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The Water Poverty Index: Assessing water scarcity at different scales

Conference Paper · September 2009


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3 authors, including:

Agustí Pérez-Foguet
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya


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II Congrés UPC Sostenible 2015

The Water Poverty Index: Assessing water scarcity at different scales

Ricard Giné Garriga *, Agustí Pérez Foguet **

Grup de Recerca en Cooperació i Desenvolupament Humà

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

C. Jordi Girona, 1-3, Edifici C2 (Campus Nord)

08034 - Barcelona
Telèfon: (+34) 93 401 10 72
Pàgina web: http://www.upc.edu/grecdh

ricard.gine@upc.edu *, agusti.perez@upc.edu **

Tema/es del congrés: El cicle de l’aigua: Ús i gestió de l’aigua

Tòpic/s transversals: Interdisciplinarietat

Paraules clau: Water Poverty Index; Water Resources Management; Poverty; Spatial


An assessment of water stress and scarcity requires a multi-faceted approach to

achieve real water poverty reduction. Several issues impact the ability of people to
access to and properly use water and improved sanitation facilities. Among them are
the availability of water resources, the capacity of communities to manage the
schemes, the economic aspects of services affordability, and the environmental issues.
However, they are often treated separately, and not as an integrated, dynamic process.

In order to integrate these biophysical, social, economic and environmental issues, as

well as the existing pressures and policy responses into one single, comparable,
dynamic indicator, an enhanced Water Poverty Index, which uses a pressure–state–
response function, has been developed and is proposed in this study. It is primarily
designed to produce a holistic tool for policy making, aimed at allowing resource
managers to determine and target priority needs in the water sector, while assessing
development process.

This paper highlights some of the applications of the index at different spatial scales. It
is concerned not with the development or the underlying methodology of the index, but
with how the tool can best be applied in practice to generate useful data, which then
may be used to support decision-making.
II Congrés UPC Sostenible 2015


It has long been recognized that there is a link between poverty and access to water
(Molle and Molinga, 2003; Sullivan, 2002; WHO/UNICEF, 2000). The pressing need to
explore this relationship further is highlighted by the vast numbers of people who still
do not properly access water services. In fact, the provision of a reliable, sustained and
safe water supply for people worldwide has become a top priority on the international
agenda. It is certainly a challenge for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs),
particularly Target 10 of Goal 7, which explicitly deals with people who do not access
safe drinking water and basic sanitation.

This is evidence of both a knowledge and policy failure (Sullivan and Meigh, 2007),
lack of infrastructure, and poor capacities to deliver benefits to society over the long
term (Giné and Pérez-Foguet, 2008a). As a result, appropriate policy frameworks are
urgently required as essential tools to support equitable allocation of water resources
and to foster sustainability. Effective policy making is based on an interdisciplinary
approach, and the international commitment to the MDGs has emphasized the
necessity to come up with meaningful and feasible integrated tools to assess the
development process.

Against this background, much effort has gone into the development of indicators and
indices of water problems in recent years (Falkenmark, 1986; WHO/UNICEF, 2000;
Ohlsson, 2000; Feitelson and Chenoweth, 2002; Sullivan, 2002). In particular, a
relevant attempt to design an integrated indicator to assess water scarcity and
accessibility to water of poor populations has been made by Sullivan (2002), who
advanced the water-poverty interface as an indicator through the Water Poverty Index
(WPI). The index is an interdisciplinary tool that takes into account the key issues
relating to water resources, combining physical, social, and economic information. Its
core theoretical framework encompasses water resources availability, people’s ability
to get and sustain access to water and to use this resource for productive purposes,
and the environmental factors which impact on the ecology which water sustains.

However, it is believed that current framework tends to oversimplification and appears

to be not very conducive to allow a comprehensive understanding of the complex
nature of water poverty. Since water resources management is a dynamic and holistic
process, there is a need to incorporate cause-effect relationships to capture the
crosscutting nature of water issues. Such approach would accommodate all the causal
inter-relations between the parameters, providing policy planners with a valuable tool to
address water problems.

Taking the original WPI as a starting point, and integrating the concept of causality, we
propose a definition of an enhanced Water Poverty Index, eWPI. This paper is
concerned not with the development or the underlying methodology of the index, but
with how it can best be applied in practice to generate useful data, which then may be
used to support decision-making.


Water resources are often extremely variable, both on a spatial and temporal scale.
Therefore, to develop effective policy guidance is essential that any assessment tool be
applied at the appropriate scale (Sullivan and Meigh, 2007). In particular, the extent to
which indices will accurately reflect actual variations will depend on the scales at which
they are applied. For example, an index at the national level may say nothing about
regional variations; and improvements in access and availability to water resources at
household level might be obscured by indices which operate at inappropriate scales.
II Congrés UPC Sostenible 2015

Furthermore, natural water resources planning unit (watersheds) generally do not align
themselves with jurisdictional boundaries and political governance. And despite the
incongruence between water systems and national boundaries, the state is the basic
unit for which most socio-economic data is collected, and it should be taken into
account when defining suitable scales to apply indices and indicators.

Equally important, the scale at which various types of knowledge can be applied to
water management also varies widely (Sullivan and Meigh, 2007), since: (i) climate
models tend to be based on grids of about hundred kilometres; (ii) assessment of water
resources use smaller grids, typically covering areas of few thousands of km2; (iii) at
the socio-economic and political levels, the scale relevant to policy making can range
from the household to the nation; and (iv) in terms of water quality, both spatial and
temporal scales may vary depending on impacts of both point and diffuse sources of
pollution. An attempt to address this consists on the use of geo-referenced datasets,
which provide a means of integration of data from different sources (Mlote et al., 2002;
Sullivan, 2002) at any point on the globe (and thus regardless of the scale). For
instance, and by geo-referencing the various WPI variables, the link can be made
between macrolevel hydrological data reflecting regional or catchment-level water
availability, and microlevel data on household water stress. Therefore, within such a
framework, for any specific point on the map (identified by its grid reference) detailed
and accurate data from both the social and physical sciences can be combined in an
integrated way.

On the temporal scale, water resources seasonality needs also to be taken into
consideration, in order to storage sufficient water to ensure access when it is needed
(Sullivan and Meigh, 2007). Likewise, appropriate knowledge of inter-annual variability
is essential to assess vulnerability of water resources to climate change at a watershed
level, and then foresee if water supplies secure meeting future demands for water of
the ever increasing population. Temporal variability of resources is subjected to high
levels of uncertainty, and thus is more difficult to deal with than spatial variability.

The accuracy of original WPI has proved to be meaningful at all different levels:
national (Komnenic, 2007; Lawrence et al., 2002), regional (Heidecke, 2006), and local
scale (Cullis and O’Regan, 2004; Giné and Pérez-Foguet, 2009; Sullivan et al., 2003).
However, the index fails to efficiently tackle the problem of temporal scale. This paper
attempts to bring all these issues together. It highlights two applications of the revised
index at different spatial scales (basin and community), and incorporates the concept of
causality to deal with temporal variability.


The Water Poverty Index is a holistic tool to address poverty linkages to water
provision. Its structure and the component variables were identified through
participatory consultation with a variety of stakeholders (Sullivan et al., 2003). Based
on the original structure of the index, the conceptual framework adopted for the
enhanced WPI comprises two different dimensions, combining a classification in terms
of subject/issue with a classification in terms of the position along the causal chain.

Therefore, it first uses the Pressure - State – Response (PSR) model introduced in
1993 by the OECD (OECD, 1993), which provides a means of selecting and organising
indicators in the context of a causal chain. The idea seems to be that by placing
indicators within a causality-issue matrix, the cause-effect relationships and
interconnections between the parameters will become obvious.
II Congrés UPC Sostenible 2015

Second, and equal to WPI (Sullivan, 2002), it distinguishes a number of aspects which
reflect major preoccupations and challenges in low-income countries related to
provision of water: physical availability of water resources (R), extent of access to
water (A), effectiveness of people’s ability to manage water (C), ways in which water is
used for different purposes (U), and the need to allocate water for ecological services
(E). Thus, for each of these five variables, indicators of pressure, state and societal
responses are defined.

Numerically, the enhanced WPI is given by:

eWPI = 0.2 (RPSR + APSR + CPSR + UPSR + EPSR) (1)

To each parameter or combination of indicators, a score between 0 and 1 is assigned,

where a value of 0 is assigned to the poorest level (i.e. highest degree of water
poverty), and 1 to optimum conditions.

As seen from previous equation, equal weights are used for all indicators, since there is
no evidence that it be otherwise. Furthermore, the linear aggregation is simple and
transparent, and it allows compensation between different variables. Even though other
aggregation options are being explored, they have not been taken into account in the
analysis presented in this work.


This index construction method has been tested at local scale in Bolivia, in 10 pilot
communities located at Tiraque Valley (Department of Cochabamba). In this region,
water is seen as one of the most critically stressed resources, suffering from an
increasing and competing demand, increased sources of pollution, inadequate
management of water resources, low capacities to anticipate and mitigate against the
impacts of flooding, poor access to consistent information relating to water supplies ….
It seems evident that water sector development urgently demands the attention of
policy makers and resource managers. In this context, it is believed that the index
might serve decision-makers as a policy tool to support strategic planning in the water
sector, to target priority needs for interventions, and to assess the impacts of sector-
related development policies.

It is within this background that the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain) and
Centro AGUA (Universidad Mayor de San Simón, Bolivia) launched a collaborative
research project, funded by AECID, aimed at assessing the water-poverty linkages in
rural areas in Cochabamba. An outcome of this project has been the development of
an enhanced WPI, based mainly on data provided by a comprehensive questionnaire
developed at household level in 20 communities by Centro AGUA in cooperation with
DANIDA, within the framework of a program entitled “Competing for Water:
Understanding Conflict and Cooperation in Local Water Governance”. Additional
information sources used have been: (i) published census data; (ii) a survey on water
and sanitation issues carried out by the INGO “Water for People”; and (iii) the “Plan de
Desarrollo Municipal”, which is being implemented by local authorities to promote
sustainable development at community level.

The variables used (listed in Table 1) to compile the eWPI values have been found
appropriate to describe at household level the essence of the five components of the
index in all three different stages (PSR). They have been then averaged to produce a
community value for the index.
II Congrés UPC Sostenible 2015

The results shown in Table 2 suggest that there are at least two communities which
require special attention, with eWPI values of 0,542 and 0,573. In contrast, the least
water poor community scores 0,721. However, the final index provides a starting point
for analysis. An accurate focus on the five subindices might help to direct attention to
those water sector needs that require special policy attention. At the same time, a
proper study of the three states should provide valuable information to assess the
impact of institutional and societal responses. To this end, a cluster analysis has been
performed to classify all ten communities into manageable sets, by exploiting their
similarity on different indicators and variables.

Table 1
WPI component variables and indicators used at community scale. Source: Piulats, J. (2009)

Variables Indicator – Pressure Indicator - State Indicator – Response

Water resources availability Annual Population Growth Water Availability Adequacy of water storage
Rainfall Rainfall variability Rainfall

Access to safe water Variation in safe water Percent Population with Improvement in adequate
accessibility access to safe water water infrastructure (sector
One way distance to water Percent of HH who consider Distance to waterpoint
sources distance to water source an
issue to solve
Access to sanitation Adequacy of hygienic Percent Population with Improvement in adequate
practices access to improved sanitation sewage treatment (sector
Access to water for irrigation Rights to water for irrigation Percent Population with Improvement in adequate
purposes access to water for irrigation irrigation treatment (sector
purposes expenditure)

Educational level Variation in Educational Level Educational level Educational level of HH
Water sector institutional Confidence in water Institutional control on water Percent of complaints
framework institutions access regarding the water service
Operation and Maintenance Adequacy of the maintenance
Gender issues and the role Variation in ratio of average Ratio of average female
of women female educational level to educational level to male
male educational level educational level
Financing strategies and Cost of water Percent of arrears on water
cost-recovery fees

Domestic water consumption Conflict over water sources Domestic water consumption Domestic Water-use
(Human – Human) efficiency
Agricultural water use Conflict over water sources Agricultural water use Agricultural Water-use
(Human – Agriculture) efficiency
Livestock water demand Conflict over water sources Livestock Water-use
(Human – Livestock) efficiency

Environmental regulation Use of pesticides and Percent of area with natural Adequacy of the
and management fertilizers vegetation environment sector-related
institutional framework
Water quality Percent of people suffering Water Quality, for domestic Water source protection
from Water-related diseases use
II Congrés UPC Sostenible 2015

A spider diagram is displayed in Figure 1 to summarize the differences in the means

between clusters, which are presented in Table 3. To understand particularities of
these three groups allows policy planners to identify target groups and determine
specific intervention strategies.

Table 2
Final values of all e-WPI parameters (at community scale)

Community WPI Resources Access Capacity Use Environment Pressure State Response

1 0,634 0,768 0,646 0,647 0,502 0,608 0,653 0,632 0,619

2 0,640 0,703 0,568 0,667 0,693 0,570 0,575 0,636 0,710
3 0,628 0,620 0,498 0,670 0,810 0,540 0,627 0,738 0,519
4 0,623 0,447 0,694 0,655 0,765 0,555 0,599 0,743 0,527
5 0,633 0,563 0,689 0,624 0,697 0,592 0,647 0,671 0,581
6 0,721 0,790 0,727 0,659 0,798 0,633 0,777 0,685 0,702
7 0,665 0,608 0,744 0,647 0,728 0,596 0,686 0,620 0,688
8 0,573 0,483 0,614 0,569 0,707 0,494 0,614 0,640 0,466
9 0,613 0,706 0,480 0,636 0,842 0,401 0,621 0,648 0,570
10 0,542 0,368 0,661 0,492 0,707 0,484 0,586 0,591 0,450
Average 0,627 0,606 0,632 0,627 0,725 0,547 0,638 0,660 0,583

Table 3
Final values of all e-WPI parameters (for all three cluster WPI

Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3

Environment Resources
No. Cases 2 5 3
WPI 0,637 0,652 0,580
Resources 0,736 0,657 0,433
Access 0,607 0,628 0,656
Capacity 0,657 0,647 0,572
Use Access
Use 0,598 0,775 0,726
Environment 0,589 0,552 0,511
Cluster 1
Pressure 0,614 0,671 0,665
Capacity Cluster 2
State 0,634 0,672 0,658
Cluster 3
Response 0,665 0,612 0,481

Figure 1. Diagram of WPI components for

three cluster classes

It is shown for example that first cluster (which includes 2 communities) scores best in
“Resources”, though access to basic services remains inadequate and water usage is
considerably poor. The direction to be adopted should foster the construction of new
infrastructure to improve coverage. Additionally, sanitation campaigns are needed to
raise awareness among the population of the importance to increase domestic water
consumption. Cluster 2 (5 communities) performs notably better, being the least water
poor. Only the “environment” component needs to be improved, and water sources
should thus be better protected to prevent water from being contaminated. Finally,
communities (3) included in Cluster 3 score the lowest WPI values and thus represent
the highest degree of water poverty. This group is characterized by significant levels of
water scarcity, though they also lack capacities to manage water facilities and to
minimize environmental impact on water sources. First intervention would be directed
II Congrés UPC Sostenible 2015

to increase water reservoir availability. In parallel, all water sector actors at local level
should conduct capacity building through appropriate training, so as to enable water
entities to manage the schemes. And equal to Cluster 2, awareness of the importance
to protect water sources needs to be increased. It is also remarkable that societal
response in these communities is critically low, and thus major improvements in the
near future should not be expected.


In an attempt to exemplify the application of the methodology at different scales, the

enhanced WPI has been also assessed at the watershed scale.

In fact, to focus on this scale of intervention appears to be meaningful, since it is clearly

the natural water resources planning unit. Nevertheless, major constraint at this scale
is related to the ability of basin authorities to effectively fulfil their management
commitment. They generally lack strategic oversight and appropriate resources, so
even when basins are correctly delimited and basin management bodies created, their
involvement as a decision-making entity is poor. Among the problems that have
impeded its successful strengthening, there is the lack of consistent baseline data at
this scale, needed to avoid planning decisions based on false assumptions.

In consequence, a pilot test has been done in the Catamayo - Chira River basin, an
international 17,200 km2 watershed shared between Peru and Ecuador, where sector-
related data were readily available. The basin is made up of six different sub-basins
(see Fig. 2), though for the purpose of this study, only the three basins located in Peru
(Chira, Chipillico and Quiroz) have been considered.

Figure 2. The Catamayo – Chira River Basin and its


After data compilation, information has been classified following the WPI-PSR
framework. All variables and indicators used are listed in Table 4, and a more detailed
description of indicators is given elsewhere (Giné and Pérez-Foguet, 2008b).
II Congrés UPC Sostenible 2015

Once the parameters of all five components have been obtained, the WPI is calculated
according to Eq. 1. The results are presented in Table 5.
II Congrés UPC Sostenible 2015

Table 4
WPI component variables and indicators used at watershed level. Source: Giné and Pérez-
Foguet, 2008b

Variables Indicator - Pressure Indicator - State Indicator – Response


Water resources availability Annual Population Growth Water Availability HDI – Education

Water Quality Water Quality, for domestic use


Access to safe water Variation in safe water Percent Population with access Improvement in adequate water
accessibility in the last 2 years to safe water infrastructure

Access to sanitation Variation in safe water Percent Population with access Improvement in adequate
accessibility in the last 2 years to improved sanitation sewage treatment


Human Development Variation in the women basin HDI Daily per capita income, in US $
HDI – Education in the last 2


Domestic water consumption Water-related diseases in the Domestic Water-use efficiency


Agricultural water use Agricultural water use,

expressed as the proportion of
irrigated land to total cultivated


Environmental regulation and Impact of Pollutant Sources Percent of area with natural Adequacy of the environment
management vegetation sector-related institutional
(Number of Sources * Individual framework

Table 5
Final values for all e-WPI parameters

WPI Resources Access Capacity Use Environment

WPI Quiróz 0,458 0,542 0,333 0,417 0,5 0,5
Chipillico 0,475 0,5 0,375 0,417 0,417 0,667
Chira 0,442 0,417 0,625 0,5 0,250 0,417
Pressure Quiróz 0,675 0,750 0,875 0,750 0,5 0,5
Chipillico 0,675 0,5 0,875 0,750 0,5 0,750
Chira 0,450 0,5 0,750 0,5 0,5 0,0
State Quiróz 0,475 0,625 0,0 0,250 0,750 0,750
Chipillico 0,475 0,5 0,125 0,250 0,5 1,0
Chira 0,475 0,0 0,875 0,5 0,0 1,0
Response Quiróz 0,225 0,250 0,125 0,250 0,250 0,250
Chipillico 0,275 0,5 0,125 0,250 0,250 0,250
Chira 0,4 0,750 0,250 0,5 0,250 0,250
II Congrés UPC Sostenible 2015

At the same time, to illustrate the complexity of water issues, a set of diagrams has
been developed (Fig. 3). By showing the values of all five components in a visually
clear way, it helps decision-makers to detect major water sector needs and facilitates
cause-effect relationships not to be lost.

Quiróz Resources Quiróz Resources

Chipillico Chipillico
Chira Chira

Environment Access Environment Access

Use Capacity Use Capacity

(a) (b)

Quiróz Resources Quiróz Resources

Chipillico Chipillico
Chira Chira

Environment Access Environment Access

Use Capacity Use Capacity

(c) (d)

Figure 3. Pentagram presentation of the components of the WPI. (a) Total; (b) Pressure; (c)
State; and (d) Resources. Source: Giné and Pérez-Foguet, 2008b

In brief, although final WPI results in three basins are similar, different conclusions can
be achieved if a thorough analysis is done focussing either on the five components of
the index or on a specific position within the causal chain. In particular, aspects
needing attention by resource managers in these basins are those related to
Resources State (Chira Basin), Access State and Response (Quiroz and Chipillico
Basins), Use State (Chira Basin), and Environment Pressure (Chira Basin). Institutional
response would be directed to (i) improve water quality; (ii) increase water and
sanitation coverage through building and sustaining new infrastructure; (iii) reduce
agricultural water demand and improve respective water-use efficiency; and (iv)
minimize the impact produced by existing pollution sources, respectively (Giné and
Pérez-Foguet, 2008b).

II Congrés UPC Sostenible 2015

In this paper we have demonstrated the relevance of the use of an aggregated

indicator as an effective water management tool in decision making processes. We
have shown how the enhanced Water Poverty Index might be applied at different
scales, and on this basis we believe that this tool has potential for wider

There is consensus on stating that this multidimensional approach to water poverty

assessments appears attractive, and because of its simplicity, the tool appeals to
policy-makers, since complexities of water situation at a particular location result to be
straightforward if represented either as a single number or through a spider diagram.

Nevertheless, criticism has also been made of the index on several grounds (Feitelson
and Chenoweth, 2002; Molle and Mollinga, 2003; Shah and van Koppen, 2006;
Jiménez et al., 2007; Komnenic, 2007). This demonstrates the fact that the
development of such a complex tool must be regarded as an iterative process, and this
is acknowledged by the authors (Sullivan and Meigh, 2007; Sullivan et al., 2003).

We are aware of major limitations concerning the construction of a composite index: (i)
correlation among indicators; (ii) weights assigned to the variables; and (iii) the method
of aggregation. As part of this iteration, related research is currently being undertaken
in order to refine the structure of the index.


The authors would like to extend thanks to Centro AGUA (Universidad Mayor San
Simon, Bolivia), to Regional Office of the Agencia Española de Cooperación
Internacional para el Desarrollo in Piura (Perú), and to Joel Piulats, who have
contributed and provided support for the assessment in various ways. Financial support
from the Centre de Cooperació per al Desenvolupament (Universitat Politècnica de
Catalunya); the Agència Catalana de Cooperació al Desenvolupament (Generalitat de
Catalunya), and the Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo
(Spanish Government) are gratefully acknowledged.


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