Basic Qualification Question Bank For Amateur Radio Operator Certificate Examinations
Basic Qualification Question Bank For Amateur Radio Operator Certificate Examinations
Basic Qualification Question Bank For Amateur Radio Operator Certificate Examinations
While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure accuracy in this document, no
warranty is expressed or implied.
Candidates for amateur radio operator certificate examinations are encouraged to contact the
following amateur radio organizations for information on study material.
For additional information, please contact the Amateur Radio Service Centre:
Industry Canada
Amateur Radio Service Centre
2 Queen Street East
Sault Ste. Marie, ON
P6A 1Y3
The owner of an amateur station may: A Amateurs are only allowed to use the
frequency band during emergencies
A permit anyone to use the station without B Amateurs must increase transmitter
restrictions power to overcome any interference
B permit anyone to use the station and caused by primary users
take part in communications C Amateurs are allowed to use the
C permit any person to operate the station frequency band only if they do not cause
under the supervision and in the presence interference to primary users
of the holder of the amateur operator D Nothing special: all users of a frequency
certificate band have equal rights to operate
D permit anyone to take part in
communications only if prior written B-001-010-004 (C)
permission is received from Industry What rule applies if two amateurs want to
Canada use the same frequency?
B-001-013-003 (C)
What do you transmit to identify your
amateur station?
A Your first name and your location
B Your full name
C Your call sign
D Your "handle"
B-001-013-004 (D) B-001-013-008 (D)
What identification, if any, is required when What language may you use when
two amateur stations begin identifying your station?
A Any language being used for a contact
A No identification is required B Any language being used for a contact,
B Both stations must transmit both call providing Canada has a third-party
signs communications agreement with that
C One of the stations must give both country
stations' call signs C Any language of a country which is a
D Each station must transmit its own call member of the International
sign Telecommunication Union
D English or French
B-001-013-005 (D)
What identification, if any, is required when B-001-013-009 (B)
two amateur stations end communications? The call sign of an amateur station must be
A No identification is required
B One of the stations must transmit both A when requested to do so by the station
stations' call signs being called
C Both stations must transmit both call B at the beginning and at the end of each
signs exchange of communications and at
D Each station must transmit its own call intervals not greater than 30 minutes
sign C at intervals not greater than three minutes
when using voice communications
B-001-013-006 (D) D at intervals not greater than ten minutes
when using Morse code
What is the longest period of time an
amateur station can transmit, without
identifying by call sign? B-001-013-010 (D)
The call sign of an amateur station must be
A 20 minutes
B 15 minutes
A every minute
C 10 minutes
D 30 minutes B every 15 minutes
C once after initial contact
B-001-013-007 (C) D at the beginning and end of each
exchange of communications, and at
When may an amateur transmit unidentified least every 30 minutes, while in
communications? communications
A Only if it does not interfere with others
B Only for two-way or third-party B-001-013-011 (B)
communications The call sign of a Canadian amateur radio
C Never, except to control a model craft station would normally start with the letters:
D Only for brief tests not meant as A EA, EI, RO or UY
B VA, VE, VO or VY
C GA, GE, MO or VQ
D A, K, N or W
B-001-014-001 (C) B-001-014-004 (D)
If a non-amateur friend is using your station A person operating a Canadian amateur
to talk to someone in Canada, and a foreign station is forbidden to communicate with
station breaks in to talk to your friend, what amateur stations of another country:
should you do?
A without written permission from Industry
A Report the incident to the foreign Canada
amateur's government B until he has properly identified his station
B Stop all discussions and quickly sign off C unless he is passing third-party traffic
C Have your friend wait until you determine D when that country has notified the
from the foreign station if their International Telecommunication Union
administration permits third-party traffic that it objects to such communications
D Since you can talk to foreign amateurs,
your friend may keep talking as long as B-001-014-005 (C)
you are the control operator
International communications on behalf of
third parties may be transmitted by an
B-001-014-002 (A)
amateur station only if:
If you let an unqualified third party use your
A the countries for which the traffic is
amateur station, what must you do at your
intended have registered their consent to
station's control point?
such communications with the ITU
A You must continuously monitor and B radiotelegraphy is used
supervise the third party's participation
C the countries concerned have authorized
B You must key the transmitter and make such communications
the station identification D English or French is used to identify the
C You must monitor and supervise the station at the end of each transmission
communication only if contacts are made
on frequencies below 30 MHz B-001-014-006 (D)
D You must monitor and supervise the
communication only if contacts are made Amateur third party communications is:
in countries which have no third party
communications A the transmission of commercial or secret
B-001-014-003 (C) B a simultaneous communication between
three operators
Radio amateurs may use their stations to
transmit international communications on
C none of these answers
behalf of a third party only if: D the transmission of non-commercial or
personal messages to or on behalf of a
A the communication is transmitted by third party
secret code
B prior remuneration has been received B-001-014-007 (C)
C such communications have been International third party amateur radio
authorized by the other country communication in case of emergencies or
concerned disaster relief is expressly permitted unless:
D the amateur station has received written
authorization from Industry Canada to A the foreign administration is in a declared
pass third party traffic state of war
B internet service is working well in the
foreign country involved
C specifically prohibited by the foreign
administration concerned
D satellite communication can be originated
in the disaster area
B-001-014-008 (A) B-001-014-011 (C)
One of the following is not considered to be Which of the following statements is not
communications on behalf of a third party, correct? A Canadian radio amateur may, on
even though the message is originated by, amateur frequencies,:
or addressed to, a non-amateur:
A pass messages originating from or
A messages originated from Canadian destined to the Canadian Forces Affiliate
Forces Affiliate Radio Service (CFARS) Radio Service (CFARS)
B messages that are handled within a local B communicate with a similar station of a
network country which has not notified ITU that it
C messages addressed to points within objects to such communications
Canada C pass third-party traffic with all duly
D all messages received from Canadian licensed amateur stations in any country
stations which is a member of the ITU
D pass messages originating from or
B-001-014-009 (D) destined to the United States Military
Auxiliary Radio System (MARS)
One of the following is not considered to be
communications on behalf of a third party,
B-001-015-001 (D)
even though the message may be originated
by, or addressed to, a non-amateur: If you let another amateur with additional
qualifications than yours control your
A all messages originated by Canadian
station, what operating privileges are
amateur stations
B messages addressed to points within
Canada from the United States A Any privileges allowed by the additional
C messages that are handled within local
networks during a simulated emergency B All the emission privileges of the
exercise additional qualifications, but only the
frequency privileges of your qualifications
D messages that originate from the United
States Military Auxiliary Radio System C All the frequency privileges of the
(MARS) additional qualifications, but only the
emission privileges of your qualifications
B-001-014-010 (A) D Only the privileges allowed by your
Which of the following is not correct? While
operating in Canada a radio amateur
B-001-015-002 (C)
licensed by the Government of the United
States must: If you are the control operator at the station
of another amateur who has additional
A obtain a Canadian amateur certificate
qualifications to yours, what operating
before operating in Canada
privileges are you allowed?
B add to his call sign the Canadian call
sign prefix for the geographic location of A All the emission privileges of the
the station additional qualifications, but only the
frequency privileges of your qualifications
C qualify his identification when operating
phone by adding to the call sign the word B All the frequency privileges of the
"mobile" or "portable" or when operating additional qualifications, but only the
Morse code by adding a slash "/" emission privileges of your qualifications
D identify with the call sign assigned by the C Only the privileges allowed by your
FCC qualifications
D Any privileges allowed by the additional
B-001-015-003 (C) B-001-015-008 (A)
In addition to passing the Basic written In Canada, the 20 meter amateur band
examination, what must you do before you corresponds in frequency to:
are allowed to use amateur frequencies
A 14.000 to 14.350 MHz
below 30 MHz?
B 13.500 to 14.000 MHz
A You must pass a Morse code test
C 15.000 to 15.750 MHz
B You must attend a class to learn about D 16.350 to 16.830 MHz
HF communications
C You must pass a Morse code or
B-001-015-009 (A)
Advanced test or attain a mark of 80% on
the Basic exam In Canada, the 15 metre amateur band
D You must notify Industry Canada that you corresponds in frequency to:
intend to operate on the HF bands A 21.000 to 21.450 MHz
B 18.068 to 18.168 MHz
B-001-015-004 (A)
C 14.000 to 14.350 MHz
The holder of an amateur radio certificate D 28.000 to 29.700 MHz
may operate radio controlled models:
A on all frequencies above 30 MHz B-001-015-010 (A)
B if the control transmitter does not exceed In Canada, the 10 metre amateur band
15 kHz of occupied bandwidth corresponds in frequency to:
C if the frequency used is below 30 MHz
A 28.000 to 29.700 MHz
D if only pulse modulation is used
B 24.890 to 24.990 MHz
B-001-015-005 (D) C 21.000 to 21.450 MHz
D 50.000 to 54.000 MHz
In Canada, the 75/80 metre amateur band
corresponds in frequency to:
B-001-015-011 (D)
A 3.0 to 3.5 MHz
In Canada, radio amateurs may use which of
B 4.0 to 4.5 MHz the following for radio control of models:
C 4.5 to 5.0 MHz
A 50 to 54 MHz only
D 3.5 to 4.0 MHz
B all amateur frequency bands
B-001-015-006 (D) C 50 to 54, 144 to 148, and 222 to 225
MHz only
In Canada, the 160 metre amateur band D all amateur frequency bands above 30
corresponds in frequency to:
A 1.5 to 2.0 MHz
B 2.0 to 2.25 MHz B-001-016-001 (A)
C 2.25 to 2.5 MHz What is the maximum authorized bandwidth
D 1.8 to 2.0 MHz within the frequency range of 50 to 148
B-001-015-007 (C) A 30 kHz
In Canada, the 40 metre amateur band B 20 kHz
corresponds in frequency to: C The total bandwidth shall not exceed that
of a single-sideband phone emission
A 6.0 to 6.3 MHz
D The total bandwidth shall not exceed 10
B 7.7 to 8.0 MHz
times that of a CW emission
C 7.0 to 7.3 MHz
D 6.5 to 6.8 MHz
B-001-016-002 (B) B-001-016-007 (B)
The maximum bandwidth of an amateur Single sideband is not permitted in the band:
station's transmission allowed in the band
28 to 29.7 MHz is: A 7.0 to 7.3 MHz
A 15 kHz B 10.1 to 10.15 MHz
B 20 kHz C 18.068 to 18.168 MHz
C 6 kHz D 24.89 to 24.99 MHz
D 30 kHz
B-001-016-008 (C)
B-001-016-003 (B) What precaution must an amateur radio
operator take when transmitting near band
Except for one band, the maximum
bandwidth of an amateur station's
transmission allowed between 7 and 28 MHz A Make sure that the emission mode is
is: compatible with agreed band plans
A 30 kHz B Watch the standing wave ratio so as not
to damage the transmitter
B 6 kHz
C Ensure that the bandwidth required on
C 15 kHz
either side of the carrier frequency does
D 20 kHz not fall out of band
D Restrict operation to telegraphy
B-001-016-004 (C)
The maximum bandwidth of an amateur B-001-016-009 (B)
station's transmission allowed in the band
Which of the following answers is not
144 to 148 MHz is:
correct? Based on the bandwidth required,
A 20 kHz the following modes may be transmitted on
B 15 kHz these frequencies:
C 30 kHz A fast-scan television (ATV) on 440 MHz
D 6 kHz B fast-scan television (ATV) on 145 MHz
C AMTOR on 14.08 MHz
B-001-016-005 (A) D 300 bps packet on 10.145 MHz
The maximum bandwidth of an amateur
station's transmission allowed in the band B-001-016-010 (D)
50 to 54 MHz is:
Which of the following answers is not
A 30 kHz correct? Based on the bandwidth required,
B 20 kHz the following modes may be transmitted on
these frequencies:
C 6 kHz
D 15 kHz A slow-scan television (SSTV) on 14.23
B-001-016-006 (C) B frequency modulation (FM) on 29.6 MHz
C single-sideband (SSB) on 3.76 MHz
Which of the following bands of amateur
frequencies has a maximum allowed D fast-scan television (ATV) on 14.23 MHz
bandwidth of less than 6 kHz. That band is:
A 24.89 to 24.99 MHz
B 1.8 to 2.0 MHz
C 10.1 to 10.15 MHz
D 18.068 to 18.168 MHz
B-001-016-011 (C) B-001-017-005 (C)
Which of the following answers is not What is the maximum transmitting power an
correct? Based on the bandwidth required, amateur station may use for SSB operation
the following modes may be transmitted on on 7055 kHz, if the operator has Basic with
these frequencies: Honours qualifications?
A Morse radiotelegraphy (CW) on 10.11 A 2000 watts PEP output
MHz B 200 watts PEP output
B 300 bps packet on 10.148 MHz C 560 watts PEP output
C single-sideband (SSB) on 10.12 MHz D 1000 watts PEP output
D frequency modulation (FM) on 29.6 MHz
B-001-017-006 (D)
B-001-017-001 (B)
The DC power input to the anode or collector
What amount of transmitter power should circuit of the final RF stage of a transmitter,
radio amateurs use at all times? used by a holder of an Amateur Radio
Operator Certificate with Advanced
A 2000 watts PEP output
Qualification, shall not exceed:
B The minimum legal power necessary to
communicate A 250 watts
C 25 watts PEP output B 500 watts
D 250 watts PEP output C 750 watts
D 1000 watts
B-001-017-002 (B)
B-001-017-007 (A)
What is the most FM transmitter power a
holder of only Basic Qualification may use The maximum DC input to the final stage of
on 147 MHz? an amateur transmitter, when the operator is
the holder of both the Basic and Advanced
A 25 watts PEP output
qualifications, is:
B 250 W DC input
A 1000 watts
C 1000 watts DC input
B 250 watts
D 200 watts PEP output
C 1500 watts
B-001-017-003 (B) D 500 watts
What is the meaning of the procedural signal A save time by leaving out spaces between
"K"? words
A All received correctly B tune the transmitter using the operating
B Any station please reply antenna
C End of message
C listen to the frequency to make sure that
it is not in use before transmitting
D Called station only transmit
D always give stations a good readability
B-002-006-001 (A) B-002-006-006 (C)
What are "RST" signal reports? A distant station asks for a signal report on
a local repeater you monitor. Which fact
A A short way to describe signal reception affects your assessment?
B A short way to describe transmitter A You need to listen to the repeater input
power frequency for an accurate signal report
C A short way to describe sunspot activity B Signal reports are only useful on simplex
D A short way to describe ionospheric communications
conditions C The other operator needs to know how
well he is received at the repeater, not
B-002-006-002 (D) how well you receive the repeater
What does "RST" mean in a signal report? D The repeater gain affects your S-meter
A Recovery, signal strength, tempo
B Recovery, signal speed, tone B-002-006-007 (C)
C Readability, signal speed, tempo If the power output of a transmitter is
D Readability, signal strength, tone increased by four times, how might a nearby
receiver's S-meter reading change?
B-002-006-003 (A) A Decrease by approximately four S units
What is the meaning of: "Your signal report B Decrease by approximately one S unit
is 5 7"? C Increase by approximately one S unit
A Your signal is perfectly readable and
D Increase by approximately four S units
moderately strong
B Your signal is readable with considerable B-002-006-008 (A)
difficulty By how many times must the power output
C Your signal is perfectly readable with of a transmitter be increased to raise the S-
near pure tone meter reading on a nearby receiver from S8
D Your signal is perfectly readable, but to S9?
weak A Approximately 4 times
B Approximately 5 times
B-002-006-004 (A)
C Approximately 3 times
What is the meaning of: "Your signal report D Approximately 2 times
is 3 3 "?
A Your signal is readable with considerable B-002-006-009 (B)
difficulty and weak in strength
What does "RST 579" mean in a Morse
B Your signal is unreadable, very weak in code contact?
A Your signal is barely readable,
C The station is located at latitude 33
moderately strong, and with faint ripple
D The contact is serial number 33 B Your signal is perfectly readable,
moderately strong, and with perfect tone
B-002-006-005 (B)
C Your signal is perfectly readable, weak
strength, and with perfect tone
What is the meaning of: "You are 5 9 plus D Your signal is fairly readable, fair
20 dB"? strength, and with perfect tone
A Your signal strength has increased by a
factor of 100
B You are perfectly readable with a signal
strength 20 decibels greater than S 9
C The bandwidth of your signal is 20
decibels above linearity
D Repeat your transmission on a frequency
20 kHz higher
B-002-006-010 (B) B-002-007-004 (A)
What does "RST 459" mean in a Morse What is one meaning of the Q signal
code contact? "QSY"?
A Your signal is moderately readable, very A Change frequency
weak, and with hum on the tone B Use more power
B Your signal is quite readable, fair C Send faster
strength, and with perfect tone D Send more slowly
C Your signal is very readable, very strong,
and with perfect tone
B-002-007-005 (D)
D Your signal is barely readable, very weak,
and with perfect tone What is the meaning of the Q signal "QSB"?
B-002-009-004 (B)
B-002-008-011 (D)
A directional antenna pointed in the long-
If you hear distress traffic and are unable to
path direction to another station is generally
render direct assistance you should:
oriented how many degrees from its short-
A enter the details in the log book and take path heading?
no further action
A 270 degrees
B take no action
B 180 degrees
C tell all other stations to cease
C 45 degrees
D 90 degrees
D contact authorities and then maintain
watch until you are certain that
assistance will be forthcoming B-002-009-005 (D)
What method is used by radio amateurs to
B-002-009-001 (D) provide written proof of communication
What is a "QSL card"? between two amateur stations?
A A two-page letter containing a photograph
A A Notice of Violation from Industry of the operator
Canada B A radiogram sent over the CW traffic net
B A postcard reminding you when your C A packet message
certificate will expire
D A signed post card listing contact date,
C A letter or postcard from an amateur pen time, frequency, mode and power, called
pal a "QSL card"
D A written proof of communication
between two amateurs
B-002-009-006 (B) B-002-009-010 (B)
You hear other local stations talking to radio When referring to contacts in the station log,
amateurs in New Zealand but you don't hear what do the letters UTC mean?
those stations with your beam aimed on the
A Unlimited Time Capsule
normal compass bearing to New Zealand.
What should you try? B Universal Time Coordinated (formerly
Greenwich Mean Time - GMT)
A Point your antenna to the south
C Universal Time Constant
B Point your beam 180 degrees away from D Unlisted Telephone Call
that bearing and listen for the stations
arriving on the "long-path"
B-002-009-011 (A)
C Point your antenna toward Newington,
Connecticut To set your station clock accurately to UTC,
D Point your antenna to the north you could receive the most accurate time off
the air from _______?
B-002-009-007 (B) A CHU, WWV or WWVH
Which statement about recording all B A non-directional beacon station
contacts and unanswered "CQ calls" in a C Your local television station
station logbook or computer log is not D Your local radio station
A A log is important for handling neighbour B-003-001-001 (B)
interference complaints
A low pass filter in an HF station is most
B A logbook is required by Industry Canada effective when connected:
C A log is important for recording contacts
A midway between the transceiver and
for operating awards
D A well-kept log preserves your fondest
amateur radio memories for years B as close as possible to the transceiver
B-002-009-008 (D) C as close as possible to the antenna tuner
Why would it be useful to have an azimuthal D as close as possible to the antenna
world map centred on the location of your
B-003-001-002 (A)
A Because it looks impressive
A low pass filter in an HF station is most
B Because it shows the angle at which an effective when connected:
amateur satellite crosses the equator
C Because it shows the number of degrees A as close as possible to the linear
longitude that an amateur satellite moves amplifier output
west B as close as possible to the antenna
D Because it shows the compass bearing C as close as possible to the antenna tuner
from your station to any place on Earth, output
for antenna planning and pointing D as close as possible to the linear
amplifier input
B-002-009-009 (C)
Station logs and confirmation (QSL) cards B-003-001-003 (D)
are always kept in UTC (Universal Time In designing an HF station, which
Coordinated). Where is that time based? component would you use to reduce the
A Ottawa, Canada effects of harmonic radiation?
B Newington, Connecticut A Dummy load
C Greenwich, England B Antenna switch
D Geneva, Switzerland C SWR bridge
D Low pass filter
B-003-001-004 (D) B-003-001-009 (B)
Which component in an HF station is the In an HF Station, the antenna tuner is
most useful for determining the effectiveness commonly used:
of the antenna system?
A to tune low pass filters
A Antenna switch B with most antennas when operating
B Linear amplifier below 14 MHz
C Dummy load C with most antennas when operating
D SWR bridge above 14 MHz
D to tune into dummy loads
B-003-001-005 (C)
B-003-002-001 (B)
Of the components in an HF station, which
component would normally be connected In a frequency modulation transmitter, the
closest to the antenna, antenna tuner and input to the speech amplifier is connected to
dummy load? the:
A Low pass filter A frequency multiplier
B SWR bridge B microphone
C Antenna switch C modulator
D Transceiver D power amplifier
Why should your outside antennas be high What should you do for safety when
enough so that no one can touch them while operating at UHF and microwave
you are transmitting? frequencies?
A Touching the antenna might cause A Make sure that an RF leakage filter is
television interference installed at the antenna feed point
B Touching the antenna might cause RF B Make sure the standing wave ratio is low
burns before you conduct a test
C Touching the antenna might reflect the C Never use a horizontally polarized
signal back to the transmitter and cause antenna
damage D Keep antenna away from your eyes when
D Touching the antenna might radiate RF is applied
B-003-021-002 (D) B-003-021-006 (B)
What should you do for safety if you put up How can exposure to a large amount of RF
a UHF transmitting antenna? energy affect body tissue?
A Make sure the antenna is near the A It causes hair to fall out
ground to keep its RF energy pointing in B It heats the tissue
the correct direction
C It lowers blood pressure
B Make sure you connect an RF leakage D It paralyzes the tissue
filter at the antenna feed point
C Make sure that RF field screens are in
B-003-021-007 (A)
D Make sure the antenna will be in a place Which body organ is the most likely to be
where no one can get near it when you damaged from the heating effects of RF
are transmitting radiation?
A Eyes
B-003-021-003 (C)
B Heart
What should you do for safety, before C Liver
removing the shielding on a UHF power D Hands
A Make sure the antenna transmission line B-003-021-008 (A)
is properly grounded
Depending on the wavelength of the signal,
B Make sure all RF screens are in place at the energy density of the RF field, and other
the antenna transmission line factors, in what way can RF energy affect
C Make sure the amplifier cannot body tissue?
accidentally be turned on
A It heats the tissue
D Make sure that RF leakage filters are
connected B It causes ionizing radiation poisoning
C It causes blood flow to stop
B-003-021-004 (C) D It has no effect on the body
Why should you make sure the antenna of a
hand-held transceiver is not close to your B-003-021-009 (A)
head when transmitting? If you operate your amateur station with
A To keep static charges from building up indoor antennas, what precautions should
you take when you install them?
B To help the antenna radiate energy
equally in all directions A Locate the antennas as far away as
C To reduce your exposure to the radio- possible from living spaces that will be
frequency energy occupied while you are operating
D To use your body to reflect the signal in B Position the antennas parallel to
one direction electrical power wires to take advantage
of parasitic effects
B-003-021-005 (B) C Position the antennas along the edge of a
wall where it meets the floor or ceiling to
How should you position the antenna of a
reduce parasitic radiation
hand-held transceiver while you are
transmitting? D Locate the antennas close to your
operating position to minimize
A Pointed down to bounce the signal off the transmission line length
B Away from your head and away from
C Pointed towards the station you are
D Pointed away from the station you are
B-003-021-010 (C) B-004-001-004 (A)
Why should directional high-gain antennas To increase the level of very weak signals
be mounted higher than nearby structures? from a microphone you would use:
A So they will not damage nearby A an audio amplifier
structures with RF energy B an RF oscillator
B So they will receive more sky waves and C an RF amplifier
fewer ground waves D an audio oscillator
C So they will not direct RF energy toward
people in nearby structures
B-004-001-005 (B)
D So they will be dried by the wind after a
heavy rain storm The range of frequencies to be amplified by a
speech amplifier is typically:
B-003-021-011 (B) A 40 to 40 000 Hz
For best RF safety, where should the ends B 300 to 3000 Hz
and center of a dipole antenna be located? C 3 to 300 Hz
A Close to the ground so simple D 300 to 1000 Hz
adjustments can be easily made without
climbing a ladder B-004-001-006 (B)
B As high as possible to prevent people Which of the following is not amplified by an
from coming in contact with the antenna amplifier?
C Near or over moist ground so RF energy
will be radiated away from the ground A Voltage
D As close to the transmitter as possible B Resistance
so RF energy will be concentrated near C Current
the transmitter D Power
B-004-001-011 (B)
B-004-002-006 (B)
Which of the following is not a property of an
If alternating current is applied to the anode
of a diode, what would you expect to see at
A Distortion the cathode?
B Loss A Pulsating alternating current
C Gain B Pulsating direct current
D Linearity C No signal
D Steady direct current
B-004-002-001 (D)
Zener diodes are used as: B-004-002-007 (B)
In a semiconductor diode, electrons flow
A current regulators
B RF detectors
A grid to anode
C AF detectors
B cathode to anode
D voltage regulators
C anode to cathode
B-004-002-002 (D) D cathode to grid
B-004-003-009 (B)
B-004-003-003 (A)
In a bipolar transistor, the
The three leads from a PNP transistor are
_____________compares closest to the
control grid of a triode vacuum tube.
A collector, emitter and base
A collector
B drain, base and source
B base
C collector, source and drain
C emitter
D gate, source and drain
D source
B-004-003-004 (C)
B-004-003-010 (B)
If a low level signal is placed at the input to a
In a bipolar transistor, the
transistor, a higher level of signal is
_____________compares closest to the
produced at the output lead. This effect is
plate of a triode vacuum tube.
known as:
A base
A modulation
B collector
B rectification
C gate
C amplification
D emitter
D detection
B-004-003-011 (B)
B-004-003-005 (A)
In a bipolar transistor, the _____________
Bipolar transistors usually have:
compares closest to the cathode of a triode
vacuum tube.
A 3 leads
B 1 lead A drain
C 2 leads B emitter
D 4 leads C collector
D base
B-004-003-006 (B)
A semiconductor is described as a "general
purpose audio NPN device". This would be:
A an audio detector
B a bipolar transistor
C a silicon diode
D a triode
B-004-004-001 (B) B-004-004-006 (A)
The two basic types of field effect transistors Which semiconductor device has
(FET) are: characteristics most similar to a triode
vacuum tube?
A inductive and capacitive
B N and P channel A Field effect transistor
C NPN and PNP B Junction diode
D germanium and silicon C Zener diode
D Bipolar transistor
B-004-004-002 (D)
B-004-004-007 (C)
A semiconductor having its leads labelled
gate, drain, and source is best described as The control element in the field effect
a: transistor is the:
A gated transistor A drain
B bipolar transistor B base
C silicon diode C gate
D field-effect transistor D source
B-004-005-009 (C)
B-004-005-004 (B)
How many grids are there in a triode vacuum
In a vacuum tube, the electrode that is
operated with the highest positive potential
is the _________. A Three
A grid B Three plus a filament
B plate C One
C filament (heater) D Two
D cathode
B-004-006-001 (B)
How do you find a resistor's tolerance
A By using a voltmeter
B By reading the resistor's colour code
C By using Thevenin's theorem for resistors
D By reading its Baudot code
B-004-006-002 (D) B-004-006-007 (D)
What do the first three-colour bands on a You need a current limiting resistor for a
resistor indicate? light-emitting diode (LED). The actual
resistance is not critical at all. Out of the list
A The resistance material
below, which resistor tolerance would you
B The power rating in watts select?
C The resistance tolerance in percent A 0.1%
D The value of the resistor in ohms
B 5%
C 10%
B-004-006-003 (C)
D 20%
What would the fourth colour band on a 47
ohm resistor indicate?
B-004-006-008 (B)
A The power rating in watts
If a carbon resistor's temperature is
B The resistance material increased, what will happen to the
C The resistance tolerance in percent resistance?
D The value of the resistor in ohms A It will increase by 20% for every 10
degrees centigrade
B-004-006-004 (C) B It will change depending on the resistor's
What are the possible values of a 100 ohm temperature coefficient rating
resistor with a 10% tolerance? C It will stay the same
A 10 to 100 ohms
D It will become time dependent
B 80 to 120 ohms
B-004-006-009 (C)
C 90 to 110 ohms
D 90 to 100 ohms A gold tolerance band on a resistor indicates
the tolerance is:
B-004-006-005 (B) A 10%
How do you find a resistor's value? B 1%
C 5%
A By using the Baudot code D 20%
B By using the resistor's colour code
C By using a voltmeter B-004-006-010 (C)
D By using Thevenin's theorem for resistors Which colour band would differentiate a 120-
ohm from a 1200-ohm resistor?
B-004-006-006 (B) A Second band
A club project requires that a resistive B Fourth band
voltage divider provide a very accurate and
C Third band
predictable ratio. Out of the list below, which
resistor tolerance would you select? D First band
A 20%
B-004-006-011 (B)
B 0.1%
Given that red=2, violet=7 and yellow=4,
C 5% what is the nominal value of a resistor whose
D 10% colour code reads "red", "violet" and
A 27 megohms
B 270 kilohms
C 274 ohms
D 72 kilohms
B-005-001-001 (D) B-005-001-006 (B)
If a dial marked in megahertz shows a A kilohm is:
reading of 3.525 MHz, what would it show if
it were marked in kilohertz? A 10 ohms
A 35.25 kHz B 1000 ohms
B 3 525 000 kHz C 0.1 ohm
C 0.003525 kHz D 0.001 ohm
D 3525 kHz
B-005-001-007 (D)
B-005-001-002 (C) 6.6 kilovolts is equal to:
If an ammeter marked in amperes is used to
A 660 volts
measure a 3000 milliampere current, what
reading would it show? B 66 volts
C 66 000 volts
A 0.3 ampere
D 6600 volts
B 3 000 000 amperes
C 3 amperes
B-005-001-008 (A)
D 0.003 ampere
A current of one quarter ampere may be
written as:
B-005-001-003 (B)
A 250 milliamperes
If a voltmeter marked in volts is used to
measure a 3500 millivolt potential, what B 0.5 amperes
reading would it show? C 0.25 milliampere
A 350 volts D 250 microamperes
B 3.5 volts
B-005-001-009 (B)
C 0.35 volt
D 35 volts How many millivolts are equivalent to two
B-005-001-004 (D) A 0.002
How many microfarads is 1 000 000 B 2 000
picofarads? C 0.000002
A 1 000 000 000 microfarads D 2 000 000
B 1000 microfarads
B-005-001-010 (C)
C 0.001 microfarad
D 1 microfarad One megahertz is equal to:
A 0.001 Hz
B-005-001-005 (A)
B 10 Hz
If you have a hand-held transceiver which
puts out 500 milliwatts, how many watts
C 1 000 kHz
would this be? D 100 kHz
A 0.5
B-005-001-011 (B)
B 5
An inductance of 10 000 microhenrys may
C 50
be stated correctly as:
D 0.02
A 1 000 henrys
B 10 millihenrys
C 100 millihenrys
D 10 henrys
B-005-002-001 (D) B-005-002-006 (A)
Name three good electrical conductors. A length of metal is connected in a circuit
and is found to conduct electricity very well.
A Gold, silver, wood It would be best described as having a:
B Copper, aluminum, paper A low resistance
C Copper, gold, mica B high resistance
D Gold, silver, aluminum C high wattage
D low wattage
B-005-002-002 (C)
Name four good electrical insulators. B-005-002-007 (D)
The letter "R" is the symbol for:
A Paper, glass, air, aluminum
B Glass, wood, copper, porcelain A impedance
C Glass, air, plastic, porcelain B reluctance
D Plastic, rubber, wood, carbon C reactance
D resistance
B-005-002-003 (D)
Why do resistors sometimes get hot when B-005-002-008 (C)
in use?
The reciprocal of resistance is:
A Their reactance makes them heat up
B Hotter circuit components nearby heat A reluctance
them up B permeability
C They absorb magnetic energy which C conductance
makes them hot D reactance
D Some electrical energy passing through
them is lost as heat B-005-002-009 (B)
What is the best conductor among the A the voltage which is dissipated before
following materials? useful work is accomplished
A silicon B the voltage developed across the
B aluminium terminals of a component
C copper
C any point in a radio circuit which has zero
D carbon
D the difference in voltage at output
terminals of a transformer
B-005-002-005 (A)
Which type of material listed will most B-005-002-010 (B)
readily allow an electric current to flow?
The resistance of a conductor changes with:
A a conductor
B an insulator A humidity
C a semiconductor B temperature
D a dielectric C voltage
D current
B-005-002-011 (A) B-005-003-006 (D)
The most common material used to make a Power is expressed in:
resistor is:
A volts
A carbon
B amperes
B gold
C ohms
C mica
D watts
D lead
B-005-003-007 (B)
B-005-003-001 (A)
Which of the following two quantities should
What is the word used to describe the rate
be multiplied together to find power?
at which electrical energy is used?
A Resistance and capacitance
A Power
B Voltage and current
B Current
C Inductance and capacitance
C Voltage
D Voltage and inductance
D Resistance
B-005-003-008 (D)
B-005-003-002 (B)
Which two electrical units multiplied
If you have light bulbs marked 40 watts, 60
together give the unit "watts"?
watts and 100 watts, which one will use
electrical energy the fastest? A Volts and farads
A The 60 watt bulb B Farads and henrys
B The 100 watt bulb C Amperes and henrys
C They will all be the same D Volts and amperes
D The 40 watt bulb
B-005-003-009 (D)
B-005-003-003 (D) A resistor in a circuit becomes very hot and
starts to burn. This is because the resistor
What is the basic unit of electrical power?
is dissipating too much:
A The ampere A voltage
B The volt B resistance
C The ohm C current
D The watt D power
B-005-005-001 (A)
B 80 milliamperes
C 40 milliamperes
In a parallel circuit with a voltage source and
D 80 amperes
several branch resistors, how is the total
current related to the current in the branch
resistors? B-005-005-005 (A)
A It equals the sum of the branch current The total resistance of resistors connected
through each resistor in series is:
B It equals the average of the branch A greater than the resistance of any one
current through each resistor resistor
C It decreases as more parallel resistors B less than the resistance of any one
are added to the circuit resistor
D It is the sum of each resistor's voltage C equal to the highest resistance present
drop multiplied by the total number of D equal to the lowest resistance present
B-005-005-006 (A)
B-005-005-002 (A)
Five 10 ohm resistors connected in series
Three resistors, respectively rated at 10, 15
and 20 ohms are connected in parallel
across a 6-volt battery. Which statement is A 50 ohms
true? B 5 ohms
A The current through the 10 ohms, 15 C 10 ohms
ohms and 20 ohms separate resistances, D 1 ohm
when added together, equals the total
current drawn from the battery
B-005-005-007 (C)
B The current flowing through the 10 ohm
resistance is less than that flowing Which series combination of resistors would
through the 20 ohm resistance replace a single 120 ohm resistor?
C The voltage drop across each resistance A Two 62 ohm
added together equals 6 volts B Five 100 ohm
D The voltage drop across the 20 ohm C Five 24 ohm
resistance is greater than the voltage
across the 10 ohm resistance
D Six 22 ohm
B-005-005-008 (D) B-005-006-002 (D)
If ten resistors of equal value were wired in How many watts of electrical power are used
parallel, the total resistance would be: by a 12 volt DC light bulb that draws 0.2
A 10 / R
B 10 x R A 60 watts
C 10 + R B 24 watts
D R / 10 C 6 watts
D 2.4 watts
B-005-005-009 (B)
B-005-006-003 (D)
The total resistance of four 68 ohm resistors
wired in parallel is: The DC input power of a transmitter
operating at 12 volts and drawing 500
A 272 ohms
milliamperes would be:
B 17 ohms
A 20 watts
C 12 ohms
B 500 watts
D 34 ohms
C 12 watts
B-005-005-010 (D) D 6 watts
B-005-007-009 (D)
B-005-008-004 (B)
If the frequency of the waveform is 100 Hz,
If a signal-strength report is "10 dB over S9",
the time for one cycle is:
what should the report be if the transmitter
A 10 seconds power is reduced from 1500 watts to 150
B 0.0001 second watts?
C 1 second A S9 plus 5 dB
D 0.01 second B S9
C S9 plus 3 dB
B-005-007-010 (B) D S9 minus 10 dB
Current in an AC circuit goes through a
complete cycle in 0.1 second. This means B-005-008-005 (A)
the AC has a frequency of:
If a signal-strength report is "20 dB over S9",
A 1000 Hz what should the report be if the transmitter
B 10 Hz power is reduced from 1500 watts to 150
C 1 Hz
D 100 Hz A S9 plus 10 dB
B S9 plus 5 dB
B-005-007-011 (B) C S9 plus 3 dB
A signal is composed of a fundamental D S9
frequency of 2 kHz and another of 4 kHz.
This 4 kHz signal is referred to as:
A a dielectric signal of the main signal
B a harmonic of the 2 kHz signal
C a fundamental of the 2 kHz signal
D the DC component of the main signal
B-005-008-006 (A) B-005-008-011 (A)
The unit "decibel" is used to indicate: A local amateur reports your 100W 2M
simplex VHF transmission as 30 dB over
A a mathematical ratio S9. To reduce your signal to S9, you would
B an oscilloscope wave form reduce your power to ______ watts.
C certain radio waves A 100 mW
D a single side band signal B 1W
C 10 W
B-005-008-007 (B) D 33.3 W
The power output from a transmitter
increases from 1 watt to 2 watts. This is a B-005-009-001 (C)
dB increase of:
If two equal-value inductors are connected in
A 1 series, what is their total inductance?
B 3 A The same as the value of either inductor
C 30 B The value of one inductor times the value
D 6 of the other
C Twice the value of one inductor
B-005-008-008 (D) D Half the value of one inductor
The power of a transmitter is increased from
5 watts to 50 watts by a linear amplifier. The B-005-009-002 (A)
power gain, expressed in dB, is:
If two equal-value inductors are connected in
A 30 dB parallel, what is their total inductance?
B 40 dB A Half the value of one inductor
C 20 dB B Twice the value of one inductor
D 10 dB C The same as the value of either inductor
D The value of one inductor times the value
B-005-008-009 (B) of the other
You add a 9 dB gain amplifier to your 2 watt
handheld. What is the power output of the B-005-009-003 (C)
combination? If two equal-value capacitors are connected
A 18 watts in series, what is their total capacitance?
B 16 watts A The same as the value of either capacitor
C 11 watts B The value of one capacitor times the
D 20 watts value of the other
C Half the value of either capacitor
B-005-008-010 (B) D Twice the value of one capacitor
The power of a transmitter is increased from
2 watts to 8 watts. This is a power gain of B-005-009-004 (A)
__________ dB. If two equal-value capacitors are connected
A 9 dB in parallel, what is their total capacitance?
B 6 dB A Twice the value of one capacitor
C 3 dB B The same as the value of either capacitor
D 8 dB C The value of one capacitor times the
value of the other
D Half the value of one capacitor
B-005-009-005 (B) B-005-009-009 (C)
What determines the inductance of a coil? Three 15 microfarad capacitors are wired in
series. The total capacitance of this
A The core material, the coil diameter, the arrangement is:
length of the coil and whether the coil is
A 12 microfarads
mounted horizontally or vertically
B 18 microfarads
B The core material, the coil diameter, the
length of the coil and the number of turns C 5 microfarads
of wire used to wind the coil D 45 microfarads
C The core material, the number of turns
used to wind the coil and the frequency of B-005-009-010 (D)
the current through the coil
Which series combinations of capacitors
D The coil diameter, the number of turns of would best replace a faulty 10 microfarad
wire used to wind the coil and the type of capacitor?
metal used for the wire
A Two 10 microfarad capacitors
B-005-009-006 (B) B Twenty 2 microfarad capacitors
What determines the capacitance of a C Ten 2 microfarad capacitors
capacitor? D Two 20 microfarad capacitors
A The material between the plates, the area
of one plate, the number of plates and the B-005-009-011 (A)
material used for the protective coating The total capacitance of two or more
B The material between the plates, the capacitors in series is:
surface area of the plates, the number of A always less than the smallest capacitor
plates and the spacing between the
plates B found by adding each of the capacitors
together and dividing by the total number
C The material between the plates, the
of capacitors
number of plates and the size of the
wires connected to the plates C found by adding each of the capacitors
D The number of plates, the spacing
between the plates and whether the D always greater than the largest capacitor
dielectric material is N type or P type
B-005-010-001 (A)
B-005-009-007 (D) How does a coil react to AC?
If two equal-value capacitors are connected
in parallel, what is their capacitance? A As the frequency of the applied AC
increases, the reactance increases
A The same value of either capacitor
B As the amplitude of the applied AC
B The value of one capacitor times the increases, the reactance decreases
value of the other
C As the amplitude of the applied AC
C Half the value of either capacitor increases, the reactance increases
D Twice the value of either capacitor D As the frequency of the applied AC
increases, the reactance decreases
B-005-009-008 (D)
To replace a faulty 10 millihenry choke, you B-005-010-002 (B)
could use two: How does a capacitor react to AC?
A 20 millihenry chokes in series
A As the amplitude of the applied AC
B 30 millihenry chokes in parallel
increases, the reactance decreases
C 5 millihenry chokes in parallel
B As the frequency of the applied AC
D 5 millihenry chokes in series increases, the reactance decreases
C As the frequency of the applied AC
increases, the reactance increases
D As the amplitude of the applied AC
increases, the reactance increases
B-005-010-003 (A) B-005-010-008 (C)
The reactance of capacitors increases as: What property allows an RF bypass
capacitor on an audio circuit to divert an
A frequency decreases offending radio signal?
B applied voltage increases A Low reactance at audio frequencies
C applied voltage decreases B High reactance at audio frequencies
D frequency increases C Low reactance at radio frequencies
D High reactance at radio frequencies
B-005-010-004 (C)
In inductances, AC may be opposed by both B-005-010-009 (D)
resistance of winding wire and reactance
What property allows an RF bypass
due to inductive effect. The term which
capacitor to have little effect on an audio
includes resistance and reactance is:
A inductance
A Low reactance at high frequencies
B capacitance
B High reactance at high frequencies
C impedance
C Low reactance at low frequencies
D resonance
D High reactance at low frequencies
B-005-010-005 (B)
B-005-010-010 (C)
Capacitive reactance:
What property allows an RF choke coil to
have little effect on signals meant to flow
A increases with the time constant
through the coil?
B decreases as frequency increases
A Low reactance at high frequencies
C applies only to series RLC circuits
B High reactance at high frequencies
D increases as frequency increases
C Low reactance at low frequencies
B-005-010-006 (D) D High reactance at low frequencies
A The radius of the conductors and the What kind of antenna transmission line is
frequency of the signal made of two conductors held apart by
insulated rods?
B The frequency of the signal and the
length of the line A Open wire line
C The distance between the centres of the B Coaxial cable
conductors and the radius of the C Twin lead in a plastic ribbon
conductors D Twisted pair
D The distance between the centres of the
conductors and the length of the line
B-006-002-004 (C)
B-006-001-011 (A) What does the term "balun" mean?
What factors determine the characteristic A Balanced unmodulator
impedance of a coaxial antenna
transmission line? B Balanced antenna network
C Balanced to unbalanced
A The ratio of the diameter of the inner
conductor to the diameter of the outer
D Balanced unloader
B The diameter of the shield and the length
of the line
C The diameter of the shield and the
frequency of the signal
D The frequency of the signal and the
length of the line
B-006-002-005 (A) B-006-002-010 (D)
Where would you install a balun to feed a A 75 ohm transmission line could be
dipole antenna with 50-ohm coaxial cable? matched to the 300 ohm feed point of an
A Between the coaxial cable and the
antenna A with an extra 250 ohm resistor
B Between the transmitter and the coaxial B by using a 4 to 1 trigatron
cable C by inserting a diode in one leg of the
C Between the antenna and the ground antenna
D Between the coaxial cable and the D by using a 4 to 1 impedance transformer
B-006-002-011 (D)
B-006-002-006 (A)
What kind of antenna transmission line can
What is an unbalanced line? be constructed using two conductors which
are maintained a uniform distance apart
A Transmission line with one conductor using insulated spreaders?
connected to ground
A Coaxial cable
B Transmission line with neither conductor
connected to ground
B 75 ohm twin-lead
C Transmission line with both conductors
C 300 ohm twin-lead
connected to ground D 600 ohm open wire line
D Transmission line with both conductors
connected to each other B-006-003-001 (B)
Why does coaxial cable make a good
B-006-002-007 (D) antenna transmission line?
What device can be installed to feed a A You can make it at home, and its
balanced antenna with an unbalanced impedance matches most amateur
transmission line? antennas
A A triaxial transformer B It is weatherproof, and its impedance
B A wave trap matches most amateur antennas
C A loading coil C It is weatherproof, and its impedance is
higher than that of most amateur
D A balun
D It can be used near metal objects, and its
B-006-002-008 (A)
impedance is higher than that of most
A flexible coaxial line contains: amateur antennas
A The best impedance match has been A The ratio of maximum to minimum
attained impedances on a transmission line
B An antenna for another frequency band is B The ratio of maximum to minimum
probably connected voltages on a transmission line
C No power is going to the antenna C The ratio of maximum to minimum
D The SWR meter is broken inductances on a transmission line
D The ratio of maximum to minimum
B-006-005-002 (B) resistances on a transmission line
A is the same as the speed of light A An antenna where the driven element
B is infinite in space obtains its radio energy by induction or
radiation from director elements
C is always less than half speed of light
B An antenna where all elements are driven
D varies directly with frequency
by direct connection to the transmission
B-006-008-008 (B)
C An antenna where wave traps are used to
At the end of suspended antenna wire, magnetically couple the elements
insulators are used. These act to: D An antenna where some elements obtain
A prevent any loss of radio waves by the their radio energy by induction or
antenna radiation from a driven element
B limit the electrical length of the antenna
B-006-009-002 (B)
C increase the effective antenna length
How can the bandwidth of a parasitic beam
D allow the antenna to be more easily held
antenna be increased?
A Use closer element spacing
B-006-008-009 (B) B Use larger diameter elements
To lower the resonant frequency of an C Use traps on the elements
antenna, the operator should: D Use tapered-diameter elements
A centre feed it with TV ribbon transmission
line B-006-009-003 (A)
B lengthen it If a parasitic element slightly shorter than a
C shorten it horizontal dipole antenna is placed parallel
D ground one end to the dipole 0.1 wavelength from it and at
the same height, what effect will this have on
the antenna's radiation pattern?
B-006-008-010 (A)
A A major lobe will develop in the horizontal
One solution to multiband operation with a
plane, from the dipole toward the
shortened radiator is the "trap dipole" or trap
parasitic element
vertical. These "traps" are actually:
B A major lobe will develop in the horizontal
A a coil and capacitor in parallel plane, parallel to the two elements
B large wire-wound resistors C A major lobe will develop in the vertical
C coils wrapped around a ferrite rod plane, away from the ground
D hollow metal cans D The radiation pattern will not be affected
B-007-002-004 (C)
B-007-001-009 (D)
Which region of the ionosphere is the least
The radio wave which follows a path from the
useful for long distance radio-wave
transmitter to the ionosphere and back to
Earth is known correctly as the:
A The F1 region
A F layer
B The E region
B surface wave
C The D region
C skip wave
D The F2 region
D ionospheric wave
B-007-002-005 (C)
B-007-001-010 (A)
What two sub-regions of ionosphere exist
Reception of high frequency (HF) radio
only in the daytime?
waves beyond 4000 km is generally made
possible by: A Electrostatic and electromagnetic
A ionospheric wave B D and E
B ground wave C F1 and F2
C skip wave D Troposphere and stratosphere
D surface wave
B-007-002-006 (B)
B-007-002-001 (A) When is the ionosphere most ionized?
What causes the ionosphere to form?
A Dusk
A Solar radiation ionizing the outer B Midday
atmosphere C Dawn
B Lightning ionizing the outer atmosphere D Midnight
C Release of fluorocarbons into the
atmosphere B-007-002-007 (B)
D Temperature changes ionizing the outer When is the ionosphere least ionized?
A Shortly before midnight
B-007-002-002 (C)
B Shortly before dawn
What type of solar radiation is most C Just after noon
responsible for ionization in the outer D Just after dusk
A Ionized particles
B Thermal
C Ultraviolet
D Microwave
B-007-002-008 (D) B-007-003-002 (C)
Why is the F2 region mainly responsible for What is the maximum distance along the
the longest distance radio-wave Earth's surface that is normally covered in
propagation? one hop using the F2 region?
A Because it exists only at night A 2000 km (1250 miles)
B Because it is the lowest ionospheric B 300 km (190 miles)
region C 4000 km (2500 miles)
C Because it does not absorb radio waves D None, the F2 region does not support
as much as other ionospheric regions radio-wave propagation
D Because it is the highest ionospheric
region B-007-003-003 (A)
What is the maximum distance along the
B-007-002-009 (D)
Earth's surface that is normally covered in
What is the main reason the 160, 80 and 40 one hop using the E region?
metre amateur bands tend to be useful only
A 2000 km (1250 miles)
for short-distance communications during
daylight hours? B 300 km (190 miles)
C 4000 km (2500 miles)
A Because of auroral propagation
D None, the E region does not support
B Because of magnetic flux
radio-wave propagation
C Because of a lack of activity
D Because of D-region absorption B-007-003-004 (C)
Skip zone is:
B-007-002-010 (B)
During the day, one of the ionospheric layers A a zone between any two refracted waves
splits into two parts called: B a zone between the antenna and the
A A and B return of the first refracted wave
B F1 and F2
C a zone between the end of the ground
wave and the point where the first
C D1 and D2 refracted wave returns to Earth
D E1 and E2 D a zone of silence caused by lost sky
B-007-002-011 (B)
The position of the E layer in the ionosphere B-007-003-005 (B)
is: The distance to Europe from your location is
A above the F layer approximately 5000 km. What sort of
propagation is the most likely to be involved?
B below the F layer
C below the D layer A Tropospheric scatter
D sporadic B Multihop
C Sporadic "E"
B-007-003-001 (C) D Back scatter
What is a skip zone?
B-007-003-006 (C)
A An area covered by sky-wave propagation For radio signals, the skip distance is
B An area covered by ground-wave determined by the:
propagation A angle of radiation
C An area which is too far away for ground-
B type of transmitting antenna used
wave propagation, but too close for sky-
wave propagation C height of the ionosphere and the angle of
D An area which is too far away for ground-
wave or sky-wave propagation D power fed to the power amplifier
B-007-003-007 (A) B-007-004-001 (C)
The distance from the transmitter to the What effect does the D region of the
nearest point where the sky wave returns to ionosphere have on lower frequency HF
the Earth is called the: signals in the daytime?
A skip distance A It refracts the radio waves back to Earth
B skip zone B It has little or no effect on 80-metre radio
C angle of radiation waves
D maximum usable frequency C It absorbs the signals
D It bends the radio waves out into space
B-007-003-008 (C)
B-007-004-002 (C)
Skip distance is the:
What causes distant AM broadcast and 160
A the minimum distance reached by a metre ham band stations not to be heard
ground-wave signal during daytime hours?
B the maximum distance a signal will travel A The splitting of the F region
by both a ground wave and reflected wave
B The weather below the ionosphere
C the minimum distance reached by a
C The ionization of the D region
signal after one reflection by the
ionosphere D The presence of ionized clouds in the E
D the maximum distance reached by a
signal after one reflection by the
ionosphere B-007-004-003 (A)
Two or more parts of the radio wave follow
B-007-003-009 (B) different paths during propagation and this
may result in phase differences at the
Skip distance is a term associated with
receiver. This "change" at the receiver is
signals from the ionosphere. Skip effects are
due to:
A fading
A local cloud cover
B baffling
B reflection and refraction from the
ionosphere C absorption
C selective fading of local signals D skip
D high gain antennas being used
B-007-004-004 (C)
B-007-003-010 (B) A change or variation in signal strength at
the antenna, caused by differences in path
The skip distance of a sky wave will be
lengths, is called:
greatest when the:
A fluctuation
A signal given out is strongest
B path loss
B angle between the ground and the
radiation is smallest C fading
C polarization is vertical D absorption
D ionosphere is most densely ionized
B-007-004-005 (A)
B-007-003-011 (C) When a transmitted radio signal reaches a
station by a one-hop and two-hop skip path,
If the height of the reflecting layer of the
small changes in the ionosphere can cause:
ionosphere increases, the skip distance of a
high frequency (HF) transmission: A variations in signal strength
A varies regularly B consistent fading of received signal
B decreases C consistently stronger signals
C becomes greater D a change in the ground-wave signal
D stays the same
B-007-004-006 (D) B-007-004-010 (C)
The usual effect of ionospheric storms is to: Polarization change often takes place on
radio waves that are propagated over long
A produce extreme weather changes distances. Which of these does not cause
B prevent communications by ground wave polarization change?
C increase the maximum usable frequency A Passage through magnetic fields
D cause a fade-out of sky-wave signals (Faraday rotation)
B Refractions
B-007-004-007 (B) C Parabolic interaction
On the VHF and UHF bands, polarization of D Reflections
the receiving antenna is very important in
relation to the transmitting antenna, yet on B-007-004-011 (D)
HF bands it is relatively unimportant. Why is
Reflection of a SSB transmission from the
that so?
ionosphere causes:
A Greater selectivity is possible with HF
A phase-shift distortion
receivers making changes in polarization
redundant B signal cancellation at the receiver
B The ionosphere can change the C a high-pitch squeal at the receiver
polarization of the signal from moment to D little or no phase-shift distortion
C The ground wave and the sky wave B-007-005-001 (A)
continually shift the polarization
How do sunspots change the ionization of
D Anomalies in the Earth's magnetic field the atmosphere?
produce a profound effect on HF
polarization but not on VHF & UHF A The more sunspots there are, the greater
frequencies the ionization
B The more sunspots there are, the less
B-007-004-008 (B) the ionization
What causes selective fading? C Unless there are sunspots, the ionization
is zero
A Large changes in the height of the D They have no effect
ionosphere at the receiving station
ordinarily occurring shortly before sunrise B-007-005-002 (A)
and sunset
How long is an average sunspot cycle?
B Phase differences between radio wave
components of the same transmission, A 11 years
as experienced at the receiving station
B 17 years
C Small changes in beam heading at the
receiving station C 5 years
D Time differences between the receiving D 7 years
and transmitting stations
B-007-005-003 (A)
B-007-004-009 (D) What is solar flux?
How does the bandwidth of a transmitted
signal affect selective fading? A The radio energy emitted by the sun
A It is the same for both wide and narrow B A measure of the tilt of the Earth's
bandwidths ionosphere on the side toward the sun
B Only the receiver bandwidth determines
C The number of sunspots on the side of
the selective fading effect the sun facing the Earth
D The density of the sun's magnetic field
C It is more pronounced at narrow
D It is more pronounced at wide bandwidths
B-007-005-004 (D) B-007-005-008 (B)
What is the solar-flux index? All communication frequencies throughout
the spectrum are affected in varying degrees
A Another name for the American sunspot by the:
A atmospheric conditions
B A measure of solar activity that compares
B sun
daily readings with results from the last
six months C ionosphere
C A measure of solar activity that is taken D aurora borealis
D A measure of solar activity that is taken B-007-005-009 (C)
at a specific frequency Average duration of a solar cycle is:
B-008-003-003 (A)
B-008-003-007 (A)
If your transmitter sends signals outside the
In a Morse code transmission, broad
band where it is transmitting, what is this
bandwidth RF interference (key-clicks) heard
at a distance is produced by:
A Spurious emissions
A poor shaping of the waveform
B Side tones
B shift in frequency when keying the
C Transmitter chirping transmitter
D Off-frequency emissions C sparking at the key contacts
D sudden movement in the receiver
B-008-003-004 (A) loudspeaker
What problem may occur if your transmitter
is operated without the cover and other B-008-003-008 (A)
shielding in place? What should you do if you learn your
A It may radiate spurious emissions transmitter is producing key clicks?
B It may transmit a weak signal A Check the keying filter and the
C It may interfere with other stations functioning of later stages
operating near its frequency B Turn the receiver down
D It may transmit a chirpy signal C Regulate the oscillator supply voltage
D Use a choke in the RF power output
B-008-003-009 (D) B-008-004-002 (A)
A parasitic oscillation: What is meant by harmonic radiation?
B-008-005-002 (D)
B-008-004-009 (C)
Why do modern HF transmitters have a
In a transmitter, excessive harmonics are
built-in low pass filter in their RF output
produced by:
A resonant circuits
A To reduce fundamental radiation
B a linear amplifier
B To reduce low frequency interference to
C overdriven stages other amateurs
D low SWR C To reduce RF energy below a cut-off point
D To reduce harmonic radiation
B-008-005-003 (C)
What circuit blocks RF energy above and
below a certain limit?
A An input filter
B A low pass filter
C A band pass filter
D A high pass filter
B-008-005-004 (C) B-008-005-009 (D)
What should be the impedance of a low A band reject filter will:
pass filter as compared to the impedance of
the transmission line into which it is A allow only two frequencies through
inserted? B pass frequencies below 100 MHz
A Twice the transmission line impedance C stop frequencies each side of a band
B Substantially higher D pass frequencies each side of a band
C About the same
D Substantially lower B-008-005-010 (C)
A high pass filter would normally be fitted:
B-008-005-005 (D)
A at the Morse key or keying relay in a
In order to reduce the harmonic output of a
high frequency (HF) transmitter, which of the
following filters should be installed at the B between transmitter output and
transmitter? transmission line
C at the antenna terminals of the TV
A Key click
B High pass D between microphone and speech
C Rejection amplifier
D Low pass
B-008-005-011 (C)
B-008-005-006 (D) A low pass filter suitable for a high frequency
To reduce harmonic output from a high transmitter would:
frequency transmitter, you would put a A attenuate frequencies below 30 MHz
____________ in the transmission line as
close to the transmitter as possible. B pass audio frequencies below 3 kHz
C attenuate frequencies above 30 MHz
A high pass filter
D pass audio frequencies above 3 kHz
B band reject filter
C wave trap
D low pass filter
B-008-005-007 (B)
To reduce energy from an HF transmitter
getting into a television set, you would place
a ____________ as close to the TV as
A band reject filter
B high pass filter
C low pass filter
D wave trap
B-008-005-008 (A)
A band pass filter will: