Wei-Chih Wang
Department of Power Mechanical Engineering
National Tsing Hua University 1
Week 12
• Course Website:
• Reading Materials:
- Week 12 reading materials are from:
• HW #2 due today
• Set up a schedule to do Lab 2
• Prism Design Project memo and presentation due Week 13
(next Monday)
• Final Project proposal: Due Monday Week 14
• Set up a time to meet with me to discuss your final project in
Week 14
• Final Project Presentation on 6/11 (Monday) 1:20-4:10 - PM 2
Last Week
• Light sources
- Chemistry 101, orbital model-> energy gap model (light in quantum), spectrum
in energy gap
- Broad band light sources ( Orbital energy model, quantum theory,
incandescent filament, gas discharge, LED)
- LED (diode, diode equation, energy gap equation, threshold voltage, device
efficiency, junction capacitance, emission pattern, RGB LED, OLED)
- Narrow band light source (laser, Coherence, lasing principle, population
inversion in different lasing medium- ion, molecular and atom gas laser, liquid,
solid and semiconductor lasers, laser resonating cavity- monochromatic light,
basic laser constitutive parameters) 3
This Week
• Photodetectors
- Photoemmissive Cells
- Semiconductor Photoelectric Transducer
(diode equation, energy gap equation, reviser bias
voltage, quantum efficiency, responsivity, junction
capacitance, detector angular response, temperature
effect, different detector operating mode, noises in
detectors, photoconductive, photovoltaic, photodiode,
PIN, APD, PDA, PSD, CCD, CMOS detectors)
- Thermal detectors (IR and THz detectors) 4
Types of Optical Detectors
Photon detectors are subdivided according to the physical effect that produces the detector response. We
will present some of the important classes of photon detectors as follow:
•Photoemissive. These detectors are based on the photoelectric effect, in which incident photons
release electrons from the surface of the detector material. The free electrons are then collected in an
external circuit.
•Photoconductive. The incoming light produces free electrons which can carry electrical current so
that the electrical conductivity of the detector material changes as a function of the intensity of the
incident light. Photoconductive detectors are fabricated from semiconductor materials such as
silicon (e.g. photoconductive antenna).
• Photodiode: The current is generated when photons are absorbed in the photodiode. A small
amount of current is also produced when no light is present.
•Thermal detector or IR detector: A thermal detector absorbs radiation and changes temperature.
Because the power in absorbed radiation is typically rather small (<10-7 W), the detector itself
should be small so that it has a low heat capacity. There are several different kind of detection
techniques: thermoelectric, pyroelectric, bolometer, phnematic. 5
Different Photodetectors
1. Photoemmissive Cells
There are basically 2 Types of Photo- emmissive Cells and these are
- Vacuum Type Photocell
- Gas Filled Type
- Photomultipliers
2. Semiconductor Photoelectric Transducer
These include :
- Photoconductive Cells
- Photovoltaic Cell (solar cell)
- Phototransistors (photodiode, CCD, PIN etc.)
- Photothyristors
3. Thermal detectors (IR detector)
- Thermoelectric
- Bolometer
- Pneumatic
- Pyroelectric
- Photoconductive antenna
Photoemission Detectors
Photoemission detectors are either evacuated or
gas-filled tubes containing a cathode and one or
more anodes. When photons impinge on the
cathode, the electrons are ejected from the cathode
surface and are accelerated toward the anode that is
at a positive potential with respect to the cathode.
The photoelectric current increases proportionally
to the intensity of the illumination. This design is
the simplest diode version of the detector. In order (a) Photoemissive cell (b) and photomultiplier. L
to increase the sensitivity, several more electrodes = light flux, Eo through E4 = differences in
(dynodes) are added to the construction of the potentials between cathode and one of electrodes,
detector. In this device, called a photomultiplier, the 1 and 2 = cathodes, 3 and 4 = anodes, 5, 6, and 7
electrons that are ejected from the cathode are = dynodes, 8 and 9 = glass envelopes.
focused on one of the dynodes. When the surface of
the dynode is struck, an increased number of
electrons are liberated.
The electrons flow to the next dynode, where the process is repeated with a progressively increasing
number of electrons. The dynodes have sequentially higher positive potentials with respect to each
other. As a result, the output current has a significantly increased magnitude, which defines the high
sensitivity of the detector. 7
Photomultiplier Tubes (PMTS)
Photomultiplier Tubes (PMTS) are light detectors that are useful in low
intensity applications such as fluorescence spectroscopy. Due to high
internal gain, PMTs are very sensitive detectors. 8
Photomultiplier Tubes 9
Variable conductivity
A pure semiconductor is a poor electrical conductor as a consequence of having just the right number of electrons to
completely fill its valence bonds. Through various techniques (e.g., doping or gating), the semiconductor can be
modified to have excess of electrons (becoming an n-type semiconductor) or a deficiency of electrons (becoming a p-
type semiconductor). In both cases, the semiconductor becomes much more conductive (the conductivity can be
increased by a factor of one million, or even more). Semiconductor devices exploit this effect to shape electrical current.
When doped semiconductors are joined to metals, to different semiconductors, and to the same semiconductor with
different doping, the resulting junction often strips the electron excess or deficiency out from the semiconductor near the
junction. This depletion region is rectifying (only allowing current to flow in one direction), and used to further shape
electrical currents in semiconductor devices.
Energetic electrons travel far
Electrons can be excited across the energy band gap of a semiconductor by various means. These electrons can carry
their excess energy over distance scales of microns before dissipating their energy into heat, significantly longer than is
possible in metals. This effect is essential to the operation of bipolar junction transistors.
Light energy conversion
Electrons in a semiconductor can absorb light, and subsequently retain the energy from the light for a long enough time
to be useful for producing electrical work instead of heat. This principle is used in the photovoltaic cell (e.g. solar cell).
Conversely, in certain semiconductors, electrically excited electrons can relax by emitting light instead of producing heat.
This is used in the light emitting diode.
Thermal energy conversion
Semiconductors are good materials for thermoelectric coolers and thermoelectric generators, which convert temperature
differences into electrical power and vice versa. Peltier coolers use semiconductors for this reason. 10
In these semiconductor based detectors light
whose energy is greater than that of the bandgap
causes the generation of electron-hole pairs. As
long as the electron remains in the conduction
band, the conductivity of the semiconductor will
be increased. This is the phenomenon of
photoconductivity, which is the basic mechanism
operative in photoconductive detectors. 13
Photoconductive cells are used in many different types of circuits and applications.
Analog Applications
• Camera Exposure Control
• Auto Slide Focus - dual cell
• Photocopy Machines - density of toner
• Colorimetric Test Equipment
• Densitometer
• Electronic Scales - dual cell
• Automatic Gain Control - modulated light source
• Automated Rear View Mirror
Digital Applications
• Automatic Headlight Dimmer
• Night Light Control
• Oil Burner Flame Out
• Street Light Control
• Absence / Presence (beam breaker)
• Position Sensor 14
Semiconductor PN Junction types
P tyep
n tyep
One way to get around this limitation is to use two (or more) different
cells, with more than one band gap and more than one junction, to
generate a voltage. These are referred to as "multijunction" cells (also
called "cascade" or "tandem" cells). Multijunction devices can achieve a
higher total conversion efficiency because they can convert more of the
energy spectrum of light to electricity. 18
Solar cell
• Heterojunction to improve
coupling efficiency
• Multilayer for broadband
• Lenses, mirror arrays to
improve light collection 19
Photodiodes and Phototransistors
– Photodiodes are designed to detect photons and
can be used in circuits to sense light.
– Phototransistors are photodiodes with some
internal amplification.
Reverse current flows through the P tyep
n tyep
photodiode when it is sensing light.
Ideal Diode
or bias
v D nV T voltage
iD I S e 1
Photodiode Operation
A photodiode behaves as a
photocontrolled current source in parallel
with a semiconductor diode and is
governed by the standard diode equation
Ip = eP/(h)
where I is the total device current, I p is Two significant features to note from both
the photocurrent, Idk is the dark current the curve and the equation are that the
(leakage current), V0 is the voltage photogenerated current (Ip) is additive to
across the diode junction, q is the charge the diode current, and the dark current is
of an electron, k is Boltzmann's constant, merely the diode's reverse leakage
and T is the temperature in degrees current. Finally, the detector shunt
Kelvin. P= radiation energy, quantum resistance is the slope of the I-V curve
(dV/dI ) evaluated at V= 0. coefficient
Photodiode Light Sensitivity
The current through a photodiode
is directly proportional to the
intensity of the incident light.
Id~ Ip + Isat 23
Three key features happening in reverse bias
p type
n type
W = [2rVbi-VA)(NA+ND)/(q NAND)]1/2
To reverse-bias the p-n junction, the p side is made more negative, making it "uphill" for
electrons moving across the junction. The conduction direction for electrons in the diagram is
right to left, and the upward direction represents increasing electron energy. 26
Thermal Current Due to minority carriers
minority carriers
Drift across depletion
region due to reverse
voltage 27
Maximum Reverse Voltage (Vr)
Applying excessive
reverse voltage to
photodiodes may cause
breakdown and severe
degradation of device
performance. Any
reverse voltage applied
must be kept lower
than the maximum
rated vale, (Vr max). 28
Quantum efficiency
A photodiode's capability to convert light energy to electrical
energy, expressed as a percentage, is its Quantum Efficiency,
# of electrons (holes) collected as Ip/sec
re/rp = ---------------------------------------------------
# of incident photons/sec
R (A/W)
P 30
Recall QE is re/rp
Electron rate then
P = rp h
re = rp = P/(h)
Ip = eP/(h)
The responsivity R may then be written
R = e/(h) = e/(hc) = (A/W)
R = 32
R =
Bias or no bias
Silicone based
detector 33
Responsivity and Quantum Efficiency
R =
re/rp Silicon ~ 90%
InGaAs ~ 70%
Silicon PN~ 0.41–0.7
Silicon PIN ~ 0.6–0.8
InGaAs PIN ~0.85
InGaAs APD ~0.8
Germanium ~0.7 34
Junction Capacitance
When designing a sensing circuit to maximize the
speed or linearity of response, one must know
two important electrical characteristics of a Cj = r W
photodiode: the junction capacitance and the
shunt resistance. Without these, the RC time
constant of the complete operating circuit cannot
be calculated.
where tr is the rise time of the device. The rise time is the time it
takes for the detector to rise to a value equal to 63.2% of its final
steady-state reading.
Cj = r W
W = [2rVbi-VA)(NA+ND)/(q NAND)]1/2 37
Typical Photodetector Characteristics
Photodetector Wavelength Responsivity Dark Rise Time
(nm) (A/W) Current (nA) (ns)
Silicon PN 550–850 0.41–0.7 1–5 5–10 39
Temperature Effects
These formulas can be used to calculate the shunt resistance and dark
current for any temperature from the specified values, which are usually
specified at 25°C. 40
Increasing the temperature of a semiconductor shifts its absorption
spectrum to longer wavelengths by reducing the effective band gap.
Fortunately, the absorption spectrum of silicon is quite broad. Consequently,
the small temperature-induced shifts in the absorption spectrum only affect the
responsivity significantly at the edges of the spectral responsivity curve, as
shown in the figure below. 41
Temperature Effects
Vo 43
Fundamentally a photodiode is a current generator. The junction capacitance of
the photodiode depends on the depletion layer depth and hence bias voltage.
The value of the shunt resistance Rd is usually high (megohms). The series
resistance Rs is low. The effect of the load resistor Rl value on the
current/voltage characteristics is shown in the following figure:
Cj = r W
W = [2rVbi-VA)(NA+ND)/(q NAND)]1/2
(a) Photovoltaic Operation - Rl>>Rd, load line, increase voltage like solar cell
(b) Zero Bias Operation - Rl<<Rd, load line, no bias bad way to connecting diode
(c) Photoconductive Operation - load line, best way current change with load 44
(a) Photovoltaic Operation - Rl>>Rd, load line
The generated photocurrent flows through Rd causing a voltage across the diode.
This voltage opposes the band gap potential of the photodiode junction, forward
biasing it. The value of Rd drops exponentially as the illumination increases.
Thus the photo-generated voltage is a logarithmic function of incident light
intensity. The major disadvantage of this circuit is that the signal depends on Td,
which typically has a wide spread of values over different production batches.
The basic circuit is shown below: 45
Zero Bias Operation
(b) Zero Bias Operation Vo=0 - Rl<<Rd, load line
The generated photocurrent flows through Rl which is fixed. The resultant voltage is
therefore linearly dependent on the incident radiation level. One way to achieve
sufficiently low load resistance, and an amplified output voltage, is by feeding the
photocurrent to an operational amplifier virtual ground as shown below. The circuit
has a linear response and has low noise due to the almost complete elimination of
leakage current. 46
(c) Photoconductive Operation - load line
In the photoconductive mode, the generated
photocurrent produces a voltage across a
load resistor in parallel with the shunt
resistance. Since, in the reverse biased
mode Rd is substantially constant, large
values of Rl may be used still giving a
linear response between output voltage and
applied radiation intensity. This form of
circuit is required for high speed of
response. The main disadvantage of this
mode of operation is the increased leakage
current due to the bias voltage, giving
higher noise than the other circuit modes
already described. (Note that the
photodiode is reverse-biased.) 47
Bias of Photodiode
mode or increase voltage
Open circuit like solar cell
Zero bias
Reverse bias
mode or
Photoconductive Ip varies with RL
Cj = r W
48 W = [2rVbi-VA)(NA+ND)/(q NAND)]1/2
Minimum detectable power
(Noise floor)
The noise floor is related to the dark current since the dark
current will set the lower limit.
P 49
Noise in photodetectors
N Ip
h detector eletronics 50
Four noise sources often encountered in
connection with optical detectors.
•Johnson noise
•Shot noise
1/f noise
•Photon noise 51
Sources of internal detector noise 52
The Johnson noise contribution is provided by the shunt
resistance of the device, series resistance and the load
resistance. The Johnson noise (thermal noise) is given by: 53
Johnson noise is generated by thermal fluctuations in
conducting materials. It is sometimes called thermal noise. It
results from the random motion of electrons in a conductor. The
electrons are in constant motion, colliding with each other and
with the atoms of the material. Each motion of an electron
between collisions represents a tiny current. The sum of all
these currents taken over a long period of time is zero, but their
random fluctuations over short intervals constitute Johnson
noise. 55
The term shot noise is derived from fluctuations in the stream
of electrons in a vacuum tube. These variations create noise
because of the random fluctuations in the arrival of electrons at
the anode. The shot noise name arises from the similarity to the
noise of a hail of shots striking a target. 56
1/f noise
Larger noise powers at lower frequencies.
No theory: not well understood.
Seems to be related to contacts, surfaces, other potential
If2 ~ I2B/f
B = bandwidth f = frequency
Squared noise shot
per BW
frequency 59
As an example: If a photodiode has a dark leakage current of 2 nA and a shunt
resistance of 5x10^8 Ohms, and a responsivity of 0.5 A/W, and letting the
bandwidth of the system be 1 Hz, 62
Photodiode array (PDA)
m sensitivity
- limited by
intensity and Ly
beam size
Lx X 1 X 2
2 X1 X 2
Ly Y1 Y 2
2 Y1 Y 2 64
Charge coupled detector array
Charge Coupled Device was invented in the late 1960s by researchers at Bell Labs,
The CCD's superb ability to detect light has turned it into the industry-standard
image sensor technology.
CCD Basics
CCD imaging is performed in a three-step process:
1. Exposure, which converts light into an electronic charge at
discrete sites called pixels
2. Charge transfer, which moves the packets of charge within the
silicon substrate
3. Charge-to-voltage conversion and output amplification. 70
complementary metal oxide
semiconductor (CMOS)
Charge is collected in potential well created by applying a
voltage to the polysilicon, or gate electrode. The charge is
confined in the well associated with each pixel by surrounding
zones of higher potential barrier. 71
Complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor,
abbreviated as CMOS, is a technology for
constructing integrated circuits. CMOS
technology is used in microprocessors,
microcontrollers, static RAM, and other digital
logic circuits. CMOS technology is also used for
several analog circuits such as image sensors
(CMOS sensor), data converters, and highly
integrated transceivers for many types of
communication. In 1963, while working for
Fairchild Semiconductor, Frank Wanlass patented
CMOS (US patent 3,356,858). CMOS is also CMOS inverter
sometimes referred to as complementary-symmetry
metal–oxide–semiconductor (or COS-MOS).[1] The
words "complementary-symmetry" refer to the fact
that the typical design style with CMOS uses
complementary and symmetrical pairs of p-type and
n-type metal oxide semiconductor field effect
transistors (MOSFETs) for logic functions
Cross section of two transistors in a CMOS gate, in an N-well CMOS process 72
Difference between CCD and CMOS
• One difference between CCD and CMOS
sensors is the way they capture each frame.
A CCD uses what's called a "Global
Shutter" while CMOS sensors use a
"Rolling Shutter". Global Shutter means
that the entire frame is captured at the exact
same time.
• In a CCD sensor, every pixel's charge is Teledyne DALSA CCD (left) and CMOS (right) image sensors
transferred through a very limited number
• CMOS sensor, each pixel has its own
of output nodes (often just one) to be
charge-to-voltage conversion, and the
converted to voltage, buffered, and sent off-
sensor often also includes amplifiers,
chip as an analog signal. All of the pixel
noise-correction, and digitization
can be devoted to light capture, and the
circuits, so that the chip outputs digital
output's uniformity (a key factor in image
bits. These other functions increase the
quality) is high.
design complexity and reduce the area
available for light capture. With each
pixel doing its own conversion,
uniformity is lower, but it is also
massively parallel, allowing high total
bandwidth for high speed.
Difference between CCD and CMOS 74
Difference between CCD and CMOS
• One difference between CCD and CMOS
sensors is the way they capture each frame.
A CCD uses what's called a "Global
Shutter" while CMOS sensors use a
"Rolling Shutter". Global Shutter means
that the entire frame is captured at the exact
same time.
• In a CCD sensor, every pixel's charge is Teledyne DALSA CCD (left) and CMOS (right) image sensors
transferred through a very limited number
• CMOS sensor, each pixel has its own
of output nodes (often just one) to be
charge-to-voltage conversion, and the
converted to voltage, buffered, and sent off-
sensor often also includes amplifiers,
chip as an analog signal. All of the pixel
noise-correction, and digitization
can be devoted to light capture, and the
circuits, so that the chip outputs digital
output's uniformity (a key factor in image
bits. These other functions increase the
quality) is high.
design complexity and reduce the
area available for light capture. With
each pixel doing its own conversion,
uniformity is lower, but it is also
massively parallel, allowing high total
bandwidth for high speed.
Difference between CCD and CMOS
visay 77
Variable conductivity
A pure semiconductor is a poor electrical conductor as a consequence of having just the right number of electrons to
completely fill its valence bonds. Through various techniques (e.g., doping or gating), the semiconductor can be
modified to have excess of electrons (becoming an n-type semiconductor) or a deficiency of electrons (becoming a p-
type semiconductor). In both cases, the semiconductor becomes much more conductive (the conductivity can be
increased by a factor of one million, or even more). Semiconductor devices exploit this effect to shape electrical current.
When doped semiconductors are joined to metals, to different semiconductors, and to the same semiconductor with
different doping, the resulting junction often strips the electron excess or deficiency out from the semiconductor near the
junction. This depletion region is rectifying (only allowing current to flow in one direction), and used to further shape
electrical currents in semiconductor devices.
Energetic electrons travel far
Electrons can be excited across the energy band gap of a semiconductor by various means. These electrons can carry
their excess energy over distance scales of microns before dissipating their energy into heat, significantly longer than is
possible in metals. This effect is essential to the operation of bipolar junction transistors.
Light energy conversion
Electrons in a semiconductor can absorb light, and subsequently retain the energy from the light for a long enough time
to be useful for producing electrical work instead of heat. This principle is used in the photovoltaic cell (e.g. solar cell).
Conversely, in certain semiconductors, electrically excited electrons can relax by emitting light instead of producing heat.
This is used in the light emitting diode.
Thermal energy conversion
Semiconductors are good materials for thermoelectric coolers and thermoelectric generators, which convert temperature
differences into electrical power and vice versa. Peltier coolers use semiconductors for this reason. 78
Infrared Sensor
Infrared light contains the least amount of energy per photon of any other band. Because of this, an infrared photon often lacks
the energy required to pass the detection threshold of a quantum detector. Infrared is usually measured using a thermal detector
such as a thermopile, which measures temperature change due to absorbed energy.
While these thermal detectors have a very flat spectral responsivity, they suffer from temperature sensitivity, and usually must be
artificially cooled. Another strategy employed by thermal detectors is to modulate incident light with a chopper. This allows the
detector to measure differentially between the dark (zero) and light states.
Quantum type detectors are often used in the near infrared, especially below 1100 nm. Specialized detectors such as InGaAs
offer excellent responsivity from 850 to 1700 nm. Typical silicon photodiodes are not sensitive above 1100 nm. These types of
detectors are typically employed to measure a known artificial near-IR source without including long wavelength background
Since heat is a form of infrared light, far infrared detectors are sensitive to environmental changes - such as a person
moving in the field of view. Night vision equipment takes advantage of this effect, amplifying infrared to distinguish people and
machinery that are concealed in the darkness.
Infrared is unique in that it exhibits primarily wave properties. This can make it much more difficult to manipulate than
ultraviolet and visible light. Infrared is more difficult to focus with lenses, refracts less, diffracts more, and is difficult to diffuse.
Most radiometric IR measurements are made without lenses, filters, or diffusers, relying on just the bare detector to measure
incident irradiance. 79
A microbolometer is a specific type of bolometer used as a detector in a thermal camera.
Infrared radiation with wavelengths between 7.5-14 μm strikes the detector material,
heating it, and thus changing its electrical resistance. This resistance change is measured
and processed into temperatures which can be used to create an image. Unlike other types
of infrared detecting equipment, microbolometers do not require cooling
The sensor is usually sealed in a vacuum to prevent heat transfer except by radiation. A thermopile consists of a number of
thermocouple junctions in series which convert energy into a voltage using the Peltier effect. Thermopiles are convenient
sensor for measuring the infrared, because they offer adequate sensitivity and a flat spectral response in a small package.
More sophisticated bolometers and pyroelectric detectors need to be chopped and are generally used only in calibration
Thermopiles suffer from temperature drift, since the reference portion of the detector is constantly absorbing heat. The
best method of operating a thermal detector is by chopping incident radiation, so that drift is zeroed out by the modulated
The quartz window in most thermopiles is adequate for transmitting from 200 to 4200 nm, but for long wavelength
sensitivity out to 40 microns, Potassium Bromide windows are used. 82
Seeback Coefficient
The Seebeck effect is a classic example of an electromotive force (emf) and
leads to measurable currents or voltages in the same way as any other emf.
Electromotive forces modify Ohm's law by generating currents even in the
absence of voltage differences (or vice versa); the local current density is
given by
Where V is the local voltage and is the local conductivity. In general the
Seebeck effect is described locally by the creation of an electromotive field 83
Peltier Effect
The Peltier effect is the presence of heating or cooling at an
electrified junction of two different conductors and is named for
French physicist Jean Charles Athanase Peltier, who discovered it in
1834. When a current is made to flow through a junction between
two conductors A and B, heat may be generated (or removed) at the
junction. The Peltier heat generated at the junction per unit time, ,
is equal to
Where Π Π are hte Peltier coefficients (how much heat is The Seebeck circuit configured as a
carried per unit charge) at A and B and I is current. Note that the thermoelectric cooler (Peltier effect)
total heat generated at the junction is not determined by the Peltier
effect alone, as it may also be influenced by Joule heating and
thermal gradient effects.
Κ · 85
Full thermoelectric equations
Often, more than one of the above effects is involved in the operation of a real thermoelectric
device. The Seebeck effect, Peltier effect, and Thomson effect can be gathered together in a
consistent and rigorous way, described here; the effects of Joule heating and ordinary heat
conduction are included as well. As stated above, the Seebeck effect generates an
electromotive force, leading to the current equation
To describe the Peltier and Thomson effects we must consider the flow of energy. To start we
can consider the dynamic case where both temperature and charge may be varying with time.
The full thermoelectric equation for the energy accumulation,
· · Π
where is the thermal conductivity. The first term is the Fourier's heat conduction law,
and the second term shows the energy carried by currents. The third term is the heat
added from an external source (if applicable) 86
In the case where the material has reached a steady state, the charge and temperature
distributions are stable so one must have both 0 and ·J=0 . Using these facts and the
second Thomson relation (see below), the heat equation then can be simplified to
= · Κ · J)-TJ·
The middle term is the Joule heating, and the last term includes both Peltier ( at junction)
and Thomson ( in thermal gradient) effects. Combined with the Seebeck equation for J ,
this can be used to solve for the steady state voltage and temperature profiles in a
complicated system. If the material is not in a steady state, a complete description will also
need to include dynamic effects such as relating to electrical capacitance, inductance, and
heat capacity. 87
Thomson relation
In 1854, Lord Kelvin found relationships between the three coefficients, implying that the Thomson,
Peltier, and Seebeck effects are different manifestations of one effect (uniquely characterized by the
Seebeck coefficient).
Where T the absolute temperature, K is the Thomson coefficient, is the Peltier coefficient, and S is
the Seebeck coefficient. This relationship is easily shown given that the Thomson effect is a continuous
version of the Peltier effect. Using the second relation (described next), the first Thomson relation
This relation expresses a subtle and fundamental connection between the Peltier and Seebeck effects. It
was not satisfactorily proven until the advent of the Onsager relations, and it is worth noting that this
second Thomson relation is only guaranteed for a time-reversal symmetric material; if the material is
placed in a magnetic field, or is itself magnetically ordered (ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic, etc.), then
the second Thomson relation does not take the simple form shown here.
The Thomson coefficient is unique among the three main thermoelectric coefficients because it is the
only one directly measurable for individual materials. The Peltier and Seebeck coefficients can only be
easily determined for pairs of materials; hence, it is difficult to find values of absolute Seebeck or Peltier
coefficients for an individual material. 88
The incident radiation is absorbed in a
ferroelectric material which has molecules
with a permanent electric dipole moment. The
net electric polarization present is temperature
dependent (below the a critical temperature
characteristic of the material). When
configured as a capacitor in a circuit, changes
in polarization induced by temperature
changes in the material can be detected by
measuring the change in the charge on the
plates of the capacitor. Pyroelectric detectors
can be made with response times in the
nanosecond region and with a wavelength
response extending out to » 100 ¹m. They
have proved very useful as low cost, robust IR
detectors in such uses as first detection and
intruder alarms. 89