Nugent Engineering - Shear Grabs & Buckets
Nugent Engineering - Shear Grabs & Buckets
Nugent Engineering - Shear Grabs & Buckets
15 Aughnagar Road
County Tyrone
BT70 2PP T.028 8556 7197
Shear Grab
W The 1.8m Shear Grab which is the largest model in the Nugent
The heavy duty construction has a unique rounded front half,
range, is very efficient for feeding both in feed passages and into diet
with tempered steel serrated front blade and straight side
feeders. The machine comes standard with a central blade and a third
blades, pivoted to a heavy duty box section rear frame, which
hydraulic cylinder. The central blade adds significant strength to the
has a row of Kverneland tines fitted into tapered sockets along
shear grab and splits the block into two equal sections for feeding.
the bottom. Two 90mm bore hydraulic cylinders activate the
grab which provide the cutting power of the Shear Grab, this
coupled with the serrated blades ensures a completely sealed
silo face reducing secondary fermentation. The Nugent Shear
Model 1.1 1.3 1.6 1.8
Grab can be fitted to any front-end loader or telescopic handler
Width (W) 110cm 131cm 158cm 178cm
to suit every farmer’s requirement. The overall Shear Grab
design leads to a very versatile block cutter with a multitude of Rams 2 x 90mm 2 x 90mm 2 x 90mm 3 x 90mm
uses around the farm. 700 Central knife N/A N/A N/A Standard
• Cranked tines for easy removal of the block Capacity (m3) 0.48 0.58 0.7 0.8
• Bottom hollow section is reinforced with 12mm wear plates
allowing for extended life span