Grid Connection Procedure - GETCO
Grid Connection Procedure - GETCO
Grid Connection Procedure - GETCO
1.1 This procedure provides guidelines for grid connection to intra state network
applicable to long term open access users including generating &
Distribution Company before commencement of long term open access.
1.2 The procedure prepare for providing grid connection to intra state network
as per prevailing regulation issued by GERC i.e. provision 10(iii) of “Open
Access in Intra-state Transmission and Distribution regulation 2005’ and
provision 3 of “Levy and Collection of Fees and Charges by SLDC
Regulations, 2005”
2.1 All long term open access users or users running in parallel with system are
obtaining approval for connectivity to intra state network under connectivity
condition of State Grid Code or prevailing regulation from State
Transmission Utility.
2.2 An intending grid user has supposed to compliance all terms and condition
mentioned there under in approval given by STU and obtained certificate for
confirmation from respective STU.
2.3 The user who have obtained approval for connectivity to intra state network
and complied all conditions of approval as per connectivity procedure
stipulated in State Grid Code are eligible for connection to grid. The
procedure followed thereafter, from application to grid by intending user
and releasing grid connection, shall be exercised by SLDC.
(i) Generating companies and licensees requiring long term access to the
grid shall submit an application to the SLDC in the specified format at
least one month before the proposed date of connection to the State grid,
along with fee of Rs. 10,000.00 ( Rupees ten thousands only). The
existing licensees and generating companies shall register themselves
with SLDC by filing an application along with above mentioned fees.
(ii) The SLDC, after scrutinizing the application and after being satisfied of
the completeness and correctness of the information furnished in the
application, shall register the application in SLDC records duly intimating
the applicant regarding the acceptance of the same.
(i) A long term open access user shall entire into Bulk Power
Transmission/Distribution capacity agreement with the
transmission/distribution licensee. An open access user shall enter into
commercial agreements with the transmission and distribution licensees,
for use of their transmission and distribution systems.
(ii) The agreement shall provide, amongst other things for the eventuality of
premature termination of agreement and its consequences on the
contracting parties.
(iii) After agreements have been entered into and copies furnished to State
Load Dispatch Centre, the State Load Dispatch Centre shall inform the
open access user the date from which open access will be available
which will not be later than 3 days from the date of furnishing of
2.7 In case there is a change in status of network, which was existed during
permission granted for grid connection by SLDC, shall also be updated to
SLDC and obtain fresh permission for grid connection.
2.9 SLDC may change, modify procedure for providing grid connection. SLDC
shall inform such changes in procedure to GERC for conformity and
circulated to all users and published on our website.
3.2 The application shall contain non refundable application fee of Rs.10,
000.00 (Rupees ten thousands only) in the favor of Chief Engineer, SLDC,
GETCO, Gotri as a grid connection fees. The application received date
shall be consider from date of payments of application fee. Any delay due
to postal or clearance in bank etc. for which SLDC shall not be
3.3 SLDC shall scrutinize the application, verify completeness and correction
of information as above, shall register application and give
acknowledgement of application.
4.1 The relevant documents and details as per prescribed check list is to be
made available to SLDC along with application. The check list provides
generalized documents but there may be exception based on case to case
for which SLDC may require additional information. Applicant has to
provide such information in reasonable time period.
4.2 Generating Companies has to furnished details and copies of bulk Power
Purchase Agreement (PPA) duly signed by its beneficiaries as per clause 10
of GERC regulation 13 of 2005. Based on BPPA, generating companies
shall derived allocation in percentage to its beneficiaries ( up to 4 digit
accuracy after decimal point ), single figure for entire day without
discriminating peak or off peak etc.
4.4 Licensee and Generating companies intend to get grid connection has to
furnished details and copies of Bulk power transmission agreement (BPTA)
to SLDC along with relevant transmission scheme approved by appropriate
commission irrespective of dedicated lines or system strengthening
4.5 Generating companies or licensee shall arrange to carry out system study
with connectivity of adjoining network clearly specifying period for which
study carried out with underlying assumption. Such system study is
provided by STU (GETCO) or respective RLDC on payment basis. It is
crucial for SLDC to ascertain deviation in assumption consider during
system study and real time parameters, in order to determine suitable
period/date for providing grid connection, after ensuring reliable and
secure operation. Copy of system study carried out is to be submitted
along with application.
4.6 Intending grid user, Generating companies or licensee, has to arrange data
communication facility to SLDC for real time monitoring and controlling as
per requirement of SLDC well in advance as per State Grid Code. The data
communication to SLDC is important for system operation, and same shall
be tested and obtain satisfactory certificate from SLDC in one month
advance before application of grid connection. Same is to be submitted
with application.
4.7 Generating companies & licensees has to approach SLDC with Stage wise
planning of non commercial and commercial operation, schematic network
with clear demarcation of interface points for deciding scheduling,
metering and energy accounting scheme. Single line diagram for each
stage wise planning to be submitted along with application.
4.8 As per para (ix), concerned generating companies & licensees shall
complete this exercise well in advance and obtain confirmation of
scheduling, metering and accounting scheme from SLDC which is to be
jointly agreed by all stakeholders. Meters are to be installed by respective
agencies as per metering scheme prepared by SLDC. In Gujarat, Hon’ble
commission has directed GETCO to provide meter, hence metering scheme
finalized shall be installed by generating companies or distribution
licensee in consultation with GETCO. Joint Minutes indicating
confirmation of each concerned parties is to be submitted along with
4.10 Distribution licensee has to set up their independent control centre for
exercising their role of grid user, with real time data availability for taking
necessary action in maintaining grid, demand side management and for
single point communication with SLDC.
4.12 The Co generating Plant has to apply for grid connection as per procedure
mentioned for generating station. However they have to indicate allocation
to their own company, mentioning at same place (without injecting grid)
and quantum of MW to be injected into network.
5.2 SLDC shall ensure the metering accounting, conduct meeting if necessary
with concerned stakeholders for role to play by each individual and verify
application, verify completeness and correction of information as above,
shall register application and give confirmation of acceptance to associated
5.3 The evacuation network will be studied by SLDC and ensure that it is as
per approved planning. In case deviation from planning, during incomplete
network or partial installation, SLDC has to ensure availability of adequate
transmission capacity with necessary margin.
5.4 Based on current system behavior, SLDC will determine probable date for
commencement of grid connection looking to the system reliability
conditions after fulfillment of all requirement of SLDC. The date of
commencement for open access to be adhered by respective users and
change their planning accordingly.
5.5 SLDC will finally issue a commencement order for grid connection suitably
along with suitable notes as applicable to respective grid connection.
6.5 In such type of grid connection, part of information and procedure would be
covered while earlier connection to grid, SLDC will have to provide grid
connection for additional network or capacity only.
7.1 All existing grid users have to register with SLDC before 1st April’2009.
7.2 All New grid users have to register 45 days in advance before
No of points taped
Data communication
Date of Testing
Acceptance confirmation of
(iii) Details of voice communication
Mode of communication (PLCC/any other)
Type of communication (Dedicated/Interdependent)
Alternate Communication Channel1 Channel2 Channel3
General :
Name of Distribution Licensee :
Registered Address of Distribution Licensee :
Area of Supply of Distribution Licensee:
Approval obtained from various agencies
(Name /Reference)
(Name /Reference)
Legal/Regulatory cases related with approval
of distribution licensee
(Name/ Case No/Description of Subject)
(Name/ Case No/Description of Subject)
Proposed date of grid connection :
(A) Details of Distribution licensee
1. Details of connected load Category of consumers
1 2 3 4
Total Number
Connected Load (MW)
2. Details of Interface points Voltage Wise
( Voltage wise list to be attached )* 400KV 220KV 132KV 66KV
Permanent Address:
General :
Name of Transmission Licensee :
Registered Address of Transmission Licensee :
Area of Supply of Transmission Licensee:
Approval obtained from various agencies
(Name /Reference)
(Name /Reference)
Legal/Regulatory cases related with approval
of distribution licensee
(Name/ Case No/Description of Subject)
(Name/ Case No/Description of Subject)
Proposed date of grid connection :
(A) Details of Transmission licensee
1. Details of Reactors Installed Voltage Wise
( Voltage wise list to be attached )* 400KV 220KV 132KV 66KV