Evs QB
Evs QB
Evs QB
22. State the environmental effects of extracting and using mineral resources.
i) Devegetation and defacing of landscape.
ii) Ground water contamination.
iii) Surface water pollution.
iv) Air pollution.
v) Subsidence of land.
30. What are renewable and non-renewable energy resources? Give examples
Renewable energy resources are natural resources which can be regenerated continuously
and are inexhaustible. They can be used again and again in an endless manner.
Renewable energy resources: Wood, solar energy, wind energy.
Non-renewable energy resources: coal, petroleum.
33. What are the conventional sources of energy for the mankind?
Non-renewable energy resources are natural resources, which cannot be regenerated once
they are exhausted. They cannot be used again.
52.What is Environment?
Environment is defined as, “the sum of total of all the living and non-living things
around us influencing one another.”
58. State the need for public awareness for solving environmental problems.
Environmental pollution cannot be removed by the laws alone. The proper
implementation and especially public participation are the important aspects, which
should be given importance and stress. The public participation is useful in law making
process and controlling the pollution activities. Thus the public participation plays a
major role in the effective environmental management.
1. What are conventional energy resources? Discuss about solar energy and Ocean thermal
2. Discuss the major causes & consequences of deforestation?
3. Explain the major impacts of timber extraction and mining.
4. Enumerate the various benefits and drawbacks of constructing dams.
5. What are the uses and over-exploitation of water? Explain with a case-study.
6. Comment on floods & drought.
7. What are the environmental impacts of mineral extraction? Explain.
8. Discuss in detail the impacts of over-grazing & agriculture.
9. Write short notes of (i) Tidal energy (ii) Bio-gas (iii) Nuclear energy.
10. Explain the various types of land degradation.
11. Explain as an individual how will you conserve natural resources.
12. How will you achieve sustainable life-style by equitable share of resources.
13. What are the measures recommended for conservation of natural resources.
14. Explain briefly the various methods of harvesting solar energy.
15. Explain in detail the effects due to pesticides usage in moderns agriculture.
2. What is Ecology?
Ecology is the study of interactions among organisms or group of organisms with
their environment. The environment consists of both biotic components (living
organisms) and abiotic components (non-living organisms).
24. What are autotrophic and heterotrophic components of an ecosystem? Give examples.
1. Autotrophic components
The members of autotrophic components are producers, which are autotrops (selfnourishing
organisms). They derive energy from sunlight and make organic compounds
from inorganic substances. Examples: Green plants, algae, bacteria, etc.
2. Heterotrophic components
The members of heterotrophic components are consumers, which are heterotrophs
(dependent on others for food). The consume the autotrophs (producers).
Significance of Biodiversity:
8. Name any four air pollutants, and their sources and effects.
39. State the role and responsibility of an individual in the prevention of pollution.
1. Plant more trees.
2. Help more in pollution prevention than pollution control.
3. Use water, energy and other resources efficiently.
4. Purchase recyclable, recycled and environmentally safe products.
5. Use CFC free refrigerators.
6. Use natural gas than coal. 7. Reduce deforestation
40. What are the roles of women in environmental protection?
1. In rural areas, women plant trees and grass, grow vegetables with the drip-irrigation
method in order to save water.
2. In urban areas, they go shopping using cloth bags to reduce white pollution.
3. Women refuse to use disposal products to save energy and resources.
4. Women choose green products instead of poor quality that harm the environment.
5. Women reduce the amount of trash they dispose off so as to recycle natural resources.
1.Mention the sources and effects of various air pollutants.
2. Describe the method of control of air pollution.
3.Briefly describe the sources effects and control of noise pollution.
4. Enumerate with example the major sources of surface and ground water pollution.
5. Wrtie short notes on a) Minimata disease b) blue baby syndrome c) itai-itai disease.
6. Explain the method of sewage water treatment.
7. What are the major sources of soil pollution?
8. What are the measures to be taken to prevent soil pollution?
9. Explain in detail the Solid waste management techniques.
10. Write notes on (i) Floods (ii) Landslides (iii) Cyclones.
11. Explain any two case studies on Nuclear pollution.
12. What are the sources, effects & control measures of Marine pollution?
13. Explain the various types of Radio-active radiations.
14. Explain the causes,effects & control measures of Water pollution.
15.What are the effects of improper municipal solid waste management? State
the measures recommended for proper management of the solid waste.
16.Explain the methods of disposal of municipal solid waste.
17.Write notes on disposal of radio-active wastes.
18.Compare the nuclear power with coal power.
19.What are the causes of soil erosion and methods of preventing it.
20.Discuss the aspects of prevention & control of noise.
28. Define air pollutant according to “air prevention and control of pollution act”.
The presence of any solid, liquid or gaseous substance in the atmosphere in such
concentration as may be harmful to human beings (or) living creatures or plants or
33. How does ozone layer depletion take place? Write its consequences.
Depletion of ozone occurs due to the presence of CO2, CFC in the atmosphere.
Cl + O3ClO + O2
ClO + OCl + O2
1. Damage genetic materials in the skin cells, which cause skin cancer.
2. Affect the aquatic forms (fish). 3. Global warming.
4. Degradation of paints, plastics, etc.,
34. What are the causes and effects of ozone layer depletion?
1. Chlorofluoro carbon. 2. Hydro Chlorofluoro carbon (HCFC).3. BromoFluoro carbon(BFC).
i) UV rays destroys the melamine pigment in human skin.
ii) It also effect the aquatic forms.
iii) It degrade paints, plastics and other polymeric materials.
iv) Increases the average temperature of the earth.
1. Define population.
Population is defined as a group of individuals belonging to the same species, which live
in a given area at a given time.
5. What are the reasons behind the increased population growth in the less developed nations
compared with developed nations.
1. The rapid population growth is due to decrease in death rate and increase in birth rate.
2. The availability of antibiotics, immunisation, increased food production, clean
water and air decreases the famine-related deaths and infant mortality.
3. In agricultural based countries, childrens are required to help parents in the fields
that is why population increases in the developing countries.
24. What are the factors which do not influence transmission of HIV?
Tears, food and air, cough, handshake, mosquito, flies, insect bites, urine, saliva during
normal kissing, sharing of utensils, cloths, toilet, bathroom etc.,
1. Explain the population characteristics & variations among nations.
2. What is meant by population explosion? Discuss the Indian Scenario.
3. What is meant by population stabilization? Discuss the family welfare and family
planning in Indian context.
4. Discuss the influence of environmental parameters and pollution on human health.
5. What is Universal declaration of Human rights? What is its importance in achieving the
goals of equity, justice & sustainability.
6. Discuss the salient features of Draft declaration of Human Rights on environment.
7. What are the objectives & elements of Value-education? How can the same be achieved?
8. Briefly discuss HIV/AIDS, mode of its spread and its effect on environment.
9. Discuss various issues & measures for Women & Child Welfare at International &
National level.
10. What is the role of NMIS, ENVIS & GIS in dissemination of environmental information
and environmental management?
11. Explain the role of Information Technology in environment & Human health.
12. Discuss the environmental and social impacts of growing population.
13. Write briefly on the effect of increasing affluence on environment.
14. Write briefly on implementation of family planning programme.
15. Write a note on AIDS in developing countries.
16. Discuss the factors influencing the family size.