Footwear India Limited: Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad
Footwear India Limited: Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad
Footwear India Limited: Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad
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At the end of the year 2002, the company had achieved a sales turnover of more than Rs.8,500
million. This was higher than the turnover of year 2001, but the guess was that the annual results
would not be up to the mark. Already FWI had started identifying reasons as “under recovery of
expenses at manufacturing facilites due to reduced production as well as increased markdowns on
slow moving stocks.” The capacity utilization of the company was less than 50% in all its
business categories. It was a difficult year, and the results were showing.
FWI sold its products through its own outlets – where the sales were only on cash/credit cards.
Sales revenue from these outlets amounted to Rs.4,5563. In addition FWI had a system of
franchisee outlets. These outlets had a usual credit period of around 60 days. Sales through
franchisees during the year amounted to Rs.4,060.
All interest that was due for the year was received. Interest receipt was the net of tax deducted at
source. The Gross amount of interest income for the year was Rs.15, of which Rs.3 was accrued
but not yet due.
In case of Fixed Assets, the company had sold during the year, property comprising of residential
colony, land and building at Faridabad. These assets were very old assets and were re-valued in
the year 1982. The difference between the original cost and the re-valuation was put in a separate
re-valuation reserve, not available for distribution. Every year, when these re-valued assets were
depreciated, the proportionate depreciation pertaining to the historic cost was charged off in the
income statement, while the proportionate depreciation on the revalued portion was reduced from
the re-valuation reserve. Thus, at the end of the useful life of the asset, the revaluation reserve
would come back to zero. During the year, some of these assets were sold. On the whole, the
company made a profit on the sale of these assets. The details of historic cost, revalued costs and
accumulated depreciation on the assets sold during the year are given below:
Prepared by Professor M S Sriram, based on published annual reports. Some items have been reclassified
for purposes of clarity and simplicity
Teaching material of the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, is prepared as a basis for class
discussion. Cases are not designed to present illustrations of either correct or incorrect handling of
administrative problems.
Copyright 2003 by the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad.
All Figures in this case are in Rs.Million.
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Accumulated Accumulated
Asset Histori Revalue Depreciation Depreciation charged to
c Cost d Cost on historc cost Revaluation Reserve
Land 10 30 30
Building and 20 58 7 28 23
other assets
Total 30 88 7 28 53
The other payments made by FWI during the year were as follows:
During the year, there was an additional cash outflow of Rs.45 towards capital work in progress –
which pertained to a new facility being set up in Peenya, near Bangalore. This work was
continuing, and no Capital WIP was transferred to Fixed Assets during the year. It was
ascertained that interest expenses pertaining to a loan borrowed for construction of the Peenya
facility amounting to Rs.5 was not added to the capital Work-in-Process account. This amount
was a part of the total interest expenses of the company. For the year the interest expenses of the
company was Rs. 90. (The interest payments during the year were actually only Rs.85)
In addition to the above, there was a claim of Rs.50 raised by the sales tax department in Uttar
Pradesh against the company. However, the company had gone in appeal against the department.
The legal advisers of the company had indicated that the company was on a strong footing and the
likelihood of winning the case was high.
The dividend that was proposed at the end of last year was paid during the year.
After accounting for all the above accounts, a provision for taxation amounting to 35% of the
income and 2% surcharge on the tax was to be made. (Please note that the income tax department
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allows all expenses to be charged while arriving at the taxable income, except provision for bad
debts. However, actual write off of bad debts can be claimed as an expense).
The company had not made any advance payments of tax, except for the tax deducted at source on
its interest income. However, the company had settled its past years tax dues, which was finally
assessed at Rs.310.
Considering that it was a difficult year, the management did not propose any dividend for the
year. Any profits earned during the year were to be transferred to the general reserve account.
Exhibit 1
Footwear India Limited
Balance sheet as at 31st Dec, 2001
Particulars Amount Rs in Millions
Sources of Funds:
Shareholders' Funds
Equity Shares of Rs.10 each fully paid up 514
Reserves and Surplus
Revaluation Reserve 1436
Share premium account 824
General Reserve 651 2911
Loan Funds
Secured Loans 79
Unsecured Loans from Financial Institutions 515 594
Total 4019
Application of Funds
Fixed Assets
Land 1071
Other Fixed Assets
Gross Block 2305
Accumulated Depreciation 1300 1005
Capital Work in Progress 7
Investments 49
Net Current Assets
Current Assets, Loans and Advances
Raw Material Inventory 217
Work in Progress Inventory 128
Finished Goods Inventory 1806
Stores, Spares and Packing Materials Inventory 46 2197
Sundry Debtors 1295
Less Provision for Doubtful Debts 49 1246
Cash and Bank Balances 39
Less Current Liabilities and Provisions
Trade Creditors 1193
Interest Payable 6
Provision for Taxation 309
Excise Duty 2
Provision for Payment of Dividend and tax on 85 1595 1887
Total 4019