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Level 2 General Examination:
1. Magnetic lines of force are:
a) isolated mono-poles
b) elongated bi-poles
c) manifestations of the "string-theory"
d) imaginary concepts for mapping magnetic fields
2. In a ferromagnetic material, a region where all the "atomic moments" are aligned
parallel to each other
is called a:
a) magnetic zone
b) confederation
c) domain
d) magnetic junta
3. In order to be detectable by magnetic particle testing, a flaw must:
a) be surface breaking
b) be no deeper than 1mm below the surface
c) produce a leakage field at the test surface
d) all of the above
4. A void in an otherwise homogenous magnetized material presents itself as a point
magnetic dipole.
This is the basis for:
a) magnetic particle flaw detection
b) multi frequency eddy current
c) para-magnetism
d) de-magnetization
5. The point at which the magnetism in a material cannot be increased even though the
magnetizing force
continues to increase is known as the:
a) salient pole.
b) saturation point.
c) residual point.
d) remnant point.
6. The opposition to the formation of a magnetic flux in a magnetic circuit is referred to
a) reactance.
b) reluctance.
c) resistance.
d) antimagnetics.
7. Hysteresis loops and the magnetic properties of materials may be affected by:
a) grain size
b) micro structure
c) chemical composition
d) all of the above

8. The value of H applied to bring the residual value of B to zero is called:

a) saturation field
b) demagnetization value
c) coercive force
d) phase reversal factor
9. Of the following discontinuity categories, which one is considered most detrimental
to the service life of
an item?
a) Subsurface inclusions
b) Subsurface porosity and voids
c) Cracks open to the surface
d) All of the above
10. The flux density of the magnetism induced by a coil can be controlled by varying:
a) the coil size.
b) the current in the coil.
c) the number of turns in the coil.
d) all of the above.
11. An electric current which flows steadily in one direction is:
a) direct current.
b) full wave current.
c) half wave current.
d) alternating current.
12. A magnetic particle build-up from a discontinuity is strongest when the discontinuity
is oriented:
a) 180E to the magnetic field.
b) 45E to the magnetic field.
c) 90E to the magnetic field.
d) 90E to the current flow.
13. The most important characteristic(s) that a dry powder should have is/are:
a) low coercive force.
b) low magnetic retentivity.
c) high magnetic permeability.
d) all of the above.
14. The negative magnetizing force required to reduce the residual flux density in a part
to zero after
saturation is called:
a) residual force
b) coercive force
c) demagnetizing field strength
d) null force

15. In the inspection of a part, the following may justify rejection of some parts:
a) inherent defects.
b) service defects.
c) processing defects.
d) all of the above.
1. D 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. D
8. C 9. C 10. D 11. A 12. C 13. D 14. B 15. D
Level 2 E.M.C. Examination:
1. Grain boundaries are areas of a metal micro structure:
a) where high melting point constituents are concentrated.
b) made up of rows of atoms arrayed in straight lines.
c) that are not attacked by etchants and generally stand in relief during metallographic
d) where low melting impurities tend to concentrate.
2. Steels that contain more than 0.30 percent carbon, if welded, are prone to which
type of discontinuity?
a) Heat-affected zone cracking
b) Porosity
c) Incomplete fusion
d) Slag formation
3. Most manufacturing defects in a tube are:
a) axial in direction.
b) circumferential in direction.
c) on the outside of the tube.
d) subsurface.
4. What are the three main types of corrosion?
a) General corrosion, pitting and intergranular corrosion
b) General corrosion, pitting and transgranular corrosion
c) General corrosion, intergranular corrosion and transgranular corrosion
d) Transgranular corrosion, intergranular corrosion and pitting
5. Where is the most logical place, on a casting, to look for discontinuities?
a) on the top surface
b) on the bottom surface
c) at internal surfaces
d) at junctions between light and heavy sections
6. What is the cause of cracks in the heat-affected zone?
a) a thermal cycle that increases hardness and reduces brittleness
b) a thermal cycle that reduces hardness and increases brittleness
c) a thermal cycle that reduces hardness and brittleness
d) a thermal cycle that increases hardness and brittleness

7. Elongated configurations of foreign substances aligned in the direction of working

wrought metals are
a) slag
b) inclusions
c) stringers
d) worms
8. A defect which bears no relation to the direction of metal grains is:
a) intergranular corrosion
b) grinding crack
c) quenching crack
d) lamellar tearing
9. The strength of a circular magnetic field is not diminished by ________ of a part:
a) permeability
b) diameter
c) length
d) any of the above
10. Which of the following provides the NDT inspector with a brief outline of the steps
to perform a test on
a specific item?
a) code
b) standard
c) procedure (instruction)
d) specification
11. The width of a magnetic particle indication:
a) indicates flaw depth
b) is always wider than the actual flaw opening
c) is equal to the height of particle indication
d) is determined by the angle of repose
12. When the central conductor MPI method is used to inspect a ring shaped object, or
short cylinder:
a) only inside diameter surface flaws can be found
b) only outside diameter surface flaws can be found
c) both inside and outside surface and subsurface flaws can be found if the wall
thickness is not too
d) none of the above, central conductors cannot be used for ring shaped objects
13. Given a steel bar 1 foot long and 3 inches diameter, what current should you use
for the coil shot with a
3 turn coil (part placed at bottom of coil)?
a) 100 amps
b) 2000 amps
c) 4000 amps
d) 6000 amps

14. When welds are required to have only partial penetration use of HWDC yokes often
give rise to
nonrelevant indications. This problem can be eliminated by:
a) using an A.C. yoke
b) increasing leg spacing
c) reducing magnetizing current
d) using a pie gage
15. The best way to demagnetize a long tube would be:
a) reversing D.C. with a central conductor
b) pulsating A.C. with a central conductor
c) a portable yoke
d) passing the tube through an A.C. coil
16. To reduce the discomfort of eye fatigue when performing fluorescent MPI you can:
a) take breaks at regular intervals
b) wear yellow-green tinted glasses (of the appropriate filtering ability)
c) both a and b
d) increase dark adaption time
17. Nonrelevant indications due to residual local poles interfere with magnetic particle
testing. For a
successful examination one should?
a) Magnetize in another direction
b) Demagnetize then remagnetize in the desired direction
c) Use lower amperage
d) Use more amperage
18. If a discontinuity is shallow and broad like a scratch, the flux lines may stream-line
below the
discontinuity. This will result in:
a) a false indication
b) a non-relevant indication
c) a sub surface indication
d) a lack of indication
1. D 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. D 6 D 7. C 8. B 9. C
10. C 11. B 12. C 13. B 14. A 15. A 16. C 17. B 18. D

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