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Northwest Geophysical Associates, Inc.

P.O. Box 1063, Corvallis, OR 97339-1063
(541) 757-7231 Fax: (541) 757-7331
www.nga.com info@nga.com
© 2002 Northwest Geophysical Associates, Inc.

Time-Domain Electromagnetic Exploration

Rowland B. French, Ph.D, R.G.
Northwest Geophysical Associates, Inc.

Time-domain electromagnetic (TDEM) techniques are effective for determining

electrical conductivity of soils at depths from 30 feet to 3,000 feet. Since electrical
conductivity of soil correlates strongly with soil properties, TDEM is a powerful
tool for mapping soils and changes in soil types in that depth range. TDEM is useful
in mapping sand and gravel aquifers, clayey layers restricting groundwater flow,
conductive leachate in groundwater, salt water intrusion, and depth to bedrock.

TDEM methods have been used for min- culty mapping strata below a resistive layer, the
ing exploration for several decades. TDEM TDEM techniques can easily map conductive
methods underwent a renaissance in the late strata (e.g. aquitards) beneath a thick resistive
1970’s and early 1980’s with the development section.
of efficient and effective field equipment, and
computer interpretation techniques. Improved
electronics now allows for acquisition of high THEORY OF OPERATION:
quality data from depths as shallow as 30 feet, Electromagnetic (EM) geophysical tech-
and as deep as several thousand feet. niques induce electrical currents in the earth
using electromagnetic induction. A time vary-
The TDEM technique has several advan- ing magnetic field is created using a coil or loop
tages over the more traditional DC resistivity of wire on the earth surface. Faraday’s law of
technique. TDEM does not require large elec- induction tells us that a changing magnetic field
trode arrays and so is less sensitive to lateral will produce an electric field, which in turn will
changes in the soils. DC resistivity requires long create an electric current. Thus, the primary
electrode spreads with lengths that are typically magnetic field from the transmitter loop will
three to five times the depth of exploration. create a secondary electric current in the earth.
Thus, the investigation to depths of two hun- Finally, we measure the secondary magnetic field
dred feet requires an area of uniform horizon- produced by those secondary electric currents
tally stratified soils with a lateral extent in ex- in the earth.
cess of six hundred feet. In contrast, TDEM
techniques can obtain depths of exploration of Figure 1 shows the waveform of the pri-
several hundred feet with a 50 foot transmitter mary magnetic field generated by the transmit-
loop. ter and of the primary electric field (electromo-
tive force) accompanying that magnetic field.
TDEM often has better depth resolution The primary field impulse (transient) creates
than DC resistivity, particularly for mapping con- eddy currents immediately below the transmit-
ductive aquitards (confining layers) in resistive ter loop, approximating a mirror image. As the
sections. Whereas the DC technique has diffi- initial near-surface eddy currents decay, they

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Time-Domain Electromagnetic Page 2




Current in transmitter loop and


primary magnetic field


Electromotive force induced in

the earth and nearby targets


by the rapid transmitter

current turn-off


Secondary magnetic field resulting

Measurement in from eddy current flow in the earth

20 time gates and nearby targets


during time-off


after: McNeill, 1990

FIGURE 1: TDEM Waveforms

in turn induce eddy currents at greater depths. initially concentrated immediately below the
The third panel in Figure 1 shows the wave- transmitter loop. This is shown schematically in
form of the secondary magnetic field, gener- Figure 2a. With time, those currents will dif-
ated by the series of eddy currents induced in fuse down and away from the transmitter as
the ground. illustrated schematically in Figure 2b. An anal-
ogy with smoke rings is often used to describe
The magnitude and rate of decay of those
the behavior of the currents in the ground. Ini-
secondary currents depend on the conductivity
tially strong currents form in the ground adja-
of the medium, (i.e. the electrical conductivity
cent to the transmitting loop. The “smoke ring”
of the soil) and on the geometry of the conduc-
then expands, weakens, and travels down
tive layers. The TDEM receiver measures the
through the earth. The rate of diffusion depends
magnetic fields created by those secondary cur-
on the earth conductivity. In resistive media
the currents will diffuse very rapidly. In con-
In time-domain electromagnetic techniques ductive media the currents will diffuse more
the inducing signal is a sharp pulse, or transient slowly. A conductive layer at depth may “trap”
signal. The induced currents in the earth are

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Geophysical Services
Environmental • Groundwater • Geotechnical
Time-Domain Electromagnetic Page 3



a) Eddy currents
Y immediately after
current turnoff



Z b) Eddy currents at
later times

after: McNeill, 1990

FIGURE 2: TDEM Eddy Current Flow;

a) early time, b) late time

currents in that layer, while currents elsewhere surements are made while the transmitter cur-
decay more rapidly. rent is turned off, more sensitive measurements
of the secondary field can be made.
Measurements of the secondary field are
typically made in the time range from 10 mi-
cro-seconds to 10 milli-seconds following the INTERPRETATION:
“turn-off” of the primary field. Measurements Interpretation procedures generally use
are made in 20 to 30 discrete “time gates”, or “forward modeling”. A hypothetical layered
time intervals, following the primary inducing earth model is generated and then the theoreti-
pulse. For deeper exploration (thousands of cal response for that model is calculated. The
feet) in conductive sections, measurement times model is then refined until the calculated re-
can extend up to one second. Because mea- sponse matches the observed or measured field

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Geophysical Services
Environmental • Groundwater • Geotechnical
Time-Domain Electromagnetic Page 4

20E 160N m2 (single turn with a coil

6 Geoelectric area of 1 square meter) and
Section a transmitter current of 1
10 0
ampere (A).
The second panel on the

left of Figure 3 shows a plot

of the same data converted
to “late-stage” apparent re-
sistivity. The apparent resis-
tivity curve gives a some-
what more intuitive feel for
DEPTH (meters)

Pomona the geoelectric section.
30 Basalt
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 However, as explained in the
TIME (ms) following paragraph, TDEM
apparent resistivity is not a
100 40
true apparent resistivity as
observed in DC resistivity of

frequency domain tech-

In concept, the “appar-
ent resistivity” is the resis- 60
1 10 100 1000 10
tivity of a uniform earth
which will produce the ob-
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
served instrument response.
TIME (ms) However, the observed
TDEM field is a non-linear
FIGURE 3: TDEM Sounding and Model
function of time and earth re-
sistivity. In fact, the instru-
response. The model refinements can be made ment response is not a single valued function of
using an automated iterative process or “inver- the resistivity over the time range of measure-
sion”. ment. For most TDEM soundings we use a
Figure 3 shows a sample sounding curve. “late-stage” apparent resistivity, which is a
The upper panel on the left shows the decay of “true” apparent resistivity only for the latter
the magnetic field, decaying over six decades stage of the decay curve. We generally try to
during the course of the recording from 0.006 make measurements in this time range but of-
milli-seconds (ms) to 2 ms. The electrical po- ten the first portion of the curve is not truly in
tential induced in the receiver coil (proportional late-stage, hence the numerical values may not
to dBZ/dt) is reported as “normalized voltage”, indicate the earth resistivity for the first few
normalized to a receiver coil moment of 1 turn- time gates.

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Environmental • Groundwater • Geotechnical
Time-Domain Electromagnetic Page 5

The right-hand panel of Figure 3 shows the Currently, one of the major weaknesses of
model geoelectric section used to calculate the TDEM is the difficulty in interpreting data over
model response shown as a solid line in the plots three-dimensional geologic structures. Most
to the left. This sounding was made in the Co- modeling programs assume a horizontally lay-
lumbia River Basalt Plateau of central Wash- ered earth. However, with the small transmit-
ington state. The geologic section consisted of ter loops used for most groundwater, geotech-
sedimentary units of the Ellensburg Formation nical and environmental applications, the earth
(the Rattlesnake Ridge Member and the Selah can often be accurately approximated as a lay-
Member) interbedded with the Columbia River ered earth over the dimensions of the sounding.
Basalts (the Pomona Basalt unit). Here the
Mining applications of TDEM use differ-
Selah Member was fairly conductive, consist-
ent modeling techniques which often assume a
ing of shales and siltstone, while the overlying
restricted conductor in a more resistive media
basalt was a high resistivity, massive flow ba-
(e.g., an ore body within resistive host rock).
salt. This high contrast boundary proved to be
Those applications do allow restricted three-di-
an excellent target for the TDEM technique
mensional modeling.
and yielded high quality data with exceptionally
good model fits to the observed data.
The dashed lines in the geoelectric section FIELD PROCEDURES:
of Figure 3 show “equivalent” models, i.e., mod- Figure 4 shows a typical layout for a “cen-
els whose response will fit the observed re- tral loop” TDEM sounding. Field procedures
sponse with a “mis-fit” parameter within 20% involve placing a square loop of wire (typically
of the best fitting model (the solid line). 50-500 feet square) on the ground surface. A

Typical Central Loop Configuration
Exploration Depths 60 feet to 600 feet

300 Hz to 3 Hz Sampling and
Stacking Electronics
(60-600 ft.)
Timing and Switching RECEIVER ANTENNA:
Electronics 1m Diameter
Multi-turn, Air Core Coil

Single Conductor 10 Gauge Wire

FIGURE 4: TDEM Field Configuration

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Environmental • Groundwater • Geotechnical
Time-Domain Electromagnetic Page 6

steady current in the transmitter loop is abruptly Nabighian, Misac, editor, 1988, Electromag-
turned off. This creates a magnetic pulse or netic Methods in Applied Geophysics:
transient in the ground. SEG, IG#3, Vol.1&2.
Measurements are made with a small re- Romig, Phillip, 1992, Engineering and Environ-
ceiver coil in the center of the transmitter loop, mental Geophysics Get Top Billing at
as the induced electric currents penetrate and SAGEEP.: The Leading Edge Vol. 11, No.
diffuse through the earth. The receiver may 11, P.36-37.
also be placed outside the transmitter loop in an
Steeples, Don, 1991, Uses and Techniques of
“offset” configuration.
Environmental Geophysics: The Leading
For typical groundwater applications, the Edge, Vol.10, No.9, P.30-31.
measurement times range from 0.01 to 50 milli-
seconds after the primary transmitter current is
turned off. The receiver electronics average
over tens or hundreds of repetitions to increase
the signal-to-noise performance of the instru-
ment. Data is recorded digitally, is reviewed
by the operator and stored in memory. Data is
downloaded to a PC at the end of the day’s sur-
vey for further processing and interpretation.

Hoekstra, Pieter, and Blom, Mark W., 1990,
Case Histories of Time-Domain Electro- Rowland B. French, Ph.D., R.G.
magnetic Soundings in Environmental Northwest Geophysical Associates, Inc.
Geophysics: in Geotechnical and Environ- 1600 SW Western Blvd., Suite 200
mental Geophysics, ed: S.H.Ward, SEG, P.O. Box 1063
IG#5, Vol. 2: P.1-15. Corvallis, Oregon 97339
McNeill, J.D., 1990, Use of electromagnetic phone: (541) 757-7231
methods for groundwater studies: in email: rowland@nga.com
Geotechnical and Environmental
Geophysics, ed: S.H.Ward, SEG, IG#5,
Vol. 1: P.191-218.
McNeill, J.D., 1994, Principles and application FILE: TDEM_TEQ_03.p65
of time domain electromagnetic tech- REVISION: 8-FEB-2002

niques for resistivity sounding: Geonics

technical note TN-27, Mississauga,
Ontario, p.1-15.
© 2002 Northwest Geophysical Associates, Inc.

Northwest Geophysical Associates, Inc.

Geophysical Services
Environmental • Groundwater • Geotechnical

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