Antifungal Activities of Origanum Oil Against: Candida Albicans
Antifungal Activities of Origanum Oil Against: Candida Albicans
Antifungal Activities of Origanum Oil Against: Candida Albicans
The antimicrobial properties of volatile aromatic oils from medicinal as well as other edible plants has been recognized since
antiquity. Origanum oil, which is used as a food flavoring agent, possesses a broad spectrum of in vitro antimicrobial activities
attributed to the high content of phenolic derivatives such as carvacrol and thymol. In the present study, antifungal properties
of origanum oil were examined both in vitro and in vivo. Using Candida albicans in broth cultures and a micro dilution method,
comparative efficacy of origanum oil, carvacrol, nystatin and amphotericin B were examined in vitro. Origanum oil at 0.25
mg/ml was found to completely inhibit the growth of C. albicans in culture. Growth inhibitions of 75% and >50% were ob-
served at 0.125 mg/ml and 0.0625 mg/ml level, respectively. In addition, both the germination and the mycelial growth of C.
albicans were found to be inhibited by origanum oil and carvacrol in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, the therapeutic
efficacy of origanum oil was examined in an experimental murine systemic candidiasis model. Groups of mice (n = 6) infected
with C. albicans (5 × LD50) were fed varying amounts of origanum oil in a final vol. of 0.1 ml of olive oil (vehicle). The daily
administration of 8.6 mg of origanum oil in 100 µl of olive oil/kg body weight for 30 days resulted in 80% survivability, with
no renal burden of C. albicans as opposed to the group of mice fed olive oil alone, who died within 10 days. Similar results
were obtained with carvacrol. However, mice fed origanum oil exhibited cosmetically better clinical appearance compared to
those cured with carvacrol. The results from our study encourage examination of the efficacy of origanum oil in other forms
of systemic and superficial fungal infections and exploration of its broad spectrum effect against other pathogenic manifesta-
tions including malignancy. (Mol Cell Biochem 228: 111–117, 2001
Key words: antifungal activity, in vitro, in vivo, female BALB/c mice, origanum oil, Candida albicans, carvacrol, nystatin,
amphotericin B
Address for offprints: H.G. Preuss, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Georgetown University Medical Center, Med-Dent Building, SE103, 3900
Reservoir Road, NW, Washington, DC 20007, USA (E-mail:
Standard strain of Candida albicans (ATCC No. 48274) ob- Since origanum oil is known to be pungent and corrosive, a
tained from ATCC, Fairfax, VA, USA, was grown and main- titration of the doses of origanum oil was conducted to de-
tained on S.g. agar slants. termine the tolerable dose to be given orally. Both the neat
oil and the dilutions in olive oil (vehicle) were orally admin- Results
istered to the mice according to the body weight using a ball
tip gavage needle (Harvard Apparatus, South Natick, MA, Origanum oil is fungicidal to C. albicans in vitro
USA). Higher concentrations of the oil were given as single
bolus dose, while the lower concentrations were given daily In the present study, we have examined the antifungal prop-
for 7 days. The overall health of the animals such as coat erties of origanum oil and one of its major constituents, car-
color, body weight, other side effects such as scruffiness, and vacrol and thymol, both in vitro and in vivo. Using Candida
death were recorded for 14 days. At the end of the experi- albicans in broth cultures and a micro-dilution method, com-
ment, mice were sacrificed to visually examine the internal parative efficacies of origanum oil, carvacrol, nystatin and
organs for any abnormalities. amphotericin B were examined in vitro. Origanum oil at 0.25
mg/ml was found to completely inhibit the growth of C. al-
bicans in culture. Growth inhibitions of 75% and >50% were
Effect on experimental murine systemic candidiasis observed at 0.125 mg/ml and 0.0625 mg/ml level, respec-
tively (Table 1). Figure 1 provides a pictorial presentation of
A murine systemic candidiasis model developed previously the inhibitory effect. A 2-fold higher concentration of carvac-
[22], was employed to evaluate the in vivo anti fungal activi- rol was required to be fungicidal.
ties of origanum oil and carvacrol. Initially, the concentra-
tions of C. albicans needed to achieve 50% mortality of the
animals (LD50) were determined. Mice were injected i.v. with Both the germination and mycelial elongation of C.
varying doses of actively growing C. albicans in a final vol. albicans are inhibited in vitro
of 0.1 ml. Mortality of mice was monitored for 30 days. The
death of the mice due to C. albicans was confirmed by ana- Origanum oil and carvacrol both inhibit germ-tube formation
tomical evidence for organ involvement, i.e. the histological by the blastospores of C. albicans (Table 2). The production
presence of yeasts and/or pseudomycelia. Furthermore, re- of germ tubes and subsequent mycelial formation when ex-
nal burden of C. albicans was assessed by culturing an ali- posed to either serum or hen’s egg albumen is an in vitro
quot of the kidney homogenate on S.g. agar plates. The dose correlate of the in vivo tissue invasive capabilities of the
titration revealed that 2.5 × 106 C. albicans cells were needed pathogenic strains of C. albicans. Origanum oil inhibited
to kill 50% of the mice. Subsequently, batches of mice in-
jected with 5 × LD50 dose of C. albicans were used to assess
therapeutic activity. Table1. Effect of origanum oil on the growth of Candida albicans
Fig. 1. In vitro antifungal activity of origanum oil against Candida albicans. Exponentially growing C. albicans cells were cultured with varying concentra-
tions of antifungal agents. Aliquots from the cultures drawn at the end of 48 h of culturing were plated on to Sabouraud’s glucose agar. The plates were
further incubated for an additional 48 h for the appearance of yeast like colonies.
germ-tube production by blastospores of C. albicans in a dose- Table 3. Toxicity of origanum oil to BALB/c mice
dependent manner. The MIC required to inhibit the production
Concentration of oil* No. of mice
of germ tube formation was 0.062 mg/ml (24 h) and the fun- (mg/kg) (tested/survived)
gicidal effect (at 48 h) required double the concentration
(MFC = 0.125 mg/ml). Carvacrol exerted effects similar to Bolus dose 2600 5/0
1300 5/0
origanum oil at twice the concentrations. Origanum oil and
650 5/0
carvacrol were also found to affect filament elongation. The 325.0 5/5
mycelial forms of C. albicans were also inhibited by origa- 162.5 5/5
num oil at 0.125 mg/ml (MIC) and 0.125 mg/ml (MFC) lev-
Daily dose for 1 week 26 6/6
els, and by carvacrol at 0.125 mg/ml (MIC) and 0.25 mg/ml 52 6/6
(MFC) levels, respectively. 78 6/6
104 6/6
130 6/6
Origanum oil can protect mice from systemic candidiasis *Oil was mixed with 100 µl olive oil and gavaged.
*Died within 10 days. #Renal burden+ = kidney smear+ culture+. One mouse
treated with 8.66 mg origanum oil/kg b.w. died on day 15, while one mouse
treated with 8.66 mg carvacrol/kg b.w. died on day 13. Fig. 2. In vivo effect of origanum oil in experimental murine candidiasis.
Infected mice were fed orally with varying amounts of origanum oil in 0.1
ml vol. of olive oil (vehicle). The control animals received either olive oil
kg body weight). In contrast, the control group of mice who alone or olive oil plus amphotericin B (i.p.). The body weights and the
overall health of the mice were recorded daily.
received 0.1 ml of olive oil alone died within 10 days. At the
end of 30 days, the surviving animals appeared to be clinically
healthy, without scruffiness and with regain of normal coat antimicrobial activity, including anthelmintic properties, due
luster. Internally, no abnormalities of organs were noted. Fur- to its phenolic, alcoholic and terpenoid constituents [4]. The
thermore, the kidney smears failed to demonstrate the pres- objective of the present study was to assess the antifungal
ence of either yeasts or pseudomycelia. However, the culture properties of origanum oil against C. albicans in both in vitro
of their kidney homogenates on S.g. agar revealed the pres- and in vivo. Furthermore, the comparative efficacy of origa-
ence of C. albicans. (Table 4). num oil, carvacrol, nystatin and amphotericin B was also
The results from the second experiment to determine the examined. The results clearly demonstrate that the origanum
optimal dose over a 30-day treatment course required for oil can act as a potent antifungal agent against C. albicans,
clinical cure and to completely eliminate the renal burden of and can function similar to antifungal antibiotics such as
C. albicans are shown in Table 5. A daily administration of nystatin or amphotericin B.
origanum oil as low as 8.66 mg/kg body weight (equivalent C . albicans is a harmless commensal yeast-like fungus in
of 1 µl per mouse) was found to cure 80% of the infected healthy humans, which can cause superficial as well as life-
mice. Initially all groups of infected mice, exhibited scruffi- threatening systemic infections under immune compromised
ness, loss of body weight, and lack of coat luster. In the ve- situations. C .albicans can colonize or infect virtually all body
hicle-control mice, the average body weight was found to sites because of its high adaptability to different host niches
decrease 7 days after injection from approximately 16–11 g. by the activation of appropriate sets of genes in response to
In contrast, mice receiving treatment had a gradual increase complex environmental signals [21–25]. Thus, our objec-
in body weight after injection from 15–17 to 16–19 g by the tive was to assess the possible therapeutic potential of the
end of 30 days (Fig. 2). The daily administration of equiva- commonly used origanum oil against this human dimorphic
lent amounts (8.66 and 17.33 mg/kg body weight) of carva- commensal, which can become a facultative pathogen un-
crol was found to confer similar therapeutic properties (data der altered physiological situations.
not shown). However, the overall clinical appearance of the Previous studies to assess the inhibitory effect of origanum
mice receiving origanum oil was cosmetically better than oil against twenty-five different genera of microorganisms
those receiving carvacrol, as evidenced by the improved coat including animal and plant pathogens, food poisoning and
luster and minimal scruffiness. spoilage bacteria, have demonstrated the growth inhibition
properties by origanum oil [26]. Essential oils of oregano
(Origanum vulgare) were found to inhibit the growth and
Discussion production of ochratoxin A by Aspergillus ochraceus NRRL
3174 up to 21 days in culture [27].
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creasingly claimed to have broad spectrum antimicrobial of saprophytic food spoiling fungi such as Aspergillus fla-
activities. Origanum oil has been suggested to have potent vus (mycotoxogenic) and industrial yeasts such as Hansenula
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