45
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To select the enzyme recovery technology that will be used, all methods
will be scored by several parameters. The total score is obtained from
multiplication between the score for each parameters and the score percentage.
Parameters that used to evaluate the enzyme recovery technology are listed below.
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a. Purity: Analyze the purity of the enzyme after separation, which are
contaminated with cells, carbohydrates, other protein, nucleic acid, etc.
b. Capacity: Considering the capacity of each method, from laboratory it can be
scaled up or not.
c. Process time: Considering how long the fermentation process of each method
will be done.
d. Energy requirement: Analyze the energy needed by the equipment and
e. Installation: Long term and difficulties in manufacturing technology affects the
plant benefit and even create a long plant payback period.
Capital investment and operational cost: Considering the capital investment of
our plant if use both methods.
Range for score is varied with 1 = worst, 2 = bad, 3 = equal, 4 = good, 5 =
very good. Scoring for fermentation method selection is available below
Table 2.6. Enzyme Recovery Technology Scoring
Centrifu- Micro- Ultra-
No. Criteria Percentage gation filtration filtration
1 Purity 25% 4 1 3 0.75 5 1.25
2 Capacity 15% 4 0.6 3 0.45 3 0.45
3 Process Time 20% 3 0.6 3 0.6 4 0.8
4 15% 5 0.75 4 0.6 4 0.6
5 Installation 10% 3 0.3 4 0.4 3 0.3
6 CI and OC 15% 4 0.6 4 0.6 3 0.45
Total 100% 3.85 3.4 3.85
Rank 1 2 1
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through a bed of solid powdered material in upward direction with the velocity
greater than the settling rate of the particles. The solid particles will be blown
up and become suspended in the air stream. At the stage solid bed looks like
the boiling liquid, therefore this stage is called as fluidized. Use of hot air to
fluidizing the bed will increase the drying rate of material.
Drying of enzyme lipase must be carried out with extreme care to maintain
its chemical and biochemical activity while also ensure that it retains a high level
of activity after drying (Mc. Glade and Lemon, n.d.). Based on the explanation
above, the possible types of drying for production enzyme lipase are freeze drying
and spray drying with comparison as stated below.
Table 2.8. Drying Method Comparison
Freeze Spray
Drying Drying
Inlet Temperature (Oc) 130 150-200
Efficiency (%) 70-90 20-50
Drying Time 2 hours 2 hours
To select the drying method that will be used, all methods will be scored
by several parameters. The total score is obtained from multiplication between the
score for each parameters and the score percentage. Parameters that used to
evaluate the drying method are listed below.
a. Inlet temperature: Analyze the range of temperature used in drying process
b. Efficiency: Considering the drying process efficiency in water removal
c. Drying time: Considering how long the drying process will be done
d. Cost: Analyze the overall cost needed for drying process
Range for score is varied with 1 = worst, 2 = bad, 3 = equal, 4 = good, 5 =
very good. Scoring for fermentation method selection is available below
Table 2.9. Drying Method Scoring
Freeze Drying Spray Drying
No. Parameter Percentage
Rating Score Rating Score
1 Inlet Temperature 20% 4 0.8 2 0.4
2 Efficiency 30% 5 1.5 3 0.9
3 Drying Time 20% 4 0.8 4 0.8
4 Cost 30% 3 0.9 3 0.9
Total 100% 4 3
Rank 1 2
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some cell culturing cells have been ―transformed‖ into immortal cells which will
reproduce indefinitely if the optimal conditions are provided.
In practice, the term "cell culture" now refers to the culturing of cells
derived from multicellular eukaryotes, especially animal cells, in contrast with
other types of culture that also grow cells, such as plant tissue culture, fungal
culture, and microbiological culture (of microbes). The historical development
and methods of cell culture are closely interrelated to those of tissue culture and
organ culture. Viral culture is also related, with cells as hosts for the viruses.
The laboratory technique of maintaining live cell lines (a population of
cells descended from a single cell and containing the same genetic makeup)
separated from their original tissue source became more robust in the middle 20th
century (Caudry, 2004). It is concluded that good condition for most cell culture
process are temperature between 30°C and neutral pH level.
2.2.2. Medium Mixing and Sterilization
Enzyme lipase is strongly influenced by the operation conditions of the
process and environment. Factors to be considered in the process of medium
mixing are: temperature, pH, aeration system, stirring system, and sterilization.
a. Temperature: Fermentation to manufacture enzyme lipase will produce the
maximum if the operating temperature is maintained at 25oC (at room
temperature). Temperature is closely related to the growth of microorganism,
because it can increase the temperature rise the number of new microorganism
b. pH: pH adjustment is done to prevent fluctuations in the pH of the system.
According to Moyet and Coghill, enzyme lipase losses can occur at a pH below
5 or pH above 7.5. pH medium is affected by the type and amount of
carbohydrates (molasses) and buffer. Buffer solation can be used to
maintaining the pH of the system. Calcium carbonate is a compound that is
often used for this purpose. Calcium carbonate has the ability to increasing the
pH of the current system of fermentation media added.
c. Aeration systems: Sufficient aeration is essential to maximize production of
enzyme lipase, because aeration can produce oxygen for its metabolism.
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d. Stirring systems: Selection of the type of stirrer and the stirring speed
corresponding fix result of enzyme lipase when aeration rate constant. Stirring
speed fermentation process generally ranged in the range of 250-500 cm/sec. In
this case, molasses as carbon source, nitrogen source, rice bran, salt, and water
will be mixed to create a complex substrate.
e. Sterilization: Contamination can be avoided by sterilization of the piping
system, fermenter, and other equipments with direct contact to Aspergillus
Preparation of the media is an important step in the bioprocess widely is
preparing the conditions for the microorganisms that will produce the product.
The medium used for Aspergillus niger usually consists of a carbon source,
nitrogen source, and salts such as magnesium sulfate, potassium phosphate,
sodium nitrate. This salt will provide essential ions needed by Aspergillus niger in
its metabolic activities.
After the mixing process is completed, medium is sterilized at high
temperature and pressure. Pipe fermentation usually done on sterilization, but also
can be done on the fermentation reactor. Pressurized steam is used to sterilize the
temperature at 120oC and pressure 30 psi or 2 times at atmospheric pressure.Based
on Carlo Pinto journal, the operating condition in blending tank are pH 7, agigate
frequency at 180 rpm, strelization temperature at 70°C, pressure at 30 psi, and
residence time is 20 min.
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2.2.5. Centrifugation
Centrifugation is a separation process which uses the action of centrifugal
force to promote accelerated settling of particles in a solid-liquid mixture. Centrifuges
achieve separation by means of the accelerated gravitational force achieved by rapid
rotation. This can either replace normal gravity in the sedimentation of suspension or
provide the driving force in the filtration through a filter medium of some kind. The
driving force is higher because it is resulting from the rotation of the liquid. In the
case of sedimentation, where the driving force is resulting from the difference in
density between the solids particles and the liquid, the separation is achieved with a
force from 1000 to 20000 times that of gravity.
Centrifugation can only be used when the dispersed material is denser than
the medium in which they are dispersed. Several types of centrifuge are
hydrocyclone, tubular bowl, chamber bowl, disc stack separator, and decanter. For
this process, decanter separator is used because it suitable for large scale condition
and is usually needed in the enzyme purification.
2.2.6. Ultrafiltration
Ultrafiltration is type of filtration that suitable for separation of material
that consists of mixed cellulose, polypropilene, polycarbonat, and
polyetersulphone (PES), polyvyniliden fluoride (PVDF), inorganic and others.
Size and allowable pressure that being used in membranes are around 0.001 – 0.1
μm and 0.2 – 1.0 MPa. Separation using ultrafiltration has several characteristics,
which are using cross flow, various types of membrane may be used, and allowed
to used various membrane arrangement based on the equipment (Cheryan, et al
1988). Output flow in conventional filtration is dead-end flow and ultrafiltration is
cross flow, where the filtered filtrate liquid will come out of the pore while the
unfiltered liquid will be missed from the filter from the other side hole. One of the
advantage on using ultrafiltration is large cross-flow area where permeable liquid
will quickly comes out from membrane pores as retenate.
Table 2.12. Ultrafiltration Operating Condition
Parameter Value
Type Cross flow
Pore Size 0.001 – 0.1 μm
Pressure 0.2 – 1.0 MPa
(Source: Japonika, 2015)
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In freeze drying, heat transfer to the drying zone may be carried out by
conduction or transmission or by a combination of both of these methods.
Supervision of heat transfer rate is very important to avoid melting ice and thus
the heat transfer rate should be low enough to guarantee this. Heat transfer rate
should be as high as possible so the product can dry as soon as possible. Another
factor to note is that the surface temperature should not be as high as it will cause
damage to the material on its surface (Earle, 1969).
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2.4. Process Flow Diagram
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3.1.9. Conveyor Rice Bran Conveyor (C-101)
Table 3.10. C-101 Specification
Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Belt Conveyor
Equipment Code C-101
Function Delivering rice bran to medium mixing
Quantity 1
Equipment Type Closed Belt Conveyor
Equipment Vendor Xinxiang Dahan Vibrating Machinery Co.,LTD
Operating Condition
Flow Rate Input 224,670 kg/day
Flow Rate Output 224,670 kg/day
Pressure 101.325 kPa
Material Temperature 30 oC
(Source: Alibaba, Xinxiang Dahan Co.,Ltd) Salt Conveyor (C-102)
Table 3.11. C-102 Specification
Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Belt Conveyor
Equipment Code C-102
Function Delivering salt to medium mixing
Construction Data
Conveyor Length Customized
Dimension 1500*300*750mm
Belt Width 250 mm
Material Stainless Steel
Belt Material Rubber
(Source: Alibaba, Wuhan Willita Marking & Packing Technology Co.,Ltd) Solid Waste Conveyor (C-103)
Table 3.12. C-103 Specification
Equipment Specification
Equipment Name Belt Conveyor
Equipment Code C-103
Function Delivering Solid Waste from main fermenter
Construction Data
Conveyor Length Customized
Dimension Customized
Belt Width 400/500/650 mm
Material Carbon Steel
Belt Material PVC PU Rubber
(Source: Alibaba, Xinxiang Dahan Co.,Ltd)
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30 V-102
Table 3.16. V-102 Specification
Equipment Identification
Name – Code Silo Storage – (V-102)
Function For medium storage
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31 V-103
Table 3.18. V-103 Specification
Equipment Identification
Name – Code Silo Storage – (V-103)
Function For medium storage
Operation Mode Continuous
Composition Salt
Specification Design
Volume (m ) : 0.168 Height Tank (m) : 0.51
L/D (m) : 0.8 Wall Thickness (mm) : 5
Diameter Tank (m) : 0.64 V-104
Table 3.19. V-104 Specification
Equipment Identification
Name – Code Vessel Storage – (V-104)
Function For medium storage
Operation Mode Continuous
Composition Corn steep
Specification Design
Volume (m3) : 0.069 Height Tank (m) : 0.38
L/D (m) : 0.8 Wall Thickness (mm) : 5
Diameter Tank (m) : 0.48 V-105
Table 3.20. V-105 Specification
Equipment Identification
Name – Code Vessel Storage – (V-105)
Function For medium storage
Operation Mode Continuous
Composition Water
Specification Design
Volume (m3) : 1.24 Height Tank (m) : 1.0
L/D (m) : 0.8 Wall Thickness (mm): 7
Diameter Tank (m) : 1.25
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32 V-106
Table 3.21. V-106 Specification
Equipment Identification
Name – Code Vessel Storage – (V-106)
Function For medium storage
Operation Mode Continuous
Composition Palm Oil
Specification Design
Volume (m3) : 0.176 Height Tank (m) : 0.52
L/D (m) : 0.8 Wall Thickness (mm) : 5
Diameter Tank (m) : 0.65
3.1.11. Pump
There are total 18 pumps used that classified as 6 pumps in main process
and 12 others in utility. Other pumps information are available in Appendix B.11. P-101
Table 3.22. P-101 Specification
Pump Identification
Name – Code Pump – (P-101)
Function Pumping molasses to mixing tank
Mode of Operation Batch
Material Composition
Specification Design
Type Positive Displacement
Material Polivinylidene flouride (PVFD)
NPSHr (m) 4.90
NPSHa (m) 5.34
Head (m) 11.56 P-102
Table 3.23. P-102 Specification
Pump Identification
Name – Code Pump – (P-102)
Function Pumping water to mixing tank
Mode of Operation Batch
Material Composition
Specification Design
Type Centrifugal
Material Polivinylidene flouride (PVFD)
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33 P-201
Table 3.25. P-201 Specification
Pump Identification
Name – Code Pump – (P-201)
Function Pumping water to water storage tank
Mode of Operation Continuous
Material Composition
Specification Design
Type Centrifugal
Material Polivinylidene flouride (PVFD)
NPSHr (m) 9.172
NPSHa (m) 9.365
Head (m) 16.224 P-202
Table 3.26. P-202 Specification
Pump Identification
Name – Code Pump – (P-202)
Function Pumping fuel to boiler
Mode of Operation Continuous
Material Composition
Specification Design
Type Centrifugal
Material Polivinylidene flouride (PVFD)
NPSHr (m) 7.313
NPSHa (m) 8.343
Head (m) 14.977 P-301
Table 3.27. P-301 Specification
Pump Identification
Name – Code Pump – (P-301)
Function Pumping water to cooling tower
Mode of Operation Continuous
Material Composition
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34 P-302
Table 3.29. P-302 Specification
Pump Identification
Name – Code Pump – (P-302)
Function Pumping make up water from condenser
Mode of Operation Continuous
Material Composition
Specification Design
Type Centrifugal
Material Polivinylidene flouride (PVFD)
NPSHr (m) 8.94
NPSHa (m) 10.33
Head (m) 15.85
3.1.12. Piping
Table 3.30. Piping Specification
NPS Wall Thickness
Stream Sch ID (mm) OD (mm)
(inch) (mm)
1-3 0.125 40 8.437 1.73 10.3
2 0.5 40 14.658 2.77 21.3
3 1.5 40 41.795 3.68 48.3
4 0.5 40 15.828 2.77 21.3
5 0.125 40 3.896 1.73 10.3
6 0.5 40 17.271 2.77 21.3
7 0.5 40 17.634 2.77 21.3
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35 Boiler
Table 3.31. Boiler Specification
Item – Code Boiler – (B-201)
Function Heating water from water storage for autoclave
Type Electric Steam Boiler
Feed Composition
Water 657.34 (kg/hr)
Specification Design
Material Carbon steel
Weight 95 kg
Width 404 mm
Height 426 mm
Length 791 mm
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36 Condenser
Table 3.34. Condenser Specification
Item Condenser
Code CD 301
Number of unit 1
Specification Design
Heat Rejection 5218 MBH
Capacity Factor 1.37
Corrected Heat Rejection 7148.7 MBH
Model Selection DTC 1212-SAC1
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are to minimize the potential for injuries, overall property and environmental
damage, and related business interruption.
Lipase enzyme plant will be built with the total area 2,314.22 m2 and
divided into some areas. Overall, this plant consists of process area and office
area. In the process area, there are main process area, product storage, water
treatment unit, utility unit, waste treatment plant, control room, quality control,
evacuation area, and other supporting process areas.
a. Manufacturing Area
Basically, in lipase enzyme manufacturing, the operating temperature is
required to maintain steady because if it highest than 45oC the microorganism
cannot working properly. Surrounding area is also need to stay sterile because
contamination on lipase may affect lipase quality.
b. Utility Area
This utility area is placed aside from the production area. The reason is
to avoid the flow of production area. Utility area is one of the hot zone and
hazardous due to high temperature and pressure that is why it is perfect to be
placed in the back.
c. Waste Treatment Area
Waste treatment area is placed near the quality control so the
composition of the waste can be easily and control the contaminant that might
hazardous to the workers and environment.
d. Administration Area
Area included in this category are office, parking, etc which far from
production area to make sure its safety. Besides that, this area is very sensitive
as a place to connect us with the customer.
e. Supporting Area
Area that support workers activity such as mosque, toilet, canteen,
green area, etc are available so that workers feel comfortable and will always
work at the best condition.
f. Evacuation and Emergency Area
Evacuation and emergency area includes assembly points which located
near the gate for easy evacuation and access by police or ambulance.
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Utility warehouse is separated from others since it contains several materials that
need to be handle carefully, such as NaH2PO4, KH2PO4, CaCl2, Nitrite, NaOCl,
Zeolite, and Diesel.
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By managing the safe range between equipment, it can helps the company
to achived several reward and achivement from many safety standars like ISO and
SNI. Usually ISO and SNI doing audit every month in many aspect of factory, and
if passed, certificate is given as a company who give high attention to the safety
aspect. This certificate will lead the company to get many benefit, such as money
loan from the bank, get an allowance from the goverment to expand the factory,
and so on. But if it did not passed, the worst consequences is to close the factory.
Waste water from utility such as water from demineralization process. The other
production of waste water is mostly from cleaning in place (CIP) equipment in
lipase enzyme plant. On the other hand, the source from waste water for cleaning
in place equipment in lipase enzyme plant is depends on the condition of
equipment. In general, waste water from cleaning in place (CIP) equipment
contains high content of total suspended solid (TSS). Whereas waste from
household activities comes from non manufacturing activities in lipase enzyme
plant such as office, canteen, etc.
Concentration of this type of waste is highly depends on the level of the
activities therefore it is hard to predict the amount of housekeeping activities
waste. The majority of the wastewater used in the process is to be recycled back to
the process. In order for the water to be recycled, it has to first be treated. In
Indonesia, regulation contained in Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup Republik
Indonesia Nomor 5 Tahun 2014 about Waste Water Quality Standards concerned
for this particular issues.
a. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
Terms of chemical oxygen demand (COD) is used to express the
amount of oxygen consumed during oxidation of a sample under certain
condition. Quantity of oxidant consumed is expressed in terms of oxygen
equivalence. Both organic and inorganic components of sample are subject to
oxidation, but in most cases the organic component predominates and is of the
greater interest. Total COD shows in Table 6.4. is 475.25 g/L.
Table 6.4. COD in Waste Stream
Mass Volume Concentration COD
Substance Reaction
(kg/day) (L) (g/L) (g/L)
11.73 11,630 69.23 203.09
1.501 1,670 8.9 26.12
Oleic Acid 6.06 6,580 35.7 107.35
6.76 7,940 40 125
0.707 794 4.5 13.69
Total 475.25
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𝑥 (6.4)
The COD and BOD level of this waste is very high compared to
governmental standard. In Indonesia there is special regulation that arranges
which is this concern of Environmental Ministers Decision 5 year 2014 about
quality standard of wastewater disposal.
Table 6.5. Wastewater Standard in Biomass Processing Acitivity
Level Limit Highest Pollution Load
(mg/L) (kg/ton)
BOD 100 50
COD 250 125
TSS 100 50
Amonia (NH3-N) 5 2.5
Klor 1 0.5
PH 6-9
Highest Wastewater Load 500 m3 per ton product
(Source: Cipta Karya)
Due to the very big gap between parameter and the fact in the field, it
has to apply appropriate treatment for reducing this big amount of waste. In the
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d. Primary Treatment
Primary treatment pertain to the removal of easily separable materials
such as settleable organic and inorganic solids by sedimentation oils, floating
solids, or quickly settling solids. Primary treatment involves operations such as
equalization, neutralization, sedimentation, oil separation, and flotation.
Approximately, 25 – 50% of the incoming biochemical oxygen demand
(BOD5), 50 – 70% of the total suspended solids (TSS), and 65% of the oil and
grease are removed during primary treatment.
e. Secondary Treatment
Secondary treatment involves the removal of biodegradable dissolved
and colloidal organic matter using aerobic biological treatment processes.
Aerobic biological treatment is performed in the presence of oxygen by aerobic
microorganisms (principally bacteria) that metabolize the organic matter in the
wastewater, thereby producing more microorganisms and inorganic end-
products (principally CO2, NH3, and H2O).
f. Tertiary Treatment
Tertiary advanced wastewater treatment is employed when specific
wastewater constituents which cannot be removed by secondary treatment must
be removed. This treatment processes are necessary to remove nitrogen,
phosphorus, additional suspended solids, refractory organics, heavy metals and
dissolved solids.
6.5.1. Solid Waste Treatment
Solid waste come from medium fermentation which mostly presence
organic nutrients. Best treatment options is to recycle those solid waste using
composting method such as liquid and solid fertilizer. The nature of composting
method can degrade abundant amount of organic material in the waste and
transform it into the smaller organic material that can be useful as organic
fertilizer. Later, the composting product can be recycled as a useful and added
value to the product.
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which are large enough to later go down due to its phase that heavier than
water. The coagulant that is used is PAC (Poly Alumunium Chloride).
h. Sedimentation
After treated in coagulation tank, the stream moves to sedimentation
tank. The aim of this step is to settle the flocculate from coagulation with the
help of gravity force. The flocculate of this waste contains organic soluble
solid & biomass from previous processes. The settled flocculate then can be
transferred to composting unit as recyclable material. Meanwhile the separated
waste water will move to next step. Slurry or mud that has been sedimented
will then collected by scraper to centre of clarifier, which will go to slurry
collector. From the slurry collector, slurry will be pumped using the mud pump
to automatically heading to the slurry thickener and then streamed to the
decanter and partially mud will be returned.
i. Decanter
Liquid slurry originating from the slurry thickener is pumped into the
decanter machine to be compacted. Liquid slurry compacting was done with a
decanter by using centrifugal force which to thicken and compact the slurry.
Furthermore, the mud that has been compacted is accommodated in the sack
and collected in a shelter slurry. Slurry which has been compacted will
periodic were discarded periodically into landfills.
6.5.3. Gas Waste Treatment
Gas wastes emitted from the plant are mostly from fermentation process
which contain nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide and doesnot need any special
treatment to release because carbon dioxide is meant to be wasted in amount of
2000 ppm. Gas waste also come from flue gas from the combustion process to
produce steam from boiler and electricity from generator. Flue gas will be filtered
through screens using chimneys in the factory which ensures that the released gas
is not toxic and safe for humans and the surrounding environment. These gas
emissions have met the standards regarding the quality of waste gas emissions
from non-moving sources set by Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup Republik
Indonesia Nomor 13 Tahun 1995. From the standards, we can be directly released
gas waste into the environment by way of venting for CO2 emission.
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( ) (7.1)
60 Universitas Indonesia
Since equipment will start purchased in 2019, cost index from knwn index
will be interpolated to determine cost index for 2017 – 2025.
400 y = 12,845x - 25288
R² = 0,7848
2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
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stream. Fitting and valve is also considered, while insulation cost is not needed.
Detail cost information is available in Appendix F.4. which is summarized below.
Table 7.6. Overall Piping Cost
Detail Cost Price (USD)
Piping Cost $ 3,722
Fitting Cost $ 315
Valve Cost $ 6,857.7
Total Overall Piping Cost $ 10,895.7
Universitas Indonesia
7.3. Equity
Equity is often interpreted as equity of capital or ownership capital, which
is if a company needs funds for business development then one alternative source
can be derived from their own capital. Lipase plant assumed that the bussiness
start without any capital. Therefore, the solution is to find loan from any possible
sources, such as banks and investors. Since the Total Capital Investment needed is
USD 5,114,975 the first thing to do is finding the interest rate of banks. For lipase
plant, it is decided to propose a credit to Bank Jawa Barat where each bank has
the same capital share which is 30% which means USD 1,502,846.03 from the
Total Capital Investment. The remaining 70% which is USD 3,506,640.73 will be
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is given to investor. List of possible loan and its interest rates are available in the
following table.
Table 7.11. Loan Source and Its Interest Rate
Source of Loan Interest Rate
Bank Jawa Barat 11.06%
Investor 12.08%
7.4. Depreciation
Depreciation is cost that caused by use the equipment so the price of
equipment become decreasing. Salvage value is the estimated trade-in or market
value at the end of the asset‘s useful life. List of all equipment have been
elaborated in Appendix F. Depreciation rate is applied for main equipment,
supporting, land, and building. Assumption for depreciation factors are 10% for
main equipment and 3% for building and supporting equipment. Calculation of
depreciation are summarize in Appendix G.3.
order 20% from total amount per day per material (and it called as stock).
Purchase price is multiply of price per unit and ammount suply. After this plant
gets the value, next it calculate the annual value. So, at the end this plant gets total
raw material cost for this plant is USD 357,305.90 per year. Detail raw material
cost is available in Appendix G.4.
7.5.2. Utility Cost
Utility costs are costs that used to finance the main necessities of the
production such as water, electricity, fuel, and solid waste are used for production
processes. We have also the utility for water and solid waste disposal cost. Electricity Utility
Electricity in lipase enzyme plant is supplied directly from PLN. The
data for electricity cost is obtained from PLN website. This plant is categorized as
number 9 I-4/TT group which is electricity for industrial purposes with electricity
power above 30,000 kWh. It is mentioned that the price for this group since
September 2017 is equal to USD 0.108 or IDR 1,467.28 per kWh. Electricity for
process and utility unit is 29,096 kWh and for supporting facilities is 176,335.24
kWh with total electricity cost is USD 22,306.35. Detail calculation for electricity
cost is available in Appendix G.5. Water Utility
For the water requirement, this plant is using PDAM Tirta Albantani
(local water supply company) price for medium industry since January 2017 as
the calculation. The price for water in this category is USD 0.46/m3 with total cost
for water utility unit is USD 3,260.04. Detail water utility cost calculation is
available in Appendix G.6. Fuel Utility
In case of a power outage, lipase enzyme plant uses a generator to keep
the continuity of the production. For diesel motor generators, it assumed used a
diesel not every time but at one month just used a diesel for 24 hour. The
specification for the generator is about 300 kW. Based on those assumption, diesel
needed for lipase enzyme plant generator is equal to the fuel used is diesel for
industries with price USD 0.62/liter include tax. Needs of diesel per batch
production can be calculated as follows
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indirect labor cost is USD 230,352. Detail indirect labor cost is availbale at
Appendix G.7.
Therefore, total labor cost which contains direct and indirect labor cost is
available in the following table.
Table 7.15. Total Labor Cost
Detail Cost Price (USD)
Direct Labor Salary $ 65,700
Indirect Labor Salary $ 230,352
Total Labor Cost $ 296,052
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∑ (9.1)
( )
From the calculation that has been done, IRR value is 14.76% which higher than
WACC (12.80%) and MARR.. Therefore, the plant project is feasible to built and
developed. After determined IRR, NPV calculation can be done and the project is
considered profitable when NPV > 0. NPV that obtained from calculation is USD
1,562,669 which means project is feasible and profitable. Table of NPV is
available in Appendix H.2.
Payback period defines period in years of investment will be returned. By
reviewing at the cash flow, it can be implied that plant payback period is in 6.5
years when the cumulative cash flow becomes positive. Rate of return or
investment (ROR/ROI) of plant is percentage of annual profit generated by one
unit of capital invested. Calculation of ROI is done using Equation 9.2.
( ) (9.2)
With known annual net profit after tax is $ 928,986 and total capital investment is
USD 5,009,486, ROI obtained from this plant is 18.5%. Correlated with payback
period, break even point (BEP) used to analyzed number of product that need to
sell in order to cover up expenses or when the cumulative cost is getting positive.
BEP of the plant is happened at 6.5 years when 233,950 kg of product has been
sold, which is 32.5% of total production.
Table 7.21. Break Even Point
Years Days Products (kg)
1 330 36300
2 330 36300
3 330 36300
4 330 36300
5 330 36300
6 330 36300
6,5 165 18150
BEP (ton) 235950
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It can be implied from Table 7.23. that increase in raw material will reducing both
IRR and NPV while increasing payback period. Since the deviations give slight
differences, it means that raw material fluctuation does not really sensitive.
Table 7.23. Raw Material Fluctuation
Raw Material Price
Deviation IRR (%) NPV (USD) PP (years)
-15% 303,710.02 15.53% 1,840,557.53 6.07
-10% 321,575.31 15.28% 1,747,928.34 6.16
-5% 339,440.61 15.02% 1,655,299.15 6.25
0% 357,305.90 14.76% 1,562,669.95 6.34
5% 375,171.20 14.50% 1,470,040.76 6.43
10% 393,036.49 14.23% 1,377,411.57 6.53
15% 410,901.79 13.97% 1,284,782.37 6.63
For capacity fluctuation, it can be seen that by increasing plant capacity will
increase IRR and NPV while reducing plant payback period. Difference with each
deviations is quite high, therefore the capacity fluctuation is quite sensitive.
Table 7.24. Capacity Fluctuation
Deviation Capacity (kg) IRR (%) NPV (USD) PP (years)
-15% 30,855 8.28% (523,366.00) 9.60
-10% 32,670 10.00% 171,979.32 8.19
-5% 34,485 12.70% 867,324.64 7.15
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Further analyze is made by creating sensitivity chart for IRR, NPV, and
payback period in the following figures.
-20% -15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20%
-20% -15% -10% (500.000,00)
-5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20%
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PBP 8,00
-20% -15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20%
Selling Price Raw Material Capacity
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As a new plant we need to position our plant from other existing plants in
Indonesia. As for enzyme manufacturing plant, Indonesia only has 1 exist plants
which is PT. Petrosida located in Gresik, East Java. Positioning can be seen from
many aspects and two most influenced is seen from technical and economical
8.1. Technical Aspect
This outstanding issues of lovastatin plant technical aspect including the
benefit of selected raw material and selected fermentation process. Below is the
explaination of each technical aspect.
a. Raw Material Selection
Rice bran is choosed as substrate for Aspergillus niger, because this
substrate is most abundant amount in Indonesia and has low price. Indonesia
has the potential to produce rice bran is about 7,1 million tons / year, or 8-12%
of the average production of rice, thus opening up export markets (BPS, 2013).
Moreover, rice bran is very cheap, beacuse from rice field waste with price
only IDR 3,800/kg or USD 0.281/kg. Palm oil also has high available in
Indonesia as number one producer in the world with IDR 8,204/kg or USD
b. Process Selection
Fermentation technology that used in this plant is Submerged
Fermentation (SmF) technology. SmF utilizes free flowing liquid substrates,
such as molasses and broths. The bioactive compounds are secreted into the
fermentation broth. The substrates are utilized quite rapidly; hence need to be
constantly replaced/supplemented with nutrients. This fermentation technique
is best suited for microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi that require high
moisture content. An additional advantage of this technique is that purification
of products is easier. SmF is primarily used in the extraction of secondary
metabolites that need to be used in liquid form (Subramaniyam, 2012).
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HSE Team. 2008. Hazard Identification and Risk Assesment. Marine Safety
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Hubbe et al. 2010. Composting As a Way to Convert Cellulosic Biomass &
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Sharma, R., Chisti, Y., and Banerjee, UC. 2001. Biotechnology Advances, Pages
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Zhu K., et al.: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 2001, 1547, 329-338.
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Table A.15. Seed Fermenter Energy Balance
Seed Fermenter
Input Output
4 2 5 6 7
T (C) 30 25 26,5 30 30
P (bar) 0.738 1.0132 1.013 1.013 1.013
Components (kJ)
Mass Cp Energy Mass Cp Energy Mass Cp Energy Mass Cp Energy Mass Cp Energy
A. niger 12.23 0.35 0 0 0.342 0 0 0.342 0 12.23 0.35 21.4025 0 0.35 0
Rice bran 0 1.698 0 22.467 1.694 190.29549 0 1.694 0 22.467 1.698 190.74483 0 1.698 0
Water 4.7582 4.2 0 14.83 4.18 309.947 0 4.18 0 19.588 4.2 411.348 0 4.2 0
Molasses 0 1.65 0 1.449 1.6 11.592 0 1.6 0 1.449 1.65 11.95425 0 1.65 0
Cornsteep liquor 0 1.2 0 1.075 1.195 6.423125 0 1.195 0 1.075 1.2 6.45 0 1.2 0
NaH2PO4 0 0.685 0 1.685 0.665 5.602625 0 0.665 0 1.68486 0.685 5.7706455 0 0.685 0
KH2PO4 0 0.878 0 0.281 0.855 1.201275 0 0.855 0 0.28091 0.878 1.2331949 0 0.878 0
MgSO4.7H2O 0 1.06 0 0.042 1.04 0.2184 0 1.04 0 0.04209 1.06 0.223077 0 1.06 0
CaCl2 0 2.39 0 0.035 2.32 0.406 0 2.32 0 0.035 2.39 0.41825 0 2.39 0
Oleic acid 0 2.094 0 0.748 2.046 7.65204 0 2.046 0 0.7484 2.094 7.835748 0 2.094 0
Linoleic acid 0 2.81 0 0.187 2.73 2.55255 0 2.73 0 0.1871 2.81 2.628755 0 2.81 0
Palmitic acid 0 2.06 0 0.842 2.02 8.5042 0 2.02 0 0.84195 2.06 8.672085 0 2.06 0
Stearic acid 0 2.38 0 0.094 2.3 1.081 0 2.3 0 0.09355 2.38 1.113245 0 2.38 0
Nitrogen 0 1.0402 0 0 1.04 0 0.79 1.04 4.108 0 1.040 0 0.851 1.040 4.42605
Oxygen 0 0.9185 0 0 0.918 0 0.24 0.918 1.1016 0 0.919 0 0.25 0.918 1.14813
Carbon dioxide 0 0.8452 0 0 0.8448 0 0 0.8448 0 0 0.845 0 20 0.845 84.52
Lipase 0 0.221 0 0 0.221 0 0 0.221 0 0 0.221 0 0 0.221 0
Maltodextrin 0 1.5 0 0 1.5 0 0 1.5 0 0 1.5 0 0 1.5 0
Total 17.01 27.97 0 331.338 27.51 4132.52 142.18 27.51 503.39 331.89 27.97 3379.65 158.56 27.97 785.45
Total Mass 61.75315 81.82386
Total Heating
550.685305 759.8887564
93 Universitas Indonesia
Table A.16. Main Fermenter Energy Balance
Main Fermenter
6 8 3
T (°C) 30 26,35 25
P (bar) 1.013 1.013 9.262
Components (kJ)
Mass Cp Energy Mass Cp Energy Mass Cp Energy
A. niger 12.23 0.35 0 0 0.358 0 0 0.358 0
Rice bran 22.467 1.698 0 0 1.671 0 202.203 1.671 1689.40607
Water 19.588 4.2 0 0 4.204 0 95.47 4.204 2006.7794
Molasses 1.449 1.65 0 0 1.662 0 13.041 1.662 108.37071
Cornsteep liquor 1.075 1.2 0 0 1.206 0 9.675 1.206 58.34025
NaH2PO4 1.68486 0.685 0 0 0.687 0 15.163 0.687 52.084905
KH2PO4 0.28091 0.878 0 0 0.881 0 2.52 0.881 11.1006
MgSO4.7H2O 0.04209 1.06 0 0 1.064 0 0.378 1.064 2.01096
CaCl2 0.035 2.39 0 0 2.415 0 0.316 2.415 3.8157
Oleic acid 0.7484 2.094 0 0 2.1 0 6.735 2.1 70.7175
Linoleic acid 0.1871 2.81 0 0 2.86 0 1.684 2.86 24.0812
Palmitic acid 0.84195 2.06 0 0 2.072 0 7.577 2.072 78.49772
Stearic acid 0.09355 2.38 0 0 2.388 0 0.842 2.388 10.05348
Nitrogen 0 1.0402 0 142.3 1.0422 541.313 0 1.0422 0
Oxygen 0 0.9185 0 43.2 0.9189 144.892 0 0.9189 0
Carbon dioxide 0 0.8452 0 0 0.8457 0 0 0.8457 0
Lipase 0 0.22 0 0 0.226 0 0 0.226 0
Maltodextrin 0 1.5 0 0 1.5 0 0 1.5 0
Total 60.72286 27.9789 0 185.5 28.1008 686.20562 355.604 28.1008 4115.25849
Total Mass 601.82686
Total Heating
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Table A.17. Main Fermenter Energy Balance (continued)
Main Fermenter
9 10 11
T (°C) 30 30 30
P (bar) 1.013 1.013 1.013
Components (kJ)
Mass Cp Energy Mass Cp Energy Mass Cp Energy
A. niger 5.437 0.35 0 9.069 0.35 11.585648 0 0.342 0
Rice bran 1.037 1.698 6.4270149 180.437 1.698 1118.2944 0 1.694 0
Water 73.37 4.2 1124.7621 0 4.2 0 0 4.18 0
Molasses 0.11756 1.65 0.7080051 11.638 1.65 70.089855 0 1.6 0
Cornsteep liquor 0.087 1.2 0.38106 8.632 1.2 37.80816 0 1.195 0
NaH2PO4 0.13708 0.685 0.34273427 13.57 0.685 33.928393 0 0.665 0
KH2PO4 0.02234 0.878 0.071592998 2.21 0.878 7.082387 0 0.855 0
MgSO4.7H2O 0.00357 1.06 0.01381233 0.3532 1.06 1.3665308 0 1.04 0
CaCl2 0.00268 2.39 0.02337898 0.265 2.39 2.3117275 0 2.32 0
Oleic acid 0.06063 2.094 0.463401153 6 2.094 45.8586 0 2.046 0
Linoleic acid 0.01515 2.81 0.155385975 1.5 2.81 15.38475 0 2.73 0
Palmitic acid 0.06797 2.06 0.51106643 6.73 2.06 50.60287 0 2.02 0
Stearic acid 0.0077 2.38 0.0668899 0.765 2.38 6.645555 0 2.3 0
Nitrogen 0 1.0402 0 0 1.0402 0 108.76 1.04 0
Oxygen 0 0.9185 0 0 0.9185 0 33.02 0.918 0
Carbon dioxide 0 0.8452 0 0 0.8452 0 13.52 0.8448 0
Lipase 111.582 0.22 89.600346 0 0.22 0 0 0.217 0
Maltodextrin 0 1.5 0 0 1.5 0 0 1.5 0
Total 191.9477 27.9789 1223.526788 241.1692 27.9789 1400.9589 155.3 27.5068 0
Total Mass 588.41688
Total Heating
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Table A.18. Decanter Centrifuge Energy Balance
Decanter Centrifuge
Input Output
9 12 13
T 30 35 35
P 0.264 0.264 1.013
Components (kJ)
Mass Cp Energy Mass Cp Energy Mass Cp Energy
A. niger 5.437 0.33 8.97105 4.89 0.34 8.313 0.547 0.358 0.97913
Rice bran 1.037 1.59 8.24415 0.01 1.598 0.0799 1.027 1.712 8.79112
Water 117.315 4.02 2358.0315 73.37 4.1 1504.085 43.945 4.26 936.0285
Molasses 0.11756 1.6 0.94048 0.00118 1.64 0.009676 0.11638 1.69 0.983411
Cornsteep liquor 0.087 1.05 0.45675 0.00087 1.1 0.004785 0.08613 1.28 0.551232
NaH2PO4 0.13708 0.58 0.397532 0.00137 0.585 0.00400725 0.13571 0.691 0.468878
KH2PO4 0.02234 0.771 0.0861207 0.00022 0.778 0.0008558 0.02212 0.882 0.097549
MgSO4.7H2O 0.00357 0.904 0.0161364 0.00004 0.906 0.0001812 0.00353 1.069 0.018868
CaCl2 0.00268 2.212 0.0296408 0.00003 2.22 0.000333 0.00265 2.42 0.032065
Oleic acid 0.06063 1.99 0.6032685 0.00061 1.992 0.0060756 0.06002 2.1 0.63021
Linoleic acid 0.01515 2.78 0.210585 0.00015 2.8 0.0021 0.015 2.86 0.2145
Palmitic acid 0.06797 1.94 0.659309 0.00068 1.96 0.006664 0.06729 2.082 0.700489
Stearic acid 0.0077 2.26 0.08701 0.00008 2.28 0.000912 0.00762 2.41 0.091821
Nitrogen 0 1.022 0 0 1.03 0 0 1.052 0
Oxygen 0 0.89 0 0 0.901 0 0 0.922 0
Carbon dioxide 0 0.739 0 0 0.743 0 0 0.851 0
Lipase 111.582 0.208 116.04528 110.15 0.21 115.6575 1.432 0.23 1.6468
Maltodextrin 0 1.5 0 0 1.5 0 0 1.5 0
Total 0 0.89 0 0 0.901 0 0 0.922 0
Total Mass 235.89 235.89
Total Heating
2494.778812 2579.405563
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Table A.19. Ultrafilter Energy Balance
Input Output
12 14 15
T 35 35.2 40
P 0.264 0.264 0.264
Components (kJ)
Mass Cp Energy Mass Cp Energy Mass Cp Energy
A. niger 4.89 0.34 8.313 0 0.352 0 4.89 0.354 8.6553
Rice bran 0.01 1.598 0.0799 0 1.71 0 0.01 1.715 0.08575
Water 73.37 4.1 1504.085 81.446 4.22 1718.51 -8.076 4.224 -170.56512
Molasses 0.00118 1.64 0.009676 0 1.64 0 0.00118 1.649 0.0097291
Cornsteep liquor 0.00087 1.1 0.004785 0 1.24 0 0.00087 1.246 0.0054201
NaH2PO4 0.00137 0.585 0.00400725 0 0.689 0 0.00137 0.691 0.00473335
KH2PO4 0.00022 0.778 0.0008558 0 0.879 0 0.00022 0.88 0.000968
MgSO4.7H2O 0.00004 0.906 0.0001812 0 1.065 0 0.00004 1.068 0.0002136
CaCl2 0.00003 2.22 0.000333 0 2.4 0 0.00003 2.45 0.0003675
Oleic acid 0.00061 1.992 0.0060756 0 2.054 0 0.00061 2.058 0.0062769
Linoleic acid 0.00015 2.8 0.0021 0 2.82 0 0.00015 2.89 0.0021675
Palmitic acid 0.00068 1.96 0.006664 0 2.08 0 0.00068 2.085 0.007089
Stearic acid 0.00008 2.28 0.000912 0 2.39 0 0.00008 2.394 0.0009576
Nitrogen 0 1.03 0 0 1.048 0 0 1.0484 0
Oxygen 0 0.901 0 0 0.915 0 0 0.9153 0
Carbon dioxide 0 0.743 0 0 0.849 0 0 0.8498 0
Lipase 110.15 0.21 115.6575 110.15 0.221 121.715 0 0.226 0
Maltodextrin 0 1.5 0 0 1.5 0 0 1.5 0
Total 0 0.901 0 0 0.915 0 0 0.9153 0
Total Mass 188.42523 188.42523
Total Heating
1628.17099 1678.440203
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Table A.20. Freeze Dryer Energy Balance
Freeze Dryer
Input Output
14 16 18 19
T 40 25 12 30
P 0.264 1.013 0.264 1.013
Components (kJ)
Mass Cp Energy Mass Cp Energy Mass Cp Energy Mass Cp Energy
A. niger 0 0.352 0 0 0.342 0 0 0.215 0 0 0.35 0
Rice bran 0 1.71 0 0 1.694 0 0 1.51 0 0 1.698 0
Water 81.446 4.22 -9623.65936 0 4.18 0 0.903 4.02 -101.64168 80.543 4.2 -9471.8568
Molasses 0 1.64 0 0 1.6 0 0 1.492 0 0 1.65 0
Cornsteep liquor 0 1.24 0 0 1.195 0 0 1.03 0 0 1.2 0
NaH2PO4 0 0.689 0 0 0.665 0 0 0.545 0 0 0.685 0
KH2PO4 0 0.879 0 0 0.855 0 0 0.701 0 0 0.878 0
MgSO4.7H2O 0 1.065 0 0 1.04 0 0 0.983 0 0 1.06 0
CaCl2 0 2.4 0 0 2.32 0 0 2.21 0 0 2.39 0
Oleic acid 0 2.054 0 0 2.046 0 0 1.97 0 0 2.094 0
Linoleic acid 0 2.82 0 0 2.73 0 0 2.62 0 0 2.81 0
Palmitic acid 0 2.08 0 0 2.02 0 0 1.964 0 0 2.06 0
Stearic acid 0 2.39 0 0 2.3 0 0 2.16 0 0 2.38 0
Nitrogen 0 1.048 0 0 1.04 0 0 0.972 0 0 1.0402 0
Oxygen 0 0.915 0 0 0.918 0 0 0.815 0 0 0.9185 0
Carbon dioxide 0 0.849 0 0 0.8448 0 0 0.725 0 0 0.8452 0
Lipase 110.15 0.221 -681.6082 0 0.217 0 110.15 0.16 -493.472 0 0.22 0
Maltodextrin 0 1.5 0 1.9 1.482 -36.6054 1.9 1.24 -65.968 0 1.51 0
Total 0 0.915 0 0 0.918 0 0 0.815 0 0 0.9185 0
Total Mass 193.496 193.496
Total Heating
-10341.87296 -10132.93848
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B. APPENDIX B: Equipment Sizing
Take an sssumption the ratio of the height and diameter of tank ( 𝑠: ) is 2:1.
𝑉 𝑦 (B.3)
𝑉 𝑦 (B.4)
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= 0.113 m
Pressure Design
Height of fluid in the tank is calculated as follows:
𝑠 𝑠
𝑃 ( )
t = material thickness P = pressure gauge
R = shell radius = D/2 Di = shell inner diameter
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Impeller Sizing
Impeller Dimension
Based on Wallas (1988), the standard requirements used for impeller dimension
are :
Diameter of Agitator : Diameter of Tank = 1 : 3 = 0.23 m
Shaft Diameter : Agitator Diameter = 1 : 8 = 0.03 m
Distance from Bottom of Tank : Diameter of Tank = 1 : 3= 0.23 m
Type of Impeller
Mixture viscosity = 718 cP (mPas)
The power number is determined by calculating the rotation speed in unit rps. For
the speed of 200 rpm, the N is 3.33 rps. The Reynold Number will be calculated
using :
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Specification Detail
Table B.1. MX-101 Specification
Equipment Specification
Code MX-101
Number of Unit 1
Mixing medium and
sterilizing medium
Operating Condition
Storage Time (days) 1.00
Flowrate (kg/day) 437.35
Capacity (m3) 0.49
Temperature ( C) 70
Pressure (bar) 1.33
Specification Design
Type Vertical Cylinder tank
Material Stainless Steel 316
Inside Diameter (m) 0.68
Outside Diameter with jacket (m) 0.98
Tank Height (m) 1.02
Impaller Type Pitch Blade
Number 1
Diameter 0.23
Rotation Speed (rpm) 200
Shaft Diameter 0.03
Distance from Tank Bottom 0.23
Power (W) 60.84
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𝑉 ( ) (B.13)
Height of Head
= 0.13 m
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In calculating the design pressure, assume that the pressure safety factor is 20%.
𝑠 𝑠
𝑃 ( )
Corrosion factor : 3 mm
Max. Allowable stress (S) : 20000 psi
Joint efficiency (E) : 1.0 (for double-welded butt joint, full)
Impeller Sizing
Impeller Dimension
Based on Wallas (1988), the standard requirements used for impeller dimension
are :
Diameter of Agitator : Diameter of Tank = 1 : 3 = 0.13 m
Shaft Diameter : Agitator Diameter = 1 : 8 = 0.016 m
Distance from Bottom of Tank : Diameter of Tank = 1 : 3 = 0.13 m
Baffle width : Diameter of tank = 1: 10 = 0.039 m
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Type of Impeller
𝑉 ( ) (B.22)
Height of Head
= 0.276 m
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In calculating the design pressure, assume that the pressure safety factor is 20%.
𝑠 𝑠
𝑃 ( )
Corrosion factor : 3 mm
Max. Allowable stress (S) : 20000 psi
Joint efficiency (E) : 1.0 (for double-welded butt joint, full)
Impeller Sizing
Impeller Dimension
Based on Wallas (1988), the standard requirements used for impeller
dimension are :
Diameter of Agitator : Diameter of Tank = 1 : 3 = 0.276 m
Shaft Diameter : Agitator Diameter = 1 : 8 = 0.034 m
Distance from Bottom of Tank : Diameter of Tank = 1 : 3 = 0.276 m
Baffle width : Diameter of tank = 1: 10 = 0.083 m
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Type of Impeller
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B.9. Conveyor
There are five conveyors belt used, which are rice bran conveyor, salt
conveyor, solid waste conveyor, maltodextrin conveyor, dry lipase conveyor.
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B.11. Pump
The calculation of the pump is still a rough calculation because the pipping
design has not been determined yet. Therefore, pipe length and elevation is
decided based on our estimation. Steps to achive power requirement consist of:
a. Step 1: Calculating pressure differences between the inlet and outlet using
below equation.
Δ𝑃=𝑃 −𝑃 (B.30)
b. Step 2: Calculating height differences between the suction height and discharge
height using below equation.
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Δ = 𝑠 − 𝑠 (B.31)
c. Step 3: Calculating Friction Horse Power (FHP) using equation below.
𝐹 𝑃=(Δ𝑃/𝜌+ .Δ𝑧+𝐹). 𝑠𝑠 𝑤 (B.32)
FHP = Friction Horse Power (kW) Δ𝑃= Pressure Difference (Pa)
ρ = Density (kg/m3) F = Friction Head (m2/s2)
d. Step 4: Calculating Break Horse Power (BHP) using equation below.
𝑃=𝐹 𝑃 (B.33)
Where: = Pump Efficiency, in this case we assume pump efficiency is 80%.
e. Step 5: Calculating Head and Actual Head using equation below.
= 𝐹 𝑃/ . 𝑠𝑠 𝑤 (B.34)
= / (B.35)
f. Step 6: Calculating Net Positive Suction Head required (NPSHr) using equation
𝑃𝑆 =(𝑃 −𝑃𝑣 𝑝)/𝜌. (B.36)
g. Step 7: Calculating Net Positive Suction Head actual (NPSHa) using equation
𝑃𝑆 = 𝑃𝑆 + 𝑠 −(𝐹/ ) (B.37)
Materials that we choose for pumps is PVFD. Consideration of choosing
Polivinylidene flouride (PVFD) as material of pumps are:
High temperature resistant
Long service life
Resistant to acids
P-101 Specification Detail
Table B.29. P-101 Specification
Pump Identification
Name Pump
Code P-101
Function Pumping molasses to mixing tank
Amount (unit) 1
Mode of Operation Batch
Material Composition
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B.12. Piping
Piping system is important in plant design because it connects stream from
each process equipments. Schedule number and pipe type are determined based on
contains in each streams. Here is the step in calculating the dimension of pipe.
1. Determine the mass flow rate and density of the fluid
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The mass flow rate can be calculated by capacity in every material that
flow in pipe by divided with 24 hour.
2. Calculate the volume flow rate of the fluid
The volume flow rate can be calculated with equation below
𝑉 (B.38)
( ) (B.39)
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Boiler Sizing
Based on ―Blodgett (Steam Boiler Sizing Guide)‖ there are guide that consist of
several guide that can lead to sizing boiler. The several guidelines are:
- 1 Boiler Horsepower (BHP) = Approximately 33.475 BTU
- 1 Boiler Horsepower (BHP) = Approximately 10 kW
- 1 Boiler Horsepower (BHP) = Approximately 34.5 LBS/ Hour of steam
Notes that actual steam output depends upon boiler efficiency. There are general
rule about sizing boiler for steam, there are:
- Blodgett Convection Steamers- require 34.5 LBS/ Hour of steam at start up and
operation or each steamer requires approximately ¾ BHP per compartment
- Blodgett Steam Kettles- require approximately 1 BHP per 20 gallon to operate
at medium heat. As example that 40 Gals = 2 BHP
Tabel B.56. Steam Flow Rate Of Blodgett Dteam Boilers
(Source: Blodgett)
Tabel B.57. Steam Flow rate Requirments Of Blodgett Direct Steam Kettles
(Source: Blodgett)
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( )
⁄ 0.49 W
Table B.58. Boiler Specification
Item Boiler
Code B 201
Number of unit 1
Function Heating water from water storage for autoclave
Type Electric Steam Boiler
Feed Composition
Water 657.34 (kg/hr)
Operating Condition
Capacity 660 (kg/hr)
Pressure 0-6 bar
Temperature of water 27oC
Temperature of steam 152 oC
Fuel Consumption 36.6 l/hr
Specification Design
Power 10 kW
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= 2.96 m
Pressure of tank = ρ x g x l
= 1000 kg/m3 x 9.8 m/s2 x 2.96 m
= 29.029 kPa
Operation pressure = 1 atm = 101.325 kPa
Total pressure = 130.354 kPa
e. Thickness of wall and head
Safety factor = 20 %
Corrosion factor = 0,002 in/year (Perry and Green, 1999)
Allowable working stress (S) = 94450 kPa (Walas, 1990)
Efficiency of connection (E) = 0,8 (Brownell and Young, 1979)
Approximation age of equipment = 10 year
Thickness of shell = + (CxA)
= 2.65 in
= 0.067 m
= 0.043 in = 0.001114 m
K = ellipsoidal formula factor = 1/6 [2 + (D/ 2h)2] = 0.356
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Water Utility
Cooling Tower
There are several rules of sizing cooling tower for water utility based on Rules of
Thumb Ludwigs Applied Proccess:
a. Water in contact with air under adiabatic conditions eventually cools to wet
bulb temperature.
b. In commercial units, 90% of saturation of the air is feasible.
c. Relative cooling tower size is sensitive to the difference between the exit and
the wet bulb temperatures:
∆T, oF 5 15 25
Relative Volume 2.4 1.0 0.55
d. Tower fill is of a highly open structure so as to minimize pressure drop,
which is in standard practice a maximum of 497.6 Pa (2 in. of water)
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For sizing condenser, we must know the heat rejection method. There are several
commonly used methods for selecting an evaporative condenser as part of a
mechanical refrigeration system. The most accurate method sizes a condenser
based on the Total Heat Rejection required at a given condensing duty. Total Heat
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Rejection is defined as the sum of the heat input at the evaporator and the energy
input at the compressor.
Step 1: Establish the Design Duty
a. Refrigerant
b. Condensing temperature (oF)
c. Wet bulb temperature (oF)
d. Total Heat Rejection required = MBH
Open Compressors:
THR (MBH) = Compressor Evaporator Capacity (MBH) + Compressor Power
(bhp) x 2.545
Hermetic Compressors:
THR (MBH) = Compressor Evaporator Capacity (MBH) + Compressor Input
(kW) x 3.415
Step 2: Determine the Heat Rejection Cpacity Factor
a. Select the appropriate Heat Rejection Capacity Factor table based on the
system Refrigerant.
1. Table 2 – Ammonia R717
2. Table 3 – HFC and HCFC
b. Find the Heat Rejection Capacity Factor corresponding to the design
Condensing Temperature and design Wet-Bulb Temperature
Step 3: Calculation The Corrected Heat Rejection
Multiply the Total Heat Rejection from Step 1 by the Heat Rejection Capacity
Factor from Step 2 to obtain the Corrected Heat Rejection.
Step 4: Select an Evaporative Condenser Model
Select an Evaporative Condenser model with a Base Heat Rejection Table 1
greater than or equal to the Corrected Heat Rejection calculated in Step 3. If the
Corrected Heat Rejection exceeds table values, multiple cells are required.
Table B.62. Evaporative Condenser Selection
Design Duty
Refrigerant Ammonia
Wet-Bulb Temperature 78oF
Condensing Temperature 96.3oF
Compressor Evaporator Capacity 350 Tons
Compressor Power 400 BHP
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The Total Heat Rejection, THR, is calculated using the formula for open
compressors. 350 Tons x 12 MBH/Ton + 400 bhp 2.545 MBH/BHP = 5218
MBH. From the Ammonia Refrigerant Capacity Factor Table 2, at a 78°F Wet-
Bulb Temperature and a 96.3°F Condensing Temperature, the Heat Rejection
Capacity Factor is 1.37.
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Multiplying the Total Heat Rejection of 5218 MBH by 1.37 yields a Corrected
Heat Rejection of 7148.7 MBH. DTC-1212-SAC1 is the smallest Model Selection
with a Base Heat Rejection Table 1 greater than 7148.7 MBH.
Table B.64. Condenser Specification
Item Condenser
Code CD 301
Number of unit 1
Refrigerant Ammonia
Wet-Bulb Temperature 78oF
Condensing Temperature 96.3oF
Compressor Evaporator Capacity 350 Tons
Compressor Power 400 BHP
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Electrical Utility
Total electricity requirement within an hour is 47.34 kWh. Overall calculation for
daily and annual in lipase production is available below
Table B.66. Overall Electricity Requirement
No Period Power (kWh)
1 Hours 480.24
2 Daily 11,525.76
3 Annual (330 days) 3,803,500.8
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Cost of Electricity
Electricity from PLN for industries with price 1,467.28 IDR/ kWh for 650
kVA. Needs of electricity per day is:
Operational time/day : 24 hour
Cost of electricity/day : Electricity x price = 480.24 x 1467.28 IDR/kWh x 24hr
= 16,911,517.13 IDR
Fuel Utility
In fuel utility section, total fuel consumption for plant daily will be calculated.
Diesel fuel is used for generator since diesel is one of the most efficient fuel for
generator, easy to maintenance, fuel is safer to store and long-lasting.
Boiler Fuel
Steam boiler utilize liquified petrolium gas (LPG) to execute process. Steam
boiler generate the steam from water for coil heater on reactors.
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The fuel used is LPG for industries with price 7,785 IDR/liter include tax. Needs
of LPG per batch production is:
Production time/day: 24 hour
Fuel needed: 2 litre/hour
Power needed/day: fuel needed x production time = 48 litre
Cost of fuel : Power needed/ day x LPG price = 373,680 IDR
Generator Fuel
Besides the boiler that consume fuel, we also use generator for emergency
occasion to supply electricity. Type of boiler we use is specified in Table B.67.
The fuel used is solar for industries wwith pricce 7700 IDR/litre include tax etc.
Needs of solar per hour which generate power up to 550 kW is:
Fuel concumption : 150 litre
Cost of fuel : power needed/ day x solar price = 63,525,000 IDR
Total cost of fuel : cost of fuel boiler + cost of fuel generator = 6,635,623,680
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C. APPENDIX C: Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
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C.3. Molasses
Table C.6. Molasses MSDS
Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification
Product Name: Sugar Cane Molasses Supplier:Premier Molasses
Product Code: 1 Contact Information:
Product Type: Animal feed ingredient, Harbour Rd., Foynes, Co. Limerick
Fermentation substrate, Soil redemption t: +353 (0)69-65311
and Briquetting e:
Chemical Name: Not available.
Chemical Formula: Not available.
Section 2: Composition and Process
A by-product of sugar factories in countries growing sugar cane and/or sugar refineries
processing raw sugar cane.
A dark brown syrupy liquid with earthly caramel-like, non-pungent smell.
Section 3: Hazards Identification
Inhalation: Not applicable.
Skin Contact: None under normal ambient conditions.
Eye Contact: None under normal conditions.
Ingestion: None under normal conditions.
Section 4: First Aid Measures
Eye Contact: May cause irritation, flood eye with water.
Skin Contact: May cause slight irritation, wash area with soap and water.
Section 5: Fire-Fighting Measures
Not applicable, not combustible when spilled or transported.
Section 6: Accidental Release Measures
Personal Precautions: None under normal conditions.
Environmental Precautions: Biodegradable, increases BOD and COD – see Section 13.
After Spillage/Leakage: Contain spills with sand and shovel into salvage container for
disposal. Hose down small spillages or residue (slippery when wet) into sewers serviced
by wastewater plant with plenty of water. Prevent direct discharge into watercourses or
lakes due to high BOD. If this does occur, inform Local Authorities at once.
Section 7: Handling and Storage
Handling:Avoid contact with skin, eyes & clothing. Wear recommended PPE.
Storage:Store in ventilated tanks (mild steel, stainless steel, polyethylene, PVC) at
ambient temperatures. Avoid microbiological contamination or dilution with water.
Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Personal Protection: None under normal conditions.
Repiratory Protection: Not applicable.
Hand Protection: Not required, butyl rubber gloves advised.
Eye Protection: Safety glasses or goggles may be desirable when emptying containers or
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C.7. KH2PO4
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C.9. CaCl2
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C.10. Water
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C.11. Maltodextrin
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D.1. Main Process Process and Instrumentation Diagram
D.2. Utility Process and Instrumentation Diagram
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2. Shut-Down Procedure
Procedures for plant shut-down are available in 2 conditions, which are
planned shut-down (for maintenance and evaluation equipments) and unplanned
shut-down (in case of emergency). In both cases, safety precautions for shut-down
activities needed to be taken into account. It is required to prevent all potential
hazards that commonly appear during plant shut-down.
a. Planned Shut-Down
Constantly reduce steam and hot water flow into seed and main fermenter
and set so the temperature inside will constant at 60°C for 45 minutes to
inactivate A. niger. Let cooling water still flow to help maintain inactivation
process. After 45 minutes, steam and hot water flow will be reduced again
until the valve is closed. Once the temperature already normal, constanly
reduced the cooling water flow until the valve is closed
Constantly reduce steam and hot water flow into other equipments by
closing the control valve so that the temperature can be set into normal. Let
cooling water still flow to help temperature reduced faster. Once the
temperature already normal, constanly reduced the cooling water flow until
the valve is closed
Turn off utilities such as steam and cooling water utility. Treated water flow
into any equipments should be stopped also
Open up network into venting and flare system to let any remaining gas
within equipment to flow out
Stop any pumps and conveyors flow from storage into main process. Clean
up any remaining components within pipe (that has not reach main process
yet) and collect those back into storage
Shut-down all remaining pumps in other processes (include main and utility
Collect components in each equipment and store it in a temporary storage
Flush equipments and piping with fresh water and drain it to remove the
remaining substances inside.
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b. Emergency Shut-Down
Since emergency shutdown needs extra protection to prevent any
hazardous situation from occuring, the system should be reliable and function
perfectly when needed. Several actions that can be done in case of emergency
In case of fire and/or possible of combustion, shut-down all transports of
flammable material and liquid within process
Vent all gases into flare system and drain component inside the equipment
to prevent furher or unexpected reaction
Shut-down electricity surrounding the area
Evacuate employees into safe area from the location
Contact local fire department and hospital if further assistant is needed
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White: Personal
(Position: Fourth)
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F. APPENDIX F: Capital Expenditure
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APPENDIX G: Operating Cost
G.1. Equity
Table G.1. Capital Share for Debt and Equity
Investor To Loan Ratio
Capital Source Capital Share
Bank Jawa Barat 30% $1,502,846.03
Investor 70% $3,506,640.73
Total $5,009,486.75
Table G.4. WACC Calculation
Parameter Value
WACC = E/V x Re + D/V x Rd x (1 - tax rate) 0.128
E = market value of the firm's equity $3,506,640.73
D = market value of the firm's debt $1,502,846.03
V=E+D $5,009,486.75
E/V = Percentage of financing that is equity 0.7
D/V = Percentage of financing that is debt 0.3
Re = cost of equity 17.71%
Re = Rf +βe x (Rm-Rf) 17.71%
Rf = risk - free rate 8%
Rm = market return 12.50%
βex = stock beta 1.33
(Rm-Rf) = market risk premium 7.30%
Rd x (1-tax rate) = cost of debt after tax 0.0165
Rd = interest rate or cost of debt 2.20%
Tax rate = tax rate 25%
G.3. Depreciation
Table G.5. Depriciation
Main Supporting
Value Building Total
Equipment Equipment
Initial Value in 1st
467.086 225.593 1.616.517
D 46.709 6.768 48.496 101.972
Year 1
SV 420.377 218.826 1.568.022
D 42.038 6.565 47.041 95.643
Year 2
SV 378.339 212.261 1.520.981
D 37.834 6.368 45.629 89.831
Year 3
SV 340.505 205.893 1.475.352
D 34.051 6.177 44.261 84.488
Year 4
SV 306.455 199.716 1.431.091
D 30.645 5.991 42.933 79.570
Year 5
SV 275.809 193.725 1.388.158
D 27.581 5.812 41.645 75.037
Year 6
SV 248.228 187.913 1.346.514
D 24.823 5.637 40.395 70.856
Year 7
SV 223.406 182.276 1.306.118
D 22.341 5.468 39.184 66.992
Year 8
SV 201.065 176.807 1.266.935
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Research &
Research and Development 1 $ 705 $ 8,460
Development Manager
Departement Research &
2 $ 475 $ 11,400
Development Staff
Quality Control
Quality 1 $ 675 $ 8,100
Department Quality Control
2 $ 475 $ 11,400
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G. APPENDIX H: Economic Analysis
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