Design and Analysis of Air Conditioning Cum Water Dispenser System
Design and Analysis of Air Conditioning Cum Water Dispenser System
Design and Analysis of Air Conditioning Cum Water Dispenser System
Volume 6, Issue 10, Oct 2015, pp. 202-216, Article ID: IJMET_06_10_021
Available online at
ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359
© IAEME Publication
SYSTEM” makes the study of the development of a water dispenser system
using a normal air conditioner. The main aim behind developing this device is
to develop a multifunctional unit which can provide hot water, cold water
along with regular space/air conditioning cycle. The design mainly consists of
compressor, condenser, evaporator, expansion valve, copper coil, temperature
and pressure gauges and tumblers. The actual cycles and operating conditions
for air and water cycle are presented in this project. It comprises of air cycle
and water cycle combined with a common compressor. Systematic analysis
after the completion of project was carried out. The readings obtained were
noted down in a proper tabular column. Then calculations for determination
of COP of air cycle, COP of water cycle, effectiveness of condenser and
evaporator, heat transferred by evaporator and friction factor of capillary
tube were carried out. The results obtained were plotted in graphs.
Key words: Evaporator, Condenser, Compressor, Dispenser, Refrigerant,
Valves, Capillary Tubes.
Cite this Article: Ashish Ramprasad and Subhrajyoti Banerjee. Design and
Analysis of Air Conditioning cum Water Dispenser System, International
Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 6(10), 2015, pp. 202-
In tropical countries such as India, small split type air conditioners are generally used
in residential and commercial buildings. In such establishments, electric water heaters
are often used to generate hot water and water coolers to generate cold water. Air
conditioner, electric water heater and electric water cooler are generally the major
energy consuming devices in the buildings. The number of air conditioners, electric
water heaters and water coolers has been increasing over the years, and this poses a
serious problem to the country that largely depends on non renewable energy. Waste
heat from air conditioners may be used to produce hot water. The benefits of doing
this are twofold. One is elimination of the need to install an electric water heater, and
the other is saving of electrical energy otherwise used in the electric water heater and
water cooler. These may be accomplished while the usefulness of the air conditioner
for cooling is maintained.
At present, water heaters using waste heat from small split type air conditioners
are commercially available in India and are generally mechanically made to the
specific requirements of the users. Even though split type air conditioners with water
heaters are successfully used, their performance and system design for application in
India have not been fully investigated, especially when both cooling and heating
effects are desirable. Studies of heat pump hot water heaters operating in subtropical
and cold countries have appeared in the literature.
The need for the development of an integrated air conditioning cum water
dispenser system at low cost was overcome by using a common compressor for both
the systems. The use of common compressor eliminates the use of a separate
electrical energy for the operation of water heaters and water coolers. A parallel
connection can be bypassed from the compressor of a normal air conditioner in order
to make the system suitable for all the three purposes i.e. water heating, water cooling
and space conditioning. In such a system there are two cycles involved: air cycle and
water cycle. In evaporator of air cycle, the air is cooled. In condenser of air cycle, the
air is heated. In evaporating coil of water cycle, the water is cooled and in condensing
coil of water cycle, the water is heated. An attractive point is that this air conditioner
cum water dispenser system can produce hot & cold water as well as hot & cold air.
The system can be operated in five modes: water heating only, space cooling and
water heating, space heating and water heating, space cooling, space heating with
three cycles of operations: air cycle(in which air conditioner operates), water cycle(in
which water dispenser operates) and air/water cycle(in which air conditioner cum
water dispenser operates). These cycles can be controlled by means of valves.
Scientists all over the world are in search of new and renewable energy sources. One
of the options is to develop energy storage devices, which are as important as
developing new sources of energy. The air conditioning along with water dispenser
can operate in various modes which are water heating, water cooling, space heating,
According to Q. P. Ha [1] they have performed the vapor-absorption cooling plant
fully powered by a renewable energy source with solar radiation, in which no water
storage and auxiliary heat exchanger are used. They have proposed system in meeting
the air-conditioning demand while addressing directly critical issues of electricity
consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. With the results they come up as the new
fully solar driven single effect hot water absorption chiller of 6kW cooling capacity to
ultimately achieve high energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emission reductions in
buildings. Here they produce hot water without the use of additional heat exchanger.
The influence of condenser-water temperature, hot-water temperature and chilled-
water temperature on the system cooling capacity investigated. Zhang Jie[2] had done
the theoretical study and proposed that in the cooling conditions the low-temperature
condensed water of indoor unit on the evaporator drainage to outdoor unit on the
condenser fins, thereby reducing the condensing temperature to improve the cooling
of the condenser , and enhance the air-conditioning refrigeration coefficient. They
were focused on to solve the “Air- conditioning drip water” problem. Emissions of
condensed water of air conditioners in the run-time give rise to inconvenience and
affect the environment, and the condensed water discharge to the outdoor is a waste of
water resource. Thus the treatment of condensed water is very practical problem [3].
Mecler[4] proposed a two-stage solid desiccant air conditioning system, integrated
with an HVAC system. An energy ex-change was employed to precool and
predehumidify the process air by exchanging sensible and latent heat with return air
from conditioned space without the addition of external heat or regeneration.
Much research was carried out on the solar air heater. Alvarez et al.[5] described
the development and testing of an efficient, single-glass air solar collector with an
absorber plate made of recyclable aluminum cans(RAC). The maximum efficiency
reached was 74%, which was very satisfactory for an air solar collector with an
absorber plate made of recyclable aluminum cans. The advantages of using recyclable
materials to build the absorber plate of the air solar collector imply that the absorbers
are cheaper with a cleaner environment.
To overcome all these problems we offer an air conditioner coupled with heat
pump water heater with the main components such as heat exchanger, compressor,
and valves. The air to water heat pumps water heater offers an energy saving
alternatives. Heat pump water heater can provide hot water two or three times more
energy efficient than electric resistance heater. So the primary cost will be reduced
and it can realize multifunction easily. Here we can demonstrate an air conditioning
water heater (ACWH) and the performance analysis.
A. Introduction
Air-Conditioning cum Water dispenser system is a unique combination of air-cycle
and water-cycle into a single unit.
“Air-conditioning” is the simultaneous control of temperature, humidity, motion
and purity of the atmosphere in confined space. The important factors which control
the air-conditioning are
i. Temperature control
ii. Humidity control
iii. Air movement and circulation
iv. Air filtering, cleaning and purification
B. Components
The basic elements of an air-conditioning system are
i. Fans – for moving air
ii. Filters – for cleaning air, either fresh, recirculated or both.
iii. Condenser – for exchanging heat with the surrounding atmosphere and provides hot
iv. Compressor–for compressing the refrigerant at high pressure and temperature
v. Evaporator–for exchanging heat with the atmosphere and provides cold air
vi. Control system– for automatic regulation of amount of heating and cooling
vi. At the inlet of the condenser the refrigerant is in the gaseous form as well as at high
temperature. When a flow of air at room temperature is flown over the condenser at
that time a heat exchange takes place between the air and the refrigerant causing the
air to heated up and also leads condensation of the refrigerant that liquefies after
condensation, slight difference in temperature occurs between the inlet and outlet of
the condenser in practical scenario as it is a constant temperature process.
vii. From the condenser outlet the liquid refrigerant is passed through the capillary tubes
that act as an expansion valve where the drop in temperature of the refrigerant occurs
due to expansion as it is a constant enthalpy process.
viii. The cooled refrigerant is now passed to the evaporator where in when air at room-
temperature is passed over a heat exchange takes place leading to evaporation of the
refrigerant and thus the air is cooled which is passed to the outlet terminals.
ix. The refrigerant is again directed back to compressor where the compression takes
place at constant entropy.
x. Finally the cycle of air- conditioning is completed.
P1- compressor inlet pressure
P2- compressor outlet pressure
T1- condenser inlet temperature
T2- condenser outlet temperature
T3- evaporator inlet temperature
T4- evaporator outlet temperature
T5- hot water temperature
T6- cold water temperature
Valves- for regulation of refrigerant into the water-cycle
iii. Copper coils of 40 turns are made and inserted in the drum that acts as an condenser
for the water cycle and copper coils of 20 turns are made for the evaporator in order
to get maximum efficiency.
iv. The condenser and evaporator of the water cycle are connected to the outlet and the
inlet of the compressor.
v. A filter is placed between condenser and capillary tube in order to prevent clogging of
impurities in the setup.
vi. Capillary tubes are used in order to enable expansion under constant enthalpy process
vii. Valves are here used in order to regulate and control the air and water cycles
viii. When the system is started the refrigerant flows to both air cycle and the water cycle
ix. The compressed refrigerant flows through the condenser coils where condensation of
the refrigerant occurs causing heating of the water in the hot water chamber and then
it is passed through the expansion valve leading to a drop of temperature of the
refrigerant and then it is passed to the evaporator in the form of liquid at a very low
temperature where heat exchange occurs between water at room temperature and the
refrigerant leading to cooling of the water and heating of the refrigerant thus cold
water is obtained from cold water chamber.
x. The refrigerant from the evaporator enters the compressor and thus the cycle
xi. Temperatures at the inlet and outlet of the condenser, inlet outlet temperatures of
evaporator , pressures at the inlet and outlet of compressor is noted down and
calculations related to COP , mass-flow rates, efficiencies are determined.
xii. Finally a combined system of air cycle and water cycle is obtained with increased
efficiency is thus obtained
For Water Cycle
Q= 328.035 W
A= 3.14 x 6.35 x10 x 10.884
A = 0.2171 m
V = (7.35 x 10 )/(1216 x 0.2171)
V = 2.8523 x 10-5 m/s
LMTD= ((79.3-50)-(50-36.7))/ln((29.3/13.3))
LMTD = 20.25 C
ε = ((79.3-36.7)/(79.3-31.8))
ε = 0.8968= 89.68%
Design of Evaporator
The refrigerant now passes through a receiver drier and then goes into the cold chamber
which acts as an evaporator. This chamber also acts as a Shell and tube heat exchanger and
the calculations are done taking this consideration. In the evaporator, the refrigerant changes
its state from liquid to gaseous form and the heat transfer takes place through conduction to
the water.
Tco= Evaporator outlet temperature = 27.1 c
m= 7.971 x 10 Kg/sec
A= π x d x L
where L= length of evaporator tube= 5.422 m
A= 3.14 x 6.35 x10 x 5.422
A= 0.1081 m
LMTD = ((Tci-Tsat)-(Tco-Tsat))/ln((Tci-Tsat)/(Tco-Tsat))
LMTD= ((36.7-23.1)-(27.1-23.1))/ln((13.6/4))
LMTD = 7.844 C
ε = ((36.7-27.1)/(36.7-23.1))
ε = 0.7058 = 70.58%
Theoretical C.O.P
The theoretical C.O.P is the coefficient of performance which is calculated from the
pyscometric chart and the respective temperatures and pressures.
C.O.P = (h1-h4)/(h2-h1)
where h1 = Enthalpy at inlet of compressor in KJ/Kg
h2 = Enthalpy at outlet of compressor in KJ/Kg h4 =
Enthalpy at outlet of evaporator in KJ/Kg
From Psychometric chart of R-22,
p1= pressure at compressor inlet = 3.2psi
p1= (3.2 x 0.06894) + 1.013= 1.2336 bar
p2 = pressure at compressor outlet = 15.8psi
p2= (15.8 x 0.06894) + 1.013= 2.1 bar
h1 = Enthalpy at p=1.2336 bar and T=27.1 c = 320 KJ/Kg
h2 = Enthalpy at p=2.1 bar and T=79.3 c = 360 KJ/Kg
h3= Enthalpy at p=1.2336 bar and T=23.1 c = 260KJ/Kg
C.O.P= (320-260)/(360-320)
C.O.P = 60/40
C.O.P = 1.5
Actual C.O.P
The actual C.O.P is defined as the ratio of refrigeration effect to the compressor work.
This C.O.P is the actual coefficient of performance which corresponds to the
experimental value.
C.O.P = Refrigeration Effect / Compressor Work
Refrigeration Effect:
For 1 ton A/C, refrigeration effect = 3.5 KW
For 1.5 ton A/C, refrigeration effect = 3.5 x 1.5= 5.25 KW
Compressor work:
I = current input to compressor = 20A
V = Voltage across the compressor = 240v
Compressor work = V x I = 20 x 240 = 4800W = 4.8KW
C.O.P = 5.25/4.8
C.O.P = 1.1
For Air-Cycle
Theoretical C.O.P
This C.O.P is the coefficient of performance that is calculated for the air cycle
C.O.P = (h1-h4)/(h2-h1)
Actual C.O.P
C.O.P = Refrigeration effect/energy input
where 2000lb/day 1ton of ice
144BTU/lb Enthalpy of solidification at 320
F So for 1.5 ton, it is 300BTU/min In S.I units 1ton=
1.5 ton=210*1.5=315KJ/min.
C.O.P = (315*1000/60)/(1500)
C.O.P = 3.5
The testing of the equipment has been carried out under certain crucial conditions
where in the values are tabulated and the corresponding data is tabulated and the
graphs are plotted as per calculations. These values are then matched with that of the
theoretical values and the corresponding data are calculated.
The graphs are drawn according to the respective values in the table for cold
chamber, hot chamber, pressure and comparison of C.O.P of air and water.
Evaporator Condenser Compressor Cold Hot
Time temperature in temperature in
S. (t) in (0c) (0c) pressure in (psi) water water
no min tempera tempera
Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet ture (0c) ture (0c)
(Tci) (Tco) (Thi) (Tho) (p1) (p2)
1 0 29 29 32 29 1.7 12 31 31
2 30 31 28 35 31 2.1 13 28 33
3 60 33 27 38 33 2.5 14 24 36
4 90 34 27 50 34 2.7 14 24 42
The graphs are drawn according to the respective values in the table for cold
chamber, hot chamber, pressure and comparison of C.O.P of air and water.
25 Cold 50
20 40 Hot water
15 temperat 30
water re (0c)
10 ure (0c)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
No. of 30 min intervals
No. of 30 min intervals
Compressor Comparison of
pressure (psi) C.O.P
18 3.5
14 3
sor 12
Pressure 2.5
10 Compres C.O.P
8 2 (Air)
sor C.O.P
6 pressure 1.5 (Water)
4 (psi)
0 0.5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
No. of 30 min intervals
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
We take the opportunity to extend our heartfelt thanks to our respected Dean,
Dr.K.Duraivelu M.E.,MBA.,Ph.D.,F.I.E. for his support and impeccable guidance.
We are extremely grateful to the Head of the Department, Dr.Karthikeyan
M.E.,Ph.D. for having encouraged and helped us throughout the course of our
project. Without his supervision and feedback, it would have been really hard for us to
finish our project in a timely manner. Thus, we feel deeply obliged for his support.
We are also grateful to our guide, Mr.V.Kumar M.E. for having assisted and
mentored us so diligently in the process of preparing our project. Without his
persistent support and co-operation, we couldn’t have accomplished our ideas.
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