ASME VIII Div.1 Presentation
ASME VIII Div.1 Presentation
ASME VIII Div.1 Presentation
Presented by:
Pressure Vessels Internals
• Trays.
• Inlet Distributer.
• Anti-Vortex Baffle.
• Catalyst bed grid and support beams.
• Outlet collector.
• Flow distribution grid.
• Cyclone and plenum chamber system.
Design Procedure
U-2 GENERAL (Factors affecting Design)
(a) The user orr his designated agent shall establish the design requirements
for pressure vessels, taking into consideration factors associated with
normal operation, such other conditions as startup and shutdown, and
abnormal conditions which may become a governing design consideration .
Such consideration shall include but shall not be limited to the
t= or P=
SE - 0.6 P R + 0.6 t
(2) Longitudinal Stress
(Circumferential Joints).
When the thickness does not exceed
one half of the inside radius, or P
does not exceed 1.25SE, the
following formulas shall apply:
PR or P=
2SE - 0.2 P R + 0.2 t
SE 0.4 P Ro - 0.4 t
PD 0.885PL PL
t= t= t=
2SE - 0.2 P SE - 0.1P 2SE - 0.2P
Efficiency “E” Definition
E is joint efficiency ,
The efficiency of appropriate joint in
cylindrical or spherical shells “UW-12”,
The efficiency of ligaments “UG-53”
between openings, whichever is less.
What we need to Get the
Efficiency “E”
Type 1
Type 2
Double Welded butt
joint or equivalent. Single welded butt
Backing if used joint with backing
must be removed. which remains in
Full Radiography is required in following cases :
All butt welds of vessels for lethal substances
If thickness exceeds given in table UCS‐57, UHA ‐ 33,
Butt welds of unfired boilers.
For all other vessels, All cat. A welds full radiography .
Cat. B & C welds which intersect the Cat. A welds shall be
spot radiographed.
Radiography is not required of category B and C butt
welds in nozzles less than NPS 10 or 1 1/8 in. thick.
1 Spot Radiography : Spot RT of Butt joints if design
efficiency is selected for spot radiography.
2 No Radiography : No RT of weld joints if design efficiency
is selected for no radiography or vessel is designed for
external pressure
3 Ultrasonic examination : ultrasonic examination in
accordance with UW‐53 may be substituted for radiography
for the final closure seam of a pressure vessel if the
construction of the vessel does not permit interpretable
radiographs in accordance with Code requirements. The
absence of suitable radiographic equipment shall not be
justification or such substitution.
UW-11 Radiographic and Ultrasonic
Examinations of Weld Joints
(a) Full Radiography. The following welded joints shall be
examined radiographically for their full length ….
(1) all butt welds in the shell and heads of vessels used to
contain lethal substances [see UW-2(a)];
Type 1 Type 2
Examples: Type 1, Butt welded, both sides must be
Fig. UW-13.1
sketch (k)
backing left in place
"joggle joint"
Examples: Type 3, single welded butt
welded without backing
Plug Weld
UW-11 Radiographic and Ultrasonic
Examinations of Weld Joints Page 117
(a) Full Radiography. The following welded joints shall be
examined radiographically for their full length ….
Single-welded butt
joint with backing
strip which remains in
place after welding is
completed. Limitations
apply see table UW-
A value of E not greater than that given in column (a) of
Table UW-12 shall be used in the design calculations for
fully radiographed butt joints [see UW-11(a)], except
that when the requirements of UW-11(a)(5) are not
met, a value of E not greater than that given in column
(b) of Table UW-12 shall be used.
UW-12(b) Spot radiography
Per column (b) of Table UW-12
Performed per UW-52* [see UW-
Formed head
other than hemi
Hemi head
UW-12(d) can't... For calculations involving
circumferential stress in vessel sections or for
the thickness of seamless heads, E = 1.0
when the spot radiography requirements of
UW 11(a) (5)(b) are met, or 0.85 when they
are not met.
Formed head
other than hemi Hemi head
Welded, but
like seamless
UW-11(a)(5)(b) spot RT
performed, E= 1.0
UW-11(a)(5)(b) spot RT not
met, E= 0.85
UW-12(e) Welded pipe or tubing shall be
treated in the same manner as seamless, but with
allowable tensile stress taken from the welded
product values of the stress tables, and the
requirements of UW-12(d) applied.
If the spot RT is applied use E = 1.0, if not E =
Remember that there only two (2) joint efficiencies
possible for Seamless Shell and Seamless Heads
they are;
1.0 or 0.85
1.0 when the rules of UW-11(a)(5)(b) have been
applied (UW-52 Spot RT applied).
c. 0.85
2. A Type 3 weld can be spot radiographed.
3. A Type 2 weld has been Fully Radiographed, the
Weld Joints E is ______.
b. 0.90
Class Quiz
UW-12 Joint Efficiencies
4. A Type 2 weld has received Spot Radiographic
Testing resulting in a Joint E of 0.80, this E could be
improved to a 1.0 by _____________________.
a. applying full radiography
b. removing the backing and double welding and
then applying Spot RT.
c. removing the backing, double welding thus
creating a Type 1, and then applying Full RT.
Class Quiz
UW-12 Joint Efficiencies
4. A Type 2 weld has received Spot Radiographic
Testing resulting in a Joint E of 0.80, this E could be
improved to a 1.0 by _____________________.
c. removing the backing, double welding thus
creating a Type 1, and then applying Full RT.
UG-116(e) Required Marking
When a vessel has been radiographed in
accordance with UW-11, marking shall be
applied under the Code symbol
as follows:
UG-116(e) Required Marking
RT-l, Full radiography of all pressure retaining butt
welded joints, except Category B & C butt welds in
nozzles and communicating chambers that neither
exceed IMPS 10 (DN 250) nor 1-1/8 in. (29mm).
Other than Hemi head
UG-116(e) Required Marking
RT-3, when the complete vessel
satisfies the spot radiography rules of
Hemi head
Other than
head, Hemi head
Other than
UG-16 and UW-12
Joint Efficiencies according to Marking
For the purposes of choosing joint efficiencies when
doing vessel section or head calculations.
RT 1
Full Use 1.0 if joints are of Type 1 or 0.90 if Type 2
RT 2
Case 1: Use 1.0 with Seamless Heads and Shells
Case 2: Seamed Shells/Seamless Heads
• Shells Use 1.0 if joints are Type 1or if Type 2
Use 0.90
• Use 1.0 for seamless heads
RT 3
Use 0.85 if Joints are of Type 1 or 0.80 if of Type 2
Use 0.85 for Seamless heads
RT 4
* Special case of selective radiography *
Use Table UW-12 based on Joint Type and RT
described in the exam question.
Go to Table UW-12 and look up the E to be used for
the type of weld under consideration.
Case1: Type 1 Use 0.70
Case 2: Type 2 Use 0.65
Seamless heads use 0.85 Per UW-12(d)
ASME Pressure Vessel Joint Efficiencies for
Seamless Heads
Class Quiz
UW-2 Service Restrictions
1. Which of the following types of welds are required if
a vessel is determined to be in lethal service?
a. Category A and B welds shall be of Type 1.
b. Category A and B welds must be of Type 1 or 2.
c. Category A shall be of Type 1 only, B and C can be
of Type 1 or Type 2.
a. B
b. C
c. E
d. A
a. B
UCS-66 (a) Turn your attention to Fig. UCS-66 Impact Test Exemption Curves
and Table UCS-66. The Graph or Table are used to determine the minimum
temperature a material thickness can be operated at without mandatory
impact testing..
The graph has four curves: A, B, C and D. In Fig. UCS-66 along with the graph
is a listing of carbon and low alloy steels. This listing of materials is used to
determine the curve on the Graph or in the Table for a given material.
After finding the curve for the material, there are two choices.
You may use the graph of Fig. UCS 66 or the Table UCS 66 to
determine the minimum temperature for a given thickness. It is
recommended to use the Table. The Table is a lot easier to use
with accuracy.
-19 °F
This would occur if the note 2(b) of table UCS-56 for P No. 1
materials is complied with or if the vessel is in general
service and has no mandatory heat treatment requirements
in the Code.
Step 4: Checking UCS-68 (c), we find that we cannot
take a reduction because PWHT is a requirement of
UCS-56 for this material's thickness of 2 inches.
Depth of
UW-40 Methods of PWHT
(1) Minimum holding time for 1 in. (25 mm) thickness or less. Add
15 minutes per Inch (25 mm) of thickness for thicknesses greater
than 1 In. (25 mm).
(2) These lower post weld heat treatment temperatures permitted
only for P-No. 1 Gr. Nos. 1 and 2 materials.
UCS-56 PWHT Thicknesses Up to 2 in.
The Code sets the minimum thickness of a vessel
at 1/16” (1.6 mm) in paragraph UG-16, one
exception is for an Unfired Steam Boiler which has
a 1/4” (6 mm) minimum.
UCS-56 PWHT Thicknesses Over 2”
The second thickness range:
• Over 2 in. (51 mm) to 5 in. (127 mm) the PWHT is held for
a flat 2 hours for the first 2 inches (51 mm) of thickness with
an additional 15 minutes per inch over 2 inches. Let’s look at
a graphic of this thickness range.
UCS-56 PWHT Thicknesses Over 5 in.
The third thickness range:
• Over 5 in. (127 mm) the PWHT is held for a flat 2 hours for
the first 2 inches (51 mm) of thickness with an additional 15
minutes per inch over 2 inches. For P-Number 1 there is no
change from the previous example. This third range does
changes for some of the other P-Numbers. Look at the P-
Number 4 Table for example;
Class Quiz
1. What is the minimum PWHT time and the
minimum holding temperature for a P-Number 5A
material that is 3” (inches) thick (75 mm)?
a. 7.5”
b. 1.872”
c. .312”
Class Quiz
Radiographic and Radioscopic Examination of Weld Joints
6. What is the minimum distance D, between these
two groups of aligned imperfections for the
groups to be evaluated
b. 1.872”
UW-52 Spot Examinations of Weld
(b) Minimum Extent of Spot Radiographic Examination
(d) Except when the longitudinal joints are
radiographed 4 in. each side of each circumferential
welded intersection, vessels made up of two or more
courses shall have the centers of the welded
longitudinal joints of adjacent courses staggered or
separated by a distance of at least five times the
thickness of the thicker plate.
* Longitudinal Welds Aligned must be radiographed
for at least 4 inches on each side of the joint.
UW-52 Spot Examinations of Weld
UW-14(b) Single openings meeting the requirements given in
UG-36(c)(3) may be located in head-to-shell or Category B or C
butt welded joints, provided the weld meets the radiographic
requirements in UW-51 for a length equal to three times the
diameter of the opening with the center of the hole at mid-
length. Defects that are completely removed in cutting the hole
shall not be considered in judging the acceptability of the weld.
** UW-51, not 52 to grade film.
* UG-36 (c)(3) addresses small opening which do not require
reinforcement calculations.
UW-52 Spot Examinations of Weld Joints
The special radiography requirements given
in UW-9 (d), UW-11(a)(5)(b) and UW-14 (b)
cannot be substituted for any of the spot
radiography required by UW-52.
UW-52 Spot Examinations of Weld Joints
( P H . H .) R
SE - 0.6( P H . H .)
103.03 x 20 20606
t .1379"
(15,000 x1.0) (0.6 x103.03) 14938.18
Case 3 You must subtract hydrostatic head pressure when
determining the MAWP of a vessel. If given a vessel of multiple
parts and the MAWP for each of the parts, the MAWP of the
entire vessel is determined by subtracting the hydrostatic head
pressure at the bottom of each part to find the part which limits
the MAWP of the vessel.
40.0' elev.
-28.0' elev.
12.0' of hydrostatic head
There exists 21.9964 psi H.H. at the bottom of the shell course.
■ Following the application of the hydrostatic test pressure, an
inspection shall be made of all joints and connections.
■ This inspection shall be made at a pressure not less than the
test pressure divided by 1.3.
■ Except for leakage at temporary test closures for those
openings intended for welded connections, leakage is not
■ Leakage from temporary seals shall be directed away so
as to avoid masking leaks from other joints.
■ It is recommended that the metal temperature during the
hydrostatic test be maintained at least 30° F (17° C) above
the minimum design metal temperature, but need not exceed
120° F (48° C), to minimize the risk of brittle fracture.
■ The test pressure shall not be applied until the vessel and it's
contents are at about the same temperature.
UG-99( j)
■ Before applying pressure, the test equipment shall be examined
to see that it is tight and that all low pressure filling lines and
other appurtenances that should not be subject to the test
pressure have been disconnected.
■ Vessels, except for those in lethal service [(UW-2(a)], may be
painted or otherwise coated either internally or externally, and
may be lined internally, prior to the pressure test.
■ The user is cautioned that such painting or coating may mask
leaks that would otherwise have been detected during the
pressure test.
Class Quiz
Problem: Calculate the required hydro test pressure for a
vessel using the following conditions:
Material Carbon Steel
Design Temp. 700 °F
Test Temp 85 °F
MAWP 350 psi
Step 1 Determine the ratio of stresses for the test and design
(a) From Table 1A Section II Part D.
Stress allowed at 700 °F = 15,500 psi
Stress allowed at 85 °F = 16,300 psi
UG-99 Standard Hydrostatic
1.3 x 350 psi x 1.05 = 477.75 psi at the top of the vessel.
UW-50 NDE of Welds for Pneumatically Tested
Look at the reference next to UG‐100 (See UW‐50)
This is what is referred to as a parenthetical reference in
the ASME Codes. You must read these to see what modifiers
the Code has placed on subject paragraph.
On welded pressure vessels to be pneumatically tested in
accordance with UG‐100, the full length of the following
welds shall be examined for the purpose of detecting cracks:
(a) all welds around openings;
(b) all attachment welds, including welds attaching
nonpressure parts to pressure parts, having a throat
thickness greater than 1/4 in….
UG-100, Pneumatic test
a. 16,700
1.3 x 225 x 332.295 psi
b. 332 . 295
255 . 61 psi
1 .3