SDO Navotas Health9 Q1 Lumped
SDO Navotas Health9 Q1 Lumped
SDO Navotas Health9 Q1 Lumped
Quarter 1
S.Y. 2021-2022
MAPEH – (Health) Grade 9
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1
Second Edition, 2021
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Module 1......................................................................................3
Module 2......................................................................................11
Module 3......................................................................................20
Module 4......................................................................................32
Assessment ..................................................................................42
References ...................................................................................45
MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the best answer from the options below. Write the letter
on the space provided before each number.
4. It is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely
the absence of disease or infirmity, and the ability to lead a socially and
economically productive life?
A. Health
B. Community
C. Environment
D. Community Health
6. What environmental problem is the degradation of the ocean’s coral reefs due
to the impact of human activities?
A. Illegal Mining
B. Coral Reef Degradation
C. Oil Spill
D. Global Warming
A. Illegal Mining
B. Coral Reef Degradation
C. Oil Spill
D. Global Warming
A. Flooding
B. Death of marine life
C. Spread of Diseases
D. All of the above
10. Among the different existing environmental problems in the society, What do
you called the cause of the extreme weather conditions resulted to typhoons
and other weather disturbance in the our country?
A. Flash floods
B. Deforestation
C. Global warming
D. Pollution
This module is designed for you to reflect on how healthy your community and
environment are, what activities that adversely affect them and what you should do
to sustain community and environmental health.
We humans depends depend on our community and environment for health,
living, growth and development. The food we eat and the air we breathe all come from
our environment. Our community on the other hand supports us in our social and
psychosocial well-being. Can you give other factors that contribute to your overall
Directions: Look at the word chart at the bottom. Follow instructions 1 to 5 below.
When you are finished, you will find a message in the chart.
Processing Questions:
4. An understanding of local health and environment issues
Directions: Based on what you have learned, draw a healthy community in a box
Activity 1.3 Let’s Check
Directions: Read the questions carefully then answer the following questions.
1. Aside from your barangay and school, what other communities do you belong to?
2.Differentiate community health and environmental health and tell how the two
terms are related to one another.
3.How do you assess if your community is healthy? What are the characteristics of
a healthy community?
4.What are some of the benefits that we can enjoy with a healthy community?
5. How do we maintain, protect, and preserve health amidst the rising development
of our community?
Activity 1.4: FACT or Bluff:
_____ 1. Health is a complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not just
about the absence of disease or infirmity.
_____ 4. Community Health comprises those aspects of human health that are
determined by physical, chemical, biological, social, and psychosocial factors in
the surrounding environment.
_____ 5. A healthy community has accessible and appropriate health services and
_____ 7. A healthy environment promotes a shorter life span and a worse quality of
_____ 8. The promotion and celebration of historical and cultural heritage is one of
characteristics of a healthy community.
_____ 10. Environmental health is concerned with the analysis and control of the
environmental factors that may affect health.
Activity 1.5 Fill Me Up!
Directions: The left column lists characteristics of a healthy community. On the right
column, fill in the service or programs in your community which fulfill the healthy
community, characteristics in the left column. An example is provided.
Processing Questions:
1. From your answers above, can you consider your community healthy? Why or
Why not? Explain.
2.What services did you not observe in your community?
Activity 2.1 Concept Mapping:
Directions: From your previous module, lists down the characteristics of a healthy
Directions: From the array of examples of waste inside the box, classify each item
to its appropriate group in column A. Write your answer in Column B.
Leftover foods, Empty bottle, dead dog, residue from fires, Metal
scraps, construction materials, Cigarette butts, unwanted cars, Dead
Batteries, Septic tank sludge
Dead animals
Street sweepings
Special Waste
Demolition Materials
Processing Questions:
1. Which of the following words are familiar to you?
3. How can you relate the effects of these problems from human activities?
Improper Waste Disposal is the disposal of waste in a way that has negative
consequences for the environment. Examples include littering, hazardous waste that
is dumped into the ground and not recycling items that should be recycled.
Deforestation is the destruction of big areas of the forests in order to make the land
available for other uses such as farms, residential areas, and commercial
establishments. Some of the most common methods of deforestations are burning
trees and clear-cutting.
Flash Flood is a sudden flood of great volume usually caused by a heavy rain.
Illegal Mining is defined as the extraction of valuable minerals or other geological
materials from the earth from an ore body, lode, vein, seam, or reef which forms the
mineralized package of economic interest to the miner in the absence of land rights,
mining license, exploration or mineral transportation permit of any document that
could legitimate the on-going operations.
Soil Erosion happens when soil and rock are moved from one place to another by
wind, water and gravity. It is a process that occurs naturally and affects all
landforms. It can be a slow process that continuous relatively unnoticed, or can
occur at an alarming rate, causing serious loss of topsoil.
Coral Reef Degradation is the degradation (and potential mass death) of the ocean’s
corals due to the impact of human activities. Coral mining, pollution, overfishing,
dynamite-fishing, coastal development, and over tourisms are serious threats to
these marine ecosystems.
Oil Spill is the release of a liquid petroleum hydrocarbon into environment especially
marine areas due to human activity, the oil may come from the wastes of factories,
oil tanker, ships and drilling oil wells. It is harmful to various species of animals,
including marine mammals, bird, fish and shell fish.
Flash Flood Causes of disease such as cholera and
other water borne diseases, Loss of life,
Contamination of drinking water,
Destruction of sewage system,
Destruction of dams and destruction of
Activity 2.4 CUT and POST!
What to do:
Using Newspapers and magazines cut pictures of unhealthy environment caused by
different environmental issues. Paste them on the box below.
Activity 2.5 Sum it up!
Directions: You have already identified the different environmental issues and their
effects on people’s health. Now you must sum up what you’ve learned.
Environmental Effects on the Effects on the
Problems Environment People’s Health
Improper Waste
Flash Flood
Illegal Mining
Soil Erosion
Coral Reef Degradation
Oil Spill
Global Warming
Directions: Read the questions carefully and answer the following questions below.
2. Do we still have the chance to bring back what was lost in the environment?
3. After knowing the different effects of these environmental problems, do you think
that the environment still has something to give to humanity?
4. How can you explain the destruction of the environment to the young and innocent
What to do:
Create a Slogan to raise awareness of different environmental problems that we
experience today. Write on space provided below.
This lesson will make you aware of the prevention and management of health
issues. In this material, you are given an overview of the unit and concepts you will
take up and the things they are expected to do.
Realizing just how much illness and diseases can be prevented by focusing on
environmental risk factors can make a significant motivation to encourage adapted
preventive health measures through all available policies, strategies, interventions,
technologies and knowledge.
Activity 3.1 Graphic Organizer
Direction: List down the different environmental problems in the Philippines.
Activity 3.2 YES, I DO…
Processing Question:
1. Is it important to participate in the different activities on your community?
2. What do you think is the focus of the different activities mentioned above?
This is what you need to know:
When assessing the environmental health of a person or community, external
elements affecting the mental, emotional and physical health of the person or the
community are taken into consideration.
The following are the focus when assessing environmental health.
2. Management of Food
● Observe proper waste disposal
● Avoid the use of plastic bags and bottles, Styrofoam cups, and other non-
biodegradable products.
Social Consciousness
Awareness of the different environmental issues equips the individuals in a
society with enough knowledge and information on how to solve each one. This social
consciousness builds cooperation and coordination among the members of a
community towards the promotion of environmental health.
It covers a wide range of areas and concerns such as the following:
RA 9792: Climate Change Act of 2009 (aims to instill knowledge of climate change
and ways to mitigate its effects).
RA 9512: National Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008 (states that
there shall be an integration of environmental education in both public and private
schools in all levels, including informal education even at the barangays).
P.D. 389 (P.D. 705) The Forestry Reform Code - codifies, updates and raises forestry
laws in the country. It emphasizes the sustainable utilization of forest resources.
P.D. 704 – Preservation of optimum productivity of fishery resources through
conservation and protection.
P.D. 1219 – Providing for the protection of coral ecosystems.
P.D. 1067: Water Code of the Philippines - adopts adequate measures to conserve and
regulate the use of water in commercial, industrial and residential areas. It also
provides other policy guidelines on water quality and management of water
P.D. 463: Amended the Mining Act of 1936 - Requires all mining leaseholders to
comply with Pollution Control Laws and regulations and provide for penalties for
P.D. 1251 – Imposes fines on tailings and mine wastes and the fund generated is
used to pay for the damages to land, agricultural crops, forests products, aquatic
resources and infrastructures caused by pollution for mining operations.
P.D. 984 – The Pollution Control Law.
P.D. 825 – Prohibits the improper disposal of garbage.
P.D. 856 – Sanitation Code - places the responsibility on the local government units
for the solid waste management in their area of production.
All these laws aim to preserve the environment and minimize pollution. The strict
implementation of these laws will improve the environmental condition of the
Activity 3.3 Top of the Chart
Directions: On the boxes below, write up the things that you want to stop, start and
continue to help in the prevention and management of environmental issues. Give at
least three (3) answers per column.
Directions: Get any of the following shape, then reflect on the given questions.
Activity 3.6 TRUE or FALSE
___5. Disease control ensures that all ingredients are safe for human consumption.
___6. RA 9003 is also known as the Philippine Ecological Solid Waste Management
Act of 2000.
___7. Decreasing epidemics and or childhood morbidity is one of the areas that
researchers and monitors focus on regarding environmental health.
___8. Adequate irrigation for crops is also investigated to make sure that proper
drainage systems are in place.
___11. The prevention and management of environmental health issues does not
involve individual responsibilities.
___14. Being fully informed about these policies and laws and conforming to them is
both an individual and a social responsibility.
___15. The strict implementation of different environmental laws will not improve the
environmental condition of the Philippines.
Activity 3.7 – Point of View!
Directions: State your own opinion, if you are agree or disagree in the
implementation of RA No. 9003 known as the Solid Waste Management by adopting
the used of 3Rs of Ecological Waste Management System which are REDUCE, REUSE
and RECYCLE. Write AGREE or DISAGREE on the center, and your four reasons on
the side boxes.
Activity 3.8 Paint me a Picture
Oslo/illustration board
Pencil and eraser
Crayon or any coloring materials
What to do:
1. Make a poster of an environmental problems that greatly affects you
as a person.
2. Draw your poster in an oslo paper.
3. At the bottom part of your poster, write your short thoughts about
your real emotions to your work.
Criteria 5 4 3 2
Quality of All 1-2 3-4 Most of the
artwork instructions instructions instructions instructions
were followed were not were not were not
correctly followed followed followed
correctly correctly correctly
Visual impact Artwork Artwork Artwork Artwork did
conveys the mostly somehow not orderly
idea and conveys the conveys the conveys the
dimensions idea and idea and idea and
of landscape dimensions dimensions of dimensions
excellently of landscape landscape of landscape
creative and competently adequately rarely
artistic. creative and creative and creative and
artistic. artistic. artistic.
Punctuality Artwork was Artwork was Artwork was Artwork was
submitted on submitted 1 submitted 2 submitted 3
time day late days late days late
Neatness Artwork Artwork Artwork Artwork
presentation presentation presentation presentation
was neat and was mostly was somehow was
orderly. neat and neat and disorderly.
orderly orderly
Total /20
This lesson will make you aware of the collective action for the
environment. In this material, you are given an overview of the unit and
concepts you will take up and the things they are expected to do. In the pre-
assessment, you will be asked to recall what you had learned from meaningful
experiences of your life relevant to collective action for the environment.
The varied competencies shall be your guide on what you are expected
to accomplish in this module.
Activity 4.1 Concept Map
Directions: Identify the different environmental laws in the Philippines and cite its
uses and relevance to the society. Explain it fully.
Use and Relevance to
Laws in the the society.
Activity 4.2 WORD CLOUD…
Directions: Observe the image below and answer the following questions.
Processing Question:
This is what you need to know:
➢ People often want to do or use things that emit a lot of greenhouse gases, but
everyone is aware of the harmful effects of these greenhouse gases and the
world can be a better place to live without these gases.
➢ Most people have the desire to drive cars or motorcycle to get around faster,
but driving these vehicles causes more air pollution that harms the whole
society. Driving can also cause traffic jams, whereas public transit avoids
traffic jams. The decision whether to use car or public transit is often a
collective action problem for travel time, each individual travels faster by
driving regardless of what other individuals do, but everybody will be able to
travel faster if everyone choose to take the public transit rather than everyone
Despite all these negative scenarios that are commonly occurring nowadays,
everyone are still expected to contribute to the maintenance of a peaceful and healthy
environment. It should be both a collective concern and responsibility.
The government should work hand with the rest of the community in order to
keep the environment free from harm and pollution. They should take the lead in
protecting our environment. However, private individuals and organizations also help
in implementing environmental laws and preserving nature. The following are some
nongovernment environmental organizations.
World Wildlife Fund
Haribon Foundation
Activity 4.3 FOLLOW-UP
Directions: Answer the following questions below.
4. How essentials to the existence of having an ecological balance in the society are
the implementation of the different environmental laws?
5.Do you consider yourself the greatest enemy of the environment? Why/Why not?
Directions: If you are to create an environmental nongovernment organization, what
will be the name you will give and what are the goals of your organization. Write your
answer on the space provided below.
Activity 4.5 START FROM HOME…
What to do:
The best place to start saving the environment for a healthy community is at home.
A lot of wastes are generated from home. A good way to minimize waste is by
recycling. The challenge for you is to practice waste segregation inside your home
and to encourage family members to do it also.
1. What do you think is the reason why other people do not participate in some
collective actions for environment?
2. Why do you think there are private individuals and organizations involved in
protecting the environment other than the government?
Rubrics for Box of Information
Criteria Excellent Good Adequate Basic
Works Always willing Usually willing Sometimes Rarely willing
cooperativel and focused and focused willing and and focused
y with group during tasks during focused during during
and assigned tasks assigned tasks assigned tasks
presentation and and and
presentation presentation presentation
Presentation Convincing Competent Adequate Limited
and communicatio communicatio communicatio communicatio
Perspective n of characters n of characters n of characters n of characters
role, feelings role, feelings role, feelings role, feelings
and motives and motives and motives and motives
Use of non- An impressive Good variety (3 An acceptable Limited variety
verbal variety of non- or more ) of variety of non- of non-verbal
cues(voice, verbal cues non-verbal verbal cues cues were
eye and were used in cues were were used in used in a
body an excellent used in a an adequate developing way
movements, way competent way way
Information Information Information Information Information
accuracy appears to be appears to be appears to be appears to be
always usually sometimes rarely accurate
accurate accurate accurate
Total /20
MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the best answer from the options below. Write the
letter on the space provided before each number.
1. Why do we need to ensure community health in planning for community
5. It is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely
the absence of disease or infirmity, and the ability to lead a socially and
economically productive life?
A. Health
B. Community
C. Environment
D. Community Health
6. Among the different existing environmental problems in the society, what do
you called the cause of the extreme weather conditions resulted to typhoons
and other weather disturbance in the our country?
A. Flash floods
B. Deforestation
C. Global warming
D. Pollution
A. Illegal Mining
B. Coral Reef Degradation
C. Oil Spill
D. Global Warming
A. Flooding
B. Death of marine life
C. Spread of Diseases
D. All of the above
9. What environmental problem is the degradation of the ocean’s coral reefs due to
the impact of human activities?
A. Illegal Mining
B. Coral Reef Degradation
C. Oil Spill
D. Global Warming
What I can do What’s In
Assessment 3.6 True or False 3.1 Graphic
1.B 1. T Organizer
2.A 2. T 1. Deforestation
3.D 3.T 2.Water Pollution
4.A 4. T 3.Illegal Mining
5.A 5. F 4.Soil Erosion
6.C 6. T 5.Oil Spill
7.C 7. T 6.Flash Floods
8.D 8. T 7.Coral Reef
9.B 9. T Degradation
10. T 8.Air Pollution
11. T
12. T
13. F
14. T
15. F
Module 3
What’s In What I can do
2.2 Catch and Match 1. Fact
1. Empty bottle 2. Fact
2.Septic tank sludge 3. Bluff
3.Metal Scraps 4. Bluff
4.Unwanted Cars 5. Fact
5.Residue from fires 6. Fact
6.leftover foods 7. Bluff
7.Dead dog 8. Fact
8.Cigarettes Butts 9. Fact
9.Dead Batteries 10. Fact
10.Costruction Materials
Module 2 Module 1
What I Know
1. A
2. D
3. A
4. A
5. B
6. B
7. C
8. C
9. D
10. C
Module 1
Jose P. Doria, Madonna C. Gonzales, Lawrence jay Sedilla, Janeth Cagulang, Raffy
Mabiling, Johannsen Yap and Jorie dela Torre (2014).). Physical Education and
Health 9 Learners Material (1st Edition). Department of EducationInstructional
Materials Council (DepEd-IMCS)
Module 2
Fritzimarie R. Muyot, Cielo Zamora, Maria Clara G. Baarde, Julie San Jose-Mathews.
Experiencing the World of MAPEH 9: pages 247 – 250. The Inteligente
Publishing, Inc., 2017
Jose P. Doria, Madonna C. Gonzales, Lawrence Jay Sedilla, Janeth Cagulang, Raffy
Mabiling, Johannsen Yap and Jorie Dela Torre (2014). Physical Education and
Health 9 Learners Material (1st Edition). Department of Education-Instructional
Materials Council (Deped-IMCS).
Module 3
Jude B. Roldan, Jocelyn Margaret A. Ruzol, Hercules P. Callanta, Marla T. Mallari,
Marie Eloisa D. Ulanday, Melanie S. Juliano, Luz S. Callanta, Winlove P. Mojica.
Power Up with MAPEH 9: pages 97 – 103. Abiva Publishing House, Inc., 2019
Fritzimarie R. Muyot, Cielo Zamora, Maria Clara G. Baarde, Julie San Jose-Mathews.
Experiencing the World of MAPEH 9: pages 253 – 257. The Inteligente
Publishing, Inc., 2017
Jose P. Doria, Madonna C. Gonzales, Lawrence Jay Sedilla, Janeth Cagulang, Raffy
Mabiling, Johannsen Yap and Jorie Dela Torre (2014). Physical Education and
Health 9 Learners Material (1st Edition). Department of Education-Instructional
Materials Council (Deped-IMCS).
Module 4
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