Bye Laws Society
Bye Laws Society
Bye Laws Society
Article No. 1:
Arts & Fine Arts, Philosophy, Charities, Religion, Education, Science, Sports
& Games, Literature, Political Awareness, Crafts, Rural Development
Women & Child Welfare, Protection of Forests, Wild Life Protection,
Cleanliness, Environment, Yoga, Medicine and Health, Animals Protection
and Developmental Research etc., same Activities mentioned above and other
delightful activities are also taken up for the development.
Article No. 2:
a. Certified that the Association has been formed with no profit motive
though commercial activity is involved in its working.
b. Certified that the Association would not engage in any agitational or
trade union activities to ventilate grivences, and
c. Certified that the office-bearers are not from the funds of the
a. Any person (Women / Men) above the age of 21 (Twenty one) years
shall be eligible to become a member of “ARSHA BHARATHI
SOCIAL WELFARE SOCIETY” provided, it should be recommended
by the Executive Body Members of the organization.
b. The membership admission fee is Rs. 25/- (Rupees Twenty Five Only)
and the membership fee is not refundable.
i. The ordinary member shall pay Rs.25/- (Rupees Twenty Five) towards
admission fee per year and each ordinary member shall pay Rs.100/-
(Rupees one hundred only) towards annual subscription of the
ii. The life member shall pay Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only) per
year towards annual subscription of the organization.
iii. The patron member shall pay Rs.1000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only)
towards annual subscription of the organization.
Any person, who has resigned or been removed from the membership, may at
any time be re-admitted at the discretion of the Executive Committee on a
fresh application belong made therefor and on payment of arrears, if any in
full, which is only for the purpose of Rules of election of organization.
a). The Executive Committee shall have power to purchase vacant site or
sites in Ranga Reddy or its surrounding Districts in the name of ARSHA
organization to construct a building or buildings in the site or sites for
establishment and run its Institution. or anywhere in India / International
I. To locate the office of the organization with suitable quarters to the
staff members with all modern facilities and amenities.
II. To establish and organize a library with printed or manscript books
with special reference to education development.
III. To provide a rest house and a place for meeting for the use of
Members of the organization / visitors/ Inspecting officers etc.
IV. To construct schools / colleges buildings for residential, non-
residential for vocational certificate course and construct a hall for
conducting the cultural activities.
V. To Construct Buildings for Orphans, sr. citizens, widows, Child
labour, Handicapped, patients and provision for Garden, Hospital etc.
VI. To take up modern agricultural development activities and agricultural
training programmes for the development of poor farmers and weaker
b). The Executive Committee shall prepare and submit to the General Body
of the organization at such Annual General Body meeting a report on the
work of the organization together with an audited statement of accounts for
the previous proceding year and may make suggestions or
recommendations for consideration of the General Body. The annual report
shall contain a brief review of the progress of education, i.e., by opening
new schools, new activities, taking over the administration of the existing
schools and improvements carried out in the existing schools etc., in the
entire area of operation during the year under report.
c). The Executive Committee shall have power to receive gifts to purchase or
sell, mortgage, lease, exchange or otherwise deal with movable and
immovable properties owned by the organization for the implementation of
the aims and objectives more fully described in the Memorandum of
d). The Executive committee shall have power to borrow from time to time
for the purpose of the organization and to pledge Government security and
other aspects movable and immovable of the organization as security for
such advances.
e). The Society has right to take up any type of contracts.
f). The Society has right to file the cases in the Court and defend them for the
development of the Society.
g). To arrange tournaments and entertainments periodically.
The official year of accounting of this organization shall be from 1st day of
April to 31st day of March of the succeeding year, according to the English
B). The General body is the supreme body of the organization and normally
all decisions on routine matters will be considered and passed. If majority
of those present at the meeting vote in its favour.
C). The General body have power to appoint (5) sub-committees and
supervise its works.
1. Chairman:-
a. The chairman can be life member and can be exempted from Election.
He / She shall preside all the meetings of the organization and the
meetings of the executive body or Governing body and General body
as well. He /She is the Chief Functioning Authority and contact person
for all purposes of the organization activities.
b. The Chairman may of her/his own accord, and shall on the written
requisition of eight members of the Executive committee, specify the
subject or subjects to be discussed, convene a meeting of the
Governing Body.
c. The chairman may in any emergency, pass temporary orders in
writing, suspending the action taken or orders passed to any of the
office bearer and her/himself take such further action as she/he
consider urgent and necessary and all orders of Governing body for its
consideration and final orders within ten days thereafter.
d. The chairman have power to appoint, punish, suspend or dismiss
servants employed in the conduct of the affairs of the organization,
subject to in case of dismissal only, the right to appeal shall lie by the
dismissed servant to the Governing Body, whose decision will be
e. The chairman have power to spend amount of Rs.10,000/– (Rupees
Ten Thousand Only) for any emergency work of the organization
without prior permission of the Governing Body.
f. He can caste his vote in case of tie.
g. The chairman by using his special power can remove any member who
is harmful and if his activities are against the objectives of the society
or creating damage to the organization.
h. The chairman have power to operate bank account along with General
Secretary (combined only) on behalf of the organization.
2. Vice – Chairman:-
He shall assist the Chairman in discharging his functions in the absence of
the Chairman.
3. Executive Director:-
He is incharge for organizing executive committee / general body
meetings and any other activities as per the decision of the Executive
Committee. He shall look after Social, Cultural, Recreational, Educational
and Health Services for the welfare of members of the Association.
4. General Secretary:-
a. Call for the meetings of the organization and the Governing body.
b. Circulate among the members the items of business to be discussed
at each meeting.
c. Record the proceedings of all the meetings in books to be kept for
the purpose and obtain the signatures of the chairperson of the
d. Carry on the correspondence of the organization with the
authorities concerned.
e. Be incharge of the current records of the organization.
f. Be responsible, subject to the control of the Governing body for the
management, funds from the Treasurer.
g. Make all disbursements connected with the organization by
requisitioning necessary receipts.
h. Keep on amount of Rs.1,000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only) with
her/him for any contingent expenses.
i. Prepare the annual report of each year, obtain the approval of the
Governing body there to and submit it to the general body at its
annual meeting together with the audited statement of accounts.
j. Prepare the budget for the ensuing year and after obtaining the
approval of the Governing body, place it for sanction of the General
5. Joint Secretary:-
He shall do the work entrusted by Executive Committee. Also he shall
assist and discharge the General Secretary's duties and functions in his
6. Treasurer:-
a. The Treasurer shall have power to collect membership fee,
subscriptions, donations, rents and such other moneys as may be,
due to the organization and deposit the same in the Bank Account
of the organization.
b. Keep accounts of income and expenditure and place them before
the Governing body at its meeting.
c. Make all disbursements only through the chairman of the
d. Maintain all vouchers properly prepared and signed, supported by
the sanction and by the counter – signature of the chairman.
e. Obtain the services of the servants of organization under the orders
of chairman in the transactions of the organization affairs.
f. Be responsible for the expenditure incurred with all money and
maintain accounts and other documents connected therewith.
g. The treasurer shall after obtaining the authorization of the
Governing body, open a current or savings account in the name of
the organization in a scheduled bank having its office, and entitled
to operate the same provided that the amount shall be withdrawn
from the bank by cheque or otherwise and such cheques or other
instruments of withdrawal be either in favour of chairman or the
Treasurer / General Secretary.
h. The Treasurer has to invest funds of the organization in fixed
deposits or saving deposits in the Bank as decided by the
Governing Body from time to time.
7. Organizer:-
He shall organise the meetings and assist the General Secretary within the
functions of General Body or any other meetings.
8. Director:-
He is overall incharge for the five sub-committees and ensure the
functioning of the sub-committees and report its progress to the
Chairman from time to time.
9. Field Executive:- Carryout the directions of the chairman from time to
time and Inspect the spots where development works undergoing and
report the progress to Chairman.
1. The funds of the organization would be invested as per section II (5) of the
Income Tax Act.1961.
2. The accounts would be maintained regularly and would be audited by a
Chartered Accountant as per explanation to Sec. 228(2).
a. The income and the property of the organization derived from
whatever source shall always be applied towards the promoting of
the objects of the organization and no portion thereof shall be paid
or utilized directly or indirectly for the purpose of any individual,
bonus or otherwise who-so-ever by way of profit to the members of
the organization, provided that nothing therein contained shall
prevent the payment of money in good faith, remuneration to any
employee or servant of the organization or to any other person in
return for the services actually rendered, shall be appointed to any
fee except repayment of the expenses incurred by her/him for the
work of the organization.
b. The executive committee shall work gratiously, the committee may
debit to the organization account any expenditure actually incurred
by them in doing the work of the organization in the manner
indicated below.
The final electoral roll shall be prepared and published on the Notice Board
of the organization 15 (fifteen) days before the actual date of nomination
filing. The preparation and the publication under this rule shall made by the
chairman with the help of the General secretary.
These rules shall come into force with immediate effect and shall apply to all
office bearers and members of executive committee elected from the date of
their election in the year