Mil STD 167 1a. Vibration Testing
Mil STD 167 1a. Vibration Testing
Mil STD 167 1a. Vibration Testing
2 November 2005
1 May 1974
1. This standard is approved for use by the Naval Sea Systems Command, Department of the Navy, and is
available for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense.
4. MIL-STD-167-1A, environmental vibration testing, and MIL-S-901D, equipment shock testing, provide
complementary requirements for the survivability of shipboard equipment.
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1. SCOPE..............................................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Scope ...............................................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Applicability…………………………………………………………………………………………………..1
1.3 Classification ...................................................................................................................................................1
2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS.......................................................................................................................1
2.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................1
2.2 Government documents ...................................................................................................................................1
2.2.1 Specifications, standards, and handbooks.....................................................................................................1
2.3 Order of precedence.........................................................................................................................................1
3. DEFINITIONS.................................................................................................................................................1
3.1 Acceptance authority .......................................................................................................................................1
3.2 Amplitude, single.............................................................................................................................................2
3.3 Amplitude, vibratory displacement..................................................................................................................2
3.4 Balancing.........................................................................................................................................................2
3.4.1 Balancing, multi-plane..................................................................................................................................2
3.4.2 Balancing, single-plane (static).....................................................................................................................2
3.4.3 Balancing, two-plane (dynamic)...................................................................................................................2
3.5 Critical speed ...................................................................................................................................................2
3.6 Environmental vibration ..................................................................................................................................2
3.7 Equipment........................................................................................................................................................2
3.8 Grade, balance quality .....................................................................................................................................2
3.9 Internally excited vibration..............................................................................................................................2
3.10 Isolation mount ..............................................................................................................................................2
3.11 Mass unbalance..............................................................................................................................................2
3.12 Maximum design rpm....................................................................................................................................2
3.13 Method of correction .....................................................................................................................................2
3.14 Mode..............................................................................................................................................................2
3.15 Plane, correction ............................................................................................................................................2
3.16 Plane, measuring............................................................................................................................................3
3.17 Residual unbalance ........................................................................................................................................3
3.18 Resonance......................................................................................................................................................3
3.19 Response prominence ....................................................................................................................................3
3.20 Rotor, flexible................................................................................................................................................3
3.21 Rotor, rigid ....................................................................................................................................................3
3.22 Simple harmonic motion................................................................................................................................3
3.23 Test fixture resonance....................................................................................................................................3
3.24 Transmissibility .............................................................................................................................................3
4. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .....................................................................................................................3
4.1 Notification of tests .........................................................................................................................................3
4.2 Identification of component compliance .........................................................................................................3
4.3 Disposition of tested equipment ......................................................................................................................3
5. DETAILED REQUIREMENTS.....................................................................................................................4
5.1 Type I – environmental vibration ....................................................................................................................4
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5.1.1 Basis of acceptability....................................................................................................................................4
5.1.2 Test procedures.............................................................................................................................................4 Testing machine.........................................................................................................................................4 Additional test instrumentation..................................................................................................................4 Methods of attachment ..............................................................................................................................5 Shipboard equipment ..............................................................................................................................5 Shipboard portable and test equipment...................................................................................................5 Orientation for vibration test...................................................................................................................5 Isolation mountings ................................................................................................................................5 Internal isolation or shock mountings.....................................................................................................5 Vibration tests............................................................................................................................................5 Equipment operation...............................................................................................................................6 Exploratory vibration test .......................................................................................................................6 Variable frequency test ...........................................................................................................................6 Exception ................................................................................................................................................6 Alternative test amplitudes .....................................................................................................................6 Endurance test.........................................................................................................................................6 Endurance test for mast mounted equipment..........................................................................................7 Test documentation....................................................................................................................................7 Test plan .................................................................................................................................................7 Test report...............................................................................................................................................7
5.1.3 Exemption.....................................................................................................................................................7
5.1.4 Extension of previous testing........................................................................................................................8 Extension documentation...........................................................................................................................8
5.2 Type II – internally excited vibration ..............................................................................................................8
5.2.1 Basis of acceptability....................................................................................................................................8
5.2.2 Balance procedure for rigid rotors ................................................................................................................8 Balancing methods for rigid rotors ............................................................................................................8 Balance limits for rigid rotors....................................................................................................................9
5.2.3 Balance procedure for flexible rotors ...........................................................................................................9 Balance limits for flexible rotors ...............................................................................................................9 Vibration test procedure ............................................................................................................................9 Mounting ................................................................................................................................................9 Measurements .........................................................................................................................................9 Instruments .............................................................................................................................................9
6. NOTES............................................................................................................................................................10
6.1 Intended use...................................................................................................................................................10
6.2 Acquisition requirements...............................................................................................................................10
6.3 Associated Data Item Descriptions (DIDs)....................................................................................................11
6.4 Tailoring guidance for contractual application ..............................................................................................11
6.5 Superseding data............................................................................................................................................11
6.6 Subject term (key word) listing .....................................................................................................................11
6.7 Changes from previous issue .........................................................................................................................11
6.8 Guidance documents......................................................................................................................................12
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I. Vibratory displacement of environmental vibration...........................................................................................6
II. Duration of endurance test in a given orthogonal direction at each test frequency...........................................7
III. Vibratory displacement of environmental vibration for mast mounted equipment .........................................7
IV. Types of balancing ..........................................................................................................................................8
1. Type I environmental vibration limits (black bars represent a graphical presentation of table I expressed
in displacement, velocity, and acceleration) .........................................................................................................13
2. Vibration acceptance criteria for Type II vibration .........................................................................................14
3. Minimum static deflection of mounting for Type II vibration test ..................................................................15
Appendix A..........................................................................................................................................................16
A.1 SCOPE..........................................................................................................................................................16
A.1.1 Scope .........................................................................................................................................................16
A.2 PROCEDURE...............................................................................................................................................16
A.2.1 Determining and displaying transmissibility .............................................................................................16
A.2.1.1 Transmissibility magnitudes ...................................................................................................................16
A.2.1.2 Transmissibility and frequency...............................................................................................................16
A.2.2 Identifying response prominences .............................................................................................................16
A.2.3 Selecting endurance test frequencies .........................................................................................................17
A.2.3.1 Non-response prominence frequencies where functional or structural integrity is affected ...................17
A.2.3.2 Frequencies where response prominences have been identified .............................................................17
A.2.4 Guidance for specifiers ..............................................................................................................................18
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1.1 Scope. This standard specifies procedures and establishes requirements for environmental and internally
excited vibration testing of Naval shipboard equipment installed on ships with conventionally shafted propulsion
(see 6.1.e and 6.1.f).
1.2 Applicability. The test methods specified herein are applicable to shipboard equipment subjected to
mechanical vibrations from the environment and from internal excitation caused by unbalanced rotating components
of Naval shipboard equipment. For those mechanical vibrations associated with reciprocating machinery and lateral
and longitudinal vibrations of propulsion system and shafting, see MIL-STD-167-2.
1.3 Classification. The following types of vibration are covered in this standard:
Type I - Environmental vibration
Type II - Internally excited vibration
2.1 General. The documents listed in this section are specified in sections 3, 4, or 5 of this standard. This
section does not include documents cited in other sections of this standard or recommended for additional
information or as examples. While every effort has been made to ensure the completeness of this list, document
users are cautioned that they must meet all specified requirements of documents cited in sections 3, 4, or 5 of this
standard, whether or not they are listed.
2.2 Government documents.
2.2.1 Specifications, standards, and handbooks. The following specifications, standards, and handbooks form a
part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents are
those cited in the solicitation or contract.
MIL-M-17191 - Mounts, Resilient: Portsmouth Bonded Spool Type
MIL-M-17508 - Mounts, Resilient: Types 6E100, 6E150, 7E450, 6E900, 6E2000,
5E3500, 6E100BB, 6E150BB, 7E450BB, and 6E900BB
MIL-M-19379 - Mounts, Resilient, Mare Island Types 11M15, 11M25, and 10M50
MIL-M-19863 - Mount, Resilient: Type 5B5, 000H
MIL-M-21649 - Mount, Resilient, Type 5M10, 000-H
MIL-M-24476 - Mounts, Resilient: Pipe Support, Types 7M50, 6M150, 6M450, 6M900,
and 5M3500
(Copies of these documents are available online at or or from the Standardization Document Order Desk, 700 Robbins Avenue, Building 4D,
Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.)
2.3 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of this document and the references cited
herein, the text of this document takes precedence. Nothing in this document, however, supersedes applicable laws
and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.
3.1 Acceptance authority. As used in this standard, the term “acceptance authority” means the government
activity (or its designated representative) having approval authority to determine vendor compliance with the
requirements of this standard.
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3.16 Plane, measuring. A measuring plane is a plane transverse to the shaft axis in which the amount and angle
of unbalance is determined.
3.17 Residual unbalance. Residual unbalance is unbalance of any kind that remains after balancing.
3.18 Resonance. Resonance is the magnification of structural response, which occurs when a linear lightly
damped system is driven with a sinusoidal input at its natural frequency. Resonances are the cause of many, but not
all, response prominences.
3.19 Response prominence. Response prominence is a general term denoting a resonance or other distinct
maximum, regardless of magnitude, in a transmissibility function, including local maxima which may exist at the
frequency endpoints of the transmissibility function. Typically, a response prominence is identified by the
frequency of its maximum response, which is the response prominence frequency. A response prominence of a
system in forced oscillation exists when any change, for both plus and minus increments however small, in the
frequency of excitation results in a decrease of the system response at the observing sensor registering the
maximum. A response prominence may occur in an internal part of the equipment, with little or no outward
manifestation at the vibration measurement point, and in some cases, the response may be detected by observing
some other type of output function of the equipment, such as voltage, current, or any other measurable physical
parameter. Instruction on how to identify response prominences is provided in Appendix A.
3.20 Rotor, flexible. A flexible rotor is one that does not meet the criteria for a rigid rotor. The unbalance of a
flexible rotor changes with speed. Any value of unbalance assigned to a flexible rotor must be at a particular speed.
The balancing of flexible rotors requires correction in more than two planes.
3.21 Rotor, rigid. A rotor is considered to be rigid when its unbalance can be corrected in any two arbitrarily
selected planes. After correction, its residual unbalance does not exceed the allowed tolerance, relative to the shaft
axis, at any speed up to the maximum service speed and when running under conditions which approximate closely
to those of the final supporting system.
3.22 Simple harmonic motion. A simple harmonic motion is a motion such that the displacement is a
sinusoidal function of time.
3.23 Test fixture resonance. A test fixture resonance is any enhancement of the response of the test fixture to a
periodic driving force when the driving frequency is equal to a natural frequency of the test fixture.
3.24 Transmissibility. Transmissibility is the non-dimensional ratio of the response amplitude in steady-state
forced vibration to the excitation amplitude. The ratio may be one of forces, displacements, velocities, or
accelerations. Transmissibility is displayed in a linear-linear plot of transmissibility as a function of frequency, or in
tabular form. Instructions for determining and displaying transmissibility are given in A.2.1 of Appendix A.
4.1 Notification of tests. When specified (see 6.2.b), notification of Type I or Type II testing shall be made in
accordance with DI-MISC-81624 (see 6.3).
4.2 Identification of component compliance. When specified (see 6.2.c), the information verifying that the
component complies with Type I and Type II testing shall be identified on the component drawing, the Test Report
(DI-ENVR-81647) (see 6.3), or an identification plate attached to the component.
4.3 Disposition of tested equipment. The requirements for tested equipment, fixturing, associated test records,
and other documentation shall be as specified (see 6.2.d).
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5.1 Type I – environmental vibration. When Type I vibration requirements are specified (see 6.2.e), the
equipment shall be subjected to a simulated environmental vibration as may be encountered aboard naval ships.
This standard provides an amplitude sufficiently large within the selected frequency range to obtain a reasonably
high degree of confidence that equipment will not malfunction during service operation.
a. For Type I vibration testing, this standard shall be used for equipment subjected to the vibration
environment found on Navy ships with conventionally shafted propeller propulsion. Type I vibration
testing shall not be applicable to high-speed or surface-effect ships that are subject to vibrations from high-
speed wave slap, which produce vibration amplitudes and frequencies in excess of the levels on
conventional Navy ships.
b. This standard applies to Type I vibration testing for equipment used in Navy ships with conventionally
shafted propeller propulsion, and is not necessarily applicable to waterjet, podded, or other propulsor types,
including those that have been designed to minimize blade-rate forces.
c. For equipment installed on ships with propulsion systems with frequency ranges not covered by Table I,
this standard shall not apply.
5.1.1 Basis of acceptability. For equipment that can be vibration tested, acceptability shall be contingent upon
the ability of the equipment to withstand tests specified in 5.1.2 and the ability to perform its principal functions
during and after vibration tests. Minor damage or distortion will be permitted during the test providing such damage
or distortion does not in any way impair the ability of the equipment to perform its principal functions (see 6.2.f(1)
and 6.2.f(6)). Because of the numerous types of equipment covered by this standard, a definite demarcation between
major and minor failures cannot be specified. Therefore, during testing a determination shall be made whether a
failure is minor or major to determine whether testing should continue (see 6.2.f(2)). In general, a major failure is
one that would cause maloperation or malfunction of the item of equipment for a long period. Non-repetitive
failures of such parts as connectors, knobs/buttons, certain fasteners, and wiring, which can be easily replaced or
repaired, are generally considered minor failures. As such, the repair could be made and the test continued with no
penalty to the remainder of the equipment. The critical use of the equipment shall be considered when determining
the category of failure; that is, a failure of a part in a lighting circuit may be considered minor. The same failure in a
control circuit may be major.
5.1.2 Test procedures. The tests specified herein are intended to expose equipment to:
a. Vibration magnitudes in prescribed frequency and amplitude ranges to reveal any critical response
prominences (see 3.19) or potential deficiencies.
b. A 2-hour minimum endurance test at the response prominence frequency or frequencies most seriously
affecting its functional and/or structural integrity. Testing machine. Vibration tests shall be made by means of any testing machine capable of meeting the
conditions specified in, and the additional requirements contained herein. Means shall be provided for
controlling the direction of vibration of the testing machine and for adjusting and measuring its frequencies and
amplitude of vibration to keep them within prescribed limits. It is acceptable to utilize different machines for the
vertical and horizontal directions. The testing machine, including table, actuator, and attachment fixtures, shall be
rigid within the frequency range to be tested. This includes test fixture resonances that may result from interaction
between the table and mounted equipment. Testing machine rigidity shall be demonstrated by analysis or by
measuring transmissibility in accordance with Additional test instrumentation. Vibration measurement transducers, such as accelerometers, shall be
installed on the test equipment to aid in the determination of response prominences during the exploratory and
variable frequency vibration tests of and The number, orientation, and placement of vibration
transducers will depend upon the equipment under test and should be sufficient to provide a suitable survey for
identifying response prominences of the tested equipment and testing machine. When required, approval of
transducer locations shall be obtained from the procuring activity (see 6.2.f(3)). Guidance below shall be used in
selection of measurement locations:
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MIL-STD-167-1A Equipment operation. Except as noted below, equipment shall be energized or operated to perform its
normal functions (see 6.2.f(6)). Equipment that is difficult to operate on the testing machine shall be energized and
subjected to operating conditions during the test. The equipment shall then be operated after the test to demonstrate
that there is no damage from the test (see 6.2.f(1)). Exploratory vibration test. To determine the presence of response prominences (see 3.19) in the
equipment under test, the equipment shall be secured to the vibration table and vibrated at frequencies from 4 Hz to
33 Hz, at a table vibratory single amplitude of 0.010 ± 0.002 inch (see and for exceptions). The
change in frequency shall be made in discrete frequency intervals of 1 Hz and maintained at each frequency for
about 15 seconds. Alternately, a continuous frequency sweep with a rate of change of frequency not to exceed 0.067
Hz/second can be used. The frequencies at which functional or structural requirements are affected or violated and
frequencies and locations at which response prominences occur shall be recorded, and these frequencies (rounded to
the nearest integer frequency if discrete frequency intervals were not used) shall be considered as candidates for
endurance testing (see Appendix A). Variable frequency test. The equipment shall be vibrated from 4 Hz to 33 Hz in discrete frequency
intervals of 1 Hz at the amplitudes shown in Table I (see and for exceptions). At each integral
frequency, the vibration shall be maintained for 5 minutes. The frequencies at which functional or structural
requirements are affected or violated and frequencies and locations at which response prominences occur shall be
recorded. Note that because of increased amplitudes compared to those mandated by, response
prominences and effects on or violations of functional or structural requirements may show up in this test that were
not uncovered in the exploratory vibration test. Therefore, the frequencies at which these response prominences and
effects on or violations of functional or structural requirements occur shall also be considered as candidates for
endurance testing (see Appendix A). Exception. Equipment intended for installation solely on a particular ship class need only be vibrated
in the exploratory and variable frequency tests from 4 Hz to (1.15 x maximum design rpm x number of propeller
blades/60) rounded up to the nearest integer frequency or the maximum test frequency as specified (see 6.2.f(7)). Alternative test amplitudes. For equipment installed on ships with advanced isolation systems or low
vibration propellers, alternative test amplitudes from Table I shall be used when specified (see 6.2.f(8)). Endurance test. Endurance test frequencies are selected from the candidate list of endurance test
frequencies developed during exploratory and variable frequency testing (see and When
specified (see 6.2.f(9)), selection of these frequencies is subject to approval. The equipment shall be vibrated for a
total period of at least 2 hours at the frequency determined to most seriously affect the functional or structural
integrity of the equipment. Guidance for selecting response prominences from exploratory or variable frequency
testing, for determining whether a response prominence is significant, and if the more serious response prominences
can be identified, is given in Appendix A. In cases where there are multiple response prominence frequencies
selected, the duration of vibration testing at each frequency shall be in accordance with Table II. If neither response
prominences nor effects on equipment structural/functional performance are observed, this test shall be performed at
33 Hz or at the upper frequency as specified in The amplitudes of vibration shall be in accordance with
Table I, unless otherwise specified (see See Figure 1 for a graphical representation of the amplitudes in
Table I.
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TABLE II. Duration of endurance test in a given orthogonal direction at each test frequency.
Number of
Test time duration at each
endurance test Total time
endurance test frequency
1 2 hours 2 hours
2 1 hour 2 hours
3 40 minutes 2 hours
4 40 minutes 2 hours,
40 minutes Endurance test for mast mounted equipment. Equipment intended for installation on masts, such as
radar antennae and associated equipment, shall be designed for a static load of 2.5g (1.5g over gravity) in vertical
and transverse (athwartship and longitudinal) directions to compensate for the influence of rough weather. In
addition, the equipment shall be vibrated for a total period of at least 2 hours, at the response prominences chosen by
the test engineer. When specified (see 6.2.f(9)), selection of these frequencies is subject to approval. If no response
prominences were observed, this test shall be performed at 33 Hz, unless excepted by, in which case the
maximum frequency specified in shall be used. The amplitudes of vibration shall be in accordance with
Table III.
TABLE III. Vibratory displacement of environmental vibration for mast mounted equipment.
Frequency range (Hz) Table single amplitude (inch)
4 to 10 0.100 ± 0.010
11 to 15 0.030 ± 0.006
16 to 25 0.020 ± 0.004
26 to 33 0.010 ± 0.002
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5.1.4 Extension of previous testing. Equipment, which is identical or similar to previously tested equipment,
may qualify for an extension of the previously approved test. The equipment for which the testing is to be extended
must meet all of the following criteria:
a. The tested equipment and the proposed extension equipment are made of the same or similar materials and
manufactured using the same or similar processes.
b. The mass of the proposed extension equipment is no more than 10% greater than the mass of the tested
c. The location of the center of gravity of the proposed extension equipment is within 10% of the location of
the center of gravity of the tested equipment. Extension documentation. A request for extension of previously approved testing must be approved by
the acceptance authority and must contain the following:
a. Detailed drawings of both the tested equipment and proposed extension equipment.
b. A copy of the test report for the tested equipment.
c. A detailed comparison of the differences in materials and design showing that the proposed extension
equipment has equal or greater vibration resistance than the tested equipment. This comparison should
include at a minimum the information requested in sections 5.1.4.a, b, and c.
5.2 Type II – internally excited vibration. Type II balance and vibration requirements shall apply to the
procurement of rotating machinery, unless otherwise specified (see 6.2.e). This does not apply to suitability from a
noise standpoint, nor does it apply to reciprocating machinery. Special vibration and balance requirements may be
specified (see 6.2.g(1)). The limitations set forth herein may also be used as criteria on overhaul tolerances, but
should not constitute a criterion for the need for overhaul.
5.2.1 Basis of acceptability. All rotating machinery shall be balanced to minimize vibration, bearing wear, and
noise. Types of balancing shall be as specified in Table IV. Machinery with rigid rotors shall meet the limits of
allowable residual unbalance given in Machinery with rotors which are unable to meet the balance
requirements of rigid rotors shall be balanced in accordance with the requirements of
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MIL-STD-167-1A Balance limits for rigid rotors. When balanced as specified in, the maximum allowable residual
unbalance is given by the following formula:
Where: U is maximum allowable residual unbalance (oz-in)
G is the total balance quality grade (mm/sec) as specified (see 6.2.g(3))
W is weight of the rotor (lbs)
N is the maximum rotor rpm
For rigid rotors which operate below 1000 rpm, the total balance quality grade shall not exceed G=2.5 mm/s.
For rigid rotors which operate at 1000 rpm and above, the total balance quality grade shall not exceed G=1.0 mm/s.
For rigid rotors which require low noise, a balance quality grade of G=1.0 mm/s can be specified for all speeds (see
6.2.g(3)). For guidance on balance quality grades of rigid rotors, see ANSI S2.19.
In allocating an allowable unbalance (U) between two planes of correction, the allocation ratio must not be more
than 2 to 1. The amount allocated to each plane must be proportional to the distance from the other plane to the
center of gravity (c.g.) of the rotor divided by the total distance between planes. If the distance between the
correction planes were 10 inches, and the c.g. were 4 inches from plane 1, plane 1 would be allowed 60% of U, and
plane 2 would be allowed 40%. If the c.g. were 2 inches from plane 1, plane 1 would be allowed 67% of U (not
80%), and plane 2 would be allowed 33% (not 20%), because the allocation ratio cannot be more than 2 to 1.
When specified (see 6.2.g(4)), the residual unbalance for equipment with rigid rotors shall not result in vibration
displacements larger than specified in Figure 2, when tested as specified in
5.2.3 Balance procedure for flexible rotors. Balance limits for flexible rotors. The residual unbalance for flexible rotors shall not result in vibration
displacements larger than specified in Figure 2 when tested as specified in Vibration test procedure. When mounted as specified in and measured in accordance with, the vibration displacement amplitude at the rotational frequency shall not exceed the values shown on
Figure 2. Mounting. The unit shall be completely assembled and mounted elastically at a natural frequency
corresponding to less then one-quarter of the frequency associated with the minimal operational speed of the unit.
To accomplish this, the minimum static deflection of the mounting should be determined by Figure 3, but in no case
shall the deflection exceed one-half the original height of the elastic element. On machinery that cannot be mounted
as described, the unit shall be mounted on the shipboard mounting for which it is intended, as specified (see
6.2.g(5)). Measurements. Amplitudes of vibration shall be measured on the bearing housing in the direction of
maximum amplitude. On constant speed units, measurements shall be made at the operating speed. In the case of
variable speed units, measurements shall be made at maximum speed and at all critical speeds (see 3.5) within the
operating range. Measurements at many speeds may be required to establish the existence of critical speeds of
variable speed units. The maximum frequency step size used when establishing critical speeds shall be 0.25 Hz. Instruments. Amplitude and frequency measurements shall be performed with instrumentation which
has calibration traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and which has dynamic and
frequency ranges consistent with the amplitude and frequency range specified in Figure 2.
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(This section contains information of a general or explanatory nature that may be helpful, but is not mandatory.)
6.1 Intended use.
a. This standard is used to qualify shipboard equipment for the environmental vibrations and internally
excited vibrations encountered during operation of the equipment aboard ship.
b. In some special machinery, equipment, or installations (such as antennae, large machinery items, and
certain unique designs), it may be necessary to deviate from this standard.
c. Type I vibration testing is intended to qualify new equipment for exposure to shipboard vibrations during
the lifetime of the ship.
d. The primary purpose of Type I vibration testing is to prove the physical and functional integrity of
equipment when subject to a prescribed steady-state vibration environment. The results of the application
of this standard do not provide a definitive determination of the tested item’s natural frequencies and mode
e. This standard does not cover vibrations associated with reciprocating machinery or those associated with
propulsion and shafting. For these types, see MIL-STD-167-2.
f. The primary purpose of the application of this standard to Type II vibrations is from the standpoint of
mechanical suitability, and not from a structureborne noise standpoint. See MIL-STD-740-2 for noise
suitability of equipment.
6.2 Acquisition requirements. Acquisition documents should specify the following:
a. Title, number, and date of the standard.
b. Reporting requirements, including requirements for Notification of Test, Equipment Test Plan, and/or Test
Report (see 4.1,, and
c. Identification of component compliance on component drawing, in Test Report, or on label plate (see 4.2).
d. Disposition of tested equipment and related material (see 4.3).
e. Type(s) of vibration required (see 5.1 and 5.2).
f. Type I:
(1) How the equipment will be operated after the test to demonstrate the machinery or equipment has no
damage from the test, including acceptable operational degradations (see 5.1.1 and
(2) Whether the test engineer needs concurrence of the procuring agency for determination of major vs.
minor failures before continuing testing (see 5.1.1).
(3) Whether measurement transducer locations need to be approved by the procuring agency for Type I
testing (see
(4) Methods of mounting equipment for test (see
(5) Whether internal mounts should be installed for all, a specific part, or none of the test (see
(6) How equipment will be energized or operated during Type I vibration tests (e.g., pressure, flow rate,
voltage current, and cycling of principal functions during testing), including acceptable operational
degradations (see 5.1.1 and
(7) When required, the maximum test frequencies (see
(8) Alternative test amplitudes (see
(9) Whether approval is required for selection of frequencies used for endurance testing (see
(10) The acceptance authority for the test report and any other approval items (see and
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g. Type II:
(1) Special vibration and balance requirements (see 5.2).
(2) Whether dynamic balance is required for machinery rated at lower than 150 rpm (see
(3) Balance quality grade (see
(4) Whether vibration acceptance criteria of Figure 2 is specified for equipment with rigid rotors (see
(5) When required, methods of mounting equipment for test (see
6.3 Associated Data Item Descriptions (DIDs). This standard has been assigned an Acquisition Management
Systems Control (AMSC) number authorizing it as the source document for the following DIDs. When it is
necessary to obtain the data, the applicable DIDs must be listed on the Contract Data Requirements List (DD Form
DID Number DID Title
DI-ENVR-81647 Mechanical Vibrations of Shipboard Equipment
Measurement Test Plan and Report
DI-MISC-81624 Notification of Test/Trials
6.4 Tailoring guidance for contractual application.
Note: Equipment installed aboard naval ships is subjected to varying frequencies and amplitudes of
environmental vibration for extended periods of time, during which they are required to perform their normal
function. Principal causes of steady state shipboard vibration are propeller blade excitation and unbalanced forces of
the propeller and shafting. Vibrations are also experienced by shipboard mounted equipment caused by mounting
system resonances, changes in ship speed and heading, and changes in sea state. Vibration magnitudes measured on
a ship during vibration trials should not be compared with the magnitudes shown in Table I because ship vibration
trials are conducted in quiet water to achieve repeatable results during which changes in speed and heading are not
made. See ANSI S2.25 for additional tailoring guidance.
a. The frequency range for Type I vibrations is determined based on blade rate frequencies associated with a
specific ship design. If equipment is to be tested for use on multiple ship classes, the equipment may be
tested over the frequency range encompassing various ship classes as required.
b. For Type I testing, if equipment is to be tested for use on multiple ship classes, the choice of equipment
mounting may affect the number of equipment tests required to qualify the equipment for use on the
intended ships.
6.5 Superseding data. This standard covers Types I and II vibration requirements formerly covered in MIL-
STD-167-1 (SHIPS). Types III, IV, and V requirements are covered in MIL-STD-167-2 (SH).
6.6 Subject term (key word) listing.
Balance quality grade
Flexible rotor
Response prominence
Rigid rotor
6.7 Changes from previous issue. Marginal notations are not used in this revision to identify changes with
respect to the previous issue due to the extent of the changes.
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6.8 Guidance documents. The following documents provide design guidance and definitions in the field of
S1.1 - Acoustical Terminology
S2.4 - 1990, American Standard Methods for the Specifying of Characteristics
of Auxiliary Analog Equipment for Shock and Vibration
S2.5 - 1990, American Standard Methods for Specifying the Performance of
Vibration Machines
S2.7 - 1990, American Standard Terminology for Balancing Rotating
S2.19 - Mechanical Vibration – Balance Quality Requirements of Rigid Rotors,
Part 1: Determination of Permissible Residual Unbalance, Including
Marine Applications
S2.25 - Guide for the Measurement, Reporting, and Evaluation, of Hull and
Superstructure Vibration in Ships
1940/1 - 1986, Mechanical Vibration – Balance Quality Requirements of Rigid
Rotors – Part 1: Determination of Permissible Residual Unbalance
MIL-M-17185 - Mounts, Resilient; General Specifications and Tests for (Shipboard
MIL-STD-740-2 - Structureborne Noise Measurements and Acceptance Criteria of
Shipboard Equipment
NAVSHIPS 94323 - Maintainability Design Criteria Handbook for Design of Shipboard
Electronic Equipment
NAVSHIPS 0967- - BUSHIPS Reliability Design Handbook (Electronics)
NAVSHIPS 0967- - Design of Shock and Vibration Resistant Electronic Equipment for
309-3010 Shipboard Use
NAVSEA 0900-LP- - Guideline to Military Standard MIL-STD-167-1 (SHIPS) Mechanical
090-3010 Vibrations of Shipboard Equipment, December 1993
SVM-18 - Shock and Vibration Design Manual, Naval Sea Systems Command,
April 2001
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FIGURE 1. Type I environmental vibration limits (black bars represent a graphical presentation of table I expressed
in displacement, velocity, and acceleration).
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A.1.1 Scope. This appendix details the procedures for identifying response prominences to be included in
endurance testing. This appendix is not a mandatory part of the standard. The information contained herein is
intended for guidance only.
A.2.1 Determining and displaying transmissibility. Transmissibility information should be presented using the
output responses and prescribed inputs. The transmissibility magnitudes for both exploratory and variable frequency
tests are to be used for response prominence determinations.
A.2.1.1 Transmissibility magnitudes. Transmissibility magnitudes are to be developed by dividing the
measured output amplitudes by the input amplitudes using consistent units (e.g., acceleration in g’s or inches/sec2).
A.2.1.2 Transmissibility and frequency. Transmissibility information is to be presented in linear-linear format.
Plots or tabulations are acceptable. Both the transmissibility and frequency information must be presented in linear
units (i.e., no logarithms or dB of either frequency or transmissibility are to be used to compute or display the data
used for response prominence determinations).
A.2.2 Identifying response prominences. Regardless of whether or not the transmissibility exceeds 1.0, find all
local maxima in the transmissibility magnitude-frequency data and include the frequency endpoints in the list of
a. For each of these maxima, determine if there is reason to believe that the maximum is attributable to an
instrumentation error, a fixture resonance or from a numerical error related to computation of the
transmissibility (round-off errors may appear as maxima). Any maxima that are attributable to an
instrumentation error, fixture resonance, or numerical errors must be discarded as a potential response
prominence. Fixture resonances are not permitted and refixturing must be employed to eliminate such
b. Examine the end points for indications that a resonance may exist outside the test frequency range.
c. An initial decrease in transmissibility with increasing frequency above the frequency of the lower end point
suggests a potential response prominence outside the lower bound of the test frequency range. If this
condition is observed and is not attributed to shaker problems at low frequencies, include the lower
endpoint in the candidate list of endurance test frequencies noting whether or not it affects functional or
structural integrity. If this condition is not observed, the lower bound test frequency may be discarded as a
potential response prominence. At these low frequencies, noticeable displacement magnitude
amplifications may occur if a true response prominence exists below the lower frequency bound of testing
and this fact may be used to help determine the nearby presence of a true response prominence.
d. Similarly, an increase in transmissibility with increasing frequency near the upper bound test frequency
suggests a potential response prominence outside the upper bound of the test frequency range. If this
condition is observed, include the upper endpoint in the candidate list of endurance test frequencies noting
whether or not it affects functional or structural integrity. If it is not observed, this frequency cannot be
excluded from the list of endurance test frequencies unless other response prominence frequencies are
e. Observe whether or not equipment function (if permitted by the ordering data) or structural integrity is
affected at any of the frequencies used in exploratory or variable frequency testing. Include those
frequencies at which equipment functional or structural integrity is affected in the candidate list of
endurance test frequencies. Also include frequencies at which maxima occur in the candidate list of
endurance test frequencies if the impact on functional/structural performance cannot be established.
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f. Examine the remaining maxima for classic signs of resonance (i.e., a moderate to rapid increase in
transmissibility to the peak followed by a moderate to rapid decrease in the transmissibility with increasing
frequency after the peak suggests that a response prominence may exist in this region) and include any
maxima that exhibit these characteristics in the candidate list of endurance test frequencies.
A.2.3 Selecting endurance test frequencies.
A.2.3.1 Non-response prominence frequencies where functional or structural integrity is affected. Include in
the list of endurance test frequencies, any frequency at which a structural, functional, mechanical, or electrical
anomaly has occurred (if permitted by the acceptance criteria (see 5.1.1 and 6.2.f(1))). Examples of these
manifestations could be unexpected switch closures, unexpected changes in pressure or flow, variations in voltage,
current, etc. The frequencies where any minor impairment of function occurs which does not warrant interruption of
testing to develop a fix must also be included in the list of endurance test frequencies.
A.2.3.2 Frequencies where response prominences have been identified. Components may contain many parts
and subassemblies that can resonate. Some components may have nonlinear characteristics such as clearances
between parts or equipment mounted on isolation mounts. Therefore, the amplitude of excitation may be important
relative to identifying response prominences for these components. Input amplitude dependent response
prominences may potentially be the same overall resonance rather than different ones. In light of this potential,
unusual test results, such as uncovering response prominences during variable frequency testing that were not
uncovered during exploratory testing, need to be thoroughly investigated to not only try and determine the cause of
the response prominence but to ascertain whether the response prominence is unique or part of another response
prominence. Criteria for selecting response prominences for endurance testing is as follows:
a. A transmissibility greater than 1.5 at any measurement location is sufficient to classify a maximum as a
response prominence and include the corresponding frequency in the list of endurance test frequencies.
However, the converse is not necessarily true, i.e., a response prominence whose transmissibility is less
than 1.5 cannot be excluded solely on the magnitude of the transmissibility. Possible explanations as to
why transmissibility maxima of magnitudes less than 1.5 may still represent real response prominences are:
(1) The transducer may not be at the point of maximum response. If probing or some other means cannot
be employed to locate the point of maximum response (e.g., due to inaccessibility), then all maxima
displaying the classic characteristics of a resonance which cannot be attributed to instrumentation or
numerical error must be identified as response prominences and their frequencies included in the list of
endurance test frequencies.
(2) The transducer may be at or near a response node point (location of minimal or low response in a
vibration mode) at that frequency. The location of node points (as well as the locations of maximum
response) can change location as changes in the drive frequency excite different modes of vibration.
(3) The mass of the part and the amplitude of vibration of the mass that is in maximum response are not
large enough to generate the forces necessary to cause structural responses of large enough magnitude
at the location of the transducer.
(4) The driving frequency is not exactly at the resonant frequency, thus the peak response is not obtained.
b. Without further investigation, the existence of a response prominence for the remaining maxima cannot be
confirmed nor the possibility of the existence of a response prominence excluded. If practical, an attempt
should be made to obtain further information to resolve this issue by probing for the maximum response
location with movable transducers, listening, visually locating or feeling for the maximum response points.
c. If it can be shown that response prominences uncovered do not compromise equipment
structural/functional integrity, then these response prominences do not have to be included in the endurance
test. Justification should be provided in the test report as to why these response prominences have been
excluded from endurance testing.
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A.2.4 Guidance for specifiers. Carefully determine all functions of the equipment, which must be preserved
under normal shipboard vibration. Determine the functional requirements that must be met during the vibration tests
including the appropriate test acceptance criteria and include them in the procurement documents. A careful and
thorough evaluation of the functional requirements will significantly reduce the potential for problems, define the
basis for instrumentation selection and placement, and help in the interpretation of test results.
If possible, determine how and where to instrument the test article based on the functional requirements and
expected responses or consider requiring the vendor to make this determination. If an area of concern cannot be
directly instrumented, consider instrumenting to find alternate manifestations of this area of concern (e.g., voltage
fluctuations, pressure variations, noise, contact closures). While analyses of the test and test equipment (if
performed) can provide insights into possible test responses of some equipment, often neither extensive nor
complicated analyses are needed and common sense alone can often be used to establish reasonable locations of
instrumentation if the functional requirements are well known.
If the test vendor will determine the instrumentation scheme, depending on the equipment, consider requesting
the instrumentation scheme for information or approval.
Depending on the equipment, consider requiring prior approval of frequencies used for endurance testing.
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Navy – OS
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