Adolescent 150219082715 Conversion Gate01
Adolescent 150219082715 Conversion Gate01
Adolescent 150219082715 Conversion Gate01
13 to 18 Year
• Physical growth
• Physiological growth
• Cognitive development
• Emotional development
• Social development
• Is derived the Latin verb “Adolescere” which means to grow into maturity
It begins with the appearance of secondary sex characteristics and ends when
somatic growth is completed and the individual is psychological mature.
Through formal operational thinking, adolescent can deal with a problem.
Physical growth:
• Growth spurt begins earlier in girls (10–14 years, while it is 12–16 in boys).
• Trunk broadens
Physical growth
• Change in voice.
This period is heightened emotions, glands function comes under socials pressure
Problem related to romance
Easily excited and explode emotionally( 14 years)
Temper tantrums, mood swing
Intense self consciousness
Day dreaming in common
Adolescent exhibits alternating and recurrent episodes of disturbed behavior
with periods of quite one. He may become hostile or ready to fight, complain or
resist every thing.
Adolescence period is also called:
• Emotion of love
- Hetero sexuality
Intellectual or mental characteristics
• Development of intelligence
• Development of memory
• Development of imagination
• Widening of interest
As adolescence approaches, the family’s influence diminishes
• The peer group becomes an important social force
• The need for peer approval can affect decisions concerning participation in
physical activity positively or negatively
Social development
• The major task facing adolescents is to create a stable identity and become
complete and productive adults.
• A developmental task represents our culture's definition of "normal"
development at different points in the life span.
Developmental tasks that enable adolescents to create an
• Achieving new and more mature relations with others, both boys and girls, in
their age group.
• Achieving a masculine or feminine social role.
3 late(>17 years)
Adolescent developmental stages
Central question
Early Middle Late
Middle late
o Influence of peers o Self- responsibility
o Anxieties about body shape and
o Tensions between family o Achieving economic independence
changes and
individual over assertions of autonomy o Developing intimate relationship.
o Comparison with peers
o Balancing demand of family and peers
o Prone to fad behavior and risk taking
o Strong need for privacy
o Maintaining ethnic identity
while striving to fit in with dominant
Adolescent developmental stages
Cognitive development
Practice points
- Excessive energy: In take of food is increased the general health is also improved.
The result is excessive energy.
Our traditional schools do not provide such physical activities. Consequently the
adolescent is restless. Various activities act as sublimation for the adolescent
they feel relieve.
• With the advent of adolescence the gonads come into activity for first time. The
appearance of secondary sexual characteristics is to the same. They produce
emotional upheaval in the adolescent.
• The first appearance of menstrual course or nocturnal emission bewilders and
shock the adolescent who is quit ignorant about it. the school should supply the
right kind of information regarding sex at this stage. Due to ignorance about sex,
many promising personalities are doomed
Aggressiveness or withdrawal
• When an adolescent can not adjust himself with the world he grows to be
aggressive or withdrawal from the field and his personality is arrested. If the
conflict is too serious he regresses
• The school should be provide sample opportunities to the children to express
themselves properly. Co curricular activities, scouting students self- government
and changed the methods of instruction can go along way in enabling the
adolescent to adjust himself with the world.
Rebellious Attitude
• The adolescent are no more children. They should be recognized as young men
and women in the school as well as in the home. Their craving for the
independence should be satisfied to some extent. They should be given some
• They turn to be very obedient if they be trusted. But things do not work smoothly
in ordinary school and home. Their sense of independence and responsibility is
seldom recognized. The result is rebellion against authority.
Physical awkwardness
• Most of the adolescent have the sense of physical clumsiness. Consequently
their movement stand to be awkward and unbalanced. They may be corrected in
the playground and on the stage. Game and dancing will given them harmonious
and balanced movement social service at the occasion of festival etc. practical
work can help the children in this respect.
Excessive- day dreaming
• Excessive- day dreaming is normal at this stage but when it grows to excessive it
may be injurious as far as development of personality is concerned.
• It is the ambition to be freedom from parental sovereign. The individual
hates control of the parents. He seeks identity to himself.
• The teacher should note that the adolescent are active and busy in their
studies and other aspects of their life.
• The children are indulging in excessive- day dreaming should be encouraged to be
constructive and creative.
Economic independence
• Money from parents for personal expense is a major problem.
Emotional Tension
• Emotional development is at maximum and instable.
• Self respect and personal pride make the individual emotionally bad .
• Low IQ feeling
• Physical symptoms:
• Physiological symptoms:
• All the school teacher should try to impart him necessary guidance as and
• They should be entrusted with responsibility so as to develop a
feeling of responsibility in them.
• There are individual differences among students. Every child should be able to
find out subjects of his choice.
Role of the teacher in solving the problems
• The teacher should play due regard to the personality of each child.
• The adolescent should be imparted proper knowledge about sex. If this aspect is
properly attended to it would lead to a better emotional development.
Role of the teacher in solving the problems
Always negative