Windrock Calculations
Windrock Calculations
Windrock Calculations
Compressor Geometry
Connection Rod Length
Rod diameter
Force = Pressure * Area
Example: 140 psi * (142 * Pi/4) = 140 * 153.9 = 21,546 pounds
Theoretical Temperature
Calculated from suction temperature, k
value and compression ratio.
T2 = ((T1+460)*R^((K-1)/K))-460
T2 = Theoretical discharge temperature
T1 = Beginning temperature (F)
R = Absolute compression ratio
K = Ratio of specific heats
Capacity (mmscfd)
Flow Balance
The calculated suction flow rate divided by
the calculated discharge flow rate.
A result greater than 1.0 indicates gas
leaking out of the cylinder into a low
pressure area.
A result less than 1.0 indicates gas leaking
into the cylinder from a high pressure