ICT Based Teaching Learning
ICT Based Teaching Learning
ICT Based Teaching Learning
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Objectives
12.3 What is ICT?
12.4 ICT for Teaching and Learning
12.4.1 ICT In Teaching
12.4.2 ICT for Diagnostic Testing and Remedial Teaching
12.4.3 ICT for Evaluation Activities
12.4.4 ICT for Psychological Analysis of Learners
12.4.5 ICT for Development of Reasoning and Thinking Among Students
12.4.6 ICT for Instructional Material Development
12.5 Various Types of ICTs and their Applications in Teaching and Learning
12.5.1 Radio
12.5.2 Television
12.5.3 Computer
12.5.4 Internet
12.5.5 Multi Media
12.5.6 Mobile Learning
12.5.7 Interactive Classrooms
12.6 Let Us Sum up
12.7 Unit End Activities
12.8 References and Suggested Readings
12.9 Answers to Check Your Progress
You may be aware of the use of different technologies such as radio, television,
computer, etc., in the teaching-learning process. In fact, all these technologies
have transformed the teaching and learning process. Radio, television and newer
digital technologies such as computers and the Internet constitute Information
and Communication Technologies,. They have been visualized as powerful
enabling tools for educational changes. Different ICTs have potentiality to expand
the access to education, strengthen the process of education and enhance the
quality of education. The present unit is an attempt to give you a thorough
understanding of these technologies as well as their utility in teaching- learning
After going through the unit, you will be able to:
• explain the concept of Information Communication Technology;
• classify the ICTs according to their appropriate domain;
Assessment of Learning and • identify appropriate ICTs for your classroom instructions;
Use of ICTs
• use various ICTs in teaching and learning; and
• motivate your students to use ICTs for up-gradation of their knowledge.
Communication Technologies
Radio, Television,
Computer, Internet,
Terrestrial Based
Activity 1
Enlist some activities using ICT, which you would like to plan for diagnostic
testing of your students in your subject.
Assessment of Learning and
Use of ICTs Check Your Progress 2
Notes: a) Write your answers in the space given below
b) Compare your answers with those given at the end of the Unit.
3) Discuss the uses of ICT in classroom teaching?
4) Apart from areas discussed above, what are other areas, where you can
use ICTs for improving teaching and learning?
Radio Technology was developed during the late nineteenth century and came
into popular usage during the early twentieth century. The popularity, availability,
and low cost of radio made it a convenient and practical medium for use in
distance learning programmes. It is mostly used in combination with other media,
such as with print medium followed by face-to face teaching. Educational use of
radio started around 1930.
You must have listened to some educational programmes either on All India
Radio or on FM channels. There are generally two types of programmes. Some
programmes are informative or for entertainment purposes. Other programmes
are educational in nature. These programmes are meant primarily for educational
purposes. Let us understand the process, through which we can use radio
programmes in our regular classrooms.
If you want to use this programme in your classroom, you have to plan properly
in advance. The steps are explained to facilitate you for using radio broadcast in
your class.
6) Radio broadcast is equally helpful in enrichment of teachers’ knowledge, ICTs for Teaching and
which they might not be able to get due to lack of time and resources at their
7) Recordings of naturally occurring events, e.g. political speech, children talks,
concerts or performances, talks previously recorded for others, eyewitness
interviews at historical events, presenting material in a dramatized form,
enabling students to identify with the emotions and viewpoints of the main
participants; providing an alternative view to that presented in the
correspondence text and/ or television programmes; and enabling students
to perceive the different points of view that exist and observe ideas being
challenged, through discussion and interviews, when broadcast through radio,
help both teachers and students (Vyas, et.al. (2002).
Activity 2
Prepare a list of subjects, in which radio broadcasting is available in your
region. Involve your students in one such programme and note down their
experiences on it.
12.5.2 Television
Television is another important medium of disseminating information to its
viewers. It is a combination of audio and visual technology, and thus considered
to be more effective than audio media like radio. You must have seen the use of
television for multiple purposes of entertainment, information and education.
Because of its better accessibility, it can bring learning materials to the masses in
more direct, effective and personal way than other educational media.
Television named as ‘Doordarshan’ started its service on Sept 15, 1959, as the
National Television Network of India. In India, since the inception of TV network,
television has been perceived as an efficient and effective medium of education
and development. With its large audience it has been an efficient tool of imparting
education to primary, secondary and university level students.
Some of the major educational television initiatives in India are Secondary School
Television Project (1961), Satellite Instructional Television Experiment (SITE)
(1975), Post-SITE Project (1977), Indian National Satellite Project (INSAT)
Assessment of Learning and (1982), IGNOU-Doordarshan Telecast (1991), Gyan-Darshan Educational
Use of ICTs
Channel (2000) (Vyas, et. al. 2002).
EduSat, a dedicated satellite for education and development was launched by
ISRO in 2004. With the help of EDUSAT, television programmes can now be
telecast in almost every Indian language and every primary school can be reached
through this satellite to improve both quality and content of primary education.
Using television in classroom
There is variety of educational programmes telecast on television ranging from
monologue, dialogue, interview, demonstration lessons, panel discussions, quiz,
drama, to simulated classrooms etc. You can use them in your classroom as per
their utility in your subject. Box-2 presents highlights of a telecast on the topic
Box 2: Highlights of a Telecast on the Topic ’Resources’
While using television programmes in your classroom, you have to follow the
following necessary steps.
A) Preparation for telecast
You have to plan for the use of television programme in your class.
• Collect the information in advance from telecasting agency i.e.
Doordarshan or Gyandarshan (a television channel of IGNOU) or any
other agency about the schedule of programmes as well as the topics;
• Make necessary arrangements for the telecast session in your classroom;
• Keep television at the right place, and make seating arrangement of
students for proper visibility, ensure uninterrupted power supply and
proper signal during the telecast;
• Brief students about the concept/topic of telecast well in advance;
• Prepare learning objectives, questions and arrange materials for
demonstration (if required) during the telecast;
• If telecast is interactive in nature, arrange a telephone in the class for
facilitating the students to ask the experts about their queries;
• If it is recorded telecast, instruct students to note down their queries ICTs for Teaching and
and doubts in their notebooks during the telecast; and
• Ensure discipline and silence during the telecast.
B) During the Telecast:
When the telecast starts, be vigilant in the class so that students remain
attentive towards the telecast;
• Note down important points discussed by experts during the telecast;
• Note down those activities, which are demonstrated by experts, so that
you can use them in your classroom teaching;
• Motivate students to learn more and more from the experts;
• If it is an interactive session, encourage your students to ask questions
the experts using the telephone available in class;
• Clear your doubts by the experts during such sessions;
• Ask your students to note down places, dates and names of important
persons cited during the presentation and
• Encourage students and keep them active during the telecast.
C) Follow-up
Similar to radio broadcast, effectiveness of telecast sessions depends upon
follow-up activities.
• Hold discussion on telecast topic, perform the activities suggested
during the telecast, solve students ‘queries and clarify the doubts of
• Ask students questions to ensure the achievement of learning objectives;
• Apart from follow-up, evaluation of programme is also an important
activities. The programme evaluation can be done by you as well as
your students about the quality, relevance, ease of understanding and
experts’ attitude. This is helpful in improving the quality of the
From your professional development point of view, these programmes are also
very relevant. You can acquire updated knowledge, develop new skills and
teaching strategies. Your interaction with experts helps you to clear your own
doubts as well as facilitate you to sharpen your teaching skills.
Benefits of Television as an Educational Tool
• Television has reach to masses so that it can spread the educational telecast
to a large group in remote areas also.
• Educational telecast brings uniformity in the content and communication.
• The expert in telecast is regarded as master teacher.
• In practical subjects like science, costly and risky experiments can be
demonstrated through telecast.
• Telecast is a time saving means of content dissemination.
• Telecast draw attention of learners to the relevant content as irrelevant
contents are removed with the help of editing programme.
Assessment of Learning and • Variety of activities like demonstrations, experiments, discussion, talk,
Use of ICTs
lecture, etc. can be telecast so that monotony of classroom teaching could
be broken.
• Teachers can use television as a medium in their classroom teaching, which
helps them in reducing their load.
• Television helps teacher to learn new teaching strategies, methods and
activities, which they can use in their classroom teaching.
• Students feel more motivated towards television programmes than classroom
12.5.3 Computer
At present majority of devices are based on Digital Technology. One such device
is Computer. The Computer is an electronic device that has the capacity to store,
retrieve and process both qualitative and quantitative information fast and
accurately. Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) or Computer Assisted Learning
(CAL), Computer Managed Instruction (CMI), Computer Based Instruction (CBI)
are some educational applications. People started developing CAI for teaching
different subjects at School as well as Higher Education levels. The CAIs were
compared with the Lecture Method / Traditional Method and found that the
developed CAIs were significantly superior to Lecture Method / Traditional
Method in teaching different subjects.
Computers are often viewed as tools that can be used to achieve diverse learning
objectives similar to the way that textbooks, laboratory experiments or other
educational technologies are used to achieve.
Using Computer in Education
CAL implies that teaching learning activities are aided by some applications of
the computer. The role of the computer can be as a teaching aid. It can be more
student-centered. Barker (1988), as cited in Sen (2011), has suggested the
82 following educational functions of computers:
ICTs for Teaching and
Educational Uses
of Computer
The material can be more complex without adding to students’ burden. The
computer opens up a range of possible branching, which would have been
difficult to arrange in the scrambled text or primitive teaching machine. The
computer can be programmed to branch any number of alternative pages in
text where there are many different routes. In tutorial, each learner is
diagnosed at every small stage and led to a new path according to his/her
iv) Games
The modes discussed earlier provide information in a structured way,
according to rules specified by the author. Gaming involved with an objective
of competition motivates learners to approach the given situation with
enthusiasm. If concepts are taught or given for practice through games,
learners generally learn them with enthusiasm regardless of the time they
consume. Video games as well as computer games, without any educational
input, are very popular with children who have access to a computer. If they
are provided with instructional games, they will certainly acquire new
concepts and skills.
v) Simulation
A few real life experiences or phenomena can not be learnt directly. The
experiments may be time-consuming, expensive, difficult or sometimes
dangerous too (e.g. fission of atom). Computer can be used to simulate a
real life system by following a set of rules, which approximate the behaviour
of the real system. The rules specified for simulation may be simple or
complex and quality of approximation can be governed. Various levels of
approximation can be provided in the same simulation courseware. It allows
effects of increasing experimental error or to give a feeling for the accuracy
of the simulation. Simulation offers flexibility and control. In simulation,
the particular feature of the computer as an ultra rapid calculating and data
84 processing machine is used to its best advantage.
Simulation can provide the following advantages: ICTs for Teaching and
1) It overcomes the difficulties and complexities of real phenomenon by
using idealized conditions. For example, increase or decrease in demands
and supplies of commodities to see their effects on the market economy.
2) It overcomes the prohibitive costs of laboratory or field-work based
experiments. For example, providing variety of acids with different
densities in a laboratory for one single experiment.
3) The time normally required for an experiment can be foreshortened.
4) Dangerous experiment can be experienced in safe environment. For
example, increasing proportion of pollutants in the environment to see
their consequences.
5) Experiment, which would normally be impractical, can be attempted.
For example, creation of civilization on a different planet.
6) The level of complexity can be increased slowly. Variables can be added
at every stage.
vi) Databases
One of the modes of learning is learning through exploration of resource
material and library utilization. The power of a computer to store, retrieve
and process information is used to help the student as s/he browses through
the material. One can respond to the questions about the related information
and retrieve from the data base an item which one needs, summarize statistical
data, suggest possible times of investigation.
7) Narrative/Presentational
In this mode computer screen is used to present material to student in a form
sometimes referred to as an electronic blackboard. Along with normal verbal
approach, movement and animation can be used with colors and music.
Simple presentations can easily be developed by teachers to introduce learners
to new information. For example, a teacher can develop slide shows using
MS-Power Point or even develop web-pages using Front-Page.
Advantages of Cal
The learning process could be strengthened in many ways through these modes.
Advantages of the CAL approach are mentioned below:
ii) School/College projects: The Internet can be most useful for completing
projects in elementary schools. As the Internet is full of information
pertaining to different subjects, one can easily find information, research
work, etc. required for one’s projects. Going through the information on the
Internet is definitely faster than reading an entire book on the subject.
Homework is also made easier with the help of the Internet.
iv) News: News is constantly updated on different news sites. Students can
have an access to all the current affairs on the Internet in the school campus,
at home, or at any other place. Online e-newspapers are now available on
the Internet in almost all the languages. Students can collect updated
information from these e-newspapers very easily.
vi) Multimedia: The Internet allows students and teachers to access multimedia
content, which is not possible to access through other media. Students can
learn about their subjects by watching video, pictures and listening to audio
contents. We discuss in details multimedia in next section.
vii) Learning from home: Some elementary schools broadcast their lectures
on the Internet so that students who do not attend the lessons can at least
watch them at home. Students can access these saved lectures later on. This
helps them in preparing for examinations.
ICTs for Teaching and
Check Your Progress 6 Learning
Notes: a) Write your answers in the space given below
b) Compare your answers with those given at the end of the Unit.
8) How can Internet help teachers to improve their teaching and learning?
12.5.5 Multimedia
The use of multimedia in education has recently become more common.
Multimedia is the combination of various elements like text, color, graphics,
animation, audio, and video. The use of multimedia facilitates both teachers and
students to effectively transact learning experiences. Multimedia is in essence “a
presentation of information that incorporates multiple media such as text, audio,
graphics, and animation.”
Teachers have been using multimedia as a teaching-learning tool for years; this is
because multimedia offers the experiences of listening, watching and working in a
computer-mediated setting. It can be exciting, interesting, motivating, and help
students achieve learning objectives in new ways. The use of sound, photographs
and video enables the user to experience the real world situations which may not be
possible with the more conventional methods of instruction (Oliver, 2000).
Types of multimedia and their classroom applications:
There are numerous types of multimedia. Let us discuss different forms of
multimedia suggested by Center for Implementing Technology in Education-
CITE (2006) and their potentials for supporting diverse learners.