Waste Management 09
Waste Management 09
Waste Management 09
2009 – 2010
Antarctica New Zealand
Antarctica and the Southern Ocean: valued, protected, un-
Advancing appreciation, conservation and knowledge of
Antarctica and the Southern Ocean for the benefit of New
Zealand and the world community through leadership,
partnership and involvement in high quality Antarctica and
Southern Ocean-related activities.
We are a high performing organisation underpinned by a
culture of shared beliefs. These are:
We have an uncompromising commitment to each
other’s safety.
Feedback is actively encouraged and we will learn
from previous experiences to continuously improve
our performance.
We strive to deliver ever-improving value to our
Waste Management
ISSN 1177-4320
Printed August 2009
Chapter 5 Documentation
Chapter 7 Recyclables
Chapter 8 Hazardous Waste
Appendix I Antarc�ca New Zealand Waste Management Procedure
Appendix II Summary of waste handling and disposal
Appendix III Antarc�ca New Zealand Purchasing Guidelines
Appendix IV Christchurch City Recycling Directory
Appendix V Shipper’s Declara�on for Dangerous Goods Form
Appendix VI Antarc�ca New Zealand Asbestos Policy
List of Acronyms
1. Introduction
The purpose of this handbook is to provide Antarc�ca New Zealand staff with prac�cal
procedures for the handling, storage and disposal of waste in Antarc�ca and Christchurch. The
handbook is intended to aid in the planning of Antarc�ca New Zealand waste management
ac�vi�es and to provide a background to the Antarc�ca New Zealand waste management
The handbook covers the waste cycle from the point of genera�on, i.e. before items are sent to the
Antarc�c, to when they are returned to New Zealand as waste. Each waste category is treated
separately in the handbook reflec�ng the different handling and disposal measures required.
Strong emphasis is placed on waste minimisa�on strategies and the importance of correct
packaging and labelling of waste intended for return to New Zealand.
Antarc�ca New Zealand must comply with interna�onal regula�ons for waste management
agreed to by countries who have signed the Antarc�c Treaty. These agreements, principally
Annex III of the Protocol on Environmental Protec�on to the Antarc�c Treaty (the protocol), set
out specific rules for waste disposal and management and aim to ensure that the impacts of waste
ac�vi�es on the fragile Antarc�c environment are minimised. The protocol is enforced in New
Zealand legisla�on through the Antarc�ca (Environmental Protec�on) Act 1994.
Antarc�ca New Zealand is commi�ed to complying with the requirements of the protocol.
Current Antarc�ca New Zealand waste management procedures (set out in this handbook)
reflect this commitment. The successful implementa�on of Antarc�ca New Zealand’s waste
management procedures are dependent on persons in Antarc�ca and Christchurch following the
procedures in this handbook.
This handbook should be referred to by all persons involved in the handling, storage and disposal
of waste materials at Sco� Base, at Antarc�ca New Zealand field site s and in Christchurch.
Users should refer to the appropriate chapter of the handbook for the correct procedures to deal
with each type of waste generated in Antarc�ca. Specific procedures are set out for the
separa�on, handling, storage and disposal of the following waste types:
• recyclables
• hazardous waste (chemical and other)
• general waste
Antarc�ca New Zealand staff with responsibility for different aspects of the waste management
system are iden�fied in sec�on 2.2. Refer to this sec�on to determine your role in the Antarc�ca
New Zealand waste management system.
The handbook is to be reviewed annually at the comple�on of each summer season. Any
problems rela�ng to the day to day implementa�on of these procedures should be noted and
reported to Sco� Base Management or the Environmental Advisor, Christchurch. Users are
also asked to bring any errors, addi�ons or omissions in the handbook itself to the a�en�on
of the Environmental Advisor. Sugges�ons are welcome on ways to improve procedures or
this documenta�on.
2. Waste Management Procedures
Antarc�ca New Zealand has waste management procedures which set out the requirements for
waste handling, storage and disposal (refer Appendix I). Antarc�ca New Zealand’s overall policy
statement on waste management is:
Antarc�ca New Zealand will minimise, reuse and recycle waste generated by its
ac�vi�es as far as prac�cable and will ensure that waste is disposed of with minimal
environmental impacts. Waste management planning will examine the use, where
appropriate, of alterna�ve technologies, materials and disposal op�ons, and iden�fy
areas of past ac�vity which require future clean up and/or remedia�on.
Minimisa�on is the key means of reducing the logis�c and environmental impacts of waste. Once
waste is generated, however, an important basis for the procedures are the requirement to
separate wastes to allow appropriate handling and disposal. The main components of
the waste management system (procedures for which are detailed in this handbook) are
summarised below.
Waste separa�on
Hazardous – chemical Oil products Returned to New Zealand for
An�freeze appropriate disposal
Paint Products
Detergents, disinfectants, and
Compressed gas cylinders
Photo chemicals
Radioac�ve wastes
Human solid and liquid waste, and domes�c waste treated by the wastewater treatment plant at Sco� Base
Almost all wastes are returned to New Zealand each season by ship. At Sco� Base sewage and
grey water are treated using a fixed media biological system with UV steriliza�on, and
discharged into the sea. At coastal field sta�ons sewage and grey water are disposed of into the
The handling and disposal of different waste types is summarised in Appendix II.
The Manager Environment holds overall responsibility for Antarc�ca New Zealand’s waste
management. The Environmental Advisor is responsible for developing, monitoring and
reviewing the Waste Management Handbook, and for preparing reports for circula�on in
the annual Exchange of Informa�on under the Antarc�c Treaty. Implementa�on of the
waste management policy and procedures is the responsibility of the Antarc�c Support Group,
overseen by the Antarc�c Programme Manager.
Important: Although specific waste management responsibilies rest with parcular individuals
and posions, each person who produces waste of any kind must ensure the waste is clearly
idenfied before it is passed onwards to the next person.
Waste management responsibili�es – Antarc�ca New Zealand Christchurch Staff
Purchasing Officer Oversee and review Antarc�ca New Zealand purchasing lists,
ensuring that suppliers are aware of prohibited items and special
requirements. Introduce sustainable prac�ces in line with
Maintenance Engineer Plan for all field waste handling opera�ons including provision of
suitable waste containers and overseeing packing of waste for
return to New Zealand. Ongoing overview and management of
Sco� Base waste streams ensuring adequate resources are
available. Arranging disposal of human field/ sewage plant waste
in Christchurch through approved organiza�ons.
Logis�cs Officer Pack and dispatch Antarc�c cargo, receive all waste from
(Cargo) Antarc�ca and arrange for disposal in Christchurch a�er
appropriate approval has been given.
3. Waste Minimisation
The less waste Antarc�c ac�vi�es generate, the less waste there is to dispose of. Disposal of
Antarc�c wastes has both environmental and financial costs. By minimising the volume of waste
produced these costs can be reduced.
For waste minimisa�on to be effec�ve effort must be made in each of these three areas. Waste
minimisa�on should be a key considera�on in all areas of Antarc�ca New Zealand opera�ons,
from purchasing to packaging waste and cargo for return to New Zealand, as shown in the
diagram on the following page. This sec�on of the handbook sets out measures for waste
minimisa�on which apply across Antarc�ca New Zealand.
The following guidelines and procedures set out the prac�cal measures required to minimise
waste volumes.
Purchasing guidelines
Antarc�ca New Zealand has developed a set of guidelines to assist staff responsible
for purchasing materials that will be sent to Antarc�ca. The purchasing guidelines are set out in
full in Appendix III. The guidelines should be followed by the Purchasing Officer and any
other Antarc�ca New Zealand staff purchasing items to be sent to Antarc�ca, including all
category controllers.
Excessive packaging
Manufacturers product packaging is o�en excessive and not required. The Logis�cs Officer
(Cargo), where prac�cable, is to remove any packaging which is not required to transport the
goods to Antarc�ca.
At Sco� Base, the Cargo Handler is to use cardboard, bubble wrap and paper to pack cargo
for return to New Zealand. Use vermiculite for packing hazardous liquids only.
Reuse of materials
The reuse of materials is an effec�ve way to minimise the amount of waste produced.
Opportuni�es for reuse occur in most work areas. In par�cular the following measures should be
Recycling materials
Recycling involves separa�ng and collec�ng material which would otherwise join the general
waste stream so it can be reprocessed into other products. Antarc�ca New Zealand currently
recycles all metal, metal cans, aluminium cans, corrugated cardboard, mixed paper and card (not
contaminated with food), plas�c (all types including banding, courier bags, bo�les, polystyrene
etc). Refer to chapter 7 of this handbook for specific handling and transport procedures for
recyclable materials.
Purchasing in Christchurch
durable items
low packaging
low wastage
Cargo movements
resusable packaging
unnecessary packing removed
checking for prohibited items
returned to
NZ for
4. Prohibited Products
The following products are not to be posted, taken by any person or sent in any cargo to
The Purchasing Officer and category controllers are to ensure that none of these products are
purchased by Antarc�ca New Zealand for sending to Antarc�ca. Food items likely to carry soil
(e.g. vegetables) are to be washed and this requirement specified to the supplier.
The Logis�cs Officer (Cargo) is responsible for checking, as far as prac�cable, all southbound
cargo to ensure it does not contain prohibited products.
All Antarc�c personnel are to be informed of the prohibi�on on these products at pre-season
training and in informa�on sent out pre season, in an effort to ensure science and other event
cargo does not contain prohibited products.
The use of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and vermiculite products is to be discouraged except where
no prac�cable alterna�ve exists. The Antarc�ca New Zealand Purchasing Officer and category
controllers are to make every effort to ensure that the purchase of PVC products and
vermiculite packaging is minimised.
A permit is required by any person intending to take or send to Antarc�ca any of the following
any non-na�ve (non-indigenous) species of animal or plant (including seeds); and
any non-na�ve microorganism (including viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi and yeasts).
Applica�on to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to take these items to Antarc�ca should
be made as part of the annual Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment process via the
Antarc�ca New Zealand Environmental Advisor.
Any plant or animal for which an authorisa�on has been issued is to be removed from Antarc�ca
a�er use.
This sec�on does not apply to the importa�on of food into Antarc�ca provided that no live
animals are imported.
5. Documentation
All wastes intended for return to New Zealand must be adequately labelled and documented in
accordance with the following procedures. It is the responsibility of the Cargo Handler
(summer) and Field Support (winter) to ensure that all chemical or biological wastes are
correctly labelled and inventoried.
Important: The origin and identy of waste of any kind should always be known before it is
taken to, or accepted by, the Cargo Handler.
Correct, clear labelling is essenal for all waste returned to New Zealand. Remove ALL old
labels from triwalls, drums or waste containers or place new labels directly over the old ones.
Scky labels tend to come off metal containers, including drums. The contents and packing date
should therefore be clearly painted on these using stencils, spray paint or paint scks.
The movement of all Antarcca New Zealand cargo, including waste, is integrated with the
United States Antarcc Programme (USAP). Consult the cargo handler’s desk file for details on
filling out appropriate forms and general cargo handling procedures. The TCN (Transport
Control Number) must be included on all waste container labels.
The logiscs secon, Antarcca New Zealand Christchurch, receives all general waste returned
from Sco Base and arranges for its onward dispatch, disposal, recycling or reuse as appropri-
ate. All human, waste water treatment plant, food and food contaminated waste is shipped
directly to an MAF approved disposal organisaon from Antarcca. Containers are steam
cleaned before they are forwarded to the Antarcca NZ warehouse. It is essen�al that the
Logis�cs Sec�on is fully aware of the contents of all waste containers returned from
Antarc�ca. All waste cargo is to have a Packing Schedule aached giving details of its
contents and any special handling requirements.
Important: If at all unsure about the contents of any waste container intended for return to New
Zealand, ask the generator or originator of that waste for more details. This is parcularly
important for any waste that is hazardous or that requires special disposal and/or import
No waste item or container will be accepted for return to New Zealand if the exact nature of
the waste is unknown.
6. General Waste
General waste includes non-recyclable, non-hazardous solid wastes such as
non-recyclable paper and card, fabric, �mber and other miscellaneous items. All
general wastes are to be disposed of in black rubbish bags and in accordance
with the following procedures. All general waste is taken to landfill on return to
New Zealand.
Compactable items
Small, compactable items such as non-recyclable paper and card are to be placed in the
labelled rubbish bins and recycling sta�ons WASTE NON-RECYCLABLE around Sco� Base. This
waste is des�ned for landfill so take care to remove all recyclables.
Domes�cs are responsible for emptying the recycling sta�ons and bins in communal
areas. Occupants of sleeping rooms and the vehicle workshop are responsible for emptying
their own bins and bags into the appropriate container. Full bags are to be placed in the large
steel bin on the kitchen landing.
It is the responsibility of the Engineering Supervisor to ensure that general waste is taken from
the landing, compacted into bales, labelled GENERAL WASTE and loaded into the
shipping container designated for general waste.
Large items
Scrap �mber can be placed in the large steel bin outside the carpenter’s shop. Other bulky items
or equipment for which no further use can be found should be taken to the Cargo Handler.
Some equipment may be recyclable in Christchurch. Check the recycling directory in Appendix IV.
Contact the Logis�cs Sec�ons prior to shipping to allow arrangements to be made. Follow the
documenta�on procedures in Chapter 5.
General waste in the field is to be collected in double black bags. It is the responsibility of the
designated waste officer within each event to ensure that all waste types are separated, labelled
and deposited to the correct places at Sco� Base. General waste bags are to be placed in the
labelled cage in the waste handling facility on return to base.
7. Recyclables
Recyclables include all recyclable glass, scrap metal, metal cans, aluminium cans, corrugated
cardboard, newsprint paper and office paper. Recycling sta�ons have been placed at various
posi�ons around the base. There are a total of eight recycling sta�ons at Sco� Base.
All recyclables are to be disposed of in accordance with the procedures below.
All recyclables of the types listed above, generated at Sco� Base and in the field, are to be
returned to New Zealand for recycling. Collec�on points for recyclable waste are placed in the
following loca�ons, close to where the majority of recyclables are generated.
glass drum in kitchen, wine boxes in bar (sort by colour if possible remove
all corks, lids, and caps.
metal bin near garage
corrugated neatly fla�ened and �ed into bundles then taken directly
cardboard to the waste handling facility
mixed paper and card recycling sta�ons and boxes (includes newsprint and magazines)
one sided office paper in appropriate boxes in Hatherton Lab and Foyer (to be re-used for
notepaper and scrap paper)
plas�cs (all) bo�les and containers = rinsed, lids removed, fla�ened and taken
to appropriate recycling sta�ons
wrapping, banding, courier bags = remove all paper labels and also
metal buckles from banding and take to appropriate recycling
Double green rubbish bags are to be used for all recyclable waste returned from the field. It is the
choice of the party whether to separate the various recyclable types in the field or on return to
base, but the waste officer within each event is responsible for ensuring that they are separated
and taken directly to the correct collec�on point on base. Metal food cans must be washed before
placing in the appropriate recycling container.
General recyclable waste packing and labelling
Most recyclables are returned to New Zealand by ship. The Engineering Supervisor is responsible
for designa�ng a shipping container for recyclables and ensuring the recyclable wastes collected
around base are taken to the correct container and packed appropriately. The Cargo Handler
to be consulted for any unusual items, and is in charge of shipping documenta�on. Occasionally
shipments by air may be made. In the case of any movements by air, the Cargo Handler
responsible for receiving, packing, weighing, recording and storing the recyclable waste.
As far as prac�cable, separate triwalls should be used for different recyclable types, for example,
one each for, corrugated cardboard and newsprint. Bales of compacted cardboard, steel cans,
aluminum cans and full drums or bins of other recyclables can be loaded directly into containers.
Each triwall and drum is to be clearly labelled.
Bulky metal items can be transported separately and must be adequately labelled. Details rela�ng
to handling of each recyclable type are outlined in the sec�on below, and chapter 5 should be
consulted for instruc�ons on documenta�on for return to New Zealand.
Disposal in Christchurch
The Logis�cs Coordinator is responsible for coordina�ng the onward movement of all recyclable
materials in Christchurch. The waste minimisa�on directory provided in Appendix IV should be
consulted to locate reuse and recycling agencies in Christchurch.
7.2 Glass
Glass includes all waste bo�les and broken or disused glassware. All glass wastes
are to be placed in special bins (labelled) located outside the pantry area of the
kitchen. Wine bo�les in the bar should be separated by colour and placed back into
empty wine boxes.
Bo�les are to be taken to the waste handling facility or directly to the designated
container where they shall be returned to their boxes. Label boxes GLASS BOTTLES FOR
7.3 Metal cans
Metal cans include all empty steel food cans and fruit juice cans. Clean metal cans are
to be placed in the labelled bin located on the landing outside the mess.
All metal food cans must be washed to remove food residues. Cans are to have both
ends removed and be squashed before placing in the bin.
Bags containing metal cans are to be placed in bales and loaded into the shipping container
designated for recyclables, for return to New Zealand. Label bales METAL CANS .
Aluminium cans include all so� drink cans and beer cans. Aluminium cans are to be
crushed in the can crusher in the Sco� Base bar and placed in the bin beneath labelled
aluminium cans only . Domes�cs place bags of cans in the temporary storage cage
or container outside the bar, which the Base Engineer is responsible for emptying.
Bags containing aluminium cans are to be placed in bales and packed into the shipping container
designated for recyclables, for return to New Zealand. Label ALUMINIUM CANS .
Metal products include all waste steel, aluminium, �n, wire, empty aerosol cans, empty fuel
drums and other metal items generated at Sco� Base and in the field. Useable metal is to be
retained at Sco� Base for building or other construc�on projects as appropriate.
All metal wastes are to be placed in the large steel bin outside the garage for return to New
Zealand. Large, bulky items may be palle�sed separately and labelled SCRAP METAL FOR
Fuel drums no longer suitable for containing fuel are to be reused to transport wastes for return to
New Zealand where it is prac�cable and safe to do so. Any excess drums for return to New
Zealand, not suitable for use as waste containers, are to be fla�ened prior to transport.
7.6 Cardboard
Cardboard for recycling includes all corrugated cardboard boxes and other items.
Triwalls are not recyclable and are not to be included. Corrugated cardboard is to be
reused for packing wherever possible. Surplus cardboard is to be taken to the waste
handling facility, where the Base Engineer will load the fla�ened and �ed bundles
into a triwall. When full the triwall is loaded into a shipping container dedicated for
cardboard only. Triwalls should be labelled CARDBOARD .
7.7 Paper
Paper for recycling includes office paper, cardboard, envelopes, newsprint and
magazines. One sided office paper (which can be re-used for note pads etc) should be
placed in the appropriate boxes in the Hatherton Lab, the engineering area and in the
administra�on office.
The Domes�cs should periodically box up outdated newspapers and magazines for return to
New Zealand.
Full bags and boxes of paper should be clearly labelled and handed to the Base Engineer for
packing directly into triwalls in the recyclables shipping container. Triwalls should be
appropriately labelled, e.g., PAPER FOR RECYCLING .
Plas�cs should be taken to the recycling sta�ons and disposed of in Plas�c Containers 1 to 6 .
The domes�cs will collect the full bags from the recycling sta�ons and take them to Stg3 B waste
landing. All lids must be removed and disposed of in general waste. The Base Engineer will
collect the plas�cs from the Stg3 B waste landing and take them to the waste handling facility for
compac�ng and storage.
Surplus computers, instruments or communica�ons equipment for return to New Zealand may
contain internal ba�eries or radioac�ve components. Liaise with the Science Technicians for the
correct packing procedures for these items.
8. Hazardous waste
Hazardous wastes includes all fuel and oil products, oil spill wastes (eg soil, water and
absorbents), anfreeze, coolant, contaminated water, baeries, asbestos, aerosols, explosives, all
paint products, compressed gas cylinders, detergents, disinfectant and glue, mercury, radioacve
wastes and laboratory chemicals. Breakable items are also covered in this chapter.
Biohazardous wastes include human waste from the field, sanitary and medical waste. Sharps and
breakables are also considered hazardous. These are dealt with in chapter 9.
All hazardous waste is to be handled and disposed of in accordance with the procedures in the
following two chapters.
All hazardous waste, generated at Sco Base and in the field, is to be returned to New Zealand for
appropriate and safe disposal. The Cargo Handler is responsible for overseeing the storage,
packing, weighing, labelling, documentaon and shipment of all hazardous waste at Sco Base.
However, science personnel should be closely involved in correctly packaging any hazardous
waste they generate.
All hazardous waste is to be returned to New Zealand by ship. All triwalls, boxes and drums to
be used for packing hazardous waste must be in good condion. Hazardous substances with non
compable hazardous classes should never be mixed together in the same triwall, box or drum,
and in some cases not on the same aircra or in the same shipping container. Always refer to the
appropriate aircra and shipping instrucons.
Remove all old labels from hazardous waste containers i.e. totally remove markings or paint over.
Old labels and markings are not to be just crossed out.
Important: The packing and transport of hazardous waste is a specialist area. Refer to the
Cargo Handler at Sco� Base or the Logis�cs sec�on in Christchurch and specific shipping
documenta�on for packing requirements.
Air Transport
Preparing Hazardous Materials for Military Air Shipments and the IATA Manual
Sea Transport
The Interna�onal Mari�me Dangerous Goods Code for Shipment by Sea (IMDGS)
All hazardous cargo for return to New Zealand must be idenfied, packed (unsealed) and made
ready for the United States Hazardous Team inspecon and cerficaon. A Shipper’s
Declara�on for Dangerous Goods form (refer Appendix V) must be raised for all hazardous
items transported by air and sea. In addion Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all
hazardous wastes intended for return to New Zealand must be included with all documentaon.
A set of MSDS is available at Sco Base from the Engineering Manager.
For advice and opera�on of these procedures the Cargo Handler is to maintain a close liaison
with the USAP Hazardous Department located at McMurdo Sta�on.
Note: Only authorised personnel are able to cer�fy the dangerous goods form. This person will
usually be the Sco� Base Cargo Handler or from USAP. It is therefore essen�al that the
hazardous team at McMurdo is contacted BEFORE a�emp�ng to ship any hazardous waste
Refer to the Cargo Handler’s desk file for specific procedures and contacts at McMurdo Sta�on.
It is essen�al that introduc�ons are made with US personnel during the winter to
summer handover period.
Disposal in Christchurch
Some contacts for oil products and hazardous wastes are provided in the CCC Recycling Directory
in Appendix IV. A list of current hazardous waste disposal firms is to be kept and updated by the
Logis�cs Coordinator
Oil products include waste JP8 (also known as AN8), mogas, kerosene, engine oil, lubricants, any
soil or water (requires MAF cer�ficates) containing oil products, waste oily rags and used oil
Waste oil products are to be collected in appropriately labelled drums stored in the connex box
outside the garage. At a minimum, they should be separated into:
Waste oil
Other categories may also be necessary, and different types of substances should under no
circumstances be mixed together. Drums should never be filled right to the top, as temperature
changes may cause expansion of liquids - leave 100mm ullage. For return to New Zealand they
should be strapped together on a palle� and placed in a shipping container (this is considered
secondary containment and no overpacking of drums is required). The Engineering Supervisor is
responsible for overseeing the collec�on of waste oil products.
Oily rags are to be placed in an overpack drum, located in the garage. Drums of oily rags are to
be labelled WASTE OILY RAGS FOR DISPOSAL for return to New Zealand.
Used oil filters are to be placed in an overpack drum, located in the container outside the
garage. Drums of oil filters are to be labelled WASTE FILTERS FOR DISPOSAL .
Soil and water contaminated with oil products is to be returned to New Zealand in overpack
drums, clearly labelled.
Important: It is essen�al that the Antarc�ca New Zealand Logis�cs Coordinator is advised of any
soil or water for return BEFORE transport to New Zealand, to allow appropriate MAF import
permits to be acquired.
8.3 Antifreeze
All waste anfreeze is to be returned to New Zealand in labelled drums. Label drums WASTE
8.4 Batteries
All waste baeries are to be returned to New Zealand. Baeries must be separated into three
categories for correct packing and transport: lead acid; lithium; and other dry cell baeries.
Dry cell baeries are collected in the recycling unit located in the dining room
and Telecom room. With the excepon of lithium baeries, all other baery types
can be mixed for transport. Tape the terminals of all lithium baeries before
packing and transport. Baeries are to be packed into a special purpose plasc
baery dispatch boxes. Label DRY CELL BATTERIES .
Lead acid baeries are used in vehicles at Sco Base and contain sulphuric acid. The baeries
are recycled in New Zealand. Baeries are to be taken to the Cargo Handler for correct
packaging and shipment. The following procedures are to be used when handling and
transporng spent lead acid baeries:
8.5 Asbestos
All waste asbestos is to be returned to New Zealand for correct disposal. When working with
asbestos, all staff must follow the procedures laid out in the Antarc�ca New Zealand Asbestos
Policy (refer Appendix VI).
All asbestos waste is to be double-bagged in heavy duty plas�c bags and clearly marked as
asbestos. Any asbestos wastes which are too large for bagging are to be carefully wrapped in
plas�c shee�ng and sealed. Label ’WASTE ASBESTOS’.
The Logis�cs Coordinator in Christchurch should be contacted before any asbestos is shipped.
8.6 Aerosols
Damaged or partly used aerosols are to be returned to New Zealand for disposal. Label WASTE
Follow the procedures outlined in 9.1 for specific packing, labelling and shipping requirements.
8.7 Explosives
Surplus explosives are NOT to be returned to New Zealand unless they are accompanying a
science event and are returned in the same year of transport to the Antarc�c. Surplus explosives
should be destroyed in a suitable loca�on by trained staff only. Consult the Programme Support
Supervisor before handling any explosives at Sco� Base.
Paint products include all paint, thinners, paint stripper and solvents used for cleaning. Consult
the Maintenance Engineer in Christchurch before returning any unwanted paint product to
New Zealand.
Leave all paint products in their original �ns or cans. Label WASTE PAINT , THINNER or
STRIPPER as appropriate.
Empty paint product �ns are to be le� to dry, fla�ened and treated as for other metal waste (refer
Used turps and solvents that can no longer be reused are to be stored in the labelled plas�c
containers in the paint storage DG cabinets beneath the Radial Arm Saw in the Carpenter s
workshop. Contaminated water from clean-up should also be collected here. Once full, the
container should be taken to the connex outside the garage, and poured into the drum designated
for solvents.
8.9 Detergents, disinfectants and glue
Detergents, disinfectants and glues may be required to be returned to New Zealand. Consult
the Purchasing Officer before returning any detergent, disinfectant or glue product to New
Leave all detergents, disinfectants and glue in their original bo�les or containers. Label WASTE
Follow the procedures outlined in 9.1 for specific packing, labelling and shipping requirements.
Empty plas�c bo�les or containers are to be washed and treated as for other plas�c waste (refer
sec�on 7.8). Empty glue �ns should be le� to dry, fla�ened and treated as small metal waste.
All used compressed gas cylinders are to be returned to New Zealand. Some cylinders are
required to be vented before transport. Antarc�ca New Zealand currently uses the following
cylinder types at Sco� Base and in the field:
carbon dioxide
calibra�on gases
LPG & propane
Never use oil or grease on the threads of regulators used on any compressed gas cylinder. All
cylinders being returned to New Zealand must have their screw-on caps securely fastened.
Follow the procedures outlined in 9.1 for specific packing, labelling and shipping requirements.
Surplus dry powder ex�nguishers should be dismantled and the nitrogen gas cartridge removed.
Empty any powder into a drum and mark as WASTE FIRE EXTINGUISHER POWDER .
(Waste powder is to be returned to New Zealand for training purposes). Empty ex�nguishers are
to be returned to New Zealand for hydrostat tes�ng and/or disposal by an appropriate contractor.
All gas cartridges are to be returned to New Zealand for refilling. Label COMPRESSED
Note: CO 2 ex�nguishers are to be returned to New Zealand for servicing including hydrostat
8.11 Mercury
Note: All waste mercury items are to be returned to New Zealand aboard the ship at the end of
season. Under no circumstances is waste mercury to be transported aboard aircra�.
Waste thermometers must not be broken but are to be returned to New Zealand complete. Label
Follow the procedures outlined in chapter 5 for specific packing, labelling and shipping
Science research ac�vi�es are the sole generator of radioac�ve waste in the New Zealand
programme. All radioac�ve waste must be returned to New Zealand for disposal.
All science personnel are to ensure that, if possible, any radioac�ve waste is returned to New
Zealand packaged in the same manner as it was transported from New Zealand.
8.13 Vermiculite
Vermiculite consists of flakes of silica and is used as a packaging material for hazardous
substances. The use of vermiculite in packaging sent to Antarc�ca is discouraged wherever
alterna�ves exist. Any waste vermiculite should be used where possible for repackaging
hazardous chemicals or waste for return to New Zealand. If it cannot be reused, it is to be
returned to New Zealand in a lined triwall marked WASTE VERMICULITE .
All waste chemicals are to be returned to New Zealand. No hazardous chemicals are to be
disposed of down sinks at Sco� Base including in the wet lab. The minimum quan��es of
chemicals are to be kept at Sco� Base. Science personnel are not to leave any chemicals at Sco�
Base at the comple�on of their event (unless par�cipa�ng in mul� year funded projects).
In general all unused chemicals are to be returned to New Zealand in their original containers, eg
glass or plas�c bo�les. Tops must be securely fastened and sealed using plas�c packing tape.
Heavy duty gloves, protec�ve clothing and eye protec�on are to be worn when handling chemical
8.15 Breakables
Breakables includes all non-recyclable glass (e.g. toughened and reinforced) and any other items
which may break into sharp pieces in transit. These items should be taken to the Cargo Handler
for packaging into an overpack drum and labelled for contents, e.g. NON RECYCLABLE GLASS
Important: Fluorescent tubes and lamps are not to be broken and are to be placed in their
original boxes. Tubes and lamps should be packed together in a spearate box labelled
WASTE FLUORESCENT TUBES and packed into a triwall. Fluorescent tubes should be recycled by
Interwaste on their return to New Zealand.
9. Biohazardous waste
Biohazardous waste includes all food and food contaminated waste, sanitary, medical and human
field waste. All such waste is to be handled and disposed of in accordance with the following
All bio-hazardous waste, generated at Sco� Base and in the field, is to be returned to New
Zealand for appropriate and safe disposal. The Engineering Supervisor is responsible for
designa�ng a shipping container (and/or other storage areas) for biohazardous waste and
ensuring that such waste is collected from around the base and taken to it. The Base
Engineer is responsible for overseeing the storage, packing, labelling, documen�ng and
shipment of all bio-hazardous waste at Sco� Base. Because of the health and safety risks for
staff handling this waste, it is cri�cal all personnel, whether on base or in the field, collect and
package their waste appropriately.
All biohazardous waste is to be returned to New Zealand by ship in clearly labelled, sealed
receptacles. As far as possible, all these wastes requiring specialist disposal on arrival in
Christchurch, should be packed together in a designated shipping container(s).
The Logis�cs Coordinator is responsible for ensuring all the biohazardous waste is transported
directly to the approved disposal agent on arrival.
Food waste includes all food scraps as well as liquids which cannot be rinsed down
drains, such as fluid from poultry products. Packaging and other compressible items
should be removed for compac�on (see 8.3).
Food waste is to be collected in the kitchen in bins lined with two blue bags. The
Domes�cs and the Chefs are to place full bags in the appropriately labelled bin or box on the
kitchen landing. The Base Engineer loads the full bin/box directly into the shipping container
designated for food contaminated waste.
In the field, any food wastes generated should be collected in double blue bags. Generally straight
food scraps are kept to a minimum in the field, so unless the scale of the field party is such that
separa�on is prac�cable, these can be mixed with the compactable items.
9.3 Food contaminated waste
Food contaminated waste includes all materials which may contain food, such as
packaging and servie�es. These are separated because they are compactable, unlike
straight food scraps with their very high moisture content.
Food contaminated waste is to be collected in labelled, blue bag lined bins in the
mess and the engineering offices, and from the recycling sta�ons - Food with Paper .
Occupants of sleeping rooms and other work areas are responsible for taking any food
contaminated waste to appropriate containers elsewhere on base.
The domes�cs are to take full food contaminated waste bags to the bins on the kitchen landing.
The Base Engineer is responsible for seeing that the bins are taken from there and the waste
compacted. Completed bales are to be labelled FOOD CONTAMINATED WASTE and loaded
into the designated shipping container.
In the field, any food contaminated wastes generated should be collected in double blue bags.
Generally straight food scraps are kept to a minimum in the field, so unless the scale of the field
party is such that separa�on is prac�cable, these can be mixed with the compactable items.
Medical waste includes any used medical materials and any medical sharps.
Safe disposal of medical wastes in the responsibility of the First Aid Officer at Sco� Base.
Used materials
All non-sharp used medical materials such as dressings, tongue compressors and swabs should be
placed directly into the yellow biohazard bag in the first aid room. When full, the bag should be
taken directly to the waste handling facility and placed into the labelled, plas�c lined box for this
purpose. Once full, the box is to be strapped, labelled MEDICAL WASTE and stacked directly
in the shipping container designatedfor biohazardous waste.
Medical sharps
All medical sharps such as used syringes, needles, and blades should be placed directly into the
sharps container supplied in the first aid room. Full containers should be taken to the waste
handling facility as for used materials.
All �me expired medical supplies should be packaged securely, labelled TIME EXPIRED
MEDICAL SUPPLIES and passed to the Cargo Handler for return to New Zealand.
9.6 Sanitary waste
Sanitary waste includes all used sanitary pads, tampons and condoms. Pads and
tampons should be placed directly into the marked bins in the women’s toilet
cubicles at Sco� Base (the Disbins) or put into bags in the field for return to Sco�
Base. Condoms should be disposed of in either the sanitary bin in the women’s
toilet, or in the biohazardous containers in the ablu�on areas, NOT in general
rubbish bags and NOT down the toilet.
It is the responsibility of the Domes�cs to remove the bags from the bins and place
them into yellow biohazard bags, which are to be taken to the waste handling
facility once full and placed in the appropriate box.
Science events using the wetlab may generate wastes contaminated with plant or animal products
or soil. The Science Technicians and Engineering Services personnel, in their rou�ne sewage
plant and water supply quality checks, will generate slides and petrie dishes with bacterial
colonies on them. None of these wastes should be placed in the general waste bags - a bin lined
with a yellow biohazard bag is provided in the wet lab for this purpose. Full bags should be taken
to the waste handling facility and placed in the marked box.
Human field waste includes urine, faeces and associated items generated away from Sco� Base.
In general, these are to be collected in lidded buckets and returned to Sco� Base and then New
Zealand for appropriate disposal in Christchurch.
The Field Support Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that field par�es are issued with the
equipment they require and that they are appropriately labelled and stored on return.
1. For field par�es working on or adjacent to the sea, sieved grey water and human waste may
be discharged unmacerated directly to the sea or seashore below the high water mark; and
2. On snow and ice covered areas, grey water and human waste may be discharged unmacerated
to an ice pit or crack but only when transport limita�ons prevent removal of such wastes to
Sco� Base. Grey water is to be strained before disposal to removed solids.
Human wastes and grey water are NOT to be disposed of in any ice free areas or in melt water
catchments or ice flows which terminate in ice free areas.
Return of human waste to Sco� Base
In all other cases, solid human waste, urine and grey water are to be returned to Sco� Base. They
are to be collected in lidded plas�c buckets.
Solid human waste is to be collected in 20 litre clip-top containers, and urine and grey water in 25
litre screw-top containers. (The clip top containers are not secure for liquids). Do NOT fill the
screw top containers beyond three quarter full with liquids, as freezing results in considerable
All buckets containing human wastes must be clearly labelled and stored at Sco� Base in the
refrigerated shipping container provided for return to New Zealand.
Important: A ny personnel working away from Sco� Base or their main camp (and toilet
facili�es) are to carry the appropriate containers to collect any human waste generated during the
Female urinary can be obtained from the clothing store in Christchurch, and sieves for
greywater and bo�les for collec�ng urine are available from the Field Support Coordinator at
Sco� Base.
Domes�c liquid waste includes grey water (domes�c waste water,) and human waste in the Sco�
Base sewage system.
Grey water
Grey water (domes�c waste water) is to be combined with human waste from Sco� Base, treated
and discharged into the sea at Pram Point.
Important: Due to the risk of introducing diseases to wildlife, no poultry products are to be
disposed of into the Antarc�c environment. Care should be taken during food prepara�on
(including thawing and draining) to prevent any poultry wastes (including egg, fluid, bone or
skin) from being washed down the sink or into the in sinkerator unit in the Sco� Base kitchen.
All poultry wastes are to be put into the food waste stream.
All human waste (solid and liquid) is to be combined with domes�c grey water, treated and
discharged into the sea at Pram Point.
9.10 Cape Bird
Grey water
Grey water is to be sieved and discharged directly into the sea below the high water mark.
For procedures for human wastes in the field, see sec�on 9.8.
Enviromental Procedures
Purpose Antarc�ca New Zealand will minimise, reuse and recyclewaste generated by its
ac�vi�es as far as prac�cable and will ensure that waste is disposed of with
minimal environmental impacts. Waste management planning will examine the
use, where appropriate, of alterna�ve technologies, materials and disposal
op�ons, and iden�fy areas of past ac�vity, which require future cleanup and/or
remedia�on.All wastes are to be handled and disposed of in accordance with the
following Antarc�ca New Zealand Waste Management Procedures. Prac�cal
measures for the implementa�on of the Procedures are set out in the Antarc�ca
New Zealand Waste Management Handbook.
Treaty Antarc�c Treaty Recommenda�on XV-3 sets out agreed prac�ces regarding
Obliga�ons waste management planning and disposal, and procedures for implemen�ng
them. Annex III to the Protocol on Environmental Protec�on to the
Antarc�c Treaty (the protocol) provides addi�onal measures for waste
management in Antarc�ca. These measures are legally binding under the
Antarc�ca (Environmental Protec�on) Act 1994.
Waste The Antarc�ca New Zealand Manager Environment is responsible for develop-
Management ing, implemen�ng and monitoring the Waste Management Procedures.
Planning Antarc�ca New Zealand staff and all Antarc�c personnel are to be given training
in environmental and waste management procedures. At Sco� Base, the Sco�
Base Coordinator has responsibility for implementa�on of the Waste Manage-
ment Procedures.
Prohibited The protocol prohibits some products from being sent to the Antarc�c
Materials because of their possible adverse environmental impact. These are:
poly chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs);
non-sterile soil;
polystyrene beads, chips or similar forms of packaging; and
pes�cides (other than those required for scien�fic, medical or hygiene
Waste Wastes in Antarc�ca are to be separated into our categories for handling and
Separa�on disposal.
R ev i ew ed b y: N ei l G i l b er t
(Environmental Manager)
General waste
Types Collection Handling Storage & transport
non-recyclable paper and card small green boxes around base Domestics empty green boxes into Engineer takes full steel bins to
fabric black bags the handling facility and compacts
miscellaneous non-recyclable, waste. Bales loaded loose into the
non-hazardous items bulky items to large bin on the shipping container designated for
Carpenter’s landing Vehicle workshop and bunkroom general waste.
occupants empty their own bins
Types Collection Handling Storage & transport
washed glass bin in kitchen, wine boxes in bar Engineer takes to waste handling
facility sorts colours into separate
glass bins.
washed steel cans bin in kitchen Chef places in steel bin outside
kitchen, Engineer takes to waste
handling facility when full and bales.
aluminium cans crusher in bar Domestic empties crusher and takes Engineer loads full containers, bales,
to container outside the bar and boxes into the shipping container
other metal large steel bin near garage - designated for recyclables
corrugated cardboard waste handling facility Base Engineer compacts
newsprint paper, magazines recycling station Domestic packs into boxes and takes
to Engineer
office paper – one sided boxes in office areas Domestic makes note blocks out of
the one sided paper. Reusable.
mixed paper and card recycling stations around base Full bags and boxes of paper should
be clearly labelled and handed to the
Engineer for packing directly
into triwalls in the recyclables shipping
all plastics (including clean 1-6, recycling stations around base Domestic takes full bags to Stage 3B
polystyrene, courier bags, plastic waste landing where Engineer
banding and wrap). will collect them and take them to
waste facility for compacting and
Hazardous waste
Types Collection Handling Storage & transport
oil and fuel products, antifreeze, labelled drums in connex box outside - Engineer ensures full drums are
coolants, lubricants garage clearly labelled, palletised and stored
oily rags, oil filters, oil contaminated labelled drums in garage - in turn-around container area
water or soil
dry cell batteries bins in dining room and Telecom Telecom technician sorts and Place in special purpose battery
room packages in accordance with dispatch box in turn-around container
handbook area
lead acid batteries Mechanic drains acid as set out in Battery casings stored and shipped in
the waste management handbook large yellow bunding near shipping
containers designated for waste.
asbestos, aerosols, explosives,
photochemicals, radioactive waste, Refer to detailed instructions in waste handbook and take to cargo handler for RTNZ
paint, cleaners, glue and other
food scraps (non-compactable) blue bag lined bin in kitchen Domestic or Chef puts bags into Engineer stores full boxes at turn-
appropriate bin/box on kitchen landing around container area until reefer is
food contaminated (compactable) blue bag lined bin in kitchen Domestic puts bags into appropriate Engineer takes full bin to handling
plastic bin on kitchen landing facility, compacts waste into labelled
bales and loads into shipping
container with other waste requiring
medical waste and sharps containers in first aid room Domestic takes full containers/bags
sanitary waste containers in women’s toilets direct to handling facility into special Engineer loads full boxes into
purpose boxes. shipping container with other waste
biological lab wastes yellow biohazard bag in wheelie bin in Engineer takes full bags direct to requiring sterilisation on arrival.
wetlab handling facility into special purpose
waste water treatment plant by bags and drums in plan - Engineer takes full bags direct to
products designated shipping container.
human field waste field parties return to FSC FSC packs into special purpose Engineer stores full boxes at turn-
boxes. around container area until reefer is
Titles in bold indicate responsibility for these tasks, but implementation may be delegated where appropriate.
Appendix III
Antarctica New Zealand Purchasing Guidelines
The following guidelines should be followed by the Antarc�ca New Zealand Purchasing
Officer and any other Antarc�ca New Zealand staff members purchasing items to be sent
to Antarc�ca. The guidelines have been developed in order for Antarc�ca New Zealand
to comply with its obliga�ons under the Protocol on Environmental Protec�on to the
Antarc�c Treaty (1991), domes�c law and to minimise the impact of waste management
ac�vi�es on the Antarc�c environment.
Basic Principle
Antarc�ca New Zealand’s Environmental Policy Statement sets out the basic principle under
which all purchasing should be conducted:
Antarc�ca New Zealand will aim to conduct its purchasing in a manner that contributes
to minimising the volume and impact of wastes produced including materials and supplies
which are recyclable or reusable or can be disposed of with minimal environmental
Prohibited Products
The following products and materials are not to be purchased or used by Antarc�ca New Zealand
if they are intended to be sent to Antarc�ca:
Addi�onal Considera�ons
The following guidelines relate generally to purchasing a variety of items for use at Sco� Base
and in the field:
order the maximum size prac�cable for bulk food items for use at Sco� Base;
select food packaging of various sizes, where appropriate, to help minimise food wastage;
minimise as far as prac�cable the purchase of items with plas�c, glass or bulky packaging;
select, where possible, materials which are easy to segregate, reuse or recycle;
buy durable products in preference to disposable ones;
always subs�tute items with less hazardous or less pollu�ng material; and
where available and prac�cable, purchase items made from recycled materials. Examples of
recycled products available in New Zealand include:
- office supplies
- plas�c products
- packaging material
- solvents
Useful resources
Appendix IV
Christchurch City Council Recycling Directory
This directory has been compiled to assist those wanting to reduce the cost of
waste disposal and reduce the amount of resources going to landfill. It contains
a list of businesses providing recycling services to companies in Christchurch.
You can download a copy of this directory from the Christchurch City Council's
web site at www.targetsustainability.co.nz
If your business offers a recycling or reuse service and you are not already
listed in the directory, or if you would like to update your current details in the
directory, please fill out the Service Provider form at
Table of Contents
Automotive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Cardboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Construction + Demolition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Electrical + Electrical Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Food . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Glass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Green Waste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Hazardous Waste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Metals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
Misc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Office Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Plastics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Textiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
Timber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
04/09/2007 09:06 Page 1 of 70
A-Z list of materials for reuse and recycling for Christchurch
04/09/2007 09:06 Page 2 of 70
EcoDepot - Parkhouse Road H
Open 7 days 7am to 4.30pm Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Day,
Good Friday, Anzac Day
Company phone: 03 941 7513
Email: info@ecodepot.co.nz
Web site: www.ecodepot.co.nz
Address: Parkhouse Road, Sockburn, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Automotive wastes accepted: Car Batteries, Oil, Tyres,
Other wastes accepted: All Cardboard, All Paper, Aluminium, Appliances, Cans,
Chemicals, Clothing, Computers, Garden Waste, Gas Cylinders, Glass, Grade 1 PET
(Poly Ethylene Terephthalate), Grade 2 HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene), Household
Items, Jars/Bottles, Paint, Paint, Rubble, Solvents, Steel, Super Market Bags, Tin,
Whiteware, Whiteware,
Drop off service available
04/09/2007 09:06 Page 3 of 70
ERS New Zealand Limited
Contact: Lindsay McCallum
Company phone: 03 384 2673
Email: lmccallum@environmentalrecovery.com
Web site: www.environmentalrecovery.com
Address: 15 Caerphilly Place, Woolston, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Automotive wastes accepted: Anti-Freeze, Oil,
Other wastes accepted: Antifreeze, Paint, Rags, Solvents,
Collection service available
Metalcorp NZ Ltd
Services provided: skips available, mobile shears, collection service and demolition
Contact: Korina Munro
Company phone: 0800 73 55 72
Email: korina@metalcorp.co.nz
Web site: www.metalcorp.co.nz
Address: 615 Halswell Junction Rd, Hornby, Christchurch
Automotive wastes accepted: Car Batteries, Radiators,
Other wastes accepted: All, Aluminium, Car Batteries, Circuit Board, Circuit Board,
Iron, Radiators, Stainless Steel, Whiteware,
Collection service available
04/09/2007 09:06 Page 4 of 70
Transpacific Technical Services (NZ) Ltd
Contact: David Warren
Company phone: 03-341-0943
Fax: 03-341-0944
Email: dwarren@transpac.co.nz
Address: 68-70 McAlpine Street, Sockburn, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Automotive wastes accepted: Car Batteries, Diesel, Oil, Petrol,
Other wastes accepted: Antifreeze, Batteries, Chemicals, Diesel, Fluorescent Tubes,
Fuels, Heavy Metals, Oil, Paint, Petrol, Rechargable Batteries, Solvents,
Collection service available
Drop off service available
Secure destruction and recycling of hazardous material and confidential paper
Contact: Derek Richardson
Company phone: 0800 102 131
Fax: 03 344 5005
Contact mobile: 021 678 045
Email: info@medichem.co.nz
Web site: www.interwaste.co.nz
Address: 57 Edmonton Road, Hornby, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Batteries wastes accepted: Rechargeable Batteries,
Other wastes accepted: All Paper, Confidential Paper, Copper, Dental Amalgam,
Fluorescent Tubes, Fluorescent Tubes, Medical Waste, Rechargeable Batteries,
Collection service available
Drop off service available
04/09/2007 09:06 Page 5 of 70
Metalcorp NZ Ltd
Services provided: skips available, mobile shears, collection service and demolition
Contact: Korina Munro
Company phone: 0800 73 55 72
Email: korina@metalcorp.co.nz
Web site: www.metalcorp.co.nz
Address: 615 Halswell Junction Rd, Hornby, Christchurch
Batteries wastes accepted: Car Batteries,
Other wastes accepted: All, Aluminium, Car Batteries, Circuit Board, Circuit Board,
Iron, Radiators, Radiators, Stainless Steel, Whiteware,
Collection service available
Mobilefone Repair.Com
Contact: Andrew Moore
Company phone: 0508 737 247
Email: enquiries.nz@mobilefonerepair.com
Web site: www.mobilefonerepair.com
Address: 81 Moorhouse Ave, Christchurch
Batteries wastes accepted: Mobile Phones,
Other wastes accepted: Batteries, Mobile Phones,
Drop off service available
Telecom H
Telecom mobile phones can be dropped off at Telecom stores and/or Telecom dealers
for recycling. Stores are listed in the yellow pages under Telecom stores and on
Telecom web site.
Company phone: 0800 651 000
Web site: www.telecom.co.nz/content/0,8748,175-202161,00.html
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Batteries wastes accepted: Mobile Phones,
Other wastes accepted: Mobile Phones, Mobile Phones,
Drop off service available
04/09/2007 09:06 Page 6 of 70
Vodafone H
Mobile phones, batteries, chargers can be dropped off at any Vodafone retail store or
posted freepost. For large quantities contact Vodafone for additional services
Company phone: 0800 800 021
Email: recycling.nz@vodafone.com
Web site:
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Batteries wastes accepted: Mobile Phones,
Other wastes accepted: Mobile Phones, Mobile Phones,
Drop off service available
04/09/2007 09:06 Page 7 of 70
EcoDepot - Parkhouse Road H
Open 7 days 7am to 4.30pm Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Day,
Good Friday, Anzac Day
Company phone: 03 941 7513
Email: info@ecodepot.co.nz
Web site: www.ecodepot.co.nz
Address: Parkhouse Road, Sockburn, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Cardboard wastes accepted: All Cardboard,
Other wastes accepted: All Paper, Aluminium, Appliances, Cans, Car Batteries,
Chemicals, Clothing, Computers, Garden Waste, Gas Cylinders, Glass, Grade 1 PET
(Poly Ethylene Terephthalate), Grade 2 HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene), Household
Items, Jars/Bottles, Oil, Paint, Paint, Rubble, Solvents, Steel, Super Market Bags, Tin,
Tyres, Whiteware, Whiteware,
Drop off service available
04/09/2007 09:06 Page 8 of 70
Fullcircle (Carter Holt Harvey)
Bin collection service. Free kerbside cardboard collection central city
Contact: Hugh MacEwan
Company phone: 0800 732 925
Contact mobile: 03 342 1003
Email: hugh.macewan@fullcircle.chh.com
Web site: www.fullcircle.org.nz
Address: 81 Buchanans Road, Sockburn, Christchurch
Cardboard wastes accepted: All Cardboard,
Other wastes accepted:
Collection service available
Junk Away H
Provide a collection service for recyclable materials
Contact: Fergus Beattie
Company phone: 0800 552 929
Contact mobile: 021 759 232
Email: fergus@junkaway.co.nz
Address: Woolston, Woolston, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Cardboard wastes accepted: All Cardboard,
Other wastes accepted: All Paper, Appliances, Garden Waste, Garden Waste, Timber,
Timber, Untreated Timber, Untreated Timber, Whiteware, Whiteware, Wood, Wood,
Collection service available
Provides bins, skips and trailers on site to collect recyclables
Contact: Trish Whitaker
Company phone: 0800 88 66 55
Email: twhitaker@mastagard.co.nz
Web site: www.mastagard.co.nz
Address: 21 Francella Street, Bromley, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Cardboard wastes accepted: All Cardboard,
Other wastes accepted: All Paper, Concrete, Glass, Grade 1 PET (Poly Ethylene
Terephthalate), Grade 2 HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene), Jars/Bottles,
Plasterboard, Plasterboard, Rubble, Stainless Steel, Steel, Timber, Timber, Treated
Timber, Treated Timber, Untreated Timber, Untreated Timber,
Collection service available
04/09/2007 09:06 Page 9 of 70
Mastagard Coleridge Recycling Ltd
Collectors and recyclers of paper and cardboard. This business has recently been sold
to Mastagard. Please refer to their listing
Contact: Trish Whitaker
Company phone: 03 384 2273
Fax: 03 384 2293
Contact mobile: 0800 22 66 55
Email: admin@coleridgepape.co.nz
Web site: www.coleridgepaper.co.nz
Address: 21 Francella Street, Bromley, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Cardboard wastes accepted: All Cardboard,
Other wastes accepted: All Paper,
Collection service available
Onyx NZ
Collects kerbside recycling on behalf of the Council
Contact: Grant Hopewell
Company phone: 03 374 3336
Fax: 03 374 3337
Email: ghopewell@onxygroup.co.nz
Web site: www.onyxgroup.co.nz
Address: 81 Buchanans Rd, Sockburn, Christchuch
Sectors: Commercial
Cardboard wastes accepted: All Cardboard,
Other wastes accepted: All Paper, Glass, Grade 1 PET (Poly Ethylene Terephthalate),
Grade 2 HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene), Jars/Bottles, Super Market Bags,
Collection service available
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Construction + Demolition
Crusader Gardenmakers H
Accept plasterboard for recycling
Company phone: 03 341 5688
Fax: 03 341 5687
Email: sales@gardenmakers.co.nz
Web site: www.woodsupplies.co.nz
Address: 4 Parkhouse Road, Sockburn, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Construction + Demolition wastes accepted: Plasterboard,
Other wastes accepted: Plasterboard,
Drop off service available
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Demolition Solutions Ltd
Specialising in the recovery of salvagable materials
Contact: Roy Sixtus
Company phone: 03 3544 925
Fax: 03 3544 915
Email: demosolutions@xtra.co.nz
Address: 3 Garlands Rd, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Construction + Demolition wastes accepted: Bathrooms, Fittings, Kitchens, Metal,
Plasterboard, Rubble, Salvage, Timber,
Other wastes accepted: Timber, Untreated Timber,
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EcoDepot - Parkhouse Road H
Open 7 days 7am to 4.30pm Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Day,
Good Friday, Anzac Day
Company phone: 03 941 7513
Email: info@ecodepot.co.nz
Web site: www.ecodepot.co.nz
Address: Parkhouse Road, Sockburn, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Construction + Demolition wastes accepted: Rubble,
Other wastes accepted: All Cardboard, All Paper, Aluminium, Appliances, Cans, Car
Batteries, Chemicals, Clothing, Computers, Garden Waste, Gas Cylinders, Glass,
Grade 1 PET (Poly Ethylene Terephthalate), Grade 2 HDPE (High Density Poly
Ethylene), Household Items, Jars/Bottles, Oil, Paint, Paint, Solvents, Steel, Super
Market Bags, Tin, Tyres, Whiteware, Whiteware,
Drop off service available
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Frews Contracting (Formerly Living Earth)
Accepts materials brought to site by prior arrangement only
Contact: Tom Clark
Company phone: 03 359 4915
Email: livingearth@frews.co.nz
Address: 568 Johns Road, Harewood, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Construction + Demolition wastes accepted: Concrete, Rubble, Timber, Untreated
Other wastes accepted: Garden Waste, Timber, Untreated Timber,
Drop off service available
Graceworks Recycling H
Specialising in the recovery of salvageable materials
Contact: Paul King
Company phone: 03 313 4840
Email: graceworks@xtra.co.nz
Web site: www.graceworks.co.nz
Address: 113 Mulcocks Road, Kaiapoi, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Construction + Demolition wastes accepted: Salvage,
Other wastes accepted:
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Provides bins, skips and trailers on site to collect recyclables
Contact: Trish Whitaker
Company phone: 0800 88 66 55
Email: twhitaker@mastagard.co.nz
Web site: www.mastagard.co.nz
Address: 21 Francella Street, Bromley, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Construction + Demolition wastes accepted: Concrete, Plasterboard, Rubble, Steel,
Timber, Treated Timber, Untreated Timber,
Other wastes accepted: All Cardboard, All Paper, Glass, Grade 1 PET (Poly Ethylene
Terephthalate), Grade 2 HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene), Jars/Bottles,
Plasterboard, Stainless Steel, Timber, Treated Timber, Untreated Timber,
Collection service available
Musgrove Ltd H
Customers can buy recycled products from the site. The company purchases resuable
demolition materials
Contact: John Morris
Company phone: 03 322 7922
Email: salesatmusgroves@xtra.co.nz
Address: 191 Wigram Rd, Wigram, Christchurch 8025
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Construction + Demolition wastes accepted: Bathrooms, Bricks, Doors, Expanded PS,
Fittings, Gypsum, Insulation, Kitchens, Plasterboard, Timber, Treated Timber,
Untreated Timber,
Other wastes accepted: Fittings, Plasterboard, Timber, Treated Timber, Untreated
Timber, Whiteware, Window Glass, Wood,
Collection service available
Drop off service available
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Paint Exchange H
Unwanted paint can be sold. Colours can be mixed on site. Paint can also be
Contact: Baz Hails
Company phone: 03 343 3201
Email: bmhails@paradise.net.nz
Address: 526 Blenheim Road, Sockburn, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Construction + Demolition wastes accepted: Paint,
Other wastes accepted: Clothing, Curtains, Fabric, Household Items, Paint, Paint,
Rags, Small Appliances, Textiles, Toys,
Drop off service available
Pallet Improvements H
Recycles pallets, wooden bins and crates
Contact: Michael Young
Company phone: 03 341 1027
Fax: 03 332 6813
Email: palletimprovements@xtra.co.nz
Address: 32 Dakota Cres, Sockburn, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Construction + Demolition wastes accepted: Pallets,
Other wastes accepted: Pallets, Timber, Timber, Untreated Timber, Untreated Timber,
Wood, Wood,
Collection service available
Drop off service available
Resene H
Take unwanted paint and paint containers to any Resene shop to be recycled.
Company phone: 03 366 7441
Web site: www.resene.co.nz/paintwise
Address: 256 Cashel Street, City, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Construction + Demolition wastes accepted: Paint,
Other wastes accepted: Paint, Paint,
Drop off service available
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Reworks Nz Ltd - Owaka Road Eco Park H
Wood, concrete and plasterboard is reprocessed on site
Contact: John Te Amo
Company phone: 03 349 0330
Address: 59 Owaka Road, Wigram, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Construction + Demolition wastes accepted: Plasterboard, Rubble, Salvage, Timber,
Untreated Timber,
Other wastes accepted: Garden Waste, Plasterboard, Timber, Untreated Timber,
Untreated Timber, Wood, Wood,
Drop off service available
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Waste Management NZ Ltd
Range of recycling bin sizes and collection frequencies. Collections can be commingled
in one bin for customer convenience
Contact: Andrew Boyd
Company phone: 03 348 0619
Email: aboyd@wastemanagement.co.nz
Web site: www.wastemanagement.co.nz
Address: 47-49 Haytons Rd, Sockburn, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Construction + Demolition wastes accepted: Expanded PS, Gypsum, Pallets,
Plasterboard, Rubble, Timber, Treated Timber, Untreated Timber, Window Glass,
Other wastes accepted: All, All Cardboard, All Paper, Bottles, Cable, Expanded PS,
Film, Garden Waste, Glass, Grade 1 PET (Poly Ethylene Terephthalate), Grade 2 HDPE
(High Density Poly Ethylene), Grade 4 LDPE (Low Density Poly Ethylene), Jars/Bottles,
Non Expanded Polystyrene, Pallets, Plasterboard, Plastics, Shrinkwrap, Super Market
Bags, Timber, Timber, Treated Timber, Untreated Timber, Whiteware, Wood,
Collection service available
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Eco Depot - Metro Place H
Open 7 days 7am to 4.30pm Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Day,
Good Friday, Anzac Day
Company phone: 03 941 7513
Email: info@ecodepot.co.nz
Web site: www.ecodepot.co.nz
Address: Metro Place, Bromley, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Electrical + Electrical Equipment wastes accepted: Appliances, Computers, Whiteware,
Other wastes accepted: All Cardboard, All Paper, Aluminium, Cans, Car Batteries,
Chemicals, Clothing, Garden Waste, Gas Cylinders, Glass, Grade 1 PET (Poly Ethylene
Terephthalate), Grade 2 HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene), Household Items,
Jars/Bottles, Oil, Paint, Paint, Rubble, Solvents, Steel, Super Market Bags, Tin, Tyres,
Drop off service available
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Non-profit organisation that recycles usable computers to schools, churches and
community groups; dismantles unusable computers, electronics and electrical
equipment for recycling or recovery
Contact: Chris Curwood
Company phone: 03 322 9358
Email: ezypc@xtra.co.nz
Web site: ezypc.ownsthis.com
Electrical + Electrical Equipment wastes accepted: Appliances, Computers, Electricals,
Small Appliances,
Other wastes accepted: Computers, Small Appliances,
Drop off service available
Take back PC's and note books for recycling
Company phone: see web address
Web site: www-03.ibm.co./financing/nz/gars/recycle/index.html
Address: see web address, see web address, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Electrical + Electrical Equipment wastes accepted: Computers,
Other wastes accepted: Computers,
Secure destruction and recycling of hazardous material and confidential paper
Contact: Derek Richardson
Company phone: 0800 102 131
Fax: 03 344 5005
Contact mobile: 021 678 045
Email: info@medichem.co.nz
Web site: www.interwaste.co.nz
Address: 57 Edmonton Road, Hornby, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Electrical + Electrical Equipment wastes accepted: Fluorescent Tubes, Rechargeable
Other wastes accepted: All Paper, Confidential Paper, Copper, Dental Amalgam,
Fluorescent Tubes, Medical Waste, Rechargeable Batteries, Solvents,
Collection service available
Drop off service available
Junk Away H
Provide a collection service for recyclable materials
Contact: Fergus Beattie
Company phone: 0800 552 929
Contact mobile: 021 759 232
Email: fergus@junkaway.co.nz
Address: Woolston, Woolston, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Electrical + Electrical Equipment wastes accepted: Appliances, Whiteware,
Other wastes accepted: All Cardboard, All Paper, Garden Waste, Garden Waste,
Timber, Timber, Untreated Timber, Untreated Timber, Whiteware, Wood, Wood,
Collection service available
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Metalcorp NZ Ltd
Services provided: skips available, mobile shears, collection service and demolition
Contact: Korina Munro
Company phone: 0800 73 55 72
Email: korina@metalcorp.co.nz
Web site: www.metalcorp.co.nz
Address: 615 Halswell Junction Rd, Hornby, Christchurch
Electrical + Electrical Equipment wastes accepted: Circuit Board,
Other wastes accepted: All, Aluminium, Car Batteries, Car Batteries, Circuit Board,
Iron, Radiators, Radiators, Stainless Steel, Whiteware,
Collection service available
Mobilefone Repair.Com
Contact: Andrew Moore
Company phone: 0508 737 247
Email: enquiries.nz@mobilefonerepair.com
Web site: www.mobilefonerepair.com
Address: 81 Moorhouse Ave, Christchurch
Electrical + Electrical Equipment wastes accepted: Batteries,
Other wastes accepted: Mobile Phones, Mobile Phones,
Drop off service available
Through retail outlets, provides recycling of mobile phones and mobile phone batteries
and accessories.
Company phone:
Web site:
Address: 681 Colombo Street, Christchurch
Electrical + Electrical Equipment wastes accepted: Mobile Phones,
Other wastes accepted: Mobile Phones, Rechargeable Batteries,
Drop off service available
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Paint Exchange H
Unwanted paint can be sold. Colours can be mixed on site. Paint can also be
Contact: Baz Hails
Company phone: 03 343 3201
Email: bmhails@paradise.net.nz
Address: 526 Blenheim Road, Sockburn, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Electrical + Electrical Equipment wastes accepted: Small Appliances,
Other wastes accepted: Clothing, Curtains, Fabric, Household Items, Paint, Paint,
Paint, Rags, Textiles, Toys,
Drop off service available
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Telecom H
Telecom mobile phones can be dropped off at Telecom stores and/or Telecom dealers
for recycling. Stores are listed in the yellow pages under Telecom stores and on
Telecom web site.
Company phone: 0800 651 000
Web site: www.telecom.co.nz/content/0,8748,175-202161,00.html
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Electrical + Electrical Equipment wastes accepted: Mobile Phones,
Other wastes accepted: Mobile Phones, Mobile Phones,
Drop off service available
Vodafone H
Mobile phones, batteries, chargers can be dropped off at any Vodafone retail store or
posted freepost. For large quantities contact Vodafone for additional services
Company phone: 0800 800 021
Email: recycling.nz@vodafone.com
Web site:
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Electrical + Electrical Equipment wastes accepted: Mobile Phones,
Other wastes accepted: Mobile Phones, Mobile Phones,
Drop off service available
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BCG Fields
Collects and purchases waste cooking oils - animal and vegetable. Supplies biodiesel
for vehicles and heating
Contact: Ken Hay
Company phone:
Email: bio.fuels@xtra.co.nz
Sectors: Commercial
Food wastes accepted: Fats, Grease, Oil,
Other wastes accepted:
Collection service available
Provides drums for reuse.
Contact: Peter Sidey
Company phone: 0800 432 8626
Email: peter@fatman.co.nz
Sectors: Commercial
Food wastes accepted: Fats, Grease, Oil,
Other wastes accepted:
Collection service available
R J Chilton
Provides steam cleaned covered drums to collect food waste. Material is sent to a MAF
accredited piggery
Contact: R J Chilton
Company phone: 03 323 8995
Email: chilton.rj@xtra.co.nz
Address: 197 Belfast Road, Belfast, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Food wastes accepted: Food,
Other wastes accepted:
Collection service available
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Eco Depot - Metro Place H
Open 7 days 7am to 4.30pm Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Day,
Good Friday, Anzac Day
Company phone: 03 941 7513
Email: info@ecodepot.co.nz
Web site: www.ecodepot.co.nz
Address: Metro Place, Bromley, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Glass wastes accepted: Glass, Jars/Bottles,
Other wastes accepted: All Cardboard, All Paper, Aluminium, Appliances, Cans, Car
Batteries, Chemicals, Clothing, Computers, Garden Waste, Gas Cylinders, Grade 1 PET
(Poly Ethylene Terephthalate), Grade 2 HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene), Household
Items, Oil, Paint, Paint, Rubble, Solvents, Steel, Super Market Bags, Tin, Tyres,
Whiteware, Whiteware,
Drop off service available
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EcoDepot - Styx Mill H
Open 7 days 7am to 4.30pm Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Day,
Good Friday, Anzac Day
Company phone: 941 7513
Email: info@ecodepot.co.nz
Web site: www.ecodepot.co.nz
Address: Styx Mill Road, Redwood, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Glass wastes accepted: Glass, Jars/Bottles,
Other wastes accepted: All Cardboard, All Paper, Aluminium, Appliances, Cans, Car
Batteries, Chemicals, Clothing, Computers, Garden Waste, Gas Cylinders, Grade 1 PET
(Poly Ethylene Terephthalate), Grade 2 HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene), Household
Items, Oil, Paint, Paint, Rubble, Solvents, Steel, Super Market Bags, Tin, Tyres,
Whiteware, Whiteware,
Drop off service available
Provides bins, skips and trailers on site to collect recyclables
Contact: Trish Whitaker
Company phone: 0800 88 66 55
Email: twhitaker@mastagard.co.nz
Web site: www.mastagard.co.nz
Address: 21 Francella Street, Bromley, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Glass wastes accepted: Glass, Jars/Bottles,
Other wastes accepted: All Cardboard, All Paper, Concrete, Grade 1 PET (Poly Ethylene
Terephthalate), Grade 2 HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene), Plasterboard,
Plasterboard, Rubble, Stainless Steel, Steel, Timber, Timber, Treated Timber, Treated
Timber, Untreated Timber, Untreated Timber,
Collection service available
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Musgrove Ltd H
Customers can buy recycled products from the site. The company purchases resuable
demolition materials
Contact: John Morris
Company phone: 03 322 7922
Email: salesatmusgroves@xtra.co.nz
Address: 191 Wigram Rd, Wigram, Christchurch 8025
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Glass wastes accepted: Window Glass,
Other wastes accepted: Bathrooms, Bricks, Doors, Expanded PS, Fittings, Fittings,
Gypsum, Insulation, Kitchens, Plasterboard, Plasterboard, Timber, Timber, Treated
Timber, Treated Timber, Untreated Timber, Untreated Timber, Whiteware, Wood,
Collection service available
Drop off service available
Onyx NZ
Collects kerbside recycling on behalf of the Council
Contact: Grant Hopewell
Company phone: 03 374 3336
Fax: 03 374 3337
Email: ghopewell@onxygroup.co.nz
Web site: www.onyxgroup.co.nz
Address: 81 Buchanans Rd, Sockburn, Christchuch
Sectors: Commercial
Glass wastes accepted: Glass, Jars/Bottles,
Other wastes accepted: All Cardboard, All Paper, Grade 1 PET (Poly Ethylene
Terephthalate), Grade 2 HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene), Super Market Bags,
Collection service available
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Waste Management NZ Ltd
Range of recycling bin sizes and collection frequencies. Collections can be commingled
in one bin for customer convenience
Contact: Andrew Boyd
Company phone: 03 348 0619
Email: aboyd@wastemanagement.co.nz
Web site: www.wastemanagement.co.nz
Address: 47-49 Haytons Rd, Sockburn, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Glass wastes accepted: Glass, Jars/Bottles,
Other wastes accepted: All, All Cardboard, All Paper, Bottles, Cable, Expanded PS,
Expanded PS, Film, Garden Waste, Grade 1 PET (Poly Ethylene Terephthalate), Grade
2 HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene), Grade 4 LDPE (Low Density Poly Ethylene),
Gypsum, Non Expanded Polystyrene, Pallets, Pallets, Plasterboard, Plasterboard,
Plastics, Rubble, Shrinkwrap, Super Market Bags, Timber, Timber, Timber, Treated
Timber, Treated Timber, Untreated Timber, Untreated Timber, Whiteware, Window
Glass, Wood,
Collection service available
Green Waste
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EcoDepot - Parkhouse Road H
Open 7 days 7am to 4.30pm Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Day,
Good Friday, Anzac Day
Company phone: 03 941 7513
Email: info@ecodepot.co.nz
Web site: www.ecodepot.co.nz
Address: Parkhouse Road, Sockburn, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Green Waste wastes accepted: Garden Waste,
Other wastes accepted: All Cardboard, All Paper, Aluminium, Appliances, Cans, Car
Batteries, Chemicals, Clothing, Computers, Gas Cylinders, Glass, Grade 1 PET (Poly
Ethylene Terephthalate), Grade 2 HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene), Household
Items, Jars/Bottles, Oil, Paint, Paint, Rubble, Solvents, Steel, Super Market Bags, Tin,
Tyres, Whiteware, Whiteware,
Drop off service available
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Frews Contracting (Formerly Living Earth)
Accepts materials brought to site by prior arrangement only
Contact: Tom Clark
Company phone: 03 359 4915
Email: livingearth@frews.co.nz
Address: 568 Johns Road, Harewood, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Green Waste wastes accepted: Garden Waste,
Other wastes accepted: Concrete, Rubble, Timber, Timber, Untreated Timber,
Untreated Timber,
Drop off service available
Junk Away H
Provide a collection service for recyclable materials
Contact: Fergus Beattie
Company phone: 0800 552 929
Contact mobile: 021 759 232
Email: fergus@junkaway.co.nz
Address: Woolston, Woolston, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Green Waste wastes accepted: Garden Waste, Timber, Untreated Timber, Wood,
Other wastes accepted: All Cardboard, All Paper, Appliances, Garden Waste, Timber,
Untreated Timber, Whiteware, Whiteware, Wood,
Collection service available
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Morgan and Pollard Landscapes Limited
Provide a soil recycling service. Material must be free of stones and other
Contact: Roger Pollard
Company phone: 03 349 8228
Email: admin1@morgan-pollard.co.nz
Web site: www.morgan-pollard.co.nz
Address: 340 Halswell Junction Rd, Christchurch
Green Waste wastes accepted: Soil,
Other wastes accepted:
Drop off service available
Musgrove Ltd H
Customers can buy recycled products from the site. The company purchases resuable
demolition materials
Contact: John Morris
Company phone: 03 322 7922
Email: salesatmusgroves@xtra.co.nz
Address: 191 Wigram Rd, Wigram, Christchurch 8025
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Green Waste wastes accepted: Timber,
Other wastes accepted: Bathrooms, Bricks, Doors, Expanded PS, Fittings, Fittings,
Gypsum, Insulation, Kitchens, Plasterboard, Plasterboard, Timber, Treated Timber,
Treated Timber, Untreated Timber, Untreated Timber, Whiteware, Window Glass,
Collection service available
Drop off service available
Pallet Improvements H
Recycles pallets, wooden bins and crates
Contact: Michael Young
Company phone: 03 341 1027
Fax: 03 332 6813
Email: palletimprovements@xtra.co.nz
Address: 32 Dakota Cres, Sockburn, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Green Waste wastes accepted: Timber, Untreated Timber, Wood,
Other wastes accepted: Pallets, Pallets, Timber, Untreated Timber, Wood,
Collection service available
Drop off service available
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Waste Management NZ Ltd
Range of recycling bin sizes and collection frequencies. Collections can be commingled
in one bin for customer convenience
Contact: Andrew Boyd
Company phone: 03 348 0619
Email: aboyd@wastemanagement.co.nz
Web site: www.wastemanagement.co.nz
Address: 47-49 Haytons Rd, Sockburn, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Green Waste wastes accepted: Garden Waste, Timber,
Other wastes accepted: All, All Cardboard, All Paper, Bottles, Cable, Expanded PS,
Expanded PS, Film, Glass, Grade 1 PET (Poly Ethylene Terephthalate), Grade 2 HDPE
(High Density Poly Ethylene), Grade 4 LDPE (Low Density Poly Ethylene), Gypsum,
Jars/Bottles, Non Expanded Polystyrene, Pallets, Pallets, Plasterboard, Plasterboard,
Plastics, Rubble, Shrinkwrap, Super Market Bags, Timber, Timber, Treated Timber,
Treated Timber, Untreated Timber, Untreated Timber, Whiteware, Window Glass,
Collection service available
Wheel-Away-Weeds H
Contact: Lyndon and Sheree Reynolds
Company phone: 03 359 9622
Contact mobile: 021 256 1078
Email: lyndonr@xtra.co.nz
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Green Waste wastes accepted: Garden Waste,
Other wastes accepted:
Collection service available
Hazardous Waste
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Eco Depot - Metro Place H
Open 7 days 7am to 4.30pm Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Day,
Good Friday, Anzac Day
Company phone: 03 941 7513
Email: info@ecodepot.co.nz
Web site: www.ecodepot.co.nz
Address: Metro Place, Bromley, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Hazardous Waste wastes accepted: Chemicals, Paint, Solvents,
Other wastes accepted: All Cardboard, All Paper, Aluminium, Appliances, Cans, Car
Batteries, Clothing, Computers, Garden Waste, Gas Cylinders, Glass, Grade 1 PET
(Poly Ethylene Terephthalate), Grade 2 HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene), Household
Items, Jars/Bottles, Oil, Paint, Rubble, Steel, Super Market Bags, Tin, Tyres,
Whiteware, Whiteware,
Drop off service available
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Environmental Recovery Services H
Contact: Peter Sidley
Company phone: 03 341 8324
Fax: 03 341 8354
Email: peter@fatman.co.nz
Web site: www.transpacific.com.au
Address: 14 McAlpine St, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Hazardous Waste wastes accepted: Oil,
Other wastes accepted: Oil,
Collection service available
Secure destruction and recycling of hazardous material and confidential paper
Contact: Derek Richardson
Company phone: 0800 102 131
Fax: 03 344 5005
Contact mobile: 021 678 045
Email: info@medichem.co.nz
Web site: www.interwaste.co.nz
Address: 57 Edmonton Road, Hornby, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Hazardous Waste wastes accepted: Medical Waste, Solvents,
Other wastes accepted: All Paper, Confidential Paper, Copper, Dental Amalgam,
Fluorescent Tubes, Fluorescent Tubes, Rechargeable Batteries, Rechargeable Batteries,
Collection service available
Drop off service available
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Paint Exchange H
Unwanted paint can be sold. Colours can be mixed on site. Paint can also be
Contact: Baz Hails
Company phone: 03 343 3201
Email: bmhails@paradise.net.nz
Address: 526 Blenheim Road, Sockburn, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Hazardous Waste wastes accepted: Paint,
Other wastes accepted: Clothing, Curtains, Fabric, Household Items, Paint, Paint,
Rags, Small Appliances, Textiles, Toys,
Drop off service available
Resene H
Take unwanted paint and paint containers to any Resene shop to be recycled.
Company phone: 03 366 7441
Web site: www.resene.co.nz/paintwise
Address: 256 Cashel Street, City, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Hazardous Waste wastes accepted: Paint,
Other wastes accepted: Paint, Paint,
Drop off service available
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Transpacific Technical Services (NZ) Ltd
Contact: David Warren
Company phone: 03-341-0943
Fax: 03-341-0944
Email: dwarren@transpac.co.nz
Address: 68-70 McAlpine Street, Sockburn, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Hazardous Waste wastes accepted: Antifreeze, Batteries, Chemicals, Diesel,
Fluorescent Tubes, Fuels, Heavy Metals, Oil, Paint, Petrol, Rechargable Batteries,
Other wastes accepted: Car Batteries, Diesel, Oil, Petrol,
Collection service available
Drop off service available
Bristol Metals
Recycles electrical cable and all metal.
Contact: Tony Steer
Company phone: 03 379 0150
Email: bristol.metals@xtra.co.nz
Address: 345 Wilsons Road, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Metals wastes accepted: All, Aluminium, Brass, Cable, Cans, Cars, Copper, Drums,
Ferrous, Iron, Lead, Metal, Stainless Steel, Steel, Tin,
Other wastes accepted:
Collection service available
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Christchurch City Council H
Accepts materials through the City's three EcoDepots (Metro Place in Bromley, Styx
Mill in Redwood and Parkhouse Road in Sockburn). Domestic quantities are accepted
at kerbside in the green recycling crates. See the Council website for more details.
Company phone: 03 941 8666
Email: waste@ccc.govt.nz
Web site: www.ccc.govt.nz/waste
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Metals wastes accepted: Aluminium, Cans, Tin, Whiteware,
Other wastes accepted: All Cardboard, All Paper, Glass, Grade 1 PET (Poly Ethylene
Terephthalate), Grade 2 HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene), Jars/Bottles, Super
Market Bags,
Collection service available
Drop off service available
04/09/2007 09:06 Page 37 of 70
Eco Depot - Metro Place H
Open 7 days 7am to 4.30pm Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Day,
Good Friday, Anzac Day
Company phone: 03 941 7513
Email: info@ecodepot.co.nz
Web site: www.ecodepot.co.nz
Address: Metro Place, Bromley, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Metals wastes accepted: Aluminium, Cans, Steel, Tin, Whiteware,
Other wastes accepted: All Cardboard, All Paper, Appliances, Car Batteries, Chemicals,
Clothing, Computers, Garden Waste, Gas Cylinders, Glass, Grade 1 PET (Poly Ethylene
Terephthalate), Grade 2 HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene), Household Items,
Jars/Bottles, Oil, Paint, Paint, Rubble, Solvents, Super Market Bags, Tyres, Whiteware,
Drop off service available
Eco Metals H
Contact: Kelly Pritchard
Company phone: 03 982 0775
Contact mobile: 021 1085 868
Address: 363 Wilsons Road, Christchurch, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Metals wastes accepted: Aluminium, Brass, Copper, Lead, Metal, Stainless Steel,
Other wastes accepted:
Collection service available
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EcoDepot - Parkhouse Road H
Open 7 days 7am to 4.30pm Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Day,
Good Friday, Anzac Day
Company phone: 03 941 7513
Email: info@ecodepot.co.nz
Web site: www.ecodepot.co.nz
Address: Parkhouse Road, Sockburn, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Metals wastes accepted: Aluminium, Cans, Steel, Tin, Whiteware,
Other wastes accepted: All Cardboard, All Paper, Appliances, Car Batteries, Chemicals,
Clothing, Computers, Garden Waste, Gas Cylinders, Glass, Grade 1 PET (Poly Ethylene
Terephthalate), Grade 2 HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene), Household Items,
Jars/Bottles, Oil, Paint, Paint, Rubble, Solvents, Super Market Bags, Tyres, Whiteware,
Drop off service available
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Independent Metal Traders Ltd
Recycles metals, cars and car bumper bars
Contact: Dean Crosby
Company phone: 03 348 9458
Contact mobile: 027 6235 380
Email: independentmetaltraderltd@xtra.co.nz
Address: 7 Tosswill Road, Prebbleton, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Metals wastes accepted: Whiteware,
Other wastes accepted: Car Bodies,
Drop off service available
Secure destruction and recycling of hazardous material and confidential paper
Contact: Derek Richardson
Company phone: 0800 102 131
Fax: 03 344 5005
Contact mobile: 021 678 045
Email: info@medichem.co.nz
Web site: www.interwaste.co.nz
Address: 57 Edmonton Road, Hornby, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Metals wastes accepted: Copper, Dental Amalgam,
Other wastes accepted: All Paper, Confidential Paper, Fluorescent Tubes, Fluorescent
Tubes, Medical Waste, Rechargeable Batteries, Rechargeable Batteries, Solvents,
Collection service available
Drop off service available
Junk Away H
Provide a collection service for recyclable materials
Contact: Fergus Beattie
Company phone: 0800 552 929
Contact mobile: 021 759 232
Email: fergus@junkaway.co.nz
Address: Woolston, Woolston, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Metals wastes accepted: Whiteware,
Other wastes accepted: All Cardboard, All Paper, Appliances, Garden Waste, Garden
Waste, Timber, Timber, Untreated Timber, Untreated Timber, Whiteware, Wood, Wood,
Collection service available
Mainland Drums
Cleans residual materials out of drums and on-sells the cleaned drums
Contact: Wyane Allen
Company phone: 03 384 8106
Address: Bamfors Street, Woolston, Christchurch
Metals wastes accepted: Copper,
Other wastes accepted: Drums,
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Mainland Metals Ltd H
Contact: Mike McQuaid
Company phone: 03 338 7000
Contact mobile: 0274 818 544
Address: 56 Mc Roberts Road, RD1, Rangiora
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Metals wastes accepted: All, Aluminium, Brass, Cable, Cans, Copper, Drums, Ferrous,
Iron, Lead, Metal, Radiators, Stainless Steel, Steel, Tin, Whiteware,
Other wastes accepted:
Collection service available
Provides bins, skips and trailers on site to collect recyclables
Contact: Trish Whitaker
Company phone: 0800 88 66 55
Email: twhitaker@mastagard.co.nz
Web site: www.mastagard.co.nz
Address: 21 Francella Street, Bromley, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Metals wastes accepted: Stainless Steel,
Other wastes accepted: All Cardboard, All Paper, Concrete, Glass, Grade 1 PET (Poly
Ethylene Terephthalate), Grade 2 HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene), Jars/Bottles,
Plasterboard, Plasterboard, Rubble, Steel, Timber, Timber, Treated Timber, Treated
Timber, Untreated Timber, Untreated Timber,
Collection service available
Metalcorp NZ Ltd
Services provided: skips available, mobile shears, collection service and demolition
Contact: Korina Munro
Company phone: 0800 73 55 72
Email: korina@metalcorp.co.nz
Web site: www.metalcorp.co.nz
Address: 615 Halswell Junction Rd, Hornby, Christchurch
Metals wastes accepted: All, Aluminium, Circuit Board, Iron, Radiators, Stainless
Steel, Whiteware,
Other wastes accepted: Car Batteries, Car Batteries, Circuit Board, Radiators,
Collection service available
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Musgrove Ltd H
Customers can buy recycled products from the site. The company purchases resuable
demolition materials
Contact: John Morris
Company phone: 03 322 7922
Email: salesatmusgroves@xtra.co.nz
Address: 191 Wigram Rd, Wigram, Christchurch 8025
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Metals wastes accepted: Whiteware,
Other wastes accepted: Bathrooms, Bricks, Doors, Expanded PS, Fittings, Fittings,
Gypsum, Insulation, Kitchens, Plasterboard, Plasterboard, Timber, Timber, Treated
Timber, Treated Timber, Untreated Timber, Untreated Timber, Window Glass, Wood,
Collection service available
Drop off service available
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Southern Demolition and Salvage Ltd H
Provides a demolition service to recycle building material - crushes concrete for
Contact: Pam Charley
Company phone: 03 374 6140
Email: Demolition@inet.net.nz
Web site: www.demolition.inet.net.nz
Address: 29 Mowbray St, Waltham, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Metals wastes accepted: Whiteware,
Other wastes accepted: Bricks, Concrete, Fittings, Gypsum, Insulation, Pallets,
Plasterboard, Rubble, Timber, Treated Timber, Treated Timber, Untreated Timber,
Untreated Timber, Window Glass,
Collection service available
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Whiteware Recyclers Ltd
Reconditions whiteware for resale
Contact: Tim Koller
Company phone: 03 377 8234
Fax: 03 3778 238
Email: info@whiteware.co.nz
Address: 9 Penbury Street (off Buchan St), Sydenham, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Metals wastes accepted: Whiteware,
Other wastes accepted: Appliances, Small Appliances, Small Appliances, Whiteware,
Collection service available
Drop off service available
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Eco Depot - Metro Place H
Open 7 days 7am to 4.30pm Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Day,
Good Friday, Anzac Day
Company phone: 03 941 7513
Email: info@ecodepot.co.nz
Web site: www.ecodepot.co.nz
Address: Metro Place, Bromley, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Misc wastes accepted: Gas Cylinders, Household Items, Paint,
Other wastes accepted: All Cardboard, All Paper, Aluminium, Appliances, Cans, Car
Batteries, Chemicals, Clothing, Computers, Garden Waste, Glass, Grade 1 PET (Poly
Ethylene Terephthalate), Grade 2 HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene), Jars/Bottles, Oil,
Paint, Rubble, Solvents, Steel, Super Market Bags, Tin, Tyres, Whiteware, Whiteware,
Drop off service available
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Musgrove Ltd H
Customers can buy recycled products from the site. The company purchases resuable
demolition materials
Contact: John Morris
Company phone: 03 322 7922
Email: salesatmusgroves@xtra.co.nz
Address: 191 Wigram Rd, Wigram, Christchurch 8025
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Misc wastes accepted: Fittings,
Other wastes accepted: Bathrooms, Bricks, Doors, Expanded PS, Fittings, Gypsum,
Insulation, Kitchens, Plasterboard, Plasterboard, Timber, Timber, Treated Timber,
Treated Timber, Untreated Timber, Untreated Timber, Whiteware, Window Glass,
Collection service available
Drop off service available
Paint Exchange H
Unwanted paint can be sold. Colours can be mixed on site. Paint can also be
Contact: Baz Hails
Company phone: 03 343 3201
Email: bmhails@paradise.net.nz
Address: 526 Blenheim Road, Sockburn, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Misc wastes accepted: Household Items, Paint, Toys,
Other wastes accepted: Clothing, Curtains, Fabric, Paint, Paint, Rags, Small
Appliances, Textiles,
Drop off service available
Resene H
Take unwanted paint and paint containers to any Resene shop to be recycled.
Company phone: 03 366 7441
Web site: www.resene.co.nz/paintwise
Address: 256 Cashel Street, City, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Misc wastes accepted: Paint,
Other wastes accepted: Paint, Paint,
Drop off service available
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Trees for Canterbury H
A community organisation created to meet the Green Effect Trust’s objectives of
employ, educate, regenerate.
Contact: Steve Bush
Company phone: 03 982 1028
Fax: 03 982 1028
Email: info@treesforcanterbury.org.nz
Web site: www.treesforcanterbury.org.nz
Address: 42 Charlesworth Street, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Misc wastes accepted: Milk Cartons, Trees,
Other wastes accepted:
Drop off service available
Office Equipment
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Cartridge World Papanui H
Accepts toner and printer cartridges. Free drop at shop
Contact: Jason Wild
Company phone: 03 352 6419
Fax: 03 352 6429
Email: papanui@cartridgeworld.co.nz
Web site: www.cartridgeworld.co.nz
Address: 482 Papanui Rd, Papanui, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Office Equipment wastes accepted: Cartidges,
Other wastes accepted:
Drop off service available
Corporate Consumables
Contact: George Morris
Company phone: 03 365 5000
Email: George@ch.corpcons.co.nz
Web site: www.corpcons.co.nz
Address: 15 Carlyle Street, Sydenham, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Office Equipment wastes accepted: Cartidges,
Other wastes accepted:
Collection service available
Collect and environmentally dispose of any brand of IT equipment working or non
working throughout NZ and Australia assess this service through the website or 0800
Contact: Greg Vines
Company phone: 0800 440 603
Email: recycling_dell_nz@dell.com
Web site: www.dell.co.nz/recycle/
Office Equipment wastes accepted: Computers,
Other wastes accepted:
Collection service available
Drop off service available
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Free collection service in local area or can send if freight is paid.
Contact: Raewyn Porter
Company phone: 0508 800 479
Email: recycle@mara-image.co.nz
Web site: www.empties.co.nz
Address: 4F Titoki Place, Albany, Auckland
Office Equipment wastes accepted: Cartidges,
Other wastes accepted:
Collection service available
Non-profit organisation that recycles usable computers to schools, churches and
community groups; dismantles unusable computers, electronics and electrical
equipment for recycling or recovery
Contact: Chris Curwood
Company phone: 03 322 9358
Email: ezypc@xtra.co.nz
Web site: ezypc.ownsthis.com
Office Equipment wastes accepted: Computers, Small Appliances,
Other wastes accepted: Appliances, Computers, Electricals, Small Appliances,
Drop off service available
Fuji Xerox
Collect Fuji Xerox cartridges via an online form.
Contact: Michael Crowhen
Company phone: 0800 493 769
Contact mobile: 03 374 4700
Email: michael.crowhen@nzl.fujixerox.com
Web site: www.fujixerox.co.nz
Address: 494 Moorhouse Street, Christchurch
Office Equipment wastes accepted: Cartidges,
Other wastes accepted:
Drop off service available
Hewlett-Packard (HP)
Visit website for further details. HP Planet Partners recycling service is available for HP
corporate customers only
Company phone:
Email: environment-aunz.pdl-ess@hp.com
Web site: http://h50055.www5.hp.com/ipg/supplies/recycling/supplies/nz/index.asp
Office Equipment wastes accepted: Cartidges, Computers, Small Appliances,
Other wastes accepted:
Take back PC's and note books for recycling
Company phone: see web address
Web site: www-03.ibm.co./financing/nz/gars/recycle/index.html
Address: see web address, see web address, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Office Equipment wastes accepted: Computers,
Other wastes accepted: Computers,
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Secure destruction and recycling of hazardous material and confidential paper
Contact: Derek Richardson
Company phone: 0800 102 131
Fax: 03 344 5005
Contact mobile: 021 678 045
Email: info@medichem.co.nz
Web site: www.interwaste.co.nz
Address: 57 Edmonton Road, Hornby, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Office Equipment wastes accepted: Fluorescent Tubes,
Other wastes accepted: All Paper, Confidential Paper, Copper, Dental Amalgam,
Fluorescent Tubes, Medical Waste, Rechargeable Batteries, Rechargeable Batteries,
Collection service available
Drop off service available
Mobilefone Repair.Com
Contact: Andrew Moore
Company phone: 0508 737 247
Email: enquiries.nz@mobilefonerepair.com
Web site: www.mobilefonerepair.com
Address: 81 Moorhouse Ave, Christchurch
Office Equipment wastes accepted: Mobile Phones,
Other wastes accepted: Batteries, Mobile Phones,
Drop off service available
Through retail outlets, provides recycling of mobile phones and mobile phone batteries
and accessories.
Company phone:
Web site:
Address: 681 Colombo Street, Christchurch
Office Equipment wastes accepted: Mobile Phones, Rechargeable Batteries,
Other wastes accepted: Mobile Phones,
Drop off service available
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NZ Toner Office Supplies Ltd H
Minimum order 1 x toner, 3x inkjet
Contact: Rory Kennett
Company phone: 03 366 6515
Fax: 03 366 6508
Email: info@nztoner.co.nz
Web site: www.nztoner.co.nz
Address: 42 Coleridge Street, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Office Equipment wastes accepted: Cartidges,
Other wastes accepted:
Collection service available
Contact: Gary or Deidre Roberts
Company phone: 03 351 3382
Fax: 03 351 3382
Email: fn103004@xtra.co.nz
Sectors: Commercial
Office Equipment wastes accepted: Cartidges,
Other wastes accepted:
Drop off service available
Telecom H
Telecom mobile phones can be dropped off at Telecom stores and/or Telecom dealers
for recycling. Stores are listed in the yellow pages under Telecom stores and on
Telecom web site.
Company phone: 0800 651 000
Web site: www.telecom.co.nz/content/0,8748,175-202161,00.html
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Office Equipment wastes accepted: Mobile Phones,
Other wastes accepted: Mobile Phones, Mobile Phones,
Drop off service available
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The Computer Broker H
Recycle working computers and computer components. All IT equipment accepted.
Contact: Brodie McPhail
Company phone: 03 377 5195
Contact mobile: as above
Email: brodie@computerbroker.co.nz
Address: 17 Washington Way, Sydenham, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Office Equipment wastes accepted: Computers,
Other wastes accepted: Computers,
Drop off service available
Vodafone H
Mobile phones, batteries, chargers can be dropped off at any Vodafone retail store or
posted freepost. For large quantities contact Vodafone for additional services
Company phone: 0800 800 021
Email: recycling.nz@vodafone.com
Web site:
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Office Equipment wastes accepted: Mobile Phones,
Other wastes accepted: Mobile Phones, Mobile Phones,
Drop off service available
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Provide secure document destruction
Contact: Glenn Coughlan
Company phone: 0800 22 76 96
Fax: 03 344 1276
Contact mobile: 027 285 2509
Email: gcoughlan@crownrelo.com
Web site: www.movingoffice.co.nz
Address: 15 Formans Road, Hornby, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Paper wastes accepted: All Paper, Confidential Paper,
Other wastes accepted:
Collection service available
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Eco Depot - Metro Place H
Open 7 days 7am to 4.30pm Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Day,
Good Friday, Anzac Day
Company phone: 03 941 7513
Email: info@ecodepot.co.nz
Web site: www.ecodepot.co.nz
Address: Metro Place, Bromley, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Paper wastes accepted: All Paper,
Other wastes accepted: All Cardboard, Aluminium, Appliances, Cans, Car Batteries,
Chemicals, Clothing, Computers, Garden Waste, Gas Cylinders, Glass, Grade 1 PET
(Poly Ethylene Terephthalate), Grade 2 HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene), Household
Items, Jars/Bottles, Oil, Paint, Paint, Rubble, Solvents, Steel, Super Market Bags, Tin,
Tyres, Whiteware, Whiteware,
Drop off service available
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Envirowaste Services Ltd H
Provides skips and bins to collect recyclables
Contact: Jae Green
Company phone: 03 349 7059
Contact mobile: 027 4915642
Email: jae.green@envirowaste.co.nz
Web site: www.envirowaste.co.nz
Address: 49 McAlpine St, Sockburn, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Paper wastes accepted: All Paper,
Other wastes accepted: All, All Cardboard, Cable, Concrete, Glass, Grade 1 PET (Poly
Ethylene Terephthalate), Grade 2 HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene), Gypsum,
Jars/Bottles, Plasterboard, Timber, Timber, Untreated Timber, Untreated Timber,
Untreated Timber,
Collection service available
Secure destruction and recycling of hazardous material and confidential paper
Contact: Derek Richardson
Company phone: 0800 102 131
Fax: 03 344 5005
Contact mobile: 021 678 045
Email: info@medichem.co.nz
Web site: www.interwaste.co.nz
Address: 57 Edmonton Road, Hornby, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Paper wastes accepted: All Paper, Confidential Paper,
Other wastes accepted: Copper, Dental Amalgam, Fluorescent Tubes, Fluorescent
Tubes, Medical Waste, Rechargeable Batteries, Rechargeable Batteries, Solvents,
Collection service available
Drop off service available
Iron Mountain
Confidential paper destruction. Once destroyed, shredded paper is recycled.
Contact: Sales
Company phone: 03 348 4800
Email: enquiry-chc@ironmountain.co.nz
Web site: www.ironmountain.co.nz
Address: 447 Blenheim Road, Sockburn, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Paper wastes accepted: All Paper, Confidential Paper,
Other wastes accepted:
Collection service available
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Junk Away H
Provide a collection service for recyclable materials
Contact: Fergus Beattie
Company phone: 0800 552 929
Contact mobile: 021 759 232
Email: fergus@junkaway.co.nz
Address: Woolston, Woolston, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Paper wastes accepted: All Paper,
Other wastes accepted: All Cardboard, Appliances, Garden Waste, Garden Waste,
Timber, Timber, Untreated Timber, Untreated Timber, Whiteware, Whiteware, Wood,
Collection service available
Provides bins, skips and trailers on site to collect recyclables
Contact: Trish Whitaker
Company phone: 0800 88 66 55
Email: twhitaker@mastagard.co.nz
Web site: www.mastagard.co.nz
Address: 21 Francella Street, Bromley, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Paper wastes accepted: All Paper,
Other wastes accepted: All Cardboard, Concrete, Glass, Grade 1 PET (Poly Ethylene
Terephthalate), Grade 2 HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene), Jars/Bottles,
Plasterboard, Plasterboard, Rubble, Stainless Steel, Steel, Timber, Timber, Treated
Timber, Treated Timber, Untreated Timber, Untreated Timber,
Collection service available
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Online Security Services & Document Destruction H
Secure bin exchange for destruction of confidental office paper. Once destroyed,
shredded paper is recycled.
Contact: Matthew Ellis
Company phone: 03 338 8668
Fax: 03 374 6810
Contact mobile: 0274 471 761
Email: CHCinfo@onlinesec.co.nz
Web site: www.onlinesec.co.nz
Address: 57 Pilkington Way, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Paper wastes accepted: All Paper, Confidential Paper,
Other wastes accepted:
Onyx NZ
Collects kerbside recycling on behalf of the Council
Contact: Grant Hopewell
Company phone: 03 374 3336
Fax: 03 374 3337
Email: ghopewell@onxygroup.co.nz
Web site: www.onyxgroup.co.nz
Address: 81 Buchanans Rd, Sockburn, Christchuch
Sectors: Commercial
Paper wastes accepted: All Paper,
Other wastes accepted: All Cardboard, Glass, Grade 1 PET (Poly Ethylene
Terephthalate), Grade 2 HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene), Jars/Bottles, Super
Market Bags,
Collection service available
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Waste Management NZ Ltd
Range of recycling bin sizes and collection frequencies. Collections can be commingled
in one bin for customer convenience
Contact: Andrew Boyd
Company phone: 03 348 0619
Email: aboyd@wastemanagement.co.nz
Web site: www.wastemanagement.co.nz
Address: 47-49 Haytons Rd, Sockburn, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Paper wastes accepted: All Paper,
Other wastes accepted: All, All Cardboard, Bottles, Cable, Expanded PS, Expanded PS,
Film, Garden Waste, Glass, Grade 1 PET (Poly Ethylene Terephthalate), Grade 2 HDPE
(High Density Poly Ethylene), Grade 4 LDPE (Low Density Poly Ethylene), Gypsum,
Jars/Bottles, Non Expanded Polystyrene, Pallets, Pallets, Plasterboard, Plasterboard,
Plastics, Rubble, Shrinkwrap, Super Market Bags, Timber, Timber, Timber, Treated
Timber, Treated Timber, Untreated Timber, Untreated Timber, Whiteware, Window
Glass, Wood,
Collection service available
Astron Plastics
Bins are supplied. Commercial quantities only
Contact: Ken Johns
Company phone: 03 349 4400
Fax: 03 349 8165
Email: kjohns@astronplastics.co.nz
Web site: www.astronplastics.co.nz
Address: 25 Canada Cres, Hornby, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Plastics wastes accepted: Grade 1 PET (Poly Ethylene Terephthalate), Grade 2 HDPE
(High Density Poly Ethylene), Grade 3 PVC, Grade 4 LDPE (Low Density Poly
Ethylene), Grade 5 PP (Poly Propylene), Non Expanded Polystyrene, Shrinkwrap,
Other wastes accepted:
Collection service available
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Coffee Time New Zealand LTD
Provide plastic cups and collection for recycling
Contact: Carlene Martin
Company phone: 0800 626 200
Email: coffee@coffeetime.co.nz
Web site: www.coffeetime.co.nz
Address: N/A,
Sectors: Commercial
Plastics wastes accepted: Non Expanded Polystyrene,
Other wastes accepted:
Collection service available
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EcoDepot - Parkhouse Road H
Open 7 days 7am to 4.30pm Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Day,
Good Friday, Anzac Day
Company phone: 03 941 7513
Email: info@ecodepot.co.nz
Web site: www.ecodepot.co.nz
Address: Parkhouse Road, Sockburn, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Plastics wastes accepted: Grade 1 PET (Poly Ethylene Terephthalate), Grade 2 HDPE
(High Density Poly Ethylene), Super Market Bags,
Other wastes accepted: All Cardboard, All Paper, Aluminium, Appliances, Cans, Car
Batteries, Chemicals, Clothing, Computers, Garden Waste, Gas Cylinders, Glass,
Household Items, Jars/Bottles, Oil, Paint, Paint, Rubble, Solvents, Steel, Tin, Tyres,
Whiteware, Whiteware,
Drop off service available
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Mainland Drums
Cleans residual materials out of drums and on-sells the cleaned drums
Contact: Wyane Allen
Company phone: 03 384 8106
Address: Bamfors Street, Woolston, Christchurch
Plastics wastes accepted: Drums,
Other wastes accepted: Copper,
Mainland Recycling
Service provided Christchurch and environs. Free collections for commercial
Contact: Graham Newman
Company phone: 03 384 0933
Email: mainlandrecycling@ihug.co.nz
Address: 133 Maces road, Bromley, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Plastics wastes accepted: ABS, Acrylic, Film, Grade 1 PET (Poly Ethylene
Terephthalate), Grade 2 HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene), Grade 3 PVC, Grade 4
LDPE (Low Density Poly Ethylene), Grade 5 PP (Poly Propylene), HIPS, Laminates,
Polycarbonate, Shrinkwrap,
Other wastes accepted:
Collection service available
Provides bins, skips and trailers on site to collect recyclables
Contact: Trish Whitaker
Company phone: 0800 88 66 55
Email: twhitaker@mastagard.co.nz
Web site: www.mastagard.co.nz
Address: 21 Francella Street, Bromley, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Plastics wastes accepted: Grade 1 PET (Poly Ethylene Terephthalate), Grade 2 HDPE
(High Density Poly Ethylene),
Other wastes accepted: All Cardboard, All Paper, Concrete, Glass, Jars/Bottles,
Plasterboard, Plasterboard, Rubble, Stainless Steel, Steel, Timber, Timber, Treated
Timber, Treated Timber, Untreated Timber, Untreated Timber,
Collection service available
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Onyx NZ
Collects kerbside recycling on behalf of the Council
Contact: Grant Hopewell
Company phone: 03 374 3336
Fax: 03 374 3337
Email: ghopewell@onxygroup.co.nz
Web site: www.onyxgroup.co.nz
Address: 81 Buchanans Rd, Sockburn, Christchuch
Sectors: Commercial
Plastics wastes accepted: Grade 1 PET (Poly Ethylene Terephthalate), Grade 2 HDPE
(High Density Poly Ethylene), Super Market Bags,
Other wastes accepted: All Cardboard, All Paper, Glass, Jars/Bottles,
Collection service available
Range Industries
A free collection of plastic film wastes
Contact: Matthew Darby
Company phone: 03 376 4310
Fax: 03 376 4309
Email: mdarby@rangeindustries.com
Web site: www.rangeindustries.com
Address: 1063 Ferry Road, Christchurch, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Plastics wastes accepted: Film, Grade 2 HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene), Grade 4
LDPE (Low Density Poly Ethylene), Grade 5 PP (Poly Propylene), Shrinkwrap, Super
Market Bags,
Other wastes accepted:
Collection service available
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Waste Management NZ Ltd
Range of recycling bin sizes and collection frequencies. Collections can be commingled
in one bin for customer convenience
Contact: Andrew Boyd
Company phone: 03 348 0619
Email: aboyd@wastemanagement.co.nz
Web site: www.wastemanagement.co.nz
Address: 47-49 Haytons Rd, Sockburn, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Plastics wastes accepted: Bottles, Expanded PS, Film, Grade 1 PET (Poly Ethylene
Terephthalate), Grade 2 HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene), Grade 4 LDPE (Low
Density Poly Ethylene), Non Expanded Polystyrene, Plastics, Shrinkwrap, Super Market
Other wastes accepted: All, All Cardboard, All Paper, Cable, Expanded PS, Garden
Waste, Glass, Gypsum, Jars/Bottles, Pallets, Pallets, Plasterboard, Plasterboard,
Rubble, Timber, Timber, Timber, Treated Timber, Treated Timber, Untreated Timber,
Untreated Timber, Whiteware, Window Glass, Wood,
Collection service available
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Eco Depot - Metro Place H
Open 7 days 7am to 4.30pm Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Day,
Good Friday, Anzac Day
Company phone: 03 941 7513
Email: info@ecodepot.co.nz
Web site: www.ecodepot.co.nz
Address: Metro Place, Bromley, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Textiles wastes accepted: Clothing,
Other wastes accepted: All Cardboard, All Paper, Aluminium, Appliances, Cans, Car
Batteries, Chemicals, Computers, Garden Waste, Gas Cylinders, Glass, Grade 1 PET
(Poly Ethylene Terephthalate), Grade 2 HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene), Household
Items, Jars/Bottles, Oil, Paint, Paint, Rubble, Solvents, Steel, Super Market Bags, Tin,
Tyres, Whiteware, Whiteware,
Drop off service available
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ERS New Zealand Limited
Contact: Lindsay McCallum
Company phone: 03 384 2673
Email: lmccallum@environmentalrecovery.com
Web site: www.environmentalrecovery.com
Address: 15 Caerphilly Place, Woolston, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Textiles wastes accepted: Rags,
Other wastes accepted: Antifreeze, Anti-Freeze, Oil, Paint, Solvents,
Collection service available
Paint Exchange H
Unwanted paint can be sold. Colours can be mixed on site. Paint can also be
Contact: Baz Hails
Company phone: 03 343 3201
Email: bmhails@paradise.net.nz
Address: 526 Blenheim Road, Sockburn, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Textiles wastes accepted: Clothing, Curtains, Fabric, Rags, Textiles,
Other wastes accepted: Household Items, Paint, Paint, Paint, Small Appliances, Toys,
Drop off service available
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Crusader Gardenmakers H
Accept plasterboard for recycling
Company phone: 03 341 5688
Fax: 03 341 5687
Email: sales@gardenmakers.co.nz
Web site: www.woodsupplies.co.nz
Address: 4 Parkhouse Road, Sockburn, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Timber wastes accepted: Plasterboard,
Other wastes accepted: Plasterboard,
Drop off service available
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Eco Recycling Park
Provides construction and demolition recycling to the commercial sector.
Contact: Dion Kerr
Company phone: 03 339 4941
Fax: 03 339 4943
Email: ecopark@xtra.co.nz
Address: 21 Brixton street, Islington, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Timber wastes accepted: Plasterboard, Timber, Untreated Timber,
Other wastes accepted: Aluminium, Bricks, Cans, Concrete, Glass, Gypsum,
Jars/Bottles, Metal, Plasterboard, Rubble, Steel, Steel, Timber, Tin, Untreated Timber,
Collection service available
Junk Away H
Provide a collection service for recyclable materials
Contact: Fergus Beattie
Company phone: 0800 552 929
Contact mobile: 021 759 232
Email: fergus@junkaway.co.nz
Address: Woolston, Woolston, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Timber wastes accepted: Garden Waste, Timber, Untreated Timber, Wood,
Other wastes accepted: All Cardboard, All Paper, Appliances, Garden Waste, Timber,
Untreated Timber, Whiteware, Whiteware, Wood,
Collection service available
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Provides bins, skips and trailers on site to collect recyclables
Contact: Trish Whitaker
Company phone: 0800 88 66 55
Email: twhitaker@mastagard.co.nz
Web site: www.mastagard.co.nz
Address: 21 Francella Street, Bromley, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Timber wastes accepted: Plasterboard, Timber, Treated Timber, Untreated Timber,
Other wastes accepted: All Cardboard, All Paper, Concrete, Glass, Grade 1 PET (Poly
Ethylene Terephthalate), Grade 2 HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene), Jars/Bottles,
Plasterboard, Rubble, Stainless Steel, Steel, Timber, Treated Timber, Untreated
Collection service available
Musgrove Ltd H
Customers can buy recycled products from the site. The company purchases resuable
demolition materials
Contact: John Morris
Company phone: 03 322 7922
Email: salesatmusgroves@xtra.co.nz
Address: 191 Wigram Rd, Wigram, Christchurch 8025
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Timber wastes accepted: Plasterboard, Treated Timber, Untreated Timber, Wood,
Other wastes accepted: Bathrooms, Bricks, Doors, Expanded PS, Fittings, Fittings,
Gypsum, Insulation, Kitchens, Plasterboard, Timber, Timber, Treated Timber,
Untreated Timber, Whiteware, Window Glass,
Collection service available
Drop off service available
Pallet Improvements H
Recycles pallets, wooden bins and crates
Contact: Michael Young
Company phone: 03 341 1027
Fax: 03 332 6813
Email: palletimprovements@xtra.co.nz
Address: 32 Dakota Cres, Sockburn, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Timber wastes accepted: Pallets, Timber, Untreated Timber, Wood,
Other wastes accepted: Pallets, Timber, Untreated Timber, Wood,
Collection service available
Drop off service available
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Pump House Demolition Yard H
Specialising in the recovery of salvageable materials and supply recycled building
Contact: Bruce or Paddy
Company phone: 03 389 6638
Fax: 03 389 6695
Email: thepumphouse@xtra.co.nz
Web site: www.thepumphouse.co.nz
Address: Corner Tuam St and Mathesons Road, Linwood, Christchurch
Sectors: Domestic, Commercial
Timber wastes accepted: Timber, Treated Timber, Untreated Timber,
Other wastes accepted: Bathrooms, Bricks, Doors, Kitchens, Metal, Plasterboard,
Salvage, Timber, Treated Timber, Untreated Timber, Window Glass,
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Waste Management NZ Ltd
Range of recycling bin sizes and collection frequencies. Collections can be commingled
in one bin for customer convenience
Contact: Andrew Boyd
Company phone: 03 348 0619
Email: aboyd@wastemanagement.co.nz
Web site: www.wastemanagement.co.nz
Address: 47-49 Haytons Rd, Sockburn, Christchurch
Sectors: Commercial
Timber wastes accepted: Pallets, Plasterboard, Timber, Treated Timber, Untreated
Timber, Wood,
Other wastes accepted: All, All Cardboard, All Paper, Bottles, Cable, Expanded PS,
Expanded PS, Film, Garden Waste, Glass, Grade 1 PET (Poly Ethylene Terephthalate),
Grade 2 HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene), Grade 4 LDPE (Low Density Poly
Ethylene), Gypsum, Jars/Bottles, Non Expanded Polystyrene, Pallets, Plasterboard,
Plastics, Rubble, Shrinkwrap, Super Market Bags, Timber, Timber, Treated Timber,
Untreated Timber, Whiteware, Window Glass,
Collection service available
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Businesses and organisa�ons listed in this directory
AAA Cartridge Recharge ...................................24 Metal Corp NZ Ltd ...............................3, 5, 10, 23
Allgrind ....................................................5, 15, 39 Millennium Ba�eries ........................................... 4
Annex Road Metals ............................................20 Ministry for the Environment ............................ 43
Appliance Services .............................................20 Mobilefone Repair.Com .................................... 27
Astron Plas�cs Ltd .............................................34 Molten Media Community Trust ....................... 27
BCG Fields .........................................................11 Morgan and Pollard Landscapes Ltd ................. 16
Bristol Metals .................................................9, 20 Musgrove Bros ..............................................7, 39
Carter Holt Harvey- Fullcircle ............................30 N Z Associa�on for Environmental Educa�on.. 43
Cartridge World ..................................................25 New Zealand Plas�c Recycling Ltd .................. 36
Chemwaste Industries Ltd ..............................3, 17 Nokia .................................................................28
Christchurch City Council ................12, 21, 30, 34 NZ Toner Office Supplies Ltd ........................... 28
Christchurch Community Law Centre ................43 Oil Recovery South Island ............................. 4, 18
Christchurch Environment Centre......................43 Online Security Services.................................... 32
Christchurch Otautahi Agenda 21 Forum...........43 Onyx NZ .................................................13, 33, 37
Christchurch Polytechnic....................................43 Pallet Improvements...................................... 8, 39
Coffee Time New Zealand LTD .........................35 PC Recycling Channel ....................................... 28
Coleridge Paper Company ..................................31 Pickfords Records and Informa�on Managers .. 33
Community Energy Ac�on ...................................6 Recall Secure Destruc�on Services ................... 33
Computer Access New Zealand Trust ................26 Recovered Materials Founda�on............14, 42, 44
Corporate Consumables......................................26 Waste Exchange ............................................ 42
Corrland ..............................................................11 Recycling Operators of New Zealand ................ 44
CRC Salvage Ltd ..................................................6 Red & Black Glass Collec�ons ......................... 14
Crea�ve Junk ................................................31, 35 Reinkers .............................................................28
Cupra Recovery Ltd .......................................9, 21 Resource Recycling Technologies Ltd .............. 23
Dell .....................................................................26 Ribbon Processors ............................................. 29
Dominion Trading Co Ltd ..............................5, 21 RMF Recycling Centres .........................10, 29, 38
Energy Efficiency & Conserva�on Authority ....42 Sims Pacific Metals ................................. 4, 11, 23
EnviroClean ........................................................12 Solvent Refiners Ltd .......................................... 19
Environment Canterbury ....................................43 Solvent Rescue Ltd ............................................ 19
Environmental Ligh�ng Solu�ons.................. 9, 18 Southern Bo�les ................................................ 14
Envirosave ..........................................................26 Southern Demoli�on and Salvage Ltd ................. 8
Envirowaste Services Ltd .......6, 12, 22, 31, 35, 39 Southern Grain Spirits NZ Ltd .......................... 14
ERS New Zealand Limited .......................3, 18, 38 T.E Wylie & Co Ltd .................................... 23, 37
EzyPC .................................................................26 Target Zero ........................................................41
Fatman (1991) Ltd ..............................................12 Telecom .............................................................29
Fuji Xerox ...........................................................27 Terra Lana Products........................................... 38
Fulton Hogan Limited ..........................................6 Toner Recycling Centre ..................................... 29
Garden Organics Compos�ng Services ..............15 Tredi New Zealand Ltd (Christchurch) ............... 4
Hewle�-Packard .................................................27 Tredi NZ Ltd ................................................ 11, 20
Industrial Oils NZ Ltd ........................................18 Trees for Canterbury.......................................... 16
Innova�ve Waste Kaikoura Ltd ............................7 Vodafone ...........................................................30
Living Earth Ltd .................................................16 Waste Management NZ Ltd...8, 15, 17, 24, 34, 37,
Mainland Recycling...................................... 13, 35 40
Mastagard.....................................7, 13, 22, 32, 36 Wastebusters Trust Canterbury...........9, 16, 24, 40
Mathew & Son......................................................7 Wheel-Away-Weeds .......................................... 17
Medi-Chem Waste Services .......10, 19, 22, 32, 36 Workers Educa�onal Associa�on ...................... 43
Appendix V
Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods
Appendix VI
Asbestos Policy
Scott Base Operations Policy
Number 3
Purpose Asbestos was commonly used as a lining material within buildings and as
an insula�on medium around pipes and containers.
All asbestos, whether it is white, brown or blue is now considered as a
health hazard. However, if the asbestos is non friable or interfered with
or disturbed in any manner, it cons�tutes li�le hazard.
There are several buildings under the control of Antarc�ca New Zealand,
which are known to contain asbestos. These buildings are generally the
older buildings such as:
1. The historic huts
2. The "TAE Hut"
3. The Geomag and Radar Huts
There may also be other buildings containing asbestos.
Policy Antarc�ca New Zealand will make the best possible endeavours to ensure
that persons working with asbestos are able to comply with the OSH
regula�ons 1992.
Antarc�ca New Zealand will make every endeavour to inform persons
carrying out work in areas known to contain asbestos before such work
They will also advise on the methods to be taken to handle any such
occurrences and ensure relevant literature dealing with asbestos handling
is provided. Appropriate protec�ve clothing and equipment will be made
available for those working with asbestos.
Domes�c Liquid Includes all human waste in the sewage system at Sco� Base,
Waste hydroponics water, final rinse photographic water and domes�c
waste water (grey water).
Grey Water Domes�c waste water from showers, sinks and the kitchen.
Hazardous Hazardous waste includes chemical hazardous items (all ba�eries, fuel/oil
products, oil spill wastes (eg soil, water and absorbents), an�freeze/coolant,
contaminatedwater, asbestos, explosives, all paint products, gas cylinders,
detergents, mercury, radioac�ve wastes and chemicals and aerosols) and
non-chemical hazardous items (all food waste, food contaminated waste,
medical waste, human field waste, sanitary waste, medical sharps and
Non Na�ve Any plant or animal of any species not indigenous to the Antarc�c Treaty
area or occurring seasonally through natural migra�ons.
Recyclables Recyclables include all glass, metal, metal cans, aluminium cans,
corrugated cardboard, plas�c, paper and card and newsprint paper. All
recyclables are returned to New Zealand for recycling.
Recycling Separa�ng material from the waste stream and collec�ng it for reprocessing
into other products.
Reduc�on Waste reduc�on i.e reducing the amount of waste generated or produced.
Retro General term used to describe all waste materials and items.
Reuse Using materials, containers and equipment again and again in order to
reduce the amount of waste produced.
Treated Timber Includes all par�cle boards, plywood, painted or chemically treated �mber.
Vermiculite Packaging material made from silica and used to pack chemicals and
hazardous liquid waste.
List of Acronyms