Geophysical and Geotechnical Surveys For Submarine Cables Installations: Main Applications and Methods
Geophysical and Geotechnical Surveys For Submarine Cables Installations: Main Applications and Methods
Geophysical and Geotechnical Surveys For Submarine Cables Installations: Main Applications and Methods
Abstract – The industry of submarine cables, both for technical properties is necessary in order to choose
power connection and for telecommunication (TLC) the best burial technology during the laying of the
has experienced growing development in recent years cable and reduce operational risks; c) the geo-
and these assets have become strategic. We describe morphological information, implemented with
here the main methods and procedures that are oceanographic and biological data are essential for
followed during geophysical and geological habitat definition and thus for environmental
investigations (site surveys) preparatory to the analysis.
installation of submarine cables. Generally, the entire survey work includes a first,
pre-engineering (mostly geophysical) survey
covering a relatively wide corridor followed by a
I. INTRODUCTION more detailed survey along first appraisal cable
The industry of sub-marine cables offers to geologists the routes. This second pre-lay survey includes
opportunity of exploring very long corridors of the geophysics, geotechnical samplings and further
seafloor across a wide range of different, sometimes visual and acoustical inspections through a
challenging, geo-morphological environments and Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV).
In Italy, for instance, several power and TLC cable II. HYDROGRAPHIC AND GEOPHYSICAL
connections crossing both continental shelves, slopes and SURVEYS
deep basins in the Adriatic and Tyrrhenian seas have been Generally pre-lay surveys are carried out along
recently designed (Fig.1). already established routes and include swath
bathymetry with Multibeam Echosounders (MBES),
Side-Scan-Sonar (SSS), high-resolution seismics,
sub-bottom profiling and magnetometry. Physical
measurements of the water column and
currentometry are usually carried out through
Conductivity/Temperature/Depth (CTD) probes and
(Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP)
systems. Positioning of each sensor is ensured by
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS)
with Real Time Kinematic (RTK) correction in near-
shore areas and accurate metrology of the vessel
offsets. Hull-mounted transducers (e.g. MBES)
Fig. 1. SACOI (Sardegna-Corsica-Italia) powerline cable provide a higher accuracy (in the order of dm in
connection operated by Terna SpA, Italy. shallow water) with respect to towed sensors (e.g.
SSS tow-fishes and magnetometers) which are
Geophysical and geological investigations are critical for positioned through Ultra Short Base Line (USBL)
the economy of such projects for several reasons: a) the subsea methods.
optimal cable routing is selected in order to minimize the In shelf areas (< 200 m) swath bathymetry is
interference with geo-morphological constraints, geo- acquired through medium-high frequency (200 - 400
hazards and human activities; b) a detailed under- kHz) MBES whose resolution is typically depth-
standing of the sub-seafloor stratigraphy and geo- dependent due to the geometrical spreading of the
Side Scan Sonar systems generally adopt double Fig. 4. Example of SBP record, Innomar SES 2000
frequency (e.g. 300 to 600 kHz) tow-fishes, which parametric sonar (ca. 30 m water depth, Baltic sea
travel at a fixed altitude (e.g. 5 to 10 m) above offshore Germany).
seafloor, thus allowing maximum resolution
regardless of water depth (Fig. 3).
Despite lower accuracy in positioning SSS still In areas where the occurrence ferro-magnetic debris
represents the most powerful tool for acoustic target or even Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) is suspected,
detection because it can obtain cm-scale resolution a high-resolution magnetic survey (using coupled
and provide insights into the nature of the object gradiometers) is also required in order to detect all
(e.g. hard, soft etc.) based on the strength of the possible obstacle or hazards that may hamper cable-
backscatter energy. This last parameter is also very lay operations. Very frequently, a gradiometer
important for classifying seabed depositional system comprising two or more marine
settings and sediment grain size. magnetometers is used. This system can be coupled
to the SSS in tandem tow and operated on all survey
Magnetic survey is very helpful also for detecting
pipelines and cables crossing the route, especially if
they are buried and cannot be detected acoustically
(Fig. 5). Their magnetic anomaly is largely
dependent on the pipeline size and in the case of
cables, whether they are in service or not.
In the laboratory, core samples are split,
photographed and visually described according to
the standards that include details on the general
geology of the study area. Torvane and Pocket
Penetrometer tests are then performed, and the
results combined with the in-situ SRB and TRT test
results and presented in individual VC log sheets.
Cone resistance, friction ratio and pore pressure ratio are outcrops, scarps); 2) In-situ geophysical survey with
then used as a guide to define soil behaviour type during sensors fitted to the ROV e.g. MBES, SSS, SBP; 3)
CPT interpretation (Fig. 8). Empirical plots are used as Detection of buried or exposed cables or pipelines
best practice for seabed CPT in the standard industry crossing the designed route by cable or pipe trackers
procedures to distinguish drained (granular soils) from that recognize the induced electro-magnetic field; 4)
undrained penetration (cohesive soils). Removal of small debris or objects away from the
cable route corridor by work-class ROV equipped
with manipulators. The main advantage of ROVs
survey, apart from visual inspection, is the
proximity to the target, which greatly improves
accuracy and detection power (Figs. 9 and 10).
Term Relative
Density Term
strength (Su)
(Dr ) %
Very loose 0 – 15 Very soft < 20
Loose 15 – 35 Soft 20 – 40 Fig. 10. Image of marine growth (sponge) during
Medium ROV visual inspection. Dardanelles strait,
35 – 65 Firm 40 – 75 November 2015.
Dense 65 – 85 Stiff 75 – 150
Very dense 85 – 100 Very stiff 150 – 300 V. GEOLOGICAL MODEL
Hard > 300
The construction of a geotechnical profile necessary
for the burial assessment must be guided by a
geological model of the stratigraphic setting which
IV. ROV SURVEYS takes into accounts background information,
ROVs are commonly employed in the latest stages of the scientific literature, geophysical (seismic
survey for several purposes including: 1) Visual stratigraphy, sea-bed classification) and core
inspections of previously recognized acoustic targets or samplings results (Fig. 11).
natural, potentially hazardous features (e.g. pockmarks
Charts are implemented with geological profiles
resulting from the interpretation of geophysical and
geotechnical data, integrated with lithological, and
CPT logs. All data are then synthetized by engineers
who have to decide the best-fit technology for cable
burial for each section of the route, depending on
the type of soils (e.g. jetting for relatively loose
sediments, mechanical trenching for very stiff soils).
This “burial assessment” profile has to take into
account geological constraints (e.g. hard soils or
bedrock) and main geotechnical parameters, notably
Fig. 11. Geological section along a 80 km cable route shear strength for cohesive soils, relative density for
connecting an offshore windfarm off Rugen island (Baltic granular soils and liquidity limits for sands.
sea, Germany).
Fugro OSAE GmbH, 2013. Offshore Grid-
VI. DELIVERABLES Connection Lubmin Export Cables 261, 262, 265,
The results of the entire survey are reported in the frame 281, 282, 285 and Querverbindung 2. Final Survey
of narrative reports, digital and paper charts, media Report Rev2 and Appendices (A-F), Bremen, 118
(video, photo) and sample data analyses. Usually charting pages, 2013.
includes a set of North-Up charts issued at appropriate
scales (generally from 1:1.000 to 1:5.000) that cover with NextGeosolutions, 2015. 220kV A.C. Connections
sufficient detail the entire corridor and another set of Cluster West of Adlergrund Project. DeskTop Study,
Alignment Sheet charts, which are oriented along each 26pp, Naples.
rectilinear section of the cable route.