Business Portfolio
Business Portfolio
Business Portfolio
Submitted By:
Allah Rakha Sindhu
Muhammad Yasir Yaqoob
Muhammad Wasim
Gulshan Mehboob
Main Idea:
Sizzling Bar is formed by a group of five people namely Mr. Allah Rakha
Sindhu, Mr.Yasir Yaqoob, Mr.M.Waseem, Miss Gulshan Mehboob and
Miss Um-e-Rubbab.
Sizzling Bar is a bakery selling bakery products which are new in taste. We
are introducing Chinese taste in local Asian foods with a little change in
Chinese rolls
Chinese samosa
Chinese pastries
Variety of Salads
Chinese Pizzas
Bussiness Information
Coorporate Strategy
Our flexible and dynamic corporate strategy strives for enhancing
customer’s pleasure by adding value over the long run. We aim at creating
value for the stakeholders by maintaining and improving our competitive
position in the market.
We have built and care for an innovation adept culture, that promotes
precision and accountability through honesty, integrity and diligence in our
dealing with employees , customers, financial market , government,
regulatory authorities and all other stakeholders.
Issued - - - 3,000,000
Capital: Shares of Rs.
100 each
CEO Allah Rakha Sindhu
Financial Manager Yasir Yaqoob
Marketing Manager Gulshan Mehboob
Transport Supervisor Muhammad Waseem
Human Resource Manager Um-e-Rubbab
Mission Statement
Office Adress:
• Ford Rhodes Chartered Accountants.
Shares Registrar:
Gulshan Associates (Pvt) Ltd
Top Floor, Shahbaz Plaza
Allah Rakha Road. Rawalpindi.
Ph# 051-7776985-30 Fax# 051-6987453
Risk Considerations:
Project seems to be difficult to start but once started we can easily maintain
our pace in market. As currently, we are having no competitors in market,
because all existing bakeries are in business of Asian taste products. And
their products are very heavy and full of calories. But our products are light
in calories, so good for people of all ages, whether old as they usually
having high cholesterol and heart problems. Similarly best for young people
as they don’t want to gain more calories, so our products being cooked in
healthy oil that is canola oil and olive oil suits their life style. So our targeted
market is niche. We can easily penetrate into existing market. Secondly
existing markets in Rawalpindi are not giving delivery service. We are
specifically focusing the convenience of working class and will provide
them our service at their desk. So currently we are only facing financial
problems which we will try to cope with our efficient and quality services.
Once established firmly, we will further expand our business.