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Natural-Log Cultivation of The Medicinal Mushroom Ganoderma Lucidum (Reishi)

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Natural-Log Cultivation

of the
Medicinal Mushroom
Ganoderma Lucidum (reishi)

Alice W. Chen, Ph.D.

Specialty Mushrooms
1730 Penfield Rd., #41
Penfield, NY 14526
Voice: 716-381-0804

Recent biomedical reviews of Ganoderma lucidum and other
medicinal species in the genus indicates that Ganoderma is a
blood thinner. Active components in these species regulate and
strengthen vital body functions. A wide range of effects have been INTRODUCTION
reported, including anti-cancer and anti-tumor through enhancing
TNF-a, IFN-g and IL-2; anti-HIV through inhibition of virus prolif- Ganoderma lucidum, a mushroom primarily of tropical and sub-
eration and anti-aging through increasing a-DNA poly-merase. tropical climate that can also be found in temperate zones or
Studies on the effect of Ganoderma lucidum on cancer cells at regions, and a number of other Ganoderma species (G. tsugae,
Purdue University in the United States provides encouraging pre- G. sinensis, G. applanatum, G. capense and G. tenus) have
liminary results. Such exploration invigorates the mushroom been used as medicinal mushrooms in China and Southeast Asia
growing industry in re-examining this ancient mushroom of (Hseu, 1993, Chen and Chao, 1997). Recent pharmacological
exceptional medicinal value. In the past, natural logs as long as 1 and clinical studies (Lin, 2000; Stamets, 1999; Chen and Chao,
meter were used without sterilization in growing Ganoderma 1997; Chen and Miles, 1996a; Hobbs, 1995; Jong and
species in China. Long incubation of 2-3 years was required to Birmingham, 1992; Willard, 1990) show that Ganoderma is a
obtain mature fruiting bodies on such substrates. Since the late blood thinner with high affinity to oxygen. Active components in
1980s, new trends have been developed in using short logs. Ganoderma lucidum and other medicinal species in the genus
Today, almost all Ganoderma natural-log growers have adopted exhibit a wide range of effects, including anti-cancer/anti-tumor
the time-saving short-log cultivation in China, Japan, the United through enhancing TNF-a, IFN-g, and IL-2; anti-HIV through inhi-
States and elsewhere. This paper focuses on growing bition of virus proliferation, and anti-aging through increasing a-
Ganoderma lucidum on short natural logs enclosed in ventilated DNA polymerase. Of special interest at present, are 1) use of
synthetic bags during spawn run. This strategy shortens the pro- Ganoderma in integrative medicine, such as using Ganoderma in
duction time and ensures the quality of fruiting bodies. Crucial conjunction with chemotherapy or radiation therapy in treating
factors and methodology controlling growth and fruiting are dis- cancer patients (Lin, 2000), 2) use of Ganoderma for late-stage
cussed here. cancer patients in recovery to a level which enables them to
undergo surgery, chemotherapy or radiation therapy (Lin, 2000),

Table 1. Size and moisture content of short natural logs for cultivation of Ganoderma species.

Country Log size Moisture Reference

Diameter Length content

China 15 cm X 18-24 cm Huang (ed.), 1993, p. 238

(5.9”) (7”- 9.5”)
6-15 cm X 15 cm 36-38% (tight ) Chen and Chao, 1997, p. 514
(2.37 –5.9”) (5.9”) 38-40% (loose)

Japan 15 cm X 15 cm Mayzumi, Okamoto and

(5.9”) (5.9”) Mizuno, 1997 , p.365

USA 12.7 cm X 20.3” Chen, 1999, p. 182

(5”) (8”)
and 3) use of spore
extracts or “shell-broken” Air dry logs
Ganoderma spores which Lightly air dry the logs for 15 to 20 days in a clean and well-ven-
were discarded previously tilated place to obtain the desired moisture content in the log. For
(Liu, 1999, 2001). logs with tight and firm woody texture, a lower level of moisture is
required compared to logs with looser texture (Table 1).
Current studies on the effect
of Ganoderma lucidum on
cancer cells initiated Cut into short logs and trimming
at Purdue University Cut into short logs, 15 cm or so in length. Retain the bark, but trim
in the United the periphery of the log by removing small side branches, spines,
States provides and any rough spots which may puncture a synthetic bag.
preliminary results
(Ho, N2001, personal CHOICE OF BAG DESIGN,
communication). Such explo- BAGGING AND STERILIZATION
ration invigorates the mushroom
growing industry in re-examining Enclose logs singly in a bag, or two logs end to end in larger bags.
this ancient mushroom of exceptional Alternatively, logs can be bundled tightly into a bamboo loop and
medicinal value. In the past, natural logs as long fit into a bag 40-60 cm in diameter and 40-50 cm long. Such mas-
as 1 meter were used without sterilization in sive loading, however, makes it difficult to sterilize effectively or to
growing G. lucidum and other species in China. Long incubation avoid contamination. Sterilize logs in bags at high pressure (1.5
time of 2-3 years is required to harvest mature fruiting bodies on kg/cm2) for 1.5 hour or at normal air pressure and 100oC for 10
such substrates. Since the late 1980s, new and improved meth- hour. Bag design is important. Heat-sealed polypropylene or
ods have been developed using short logs. Today, almost all polyethylene bags with microfilter windows can be used. Air
Ganoderma natural-log growers adopt the time-saving short-log exchange in these bags is regulated by the size, shape, number,
cultivation methods. This paper focuses on growing G. lucidum in location and nature of the microfilter on each bag, as well as air
Southeast Asia and its adaptation in the United States. space primarily above the colonized substrate in the enclosed
Description of Ganoderma log-cultivation here, is based primarily bag. Most, if not all, specialty mushroom growers in North
on practices in China (Chen and Chao, 1997). Ventilated synthet- America use Unicorn bags (see page 12).
ic bags are used in enclosing the short logs during spawn run, a
key strategy in shortening the production time and improving the
fruiting quality. Addressed here will be crucial factors and method- PREPARATION OF SPAWN
ology of controlling growth and fruiting.
A variety of spawns, such as pure culture liquid mycelial spawn
(Moore mushroom lab.USA), grain spawn and sawdust–bran
PREPARATION OF LOGS spawn can be used (Chen, 1999). Pure-culture liquid mycelial
spawn can be grown in potato-dextrose broth or other formula-
Tree species tion. For formulation of sawdust-bran substrate for spawn, see
Most broad-leaf hardwoods can be used to cultivate Ganoderma Table 2. Other formulations can be found in Chen (1999).
lucidum and other Ganoderma species. To
be avoided are conifers and a few hard- Table 2. Substrate formulation for sawdust-bran spawn (Chen, 1999).
woods which may contain harmful aromatic
compounds, such as camphor-producing Oak sawdust 80% 400 g
species. Most commonly used species Wheat bran, coarse, unprocessed 18% 90 g
include oak, pecan, elder, choke cherry, and Sucrose 1% 5g
plum etc. (Chen, 1999; Stamets, 2000; CaCO3 1% 5g
Chen and Chao, 1997). Water approximately 1 liter

Log size
The standard log size used in cultivation of G. lucidum is 15 cm
in diameter or thinner, and 15-24 cm long (Table 1.). Commercial
growers in Fujian province in China harvest logs from hardwood THE CULTIVATION PROCESS
trees 25-30 years old. Moisture content in the log should be taken
into consideration. Spawning
Spawn can be prepared or purchased for use. Apply spawn even-
Harvesting the logs ly on the cut surface, 3-5 cm thick, usually 5-10 g spawn for each
Logs are cut from chosen hardwood species 15 to 20 days before log. When using freshly cut logs, instead of sterilized logs, as in
spawning (Chen and Chao, 1997). Choose logs with intact bark traditional log-cultivation in Japan, inoculation is applied immedi-
and a diameter of 15cm or otherwise specified (see Table 1). ately, or soon after log cutting to avoid contamination, based on
Harvest the logs during dormant season of the tree prior to the the fact that the interior of a healthy tree is sterile. Alternatively
formation of new buds when the tree trunks are full of sap and using an inoculation gun, liquid mycelial spawn can be dispensed
nutrients before they are consumed for germination of buds into the drilled holes on the periphery of the log (Organotech in
(Chen, 1999; You, 1987). San Antonio, TX, USA), the same way as in shiitake log cultiva-
tion. Colonized wooden dowels can also be used.
Spawn Run Primordia initiation
Mycelial penetration Brief exposure to very little light triggers
Special attention should be given to ensure proper mycelial colo- Ganoderma primordia initiation. Oxygen is
nization in the log. Efforts should be made to encourage mycelial also conducive to primordia formation. In
growth throughout the interior of the log. Avoid having superficial contrast, spawn run is carried out in dark-
mycelial growth on the log surface only as a tough leathery ness, and less oxygen is required.
mycelial coat (layer). The formation of superficial leathery Ganoderma primordia are usually
mycelial coat on the log surface, without mycelial penetration into formed 50-60 days after spawning in
the center of the log, is related to the log oxygen and moisture log cultivation.
content. Lack of oxygen or poor aeration, sometimes due to
water-logging, results in poor mycelial growth and slow growth
rate. In contrast, in cultivation of shiitake synthetic logs, a mycelial Embedding in soil
coat on the surface of the colonized log is desirable. For proper Embed the colonized logs directly
management of growth parameters during spawn run, refer to the in soil after primordia formation,
section on growth parameters. Spawn run tolerates fairly high leaving the primordia above the
CO2 concentration, and is carried out in the absence of light. ground level. Then cover the soil with
chopped straw to retain moisture
Remediation of low-oxygen in the bag (Chen and Chao, 1997). During fruit-
For heat-sealed, microfilter bags: ing, at the primordia stage, the colo-
1. increase the size and number of microfilters through bag nized logs become resistant to micro-
design. bial contamination in the non-sterile soil (Chen, 1996b). Embed
2. Increase the air space in the bag, by using larger bags or the short logs vertically, with the cut surface where spawning is
smaller logs. applied facing upwards. Soil with good drainage, such as sandy
3. Puncture air pores (5-6 pores in each small bag or 8-10 soil, should be used. Embed only 16-21 cm or 9/10 th of the log
pores in each larger bag) with needles just below the neck in soil, leaving well-formed primordia above ground (Chen and
of the bag in bags with plugs. Spray the air with 1% calcium Chao, 1997). Mushroom yield from successful cultivation of soil-
hypochlorite and wipe the bag surface with 75% ethylene buried natural short logs has been reported to be superior than
alcohol before puncturing the pores. Then cover with clean cultivation without soil. Log moisture can be better conserved by
paper, e. g. newspaper (Chen and Chao, 1997). burying the log in soil. Embedding logs in soil also enable mush-
room mycelia to absorb nutrients, particularly minerals and trace
elements from soil (Huang, 1993, p. 238). Soil-buried log cultiva-

Table 3. Ganoderma lucidum: growth parameters for cultivation (Chen, 1999; Stamets, 2000).

Humidity Light CO2 O2 Air Temperature Duration

(R.H.) (lux) oC

Spawn run 60-70% Nil Tolerate 0-1 25-30 up to 2 months

high Conc. exchange or lower (20) or as required
to 5%

Primordia 90-95% 100-200 0.1-0.5% O2 a plus 25-30* 50-60 days

initiation or lower or lower (20) after spawning

Stipe 70-80% 150-200 0.1-1% low 25-30* 10-14 days

Development or higher high conc. or lower or as required
branching (thicker)

Pileus 85-95% 150-200 <0.1% O2 25-30* 25 days

Differentiation 12 hour. low conc. Air or lower From
on/off cap circulation (thicker) primordia
formation to harvest

Further growth 85% Additional incubation of 7-10 days after maturation of the pileus
in pileus

Other practice 50-60% Additional incubation after maturation of the pileus (caps)

*Set temperature at 28oC, the actual temperature may become 2-3oC higher (heat generated by massive mycelial respi-
tion can be done in easily-constructed mushroom houses. Within sun or with heat (60oC). Complete drying within 2-3 days. When
the mushroom house, low loop frames with coves usually in two drying, place the fruiting bodies with the underside of the pileus
rows, are routinely set up. Alternatively, soil-buried log cultivation facing down. During cloudy or rainy days, apply low heat (60oC).
of Ganoderma species can also be carried out in the open air in Improper prolonged drying lowers the quality of the product by
the wild. turning the underside pore surface into dark brown or becoming
contaminated by molds.
Short logs embedded in containers
Organotech in San Antonio, TX, USA (Chen, 1999) embeds the
inoculated short logs in sawdust (or sand) in large plastic pots DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION
typically used by plant nurseries, one log in each container (The
Texas Horticulturist, 1990). Soil casing is then applied on the top. Growers should be well versed and continue updating their
Inoculation holes are drilled on the log periphery (see, spawning). knowledge on the biomedical properties of Ganoderma. The
main medicinal thrust of the fungus, regulating and strengthening
body vital functions, clearly dictates the importance of
GROWTH PARAMETERS using Ganoderma as a preventive measure. Recent
pharmacological and clinical studies sug-
As Ganoderma mushrooms grow from mycelial stage to fully dif- gest the benefits of Ganoderma in
ferentiated and mature mushroom, each stage has a unique set integrative medicine, such as in
of requirements in growth parameters. Since Ganoderma cancer treatments.
lucidum is a mushroom of temperate as well as tropical zones, Comparative studies
high temperature near 30oC supports rapid mycelial growth and should be made to
shortens spawn run. It has been suggested that spawn run in the examine whether
absence of light promotes the formation and accumulation of fun- Ganoderma spore
gal food reserves such as glycogen and lipids. These energy preparations have
reserves are essential for producing macroscopic mushrooms added value.
from microscopic mycelia. For a full spectrum of the growth
parameters, including temperature, humidity, light and oxygen Ganoderma nat-
supply at different developmental stages, see Table 3. ural-log growers
should be thor-
The most crucial factor during primordia initiation is to have high oughly familiar with how the mushroom grow and
humidity, preferably 90-95% R. H., while the most crucial factor the proper growth parameters for each developmental
during pileus differentiation in fruiting, is to increase ventilation stage, as outlined in the text. Most crucial are the tran-
to reduce CO2 build up from the drastic increase in respiration sitional stages, 1) from vegetative stage to the repro-
during that period of development. Differentiation of ductive stage (primordia initiation), and 2) the differentia-
Ganoderma fruit bodies is highly sensitive to CO2 concen- tion of pileus during fruiting-body formation. The major
tration which determines whether an antler-shaped fruit- focus is high humidity for primordia initiation followed by
ing body (CO2 >0.1%), or a fruiting body with a well- increase in ventilation during pileus differentiation to allow oxy-
formed pileus (CO2 < 0.1%) will be produced. Fresh air gen supply. The technique of embedding colonized short logs,
contains 0.03% CO2. Aim for reducing CO2 to 0.04- after primordia formation, directly into soil, produces fruiting pop-
0.05%, as close to fresh air as possible, for produc- ulation in higher density, compared to those using pots.
tion of pileated mushrooms (mushrooms with caps).
Air humidity is provided by fine mist (1-2,or 3-4 It is advisable to grow Ganoderma organically. Unsound prac-
times/day). tices with the risk of undesirable environmental contamination
have been detected in connection with log cultivation (Mushroom
Growers’ News letter, Sept., 2001).
The question arises whether to use sawdust synthetic-log culti-
From primordia formation to fruiting-body for harvest, it takes vation in bags or to use natural-log cultivation for G. lucidum.
approximately 25 days. Fruiting maturity is indicated by the dis- Successful natural-log cultivation produces Ganoderma mush-
appearance of the undifferentiated white growth at the edge of rooms with superior quality. Thick and firm fruiting bodies are pro-
the fruiting body. In other words, on the upper surface of the duced with desirable coloring and luster which command good
pileus, the pileate margin has similar color to the center, all red- price in markets in southeast Asia. However, the yield could be
dish to reddish brown or yellowish to yellowish brown in G. lower. The production time could also be a little longer (Chen and
lucidum. Continue cultivation at reduced air humidity of 85% R.H. Chao, 1997). The major issue is conservation of natural
for additional 7-10 days to encourage further growth in pileate resource, the forest, where the logs come from, a significant
thickness and firmness. (50-60% R.H. in another practice). environmental concern. Selection of logging should be carefully
Harvest by cutting the stipe (stalk). Keep only 2 cm of the stipe done, such as choosing very old forest which does not have any
with the pileus. If so desired, continue cultivation under the opti- significant environmental impact. Long-term planning of foresta-
mal growth parameters for second and third flushes, although the tion should be coordinated with log cultivation.
subsequent flushes have lower yield, especially the third flush.

The author acknowledges the contribution of resources from Miji
Dry the harvested fruiting bodies immediately, air dry under the Kwon, www.mushworld.com, Paul Lewis of Organotech, San
Antonio, TX, and Joe Krawczyk of Field and Forest Products, journal of medicinal mushrooms, 3: 88.
Peshtigo, WI. The work on Ganoderma cultivation is largely
based on the author’s studies in Taiwan, China, the United States Mayzumi, F., H. Okamoto and T. Mizuno, 1997. Cultivation of
and Canada. Funding granted by Lou Hsu of Unicorn, www.uni- reddish Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum, red), Food Rev. Int. 13:
cornbags.com for research and travel is greatly appreciated. Lin, 365-382.
Don Xing, Director of Fujian Edible Fungi Corporation, in Fuchow,
Fujian province, China, and Lin, S. J. provided the most gracious Stamets, P. 1999. MycoMedinals, an informational booklet on
and warm hospitality in facilitating the author’s research in mush- medicinal mushrooms. Mycomedia, Olympia, WA.
rooms in Fujian province and beyond in China.
Stamets, P., 2000. Growing gourmet and medicinal mushrooms,
This paper is written in memory of my dear friends, Mr. Bill Rand 3rd. edition.Ten speed Press, Berkeley, CA.
and his wife, Joan Rand, who for many years, assisted me in
every possible way in my pursue of mycological exploration, Willard, T. 1990. The Reishi mushroom: herb of spiritual potency
including editing my papers. I am indebted to their warm encour- and medical wonder. Sylvan Press, Vancouver, B.C.,
agement forever. Canada.

You, T.T. 1987. Ling Zhi. Chin Chun Press, Taipei, Taiwan (in

Arora, D., 1986. Mushrooms demystified, Ten Speed Press,


Chen, A. W. , and P. G. Miles, 1996a. Biomedical research and Dr. Chen is a consultant for mushroom growers world-wide. She
the application of mushroom nutriceuticals from Ganoderma has written extensively on the cultivation of various species of
lucidum. In Royse, D. J., (ed.): Mushroom Biology and mush- mushrooms and has spoken at many mushroom symposia
room products, pp. 161-176. around the world. Contact her at:
Alice W. Chen, Ph.D.
Chen, A. W. and P. G. Miles, 1996b. Cultivation of Ganoderma 1730 Penfield Road #41
bonsai, in Royse, D. J. (ed.): Mushroom Biology and mush- Penfield, NY 14526
room products, Penn State Univ. Press, University Park, PA, E-Mail: alicewchen@altavista.com
pp. 325-334. Voice: 1-716-381-0804

Chen, A. W. 1999. Cultivation of the medicinal mushroom

Ganoderma lucidum (Curt.:Fr.) P. Karst.(Reishi). © 2002 by the Author and The Mushroom Growers’
International Journal of medicinal mushrooms, 1: 263-282. Newsletter - Reprinted from the January 2002 issue. All
graphics ©1996 The Mushroom Growers’ Newsletter, all
Chen, K. L. and D. M. Chao, 1997. Ling Zhi (Ganoderma rights reserved.
species), in Hsu, K. T. (ed.): Chinese medicinal mycology,
United Press of Beijing Medical University and Chinese The Mushroom Growers’ Newsletter
United Medical University, Beijing, China, pp. 496-517 (in P.O. Box 5065
Chinese). Klamath Falls, OR 97601 USA
On the world-wide-web at: www.mushroomcompany.com
Hobbs, C. 1995. Medicinal mushrooms. Botanica Press, Santa
Cruz, CA, pp. 96-107.

Hseu, R. Y.1993. An overview on Ganoderma species. Wan Nian

press, Taichung, Taiwan, 140 pp (in Chinese).

Huang, N.L. (ed.), 1993. Encyclopedia of edible fungi in China

Agricultural press, Beijing, China (in Chinese), p.238.

Jong, S. C. and J. M. Birmingham, 1992. Medicinal benefits of the

mushroom Ganoderma. Adv. Appl. Microbiol.37: 101-134.

Lin, Z.B., 2000. Current development, problems and strategies

on Ganoderma research.Edible fungi of China, pp. 31-32 (in

Liu, G.T., 1999. Pharmacology and clinical application of the

spores of Ganoderma lucidum (Curt.:Fr.) P. Karst. And
mycelium of Ganoderma capense (Lloyd) Teng.
(Aphyllophoromycetideae), International Journal of medicinal
mushrooms. 1:217-222.

Liu, G. T. 2001. Pharmacological and clinical application of

Ganoderma lucidum (Curt.:Fr.)P. Karst. Spores. International

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