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Water Utility Experience

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ARMS Reliability

6-8 Sinclair St Water Utility Experience
Ocean Grove VIC 3226
Ph: +61 3 5255 5357
ARMS Reliability have had a great deal of
Fax: +61 3 5255 5778
ARMS Reliability
success with water utilities improving their
6-8 Sinclair St asset management strategies and reliability
USA Grove VIC 3226
Ph: Steck Ave 5357
3 5255
Suite A120
Fax: +61 3 5255 5778
Austin TX
The combination of professional consulting
P: 512 795 5291
USA services coupled with powerful Reliability
8310 N Capital of Texas Hwy
Suite #190 Software from Isograph© has delivered
Austin, TX 78731 business goals to the following companies
South East Water

Reliability modelling of Water

Pumping Stations:

South East Water own, operate and maintain a total of The RCM (Reliability Centred Maintenance) analysis
79 water pumping stations, consisting of 167 pumps and undertaken aimed to quantify the monetary impact associated
associated equipment. with replacing/not replacing plant and equipment at
various sewage treatment facilities that is deemed to be
reaching the end of its economic life cycle due to rising
The objectives of this study were; maintenance requirements.
• Evaluate the cost benefit associated with current
maintenance practices Comparisons were made using plant upgrade scenarios with
consideration being taken for maintenance costs and the cost
• Determine the optimum age to replace major
of risk (public image, EPA fines etc) only.
capital expenditure items
• Pumps
The assessment of RCMCost is based on plant failure
• Generate a 10 year budget prediction for frequencies that have been determined using data from the
• Capital Mainpac CMMS (Computerised Maintenance Management
• Scheduled Maintenance System) and data from equipment suppliers.
• Unscheduled Maintenance
The work history available from the Mainpac CMMS covers
a period of six years and details all works
The sewer pumping stations were grouped into categories
performed by Siemens (the maintenance contractor)
to reflect the common configurations. Each individual
at the sewage treatment station in question.
pumping station was then assigned a category in order
to develop a reliability model containing the entire
Ongoing Support
population of sewer pumping stations.
SEW continue to utilize the RCMCost and AvSim+ software
programs to review and optimise their maintenance and then
RCM Analysis of Water Treatment Plant:
evaluate system performance.
Quantifying the monetary impact associated
with replacing / not replacing plant and ARMS provide ongoing support to the SEW organisation
equipment at various sites ranging from model refinement, annual budget predictions
and data analysis.

“SEW continue to utilize the RCMCost

and AvSim+ software programs to review
and optimise their maintenance...”

Sewer Pump Station Models

ARMS Reliability were engaged by Watercare Services Limited Water Treatment Plant System
to undertake a RAMS analysis of Sewer Pump Stations which Availability model
would address the dominant failure and provide an effective ARMS Reliability were engaged by Watercare Services Limited
maintenance plan and generate budget and performance to undertake an Availability analysis of a water treatment
predictions. plant which would predict system performance on the basis of
maintenance plans derived.

The pump stations completed were: The model also identifies critical items within
• DPS016 - a large critical station the treatment plant which may be targeted for
• DPS015 - a medium sized medium criticality station
• DPS012 - a small sized low criticality station

Water Pipe Network Criticality Model

The approach taken for this analysis was to build a Failure Mode
ARMS Reliability were engaged by Watercare Services Limited
Effect and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) model that represented
to undertake a high level criticality model of their entire water
the likely failure modes, provides an assessment of the Effects of
pipe network including dams, reservoirs and treatment plants.
Failure, and to allow the most effective maintenance tasks to be
This was a Reliability Block Diagram model which generated
chosen. Once the maintenance tasks were chosen, the information
a criticality ranking of elements within the network in order to
was loaded into an Availability model so that the predicted spares
assist long term asset planning.
can be generated. These models were used as templates to allow
rapid building of stations across the network.
Ongoing Support
Watercare continue to utilize the RCMCost and AvSim+ software
Water Pump Station Models
programs to review and optimise their maintenance and
ARMS Reliability were engaged by Watercare Services Limited
then evaluate system performance. ARMS provide ongoing
to undertake a RAMS analysis of Sewer Pump Stations which
support to the Watercare organisation ranging from periodic
would address the dominant failure modes and provide
support meetings, remote model review rapid model building,
an effective maintenance plan and generate budget and
and training.
performance predictions.

“A Reliability Block Diagram based

criticality model generated a criticality
ranking of elements within the network in
order to assist long term asset planning.”

Water Utility Experience
Sydney Water
ARMS Reliability were engaged by Sydney Water for a period of 18
months and had an engineer embedded to improve the capability of the
reliability team. During this period, we completed complete maintenance
strategy development and availability modeling project work as
well as training staff in Availability Workbench in RCMCost and
AvSim Modules.

With this mentored, structured approach to improving their internal

capabilities, not only were many modeling projects completed but also
the Sydney Water team were left with the knowledge to maintain and
develop their own models.

Goulburn Murray Water

ARMS Reliability were engaged by the Water for Rivers organisation to
undertake a RAMS analysis of Flume Gates and develop an effective
maintenance plan. GMW recently purchased the Maximo portal in
Availability Workbench which is being used to download data into RCMCost
and AvSim to complete budget predictions for the coming years

SA Water
Over the years we have completed many projects for SA Water. These
projects have included reliability modeling for the Heathfield Wastewater
Treatment plan using RCMCost, performing FMEA analysis and developing
hierarchies based on process & function.
We have also completed a generic water pump station model
with good practices which has been used as a base for other
pumping stations

Brisbane Water
Brisbane Water engaged ARMS Reliability to build a Failure Modes and
Effects (FMEA) based model to review/develop and optimise maintenance
strategies, and then constructing a Reliability Block Diagram (RBD) based
Availability model to determine availability of the Sewer Pump Control
System. Brisbane Water has also purchased Availability Workbench
RCMCost & AvSim Modules to support and monitor the maintenance
improvement initiatives.

BHP Nickel Ravensthorpe

Develop Reliability based maintenance plans, work instructions and
spares recommendations for new desalination plant.


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