Ultrasonic Testing Ut Q Bank A-13
Ultrasonic Testing Ut Q Bank A-13
Ultrasonic Testing Ut Q Bank A-13
9. The product of the sound velocity and the density of a material is known
as the
a. refraction value of the material
b. acoustic impedance of the material
c. elastic constant of the material
d. poison’s ratio of the material
10. The amplifier range over which the unsaturated signal response
increases in amplitude in proportion to the discontinuities surface is
a. sensitivity range
b. linear range
c. selectivity range
11. When inspecting a rolled or forged surface with a thin scale that is
generally tightly adhering to the part, what is necessary to do before
testing the part?
a. clean the surface of loose scale
b. have all scale removed
c. rough machine the surface
d. caustic etch the surface
14. Which ultrasonic test frequency would probably provide the best
penetration in a 12inch thick specimen of coarse grained steel?
a. 2.25 megahertz
b. 1 megahertz
c. 5 megahertz
d. 10 megahertz
22. In a liquid medium, the only mode of vibration that can exist is:
a. longitudinal
b. shear
c. both A and B above
d. surface
30. The incident angles at which 90˚ refraction of longitudinal and shear
waves occurs are called:
a. the normal angles of incidence
b. the critical angles
c. the angles of maximum reflection
d. none of the above
31. Compression waves whose particle displacement is a parallel to the
direction of propagation are called
a. longitudinal waves
b. shear waves
c. lamb waves
d. rayleigh waves
32. which of the following modes of vibration are quickly damped out when
testing by the immersion method?
a. longitudinal waves
b. shear waves
c. transverse waves
d. surface waves
35. the refraction angle of longitudinal ultrasonic waves passing from water
into a metallic material at angles other than normal to the interface is
primarily a function of
a. the impedance ratio (r=ZxZm) of water to metal
b. the relative velocities of sound in water and metal
c. the frequency of the ultrasonic beam
d. the density ratio of water to metal
36. In contact testing, shear waves can be induced in the test material by:
a. placing an X-cut crystal directly on the surface of the materials, and
coupling through a film of oil
b. using two transducers on opposite sides of the test specimen
c. placing a spherical acoustic lens on the face of the transducer
d. using a transducer mounted on a plastic wedge so that sound
enters the part at an angle
37. As frequency increases in ultrasonic testing, the angle of beam
divergence of a given diameter crystal:
a. deceases
b. remains unchanged
c. increases
d. varies uniformly through each wavelength
39. In which medium listed below would the velocity of sound be lowest?
a. air
b. water
c. aluminum
d. stainless steel
44. Thin sheet ma inspected with the ultrasonic wave directed normal to the
surface by observing
a. the amplitude of the front surface reflection
b. the multiple reflection pattern
c. all from surface reflections
d. none of the above
45. A diagram in which the entire circuit stage or sections are shown by
geometric figures and the path of the signal or energy by lines and/or
arrows is called a:
a. schematic diagram
b. blueprint
c. block diagram
d. none of the above
46. ……………
47. A discontinuity that occurs during the casting of molten metal which
may be caused by the splashing, surging, interrupted pouring, or the
meeting of two streams of metal coming from different directions is
a. a burst
b. a cold shut
c. flaking
d. a blow hole
48. The ratio between the wave speed in one material and the wave speed in
a second material is called
a. the acoustic impedance of the interface
b. young’s modulus
c. Poisson’s ratio
d. The index of refraction