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Latest OBTL Plan NEW Rizal

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Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning Plan in The Life and Works of Jose Rizal

VISION: Mabalacat City College envisions being the equalizer of educational opportunities to MISSION: The College aims to provide experiential, innovative modes and values-enriched
produce professionals and leaders in building economically progressive and morally responsive learning, which hone the multiple abilities of individuals to fully prepare them to be competent and
communities. socially responsible professionals and leaders.

Course Title The Life and Works of Jose Rizal Course Code GESS 6

Credit Units Three (3) Course Pre-/Co-requisites NONE

 As mandated by Republic Act 1425, and CMO No. 20 Series of 2013, this course, “The Life and Works of Jose Rizal” deals with the life and works of
Philippine national hero, Jose Rizal. This course covers Rizal’s biography and his writings, specifically the novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo.
Course Description
Likewise, it elaborates and emphasizes the context of nationalism in relation to the writings of Jose Rizal. Furthermore, this course analyzes the various
(Based on CMO No. 20 Series of 2013)
social, political, economic, and cultural changes that occurred in the 19th century.

At the end of this program, graduates will have the ability to:
 Apply knowledge of computing, science, and mathematics appropriate to the discipline
 Understand best practices and standards and their application
 Analyze complex problems, and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution
 Identify and analyze user needs and take them into account in the selection, creation, evaluation and administration of computer-base system
 Design, implement, and evaluate computer-based systems, processes, components, or programs to meet desired needs and requirements under
Program Intended Learning Outcomes (PILO) various constraints
 Integrate IT-based solution into the user environment effectively
 Apply knowledge through the use of current techniques, skills, tools, and practices necessary for the IT profession
 Function effectively as a member or leader of a development team recognizing the different roles within a team to accomplish a common goal
 Assist in the creation of an effective IT project plan
 Communicate effectively with the computing community and with society at large about complex computing activities through logical writing,
presentations, and clear instructions
At the end of this course, the students should be able to:
 Discuss Jose Rizal’s life within the context of 19th century Philippines;
 Analyze Rizal’s various works, specifically the novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo;
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILO)
 Organize Rizal’s ideas into various themes;
(Based on CMO No. 20 Series of 2013)
 Demonstrate a critical reading of primary sources;
 Interpret the values that can be derived from studying Rizal’s life and works; and
 Display an appreciation for education and love of country
Bachelor of Arts in History
Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning Plan in The Life and Works of Jose Rizal

VISION: Mabalacat City College envisions being the equalizer of educational opportunities to MISSION: The College aims to provide experiential, innovative modes and values-enriched
produce professionals and leaders in building economically progressive and morally responsive learning, which hone the multiple abilities of individuals to fully prepare them to be competent and
communities. socially responsible professionals and leaders.

Course Title The Life and Works of Jose Rizal Course Code GESS 6

Credit Units Three (3) Course Pre-/Co-requisites NONE

 As mandated by Republic Act 1425, and CMO No. 20 Series of 2013, this course, “The Life and Works of Jose Rizal” deals with the life and works of
Philippine national hero, Jose Rizal. This course covers Rizal’s biography and his writings, specifically the novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo.
Course Description
Likewise, it elaborates and emphasizes the context of nationalism in relation to the writings of Jose Rizal. Furthermore, this course analyzes the various
(Based on CMO No. 20 Series of 2013)
social, political, economic, and cultural changes that occurred in the 19th century.

At the end of this program, graduates will have the ability to:
 Understand the major theories and philosophies of history, especially as they apply to Philippine context;
 Have the ability to undertake research established historical methodologies within the limits of a conceptual framework;
 Manifest skills requisite in historical analysis, including the ability to use evidence, assess interpretations, and analyse research data;
Program Intended Learning Outcomes (PILO)
 Show knowledge of related/relative disciplines in the social sciences;
 Have the ability to translate historical research into an acceptable written work in history; and
 Understand broad perspectives in historical context of contemporary developments in the national and global setting.

At the end of this course, the students should be able to:

 Discuss Jose Rizal’s life within the context of 19th century Philippines;
 Analyze Rizal’s various works, specifically the novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo;
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILO)  Organize Rizal’s ideas into various themes;
(Based on CMO No. 20 Series of 2013)  Demonstrate a critical reading of primary sources;
 Interpret the values that can be derived from studying Rizal’s life and works; and
 Display an appreciation for education and love of country
PRELIMINARY PERIOD Essential Learning Intended Learning Suggested Values Integration Assessment
Outcomes Teaching/Learning Tasks (ATs)
Week Content Standard Declarative Knowledge Functional Knowledge (ILO) Activities
1  Demonstrate familiarity about the  Orientation: Vision,  Identifying and  Identify and explain  Motivation: Hand  Self-knowledge  Group
vision, mission, objectives, and Mission, Objectives, explaining the vision, the vision, mission, Shaking (Action song process/
core values of the Mabalacat City and Core Values; and mission, objectives, objectives, and core for First Year College  Core values: discussion on
College; and about Classroom about Classroom and core values; and values; and about Students only) Collegiality/ RA 1425
discipline, course requirements, discipline, course about Classroom Classroom discipline,  Input-discussion Creativity and
and grading system (For First Year requirements, and discipline, course course requirements, (Seminar type) Innovation/  Group
College Students only) grading system requirements, and and grading system Societal process/
grading system, Responsibility/ discussion
 Demonstrate familiarity and A. Introduction  Discovering why the  Explain and  Input-discussion Integrity/  Rubric for the
understanding by orienting and 1. Rizal Law (R.A. course Rizal’s Life, elaborating the (Seminar type) Commitment to group and
motivating the students about the 1425) Works, and Writings is implication of R.A. Excellence individual
course; and explain the history of mandatory to all 1425 activity
Rizal Law and its important degree courses and  Sense of
provision explaining the Identity  Reflection
implication of R.A.  Discover the impact of paper
1425 Spanish colonization  Sense of
on the economy, Nationalism
2 and 3  Demonstrate familiarity and B. The Philippines in the  Discovering the impact political, social, and  KWL: Galleon Trade;
understanding through/ by 19th Century as Rizal’s of Spanish colonization cultural aspect of the Chinese Mestizo;
appraising the link between the Context on the economy, Philippines Inquilino; Bourbon
individual and society 1. Economic History: political, social, and Reform; and Cadiz
End of the galleon cultural aspect of the  Cite examples about Constitution
 Demonstrate understanding on the trade, opening of Philippines the influence of
life of Jose Rizal in the context of the Suez Canal and Spanish colonization  Input-discussion
his time ports of the world  Analyzing the various on the present (Seminar type) on the
trades, rise of the social, political, economic, political, topics: Spanish
 Demonstrate critical thinking export crop economic, and cultural social, and cultural Colonization in the
through/ by analyzing the various economy and changes that occurred aspect of the Philippines and the 19th
social, political, economic, and monopolies in the 19th century Philippines Century Philippines
cultural changes that occurred in 2. Social History: The
the 19th century Chinese Mestizo  Appraising the impact  Analyze the impact of  Class Activity: Video
and the Inquilino of 19th century in the 19th century on the clips (Fr. Jose Burgos/
3. Political History: life of Jose Rizal social, political, GOMBURZA/ Cavite
Liberalism, Impact economic, and cultural Mutiny) from Prof. Xiao
of Bourbon aspect of the Chua, “Xiao Time”
Reforms, and the Philippines
Cadiz Constitution
4 and 5  Demonstrate critical thinking C. La Vida del Jose Rizal  Analyzing Rizal’s  Describe and analyze  Class Activity: Film  Discern one’s  Group
through/ by analyzing Rizal’s 1. La Familia del Rizal family, childhood Rizal’s family, Viewing about Rizal sa childhood process/
family, childhood experiences, and 2. El Nino del Rizal y experiences, and early childhood experiences, Landas ng Paglaya/ experience discussion
early education su el Temprano education and early education Rizal sa Dapitan/ Rizal
Educacion from GMA 7  Collegiality  Rubric for the
 Demonstrate critical thinking 3. El Escuela superior  Evaluating the  Determine and group and
through/ by evaluating the y su la Vida en Pais significant others and evaluate the significant  Video Clips: Excerpt  Sense of individual
significant others and the events Extranjero the events that others and the events from Xiao Time patriotism activity
that influence Rizal’s early life 4. El Propaganda de influence Rizal’s early that influence Rizal’s segments (Sa aking Sense of
Movimiento life early life mga kabata/ Manifesto professionalism  Reflection
 Demonstrate familiarity and 5. El Deportacion en of Rizal) paper
understanding about the principle Dapitan  Appraising the principle  Explain and appraise  Scholarship and
of assimilation advocated by the 6. Su el Juico y of assimilation the principle of  Input-discussion on the scholastic
propaganda movement Fellecimiento advocated by the assimilation advocated Life of Jose Rizal: honesty
propaganda movement by the propaganda Family; Childhood
 Demonstrate critical thinking and appraising Rizal’s movement and Experiences; Early and  Culture
through/ by appraising Rizal’s relationship with the appraising Rizal’s Higher Education; Life Oriented
relationship with the other other propagandists relationship with the in Foreign Land;
propagandists and his disavowal and his disavowal of other propagandists Propaganda  Cultural
(denial) of assimilation assimilation and his disavowal of Movement; Exile in Assimilation
assimilation Dapitan; Trial and
 Demonstrate critical thinking  Analyzing the factors Death  Prowess
through/ by analyzing the factors that led to Rizal’s  Explain and Analyze  Fortitude
that led to Rizal’s execution and execution and the factors that led to  Video Clip: Mi Ultimo  Patriotism
analyzing the effects of his analyzing the effects of Rizal’s execution and Adios  Proactive
execution on Spanish colonial rule his execution on analyzing the effects of  Prudence
and the Philippine Revolution Spanish colonial rule his execution on  Individual Reporting:  Dignity
and the Philippine Spanish colonial rule Discussion on the
 Judiciousness
Revolution and the Philippine assigned literary work
Revolution  Compassion/
of Rizal to the students


MIDTERM PERIOD Essential Learning Intended Learning Suggested Values Integration Assessment
Outcomes Teaching/Learning Tasks (ATs)
Week Content Standard Declarative Knowledge Functional Knowledge (ILO) Activities

6  Demonstrate critical thinking D. Anotacion del Jose  Analyzing Rizal’s ideas  Explain and analyze  Input-discussion  Scholarship and  Group process/
through/ by analyzing Rizal’s ideas Rizal: Sucesos de las on how to rewrite Rizal’s ideas on how about the topic, scholastic discussion
on how to rewrite Philippine history Islas Filipinas del Philippine history to rewrite Philippine Rizal’s annotation on honesty
(for AB History only) Antonio de Morga history Morga’s Sucesos  Rubric for the
delas Islas Filipinas/  Research group and
Special Topic in oriented individual
 Demonstrate critical thinking E. Special Topic in Rizal:  Explaining and  Explain and compare Rizal/ Noli Me activity
through/ by comparing and Quantitative and comparing the two and contrast the two Tangere  Sense of
contrasting Rizal and Morga’s Qualitative Research major approaches in major approaches in Nationalism  Reflection
(for AB History only) conducting research conducting research  Class Activity: Group paper
different views about Filipinos and
1. Similarity and discussion on the
Philippine culture
differences  Writing research  Write a research introduction and last
2. Research Methods/ neither quantitative nor proposal on history chapter of Rizal’s
 Demonstrate familiarity and
Design qualitative research annotation on
understanding about the two major 3. Sampling
approaches in conducting research method Morga’s Sucesos de
Techniques las Islas Filipinas
4. APA vs Turabian
 Demonstrate skill in writing Style
research both quantitative and  Individual Reporting:
qualitative research approach Discussion on the
assigned literary
F. Noli Me Tangere  Appraising the  Identify the work of Rizal to the
 Demonstrate critical thinking 1. Facts and
through/ by appraising the important characters in characters in Noli Me students
Character Analysis the novel and what Tangere through
important characters in the novel 2. Conditions and
and what they represent they represent costume playing  Student Activity:
Problems of the Form 5 groups (7 to 8
Philippine Society
 Demonstrate critical thinking  Examining the present  Describe and members each) and
in the Context of make a TABLEAU
through/ by examining the present Philippine situation compare he present
Noli Me Tangere (scene/s from Noli)
Philippine situation based on the based on the scenarios Philippine situation
scenarios mentioned in Noli Me mentioned in Noli Me based on the
Tangere Tangere scenarios mentioned  Students Activity:
in Noli Me Tangere Costume Player
(Characters in Noli)


FINAL PERIOD Essential Learning Intended Learning Suggested Values Integration Assessment
Outcomes Teaching/Learning Tasks (ATs)
Week Content Standard Declarative Knowledge Functional Knowledge (ILO) Activities

15 and 16  Demonstrate familiarity and G. El Filibustreismo  Explaining the  Identify and explain  Individual Reporting:  Fortitude  Group process/
understanding the essential roles 1. Facts and essential roles of the the essential roles of Discussion on the discussion
of the youth in the development Character Analysis youth in the the youth in the assigned literary  Patriotism
and future society 2. Comparative development and development and work of Rizal to the  Rubric for the
Analysis of Noli Me future society future society students group and
 Demonstrate critical thinking Tangere and El  Sense of individual
through/ by comparing and Filibusterismo  Comparing and  Compare and  Input-discussion on Nationalism activity
contrasting the characters, plot, contrasting the contrast the the topics: El
and themes of Noli and El Fili characters, plot, and characters, plot, and Filibusterismo/ Other  Reflection
themes of Noli and El themes of Noli and El literary works of paper
 Demonstrate understanding about H. Otros Literarios del Fili Fili Rizal/ Philippine
the essential impact of Rizal’s Jose Rizal Nationalism
writings to the Filipino during his 1. Filipinas Dentro de  Explaining the  Explain the essential
time and to present Cien Anos essential impact of impact of Rizal’s  Student Activity:
2. Letter to the Young Rizal’s writings to the writings to the Filipino Venn Diagram (Noli
 Demonstrate critical thinking Women of Malolos Filipino during his time during his time and to Me Tangere vs El
through/ by appraising the value of 3. Sobre la Indolencia and to present present Filibusterismo)
understanding the past delos Filipinos

 Demonstrate familiarity and I. Jose Rizal and the  Defining and explaining  Define and explan  Class Activity: Form 10
understanding about the context of Philippine Nationalism nationalism on different nationalism on groups (4 members
nationalism 1. What is perspectives different perspectives each) and assign each
Nationalism? group to make a
 Interpret views and
2. Bayani (Hero) and COMIC STRIP
 Demonstrate critical thinking  Interpreting views and opinions about depicting nationalism,
through/ by interpreting views and Kabayanihan opinions about bayani bayani (hero) and or patriotism, or
opinions about bayani (hero) and (Heroism): Context (hero) and kabayanihan responsible Filipino
kabayanihan (heroism) in the from Precolonial kabayanihan (heroism) (heroism) in the citizens. After 20
context of Philippine history and Philippines to in the context of context of Philippine minutes, each group
society Present Philippine history and history and society will discuss their work
society with their classmates.
 Demonstrate critical thinking  Assessing the  Assess the concepts
through/ by assessing the concepts bayani (hero) bayani (hero) and
concepts bayani (hero) and and kabayanihan kabayanihan
kabayanihan (heroism) in the (heroism) in the (heroism) in the
context of Philippine society context of Philippine context of Philippine
society society


System: 5 5 5
Workbook Activity Workbook Activity Workbook Activity
Class Standing 60% Literary Analysis Literary Analysis Literary Analysis
Attendance 5% Reflection Paper Written Output Written Output
Quizzes 20% Lecture note Lecture note Lecture note
Projects 15% Individual Reporting Individual Reporting
Recitations Individual Reporting
RECITATIONS Interactive Activity Interactive Activity
Interactive Activity
Group Activity Group Project
EXAM 40% Prelim Exam Midterm Exam Final Exam
FINAL OUTPUT Video Blogs about Bayani (Hero) or Kabayanihan (Heroism)


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Capino, D. G., Gonzales, M. A., & Pineda, F. E. (2003) Rizal’s life, works, and writings: Their impact on our national identity. JMC Press, Inc.
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Fadul, J. A. (2008). A workbook for a course in Rizal. 2nd ed. expanded. C & E Publishing, Inc.
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Clemente, Tina S. (2011). Rizal’s Morga and insights into pre-Hispanic institutions and trade. The Philippine Review of Economics.
Cruz, Romeo V. (1986). Nationalism in 19TH Century Manila. A paper read during the conference on “Manila: History, Culture and Society” sponsored by De La Salle University and the Philippine Studies
de Morga, Antonio (2002).History of the Philippine Island vol. 1 and 2. Retrieved from http://www.blackmask.com
de Morga, Antonio. Antonio de Morga: Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas. Retrieved from www.archivodelafrontera.com/…/Antonio-de-Morga-SUCESOS-FILIPINAS
Junker, Laura (2001). History,culture, and religion in Southeast Asian Perspectives. Asia Perspective. Vol 40(1). Retrieved from proquest
Lahiri, Smita (2007). Rhetorical Indios: Propagandist and their publics in the Spanish Philippines. Comparative study in Society and History. Doi:10.1017/S0010417000485
Ocampo, Ambeth R. (1998). Rizal’s Morga and Views of Philippine History. Philippine Studies vol. 46, no.2: pp.184-214. Retrieved from http://www.philippinestudies.net
Schumacher, John N. (2000). Rizal and Filipino Nationalism: A New Approach. Philippine Studies vol.48(4). Retrieved from http://www.philippinestudies.net

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

___________________ ______________________ _____________________________

Arnel G. Perez, MS Karlo S. Tolentino, LPT Raymond John D. Vergara, MPR
Faculty Field of Study Head Dean – Institute of Arts and Sciences

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