Principles of Molecular Virology
Principles of Molecular Virology
Principles of Molecular Virology
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” denote figures and tables, respectively.
A responses, 180e181
Apple scar skin viroid (ASSVd), 257
Bcl-2, 181
Beijerinick, Martinus, 5e6
Abortive infection, 196, 202
Acute infection, 198 Arbovirus, transmission, 246f Bioinformatics, 22f, 42
Acyclovir, 209t, 211 Arenavirus, genome features, 82f, 83 Bioterrorismn, 251
ADCC, see Antibody-dependent Assembly, replication cycle, 125 Bipartite genome, 87f
cellular cytotoxicity ASSVd, see Apple scar skin viroid Bovine papillomavirus (BPV),
Adenovirus Attachment, replication cycle, 110, transformation, 235t, 238
gene therapy vectors, 207t 111f, 113f, 114f, 115 Bovine spongiform encephalopathy
genome Attenuated virus, 6, 203e204 (BSE), 261f, 263
coding strategy, 143 Avian leukosis virus (ALV), BPV, see Bovine papillomavirus
features, 76f transformation, 234 BSE, see Bovine spongiform
transcription of genome, 159f, Azidothymidine (AZT), 209t, 210, encephalopathy
160f, 161f, 161e162 212 Budding, 39, 40f, 127e129, 128f,
transformation, 235t, 237, AZT, see Azidothymidine 129
237t Bunyavirus, genome features, 82f, 83
AIDS, see Human B
immunodeficiency virus Bacteriophage C
Alimentary canal, virus interactions, gene expression control Cadang-cadang coconut viroid
189e190, 190t l, 135, 136f, 137f, 139f (CCCVd), 257
Alper, Tikvah, 259e260 principles, 134, 140 CaMV, see Cauliflower mosaic virus
ALV, see Avian leukosis virus genomes, 3, 30e31 Cancer, virus pathogenesis, 238,
Alzheimer's disease, 260 history of study, 6 242f
Amantadine, 209t human disease, 227 Capsid, see also Nucleocapsid
Ambisense, 55, 81e82, 83, 152, l genome features and integration, processing in picornavirus, 38f
153f 70e71, 71e73, 72f structure, 16e17
Antibody, see also Monoclonal M13 symmetry and virus architecture
antibody genome features, 70e71, 71e73 helical capsids, 28, 29f, 32f
immunoglobulin classes, 174e175 helical symmetry, 30f icosahedral capsids, 33, 34f, 35f,
virus neutralization, 175 proteinenucleic acid 36f, 37f, 38f
Antibody-dependent cellular interactions, 51 overview, 27
cytotoxicity (ADCC), 176, mu genome, 89f CAR, see Cocksackieeadenovirus
178, 188 plaque assay, 9f receptor
Antigenic drift, 195, 196f replication, 105, 105f, 107e108 Caspases, 181
Antigenic shift, 195, 196f T4 Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV),
Apoptosis assembly pathway, 45f genome features, 96e97,
definition, 179 genome, 28, 71e73 97f
overview, 180f introns, 28 CCCVd, see Cadang-cadang coconut
pathogenesis, 218 Baculovirus, particle structure, viroid
repression, 181 44e46, 46f CD4, 116, 222, 222e223 297
298 Index