NGA Groundwater
NGA Groundwater
NGA Groundwater
Geophysical Services for The instruments are carried by one or two persons and
can cover a large area relatively quickly. However,
FDEM profiles provide only limited depth information.
EXPLORATION Time-domain electromagnetic (TDEM) methods in
groundwater exploration are useful as sounding
techniques, as opposed to profiling techniques.
Geophysical methods can be very effective in the
Sounding techniques measure the depth to an interface,
search for groundwater resources. The appropriate or interfaces. They can be used to measure the thickness
geophysical program should be designed to meet of a gravel unit, depth and thickness of a clay aquitard,
the geological objective and the expected or depth to bedrock.
stratigraphic section. When combined with other
available geologic and borehole information In the most common groundwater exploration
geophysical data can refine the conceptual model configuration, TDEM soundings are made by laying
of the subsurface geology and provide additional out a loop of wire 20 to 200 feet on a side and pulsing
detail to the geologic interpretation. it with a controlled current. Measurements are made,
usually in the center of the loop, with an antenna coil
Several geophysical techniques are commonly applied about three feet across. All the equipment is easily
in the search for ground water. These include portable; six to sixteen soundings can be made in a
electromagnetic methods, both frequency-domain and day, depending on field conditions.
time-domain, seismic refraction, seismic reflection, (Continued Next Page)
and DC resistivity.
Frequency-domain electromagnetic
(FDEM) techniques are often used in a FIGURE 1: TDEM RESISTIVITY CONTOUR MAP
The resistivity contour plot shown above is from a time-domain
profiling mode to search for lateral electromagnetic (TDEM) survey over alluvial deposits in the Willamette Valley.
changes in soil conditions (e.g., mapping It shows the interpreted resistivity of a sand and gravel unit 20-30 meters in
the geometry of a gravel paleo-channel). thickness. The higher resistivity gravels are expected to have a lower
percentage of silt and clay, and hence a higher hydraulic transmissivity.
Seismic Refraction is commonly used for engineering DC resistivity involves deploying long lengths of wire
and groundwater applications. The most common on the ground and injecting a DC current into the earth
objective is to map the bedrock surface (i.e., determine through a widely spaced pair of electrodes. The distance
the depth to bedrock, and variations in depth, along between current electrodes must be three or more times
the survey line). the intended depth of exploration. DC resistivity can
be an effective shallow sounding method. In general,
Seismic Reflection can provide higher resolution of electrical techniques are not well suited to developed
overburden stratigraphy and the bedrock surface, but areas due to interference from utilities, fences and
at substantially higher cost. The reflection technique structures.
involves acquiring more field data, and processing data
more intensively than seismic refraction. In some OTHER TECHNIQUES:
applications higher resolution may justify the higher
survey costs, depending on the expected geologic There are other geophysical techniques which can be
conditions and the objectives of the exploration used for groundwater exploration. These include
program. gravity, magnetics, controlled source audio
magneto-telluric (CSAMT), and “VLF”
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techniques. NGA is familiar with these techniques
and has employed them on numerous projects. NGA
Positions Ground Surface
will recommend the most cost effective geophysical
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140 methods to meet the geological objective in the
search for groundwater resources.
Elevation (feet)