Ipcrf Development Plan
Ipcrf Development Plan
Ipcrf Development Plan
Action Plan
Strenpgths Development Needs Timeline Resources Needed
Learning Objectives Intervention
A. Functional Competencies (RPMS-PPST Objectives from Part II of e-SAT)
3.3. Selected,developed,organized 1.2 Used a range of teaching Using strategies that provide Attending seminar/workshop Year round School Heads / Master
an appropriate teaching and strategies that enhance learner timely, accurate and constructive using different techniques Teachers
learning resources, including ICT to achievement in literacy and feedback to improve learner and strategies. MOOE
address learning goals. (PPST numeracy skills (PPST Indicator
4.5.2) 1.4.2)
1.3 Applied a range of teaching 3.1 Planned, manage and Applying new learning from attending Attending Year round School Heads / Master
strategies to develop critical and implemented developmentally courses/seminars/workshops/LAC/E- courses/seminars/workshops/LAC/E- Teachers
creative thinking, as well as other sequence teaching and learning learning. learning. Local Fund
higher order thinking skills (PPST processes to meet curriculum
1.5.2) requirements and varied
teaching context. (PPST 4.1.2)
6.1 Performed various related 4.2. Monitored and Applying new learning from attending Attending seminars/LAC/ Year round Learning and
works/ activities that contribute to courses / seminars / workshops / E-learning Development Team
the teaching-learning process. evaluated learner progress Supervisors / School
and achievement using Learning Action Cells (LAC)/ E-
Heads / Master Teachers
learner attained data. Local Fund
Using feedback to try a new
approach to an old practice
Coaching and mentoring
B. Core Behavioral Competencies (from Part III of e-SAT)
Teamwork Innovation particularly Incorporate in the next in-service Coaching Regular PTA
on conceptualizing training (INSET) the training on coaching Funds/MOOE/Local
‘’out of the conceptualization of innovative Funds
and ingenuous methods and
box’’ideas/approach solutions.
Self- Management Results Focus attending the in-service In-service training seminar/workshop PTA
training (INSET) on In-service Funds/MOOE/Local
seminar/workshop on training Funds
promotion of creative climate
among co-workers.
Crafting and feedback
mechanism to improve
development needs.
Results Focus
Service Orientation