Leak Index Customization - Apergy
Leak Index Customization - Apergy
Leak Index Customization - Apergy
When is it appropriate to adjust?
– Smoothing Factor
– Leak Index Window
– Sensitivity
Considerations when making adjustments
The Leak Index is a proprietary feature of Windrock software that provides the user with
an automated diagnosis of leakage within a compressor cylinder.
The Leak Index is able to identify valve leakage, both suction and discharge, as well as
packing and ring leakage.
In addition to finding the fault, Leak Index assigns a severity level to the problem and
gives a visual reference of the leak path.
The Leak Index compares the gas mass quantity in the cylinder at multiple pressure
points during compression and expansion. If there is no recirculation, the mass quantity
will be the same.
If there is a discharge leak, the mass quantity will increase as the gas is compressed.
If there is a suction or packing leak, the mass quantity will decrease.
By comparing the mass quantity at multiple pressure points along the PV curve, we can
plot out and create a Leak Index percentage change.
If there is a discharge leak, the mass quantity will increase as the gas is compressed.
If there is a suction or packing leak, the mass quantity will decrease.
In this discharge leak example, the line is sloping upward, indicating the mass quantity
of gas increasing during compression.
In an ideal cylinder with no leaks, the mass would be constant throughout the cycle,
displaying a straight flat line.
The mass quantity changes by 8.8% in each direction (17.6% total).
In this suction leak example, the slope of this line is going down, indicating the mass
quantity of gas is decreasing during compression.
The mass quantity changes by 6.1% in each direction (12.2% total).
In this ring leakage example, the slope of the line is rounded, which is an indication of a
ring leak.
The mass quantity of gas is first increasing but, as the differential pressure changes
between head-end and crank-end, the Leak Index curve begins to go down.
When you need to fine tune the Leak Index to better reflect the data. Data needs to
make sense!
Compressor has excessive channel resonance or pulsation.
Pulsation issues are causing incorrect toe point (terminal pressure) picks.
When the unit operating conditions need to be accommodated.
Generally, the smoothing factor in the Leak Index should be adjusted to reflect the
Machine Smoothing applied to the unit pressures.
The smoothing factor in the Leak Index should be adjusted to reflect the Machine
Smoothing applied to the unit pressures.
There are multiple ways to access the Machine
smoothing factors.
This example has the default smoothing factor of 6 set in the Leak Index.
Leak Index indicating a suction leak.
Smoothing factor in the Leak Index can be higher than the Machine smoothing if
pulsations are affecting the Leak Index calculations.
The Leak Index normally evaluates from 3% above the suction toe pressure to 9%
below the discharge toe pressure.
The starting points can be moved further from the pressure toe points if pulsation is
affecting the toe point picks for the Leak Index.
9% Below
3% Above
The starting points can be moved further from the pressure toe points if pulsation is
affecting the toe point picks for the Leak Index.
The head end Leak Index graph is indicating a slight discharge leak due to the pulsation
3% above the suction toe pressure.
The starting points can be moved further from the pressure toe points if pulsation is
affecting the toe point picks for the Leak Index.
The Leak Index has been adjusted to 6% above the suction toe pressure to reduce the
effects from the resonance.
The Leak Index is indicating a ring leak on the head end. From the PV and calculations
box, we can see the crank end discharge leak clearly.
Slightly lowering the sensitivity in the Leak Index allows the software to make a more
reasonable call about the severity of the leak.
When making adjustments, the data needs to make sense!
If needed, the Leak Index smoothing factor can be raised higher than the Machine
smoothing setting to compensate for pulsation.