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USING ASMI SEC. V , EDITION …………………………………….

1. Magnetic particle Yoke can be used for examination ferromagnetic material , excep.

Magnetic particle yoke biasa digunakan untuk pengujian ferromagnetic material ,


a. Yoke AC

b. Yoke DC

c. Yoke HWDC ( T.755 )

d. Yoke Permanent

2. Sand or grid blasting is prohibited for cleaning surfaces of part prior to the test using
magnetic particle method.

Sand atau grid blasting dilarang untuk cleaning surfaces dari part sebelum test
menggunakan magnetic particle method.

a. False (T.741.1 C )

b. True

3. The following discontinuities can be detected by MT , except.

Discontinuities berikut bias dideteksi dengan MT , except.

a. Cold shut

b. Lamination

c. Crack

d. Porosity in the opposite side of the part being tested ( T.720 )

e. None of the above

4. Field adequacy shall be demonstrated using field indicator , except

Field adequancy harus didemonstrasikan menggunakan field indicator , kecuali

a. Field produced by coil

b. Field produced by central conductor

c. Field produced by yoke

d. Multidirectional magnetizing technique

e. none of the above

5. what is the requirement magnetic yoke regarding their magnetization power ?

Apa requirement dari parament magnetic yoke , tentang magnetization powernya?

a. It shall be able to lift 40 ponds minimum

b. It shall be checked daily

c. Shall be checked whenever damage

d. all of the above ( T.762 )

d. none of the above

6. What is the interpretation mean ?

Apa arti interpretation ?

a. mean that the examination shall be started

b. evaluation the indication

c. to reject the indication

d. determining whether indication are relevant or none relevant ( T.777 )

c. all of the above

d. none of the above

7. Gaussmeters shall be calibrated in interval time

Gaus meter harus dicalibrasi dengan interval time

a. at last once a year ( T.763 )

b. maximum one year

c. six months

d. not required

e. none of the above

8. when shall the parts be demagtized after completion of examination ?

Kapan part harus di demagtisasi setelah komplet pengujian?

a. when required by code

b. if the article will be magnetized

c. any time is residual magnetism could interfere the subsequent process (T.778 )
d. none of the above

9. Rounded indication 2 mm is accepted in accordance with ASME Sec.V

Rounded indication 2 mm diterima sesuai dengan ASME Sec.V

a. False √

b. True

10. Code section mean…

Apa arti code section..

a. Other than ASME Code

b. Paragraf in the ASMI V

c. Other section within the ASMI code √

d. No meaning

e. none of the above

11. When it was found discontinuity , where the acceptance standard can be found

Jika ditemukan discontinuity , dari mana acceptance standard didapat?

a. from the ASMI V its self

b. from ASTM standard

c. from referencing code section √

d. from supervisor

e. from experience

12. Magnetic particle testing can be used for discontinuities that open to the surface or near
to the surface in according ASME V

Magnetic particle testing dapat digunakan untuk discontinuities pada surface atau deket
bawah permukaan sesuai dengan ASMI V

a. False

b. True ( T.720 )

13. When testing over the painted article , what action should be taken .

Jika testing diatas permukaan yang di cat , apa tindakan yang harus dilakukan ?

a. We have never tested the article with painted , it is forbidden by law because it
will against the human right over the word
b. It is possible if the capability detecting the indication over the paint be
demonstrated √

c. the paint must always to be cleaned all the time , using suitable mean

d. paint shall be sandblasted

e. none of the above

14. The temperature of the wet suspension and the surface of the part shall be not exceed

the Temperature recommended by manufacture.

Temperature dari wet suspension dan surface dari part tidak boleh melebihi

temperature rekomendasi dari pabrik pembuatnya.

a. False

b. True (T.731.C )

15. What shall be done , should there broad areas of particle accumulation ?

Apa yang harus dilakukan , jika ada bord areas of particle accumulation

a. it is no problem based on operator experiences and no body witness in this NDE


b. must report to the supervisior , because he pay you as level II

c. such areas shall be cleaned and re-examined ( T.780.C )

d. must be rejected

e. none of the above

16. Wich the following technique is not stated in examination in accordance with ASME V .

Mana teknik yang berikut yang tidak disebut dalam pengujian sesuai dengan ASMI V

a. Prod

b. Head shot

c. Yoke HWDC ( T. 751 )

d. Using solenoid

e. none of above

17. We can use ASME Sec.V as a procedure for performing magnetic particle test without

any written procedure.

Kita bias menggunakan ASME Sec.V sebagai procedure pengujian magnetic particle tes

tanpa adanya written procedure.

a. False ( T.721.1 )

b. True



18. What is requirement of lateral examination ?

Apa persyaratan untuk menguji arah menyamping?
a. There is no required
b. it is depend on the inspector request
c. Maximum ⅟₄ ( one quarter ) from the nearest distance of legs ( 15.3 )
d. Minimum ⅟₄ ( one quarter ) from the nearest distance of legs
e. authorize of NDE personnel
f. all of the above
19. This procedure allows using prod for examination
Procedure ini memperbolehkan menggunakan prod untuk pengujian
a. False ( 1 )
b. True
20. Examination Boiler part, found indications with the dimension as follows
Dalam pengujian Boiler , ditemukan indication dengan dimensi sbb:
The indications no. 1 dimensi is 1 mm width x 3.5 mm length ; indication no. 2 dimension
is 4 mm width x 4 mm length ; they are separated by 6 mm.
a. indication no. 1 is rejected
b. indication no. 2 is rejected
c. indication no. 1 is accepted
d. indication no. 2 is accepted
e. a dan b correct ( 18.1 )
f. all of the above accepted
21. what are the requirements if we are using MT material other than Magnaflux
Apa persyaratan jika menggunakan MT material selain yang Magnaflux
a. if the supplier contacts to NDE personel , to build good relation
b. there is no brand name permitted , except Magnaflux
c. Magnaflux is the best one
d. when demonstration has been done witnessed by authorized inspector ( 8.2 )
e. none of the above
22. The sufficient overlapping to assure 100% coverage of examination shall be performed .
what is requirements for this purpose ?
Overlapping yang cukup untuk meyakinkan 100% dari pengujian harus dilakukan . apa
persyaratan untuk tujuan ini?
a. it is for legthen the NDE experience to provide the specified experience prior to
b. the lateral examination shall be limited , depend on the distance of the contact
spacing of the yoke legs ( 15.2 )
c. fill be free as NDE personel requirement , since there is no body witness on the
d. the question very crazy
e. there is no requirement , it is only tricky from examiner
23. what the purpose of using the magnetic field indicator
Apa tujuan penggunaan magnetic field indicator?
a. it is only when code required
b. to show that the NDE operator do the job
c. to verify the adequancy of field strength for testing ( 13.1 )
d. to verify discontinuity
e. to detect defect
f. none of the above
24. when shall demagnetization be performed?
Kapan demagnetization harus dilaksanakan?
a. when the component will be used and delivered , since demagnetization very
costly and need extra carefully for doing this , also need more one person because
it will be harmful to the body of person in charge.
b. it is no need
c. only when weld hard steel
d. only when residual magnetism has effect on subsequent process ( 20 )
e. only when customer order to remove
f. none of the above
25. Each part or area shall be magnetized in at least two directions approximately at right
angle to each other , what is the reason ?
setiap area harus dimagnetisasi dua kali dengan arah yang kira – kira tegak lurus satu
sama lainnya . apa alasannya?
a. it is to lengthen the time of examination
b. it is detect the indication any direction ( 15.1 )
c. it is ordered by boss
d. it is the rule from our ancient that cannot be change over the time
e. it is not mandatory
26. which the followings is the indication that will affect the use of the article.
Mana dari indication yang berikut diperkirakan akan memberikan effect yang tidak baik
dari kegunaan benda uji ?
a. crack which the major dimension 1.5 mm ( ⅟₁₆” )
b. overlap
c. rounded indication which the major dimension 6 mm ( 18.1 )
d. undercut
e. none of the above
27. when using AC yoke , what time shall be provided obtaining sufficient magnetic flux
before performing final interpretation ?
jika menggunakan AC Yoke , berapa lama harus menunggu untuk menghasilkan medan
magnet yang cukup sebelum melakukan interpretation?
a. no requirement
b. requirement will be followed when there is order from level III
c. minimum 5 second ( 13.3 )
d. minimum 30 second should be appropriate
e. none of the above
28. examination Boiler part , found an indication with dimension 1 mm width x 5 mm length;
than the indication shall be ?
dalam pengujian Boiler , ditemukan indication dengan dimensi 1 mm lebar x 5 mm
panjang , indikasi tsb :
a. accepted
b. rejected ( 18.1 )
29. how shall the magnetizing strength of AC yoke be determined ?
Bagaimana magnetizing strength dari AC yoke harus ditentukan / di cek ?
a. by its ability to lift a 10 lbs
b. at last once a year
c. every two years
d. verified any time during examination
e. no requirement
f. a dan b ( 11 )
30. False indication that are found during examination may be caused by irregularities of the
part surface being examined.
False indication yang ditentukan selama pengujian bisa disebabkan oleh irregularities
( permukaan tidak rata ) dari permukaan yang di uji .
a. False
b. True ( 10.4 )
31. what are you doing , if there is surface irregularities of part being tested by MT ?
bagaimana memperlakukan surface irregularities ( permukaan tidak rata ) dari part
yang pengujiannya dengan MT ?
a. it may be grinding or machining to improve visibility of indications ( 10.4 )
b. irregularities are not a problem for MT
c. the surface is never found as the factor of faulty nor difficulty of the examination
d. it shall be discussed to supervisior
e. all of the above
f. b dan d are correct
32. The magnetizing current remains on while the examination mediums are being applied
and observation , interpretation and evaluation to done , it is call
magnetizing current tetap hidup sambil medium diaplikasikan dan observation
interpretation and evaluation dilaksanakan , adalah disebut .
a. retention method
b. magnetization method
c. residual method
d. new method
e. continuous method ( 13.1 )
f. b dan d
33. which the following can use false indication ?
Mana berikut ini yang bisa menyebabkan false indication?
a. attraction of particle from cracks
b. accumulation of particles on some places by their gravities
c. accumulation of particles on some places due to improper surface conditioning
d. accumulation of particles on some places due to exist of oil
e. all of the above , except “ a “ ( 17.1 )
f. none of above
34. What is the meaning of continuous method?
Apa arti dari continuous method?
a. if the NDE personal has level II and continuous work 240 hours
b. testing was performed continuous 8 hours every days
c. the electricity remain on during application examination medium until
interpretation or evaluation have been finished ( 13.1 )
d. no meaning
e. it is the opposite of step by step
35. how to minimize non relevant indications come from uneven weld bead and abrupt
section change of fillet weld?
Bagaimana untuk mengurangi non relevant indication yang datang dari lasan yang tidak
rata / teratur dan dari kaki lasan fillet?
a. It is not included NDE personel duty
b. indication comes from abrupt section change of fillet weld always defect
c. the mentioned surface may be grinding or machining prior to be examined ( 16.3
d. it is not possible to examine the fillet weld
e. left as is , since there is no requirement
f. none of the above
36. Explain how do you measure the light intensity?
Jelaskan bagaimana mengukur light intensity
a. using the glasses , look at the light slowly
b. no requirement
c. the sensor is put on the surface of the part being tested while measuring
d. as much as possible required by code
e. none of the above
37. when you have finished examining the end preparation ( beleved end ) ; what the last step
your examination ( exclude reporting )?
Jika anda telah selesai pengujian pada ujung bevel , apa step terakir dari pengujian
( tidak termasuk reporting ) ?
a. no requirement
b. requirement is in other procedure
c. the examination material on the surface ( WCP & wet ink ) shall be cleaned to
avoid interfering the welding process ( 21 )
d. let the part as is , to make sure that the indication still be able to interpret
minimum one hour after examination
e. none of the above
38. when examination on pressure vessel , found indications with the dimension as follow :
Jika pengujian pada pressure vessel ditemukan indication dengan dimensi sbb:
The indication no. 1 dimension is 1 mm width x 3.5 mm length ; indication no. 2
is 2 mm width x 4 mm length ; they are sparated by 2 mm.
the above indications are evaluated together , they will be indikasi diatas di evaluasi
bersama – sama .
a. only indication no. 1 is rejected
b. only indication no. 2 is rejected
c. only indication no. 1 accepted
d. only indication no. 2 accepted
e. all of the indications are shall be rejected ( 18.3 )
f. all of the indications are shall be accepted
39. why surface being tested shall be free from roughnees , dirt , oils and grease ?
Mengapa surface yang ditest harus bebas dari kekerasan , debu , oli dan gemuk ?
a. it may cause non relevant indication
b. it may cause relevant indication
c. it can cause false indication ( 10.2 )
d. to let mentioned above on the surface of the part being examines , since they will
attract much amount of particles
e. none of the above
40. when performing magnetic particle testing on welding , the following is correct ?
Jika melaksanakan MT di lasan , berikut ini adalah pernyataan yang betul
a. defects on the base metal are not required to be evaluated
b. pre cleaning of the surface being tested shall be free from oil , grease
c. examination shall be conducted sufficient overlapping
d. examination under sufficient light intensity
e. all of the above , except ‘’ a ‘’ √

f. none of the above

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