Mark-V Ground Fault Rectification
Mark-V Ground Fault Rectification
Mark-V Ground Fault Rectification
Adeel Imtiaz
FFC, Pakistan
MARK-V control system is installed on one of our two gas turbines. Mark-V
125VDC supply ground problem appeared intermittently for past few
years. In Turnaround 2010 instrument team rectified this ground fault.
This report gives a brief overview of nature of job performed by
INSIDE THIS ISSUE instrument team. The report also presents a comparative analysis of
complexity of ground fault rectification procedure in MARK-II and MARK-V
1 Introduction system.
2 Background BACKGROUND
Mark-V has two main types of power supply sources
3 125VDC ground fault repair
• 125VDC
• 125VAC
125VDC is further regulated to ±24 VDC, ±15 VDC and 5VDC.
125VDC continuously monitored by a ground detector soft relay L64D. In
case positive or negative pole of supply set out limit then 125VDC SUPPLY
GROUND FAULT alarm appears in MARK-V <I> alarm list.
“MARK-V system gives
valuable ground fault
diagnostic information
and voltage level
L64D Energized
“Speedtronic and
Thermocouple Ground
Faults do not exist in
MARK-V system.”
Above values shows that positive and negative poles with respect to
ground are out of acceptable range. Since only 15VDC developed
across positive pole and ground which refers to the grounding of
positive pole.
<QD> <CD>
125VDC Power Cables to TBs
The goal of this procedure was to disconnect all TBs and cores from
power distribution core one by one till L64D reset.
• The procedure started by disconnecting 125VDC power cables to
terminal block DTBA of <QD> core. Two multi-meters were also
placed to measure supply against ground. L64D did not reset.
• In the next step power cable of terminal block DTBB of <QD> was
removed but L64D did not reset.
• In this way all the digital inputs of <QD> core were isolated.
Digital inputs on <CD> core were to be disconnected in the next
• The L64D relay was reset when power cable was disconnected
from terminal block DTBA of <CD> core.
• DTBA contained 19 pairs of cables which were suspicious. Each pair was
removed one by one to narrow down the fault. It revealed that out of 19
pair 14 pairs were grounded.
• On the basis of analysis it was concluded that positive grounded supply
cable coming from field is looped in JB-2 from where ground fault is
spread to every field device looped from JB-2 terminal block as shown in
the picture. The figure shows that a single grounded sensor 26QAA
caused ground fault in all loops due to cable looping at JB-2.
• To identify the root cause cables were disconnected from JB-2: TB-A. As
soon as the cable from grounded switch 26QAA atomizing air high
temperature was disconnected L64D reset, “125VDC Battery Ground” 26QAA SWITCH
alarm disappeared while “Atomizing air high temperature” alarm
• On field inspection 125VDC supply cable was found damaged and switch
was in bad conditions. Voltages were sinking to ground from both cable
and switch. Cable was repaired and protected. Switch power terminal to
ground resistance was 2KΩ, far less than MARK-V ground threshold
(33KΩ). Switch was bypassed.
Mark-V 125VDC ground fault was detected in three hours while same
activity in MARK-II took more than 48 hours. A clear difference in number
of cables/modules disconnected was also observed in both cases.
MARK-II Thermocouple, Speedtronic and 125VDC circuits are
floating/ungrounded systems. Any ground fault occurrence in these
circuits can cause damage to human and equipment. On the other hand
MARK-V system possesses only 125VDC ungrounded circuit. Speedtronic
and thermocouple circuit are shifted to MARK-V soft logic.
Consequently, MARK-V control system architecture makes it less
susceptible to ground faults.
However field cable structure and JB looping does not have much
difference in both systems. Improvement in filed cable topology and JB
looping can reduce the 125VDC ground detection time in both systems.