An Tolo Hiya
An Tolo Hiya
An Tolo Hiya
Examen.11 It was during this proceeding that Atty. Examen
HEIRS OF PEDRO ALILANO REPRESENTED BY DAVID introduced into evidence the March 31, 1984 and
ALILANO, Complainants, v. ATTY. ROBERTO E. September 12, 1984 Absolute Deeds of Sale.
EXAMEN, Respondent.
On November 15, 2003,12 the heirs of Alilano filed this
DECISION complaint alleging that Atty. Examen, based on Barretto v.
Cabreza,13 violated the notarial law when he notarized
VILLARAMA, JR., J.: the absolute deeds of sale since a notary public is
prohibited from notarizing a document when one of the
Before us is a complaint1 for disbarment filed before the parties is a relative by consanguinity within the fourth civil
Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) by the heirs of Pedro degree or affinity within the second civil degree. It is also
Alilano against Atty. Roberto E. Examen for misconduct alleged that Atty. Examen notarized the documents
and malpractice for falsifying documents and presenting knowing that the cedula or residence certificate number
these as evidence in court thus violating the Lawyer’s used by Ramon Examen was not actually his but the
Oath,2 Canons 1,3 104and 19,5 and Rules residence certificate number of Florentina. Atty. Examen
1.01, 1.02, 10.01, and 19.01 of the Code of Professional
6 7 8 9
also falsely acknowledged that the two witnesses
Responsibility (CPR). personally appeared before him when they did not.
Lastly, it is alleged that despite knowing the infirmities of
Pedro Alilano and his wife, Florentina, were the holders of these documents, Atty. Examen introduced these
Original Certificate of Title (OCT) No. P-23261 covering a documents into evidence violating his oath as a lawyer
98,460 sq. m. parcel of land identified as Lot No. 1085 Pls- and the CPR.
544-D located in Paitan, Esperanza, Sultan Kudarat. Pedro
and Florentina died on March 6, 1985 and October 11, In his defense, Atty. Examen pointed out that there was no
1989, respectively. longer any prohibition under the Revised Administrative
Code for a notary public to notarize a document where
It appears that on March 31, 1984 and September 12, 1984 one of the parties is related to him by consanguinity and
Absolute Deeds of Sale10 were executed by the Spouses affinity.14 With regard to the use of Florentina’s residence
Alilano in favor of Ramon Examen and his wife, Edna. Both certificate as Ramon’s, Atty. Examen said that he was in
documents were notarized by respondent Atty. Roberto good faith and that it was office practice that the
Examen, brother of the vendee. Sometime in September secretary type details without him personally examining
1984, Spouses Examen obtained possession of the the output.15 In any event, he reasoned that the use of
property. another’s residence certificate is not a ground for
disbarment and is barred by prescription based on IBP
On January 12, 2002, the heirs of Alilano filed a suit for Resolution No. XVI-2004-13 dated January 26, 2004 where it
recovery of possession before the Regional Trial Court of was proposed that the Rules of Procedure of the
Commission on Bar Discipline Integrated Bar of the liable and hereby impose a modified penalty.
Philippines, Section 1, Rule VIII, be revised to include a
prescription period for professional misconduct: within two In disbarment cases the only issue that is to be decided by
years from the date of the act.16cralawred the Court is whether the member of the bar is fit to be
allowed the privileges as such or not.20 It is not therefore
In its Report and Recommendation,17 the IBP Commission the proper venue for the determination of whether there
on Bar Discipline (CBD) found Atty. Examen liable for had been a proper conveyance of real property nor is it
breach of the Notarial Law and introducing false Absolute the proper proceeding to take up whether witnesses’
Deeds of Sale before court proceedings. It stated that signatures were in fact forged.
there was ample evidence to support the complainants’
contention that the Spouses Alilano did not voluntarily and NO PRESCRIPTION OF ACTIONS FOR
knowingly convey their property, i.e. denials under oath by ACTS OF ERRING MEMBERS OF THE BAR
attesting witnesses and NBI Report by Handwriting Expert
Jennifer Dominguez stating that Pedro Alilano’s signature In Frias v. Atty. Bautista-Lozada,21 the Court En Banc
in the September 1984 Absolute Deed of Sale was opined that there can be no prescription in bar discipline
significantly different from the specimen signatures. It also cases. It pointed out this has been the policy since 1967
noted that Ramon Examen’s residence certificate with the Court’s ruling in Calo, Jr. v. Degamo22 and
number, date and place of issue were also falsified since reiterated in Heck v. Santos23 where we had the chance
the residence certificate actually belonged to Florentina to state:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
Pueblo. It thus recommended that the penalty of
disbarment be imposed. If the rule were otherwise, members of the bar would be
emboldened to disregard the very oath they took as
The IBP Board of Governors (BOG) in its June 26, 2007 lawyers, prescinding from the fact that as long as no
Resolution18 adopted the IBP CBD’s report but modified private complainant would immediately come forward,
the penalty to suspension from the practice of law for a they stand a chance of being completely exonerated
period of two years and a suspension of Atty. Examen’s from whatever administrative liability they ought to answer
Notarial Commission for a period of two years. for. It is the duty of this Court to protect the integrity of the
practice of law as well as the administration of justice. No
Atty. Examen moved for reconsideration. In its Notice of matter how much time has elapsed from the time of the
Resolution, the IBP BOG denied the motion for commission of the act complained of and the time of the
reconsideration. It also modified the penalty imposed to institution of the complaint, erring members of the bench
suspension from the practice of law for a period of one and bar cannot escape the disciplining arm of the Court.
year and disqualification from re-appointment as Notary This categorical pronouncement is aimed at unscrupulous
Public for a period of two years.19cralawred members of the bench and bar, to deter them from
committing acts which violate the Code of Professional
We agree with the IBP that Atty. Examen is administratively Responsibility, the Code of Judicial Conduct, or the
Lawyer’s Oath. x x x the Revised Rules on Notarial Practice27 was passed by the
Supreme Court.
Thus, even the lapse of considerable time from the
commission of the offending act to the institution of the In Kapunan, et al. v. Casilan and Court of Appeals, 28 the
administrative complaint will not erase the administrative Court had the opportunity to state that enactment of the
culpability of a lawyer…. (Italics Revised Administrative Code repealed the Spanish
supplied) cralawlawlibrary
24 Notarial Law of 1889. Thus:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
Under Chapter 11, Section 249 of the Revised Here, based on the submission of the complainants, it is
Administrative Code provided a list of the grounds for clear that the residence certificate number used by
disqualification:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary Ramon Examen and as notarized by Atty. Examen in both
Absolute Deeds of Sale was not in fact the residence
SEC. 249. Grounds for revocation of commission. – The certificate of Ramon but Florentina’s residence certificate
following derelictions of duty on the part of a notary public number.35 Atty. Examen interposes that he was in good
shall, in the discretion of the proper judge of first instance, faith in that it was office practice to have his secretary
be sufficient ground for the revocation of his commission: type up the details of the documents and requirements
without him checking the correctness of same.
x x x x
A notary public must discharge his powers and duties,
(f) The failure of the notary to make the proper notation which are impressed with public interest, with accuracy
regarding cedula certificates.chanrobleslaw and fidelity.36 Good faith cannot be a mitigating
circumstance in situations since the duty to function as a
x x x x notary public is personal. We note that the error could
cralawlawlibrary have been prevented had Atty. Examen diligently
performed his functions: personally checked the
In Soriano v. Atty. Basco,33 the Court stated that notaries correctness of the documents. To say that it was his
public are required to follow formalities as these are secretary’s fault reflects disregard and unfitness to
mandatory and cannot be simply neglected. Thus, the discharge the functions of a notary public for it is he who
Notarial Law requires them to certify that a party to the personally acknowledges the document. He was
instrument acknowledged before him has presented the behooved under Section 251, Chapter 11 of the Revised
proper residence certificate (or exemption from the Administrative Code to check if the proper cedulas were
residence certificate) and to enter its number, place of presented and inspect if the documents to be
issue and date as part of the certification. Failure to acknowledged by him reflected the correct details. This
perform his duties results in the revocation of a notary’s Court cannot stress enough that notarization is not a
commission. The Court said:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary routinary act. It is imbued with substantive public interest
owing to the public character of his duties37.
As a lawyer commissioned as a notary public, respondent
is mandated to discharge with fidelity the sacred duties Atty. Examen posits that the failure of a notary to make the
appertaining to his office, such duties being dictated by proper notation of cedulas can only be a ground for
public policy and impressed with public interest. Faithful disqualification and not the proper subject for a
observance and utmost respect for the legal solemnity of disbarment proceeding. We disagree.
an oath in an acknowledgment are sacrosanct. He
In violating the provisions of the Notarial Law, Atty. Examen The Court notes that the case between the parties is not
also transgressed the his oath as a lawyer, provisions of the the first that reached this Court. In Edna Examen and
CPR and Section 27, Rule 138 of the Rules of Court which Roberto Examen v. Heirs of Pedro Alilano and Florentina
provides:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary Pueblo,40 Atty. Examen and his sister-in-law questioned via
a petition for certiorari41 the propriety of three Court of
SEC. 27. Disbarment or suspension of attorneys by Supreme Appeals’ Resolutions relating to a case involving Lot No.
Court; grounds therefor. – A member of the bar may be 1085 Pls-544-D this time with respect to its fruits. There the
disbarred or suspended from his office as attorney by the Court of Appeals (CA) after giving Atty. Examen 90 days to
Supreme Court for any deceit, malpractice, or other gross file his appellant’s brief, denied a second motion for
misconduct in such office, grossly immoral conduct, or by extension of time merely on the basis of a flimsy reason
reason of his conviction of a crime involving moral that he had misplaced some of the transcript of the
turpitude, or for any violation of the oath which he is witnesses’ testimonies. The CA did not find the reason of
required to take before admission to practice, or for a misplaced transcript as good and sufficient cause to grant
wilful disobedience of any lawful order of a superior court, the extension pursuant to Section 12,42 Rule 44 of the
or for corruptly and willfully appearing as an attorney for a Revised Rules of Court. It stated that it was a “flimsy and
party to a case without authority so to do. The practice of lame excuse to unnecessarily delay the proceedings.”43
soliciting cases at law for the purpose of gain, either The CA was of the opinion that defendant-appellant’s,
personally or through paid agents or brokers, constitutes herein respondent, motion was “a mockery of the
malpractice.cralawlawlibrary procedural rules.”44 This Court denied the petition for
various procedural defects.45cralawred
By his negligent act of not checking the work of his
secretary and merely perfunctorily notarizing documents, it With respect to the penalty imposed, given that Atty.
cannot be said that he upheld legal processes thus Examen not only failed to uphold his duty as a notary
violating Canon 1 of the CPR. Neither can it be said that public but also failed to uphold his lawyer’s oath and ran
he promoted confidence in the legal system. If anything, afoul the provisions of the CPR, the Court deems it proper
his acts serve to undermine the functions of a diligent to suspend Atty. Examen from the practice of law for a
lawyer. He thus ran afoul Rule 1.02 of the CPR. We cannot period of two years following this Court’s decision
stress enough that as a lawyer, respondent is expected at in Caalim-Verzonilla v. Pascua.46cralawred
all times to uphold the integrity and dignity of the legal
profession and refrain from any act or omission which WHEREFORE, respondent Atty. Roberto E. Examen is
might lessen the trust and confidence reposed by the hereby SUSPENDED from the practice of law forTWO (2)
public in the integrity of the legal profession.38 A lawyer’s YEARS. In addition, his present notarial commission, if any,
mandate includes thoroughly going over documents is hereby REVOKED, and he is DISQUALIFIED from
presented to them typed or transcribed by their reappointment as a notary public for a period of two (2)
secretaries.39cralawred years from finality of this Decision. He is
further WARNED that any similar act or infraction in the alleged lot owner would wait for 30 years before filing an
future shall be dealt with more severely. action to quiet title. They prayed for the dismissal of the
petition and, by way of counterclaim, sought the award of
Let copies of this Decision be furnished to the Office of the
moral and exemplary damages, attorney's fees and costs
Bar Confidant to be appended to respondent’s personal
record as an attorney, the Integrated Bar of the of suit.
Philippines, the Department of Justice and all courts in the
Aggrieved by the foregoing facts, Barbosa filed for
country for their information and guidance.
Quieting of Title and cancellation of IVQ’s registration, and
stated that; he was a buyer in good faith who have it
General Considerations registered and took possession of the disputed land.
IVQ vs. Ruben Barbasa RTC granted Barbasa’s petition, CA affirmed the decision
G.R. No. 193156 of the RTC.
January 18, 2017
After the decision of the CA, IVQ was able to produce
Facts: additional evidence which was not available at the earlier
stage. IVQ then filed a petition for certiorari.
The case was about a disputed land bought by Ruben
Barbasa from a the vendor, Therese Vargas, ISSUE: Does IVQ’s petition has merit?
On the contention that the alleged confirmation THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED,
executed by David Abadiano was for the Deed of BASED ON ITS MISAPPREHENSION AND/OR
Partition and not for the Compra Y Venta, the trial court OMISSION OF THE FACTS, IN DISREGARDING
agreed. It, however, interpreted the same to mean that THE PRIMORDIAL ISSUE OF WHETHER OR NOT
David Abadiano must not have authorized his brother to THE DEED OF SALE (COMPRA Y VENTA) IS A
sell his share in Lot No. 1318-C. The effect was that David SPURIOUS DOCUMENT
Abadiano continued to be one of the registered owners of
the property and his heirs stepped into his shoes upon his B
However, the trial court found that the plaintiffs FINDING PETITIONER GUILTY OF LACHES OVER
(respondents) claim that they and their predecessors-in- REGISTERED LAND[24]
interest have been in possession of the property for more
absence of evidence and contradicted by the evidence
The Petition is impressed with merit. We believe the on record.[26]
trial court and the CA erred in ruling for the respondents.
Accordingly, we reverse the assailed Decision and In the present case, we find that the trial court
Resolution. based its judgment on a misapprehension of facts, as well
as on the supposed absence of evidence which is
It is well settled that the findings of fact of the trial contradicted by the records.
court, especially when affirmed by the CA, are accorded
the highest degree of respect, and generally will not be In appreciating the alleged Compra Y
disturbed on appeal. Such findings are binding and Venta presented by respondents, the trial court
conclusive on the Court. Further, it is not the Courts concluded that [t]he parties have no quarrel on the
function under Rule 45 of the 1997 Revised Rules of Civil existence of a Deed of Sale of a portion of Lot No. 1318
Procedure to review, examine and evaluate or weigh the executed by Ramon Abadiano for himself and as
probative value of the evidence presented. The representative of David Abadiano, dated June 3, [1922] in
jurisdiction of the Court in a petition for review under Rule favor of Victor Garde.[27]
45 is limited to reviewing only errors of law. Unless the case
falls under the recognized exceptions, the rule shall not be The trial court erred in its conclusion.
Borne very clearly by the records is the defendants
However, this Court has consistently recognized the repudiation of the existence of the sale in their Answer with
following exceptions: (1) when the findings are grounded Counterclaim. They stated:
entirely on speculation, surmises, or conjectures; (2) when
the inference made is manifestly mistaken, absurd, or 2. That defendants admit plaintiffs
impossible; (3) when there is grave abuse of discretion; (4) allegation in paragraph 4 that there has been
when the judgment is based on a misapprehension of no particular designation of lot number (sic)
facts; (5) when the findings of fact are conflicting; (6) for each of the co-owner (sic) of Lot No. 1318
when in making its findings, the CA went beyond the issues but specifically deny under oath the other
of the case, or its findings are contrary to the admissions of allegations thereof the truth being that the
both the appellant and the appellee; (7) when the property referred to here as Lot No. 1318
findings are contrary to those of the trial court; (8) when remains undivided to this day that the owners
the findings are conclusions without citation of specific thereof as shown by the TCT No. 31862 co-
evidence on which they are based; (9) when the facts set own the same pro-indiviso;
forth in the petition as well as in the petitioners main and
reply briefs are not disputed by the respondent; and (10) 3. That defendants have no knowledge
when the findings of fact are premised on the supposed sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the
allegations in paragraph 5[28] and
therefore specifically deny the same under the instrument was procured by fraudulent
oath the truth being that Ramon Abadiano representation raise any issue as to its
and David Abadiano had not sold the land at genuineness or due execution. On the
bar to anyone and that consequently, contrary such a plea is an admission both of
defendant Roberto Abadiano had inherited the genuineness and due execution thereof,
the same from the former; x x x.[29](emphasis since it seeks to avoid the instrument upon a
supplied). ground not affecting either.[32]
Likewise, petitioner specifically denied the It was error then for the RTC to have brushed aside
allegations in paragraph 5 of the Complaint. He alleged this issue and then make so sweeping a conclusion in the
that the lot had never been sold or alienated and the face of such opposition. In light of this challenge to the
same still remains intact as the property of the Intervenor very existence of the Compra Y Venta, the trial court
and his co-owners by operation of law.[30] should have first resolved the issue of the documents
authenticity and due execution before deciding on its
This was testified to by Roberto Abadiano during the validity. Unfortunately, the CA did not even discuss this
trial, thus: issue.
Q: During the lifetime of your father, do you We are cognizant, however, that it is now too late in
know if your father has ever sold to any the day to remand the case to the trial court for the
party his share on Lot No. 1318? determination of the purported Compra Y Ventas
authenticity and due execution. Thus, we will resolve this
A: He has not sold his share.[31] very issue here and now in order to put an end to this
protracted litigation.
These statements were enough to impugn the due There is no denying that TCT No. 31862 is still the
execution of the document. While it is true that this Court subsisting title over the parcel of land in dispute. It is also a
had previously ruled that mere denials would not have fact that the purported Compra Y Venta was not
sufficed to impeach the document, in this case, there was annotated on TCT No. 31862 until April 1982, shortly before
an effective specific denial as contemplated by law in the complaint was commenced, even though the deed
accordance with our ruling that - was allegedly executed in 1922.
defendant must declare under oath that he Considering that the action is one for quieting of title
did not sign the document or that it is and respondents anchored their claim to the property on
otherwise false or fabricated. Neither does the disputed Compra Y Venta, we find it necessary to
the statement of the answer to the effect that repeat that it was incumbent upon the trial court to have
resolved first the issue of the documents due execution in the office of the Register of Deeds. They allegedly tried
and authenticity, before determining its validity. to obtain a copy from that office but their request was
refused. No other evidence but these bare assertions,
Rule 130, Section 3 of the Revised Rules of Court however, was presented to prove that the original is
reads: indeed in the custody of the Register of Deeds or that
respondents due and diligent search for the same was
Original document must be produced; unsuccessful.
exceptions. When the subject of inquiry is the
contents of a document, no evidence shall The Rule states that when the original document is
be admissible other than the original unavailable, has been lost or destroyed, or cannot be
document itself, except in the following cases: produced in court, the offeror, upon proof of its execution
or existence and the cause of its unavailability without
(a) When the original has been lost or bad faith on his part, may prove its contents by a copy, or
destroyed, or cannot be produced in court by a recital of its contents in some authentic document, or
without bad faith on the part of the offeror; by the testimony of witnesses in the order stated.[33]
(b) When the original is in the custody or In the case at bar, respondents failed to establish
under the control of the party against whom that the offer in evidence of the document was made in
the evidence is offered, and the latter fails to accordance with any of the exceptions allowed under the
produce it after reasonable notice; abovequoted rule, and yet, the trial court accepted the
document as genuine and proceeded to determine its
(c) When the original consists of validity based on such assumption.
numerous accounts or other documents
which cannot be examined in court without The trial court likewise brushed aside the apparent
great loss of time and the fact sought to be defect that the document presented contained the same
established from them is only the general notarial inscription as the Agreement on Partition. Indeed,
result of the whole; the Deed of Partition and the Compra Y Venta, though
executed on different days, were notarized on the same
(d) When the original is a public record day, and both documents contained the signatures of the
in the custody of a public officer or is same witnesses and the same notarial inscription.
recorded in a public office.
This notwithstanding, the court concluded, Assuming
this to be true, same could be considered an error which
Respondents attached only a photocopy of did not nullify, (sic) the Deed of Sale or Compra Y Venta.
the Compra Y Venta to their complaint. According to At most, the document would be a non-registrable, but
respondent Lolita Martir, the original of said document was valid document.[34]
his right to recover the possession of his registered property
We stress that a notarial document is evidence of by reason of laches.[41]
the facts in the clear unequivocal manner therein
expressed and has in its favor the presumption of Laches has been defined as neglect or omission to
regularity.[35] assert a right, taken in conjunction with lapse of time and
other circumstances causing prejudice to an adverse
In this case, while it is true that the error in the party, as will operate as a bar in equity. It is a delay in the
notarial inscription would not have invalidated the sale if assertion of a right which works disadvantage to another
indeed it took place the same error would have meant because of the inequity founded on some change in the
that the document cannot be treated as a notarial condition or relations of the property or parties. It is based
document and thus, not entitled to the presumption of on public policy which, for the peace of society, ordains
regularity. The document would be taken out of the realm that relief will be denied to a stale demand which
of public documents whose genuineness and due otherwise could be a valid claim.[42]
execution need not be proved.[36] The four basic elements of laches are: (1) conduct
on the part of the defendant, or of one under whom he
Accordingly, respondents not having proven the claims, giving rise to the situation of which complaint is
due execution and genuineness of the purported Compra made and for which the complaint seeks a remedy; (2)
Y Venta, the weight of evidence preponderates in favor of delay in asserting the complainant's rights, the
petitioner. complainant having had knowledge or notice of the
defendants conduct and having been afforded an
Next, we determine if petitioner is guilty of laches. opportunity to institute suit; (3) lack of knowledge or notice
On this issue, we rule in the negative. on the part of the defendant that the complainant would
assert the right on which he bases his suit; and (4) injury or
Under the Property Registration Decree,[37] no title to prejudice to the defendant in the event relief is accorded
registered land in derogation of the title of the registered to the complainant or the suit is not held to be barred.[43]
owner shall be acquired by prescription or adverse
possession.[38] Indefeasibility and imprescriptibility are the The reason for the rule is not simply the lapse of time
cornerstones of land registration proceedings. Barring any during which the neglect to enforce the right has existed,
mistake or use of fraud in the procurement of the title, but the changes of condition which may have arisen
owners may rest secure on their ownership and possession during the period in which there has been neglect. In
once their title is registered under the protective mantle of other words, where a court finds that the position of the
the Torrens system.[39] parties will change, that equitable relief cannot be
afforded without doing injustice, or that the intervening
Nonetheless, even if a Torrens title is indefeasible rights of third persons may be destroyed or seriously
and imprescriptible,[40] the registered landowner may lose impaired, it will not exert its equitable powers in order to
save one from the consequences of his own neglect.[44]
The Court has recognized that this reaction cannot
Though laches applies even to imprescriptible be characterized as such delay as would amount to
actions, its elements must be proved positively. Laches is laches, thus:
evidentiary in nature and cannot be established by mere
allegations in the pleadings.[45] in determining whether a delay in seeking to
enforce a right constitutes laches, the
Based on the foregoing, we hold that petitioner is existence of a confidential relationship
not guilty of laches. The evidence on record does not between the parties is an important
support such finding. circumstance for consideration, a delay
under such circumstances not being so strictly
Petitioner had reasonable ground to believe that regarded as where the parties are strangers to
the property, being still in the name of his predecessor in each other. The doctrine of laches is not
interest, continued to be theirs, especially considering that strictly applied between near relatives, and
the annotation of the purported sale was done only in the fact that parties are connected by ties of
1982. According to petitioner, his father had told him that blood or marriage tends to excuse an
his (the fathers) inheritance was in the possession of their otherwise unreasonable delay.[51]
uncle, Amando Baares who knew likewise that the
property was theirs.
In addition, several other factors militate against the
From the testimonies of petitioner and the finding of laches on the part of the petitioner.
defendants during trial, it would appear that they were
unaware of any of respondents actions in relation to the When the Original Certificate of Title was
property until the death of their grandfather, Amando reconstituted on February 15, 1962, no annotation therein
Baares. When they did find out that respondents were was made of the Compra Y Venta or of the Deed of Sale
occupying the land, they immediately took action to between Ramon Abadiano and Victor Garde. Only the
occupy what they believed was still rightfully theirs. Agreement of Partition, the Confirmation by David
Abadiano, and the sale from Demetrio to Leopoldo
That petitioner and his co-heirs waited until the Baares were annotated therein.[52] Neither does the Deed
death of Amando Baares to try and occupy the land is of Sale of Demetrios share in favor of Leopoldo, executed
understandable. They had to be careful about the actions in 1957, mention that the property belonged to anyone
they took, lest they sow dissent within the other than the parties to the Deed of Partition.[53]
family. Furthermore, they knew that their parents revered
Amando.[50] Likewise, Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-31862,
which was issued in 1962 pursuant to an Order of the
Kabankalan CFI, was issued in the names of Leopoldo
Baares, Amando Baares, and Ramon and David
Abadiano. Even at the time of the issuance of said TCT, not Victor Garde who had possession of the property
there was no annotation of the alleged sale to Victor during the formers lifetime, or that after Amandos death,
Garde, which according to respondents took place in the lot remained unoccupied.
In sum, we find that petitioner is not guilty of such
If respondents contention were true, the TCT should neglect or inaction as would bar his claim to the property
not have been issued in April 1962 in the name of Ramon in question. In contrast, it is most telling that respondents,
and David Abadiano, but in the name of Victor Garde or who are claiming to have been in possession of the
Jose Garde who by then had supposedly acquired the property by virtue of an alleged duly constituted sale for
property by virtue of the Declaration of Heirship and Deed almost 60 years, have themselves failed within that long
of Sale executed on December 29, 1961.[54] As it is, neither period to have the same property transferred in their
respondents nor any of their predecessors in interest name or even only to have the sale annotated on the title
participated in any of the proceedings for the issuance of of the property.
the OCT, the reconstituted OCT, or the TCT. The petitioners
testimony on the matter is revealing: Finally, we come to the issue of damages. Petitioner
Again, the TCT bears out the fact that the prays that respondents be made to pay actual damages
purported Compra Y Venta to Victor Garde was of not less that P30,000.00 plus rentals on the property from
annotated thereon only on April 23, 1982. On the other the time of the latters occupation, moral damages
hand, several entries made in 1981 evince that petitioner amounting to P100,000.00, and exemplary damages, as
and his co-heirs took steps after Amandos death to assert well as attorneys fees.
their rights over the property.[56]
The record shows that petitioner testified on the
In 1976, the heirs of David Abadiano executed a prevailing rate of rentals on the subject property from the
Special Power of Attorney in favor of Roberto Abadiano time of Amando Baares death in 1976 until the time of the
giving the latter authority to act, sue, and/or represent trial. According to petitioner, the rental rate from 1976 until
them in any suit or action for recovery of possession or of 1985 was P3,000.00 per hectare, while from 1985 until the
whatever kind or nature.[57] For their part, the heirs of time of his testimony in 1994, the rental rate was P5,000.00
Ramon Abadiano executed a Declaration of Heirship and per hectare. We thus rule that the actual damages that
Adjudication over the part of Lot No. 1318 pertaining to may be awarded shall be based only on these rates.[59]
their predecessor.[58]
Considering, however, that petitioners co-heirs
Ranged against these positive steps, respondents (defendants Roberto Abandiano, et al.) were able to
only have their bare assertions to support their claim that enter the property and harvest the sugarcane therein in
they indeed had possession of the land through their 1981 and, thereafter, the land remained unoccupied, the
predecessors in interest, which are insufficient to rent must be reckoned only from the time respondents
overcome the testimony that it was Amando Baares and actually occupied the land until March 1981.
(3) ordering respondents to pay
The claims for moral damages must be anchored on petitioner and his co-heirs rentals at the
a definite showing that the claiming party actually rate of P3,000.00 per hectare per year,
experienced emotional and mental sufferings.[60] In this from the time of actual occupation of
case, we find that petitioners testimony that he suffered the land in 1976 until March 1981, moral
from sleepless nights from worrying about this case and damages in the amount of P100,00.00,
considering the great distance he had to travel from his exemplary damages in the amount
home in Tacloban to see the case through are enough of P30,000.00, and attorneys fees in the
bases to award him moral damages. With the award of amount of P10,000.00.
moral damages, exemplary damages are likewise in
Leonor Camcam, vs. CA and Frias
Attorneys fees are recoverable when exemplary
damages are awarded, or when the court deems it just G.R. No. 142977
and equitable. The grant of attorneys fees depends on the
September 30, 2008
circumstances of each case and lies within the discretion
of the court.[62] Given the circumstances of this case, we
grant the prayer for attorneys fees.
Petitioner Leonor and her husband Laureano were the
WHEREFORE, the foregoing premises considered, the registered owners of two parcels of land (Lot Nos. 19554
Petition is GRANTED. The Decision and Resolution of the
and 18738) located in Pangasinan. The latter died
Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 51679 are REVERSED
AND SET ASIDE. A new one is entered: intestate and was survived by Leonor and his brothers.
SPOUSES LEHNER and LUDY MARTIRES, Petitioners, After trial, the RTC of Quezon City denied and dismissed
vs. the complaint for lack of merit.
On appeal, the CA affirmed, with modification.
Subject of the instant controversy are twenty-four
memorial lots located at the Holy Cross Memorial Park in Respondent filed a Motion for
Barangay Bagbag, Novaliches, Quezon City. Respondent, Reconsideration. Petitioners opposed it.
11 12
Subsequently, without foreclosure of the mortgage, The CA reconsidered its findings and concluded that the
ownership of the subject lots were transferred in the name Deed of Transfer which, on its face, transfers ownership of
of petitioners via a Deed of Transfer.5 the subject property to petitioners, is, in fact, an equitable
mortgage. The CA held that the true intention of
Respondent filed with the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of respondent was merely to provide security for her loan
Quezon City a Complaint against petitioners, Manila and not to transfer ownership of the property to petitioners.
Memorial Park Inc., the company which owns the Holy
Cross Memorial Park, and the Register of Deeds of Quezon [The CA so ruled on the basis of its findings that: (1)
City, praying for the annulment of the contract of the consideration, amounting to P150,000.00, for
mortgage between her and petitioners on the ground that the alleged Deed of Transfer is unusually
the interest rates imposed are unjust and exorbitant. She inadequate, considering that the subject property
likewise prayed for the reconveyance the disputed consists of 24 memorial lots; (2) the Deed of
property to her.6 Transfer was executed by reason of the same loan
extended by petitioners to respondent; (3) the
Respondent amended her complaint to include the Deed of Transfer is incomplete and defective; and
allegation that she later discovered that ownership of the (4) the lots subject of the Deed of Transfer are one
subject lots was transferred in the name of petitioners by and the same property used to secure
virtue of a forged Deed of Transfer and Affidavit of respondent's P150,000.00 loan from petitioners.]
Petitioners filed a Motion for Reconsideration,14 but the CA regular.21 A defective notarization will strip the document
denied petitioners filed a Second Motion for of its public character and reduce it to a private
Reconsideration,15 but again, the CA denied it via its instrument.22 Consequently, when there is a defect in the
Resolution notarization of a document, the clear and convincing
evidentiary standard normally attached to a duly-
Hence, the present petition based on the following notarized document is dispensed with, and the measure to
grounds: test the validity of such document is preponderance of
UPHOLDING THE DEED OF TRANSFER EXECUTED BY THE In the present case, the CA has clearly pointed out the
RESPONDENT IN FAVOR OF THE PETITIONERS BY RULING dubious circumstances and irregularities attendant in the
THAT: alleged notarization of the subject Deed of Transfer, to wit:
(1) the Certification24 issued by the Clerk of Court of the
1. The Deed of Transfer executed by respondent in Notarial Section of the RTC of Makati City which
favor of petitioners over the subject property was supposedly attested that a copy of the subject Deed of
not entered in the Notarial Book of Atty. Francisco Transfer is on file with the said court, was contradicted by
Talampas and reported in the Notarial Section of the Certification25 issued by the Administrative Officer of
the Regional Trial Court of Makati City. the Notarial Section of the same office as well as by the
testimony of the court employee who prepared the
2. The Deed of Transfer was not duly notarized by Certification issued by the Clerk of Court, to the effect that
Atty. Francisco Talampas inasmuch as there was no the subject Deed of Transfer cannot, in fact, be found in
convincing proof that respondent appeared before their files; (2) respondent's categorical denial that she
Notary Public Atty. Talampas. executed the subject Deed of Transfer; and (3) the subject
document did not state the date of execution and lacks
The petition lacks merit. the marital consent of respondent's husband.
There is no dispute that the jurisdiction of the trial However, this general rule is subject to exceptions as
court as an intestate court is special and limited. The trial justified by expediency and convenience.
court cannot adjudicate title to properties claimed to be
a part of the estate but are claimed to belong to third The probate court may provisionally pass upon in an
parties by title adverse to that of the decedent and the intestate or a testate proceeding the question of inclusion
estate, not by virtue of any right of inheritance from the in, or exclusion from, the inventory of a piece of property
decedent. All that the trial court can do regarding said without prejudice to final determination of ownership in a
properties is to determine whether or not they should be separate action. Second, if the interested parties are all
included in the inventory of properties to be administered heirs to the estate, or the question is one of collation or
by the administrator. Such determination is provisional and advancement, or the parties consent to the assumption of
may be still revised. As the Court said in Agtarap v. jurisdiction by the probate court and the rights of third
Agtarap: parties are not impaired, then the probate court is
competent to resolve issues on ownership. Verily, its
The general rule is that the jurisdiction of the trial jurisdiction extends to matters incidental or collateral to
court, either as a probate court or an intestate court, the settlement and distribution of the estate, such as the
relates only to matters having to do with the probate of determination of the status of each heir and whether the
the will and/or settlement of the estate of deceased property in the inventory is conjugal or exclusive property
persons, but does not extend to the determination of of the deceased spouse.
questions of ownership that arise during the proceedings.
The patent rationale for this rule is that such court merely
The inventory of the estate of Emigdio must be an arbitrary or despotic manner by reason of passion or
prepared and submitted for the important purpose of personal hostility, or that the respondent judge, tribunal or
resolving the difficult issues of collation and advancement board evaded a positive duty, or virtually refused to
to the heirs. Article 1061 of the Civil Code required every perform the duty enjoined or to act in contemplation of
compulsory heir and the surviving spouse, herein Teresita law, such as when such judge, tribunal or board exercising
herself, to "bring into the mass of the estate any property judicial or quasi-judicial powers acted in a capricious or
or right which he (or she) may have received from the whimsical manner as to be equivalent to lack of
decedent, during the lifetime of the latter, by way of jurisdiction.
donation, or any other gratuitous title, in order that it may
be computed in the determination of the legitime of each G.R. No. 208450 SPS. ROBERTO ABOITIZ AND MARIA
heir, and in the account of the partition." Section 2, Rule 90 CRISTINA CABARRUS vs. SPS. PETER L. PO AND VICTORIA
of the Rules of Court also provided that any advancement L. PO
by the decedent on the legitime of an heir "may be heard Facts:This case involves a parcel of land located in
and determined by the court having jurisdiction of the Cabancalan, Mandaue City, initially registered under the
estate proceedings, and the final order of the court name of Roberto Aboitiz. This parcel of land originally
thereon shall be binding on the person raising the belonged to the late Mariano Seno. On July 31, 1973,
questions and on the heir." Rule 90 thereby expanded the Mariano executed a Deed of Absolute Sale in favor of his
special and limited jurisdiction of the RTC as an intestate son, Ciriaco Seno. On May 5, 1978, Ciriaco sold the two (2)
court about the matters relating to the inventory of the lots to Victoria Po (Victoria). The parties executed a Deed
estate of the decedent by authorizing it to direct the of Absolute Sale. On July 15, 1982, Mariano died and was
inclusion of properties donated or bestowed by gratuitous survived by his five (5) children.
title to any compulsory heir by the decedent.
In 1990, Peter Po discovered that Ciriaco “had executed a
The determination of which properties should be
quitclaim dated August 7, 1989 renouncing his interest in
excluded from or included in the inventory of estate
favor of Roberto. In the quitclaim, Ciriaco stated that he
properties was well within the authority and discretion of
was “the declared owner of Lot Nos. 2835 and 2807.
the RTC as an intestate court. In making its determination,
the RTC acted with circumspection, and proceeded
under the guiding policy that it was best to include all The Spouses Po confronted Ciriaco. By way of remedy,
properties in the possession of the administrator or were Ciriaco and the Spouses Po executed a Memorandum of
known to the administrator to belong to Emigdio rather Agreement dated June 28, 1990 in which Ciriaco agreed
than to exclude properties that could turn out in the end to pay Peter the difference between the amount paid by
to be actually part of the estate. As long as the RTC the Spouses Po as consideration for the entire property
commits no patent grave abuse of discretion, its orders and the value of the land the Spouses Po were left with
must be respected as part of the regular performance of after the quitclaim. However, also in 1990, Lot No. 2835
its judicial duty. Grave abuse of discretion means either was also sold to Roberto. The Mariano Heirs, including
that the judicial or quasi-judicial power was exercised in Ciriaco, executed separate deeds of absolute sale in
favor of Roberto. Thereafter, Roberto immediately Agreement did not cancel or rescind the Deed of
developed the lot as part of a subdivision called North Absolute Sale but rather strengthened their claim that they
Town Homes. On April 19, 1993, Roberto filed an “entered into a contract of sale. “It likewise ruled that,
application for original registration of Lot No. 2835, the trial contrary to the assertion of the Spouses Aboitiz, there was
court granted the issuance of Original Certificate of Title no showing that Ciriaco merely held the property in trust
No. 0-887 in the name of Roberto. The lot was immediately for the Mariano Heirs.It held that the action of the Spouses
subdivided with portions sold to Ernesto and Jose. Po had not yet prescribed because their complaint in 1996
was within the 10-year prescriptive period as the title in
On November 19, 1996, the Spouses Po filed a complaint favor of the Spouses Aboitiz was issued in 1994. However,
to recover the land and to declare nullity of title with the Court of Appeals ruled that the certificates of title of
damages. Jose, Ernesto, and Isabel were valid as they were innocent
buyers in good faith.
The Spouses Aboitiz appealed to the Court of Appeals. The
Court of Appeals, in its Decision dated October 31, 2012, Issue: Whether or not the action of Spouses Po is barred by
partially affirmed the trial court decision, declaring the prescription even with the existence of fraud.
Spouses Po as the rightful owner of the land. However, it
ruled that the titles issued to respondents Jose, Ernesto, Ruling: The Spouses Po’s action has not prescribed. In all
and Isabel should be respected. cases of registration procured by fraud, the owner may
pursue all his legal and equitable remedies against the
The Court of Appeals discussed the inapplicability of the parties to such fraud without prejudice, however, to the
rules on double sale and the doctrine of buyer in good rights of any innocent holder for value of a certificate of
faith since the land was not yet registered when it was sold title …
to the Spouses Po. However, it ruled in favor of the Spouses
Po on the premise that registered property may be Article 1456 of the Civil Code provides that a person
reconveyed to the “rightful or legal owner or to the one acquiring a property through fraud becomes an implied
with a better right if the title was wrongfully or erroneously trustee of the property’s true and lawful owner.
registered in another person’s name.” The Court of
Appeals held that the Mariano Heirs were no longer the An implied trust is based on equity and is either (i) a
owners of the lot at the time they sold it to Roberto in 1990 constructive trust, or (ii) a resulting trust. A resulting trust is
because Mariano, during his lifetime, already sold this to created by implication of law and is presumed as
Ciriaco in 1973. intended by the parties. A constructive trust is created by
force of law such as when a title is registered in favor of a
It found that the Deed of Absolute Sale between Ciriaco person other than the true owner. The implied trustee only
and the Spouses Po was duly notarized and was thus acquires the right “to the beneficial enjoyment of the
presumed regular on its face. Their Memorandum of property.” legal title remains with the true owner.
Art. 1456 of the Civil Code provides: repudiation takes place when the adverse party registers
the land.
Art. 1456. If property is acquired through mistake or fraud,
the person obtaining it is, by force of law, considered a Considering that the Spouses Po’s complaint was filed on
trustee of an implied trust for the benefit of the person from November 19, 1996, less than three (3) years from the
whom the property comes. issuance of the Torrens title over the property on April 6,
1994, it is well within the 10-year prescriptive period
Thus, it was held that when a party uses fraud or imposed on an action for reconveyance.
concealment to obtain a certificate of title of property, a
constructive trust is created in favor of the defrauded A.C. No. 10303 April 22, 2015
JOY A. GIMENO, Complainant,
Constructive trusts are “created by the construction of vs.
equity in order to satisfy the demands of justice and ATTY. PAUL CENTILLAS ZAIDE, Respondent
prevent unjust enrichment. They arise contrary to intention
against one who, by fraud, duress or abuse of confidence, FACTS: On August 8, 2007, complainant Joy A. Gimeno
obtains or holds the legal right to property which he ought (Cimeno) filed a complaint3 with the IBP's Commission on
not, in equity and good conscience, to hold.” Bar Discipline, charging Atty. Zaide with: (1) usurpation of a
notary public's office; (2) falsification; (3) use of
intemperate, offensive and abusive language; and (4)
When property is registered in another’s name, an implied
violation of lawyer-client trust. In her complaint, Gimeno
or constructive trust is created by law in favor of the true
alleged that even before Atty. Zaide's admission to the Bar
owner. The action for reconveyance of the title to the
and receipt of his notarial commission, he had notarized a
rightful owner prescribes in 10 years from the issuance of
partial extrajudicial partition with deed of absolute sale on
the title.
March 29, 2002. She also accused Atty. Zaide of making
false and irregular entries in his notarial registers.
Thus, the law creates a trust in favor of the property’s true
owner. On October 4, 2007, the IBP CBD issued an order setting
the case for mandatory conference. Commissioner Pedro
The prescriptive period to enforce this trust is 10 years from A. Magpayo, Jr. (Commissioner Magpayo) found Atty.
the time the right of action accrues. It is now well-settled Zaide administratively liable for violating the Notarial
that the prescriptive period to recover property obtained
Practice Rules, representing conflicting interests, and using
by fraud or mistake, giving rise to an implied trust under
Art. 1456 of the Civil Code, is 10 years pursuant to Art. 1144. abusive and insulting language in his pleadings.
This ten year prescriptive period begins to run from the
date the adverse party repudiates the implied trust, which
He noted that Atty. Zaide violated Section 1(a) and 1(b), This Court stresses that a notary public should not trivialize
Rule VI of the Notarial Practice Rules when he maintained his functions as his powers and duties are impressed with
several active notarial registers in different offices. These public interest. A Notary public's office is not merely an
provisions respectively require a notary public to "keep, income-generating venture. It is a public duty that each
maintain, protect and provide for lawful inspection, a lawyer who has been privileged to receive a notarial
chronological official register of notarial acts consisting of commission must faithfully and conscientiously perform.
a permanently bound book with numbered papers" and
to "keep only one active notarial register at any given Atty. Zaide should have been acutely aware of the
time. requirements of his notarial commission. His flagrant
violation of Section 1, Rule VI of the Notarial Practice Rules
Finally, the investigating commissioner noted that Atty. is not merely a simple and excusable negligence. It
Zaide used intemperate, offensive, and abusive language amounts to a clear violation of Canon 1 of the Code of
when he called Gimeno a "notorious extortionist" in one of Professional Responsibility, which provides that "a lawyer
[should] uphold the constitution, obey the laws of the land
his pleadings.
and promote respect for law and legal processes." The
prohibition on the use of intemperate, offensive and
abusive language in a lawyer's professional dealings,
ISSUE: Whether or not Atty. Zaide violated Section 1(a) and
whether with the courts, his clients, or any other person, is
1(b), Rule VI of the Notarial Practice Rules when he
based on the following canons and rules of the Code of
maintained several active notarial registers in different Professional Responsibility:
offices and violated Notarial Practice Rules.
Canon 8 - A lawyer shall conduct himself with
HELD: YES. The Notarial Practice Rules strictly requires courtesy, fairness and candor toward his
anotary public to maintain only one (1) active notarial professional colleagues, and shall avoid harassing
register andensure that the entries in it are chronologically tactics against opposing counsel.
arranged. The “oneactive notarial register” rule is in place Rule 8.01 - A lawyer shall not, in his professional
to deter a notary public from assigning several notarial dealings, use language which is abusive, offensive
regiters to different offices manned by assistants who or otherwise improper.
perform notarial services on his behalf. Canon 11 - A lawyer shall observe and maintain the
respect due to the courts and to judicial officers and
Since a notarial commission is personal to each lawyer, the should insist on similar conduct by others.
notary public must also personally administer the notarial Rule 11.03 - A lawyer shall abstain from scandalous,
acts29 that the law authorizes him to execute. This offensive or menacing language or behavior before
important duty is vested with public interest. Thus, no other the Courts. (emphasis supplied)
person, other than the notary public, should perform it.
As shown in the record, Atty. Zaide,in the reply that he Disqualifications
drafted in the Ombudsman case, called Gimeno a
"notorious extortionist." And in another case, Gimeno
observed that Atty. Zaide used the following demeaning Fe Ylaya vs. Atty. Gacott
and immoderate language in presenting his comment
against his opposing counsel.
Her declaration in Public put a shame, DISGRACE, Fe Ylaya filed a disbarment complaint against Atty. GacOtt. Acco
INDIGNITY AND HUMILIATION in the whole Justice System, rding to her, Atty. Gacott deceived her and her late husband, La
and the Department of Justice in particular, where the urentino, into signing a preparatory deed of sale which they tho
taxpayers paid for her salary over her incompetence and ught would be used in the sale of the properties to the City Gove
poor performance as a prosecutor...This is a clear rnment of Puerto Prinsesa because at that time the said properti
manifestation that the Public prosecutor suffers serious es were subject to expropriation proceedings. But to their disma
y, according to her, it was converted into a deed of absolute sale
mental incompetence as regard her mandate as an
in favor of Atty. Gacott’s uncle Reynolds So.
Assistant City Prosecutor.35 (emphasis supplied)
This clearly confirms Atty. Zaide's lack of restraint in the use Atty. Gacott denied these and claimed that Laurentino and Reyn
and choice of his words - a conduct unbecoming of an old had originally purchased the properties
officer of the court. that they were co owners and that Laurentino subsequently sold
his share to Reynold under the deed of absolute sale. He also arg
While a lawyer is entitled to present his case with vigor and ued that it was clear from the document that the intended buyer
was a natural person, not juridical. because there were spaces fo
courage, such enthusiasm does not justify the use of
r the buyer’s legal age, marital status, and citizenship. Also, he cl
offensive and abusive language. Language abounds with
aimed that he was even constrained to file a subsequent motion
countless possibilities for one to be emphatic but to intervene on behalf of Reynold because the complainant mali
respectful, convincing but not derogatory, and ciously retained the TCTs to the subject properties after borrowi
illuminating but not offensive.36 ng them from his office.
1. Yes but not because of violation of Rule 1.01. Atty. Gacott’s failur (b) x x x.
e to prove the existence of co ownership does not lead to the con
clusion that the deed of aabsolute sale is spurious and he was res (c) is a spouse, common-law partner, ancestor, descendant, or
ponsible for creating the spurious documents. relative by affinity or consanguinity of the principal within the
fourth civil degree."
However, he is liable for violating canon 16, rule 15.03, and rule
18.03. Canon 16, he was remiss in his obligation to hold in trust The defense therefore of the respondent that he did not violate the
aforementioned Rule becausehis uncle Reynold So, the buyer is not the
his client’s properties. He lost certificates of land titles that were principal in the Subject Deed of Sale but the seller Laurentino Ylaya
entrusted to his care by Reynold. Rule 15.03, he admitted to be a (please see page 3 of the respondent’s Supplemental Position Paper) is
acting as legal counsel for the former owner of the subject prope misplaced. Clearly, both the buyer and the seller in the instant case are
rties, spouses Ylaya, and Reynold So. There was no written cons considered principals in the contract entered into.
ent from any of the parties involved. Rule 18.03, he neglected leg
al matters entrusted to him. Records show that he never filed m Furthermore, if we are to consider the argument of the respondent that
otion for leave to intervene on behalf of the spouses in the expro his uncle was not a principal so as to apply the afore-quoted provision of
priation proceedings, contrary to what he claimed. the Rules, the respondent still violated the Rules when he notarized the
subject Memorandum of Agreement between Laurentino Ylaya and his
uncle Reynold So. Clearly, both complainant and Reynold So were
2. No. While Fe Ylaya submitted the motion to withdraw the verifie principal parties in the said Memorandum of Agreement.
d complaint and the affidavit appear to exonerate Atty. Gacott, c
omplete exoneration is not the necessary legal effect as they are i Atty. Gacott was suspended from practice of law for one year.
mmaterial for purposes of the disbarment proceedings. Accordi
ng to Sec 5 Rule 139-
Bernard Jandoquile, complainant
B of the rules of Court, “no investigation shall be interrupted or t
erminated by reason of desistance, settlement, compromise, rest
Atty Quirino Revilla Jr, respondent
itution, withdrawal of charges or failure of the complainant to pr
osecute the same”. Facts:
Disciplinary proceedings involve no private interest and afford n The facts of the case are not disputed. Atty Revilla Jr notarized
o redress for private grievances. They are undertaken and prosec
a complaint-affidavit signed by Heneraline Brosas, Herizalyn
Brosas Pedrosa and Elmer Alvarado. Heneraline Brosas is a instrument or document in the presence of the notary; (d) takes
sister of Heizel Wynda Brosas Revilla, Atyy Revilla Jr’s wife. an oath or affirmation before the notary public as to such
Jandoquile complains that Atyy Revilla Jr is disqualified to instrument or document. In this case, Heneraline Brosas is a
perform the notarial act per Section 3 (c), Rule IV of the 2004 sister-in-law of Atty Revilla, Jr’s wife; Herizalyn Brosas Pedrosa
Rules on Notarial Practice. Complainant also complains that is his wife’s sister-in-law; and Elmer Alvarado is the live-in
respondent did not require the three affiants in the complaint- house boy of the Brosas family. Respondent knows the three
affidavit to show their valid identification cards.Atty Revilla did affiants personally, thus he was justified in no longer requiring
not deny but admitted complainant’s material allegations. them to show valid identification cards. But respondent is not
without fault for failing to indicate such fact in the “jurat” of the
Issue: Whether or not the single act of notarizing the complaint-
complaint-affidavit. While he has a valid defense as to the
affidavit of relatives within the fourth civil degree of affinity and,
second charge, it does not exempt him from liability for violating
at the same time, not requiring them to present valid
the disqualification rule.
identification cards is a ground for disbarment.
Refusal to Notarize and False or Incomplete
Rulings: Certificates
No. Since the facts are not contested, the court deems it more
prudent to resolve the case. Indeed, Atty Revilla, Jr. violated [ A.C. No. 6470, July 08, 2014 ]
the disqualification rule under Section 3 ©, Rule IV of the 2004
Rules on Notarial Practice. The court agree with him, that MERCEDITA DE JESUS, COMPLAINANT, VS. ATTY.
respondent’s violation is not sufficient ground for disbarment. JUVY MELL SANCHEZ-MALIT, RESPONDENT.
Given the clear provision of the disqualification rule, it behooved
upon Atty. Revilla, Jr. to act with prudence and refuse RESOLUTION
notarizing the document. On the second charge, Atty Revilla, Jr. SERENO, C.J.:
cannot be held liable. If the notary public knows the affiants
personally, he need not require them to show their valid
Before the Court is a disbarment complaint filed by
identification cards. This rule is supported by the definition of a Mercedita De Jesus (De Jesus) against respondent
“jurat” under Sec 6, Rule II of the 2004 Rules on Notarial Atty. Juvy Mell Sanchez-Malit (Sanchez-Malit) on the
Practice. A “Jurat” refers to an act in which an individual on a following grounds: grave misconduct, dishonesty,
single occasion: (a) appears in person before the notary public malpractices, and unworthiness to become an officer of
and presents an instruments or documents; (b) is personally the Court.
known to the notary public or identified by the notary public
through competent evidence of identity; (c) signs the
The complainants then filed a disbarment complaint against Philip, alleging Under Section 5, Rule 7 of the Rules of Court, the submission of false
that he made false declarations in the certifications against forum shopping entries in a certification against forum shopping constitutes indirect or
attached to the several complaints filed by Rudex against them. Despite direct contempt of court, and subjects the erring counsel to the
notice, Atty. Philip did not submit his comment during the proceedings. In corresponding administrative and criminal actions, viz.:
the meantime, the HLURB dismissed the complaints filed by Rudex due to
the erroneous certifications against forum shopping. The IBP Investigating Section 5. Certification against forum shopping. — The plaintiff or principal
Commissioner recommended the suspension from the practice of law for six party shall certify under oath in the complaint or other initiatory pleading
months of Atty. Philip. The IBP adopted the findings and recommendation of asserting a claim for relief, or in a sworn certification annexed thereto and
the investigating commissioner but modified it to one month suspension simultaneously filed therewith: (a) that he has not theretofore commenced
any action or filed any claim involving the same issues in any court, tribunal
from the practice of law.
or quasi-judicial agency and, to the best of his knowledge, no such other
Issue: action or claim is pending therein; (b) if there is such other pending action
or claim, a complete statement of the present status thereof; and (c) if he
WON Atty. Nazareno should be held administratively liable. should thereafter learn that the same or similar action or claim has been
Held: filed or is pending, he shall report that fact within five (5) days therefrom to
the court wherein his aforesaid complaint or initiatory pleading has been
The Court affirms the IBP’s findings with modification as to the penalty filed.
Failure to comply with the foregoing requirements shall not be curable by
Separate from the proscription against forum shopping is the violation of mere amendment of the complaint or other initiatory pleading but shall be
the certification requirement against forum shopping, which was cause for the dismissal of the case without prejudice, unless otherwise
distinguished in the case of Sps. Ong v. CA as follows: provided, upon motion and after hearing. The submission of a false
certification or non-compliance with any of the undertakings therein shall
The distinction between the prohibition against forum shopping and the
constitute indirect contempt of court, without prejudice to the
certification requirement should by now be too elementary to be
corresponding administrative and criminal actions. If the acts of the party or
misunderstood. To reiterate, compliance with the certification against
his counsel clearly constitute willful and deliberate forum shopping, the
forum shopping is separate from and independent of the avoidance of the
same shall be ground for summary dismissal with prejudice and shall
act of forum shopping itself. There is a difference in the treatment between
constitute direct contempt, as well as a cause for administrative sanctions.
failure to comply with the certification requirement and violation of the
(Emphases supplied)
prohibition against forum shopping not only in terms of imposable sanctions
but also in the manner of enforcing them. The former constitutes sufficient In the realm of legal ethics, said infraction may be considered as a violation
cause for the dismissal without prejudice to the filing of the complaint or of Rule 1.01, Canon 1 and Rule 10.01, Canon 10 of the Code of Professional
Responsibility (Code) which read as follows:
CANON 1 – A LAWYER SHALL UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTION, OBEY THE LAWS the canons of the Code – should have truthfully declared the existence of
OF THE LAND AND PROMOTE RESPECT FOR LAW AND LEGAL PROCESSES. the pending related cases in the certifications against forum shopping
attached to the pertinent pleadings. Considering that Atty. Nazareno did not
Rule 1.01 – A lawyer shall not engage in unlawful, dishonest, immoral or even bother to refute the charges against him despite due notice, the Court
deceitful conduct. finds no cogent reason to deviate from the IBP’s resolution on his
xxxx administrative liability. However, as for the penalty to be imposed, the
Court deems it proper to modify the IBP’s finding on this score.
COURT. In Molina v. Atty. Magat, a penalty of six (6) months suspension from the
practice of law was imposed against the lawyer therein who was shown to
Rule 10.01 – A lawyer shall not do any falsehood, nor consent to the doing have deliberately made false and untruthful statements in one of his
of any in Court; nor shall he mislead, or allow the Court to be misled by any pleadings. Given that Atty. Nazareno’s infractions are of a similar nature,
artifice. but recognizing further that he, as may be gleaned from the foregoing
discussion, had repetitively committed the same, the Court hereby
In this case, it has been established that Atty. Nazareno made false
suspends him from the practice of law for a period of one (1) year.
declarations in the certifications against forum shopping attached to
Rudex’s pleadings, for which he should be held administratively liable. Separately, the Court further finds Atty. Nazareno guilty of malpractice as a
notary public, considering that he assigned only one document number (i.e.,
Records show that Atty. Nazareno, acting as Rudex’s counsel, filed, in
Doc. No. 1968) to the certifications against forum shopping attached to the
August 2003, petitions for review assailing the judgments of default
six (6) April 1, 2004 complaints for rescission and ejectment despite the fact
rendered in the first batch of rescission cases without disclosing in the
that each of them should have been treated as a separate notarial act. It is a
certifications against forum shopping the existence of the ejectment case it
standing rule that for every notarial act, the notary shall record in the
filed against Sps. Sioting which involves an issue related to the
notarial register at the time of the notarization, among others, the entry
complainants’ rescission cases. Further, on January 29, 2004, Rudex,
and page number of the document notarized, and that he shall give to each
represented by Atty. Nazareno, filed a complaint for rescission and
instrument or document executed, sworn to, or acknowledged before him a
ejectment against Sps. Sioting without disclosing in the certifications against
number corresponding to the one in his register[5]. Evidently, Atty.
forum shopping the existence of Sioting’s May 24, 2002 rescission complaint
Nazareno did not comply with the foregoing rule.
against Rudex as well as Rudex’s own September 9, 2002 ejectment
complaint also against Sps. Sioting. Finally, on April 1, 2004, Atty. Nazareno, Worse, Atty. Nazareno notarized the certifications against forum shopping
once more filed rescission and ejectment complaints against the other attached to all the aforementioned complaints, fully aware that they
complainants in this case without disclosing in the certifications against identically asserted a material falsehood, i.e., that Rudex had not
forum shopping the existence of complainants’ own complaints for commenced any actions or proceedings or was not aware of any pending
rescission. actions or proceedings involving the same issues in any other forum. The
administrative liability of an erring notary public in this respect was clearly
Owing to the evident similarity of the issues involved in each set of cases,
delineated as a violation of Rule 1.01, Canon 1 of the Code in the case of
Atty. Nazareno – as mandated by the Rules of Court and more pertinently,
Heirs of the Late Spouses Villanueva v. Atty. Beradi to wit:
Where admittedly the notary public has personal knowledge of a false
statement or information contained in the instrument to be notarized, yet
Samonte v. Jumamil A.C. No. 11668,
proceeds to affix his or her notarial seal on it, the Court must not hesitate to 17 July 2017
discipline the notary public accordingly as the circumstances of the case
may dictate. Otherwise, the integrity and sanctity of the notarization Facts: Atty. Jumamil failed to file the necessary position paper
process may be undermined and public confidence on notarial documents before the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) which
diminished. In this case, respondent’s conduct amounted to a breach of resulted into an adverse ruling against Samonte, his client, who
Canon 1 of the Code of Professional Responsibility, which requires lawyers
then filed a disbarment compliant for acts unbecoming of a
lawyer and betrayal of trust. On the other hand, Atty. Jumamil
to obey the laws of the land and promote respect for the law and legal
maintained that his omission was due to his client’s failure to
processes. Respondent also violated Rule 1.01 of the Code which proscribes adduce credible witnesses to testify in her favor. In the course of
lawyers from engaging in unlawful, dishonest, immoral, or deceitful the proceedings, Atty. Jumamil admittedly prepared and
conduct. (Emphasis supplied) notarized the affidavit of Samonte’s intended witness despite his
belief that such was a perjured one.
In said case, the lawyer who knowingly notarized a document containing
false statements had his notarial commission revoked and was disqualified
Issue: Whether or not Atty. Jumamil should be held
from being commissioned as such for a period of one (1) year. Thus, for his
administratively liable.
malpractice as a notary public, the Court is wont to additionally impose the
same penalties of such nature against him. However, due to the multiplicity
of his infractions on this front, coupled with his willful malfeasance in Decision: Yes. Failure to produce any credible witness is not a
valid justification to completely abandon his client’s cause. Also,
discharging the office, the Court deems it proper to revoke his existing
notarization of a perjured affidavit constitutes a violation of the
commission and permanently disqualify him from being commissioned as a rules on notarial practice. Atty. Jumamil is ordered:
notary public. Indeed, respondent ought to be reminded that: 1. Suspended for one (1) year;
2. Revoked notarial commission;
WHEREFORE, respondent Atty. Philip Z. A. Nazareno is found GUILTY of 3. Disqualified from being commissioned as a notary public for
making false declarations in the certifications against forum shopping two (2) years;
subject of this case, as well as malpractice as a notary public. Accordingly, 4. Sternly warned that repetition would be dealt with more
he is SUSPENDED from the practice of law for a period of one (1) year, severely
effective upon his receipt of this Decision, with a STERN WARNING that a
repetition of the same or similar acts will be dealt with more severely. Notably, the notarization of a perjured affidavit also constituted a violation of
the 2004 Rules on Notarial Practice. Section 4 (a), Rule IV thereof pertinently
Further, he is PERMANENTLY DISQUALIFIED from being commissioned as a
notary public and, his notarial commission, if currently existing, is hereby
SEC. 4. Refusal to Notarize. – A notary public shall not perform any notarial act
described in these Rules for any person requesting such an act even if he
tenders the appropriate fee specified by these Rules if:
by Judge Cacatian stating respondent’s notarization could not
(a) the notary knows or has good reason to
believe that the notarial act or transaction be authenticated. Respondent denied the allegations and added
is unlawful or immoral[.] (Emphasis supplied) he never committed any malpractice, nor deceit nor have
violated the lawyer’s oath and that such allegations is politically
On this score, it is well to stress that "notarization is not an empty, motivated and meant to harass or intimidate him and guessed
meaningless routinary act. It is invested with substantive public interest. It
must be underscored that the notarization by a notary public converts a private that the affidavit-complaint were tampered and adulterated or
document into a public document, making that document admissible in that somebody might forged his signature.
evidence without further proof of authenticity thereof. A notarial document is,
by law, entitled to full faith and credit upon its face. For this reason, a notary
public must observe with utmost care the basic requirements in the Issue:
performance of their duties; otherwise, the confidence of the public in the
integrity of this form of conveyance would be undermined."27 Whether or not Atty Echanez’s contention is tenable.
Having established respondent's administrative liability, the Court now
determines the proper penalty. Rulings:
3. Malpractice- notarizing documents despite the expiration of HEINZ R. HECK v. JUDGE ANTHONY E. SANTOS
his commission.
401 SCRA 46 (2003)
Issue: May a pending case constitutes facts that determines the
existence of gross misconduct by the respondent? Delegating to a counsel of one of the parties the preparation of
a decision and parroting it verbatim reflect blatant judicial
Held: Practice of law is not a right but a privilege bestowed by
the State on those who show that they possess the qualifications Heinz R. Heck is one of the defendants in a Civil Case before the
required by law. The purpose of suspending or disbarring an Regional Trial presided by Judge Anthony E. Santos. Heck and
attorney is to remove from the profession those unfit to be his co-defendant did not receive a copy of the order
entrusted with the duties and responsibilities thereby protecting to schedule the
the public and those charged with the administration of justice,
rather than to punish an attorney. trial on June 10 and 11, 1996. Consequently, they and their
counsel failed to appear therein. Since only the plaintiff’s
counsel, Atty. Manuel Singson, appeared in that hearing, Judge
Santos considered the non-attendance of Heck and his co-
defendant as waiver of their right to present evidence. Judge
Contracting a second marriage despite existence of first Santos thereafter ordered that the case to be submitted for
marriage is a violation of the continous possession of good decision. He therefore authorized Atty. Singson to prepare the
moral character as a requirement to the enjoyment of the draft of the decision.
privilege of law practice.
The decision issued by Judge Santos was copied verbatim from Notarizing Documents Without
the draft which Atty. Singson prepared. Hence, Heck filed an The Requisite Commission
administrative complaint charging Judge Santos with violation Therefore Constitutes
of Section 1, Rule 36 of the Revised Rules of Court. The Office of
the Court Administrator (OCA) found Judge Santos guilty for
Malpractice, If Not The Crime
adopting Singson’s work as his own. Of Falsification Of Public
It must be remembered that notarization is not an
Whether or not Judge Santos is guilty of gross ignorance of the empty, meaningless, routinary act. On the contrary, it is
law invested with substantive public interest, such that only
those who are qualified or authorized may act as
HELD: notaries public. Notarization by a notary public converts
official duties honestly, and with impartiality notarizing documents without the requisite commission
and diligence adjudicative responsibilities.
therefore as reprehensible, constituting as it does not
By such order, Judge Santos abdicated a function exclusively only malpractice, but also the crime of falsification of
granted to him by no less than the fundamental law of the land. public documents. For such reprehensible conduct, the
It is axiomatic that decision-making, among other duties, is the Court has sanctioned erring lawyers by suspension from
primordial and most important duty of a member of the bench. the practice of law, revocation of the notarial commission
He must use his own perceptiveness in understanding and and disqualification from acting as such, and even
analyzing the evidence presented before him and his own disbarment. [35]
Virtusio, each for P 71,944.97, with the notation "DAIF."5 ςrνll ς rνll
managed to register the car in her children s name and sold it to a third
person. Mila filed a case of estafa against Atty. Virtusio7 apart from the
VIRTUSIO, Respondent.
ςrν ll
Mila claimed that Atty. Virtusio evaded the return of money she
misappropriated, impeded the execution of a final judgment, and engaged in
ABAD, J.: conduct that discredits the legal profession, all in violation of the Code of
Professional Responsibility, rendering her unfit to remain a member of the
This administrative case concerns a lawyer who failed to use the money given bar.8
ςrνl lς rνll
act without commission. on the complaint. She asked for extension of time to comply but did not file her
comment just the same.10 On Mila s motion,11 the Court again required Atty.
ςrνl l ςrνll
The Facts and the Case Virtusio to file her comment and to show cause why she had not complied with
its previous orders.12 Still, she did not file any comment, prompting the Court
ς rνll
to impose on her on November 15, 2006 a P 500.00 fine. The court again
On June 14, 2005, Mila Virtusio (Mila) filed with this Court a Complaint for
ςrν ll
Virtusio.Mila alleged that sometime in 1999 Atty. Virtusio convinced her to buy
a house and lot at North Olympus Subdivision in Novaliches, Quezon City, from With no response, on August 1, 2007, the Court directed the Clerk of Court to
its developer, Stateland Investment Corporation (Stateland). Mila agreed for resend its November 15, 2006 Resolution to Atty. Virtusio14 but this was ς rνll
Atty. Virtusio to use her personal checks in paying the seller with Mila returned unserved with the notation, "RTS-Person moved out." On December
reimbursing her. Under this arrangement, Mila gave Atty. Virtusio the following 3, 2007 the Court ordered the resending of the May 3 and November 15, 2006
amounts: P 95,000.00, P 25,000.00, P 65,000.00, P 64,000.00 Resolutions to Atty. Virtusio, this time at an address in Sta. Mesa that Mila
and P 64,000.00. All of these were properly receipted except for furnished. When this last resolution was returned unserved with the notation,
the P 95,000.00 for which she got a receipt from her for only P 90,000.00.2 On ςrν ll
"RTS-Unclaimed," the Court issued a Resolution15 on April 30, 2008 that ςrνl l
October 25 and November 24, 1999, Mila deposited identical amounts considered Atty. Virtusio to have waived her right to file a comment
considering that she filed none despite having sought an extension from the
Court. The Court also referred the case to the Integrated Bar of the Philippines Atty. Virtusio also pointed out, that the charges against her were not born of
(IBP) for investigation, report, and recommendation. some professional relation between Mila and her. She had acted as an
accommodation party, allowing Mila to make use of her personal checks to
The IBP Investigating Commissioner directed Atty. Virtusio to file a position facilitate the purchase of a property from Stateland. And, assuming that the
paper. She filed a motion for extension of time to file the same but did not.16 predicament she finds herself in has a bearing on her professional conduct, the
same does not amount to grossly immoral conduct since she owned up to her
ςrνll ς rνll
having found that Atty. Virtusio appropriated portions of the money that Mila
gave her for payment to Stateland, thus evidencing her moral unfitness to Further, Atty. Virtusio claimed that she should not be penalized for violation of
practice the profession. The Commissioner recommended the imposition of the the notarial law since this offense did not form part of the original complaint to
penalty of one year suspension from the practice of law17 with a two-year which she was required to respond. At any rate, she merely committed an
oversight. She had religiously renewed her notarial commission yearly since
ςrν ll
brought about by her sincere commitment to extend free legal service to the
Atty. Virtusio filed a motion for reconsideration of the IBP Investigating disadvantaged.26
Commissioner s action on April 30, 2009.20 She explained that her failure to
ςrνll ςrν ll
ςrν ll
file her position paper was brought about by her belief that she needed to wait
for the IBP s action on her motion for extension of time to file the same. Thus, Lastly, Atty. Virtusio asked the Court to reconsider the harsh penalty imposed
she prayed that her attached position paper be admitted and considered in on her in the light of the peculiar circumstances of her case and the good faith
resolving her motion for reconsideration.21 ς rνll ς rν ll
she showed.27 ςrνl lς rνll
In her version of the facts, Atty. Virtusio wants to convince the Court that she On June 26, 2011, the IBP Board of Governors issued Resolution XIX-2011-
committed no intentional wrongs and that she was but a victim of 47728 denying the motion despite an affidavit of desistance that Mila filed in
ς rνll
circumstances. Although she admitted using Mila s money rather than pay the meantime.29 As provided in Section 12(b),30 Rule 139-B of the Rules of
ςrνl l ς rνll
Stateland with it, she explained that, having been busy attending to her sick Court, the IBP forwarded the instant case to this Court for final action.
son in Manila, she failed to monitor her check disbursements, entrusting it to
an office staff. Only in December 1999 was she able to audit the same and Questions Presented
discover the mismanagement of her funds and its co-mingling with office
funds, resulting in overlapping of accountabilities and non-funding of the The questions presented in this case are:
checks for Stateland when they fell due.22
ςηα ñrοblεš ν ιr†υαl l αω l ιb rα rÿ
1. Whether or not the IBP erred in finding Atty. Virtusio guilty of grave
On becoming aware of the lapses, however, Atty. Virtusio misconduct in her dealings with Mila and in notarizing documents without a
borrowed P 165,000.00 from Engr. Marciano de Guzman so she could pay Mila renewed commission; and
but, having failed to pay him as well, he went after Mila who was co-maker of
cra lawlib rary
the loan. When Atty. Virtusio tried to make further arrangements to pay what
she owed Mila, the latter refused to negotiate and did not acknowledge the 2. Assuming Atty. Virtusio was guilty of some offenses, whether or not the IBP
past payments she had already made. When Atty. Virtusio refused to yield to imposed the appropriate penalties on her.
Mila s demand for payment of the entire P 165,000.00, she filed a replevin
case, a complaint for estafa, and disbarment charge against her.23
chanrobles vi rt ual law li bra ry
for the admission to the practice of law, maintaining such trait is a condition for
keeping the privilege.31 ςrνl lς rνll
By her own account, Atty. Virtusio admitted misusing the money that Mila Again, Atty. Virtusio s defense is unsubstantial. She did not renew her notarial
entrusted to her for payment to Stateland. Her excuse is that she lost track of commission for two years, 2006 and 2007, not just one. She could not have
her finances and mixed up her office funds with her personal funds. But this missed that fact considering that, as she said, she had been renewing her
excuse is too thin. She admitted misusing P 165,000.00 of Mila s money, which commission yearly from 1995 to 2005.
is not petty cash. Indeed she tried to borrow money from a third person to
cover it up rather than just offer her shallow excuse to Mila. Atty. Virtusio s use A lawyer who notarizes a document without a proper commission violates his
for personal purpose of money entrusted to her constitutes dishonest and lawyer s oath to obey the law. He makes it appear that he is commissioned
deceitful conduct under the Code of Professional Responsibility. It provides:
lαω lιb rα rÿ
ςη αñ rοbl ε š νιr⠀ υα l
when he is not. He thus indulges in deliberate falsehood that the lawyer s oath
forbids. This violation falls squarely under Rule 1.01 of Canon 1 of the Code of
Rule 1.01 A lawyer shall not engage in unlawful, dishonest, immoral or Professional Responsibility and Canon 7 as well.34 A proper sanction is
ςrνl l
CANON 7 A LAWYER SHALL AT ALL TIMES UPHOLD THE INTEGRITY AND Considering, however, that based on the evidence Atty. Virtusio had notarized
DIGNITY OF THE LEGAL PROFESSION AND SUPPORT THE ACTIVITIES OF THE only two documents without a proper notarial commission, the Court finds her
INTEGRATED BAR. suspension from notarial practice for one year adequate.36 ς rν ll ςrνl l
Rule 7.03 A lawyer shall not engage in conduct that adversely reflects on his That Mila had agreed after some financial settlement to withdraw her complaint
fitness to practice law, nor shall he, whether in public or private life, behave in against Atty. Virtusio cannot exempt the latter from the prescribed sanction.
a scandalous manner to the discredit of the legal profession. She has outraged the country s professional code and this demands a measure
of justice. As the Court said in Spouses Soriano v. Atty. Reyes,37 disbarment is ς rνll
a disciplinary action taken for the public good. Consequently, it is as a rule not
subject to some compromise entered into with the complainant. Besides, Mila's
Atty. Virtusio cannot absolve herself of liability by claiming that she failed to evidence is already a matter of record and the Court cannot simply ignore the
attend to her finances because she had to look after a sick child at that time. same.38ςrνll ς rν ll
Assuming she had such a child, the fact is that it was not by mere oversight
that she failed to finance the checks for Stateland. For, if this were so, she WHEREFORE, the Court FINDS Atty. Grenalyn V. Virtusio GUILTY of gross
could have easily rectified her mistake by using her other funds. In truth, she
misconduct and violation of the Code of Professional Responsibility
spent the money that Mila entrusted to her because she had no other funds.
and IMPOSES on her the penalty of SUSPENSION from the practice of law for
Indeed, she had to borrow money from a third party later to remedy her
one year, effective immediately. In addition, the Court REVOKES any Notarial
financial problems.
Commission she may presently have and DISQUALIFIES her from applying
for it for one year also effective immediately. Further, she is WARNED of a
What is more, supposedly to cover up for her fault, Atty. Virtusio executed a more severe penalty should she commit a similar infraction in the future.
deed of sale covering her car in Mila s favor rather than return the money she
defalcated. But, again acting with guile, she withheld possession of the car and
transferred its registration in the name of her children. VICTORINA BAUTISTA vs. ATTY. SERGIO E.
BERNABE, A.C. No. 6963 February 9, 2006
Atty. Virtusio is guilty by her above acts of gross misconduct that warrants her
suspension for one year from the practice of law following Section 27,32 Rule
FACTS: Complainant alleged that on January 3, 1998,
Complainant claimed that her mother could not have
executed the joint affidavit on January 3, 1998 because
she has been dead since January 28, 1961. As a consequence, TCT No B-37189 was cancelled and in lieu thereof, TCT
No. V-2765 was issued in the names of Spouses Claro Bautista and Nida
Bautista on March 4, 1988.
In his Answer, respondent denied that he
falsified the Magkasanib na Salaysay. He disclaimed Based on the evidence presented, the signature appearing on the SPA as
any knowledge about Basilia’s death. He alleged that that of Berlina is a forgery and consequently the Deed of Absolute Sale
before he notarized the document, he requested for Executed by Pedro in favor os Spouses Bautista is not authorized by Berlina.
Basilia’s presence and in her absence, he allowed a Thus the RTC declared the Deed of Absolute Sale dated March 3, 1988
certain Pronebo, allegedly a son-in-law of Basilia, to executed by Pedro M. Silva, for himself and as attorney-in-fact of Berlina F.
sign above the name of the latter as shown by the word Silva, in favor of defendants-spouses Claro Bautista and Nida Bautista over
“by”on top of the name of Basilia. Respondent the parcel of land as null and void.
maintained that there was no forgery since the ISSUE:Whether or Not petitioners are considered as purchasers in good faith
signature appearing on top of Basilia’s name was the and for value having relied upon a SPA which appears legal, valid, and
signature of Pronebo. genuine on its face
ISSUE: Can a notarized document be signed “by”? Whether the nullity of the deed of sale includes the one half share of the
husband gratia argumenti that the special power of attorney is a forgery and
the deed of sale executed by the husband is null and void
Ruling: A notary public should not notarize a document
unless the persons who signed the same are the very HELD: There is no merit to petitioners' claim that they are purchasers in
same persons who executed and personally appeared good faith.
before him to attest to the contents and truth of what
are stated therein. The presence of the parties to the There was positive and convincing evidence that respondent did not sign the
SPA, and on the uncontroverted Certification of Dorado that respondent was
deed will enable the notary public to verify the in Germany working as a nurse when the SPA was purportedly executed in
genuineness of the signature of the affiant. 1987. The SPA being a forgery, it did not vest in Pedro any authority to
alienate the subject property without the consent of respondent. Absent such
marital consent, the deed of sale was a nullity.
The petitioners are not buyers in good faith. A buyer for value in good faith is
BAUTISTA v SILVA one who buys property of another, without notice that some other person has
a right to, or interest in, such property and pays full and fair price for the
GR No. 157434 same, at the time of such purchase, or before he has notice of the claim or
interest of some other persons in the property. He buys the property with
FACTS: Spouses Berlina Silva and Pedro Silva were the owners of a parcel the well-founded belief that the person from whom he receives the
of land with a Transfer Certificate of Title No B-37189, which was registered thing had title to the property and capacity to convey it.
on August 14, 1980 in their names.
To prove good faith, a buyer of registered and titled land need only show
On March 3, 1988, Pedro , for himself and as attorney-in-fact of his wife that he relied on the face of the title to the property. He need not prove that
Berlina, thru a Special Power of Attorney purportedly executed by Berlina in he made further inquiry for he is not obliged to explore beyond the four
his favor, executed a Deed of Absolute Sale over the said parcel of land in corners of the title. Such degree of proof of good faith, however, is
favor of defendants-spouses Claro Bautista and Nida Bautista. sufficient only when the following conditions concur: first, the seller is the
registered owner of the land; second, the latter is in possession thereof; and
third, at the time of the sale, the buyer was not aware of any claim or interest SPA. Finally, petitioners conducted the transaction in haste. It took them all
of some other person in the property, or of any defect or restriction in the title but three days or from March 2 to 4, 1988 to enter into the deed of sale,
of the seller or in his capacity to convey title to the property. notwithstanding the restriction on the capacity to sell of Pedro. In no way
then may petitioners qualify as buyers for value in good faith.
Absent one or two of the foregoing conditions, then the law itself puts the
buyer on notice and obliges the latter to exercise a higher degree of diligence That said, we come to the third issue on whether petitioners may retain the
by scrutinizing the certificate of title and examining all factual circumstances portion of Pedro Silva in the subject property. Certainly not. It is well-settled
in order to determine the seller's title and capacity to transfer any interest in that the nullity of the sale of conjugal property contracted by the husband
the property. Failure to exercise such degree of precaution makes him a without the marital consent of the wife affects the entire property, not just the
buyer in bad faith. To prove good faith then, petitioners must show that they share of the wife.
inquired not only into the title of Pedro but also into his capacity to sell.
Notarial Jurisdiction
A test has to be done whether the buyer had a choice between knowing the
forgery and finding it out, or he had no such choice at all.
A person dealing with a seller who has possession and title to the property
but whose capacity to sell is restricted, qualifies as a buyer in good faith if he
proves that he inquired into the title of the seller as well as into the latter's
[ G.R. NO. 174144, April 17, 2007 ]
capacity to sell; and that in his inquiry, he relied on the notarial
acknowledgment found in the seller's duly notarized special power of BELLA A. GUERRERO, PETITIONER, VS.
attorney. He need not prove anything more for it is already the function of the
notarial acknowledgment to establish the appearance of the parties to the RESURRECCION A. BIHIS, RESPONDENT.
document, its due execution and authenticity. Said rule should not apply
when there is an apparent flaw afflicting the notarial acknowledgment of the
special power of attorney as would cast doubt on the due execution and DECISION
authenticity of the document; or when the buyer has actual notice of
circumstances outside the document that would render suspect its CORONA, J.:
The Scriptures tell the story of the brothers Jacob and
In the present case, petitioners knew that Berlina was in Germany at the time Esau[1], siblings who fought bitterly over the
they were buying the property and the SPA relied upon by petitioners has a
defective notarial acknowledgment. The SPA was a mere photocopy and we inheritance of their father Isaac's estate. Jurisprudence
are not convinced that there ever was an original copy of said SPA as it was is also replete with cases involving acrimonious
only this photocopy that was testified to by petitioner Nida Bautista and
offered into evidence by her counsel. But then said photocopy of the SPA conflicts between brothers and sisters over
contains no notarial seal. There being no notarial seal, the signature of the
notary public on the notarial certificate was therefore incomplete. It was a
successional rights. This case is no exception.
mere private document which petitioners cannot foist as a banner of good
On February 19, 1994, Felisa Tamio de Buenaventura,
All told, it was not sufficient evidence of good faith that petitioners merely mother of petitioner Bella A. Guerrero and respondent
relied on the photocopy of the SPA as this turned out to be a mere private
document. They verified with Atty. Lucero whether the SPA was authentic but Resurreccion A. Bihis, died at the Metropolitan
then the latter was not the notary public who prepared the document. Worse, Hospital in Tondo, Manila.
they purposely failed to inquire who was the notary public who prepared the
opposition. Petitioner took her oath as temporary
On May 24, 1994, petitioner filed a petition for the special administratrix and letters of special
probate of the last will and testament of the decedent administration were issued to her.
in Branch 95[2] of the Regional Trial Court of Quezon
City where the case was docketed as Sp. Proc. No. Q- On January 17, 2000, after petitioner presented her
94-20661. evidence, respondent filed a demurrer thereto alleging
that petitioner's evidence failed to establish that the
The petition alleged the following: petitioner was decedent's will complied with Articles 804 and 805 of
named as executrix in the decedent's will and she was the Civil Code.
legally qualified to act as such; the decedent was a
citizen of the Philippines at the time of her death; at In a resolution dated July 6, 2001, the trial court
the time of the execution of the will, the testatrix was denied the probate of the will ruling that Article 806 of
79 years old, of sound and disposing mind, not acting the Civil Code was not complied with because the will
under duress, fraud or undue influence and was was "acknowledged" by the testatrix and the witnesses
capacitated to dispose of her estate by will. at the testatrix's, residence at No. 40 Kanlaon Street,
Quezon City before Atty. Macario O. Directo who was a
Respondent opposed her elder sister's petition on the commissioned notary public for and in Caloocan City.
following grounds: the will was not executed and The dispositive portion of the resolution read:
attested as required by law; its attestation clause and
acknowledgment did not comply with the requirements
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the Court
of the law; the signature of the testatrix was procured
finds, and so declares that it cannot admit the last will
by fraud and petitioner and her children procured the
and testament of the late Felisa Tamio de
will through undue and improper pressure and
Buenaventura to probate for the reasons hereinabove
discussed and also in accordance with Article 839 [of
the Civil Code] which provides that if the formalities
In an order dated November 9, 1994, the trial court
required by law have not been complied with, the will
appointed petitioner as special administratrix of the
shall be disallowed. In view thereof, the Court shall
decedent's estate. Respondent opposed petitioner's
henceforth proceed with intestate succession in regard
appointment but subsequently withdrew her
to the estate of the deceased Felisa Tamio de
Buenaventura in accordance with Article 960 of the Article 806 of the Civil Code provides:
[Civil Code], to wit: "Art. 960. Legal or intestate
succession takes place: (1) If a person dies without a
ART. 806. Every will must be acknowledged before a
will, or with a void will, or one which has subsequently
notary public by the testator and the witnesses. The
lost its validity, xxx."
notary public shall not be required to retain a copy of
the will, or file another with the office of the Clerk of
Petitioner elevated the case to the Court of Appeals but
One of the formalities required by law in connection
the appellate court dismissed the appeal and affirmed
with the execution of a notarial will is that it must be
the resolution of the trial court.[4]
acknowledged before a notary public by the testator
and the witnesses.[6] This formal requirement is one of
Thus, this petition.[5]
the indispensable requisites for the validity of a
will.[7] In other words, a notarial will that is not
Petitioner admits that the will was acknowledged by
acknowledged before a notary public by the testator
the testatrix and the witnesses at the testatrix's
and the instrumental witnesses is void and cannot be
residence in Quezon City before Atty. Directo and that,
accepted for probate.
at that time, Atty. Directo was a commissioned notary
public for and in Caloocan City. She, however, asserts
An acknowledgment is the act of one who has executed
that the fact that the notary public was acting outside
a deed in going before some competent officer and
his territorial jurisdiction did not affect the validity of
declaring it to be his act or deed.[8] In the case of a
the notarial will.
notarial will, that competent officer is the notary
Did the will "acknowledged" by the testatrix and the
instrumental witnesses before a notary public acting
The acknowledgment of a notarial will coerces the
outside the place of his commission satisfy the
testator and the instrumental witnesses to declare
requirement under Article 806 of the Civil Code? It did
before an officer of the law, the notary public, that they
executed and subscribed to the will as their own free
act or deed.[9] Such declaration is under oath and
under pain of perjury, thus paving the way for the hundred and _______, appointed by me a notary
criminal prosecution of persons who participate in the public, within and for the said province, for the term
execution of spurious wills, or those executed without ending on the first day of January, anno Domini
the free consent of the testator.[10] It also provides a nineteen hundred and _____.
further degree of assurance that the testator is of a
certain mindset in making the testamentary _________________
dispositions to the persons instituted as heirs or Judge of the Court of
designated as devisees or legatees in the will.[11] irst Instance[12] of said
Acknowledgment can only be made before a competent
officer, that is, a lawyer duly commissioned as a notary
xxx xxx xxx
In this connection, the relevant provisions of the SECTION 240. Territorial jurisdiction. - The
Notarial Law provide: jurisdiction of a notary public in a province shall be co-
extensive with the province. The jurisdiction of a
notary public in the City of Manila shall be co-
SECTION 237. Form of commission for notary public. -
extensive with said city. No notary shall possess
The appointment of a notary public shall be in writing,
authority to do any notarial act beyond the limits of his
signed by the judge, and substantially in the following
jurisdiction. (emphases supplied)
A notary public's commission is the grant of authority
in his favor to perform notarial acts.[13] It is issued
"within and for" a particular territorial jurisdiction and
the notary public's authority is co-extensive with it. In
PROVINCE OF ___________
other words, a notary public is authorized to perform
notarial acts, including the taking of acknowledgments,
This is to certify that ____________, of the within that territorial jurisdiction only. Outside the
municipality of ________ in said province, was on place of his commission, he is bereft of power to
the ___ day of __________, anno Domini nineteen perform any notarial act; he is not a notary public. Any
notarial act outside the limits of his jurisdiction has no language of Article 806 of the Civil Code was not
force and effect. As this Court categorically pronounced complied with and the interdiction of Article 240 of the
in Tecson v. Tecson:[14] Notarial Law was breached. Ineluctably, the acts of the
testatrix, her witnesses and Atty. Directo were all
completely void.
An acknowledgment taken outside the territorial limits
of the officer's jurisdiction is void as if the person
The Court cannot turn a blind eye to Atty. Directo's
taking it ware wholly without official character.
participation in the preparation, execution and
(emphasis supplied)
unlawful "acknowledgment" of Felisa Tamio de
Since Atty. Directo was not a commissioned notary Buenaventura's will. Had he exercised his notarial
public for and in Quezon City, he lacked the authority commission properly, the intent of the law to effectuate
to take the acknowledgment of the testatrix and the the decedent's final statements[15] as expressed in her
instrumental witnesses. In the same vein, the testatrix will would not have come to naught.[16] Hence, Atty.
and her witnesses could not have validly acknowledged Directo should show cause why he should not be
the will before him. Thus, Felisa Tamio de administratively sanctioned as a member of the bar
Buenaventura's last will and testament was, in effect, and as an officer of the court.
not acknowledged as required by law.
WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby DENIED.
Moreover, Article 5 of the Civil Code provides: A.C. No. 7036 June 29, 2009
The Court agrees with the findings of the Executive Judge but not to the Considering that Atty. Siapno has been proven to have performed notarial work
recommended penalty. in Ligayen, Natividad and Dagupan City in the province of Pangasinan without
the requisite commission, the Court finds the recommended penalty
A review of the records and evidence presented by complainants shows that insufficient. Instead, Atty. Siapno must be barred from being commissioned as
Atty. Siapno indeed maintained a law office in Lingayen, Pangasinan, just notary public permanently and suspended from the practice of law for a period
beside the law office of one of the complainants, Atty. Elizabeth Tugade. It was of two (2) years.
also proven that Atty. Siapno notarized several instruments with an expired
notarial commission outside the territorial jurisdiction of the commissioning Re: Complaints against Atty. Santos and Atty. Evelyn
court. Section 11, Rule III of the 2004 Rules on Notarial Practice provides
that:chanroble svirtual lawlib rary In a letter,17 dated July 29, 2013, Judge Ros informed the Court that he could
Jurisdiction and Term – A person commissioned as notary public may perform not have complied with the June 9, 2009 and August 4, 2009 orders of the
notarial acts in any place within the territorial jurisdiction of the commissioning Court because he was no longer the Executive Judge of the RTC-Manila at that
court for a period of two (2) years commencing the first day of January of the time. To date, no formal investigation has been conducted on the alleged
year in which the commissioning is made, unless earlier revoked or the notary violation of Atty. Santos and the reported illegal activities of a certain Atty.
public has resigned under these Rules and the Rules of Court. Evelyn.
Under the rule, only persons who are commissioned as notary public may
perform notarial acts within the territorial jurisdiction of the court which With respect to the complaints against Atty. Santos and a certain Atty. Evelyn,
granted the commission. Clearly, Atty. Siapno could not perform notarial the Clerk of Court is ordered to RE-DOCKET the same as separate
functions in Lingayen, Natividad and Dagupan City of the Province of administrative cases.
Pangasinan since he was not commissioned in the said places to perform such
act. The incumbent Executive Judge of the RTC-Manila, whether permanent or in
acting capacity, is ordered to conduct a formal investigation on the matter and
Time and again, this Court has stressed that notarization is not an empty, to submit his Report and Recommendation within sixty (60) days from receipt
meaningless and routine act. It is invested with substantive public interest that of copy of this decision.
only those who are qualified or authorized may act as notaries public.12 It must
be emphasized that the act of notarization by a notary public converts a WHEREFORE, respondent Atty. Juan C. Siapno, Jr. is
private document into a public document making that document admissible in hereby SUSPENDED from the practice of law for two (2) years and BARRED
evidence without further proof of authenticity. A notarial document is by law PERMANENTLY from being commissioned as Notary Public, effective upon his
entitled to full faith and credit upon its face, and for this reason, notaries public receipt of a copy of this decision.
Father Aquino further alleged that on June 23 and July 26, 1999, Atty.
Let copies of this decision be furnished all the courts of the land through the
Office of the Court Administrator, the Integrated Bar of the Philippines, the
Angel Beltran, Clerk of Court, Regional Trial Court, Tuguegarao,
Office of the Bar Confidant, and be recorded in the personal files of the certified that none of the above entries appear in the Notarial Register
respondent. of Atty. Pascua; that the last entry therein was Document No. 1200
With respect to the complaints against Atty. Pedro L. Santos and a certain Atty. executed on December 28, 1998; and that, therefore, he could not
Evelyn, the Clerk of Court is ordered to RE-DOCKET them as separate have notarized Documents Nos. 1213 and 1214 on December 10,
administrative cases. The Executive Judge of the Regional Trial Court, Manila,
is ordered to conduct a formal investigation on the matter and to submit his 1998.
Report and Recommendation within sixty (60) days from receipt of a copy of
this decision. Lina M. Garan and other complainants contend that Atty. Pascua's
omission was not due to inadvertence but a clear case of falsification.
Notarial Seal and Register
In his comment on the letter-complaint dated September 4, 1999, Atty.
Pascua admitted having notarized the two documents on December
Complainants: Fr. Ranhilio C. Aquino(Academic Head of the 10, 1998, but they were not entered in his Notarial Register due to the
Philippine Judicial Academy) et al. oversight of his legal secretary, Lyn Elsie C. Patli, whose affidavit was
attached to his comment
Respondent: Atty. Edwin Pascua (Notary Public in Cagayan)
Whether or not the respondent is guilty of misconduct in the
In his letter-complaint, Father Aquino alleged that Atty. Pascua performance of his duties
falsified two documents committed as follows:
The claim of Atty. Pascua that it was simple inadvertence is far from
The photocopy of his notarial register shows that the last entry which term, however, does not necessarily imply corruption or criminal
he notarized on December 28, 1998 is Document No. 1200 on Page intent.
240. On the other hand, the two affidavit-complaints allegedly
notarized on December 10, 1998 are Document Nos. 1213 and 1214,
respectively, under Page No. 243, Book III. Thus, Fr. Ranhilio and the
other complainants are, therefore, correct in maintaining that Atty. [A.C. No. 5838. January 17, 2005]
Pascua falsely assigned fictitious numbers to the questioned affidavit-
complaints, a clear dishonesty on his part not only as a Notary Public,
but also as a member of the Bar. SPOUSES BENJAMIN SANTUYO AND EDITHA
This is not to mention that the only supporting evidence of the claim of SANTUYO, complainants, vs. ATTY. EDWIN
inadvertence by Atty. Pascua is the affidavit of his own secretary A. HIDALGO, respondent.
which is hardly credible since the latter cannot be considered a
disinterested witness or party. RESOLUTION
Noteworthy also is the fact that the questioned affidavit of Acorda In a verified complaint-affidavit dated September 18,
(Doc. No. 1213) was submitted only when Domingo's affidavit (Doc. 2001, spouses Benjamin Santuyo and Editha Santuyo
No. 1214) was withdrawn in the administrative case filed by Atty. accused respondent Atty. Edwin A. Hidalgo of serious
Pascua against Lina Garan, et al. with the CSC. This circumstance misconduct and dishonesty for breach of his lawyers
lends credence to the submission of herein complainants that Atty. oath and the notarial law.
Pascua ante-dated another affidavit-complaint making it appear as
notarized on December 10, 1998 and entered as Document No. 1213. Complainants stated that sometime in December
It may not be sheer coincidence then that both documents are dated 1991, they purchased a parcel of land covered by a deed
December 10, 1998 and numbered as 1213 and 1214. of sale. The deed of sale was allegedly notarized by
respondent lawyer and was entered in his notarial
register as Doc. No. 94 on Page No. 19 in Book No. III,
WHEREFORE, Atty. Edwin Pascua is declared GUILTY of
Series of 1991. Complainant spouses averred that about
misconduct and is SUSPENDED from the practice of law for three (3) six years after the date of notarization, they had a
months with a STERN WARNING that a repetition of the same or dispute with one Danilo German over the ownership of
similar act will be dealt with more severely. His notarial commission, if the land. The case was estafa through falsification of a
still existing, is ordered REVOKED. public document.
The case defined Misconduct: During the trial of the case, German presented in
"Misconduct" generally means wrongful, improper or unlawful conduct court an affidavit executed by respondent denying the
motivated by a premeditated, obstinate or intentional purpose.[4] The authenticity of his signature on the deed of sale. The
spouses allegedly forged his notarial signature on said admitted knowing complainant Editha Santuyo, he said
he met the latters husband and co-complainant only on
November 5, 1997, or about six years from the time that
According to complainants, respondent overlooked
he purportedly notarized the deed of sale. Moreover,
the fact that the disputed deed of sale contained all the
respondent stressed that an examination of his alleged
legal formalities of a duly notarized document, including
signature on the deed of sale revealed that it was forged;
an impression of respondents notarial dry seal. Not being
the strokes were smooth and mild. He suspected that a
persons who were learned in the technicalities
lady was responsible for forging his signature.
surrounding a notarial act, spouses contended that they
could not have forged the signature of herein To further refute the accusations against him,
respondent. They added that they had no access to his respondent stated that, at the time the subject deed of
notarial seal and notarial register, and could not have sale was supposedly notarized, on December 27, 1991,
made any imprint of respondents seal or signature on the he was on vacation. He surmised that complainants must
subject deed of sale or elsewhere.[3]
have gone to the law office and enticed one of the
secretaries, with the concurrence of the senior lawyers,
In his answer to the complaint, respondent denied
he admitted that he notarized several documents in that the IBP noted that the alleged forged signature of
office, these, however, did not include the subject deed respondent on the deed of sale was different from his
of sale. He explained that, as a matter of office signatures in other documents he submitted during the
procedure, documents underwent scrutiny by the senior investigation of the present case. However, it ruled that
lawyers and it was only when they gave their approval respondent was also negligent because he allowed the
that notarization was done. He claimed that, in some office secretaries to perform his notarial functions,
occasions, the secretaries in the law firm, by themselves, including the safekeeping of his notarial dry seal and
would affix the dry seal of the junior associates on notarial register. It thus recommended:
Considering that the responsibility attached to a notary public
Complainants filed before the IBP-Baguio-Benguet Chapter a
is sensitive respondent should have been more discreet and complaint against respondent Atty. Kilaan for falsification of
cautious in the execution of his duties as such and should not
documents, dishonesty and deceit. They alleged that violating the Notarial Law considering that the Verification of
respondent intercalated certain entries in the application for Batingwed's application was actually recorded as a Deed of
issuance of Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC) to operate Sale in his Notarial Register. In addition, respondent lied under
public utility jeepney filed before the LTFRB-Cordillera oath when he alleged that Adasing was abroad as this was
Administrative Region and substituted the name of the applicant squarely belied by Adasing in his Affidavit.
from Adasing to Batingwed; and respondent submitted false The IBP Board of Governors adopted and approved with
and/or insufficient documentary requirements in support of modification.
Batingwed's application for CPC; that respondent prepared a Issue:
decision based on the resolution of the LTFRB Central Office Is respondent guilty of violating the Notarial Law, the Lawyer’s
which dismissed the Opposition filed by the complainants; and Oath and the Code of Professional Responsibility?
that the said Decision was adopted by the LTFRB-CAR.
The IBP-Baguio-Benguet Chapter endorsed the Complaint to YES, respondent is guilty. It is settled that it is the notary public
the IBP Commission on Bar Discipline (CBD) for appropriate who is personally accountable for the accuracy of the entries in
action. Respondent denied violating the Lawyer's Oath and the his Notarial Register. The Court is not persuaded by
Code of Professional Responsibility. He claimed that Batingwed respondent's explanation that he is burdened with cases thus he
had decided to abandon his application hence he no longer was constrained to delegate the recording of his notarial acts in
submitted the necessary requirements therefor. Respondent his Notarial Register to his secretary. Stated in Rule VI,
claimed that he knew about the favorable Decision only when Sections 1 and 2 of the 2004 Rules of Notarial Practice require
Batingwed showed him the same. He narrated that considering a notary public to keep and maintain a Notarial Register wherein
the incomplete documents, the LTFRB mistakenly approved he will record his every notarial act. His failure to make the
Batingwed's application. proper entry or entries in his notarial register concerning his
He denied intercalating the entries in the application for CPC of notarial acts is a ground for revocation of his notarial
Batingwed. He averred that once an application has been filed, commission. As mentioned, respondent failed to make the
the application and all accompanying records remain with the proper entries in his Notarial Register; as such, his notarial
LTFRB and could no longer be retrieved by the applicant or his commission may be properly revoked.
counsel. Respondent further explained that it was Adasing who Aside from violating the Notarial Law, respondent also violated
paid the filing fee in behalf of Batingwed but the cashier his Lawyer's Oath and the Code of Professional Responsibility
erroneously indicated Adasing instead of Batingwed as payor. by committing falsehood in the pleadings he submitted before
the IBP. His claim that Adasing was abroad was proved to be
Complainants on the other hand, alleged that the Verification in untruthful when complainants submitted the Affidavit of Adasing
Batingwed's application actually refers to a Deed of Sale and insisting that he never left the country. Canon 10, Rule 10.01 of
not the Verification of Batingwed's application. Complainants the Code of Professional Responsibility expressly provides that
also presented an Affidavit of Adasing claiming that he never left "[a] lawyer shall not do any falsehood, nor consent to the doing
the country. CIAHDT of any in Court; nor shall be mislead, or allow the Court to be
misled by any artifice." In the same vein, Canon 1, Rule 1.01
The Investigating Commissioner found that complainants failed mandates that "[a] lawyer shall not engage in unlawful,
to prove that Atty. Kilaan intercalated the entries. However, dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct." Respondent failed to
respondent was not totally absolved as he was found liable for observe these Rules and hence must be sanctioned.
Ang alleged that there is reasonable ground to believe that
Hence, the notarial commission of Atty. Richard Baltazar Kilaan respondent had a direct participation in the commission of
is revoked. forgeries and falsifications because he was the one who prepared
and notarized the Affidavit of Loss and Deed of Absolute Sale that
led to the transfer and issuance of the new TCTs. Ang pointed out
.C. No. 4545 February 5, 2014
that the Deed of Absolute Sale which was allegedly executed by
CARLITO ANG, Complainant, vs. ATTY. JAMES JOSEPH Candelaria Magpayo on April 17, 1989, was antedated and
GUPANA, Respondent. Candelaria Magpayo’s signature was forged as clearly shown by
the Certification issued by the Office of the Clerk of Court of the
Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Cebu since the Notarial Report
Legal Ethics: Rule 9.01, Canon 7; Rule 9.01, Canon 9 indubitably showed that the document executed was an affidavit,
not a Deed of Absolute Sale.
As to the Affidavit of Loss, which was allegedly executed by the
The case stemmed from an affidavit-complaint filed by late Candelaria Magpayo on April 29, 1994, it could not have been
complainant Carlito Ang against respondent. Ang alleged that he executed by her as she Died three years prior to the execution of
and the other heirs of the late Candelaria Magpayo, namely the said affidavit of loss.
Purificacion Diamante and William Magpayo, executed an Extra-
judicial Declaration of Heirs and Partition involving a land which
was covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. (T-22409)-6433. Ang further alleged that respondent made himself the attorney-in-
He was given his share of 2,003 square meters designated as Lot fact and executed a Deed of Sale selling the lot to Lim Kim So
No. 2066-B-2-B-4, together with all the improvements thereon. Mecantile Co even though a civil case was pending before the RTC
of Mandaue City, Cebu.
ATTY. AURELIO C. ANGELES, JR., PROVINCIAL LEGAL OFFICER, 4. Deed of Absolute Sale executedby Rowena Berja, notarized on
BATAAN CAPITOL, BALANGA CITY, BATAAN, Complainant, March 17, 2008;
ATTY. RENATO C. BAGAY, Respondent. 5. Deed of Donation executed by and between Crispulo
Rodriguez and Luisa Rodriguez Jorgensen, notarized on April 8,
14. Deed of Absolute Sale executed by Cipriano and Salvacion On December 3, 2008, Atty. Risos-Vidal opted to endorse the matter to
Violago, notarized on April 1, 2008; the Office of the Bar Confidant for appropriate action.5
15. Deed of Absolute Sale executed by Sahara Management and This Court, in its Resolution,6 dated February 2, 2009, resolved to note
Development Corporation, notarized on March 26, 2008; the letter of Atty. Angeles, Jr., dated September 30,2008, and require
respondent to comment on the said letter. In his comment,7 dated 27
16. Deed of Absolute Sale executed by and between Danilo March 2009, respondent claimed that he was not aware that those were
Arellano, Luzviminda Ramos and Sps. Fernando and Agnes documents notarized using his name while he was out of the country.
Silva, notarized on March 18, 2008; Upon his own inquiry, he found out that the notarizations were done by
his secretary and without his knowledge and authority. The said secretary
notarized the documents without realizing the import of the notarization
17. Deed of Absolute Sale executed by and between Vicente
act. Respondent apologized to the Court for his lapses and averred that
Banzon married to Elizabeth Banzon and Sps. Dommel and
he had terminated the employment of his secretary from his office.
Crystal Lima, notarized on April 2, 2008; and
The Court then referred the case tothe IBP for investigation, report and
18. Deed of Absolute Sale executed by and between Marilyn T.
recommendation. When the case was called for mandatory conference
Casupanan and Dominador M. Manalansan notarized on March
on September 16, 2009, only respondent appeared. Atty. Angeles filed a
14, 2008.
manifestation reiterating his original position and requesting that his
attendance be excused.8 The mandatory conference was terminated and
These documents were endorsed to the Provincial Legal Office by the the parties were directed to file their respective position papers. Only
Provincial Treasurer who had information that they were notarized while respondent submitted a position paper,9 to which he added that for 21
respondent was outside the country attending the Prayer and Life years that he had been practicing law, he acted as a notary public without
Workshop in Mexico. The letter contained the affidavits of the persons any blemish on record dutifully minding the rules of the law profession
who caused the documents to be notarized which showed a common and notarial practice.
statement that they did not see respondent sign the documents himself
and it was either the secretary who signed them or the documents
The Report and Recommendation10 of Atty. Felimon C. Abelita III (Atty.
cameout of the office already signed. Upon verification with the Bureau of
Abelita III)as Investigating Commissioner found that the letter of Atty.
Immigration, it was found out that a certain Renato C. Bagay departed
Angeles, Jr., dated June11, 2008, was not verified, that most of the
from the country on March 13, 2008 and returned on April 8, 2008. The
attachments were not authenticated photocopies and that the comment The sole issue to resolve in this case is whether the notarization of
of respondent was likewise not verified. Atty. Abelita III, however, documents by the secretary of respondent while he was out of the
observed that respondent’s signature on his comment appeared to be country constituted negligence.
strikingly similar to the signatures in most of the attached documents
which he admitted were notarized in his absence by his office The Court answers in the affirmative.
secretary.He admitted the fact that there were documents that were
notarized while he was abroad and his signature was affixed by his office Respondent admitted in his commentand motion for reconsideration that
secretary who was not aware of the import of the act. Thus, by his own the 18 documents were notarized under his notarial seal by his office
admission, it was established that by his negligence in employing an secretary while he was out of the country. This clearly constitutes
office secretary who had access to his office, his notarial seal and negligence considering that respondent is responsible for the acts of his
records especially pertaining to his notarial documents without the proper secretary. Section 9 of the 2004 Rules on Notarial Practice provides that
training, respondent failed to live up to the standard required by the Rules a "Notary Public" refers to any person commissioned to perform official
on Notarial Practice. acts under these Rules. A notary public’s secretary is obviously not
commissioned to perform the official acts of a notary public. Respondent
Finding respondent guilty of negligence in the performance of his notarial cannot take refuge in his claim that it was his secretary’s act which he did
duty which gave his office secretary the opportunity to abuse his not authorize. He is responsible for the acts of the secretary which he
prerogative authority as notary public, the Investigating Commissioner employed. He left his office open to the public while leaving his secretary
recommended the immediate revocation of respondent’s commission as in charge. He kept his notarial seal and register within the reach of his
notary public and his disqualification to be commissioned as such for a secretary, fully aware that his secretary could use these items to notarize
period of two (2) years. documents and copy his signature. Such blatant negligence cannot be
countenanced by this Court and it is far from being a simple negligence.
The IBP Board of Governors adopted and approved the said There is an inescapable likelihood that respondent’s flimsy excuse was a
recommendation in its Resolution,11 dated September 28, 2013. mere afterthought and such carelessness exhibited by him could be a
conscious act of what his secretary did.
Respondent filed a motion for reconsideration12 of the said resolution of
the IBP. He contended that by admitting and owning up to what had Respondent must fully bear the consequence of his negligence. A person
happened, but without any wrongful intention, he should be merited with who is commissioned as a notary public takes full responsibility for all the
leniency. Moreover, he claimed that he only committed simple negligence entries in his notarial register.14 He cannot relieve himself of this
which did not warrant such harsh penalty. responsibility by passing the buck to his secretary.
On May 4, 2014, the IBP Board of Governors denied the motion for As to his plea of leniency, the Court cannot consider it. Respondent
reconsideration of respondent stating: claims that for the 21 years that he has been practicing law, he acted as
a notary public without any blemish and this was his first and only
RESOLVED to DENY Respondent’s Motion for Reconsideration, there infraction. His experience, however, should have placed him on guard
being no cogent reason to reverse the findings of the Commission and and could have prevented possible violations of his notarial duty. By his
the resolution subject of the motion, it being a mere reiteration of the sheer negligence, 18 documents were notarized by an unauthorized
matters which had already been threshed out and taken into person and the public was deceived. Such prejudicial act towards the
consideration. Thus, Resolution No. XX-2013-85 dated September 28, public cannot be tolerated by this Court. Thus, the penalty of revocation
2013 is hereby affirmed.13 of notarial commission and disqualification from reappointment as Notary
Public for two (2) years is appropriate.
On August 1, 2014, the Director for Bar Discipline endorsed the May 4,
2014 Resolution of the IBP Board of Governors to the Office of the Chief Because of the negligence of respondent, the Court also holds him liable
Justice for appropriate action. for violation of the Code of Professional Responsibility (CPR).His failure
to solemnly perform his duty as a notary public not only damaged those the performance of their duties. Otherwise, the confidence of the public in
directly affected by the notarized documents but also undermined the the integrity of pub! ic instruments would be undermined.18
integrity of a notary public and degraded the function of notarization. He
should, thus, be held liable for such negligence not only as a notary Let this serve as a reminder to the members of the legal profession that
public but also as a lawyer.15Where the notary public is a lawyer, a graver the Court will not take lightly complaints of unauthorized acts of
responsibility is placed upon his shoulder by reason of his solemn oath to notarization, especially when the trust and confidence reposed by the
obey the laws and to do no falsehood or consent to the doing of public in our legal system hang in the balance.
any.16 Respondent violated Canon 9 of the CPR which requires lawyers
not to directly or indirectly assist in the unauthorized practice of law. Due WHEREFORE, the recommendation of the Integrated Bar of the
to his negligence that allowed his secretary to sign on his behalf as Philippines is ADOPTED with MODIFICATION. Finding Atty. Renato C.
notary public, he allowed an unauthorized person to practice law. By Bagay grossly negligent in his duty as a notary public, the Court
leaving his office open despite his absence in the country and with his REVOKES his notarial commission and DISQUALIFIES him from being
secretary in charge, he virtually allowed his secretary to notarize commissioned as notary public for a period of two (2) years. The Court
documents without any restraint. also SUSPENDS him from the practice of law for three (3) months
effective immediately, with a WARNING that the repetition of a similar
Respondent also violated his obligation under Canon 7 of the CPR, which violation will be dealt with even more severely.
directs every lawyer to uphold at all times the integrity and dignity of the
legal profession. The people who came into his office while he was away, The respondent is DIRECTED to report the date of his receipt of this
were clueless as to the illegality of the activity being conducted therein. Decision to enable this Court to determine when his suspension shall
They expected that their documents would be converted into public take effect.
documents. Instead, they later found out that the notarization of their
documents was a mere sham and without any force and effect. By
Let copies of this Decision be furnished to Office of the Bar Confidant to
prejudicing the persons whose documents were notarized by an
be appended to Atty. Renato C. Bagay's personal record; the Integrated
unauthorized person, their faith in the integrity and dignity of the legal
Bar of the Philippines; and all courts in the country for their information
profession was eroded.
and guidance.
Considering the facts and circumstances of the case, an additional
penalty of suspension from the practice of law for three (3) months is in
A.C. No. 10783
Respondent should remember that a notarial commission is a privilege
and a significant responsibility. It is a privilege granted only to those who ATTY. BENIGNO T. BARTOLOME,, Complainant
are qualified to perform duties imbued with public interest. As we have vs.
declared on several occasions, notarization is not an empty, ATTY. CHRISTOPHER A. BASILIO, Respondent
meaningless, routinary act. It is invested with substantive public interest,
such that only those who are qualified or authorized may act as notary RESOLUTION
public. The protection of that interest necessarily requires that those not
qualified or authorized to act must be prevented from imposing upon the PERLAS-BERNABE, J.:
public, the courts, and the administrative offices in general.17
For resolution are the Motion to Lift Suspension1 dated July 19, 2017 filed
It must be underscored that notarization by a notary public converts a by respondent Atty. Christopher A. Basilio (Basilio), as well as the Report
private document into a public document, making that document and Recommendation2 dated September 13, 2017 of the Office of the Bar
admissible in evidence without further proof of its authenticity. Thus, Confidant (OBC), recommending that: (a) Basilio be meted with an
notaries pub! ic must observe with utmost care the basic requirements in additional penalty of fine in the amount of ₱10,000.00 for his failure to
immediately comply with the Court's order of suspension from the profession and from the Integrated Bar of the Philippines' (IBP) Local
practice of law, as mandated in the Decision3 dated October 14, 2015 of Chapter where he is affiliated with, affirming that he has ceased and
the Court; and (b) the lifting of the order of suspension be held in desisted from the practice of law, has not appeared in court as counsel,
abeyance pending the payment of the fine. and has not practiced his notarial commission during the mandated
The Facts
In another letter14 dated August 22, 2016, Rambayon informed the Court
In the October 14, 2015 Decision (the Decision), the Court suspended
4 that in the schedule of cases before Judge Bemar D. Fajardo of the
Basilio from the practice of law for one (1) year, revoked his incumbent Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Paniqui, Tarlac, Branch 67, there were five
commission as a notary public, and prohibited him from being (5) cases15 where the litigants were supposedly represented by Basilio.
commissioned as a notary public for two (2)
years, effective immediately, after finding him guilty of violating the 2004 In a Resolution16 dated October 5, 2016, the Court, among others, noted
Rules of Notarial Practice and Rule 1.01, Canon 1 of the Code of Rambayon's letter dated August 22, 2016 and further required Basilio
Professional Responsibility. He is further warned that a repetition of the to: (a) show cause within ten (10) days from notice why he should not be
same offense or similar acts in the future shall be dealt with more held in contempt of court for not immediately complying with the order of
severely.5 suspension upon receipt of the Decision; and (b)file a sworn statement
with certifications affirming that he has fully served his penalty of
The Decision was circulated to all courts for the information and suspension.
implementation of the order of suspension.6 Basilio, thru his counsel, Atty.
Edward L. Robea (Robea), claimed to have received a copy of the Complying17 with the show cause order, Basilio explained that he did not
Decision on December 2, 2015,7 hence, his suspension from the practice immediately comply with the suspension order because he believed that
of law, as well as the revocation of his notarial commission and his suspension was held in abeyance pending resolution of his motion for
prohibition from being commissioned as a notary public should have all reconsideration of the Decision, following the guidelines in Maniago v. De
effectively commenced on the same date. In a Resolution8 dated April 20, Dios18(Maniago), wherein it was stated that "[u]nless the Court explicitly
2016, the Court denied with finality Basilio's motion for reconsideration9 of states that the decision is immediately executory upon receipt thereof,
the Decision. respondent has [fifteen (15)] days within which to file a motion for
reconsideration thereof. The denial of said motion shall render the
However, in a letter10 dated June 9, 2016, Atty. Sotero T. Rambayon decision final and executory."19 On this score, he maintained that what
(Rambayon) inquired from the Court about the status of Basilio's was immediately executory was only the revocation of his notarial
suspension, alleging that the latter still appeared before Judge Venancio commission and the two (2)-year prohibition of being commissioned as a
M. Ovejera of the Municipal Trial Court of Paniqui, Tarlac on April 26, notary public.20
2016. The letter was subsequently referred to the OBC for appropriate
action.11 In a letter-reply12 dated July 25, 2016, the OBC informed In a Resolution21 dated March 15, 2017, the Court noted Basilio's
Rambayon that the Decision had already been circulated to all courts for compliance, and referred the case to the OBC for evaluation, report, and
implementation, and that Basilio's motion for reconsideration had been recommendation. In a Report and Recommendation22 dated June 22,
denied with finality by the Court. 2017, the OBC recommended that the directives in the Court's October 5,
2016 Resolution be reiterated, i.e., the filing of a sworn statement with
Consequently, in a Report and Recommendation13 dated July 27, 2016, certifications attesting to his compliance with the full service of
the OBC recommended that Basilio be required to show cause why he suspension, and require Basilio to comply with the same within ten (10)
should not be held in contempt of court for not immediately complying days from notice.
with the Court's order of suspension upon receipt of the Decision. He was
further required to file a sworn statement, with certifications from the Before the Court could act on the OBC's June 22, 2017 Report and
Office of the Executive Judge of the court where he practices his legal Recommendation, Basilio filed a Motion to Lift Suspension (Motion)23 on
July 25, 2017, attaching an Affidavit of Cessation/Desistance from The essential issues for the Court's resolution are: (a) whether or not
Practice of Law or Appearance in Court.24 In his motion, Basilio stated Basilio's suspension should now be lifted, and (b) whether or not he
that he "has commenced to serve his penalty on July 9, 2016 and should be fined for his failure to immediately comply with the order of the
continue to serve his penalty until the present upon his receipt of the Court.
Order of the [Court] denying his Motion for Reconsideration."25 He further
mentioned that he "immediately ceased and desisted from the practice of The Court's Ruling
his notarial commission on December 2, 2015 until the present."26 Basilio
likewise attached to his Motion the following: (a) Certification27 dated July The dispositive portion of the Decision explicitly states that the penalties
12, 2017 from the IBP-Tarlac Chapter, affirming that Basilio "has not imposed on Basilio for violation of the 2004 Rules of Notarial Practice
appeared in court beginning July 9, 2016 to July 9, 2017" and "has not and Rule 1.01, Canon 1 of the Code of Professional Responsibility -
practiced his notarial commission as notary public from December 2, namely: (a)suspension from the practice of law for a period of one (1)
2016 [up to] the present"; (b) Certification28 dated July 14, 2017 from the year; (b) revocation of his incumbent commission as a notary public; and
RTC of Paniqui, Tarlac, Branch 67, attesting that Basilio has ceased and (c) prohibition from being commissioned as a notary public for two (2)
desisted from the practice of law and has not practiced his notarial years, were all "effective immediately", viz.:
commission from December 2, 2016 up to the present; and (c)
Certifications29 dated July 17, 2017, from the RTC of Camiling, Tarlac,
WHEREFORE, the Court finds Atty. Christopher A. Basilio GUILTY of
Branch 68 and July 20, 2017, from the RTC of Tarlac City, Branch 64,
violating the 2004 Rules of Notarial Practice and Rule 1.01, Canon 1 of
both affirming that Basilio did not appear as counsel in said courts from
the Code of Professional Responsibility. Accordingly, the Court hereby
July 9, 2016 up to the present.
SUSPENDS him from the practice of law for one (1) year; REVOKES his
incumbent commission as a notary public, if any; and PROHIBITS him
The Action and Recommendation of the OBC from being commissioned as a notary public for two (2) years, effective
immediately. He is WARNED that a repetition of the same offense or
In a Report and Recommendation30 dated September 13, 2017, the OBC similar acts in the future shall be dealt with more severely.31 [Emphasis,
recommended that Basilio be meted with an additional penalty of a fine in italics, and underscoring supplied]
the amount of ₱10,000.00 for his failure to immediately comply with the
Court's order of suspension from the practice of law, as mandated in the Accordingly, Basilio's compliance with the order of suspension, as well as
Decision. Likewise, it recommended that the lifting of the order of all the other penalties, should have commenced on the day he received
suspension from the practice of law be held in abeyance pending his the Decision.1âwphi 1
Issue: Whether or not Atty. Baleros should be held Atty. Artemio P. Cabatos (respondent) was
administratively liable. administratively charged[1] by Judge Gervacio A. Lopena
(complainant) of the Municipal Circuit Trial Court (MCTC)
Decision: Yes. Atty. Baleros shall be made liable not only as a of Tagbilaran-Clarin, Bohol of SERIOUS BREACH OF
notary public who failed to discharge her duties but also as a PROFESSIONAL ETHICS and GRAVE MISCONDUCT
lawyer who exhibited utter disregard to the integrity and dignity allegedly committed as follows:
he owed to the legal profession. Atty. Baleros is ordered:
1. Suspended for six (6) months; 1) Respondent knowingly falsified a Deed of
2. Revoked notarial commission; Donation[2] purportedly executed by one Crispina Panis
3. Disqualified from being commissioned as a notary public for by notarizing the same on June 24, 1981 when the donor
two (2) years; had died on January 15, 1981, and
4. Warned that repetition would be dealt with more severely
2) Respondent showed a grave disrespect to the
courts and the administration of justice by holding,
To reiterate, the respondent admitted having signed and notarized the
Application for Certification of Alienable and Disposable Land but based from together with his followers, a parade/rally on September
the foregoing, she indubitably failed to record the assailed document in her 21, 1984 around the principal streets of Tagbilaran City,
notarial book. It is axiomatic that notarization is not an empty, meaningless or
routinary act. It is through the act of notarization that a private document is directed against complainant who had convicted
converted into a public one, making it admissible in evidence without need of respondents close relatives in three criminal cases and
preliminary proof of authenticity and due execution. "If the document or
instrument does not appear in the notarial records and there is no copy of it denied the applications for probation of two of the
therein, doubt is engendered that the document or instrument was not really convicts.
notarized, so that it is not a public document and cannot bolster any claim
made based on this document." The respondent's delegation of her notarial
function of recording entries in her notarial register to her staff is a clear
Acting on this Courts Resolution of February 14,
contravention of the explicit provision of the Notarial Rules dictating that such 1990,[3] respondent submitted his COMMENT, by letter of
duty be fulfilled by her and not somebody else.
April 19, 1990,[4] claiming that he had been away from his
Place of Notarization and Personal Presence place of birth, Panaytayon, Tubigon, Bohol since 1958,
hence, when he notarized the questioned deed of
donation, he really did not recognize the person of
Cristina Panis, but he was led by one Gregorio Ricafort
[A.C. No. 3441. August 11, 2005]
to believe that the old woman before him at the time was on April 19, 2002[10] and June 7, 2002, respectively, they
the said Crispina Panis. were reset to June 28, 2002.[11]
Respondent informed that his notarization of the Before the June 28, 2002 scheduled hearing,
questioned document in fact resulted to his indictment in complainant filed before the IBP a MANIFESTATION
court for reckless imprudence resulting in falsification of COUPLED WITH MOTION FOR JUDGMENT ON THE
public document, which case was pending trial. PLEADING[12] wherein he expressed wonder . . . why it
took the Committee on Bar Discipline of the IBP over ten
As for the charge of having conducted a rally/parade,
(10) long years to set th[e] case for hearing.
respondent claimed that the same was staged by PDP
Laban and BAYAN of Bohol as a protest against In the same Manifestation cum Motion, complainant
complainant who showed bias in presiding over the trial informed that his two witnesses, Aniceta P. Tarle, a
of the criminal cases against members of the Cabatos daughter of the deceased Crispina Panis, and Ricafort
family and disregarding the evidence in convicting them. (who, as reflected above, respondent claimed to have
led him to believe that the old woman presented before
By Comment/Reply[5] to respondents COMMENT,
him was Panis) had died.
complainant countered that one of the witnesses to the
questioned document was respondents father, Geronimo Complainant further informed that he and respondent
Cabatos,[6] a permanent resident of Panaytayon who were principal sponsors at a wedding, hence, he had not
knew as he was related by blood to Crispina pressed for the early investigation of the case.
Panis,[7] hence, it is incredible for respondent not to know
Nonetheless, complainant prayed that the case be
of Panis death on January 15, 1981 or that he did not
decided on the basis of the pleadings.
know the person of . . . Panis [even if] he ha[d] been
away from his place of birth since 1958. Respondent, whose comment on complainants
above-said Manifestation cum Motion was sought by the
This Court referred the case to the Integrated Bar of
IBP by Order of June 28, 2002,[13] filed a Motion to
the Philippines (IBP) by Resolution of June 4, 1990.[8]
Dismiss[14] manifesting that he was joining complainants
The rollo shows that complainant had been motion to have the case resolved on the basis of the
manifesting his zeal in pursuing the case, but until March pleadings, and informing that the criminal complaint
19, 2002 when a Commissioner of the IBP Commission lodged against him in connection with his notarization of
on Bar Discipline issued a Notice of Hearing[9] directing the questioned document was dismissed, he having
the parties to appear at the IBP Building on April 19, proved
2002, the case appears to have in the interim remained
dormant. i) that when he notarized the subject Deed of Donation
one among six similar documents executed in favor
Due to the unavailability of complainant and the IBP of Barangay Panaytayon, Tubigon, Bohol, for
Investigating Commissioner on the scheduled hearings
purposes of a school site someone represented to helper, until respondent graduated from two (2)
respondent as Crispina Panis; college courses;
ii) that she turned [out] to be the daughter of Crispina c) that, in fact, the fact of death of said Crispina Panis was
Panis, and that she ha[d] been instructed by Gregorio known to respondent only when he became one of
Ricafor[t] who prepared the document to affix the the accused in a complaint for falsification of public
same Crispina Panis in the document; document filed with the MCTC of Tubigon-Clarin,
iii) that the donation turned out to be the will and resolve
of the heirs of Crispina Panis[.] The case was set anew for complainant to present
evidence on November 11, 2002 during which, again,
Respondent accordingly prayed for the dismissal of the none of the parties appeared, drawing the Commission
case. to consider the case submitted for resolution by Order of
IBP Commissioner on Bar Discipline Victoria O. de even date.[19]
los Reyes, to whom the case was reassigned, issued a Commissioner de los Reyes submitted her REPORT
Notice of Hearing[15] setting the case for hearing on and RECOMMENDATION[20] the pertinent portion of
October 10, 2002 but not one of the parties showed up. which read:
While the IBP received on October 4, 2002 complainants
Reiterative Manifestation dated September 30, 2002,[16] it xxx
resolved to deny the Motion for Judgment on the
Pleadings, by Order of October 10, 2002[17] upon its In view of the failure of the complainant to substantiate his
finding of a need for complainant to substitute his serious charges against the respondent, it is respectfully
charges. recommended that this charge for disbarment be dismissed.
There is no question that the complainant waived his right to
The IBP later received on October 6, 2002 a present his evidence despite the opportunity given him by this
REITERATIVE MANIFESTATION (RE: Commission and in effect deprived the respondent the right to
COMPLAINANTS MOTION FOR JUDGMENT ON THE confront him and his witnesses.
PLEADINGS)[18] alleging, among other things,
However, this Commission would like to point out that there is
b) that respondent never personally knew the late Crispina no issue that respondent Atty. Cabatos did not exercise that
Panis nor his relationship to her, considering that degree of diligence required of him as a Notary Public.
from 1958 (when respondent set foot on secondary
education) respondent left his native place and It has been held in the case entitled Flores v. Chua, 306 SCRA
resided in a convent with a parish priest (now Msgr. 465, that where the notary public is a lawyer, a graver
Saturnino Felicitas) as an altar boy and convent
responsibility is placed upon his shoulder by reason of his By NOTICE OF RESOLUTION,[21] the IBP National
solemn oath to obey the laws and to do no falsehood or Secretary quoted the IBP Resolution No. XVI-2003-89
consent to the doing of any. And in the case Nunga v. Viray, adopting and approving the Report and
306 SCRA 487, the Honorable Court ruled that notaries public Recommendation of the Investigating
must observe with utmost care the basic requirements in the Commissioner, which notice of Resolution, along with
performance of their duties. the records of the case, was transmitted by letter of
September 29, 2002 of the IBP Director for Bar
In the case before us, the respondent himself admitted that he Discipline and received on October 9, 2003 by the Office
did not exert any effort to find out if the person who of the Bar Confidant, this Court.[23]
acknowledged to have executed the Deed of Donation was
really Crispina Panis. He merely relied on the assurance of Mr. When will the incidence of violations, by lawyers
Gregorio Ricafort that the person who appeared before him as commissioned as notaries public, of their oath of office
Notary Public was the real Crispina Panis. Considering that decline if not abate?
Tubigon, Bohol is a small town, it would have been easy to Why do notaries public seem to be impervious to the
determine the real identity of the person claiming to have call by this Court to faithfully discharge their sacred
executed the document. duties which are dictated by public policy and impressed
with public interest?
Moreover, it was easy for the respondent to require the person
who claimed to have executed the questioned Deed of Why did respondent rely on Ricaforts alleged leading
Donation to produce his Community Tax Certificate (formerly him to believe that the old woman before him
Residence Certificate) and any other documents to identify was the Crsipina Panis who purportedly executed the
him or her. This he did not do. document for notarization, when one of the
witnesses[24] to the execution of the document was his
It can therefore be validly concluded that respondent Atty. (respondents) father, Geronimo Cabatos, from whom he
Cabatos failed to exercise with utmost care and diligence his could have verified the identity of Crispina Panis, if
duties as Notary Public. indeed he did not know her?
That respondent was, if true, exonerated from the
For these reasons, it is recommended that respondent Atty. criminal case filed against him in connection with his
Artemio P. Cabatos be reprimanded, with a warning that a notarization of the questioned document does not
graver penalty will be recommended to be imposed on him in exonerate him from the present administrative case.
the event he again fails to exercise that high degree of
diligence required of a Notary Public in the performance of his Nor does, if respondents information in his Motion to
duties as such. (Emphasis and italization in the original) Dismiss[25] is true, that the person who had been
instructed by Ricafort to affix the signature of Crispina
Panis was the latters daughter exonerate him. By such
information, he in fact impliedly admits that the document Mumar vs. Atty Flores
had already been signed when it was brought to him for A.C. No. 5426 April 3, 2007
CHITA PANTOJA-MUMAR, Complainant, - versus - ATTY. JANUARIO C.
That a notary public should not notarize a document FLORES, Respondent.
unless the persons who signed it are the same persons
who executed and personally appeared before him to The instant administrative case stemmed from the complaint filed by Chita
attest to the contents of the truth of what are stated Pantoja-Mumar charging respondent Atty.Januario C. Flores with fraud,
therein bears reiterating. On pain of sounding like a misrepresentation, deceit, falsification of document, breach of duty and
violation of his oath as a lawyer.
broken record, this Court has repeatedly held that the
purpose of the injunction is to enable the notary public to Complainant is one of the compulsory heirs of the late Jose Pantoja, Sr. It
verify the genuineness of the signature of the appears that respondent had prepared an Extrajudicial Partition with
acknowledging party in this case Crispina Panis and to Absolute Sale for her and 11 other co-heirs covering a three-hectare property
ascertain that the document is the partys free act of in Pangdan, Cambanay,Danao City. The deed was executed in favor of the
spouses Filomena and Edilberto Perez, who were later able to secure a
torrens title over the property under their names.
Respondent having thus failed to faithfully discharge
his sacred duties as a notary public, under the facts and In the verified Complaint, complainant alleged that respondent had prepared
the Extrajudicial Partition with Absolute Sale dated December 29, 1987, but
circumstances of the case, the revocation of his notarial
averred that the transaction did not push through, and the deed was not
commission and disqualification from being notarized.
commissioned as notary public for a period of One (1)
Year is in order. The Investigating Commissioner found that while the validity of the Deed of
Extrajudicial Settlement with Sale is yet to be resolved in the civil case, the
As for the charge against respondent of showing acts and omissions of respondent as notary public have been duly
grave disrespect to the courts and the administration of established. According to the Investigating Commissioner:
justice by holding a parade/rally, along with his followers,
during which he imputed bias to complainant whom he 1. The document, although already signed by some of the co-heirs/co-
owners on or before December 29, 1987, was not finalized because the
branded as worse than President Marcos, it has not
transaction was not pursued; however, the date of notarization was indicated
been sufficiently substantiated. therein to be December 29, 1987;
WHEREFORE, the notarial commission of
2. Respondent notarized the document on or after June 13, 1988, without
respondent, Atty. Artemio P. Cabatos, if still existing, is
the authority and/or in the absence of some of the supposed signatories;
hereby REVOKED and he is hereby DISQUALIFIED to
be commissioned as a notary public for a period of One 3. Respondent did not see one of the co-heirs, Maximina Pantoja, actually
(1) Year, and WARNED that a similar violation by him affix her thumbmark to the document; and
shall be dealt with more severely.
4. Respondent notarized the document even if Complainant, also a co-
heir, did not sign it. Constitution, obey the laws of the land and promote respect for the law and
legal processes, and Rule 1.01 thereof, which proscribes lawyers from
The Investigating Commissioner pointed out that these acts and omissions engaging in unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct.
were established through respondents own admission that he notarized the
document even if Maximina Pantoja did not affix her thumbmark in his It must be stressed that disbarment is the most severe form of disciplinary
presence, and that complainant did not appear before him to sign the deed. sanction, and, as such, the power to disbar must always be exercised with
The Investigating Commissioner also considered respondents testimony in great caution for only the most imperative reasons, and in clear cases of
Civil Case No. DNA-574. Citing Gonzales v. Ramos, Commissioner Herbosa misconduct affecting the standing and moral character of the lawyer as an
recommended that the notarial commission of respondent be revoked; and officer of the court and a member of the bar. Accordingly, disbarment should
that he be disqualified from reappointment as notary public for a period of not be decreed where any punishment less severe such as a reprimand,
two years and suspended from the practice of law for six (6) months. suspension, or fine would accomplish the end desired. Considering that this
is the respondents first administrative offense, the Court modifies the IBPs
Issue: WON respondent violated the Notarial law and his lawyer’s oath? recommendation of a two-year suspension from the practice of law to one
what are stated therein. A notary public is duty-bound to require the person Sicat, a Board Member of the Sangguniang
executing a document to be personally present, to swear before him that he
Panglalawigan of Rizal, charged respondent Atty.
is that person and ask the latter if he has voluntarily and freely executed the
same. Gregorio E. Ariola, the Municipal Administrator of Cainta,
Rizal, with violation of the Code of Professional
Thus, in notarizing the Deed of Absolute Sale without ascertaining that all the Responsibility by committing fraud, deceit and falsehood
vendors-signatories thereto were the very same persons who executed it and in his dealings, particularly the notarization of a Special
personally appeared before him to attest to the contents and truth of what are Power of Attorney (SPA) purportedly executed by a one
stated therein, respondent undermined the confidence of the public on
Juanito C. Benitez. According to complainant,
notarial documents; he thereby breached Canon 1 of the Code of
Professional Responsibility which requires lawyers to uphold the respondent made it appear that Benitez executed the
said document on January 4, 2001 when in fact the latter Service Commission and the Office of the Deputy
had already died on October 25, 2000. Ombudsman for Luzon. According to him, the complaints
were later dismissed based on findings that the assailed
He alleged that prior to the notarization, the
act referred to violations of the implementing rules and
Municipality of Cainta had entered into a contract with
regulations of PD 1594, PD 1445, RA 7160 and other
[3] [4] [5]
of the consultants, the Municipality of Cainta issued a referred the complaint to the Integrated Bar of the
check dated January 10, 2001 in the amount Philippines (IBP) for investigation, report and
of P3,700,000, payable to J.C. Benitez Architects and recommendation. On August 26, 2003, the IBP
Technical Management and/or Cesar Goco. The check submitted its investigation report:
was received and encashed by the latter by virtue of the
authority of the SPA notarized by respondent Ariola. x x x it is evident that respondent notarized the Special Power
of Attorney dated 4 January 2001 purportedly executed by
Complainant further charged respondent with the Juanito C. Benitez long after Mr. Benitez was dead. It is also
crime of falsification penalized under Article 171 of the evident that respondent cannot feign innocence and claim that
Revised Penal Code by making it appear that certain he did not know Mr. Benitez was already dead at the time
persons participated in an act or proceeding when in fact because respondent, as member of the Prequalification and
they did not. Awards Committee of the Municipality of Cainta, personally
In his Comment, respondent explained that, as early
[2] knew Mr. Benitez because the latter appeared before the
as May 12, 2000, Benitez had already signed the SPA. Committee a number of times. It is evident that the Special
He claimed that due to inadvertence, it was only on Power of Attorney dated 4 January 2001 was part of a scheme
January 4, 2001 that he was able to notarize it. of individuals to defraud the Municipality of Cainta of money
Nevertheless, the SPA notarized by him on January 4, which was allegedly due them, and that respondent by
2001 was not at all necessary because Benitez had notarizing said Special Power of Attorney helped said parties
signed a similar SPA in favor of Goco sometime before succeed in their plans.
officer of the court, it was his duty to serve the ends of private document into a public instrument, making it
justice, not to corrupt it. Oath-bound, he was expected
admissible in evidence without the necessity of
to act at all times in accordance with law and ethics, and preliminary proof of its authenticity and due execution.
COMPLAINANT,VERS On October 4, 1999, the Court granted the Motion for Extension
US ATTY. CHARLIE with a warning that the same shall be the last and no further
extension will be given.[4]
RESPONDENTS., A.C. On June 20, 2001, the Court ordered respondent lawyers and
their counsel to show cause why they should not be
NO. 5033, 2008 JULY disciplinarily dealt with or held in contempt for such failure and
to comply with the resolution requiring the comment. Copies of
28, EN BANC the resolution dated June 20, 2001 were returned unserved
from Atty. Alcid and Atty. Centeno with notations “party
This case refers to a disbarment complaint filed by Mary Jane out/unknown at/party moved out” and “moved out.” Atty. Doroin
D. Velasco on March 31, 1999, against respondent lawyers for received the said resolution on July 27, 2001.[5]
forgery and
In a report dated August 2, 2004, the Clerk of Court informed On October 26, 2005, only Mr. Juanito Perez, attorney-in-fact of
the Court that respondent Atty. Doroin paid the fine of Php the complainant, together with his counsel Atty. Andres Villaruel,
1,000.00. However, Atty. Doroin still failed to submit the Jr. appeared. As respondents Atty. Charlie Doroin and Atty.
comment on the administrative complaint required of him and Hector Centeno had not filed their comment, they were directed
has not complied with the show cause resolution dated April 17, to submit it within (10) days from receipt of notice. The hearing
2002 by submitting the correct addresses of Atty. Quintin P. of the case was reset on November 30, 2005.[12]
Alcid and respondent Atty. Hector Centeno.[8]
On November 18, 2006, the Board of Governors of the Lawyers must conduct themselves beyond reproach at all times,
Integrated Bar of the Philippines adopted and approved the whether they are dealing with their clients or the public at
Report and Recommendation of the Commission on Bar large,[18] and a violation of the high moral standards of the legal
Discipline with the modification that respondent lawyers be profession justifies the imposition of the appropriate penalty,
suspended indefinitely instead of being disbarred. including suspension and disbarment.[19] In Marcelo v.
Javier,[20] we reminded the members of the legal profession disciplinary powers, the case against the respondent must be
that: established by clear, convincing and satisfactory proof.[22]
A lawyer shall at all times uphold the integrity and dignity of the In the case at bar, complainant claims that respondent lawyers
legal profession. The trust and confidence necessarily reposed forged the deed of sale and forced her to sign the deed of
by clients require in the attorney a high standard and extrajudicial settlement by explaining to her that it was “in
appreciation of his duty to his clients, his profession, the courts accordance with law.”
and the public. The bar should maintain a high standard of legal
proficiency as well as of honesty and fair dealing. Generally
speaking, a lawyer can do honor to the legal profession by The complained actuations of the respondent lawyers constitute
faithfully performing his duties to society, to the bar, to the a blatant violation of the lawyer’s oath to uphold the law and the
courts and to his clients. To this end, nothing should be done by basic tenets of the Code of Professional Responsibility that no
any member of the legal fraternity which might tend to lessen in lawyer shall engage in dishonest conduct. Elementary it is in
any degree the confidence of the public in the fidelity, honesty succession law that compulsory heirs like the widowed spouse
and integrity of the profession. shall have a share in the estate by way of legitimes[23] and no
extrajudicial settlement can deprive the spouse of said right
It bears stressing that membership in the bar is a privilege
except if she gives it up for lawful consideration, but never when
burdened with conditions. A lawyer has the privilege and right to
the spouse is not a party to the said settlement.[24] And the
practice law during good behaviour and can only be deprived of
Civil Code reminds us, that we must “give every man his due.”
it for misconduct ascertained and declared by judgment of the
court after opportunity to be heard has afforded him. Without The guilt of the respondent lawyers is beyond dispute. They
invading any constitutional privilege or right, and attorney’s right failed to answer the complaint filed against them. Despite due
to practice law may be resolved by a proceeding to suspend or notice, they failed to attend the disciplinary hearings set by the
disbar him, based on conduct rendering him unfit to hold a IBP. Hence, the claims and allegations of the complainant
license or to exercise the duties and responsibilities of an remain uncontroverted. In Ngayan v. Tugade,[26] we ruled that
attorney. “[a lawyer’s] failure to answer the complaint against him and his
failure to appear at the investigation are evidence of his flouting
In disbarment proceedings, the burden of proof generally rests
resistance to lawful orders of the court and illustrate his
upon the complainant, and for the court to exercise its
despiciency for his oath of office in violation of Section 3, Rule
138, Rules of Court.” [27]
The Court is mindful that disbarment is a grave penalty.
Considering that the license to practice law, though it is not a Susan Loberes-Pintal (Susan) filed a complaint for disbarment against Atty.
property right, sustains a lawyer’s primary means of livelihood Baylosis for committing perjury, falsification of public documents and the use
of falsified documents. She alleged that Roldan C. Pintal (Roldan) filed a
and to strip someone of such license amounts to stripping one Petition for Declaration of Nullity of their Marriage before the Regional Trial
Court of Caloocan City (RTC); that Atty. Baylosis conspired with Roldan by
of a career and a means to keep himself alive, we agree with making it appear that he was a resident of Caloocan City when in fact he was
the modification submitted by the Integrated Bar of the a resident of Quezon City; and that Atty. Baylosis notarized the verification
and certification against non-forum shopping of the petition on May 13, 2011,
Philippines that an indefinite suspension would be the more but, at that time, Roldan was out of the country. Susan submitted a
appropriate penalty on Atty. Charlie Doroin. However, we Certification from the Barangay Chairman and a Certification from the Bureau
of Immigration as proof.
cannot be as lenient with Atty. Hector Centeno who, aside from
committing a dishonest act by depriving a person of her rightful Atty. Baylosis denied the accusation and insisted that when Roldan went to
his office in January 2011, he personally interviewed him and asked him to
inheritance, also committed a criminal offense when he submit his personal documents; that Roldan provided him a Certification from
falsificated a public document and thereafter absconded from the Chairman, that Roldan reviewed the petition and affixed his signature in
the Verification and Certification; that Roldan personally appeared before
the criminal proceeding against him after having posted bail. him, swore in accordance with law and verified his petition in accordance
with the Rules of Court. Atty. Baylosis further averred that the date of
We also take this opportunity to remind the Integrated Bar of the recording on May 13, 2011 of the Verification and Certification of the petition
was an honest mistake and excusable error on the part of his staff but his
Philippines and their regional and city chapters to maintain an claim that Roldan personally appeared before him was true.
updated record of the office and residence addresses of their
The IBP-Board of Governors reversed and set aside the report and
members to help facilitate looking for lawyers. As officers of the
recommendation of the CBD. In its Extended Resolution, the IBP-Board
court, lawyers should be readily available upon the Court’s ofGovernors found Atty. Baylosis guilty of violating the 2004 Rules onNotarial
Practice when he made it appear that Roldan was present during
beckoning. thenotarization of the petition on May 13, 2011 and recommended the
immediate revocation of his notarial commission and his disqualificationfrom
IN VIEW WHEREOF, Atty. Charlie Doroin is suspended being commissioned as notary public for two (2) years.
indefinitely, and Atty. Hector Centeno is hereby DISBARRED
ISSUE: Whether or not Atty. Baylosis guilty of violating the 2004 Rules on
SUSAN LOBERES-PINTAL, Complainant - versus - ATTY. RAMONCITO B. Notarial Practice
BAYLOSIS, Respondent
A.C. No. 11545
YES. Without a quibble, Atty. Baylosis was negligent in the performance of
January 24, 2017 his duty as a notary public when he notarized the petition for declaration of
the nullity of marriage without the presence of Roldan. This was evidenced
by the Certification issued by the Bureau of Immigration that Roldan was not
in the Philippines on May 13, 2011 as he had left the Philippines on April 10,
2011 and came back only on September 8, 2011. Atty. Baylosis'contention came to his office on June 17, 1996, due to the absence of the supposed
that he personally interviewed Roldan when the latter went into his office and affiant thereof. He said that he only notarized the SPA when the
personally read and signed the petition cannot be accorded a shred of complainant's wife came back to his office on June 26, 1996, together with a
credence. In notarizing a document in the absence of a party, Atty. Baylosis
person whom she introduced to him as Charles Baylon. He further contended
violated not only the rule on notarial practice but also the Code of
Professional Responsibility which proscribes a lawyer from engaging in any that he believed in good faith that the person introduced to him was the
unlawful, dishonest, immoral, or deceitful conduct. By affixing his signature complainant because said person presented to him a Community Tax
and notarial seal on the document, he attested that Roldan personally Certificate bearing the name Charles Baylon. To corroborate his claims, the
appeared before him on the day it was notarized and verified the contents respondent attached the affidavit of his secretary, Leonilita de Silva.
thereof. His conduct is fraught with dangerous possibilities considering the
conclusiveness on the due execution of a document that our courts and the ISSUE:
public accord to notarized documents. It must be emphasized that a lawyer
commissioned as a notary public, is mandated to discharge with fidelity the Whether or not respondent had been negligent in the performance of
sacred duties appertaining to his office, such duties being dictated by public his duties as a notary public in this case.
policy and impressed with public interest. It is for this reason that a notary
public must observe with utmost care the basic requirements in the RULING:
performance of their duties; otherwise, the public's confidence in the integrity
of the document would be undermined. The Supreme Court held that respondent had indeed been negligent
in the performance of his duties as a notary public in this case.
Competent Evidence of Identity
In Santiago v. Rafanan, Notarization is not an empty, meaningless,
routinary act. It is invested with substantive public interest, such that only
vs. those who are qualified or authorized may act as notaries public. Notarization
ATTY. JOSE A. ALMO converts a private document into a public document thus making that
document admissible in evidence without further proof of its authenticity. A
notarial document is by law entitled to full faith and credit upon its face.
Courts, administrative agencies and the public at large must be able to rely
FACTS: upon the acknowledgment executed by a notary public and appended to a
private instrument.
Complainant averred that Pacita Filio, Rodolfo Llantino, Jr. and his
late wife, Rosemarie Baylon, conspired in preparing an SPA1 authorizing his For this reason, notaries public should not take for granted the
wife to mortgage his real property located in Signal Village, Taguig. He said solemn duties pertaining to their office. Slipshod methods in their
that he was out of the country when the SPA was executed. To prove that his performance of the notarial act are never to be countenanced. They are
signature on the SPA was forged, the complainant presented a report 4 from expected to exert utmost care in the performance of their duties, which are
the National Bureau of Investigation stating to the effect that the questioned dictated by public policy and are impressed with public interest.
signature on the SPA was not written by him.
Mindful of his duties as a notary public and taking into account the
The complainant likewise alleged that because of the SPA, his real nature of the SPA which in this case authorized the complainant's wife to
mortgage the subject real property, the respondent should have exercised
property was mortgaged to Lorna Express Credit Corporation and that it was
utmost diligence in ascertaining the true identity of the person who
subsequently foreclosed due to the failure of his wife to settle her mortgage represented himself and was represented to be the complainant.12 He should
obligations. not have relied on the Community Tax Certificate presented by the said
impostor in view of the ease with which community tax certificates are
In his answer, the respondent admitted notarizing the SPA, but he obtained these days.13 As a matter of fact, recognizing the established
argued that he initially refused to notarize it when the complainant's wife first unreliability of a community tax certificate in proving the identity of a person
who wishes to have his document notarized, we did not include it in the list of Fatima, however, assailed that the signatures in the Real Estate
competent evidence of identity that notaries public should use in ascertaining Mortgage as well as in the Affidavit, both notarized on June 22, 2006,
the identity of persons appearing before them to have their documents
notarized. were forgeries.
She asserted that Atty. Parado did not require the persons who
Moreover, considering that respondent admitted15
in the IBP hearing appeared before him to present any valid identification.
on February 21, 2005 that he had already previously notarized some More importantly, Fatima averred that Atty. Parado had no notarial
documents16 for the complainant, he should have compared the authority, as certified8 by the Clerk of Court of the Regional Trial
complainant's signatures in those documents with the impostor's signature
before he notarized the questioned SPA.
Court of Cebu (RTC).
On a final note, this Office finds it unsettling that the Deed of Partition
Moreover, even if Atty. Parado had a valid notarial commission, he still failed submitted before the DAR was notarized by Atty. Robellito B. Diuyan on 23 July
to faithfully observe the Rules on Notarial Practice when he notarized the Real 2003, when one of the signatories therein, Alejandro F. Camilo, had earlier
died on 23 August 2001. On this matter, let a copy of this Decision be asked them if this is true and [they] answered in the positive. Then having
furnished the Supreme Court of the Philippines for its information and been satisfied of their answer I let them [sign] one by one in front of me after
appropriate action. which I notarized the same for free. [The] parties [were] personally present
and acknowledged that they [were the] same parties to the document and
In a Resolution2 dated July 24, 2013, this Court treated the September 26,
[they showed] to me their respective CTC.10
2012 Decision in OMB-M-A-10-023-A and the Deed of Partition as an
In a Report and Recommendation11 dated September 24, 2014, the IBP--
administrative complaint against respondent Atty. Robelito B. Diuyan and
Commission on Bar Discipline (CBD) found respondent guilty of violating the
required the latter to file a comment thereon.3
2004 Rules on Notarial Practice. While it found no deceit or malice on the part
of the respondent, and even considered the fact that respondent was a former
In a letter4 dated October 30, 2013, and by way of comment, respondent
public official with no previous record of misconduct, as well as the fact that
admitted notarizing the Deed of Partition in his capacity as District Public
the affiants in the subject Deed of Partition were farmers who did not have any
Attorney of the Public Attorney's Office in Mati City and all of Davao Oriental.
IDs and only had Community Tax Certificates (CTCs) to present and prove
He claimed that:
their identities, the IBP-CBD nonetheless found him grossly negligent in the
[The] signature as Notary Public in that [July 23, 2003] Deed of Partition
performance of his functions.
subject matter of the complaint was indeed mine. I was still connected with the
Public Attorney's Office as District Public Attorney at that time. I retired on
The IBP-CBD thus recommended as follows:
April 20, 2008. My function [included] the execution and/or notarization of a
WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, the undersigned finds respondent
document x x x.
guilty of breach of the 2004 Rules on Notarial Practice and accordingly,
recommends revocation of his notarial commission, if any, for one (1) year,
1n the case at bar, eight (8) persons appeared before me with the document
effective immediately. He is WARNED that a repetition of the same or similar
deed of partition prepared by them subject matter of the complaint. I asked
acts in the future shall be dealt with more severely.12
them one by one if the document is true and correct [and] with their
In a Resolution13 dated December 14, 2014, the IBP-Board of Governors (BOG)
Community Tax Certificates, they answered me in the affirmative and after
adopted the IBP-CBD's Report and Recommendation but increased the
being satisfied with their answer I notarized the document for free as they are
recommended penalty, to wit:
considered as indigents. Of course, they signed it one by one in front of me.5
In a Resolution6 dated February 3, 2014, the Court referred the case to the
with modification, the Report and Recommendation of the Investigating
Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) for investigation, report, and
Commissioner in the above-entitled case, herein made part of this Resolution
as Annex "A", and finding Respondent [guilty] for violation of the 2004 Rules
on Notarial Practice, Atty. Robellito R. Diuyan's notarial commission if presently
A mandatory conference was set on May 29, 20147 in Pasig City; however,
commissioned is immediately REVOKED. Further, he is DISQUALIFIED from
respondent was unable to attend the same since he had not fully recovered
being commissioned for two (2) years and SUSPENDED from the practice of
from a debilitating stroke that he suffered in 2012; he cannot stand or walk
law for six (6) months.14
unassisted; has difficulty speaking; and only relies on his meager monthly
The case is now before us for final disposition.
pension of P12,000.00. Thus, in an Order8 dated May 29, 2014, the mandatory
conference was terminated and respondent was required to submit his Position
Paper. Issue
By way of explanation, respondent narrated in his Position Paper9 that: Whether respondent should he held administratively liable for notarizing a
x x x I have nothing to do with present [charge]. [A]s public officer[,] I [enjoy] Deed of Partition on the basis of the affiants' CTCs.
the presumption of good faith and regularity in [the discharge] of my function
as Chief Public Attorney in Mati and all in Davao Oriental x x x; there is no Our Ruling
showing that I have committed any wrong since x x x becoming a lawyer and
member of x x x the [I]ntegrated Bar of the Philippines, as well as [during my] This Court finds nothing. irregular with respondent's act of notarizing the Deed
22 years of x x x service in [the Public Attorney's Office] and in my private life of Partition on July 23, 2003 on the basis of the affiants' CTCs. The law
x x x. applicable at the time of the notarization only required the presentation of the
With regard to the deed of partition x x x there is no showing that it was done
with irregularity x x x. In Mabini v. Atty. Kintanar,15 this Court dismissed the administrative complaint
filed against the lawyer therein because the lawyer complied with the notarial
On July 23, 2003 the parties in the document appeared and requested to have law extant at the time of notarizing the contested document, to wit:
their document notarized for free[. A]s Public Attorney I am bound to do so It is a truism that the duties performed by a Notary Public are not just plain
[since the affiants were indigents] I x x x then read the said document and ministerial acts. They are so impressed with public interest and dictated by
public policy. Such is the case since notarization makes a private document
into a public one; and as a public document, it enjoys full credit on its In fine, respondent did not violate any of his duties as Notary Public when he
face. However, a lawyer cannot be held liable for a violation his duties as notarized the Deed of Partition on July 23, 2003.
Notary-Public when the law in effect at the time of his complained act does not
provide any prohibition to the same, as in the case at bench. (Emphasis
supplied; citation omitted) Judges and Clerk of Court as Notaries Public Ex Officio
Similarly, respondent notarized the Deed of Partition on July 23, 2003,
or prior to the effectivity of the 2004 Rules on Notarial Practice,16 of which he is
being held accountable by the IBP. However, when the Deed was notarized on
July 23, 2003, the applicable law was the notarial law under Title IV, Chapter
11, Article VII of the Revised Administrative Code,17 Section 251 of which
states: [ G.R. No. 203786, October 23, 2013 ]
SECTION 251. Requirement as to notation of payment of (cedula) residence
tax. - Every contract, deed, or other document acknowledged before a notary
public shall have certified thereon that the parties thereto have presented their AQUILES RIOSA, PETITIONER, VS. TABACO LA
proper (cedula) residence certificates or are exempt from the (cedula)
residence tax, and there shall be entered by the notary public as a part of such SUERTE CORPORATION, RESPONDENT.
certification the number, place of issue, and date of each (cedula) residence
certificate as aforesaid.
In addition, Commonwealth Act (CA) No. 46518 also reiterated the need to DECISION
present a residence certificate when acknowledging documents before a notary
public, viz.: MENDOZA, J.:
Section 6. Presentation of residence certificate upon certain occasions. - When
a person liable to the taxes prescribed in this Act acknowledges any document
before a notary public, x x x it shall be the duty of such person or officer of
This is a petition for review on certiorari under Rule
such corporation with whom such transaction is had or business done or from 45 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure assailing the
whom any salary or wage is received to require the exhibition of the residence
certificates showing the payment of the residence,taxes by such person: May 30, 2012 Decision[1] of the Court of Appeals (CA),
Provided, however, That the presentation of the residence certificate shall not
be required in connection with the registration of a voter. and its September 20, 2012 Resolution,[2] in CA-G.R.
x x x x (Underscoring supplied)
CV No. 96459, reversing the September 30, 2010
Thus, it was incorrect for the IBP to have applied the 2004 Rules on Notarial Decision[3] of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 15,
Practice in holding respondent liable for notarizing the Deed of Partition. To
reiterate, the Deed was notarized on July 23, 2003. The 2004 Rules on Notarial Tabaco City, Albay (RTC), which granted the complaint
Practice were not yet in effect at that time.
for annulment/declaration of nullity of the deed of
Here, respondent was then the District Public Attorney in Mati, Davao Oriental
when affiants, who were indigent farmers and who did not have any personal
absolute sale and transfer certificate of title,
identification card or any other form of competent evidence save for their
CTCs,19 requested the notarization of the Deed of Partition. These eight
reconveyance and damages.
individuals who approached him presented themselves to be the affiants of the
said Deed and signed the same in respondent's presence. There was nothing
irregular on the face of the Deed that would have alerted respondent to ask The Facts
probing questions or inquire about the circumstances behind the execution of
the said instrument. On the contrary, the Deed was a valid exercise of the
farmers' right to divide the title in their favor as beneficiaries. The Ombudsman
affirmed this when it dismissed the administrative case filed against an
On February 26, 2002, petitioner Aquiles
agrarian reform officer concerning the Deed. In fact, the Ombudsman rule,d Riosa (Aquiles) filed his Complaint for
that "[t]he eventual breaking of TCT20 CLOA21 No. 454 into individual titles in
favor of the farmer-beneficiaries named in said collective CLOA is not irregular Annulment/Declaration of Nullity of Deed of Absolute
as it is, in fact, provided by DAR22 rules and regulations."23
Sale and Transfer Certificate of Title, Reconveyance Aquiles claimed that by means of fraud,
and Damages against respondent Tabaco La Suerte misrepresentation and deceit employed by Sia Ko Pio,
Corporation (La Suerte) before the RTC. he was made to sign the document which he thought
was a receipt and undertaking to pay the loan, only to
In his complaint, Aquiles alleged that he was the owner find out later that it was a document of sale. Aquiles
and in actual possession of a 52-square meter averred that he did not appear before the notary public
commercial lot situated in Barangay Quinale, Tabaco to acknowledge the sale, and that the notary public, a
City, Albay; that he acquired the said property through municipal judge, was not authorized to notarize a deed
a deed of cession and quitclaim executed by his of conveyance. He further claimed that he could not
parents, Pablo Riosa, Sr. and Sabiniana Biron; that he have sold the commercial building on the lot as he had
declared the property in his name and had been no transmissible right over it, as it was not included in
religiously paying the realty tax on the said property; the deed of cession and quitclaim. He, thus, prayed for
that thereafter, his daughter, Annie Lyn Riosa the nullification of the deed of sale and certificate of
Zampelis, renovated the commercial building on the lot title in the name of La Suerte and the reconveyance of
and introduced improvements costing no less than the subject property to him.[4]
P300,000.00; that subsequently, on three (3)
occasions, he obtained loans from Sia Ko Pio in the In its Answer, La Suerte averred that it was the actual
total amount of P50,000.00; that as a security for the and lawful owner of the commercial property, after
payment of loans, Sia Ko Pio requested from him a purchasing it from Aquiles on December 7, 1990; that
photocopy of the deed of cession and quitclaim; that it allowed Aquiles to remain in possession of the
Sia Ko Pio presented to him a document purportedly a property to avoid the ire of his father from whom he
receipt for the P50,000.00 loan with an undertaking to had acquired the property inter vivos, subject to his
pay the total amount of P52,000.00 including the obligation to vacate the premises anytime upon
P2,000.00 attorney's fees; that without reading the demand; that on February 13, 1991, the Register of
document, he affixed his signature thereon; and that Deeds of Albay issued Transfer Certificate of
in September 2001, to his surprise, he received a letter Title (TCT) No. T-80054 covering the subject property
from La Suerte informing him that the subject lot was in its name; that Aquiles necessarily undertook the cost
already registered in its name. of repairs and did not pay rent for using the premises;
that Aquiles transacted with it, through Sia Ko Pio,
now deceased, who was then its Chief Executive 1. Ordering the annulment of sale of the subject lot
Officer; that his opinion that only the land was sold purportedly executed by plaintiff Aquiles Riosa in
was absurd because the sale of the principal included favor of defendant corporation;
2. Annulling the Transfer Certificate of Title No.
its accessories, not to mention that he did not make
80054 in the name of defendant corporation;
any reservation at the time the deed was executed; that 3. Ordering defendant corporation to pay plaintiff
it repeatedly asked Aquiles to vacate the premises but the amount of Twenty Thousand Pesos
to no avail; that, instead, he tried to renovate the (P20,000.00) as Attorney's fees;
building in 2001 which prompted it to lodge a 4. Ordering defendant to pay plaintiff the amount
complaint with the Office of the Mayor on the ground of Twenty Thousand (P20,000.00) as exemplary
that the renovation work was without a building damages; and
5. Ordering defendant to pay plaintiff the amount
permit; and that Aquiles' complaint was barred by
of Twenty Thousand Pesos (P20,000.00) as
prescription, laches, estoppel and indefeasibility of La Attorney's fees.
Suerte's title.[5]
During the trial, Aquiles and his daughter, Anita Riosa
Cabanele, testified to prove his causes of action. To The RTC gave credence to the testimony of Aquiles that
defend its rightful claim, La Suerte presented the he was made to sign an instrument of sale without his
testimony of Juan Pielago Sia (Juan), the son of Sia Ko knowledge because he trusted Sia Ko Pio and he was of
Pio and a member of the board. Aquiles also presented the belief that what he had signed was merely an
his wife, Erlinda, as rebuttal witness. instrument of indebtedness. It cited, as legal basis,
Article 1330 of the Civil Code which provides that a
On September 30, 2010, the RTC ruled in favor of contract where the consent is given thru violence,
Aquiles, disposing as follows: intimidation, undue influence or fraud is voidable.
Inasmuch as the property was acquired thru fraud, the
person who obtained it by force of law was considered
a trustee of an implied trust for the benefit of the
Wherefore, foregoing premises considered, judgment
person from whom the property came. Thus,
is hereby rendered in favor of the plaintiff and against
according to the RTC, La Suerte was bound to reconvey
the defendant.
to Aquiles the subject property.
plaintiff-appellee's daughter to a
With its motion for reconsideration denied, La Suerte reimbursement for the renovation works
appealed to the CA. In its May 30, 2012 Decision, the she made on the structure/building on the
lot; and
CA reversed the RTC decision and upheld the validity
of the subject deed of sale in favor of La Suerte. It 2. GRANTING defendant-appellant's counterclaim
declared La Suerte as the lawful owner of the subject although in the reduced amount of
lot and improvements thereon, subject to the right of P100,000.00.
reimbursement for the renovation expenses. The CA
held that tax declarations or realty tax payments by SO ORDERED.[8]
Aquiles were not conclusive evidence of ownership,
citing Spouses Camara v. Spouses Malabao,[7] where it Aquiles filed his Motion for Reconsideration[9] of the
was ruled that a party's declaration of real property CA decision, but the same was denied by the CA in its
and his payment of realty taxes could not defeat a September 20, 2012 Resolution.
certificate of title which was an absolute and
indefeasible evidence of ownership of the property in Hence, Aquiles filed the present petition before this
favor of the person whose name appeared thereon. Court raising the following
The dispositive portion of the CA decision reads:
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant
appeal is GRANTED. The September 30, 2010 1. Whether or not the Honorable Court of Appeals
Decision of the Regional Trial Court of Tabaco City, committed serious error in reversing the decision of
Albay, Branch 15, is REVERSED and SET the Trial Court disregarding the conclusion and
ASIDE and a new one is rendered: findings of the Trial court;
Moreover, Aquiles' wife, Erlinda, who appeared to have REX M. TUPAL, vs. JUDGE REMEGIO V. ROJO,
affixed her signature as a witness to the purported Branch 5, Municipal Trial Court in Cities (MTCC),
document of sale, categorically stated that she never Bacolod City, Negros Occidental,
signed such an instrument and never appeared before
a notary public. A.M. No. MTJ-14-1842
Rex M. Tupal filed a complaint against Judge Remegio V. Rojo for Remedial Law / Legal Ethics – Notarial Practice
violating the Code of Judicial Conduct and for gross ignorance of the
Mathaeus vs. Spouses Medequiso (GR No.196651,
law. Judge Rojo allegedly solemnized marriages without the required
marriage license. He instead notarized affidavits of cohabitation and
February 03, 2016)
issued them to the contracting parties.
Conflict of interest
Rule 8.01 - A lawyer shall not, in his professional dealings, use language Object of Pleadings
which is abusive, offensive or otherwise improper.
Catungal vs Rodriguez
Non-submission of certificate to file action
Respondent misrepresented that he filed a certificate to file action when
there was none, which act violated Canon 10, Rule 10.01, and Rule 10.02 of
Agapita T. Catungal (Agapita) owned a parcel of land (Lot 10963) situated
the Code of Professional Responsibility, to wit:
in the Barrio of Talamban, Cebu City. Agapita, with the consent of her
TO THE COURT. husband Jose, entered into a Contract to Sell[6] with respondent Rodriguez
Rule 10.01 - A lawyer shall not do any falsehood; nor consent to the doing of which subsequently purportedly “upgraded” into a Conditional Deed of
any in court; nor shall he mislead, or allow the Court to be misled by any
Sale.Both the Contract to Sell and the Conditional Deed of Sale were Rodirguez filed a complaint against the Catungal’s for arbitrarily rescinding
annotated on the title. the contract. In a Decision dated May 30, 1992, the trial court ruled in favor
(Rodriguez) that had the option to rescind the sale; (b) Rodriguez’s
The provisions of the Conditional Deed of Sale pertinent to the present obligation to pay the balance of the purchase price arises only upon
dispute are quoted below: successful negotiation of the road right of way; (c) he proved his diligent
efforts to negotiate the road right of way; (d) the spouses Catungal were
He likewise alleged that he actively negotiated for the road right of way as
stipulated in the contract.[9]
The Catungals alleged that the conditional deed of sale was void ab initio
On August 31, 1990 the spouses Catungal requested an advance Petitioners rely on Article 1308 of the Civil Code to support their
of P5,000,000.00 on the purchase price for personal reasons. Rodriquez conclusion regarding the claimed nullity of the aforementioned provisions.
allegedly refused on the ground that the amount was substantial and was not Article 1308 states that “[t]he contract must bind both contracting parties; its
due under the terms of their agreement. The Catungal’s rescinded the validity or compliance cannot be left to the will of one of them.”
Article 1182 of the Civil Code, in turn, provides: with the sale or to waive the condition. This principle is evident in Article
Art. 1182. When the fulfillment of the condition depends upon the
sole will of the debtor, the conditional obligation shall be void. If it depends
upon chance or upon the will of a third person, the obligation shall take effect Art. 1545. Where the obligation of either party to a contract
in conformity with the provisions of this Code. of sale is subject to any condition which is not performed, such party
may refuse to proceed with the contract or he may waive performance of
the condition x x x.
respondent shall pay the balance of the purchase price when he has
W/N Conditional Deed of Sale violate the principle of mutuality of
successfully negotiated and secured a road right of way, is not a condition on
contracts under Article 1308 of the Civil Code?
the perfection of the contract nor on the validity of the entire contract or its
view and applying Article 1182, such a condition is not purely potestative as
petitioners contend. It is not dependent on the sole will of the debtor but also
on the will of third persons who own the adjacent land and from whom the
second merely gives the other party the option to either refuse to proceed
"potestative condition" is imposed not on the birth of the obligation
but on its fulfillment, only the condition is avoided, leaving unaffected the the choice either (a) to not proceed with the sale and demand return of his
obligation itself.
downpayment or (b) considering that the condition was imposed for his
benefit, to waive the condition and still pay the purchase price despite the
lack of road access. This is the most just interpretation of the parties’
Conditional Deed of Sale likewise rendered the said contract void, we find no
In any event, even if we assume for the sake of argument that the
merit to this theory.
grant to Rodriguez of an option to rescind, in the manner provided for in the
affecting the perfection of the contract, only the said condition would be
considered void and the rest of the contract will remain valid.
contingency that Rodriguez shall not be able to secure the road right of WHEREFORE, the Decision dated August 8, 2000 and
way. . the Resolution dated January 30, 2001 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R.
potestative but rather also subject to the same mixed condition as his
obligation to pay the balance of the purchase price – i.e., the negotiation of a
road right of way. In the event the condition is fulfilled (or the negotiation is If still warranted, respondent Angel S. Rodriguez is given a period of
successful), Rodriguez must pay the balance of the purchase price. In the thirty (30) days from the finality of this Decision to negotiate a road right of
event the condition is not fulfilled (or the negotiation fails), Rodriguez has
way. In the event no road right of way is secured by respondent at the end of
said period, the parties shall reassess and discuss other options as stipulated
in paragraph 1(b) of the Conditional Deed of Sale and, for this purpose, they
are given a period of thirty (30) days to agree on a course of action. Should
the discussions of the parties prove futile after the said thirty (30)-day period,
may (a) exercise his option to rescind the contract, subject to the return of his
the Conditional Deed of Sale or (b) waive the road right of way and pay the