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Planning A Wedding PDF

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Some other related titles from How to Books

Be the Best, Best Man & Make a Stunning Speech

Get Wed for Less – A Bride’s Guide
How To Go Carbon Neutral
Making a Wedding Speech
Making the Best Man’s Speech
Making the Bridegroom’s Speech
Making the Father of the Bride’s Speech
The A to Z of Wedding Worries … and how to put them right
The Complete Best Man
Wedding Planner
Wedding Speeches For Women

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© 2008 Carol Godsmark

First published in electronic form 2008

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

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ISBN 978 1 84803 305 4

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Cartoons by David Mostyn
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NOTE: The material contained in this book is set out in good faith for
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and readers should check the current position with the relevant authorities
before making personal arrangements.


Acknowledgements xi
Preface xiii

1 Planning your wedding 1

Deciding on the location for the reception 3
Researching your location 4
Deciding when to get married 9
Your guest list 10
Catering for your wedding 11
Formal or informal? 11
Creating a wedding plan calendar 13
The order of the wedding day 15
Timing is all 16
Contact list 19
Car hire itinerary 19

2 Planning your budget 21

Deciding who will pay 21
The traditional list of who pays for what 22
Keeping costs down 23
Controlling the budget 25
Cutting food and drink costs 26
Cutting general costs 26
Making your budget list 28
Preparing your initial budget 29
Getting quotes 30
Wedding insurance 31



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

3 Compiling the guest list 32

Wedding guest list 32
Tackling the list 34
The invitations 36
Arranging the seating 42
Working out the venue layout 44
Seating guests 46
Advantages and disadvantages of a top table 47
The receiving line 48
Inviting children to your wedding 49
Children and second weddings 50

4 Setting the stage: choosing, equipping and decorating 51

your venue
Choosing a marquee 52
The full works 56
Marquee sizes and getting a quote 59
Working with the marquee company 62
Establishing your layout 64
Hiring a local venue 65
Hiring catering equipment and furniture 67
Getting quotes 70
Sorting out your seating plan 72
Planning flowers for your venue 75

5 Planning the entertainment for your wedding 82

Entertainment possibilities 83
Deciding on music 84
Hiring musicians 85
Hiring a dance band or music group 86
Hiring a DJ 87
Photography and videography 88
The toastmaster 90


6 Planning the menu 92

Choosing your caterer 93
Signing the catering contract 96
Taking on the catering yourself 97
Buffet 98
Sit-down lunch or dinner 99
Finger food reception 99
Champange tea party 100
Party ‘stations’ 101
Successful food combinations 102
Looking after your staff 104
The wedding cake 104
Alternatives to the wedding cake 105
The wedding cake: myths and customs 107

7 Doing your own catering 109

Choosing a menu 111
Buffet menus 112
Finger food 116
Sit-down meal menus 119
Food quantities 123
Serving the food 126
How to shop 128
Timeplan for cooking 131
Transporting your food 132
Hygiene standards 133
Recipes 136

8 Planning the drinks 144

Your drinks budget 145
The traditional wedding vs the cash bar 146
What to offer 146
Cash bar options 147
Finding your wedding wines 148


Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Serving wine 152

Water, beer and soft drinks 153
Tea and coffee 154
Managing staff, or volunteer friends and family, with the bar 155
Glass requirement and bar set up 155
Wedding toasts 157
Alcohol concerns 158

9 Finding and managing your staff 161

Finding staff and volunteers 162
Agency staff 163
Friends and family as helpers 166
Catering colleges 167
Staff hygiene 168
Staff numbers 168
Professional waiting skills 169
Briefing waiting and kitchen staff 170

10 After the party 172

Sorting out the marquee and equipment 173
Suppliers: paying outstanding bills 174
Making a complaint to suppliers 175
Thank you letters 179
Cake boxes 179
Post-wedding celebratory party 180
Appendix 181
Wedding traditions and symbols 181
British and other wedding traditions from around the world 182

Index 189

To my darling daughter Caroline Godsmark and her partner
Barry Domedy who may be inspired by this book for their
forthcoming wedding, written with them and similarly placed
bridal couples in mind
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My thanks and admiration go to Nikki Read of How to Books and to

Melanie Jarman, my editor, for their wisdom, support and expertise.
I would also like to thank cartoonist David Mostyn whose apt, witty
artwork raises a smile throughout the book.


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The average UK wedding done by the book – venue, reception, musi-
cians, vintage car, photographer, caterers, florists, toastmaster,
stationary and, of course the wedding dress and rings – costs around
£17,000. Then there’s the honeymoon to pay for. But do weddings have
to be as expensive as this?

One sure way of cutting down on skyrocketing costs is to cater for the wed-
ding yourself and event-manage your venue. Brides, couples and families
can take on this responsibility but often need a helping hand to make sure
that the event – the most momentous day in the lives of the bride and
groom – is a day to remember, and for all the right reasons!

Planning a Wedding Reception at Home takes you step-by-step through the

whole process. As a professional caterer and event manager I will give you
the low down on amounts of food and drink needed per guest, a timescale
of when to buy and cook, how to present your creations to your guests,
how to arrange for a marquee and staff as well as how to plan for the big
day. You may wish to hire a caterer or do the catering yourself; both
options are outlined in the book.

This book is for the inexperienced caterer who may have only cooked for
friends and family, whether it be the bride, the bride and groom, or family
or friends who wish to take on the catering in order to prepare a sit-down
affair or a buffet for ten to 100. Throwing a memorable party without stress
is definately achievable, and this book will show you how to control costs,
create simple but terrific food, when to invite your guests, how many guests
you can manage and even how to arrange a seating plan or the car parking.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

All the little details that can be ironed out beforehand are also here,
whether you are holding the reception at the home of the bride, her parents
or friends, in a village hall or marquee.

Take the guesswork out of your special day! As an average, 40 percent

of the wedding costs are spent on a hotel, restaurant or professionally
catered-for marquee reception. This is an ideal book for controlling the
wedding budget.

The principles in this book are also suitable for those catering for large par-
ties such as birthday parties, christenings, bar mitzvahs, welcome home,
graduation and other celebratory parties.

Within these page you will find:

G Planning your wedding: where to hold your reception of party; the

advantages and challenges of holding either a summer or winter
wedding; how many guests to invite; deciding on the catering; how
formal or informal you wish your event to be; the wedding calen-
dar of events and what is important – and not.
G Budgeting: paying for the wedding: preparing a realistic budget;
getting quotations and estimates from key players (caterers, vil-
lage hall hirers, marquee hire companies, florists, staff
agencies); keeing records and keeping track of the costs. There
will also be tips on how to have a less costly wedding.
G Timing: timing is all, your all-important checklist, time table, the
order of the wedding day and restoring order after the day.
G The all-important guest list: paring the list down to suit space
and budget; how to invite your guests (invitation possibilities
and wording); dos and don’ts of the seating plan.


G Your menu: choosing your caterer or deciding to cater yourself;

the types of meal to consider (from wedding breakfast to finger
food reception); menu selection; the wedding cake.
G Your chance to shine in the kitchen: how to cook for ten or 200;
how to choose that all-important menu; how to save on costs;
how to source and order your food – and when; how to set out
your food and organise food transport and safe storage; how to
avoid food poisoning.
G The all-important celebration drinks: what will you offer your
guests? Types of drinks to offer (and avoid); amounts to buy;
how to manage the toasts; alcohol concerns.
G Stage-managing the venue: size of the marquee or hall; getting
the space right for your occasion; ordering equipment; tips for
dealing with suppliers; making the venue come alive with deco-
rations; orgainising staff and transport.
G Getting the most out of your staff: how to choose and manage
staff; dress and behaviour code; being kind to your staff.
G The party’s over: tying up loose ends; thank you letters;
invoice-paying; post wedding party.

My aim in writing this book is to ensure that you have as smooth a ride
as possible in transforming your home, marquee, village hall or other
venue into a welcoming place for your guests.

My aim is also to ensure that you and your family and friends directly
involved in your wedding or celebration, are well-versed in how to run
the event. Stress-levels can be banished to a huge extent from your
lives; everyone can enjoy the day when it arrives and you can give
yourself a big pat on the back for creating this memorable time together.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

As a caterer and event manager for a variety of different events such as

film festivals, fundraising parties, funerals, gallery talks, food confer-
ences, 100th birthday party weekend celebrations, film shoot catering,
orchestra corporate parties and many other events, including numerous
weddings, I wish to share my experiences of running such events with
you. My knowledge of food comes from these sources as well as my
experience of cooking in my own resturant and catering company for the
past twenty years.

I hope you will find all that you need within these pages. A final tip:
keeping a sense of humour and perspective is as essential as the time
you set aside to plan your big day.


1 Planning your

Congratulations! You’ve decided on the big day and would like to cele-
brate. But the budget, due to commitments such as the mortgage, may
be less than sparkling. What are the choices regarding the all-important
party? You can, of course, go to a hotel or restaurant and pay for the


Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

privilege, or hire a caterer and a venue such as a village hall. Or you could
put up a marquee in a garden or book the village hall and do the catering
yourself. Doing your own catering would certainly keep down the costs. But
who in their right mind would choose to cater for their own wedding?

It might seem like a crazy idea, but why not? There are few people who
wish to spend a small fortune on just the one day to mark the rest of their
lives together. The average cost of a wedding in Britain is around the
£17,000 mark with some 40 per cent of the costs going to the caterer, be it
in a hotel, restaurant or for a professionally catered for marquee recep-
tion. London’s costs will be approximately 15% higher.

You may find it too daunting a prospect being involved with the food
and may wish to book a caterer but do the other arrangements, such as
hiring the venue, getting quotes for a marquee, arranging the transport,
sending out the invitations, hiring staff, finding the perfect cake-maker
and ordering the champagne, yourself.

Since I’m sure you don’t want to start your new life together on the
wrong foot – in debt from day one – it would be a wise move to elimi-
nate part of the expense. Examine both possibilities – to cater or not to
cater yourself – and get organised.

This chapter will cover:

G a look at the types of locations

G a checklist of questions to ask the hirer of the location
G summer versus winter for your wedding
G a look at your guest list
G catering for your wedding

Planning your wedding

G going formal or staying informal

G your wedding plan calendar of events
G the order of the wedding day
G timing is all: the bride and groom’s time list and the venue timing
G compiling your all-important contacts list
G car hire
G keeping a level head – what’s important and what’s not worth
the fuss.

Deciding on the location for the reception

Your first decision is where you both wish to hold your reception.
Possible locations range from your home, perhaps either parents’ homes
if you’re in that age bracket, or a generous friend or relative who will
lend you their home, or a marquee put up in the garden in one of these
venues. Another option is your local village hall. But there are plenty of
other types of venues to consider, some of which are more unusual and
memorable. Use the internet to search for ‘wedding venues for hire’,
check out your Yellow Pages and local library, canvass friends or try
weddingvenues.com for further inspiration.

Here are some suggestions:

G Barn for hire: a delightful, casual, sometimes spacious venue,

with many in a pretty setting.
G Village halls: Look outside your immediate area for inspiration if
you aren’t keen on your local village hall.
G Golf club: some provide the catering, others hire out the
premises only.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Railway stations: yes, it is sometimes possible to hold parties


on the platform or in the booking hall, for example.

G Leisure centres: delve into your Yellow Pages to start the search.
G Castles and forts: some may offer the space but not the catering.
G Mines: a most remarkable venue; Poldark Mine in Cornwall is
just one wedding setting to be had around the country.

When you start looking you may also find details of pumping stations,
gardens, pavilions and other places. Some of them offer catering, others
just the space with or without equipment such as chairs and tables and
other necessities.

Researching your location

You need to take into consideration the venue where your wedding recep-
tion will take place. You have a finite space for your guests, unless you
are outdoors, hence the need to know how many you will be catering for.

Points to look out for when choosing a venue:

G How much parking space is there and is the entrance convenient

for the caterer to unload the food and drink?
G What is the access to the venue within the building like? Are there
a lot of stairs to negotiate for carrying up food, drink, equipment,
chairs, tables, cutlery, glasses, flowers and other items?
G How many chairs and tables are there? Are there enough?
G How clean is the venue?
G Is there an alcohol licence? Until what time? If not, can we
supply the champagne and wine but pay a corkage charge?

Planning your wedding

G How easy is it to access the building on the day? Do you need

to go through a caretaker or will you be given keys?
G How many hours can you hire it for? Is there another party
booked either before or after you?
G What is included in the deal? Is VAT included, for example?
G How do you lock up if the caretaker doesn’t do this for you?
G What health and safety measures are in place? (exits, fire
G What deposit is required and what is the cancellation charge?

In some village halls you are expected to pay for lighting with some of
the older ones having meters. Find out about lighting and heating when
talking to the manager.

You will also have to know what kind of kitchen you will be able to finish
preparing your food in (the vast majority of the cooking will have taken
place in the caterer’s kitchen or your own).

Points to look out for include:

G How clean and well looked after is the kitchen?

G Are there sufficient sinks, a freezer, a fridge?
G Will the cooker meet your needs? Does it have enough burners
and ovens? Is it easy to light or do you need a demonstration?
G Does the kitchen have enough prepping space or are there few
working surfaces?


Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Does the venue offer equipment and, if so, what are the plates,

cutlery and glasses like? Are there enough for your guests?
Count everything just to make sure.
G Are there enough – if any – serving dishes or will you need to
bring your own?
G Does the venue supply washing up liquid and any other clean-
ing materials including dishcloths and tea towels?
G Is there a sufficient amount of hot water or is the boiler not up
to scratch?
G Are there health and safety measures in place such as exits, fire
blankets, fire extinguishers?
G Make sure when viewing the kitchen where the food will be fin-
ished off and served that you note how many rings and ovens
there are as you don’t want to be juggling pots and pans trying
to heat up food in time.
G Make sure too when viewing the kitchen that you have enough
refrigeration and that the fridge is plugged in well before your
party so that it is at the right temperature (4°C). Some village
halls and other venues, in order to save on electricity, unplug
Other questions which may be useful also include:

G Do you book in other parties – will there be a time constraint

on our event?
G What is the setting like for photography? (Are you seeking a
lakeside setting, for example?)
G What facilities are there if the weather is poor?

Planning your wedding

G Is there outside space for a summer wedding? Heating for a

winter wedding?
G What is the parking like?
G How many toilets are there? You do not wish to have guests
queuing because of insufficient toilet facilities.
G Is there a coat area and space for presents?
G Is there disabled access? You may have guests in wheelchairs,
for example.
G Do you have a PA system for speeches or for musicians?
G Can we book our own musicians and florists?
G Do you have a seating plan stand?
G Can we throw confetti?
G Do you allow professional firework displays at your venue?
G Are you licenced for holding marriage ceremonies? You may
wish to get married where the reception will be instead of in a
church or registry office.
G Do you have special arrangements with local taxi companies?
G Can I have references from clients who have used the venue?

Other practicalities to consider before viewing the venues

Narrow down several venues in your area and visit them.

But before you do, make sure the dates you have in mind are available
at the venue. Otherwise, you may have a wasted journey. If you are
flexible, ask for alternative dates too.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Is the location suitable for your guests?


G How far away is it from the church or registry office?

G Look for cleanliness. (Is the kitchen clean? Is the entrance invit-
ing or marked and dirty?)
G Is the space suitable for your wedding if you plan to have a
stage, music, dancing or other entertainment?
G Logistically, how will it work for you if you are doing the cater-
ing? Is there good storage space for drinks, an area for the bar,
easy access to the kitchen area from the car or van, and ade-
quate washing up facilities?
G Is it convenient to pick up the keys and return them if it is a vil-
lage hall, for example? You don’t want to be trudging all over
the countryside trying to locate the keyholder.
G If you’re interested in the venue, take clear details of who to
contact if you wish to make a firm booking. Get an agreement in
writing if you proceed, with all the points covered (such as
cost, VAT, length of hire, equipment included in the cost, park-
ing spaces, key return if applicable).

You may have to be flexible if you want to hire the place you feel hap-
piest with. Book well in advance if possible. Be flexible too in regard to
what both of you want – and what the budget will stand.
Get married on a week day as many venues are cheaper than on weekends.
Getting married later on in the day cuts down on your costs as you will
only have one meal to cater for. Some wedding parties sit down to
lunch followed by supper in the evenings pre or post dancing.

Planning your wedding

Deciding when to get married

Planning a winter wedding
Increasingly, winter weddings are becoming more popular for both prac-
tical and pleasurable reasons. Out of season venues are cheaper to hire,
you have a better pick if deciding to marry at shorter notice and costs
are generally lower all-round as caterers, keen on getting winter book-
ings, will offer you a better deal with hopefully the same quality-led
food. You can also find wintery scenery (Scotland abounds with glori-
ously frosty or snowy vistas) and fireplaces with blazing logs add to the
romance. Homely, comfort food (cheaper to buy and easier to serve:
think of coq au vin, boeuf Bourguignonne or a glamorous fish pie with
puff pastry and herb cream sauce) can also make a winter wedding one
to consider.

Winter wedding in marquees are becoming more and more popular;
marquees are now easily adapted to cope with the wet and the cold.

You may also get away with having a quieter wedding with fewer guests in
winter if it is what you would prefer. A summer wedding can be seen as
more hedonistic and big, with many friends and family – and work col-
leagues – all joining in. If your conscience gets to you, invite those not on
the wedding list to a drinks reception later on. It is, after all, your wedding,
not your parents’, parents’-in-law or your best friend’s – all of whom may
wish to influence you. As there are fewer weddings in winter, yours will
stand out and be a real treat during those dark days for all your guests. Do
avoid the clichéd Valentine’s Day wedding, however. Catering and other
costs go up for this cheesy calendar date. Strive for originality.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

I would also try to avoid just after Christmas. This period is fraught with
problems, not least seasonal greetings fatigue, caterer fatigue, guest list
turmoil (‘Sorry, but we always go skiing’, ‘We always stay with auntie
Bertha in the Gower Peninsula’, ‘Can we bring Flo, Marcus and
Desdemona, our house guests?’). Your Christmas will be taken over by
lists, plans and sleepless nights.

Deciding on a summer wedding

Summer weddings are the option taken by many people due to hoped-
for clement weather, longer nights and the possibility of holding the
reception out of doors, although this can never be guaranteed. But
summer weddings can be more costly for the reasons given above. If
your budget is tight, it may be a good idea to review having a summer
one, or to have a smaller celebration. But, should you have your heart
set on a summer wedding, there are ways to minimise expenses.

Your guest list

The guest list will be covered in more depth in Chapter 3, but as part of
this overview, we need to take the numbers of guests into the equation.
As you are looking at venues and considering general costs at this
preliminary stage, you’ll need to consider your guest list first in order to
decide on the size of the venue.

In the initial excitement of becoming engaged and setting a date, it is

customary to want to spread your happiness to all and sundry, and
share the day with a large group of friends, family and work colleagues.
Hold back right now! Now is the time to be ruthless. Your spend per
head will escalate out of control if you put down everyone in your
address book. Be selective. You can always have a smaller wedding with
a larger party after your marriage thereby ignoring no one you would
like to include in your festivities.

Planning your wedding

Catering for your wedding

Your budget will have a major impact on the type of catering you can
enjoy. Your first decision is whether to have a professional caterer or
tackle the catering yourself. This doesn’t mean you will do it alone –
family and friends’ culinary abilities will be given the chance to shine.
Now is the time to work out what spend per head you envisage. At this
stage it will be a rough estimate, be it from a professional caterer’s
quotes or your own figures.

Your guests will appreciate a quality meal of simplicity rather than a
complicated affair with expensively decorated tables.

You may like to offer your guests lunch, be it a three course meal or
buffet. Or you may opt for a finger food reception, a three course dinner
with all the trimmings. Will you be offering food too if music and dancing
are part of the late-night equation? Put an approximate sum against each
person on your guest list for the food alone and add it up. This doesn’t
include drink and is an excellent way of starting to cull the guest list.

Chapter 2 (budgeting) and Chapter 6 (menu choice) will help you make
a decision about the catering.

Formal or informal?
Formal weddings
Formal weddings are more costly of course. From quality dresses, shoes,
tiaras, men’s formal attire, limos, flowers, printed invitations, a toast-
master, musicians, champagne and upmarket catering, to say nothing of


Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

the choice of venue. Formal weddings can also be highly stressful if not
managed with foresight and clarity. By having a small, formal wedding,
many of the above costs are minimised, and you can still have a delight-
ful, memorable wedding.

Informal weddings
If you choose to organise a more informal wedding without observing
the conventions that go with more formal affairs, there are ways of
saving money. For example:

G Choose clothing that you will continue to wear at smart occasions.

G Buy your own flowers from a wholesaler and arrange them
yourself or with the help of family members.
G Ask a gifted friend to bake a cake as a wedding present.
G Decorate the village hall or marquee with flowers taken from
the church or registry office once the marriage service is over.
G Have more informal music, played by live musicians.

The catering, either done professionally or by you, can be simpler and

more relaxed. You could, for example, offer guests a two-course buffet
or finger food, and provide well-chosen wines you’ve brought over from
France or have bought from your local wine shop (which is prepared to
negotiate a good deal). Instead of a seating plan you may prefer to pro-
vide a general guide to seating. An informal wedding does of course
need to be just as meticulously planned as a formal wedding so that
guests know where to go and when, and that staff or family are primed
to ensure that everything goes to plan.

Planning your wedding

Creating a wedding plan calendar

To ensure that you are able to plan your wedding day with the least
possible stress it is very important to create a wedding plan calendar
and keep to the schedules.

Once you have decided on the date, start canvassing your friends, col-
leagues and family for their caterers’, musicians’, florists’ and
photographers’ recommendations.

Start combing websites, Yellow Pages and other sources to widen your
search for the most appropriate companies to deal with. When phoning
them, have the check list on pages 4–7 handy and a further list of ques-
tions you wish to ask also written down. Then you can systematically
check them off so that you have an instant database of information
rather than little scraps of paper with confusing details. Buy a notebook
where you can store your information and keep it handy.

The lists below are general ones, and probably not all points will be
applicable to you. Also, I have not added points such as choosing the
best man or bridesmaids, for example, as this book caters primarily for
the catering and event management of your wedding or celebration.

Nine to six months prior to the wedding

G Create your first guest list, but be prepared to cull it.
G Get quotes and book the wedding venue and where the wedding
ceremony is to be held. Carefully read over the agreement and
ensure that all costs are present and correct. Make sure the VAT is
added on so you won’t get a nasty surprise with the final invoice.
G Get quotes from caterers and book the company. Ensure a con-
tract is drawn up with all the details of the menu, equipment,
staff, costs (to include VAT), time, venue details, contact details.


Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Also make sure you know when down payments and the final
payment are due.
G Get quotes from marquees and agree on arrangements.
G Get quotes from photographers and check their availability.
G Get quotes from musicians and check their availability.
G Start looking for the accommodation for the wedding party.
G Decide on the flowers: visit florists and get prices.
G Start considering where the honeymoon will be.

Six to three months prior to the wedding

G Finalise the guest list and send out invitations at least two or
three months prior to the wedding.
G Decide on the style of the invitations and get quotes for the
printing and any other printing work you may need such as
place name cards.
G Book the accommodation for the wedding party.
G Finalise musicians’ and photographers’ bookings.
G Get quotes for the cake and book it in writing with all details
and delivery.
G If doing the catering yourself, start working on the menu and
making a list of supplies and suppliers.
G Get quotes for any transportation requirements and book the
cars in writing with full details (time, where, when, who is to go
in each car, cost including VAT).
G Book the florists and finalise details of types of flowers, deliv-
ery and time.
G Book the honeymoon.

Planning your wedding

A month prior to the wedding

G Check over details of the caterers, the venue and other major
arrangements and adjust any details if necessary.
G Check to see if you have arrangements with all the companies
you are dealing with in writing. If not, ask them for a detailed
letter or contract and go through it, making sure that the
timing, date and every last point has been addressed.
G Make up a timetable and schedule for the big day.
G Compile a contact list for the day from caterers to cars (see a
sample list on page 19).
G Keep tabs on the guest list and contact those who haven’t replied.
G Inform the caterers and reception venue of final numbers a
week in advance (or whatever they have stipulated in the
G Finalise the seating plan if you are having one.
G Decide who will be doing which tasks to make the days prior to
the wedding and the day itself go smoothly.
G Sort out who is sitting where in the church or registry office
and make a plan. Discuss this with those involved. You may
wish to reserve the two front rows on either side of the aisle in
the church, for example, for both sets of family placed on
opposite sides. Ushers should be informed of the list.

The order of the wedding day

This list can help you to focus on your day. The timing is broken down
to suit the bride, groom, ceremony venue and reception venue.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

12.00 p.m: marriage ceremony in Chichester registry office

1.00 p.m: photographs in the park
2.00 p.m: wedding breakfast
4.00 p.m: toasts and speeches
5.00 p.m: music from the band
7.30 p.m: evening reception commences
8.00 p.m: evening disco
11.30 p.m: bar closes
12.30 a.m: carriages

Timing is all
The following lists will help to gauge the amount of time needed during
the day for the bride, the groom and at the venues. Just put a time
before each task to get a picture of what the day will hold for you. (Not
all of the items may be applicable to you.)

Bride’s time list

____ Wake up / breakfast
____ Hair appointment
____ Make-up appointment
____ Bridal party / maid of honour arrives
____ Arrival of flowers for bridal party
____ Get dressed (approximately two hours before ceremony)
____ Arrival of photographer
____ Arrival of videographer

Planning your wedding

____ Photo session begins

____ Arrival of bridal car
____ Leave for ceremony

Groom’s time list

_____ Wake up / breakfast
_____ Florist arrives with boutonnieres and corsages
_____ Arrival of photographer
_____ Arrival of videographer
_____ Arrival of car for groom and ushers
_____ Leave for ceremony

Venue timing
_____ Arrival of florist to decorate the church / venue

_____ Arrival of musicians and soloist

_____ Ushers arrive to seat guests (usually –21 – one hour prior to
_____ Groom and best man arrive (usually 20 minutes prior to ceremony)
_____ Parents of the groom are seated (if not walking up the aisle)
_____ Bride’s mother and father arrive
_____ Bride’s mother is seated (after last guest is seated)
_____ Bride and bridesmaids arrive (five minutes prior to ceremony)
_____ Prelude begins


Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

_____ Processional song

_____ Registry signing song
_____ Recessional song
_____ Photo session begins after ceremony

Reception timing

_____ Photo session at reception venue begins

_____ Guests arrive at reception location
_____ Canapés and drinks are served
_____ Receiving line is formed
_____ Bride, groom and bridal party are introduced
_____ Best man’s or father’s toast (these may take place after the meal)
_____ Response of the groom (this also may take place after the meal)
_____ Dinner begins
_____ Speeches
List the speakers in order of appearance by full name:
1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.
_____ Cake cutting
_____ Dancing and music to begin
_____ Last dance
_____ Departure of the couple / car pick-up

Planning your wedding

Don’t get too hung up on timing – the list is only a useful guide. Being
too regimental may spoil the day, although a structure is needed.

Contact list
Put company names and direct contact numbers on a list and hand it to
those who are helping to arrange the day. Below is a sample list; you
may wish to add others such as the best man (Wake up, it’s show time!
Where’s the ring?).

Hilary Fleet – caterer: 01243 999 9999

Mick Fleet – in charge of staff: 01243 999 9999
John Mitchell – car hire: 01243 222 2222
Peter Jordan – musicians: 0789 111 3232
Lori Matthews – flowers: 01798 666 6666
Andy Bedford – photographer: 020 700 1111
Maurice Welford – keys to village hall: 07892 444 000
Jonathan Digby – lighting and staging: 0798 000 1111
Honeysuckle Weekley – cake: 01243 500 6060

Car hire itinerary

If you have a number of cars to organise don’t leave it to the last minute
to decide who is going in which car and where people are being picked
up. Don’t forget to make any changes to the list if people drop out or
have other transport arrangements – this can lead to delays and even a
frayed temper or two. Here are some sample car arrangements:



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Pick-up 1
Car hire 1 – 6-seater: 11.15 a.m. sharp
Passengers (5 in total): bride, bridesmaids (3) and father of the bride
Location 1: from 27 New Park Road, Bath to Tollgate Registry office, 16
North Parade, Bath
Location 2: 12.15 p.m: bride and groom from Tollgate Registry office to
The Manor Barn, East Wittering Lane, Delling, Bath

Pick-up 2
Car hire 2 – 8-seater: 11 a.m. sharp
Passengers (5 in total): mother of the bride, grandmothers (2) and
grandfather (1)
Location 1: from 27 New Park Road, Bath to Tollgate Registry office, 16
North Parade, Bath
Location 2: 12.15 p.m: parents of the bride, grandmothers, grandfather,
bridesmaids from Tollgate Registry office to The Manor Barn, East
Wittering Lane, Delling, Bath

It is necessary to work out the logistics in full with hopefully few changes.

Be firm with those needing transport – they can’t change who they travel
with at the last moment as the transport pack of cards may collapse.


2 Planning your budget  

Deciding who will pay

Few about-to-be-married couples have access to unlimited money for
their wedding. Budgeting is crucially important when starting to plan
your nuptials.


Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

First, let’s examine who will be paying for the wedding. Will it be you
both, one partner, a parent or set of parents or other members of the
family? Maybe a godparent might step in with the offer of partial funding.

Often these days the couple, rather than the parents of the bride, take
on the finances of their wedding. Ask your parents or family members
you are close to if they can contribute to the finances (they could, for
example, set up an account and pay monthly into it). Or ask them if
they can share the costs by paying for a specific part of the wedding –
the catering, for example, or buying the wine and champagne, or the
travel costs. Make sure you give them a ball park figure so that they
know what they may be agreeing to.

The traditional list of who pays for what

This is an indication of how expenses have been shared in the past, but
nowadays any help is gratefully received – and offered if possible.
These traditional guidelines help to split the responsibilities.

Each family’s financial means should be considered when dividing the costs.

The bride’s family:

G all aspects of the reception (catering, flowers, drink, staff)

G announcements in the press
G stationery and printing costs

Planning your budget

G bride’s dress and accessories

G bridesmaid’s dresses
G bride’s transport to the wedding venue
G the wedding cake.

The groom’s family:

G engagement and wedding rings

G marriage licence
G church or venue fees
G formal dress for men in the wedding party (best man, ushers)
G buttonholes for the wedding party
G presents for bridesmaids and ushers
G transport to and from the wedding venue
G wedding night hotel costs
G honeymoon.

Keeping costs down

As previously mentioned, the average cost of a wedding in Britain has
now topped the £17,000 mark. Expectations are higher and costs of
catering and venue hire have reached new heights.

Naturally, no couple wishes to start their married life with debts from
their wedding but it is quite easy to over-extend – over-expend – and
throw caution to the wind as it’s ‘only once in a lifetime’. However,
having a budget and keeping an overall eye on expenses is essential for
the next step in your lives together.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

It is very possible to spend less and still have a memorable wedding. It

is, after all, the people who count and not all the add-ons, those so-
called ‘must-haves’, that have accumulated over the years, such as
expensive limousines, favours given out to guests, expensive beauty
treatments, elaborate decorations, expensive gifts for bridesmaids and
pages and other items.

The golden rule is to plan a wedding you can realistically afford. This
doesn’t mean asking too many people to your wedding and then offering
them cheap food and drink – your wedding would be memorable for all
the wrong reasons!

There are many ways you can keep costs down. For example you can
dispense with the toastmaster, or find musicians who have just started
on the professional ladder but who play and sing like angels. Hunt
around for less costly, but still quality, drink and, with this book to help
you, do the catering yourself with the help of friends and family.

Sticking to the budget will not only be a source of satisfaction but will
give all concerned a peaceful night’s sleep.

Prepare a list of proposed expenses (there is an example on page 28). That

way you can control and keep an eye on your costs. But do record any
changes as, inevitably, you will change your priorities several times over.

Be prepared to negotiate with each other and others who have a say in
the finances. By discussion, not argument, you will reduce stress and
any bad feelings that threaten to erupt. Of course, wedding planning is

Planning your budget

hardly plain sailing but if approached with a sense of balance and real-
ity, you can enjoy the ride.

What are the average amounts spent on each category? The average
bride and groom spend approximately 40% of their total wedding
budget on the caterer (food, cake, and alcohol), 3% on the facilities for
the reception, 8% on flowers, 10% on entertainment, 14% on clothing, 7%
on a photographer, 4% on invitations and other printed supplies, 4% on
gifts, 2% on transportation, and 8% on miscellaneous items.

In order to keep track of your wedding budget, it’s a good idea to open
a designated wedding bank account and start paying in a regular sum
each month, preferably by standing order or direct debit. All bills can
be paid from this account.

Controlling the budget

G Pare the guest list down to suit the budget. You can only start
planning your budget once you have decided on the number of
G Get several quotes and choose your suppliers (car hire, food,
drink, clothing, printing, entertainment) with care. Always keep
quality as a priority.
G Negotiate with your suppliers: ask for discount.
G Choose a date out of season for less costly catering and venue.
G Always make sure that all quotes include VAT at the outset, not
when the final bill comes in.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Keep accurate records, and keep them up to date.


G Communication is all: talk to each other, and to others.

Cutting food and drink costs

G Contact your local catering college: students may like to hone
their skills by preparing your food. Student waiters may also
wish to put their skills into practice. If going down this route,
simplicity is best when choosing a menu.
G Choose a buffet as it is cheaper than a three course meal. It
also keeps staff costs down. Or choose to have excellent, varied
finger food for the same reasons.
G Start stockpiling supermarket bargain wine – but make sure it is
quality, not sheer quantity. Or, if you live in the south-east, go
to France to buy your champagne or sparkling wine and wine as
they tend to be cheaper.
G You could decide to have a cash bar (see Chapter 6 for more
G Ask a good cake-maker in the family – or a friend – to make
the cake. Offer to pay for the ingredients.
G Serve your wedding cake as the dessert by adding fresh berries
and a quality ice cream.

Cutting general costs

G Why buy expensive white satin shoes if you will only wear them
G Have your dress made by a local dressmaker rather than buy it
from an expensive bridal shop. Take them a picture of a dress
from a bride’s magazine that you like.

Planning your budget

G Consider having your hair done at a reputable salon’s ‘model’s

G Have a make-up lesson at a department store or go to a local
college for a student make-up session.
G Use a good photographer but specify the number of hours you
will to employ them, and the pictures you require.
G Alternatively, buy a good camera and ask a trusted friend to
take pictures. Or choose a friend with a good camera and a
noted good eye for photography.
G Ask a friend who has an unusual car if they will drive you to the
ceremony. Or, if you live close to where the ceremony is to
take place, walk with your bridal party and guests. This is a
lovely tradition from other centuries and cultures.
G Turn your wedding meal into a country house party by borrow-
ing crockery in one colour theme and placing wild flowers
(allowable ones!) and branches in old vases.
G Buy flowers that are in season.
G Recycle your flowers by moving them from the church or reg-
istry to the venue.
G Make your own place cards rather than have them printed. Ask an
artistic friend or family member to take this task on. They will
enjoy being part of the event – just offer to cover their costs.
G Call in favours and ask a DJ friend to organise the music, agree-
ing on the playlist.
G Organise your own entertainment – you could, for example,
have a game of cricket.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Scrap the evening party to keep costs down and have a knees-up in the
pub. Buy everyone a first drink, or a nominal number of bottles of
champagne or sparkling wine.

Making your budget list

This includes catering, the venue and general expenses. You may be able
to put a line through some of the items below right away if they are not
what you want. It is, of course, perfectly possible to spend quite a little
on your wedding by judicial pruning – and vice versa!

G announcements in the press

G the bride’s wedding ring
G the groom’s wedding ring
G wedding dress
G bride’s shoes
G headdress and veil
G groom’s clothing
G bridesmaid’s dresses
G beauty treatments/hairdressing
G flowers: at church or civil office and venue
G flowers: buttonholes
G transport costs
G printing costs

Planning your budget

G church or civil fees

G photography/ video recording
G catering
G cake
G drinks (pre-meal, with meal, after meal, toast)
G catering/waiting staff
G wedding venue
G marquee
G equipment (if hiring a village hall, for example tables, chairs,
tablecloths, cutlery, glass, plates, etc)
G decorations
G entertainment (music, DJ, toastmaster, staging, lighting, sound
system, PA system)
G hotel expenses for bride and groom, family if applicable
G bride’s going-away outfit
G honeymoon costs
G wedding insurance
G other expenses (for example taking parents out for a thank you
meal, paying for an unexpected hotel or taxi bill, gardening
expenses if having a marquee in the garden, house cleaning).

Preparing your initial budget

This is a process which needs research and time. Make a list drawn from
the points on the above list in order of priority and start your research
by getting quotes and promises (a lent Rolls, a DJ friend offering his or



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

her services, a cake being made for you). At the end of your research
and compilation, you will know what you can and cannot afford. If you
have been promised funding by family or friends as well as your own
financing, put the initials of the person or persons concerned against an
item with the amount promised.

Getting quotes
Getting a quote from a company differs from getting an estimate. A
quote or quotation is a price – or service – given to you by the com-
pany and is legally binding if in writing. An estimate is just that, an
estimation of what they can provide. They can invoice you with a differ-
ing final sum as it was an estimate, not a quote. In the eyes of the law
you cannot challenge them in court.

But when drawing up your provisional budget, you will be obtaining

estimates from various companies rather than quotes. You may also
change your mind as to what you wish the company to provide (you
may wish to change the order to 110 chairs rather than the 90 in the ini-
tial estimate, for example).

Points to consider
Always check through the estimate to see if you have asked each com-
pany for the same items, as a cheaper estimate may be less as it has
fewer items. Make sure you are comparing like for like, with quality over
inferior products.

Always check to see if VAT has been included. Some companies are
rather sly about this and only add it on to the final bill to ensure your
order. This VAT less bill may seem a cheaper option at the outset but it
won’t be when the final bill is submitted.

Planning your budget

Confirm all bookings in writing and save a copy for your records.

Wedding insurance
The chart below gives an idea of what is on offer. The three columns are
for different grades of cover. Contact an insurance broker or go online
to discover the options and get a quote. Be sure, however, before you
sign on the dotted line, that you understand all the small print.

Cancellation of wedding £9,000 £ 18,000 £30,000

and/or reception
Rearrangement of wedding and/or £6,000 £13,000 £22,000
Wedding / ceremonial attire £3,000 £6,000 £10,000
Wedding gifts £3,000 £6,000 £10,000
Wedding rings, flowers, attendants’ £2,000 £4,000 £10,000
gifts and cake
Wedding cars and transport £1,500 £3,000 £5,000
Photographs and videos £1,500 £3,000 £5,000
Failure of suppliers £1,500 £3,000 £5,000
Essential document indemnity £250 £500 £1,000
(for weddings abroad)
Personal liability £2,000,000 £2,000,000 £2,000,000
Personal accident £20,000 £40,000 £40,000
Legal expenses £5,000 £10,000 £20,000


3 Compiling the guest list  

Wedding guest list

It’s your wedding. With this, of course, come expectations from a variety
of family and friends who might think they’re in line for an invitation.

Compiling the guest list

Weighing up who should be invited can be a minefield as both sides of

the family need to be taken into consideration as well as old friends,
mutual ones and work colleagues.

Of course you will include closest friends and immediate family on your list.
You will also include people who have been and will continue to be impor-
tant in your life, Decide who are friends and who are acquaintances.

Paring down the list can be a fraught time. You may feel guilty, and a lot of
discussion and compromise is needed on both sides. Be brave! Remember:
you can always have a party after your wedding for those not included.
This can be a highly joyous, charged-with-emotion occasion which will
bring other friends and family together to share in your happiness.

Who will you invite to your wedding? Naturally you want your wedding
day to be one of the happiest of your lives; the bride and groom need
to take a firm grip on expenses so that costs don’t spiral out of control.
The very first step is to look at the guest list and decide how many
people to invite.

Obviously, the more guests, the more expensive it will be. Catering, size
of venue, possibly marquee hire, staffing, even printing costs needing to
be taken into consideration. The biggest expenses are the venue, cater-
ing and the alcohol. Unless you have unlimited access to a
stuffed-full-of-money bank vault, keeping the guest list down is the way
to keeping costs down. Be ruthless!

This chapter covers the following:

G How to pare down your guest list to suit your budget and venue.
G How to invite your guests: the printed invitation, suggested
wording and reply.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Additional stationery – possible needs.


G Your table plan.

G To receive or not to receive? The receiving line’s pros and cons.
G Children at your wedding.

Tackling the list

How can you tackle the guest list? Here are some suggestions:

G Write down all possible names, leaving no one out. But write down
those names of people who you actually want at the wedding.
G Return to this list, highlighting those who you might possibly
want to attend.
G Go over the list again, circling those who you really want to
G Move these people over to a semi-permanent list, and then
delete those who you haven’t got such strong bonds with or
you haven’t seen for quite some time.
G Do you now have the beginnings of a guest list? Add the num-
bers up. Take a figure such as £50 (this may be the cost per
person for the catering, venue and staffing, for example) and
multiply it by the number of people.
G Still quite a hefty number? There is no rule in the book that you
have to invite most of your family members on both sides. It is
your wedding. Nor do you have to issue an invitation to guests
to bring a guest unless they are partners.
G Decide on a smaller wedding if the numbers, and therefore
costs per head, are high. As mentioned above, invite others not
on the list to a post wedding party. This can take place within a
few weeks of the actual ceremony and could be a drinks party
with finger food or a simple barbecue with music.

Compiling the guest list

Cutting down the list

G Don’t invite people out of obligation.
G Don’t invite school friends you haven’t seen for decades unless
you wish to start up that friendship again, although maybe this
isn’t the occasion to do it.
G Don’t invite people whose weddings you were invited to a while
ago if you haven’t kept up with them.
G There is no need to invite friends’ and family’s children unless
you are close to them.
G You do not have to give single people a ‘with guest’ invitation.

But who is paying?

If you are paying for your wedding, you will have the final say on the
guest list. However, if your parents are contributing to your wedding,
you will have to consider their guest list too. But you can still be the
prime arbiter on who is coming to your wedding by suggesting a fifty-
fifty or forty-sixty split between your list and that of your parents.

If dealing with lists from several sources (yours, both sets of parents),
stipulate a deadline for the lists. Once you have finalised the list, get
full names, titles (Dr, Mrs, Ms, for example), addresses, email addresses
and phone numbers. If you have all this information to hand you can
use it if you need to contact them for any reason (such as asking ‘Are
you attending?’ if they don’t reply).



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

The invitations
Now that you’ve finalised the all-important list you will need to decide
how to ask your guests to attend your wedding. As the invitation is the
first thing they will see, your guests need to understand what kind of the
wedding they have been invited to. Is it formal? A casual, informal gather-
ing? A small, intimate wedding party? Or a large one stretching over most
of the day and evening with a party and dancing into the small hours?

Wording is key when writing your invitation. How important is etiquette

to you? Are you keen on the more formal approach or the ‘Hey, gang,
we’re getting married’ casual way? Whichever route you take it is crucial
for your guests to understand what they have been invited to. It is also
important to spell out who is invited. For example:

G Have they been invited for the reception only or for the cere-
mony and reception?
G Is the invitation for the guest only, or for a guest and their
chosen guest, a couple with children, or just a couple? Write on
the invitation who is invited, not ‘you are invited.’ This is too
ambiguous and could cause confusion.
G It is good manners to send an invitation to the groom’s parents
and to the officiant and perhaps his or her partner, be he or
she a member of the clergy or the registrar.
G Be specific: it will save you a lot of time, potential embarrassment
and uncertainty. The last thing you want is for guests who have
assumed too much to come to the wedding with several in tow to
find that there is no table place for them or not enough food.

Quantity of invitations
You will need one per couple or family but, when ordering, add 10–15%
extra in case you have to send out further invitations. Printing costs

Compiling the guest list

tend to be static: the initial cost is key, the numbers ordered of less
importance. (You will have quotes from several printers and samples of
their work.)

Always order extra invitations and envelopes as mistakes can happen.

Today, however, it is perfectly normal practice to send out invitations by

email or orally but you do run the risk – if the latter – of confusion
(time, place, who is invited).

Types of printing to consider

You may have thought you could get away with just the invitations. But,
like the proverbial duck kicking its legs under the surface of the water,
there’s a lot else going on. There might be:

G Response cards. These are for people to fill in and return to

you. They are generally for larger, more formal weddings.
G Evening invitations. As not everyone is invited to both cere-
mony and the reception or party afterwards, another type of
printed invitation may be necessary to send out to those just
coming for the reception or party.
G Menus. These can be hand-written rather than printed.
G Order of service.
G Thank you cards. These can also be hand-written for a more
personal touch.
You may also wish to consider printed cake boxes (your names and
date, for example).


Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Colours tend to be black and white or cream and white but there are no
hard and fast rules.

A cost effective way of making invitations is to buy some ritzy type of
paper from an upmarket paper shop and print them yourself. Just make
sure the weight suits your printer. Buy a few sheets and try them out
before investing in paper you may not be able to use.

When to order
You will need to proof-read and adjust any printing, So, ideally it is pru-
dent to place your order between three and four weeks prior to sending
them out. Invitations typically go out two months before the wedding,
which gives people time to plan any travel arrangements and time off
work if necessary. It also gives time for those who need accommodation
to arrange it.

Information to include
G Date
G Time
G Place
G Venue
G Who is hosting the wedding
G Type of wedding (church or registry office, for example)
G Who to reply to: you may wish to ask guests to reply to the
bride’s parents’ address, their email address or by phone. Or
you may be managing the guest list so add these details

Compiling the guest list

G Directions
G Presents (you may have a wedding list you would prefer your
guests to choose from, for example).

Examples of possible invitations

Below are examples of invitations. Note that instead of ‘request the
pleasure of’ you may wish for the more informal ‘please join us’ with
subsequent changes to the wording below to fit (‘Please join Saffron
Leon and Jonathan Pepper to celebrate their marriage’, for example).

Miss Saffron Leon and Mr Jonathan Pepper

request the pleasure of


at their marriage

at Chichester Registry Office, 31 North Street, Chichester, West Sussex

PO19 2SS

on Friday, 29 February 2008

At 11 a.m.

and afterwards for lunch at

The Manor Barn, South Parade, South Wittering PO20 6XX

(Directions are enclosed. There is parking at the barn)

Please reply to:

Saffron Leon
12 Solent Avenue
West Sussex PO19 1ZZ


Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Or, for a wedding invitation from parents of the bride after the ceremony

Mr and Mrs Selby Leon

request the pleasure of


at a reception at The Manor Bar, South Parade, South Wittering PO20


on Friday, 29 February 2008

At 1 p.m.

following the marriage of their daughter Saffron

to Mr Jonathan Pepper

RSVP: 100 Emsworth Road, Aldsworthington, West Sussex PO20 6YY

01243 888 9999

Names on the invitation

Add in writing the name or names who you wish to invite. It could be just
the one guest, or a couple, a couple with children of a combination in the
family such as Aunt Sarah-Jane and Claudia. Or, depending on the circum-
stances, if they live quite independent lives, it may be protocol to send
each person a personal invitation. They may not be joined at the hip.

Depending on your budget and how formal the invitation is you may
like to include a reply card with a stamped addressed envelope. The
wording could include ‘would be delighted to attend’ or ‘regret but
cannot attend,’ and guests able to choose either answer.
You could use postcards to keep costs down.

Compiling the guest list

Going informal and casual

You may go for a more casual approach simply because you are both
informal people. Or you may be getting married the second time around
and aim to be fuss-free. Other types of invitations which maybe suitable:

G bright or pastel colours

G more unusual fonts (but not too quirky: you still want your
guests to be able to read the invitation)
G using photographs of yourselves
G including poems or a quotation
G personalising the cards by using watercolours, drawings or
G creating your own design on your computer or asking a graphic
designer to come up with suggestions that reflect your interests
and personalities.
One Dutch couple invited me to their wedding with a card they had
made themselves. It was a picture of the two of them in an open-top car
in bright colours, the directions were hand-painted and included the
church and path to the reception. Delightful and unstuffy.

Remember to check that you have the right postage for your invitations.
Guests will be less than pleased if they are charged for incorrect
postage and it will save a lot of time, effort and sheer frustration if you
spend time ensuring each invitation is correctly stamped.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Arranging the seating

You will need a seating plan for a sit-down dinner of several courses and
also for a buffet, depending on how keen you are for formalities. I find
that most wedding parties opt for a seating plan for both types of cater-
ing. (You will not need one for a finger buffet as these are stand-up affairs
with several tables with a number of chairs placed strategically around the
space for those unwilling or unable to stand for long periods of time.)

Place two seating plans by either side of the entrance to the reception
on easels so that several people at one time can see where they are sit-
ting. Put the guest’ names alphabetically, and put their table number
against their name. The number on each table of the plan should be
easily seen; colour coding can be helpful too.

There are numerous different ways to identify the tables. You may wish
to name them after your favourite places (Paris, Brighton, Snowdonia,
Covent Garden) or where your guests have travelled from (South Africa,
Scotland), or simply number them. You could choose fruit or herbs
pineapple, mango, kiwi, rosemary, thyme or coriander are some sugges-
tions. Favourite or famous restaurants are other possibilities (The Ritz,
The Savoy, Momma Cherri’s Soul Food Shack)

Decorating the tables

Decorate the tables with fruit and vegetables or herbs in little terracotta
pots which guests are encouraged to take home with them. Never place a
large, overflowing flower arrangement in the centre of your guests’ tables
as they won’t be able to talk to the guests opposite – or even see them. A
maximum height of 12–14 inches (30–25 cm) is a good rule of thumb
when planning table decorations, particularly at round tables.

Compiling the guest list

Avoid all-white flower decorations. It takes a whole lot more flowers if

you do; a splash of colour goes a long way.

Use fresh fruit and vegetables. Pineapples and pomegranates, for exam-
ple, add panache. Or use chillies and tomatoes in pots in high summer
with foilage to create a different look.

Poinsettisa, evergreen, red ribbons and mini trees can be highly effective
in winter.

For something completely different and poignant add pictures of past

family members at family weddings to the table decoration. It creates a
good talking point.

For winter or evening weddings, use candelabras which can be hired –

thereby keeping floral costs down. Add floating candles to attractive
bowls for added effect.

For a beach effect, fill attractive buckets with sand, scatter with shells
and other seaside paraphernalia.

What do you do with your floral arrangements after the party? Contract
a nursing home beforhand to see if they would like the flowers for their
communal areas or ask guests to take them home with them.

Place cards
After people consult the seating plan they won’t remember who they are
sat next to; place cards are essential for your guests’ smooth transition
from looking at the seating plan to finding their table. You could hand
make them, but be sure that the names are legible.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Table menus
Either have menus printed, or hand write them as clearly as possible. Check
with your caterer for the correctly-named dish and its components, or make
sure that the catering you are providing matches the wording on the menu.
Guests will be rightly perplexed it says Chicken chasseur with a white wine,
cream and herb sauce only to be served Chicken with a saffron sauce.

Don’t over-elaborate. There is no need to put Ayshire roast beef resting

on a bed of spinach and a pool of red wine sauce – the pretentiousness
is overwhelming. State your dishes simply but if someone you know has
made something, do credit them – for example Leonie’s Eton Mess with
local strawberries.

You only need two or three menus per table of ten.

Working out the venue layout

First of all, you need to know your chosen venue and its size before
tackling the plan. You will also need to know the size of the tables (are
they square, round, rectangular, in one long line?) and how many these
tables can seat comfortably.

The shape of the room or marquee plays a major part in determining the
arrangement of the tables. The tables’ position can add to the atmos-
phere – or detract.

Compiling the guest list

If there are too many tables in a small space or too few in a large space
it can spoil a party.

It is advisable not to have too much space between tables as guests can
feel a tad too apart from each other. It is essential, if you are using a
caterer, to talk to them about the layout and to the hall hirer about how
many tables and chairs will best fit into their venue. You want your
guests to be comfortable and not too squeezed in – or made to feel as
if they really are in a barn.

The number of people at each table is, of course, defined by your guest list.
The type of chair is crucial; some are too big and take up too much space
around a table. It could make a difference to you if you can seat eight
rather than six around a table – too large a chair might make it impossible.

Also, bear in mind that waiting staff need to get to each place, and your
guests will leave to go to the toilet, go out for a cigarette or to speak to
someone at another table. You need sufficient space around each table
for ease of access.

Check it out
G Don’t think that a child will take up less space. They still need a
chair – this equals one space.
G Round tables look more attractive than square ones.
G Long trestle tables, banquet-style, can give you more space.
They also help to create an easier, more friendly atmosphere
with more of a communal feeling.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Guests seated at long tables also have more people they can

talk to if the tables aren’t too wide. If they are too wide then all
is lost: they can only speak to the person on their left and on
their right. If those people are engaged in conversation with
others on their immediate left or right, that guest is isolated.
It is better to have fewer tables with more people on them than fewer
tables with a handful of guests who may have nothing in common and
soon tire of their companions.

Seating guests
You can encourage a good atmosphere, but not completely run it. It’s up
to your guests to play their part and help you celebrate your day. When
deciding on the seating, the following points are worth considering:

G The jury is out whether you seat people who know one another
together or those who are new to one another. I suggest you
use a bit of psychology when seating various people; many
guests may be keen to meet new people, others less gregarious.
G Avoid seating people together who you know don’t get on.
G Try to match people, for example those who may have subjects
in common or who you think will hit it off.
G Mix the sexes up.
G Don’t sit all the elderly together: they will benefit from sitting
next to other generations, and vice versa.
G Sit small children next to their parents.

Compiling the guest list

If you have a number of children coming get some booster seats in
rather than high chairs. You can use the chairs you have chosen, and
the booster seats simply go on them. But check them out beforehand to
see if they are suitable and safe.

Advantages and disadvantages of a top table

The top table, often rectangular in shape, at which the bridal party is
seated, is a formal affair and not suited to all weddings. The bride,
groom, sets of parents or the bride’s parents, best man, bridesmaids and
perhaps honoured guests, are on view to all guests.

This is a great advantage when it comes to speech-making and pictures

but people at the top table can only speak to those on their immediate
left or right. The two at the end are left out in the cold if their immediate
neighbours are talking to someone else.

I would suggest the more usual European banquet style of seating. This
means everyone has a more pleasurable time as they have people oppo-
site to talk to as well as those on either side.

However, formality often wins the day – in which case here is a tradi-
tional layout.

The top table’s traditional seating plan

Chief bridesmaid – groom’s father – bride’s mother – groom – bride –
bride’s father – groom’s mother – best man.

But the pattern may shift if, for example, the bride’s parents are
divorced and remarried. Then you could do:


Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Bride’s stepfather – chief bridesmaid – groom’s father – bride’s mother

– groom – bride – bride’s father – groom’s mother – best man –
bride’s stepmother.

Plus, of course, the groom’s parents and other key people.

This seating plan can be adapted to suit any possibilities. For example, a
brother or sister can replace the father who may be absent. A favourite
godparent may also be elevated to the top table. There are no hard and
fast rules in today’s society.

The receiving line

Although this may seem rather formal, a receiving line at the reception
entry is an excellent opportunity to meet and greet all your guests. It
gives those in the line a chance to meet everyone. However, it can be
time-consuming, and at a less formal wedding you could choose to meet
guests in a different way. If you choose the receiving line this is a guide
to get you started (it will vary depending on parental availability). Keep
it short to avoid a queue and keep the conversation to a minimum.

G bride’s mother
G groom’s mother
G groom’s father
G bride’s father
G bride
G groom
G head bridesmaid

Compiling the guest list

Inviting children to your wedding

Some weddings are a happy mix of all ages, other more formal ones
perhaps not including children. Of course it is entirely up to you which
route you take and should you include them, here are some tips:

G Invite children for part of the wedding. If the party goes on

late, children can become fractious. Make the timing clear in
your invitation to the parents.
G Food: serve the same food to children as adults. This is what
the rest of the world does; the Anglo-Saxon take on children’s
food at variance.
G Seating: some smaller children may prefer to sit with their par-
ents. Older children often like a table of their own (supervised
by parents).
G Dressing-up box: this will keep children amused with a clothes
including long dresses and old family hats, fairy wings, cowboy
outfits, funny hats and action hero costumes. You may have a
whole lot of dressing up or you could hire costumes in.
G Treasure hunt and other games: ask friends or family members
to organise a treasure hunt or have a set of trampolines or
physical games such as a bouncy castle to keep children occu-
pied and having a great time on your wedding day. Just make
sure that children are kept an eye on and that they are discour-
aged from leaving the venue.
G Face painting: hire a face painter for the day to engage the chil-
dren in some fun.
G Create a crèche if there are a number of small children, and
hire a nanny.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Children and second weddings

If you are getting married for a second time, you may well want to
involve your child. There are plenty of imaginative and exciting ways
children can be involved, especially in the ceremonies. Having children
from a previous relationship, whether the bride, the groom, or both, the
question to address very early on is what the children will do on the
wedding day. Whatever you do, don’t leave this until the last moment.

If a child is reluctant to be involved in any activity, and there may be

many reasons for this, respect their point of view. Never force a child’s
involvement. Gently remind them that their presence is of great impor-
tance and that will be enough if that’s where they feel comfortable. Do
make sure there is a photograph taken of all of you on the day.

The roles which come easily to mind are bridesmaids (for second mar-
riages with older children), ring bearers (page boys), best man or chief
bridesmaid, again for older children, flower girls, and ushers – and if
everyone is willing there is a lot to be said for this.

Involving children
G Some children are shy and won’t wish to be involved. Suggest a
behind-the-scenes task to make them feel included.
G Ask older children to hand out the order of service in the
church, for example.
G Children are happy to be given tasks before the wedding too
like sticking stamps on the wedding invitations, being involved
in ‘choosing’ the flowers, the wedding cake, some items of food
and what to offer other children to drink.


4 Setting the stage:  


choosing, equipping and

decorating your venue



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

You’ve come a long way! You have chosen your venue, worked on your
budget after taking into consideration your expectations for your wed-
ding, and decided on your guest list.

Now is the time to fine-tune your equipment hire for the venue, confirm the
size of your marquee, if you are using one, and all other important require-
ments such as, the dance stage, bar, flowers, and other major items.

This chapter will deal with:

G marquee hire companies and what kinds of questions to ask them

G hiring village halls or barns
G furniture you may need and how to get quotes
G dealing with suppliers including florists, types of flowers and
flower arrangements
G the all important seating plan.

To find out about marquee hire companies, equipment hire companies,
village halls and other venues look in your local Yellow Pages either
online or in the book. Google companies too as not all will be in the
Yellow Pages; you may also be looking further afield than in your local
area. Do ask friends and work colleagues for their recommendations too.

Choosing a marquee
Marquees offer a flexible and sizeable facility within which you can
choose the features and design. This allows you to put your stamp on
your marquee and allows freedom from the backdrop that already exists

Setting the stage: choosing, equipping and decorating your venue

at a fixed venue such as a hotel. If you have the garden space there is
nothing nicer for many people than being able to spend the day at home
entertaining family and friends.

By going for the marquee option you almost inevitably gain far more
control over proceedings, both on the day itself and during the all-
important lead up to the day.

Families can be free from the restrictions which are so often imposed by
fixed venues. These can often limit the timings of the event, the choice of
caterer/florist etc, even down to how loud the band or disco is allowed
to play (but invite the neighbours!). This way you can decide on all the
details, not ones chosen for you.

Please bear in mind your neighbours, or, if in a village hall, others
living in the area, when turning up volume. Ask the village hall’s man-
ager about restrictions. If there are any please abide by them.
The same applies to your neighbours if you’re holding your wedding at
home: the thump-thump-thump of the base notes late at night can turn
quite sane neighbours into very angry ones. Either invite them or have
the courtesy to phone or drop a note into explain what will be taking
place. Be considerate.

Types of marquee
The marquee business has completely transformed itself in the past two
decades. Forget boy scout brown marquees with guy ropes, the wind
whistling around the space between grass and your legs. As corporations



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

and weddings have both become much more classy affairs, marquee
companies have flourished. The types and styles of marquees now avail-
able is simply startling.

You can choose from:

G basic marquees
G marquees attached to existing buildings, or free-standing ones
G canopies as extra cover
G marquees with reception areas, dance areas, cloakrooms
G any size and shape – from round to square to fashionable Chinese
hat types which can be linked together for a village effect
G Bedouin tents evoking North Africa complete with wall coverings
G catering marquees.

There are different looks you can go for:

G classic: simple and unfussy

G lavish: the décor might include deep reds and purples with a
night sky star cloth
G minimalist: with ivory and neutral colours
G winter: burgundies, reds, oranges, winter decorations including
Christmas trees, atmospheric lighting
G magical: a Midsummer Night’s Dream look
G contemporary: silver and linen are possible looks.

Setting the stage: choosing, equipping and decorating your venue

The interior might include the following:

G pleated coloured or printed lining

G wooden walls
G flooring from coconut matting flooring to solid timber tongue
and grooved
G standard flooring following the contours of the ground; a sus-
pended floor for undulating ground; flooring that can rise to a
height of five metres
G parquet dance floors or acrylic white ones
G double-glazed French doors and glass walls
G panic-bar fire exit doors and emergency safety lighting for large
G clear marquee roofs to see fireworks through
G chandeliers, uplighters, pin spots or starlight ceilings
G covered walkways from the marquee to toilets
G good heating, electrical supply and water supply.

Other marquee possibilities

If money is no object, some companies will offer to create a complete
beach with 20 tonnes of sand and palm trees; split-level marquees for
dining and dancing; fountain displays with streams and foliage; indoor or
outdoor fireworks; water screens with back lighting; laser beams inside
or out with 3D creations and fire flame effects up to 25 feet high.

But, for lesser mortals, a less is more approach is needed. Don’t be

seduced into sinking too much of your budget into fripperies that might
cause discord. Although your wedding should be as attractive and stylish
as possible, this can be achieved by other means.


Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

You may not need the full works of reception area, cloakroom, main
marquee, toilets, catering marquee and covered walkway. Depending on
where it is sited, and if you have access to a kitchen to suit your cater-
ing needs, enough toilets and other space for presents, coats and for
small children to run around in, a basic marquee might be enough.

An open-sided marquee for summer weddings is an attractive option.
The material can be rolled down. If the weather turns.

The full works

The reception area
Ideally this should be the first space that guests encounter, thereby keep-
ing them in suspense as to how the dining area will appear. The reception
should be large enough to allow guests to mingle easily and for staff to
be able to get around with trays of drinks. In particular this area should
be large enough to accommodate all of your guests in case of rain – a
factor often overlooked in the understandable quest to save money.

Consideration should also be given to easy access for guests to toi-

lets/cloakroom facilities, as well as to the practicalities of caterers’
access for drinks service.

The dining area

This is often one of the most visually spectacular areas of a marquee
(depending on the budget). The combination of the table layouts, light-
ing and décor arguably offer the biggest opportunity for visual impact
and the all important ‘wow factor’.

Setting the stage: choosing, equipping and decorating your venue

Decisions have to be made as to whether it is best for the dance floor to

be central to the dining area – where most guests will be close to the
dancing action, or whether greater impact can be achieved by having the
stage / dance floor at the end of the marquee.

Buffet tables, bar/s and viewing points have to be allowed for. The position
of the top table and cake table are also important, as photo opportunities,
speeches, the cutting of the cake and so on have to be considered.

The catering marquee

It is vitally important to get this right. After all, this is the command
centre of your food and drink requirements. What is incorporated
depends on what you are serving your guests. If you are catering for a
three course meal you may need cookers, you will certainly need refrig-
eration, some form of water supply and trestle tables for food
preparation. It also needs to be big enough for your staff to move
around efficiently, for storage of all the plates, cutlery, tableware and
bottles and for the rubbish collection.

It should be positioned sensibly so that your staff won’t have to walk

too far from catering marquee to tables and bar; ideally halfway down
the marquee for easy access. It must also be sited close to any vehicle
such as a van which might house your refrigeration and access to other
vehicles which might be storing other catering equipment and food.
Make sure it has its own entrance and exit.

If you don’t require too much food preparation – for example if you
have decided on a simple buffet or finger food reception, a smaller
catering marquee will be sufficient. But do factor in space for equipment
storage, food, its final preparation on trestle tables, drinks and rubbish.
And position it well so that staff can manoeuvre food and drink around
the marquee easily.


Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

These are another feature of modern marquee design, and are an excel-
lent way of introducing an element of surprise and fun to your wedding
reception. A reveal is actually a false wall that is easily removable to
‘reveal’ an area behind. The most popular one is to shield a band
area/stage/dance floor or dining area from view until a given moment.

Typically the dance floor can be revealed by dropping the false wall
after speeches, giving the band the signal to start playing. Alternatively
the dining area can be revealed at the end of reception. Some upper-end
marquee companies will be able to give you a quote.

Additional features
By positioning windows carefully marquee companies will maximise the nat-
ural views offered by the marquee site. They will also take into
consideration the fact that it is either a daytime event or at night, when out-
side lighting can provide attractive illuminated views of the features outside.

Safety issues are also given careful consideration by marquee companies

as emergency evacuation of a structure in the event of fire has to be
possible with minimum difficulty. This is especially relevant when split-
level dining designs are incorporated.

Portable toilets are an essential requirement if your guest list is a sizeable
one. Available as single toilet units or as trailer mounted multi loos, they
can be hired in many guises including basic ‘bog standard’ single units,
luxury trailers, disabled toilets and loos with baby changing facilities as well
as bespoke toilets, designed specifically for the event location. There are
also companies which provide CD players, pictures, white porcelain bowls
and solid oak or mahogany wood panelling and other luxuries.

Setting the stage: choosing, equipping and decorating your venue

A rough rule-of-thumb guide is to allow one portable toilet per hundred

guests attending the event but I suspect those who thought this one out
were probably the same people in charge of toilet number cubicles for
places such as the Barbican in London (women’s queues are quite a fea-
ture of the concert hall). Go for two at least per hundred guests is my
suggestion. Women often get a rough deal at theatres, club and weddings.

Behind the scenes

The requirement for plant and technical infrastructure (such as genera-
tors, toilets, heaters, skips, etc) is substantial for a facility large enough
to support a wedding reception for a few hundred guests. The positions
of equipment like generators, toilets, heaters, service areas, skips and so
on. needs careful consideration to ensure convenient access for all the
suppliers, as well as making sure they don’t spoil the views from, and
appearance of, the marquee for your guests. Make sure when talking to
marquee companies that these points are addressed satisfactomily.

Marquee sizes and getting a quote

Below is a guide for marquees of differing sizes. It shows how many you
will fit in for a finger food reception or a sit-down meal.

Length in metres Finger food reception Sit-down meal

6 36 29
9 54 43
12 72 57
15 90 72
18 108 86
21 126 100
24 144 115
30 180 144
36 216 172


Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Do bear in mind that these figures will vary as to the type and size of
the tables and chairs chosen. The siting and size of the buffet and bar
also have an impact on numbers fitting in comfortably.

Below I have outlined some 2008 costs from a medium-priced UK com-

pany. Rememeber to shop around for the best deal but also look at the
quality. If you go for the cheapest quote you may be opting for a less
good deal.

White marquee
Fully lined
Gilt chairs
Dance floor
100 guests
Typical cost: £3,300.00 (+ VAT £3,877.50)

Summer wedding / garden party

100 guests
Typical cost: £1,400.00 (+ VAT £1,645.00)

Setting the stage: choosing, equipping and decorating your venue

Spring wedding
300 guests
Typical cost: £14,000.00 (+VAT £16,450.00)

What to ask marquee hire companies

You will find many marquee companies in your area. Search for marquee
companies on the internet to find out who they are, look in the Yellow
Pages or ask friends and family who they recommend. Once you have nar-
rowed down a few, call and ask the following:

G Can I decorate my marquee to match the theme of my wedding?

G Do you supply heating and lighting?
G What is included in the quote (flooring, carpeting, lining, light-
ing, furniture, heating, loos)?
G How much space will I require?
G Will you carry out a site visit?
G Is it possible to use a marquee in winter?
G When will the marquee be erected and dismantled?
G Will someone be at the venue on the day of the wedding?
G Can you supply testimonials from previous clients?
G What will the marquee cost roughly to hire?


Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Working with the marquee company

As you can imagine, there are many things to take into account when
arranging a marquee wedding reception. Make sure you employ a com-
pany that is professional and accustomed to foreseeing potential
problems early enough to have solutions ready. Good professional mar-
quee companies will not just provide a service in isolation but will do a
full consultation with their prospective clients. They will check to see if
what you require is the correct specification and will do the job prop-
erly. The following are crucial to get right:

G The table layout. It should fit the space so that it isn’t cramped.
Nor should the marquee be so big that atmosphere is lost.
G Check on delivery and collection and erection. Your garden
must not be damaged. Check on vehicle access and space.
G The company should be flexible with numbers. If numbers grow
and you wish to change the table configuration, find out if it is
possible and what the cut-off time might be (for example, two
weeks before the wedding).
G The company must check with the caterer (you or a profes-
sional one) to ensure there is enough space both inside and
outside the marquee. This means both the service/preparation
area and the dining/bar areas within the main body of the mar-
quee itself.
G Get key suppliers to meet onsite early on to ensure they are all
working towards the same goals. This includes the marquee
company, the heating and lighting companies if they are differ-
ent from the marquee company, the caterer, the toilet hire
company and any other key player you have employed.
G The heating. How efficient are the heaters and how much noise
do they create? Inefficient, noisy heating systems can ruin a
wedding. I speak from experience.

Setting the stage: choosing, equipping and decorating your venue

G Electrics are also crucial to get right. If a lot of electricity is

required, a generator is a must. Insufficient power could create
power surges and losses, plunging the marquee into darkness. I
speak from experience here too.
G Ensure you have the telephone numbers of the marquee com-
pany to hand: if you have any problems before or on the day
– or even after the event (dismantling the marquee hasn’t hap-
pened when asked) – you will want to be able to contact them.
There will often be a duty manager who can talk you through
any difficulties, or they will come to give you help.

Other marquee tips

G Book your marquee early, particularly if you are planning a
summer wedding. Many companies get booked up well in advance.
Busy months are June, July, September and December.
G Don’t count on the weather playing fair. Ensure there is suffi-
cient space in the reception area for your guests, their coats,
your presents and for staff to circulate.
G Make sure the flooring suits the ground. Coconut matting may
be cheap but it plays havoc on uneven ground, and guests can
be left staggering about in their high heels and going flying.
G Is there a water supply for the catering marquee?
G Are the toilets within easy access of the marquee or have they
been hidden away for aesthetic reasons? Weigh up the pros and
cons. Some marquee companies offer to put toilets inside the mar-
quee so that guests, especially in wintery months and in the dark,
won’t have to go outside. But make sure the toilets are well posi-
tioned so that queues don’t snake back into the main marquee.
G Noise: who will be affected by late night music?



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Give good directions to the marquee company (and any other


supplier) so that precious time isn’t lost – as well as tempers.

Supply them with a map, times (putting up, taking down) and
address with contact phone numbers. Get their mobile numbers.
G Set out details in writing. Have a contract.

Establishing your layout

Marquee hire companies will more often than not supply layout plans. It
is a good idea to establish early on the likely numbers of guests for
your wedding so that one can be drawn up. This is a highly useful tool
when dealing with your potential suppliers. A good marquee supplier
will draw scale diagrams of the marquee layout to make sure that you
have the right sized one.

Points to take into consideration regarding the space:

G dining tables and chairs – round, square or long joined trestle

G dance floor
G buffet tables
G bar or bars for a larger wedding
G stage for musicians
G cake table
G present tables
G coat hanging space
G well positioned entrance.

Setting the stage: choosing, equipping and decorating your venue

Marquee security is vital both before and after the wedding. Don’t be
tempted to put all your alcohol in the marquee as it could be stolen.
This applies to anything of value, including presents, left overnight. Take
out insurance and secure the marquee.

Factor in lighting paths. This can be forgotten, with the result the people
have to find the toilets, the entrance to the venue or the way back to a
car park in the dark, which creates accidents. Ask the marquee company
for advice or light paths yourself. If choosing candles and other naked
flames, make sure they are placed safely and don’t create a fire hazard.
Also bear in mind your guest list; children love to play with them.

Hiring a local venue

If you are planning a wedding in the country, you will have access to
village halls or barns for hire, as well as other venues (see Chapter 1). If
you live in a town or city there are similar halls which are for hire;
cricket or bowls clubs or working men’s clubs are possible venues.

You may have a lovely village hall available to book for your wedding
but if not, do look at neighbouring villages. Ask friends and family for
recommendations and contact parish councils to see what they may be
able to offer.

When you have found a venue you like, ask questions (as outlined in
Chapter 1) regarding costs, deposit, seating capacity, equipment, alcohol
licence, the catering facilities and other essential information. Other
things to remember are:



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Ask what time the venue will be available from so that you can

decorate and set up chairs, tables and any other items.

G Visit the premises to see what the facilities are with a checklist.
Chairs, tables and toilet facilities are of paramount importance.
G Check all the equipment which comes with the premises before-
hand. Make sure that it is useable and clean. Are there enough
plates, cutlery, glasses and other equipment? You don’t want to
have to find ten extra plates when serving the food.
G Ask about getting into the premises. Who will have the keys and
who will you hand the keys to after you have tidied up after the
wedding? Make sure you have a name and a mobile or landline
phone contact number.
G Find out about rubbish disposal. Some venues ask you to
remove all rubbish including bottles, others providing a rubbish
removal service.
G Be firm about the cleanliness of the venue. Will all traces of
previous users be removed? The last thing you want to do is to
clean the place and remove rubbish before setting up your own
wedding party.
G Some of the points mentioned in the marquee hire information
above will be relevant to your village hall – such as size,
layout and equipment. You may also wish to add a small mar-
quee for extra space. Ask the village hall or barn manager if
you can use adjacent space to erect a marquee or tent or to
hire in extra toilets.
G Find out about parking: is there a car park? How many cars can
it take? Or is there car parking in the area available for use by
those who hire the premises?

Setting the stage: choosing, equipping and decorating your venue

Hiring catering equipment and furniture

You can find hire companies in the same way as the marquee companies:
via the internet, Yellow Pages or by word of mouth. Give them a call or
look on their website to narrow them down. Then visit several to see
what they offer and if it is the type of equipment you would like to use.
Do you like the cutlery, the glassware, the plates, the tablecloths?

There are two avenues open to you: to hire equipment which goes back
clean (a cheaper method), or to hire equipment which goes back dirty. I
suggest the latter as it is worth its weight in gold, especially if you are
working in a marquee with no running water or in a small kitchen. With
the best will in the world, washing up 100 first course, main course and
dessert plates, plus hundreds of glasses and cutlery items, is beyond
most people unless they have a dedicated team.

If working from a village hall you may find that the hall has sufficient
plates, cutlery, glasses and serving dishes for your needs. But don’t
bank on it. When visiting the hall count all items as you may find – too
late – that you don’t have enough plates or cutlery. There may also be
a combination of various sets given to the hall, or they may be inferior
quality. If so you could think about hiring your own equipment.

Village hall kitchens are rarely updated to a high standard. There may be
insufficient sink space and the water boiler often can’t cope with a large
party. Ask those in charge about the boiler capacity.

Equipment list
You may require the following:

G table linen
G napkins (or have paper ones)


Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

side plates

G main course plates

G dessert plates
G dessert bowls
G cutlery (teaspoons, small knives and forks, large knives and
forks, dessert spoons and forks, bread or cheese knives)
G serving spoons and forks
G serving dishes, bowls and platters
G salad bowls
G salts and peppers
G bread baskets
G butter dishes
G sauceboats
G canapé dishes and serving plates
G tea cups and saucers
G coffee cups and saucers
G sugar bowls
G milk and cream jugs
G tea pots
G cafetieres
G highball glasses (good for beer, water and soft drinks)
G water glasses
G wine glasses (several sizes if serving white and red)

Setting the stage: choosing, equipping and decorating your venue

G champagne flutes or bowls

G water carafes
G bins (for rubbish and for cooling wine and beer)
G ashtrays.

You may also need the following:

G non-slip drinks trays

G water boilers
G plate stackers (tiered for a number of guests so that courses
can be plated and put on hold on the stacker prior to serving
an invaluable space saver)
G large pans, roasting tins
G industrial cookers, fridges, barbecues.

When calculating how many glasses, plates, for example, needed for the
party, take into consideration, glasses for water, pre and post-dinner
drinks, glasses for staff, musicians and others who may be at the party,
such as drivers.

You will obviously need chairs, tables and buffet tables. These can be
either hired through the equipment company or from the marquee com-
pany. Bear in mind that large tables and chairs take up a lot of space. If
space is at a premium whenever you are, choose less bulky tables and



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

chairs (some tables for ten can seat eight, for example, with smaller types
of chairs). Go the French wedding route and choose joined up trestle
tables in long rows. They are more fun and inclusive and less formal.

Many equipment hire companies offer top-quality items such as:
G Villeroy & Boch presentation plates
G coloured glass water goblets
G coloured glass liner plates
G plain or cut crystal glassware
G speciality linen – velvet, brocade and textured fabrics
G chair covers – all the rage at the moment
G napkins tied with ribbon to match the décor.

Getting quotes
Once you have decided on your equipment hire company, ask them for
a quote. Go through it very thoroughly and weed out items you think
you may not need. At the same time add items you have left out –
coffee spoons or salts and peppers for example.

Other things to check for are:

G delivery and collection dates

G who the invoice will be made out to. If someone else is paying,
make sure both parties know

Setting the stage: choosing, equipping and decorating your venue

G any clauses regarding breakages and losses

G see if VAT is included. If it isn’t clearly marked, you may be in
for a big surprise when you get the final invoice.

Give the company good directions and a map if necessary.

There is rarely enough time to count all the items when setting up a
party but, if you can ensure this is done, you will save yourself a lot of
bother and possible expense if items are missing. Or your staff may only
have the time at the end of the party when clearing away and stacking
everything into their boxes to do a count, cross-checking the list which
came with the order. Note the losses and breakages.

If you do have the time to check every item and find that some are
broken, chipped, cracked or just missing, inform the hire company as
soon as possible after the party. Also check each tablecloth. Some may
have holes or tears or are stained. Don’t get charged for these.

If you are using friends and family members as staff ask them to watch
out when clearing food in the bin when emptying plates. It’s so easy to
discard cutlery with leftover food which you will have to pay the equip-
ment hire company for replacements. This goes for some untrained staff
too who may be too rushed as there may not be enough people to help
with service. They may try to cut corners – with expensive results.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

When clearing glasses make sure that those doing it know how to do so
properly or breakages will occur. You will then be liable to replace all
broken items.

Sorting out your seating plan

A good table plan is key to the success of any wedding. Without a table
plan you risk an unseemly rush for the ‘best’ tables. Key guests end up
seated on inappropriate tables, couples are split up and guests are still
milling around when the food is being served. Conversely, a good table
plan makes the whole seating process quicker and smoother. It also
allows you to mix groups and families and to introduce new people.

But where do you start? First of all you should have already decided on:

G the number of guests you wish to attend your wedding

G the venue
G what shape of table the venue will use to host your wedding
Knowing where you are going to have your wedding breakfast is impor-
tant for deciding on your seating plan. The shape of the room will play a
large part in determining the way in which the tables are arranged to
best create a great atmosphere.

If the tables are spread too far apart your guests will feel very isolated
at their tables. If you place the tables too close together guests will feel
uneasy and not have any room to extend their chairs in order to visit
the buffet, toilets, bar or to talk to other guests.

Setting the stage: choosing, equipping and decorating your venue

If you intend to have wedding entertainment during the meal, such as
musicians or magicians, make sure you factor in the space as this may
also impact on the way in which the tables are arranged in the room.

How to make a plan

The number of people you have at each table depends on how many
guests you have, how many tables you have and how big the venue is. It
is better to have fewer tables that are full, but not crowded, than many
tables with only few people on each. If you have the luxury of space, try
to give everybody enough elbow room to be comfortable.

To make a plan you will need:

G place cards

G markers

G notebooks

G pens

G rulers

Step 1:
Go through your acceptance list and make sure everyone is accounted
for, including those who responded verbally and members of the wed-
ding party, as well as their partners and children.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Step 2
List the names of couples and their small children in groups, so you can
seat the family together. You may decide on a teen table. But don’t seat
all the elderly together: mix up society.

Step 3
If you are having a head or top table, list those who will sit there. You
may wish their partners to sit at a nearby table.

Step 4
Draw a diagram of your reception venue, indicating the locations of the
tables, the band or DJ, the cake, buffet tables and so forth. Keep in mind
that elderly people or those with hearing problems probably won’t
enjoy sitting next to the speakers; pregnant women may want to be
close to the toilets and disabled people will need access.

Step 5
Number the tables in a logical order so they’ll be easy to locate.

Step 6
Write down each table number, followed by lines equal to the number of
seats available at the table (usually eight or ten).

Step 7
List the names of everyone who will be given a particular table. Allocate
people to tables rather than actual seats, as this system is easier for you
and allows for friendly mingling. Or, if you wish for a more formal seat-
ing plan, allocate seats for each guest.

Step 8
Arrange for an extra table to accommodate those who respond at the
last minute.

Setting the stage: choosing, equipping and decorating your venue

Step 9
Make signs bearing the number for each table and assign someone to
place the signs as you have indicated on your diagram. Someone should
be designated to have the diagram and the guest list in case there is a
question. Compile a guest list with table number as a cross-reference.

Step 10
Prepare place cards for the head table and for all tables if you have
decided on seating everyone.

Step 11
Make two large table plans and place them at the entrance to the dining
area, placing them at a good height for all to see without having to bend
over. Write clearly or print the names off in bold capitals and cut and
paste. Check the seating plan by checking all the names off to make sure
you have included everyone.

In this website-crazy world there is, of course, software for setting up a
seating plan. www.perfecttableplan.com has so many bells and whistles
that you’ll be able to set up an entire banquet for the Queen and visit-
ing dignitaries if you wish.

Planning flowers for your venue

Flowers are an important part of your wedding with many options open
to you, roses, according to a poll, the most popular choice. How to
choose your wedding flowers? Do you prefer a formal-looking bouquet
of roses or a more casual posy of mixed flowers?



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

The choice is daunting when it comes to choosing which ones for church
or registry office or venue. You may also wish you and your brides-
maids, if going down this traditional route, to have bouquets or
headdresses. Which colours, shapes and sizes will best suit the bride and
the bridesmaids? What flowers are in season? You really need to consult
a florist for these questions but do visit a number to find the right one
for you. Many florists will offer the following:

G An initial consultation along with a quotation based upon the

information given by you.
G A second consultation (nearer the wedding) to finalise
G A meeting with you at your venue/reception to discuss and
advise on your requirements.
G Delivery of the main Bridal party flowers to your specified
G Delivery and set up at your church/venue/reception.

Florists may also give a free bridal bouquet if you spend a certain sum
on flowers, offer original flower designs and also the hire of decorative
trees such as birches and vases.

Flower tips
Instead of paper confetti, a shower of flower petals is a most attractive
ceremony send-off – and biodegradable.

Flowers have always been used for decoration at weddings. Bridal

bouquets, buttonholes for men and table decorations are just some of
their uses.

Setting the stage: choosing, equipping and decorating your venue

At one time the bride’s flowers had to be white, but this no longer
applies and any colour flowers can be used. The bride and bridesmaids
usually carry bouquets or posies, and the bride may choose to wear one
or more flowers in her hair or on her headdress.

Some people refer to the symbolic meaning of flowers when they choose
flowers for their wedding. Orange blossom is one flower that has always
been associated with weddings because it signifies purity and chastity.

A combination of red and white flowers is often avoided as they repre-

sent blood and bandages to some people.

Roses are a popular choice as they represent love while some people
avoid peonies as they represent shame. Ivy symbolises eternal love.

The meanings of some flowers can differ between cultures. Lilies repre-
sent death to some people, while to others they indicate majesty. Some
suggestions include choosing flowers which hold special memories or
family significance.

The flowers you can use on your big day will also depend on the season.

Flowers at the church

When decorating a church you should first find out what the church’s
policy is.

Registry office flowers

If your ceremony will be at a registry office, it is also useful to find out
what their floral policy is.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Reception flowers
Floral decorations for your reception might include a large display just
inside the entrance and arrangements for each table. The wedding party
table will feature a more ornate floral design.

Cake flowers
Flowers are a lovely fresh addition to wedding cakes and are an attrac-
tive alternative to traditional bride and groom figures. Flowers which sit
flat such as gerberas look particularly effective.

If you wish to do your own flowers, here are some tips on seasonal ones
and which flowers go with others.

Seasonal flower availability and arranging

Tulips are available from December to May with the main supply
between January and April. Holland is the main breeder but tulips are
also grown in the UK. They are available in every colour except blue and
there are many varieties, including single, double, parrot or lily tulips.
Tulips look beautiful on their own, but they also look excellent in an
arrangement with other spring plants.

Hyacinths are available from November to April and are grown in the UK
and Holland. Striking hyacinths impress on their own or with foliage and
other spring flowers.

Syringa is grown in Holland and available from November to May.

Syringa looks good accompanied with roses or lilies. A large bunch on
their own is also effective.

Lilies are available all year round, and are grown in Spain, South Africa,
Holland and the UK. Stunning enough to be used alone, they also work
well as a focal point for a large arrangement.

Setting the stage: choosing, equipping and decorating your venue

Roses come in a range of colours, except blue. They are available all
year round and are grown in countries such as Holland, Kenya,
Zimbabwe, Israel and the UK. Roses look beautiful in any arrangement.
Try them in a simple vase with a limonium and don’t be afraid to experi-
ment with the many different colours and shapes available.

Freesias are available in the UK, particularly in the Channel Islands and
Holland. They are available all year round. Freesias add fragrance to any
arrangement, but they are also delightful on their own or with foliage.
They also work well with roses.

Stocks are most plentiful in May and September, but they can be found
almost all year round. The main sources of supply are the UK and
Holland in the summer and Israel and Kenya in the winter. Striking
enough to hold their own in a large arrangement, Stocks also work well
with foliage or on their own.

Agapanthus The main season is June to August but it can also be found
in November and December. It is mainly cultivated in Holland. Use the
long stems and large flower heads of the agapanthus to your advantage
by using them on their own in a striking arrangement. They are also able
to stand their ground in larger arrangements.

Ornithogalum is available all year round, but the peak period is from
July to October. It is mainly supplied by Holland, the Channel Islands,
Spain, Kenya and South Africa. Star-shaped flowers work well in
arrangements with other star-shaped flowers. Go for contrasting colours
and textures.

Sunflowers are plentiful from July to October when they are grown in the UK
and Holland. They are also available at other times of the year from Israel
and Spain. Sunflowers can be arranged simply in a tall vase. They also look
stunning in large arrangements, or with natural green foliage and flowers.


Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Protea The main countries to supply the protea are Australia and South
Africa. They are available all year round. Proteas are large flowers with
heavy stems, so they need a sturdy container. Arrange them on their
own with a small amount of foliage.

Ranunculus The main season is January to May. They are cultivated in

Italy, France, Holland and the UK. Ranunculi arranged in mixed colours
look impressive – but so do single colours combined with other flowers,
such as tulips.

Allium Grown in Holland, Israel, France and Kenya, alliums are available
as cut flowers between January and August in a range of colours includ-
ing blue, pink, yellow and white. The tall stems of Allium giganteum look
spectacular on their own in a large, glass vase.

Strelitzia They are available all year round and are grown in their native
South America, the Canary Islands and Sri Lanka. These flowers can be
displayed on their own in a tall sturdy container, and they are excellent
for display work. The large, leathery leaves are also useful for foliage.

Lisianthus Available all year round, in the winter the main supplier is
Kenya and the rest of the year they come from Holland and the UK.
They look good on their own in a tall vase or with green foliage.

Alstroemeria is available all year round in a wide range of single and

variegated colours. Use this flower to add colour to mixed arrangements.
It also looks superb on its own or in a vase with some foliage.

Bloom Chrysanthemums are available all year. The single bloom or stan-
dard chrysanthemums have one bloom on each stem. They are usually
the larger types of chrysanthemum, and are available in a range of

Setting the stage: choosing, equipping and decorating your venue

colours from white and gold through to red. Try arranging chrysanthe-
mums with seasonal foliage.

Delphiniums Originally just blue, delphiniums now come in shades of

pink, lilac and white. The main source of supply is the UK, Holland and
Spain. Display delphiniums on their own or with other flowers of similar
colouring or shape.

Oriental Lilies Today, the main sources of supply of oriental lilies are the
UK, Holland and Spain. They are available all year round, but are more
abundant in summer and early autumn. Single blooms or several blooms
displayed in a tall vase look very effective. They can also be combined
with other flowers or foliage.

Amaryllis is mostly available from October to April, and is grown in

Holland. On their own or with a small amount of foliage these flowers
always look dramatic.

Anemones season is from November to May, they are produced on the

Mediterranean coasts of Italy and France, as well as Holland, and the UK.
Mix anemones with other flowers or use them in either single or mixed
colours to make beautiful posies.

(Flower tips courtesy of flowers24hours.co.uk and weddings.co.uk)



5 Planning the
entertainment for your

Planning the entertainment for your wedding

One of the highlights of any wedding is the entertainment at the reception.

Music in particular puts guests in the mood for a party and creates an air
of celebration. This chapter covers music and musicians and other various
types of entertainment you may wish to consider, such as fireworks.

Photography and videography are also covered here as well as the

advantages of having a toastmaster.

You may wish to have traditional entertainment at your wedding: a band,

DJ, or recorded music. But you could also explore some other ideas,
depending on your budget and natural leanings. You may wish to do
some research into having one or two of the following types of enter-
tainment at your wedding:

Entertainment possibilities
G acrobats
G bagpipe players
G balloon rides
G barn dance and caller
G bouzouki (Greek) band
G calypso
G camel racing!
G coconut shies
G dodgems
G face painters
G fruit machines
G fortune tellers


Planning a Wedding Reception at Home


G indoor fireworks
G harpists
G jesters
G juke boxes
G magicians
G rhythm and blues band
G tarot readers.

There are many other types of entertainment too. You could engage one
of the groups of singers who dress up to look like waiting or other staff,
only to sing at different tables rather than on stage.

If you do engage any acts, make sure you get a contract or a written
statement which should include their intended playing time, or numbers
of acts the company will perform, and their charges in full including any
travel or other expenses.

Ask friends and family for recommended acts. You will be surprised how
many of them will have some ideas.

Deciding on music
There are so many different types of music, from classical guitar and
harp to full big band and country and western or jazz, that you might
find the choice quite daunting. On the other hand you may have a clear

Planning the entertainment for your wedding

view of what kind you would like at your wedding, be it singers, a single
violin playing in the church followed by a Jewish klezmer band, or good
old-fashioned rock and roll after the meal and speeches.

You don’t have to have a 20-piece band to make your party go with a
swing; it’s up to you what music you choose to set the atmosphere.
Don’t, however, choose only the kind of music you personally like (rap
won’t go down too well with the majority of your guests!). Choose
music which will give a sense of occasion and joy; music to dance or
listen to. Remember that your neighbours may not like the decibels
cranked up to full volume late at night if you are having your reception
at home or in a built-up area. Inviting the neighbours is one way to get
around this.

Hiring musicians
When narrowing down your preferred type of music, ask those musicians
who you have contacted to send a demo tape or CD. Most bands have them.

Some useful questions you may wish to ask:

G Are you free on the day?

G Do you have a song list?
G Can you play the special songs we would like to have?
G Can you take requests from guests?
G What age groups do you play for?
G How many musicians and singers will perform?
G Which instruments do you use?
G How long has the group been performing at weddings?



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Do you supply the staging and lighting?


G Do you require extra power for your equipment?

G What are your rates per session?
G Does this include any extras (VAT, travel, meals)?
G What do you charge for overtime?
G Do you require a deposit?
G How many sets do you play and how many rest breaks do you
G What is your cancellation policy if the wedding has to be post-
poned or called off?
G Can you provide testimonials?

Be clear on what you expect. Check the set-up time, when you would
like the music, the type of music (fast or slow), and inform musicians of
the order of the day so they don’t arrive too early – or too late. Get a
contract and check the details.

Contact the local symphony orchestra if you prefer classical music.
Many musicialns earn extra money by working at weddings.

Hiring a dance band or musical group

Book a band as early as possible, especially if you have chosen a popu-
lar time of the year to get married. Saturday bookings in particular get
snapped up.

Planning the entertainment for your wedding

G Hire a three-piece band for small weddings of fewer than 75

guests, a five-piece band for guests of 100 or more, a seven-
piece band for weddings of 200 plus.
G Bear in mind the space you will be using for the music. A small
space with a big band or loud music will cause conversation to
stop – not all guests appreciate loud music.
G Bear in mind also your guest list (ages, musical preferences).

Hiring a disc jockey

Music at weddings can vary according to the time of day or night. You
may wish to have live dance music or a single harpist, or you may
decide to have a DJ for the party after the meal. A good DJ is better
than an indifferent band if he or she chooses a varied style of music.
Some advantages of a quality DJ are:

G they choose well-known songs by original artists, and will liaise

with you about when you would like some songs or other music
to be played;
G they take fewer breaks than bands, so the music is more continuous;
G they can provide background music for the pre-meal drinks and
dinner before launching into dance music. Of course, bands can
play prior to the dancing but they tend to dominate rather than
play more unobtrusively.

DJ hire tips
When choosing your disc jockey try to do the following:

G Ask your friends for recommendations and find out about the
DJ’s personality.
G Ask potential DJs for their play list.


Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Avoid ones with overbearing personalities and crass jokes.


G Find out if he or she uses fade mixing (starting the next song as
the one being played is faded out), beat mixing (blending two
songs that have similar beats and tempos to create a seamless
transition from one song to the next), playback medium (com-
pact discs, minidisks, cassette tapes, records, or a combination)
or other methods.
G Find out about the equipment used: the better the sound
system, the better the reproduction.

Ask your band or DJ how long it will take them to set up and if they
need any equipment or special plugs or cables.

Photography and videography

Good photography can enhance memories of your wedding for years to
come. However, some couples decide that photography and videogra-
phy are unnecessary luxuries. If you do decide to have either, or both,
you will need to get quotes from companies or individual professionals
for the following:

G cover fee
G per hour fee
G album fee
G duplicate album fee
G extras
G if videography has music incorporated in the package deal.

Planning the entertainment for your wedding

Questions for the photographer:

G Are you free on the day?

G Do you specialise in traditional or contemporary wedding pho-
G Can we see your portfolio?
G What type of camera do you use (digital, film)?
G How many hours do you suggest – and why?
G What is the cost for additional hours?
G Do you charge for travel time?
G Is VAT included in your quote?
G When can we see the first proofs?
G How much do you charge for albums?
G Can the pictures be put on a website for guests to download or

Photographers can provide discs, do collages and graphistudio work,

where wedding pictures are printed directly onto book pages with stun-
ning results.

Digital photography is another suggestion: pictures are taken by one or

several photographers with digital cameras, and the results put on your
own website so that guests can download pictures and have their chosen
ones printed off or sent on to friends and family. You can also create
your own personalised wedding website.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Place disposable cameras on guests’ tables – they can take more candid
and informal shots which add a further memorable record of your day.

Videoing the wedding

Sometimes you will want a recording of your big day. Perhaps, for
example, you have family or friends who can’t be there.

There are different levels you can go to when filming, and you need to
decide what you want. Do you want it simply of the service – with no
intrusion – or more? It is up to you how far you want it to go, but be
aware that too much can be a distraction and an irritation.

Toastmasters are both men and women and often part of a guild of
Toastmasters. They can add a real sense of occasion. The Toastmaster’s
duties include the following:

G Meeting with the bride and bridegroom approximately two

months before the wedding in time to discuss their requirements.
G Giving helpful hints for those who are to make speeches, as
well as hints and tips for the bride and bridegroom.
G Arriving at the venue early on the wedding day for a thorough
check of all the arrangements on behalf of the host and hostess.
G Greeting the bride and bridegroom, parents and guests on
arrival at reception and guiding them to the reception drinks.

Planning the entertainment for your wedding

G Giving discreet assistance to the bride and bridegroom, the par-

ents, guests and photographer during the reception.
G Arranging for all guests to be introduced to the bride and bride-
groom and their parents in the receiving line.
G Announcing and starting the applause for the top table for the
wedding breakfast.
G Announcing and leading in the Bride and Bridegroom to applause.

Other toastmaster duties

Depending on the skill and type of toastmaster they may also make
other required announcements, keep a watchful eye on everyone during
the wedding breakfast and deal discreetly with any matters that may
require attention.

They can also guide the bride and groom through the tradition of the
cutting of the cake, announce the speakers in correct order and time-
honoured fashion, assist the bride and groom with the presentation of
their gifts and, at the appropriate time, provide a suitable conclusion to
the wedding breakfast.

If it is a civil ceremony they can also be available to assist and guide the
wedding party and guests immediately prior to and after the formalities
of the ceremony.

If you search on the internet for ‘toastmaster UK’ you will find many
companies specialising in this service. Contact them for details and costs.



6 Planning the menu

Deciding on your caterer or planning the catering yourself with friends,

family and some professional help, is the next step. Will your budget,
which you will have worked out by now, be able to accommodate a
caterer or will you take on the challenge?

Planning the menu

The first point must be how many guests you will invite to your wed-
ding. If it is too daunting a task to contemplate cooking for 100 – or
even 30 – then finding a caterer is the next step.

This chapter includes:

G choosing your caterer

G assessing your and your helpers’ abilities as caterers
G deciding between a sit-down several course meal, or a buffet or
a finger buffet
G weighing up other options: the champagne tea party; innovative
G selecting a menu: foods that go together and those that don’t
G the wedding cake – make or buy? Alternatives to the traditional

Choosing your caterer

When choosing a caterer to take care of your wedding food and drink
you’ll want to make sure you track down someone reliable and profes-
sional. Plan ahead and aim to meet caterers as soon as possible after
deciding on the wedding date. If you have a venue which only deals with
dedicated caterers, ask them for a list and contact friends or colleagues
who have recently married for advice. But do remember that your tastes
and expectations may vary from theirs.

Once you have a list of a few recommended caterers, set up face-to-face

interviews to determine the right choice for you. Try to schedule a tast-
ing as part of the interview. Your final decision should be based on taste,
presentation and creativity, cost and the willingness of the caterer to suit
your needs.


Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Although not essential, you might like to find out what qualifications and
training the caterer has, and ask to see the certificates. But a word of
common sense: not all caterers have qualifications, and many gifted
amateurs have started up their business with nothing but creativity and
flair on their side. Some qualifications are meaningless.


Check whether the caterer has insurance, and if they do, find out exactly
what type of things the insurance covers.

Fresh food
You want the food served at your celebration to be as fresh as possible,
so ask the catering firm whether they use fresh food and produce. Ask
them about the quality of their sourcing: do they buy free-range chicken
for example? Some caterers use frozen or canned foods. If they do, don’t
take them on. The best caterers make everything from scratch using good
quality, well-sourced food and cook with flair and imagination.

If you’re planning a formal sit-down meal then it’s important to find out
the size of the portions, particularly if you’ve got salmon or steak on the
menu. It’s also worth checking the portions for a buffet. For example, it
is very difficult to make sure that vegetarian dishes going only to vege-
tarians in a buffet. Ask the caterer to do more portions as guests often
try a little of everything.

Taste testing
Some caterers hold taste testing sessions. You want your guests to have
a meal to remember – for all the right reasons – so ask to try some of
the food of those caterers you have narrowed down.

Planning the menu

Health inspected kitchen

It is vital that you make sure your caterer prepares the food in a health
inspected and approved commercial kitchen. Many caterers start small
catering companies from their home with no approved or inspected
kitchen. To ensure the food you eat is safe you may like to hire a caterer
who uses a commercial kitchen unless you have glowing reports from
satisfied customers who use one-man band operations and who are pro-
fessional to their fingertips.

Beware of caterers whose menus are relentlessly carbohydrate-led with a
plethora of sausage rolls, pastry-laden food, breads and other ‘beige
food’. This is very cheap catering with little freshness, imagination, colour
and texture to the food and one way of making a proposterously high
profit. Choose caterers who cook fresh, perhaps local food, and offer lots
of protein such as chicken and fish rather than potatoes and quiches.

During your consultation, ask the caterer to give an outline highlighting

the cost per person, menu selections, service options and any additional
fees that could be incurred. Come prepared with a list of questions you
need answered, including:

G How long have you been in business?

G Do you specialise in a particular type of food and service?
G Are you familiar with the reception venue?
G What is your average price range?
G Do you provide rental equipment, such as linen and dinner-
ware? Ask to see samples.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

What is the ratio of waiting staff to guests?


G Where will the food be prepared? Will it be fresh, with local

G Do you also provide wedding cakes?
G Are you available on the day of my wedding? Do you have any
other events scheduled for the same day or time?
G Could I get a list of references from your previous clients?

Caterers will ask you the following:

G the date
G the number of guests
G the preferred time for the reception
G your catering budget per person
G the type of service required: a buffet? Sit-down meal? Finger
food reception?
G delivery of food only, or setting up and serving?
G staff requirements
G alcohol requirements.

Signing the catering contract

Before signing a contract, read the terms carefully to verify the agreed-
upon details. Be prepared to submit a 50% non-refundable deposit at
the time of the signing, and make sure the contract includes the final
balance amount and due date as well as the cancellation and refund
policy. The contract should also include the caterer’s contact informa-
tion, the reception date, time, duration and location (including the exact
name of the room, if necessary). Other details that should be outlined

Planning the menu

on the contract are the meal plan, type of service and staff provided,
the cake and drinks.

Taking on the catering yourself

This does not have to be all your own work it can be a combination of
family or friends who will help you cook the dishes you want on your menu.

If you are having a small wedding for, say, 30 people, you may wish to cut
the costs and prepare the food yourself or with others. I will outline some
of easy-to-prepare dishes in Chapter 7 – the kind of dishes that can be pre-
pared in advance and served by either friends, family or hired staff.

Points to take into consideration if catering for your wedding:

G Do you have the necessary time to prepare freshly-made food?

G Do you like cooking? If you view the catering with a sinking
heart, this task is not for you.
G Do you have a good back-up team in the shape of family and
friends who are reliable, can cook, are happy to give their time
and are committed to your wedding menu?
G Do you have a kitchen suitable for preparing food for a number
of people? (It doesn’t have to be a big one, just one which has
sufficient counter space, fridge space and perhaps freezer space.)
G Are you a very organised person? Can you manage a team of
friends and family?

Very simple food is the key to success: make the best cold roast beef,
the best potato salad, the best green salad with croutons and homemade
vinaigrette, the best vegetarian Thai salad with or without prawns, the
best breads, cheeses, fruit salad. Notice the link? All cold food prepared
in advance and dished up easily, without fuss.


Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Many amateur cooks tend to over-complicate menus and start cooking
for the freezer as soon as the wedding day is announced. Why? By
choosing simple dishes, the food can all be prepared within three days
of the event. The outcome a far tastier, fresh meal. Keep it simple in
every way. Panic not!

Will you be preparing a buffet, a two or three course meal or a finger

buffet? Check out the pros and cons of these types of menus.

A buffet can simply be a choice of three dishes plus one or two vegetar-
ian ones, a selection of breads, cheeses and a dessert. Keep it simple by
doing one dessert plus the cake or simply use the cake, as your dessert,
adding fresh fruit, berries, cream or ice cream when serving it.
Pros: Buffets score as they keep down costs. A three course meal
requires more staff and more kitchen space while a buffet offers two
courses only, the main course and dessert. Dishes can be prepared in
advance, can all be cold with, for example, the addition of hot new
potatoes, and can be a great variety of flavours and textures.
Cons: Your guests might have to queue for their food for a long time if
the buffet isn’t managed properly. This can be dealt with effectively by
having several ‘stations’ serving the same food. You may also have prob-
lems with guests not getting their fair share if some of the more popular
dishes run out. When compiling a buffet menu it is advisable to identify
those dishes that will be more popular and make greater quantities.

Planning the menu

Sit-down lunch or dinner

This type of meal can be a more elaborate affair of two, three, four or
even five courses (including a soup, a fish course, meat course, dessert
and cheese). Then there’s the cake. This is usually catered for rather than
done yourself – those who do their own catering usually opt for a two
or three course meal. For simplicity, I would suggest two courses with
the cake, adding berries and cream.
Pros: All your guests are seated and are served the same food.
Cons: This can be more costly. Menus for a sit-down meal tend to have
more expensive ingredients such as fish fillets and cuts of meats such as
beef fillet or free-range chicken breasts. Hosts often feel that, as their
guests are seated, they need to offer them a three-course meal. Waiting
staff costs increase as you need staff to serve, clear and pour drinks.

Finger food reception

This type of reception is a clear winner for those who are on a tight
budget and who don’t wish to spend time and money on more elaborate
buffets and sit-down meals. It is also a winner when it comes to enter-
taining a lot of guests as there is no need for tables and chairs for all,
just a few for those guests who can’t stand for long.

The food can be a mix of hot and cold bite-sized concoctions made in
advance and simply re-heated if required, or served cold or at room
temperature. The sky’s the limit with the array of food you can offer
your guests, from Chinese, Thai, Malaysian and Japanese to Italian,
Spanish, Moroccan, British and French.
Pros: Platters of food are handed around with drinks, and the party last-
ing rarely over three hours. Staff are kept to a minimum. Little is spent
on hiring chairs, tables, plates and other equipment.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Cons: Unless the food is handled well, it can be a disaster as some guests
may not get any food if they are ignored by amateur staff who only serve
those closest to the kitchen exit. The food must be of high quality, not the
‘beige food’ I mentioned before. As it is a celebration, the food must
reflect this. Check your guest list: if you have many elderly people coming
they will not appreciate standing for any length of time.

Champagne tea party

I don’t know why more couples don’t think of doing this ritzy, simple
style of reception. The mix is easy: champagne in tall flutes, teas of vari-
ous kinds served in smart china cups, cakes, sandwiches and cold finger
food served on trays or tiered stands. Live music can add sophistication
to the wedding party. It is easy to prepare and different from the usual
type of wedding reception. It is casual but smart at the same time and
allows your guests to circulate. Your guests will remember your wedding
reception as being something out of the ordinary and ultra-cool.

It can be in or out of doors, and your guests can be asked to dress appro-
priately in cocktail dresses and black tie. This type of party can last
anywhere between two and five hours in the afternoon or early evening.
Just make sure the trays or tiered stands are replenished regularly to soak
up the champagne. Tea is a very welcome addition to a reception from the
start as it encourages guests not to over-drink, and caters for different ages.
Pros: You will keep costs down by not having to hire chairs, tables,
plates, cutlery and other equipment. All the food can be prepared in
advance, and you will need fewer staff. Live music – jazz, smooth Frank
Sinatra-type, light classics or from the musicals – is a must to add an
extra layer of atmosphere to your wedding reception, and your guests
can dance. You can consider having more guests as costs are quite low
despite the champagne or sparkling wine. (But make sure it’s good qual-
ity whatever you choose to buy.)

Planning the menu

Cons: There aren’t many! Apart from some guests not being able to
stand for long, in which case you may like to have small round tables
with chairs scattered about the venue or garden to make your guests
more comfortable.

Party ‘stations’
Club Med, the French holiday company, hit on a great idea to serve
their guests food. At many of their holiday destinations they group dif-
ferent types of food in a food court, and guests can choose different
styles of food from all over the world. You could offer some of the fol-
lowing, each served at different ‘stations’:

G tapas
G fish and chips
G BBQ ribs and burgers
G hog roast
G curries and rice
G Chinese dishes with noodles, served in appropriate bowls
G cookie, brownie and pancake American stall
G chocolate in all its glories.

Pros: Guests choose their own food. The variety is appealing, and the
mood one of fun.
Cons: You will need a lot of organising for this one and good staff to
man the stations. You may wish to tackle it by finding a caterer who spe-
cialises in this type of catering.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Successful food combinations

When creating a menu Nico Ladenis, famed London chef-restaurateur,
believes that ‘perfection is the result of simplicity’. How true. Keep it
simple. Culinary marriages made in heaven include:

G duck and orange

G salmon and sorrel or lemon
G strawberries and cream
G chicken with tarragon
G cold lobster and real mayonnaise
G lamb and garlic
G free-range chicken and mushrooms
G tiger prawns with Thai flavourings
G lamb and couscous
G roasted Mediterranean vegetables with goat’s cheese or buffalo
G the best breads and cheeses.

He believes, and I agree, that there should be no marriages between

meat and shellfish or fish. Some dishes with fruit and alcohol also get
the thumbs down – such as beef with Cointreau and mango!

Even simplicity demands care and attention to detail. Just throwing a

whole lot of good ingredients together without the knowledge of food
marriages will result in a mishmash of tastes and ill-judged flavours.

When deciding on what to put on your menu think about these guidelines.

Planning the menu

G Don’t choose two pastry dishes for one menu.

G Cook what you feel comfortable with.
G Avoid over-elaborate dishes that need a lot of work.
G Don’t over-garnish your food. It just adds clutter to the plate
and is time-consuming. Keep it simple.
G Track down good produce: go for free-range chicken, good
local produce, the best breads and butter.
G Go for good chocolate with high cocoa solids.
G Source good wine and coffee or tea, not just the cheapest.
G Taste, taste, taste the products you buy where possible. If not,
buy a minimum amount and cook it at home before buying in
bulk. It may look good but could be a bad buy.
G Look at the balance of your menu, particularly if you’re doing a
buffet: are there too many cheese dishes? Too many of the
same coloured dishes (brown, brown and brown)? Too many
with dairy produce? Too much fried food? Too many carbohy-
drates (pasta, potatoes, pulses, rice)?
G Can you obtain all the ingredients when you want to cook them or
will you be paying a premium if buying expensive South American
asparagus in winter or raspberries from California in spring?
G Can you prepare all the dishes easily from scratch. Will they be
fresh the week, or several days before, the wedding?

When narrowing down dishes for your menu, think about the amount of
time it may take to prepare each dish. If something is too time-consum-
ing you will regret having put it on the menu.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Looking after your staff

It is essential to remember that your staff need to eat too, especially if your
party is a long one. You may wish to offer them the same food as you are
giving your guests, in which case factor this in when counting heads before
buying the food. Or, if your reception is a short one, make sure you at least
buy some good sandwiches for them as they need food for energy and may
not have eaten for several hours or longer. Inform your staff of the food
arrangements for them. They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

If you don’t offer them food they will most probably help themselves
and thereby create problems with the amount of food prepared for your
guests. It happens! Treat them well and they will respond in kind.

The wedding cake

Most people wish to have a wedding cake, and usually choose the tradi-
tional tiered kind with fruitcake and marzipan. Others find this type too
rich and sickly and opt for a sponge with icing only. You may be fortu-
nate enough to have a family member make one for you (if so, present
the baker with a bouquet of flowers at the cake-cutting) or you may
wish to find a specialist cake maker to design one for you. If it is the
latter, the following points may be useful:

G Set yourself a budget and get several quotes from several cake
G Look in magazines, online or in cake shops for inspiration.
G Ask to taste their cake.
G Ask to see their portfolio of types of cakes they offer.
G Check to see if they can deliver your cake to the venue.

Planning the menu

G Ask if the delivery charge is part of the cost of the cake, or if it

is extra.
G Book your cake early. Some cake makers, particularly in the
high summer season, are booked up months in advance.

Add strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and softly-whipped cream or
ice cream to pieces of cake for dessert. Sponge or chocolate wedding
cakes are especially suitable; fruit cakes overwhelm everything.

Alternatives to the wedding cake

The cupcake tower
This innovative practice is gaining in popularity. The tower is a mix of
different types of cupcakes which your guests can choose from. Some
have orange, lemon or chocolate decorations or icing, with lemon curd,
banana, cream cheese additions. Even carrot cake cupcakes can be
added to the mix. You can go to town with the icing, adding initials and
designs, sprigs of flowers, strawberries and other fruit.

They can be bought ready-made, or you can ask a baker to make them or
bake them yourself. Members of the family or friends can also take part.

Make a tiered effect with the cupcakes and place a small wedding cake
on the top, decorated with crystalised petals. Get inspiration from maga-
zines, the baker or cake maker. It adds an intimacy to your wedding as
everyone gets their individual cupcake.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Cheese cake
There are people out there who don’t like cake. If you want a totally differ-
ent wedding cake, the cheese cake (no, it’s not cheesecake), is a series of
layered cheeses, starting with the largest disk at the bottom which is
placed on a cake stand, followed by the next largest and so on. Each layer
is separated by carboard disk and lilies or other flowers are added to each
layer. It can culminate in a topnotch of pale cream roses, for example.

Several companies make these cakes for you (but don’t provide the
flowers) or you can make your own. For 100 guests count on a 10kg cake
(100g per person). Costs vary according to the quality and type of
cheese but a rough calculation is around £2 per person – far cheaper
than a traditional cake. You can buy twice the quantities needed and use
the rest at a later date – some cheeses, particularly blue, freeze won-
derfully. For more details look at the House of Cheese website.

The French do wedding cakes in style. This one is a high cone of prof-
iteroles (baked choux pastry filled with crème patissiere – pastry
cream) bound with caramel and decorated with threads of caramel, sug-
ared almonds, chocolates, flowers or ribbons. The word comes from
croquet en bouche, meaning ‘crunch in the mouth’.

Specialist bakers can make these for you, and one usually serves around
30–40. As they are delicate, packaging and delivery is of the utmost
importance. But it is most definitely achievable. The advantage of the
croquembouche is that it is the dessert, not an add-on like the tradi-
tional wedding cake.

Planning the menu

French wedding cake

This round chocolate cake is encased with a light icing and is often beau-
tifully decorated in a lace fashion. Ask a French patisserie for advice on
how to track one of these lovely creations. They may oblige and make
one for you or recommend a company.

The wedding cake: myths and customs

The cake cutting ceremony is a ritual which takes place at the reception,
usually after the main meal but it can take place at the beginning of the
reception. The bride and groom cut the cake together which symbolises
their future.

Cake, or a similar type of confection, has been part of wedding cere-

monies for thousands of years. Romans shared a cake made of wheat
flour, salt and water, not the sweet one which symbolises unity at
today’s weddings. In previous times in Britain, flat, round cakes con-
tained fruit and nuts to denote fertility.

Cakes in previous times were thrown over the bride or crumbled over
her head, again to denote fertility.

Old English customs include throwing cake on a plate out of the window
when the bride returned home to her parents. She would have a happy
future if the plate broke but if it didn’t she might endure a less than happy
marriage. This robust symbolic tradition was to be found in Yorkshire.

Another old English custom was to place a ring in the wedding cake. The
guest who found the ring in their the piece of cake would be ensured
happiness for the next year.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

The shape of the modern three tiered iced cake is reported to have been
modelled on London’s Bride’s Church, rather aptly. It is said that unmar-
ried guests who place a piece of wedding cake under their pillow before
sleeping will increase their prospects of finding a partner and bridesmaids
who do likewise will dream of their future husbands.


7 Doing your own

Let’s go back to the basics. What is catering? It’s the business of prepar-
ing, presenting and serving good food appropriate to a brief – in this
case, your wedding.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Let’s also examine the strengths you have to carry out the task ahead of
you. Although it may be a one-off catering job for you, you should pos-
sess some, if not all, of these assets:

G motivation
G organisation
G self-discipline
G a calm nature
G an ability to prioritise
G good delegating skills
G good communication skills.

This chapter will guide you on how to choose a menu to match your
skills and the skills of those cooks joining you. It will also help you with
the following:

G working out quantities

G preparing your shopping list
G breaking the cooking down into manageable chunks
G sourcing, ordering and storing your food shopping
G timing of food preparation
G setting out a buffet
G serving a three course meal or finger food
G transporting the food to the venue
G keeping safe: food hygiene, refridgeration, storage and temper-
ature; avoiding food posoning.

Doing your own catering

Choosing a menu
Simplicity is the best way forward; the simpler the food offered the
easier and more pleasant it will be for you, your helpers and your
guests. No one expects you to become a first class seasoned chef just
because you have opted to do your own catering.

First, think about these questions:

G How many guests will you be catering for?

G What do you like to cook?
G What kitchen space and refrigeration is available?
G Who will be helping you?
G What space do you have at your chosen venue?
G Will you be cooking food for a buffet, a two or three course
sit-down lunch or dinner, or preparing finger food?

If you are catering for a large number of people, don’t be daunted. A

buffet or finger food reception is possibly the best way forward as it
means you can prepare the food several days in advance, pack it away
in the fridge (make sure it’s at the right temperature of 4°C and not
overcrowded) and be able to concentrate on other things.

If you have decided to go down the sit-down route I suspect that your
guest list may be under 40 as it is quite a daunting task – even with the
best will in the world – to be calm and measured on the day.

Hog roasts
If you wish to do a simple, yet always pleasing meal, order in a hog roast.
Companies who specialise in these will supply the hog, the equipment,



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

staff and other items. Look up hog roasts in your local phone book and
get a quote. The companies usually offer to provide salads and other
dishes but, if you’re looking for quality (most of the salads offered are
dull coleslaw or potato salad bought from the cash and carry), just order
the hog roast and make your own side dishes such as salads, potato, rice
and pasta dishes (some of which are outlined in this chapter).

Buffet menus
Below are some suggestions. Vegetarians are well-catered for; many
guests will assume you will be catering for them unless you have can-
vassed your guest list and asked each one if they are vegetarian or not.
Most meat eaters enjoy vegetarian food too. I suggest making good quan-
tities as it is hard to police when guests help themselves to the buffet.

I would also suggest avoiding dishes with avocado (it goes brown
quickly even if you’ve sprinkled it with lemon juice, and can spoil the
look of any dish), lamb or pork unless you serve it hot (it can be quite
tough cold unless cooked with care), shellfish (unless you know your
guests’ tastes), dishes that look the same (all beige or white, for exam-
ple) or too many dairy or pastry dishes. Balance, colour, simplicity and
ease of preparation and serving are what you need to focus on.

Dishes with stars by them have recipes which are found at the end of
this chapter.

Menu one
This is one menu which I often cook for weddings and other large par-
ties. It looks colourful, has a good variety of dishes to offer your guests
of which many are suitable for vegetarians.

Doing your own catering

G Roasted red and yellow peppers with a mint couscous (V). Can
be prepared two days in advance.
G Cold sliced chicken breast with a pine nut, wild rice, lime and
mango salad. Can be prepared 36 hours beforehand.
G *Salmon in puff pastry with watercress. Can be prepared 24
hours ahead.
G *Crunchy marinated vegetables (V). Can be prepared 24 hours
G Green salad with a vinaigrette (V). The vinaigrette can be pre-
pared a week beforehand, the salad arranged in bags and
refrigerated the day before.
G Hot new baby potatoes with seasalt (V). This is the only hot
dish on the menu and always welcome. The potatoes can be
cooked just before you need to serve them and tossed in butter
and seasalt with a sprinkling of chives or flat parsley.
G Quality breads and butter.
G One large brie and one other large cheese (V).
G Eton Mess (V). A mixture of meringues, whipped cream, pureed
soft fruit and strawberries. The meringues can be made a week
in advance, the cream whipped, the fruit pureed 48 hours in
advance and refrigerated. The pudding is then assembled just
prior to being served.

As you can see, this menu is a very simple one. It has colour and few
carbohydrates making it light and extremely tasty. Three of the dishes
barely need preparation: the potatoes, the cheeses and the salad.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Menu two
G Smoked haddock mousse. Can be made 36 hours in advance.
G Marinated chicken in a lemon and herb dressing. Can be made
24 hours in advance.
G Pasta, red pepper and baby tomato salad with a pesto sauce
(V). Can be made 48 hours in advance.
G Roasted fillet of beef with a horseradish sauce. Can be made 24
hours in advance.
G Crunchy marinated vegetables, green salad, potatoes, breads,
cheeses and Eton Mess from the previous menu.

Below are some other suggestions for cold buffet courses which are suitable
all year round. Remember that all prepared food should be refrigerated.

Main courses
G Pasta, spinach and Parmesan shaving salad
G Duck breast marinated in soya sauce, garlic and ginger and
grilled, served with a puy lentil, onion, ginger and carrot salad
with olive oil and lemon dressing
G Spicy tiger prawns in a tomato and herb sauce served with a
rice salad
G Carrot, orange and flat parsley salad
G Moroccan chick pea salad
G Coronation chicken with cucumber salad
G Chicken with a tarragon sauce
G Lemon chicken with cold ratatouille

Doing your own catering

G Peppered beef fillet with a mustard mayonnaise

G Smoked fish shards with spiced rice
G Wild rice, pea, baby leek and saffron pilaff
G Bulgar wheat salad with nuts and apricots
G Mixed leaves and/or baby spinach with bacon bits, walnuts and
G New potato and herb salad mixed with mayo and Greek yoghurt
G Ravioli salad with a pesto dressing.

These can precede the cake, or non-traditionalists can have them

G American cheesecake with kiwi fruit and pineapple slices

G Champagne jelly with tuile biscuits
G Pannacotta with poached red fruit
G Chocolate terrine with a red berry sauce
G Exotic fruits in a spicy syrup with mascarpone
G Baked peaches with a macaroon stuffing and raspberry sauce
G Brown sugar meringues with berries and whipped sugared cream
G Glazed cupcakes with homemade chocolate ice cream or
caramel ice cream
G Chocolate roulade filled with strawberries and whipped sugared
cream, dusted with cocoa powder.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Finger food
Finger food requires no plates as the food is handed around on trays
with napkins. I like to serve colourful food which incorporates meat, fish,
vegetables and sweet items. I also avoid fiddly finger food which
requires a lot of handling, the objective is to be able to prepare simple
food, and serve it simply, without too much work.

You can either do only cold food, or a mix of hot and cold if you have
help behind the scenes. If you do cold food it can all be prepared in
advance and then assembled in the kitchen just before serving. Some of
the suggestions below are able to be plated and covered with cling film
in advance.

When you are calculating how much to prepare, the rule of thumb is ten
bites per person if the food is served over a two hour period, 12–14 if
over a longer period of time. If you choose to serve any of the finger
food below as canapés with drinks prior to your three course meal or
buffet, prepare four per person.

Remember that dishes with stars have recipes at the end of this chapter.

A selection of hot and cold bite-sized food

G Chicken liver pate in a light pastry case (These cases can be
bought – details to follow.) The pate can be made 48 hours in
G Creamy scrambled egg with smoked salmon on rye rounds.
Make 24 hours beforehand and assemble prior to serving.

Doing your own catering

G Smoked salmon on blinis with sour cream and lemon. (Blinis or

Russian pancakes can be bought – details to follow.) The
salmon can be cut to size, the blinis smeared with dill butter in
advance then assembled prior to serving.
G Seared salmon cubes with ginger sauce. These little squares are
grilled and can be either hot or cold. Can be made 24 hours in
advance and refrigerated.
G Tandoori chicken on a cocktail stick and served with a chilli
sauce. These can be grilled 24 hours beforehand and refriger-
ated. Serve with a small ramekin dish of chilli sauce.
G Satay chicken skewers with a peanut sauce. As above but with a
peanut sauce.
G Thai chicken and peanut cakes with a sweet chilli sauce. These
cakes can be made 36 hours in advance and refrigerated. Serve
with chilli sauce.
G *Asparagus frittata (V). These can be made 24 hours in advance
then cut either into wedges or squares.
G Mushroom frittatas (V). As above.
G *Mini Arnold Bennett omelettes. These smoked haddock, cream
and egg omelettes can be prepared 24 hours in advance,
chilled, then sliced and served.
G Bacon and scallop rolls. These are simplicity itself. Just make
sure you use the freshest seafood possible. They can be cooked
24 hours in advance and refrigerated.
G *Thai fishcakes with a soya and ginger or sweet chilli dipping
sauce. The fishcakes can be made 36 hours in advance, fried and
refrigerated. The sauce can be made several days in advance.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

G *Chipolata sausages with a mustard and honey glaze. These can
be cooked 24 hours in advance, refrigerated and re-heated in a
honey and mustard sauce.
G Caramelised onion and bacon mini quiches. These can be baked
36 hours ahead of time and re-heated or served cold.
G Ratatouille mini tarts (V). Prepare the ratatouille mix and fill the
bought mini cases before serving. Make the ratatouille 48 hours
beforehand. For extra bite add a sliver of goat’s cheese.
G Thai fishcakes with a soya or chilli dipping sauce. Make these
36 hours in advance, refrigerate and re-heat just before serving.
G Beef and pork mini meatballs with Moroccan spices, served with
yoghurt and cucumber. Prepare these 36 hours beforehand,
refrigerate and re-heat thoroughly before serving with a
yoghurt dip.
G Mini pizzas with mozzarella and olive paste (V). Cut out small
pizzas from large ones using a cutter, top with mozzarella
and olive paste with a slice of baby tomato, bake, refrigerate
and re-heat on the day.

Other hot and cold finger food to consider

G Sushi
G Peking duck rolls
G Bruschetta with a variety of toppings including smoked salmon,
capers and sour cream
G Baby potatoes with mock caviar and cream cheese
G Chargrilled vegetable skewers

Doing your own catering

G Mini hamburgers
G Mini fish and chips
G Mini brownies
G Mini pavlovas (tiny flat meringues topped with small diced fruit
and a dab of whipped cream)
G Mini chocolate éclairs (cut good bought ones in half or thirds).

If you want sushi, find a good supplier who will prepare a fine selection
for you and possibly deliver them the day before on disposable trays.
Do make sure they are refrigerated until served.

You can buy small pastry cases to fill with ratatouille, chicken liver
mousse and other fillings. These can be found in the biscuit section of
more upmarket supermarkets and delis. Look out for the name Rahms, a
Swedish product I use all the time as the cases are light, un-stodgy and
a perfect bite-size. Other makes are heavy and take over, not allowing
the filling to speak for itself.

Two or three course sit-down meal menus

It is perfectly possible to cater for a larger wedding by offering a two or
three course meal, but it is a daunting prospect for those who are not
used to cooking for large numbers. I would limit this type of catering to
a small wedding party of perhaps up to 40, but no more, as it can tax
even the calmest amongst us. As it is more formal, you also have the
added expense of more staff to serve your guests. But, if you have your



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

heart set on a sit-down several course meal, keep it straightforward.

What’s the mantra? Simple, simple, simple.

Simple is best
Here are some menu suggestions which are made up of dishes that can
all be pre-prepared; no twiddly, fiddly last-minute cooking is necessary
apart, perhaps, from a vegetable or two. My advice is to ditch the veg –
too fiddly and there is a serious chance of over-cooking – and go for
potatoes and salad. You can use vegetables in the salads too – far better
than offering guests over-cooked, grey, soggy beans and the like. Why
make life difficult for yourself when it is totally unnecessary? Simple
really is best.

Menu one: two courses with wedding cake as dessert

G *Chicken liver parfait with a fig and onion marmalade served
with toasted brioche
G *Salmon in puff pastry with a beurre blanc or hollandaise sauce
G New potatoes with seasalt, butter and flat parsley or chives
G *Bean and shallot salad with vinaigrette
G Assorted breads and cheeses
G Wedding cake with berries, whipped cream or ice cream

All of these dishes can be prepared in advance. The salmon needs to be

finished off in the oven, the sauce gently heated (or served cold), the
new potatoes cooked and dressed. Plate the fish and place the vegeta-
bles in bowls to pass around. Place large cheeses on trays (one for each
table) with breads and pass them around. Cut the cake, add the berries
and pass the cream or ice cream around.

Doing your own catering

Menu two: three courses with wedding cake to follow dessert

G Smoked fish mousse with slivers of smoked haddock with a
cucumber salad and toasted rye bread
G Fillet of medium-rare beef served cold with a horseradish sauce
G Pommes Dauphinoise – sliced potatoes with cream and garlic
G Green salad with added grilled baby leeks and herbs with a
light vinaigrette
G Assorted breads and cheeses
G Chocolate marquise or terrine with a raspberry sauce
G Wedding cake to follow

The advantage of this menu again is that all dishes are pre-prepared and
just need to be plated. The fish mousse can already be in ramekin dishes
if you have enough. Otherwise, place a large spoonful attractively on each
plate. Add the cucumber salad alongside the mousse with the rye bread.
Slice the beef and plate it or pass it around on a platter for guests at each
table to help themselves. The potatoes just need to be heated through in a
low oven then carefully offered to guests in their cooking dish. Toss the
salad in the dressing and pass around. The chocolate marquise is sliced
and plated, the raspberry sauce added to the plate.

Menu three: a light informal summer lunch

G Chicken salad torn into strips with asparagus, watercress and a
lemon and tarragon dressing
G Pasta salad with roasted red and yellow peppers and herbs
G Tomato, basil and buffalo mozzarella salad
G Assorted breads and butter



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home


G Brown sugar meringues with whipped cream and raspberries

G Wedding cake to follow

All of the above dishes are prepared in advance too and just need
assembling prior to serving. You can plate the chicken salad to ensure
that everyone gets their fair share and serve the pasta and tomato salad
in bowls. You could add hot new potatoes to this meal. Either plate each
portion of the meringue dish or get guests to help themselves; each
table can have an attractive bowl to share.

Menu four: a two course informal winter lunch

Canapés for your guests with drinks followed by:
G Boeuf Bourguignon or Coq au Vin
G Potato and celeriac puree
G Green bean and cauliflower salad with an olive oil and lemon
G Champagne jelly with tuile biscuits or the wedding cake, or
chocolate tart with pineapple

You can cut down the cost of a three course meal by offering your
guests a selection of canapés from the above list with drinks, then hand
around bowls of the beef or chicken and the puree and salad.

All these dishes can be made in advance and re-heated. Just make sure
they are piping hot. The green bean and cauliflower salad (blanched and

Doing your own catering

refreshed beans and cauliflower florets) can be dressed just prior to

serving. For a triumphal end, serve the jelly in tall champagne flutes –
when preparing the jelly, put the mixture in flutes to set. Just make sure
you have sufficient fridge space to fit them in. By offering a jelly after a
meaty main course you keep heaviness at bay.

Food quantities
This often perplexes people when they are catering for large numbers,
and the result more often than not is that a lot of food is thrown out
thanks to over-ordering. Obviously the last thing the hosts wants is for
guests to go hungry. This is after all, a celebration and food and drink
are very much part of the ritual. Getting it spot on is, of course, nigh on
impossible – some guests are exceptionally fond of their food – but the
following guidance will help.

When calculating how much food you need for your buffet, look at the
most popular dishes and double the amount as you don’t want to run
out of those particular ones.

Meat, chicken, beef, lamb, pork, duck, veal, venison and other game
G 225g per person from a roast
G 140g per person for stews and casseroles (if the dish has other
main ingredients such as mushrooms and shallots), otherwise
increase the meat content to 225g
G 125g for buffets if other dishes such as fish are also offered
G ribs: three per person
G One chicken breast per person if a main course dish, otherwise
–21 a breast if part of a buffet consisting of other meat and fish



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

quail: one per person if part of a buffet, otherwise two if


offered as a main course

G grouse, partridge or pigeon: one per person

Fish and seafood

G 220g filleted fish per person for a main course
G 85–115g per person for a buffet if serving meat or poultry as well
G lobster: one small one per person for a main course or half if
large; half for a first course
G scallops: four large ones for a main course, two large ones,
sliced, for a first course;
G fish pate or mousse: around 150g per person – more if less rich
fish is used

Vegetables and salads

G prepared vegetables: 115g per person if served with another
G salad leaves (washed and picked over): 60g per person for a
first course or buffet or 30g for a main course
G potatoes: 180g per person (unpeeled weight) new potatoes: 115g
per person, or five to six per person of small, new ones

Rice, pasta, grains, pulses (puy lentils and chick peas, for example)
G rice: 30g per person with a main course or in a salad
G pasta and noodles: 85g per person for a first course, 140g for a
main course or 30g with a main course and two vegetables or
G lentils, chick peas, beans, couscous: 60g per person with a main
course or as part of a buffet salad

Doing your own catering

Dairy produce
G cheese: 115g per person, or half if part of a buffet
G butter: 30g per person with bread or biscuits with cheese
G cream or milk with tea or coffee: 85 ml per person
G ice cream: 140ml on its own or 50 ml if served with a dessert

Other ingredients
G small rolls: two per person
G large rolls: one per person
G mousses, parfaits, terrines: 120–150g per person depending on
the content (with strong fish or chocolate, less is needed)
G fresh fruit salad: 115g per person
G sweet or savoury tarts: a 30 cm tart gives eight to ten portions
depending on the type
G sauces to go with meat or fish: 30 ml per person
G mayonnaise: 30 ml per person
G vinaigrette: 30 ml per person

When making couscous, lentils, pasta, carrot salad or potato salad, meas-
ure out a portion into another container using a heaped serving spoon,
counting the portions and marking them down. This way you can be sure
of having enough. This method can be used to measure any type of dish
such as fruit salad or sauce. You be the judge of what the most popular
dishes are – and remember to double up on the spoon count.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Choose food that will give a variety of texture, flavour and colour. You
may wish to offer your guests a mix of savoury and sweet. At a wedding
reception, for example, 12 savoury (a mix of vegetarian and meat or
fish) and three sweet canapés.

G pre-meal canapés with drinks: four per person

G a wedding party lasting two hours: ten per person
G a wedding reception without a meal afterwards: 12–14 per person

Serving the food

Tips for serving canapés
G Have different types of serving dishes. Some canapés look ter-
rific on glass, others on white china or multi-coloured dishes.
G Make canapés bite-sized.
G Avoid over-garnishing: it isn’t practical and looks messy; deli-
cate herbs and salad leaves soon wilt.
G Start with cold canapés and offer hot ones after the majority of
guests have arrived.
G Offer small napkins.
G If using cocktail sticks make sure those handing out the food
take away the used ones or they may be used twice.
G You can never have enough chipolata sausages glazed with
honey and Dijon mustard.

Doing your own catering

Tips for buffet service

G Have several ‘stations’ (several tables put together for food
service) if the guest list is significant. This way, guests can be
served the same dishes from different stations which avoids a
mad scramble.
G Place plates, cutlery and napkins at both ends of the buffet
tables to lessen the queue, and let the guests know.
G Communicate with guests where they need to go. They may just
join a queue and not be aware there is another station to go to.
G Make sure you have a lot of serving spoons. They get moved
from dish to dish unless guests are served by staff behind the
buffet stations.
G Invite tables to the buffet table one by one, rather than having
a lengthy queuing free-for-all.
G Replenish dishes quickly and tidily or have dishes in the kitchen
ready to come out to replace empty ones.
G Tidy up the buffet as service proceeds. There is nothing worse
than guests who haven’t been to the buffet seeing a food bomb-
G Make sure all guests have visited the buffet before offering
G If possible, place desserts plus plates, bowls and cutlery at sep-
arate stations.
G If space permits, have coffee and tea at separate stations or
clear the main buffet before laying out the hot drink service.
G Make sure that there is good space between buffet tables and
guests’ tables so that a bottleneck doesn’t start. Having to put
up with queues of people by your left ear or right hand can
make guests feel uncomfortable.


Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

For a sense of drama use this catering company trick: napkin-covered
pedestals or boxes add different levels to your table for highlighting a
dessert, the cheeseboard or a sumptuous bread display. Use the
pedestals to create, depth, variety and a feeling of the land of plenty.

Tips for serving a two or three course meal

G Make sure you have enough space in the kitchen where you
and your helpers will be working to plate up. If you can only
plate up five first courses at a time it may be a long wait for
some guests.
G Count the plates for each course. You don’t want to be short of
a plate or two and not be able to serve some guests. The same
goes for glasses and cutlery.
G Have a clearing-up area up and running. When plates come
back into the kitchen your helpers don’t want them to be put in
just any old place as it will interfere with the next course. Have
a bin ready for leftovers, and boxes ready for empty bottles.
G Be sure to delegate and inform your staff or friends and family
(if they are helping you) what you wish them to do. Write a list
of jobs and give it to each helper so they know what duties to
carry out – and when. Just remember that some may not be
used to this kind of work so be patient. Brief them beforehand.

How to shop
This may sound as if I’m teaching the proverbial granny to suck eggs but
it is crucial to know when to shop and how to store your food pur-
chases. It is also vital to know when to order specialist produce so that
your chosen dishes can feature on the menu you have been working on.

Doing your own catering

First of all, have you chosen your menu? Congratulations on this mean
feat! You’ve taken into consideration your guests’ needs (vegetarians,
allergies, perhaps cultural or religious diets) and you’re raring to go.

If you have free-range or organic chicken on the menu have you found a
good supplier? The same goes for other produce such a beef fillet (shop
around), venison, quail or other game. If you have decided on salmon,
which type will you buy (wild, organic or farmed?). Get several quotes
from different suppliers, including supermarkets, and once you have
decided which supplier you would like to use, order in advance. Specify
if you would like each fish fillet cut into a specific size, for example,
how you would like them packaged and when you would like them deliv-
ered or when to pick the supplies up.

G Do you have enough refrigeration?
G Is your fridge/fridges set at the right temperature? 4°C is the
right temperature.
G Will you hire a commercial-type fridge if your party is a large
G Can you set aside a clean, dry area for all dry goods and other

Before doing any ordering, taste, taste, taste. Bargain. Ask for wholesale
prices if you’re buying in bulk. Go to farmers’ markets, farm shops and
other outlets for local produce. See it as a delicious, exciting challenge
rather than a tiresome chore.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Your shopping list

Make a list of all the ingredients. Put them under headings such as meat,
fish, vegetables, dairy, dry stores (tins, rice, pasta, salt, pepper, olive
oil, chocolate, coffee, sugar, etc), decorations (flowers and other items)
and miscellaneous purchases (paper napkins, washing up liquid, paper
towels, etc). Next to these items put where you will be buying them
from and when you need to buy them. You could use colour coding to
focus your attention on each type of purchase.

1 Order your main ingredients and specify a date for delivery or
collection. For meat, fish and other perishables, depending on
their shelf life, it should be around three to five days before
starting to cook.
2 Once you have finalised your dry goods list, shop around to see
where the best deals can be found. Always bear in mind quality
over quantity. Don’t be tempted to impulse-buy as you could
end up with ingredients you will not use, creating a hole in your
budget. It may also mean that if you do buy items not on the list,
you create an imbalance on your menu. Stick to the plan.
3 Order all dairy and perishable goods a good three weeks to a
month beforehand. Arrange the time of collection or delivery.
Make sure you have allocated space in the fridge or kitchen or
other suitable area to store them properly.
4 Check all your ordered goods either when you collect them or
on delivery. If you don’t you may be missing vital items or the
quality may not up to scratch. If so, contact your suppliers and
tell them immediately so that the situation can be rectified.
5 Cross each item off when it is bought.

Doing your own catering

6 Keep a running total of purchases and check it against your

7 Keep all receipts just in case you need to return or exchange
any goods bought.
8 There is no need to take up valuable space your house or
garage with wine, beers, water and other drinks. Ask your sup-
plier to store them for you once you have paid for them. They
often deliver too. Unfortunately supermarkets and some wine
merchants don’t offer this service so if you have limited space
ask before buying. Secure any alcohol in a safe place, not a
garage from where it may be stolen.

Carry a notebook with your list written down and do spot checks
on prices.

Timeplan for cooking

As previously mentioned, don’t be tempted to cook for the freezer.
Choose a simple, fresh, practical yet sparklingly delicious menu which
you can prepare as close to the wedding as possible. Frozen,
microwaved food is a no-no in my book; the taste is nothing close to
spanking fresh food.

Start by making a list of the following:

G dishes to be prepared the week before (items such as ice

creams for the freezer and meringues, for example, which have
a good shelf life)



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

dishes to be prepared four days before


G three days before

G two days before
G the day before
G on the day.

Transporting your food

When you transport food from one premises to another – from the
supermarket and farmers’ market to home or the venue where the wed-
ding reception will take place – it is vital to keep it from becoming
contaminated with dirt or bacteria. Animals’ baskets, hairs, muddy boots
and other potential hazards should be removed from your vehicle and
the car or van kept in a clean condition.

G Food should be transported in suitable packaging or containers

to prevent contamination. For example, don’t use used plastic
bags or open containers.
G The containers mustn’t have been used for other purposes.
Emptying out a nail box and adding food to it is perhaps an
extreme example, but you get the drift.
G Raw and cooked foods need to be kept separate.
G All food must be labelled. Those involved with the food prepa-
ration will panic if they can’t find a container as nothing has
been labelled, and valuable time is taken up by looking into
each container until the right one is found.
G Label your boxes: put the date the food was made and by
whom. Also, add in a different colour what needs to be refriger-
ated and what needs to be kept in a cool, dry place.

Doing your own catering

Make sure you have sharp knives before starting the marathon cook-in.
This way you will save yourself potential injury. Blunt knives cause acci-
dents, not the other way around. Buy some good ones – they will last
you a lifetime.

Hygiene standards
Spillages and other accidents
G Always clean up any spillages immediately to prevent slipping.
G Broken glass needs to be wrapped in newspaper before it goes
into a bin.
G Avoid putting debris from ashtrays into bins as cigarette butts
could still be going and could light up paper.
G Have a first aid box handy with some plasters and burns oint-
ment. Take it with you to the wedding venue.

Avoiding food poisoning

Although you and those preparing the food may not be professional
caterers, you have to make sure that the food is stored, cooked and
served in a responsible manner in order to avoid food poisoning. Here
are some vital tips:

G Always ensure that those who are preparing food wash their
hands when entering the kitchen and that after a cigarette or
toilet break they wash them again properly.
G Cover food left to cool to avoid contamination (from flies,
coughs and sneezes, for example).


Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Don’t take chances with food that has been unrefrigerated for a

long time after a function. Throw it out, especially if the food

has been in a warm environment.
G Don’t put food which is still warm in the fridge – wait until it is
cooled. By adding warm or hot food to the fridge, the tempera-
ture will rise and bacteria will grow.
G Cover food in the fridge with a lid, foil or cling film to avoid
drying out and cross-contamination.
G Always store raw and cooked food on different shelves. Raw
meat should go on the bottom shelf.
G Don’t wrap cheese or meats in cling film – use greaseproof
paper or place in a container with a lid. This way they won’t
sweat and will keep fresh for longer.
G When storing salad leaves and herbs add a layer of kitchen
paper to soak up excess moisture.
G Always tidy up your kitchen space, wash your surfaces thor-
oughly and do the washing up before starting on another dish.
This way you will minimise any risk of cross-contamination and
it will help the smooth running of the kitchen.
G Make a point of labelling anything that goes in your fridge with
contents, date and portion amount.
G Keep your paperwork out of the kitchen if possible as they pick
up moisture and grease and can add bacteria.
G Don’t prepare a sandwich on a board which has just been used
to cut up raw poultry or other meat, as it can lead to cross-

Doing your own catering

Change dishcloths frequently! Old, soiled ones have loads of bacteria.
Don’t use one to mop up the floor then clean the countertop space. (As if!)

Most common bugs

There are six types of bugs which can happen to those who don’t follow
commonsensical ways with food as listed above. I’ll just point out three
of them. If you are concerned and wish to know more, contact your local
district council’s environmental health office.

Campylobactor: this is the most common. It is found in raw and under-

cooked poultry, red meat, unpasteurised milk and untreated water.

Salmonella: the second most common bug is found in eggs, raw meat,
poultry, unpasteurised milk, yeast and even in coconut and chocolate. It
passes easily from person to person through poor hygiene such as not
washing hands, or picking noses.

Clostridium perfringens: this third most common bug is found in soil,

sewage, animal manure and in the gut of humans and animals. It breeds in
food cooked slowly in large quantities then left to stand for a long time.

Leaving raw or cooked chicken out in a hot kitchen without covering it
for several hours is asking for trouble. Even when covered, it shouldn’t
be there but in a fridge.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Below are seven recipes, mentioned earlier, which you may wish to try.
Follow the notes on each one to adapt the quantities.

Crunchy vegetables
For eight. Double or treble the recipe for 16 or 24 – and so on – guests.

Now that our tastebuds prefer more crunchy vegetables to boiled-to-

extinction ones, this recipe is the perfect dish for parties. It fulfils the
need to add vegetables to the mix but doesn’t require any last-minute
cooking. I hope you will find it a real godsend of a dish. Keep an eye on
the vegetables when steaming them as they can cook faster than you
think. You can add cherry tomatoes and olives too for extra taste, or
sprinkle some feta cubes over the salad to make a complete dish.

2 heads of cauliflower, cut into florets

400g French beans, topped and tailed if wished
400g baby carrots, topped and tailed if wished
400g baby leeks, cleaned and left whole
4 tbsp flat parsley, chopped
2 tbsp mint, chopped

For the marinade

350ml extra virgin olive oil
juice and grated rind of three lemons
seasalt and freshly milled black pepper

Steam each vegetable separately until al dente (just cooked: maybe 5–6
minutes only) and plunge into iced water to stop them from cooking further.

Doing your own catering

Drain thoroughly and pat dry.

Mix the marinade together and heat up in a pan over a low heat.
Put the vegetables in a large bowl, add the warm marinade and gently turn.
Add the herbs and marinate for 24 hours.
Serve with all kinds of meats or fish and bread to mop up the juices.

Salmon in puff pastry:

For 8: If you wish to make this dish for larger quantities simply multiply
by the number of people you wish to cook it for. For example, make ten
of these for 80 people.

1.5 kg salmon fillets cut into two equal pieces

seasalt and freshly milled pepper
a good handful of tarragon leaves
85g unsalted butter at room temperature
1 x 375g pack of fresh puff pastry (found in good supermarkets)
1 beaten egg

Remove any lingering bones from the fish on a wooden board.

Strip the tarragon leaves from the stems, chop finely then mix with the
softened butter.
Add small dots of the flavoured butter on top of one fish fillet, then
place the other one on top.
Flour the counter with a handful of flour. Roll out the puff pastry into
two strips long enough to accommodate the fish.
Place the fish on one strip of pastry, then add the second strip, brush
the bottom strip with beaten egg to act as a seal and pinch both pastry
strips together to seal the fish.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Refrigerate until ready to cook. Note: you can prepare up to this point
24 hours beforehand then bake.
Brush the pastry with the remainder of the beaten egg.
Add a pattern to the pastry by making long criss-crosses lightly on the
surface with a sharp knife.
Place on a baking tin and bake in a pre-heated oven (gas 5, 190°C) for
around 50 minutes or until the pastry is cooked and golden.
Test the fish to see if it is cooked by inserting the point of a knife.
Serve it either hot or cold with a beurre blanc or hollandaise sauce.

Chicken liver parfait

This makes between ten and 12 portions. As it is rich, slice accordingly.
Serve with a chutney made of figs and onion, or other fruit and veg-
etable combinations and with toasted brioche. You can re-make the
recipe for larger numbers: three times the recipe (make individually) is
enough for 30 or more people. It can be made a good 48 hours ahead of
time and chilled. The chutney can be made well in advance – two to
three weeks – and chilled.

800g chicken livers

85g onions, diced
1 or 2 garlic cloves, diced
250g unsalted butter
1 egg, beaten
handful of thyme, leaves removed and chopped
3 tbsp port, Madeira or good brandy
seasalt and freshly milled pepper

Doing your own catering

Prepare a terrine tin or long bread tin by lining it with greaseproof

paper, or use a non-stick loaf tin. Stand this in a roasting tin and pour in
water to come halfway up the sides of the terrine or loaf tin.
Heat the oven to gas 2/150°C.
Sweat the onion and garlic in 30g of the butter.
Reduce the chosen alcohol in a small pan with the thyme leaves.
Liquidise the trimmed chicken livers, and add the onion, garlic and the
alcohol, then gradually add the remaining butter which has been melted
over a low heat.
Season with salt and pepper. Test the liver mix by cooking a teaspoon of
it in butter. Add more seasoning if necessary.
Pour the mix into the container and bake for 25 minutes or until set.
Dip a knife point into the terrine to see if it is cooked. If it comes out
clean, it is.
Cool and refrigerate. To serve, turn the container upside down, remove
the paper and slice into ten or 12 even slices.

Asparagus and spinach frittata

For four as a starter or cut up into squares for a canapé which will give
around ten per frittata. As this is made in an omelette pan (with a handle
which can go in the oven) you will need to make each one individually.

225g asparagus cut into small pieces, around one inch long
2 shallots, finely diced
20g butter
2 handfuls of fresh baby spinach
5 large eggs, beaten with 2 tbsp milk or single cream
2 tbps freshly grated Parmesan
freshly milled black pepper


Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Pre-heat the oven to gas 6 200°C.

Poach the asparagus in water and drain when just cooked through but
not soggy.
Sauté the shallots in the butter in an omelette pan until softened.
Beat the eggs, adding some black pepper.
Add half the eggs to the pan, place the spinach and asparagus evenly on
the eggs, add the parmesan then cover with the remaining egg.
Make sure the vegetables are covered with the egg mix. If not, beat
another egg with some cream and pour over.
Bake the frittata for around eight minutes or until the egg is set.
Cool and refrigerate. Cut into wedges or squares just before serving.
Can be served hot or cold.

Omelette Arnold Bennett

This recipe makes 20 rounds of delectable haddock and cheese omelette.
Cut just before serving so the slices don’t dry out. Make the same recipe
again for another 20, and so on. Add other fish such as smoked salmon
if you wish, in which case there is no need to cook it.

3 eggs, separated
1 tbsp double cream
2 tbsp freshly grated Parmesan cheese
freshly milled black pepper
120g cooked, flaked smoked haddock or other smoked fish
2 tbsp whipped cream
2 cherry tomatoes, chopped
1 tbsp chopped chives

Doing your own catering

Pre-heat the oven to gas 5/190°C.

Line a Swiss roll tin with greaseproof paper.
Mix the egg yolks with the double cream and cheese.
Whisk the egg whites until stiff.
Fold into the yolks. Season with black pepper.
Spread the mix over the greaseproof paper, filling the surface, and bake
for 10–12 minutes. Cool.
Mix the haddock with the whipped cream, tomatoes and chives. Season
to taste.
Peel the omelette off the lining paper, place it on a board and spread
with the haddock mix.
Roll up into a cylinder like a swiss roll and cut into rolls just before

Thai fishcakes
This recipe makes 24. Use fish that hasn’t been frozen as too much mois-
ture can be added to the mixture. You don’t need expensive cod or
haddock – go for cheaper types of white fish. Double for 48, treble for
72 and so on.

500g firm white fish such as hake, cut into chunks

2 tsp red chillies, chopped
2 tbsp coriander, chopped
4 kaffir lime leaves, finely shredded
2 lemongrass, outer layer removed and finely chopped
2 shallots, peeled and finely diced
2 garlic cloves, peeled and finely chopped
1 tbsp fish sauce (nam pla)



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

1 tsp soya sauce

2 tsp palm or brown sugar
vegetable oil for frying
sweet chilli sauce for dipping

Place the fish in a food processor and process until relatively smooth.
Add all the other ingredients except for the vegetable oil and chilli sauce
and process until combined, around 10–20 seconds. Do not over-
Remove from the processor and form into 24 patties or balls.
Heat the oil until hot and cook them in batches. Drain on kitchen paper.
Eat immediately or cook and refrigerate, serving either cold or hot with
the chilli sauce.

Chipolata sausages with a honey and mustard glaze

This canapé is the most moreish of the lot. Choose an excellent chipolata
sausage. One pack of ten makes 20. Do the maths for more. You can
make these in advance (two or three days) and refrigerate. Re-heat them
thoroughly before serving, or serve cold.

1 pack of ten chipolata sausages, each sausage twisted in half and cut
with a knife
5 tbsp Dijon mustard
5 tbsp runny honey

Doing your own catering

Pre-heat the oven to gas 7/220°C.

Place the chipolata sausages, now halved, into a greased ovenproof dish
and bake until cooked through. They should take around 20–25 minutes.
Drain the sausages from the fat.
Mix the mustard and honey together.
Pour over the hot sausages and coat.
Serve immediately or cool and refrigerate. They can be re-heated. Serve
with a cocktail stick.

Bean and shallot salad

Cook french beans until just done.
Rinse under a cold tap until cool.
Drain and pat dry.
Add shallots sautéd in butter and cooled.
Dress with olive oil, lemon, black pepper and seasalt.
Add a little Dijon mustard for an extra kick.



8 Planning the drinks   

You have decided on the food menu; now it’s time to think about the
drink. If you haven’t given a large party before you might be unsure
about the amount and type of drinks you will need.

Planning the drinks

You may be catering for different age groups and social backgrounds.
Drinks are an important part of the equation; it is crucial to get it right,
and to avoid the British propensity to binge drink (something I am sure
you would like to avoid happening at your wedding).

This chapter will cover:

G the pros and cons of a cash bar

G types of drinks to offer – and avoid
G how to set up and manage your bar
G your drinks budget
G amounts to buy
G sale or return
G hiring glasses and other equipment for the bar
G managing staff or volunteer family and friends
G how to manage toasts
G alcohol concerns: the curse of the binge drinker and under-age

Your drinks budget

The average bride and groom will spend approximately 40% of their
budget on food, the cake and alcohol. You should budget for approxi-
mately half a bottle of wine per person for lunch, –4 bottle in the evening,
one or two pre-reception drinks (it depends how quickly you move your
guests on to the food) and a glass of champagne or sparkling wine to
toast the bridal pair. Also factor in water and soft drinks.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

The traditional wedding vs the cash bar

What would you like to offer your guests to drink? You could go the tra-
ditional way and offer champagne on arrival at the reception along with,
perhaps, a choice of red or white wine, orange juice and water. Followed
by a choice of red and white wine with the meal or reception? Finishing
with a champagne toast.

Or, if you have limited funds to spend on alcohol, you could have a cash
bar. You might prefer to do this, but when guests arrive at the reception
offer them a first drink and champagne for toasting the bridal pair.

Points for and against a cash bar:

G It can be seen as tacky and lacking in generosity.

G It can limit the amount of alcohol your guests will buy, there-
fore limiting drunken behaviour.

I personally feel that you should stick to your budget and only invite the
number of guests you can afford to enjoy your day. This way you cele-
brate with your nearest and dearest and give all a good time at your
wedding. Some weddings go down the cash bar route to save money but
I would suggest that, from a hospitable point of view you add a drink to
your budget so that your guests are made to feel welcome.

What to offer
When you set out your budget, you included wine and possibly cham-
pagne or sparkling wine. Beer too, I bet, and water and soft drinks. In
America, the hard stuff is considered normal, and cocktails, bourbon,
gin, brandy, rum and other spirits are on offer at weddings. Although

Planning the drinks

there are more cocktails to be found in the average British bar or pub in
recent years, it hasn’t caught on here to any extent; wine and beer are
the usual drinks to be found at a wedding. I would suggest it is not nec-
essary to have a complete bar, either paid or unpaid.

Cash bar options

If you feel a cash bar is for you, here are some tips:

G Offer wine and beer only so that you don’t end up with a lot of
half-empty bottles of vodka, gin, whisky and brandy. Even if
your favourite aunt can’t live without her gin she’ll make it
through the day with other offerings.
G Ensure that soft drinks are served too. If your guests go to the bar
to buy drinks, they will want to get all types, not just alcohol.
G Make sure you brief your staff on all drinks and don’t charge
for water or juices. This would be too ungenerous for words.
G Have chilled wines and beer on offer. Your guests will feel
doubly unwelcome if you ask them to pay for their drinks and
take no care in how they are served.
G Have good glasses: Paris goblets don’t allow for the wine to
breathe and develop properly. A glass with tapering sides and a
larger bowl make any wine better.
G Offer ice and lemon and make the bar look attractive.
G Have a lot of change so that those in charge of the bar aren’t
going through their own pockets trying to find the right change.
Keep the money in a proper cash box for security reasons and
keep an eye on it.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Food is the best way to soak up alcohol as it slows the rate of absorp-
tion in the body. (Just beware of salty food which will require more
drinking to quench the thirst that salt creates.) Water or soft drinks are
also crucial in limiting the amount of alcohol in the blood so, like pre-
cious flowers, hydrate your guests by offering water on trays with
alcoholic drinks before the meal, place bottles of water – and keep
replenishing them – on the tables and continue to offer water through-
out the party.

Finding your wedding wines

Here are some suggestions which will help you make informed choices.

G Decide on what you would like to serve your wedding guests.

G Shop around: most wine merchants, supermarkets and French-
based wine companies have internet lists.
G Many independent wine merchants offer better value, lesser-
known wines, and their staff are trained to give advice, unlike
supermarkets or cash and carry.
G Taking a van across the Channel to fill up is another well-worn
route. The disadvantage is that you can’t return unopened cases
of drink, unlike independent wine merchants which offer a sale
or return basis.
G Independent wine merchants, unlike supermarkets, often have
wines to try before you take the plunge to buy.
G There are many excellent wines at around £5 a bottle. There is no
need to buy expensive ones. But if someone offers to pay for the
wine as a wedding present, your budget may receive a boost.

Planning the drinks

G Marry your wine with your food: full-bodied whites and reds
are excellent for autumn and winter, citrussy whites, rosés and
light-bodied reds perfect for spring and summer weddings.
G If you are using caterers, they may be able to suggest suitable
wines to go with the food.

Champagne and sparkling wine

Most people getting married think of drinking champagne at their wed-
ding and guests think along the same lines as it is seen as the drink of
celebration. Will you choose bottles, magnums, white, pink, vintage,
non-vintage champagne, or go for the cheaper option – sparkling wine?

How are they made?

They are wines containing bubbles of carbon dioxide, bottled under pres-
sure. There are three methods of production: the méthode champenoise in
which the wine undergoes a second fermentation in the bottle, the tank or
bulk method, in which the wine is bottled while still fermenting slightly,
and thirdly, the addition of carbon dioxide gas while bottling.

Wine produced outside the Champagne region of France may not be

called champagne, even if this method is used.

Lightly sparkling wines are known as pétillante or frizzante; they are

often young wines which are bottled while still fermenting, such as lam-
brusco and the Portuguese vinho verde.

Champagne and sparkling wine suggestions

There are so many choices in today’s marketplace; here are some sug-
gestions to make it easier for you to come to a conclusion.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Go for lesser-known labels to keep the costs down. This applies


to both champagne and sparkling wine.

G A non-vintage wine has a smooth, rounded style that is good
for a toast or when offering a glass to guests on arrival.
G For a hot summer’s day reception choose a lighter, elegant
Billecart-Salmon or Nicolas Feuillatte to go with your canapés.
G A more full-bodied one for autumn and winter might be
Bollinger, Pol Roger or Jacquart.
G A pink fizz for the toast may be a good choice, such as
Billecart-Salmon Rosé or Laurent-Perrier.
G If going down the sparkling wine route consider top new world
wines like Deutz, Green Point, Cuvée Napa and Jansz. Sussex
Nyetimber is a truly remarkable British award-winning sparkling
wine that equals a good champagne.
G You can always cut costs by making buck’s fizz from a good
sparkling wine and proper orange juice (not the concentrated
stuff which bears little resemblance to the orange).
G Or you can add cassis to your champagne or sparkling wine –
or offer a selection of unadulterated wine, buck’s fizz or cassis.
G Serve your champagne or sparkling wine either in fashionable
bowl-shaped glasses or, if you wish to preserve those bubbles
longer, go for a flute.
G If your caterer is supplying the champagne or sparkling wine –
or any of the other wines – ensure that you have a tasting of
all choices in order to make an informed decision.
G Buy by the case rather than by the bottle: it works out more
cheaply – as anyone who has been into a Majestic warehouse
will know.

Planning the drinks

General wine tips

G High-quality sparkling wines come from the cooler regions of
Australia, New Zealand, California and Britain thanks to their
chalky soils and long growing season.
G The cooler the climate, the leaner the alcohol content. German
wines, for example, range from 10–12% in many cases.
G Conversely, hotter climates produce more robust wines and the
alcohol content can reaching preposterously high percentages
– 15% is almost the norm.
G Check when buying your wine that the alcohol content is a
more manageable 12–13% as your guests may not realise its
potency and drink more than they normally do – with adverse
G Traditionally, white wine went with fish, red with meat. There
are no hard and fast rules these days. A light fish, however,
won’t benefit from a robust red; an oilier fish, might.
G Buy in advance: buy in seasonal sales but choose wisely, not
just because something is cheap.
G Don’t serve different wines at the top table. It’s a real slap in
the face for lesser mortals!
G For real pzazz, choose wine in large bottles – it really adds to
the atmosphere. But make sure you can chill them properly; if
you choose white, rose, champagne or sparkling wine, your
fridge space or chilling methods (use a large bin with ice and
water) are of paramount importance.
G Avoid well-known name brands. Your guests will know how
much you have spent – or not – on your wine choice.
G Lock your own cellar door (or equivalent) for obvious reasons.


Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Serving wine
Paris goblets, those little squat glasses, have had their day. Go for plain,
clear-stemmed glass that can either be hired or lent for nothing from
wine merchants or supermarkets. Be sure to order them well in advance
(in summer in particular) as there is a finite number. They must be
returned clean.

Make sure that glasses are clean and there is no washing up liquid on
them, which can ruin the contents. Glasses should be presented bowl up
at table, not bowl-down as this can trap stale air.

Chill white wines but not overly so as this can dull their aroma and
flavour. When putting wines out to warm, don’t put them near radiators,
in a hot kitchen or by bright lights or they will taste like soup.

When pouring wine avoid over-filling the glass; it should be half to two
thirds full. Instruct your staff or helpers on how to pour wine.

Serving champagne or sparkling wine

Most white wines, champagnes and sparkilng wines, benefit from being
quite cold – at least an hour in the fridge. But bear in mind that if a
fridge is stuffed to the gunnels with bottles, the temperature doesn’t
reach the setting at which the fridge is set for a while. Check the temper-
ature in the fridge and set it to a low point before adding bottles. Chill
them for a period longer than an hour – as long as possible.

G One way of chilling the bottles is to plunge them into wine

buckets or a large plastic bin for larger parties; add ice and
water halfway up.
G Dry the bottle if there is a lot of water dripping from it.
G Avoid shaking the bottle before opening it.

Planning the drinks

G Place the bottle on a flat surface and put a cloth or napkin over
it to prevent an unplanned cork escape.
G Keep the cork facing away from you and others around you.
G Keep one hand firmly on the top with the cork; the other hand
should unwind the wire cage to remove it.
G Hold the cork down with one hand. Hold the bottle at a 45-
degree angle and slowly turn the bottle.
G Never twist the cork.
G The bubbles will slowly start to push the cork up. Keep a firm grip
on the cork and slowly allow it to ease out with a gentle sigh.
G Have glasses ready in which to pour the champagne or
sparkling wine.

Water, beer and soft drinks

Water is essential to offer your guests. Wedding parties can last for
many hours and water helps to keep your guests hydrated and to coun-
teract the amount of alcohol they may drink. Offer still and sparkling
water and keep replenishing bottles on tables or on drinks trays. If you
want to be a bit smarter, choose glass over plastic.

Many younger guests like beer, and the choice is staggering. There are
full-bodied bitters, pale bitters, malty ales, stouts, porters, Belgian and
Bavarian wheat beers, German lagers, strong dark lagers, Trappist ales,
smoked beers, strong India Pale Ales (IPA), floral-hopped beers, fruity
beers and ginger spiced beers, to say nothing of the vast range of local
beers and ales. Real Ale enthusiasts have their own likes and dislikes.
Someone close to you will have their preferences and can guide you as
to which ones to choose.


Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Getting in a beer keg

If you might have a lot of beer drinkers coming to your wedding, con-
sider renting a keg. It’s rather more festive than drinking from a bottle.
Beers, as wines, have become higher in alcohol too so make sure you
read the labels before buying. Some guests seeing beer as a quite an
innocuous drink rather than realising its alcohol content. If the ABV,
(alcohol by volume), of a beer is 5% or over it is considered a strong
beer. 3–5% is an average ABV.

Although I haven’t used one, there are companies that rent kegs. They offer
a service of all types of beers and ciders. Some also offer a mobile bar
service which they stock and staff. There are several companies who rent
kegs: look on the internet or contact one of your local breweries who may
be happy to oblige.

Soft drinks
There is a vast choice of soft drinks which can come in cans, bottles or con-
centrated. The latter is a cheaper option, but you will need jugs and someone
to take care of it. Remember to have ice and lemon to add to the jugs.

Shop around at your local supermarkets for price comparison but don’t
be tempted to buy a huge stock as you may be drinking a lot of soft
drinks for some considerable time in the future. Depending on the length
of the wedding, buy two cans per child and extra for those who may not
be drinking.

Tea and coffee

Contrary to popular belief, drinking coffee to sober up doesn’t work. But
do offer your guests a good cup of coffee or tea after your wedding
meal. I suggest hiring cafetieres, the best route to good coffee-making.
Plan on hiring one per table of 8. (I’ll give you a list of equipment to
hire in the next chapter.)

Planning the drinks

Have a selection of teas – breakfast, Earl Grey and peppermint are the
most popular – and hire in tea pots too for the occasion.

Managing staff, or volunteer friends and family, with the bar

I’ll cover staffing in Chapter 9 but I’ll add just a word or two here about
their involvement with the drinks.

If asking friends and family, only ask those over 18 to be involved as it is

illegal for those under this age to be serving drinks or taking money at a
cash bar. You will undoubtedly choose responsible people to help you,
not those whose prime function might be to over-indulge. Brief your
friends, family or staff on what, how and when you would like drinks to
be served and keep up the communication with them during the party.

Go through the drinks list with them, showing them the bottles to be
used and when they are to be opened and poured. If you think it is a
good idea, make a clear list of when to serve which type of wine, cham-
pagne or sparkling wine and the chosen wine for the toast. Ask them to
circulate with bottles to top up glasses, tell them when to hold back,
when and how to clear glasses (never by fingers in the bowl but holding
the stem or base), and where they should put them afterwards.

Glass requirement and bar set up

For every ten adults plan to have:

G 20 glasses for two types of wine, if offering red and white

G 15 glasses for beers, water and soft drinks
G 15 champagne flutes or wine glasses for reception drinks
G 40 glasses for a three hour drinks and finger food reception.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Glass sizes
G If you use small glasses you increase the amount of work for
staff, and if self-serve or queuing at the bar, small glasses will
create a larger queue.
G Go for 180ml glasses for wine for a 150ml serving.
G Go for 180ml glasses for water, soft drinks or vodka or whisky.
G Choose either a 240ml or 300ml glass for beer.
G If serving cocktails go for the right type of glass such as a V-
shaped one for martinis. They look smart and give a
sophisticated edge to the party.

There are:

G five 150ml glasses of wine or champagne in a 750ml bottle

G six 150ml glasses in a litre and ten in a 1.5 litre bottle.
G 60 measures in a 750ml bottle of whisky, vodka, gin or other
spirits, 22 in a litre bottle and 39 in a 1.5 litre bottle.

Bar set up
The following list gives an outline of what a bar might be stocked with:

G glasses for wine, beer, soft drinks and champagne

G ice buckets, bottle opener, corkscrew, ice tongs, napkins
G mixers such as coca cola, soda, tonic, ginger ale, sparkling and
still water
G lemon slices, olives (if preparing cocktails), toothpicks.

Planning the drinks

If there will be children and/or you are going to be outside where glass
may prove hazardous, buy some attractive plastic or disposable glasses
to place on your bar.

Wedding toasts
Toasts are very much a part of special occasions in our lives. Weddings
are a natural place for such celebratory words: toasting the bride, groom
and other members of the bridal party.

At a wedding reception where a meal is served, toasts are usually

offered at the end of the meal when everyone has a glass of champagne
or has had their glasses refilled.

Toasts can also take place when all the guests are seated and have been
served their drinks. At less formal affairs, toasts should be offered after
everyone has gone through the receiving line and been served a drink.

Toasts are generally offered to the bride and groom by the best man,
and the groom should respond with a toast of thanks. Other toasts may
then be offered: the father of the bride, the mother of the bride, groom
to bride, bride to groom. More often than not, however, the best man,
the groom and father of the bride are the only three speakers.

Toasting guidelines
There are no hard and fast rules to toast-making and giving. What fol-
lows are guidelines to give you a starting point.

G Be eloquent and witty. Make sure that the toast you are deliv-
ering is appropriate to the intended audience and occasion.


Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Be simple. Keep your toast short and to the point, and avoid using

big words. The simplest words often sound the most sincere.
G Be yourself. Give it from the heart.
G Be brief. Avoid more than just a few sentences. Don’t use the
toast as a soapbox.
G Be prepared. A good toast is a speech in miniature. It takes far
more work to craft a short message than a long speech. It takes
practice to sound spontaneous.
G End on a positive note. Clearly define the end by saying,
‘Cheers!’, asking your audience to ‘Raise your glass,’ or some
other accepted gesture.

Toasting etiquette and protocol

Here are some tips on accepted patterns of behavior when giving or
receiving a toast.

G Never drink a toast, or stand up, when it’s being offered to you.
However, you should always stand up and respond to the toast,
even if this means just thanking the host for the gesture.
G You should always stand when offering a toast unless it is a
small informal group. Standing can help you to get the attention
of the group and quieten them down.
G It is best not to signal for quiet by knocking on a glass with cut-
lery. You could easily end up with nothing to toast with.
G It is not a good idea to push someone to make a toast who
would otherwise prefer not to. You might hear a toast that you
would prefer not to.

Planning the drinks

G Never refuse to participate in a toast. It is more polite and per-

fectly acceptable to participate with a non-alcoholic beverage
or even an empty glass than not at all.

Liaise with those about to give a speech so that you can ensure that all
glasses have been refilled or replaced with champagne.

Alcohol concerns
Weddings have a tendency to create an atmosphere where over-drinking
is tolerated. Of course it is natural to want to have a fabulous time, and
drinking alcohol is a pleasurable way to share good times with friends
and family. But binge-drinking is seen as almost acceptable in some
societies especially, regrettably, in Britain, and I expect you don’t want
it to spoil your wedding.

Risks to your guests can include being insulted to being assaulted so

keep a careful eye on drink and who may be in line to spoil the party.

Hints on how to avoid your guests over-indulging

If your guests over-indulge their behaviour might become intolerable,
and they might suffer from alcohol poisoning. How can you avoid this?

G Make sure you offer plenty of food and water or soft drinks.
These are some ways to help those hell-bent on taking advan-
tage of free drinks.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Limit the amount of alcohol you buy. Check the guidelines for

the amount of wine and other drinks usually served at wedding

under your drinks budget.
G Only have wines, beers and champagne or sparkling wines i.e.
no spirits.
G Check the amount of alcohol content in the wines and beers you
propose buying; if the wine is over 14% you might like to con-
sider choosing ones with less.
G Offer bucks fizz or other diluted alcoholic drinks.
G Appoint a designated watcher. This could be an usher who
keeps an eye out for any guests who are on the verge of get-
ting drunk, and deals with the situation.
G Be responsible hosts. Make sure that no one gets in a car if
they have been drinking.

The body can only process one unit of alcohol per hour. A unit is half a
pint of beer or cider; a small glass of wine; a single measure of spirits.
One unit is 10ml of pure alcohol. An alcopop, such as Smirnoff Ice,
Bacardi Breezer, WKD or Reef is around 1.5 units.


9 Finding and
managing your staff

This chapter covers your staffing requirements, be they professional or ama-

teur, from an agency or from your address book. You need to know how
many to have whoever you choose to help with the catering and drinks.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

You may also be recruiting people to help with the car parking or other
arrangements. The key to a good outcome is communication. You need
to brief everyone on what you expect whether they are from an agency
or have volunteered to help.

In this chapter I’ll cover:

G finding staff
G calculating how many you need (both for the food and the bar)
G staff dress code and conduct
G how to instruct them
G taking care of the staff: their meals, breaks, tipping and being paid.

Finding staff and volunteers

Choosing the right people to help you in the run-up or on the day is
crucial. Service, even by paid professionals and the public, is often seen
as a menial job which can attract less than committed people, so vet
your staff agency very thoroughly before signing a contract.

You are looking for helpful, professional, welcoming, knowledgeable staff

who will give their all. You want to avoid shirkers, people on permanent
fag breaks or those with attitude.

Where should you start looking for waiters, waitresses, bar staff and
kitchen help? Here are some possible avenues to take:

G Friends and family.

G Agency staff.

Finding and managing your staff

G Talk to local catering colleges. Tutors are keen for their students
to take on professional jobs while in training. You might recruit
waiting and kitchen staff this way – and for the minimum wage
or a package deal.

Agency staff
I have had a mixed bag of agency staff, from the downright surly to the
couldn’t-do-enough-for-guests professionalism that one expects from an
agency which specialises in catering staff. As you will be paying a pre-
mium – agencies cream a lot off what they pay their staff – you can
rightly expect top quality. Talk to people who have hired staff via this
method, talk to the agency regarding their staff’s qualifications and expe-
rience and find out about all charges before signing on the dotted line.

Agencies will charge higher rates on weekends and holidays. They will also
charge you for travel and for meals (depending on the length of time you
wish to employ their staff). Make absolutely sure when hiring agency staff
that they speak the language you need, who the team leader is, the num-
bers of breaks they can have and the exact duties they are expected to
carry out. Also determine their uniform. If you are not happy about excess
jewellery or make-up, discuss this with the agency beforehand and make
sure that these points are written up in the contract before you sign it.

Types of staff and duties

You could hire the following from an agency:

G bartender
G bar staff
G waiting staff



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

kitchen staff – who will be in charge of the washing up or as


kitchen assistants.

You may wish them to do the following:

G welcoming your guests

G setting tables, laying crockery, cutlery and glasses
G serving food and drinks
G laying out buffets or serving tables
G setting bar and preparing cocktails
G keeping the place clean and tidy throughout the event
G clearing up and washing up at the end of the event.

Questions to ask an agency

G What is your charge per hour? Does this include VAT?
G Is there an extra charge for weekend or holiday work?
G Is there a transport charge?
G How much experience do your staff have?
G Are they trained or just casual labour?
G How many hours can they work?
G Do you charge for overtime?
G What can they expect for breaks?
G What will they expect to eat?
G Can I have non-smoking staff only?
G How much importance does the company attach to grooming?

Finding and managing your staff

G What do staff wear? (You can stipulate your demands here.)

G Do they speak English? (Or whatever language you prefer.)
G Can I have all the details in writing?
G When do you expect payment?
G If I am dissatisfied with your staff for any reason how can this
be addressed?

Staff costs
Below are some ballpark 2008 figures for staff costs. These are exclusive
of VAT and travel.

G Qualified chefs: £27 per hour

G Waitresses and waiters £11.50 per hour
G Bar staff £12.50 per hour
G Kitchen porters £10.50 per hour.

In addition, note that a minimum of six hours may be charged for any
chefs. Also, between 11pm and 6am, time and a half may apply. Bank
holidays may be charged at double time.

Pay your staff on the night, if hiring casual staff, either by cheque or
cash. Check the hours they are claiming. When dealing with agency
staff, the staff member who is in charge will give you a time sheet to
sign. Make sure it is accurate as you may not be able to change any
details after the event. Payment to an agency often takes place in two
parts: a deposit and a final invoice.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

You may wish to add a tip to those who have served you well. Give
them cash in hand rather than adding it on to the bill if you have
chosen staff via an agency. Catering students or other staff chosen by
you will also be delighted by a tip. Ensure that you have sufficient cash
for all concerned when giving it out – plan ahead a little.

National minimum wage

The minimum wage is a legal right. The rates, effective from 1 October
2007 are:

G £5.52 an hour for workers over 22 years old

G £4.60 for workers aged 18–21
G £3.40 an hour for workers aged 16–17 years old.

It is a criminal offence to refuse to pay the minimum wage, with fines up

to £5,000.

If employing kitchen and waiting staff make sure they all know what
each other is doing and respect each other’s jobs. Establish a harmo-
nious atmosphere and tackle any unpleasant attitudes if and when they
become apparent.

Friends and family as helpers

If you are asking friends and family to help before and on the day make
sure that they know their roles. Will you be paying them or are they

Finding and managing your staff

giving their services free as a kind of wedding gift to you? Make sure
you establish this beforehand or bad feelings might be the result. You
may wish to offer the younger members some form of payment such as
a specific sum rather than a per hour rate. But make sure that you estab-
lish the following first:

G What duties will you ask them to carry out?

G What responsibilities will you give them?
G What will you ask them to wear?
G What will you do about meals, drinking and smoking?

Family and friends are often more than willing to lend a hand in whatever
way they can to make sure that the day passes off smoothly. However,
they do need guidance and roles. Establish these beforehand or you may
find that too many people are doing the same jobs while others are
ignored. As a final tip, I have found in the past that friends and family do
volunteer but are often caught up in conversation, forgetting to help. This
is particularly the case later on in the event, when the washing up and
tidying away gets left for a few to do. (If friends and family do help, they
must be made aware of food storage, hygiene and smoking.)

Catering colleges
Many students studying catering take on work above and beyond college
work to gain experience. But, as with any other group of people, some
have natural abilities, while others have strengths elsewhere. Talk to the
head of department regarding your needs and he or she will guide you
to the right students. You will need to have a good idea of the hours
required, their duties, their payment, travel costs if applicable, where
they can park and what you expect them to wear.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Staff hygiene
All staff, whether they are from colleges or staff agencies or people who
you have taken on from other sources should have short, clean, unvar-
nished nails. They must also wash their hands after a cigarette break, or
going to the toilet or after handling boxes or other equipment.

They should also have clean chefs’ jackets, aprons, head gear and any
other items of uniform, and not wear excess jewellery.

Be firm regarding smoking breaks. Talk to whoever you employ before-
hand, laying down these and other requirements of service. Staff can
smoke in their own time when not working, otherwise it is unfair on
non-smokers who will have to work more as a result. It is also unpleas-
ant for your guests to smell smoke on a member of staff’s hands,
clothes or breath. It can ruin food and wine. Unfortunately there are too
many smokers in the catering trade.

Staff numbers
Some staffing logistics are quite daunting. The Queen’s garden parties
are huge affairs: a typical garden party serves around 27,000 cups of
tea, 20,000 sandwiches and 20,000 slices of cake. Some 400 waiting staff
are involved in the serving.

Your needs are more modest – thankfully, I hear you say! Here are
some guidelines to help you on your way. They are just a guide which
you may need to adapt if you are arranging a different type of wedding
party with the emphasis on drink rather than food. Or you may want a
less formal approach, with guests helping themselves and participating

Finding and managing your staff

in the serving, pouring and washing up. Alter the guide to suit you. Do
bear in mind that you may also not have the professionalism if you
employ amateurs.

G Formal seated dinners: one waiting staff per ten guests.

G Seated buffets: one waiting staff per 20 guests. This does not
include servers or any kitchen staff.
G Canapé and drinks wedding receptions: one bar person and
three waiting staff per 50 guests.

Professional waiting skills

If you are not in the business you may not be aware of the following. It’s
a good idea to pass these tips on to those helping you:

G Serve from the left and remove from the right.

G Hold the plate by placing four fingers under it with the thumb
on the side, not on the surface, of the plate.
G When holding two plates in one hand, balance one plate on the
forearm by the wrist, with three fingers under the top plate,
and the thumb and small finger on the rim of the lower plates.
G Clear plates by balancing one plate (as above) for cutlery. That
way the stronger part of the forearm and wrist bear the weight
of the cleared plates.
G Serve drinks on the right where the glass is positioned.
G Always hold the glasses by the stem, never the bowl.
G Clear the table after each course, leaving it set for the next
course. This means removing salt and pepper shakers, side
plates, butter dishes and surplus cutlery, for example, before
serving the dessert.


Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Clear plates when everyone at the table has finished eating. If


you don’t wait you’re implying that the guests should get a
move on! If you clear at different times this makes slower eaters
at the table feel awkward.

Briefing waiting and kitchen staff

These guidelines will help you decide when to get your staff together
and how to manage them. You need to tell them:

G they should arrive two hours before a large wedding, such as a

buffet or sit down dinner, less for a finger food reception
G they should also stay for at least half an hour after the last
guest has left to clear everything up
G the timings of guests’ arrival, meal service and the expected
end time of the event
G the number of guests
G the menu and any special catering requirements such as vege-
tarian, vegan, gluten-free or dairy-free meals and which guests
they are for
G the drinks and wines to serve, or to keep replenishing tables
with bottles for guests to help themselves
G any special items such as name place cards or seating plan
G where all the equipment is to be found and what to do with
dirty plates on clearing away
G where coffee or tea is to be served (at the tables or on the
G where coats and hats are stored as well as wedding gifts guests
might bring

Finding and managing your staff

G where they can leave their belongings

G where the toilets are
G what the staff will have to eat and when they can take a break.

Remind them to:

G set up the bar and tables

G clear ashtrays and replace them (this now applies to outside in
most cases)
G clear pre-meal glasses
G clear any area used at the end of the party.

You may find it useful to have a printed sheet of duties, plus the menu
and timings, pinned up in the kitchen area so that staff can refresh their
memories if they didn’t take everything in at the briefing.



10 After the party

The wedding has been a success. You’ve all enjoyed the fruits of your
labours and those of others who have played their part in making your
day a memorable one – for all the right reasons!

After the party

But there are always loose ends to tidy up. When will the marquee be
dismantled? How will I get the equipment back to the hire company or
will they pick it up? Which bills are still outstanding? What are the terms
of agreement?

You may also have to knuckle down to writing all those thank you notes
or letters after the honeymoon if you have decided to have one. Have
you kept some cake to send to those unable to attend due to other com-
mitments or poor health?

This chapter covers these points and others including arranging a post-
wedding party or a drinks party for those not invited to the wedding.

You may also be interested in the reasons for certain wedding customs in
Britain and in other countries. These and myths are outlined here too,
with possible ideas to incorporate into your wedding plans.

Sorting out the marquee and equipment

Let’s look at what needs to be done, either by you or by others when
you’re on your honeymoon.

The marquee
When organising the marquee, arrange the dismantling of the marquee, the
date and time. Make sure that the company complies with your requests for
the garden or area to be left as they found it with no upturned turf, pegs left
in the ground, damaged trees, bushes or flowerbeds. If a problem is found,
contact the company immediately so that they can come to sort it out.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

The equipment
If you have hired equipment such as tables, chairs, plates, cutlery,
glasses and other items, ensure that those who have been left to deal
with it in your absence know who to contact if the equipment hasn’t
been collected on the arranged date. Ensure too that the equipment list
has been ticked off with all items accounted for. A separate list of miss-
ing items should be made and the company informed of losses.
Otherwise you won’t have much of a case if the company charges you
for items you think have been collected or returned. As with the mar-
quee hire company, make sure that those dealing with the equipment
return in your absence know the contact details.

Suppliers: outstanding bills to pay

Before the wedding takes place, go through the list of suppliers and
write down the payments made, how much is due and when all pay-
ments are to be paid. The following may be included:

G caterers
G drinks suppliers (you may have wine or other drinks on a sale or
return basis if whole cases, for example, haven’t been opened)
G venue
G cake maker
G toastmaster
G musicians or other entertainment
G florists
G photographer
G marquee company

After the party

G equipment hire company

G staff agency
G car hire company
G clothing hire company (you may have hired morning coats and
hats, for example).

Making a complaint to suppliers

You will have paid the printers and possibly others already on the above
list – or you may have paid a deposit, the balance still outstanding. If you
have any issues with any services contact them immediately, and prefer-
ably in writing, stating your dissatisfaction or grievance. If you don’t
address the problem within a reasonable time span, you may be required
to pay the entire amount you agreed. Put your case clearly and succinctly.

Alternatively, before you sign a contract with a company, you may wish
to contact your local authority to ascertain the company’s credibility,
(see below). If you do have a problem after the event, contact Consumer
Direct (see below). Below is advice given by the website oft.gov.uk

Assured trader schemes

Many local authorities run assured trader schemes. They aim to give
consumers a reliable way of finding trustworthy local businesses.

Businesses that sign up to the schemes get support and promotion from
their local authority trading standards services, in return for a promise
that they will meet their legal obligations and treat their customers fairly.

Most schemes have been developed separately, and vary in the details
of how they work. But all the Local Authority Assured Trader Scheme
Network (LAATSN) member schemes have the common aims of:


Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

giving consumers a reliable way of finding businesses they can


G offering a source of help and advice if things go wrong
G enabling local businesses to demonstrate that they have signed
up to national standards.

The Local Authority Assured Trader Scheme Network

As the national champion of local authority trading standards services,
the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) supports a network of local authority
local trader schemes which meet nationally agreed standards. The Local
Authority Assured Trader Scheme Network aims to bring greater consis-
tency to local schemes, and to promote the value of local schemes to
those who stand to benefit most – local consumers and businesses.

Empowering consumers to make informed choices when buying goods and

services is a common aim across national and local governments. So there
are several schemes designed to help consumers. The schemes all aim to
drive up business standards and boost customer confidence. It comes
under the banner of the Consumer Codes Approval Scheme. If a business
displays the OFT Approved code logo you can have confidence that they:

G are committed to treat you fairly if problems arise

G will guarantee good customer service
G give clear-cut information about the goods or services they’re
G give user-friendly, straightforward and quick procedures for
dealing with customer complaints
G will offer free or low cost dispute resolution, such as arbitration
or an ombudsman, if you can’t agree about how to sort out a
G will offer you more rights than the law gives you.

After the party

If you feel you have been treated unfairly contact your local authority or
the ombudsman who will be able to assess the situation and arbritrate
on your behalf if you are seen as having a case.

Consumer Direct
Consumer Direct is a government funded organisation which offers clear,
practical consumer advice. Its services include:

G providing pre-shopping advice before you buy goods or services

G explaining your consumer rights
G advising you if you have a problem or disagreement with a trader
G helping you make a complaint about a trader that you believe
has done something wrong (although will not complain on your
G providing general advice on how to avoid unscrupulous traders
or ‘cowboys’
G explaining consumer-related issues such as warranties, buying
on credit, internet shopping, refunds and replacements, etc
G providing advice on avoiding trading scams and rip-offs
G directing you to a regulator or other organisation if it is better
suited to assist you
G refering your case to your local authority Trading Standards
Services or similar agency if they are better suited to assist you.

Consumer Direct will deal with each caller’s problems or questions indi-
vidually. They will provide an honest, impartial assessment of the
situation and where possible, will recommend a clear course of action to
follow. They can only provide information and advice. They cannot inter-
vene directly in consumer matters, such as taking action against a trader.


Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

If it is appropriate, they may forward the details of a complaint to an

agency that is authorised to take direct action, such as Trading
Standards Services. You do not have to provide personal details to use
the Consumer Direct service. However, this may affect the way they
handle your query or complaint.

What Consumer Direct don’t do (amongst other things which are not
pertinent to this book):

G Recommend a trader or organisation (but they may direct you

to another organisation that has helpful information).
G Give specific information about whether there has been a com-
plaint about a trader.
G Complain to a trader on your behalf.
G Provide advice on specific products (except in relation to safety
G Consumer Direct is not a legal service. However, their advisers
are trained in all aspects of consumer rights. This enables them
to offer legally correct advice and courses of action that con-
sumers can rely on.

www.consumerdirect.gov.uk 08454 04 05 06.

It may not be worth making a fuss if a small amount of money is the
cause of your grievance. Pay up and put it behind you. But do contact
your local trading standards office if you have a major grievance.

After the party

Thank you letters

Compile a list of those who you wish to thank for their part in making
the wedding a success; those who have given presents or their time. A
small handwritten card is perfectly acceptable but do specify what you
are thanking them for. It can be hard for some people to accept the fact
that you haven’t a clue what they chose, wrapped with care and gave to
you. Be specific in your thanks, but be succinct as you may have many
cards to write. Of course some cards may become detached from gifts.
This can be a problem. But be up front about it – ask around and you
may find out who the donor is. These things happen.

Writing thank you notes is a joint effort on the part of the bride and
groom, not just for the bride. Start as you mean to go on!

Cake boxes
A very nice gesture is to send a piece of cake in a small, celebratory box
to those unable to attend the wedding – or those who weren’t invited
but are on your guest list for a post-wedding drinks party. These boxes
can be obtained at cake shops, card shops and businesses via the inter-
net or printers. They often have space for the name, address and stamp
with a small card placed inside the box to denote who sent it or they
can be put in an envelope with a covering note.

Make sure that the type of cake will withstand the journey and the ele-
ments; a fruit cake is the ideal type to send. Delegate a family member
or friend to cut up the cake and post the boxes for you if you are on
your honeymoon. Make sure you leave a legible list of names, addresses
and appropriate stamps for this to be carried out without a hitch.


Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Post-wedding celebratory party

As mentioned in Chapter 6, you may have decided on a smaller wedding
if the numbers, and therefore costs per head, are high. You can invite
others not on the list to a post-wedding party. This could take place
within a few weeks of the actual ceremony and be a drinks party with
finger food or a simple barbecue with music. Or you may decide on a
dance, a picnic on a beach or hilltop or in a pub with a party room with
live music.

You may decide to have a post-wedding party for several other reasons
too. Perhaps you had a small, family gathering and would like to invite a
larger crowd to celebrate with you. You may have had an intimate dinner
after your wedding abroad, with a larger party to follow. You might have
eloped with no one attending your wedding. There are many other pos-
sible reasons for not having a wedding to which friends and family were
invited. Very occasionally a bereavement in the family makes it impossi-
ble to celebrate.

Other party possibilities which are outlined in Chapter 6 include:

G drinks with music

G buffet – out or indoors
G finger food reception
G champagne tea party.

After the party

Wedding traditions and symbols
Weddings throughout history have left their mark on how we and other
cultures organise our weddings. Here are some British and other
European traditions still very much in place in today’s society, the tradi-
tionalist in us all coming out when planning a wedding:

G Wearing something old: if the bride wears a piece of family

jewellery or her mother’s or grandmother’s wedding dress it
represents links with the bride’s family and the past.
G Wearing something new: this represents good fortune and suc-
cess in the bride’s new life.
G Something borrowed: to remind the bride that friends and
family will be there for her when help is needed. It could be
represented by a lace handkerchief or a piece of jewellery.
G Something blue: this symbolises faithfulness and loyalty. It
dates back to biblical times when blue represented fidelity, the
garter often blue.
G Silver sixpence: worn in the bride’s shoe to wish her financial
wealth and happiness.
G Wedding veil: the veil hides the bride’s beauty and wards off
evil spirits.
G Anne of Brittany started the tradition of wearing a white wed-
ding dress in the 15th century, white denoting joy, not purity as
is commonly thought.
G Position of the bride and groom at the altar: the bride stands on
the left of the groom during the marriage ceremony to allow his
sword arm to be free ready to fight off other men who may
want her as their bride.


Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Confetti has replaced rice or grain, thrown at the couple to


encourage fertility.
G Wedding gifts: gifts have replaced the custom of guests bring-
ing fruit to encourage fertility.
G Dropping the wedding ring shakes out the evil spirits.
G The couple should exchange wedding vows as the clock’s hand
is ascending towards heaven.
G The arch of swords through which the couple walk after the cer-
emony denotes their safe passage into their new life together.
G The wedding cake is cut by the bride and groom to represent
sharing their life together.
G Shoes were a powerful symbol in ancient times, the tying of
shoes to cars carrying on this tradition.
G Carrying the bride over the threshold protects her from evil

With thanks to the website www.hitched.co.uk for the above information

and to Julie Cox for the traditions outlined below both of which have
been abridged.

British and other wedding traditions from around

the world
In the Middle Ages the woman was often ‘kidnapped’ by her groom, the
man, accompanied by his best friend standing by in case of a fight
breaking out. This led to the tradition of the Best Man to stand by the
groom to protect him and look after him.

Gold rings were used as currency, the man paying for his bride in gold,
the currency going to the family. Gimmal rings or three interlocking

After the party

rings, were separated in Elizabethan times, one worn by the bride, the
groom and their witness during the engagement. On the wedding day all
three rings were united as a single ring for the bride.

Choosing the day on which to marry was considered very important.

Based on a pagan rhyme, Monday was for health, Tuesday for wealth,
Wednesday best of all, Thursday for losses, Friday for crosses, Saturday
for no luck at all.

Seating in the church is also symbolic, the bride’s family on one side,
the groom on the other. This goes back to times when a girl of one tribe
was offered by her father as a peace offering to another tribe, keeping
them apart a safety precaution.

French traditions
The traditional bridal trousseau originated in France, the word ‘trousse’
coming from ‘bundle’.

Still practiced in small villages today, the groom calls on his future wife
at her home on the day of the wedding to escort her to church. At the
church, the village children stretch white ribbons across the road which
the bride cuts. When the couple leave the church or the mairie or town
hall, laurel leaves are scattered in their path.

After the wedding reception or later in the evening, friends of the couple
might show up outside their window banging pots and pans, singing bois-
terous songs. The groom is expected to invite them in for drinks and snacks.

Spanish traditions
Orange blossoms have long been the flower of choice for a bride as the
orange tree bears fruit and blossoms at the same time its flowers repre-
sent happiness and fulfilment.


Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Before a couple gets married, they exchange their vows in church, the
groom giving his bride a wedding present of thirteen coins. This gift is a
symbol of his commitment to support her. The bride-to-be then carries
these coins, in a little bag, to her wedding ceremony.

According to Spanish custom, a Spanish bride wore, and still might wear,
a black silk wedding dress with an intricately designed black lace veil. Her
groom usually wears an embroidered shirt, hand made by his future wife.

During a Spanish marriage celebration reception guests traditionally

dance a ‘sequidillas manchegas’ and present the newlyweds with a gift.

Italian traditions
Italian weddings, in times past, were arranged by the families of the
bride and groom, in some cases a matchmaker sending a message to the
prospective bride’s family of the man’s intent to marry the bride.

If the groom proposed directly to the bride, he would serenade her first,
either playing an instrument or turning up with musician friends.

Wearing green by the bridge the night before the wedding brings luck
and abundance to the couple.

On the day of the wedding the bride is not to wear gold until she is
given her gold wedding ring.

Old church traditions forbade marriage in the months of May and

August, May reserved for the veneration of the Virgin Mary, August
thought to invite bad luck and sickness. Sunday marriages are believed
to be luckiest.

In southern regions of Italy the couple breaks a vase or glass into many
pieces at the end of the wedding day, the number of pieces representing
the number of years of happy married life.

After the party

Italian weddings always emphasise food. Strongly linked with family life,
food is the focal point of the festivities.

Russian traditions
Russian wedding protocol is quite different from other marriage cere-
monies in the world with no bridesmaids, best man or flower girl
amongst other examples.

There is no engagement in Russia. Once the couple decide to marry they

will do so within one to three months. The department of registrations will
offer them dates, the couple are then considered as being bride and groom.

The wedding ring is worn on the right hand, a ring worn on the left hand
signalling a widowed or divorced person.

A Russian wedding usually lasts for two days but can stretch up to a
week. No Russian wedding party is complete without a series of toasts
or gor’kos. The second day of the wedding is held at the home of the
couple with many games including guests messing the floor for the bride
to clean up, the ‘mess’ money, coins or banknotes.

Traditionally the wedding is ruled by witnesses who must prepare a

script for the wedding so that the guests are entertained all the time, fun
being the main reason for the wedding.

Nowadays many couples opt for a church marriage but they still do not
have official status and the couple must be married at the registration
office before the marriage in church. The Russian church ceremony is
colourful and solemn – and very long. Guests and the couple stand
during the ceremony as there is no seating in Russian churches.



Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

Chinese traditions
Many traditional rituals and customs have been lost in the course of his-
tory but some are still observed. They are practised in honour of family
values and respect to committed relationships, a marriage considered
the joining of two families.

Both families are involved in the wedding planning from the start, both
picking an auspicious date as the Betrothal Day. The groom’s family pres-
ents various proposal gifts that represent fertility and prosperity, all gifts
coming in even numbers meaning ‘good things double’ in Chinese culture.

Wedding cakes are sent out with the invitations to the wedding, with
dragon and phoenix emblems on the cakes.

The two families decorate the bridal house and the reception venue with
lots of lively colours, red in particular. Banners are written with rhythmic
poems praising the couple and the perfect marriage.

On the morning of the wedding day, the hair dressing ritual is performed for
the bride, her hair is done up in a bun with auspicious words being spoken.
There are many games including the Door Games – the groom arrives at the
bride’s house and the bridemaids will ask him questions about the bride to
try to delay her being married. The bride is covered by a red umbrella when
she finally leaves the house to protect her from evil spirits.

The Chinese wedding tea ceremony: the couple kneel three times – to
heaven and earth, to the ancestral tablets and their parents, then to each
other. Bowing has replaced this in many areas. The bride then presents
tea to the parents and relatives in order of seniority, the recipients usu-
ally giving gifts wrapped in red envelopes.

After the party

The wedding food is highly symbolic, a roast suckling pig denoting the
bride’s virginity, pigeon denoting a peaceful future. Chicken cooked in
red oil symbolises the wish for a prosperous life, lobster, equally play-
ing a part. Both these dishes indicate that the dragon (lobster) and
phoenix (chicken) are in harmony, the yin and yang elements balanced
for this family.

In a modern Chinese wedding the bride changes dresses three times: a

western-style white wedding dress for the ceremony, a traditional
Chinese bridal dress for the tea ceremony and the reception and a cock-
tail dress at the end of the banquet. This dress is known as the ‘Song Ke’
or seeing guests off dress.


This page intentionally left blank

after the party loose ends, 173 colleges, students from, 167
alcohol contract, signing the, 96
amounts per hour, 160 equipment and furniture, hiring,
concerns, 159 67–70
over indulgance, 159 for your wedding, 11–12,
units, 160 party ‘stations,’ pros and cons, 101
portions, 94
bar set up, 155–6 taking on it yourself, 97
beer, 153 celebratory party, post-wedding, 180
beer keg, 154 Champagne and sparkling wine,
bride’s time list, 16 149–50
British wedding traditions, 182 serving, 152–3
budget list, making your, 28 Champagne tea party, pros and cons,
budget, controlling the, 25 100–1
budget, preparing your initial, 29 cheese cake, 106
buffet service, tips for, 127
buffets, the case for and against, 98
inviting them to your wedding, 49
second weddings and, 50
cake boxes, 179
coffee and tea, 154
canapés, serving, 126
confetti, 182
car hire itinerary, 19
consumer advice, 177–8
cash bar options, 147
contact list, 19
cash bar vs traditional wedding, 146
caterer, cooking timeline, 131
choosing, 93 costs,
fresh food, 94 cutting general, 26
health inspected kitchen, 95 keeping them down, 23
insurance, 94 croquembouche, 106
questions for the, 95 cutting costs, tip 8
taste testing, 94
warning tip, 95 disc jockey,
catering equipment tips, 88
assets for, 110 hiring a, 87–8




Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

drinks Gimmal rings, 182

budget, your, 145 glass
what to offer, 146–7 numbers, 157
requirement, 155
entertainment possibilities, 83 sizes, 156
equipment and marquee, sorting out glasses, tip for numbers of, 69
after the party, 173 groom’s time list, 17
equipment, catering, 67–70, 174 guest list, 11
compiling the, 32
family members and friends as cutting down the, 35
helpers, 166–7 going informal, 41
finger food reception, pros and cons, tackling the, 34
99–100 seating, 46, 72–5
flowers, planning for your venue,
75–81 hog roasts, 111
food hygiene standards, 133
and alcohol, tip for, 148 hygiene, staff, 168
and drink costs, cutting, 26
bugs, most common, 134 insurance, wedding, 31
combinations, successful, 102–3 invitation,
poisoning, avoiding, 133–4 example of, 39
quantities, 123 information, 38
quantities, dairy produce, 125 names on the, 40
quantities, fish, 124 postage tip, 41
quantities, meat, 123 invitations, 36
quantities, rice, pasta, grains, when to order, 38
pulses, 124
quantities, vegetables and salads, kitchen tips, 5
124 knives, sharp, 133
serving, 126
transporting your, 132 letters, thank you, 179
formal or informal wedding, 11–12 lighting tip, 5
French wedding cake, 107 local authority assured trader scheme
French wedding traditions, 183 network, 176–7
friends and family members as location date tip, 7
helpers, 166–7 location questions to ask, 6
furniture and catering equipment, location research, 4
hiring, 67–70 location suggestions, 3
furniture, 69 loose ends, after the party, 173


lunch or dinner, sit-down pros and photography, 88–9

cons, 99 digital, 89
place cards, 43
marqee company, working with a, 62 planning
marquee and equipment, sorting out budget, 21
after the party, 173 drinks, 144
catering area, 56 post-wedding celebratory party, 180
choosing a, 52 printing, types of, 37
costs, 60 professional waiting staff tips, 169–70
dining area, 56
hire companies, questions to ask, 61 quotes, getting equipment hire, 70–1
hire tip, 52 quotes, getting, 30
interior of, 55
layout, establishing your, 64 receiving line, the, 48
other possibilities, 55 reception timing, 18
reception area, 56 recipes, 136–43
security, tip, 65 refrigeration, 129
sizes, 59 rings, Gimmal, 182
tips, 63, 173
types of, 53–4
arranging the, 42
measurements, alcohol, 156
sorting out your plan, 72–5
shop, how to, 128
choosing a, 111
shopping list, your, 130
planning the, 92
shopping timeline, 130
sit-down meal menus, 119
buffet, 112 smoking breaks, tips re, 168
tips for avoiding over-complicating, soft drinks, 154
98 staff,
music, deciding on, 84–5 agency, 163
musicians, hiring, 85–7 agency, questions to ask a, 164–5
costs, 165
national minimum wage, 166 duties, 164
neighbours, music and, 53 hygiene, 168
finding and volunteers, 162–3
over-indulging, alcohol, 159 looking after your, 104
managing, 155
paying, the traditional list of who numbers, 168–9
pays, 22 payment, tip, 165
photographer, questions to ask the, 89 tipping, 166




Planning a Wedding Reception at Home

summer wedding options, 10 venue,

suppliers, deciding on, 3
complaints, 175 hiring a local, 65–6
outstanding bills to pay, 174 layout, 44–5
sushi, 119 timing, 17
videography, 88–90
table and chair choice, 45 village hall, hiring a local, 65–6
tables, decorating the, 42
tea and coffee, 154 waiting and kitchen staff, briefing of,
thank you letters, 179
three course meal, tips for serving a, 128
waiting staff, tips, professional,
timeline, shopping, 130
water, 153
etiquette and protocol, 158
wedding cake, 104
guidelines, 158
alternatives to the, 105–6
toastmaster, 90
duties, 91 myths and customs 107
toasts, wedding, 157 French 107
toilets, portable, 58 wedding day, order of, 15–16
top table, advantages and wedding plan calendar, creating a, 13
disadvantages, 47 wedding toasts, 157
top table, traditional seating plan, 47 wedding traditions and symbols, 181
traditional wedding vs cash bar, 146 wedding traditions, British, 182
traditions, wines,
Chinese wedding, 186 finding your wedding, 148–9
French wedding, 183 serving, 152
Italian wedding, 184 tips, general, 151
Russian wedding, 185 winter wedding, planning a, 9
Spanish wedding, 183 World wedding traditions, 182


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