Biology 10 Chapter 6 (Checked) PDF
Biology 10 Chapter 6 (Checked) PDF
Biology 10 Chapter 6 (Checked) PDF
Taxonomy - introduction
What is Taxonomy?
Taxonomy is the study of classification of organisms.
There are still many organisms that haven’t yet been
discovered. About 8.7 million species of living
organisms have been discovered and is still living on
Taxonomy plays an important role as important as
other branches in biology. The study of taxonomy has
lead scientists to many possibilities. It relates
organisms to organisms, grouping, organizing,
studying their features and origins. The main job of a
taxonomist is to specifically classify organisms into
respective groups which relate them to other
Binomial nomenclature
Carl Linnaeus (1707-) was a swedish botanist.
During his time of work, the nomenclature of
organisms were not as systemic and is difficult for
many scientists to understand and use. For example,
the scientific name for tomato plant in his age was
Solanum caule inerme herbaceo foliis pinnatis Figure 6.1.1. A photograph of Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778)
incisis racemis simplicibus. Organisms were
classified based on analogous and homoplastic traits
which are structures with similar structures
independent of different origins. This would make a
bird more related to butterfly than reptiles because
both of them fly.
Later when he became professor in Uppsala
university, he studied about plants and other
organisms in his place. The method he used to study
organisms for classification was morphology, the
study of physical structures of organisms. He also
based on the fact of homologous traits such as
reproduction. He catalogued 7,700 plants and 4,400
He also introduced “Binomial nomenclature” or two
word naming system which is still used today. Every
organism has a two word Latin name which is used
to decode the scientific name of organisms. The first
represents the genus (written with first capital letter)
and the second represents the species (written all in
small letters). For example, the scientific name for
modern human is Homo sapiens.
One species of dog, familiaris and some wolves
species called lupis belongs to the same genus Canis.
The scientific name of the dog is Canis familiaris and
that of the wolf is Canis lupis.
Was it alright?
Linnaeus system was used for many centuries until
when things began to complicate. Back in his time,
there were only two kingdoms, Animalia and
Plantae. The microscopic organisms such as
protozoa are classified as animals due to lack of
ability to produce own food through photosynthesis.
Algae and fungi were classified as plants. When
bacteria were discovered, scientists had trouble
classifying them because they do not have true
cellular structures. And scientists began to see
similarities of protozoa and algae. To solve the
problem, scientists created a five-kingdom system
which include Monera; bacteria, Protoctista; algae
and protozoa, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia.
This still does not fit perfectly yet since a new group
of primitive bacteria now known as Archaea were
discovered. Scientists tried many ways and methods Figure 6.2.2. Levels of classification of wolves
and finally come to this system. A three domain
system which include Bacteria, Arachaea and
Eukaryata. Eukarayata includes all the eukaryotes.
Bacteriophage (Structure)
• Bacteriophage consists of a diamond shaped
head, a long slender shaft or body and spider- Figure 6.3.2. A. Landing B. Contact C. Release of DNA
like legs.
• Within the head, is the viral RNA or DNA that
contains informations for synthesis of proteins.
Bacteriophage (Reproduction)
There are two types of reproduction.
1) The lytic system
• The bacteriophage lands on a bacterial cell
(host) with its legs and anchors itself on the
cell membrane.
• Then the body lowers and contacts with the
membrane and pierces it.
• The phage releases its DNA into the cell.
• The enzymes and proteins within the cell mis-
read the viral DNA with its own producing
new viral proteins.
• The viral proteins are assembled.
• The cell bursted, the host dies and new phages Figure 6.3.3. Lytic cycle
are produced.
2) The lysogenic system
• After the viral DNA have entered the cell, it
binds to the host’s DNA and becomes part of
• When the bacterial cell divides, the viral DNA
is copied with it. This occurs many times.
• When the condition is right, it enters lytic
system and new phages are produced.
Uses of viruses
• Nowadays, viruses become extensively
important in research and biotechnological
• Since viruses can manipulate a cell functions,
they are used to study cell functions. Figure 6.3.4. Lysogenic cycle
• They are used as vectors for carrying important
genetic materials.
6.4. Bacteria - Part 1
• Bacteria belongs to the Kingdom Monera of
the domain Prokaryota.
• All bacteria are unicellular prokaryotes.
• They are the most abundant organism.
• They are much larger than viruses.
• Bacteria consists of a cellular structure but Figure 6.4.1. Cocci Figure 6.4.2. Bacilli
differs from Eukaryotic cells.
• They are encased in a porous but rigid cell
• They live in many places, land, sea, etc.
• Some bacteria are parasitic while most being
free-living types.
Types A B C
• It is a single spherical or oval or slightly
elongated cell.
• It has a thin cell wall which is made up of
chitin and the protoplasmic mass.
• The protoplasmic mass is composed of
cytoplasm and single nucleus.
• The nucleus contains large vacuole, nuclear
reticulum and a nucleolus.
• A centrosome lies on either side of the
• Granules of glycogen, protein, volutin, oil
globules and mitochondria are embedded in
the cytoplasmic mass.
• They reproduce by budding, fission or
Uses Figure 6.7.2. Budding of yeast
• Yeast ferment various sugars. The process of
fermentation results in production of carbon
dioxide and alcohol. The formed carbon
dioxide is responsible for rising of the dough
and for the porous texture of the resulting
bread or loaf.
• Yeast is also used in production of alcohol and
in wine making.
• Yeast is an important source of vitamin B.
• Most species are saprophytic but a few are
parasitic. It grows on damp fruits, butter, ghee,
starchy materials and wood. The somatic body
is a profusely branched mycelium. Mycelium
consists of branched, septate and
multinucleate hyphae. Each hyphal cell
contains several granules and vacuolated
cytoplasm, nuclei and oil globules. An
unbranched conidiophore arises from the foot
plate (thick walled hyphal cell). The
conidiophore is enlarged at the tip,forming a
swollen vesicle. Each vesicle is covered with
flask-shaped sterigmata or phialides. The
sterigmata produces chain of conidia.
Reproduction Figure 6.8.3. Microscopic view of Aspergillus
• The mechanism of asexual reproduction is the
same as that of Penicillium. They can
reproduce vegetatively and sexually as well.
6.9. Protozoa - introduction
• Protozoans belong to the phylum Protozoan of
the Kingdom Protoctista of the domain
• They are usually microscopic unicellular
organisms with similar animal like cells.
• Locomotion is possible by flagella, cilia,
pseudopodia or the whole cell itself.
• Some species have protective coverings while
others produce resistant cysts or spores. Figure 6.9.1. Diagram of Amoeba proteus
• They may be free living or parasitic.
• Nutrition is by subsisting on other organisms or
dissolved substances (parasitic) or on dead
organic matter (saprophytic) or by producing
food by photosynthesis as in plants.
• Asexual reproduction by fission or budding
and sexual by fusion of gametes or
There are 4 classes of Protozoa. Figure 6.9.2. Diagram of Euglena viridis
• Sarcodina e.g. Amoeba proteus
• Mastigophora e.g. Euglena viridis
• Sporozoa e.g. Monocystis lumbrici
• Ciliata e.g. Paramecium caudate
Movement occurs by pseudopodia which appear at
any point on the surface. The formation is not yet
Figure 6.10.1 Amoeba proteus seen under microscpe
well explained. When pseudopodia is formed, some
endoplasm flows into it and then it enlarges. The
body left behind shrinks posterior to pseudopodia
and then disappears. The Amoeba has moved.
It feeds on minute animals and plants. Food is
engulfed at any point on the surface. First the contact
food is enclosed by pseudopodia formed. Then the
food is drawn into the cell. This is known as
phagocytosis. The food is now within a food vacuole.
Amoeba reproduces asexually by binary fission, the
process in which the parent Amoeba divides into two
daughter Amoebas. The nucleus divides by mitosis.
When the Amoeba is cut in half on purpose, the half
with nucleus continues to live while the other half
Entamoeba histolytica is the cause of amoebiasis, or
amoebic dysentery. Naegleria fowleri (the "brain-
eating amoeba") is a fresh-water-native species that
can be fatal to humans if introduced through the
Fine hair-like structures called cilia cover the body.
Effective stokes of all cilia force the whole protozoan
forward and backward. Since they beat obliquely,
results in a spiral movement. Figure 6.11.1. Drawing of Paramecium caudatum
They cannot synthesize their own food like euglenas.
Bacteria, yeasts, small protozoans and algae are
captured due to driving of the current of water
produced by beating of cilia in oral groove. The food
is swept into the cytostome and into the gullet. The
food is gathered in the food vacuole. It is released
when it reaches its certain size. It travels in the
cytoplasm in definite route, first posteriorly then
forward and aborally and finally posteriorly to near
the oral groove. During the course, digestion occurs.
The digested food is either stored or used for a vital
activity. The remain is egested.
Reproduction is by binary fission and often by Figure 6.11.2. Conjugation of Amoeba proteus
conjugation. In conjugation method, two paramecia
fuse and series of division, degeneration and
regeneration of macro and micronuclei occurs. The
end result is four daughters paramecia.
Life cycle
• It requires two hosts, primary vertebrate and
secondary invertebrate or vector.
• The vertebrate is man and invertebrate is blood
suckling fly (tsetse fly).
• [Understand figure 6.12.2 for life cycle]
• It causes African sleeping sickness or Chagas’ Figure 6.12.1. Drawing of Trypanosoma gambiense
• I t s s y m p t o m s i n c l u d e f e ve r, a n x i e t y,
uncontrolled sleepiness, swollen and red
nodule at the site of insect bite and swollen
lymph nodes.
There mainly two types of plants distinguished upon
vascularization. They are
(a) Non-vascular plants
• These are plants with no generalized
structure such as stem, root and leaf.
• There is no vascular tissues for transport and
is not necessary. Transportation occurs via
• These include phylum bryophytes such as
moss, liverworts and hornworts.
(b) Vascular plants
• These are plants with much more complex
structures but some still do not possess
higher features such as true root.
• There is a vascularized transport system.
• Liverworts or Marchantiophyta usually consist
of leaf-like green thallus and root-like rhizoid
without a stem. Liverworts are typically small
ranging from 2-20mm. Certain species may
cover large patches of ground, rock and tree.
• Mosses grow in as dense green clump of mat
on damp or shady places. They are generally
larger than liverworts ranging from 0.2-10cm.
They possess simple leaves which are only one
cell thick and stem.
• Hornworts grow in many places such as damp
and humid places and even bark of a tree.
Figure 6.14.1. Three types of Bryophytes (A) Moss
• The life cycle shows two distinct phases. (B) Liverwort (C) Hornwort
• One of them is the leaf or thallus which
reproduces sexually and based on this nature,
bryophytes are gametophytes which mean they
produce gametes.
• The zygote formed by fusion of gametes does
not give rise to gametophyte but forms a
sporogium which produces spore. Hence, it is
also a sporophyte.
• The spore on germination grows into a
• The two generations regulate alternately with
each other in a single life cycle. This is called
alteration of generations.
• In bryophytes, the gametophyte is the
conspicuous and independent generation
while the sporophyte is dependent on
• Some members can reproduce vegetatively
due to the presence of gemme cup which Figure 6.14.2. General concept of alteration of
develops into a gametophyte. generation in bryophytes [n= number of set of
chromosomes present]
6.15. Bryophytes - Riccia
• Riccia possesses flattened branched structure
called thallus which divides dichotomously
with no distinct features between stem and
• Root like structures called rhizoid grows from
lower surface to anchor the plant and to take
up nutrients.
• The thallus is thickest in the middle and
becomes thinner towards the margin. The mid-
portion is called midrib.
• Sexual parts of Riccia is contained in
inconspicuous structures known as antheridia
(male) and archegonia (female) which are
borne on stalks antheridiophores (male) and
archegoniophores (female).
• These develop on separate plants.
• Fertilization takes place when sperm meets the
egg resulting in zygote which begins the
sporophyte generation.
• A mature sporophyte consists of a spherical
capsule which is embedded in the thallus.
• The capsule contains numerous tiny spores.
• These spores are released when the capsule Figure 6.151. Single thallus of (a) male and (b) female Riccia
dies and dispersed by wind.
• Under favorable conditions, they germinates
into new gametophytes.
• The sporophyte consists of the foot, seta and
• The conical basal portion is the foot which is
embedded in the apex of gametophyte and
absorbs food from it.
• Slender extension from the foot is the stalk or
seta which conduct water and food from foot
to capsule.
• Capsule is situated at the top of the plant and
is a highly complex structure with solid central
portion called columella, spore sac, capsule
wall and a lid.
• The spore sac contains tiny spores.
• The lid opens, the spores are released and Figure 6.16.1. Structure of Funeria
dispersed by wind.
• Under favorable conditions, the spores give
rise to protonema and later gametophytes.
• The newly grown gametophyte begins as small,
short, flattened, green and heart-shaped structure
called prothallus.
• The adult plant produces gametes which when
unite form a zygote that grows into adult fern.
• Male and female cones are separate structures.
• The female cone tends to be more woody and
covered by ovuliferous scales which protect
the seed.
• The microspore produces male gametes and
megaspore produces female gametes. When
Figure 6.19.1. A female cone
united, form a zygote then an adult plant.
• The cone do not split open but curls open so
the seeds are equipped with wings for
dispersal by wind.
• The megaspore mother cell in ovule produces
• The microspore mother cell in anther produces
sperm cell nuclei which are contained in
pollen grain.
• Fertilization occurs on meeting of the gametes
with the result of a diploid zygote which later
becomes a mature plant.
• As usually, there is sporophyte generation
which is the visible plant and is independent.
Aloe vera
• It is commonly known as Barbados aloes
which belong to phylum angiosperm.
• It grows wild mostly in dry region.
• It is a perennial succulent herb.
• Its leaves can be used in hepatitis and
jaundice, renal diseases, burns, wounds, cuts,
localized edema, alopecia and falling hair, eye
sores and as purgative.
Figure 6.21.2. Cut leaves of Aloe vera
Curcuma longa
• It is commonly known as turmeric which
belong to the phylum angiosperm.
• It grows wildly in southern Asia where the
climate is slightly warm.
• It is a perennial and rhizomatous herb.
• Its rhizome can be used for dysentery,
dyspepsia, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, insect
bites and as choleretic, antiseptic, antiflatulent,
antipruritic and antiflammatory agent.
Figure 6.21.3. Crash powders of turmeric
Morinda citrifolia
• It is commonly known as morinda or Noni
fruit and belongs to phylum angiosperm.
• It grows in warm and humid regions.
• It is a perennial small tree.
• Its leaves as well as fruits can be used in
retardation of tumour growth, lung cancer,
spongy gum, throat complaints, alleviate
menstrual cramps, diabetes, gastric ulcer,
hypertension, migraine headaches and
Alzheimer’s disease.
Figure 6.21.4. Leaf and fruits of noni fruit
6.22. The animal kingdom
Characteristics of animals
• Animals belong to the kingdom Animalia of
the domain Eukaryota.
• They are all multicellular organs with different
types of specialized cells.
• Cells do not have cell wall.
• Vacuole in cells are temporary and small.
• Locomotion is obvious in many phyla.
• They are heterotrophs and can be free-living or
as parasite.
• Body structure varies from simple to large and
• Reproduction can be either sexual or asexual
or both.
Animals are classified into their respective phyla as
A. Simple animals
(a) Phylum - Porifera
This include sponges.
(b) Phylum - Coelenterata
This include hydra, jelly-fish, etc.
B. Worms
(c) Phylum - Platyhelminthes
This include flat worms, tape worms, etc.
(d) Phylum - Nematoda
This include round worms, hook worms, pin
worms, etc.
(e) Phylum - Annelida
This include earth worms, etc.
C. Complex animals
(f) Phylum - Mollusca
This include snail, slug, octopus, etc.
(g) Phylum - Arthropoda
This include
1. Class - Insecta e.g. ant, fly, etc.
2. Class - Arachnida e.g. spiders, etc.
3. Class - Crustacea e.g. lobsters, crabs, etc.
4. Class - Myriapoda e.g. centipedes, etc.
(h) Phylum - Echinodermata
This include sea star, sea urchins, etc.
(i) Phylum - Hemichordata
(j) The only species are the acorn worms.
(k) Phylum - Chordata Figure 6.22.1. Classification of animals
This include
1. Class - Pisces (fish)
2. Class - Amphibia (amphibian)
3. Class - Reptilia (reptile)
4. Class - Aves (birds)
5. Class - Mammalia (mammals)
6.23. Porifera
Porifera or sponges are the most primitive forms of
invertebrates. They look like plants in many ways
and the most obvious one is the inability for them to
move from one to another but grow attached to a
firm substrates usually rocks. They are the most
simple form of animals with least organization of
body structure.
• The outer surface of a sponge is covered by
many small flat cells called pinacocytes.
• Porocytes, cells with pores, are found
scattered throughout the body which allow
water into the body. Figure 6.23.1. A sponge (Leucosolenia)
• The hollow body is supported by a soft
network of fibers ,spongin and protected by
hard particles called spicules.
• The central cavity called spongocoel is
separated from the outer surface by gelatinous
space called mesohyal.
• Choanocytes, cells with cilia, force water
through the spongocoel thus bringing in food
and removing wastes.
• Water leaves the body through a large pore at
the top called osculum.
• Amebocytes bring the food to other parts of
the body.
The phylum include:
(1) Class - Turbellaria e.g. planarian (free living)
(2) Class - Trematoda e.g. liver flukes (parasitic)
(3) Class - Cestoda e.g. tapeworms (parasitic)
Life cycle
• Taenia solium or pork tapeworm is an obligate
parasite which means it dies if lack of a host.
• It is an endoparasite because it lives inside its
host, primary host being man and secondary Figure 6.26.1. Structure of Taenia solium
host pig.
• It attaches to the internal intestinal lining of
man by its head.
• The mature proglottids fall off into the
intestinal cavity and pass out with feces.
• The hexacanth larva (developed zygote) are
released from the proglottids once on the soil.
• Pig ingests the larva through its meal, the larva
attaches to its stomach wall then into blood
stream and changes into cyst form in muscle.
• When the human consumes pork, the cyst is
digested releasing the contained immature
worm which develops into an adult worm.
A cysticeri forms
Life cycle
• It is an endoparasite with primary host being
the herbivore and secondary host snail (usually
• It lives in the bile ducts of sheep, cows and
many other herbivores and also man.
• The egg in the uterus is released into the bile
duct and eventually out with feces.
• Those which encounter water becomes
miracidia (ciliated larvae).
• They change into sporocysts in about two
weeks containing embryos.
• Each embryo develops into redia (secondary Figure 6.27.1. Structure of Fasciola hepatica
• These give rise to third kind of larvae with long
tail called cercaria.
• Cercaria leaves the snail and later become
encysted into metacercaria.
• They are ingested by an herbivore and the cyst
wall is digested releasing the metacercaria.
• Finally, on reaching the bile duct, it stays and
develops into an adult form.
Round worms
• Ascaris is the largest nematode.
• It is round and tapered at both ends, anterior
end being thinner.
• The mouth opens at anterior end and possess
finely toothed lips, one dorsal and two ventral.
• In male, near the posterior end is the cloacal
opening from which two spinous extensions,
penile spicules continue. The spicules serve as
copulatory organs.
• In female, vulva or genital pore is located
ventrally at about one-third of the length from
anterior end.
• Male is smaller and more slender than female
but the most distinguishable feature is the
sharp and curved tail of male whereas the tail
is straight and blunt in female.
• Its infection causes Ascariasis.
Figure 6.28.1. Round worm, on the right,
Hook worms female Ascaris, on the left, male Ascaris
Pin worms
• Enterobius although less dangerous irritate
many children because many pinworms infect
intestine and inflame the anus.
• Children often scratch themselves and put
fingers in the mouth unaware of being infected
got reinfected themselves.
• Its infection is known as Enterobiasis.
6.29. Nematoda - Ascaris lumbricoides
[Morphology has been described in Chapter 6.28]
Life cycle
• It passes its life cycle in the host, man.
• The fertilized egg containing the unsegmented
ovum passes out with feces. It is not infective.
• A rhabditiform larva develops from ovum within
a shell in the soil. It is infective to men. Before
hatching, it undergoes molting.
• When ingested, the embryonated egg passes
down to duodenum where its shell is digested
and the larvae are released.
• The larvae do not directly develop into mature
worms but burrow their way into the intestinal
wall. Figure 6.29.1. Fertilized egg of Ascaris
• They are carried by blood to liver where they
stay for a while and then reaching the alveoli
where they molt twice.
• From the lungs, they eventually returns back to
small intestine and molt again.
• The larvae reaching their habitat grow into adult
Body structure
• Earthworms have segmented body with each
segment bearing the same fundamental
• Setae, tiny bristles like structures allow the worm
to grip to the surface tightly aiding in movement
as well as grasping onto the soil firmly when the
predators try to pull it out of its burrow.
• Earthworms have no eyes but they do have light
sensitive cells which detect light intensity.
• Earthworms eat by pulling the food towards it by
using prostomium. Figure 6.31.1. External features of an earthworm
showing dorsal view (left), ventral view (right) and
Movement lateral view of head piece (middle top)
• Earthworms are hermaphrodites but they cannot
fertilize themselves.
Ecological importance
• The burrows made by earthworms allow air into
the soil which improves drainage.
• The casting consists of finest soil mixed with
broken vegetative tissues make a high quality
Figure 6.33.2. Internal structure of snail
• Clams belong to the class Bivalvia.
• The largest clam is the giant clam which cam
reach about four feet across. Most clams are
only a few inches long.
• Clams are good example of Molluscs with two
hard shells called valves protecting the soft
• Strong muscles called adductor muscles open
and close the clam. When it is open, the foot
protrudes between the valves allowing the
clam to partially bury itself in seabed and
• Clams are filter feeders. They take in water
through two holes called siphons. The food is
then extracted and digested in the clam’s gut.
The gut is complete running from mouth to Figure 6.33.3. Structure of clam
anus. Flow is one way.
• Circulatory system is open.
• Clams reproduce sexually and are not
• Starfish belongs to class Asteroidea of the
phylum Echinodermata.
• The central area of the starfish is the stomach
and intestine which is continuous with tubes
that run along the rays. Starfish can take food
into their body but they often eat by everting
their stomach onto the prey and digesting it
outside. They can eat bivalves by prying their
shells and inserting their stomach into the gap
and digesting it.
• Starfish have limited regeneration power. They
can grow back an arm when cut off provided
that the condition is suitable. In some species,
a cut arm can grow into a new starfish.
• Starfish reproduce by a process called free-
sprawning. The gametes are released into the
water where they are fertilized by gametes of
the opposite sex.
• Starfish like other echinoderms have a water
vascular system. The water vascular system is a
hydraulic system that works under water Figure 6.35.1. Internal structure of a starfish
pressure. Water comes in and goes out of the
body through this system. This system allows
sea stars to move, catch prey, exchange gases
and excrete wastes. As the water goes through
the body, it passes the medreporite, disk-like
structure on upper surface of the body. It
prevents large particles from entering the body.
The tube feet is part of the system. They are
hollow tubes with suckers. The other end of
the tube is round and swollen and is called
ampulla. It acts as a bulb of a dropper where
the dropper is the tube feet. When the ampulla Figure 6.35.2. Section of one of the rays
contracts and relaxes, the suction action is
created. This suction is so strong that a starfish
can pulls the clam shell open by sticking its
rays onto the shell. Each tube feet works
independently of other tube feet. Characteristics
• The body has three regions: head, thorax and
abdomen. Body is covered with exoskeleton
made up of tough, fibrous material called
Figure 6.37.1 External features of a grasshopper
• They have six jointed legs and many species
have pairs of wings. Wings are not modified
appendages just like in birds. They are rather
evaginations of thoracic exoskeleton.
• The head is well supplied with sense organs
including compounds which can form
accurate images, antennae can detect
vibrations and some species can detect
extreme chemicals and smells over large
• Insects do not have lungs. Respiration takes
place through holes in the body called
spiracles. These connect with the tubes of
opened circulatory system. Since insects do
not have lungs and well-developed heart, they
cannot grow beyond their normal size or they Figure 6.37.2. Internal features of a grasshopper
will be unable to get oxygen efficiently.
• Some insects such as bees and ants have
complex social structures with intricate
behavior. They live in large groups with single
Life cycle
• The life cycle of grasshoppers is through
gradual metamorphosis, one of the types.
• This is a type in which the young are strikingly
like the adults in general form of the body and
in manners of life.
• There is gradual growth of body and wings
which takes place slowly and are not very
great between any successive stages.
• Some individual species may have different
colors different seasons. They are called
seasonal dimorphic (two types) or trimorphic
or polymorphic.
• Some species have color variation between
males and females. They are called sexual
• Coloration is important and helps an insect
from becoming prey of their predators. The
most common method is protective mimicry.
• Wings help the insects fly from place to place
rapidly aiding in escapism and nutrition. Figure 6.38.2. The coloration of a butterfly
• Not all insects have wings. Some have tiny
club-like like threads called haustra for
• Wings are venated and varies with species.
Anopheles Aedes
- Adult lives in houses, shelters, animal - Adult lives in houses resting in dark ans
houses and paddy field. (mostly rural) shady places. (highly domestic)
Habitat - - Larva lives in transient collection of water
Larva lives as large collection on fresh-
water, fields, ponds and stream. and artificial container.
- Body is yellow to dark brown. - Body is dark brown with white patches.
- Maxillary palp - Maxillary palp
Morphology In male, longer than proboscis and tip is In male, broom-shaped, tip-bent and as
club-shaped. long as proboscis.
In female, as long as proboscis. In female, shorter than proboscis.
• Scorpions are large arachnida that live in
dessert areas.
• Their bodies are covered with tough
exoskeleton and are elongated in shape.
• The opisthosoma consists of mesosoma and
• Mesosoma consists of book lungs, digestive
organs and sexual organs.
• The metasoma consists of a tail with telson or
• The movable tail is curved over the abdomen
which is in position to strike the prey with
venomous stinger.
• Their pedipalps are modified into claws similar
to those of crustaceans which are used for Figure 6.40.2. External features of a scorpion A.
grasping prey and as defensive organs. Dorsal view B.Ventral View
• The chelicera are used to crush the prey and
bring food into the mouth.
• Diplopoda or commonly known as millipedes
consist of two pairs of legs on each segments. Figure 6.42.1. External features of a centipede
• A millipede can be 0.08 to 12 inches long with
most species being 2 to 6 inches in length.
• There are about 10,000 known species.
• A millipede can have about 100 to 300 legs in
total. There is a kind of millipede which
processes 750 legs.
• Most are detritivores or herbivores feeding on
decaying organic matters.
• Eyes are rather simple.
• Most millipedes are nocturnal.
• They secrete an irritating chemicals from
glands in thorax when they are threatened by
their predators such as centipedes.
They are not considered true chordates because
• They do not have a true notochord but what is
called stomocord.
• They, however, have a dorsal nerve cord but is
not hollowed wholly.
• They possess a pharyngeal slits.
They live in shallow water along the sea shore. Their
bodies are soft. Acorn worm, the most common Figure 6.43.2. Structure of typical chordate
member burrows itself in the mud and sand. The
body consists of proboscis, collar and trunk. All the
organ systems are well developed. Sexes are
Class - Agnatha
• They are the representatives of earliest stages
in evolution of vertebrates.
• They lack jaws but have cartilaginous endo-
skeleton and a notochord.
• Seven pharyngeal gill slits are present near the
• The mouth is at the center of the round buccal
funnel and is armed with horny teeth and
rasping tongue.
• The class include lampreys which are
• They attach their buccal funnel to the side of
the fish, rasp and hole in the body and feed on
the body fluids of the fish.
Class - Chondrichthyes
• Their skeleton is cartilaginous and the first gill Figure 6.44.2. A shark - representative of cartilaginous
arches are modified into jaws. fish
• Sharks and many other relatives are included
in this class.
• They are predators and scavengers.
Class - Osteichthyes
• Bony fish are the diverse class of Pisces.
• Advanced features include bony skeleton,
modified gill arches and internal air bladder
for balance and buoyancy.
• Gills are protected by a movable gill covering.
• The lateral system can be found on the lateral
side of the fish.
• The line is with pits which detect water
currents and predators or preys nearby.
• They are equipped with fins. The mouth is a
slit on ventral surface. Just behind the eye are
6 gill slits. Between the pelvic fins is the anus.
Their bodies are streamline which helps them
swim in the water easily and quickly.
• The skeleton is entirely of cartilage.
• The digestive tract is long. Gill slits open into
the pharynx. The tract ends in cloaca. Liver,
pancreas, gall bladder and spleen are also
• The circulatory system is a closed system with
single circulation through the two-chambered
heart. The heart contains venous blood only. It
is pumped through the ventral aorta then into
afferent branchial arteries to gill where it is
oxygenated. It is carried by efferent branchial
arteries to various body parts. The venous
blood returns via dorsal aorta to the heart.
• The brain is highly developed with olfactory
lobes, cerebrum, a pair of optic lobes,
cerebellum and medulla.
• They have a series of sense organs running
down their body called the lateral line which
detect changes even minute changes in
pressure around them caused by other fish.
Sharks also have very good sense of smell
which can detect chemicals from miles away
even at low concentration. They, however,
have poor eye sight. Figure 6.45.1. Internal features of a shark
• Respiration is by means of gills only. They have
gills on ventral arches which form the external
gill slits. They do not pump water over the
gills. They have to be in constant motion
forwards to maintain the respiration otherwise
they die off drowning. Oxygen is absorbed
through the gills as water enters the mouth and
out through the gill slits.
• The body temperature is variable and changes
with the environment. They are cold-blooded
animals or poikilotherms.
• Excretion is by mesonephric ducts (almost
• Sexes are separate. Fertilization is external.
6.46. Osteichthyes
Osteichthyes are also called bony fish
because their skeleton is made of bone.
Th e y a r e m o r e va r i a b l e t h a n
cartilaginous fish comprising more than
29,000 species across marine and fresh
water. Bony fish have a sense of smell
and lateral line as in cartilaginous fish
but they have a good eye sight. Some
species have an amazing fluorescent
Figure 6.46.1. External features of a bony fish
• The body is soft and slimy covered
by numerous bony plates called
scales arranged in longitudinal
rows. The body can be divided
into head, trunk and tail. They are
two dorsal fins, a caudal fin, a
median fin, an anal fin, two lateral
pectoral fins and two lateral pelvic
• It consists of both exoskeleton
(scales) and endoskeleton (bones
and teeth).
• They mouth is large and terminal
and possess tooth-bearing jaw.
Rudimentary tongue projects from
floor of mouth though not capable
of free movement but serves as Figure 6.46.2. Skeleton of a bony fish
tactile organ.
• Circulation is similar to that of shark.
• Behind the eyes, there are 4 gill slits covered
by an operculum with a free edge posteriorly
and ventrally. Bony fish breathes by 4 pairs of
gills. Each girl has two filaments supplied by
capillaries. As the water flow through, oxygen
is absorbed.
• An air bladder, thin walled sac,
filled with air lies on dorsal part of
the fish aids in respiration and acts
as hydrostatic organ or float. It
adjusts the fish weight so that the
fish cam stay in the water with
• The body temperature is variable
and changes with the environment.
They are cold-blooded animals or
• Just anterior to the anal fin is the
anus and the urogenital organs.
Excretion is by mesonephric ducts. Figure 6.46.3. Circulation in a bony fish
• Sexes are separate.
6.47. Amphibia
The class Amphibia includes frogs, toads, newts,
salamanders and caecilians. There are about 5000
species known. They spend parts of their lives in
water and part on land. The eggs and larva called
tadpoles are in the water and the adult near the
water or on land. Some members possess tail while
others do not. They may be confused with reptiles
especially lizards. There may be similarities but there
is also a vast difference between them. The class
(1) Order - Apoda or Gymnophiona
(Limbless amphibians)
(2) Order - Caudata Figure 6.47.1. External features of a toad
(Tailed amphibians)
(3) Order - Salientia
(Tailess amphibians)
• The body does not have scales but is covered
by skin which is moist and glandular. The body
can be divided into head and trunk while neck
is absent in most frogs and toads.
• Some species are poisonous and secrete
poisonous fluid from glands in the skin.
• The two nostrils are connected to the mouth
cavity. The eyes are with lids. The ear drum is
external. The mouth bears fine teeth and the
tongue is usually protrusible.
• The endoskeleton is largely bony.
• Circulation is a partial double circulation with
three-chambered heart.
• Respiration is by gills, lungs, skin or mouth Figure 6.47.2. Circulation in a frog
lining. The tadpole (juvinile stage for frogs and
toads) are rather-like fish and have gills for gas
exchange. As the tadpole age, they lose their
gills and tail, and develops legs and lungs.
• The nervous system is highly developed.
• The body temperature is variable and changes
with the environment. They are cold-blooded
animals or poikilotherms.
• Excretion is by mesonephros.
• Sexes are separate. Fertilization is external or
internal with complete metamorphosis.
• The body is covered with dry scales and bony
• Circulation is complete double circulation in
crocodiles with four-chambered heart. The rest
of the members have partial double circulation
and three chambered heart.
• Respiration is by lungs throughout life. Figure 6.48.2. Circulation in a turtle
• The nervous system is highly developed with
larger cerebrum. The grey and white matter is
slightly distinct.
• The body temperature is variable and changes
with the environment. They are cold-blooded
animals or poikilotherms.
• Sexes are separate and fertilization is external
or internal.
• The body is covered with colorful feathers
which serves for insulation and flight. The body
is streamlined so that they can fly in the air
with ease.
• Wings are the most peculiar organs when it
comes to birds. Most aerial birds such as
swallows and gull have long pointed wings
which keep them in the air for a long period of
time. Terrestrial birds such as bobwhite and
sparrows have short wings that enables rapid
flight for short distance. Birds like penguins
and auks use their wings for swimming.
Flightless birds like ostrich and kiwi only have
remnant of wings but better legs as adaptation.
• Feet are used for locomotion, building nests,
obtaining food, offensive and defensive
purposes. The type and structure varies with
• Bills are the hands of birds but most
importantly for the function of procuring food.
• Circulation is with four-chambered heart.
• Respiration is by lungs.
• Excretion is by metanephric kidneys.
• Nervous system is highly developed.
• The body temperature is relatively constant
and does not varies with environment. They
are homeotherms.
• Sexes are separate. Fertilization is internal. The
embryo is contained in egg shell as in some
Figure 6.50.1. Feet tell how a bird survive
Adaptation to flight
The most important functions of birds is flight. To
do so, they are adapted with the following
• The body is streamlined or boat-shaped
thus offer little resistance to air.
• They have strong and heavy musculature at
the chest to move the wings.
• The skeletal system is lightweight.
• They have a very high body temperature
for high metabolism for sufficient energy
• They have efficient respiratory system to
supply enough oxygen.
Figure 6.50.2. The bills tell how a bird feeds
6.51. Flight
• The wings are the
• A bird’s wing is composed of three limb bones:
humerus, radius and ulna.
• Primary feathers are attached to the carpo-
metacarpus. They are the largest and furthest
groups of feathers attached to a bird’s wing.
They propel the birds in the air and are the
major flight feathers.
• Secondary feathers are attached to ulna. They
sustain the bird in the air giving it a lift.
• A group of feathers attached to alula reduce Figure 6.51.1. Structure of a wing
turbulence and drag which assist the steering.
Mechanics of flight
• Shape of wings are importance in flight.
• The shape of a wing (lateral view) is somewhat
like wider at the front and tapered at the back.
This is called an air foil.
• The air flowing in opposite direction to the
bird comes in contact with the bird’s wing
above and below.
• The touched areas above the wing is less than
those below due to the rate of air flow. (Faster
at the top and slower at the bottom.)
• Thus, the air lifting up from below is more than
the air pushing down. This causes the bird to
be lifted in the air.
• As the wings flaps downward, it not only
pushes the air downward but also backward.
This creates the lift upward and forward so the
bird moves.
• Two forces are involved: the lift and the drag.
The life is the force which pushes the wing
upward. The drag is the force which acts on
opposite direction as the wing. This takes a lot
of energy.
• To reduce the amount of energy used during
flight, birds have large lungs, strong muscles
and light-weight skeleton.
• The body is covered with hairs and numerous
glands are present. The most distinguishable is
the mammary (milk) glands.
• There are 4 or 5 digits each with claws, nails
or hoof. In some species, the hind limbs may
be modified.
• Circulatory system is with four-chambered Figure 6.52.2. Marsupials
• Respiration is by lungs.
• Excretion is by metanephric kidneys. Urine is
• The body temperature is relatively constant
and does not varies with environment. They
are homeotherms.
• Sexes are separate.
• Mammals are viviparous and their youngs are
nourished before birth through the placenta.
The placenta is unique among all animals. It
exchanges materials between mother and the
baby. It makes possible the development of
young to a more advanced stage before birth.
• Parental care is highly developed in this group.
• The cells at one end of the blastula begins to
invaginate (infold) interiorly. This depressed
area is called blastopore. Blastocoel cavity is
obliterated during the process. A new cavity,
gastrocoel (archenteron) is formed. At this
stage, it is called gastrula. The gastrocoel is
lined by endodermal cells.
Respiratory surface
For materials especially gases to be exchanged they
pass through a surface between inner body and outer
environment. This is called the respiratory surface.
Gas exchange through this surface occurs by
diffusion. The respiratory surface must thin-walled as
possible, moist because the gases entering the body
has to be dissolved in solutions i.e. blood and in
contact with inner body mass as in amoeba so that
the gases can be either used or removed and
transport system as in larger animals so that the gases
can be transported. In complex and large animals,
the respiratory surface exists inside the specialized
organs i.e. lungs.
Open circulation
This system can be seen in arthropods and most
mollusks where the blood is circulating inside the
body cavity with no distinct between blood and
body extracellular fluid. The fluid is more correctly
termed hemolymph. One or more tubes of heart
pump the hemolymph into interconnected system of
sinuses. The heart is an elongated tube located
dorsally. The pumped hemolymph is drawn back into
the heart through pores called ostia. Body movement
squeezes the hemolymph into the sinuses which
enhances the circulation.
Closed circulations
In closed circulatory system, blood is confined to
vessels and distinct from interstitial fluid. This type of
circulation is common in most mollusks and larger
animals such as vertebrates.
In fish, the two chambered heart contains only
venous blood. The blood circulates through the heart
only once in a circulation.
In amphibians, the ventricle is partially divided and
the heart is three-chambered. There is mixing of
oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. This is termed
incomplete double circulation.
In reptiles, the ventricle begins to show more
In some reptiles, birds and mammals, the ventricle is
completely divide by inter-ventricular septum. The
heart is completely four-chambered. The two blood
streams never mix but in fetal life there is slight
mixing of the blood.
Pronephros develop in the anterior most part of the
nephrotome. There are 1 to 13 uriniferous tubules in
each, one pair to each segment. Near each tubule is
the glomerulus but the Bowman’s capsule and
peritoneal funnels are lacking. These glomeruli are
external glomeruli. The uriniferous tubules open inti
common pronephric duct which runs backward and
open into embryonic cloaca. These types of a pair of
pronephros can be found functioning only in
cyclostomes. In vertebrates, these degenerate
without functioning.
These lie behind the pronephros. At first, it consists
of paired segmented uriniferous tubules each with
peritoneal funnel opening into coelom and
glomerulus enclosed in Bowman’s capsule. These
tubules join the pronephric duct and together form
mesonephric duct or Wolffian duct. Later, the
tubules undergo budding and lost their funnels.
These can be found functioning in fish, amphibians
and embryos of vertebrates. They degenerate in
Figure 6.58.1. Different types of kidneys
adults and form reproductive or genital ducts.
Metanephric duct appears as ureteric diverticulum
arsing at the base of the pre-existing mesonephric
duct. It grows dorsally into nephric ridge. It later
forms the ureter and renal tubules. These are the
adult kidneys of vertebrates.
6.59. Coordination and behavior
Response to stimuli
In coelenterates, there is a sort of nerve net for neural
mechanism. True nerve cells first appear in this
phylum. Sensory cells (receptors) are in direct
continuity with conducting fibers which end on
effectors. All together, they form a plexus called
receptor-effector neural mechanism.
A definite nervous system exists in worms and
become more complex in higher animals. In flat
worms, there exist long nerve cords on each side
connected by transverse nerve fibers which represent
the nervous system. Sense organs such as eyes are
Brain of vertebrates
In fish, the optic lobe and medulla are quite large.
The size of cerebellum depends on the ability of the
fish to swim (for equilibrium and balance). In
amphibians, olfactory lobes are large and elongated.
The optic lobes are small. The cerebellum is mere
transverse band. In reptiles, olfactory lobes are not
well developed. Cerebral hemispheres are large and
small amount of gray matter is present in the cortex.
Both pineal and parietal lobes are present. In birds,
olfactory lobes are small. Cerebrum is short and
broad. Gray matter is limited to posterior region.
Optic lobes are large. In mammals, olfactory lobes
are well-developed. Cerebral hemispheres quite
large due to large amount of grey matter.
Animal behaviors
Behavior may be thought of as the reaction of the
whole body to its environment. There are two types
of behaviors: innate and adaptive.
Innate behaviors are those inherited or already part Figure 6.59.1. Coordination in animals
of its life. It determined by genetics which is carried
from generation to generation. The build-in effect
cannot be changed although can be modified. Some
innate behaviors are due to instinct. For example, a
baby turtle which just hatched from her egg would
crawl towards the ocean from her nest. A human
baby would grabs the finger of his mother when she
hands it towards him.
Adaptive or acquired behaviors are those which
develop during the life or changed according to
environment. It may be learnt. For example, a cub
learning how to hunt by observing its parents. We
can classified learning by conditioning in which an
unrelated stimulus causes the response. The famous
Pavlov’s dog experiment is based on this. Another
learnt behavior is unconditioning in which a
stimulus causes a response which is through Figure 6.59.2. Different types of brain of vertebrates
learning. Birds usually come to the place where they
get food.
6.60. Identification keys
Identification keys are used in many scientific and
technical fields to identify various kinds of entities,
such as diseases, animal species, soil types, minerals,
or archaeological and anthropological artifacts.
identification keys have most commonly taken the
form of single-access keys. These work by offering a
fixed sequence of identification steps, each with
multiple alternatives, the choice of which determines
the next step. If each step has only two alternatives,
the key is said to be dichotomous, else it is
polytomous. At each step, the user must answer a
question about one or more features (characters) of
the entity to be identified. For example, a step in a
botanical key may ask about the color of flowers, or
the disposition of the leaves along the stems.
Jack pine
Figure 6.60.1. Identification keys example 1 (How to read an identification keys?) For every leaf, we following the same
steps. Let’s identify leaf 1. We starts with 1a. It said, “if the leaves are like needles, read the sentence number 2”. Our
leaf 1 is needle-shaped. So we skip 1b and go to 2a. It said, “if there are two needles binded together in a single bundle,
it is the leaf of a plant called jack pine”. Our leaf 1 is two needles. So the answer to number 1 is “Jack pine”. It has been
done for you.
Now, finish the rest of the leaves.
End-Of-Unit Questions 6
6.1. The scientific name of one kind of rabbit is Lepus cuniculus and another is Oryctolagus cuniculus. By these
names, what do you know about these rabbits? [2]
6.2. Finish the classification hierarchy. [2]
Kingdom ............. Animalia
________ ............. Chordata
Class ............. Mammalia
________ ............. Felis
Species ............. catus
6.3. Explain why viruses are non-living? Explain why viruses are living? [2]
6.4. State the structure and functions of a bacterial cell. [3]
6.5. How is bacteria useful to scientists? [2]
6.6. State the importance of the following algae. [2]
6.7. Why are yeasts economically important? [1]
6.8. State the structural differences between Penicillium and Aspergillus. [3]
6.9. Identify the given protist by its class. Give one reason for your identification. [2]
6.17. How are Pteridophytes different from Bryophytes? [5]
6.18. Discuss the reproductive life of Adiantum aleuticum. [5]
6.19. Explain the sporophyte generation of Gymnosperm. [3]
6.20. Explain the development of fertilized zygote in flower plants. [4]
6.21. A. Which plants can be used to cure Alzheimer’s disease. [3]
B. Complete the table. [3]
Barbados aloes
6.37. A. Define metamorphosis. [1]
B. What is exoskeleton? [2]
C. Describe the life cycle of a grasshopper. [6]
6.38. A. How are bees socialized? [2]
B. Give a gross structure of a body of house fly. [4]
C. How does a butterfly sucks nectar from a flower? Describe about its apparatus. [3]
6.39. A. Identify mosquito A and B as male or female and Aedes or Anopheles. [2]
B. Name a disease that is causes by both Aedes and Anopheles. [1]
6.40. A. Describe the structure and functions pedipalps in scorpion. [2]
B. How are pedipalps and chelicera of spider and scorpion similar and different? [2]
6.41. Explain why shrimps belong to crustacean. [3]
6.42. Tabulate to show three differences between centipedes and millipedes. [3]
6.43. Why are acorn worms not chordates? [3]
6.44. A. Describe about lamprey. [5]
B. What does it mean by poikilotherm? [1]
6.45. A. The following diagram shows external features of a shark. Outline the taxonomic position of shark. [1]
B. Some animals have no distinct mouth and anus. Explain why this happen? [2]
C. What is meant by diploblast? [1]
6.55. A. Calculate surface area to volume ratio of the following cubes. [4]
(i) Animal A, Side = 4 cm
(ii) Animal B, Side = 7 cm
B. Conclude on your result. [2]
6.56. What is meant by countercurrent system in fish? Why is it efficient? [3]
6.57. Draw a diagrammatic drawing of a frog’s heart labeling the chambers. [5]
6.58. Describe about development of kidneys in human. [5]
6.59. Explain why fish have larger cerebellum. [2]
6.60. Identify the names of the given animal A and B by using identification keys. [2]
A. B.