IRC Highway Research Journal January-June 2018 PDF
IRC Highway Research Journal January-June 2018 PDF
IRC Highway Research Journal January-June 2018 PDF
Members of the Highway Research Board (2017-2020)
1 Chairman, HRB - Shri Manoj Kumar, Director General (Road Development) & Spl. Secy., MoRT&H, New Delhi
2 Secretary, HRB - Shri S.K. Nirmal, Secretary General, Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi
3 President, IRC - Shri K.S. Krishna Reddy, Managing Director, Karnataka Road Development Corporation Ltd., Bengaluru
4 Prof. Satish Chandra, Director, CSIR-Central Road 29 Dr. P.K. Sarkar, Deptt. of Transport Planning, School
Research Institute, New Delhi of Planning & Architecture, New Delhi
5 Shri B.N. Singh, Additional Director General, 30 Dr. Dharmveer Singh, Assistant Professor, Deptt. of
MoRT&H, New Delhi Civil Engg., IIT Mumbai, Maharashtra
6 Shri I.K. Pandey, Additional Director General, 31 Dr. P. L. Patel, Head, Deptt. of Civil Engg., SVNIT,
MoRT&H, New Delhi Surat
7 Shri Y. Balakrishna, Chief Engineer (Roads and 32 Shri Bharat Chandra Pradhan, Chief Engineer, Rural
Bridges) SR&T, MoRT&H, New Delhi Works , Bhubaneswar
8 Lt. Gen. S.K. Shrivastava, Director General Border 33 Shri P.R. Patelia, Chief Engineer (Panchayat) & Addl.
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9 Shri D.O. Tawade, Member (Technical), National 34 Shri C.V.S. Ramamurthy, Engineer-in-Chief,
Highways Authority of India, New Delhi Panchayati Raj Department, Hyderabad
10 Dr. I.K. Pateriya, Director (Technical), National Rural 35 Shri Ajit Upale, Chief Engineer (PMGSY), Rural
Roads Development Agency (NRRDA), New Delhi Development & Water Conservation Department,
11 Shri S.S. Nahar, Director, Indian Academy of Mumbai
Highway Engineers, Noida (U.P.) 36 Shri Shankar Prasad Singh, Engineer-in-Chief, Rural
12 Er. Bhuvana Kumar, Chief Engineer (NH), H.P. Works Deptt., Patna
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13 Shri H.K. Upreti, Engineer-in-Chief, PWD., Director, Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport
Dehradun Corporation, Vijayawada
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15 Shri M.S. Kidwai, Chief Engineer (NH), U.P. P.W.D., 39 Dr. Harshavardhan Subbarao, Chairman & Managing
Lucknow Director, Construma Consultancy Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai
16 Shri N. Lakshman Rao Peshve, Chief Engineer (NH), 40 Shri Sanjeev Kapoor, Director (Transportation),
PWD, Bangalore Ramboll India Pvt. Ltd., Gurgaon
17 Shri K.P. Prabhakaran, Chief Engineer (NH), Works 41 Maj. V.C. Verma, Chairman and Managing Director,
Deptt., Thiruvananthapuram Oriental Structural Engineers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
18 Shri Dipankar Ghosh, Chief Engineer (NH), PWRD, 42 S h r i Vi s h w a s J a i n , M a n a g i n g D i r e c t o r,
Kolkata Consulting Engineers Group, New Delhi
19 Smt. N. Shanthy, Chief Engineer (NH), PWD, 43 Shri I.P. Tantia, Chairman and Managing Director,
Chennai Tantia Constructions Ltd., Kolkata
20 Shri K. Lalsawmvela, Chief Engineer (Highway), 44 Shri D.P. Gupta, DG (RD) & AS (Retd.), MOST,
PWD Mizoram, Aizawl New Delhi
21 Shri Ch. Tiken Singh, Chief Engineer, P.W.D., 45 Shri A.V. Sinha, Former DG (RD) & SS, MoRT&H,
Manipur, Imphal New Delhi
22 Mrs. R. Geeta, Director, Highways Research Station, 46 Shri P.N. Jain, Former Secretary, R&B Deptt.,
Chennai Govt. of Gujarat, Ahmedabad
23 Prof. Shishir Kr. Sahu, Head, Deptt. of Civil Engg., 47 Shri Chaman Lal, Addl. Mission Director, NMCG,
NIT, Rourkela Panchkula
24 Shri K.A. Keshvani, Chief Engineer & Director 48 Dr. Sunil Bose, Former Head, FPC Divn., CRRI,
(Roads), Gujarat Engg. Research Institute (GERI), Faridabad
Vadodara 49 Shri Parimal Rai, President, IBC & Advisor to
25 Dr. Samson Mathew, Professor, Deptt. of Civil Engg., Administrator, Chandigarh UT, Chandigarh
NIT, Tiruchirappalli 50 Prof. K. Sudhakar Reddy, Deptt. of Civil Engineering,
26 Dr. M.S. Amarnath, Coordinator, Centre for Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur
Transportation Engg., Bangalore University, 51 Shri H.L. Mina, Former Secretary, PWD, Rajasthan,
Bangalore Jaipur
27 Dr. Praveen Kumar, Professor of Civil Engg., IIT 52 Shri V. L. Patankar, Former ADG, MoRT&H,
Roorkee, Roorkee New Delhi
28 Prof. A. Veeraragavan, Deptt. of Civil Engg., IIT 53 Shri U. Jaya Kodi, President, Technical & Arbitration ,
Madras, Chennai BSCPL Infrastructure Ltd., Hyderabad
Highway Research
Volume : 9 - 1 JANUARY - JUNE, 2018
Indian Roads Congress
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In India, presently the bituminous mixes are designed based on empirical laboratory procedures
i.e. Marshall method of mix design without simulating the actual field conditions. This has led the
highway engineers to think of a performance based mix design method, which can predict the
fundamental properties of bituminous mixes such as rutting and fatigue. The primary objective of
the performance based mix design method to establish the appropriate amount of binder content
in the mix that will simultaneously satisfy the rut resistance and fatigue cracking requirements
for given traffic and environmental conditions. This lead to development of Superior performance
pavements (Super-pave) mix design by Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP), USA. The
main objective of the study is to develop performance based mix design for Indian conditions
using Super-Pave Gyratory compactor (SGC) and compare the Super-pave asphalt mixture design
procedures with the Marshall Asphalt mixture design method. The comparison was based on several
issues including evaluation of materials prior to mixture design, the design asphalt content, and
the relationship between mixture design and pavement performance. After comparison between
mix design methods resilient modulus of different bituminous mixes prepared with conventional
as well as modified binder, are evaluated at different temperature. For performance deformation
of mixes, flow number test is performed through Asphalt Mixture Pavement Tester (AMPT) at
varying air voids and at different deviator stress level. It is found that the performance parameters
such as ITS, TSR, Resilient modulus and Flow number values are higher in case, sample prepared
by Super-pave mix design method as compare to those sample prepared by Marshall method of
mix design.
Estimated properties are compared against the example, Trial Blend 3 is selected as the design
mixture criteria. For the design traffic a nominal aggregate structure.
maximum particle size, the volumetric and 4.1.6 Select Design Asphalt Binder Content
densification criteria are:
A minimum of two specimens are compacted at
% Air Voids 4.0% each of the following asphalt contents:
% VMA 14.0% (12.5 mm nominal Estimated binder content
mixture) Estimated binder content ± 0.5%, and
12.0% (25.0 mm nominal Estimated binder content + 1.0%.
mixture) For Trial Blend 3 of 12.5 mm NMAS with VG30,
% VFA 65% - 75% (≥30 × 106 ESALs) the binder contents for the mix design are 4.42%,
4.92%, 5.42%, and 5.92%. For Trial Blend 3 of 12.5
% Gmm @ Nini less than 89%
mm NMAS with HiMA the binder contents for the
Dust Proportion 0.6 - 1.2 mix design are 4.56%, 5.06%, 5.56%, and 6.06%.
After establishing all the estimated mixture A minimum of two specimens is also prepared for
properties, the designer can observe the values determination of maximum theoretical specific
for the trial blends and decide if one or more gravity at the estimated binder content. The average
are acceptable, or if further trial blends need to densification curves for each trial asphalt binder
be evaluated. All the Blends are acceptable. The content are graphed for comparative illustration in
VMA, VFA, D. P., and Nini criteria are met. For this Fig. 1.
Table 5 Mixture Volumetric Properties @ Ndes for BC Mixes for Different Binder
4.2 Marshall Method of Mix Design approximate design bitumen content is 5.32% by
Marshall Asphalt concrete mix design procedure weight of aggregate. Test should be planned on
(ASTM D1559) was used to find the optimum the basis of 0.5 % increment of asphalt content,
binder for both VG30 and HiMA binder for with at least two asphalt contents above and at
Bituminous concrete. In determining the design least two asphalt content below the approximate
binder content for a particular blend by Marshall design bitumen content. Prepare three specimens
Method, a series of test specimens is prepared for at each asphalt content by giving 75 blows on
a range of different asphalt contents so that the each face and each test specimen is subjected to
test data curve show well defined relationships. Specimen height determination, Bulk specific
The expected Design asphalt content, in percent gravity determination, Density and voids
by total weight of mix, could then be estimated analysis, Stability and flow test and the average
to be approximately equivalent to the percent of for the replicates at the same binder content were
aggregate in the final gradation passing the 0.075 also calculated and the test results are given in
mm sieve. For Bituminous concrete (Grade 2) Tables 8 and 9.
Table 8 Volumetric Properties of Bituminous Concrete Mix Prepared with VG30
The optimum binder content for BC and DBM 5. VOLUMETRIC AND MECHANICAL
with VG30 & HiMA based on maximum density, PROPERTIES AT OPTIMUM BINDER CONTENT
maximum stability and 4% air voids is summarized The volumetric properties of compacted paving
in Table 10. mixture are important criteria by which the
Table 10 Optimum Binder for BC for Both the Mix quality of an asphalt mixture is evaluated.
Design Method and Binder Type The volumetric properties are determined
using mass and/or volume measurements of
Optimum Binder Content, %
mixture and its constituent components (binder,
Mixture Type Marshall Mix Super-pave Mix aggregate, air).
Design Design
6. Performance Test
BC with VG30 5.65 5.22
6.1 Moisture Susceptibility Tests
BC with HiMA 5.40 5.03
The moisture susceptibility of bituminous concrete
mixes for conventional as well as modified binder in the NCHRP 9-19 Project as a simple performance
was evaluated by measuring the Tensile Strength test to evaluate the rutting susceptibility of HMA
Ratio (TSR) as per ASTM: D 6931-12. The Indirect mixes. the FN test was conducted at a repeated
Tensile Strength of (ITS) of the mix is determined compressive Haver-sine loading (1 cycle with 0.1
before and after conditioning of Specimens and s loading time and 0.9 s resting time) to measure
tensile strength ratio is determined as the ratio vertical accumulated permanent strains as a function
of average tensile strength of dry subset to the of loading cycles. The NCHRP 9-19 Project
average tensile strength of Conditioned subset. The recommended conducting the FN test at an effective
air voids levels in all these tests were maintained pavement temperature in an unconfined mode with
at 7±1%. For conditioning the specimens, these a vertical stress between 69 and 207 kPa.
were immersed in water bath at 60˚C for 24h and
In this study, the FN test was performed by Asphalt
afterwards kept at 25˚C for 2h.
Mixture Performance Tester, in an environmental
Table 11 Volumetric Properties at Optimum Binder chamber at a temperature of 60°C (130°F) and
Content an applied low stress of 69 kPa (10 psi) and for
Marshall Mix Super-Pave Mix high stress of 207 kPa (30psi) All specimens were
Properties Design Design
conditioned at 60°C (140°F) for 4 hours prior to
Marshall Stability, 11.85 13.09 13.64 15.69
testing. The testing was performed according to
kN @ 25 ˚C AASHTO TP 79, “Standard Method of Test for
Flow, mm 3.12 3.96 3.25 3.74 Determining the Dynamic Modulus and Flow
Air Voids, % 3.82 4.15 4.04 4.11 Number for Asphalt Mixtures Using the Asphalt
Specific Gravity 2.413 2.438 2.41 2.415
%VMA 14.71 14.26 15.49 15.42
Mixture Performance Tester (AMPT)” (AASHTO,
%VFB 74.04 70.89 74.24 74.07 2009) and the test was set to terminate at 10,000
loading cycles or accumulated 50,000 micro-
6.2 Resilient Modulus Test
strains, whichever came first.
Resilient modulus also known as Indirect Tensile
Stiffness Modulus (ITSM) is an important 7. Result and Discussion
parameter to evaluate performance of a mix and 7.1 Indirect Tensile Strength
to assess the pavement response to traffic loading. Table 12 shows the results of dry and wet ITS for
The repeated load indirect tension resilient bituminous concrete prepared by conventional
modulus test of bituminous mixtures is conducted as well as modified binder. The dry ITS value is
through repetitive application of compressive maximum compressive load born by sample before
loads in haver sine waveform. The compressive
failure while the wet ITS is load after soaking
load is applied along vertical diametric plane
the sample in water for 24h at 60°C. From these
of cylindrical specimen of mix and resulting
results it is clear that as the sample prepared by
deformation are measured. All the specimens for
Super-Pave mix design method have higher values
resilient modulus test were prepared at 5 % air
as compared those sample which are prepared by
voids. The specimen used for resilient modulus
using Marshall method irrespective of binder type.
test is a cylindrical specimen that is 100 mm
diameter by 63.5 mm thick. The bituminous Table 12 Indirect Tensile Strength of Different Mix
mixture specimen is normally loaded to a stress Design and Different Binder
level between 5 and 20% of indirect tensile Type of Mix design Avg. Dry Avg. Wet
strength using repeated pulse load with subsequent Binder Method ITS (kPa) ITS (kPa)
rest period usually 0.1 sec loading and 0.9 sec
Marshall Method 596 508
rest period. The specimens were tested at 25˚C to
VG30 Super-Pave 645 568
40˚C in accordance with ASTM: D7369-11 after
their conditioning on environmental chamber at
selected test temperature for 6h. Marshall Method 798 710
6.3 Flow Number Test HiMA Super-Pave 824 763
The FN test protocol was developed and introduced
7000 12000
207 kpa Marshall 207 kpa Marshall
6000 10000
69 kpa Marshall 69 kpa Marshall
207 kpa Superpave
5000 207 kpa Superpave
69 kpa Superpave
Flow Number
Flow Number
4000 69 kpa Superpave
1000 2000
0 0
4 7 9 4 7 9
Air Voids% Air Voids%
Fig. 5 Flow Number Variation at Different Air Voids for VG30 and HiMA
Flow Number (cycles)
Fig. 6 (a) Flow Number Variation with Binder Type.@ 4 % Air Voids and 7 % Air Voids
Flow Number (cycles)
Binder Type
well as modified binder at different air voids and The VG30 and HiMA binders satisfied the
different deviator stresses. requirements of IS-73-2013 and IRC: SP 53-
7.4.4 Effect of Deviator Stress on Flow Number 2010 respectively. Softening point for HiMA
binder is 10˚C higher and complex modulus
When low deviator stress of 69 kPa (10 psi) is is found to be 5˚C higher than VG30.
applied, higher flow number values are obtained Under the specified test conditions unaged
for mixes prepared by conventional as well as VG30 sustained up to 79.5˚C whereas unaged
modified binder. But when the stress level is HiMA binder sustained 84.5˚C i.e. 5˚C higher
increased to level of 207 kPa then the lower flow than VG30. similar trend is observed after
number values are observed for mixes. It shows aging these binders in rolling thin film oven.
that as the deviator stress are increased the Flow Loss in mass after RTFOT is observed lower
number values decreased irrespective of binder for HiMA than VG30.
type and mix design method.
Marshall method of mix design indicated
0.25% lower optimum binder content of
HiMA than VG30 for BC mixes.
OBC is further found to be reduced 0.25 to
0.27 % in case of Super-Pave mix design
Flow Number (Cycles)
Bituminous concrete pavements are subjected to failures/damages during the design period. One
among the causes for damage is due to commercial vehicles carrying heavy loads with high frequencies.
Predominately failures in the pavement structure are in the form of rutting and fatigue and are termed
as structural failure. In order to improve the structural characteristics of hot mix asphalt layer,
additives are used as bitumen alone cannot cope up with structural characteristics of bituminous mix.
This study aimed to investigate the performance of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) mixtures designed using
Bailey method of gradation and compared with conventional method of gradation. Bailey method allows
aggregate interlocking which acts as backbone to the structure and develop strong aggregate skeleton
for durability and rut resistance.
Marshall Parameters are used to compare the packing characteristics of bituminous mix prepared
through Bailey method and Conventional method (MoRTH Specifications). Indirect Tensile Strength,
resilient modulus and rutting properties were used for comparing the packing characteristics of
bituminous concrete mix when added with Polypropylene. Polypropylene (PP) granules exhibited good
resistance towards rutting. The results infer that conventional mix prepared using mid-point gradation
exhibit less resistance towards rutting when compared with Bailey gradation and addition of PP.
Bituminous Concrete mix prepared with Bailey approach and when added with PP granules has good
stiffness value when compared with above mix combinations.
PG Student Dept. of Civil Engineering, VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering
Associate Professor, E-mail: & Technology, Bachupally, Hyderabad.
Asst. Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology, Gandipet, Hyderabad.
Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, University College of Engineering (Autonomous), Osmania University, Hyderabad.
occurs due to heavy wheel loads. Fatigue is caused distribution. The outcome of this study reveals that
by failure of the surface layer or base due to repeated aggregate size distribution played a significant
traffic loading. In order to improve the distress role in packing characteristics. Rutting is a form
additives are added in bituminous concrete mix. In of failure experienced on the bitumen surface
the year 2012, the global market for polypropylene road in most of the developing countries. Higher
was about 55 million tonnes; Polypropylene is the values of stiffness are taken to measure of better
world's second-most widely produced synthetic resistant to rutting. Manjunath and Poornachandra
plastic, after polyethylene. Polypropylene is an (2014) investigated the properties of HMA mixtures
economical material that offers combination of designed using Bailey method of gradation and
outstanding physical, chemical, mechanical, and compared with conventional method of gradation.
thermal properties when compared with any other The result indicates that there is an increase in VMA
thermoplastic materials. To improve the quality of all the mixtures in Bailey gradation and rutting
of bitumen, the rheological properties of bitumen characteristics were improved by Bailey method
are modified by blending with organic synthetic of gradation. Kockal and Kofteci (2016) worked
polymers like plastics and rubber. on durability aspects through different aggressive
1.1 Objectives environmental conditions in laboratory to minimize
deterioration due to the damage. Al-Hadidy and
The objectives set for the present research are
Yi-Qiu (2009) observed that the properties of PP
To formulate aggregate gradation using Bailey modified asphalt mixtures and their performance
method and to achieve the required volumetric is better when compared to conventional mixtures.
properties over conventional method of The temperature susceptibility can be reduced
gradation. by the inclusion of PP in the asphalt mixture.
To determine the optimum binder content Chaturabong and Bahia (2017) have used Hamburg
for Conventional mix and mix prepared with Wheel Tracking (HWT) is prominently used for
Bailey Approach, also to arrive on the optimum rutting resistance test. The results indicate that the
content of PP granules when added to above wet HWT currently specified in the evaluation of
mix combinations. AASHTO T 324 Tsai et al (2016) can be used as
To investigate Tensile Strength and Resilient a substitute to the dry HWT test in the creep stage.
modulus of bituminous mixtures designed using The wet HWT test is used to detect the moisture
conventional method and Bailey approach. sensitivity by measuring cohesion or adhesion of
asphalt mastics. Vavrik et al (2002) provides Bailey
To determine rutting and stripping characteristics
method of gradation selection based on the packing
bailey approach mixes. Different combinations are (i) Bailey Parameters will be evaluated for a given
made in Bituminous Concrete (BC) grade-I mix for blend as per the following formulae:
understanding the performance characteristics.
3. Methodology
The sequence of stages for achieving the study
objectives is presented below.
Stage 1 : Literature Study
Stage 2
: Aggregate gradation selection for
conventional and Bailey approaches. Where,
Stage 3 : Marshall Mix design for Conventional CA Ratio - Coarse Aggregate Ratio
mix, Bituminous mix prepared using PPhalf sieve - Percent Passing Half Sieve
Bailey approach and inclusion of PP PCS - Primary Control Sieve = 0.22 x NMPS
granules in above mix combinations.
SCS - Secondary Control Sieve = 0.22 x
Stage 4 : Performance of mix evaluated through PCS
Tensile strength, Resilient Modulus and TCS - Tertiary Control Sieve = 0.22 x SCS
Rutting test (Immersion type). PPPCS - Percent Passing Primary Control
Stage 5 : Interpretation of test results Sieve
PPSCS - Percent Passing Secondary Control
4. Experimental Program Sieve
In the current research, PP granules were added to
Percent Passing Tertiary Control Sieve
bituminous concrete mix prepared with MoRTH
specifications and Bailey approach. Laboratory test The factor 0.22 was arrived after considering the
were performed on PP modified mixes of above analysis of 2-D and 3-D packing of different shaped
mix combinations for evaluation of performance particles. 2-D Analysis has shown the particle
characteristics. diameter ratio equal to 0.155 (all round) and 0.289
(all flat) with an average of 0.22 for angular and sub
4.1 Materials angular particles Vavrik et al. (2001).
Metamorphic type crushed stone aggregates and The blend was selected based on trial and error
stone dust is collected from local quarry. VG 30 method and was checked for Bailey parameters using
grade bitumen obtained from Indian Oil Corporation the formulae as indicated above. The selected JMF
Limited (IOCL), provided by GHMC (Greater was presented in gradation chart as shown in Fig. 1.
Hyderabad Municipal Corporation). Tests were
carried out in the laboratory to confirm the grades of 100
the bitumen. PP granules used in the present study
has a melting temperature of 1600C when tested in 80
4.4 Preparation of Specimen motion until desired densities of mix are achieved as
4.4.1 Marshal Specimens explained in (BS EN 12697 33).
Marshall Specimens were prepared as per Immersion type of wheel tracking device
(ASTM D 6926-04) to determine OBC (optimum An accelerated Immersion type wheel tracking test is
bitumen content) and OPC (optimum PP content). conducted in the laboratory for estimation of rutting
1200 gms of mix is required to prepare the specimen, resistance and is shown in Fig. 2. The wheel used in
aggregates were preheated before mixing with the study is steel wheel of 47 mm wide and the total
bitumen and PP granules. The mix is placed in the weight of the wheel assembly including surcharge
mould of 100 mm in diameter and compacted with is 710N and a LVDT is also provided to the side
4.54 kg rammer, falling from a height of 45.7 cm of wheel for monitoring rut depth to corresponding
with 75 blows on each face of the specimen. The number of wheel passes. Specimens were tested in
compacted specimen shall have a total thickness fully immersed condition in water at a temperature of
of 63.5 mm. Stability corrections were applied for 50oC (AASTHO T324). This test also explains on the
variation in thickness. The sample is allowed to cool stripping resistance of mix combinations used in the
for a few hours and then extracted using a sample study. The travel of the wheel path is 230 mm and the
extractor. The specimen is placed in the testing speed of the wheel for one pass is approximately 1.46
assembly after conditioning the sample in the water kmph (72 wheel passes per min and a failure criteria
bath kept at 60oC for 30 minutes duration. Load is of 20 mm rut depth is considered. B.C Grade I as per
applied at a rate of 50.8 mm/minute and tested at a MoRTH is adopted for the present study in preparation
temperature of 60oC. A load cell is used to apply the of specimens. 24102 passes will simulate traffic of
load on the specimen and an LVDT (Linear Variable 30 msa in the field Nahi et al (2011).
Displacement Transducer) was used for recording 4.4.3 Specimens for Resilient Modulus/ IDT
the flow values. The peak load was recorded by Marshall Specimens are used for conducting tensile
the DAS (Data Acquisition System) along with the test and determining the resilient modulus.
flow values. Three samples were prepared for each
percentage of bitumen varying between 4.5 to 6.5%. Repeated load test set up
The peak load resisted by the specimen is termed Resilient modulus of all mix combinations are
as Marshall Stability value as outlined in (ASTM D determined on repeated load test set up providing
5581 – 07). The flow is noted down in terms of mm repetitive applications of compressive loads in a
or units (1 unit=0.25 mm) MoRTH. haver-sine waveform load is applied vertically for
0.1 seconds followed by a rest periods of 0.9 seconds.
4.4.2 Specimens for Rutting Test The frequencies, which control the length of the rest
The specimen was prepared in a slab compacter also period between load pulses, were selected based on
known as roller compacting device shown in Fig. the (ASTM D 4123) recommendations (1.0 Hz). The
2. The slab is provided with a volume of around magnitude of load applied was 10% of tensile strength
6000 cc (40x30x5 cm3) and with 4% air voids in obtained from IDT at 350C. The test is performed
slab. The mixes were prepared with densities arrived twice on one sample with 90 degree rotation. The
from Marshall Stability test. The specimens were horizontal and vertical deformations were measured
compacted using hydraulic pressure in oscillatory using the ±100 µm and ±5mm LVDT’s respectively.
Water Water absorption 1.06 Max 2% IS:2386 Once the optimum binder was found for above mixes,
absorption Part III investigations were extended further to determine the
optimum PP content at the established OBC.
5.2 Bitumen Physical Properties The Marshall Quotient (MQ), the ratio of stability to
flow is used as a measure of the material’s resistance to
Grade of the bitumen was determined in the laboratory permanent deformation in service. The Marshall Quotient
as per IS : 73:2013 specifications and test results are is also known as “rigidity ratio”. Marshall Quotient for
shown in Table 2. four mix combinations is represented in Fig 5.
5.3 Marshall Stability Test Results Bituminous mixes were prepared at different
To achieve the objective in the current research and percentages of PP contents with an increment of 2.0%
to study rutting performance with reference to the to weight of bitumen. Bailey approach mix with 6%
effect of gradation and PP modification, suitable mix of PP granules was found to exhibit higher stability
sample codes have been assigned for bituminous which is 24.3 kN and the variation of Marshall
mixes and are presented in Table 3. parameters for PP modified mixes is shown in Fig 6.
BV 5
7 MV
Marshall Quotient
4 MV
3 BV
5 2 MPP
Air Void (%)
3 Different Combinations
Stability (kN)
17 20
Stability (kN)
14 16
13 14
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
12 PP Content (%)
2.28 MPP
10 2.26
4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5
Binder Content (%) 2.24
2.40 2.22
Density (g/cc)
BV 2.20
Density (g/cc)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2.32 PP Content (%)
2.30 6
4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5
Binder Content (%)
Air Void (%)
S2 -Tensile Strength of Unconditioned sample Fig.7. Rutting Characteristics for Different Mix
(MPa) Combinations
Table 5 Tensile Strength Ratio for Different Mix
Combinations 6. Conclusion
Based on the experimental observations made in
Mixture Conditioned Un- TSR
Combination (S1)MPa Conditioned (S1/S2)
Marshall Test, Indirect Tensile strength Test, Resilient
(S2)MPa modulus and Immersion wheel test on four typical
combinations of mixes considered in this study, the
MV 0.796 0.95 0.84
following conclusions were made.
BV 0.857 0.934 0.92
MPP 1.231 1.449 0.85 The aggregate gradation obtained using Bailey
method of gradation was found almost in line
BPP 1.328 1.485 0.89
with the mid limits specified by the MoRTH
5.5 Resilient Modulus standards.
Repeated load test set up as per ASTM D 4123, test The Marshall stability of Conventional and
is carried out for determining resilient modulus for Bailey method of gradation was found to be
each mix combinations in the study. The test results similar.
are presented in Table 6. The Marshall Stability value is found to be
Table 6 Repeated Load Test Results 24.3kN for 6% Polypropylene granules at
5.1% bitumen content when designed using
Mix Binder Load Horizontal Tensile Resilient Initial Bailey method of gradation and is more than
Content (N) Deformation stress modulus tensile
% (µm) (MPa) (MPa) strain conventional bituminous mixes.
It is observed that air voids has decreased with
MV 5.3 950 0.006282 0.95 2416 0.000806
addition of Polypropylene, which is desirable
BV 5.1 934 0.005918 0.93 2533 0.000755 for better strength and good service life.
MPP 5.3 1449 0.007638 1.45 2672 0.001111
The bulk density is found maximum with
BPP 5.1 1485 0.007435 1.49 2813 0.001082
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Polypropylene granules modified mix with
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resistant to stripping than other mixes evaluated Influence of Aggregate Gradation and Packing Characteristics
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The fatigue life of PP modified mixes may be of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists, 70,
less than those without PP. Hence the fatigue (2001).
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efficacy of PP modification. (Unit Weight) and Voids in Aggregate".
11. AASHTO T 283, "Standard Method of Test for Resistance of
6.1 Usefulness of the Study for Highway Profession Compacted Asphalt Mixtures to Moisture-Induced Damage.
This article demonstrates the role of gradation in 12. Alshamsi, K., "Development of a Mix Design Methodology
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course. The packing characteristics have put forth by Structures", Journal of Association of Asphalt Paving
Bailey method will influence the rutting behaviour Technology. (2006).
of bituminous concrete when used in construction of 13. ASTM D4123-82(1995), "Standard Test Method for Indirect
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This statement was demonstrated through the test results Resistance of Plastic Flow of Bitumen Mixes".
of immersion type wheel rutting test. 15. ASTM D 6926-04, "Standard Practice for Preparation of
Bituminous Specimens Using Marshall Apparatus".
The mix which fulfils Bailey approach was found to offer
16. Aurilio, V., Pine, W., & Lum, P. (2005), "The Bailey Method
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Achieving Volumetrics and HMA Compactability", (Vol. 50,
than the mix prepared with Midpoint conventional 1998. p. 159)
gradation (as per MoRTH for BC mix grade - 1). 17. BS EN 12697 33 (2007), "Standard Test Methods for Hot Mix
The study has opened a new area of research where in Asphalt Bituminous Mixtures- Specimen Prepared by Roller
the efforts can further be invested to demonstrate the Compactor".
efficacy of PP granules modification in bitumen mixes 18. IRC:SP-53, "Guidelines on Use of Modified Bitumen in Road
with a due consideration to fatigue life assessment. Construction".
19. IRC:SP:98-2013, "Guidelines for the Use of Waste Plastic in
References Bituminous Mixes (Dry Process) in Wearing Courses", Indian
1. Al-Hadidy, A., & Yi-Qiu, T., "Mechanistic Approach for Roads Congress, New Delhi.
Polypropylene-Modified Flexible Pavements", Journal of 20. "Specifications for Roads and Bridges", 4th Revision, Ministry
Materials & Design, 30(4), (2009), 1133–1140. of Road Transport and Highways, IRC New Delhi.
2. Chaturabong, P., & Bahia, H. U., "The Evaluation of Relative 21. Vavrik, W.R., Huber, G., Pine, W.J. & Carpenter, S.H. Bailey,
Effect of Moisture in Hamburg Wheel Tracking Test", Journal "Method for Gradation Selection in HMA Mixture Design",
of Construction and Building Materials, 153, (2017), 337– Transportation Research Circular No. E-C044. (2002),
345. Transportation Research Board.
The present investigation is conducted to evaluate the possibility of replacing the natural coarse
aggregates with steel slag aggregates in Alkali Activated Slag Concrete (AASC) mixes. The
performance of AASC mixes incorporating steel slag as coarse aggregates is evaluated and is
compared with conventional cement concrete. Natural coarse aggregates are replaced with steel
slag aggregates at different replacement levels (25%, 50%, 75% and 100%) in AASC mixes.
The properties of fresh and hardened concrete mixes are studied in detail. The flexural fatigue
behaviour of hardened concrete mixes is also investigated in detail. Probabilistic distribution of
fatigue life data of concrete mixes are analyzed using Weibull distribution. The results indicate that
the AASC mixes with steel slag aggregates display slightly lower compressive and tensile properties
as compared to normal AASC. Modulus of elasticity values of AASC with steel slag were lower than
AASC with normal aggregates. AASCs with steel slag exhibit slightly higher water absorption and
volume of permeable voids. AASCs incorporating steel slag exhibit lower fatigue life than AASC
with normal aggregates. The results indicated that the performance of steel slag aggregates in
AASC is acceptable and it can be seen possible substitute to natural aggregates in pavement quality
reaction product formed in the activated slag is Researchers have investigated the use of steel slag
C–S–H gel, similar to the hydration product found in conventional concrete and reported superior
in OPC but having a lower Ca/Si ratio. The type, and encouraging properties than conventional
dosage and concentration of alkali activators aggregates (Alizadeh et al. 1996). Experimental
greatly influence the strength properties of results indicate OPC concrete incorporating steel
AASCs. A combination of liquid sodium silicate slag as coarse aggregates have higher compressive
and sodium hydroxide has proved to deliver strength, flexural strength and modulus of elasticity
the best strength performance in AAS. As the in comparison with concrete with limestone
dosage of alkalis in activating medium increases, aggregates (Patel 2008). Investigations carried
higher strength gain in AAS is attained (Rashad out by few researchers found the performance of
2013). Efforts to study the durability properties steel slag aggregates similar or slightly lower than
of alkali activated slag binders have been carried natural aggregates when replaced completely in
out by several researchers and have reported concrete (Ivanka et al. 2011).
better performance of AAS as compared to OPC Fatigue failure is one of the major modes of failure
(Rajamane 2013, Datta and Ghosh 2014) in structures like concrete pavements which are
Large scale concrete production has created subjected to repeated application of loads. The
depletion of natural aggregate resources. It is fatigue failure in concrete pavements occur under
necessary to recognize suitable alternatives to the influence of such repetitive loads or cyclic
natural aggregates in order to protect the natural load, whose peak values are considerably lower
aggregates for concrete in future. Steel slag may than the safe loads estimated through static tests.
be identified as a possible alternative to traditional The fatigue failure in concrete structures causes
aggregates in concrete. Moreover, the pollution progressive, localized and permanent damage
and disposal problems associated of steel slag due to dynamic or moving or cyclic loads (Lee &
could be minimised, along with conservation of Barr 2004). The fatigue life represented using S-N
natural aggregates. Steel slag also called as Linz curves, which provide the number cycles to failure
Donawitz slag is a by-product obtained during versus stress level; is an easy and effective method
the manufacture of steel. The steel slag may be to understand the fatigue behavior of concrete
available in two forms based on the manufacture specimen. The fatigue design process is associated
process namely Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) with lots of uncertainties from the numerous
slag and Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) slag. The assumptions made in analysis and material
chemical composition of BOF slag may differ variability and hence probabilistic concepts need
from that of EAF slag based on the manufacture to be implemented to model the fatigue data, in
process. The physical properties of steel slag order to evaluate fatigue resistance of concrete
aggregates also vary from source to source based structures (Naik et al. 1993).
on the production techniques and other parameters Despite of satisfactory performance of steel
(Fruehan 1985). slag as coarse aggregates in both normal and
The acceptance of steel slag in construction high performance concretes, there is no research
industry is associated with certain issues namely available relating to the incorporation of steel
volume deformation and high density. The volume slag as coarse aggregates to produce AAS based
deformation is mainly due to the reaction occurring concrete mixes. In this Paper, a study is conducted
between free lime or free magnesia present in steel to ascertain the mechanical, durability and
slag with water. This can be overcome by subjecting fatigue life properties of air cured AASC mixes
to the steel slag aggregates to weathering or aging prepared with steel slag as coarse aggregates for
for period of three to six months, allowing the free its use in Pavement Quality Concrete (PQC).
lime or magnesia content to bring within acceptable Initially OPC based concrete mix and AASC
limits (FHWA 2012). Steel slag aggregates when mixes were designed and then steel slag as coarse
subjected to natural weathering undergo slight aggregates were incorporated in the AASC mixes
alterations in their physical state with the formation at different levels of replacement (25%, 50%,
of thin film of calcite (CaCO3) that appears on the 75% and 100% by volume) to normal aggregates.
aggregates. Various properties such as slump, unit weight,
compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, polymer admixture (“Conplast SP 430”) supplied
flexural strength, modulus of elasticity, water by FOSROC, Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd.
absorption, Volume of Permeable Voids (VPV) Table 1 Chemical Composition of GGBS and Steel
were evaluated. The flexural fatigue behavior Slag (% by Weight)
of the concrete mixes with and without steel
slag was evaluated. Probabilistic distribution Constituents GGBFS Steel Slag
of fatigue life of concrete mixes was analyzed. CaO 34.22 45.52
The present experimental study is focussed on Al2O3 17.14 4.12
purpose of testing the properties of sustainable air
Fe2O3 1.22 21.54
cured AASC with steel slag as coarse aggregates
with the aim of conserving natural raw materials SiO2 32.52 11.04
and to recycle industrial by-products. Since, this MgO 9.65 8.17
kind of concrete requires air curing; it can be of Na2O 0.16 0.14
great benefit for places with severe shortage of K 2O 0.07 0.05
water resources. The utilization of GGBFS in
the construction industry will lead to reduced SO3 0.88 0.08
consumption of OPC which can be useful to Insoluble Residue 4.03 8.97
reduce green house gas emissions emerging from Loss of Ignition 0.04 0.25
the manufacture of Portland cement. Glass Content 92% -
2. Experimental Investigation Table 2 Physical Characteristics of Aggregates
2.1 Materials
Sl. Crushed Steel Fine
In the present study, OPC 43 grade (specific No
granite Slag aggregate
of Test,
gravity=3.14) meeting the requirements of reference
lime and free magnesia content within permissible forming calcium carbonate (CaCO3) which settles
limits. The aggregates after being subjected to down in the form of sediment appearing in the
weathering process, were found to undergone form of white powder on the aggregate surface
certain changes in the physical properties and (FHWA 2012). Fig. 1 presents the images of steel
appearance. The thin white film or coating of slag aggregates before and after undergoing the
calcite (CaCO3) appeared on the surface of the weathering process. Aggregates of maximum size
aggregate after being subjecting to weathering. A of 20 mm are considered in the present study. The
sample of weathered aggregates was washed in chemical composition of steel slag constitutes
order to check if whether the thin layer of calcite oxides of iron, calcium and silicon as the major
could be removed. However, the bond between composition along with oxides of magnesium,
the coating layer and aggregate was found to be aluminium and other metals in small quantities.
strong enough to be washed away. The presence Chemical composition and physical properties
of free lime more than 1% causes adverse effects of steel slag are presented in Tables 1 and 2
on the property of steel slag. The free lime reacts respectively. Table 3 presents the gradation of the
with water to form calcium hydroxide which when aggregates used for present study.
exposed to atmosphere reacts with carbon dioxide
(a) Steel Slag Aggregates before Weathering Process (b) Formation of thin Film of Calcite on Slag
Aggregates after Undergoing Weathering Process
(c) Enlarged Image of Steel Slag Aggregate Displaying the Presence of Coating of Calcite
Fig. 1. Image Showing Steel Slag Aggregates before and after Weathering Process
2.2 Mix Proportion and Specimen Details size (100x100x500) mm (for flexural strength
and fatigue testing), cylinders of size 100 mm
The mix design for OPC concrete is based on the
dia x 200 mm height (for split tensile strength),
procedure suggested by IS: 10262-2009. The total
cylinders of size 150 mm dia x 300 mm height (for
binder content is restricted to 425 kg/m3, with
modulus of elasticity) were cast. All specimens
water/binder ratio of 0.4 and coarse aggregate:
were demoulded after 24 hrs of casting. The
fine aggregate ratio of 0.64:0.36. The mixes are
OPCC specimens were cured in water tank at
designed to achieve a slump value of 25-50 mm.
A super plasticizer dosage of 0.4% (by weight of room temperature of (27±3°C) while the AASC
binder content) is added to the mix to arrive at the specimens were subjected to curing at relative
designated slump. humidity of 85±5% and room temperature of
(27±3°C). An average value of three specimens is
The AASC mixes are proportioned to contain recorded for all the tests.
same binder content (425 kg/m3) and water/binder
ratio (0.4) as that of OPCC mix. The total water 2.3 Flexural Fatigue Behaviour of Concrete
content in the activator solution for AASC mixes Mixes
constituted the sum of water readily available in The flexural fatigue tests on OPCC and AASC
liquid sodium silicate solution plus the extra water samples were carried out beam specimens of
added, to arrive at the required water/binder ratio. dimensions (100x100x500) mm on a MTS servo-
The alkali activator were proportioned to provide controlled hydraulic repeated load testing machine
a dosage of 4% Na2O (by weight of binder), with having a capacity of 5 tonnes (Fig. 2). The fatigue
an activator modulus (Ms) of 1.25 (weight ratio tests were conducted on OPCC and AASC samples
of SiO2/Na2O) and total water/binder ratio of 0.4. with 0%, 50% and 100% replacement with steel
No super-plasticizers are added for AASC mixes. slag aggregates. The static flexural strength of the
AASC mixes were prepared with steel slag as coarse mixes was recorded at 90 days before the fatigue
aggregate by replacing the natural aggregates by test was conducted and results are presented in
25%, 50%, 75% and 100% (by volume) keeping Fig. 3. The beam specimen was loaded at the same
the volume of total coarse aggregates constant. span (i.e. 400 mm) as it was loaded in case of
The aggregates used were in saturated surface static flexural tests. The specimen were subjected
dry condition. The details of mix proportions for to loading using constant amplitude half sinusoidal
OPCC and AASC are listed in Table 4. wave form at a frequency of 4 Hz without any rest
After proper mixing, the fresh concrete was period. The test setup was calibrated applying
poured in moulds for preparation of specimen for initial loading and the frequency of loading was
testing hardened properties. The cube specimens maintained constant throughout the test for all
of size (100x100x100) mm (for compressive specimens. The minimum load is maintained as
strength, water absorption and VPV), prisms of zero while the maximum load was adjusted based
on the required stress ratio (ratio of applied stress 85%, 80%, 75% and 70% to obtain a relationship
to the modulus of rupture of concrete). The fatigue between different stress ratios (S) and the number
tests were conducted at different stress levels i.e. of cycles to failure (N). The test was conducted at
Table 4 Details of Mix Proportions of Concrete Mixes (all quantities are in kg/m3)
Mix ID OPC GGBS Sand Coarse Steel Sodium NaOH Added Super-
aggregate slag silicate water plasticizer
OPCC 425 - 660 1195 - - - 170 1.7
AAS-0 - 425 647 1172 - 64.8 9.6 136 -
AAS-25 - 425 647 879 364 64.8 9.6 136 -
AAS-50 - 425 647 586 729 64.8 9.6 136 -
AAS-75 - 425 647 293 1094 64.8 9.6 136 -
AAS-100 - 425 647 - 1459 64.8 9.6 136 -
Note: OPCC - represents Portland cement based control mix; AAS - represents AASC mix with normal aggregates; AAS-X represents AASC
mixes with X (% by volume) of normal aggregates replaced with steel slag aggregates.
the end of 90 days of curing of concrete specimen Table 5. The OPCC and AASC mixes attained the
in order to eliminate the errors occurring due to the target slump values for which they were designed.
strength development of concrete mixes after 28 Incorporation of steel slag in the AASC mixes resulted
days of curing. The Fatigue life (N) i.e. the number slight decrease in slump value. This is due to the fact
of cycles up to failure of the sample was recorded. that steel slag aggregates are angular in shape, which
A total of 80 prism samples were tested with set cause reduction in the mobility of matrix thus reducing
of five samples for each mix. One set of fatigue the workability (Carlo et al. 2013). Concretes prepared
lives of the various concrete mixes are presented in with steel slag aggregates will require slightly higher
Table 7 while the complete data of fatigue lives are water/binder ratio to achieve a designated slump as
represented using S-N curves. The experimental compared to traditional aggregates. However, the
set up of fatigue testing machine is presented in slump loss was not significant at 25% replacement
Fig. 2. of steel slag in AASC. It can be observed from
Table 5, that the unit weight of the AASC mixes
increase with the incorporation of steel slag from
24.70 to 27.65 kN/m3. The higher density is attributed
to the higher specific gravity of the steel slag than
normal aggregates. The higher density of steel slag
AASC may not be much concern for application in
PQC. However, the unit weights of AASC and OPCC
are in the same range.
3.2 Compressive Strength
Compressive strength tests were conducted as per
IS:516-1959 at 3, 7, 28, and 90 days of curing
and the results are tabulated in Table 5. It can be
noticed that the OPCC and AASC specimens show
Fig. 2 Repeated Load Testing Set Up progressive strength development up to 90 days
3. Results and discussions of curing. The 28-days compressive strength of
AASC samples with and without steel slag are in
3.1 Workability and Unit Weight the range of 55±5 MPa. The AASC samples with
The slump test was performed according to the normal aggregates exhibit higher compressive
procedure suggested in IS:1199:1959. The slump strength as compared to OPCC samples. The AASC
values obtained for different mixes are presented in with 100% steel slag exhibit lower compressive
with replacement by steel slag aggregates. At Voids (VPV) were evaluated according to ASTM
lower levels of replacement up to 25% steel slag; C 642-06. A set of three cubes of (100x100x100)
no appreciable change in split tensile strength is mm size were tested for each mix. The water
noticed, however split tensile strength of AASC at absorption and VPV of different mixes at 28
100% replacement is found to be marginally lower days are presented in Figs. 3 and 4 respectively.
than AASC with normal aggregates. AASC mixes with normal aggregates having
The test for modulus of elasticity was conducted same binder content and water-binder ratio as
as per IS : 516:1959. Table 6 presents the static OPCC show reduced water absorption and VPV
modulus of elasticity of OPCC and AASC mixes at values at both 28 days of curing. This may be
28 days of curing. It can be observed that the static probably due to the presence of very refined
modulus of OPCC mixes is higher than that of AASC closed pore structure in the AASC samples
with traditional aggregates. The relationship of 28- which restrict the water from penetrating into
day compressive strength with other mechanical the structure (Mithun & Narasimhan 2015).
such as elastic modulus, tensile properties will However, the water absorption and subsequent
differ as a function of binder chemistry. AASC VPV increase with the replacement of natural
vary in their strength development rates and micro aggregates with steel slag. This may be attributed
structural differences which may lead differences to the higher water absorption of steel slag
in flexural and elastic properties (Provis 2013). The aggregates as compared to normal aggregates.
modulus of elasticity of AASC mixes decrease with The presence of pores in steel slag may have
the replacement of steel slag. However, at lower resulted in the increase in VPV in the mixes. At
levels (upto 25%) of replacement, the variation lower level of replacement of steel slag i.e. 25%
in modulus of elasticity is marginal. The type and (AAS-25), the water absorption is marginally
properties of coarse aggregates affect the modulus higher than normal AASC but beyond that the
of elasticity of high performance concretes. The water absorption increased considerably.
nature of the constituent material and nature of
interfacial transition zone between the paste and 110
Weight of water absorbed (gms)
number of cycles up to failure, for OPCC and
AAS with and without steel slag are presented
in Fig. 5. The equations obtained from the S-N
curves can be utilized for estimation of fatigue
8 cycle at any stress level. The equations generated
7.5 from S-N curves for different concrete mixes are
7 tabulated in Table 8.
OPCC AAS-0 AAS-25 AAS-50 AAS-75 AAS-100
Mix ID From Table 7, it can be noticed that the AASC mix
with normal aggregates display higher resistance
Fig. 4 Volume of Permeable Voids of Concrete Mixes to fatigue failure as compared to OPCC and other
at 28-days AASC mixes irrespective of the applied stress level.
This may be due to the highly dense interfacial
3.5 Fatigue Life of Concrete Mixes transition zone between the paste and the aggregate
The fatigue life i.e. the number of cycles up to occurring in alkali activated binders as compared to
failure for OPCC and AASC mixes with/without that occurring in conventional cement (Susan et al.
steel slag are presented in Table 7. The use of S-N 2012). The fatigue life of AASC mixes decreased
cures or Wohler curve is the most basic method with the inclusion of steel slag aggregates in AASC
of representing the fatigue behaviour of concrete mixes. This may due to the presence of weak bond
specimen. S-N curve is an important parameter in between the aggregate and the paste which may
the analysis of fatigue data in which ‘S’ denotes lead to higher propagation of the crack leading to
the stress amplitude and ‘N’ denotes the number earlier failure. The mix AAS-100 display lower
of cycles to complete failure. The S-N curves in failure cycles compared to all other mixes. It was
(a) S-N curve for OPCC (b) S-N curve for AAS-0
(c) S-N curve for AAS-50 (d) S-N curve for AAS-100
Fig. 5 S-N Curves for Various Concrete Mixes
observed that specimens exhibit low fatigue life verification and relative ease in use (Oh 1991)
when subjected to higher stress levels. However, and hence the same is adopted for this study.
at low stress levels exhibited higher fatigue lives. The Weibull distribution is characterised by two
The fatigue lives of all the concrete mixes satisfied important parameters firstly ‘α’ which describes
the minimum fatigue cycles as recommended by the shape of the distribution and second ‘µ’ which
IRC:58:2011. The failures of the specimens were defines the characteristic life. The use of graphical
visually examined and were found to have failed method is done to estimate the distribution
within the middle one third spans. The statistical parameters and to indicate that the distribution of
correlation coefficient values from the Table 8 the fatigue life of OPCC and AASC mixes at given
for different concrete mixes and different stress stress levels (S) follow Weibull distribution.
levels were found to be in the range 0.88 to 0.91 3.7 Estimation of Weibull Distribution
indicating statistical significance. From Fig. 5 it Parameters using Graphical Method
can be noticed that all the concrete mixes display
The survival function of Weibull distribution can
similar behaviour.
be expressed as follows:
Table 7 Fatigue Life of OPCC and AASC Specimens (1)
0.75 477 57835 61214 49175 54014 Eq. 2 may be written in the following form:
Y = α X – B (3)
0.70 9700 97587 107587 92475 85412
Table 8 Relationship between Fatigue Cycle (N) and
Stress Level (SR)
OPCC ln(N)=0.953-SR/0.02 0.903 It can be noticed from the Eq. 3 fatigue data follows
Weibull distribution if the relationship between X
AAS-0 ln(N)=0.956-SR/0.02 0.902 and Y is linear and the distribution parameters can
AAS-50 ln(N)=0.954-SR/0.02 0.879 be obtained from the straight line. Therefore linear
regression analysis is performed for fatigue data
AAS-100 ln(N)=0.946-SR/0.02 0.881
to arrive at the relation for each stress level ‘S’ as
3.6 Probabilistic Analysis of Fatigue Test Data in Eq. 3.
The fatigue life of concrete mixes display The empirical survivorship function LN (n) at
significant scatter and variability in their nature a given stress level for each fatigue life data is
due to the heterogeneity of the material. In such calculated using the following Eq.4 (Mohammadi
conditions individual fatigue life of structures are & Kaushik 2005).
difficult to predict and hence it is desirable to adopt (4)
probabilistic approach in the design, to acquire
information for satisfactory fatigue resistance Where ‘i’ represent failure order number and ‘k’
for pavements. The two parameter Weibull represents sample size under consideration at a
distribution is the most widely adopted method particular stress level.
for statistical description of fatigue data due to The two parameters ‘α’ and ‘μ’ of Weibull
its better developed statistics, sound experimental distribution can be directly obtained from plot
where, n is the specific value of a random variable
N; α=shape parameter or Weibull slope at stress
level S; µ=scale parameter or characteristic life at
Fig. 6 Graphical Analysis of Fatigue for OPCC at given stress level S; and n0=location parameter or
Stress Level of 0.85
minimum life at stress level S.
3.8 Goodness-of-Fit Test for Fatigue Data Table 10 shows the results calculated by
From the analysis, it is established that the fatigue Kolmogorov–Smirnov test of fatigue life for AAS-
life at various stress levels of OPCC and AASC 0 at stress level S=0.85.
Table 9 Values of Weibull Parameters for Concrete Mixes at Different Stress Levels
(a) Predicted Fatigue Life for OPCC (b) Predicted Fatigue Life for AAS-0
(c) Predicted Fatigue Life for AAS-50 (d) Predicted Fatigue Life for AAS-100
Fig. 7. Predicted Fatigue Lives Corresponding to Different Survival Probabilities for Various Concrete Mixes
can be used to predict the number of cycles which costlier as compared to AASC-0. On the other
the OPCC and AASC mixes can sustain at any hand, cost of AASC-100 is further reduced with
desired stress level at a particular probability of incorporation of steel slag (AASC-100) since steel
failure. slag is available at free of cost. However, based
4. Cost analysis on source of procurement and mode of transport,
the cost of steel slag may vary from location to
The cost analysis of concrete mixes for one cubic location. AASC with/without steel slag display
metre of concrete is carried out and tabulated in cost benefits along with satisfactory strength
Table 11. The costs of ingredients considered performance for rigid pavements as compared to
include the local purchase cost of material including OPCC. Such a type of eco-friendly concrete also
the handling and shipping charges. The steel slag leads to reduction in cost of disposal of industrial
is available free of cost. From Table 11, it may be waste materials.
noticed that cost of AAS-0 for one cubic metre of
concrete is Rs 5388, as compared to OPCC which 5. Recommendations
is Rs 5784. The OPCC is further associated with Special case and quality-control procedures need
cost of water curing upto 28 days (not included to be taken during the production and processing
in cost analysis) which will make OPCC more of slag to ensure the separation of unwanted
Table 11 Cost Analysis of Concrete Mixes (one cubic metre of concrete)
Mix ID OPC GGBS Sand Granite Steel Sodium NaOH SP
Slag Silicate
Quantity (kg/m3)
OPCC 425 - 660 1195 - - - 1.7
AAS-0 - 425 647 1172 - 64.8 9.6 -
AAS-100 - 425 647 - 1459 64.8 9.6 -
Cost Analysis
Cost Rs Rs Rs Rs free 16/kg 40/kg 40/kg Total
390/50 190/50 1100/ 1400/ Rs
kg kg ton ton
OPCC 3315 - 726 1673 - - - 70 5784
AAS-0 - 1615 712 1640 - 1037 384 - 5388
AAS-100 - 1615 712 - 0 1037 384 - 3748
matter such as furnace brick, incompletely fused optimum activator modulus and sodium oxide
fragments, metal fragments etc., from the steel slag dosage before finalising the mix for AAS with steel
aggregates before its use in concrete. Steel slag slag aggregates. Extensive laboratory tests have to
aggregates must be crushed and screened to produce be carried to determine the physical and chemical
a desirable aggregate gradation. Before using the properties and compare their performance to control
steel slag aggregates extensive testing needs to sections built with natural aggregates. Additional
be conducted in the laboratory to determine the safety precaution needs to be taken while handling
expansive properties and free lime content to ensure the liquid sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide,
volumetric stability. The steel slag aggregates need since they are corrosive in nature and their contact
to undergo for a minimum period of 180 days to with skin leads to formation of rashes and burning.
ensure the hydration of free lime content to avoid
volumetric expansion. Conventional pavement 6. Conclusion
design and field test procedures can be followed for The following are the major conclusions drawn
PQC containing steel slag aggregates. Traditional from the present experimental investigation:
methods and equipment may be used to produce (i) The replacement of traditional aggregates
concrete with steel slag aggregates as that used for with steel slag in AASCs results in slight
conventional aggregates. It is necessary to identify reduction of the workability whereas the
the optimal content of steel slag aggregates, the density of AASCs increases.
(ii) The AASC mixes exhibit higher early and 6. Ivanka, N., Dubravka, B. and Goran, V. (2011),
ultimate strengths as compared to OPCC. “Utilisation of Steel Slag as an Aggregate in Concrete”,
AASC mixes with steel slag aggregates Materials and Structures, Vol. 44, 1 pp. 565–1575.
exhibit lower compressive and tensile 7. Mithun, B.M. and Narasimhan, M.C. (2015),
strengths as compared to AASC with normal “Performance of Alkali activated Slag Concrete Mixes
aggregates due to the presence of a weak Incorporating Copper Slag as Fine Aggregates”,
aggregate-paste interface. Journal of Cleaner Production, pp. 1–8. http://dx.doi.
(iii) The modulus of elasticity of AASC with steel
8. Lee, M. K. and Barr, B.I.G. (2004), “An Overview of
slag is lower than AASC with conventional the Fatigue Behaviour of Plain and Fiber Reinforced
aggregates. Concrete”, Cement and Concrete Composites,Vol. 26,
(iv) AASC mixes with steel slag exhibit higher pp. 299-305.
VPV and water absorption as compared to 9. Mohammadi, Y. and Kaushik, S.K. (2005), “Flexural
traditional aggregates due to higher water Fatigue Life Distributions of Pain and Fibrous Concrete
absorption and presence of pores in steel slag at Various Stress Levels”, Journal of Materials in Civil
aggregates. Engineering, ASCE, Vol.17, pp. 650-658.
(v) The AASC with steel slag aggregates display 10. Naik, T.R., Singh, S. S., and Congli, Y. (1993),“Fatigue
lower fatigue life as compared to AASC Behavior of Plain Concrete Made with or Without Fly
with normal aggregates. The two parameter Ash”, Center for By-Products Utilization University of
Wisconsin-Milwaukee Department of Civil Engineering
Weibull distribution can be approximately
& Mechanics 3200 North Cramer Street Milwaukee,
used for modeling the fatigue life data of WI 53211
OPCC and AASC mixes with a statistical
correlation coefficient greater than 0.9. 11. Oh, B.H. (1991), “Fatigue Life Distributions of
Concrete for Various Stress Levels”, ACI Material
(vi) The AASC mixes with steel slag show Journal, Vol. 88, pp. 122-128.
satisfactory results for its use in PQC and 12. Palankar, N., Shankar, A. R., and Mithun, B. M.
displays economical benefits over OPCC. (2016), “Durability Studies on Eco-Friendly Concrete
Production of air cured AAS concrete will Mixes Incorporating Steel Slag as Coarse Aggregates”,
result in reduction of OPC and in turn reduces Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.129, pp.437-448.
carbon dioxide emissions. Utilization of steel 13. Patel, J. P. (2008), “Broader use of Steel Slag Aggregates
slag in concrete creates opportunity for the in Concrete” Doctoral dissertation Thesis, Cleveland
conservation of natural aggregates and solves State University,
the disposal problem of slag in steel industry. 14. Provis, J.L. (2013), “Alkali-activated Binders and
References Concretes: the Path to Standardization Geopolymer
Binder Systems”, STP 156620120078, ASTM, pp. 185-
1. Alizadeh, R., Chini, M., Ghods, P., Hoseini, M., 195.
Montazer, Sh. and Shekarchi, M. (1996), “Utilization
15. Rajamane, N.P. (2013), “Studies on Development of
of Electric Arc Furnace Slag as Aggregates in concrete
Ambient Temperature Cured Fly Ash and GGBS Based
– Environmental Issue”, Tehran: CMI Report.
Geopolymer Concretes.” PhD thesis, VTU, Belgaum,
2. Datta, D. and Ghosh, S. (2014), “Durability Study of India.
Geopolymer Paste Blended with Blast Furnace Slag”,
16. Rashad, M.A. (2013), “A Comprehensive Overview
IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering,
about the Influence of Different Additives on the
Vol.11, pp.73-79.
Properties of Alkali-Activated Slag–A Guide for Civil
3. FHWA, (2012), User Guidelines for Byproducts and Engineer”, Construction and Building Material, Vol.
Secondary use Mterials in Pavement Construction, 47, pp.29–55.
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4. Forster, S.W. (2006), “Significance of Tests and “Engineering and Durability Properties of concretes
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Chapter 31- Soundness, Deleterious Substances and Slag/Metakaolin Blends”, Construction and Building
Coatings. STP 169D.ASTM. Materials, Vol. 33, pp.99–108.
5. Fruehan, R.J. (1985), “The Making Shaping and 18. Wang, S.D. and Scrivener, K.L. (1995), “Hydration
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Engineers”, ISBN: 0–930767–02–0. and Concrete Research, Vol.25, pp.561–571.
A dependable and reliable information source for transportation route planning and ready response
to traveler demand, have become a hot topic of research these days. Transportation route planning,
analysis and processing of traveler demands are among most important factors affecting response to
traveler demand. Because of highly dynamic networks and frequent discontinuity, it is desirable to
establish routes for fast delivery of people and goods, having a low probability of disconnection. Thus
public transport network design problem is becoming one of the most important problems faced by
transport management officials in the world. This problem belongs to the class of difficult combinatorial
optimization problem, whose optimal solution is difficult to discover. When designing the network, the
interests of both the operator and the traveler must be taken into account. Opposing nature of these
interests, make transport network design a multi criteria decision-making problem. While designing the
transport network, the number of satisfied travelers is to be maximized, the total number of transfers,
and the total travel time of travelers is to be minimized. The concept of agent-based modeling like ant
algorithm can be applied to these complicated problems. In this Paper we will discuss basics of ant
algorithm and its variants. Application of basic and modified versions of these algorithms to routing
problems is also presented. Ant Algorithm is a hybrid algorithm, mimicking the foraging behavior of
social ants that can be used for route planning. Ants basically use pheromone as a chemical messenger
in order to direct path to future ants foraging for food and the pheromone concentration can be treated
as the indicator of quality solutions to a problem of interest. The visibility is also a parameter used that
makes the probability of choosing nearer points higher than farther points. Ant-based algorithms are
particularly suitable for discrete optimization problems. Application of basic ant system algorithm to a
22 node network from Indore city for shortest route calculations is also presented, in order to show its
efficiency in route calculations.
1. INTRODUCTION of traffic innovative technologies are required. The
Road transport is vital to economic development, traffic congestion on highway could be reduced by
trade and social integration. Due to a huge reduction in use of private vehicles i.e. modal shift
development in every field, transport demand is also from private to public vehicles could be one possible
growing expeditiously and private vehicle ownership solution. But for modal shift to public transport,
has recorded significant growth over the recent past. the public transportation system should excel in all
This growth of vehicular traffic on roads has been far respects, use of public vehicles should be better than
greater than the growth of the highway infrastructure private vehicles use so that it can attract commuters.
which results in saturation of major highways. To Thus public vehicles should be good in comfort,
solve this severe problem of traffic, construction of frequency and above all network should be well
a new highway could be a possible solution but that connected covering all possible points of interest
is not feasible due to economic constraints and lack within normal travel times. This could be done by
of space. Thus to solve this long existing problem proper network design of public transit, expansion
Professor & Coordinator, Transportation Engg Group, E-mail :
Research Scholar, E-mail : Civil Engineering Department, IIT Roorkee
node, pheromones on paths connecting the date round trip, Cbs -length of the trip.
nodes is updated according to the formula: In addition, the paths of the round trip of the worst
ant for the current iteration that are not in the best to Tik is a set of cities adjacent to the current city
date solution are subject to additional evaporation: i at step k,
τil is the amount of pheromone on the path cil,
Q is a constant (in this app it is a
Here, ρw is an additional evaporation factor for
city's extent), dil is a distance between the
all crsϵTw and crs∉Tw∩Tbs, Tw is the worst solution
cities i and l,
for the given iteration, and Tbs is the best to
β - algorithm parameter
date solution. Usually this algorithm includes a
mutation of the pheromone on selected paths of the After the ant moves from the city i to city j,
trail, and the algorithm we resets all pheromones the pheromone on the path cij is evaporated
to the initial value and restart search for the best and updated according to
solution when the process seems stuck.[7] (11)
ξ -the local evaporation factor,
2.5 Min-Max Ant System
τ0 - additional pheromone (an algorithm
The solution construction is according to the
equation Ant System. There are variants in the
selection of the ants allowed to update pheromones: After the first ant has made the kth step and has
the best to date ant, or the best for current iteration, modified a pheromone, it does not begin the next
or the best after latest reset ant, or the best to date step it waits until all ants complete the kth step and
ant for even iterations, and the best for iteration for pheromones are modified on their travelled path.
odd iterations.[7] After all ants complete iteration global evaporation
is applied to paths.
There are min and max pheromone limits to the
quantity of pheromone on the paths between cities, Ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithms are the
τmin and τmax. It is believed that prevents local loops. currently state of art for solving the many complex
So, evaporation is: optimization problems in regard to vehicle routing,
route planning and scheduling.
Here τij =Q/C if the path ijϵ T , T is a selected
bs sel sel sel
Shao-han (2005) investigates a
ant's round trip, Csel is the length of the trip. shortest-path network problem using an
2.6 Ant Colony annealed ant system algorithm, in which an
annealing strategy is embedded to find out the
In all previous algorithms pheromones were
probabilities to decide which path the ants will
updated only after all ants completed travel for a
select next. The shortest-path problem is to
given iteration. Ant Colony System is different.
determine the shortest route between a source
After an ant moves from one city to the next,
and a destination in a transportation-network
the pheromone on the traveled path is reduced
topology. In this approach, two globally
by some value. The solution construction is also
optimizing annealed ant algorithms that are
Concentrated Model and Distributed Model are
The algorithm has a parameter q0ϵ[0,1]. The constructed. The Concentrated Model (CM)
parameter sets the boundary between two rules to means all ants are initially concentrated in the
select the next city. On each step, the algorithm source node while all ants randomly select a
generates a random number 0 ≤ q ≤1. If q0<q, the node except the destination as their starting
next city to move is selected according to Ant point initially and at least one must appear
System; else index j of the next city to move is: in the source node for the Distributed Model
j = argmax kT k {τil*ηilβ} (10) (DM)[15].
Yan and Xiyu (2007) studied another variant
of ant system is the ant-clustering algorithm,
i is the index of the current city, which is used in macroscopic planning of
j is the index of the city to move next, transportation hub. They reported an unbalance
in construction of highway and transportation industrial application with 57, 80, 96 and 132
hub. So highway main hub cities are clustered cities, respectively. For better comparability
using cluster analysis. K-means algorithm is simulated annealing algorithm, classical meta-
the most widely used algorithm in clustering heuristic and genetic algorithm also applied to
analysis. A new clustering algorithm is five test problems. For each six algorithm 30
developed with fusion of K-mean algorithm runs were performed on each of the five test
and ant clustering algorithm. The experimental problems. For the 30 city problem the results of
results show this algorithm can more all methods were very good, with the classical
effectively solve clustering problem than K meta-heuristics being slightly better than the
means algorithm and ant clustering algorithm ant system algorithms. Fairly the same was true
used alone[19]. for the 57-city-problem, all methods were able
Ant algorithms can also be used to find out to solve the problem optimally, except basic
wide path on a large map. The conventional AS, which had the highest average deviation
ant model is modified by Krist of and Balazs from the optimum. With increasing problem
(2004). The paths found by the algorithm size, the results achieved by the ants became
consist of multiple alternative routes near better compared to the other procedures. For
each other without relevant difference in the problem with 80 cities, the optimal solution
length (or cost). (The result looks like a wide could still be found by simulated annealing and
path on a topographical map.) This leads to the improved ant strategies, while basic AS
a loosely defined path, which is very useful, and the genetic algorithm failed. The classical
because obstacle avoidance maneuvers can be methods generated tours that exceeded the
completed without leaving the path itself. This optimum on average by more than 2.5%
means that the one doesn’t have to worry about whereas for elitist ant system and rank-based
getting back on the route, which would need ant system the corresponding value was less
additional searches. Using the method of the than 1%. The larger problems (n = 96 and n
ants this way leads to a very different search = 132) could not be solved optimally by any
type (in search space handling and in result of the methods within the allowed runtime, but
as well), than the conventional approaches. the best solutions found were still very close to
A further advantage of the algorithm is that it the optimum. Thus the ant system could for all
provides further information about the search problem instances compete with the classical
space in connection with traffic load[12]. meta-heuristics regarding speed and quality,
Majid, (2012) used a modified version of and that the ranking improved the performance
elitist ant system in order to avoid local optimum of the ant system algorithm in every respect[4].
points in Travelling Salesman Problem. In Zhang (2011) studied Best-Worst ant
contrast to the classical Elitist Ant System system in application to Travelling Salesman
algorithms, the proposed algorithm uses only a Problem. The Best-Worst Ant System (BWAS)
global updating, which will increase pheromone algorithm achieves a strong exploitation of
on the edges of the best (i.e. the shortest) route the search history by allowing both the best
and will at the same time decrease the amount solutions and the worst solutions to change
of pheromone on the edges of the worst (i.e. the pheromone during the pheromone trail update.
longest) route. The algorithm like its natural It not only makes effective use of the positive
version makes use of pheromone evaporation feedback of iteration (global)-best ant, but
in order to prevent rapid convergence of ants to also makes full use of the negative feedback
a sub-optimal path. In other words, pheromone of iteration (global)-worst ant. It improves
density is reduced in each iteration by the efficiency significantly. Results obtained
0≤ρ≤ 1[13]. with an application to the TSP have shown
Bullnheimer in 1997 compared three that BWAS is very effective in finding optimal
version of ant system. These versions of the solutions and achieves a strongly improved
ant system algorithm, i.e. Ant System, Elitist performance compared to ACO[18].
Ant System and rank based ant system, were Stutzle and Holger (2000) applied max-min
applied to five different TSP instances: a 30 city ant system to Travelling Salesman Problem
example and four real-life problems from an and Quadratic Assignment problem in order
to know its benefits over classical ant system customer locations. A linear programming (LP)
algorithm. The Max –Min Ant System base algorithm is also applied to MDVRP in
(MMAS) can easily be extended by adding order to compare the optimality of solution.
local search algorithms. MMAS shows better Based on simulation studies and statistical
performance for symmetric TSP instances than evaluations, it was found that the ant colony
ACS while ACS and MMAS reach the same optimization technique leads to more optimal
level of performance on Asymmetric TSPs. results as compared to the existing LP based
The computational results with the MMAS, method. Furthermore, the ant colony based
Elitist and Rank based ant systems suggest method used provides much consistent solution
that the best computational results are obtained over different runs showing convergence of the
when in addition to the pheromone trail limits solution to a small neighborhood [14].
effective diversification mechanisms based on Gao (2016) used the Ant Colony
pheromone re-initialization are used. In general, Optimisation in Dynamic Vehicle Routing
we found that an effective search diversification Problem. Ant colony algorithm can resolve
is necessary to achieve best performance when dynamic optimization problems due to its
applying Ellitist Ant System or Rank-based robustness and adaptation. In this study, a
Ant System with additional local search[16]. clustering ant colony optimization (KACO)
Narasimha (2013) applied ant colony with three immigrant’s schemes is used to
optimization technique to Multi-Depot Vehicle address the DLRP. The DLRP is constituted
routing problem (MDVRP). The Multi-Depot by a location allocation problem (LAP) and a
Vehicle Routing Problem (MDVRP) involves vehicles routing problem (VRP) in dynamic
minimizing the total distance traveled by environments. The K-means algorithm was
vehicles originating from multiple depots so used to optimize the location of problem so as to
that the vehicles together visit the specified determine the depots and nearby cities divided
customer locations (or cities) exactly once. This into the same class. Then ant search algorithm
problem belongs to a class of Nondeterministic with three immigrants, i.e., random immigrants,
Polynomial Hard (NP Hard) problems. In this elitism-based immigrants and memory-based
study a variant of MDVRP is used, called immigrants aimed at resolving the vehicle
min–max MDVRP, where the objective is routing problem in the dynamic environments
to minimize the tour-length of the vehicle including random and cyclic environments.
traveling the longest distance in MDVRP. Min– Experimental results suggest that KACO with
max MDVRP is of specific significance for three immigrant schemes can find promising
time-critical applications such as emergency solutions for the DLRP within reasonable
response, where one wants to minimize the computational time. To verify the effect of
time taken to attend any customer. An extension the K-means on KACO, the performance of
of an existing ant-colony technique for solving KACO is also compared with the ACO without
the Single Depot Vehicle Routing Problem K-means algorithm which is called WKACO.
(SDVRP) is applied to solve the multiple depots Compared with the solution found by WKACO
and min–max variants of the problem. The the solution obtained by KACO can generate
approach is based on decomposing the overall shorter routes by starting from multiple depots.
problem into several min–max SDVRPs via The comparative results demonstrate that the
equitable partitioning of the region consisting of K-mean algorithm improves the solution found
depots and cities. The min–max SDVRP is then by the ant search and reinforces the effect of
solved using the ant colony method that finds immigrants’ schemes for three different scales
out the minimum value of distance constraint of LRP instances. Results also demonstrate
that yields a solution to the traditional SDVRP. that the clustering algorithm can significantly
This optimal distance constraint, when used in improve the performance of KACO in terms
a traditional SDVRP, minimizes the maximal of the qualities and robustness of solutions,
distance traveled by a vehicle. The proposed suggesting that the proposed algorithm
method was implemented in MATLAB may lead to a new technique for tracking
for obtaining the solution for the min–max the environmental changes by utilizing its
MDVRP with any number of vehicles and clustering and evolutionary characteristics [10].
Suman as part of his PhD thesis (2011) length of the route is minimized then it may
developed Ant System algorithm based be possible that none of the shortest route will
decision support system for public transport be satisfied by the designed route. Therefore
management officials for bus route design. modification in pheromone update rule of basic
An example problem is taken to validate the Ant System algorithm function done where Lk
methodology and later this design can be route length of kth ant travel should be between
applied to any city bus network. The network a specified maximum and minimum route
with Origin-Destination data is assumed (same length value. Thus, by specifying the maximum
could be generated by ticketing data for any and minimum permissible route length values,
network). O and D data represents the travel the route can be designed with the maximum
behavior of the travelers and a traveler always Weightage and least route length between the
prefers the shortest route between the origin specified values[17].
and the destination. Thus the maximum trip 4. APPLICATION OF ANT SYSTEM
in the O and D table should be served by the ALGORITHM TO REAL NETWORK
shortest route. A computer program based upon
the C# programming logics was developed The basic ant system algorithm is applied to a 22
for the ant algorithm to find the shortest route node network from Indore city of Madhya Pradesh
between the nodes. The trips made by travelers India. The selected network consists of three main
are assigned as a Weightage factor to the links arteries of the city and connecting roads. One is
that are used in their shortest route. For bus the busiest road of the city AB road, second inner
route design the basic Ant system algorithm road with high traffic and third outer ring road
used in finding the shortest route is modified. with comparatively less traffic. Travel time data
The probability function is modified to contain is also collected on these roads for both weekdays
the weightage factors assigned to links. With and weekend and peak and off peak hours. The
the above modified probability function the network selected has effect of office and leisure
resulted optimal route, will be a route having time activities both.
maximum Weightage value with least route The basic ant system algorithm is the used to find
length. If the Weightage value is maximized out shortest route between selected origin and
then the trips satisfied by their shortest route destination using both distance and travel time as
may also be maximized. But, if the total impedance. The program is designed using C-sharp
Fig. 2 Code Window and Application Interface for Finding Shortest Route
obtained at lesser number of iterations. Thus with Vehicle Routing Problem. In: Evolutionary Computation in
increase in number of nodes number of iterations Combinatorial Optimization". Proceedings of the Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3004, pp. 72–83.
provided should be large or end condition should
7. Dorigo, M. and Stützle, T.,2004, “Ant Colony Optimization”
be when all ants follow the same route to reach
Bradford Book, ISBN 0262042193.
8. Dorigo, M., 1992, “Optimization, Learning and Natural
5. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION Algorithms [in Italian]". PhD thesis, Dipartimento Die
Elettronica, Politecnico di Milano, Milan.
Complex traffic and transportation problems call 9. Dorigo, M., Maniezzo, V. and Colorni, A., 1996, “The Ant
for development of modern systems that merge System: Optimization by a Colony of Cooperating Agents”
knowledge, techniques, and methodologies from IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part
various scientific areas. B, 26:29–41.
The application of the ant based algorithm to 10. Gao, S., Wang, Y., Cheng, J., Inazumi, Y., and Tang, Z.,
2016, “Ant colony Optimization with Clustering for
traffic and transportation systems will prove
Solving the Dynamic Location Routing Problem”, Applied
to be beneficial, for future research in terms of Mathematics and Computation, vol-285, pp 149-173
computation time and quality of the solutions 11. Koushik Venkata Narasimha, Elad Kivelevitch, Balaji
discovered. It can be successfully applied to Sharma, Manish Kumar, 2013, “An Ant Colony
routing as well as network design problems, Optimization Technique for Solving Min–Max Multi-
and can be successfully applied to other traffic Depot Vehicle Routing Problem”, Swarm and Evolutionary
problems too. Solving multi-objective vehicle Computation 13,, pp. 63–73
routing, scheduling and dispatching problems by 12. Kristof Csorba and Balazs Todor, 2004, “Ant Search
ant algorithm approach should be also real research on Large Maps to Find Wide Paths”, Second IEEE
International Conference on Intelligent Systems.
challenge in years to come.
13. Majid, Y., Farza, D. and Farhad, R.,2012, “Modification
Solutions can be developed for new and existing of the Elite Ant System in Order to Avoid Local Optimum
network design problems based on hybrids of Points in the Traveling Salesman Problem”, Cornell
different problems. The successful application University, Ithaca, New York.
of ant algorithms to difficult combinatorial 14. Narasimha, K. V., Kivelevitch, E., Sharma, B., and Kumar,
M., 2013, “An Ant Colony Optimization Technique
optimization problems in various parts of world
for Solving Min–Max Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing
is also very encouraging. One could expect Problem”, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation,
development of more ant based models for vol-13, pp.63-73
solving real-time vehicle routing and public transit 15. Shao-Han Liu, Jzau-Sheng Lin, and Zi-Sheng Lin, “A
problems. Shortest-Path Network Problem using an Annealed Ant
System Algorithm”, Department of Computer Science and
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Applications of the logarithmic matching have been successfully tried in several cases in open-
channel flows, coastal hydrodynamics and sediment transport. The asymptotes for Headwater
Depth at inlet for flows through a culvert under Outlet Control Type and Inlet Control Type can
be expressed with logarithmic functions. This Paper does not deal with hydraulics of culverts.
But it presents an application of the asymptotic matching method, the logarithmic matching, for
matching the two asymptotic solutions as a single composite one. In doing so it uses output data
from hydraulic analysis of a specific pipe culvert configuration. It is intended to assist a practicing
engineer to develop a single expression, for other cases, to expediently use in his spreadsheet
1. Associate Director, LEA Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, E-mail:
decide the hydraulics, which essentially get the above. HDS-5, FHWA[1] is a readily available
used for computing the Head Water Depth at resource that describes the equations involved.
Inlet (HWi). What this Paper intends – Actually the ‘Culvert
(ii) This HWi is then compared with HEmb to Performance Curve’ comprises of two parts, one
determine whether the computed HWi is that corresponds to ‘Inlet Control’ and the other
acceptable or not. ‘Outlet Control’. Between them is the transition
(iii) Further several codes limits the value of the zone. A practicing engineer is therefore required
ratio HWi/D for new roads /upgraded roads to use two regression equations, and also an
being designed. Often a value of HWi = 1.2D approximation if the transition zone applies to his/
is used for new road designs, and often this her case.
even gets stipulated in manuals/contracts. This Paper delves on a method to combine all these
(iv) But for repair/rehabilitation road projects situations under a single curve. The advantage is
the decision of a culverts’ acceptability is that then the engineer is required to use only a single
practically decided by the extent of HWi equation in his spreadsheet. The Paper resorts to
vis-à-vis HEmb (such that the water level in ‘logarithmic matching’ which is a practice adopted
the worst scenario does not adversely affect by engineers working for many other hydraulic
the pavement). That a stringent requirement applications (say weirs)[3].
would either require a much higher
embankment or deny reuse of an existing The example given in the Paper is for the specific
culvert, in repair projects only the ‘chances case of a pipe culvert with only one barrel of
of affecting the pavement’ get considered, i.e. 1.2 m in diameter, and of length 16.0 m. For other
HWi Vs HEmb comes into play. cases, hydraulic computations will first have to
be undertaken. Thereafter, a similar approach, as
Basics of Culvert Hydraulics – A same culvert this Paper outlines, can be used to derive a single
can operate as “Outlet Control” or “Inlet Control”, representative expression for engineers to readily
and that depends on a number of factors. Further, use them in their spreadsheet computations.
for either of the controls, inlets can be submerged
or un-submerged, and that too has a bearing on the 3. Fundamentals of Culvert
computations involved. Controls
In practice an engineer has to determine HWi for Inlet and outlet control are the two basic types of
both the conditions (for different Q), and then the flow control. The basis for the classification system
maximum HWi is adopted. is the location of the control section. However it
is reiterated that the following are for reference
FHWA[1] gives elaborate details of equations
only, and that this Paper only uses data that gets
involved, and the same get reproduced in many
derived from computations carried out based on
other codes/manuals.
these principles.
What is Culvert Performance Curve – Major Inlet control occurs when the culvert barrel is
manuals and codes stipulate the following: Plot capable of conveying more flow than the inlet will
HWi/D Vs Q/AD0.5, where ‘A’ is the cross sectional accept. The control section of a culvert operating
area of the culvert barrel. This plot is called under inlet control is located just inside the entrance.
Culvert Performance Curve. A practicing engineer Critical depth occurs at or near this location, and
is required to use this for deciding the HWi. The the flow regime immediately downstream is
engineer however can resort to regression equation supercritical. Hydraulic characteristics downstream
(of the curve) to facilitate his/her spreadsheet of the inlet control section do not affect the culvert
computation. capacity. The upstream water surface elevation
Are these detailed in this Paper – This Paper and the inlet geometry represent the major flow
does not detail these, because these are standard controls. The inlet geometry includes the barrel
computations which find reproduction in codes shape, cross-sectional area, and the inlet edge.
and manual practiced in many countries. It is The two basic conditions of inlet control depend
considered that a practicing engineer is exposed to upon whether the inlet end of the culvert is or is
not submerged by the upstream headwater. If the of flow through the pipe, D = diameter for pipe
inlet is not submerged, the inlet performs as a culvert, or barrel depth for box culvert]. Details,
weir. If the inlet is submerged, the inlet performs with examples along with nomographs, are given
as an orifice. Equations are available for each of in HDS-5, FHWA[1].
the above conditions in Appendix-A, HDS-5,
4. Logarithmic Matching – The
Outlet control flow occurs when the culvert
Suppose two asymptotic solutions for a
barrel is not capable of conveying as much flow
nonlinear problem, using an analytical method
as the inlet opening will accept. The control or experimental method, exist. Then these two
section for outlet control flow in a culvert is asymptotes can be expressed by or transformed
located at the barrel exit or further downstream. into the following (Junke Guo, 2001)[3].
Either subcritical or pressure flow exists in the
culvert barrel under these conditions. All of the у = K1 lnx + C1 (1)
geometric and hydraulic characteristics of the for x << x0, and
culvert play a role in determining its capacity. y = K2 lnx + C2 (2)
These characteristics include all of the factors for x >> x0. In the two equations above, x is an
governing inlet control, the water surface independent variable, y is a dependent variable, K1
elevation at the outlet, and the slope, length, and and K2 are two slopes based on a logarithmic scale,
hydraulic roughness of the culvert barrel. Tail- shown in Fig. 1, C1 and C2 are two intercepts, and
water is defined as the depth of water downstream x0 is a reference of x.
of the culvert measured from the outlet invert.
To merge the two asymptotes Eq. 1 and Eq. 2 into a
It is an important factor in determining culvert
single composite equation, two logarithmic models
capacity under outlet control conditions. Outlet
can be developed.
control flow conditions can be calculated based
on energy balance. The total energy required Model I is
to pass the flow through the culvert barrel is y = K1 lnx + α ln [1 + (x/x0 )β ] + C1(3)
made up of the entrance loss, the friction losses and
through the barrel, and the exit loss. Other losses, Model II is
including bend losses, losses at junctions, and
y = K2 lnx – α ln {1 – exp [- (x/x0 )β ]} + C2 (4)
loses at grates should be included as appropriate.
In order to avoid tedious backwater calculations, In the above two equations α and x0 are determined
approximate methods have been developed with K1, K2, C1 and C2, and β is a transitional shape
for outlet control analysis. Based on numerous parameter that is determined by a collocation
backwater calculations performed by FHWA, it method or a least-squares method (Griffiths and
was found that a downstream extension of the Smith 1991).
full flow hydraulic grade line pierces the plane For Model I, it is easy to see that for x << x0,
of the culvert outlet at a point one-half way ln [1 + (x/x0 )β >>> 0 (5)
between critical depth and the top of the barrel. then Eq. 3 reduces to Eq. 1
Therefore, it is possible to begin the hydraulic For x >> x0, one has
grade line at a depth of (dc+D)/2 above the
ln [1 + (x/x0 )β >>> β lnx – β lnx0 (6)
outlet invert and extend the straight, full flow
hydraulic grade line upstream to the inlet of the Substituting the equation above into Eq. 3 gives
culvert at a slope of Sn (the barrel slope). If the that
tailwater exceeds (dc+D)/2, the tailwater is used y = (K1 + αβ) lnx + (C1 – β lnx0) (7)
to set the downstream end of the extended full Comparing Eq. 7 with Eq. 2 yields
flow hydraulic grade line. The inlet losses and
K1 + αβ= K2 (8)
the velocity head are added to the elevation of
the hydraulic grade line at the inlet to obtain the and
headwater elevation. [Here, dc= critical depth C1-αβ lnx0 = C2(9)
The two equations above lead to many possible connections. In practice, one may
α = (K2 - K1)/β (10) compare the two expressions by an error analysis
and pick up the better one.
x0 = exp [ (C1 – C2) / (K2 – K1) (11) 5. Framework for Model
Now one can see that x0 is the cross point of
the two asymptotes, shown in Fig. 1. Therefore, The preliminary step in the development of the
Model I can be further written as model is the identification of two appropriate
y=K1lnx + [(K2–K1)/β] ln{1+(x/x0 )β }+C1 (12) asymptotic solutions, which the model then
matches as a single composite one using logarithmic
in which x0 is determined by Eq. 11, and β is a matching technique.
transitional shape parameter that is the only
undetermined parameter. Note that the logarithmic In this Paper the case of a pipe culvert with a single
matching fails when K1 = K2. 1.2 m dia barrel and length 16m is considered. Inlet
Headwater depths (Hwi) were first determined for
Similarly, one can show that for Model II, Eq. 4
a range of design discharges (0.2 – 3.6 m3/s), for
can be written as
both Inlet Control and Outlet Control conditions.
y = K2 lnx + [(K1–K2) / β] ln{[1 - exp Depending on which condition yields a larger
[-(x/x0)β]}+C2 (13) Hwi (for each discharge) determined the dominant
in which x0 and β are similar to those in Eq. 12. control (as described in the section Introduction at
Eq. 12 or 13 is the solid line in Fig. 1. It is to be noted the onset).
that Eq. 12 and Eq. 13 are only two simple ways in It is to be noted that for the Inlet Condition up to a
y +C2 certain discharge, the inlet end of the culvert is not
Inx submerged. Beyond a certain discharge the inlet
K 2
end of the culvert is submerged by the upstream
headwater. Therefore there remains a transition
range even for the Inlet Control condition itself (as
described in the section Fundamentals of Controls
at the onset).
Eqn 14
Fig. 4 ɛmodel Vs HWi/D
0.000 2.000 4.000 6.000
(HWi/D in the x-axis)
Fig. 5 The Modelled Single Asymptotic Relationship
Comparing the derived y values using Eq. 14
with design y values, errors in the estimates were This relationship is applicable for a pipe culvert
with a single 1.2 m dia barrel and length 16m. Height for box culvert);
Similar expressions can be modelled for different A = Total area of the culvert barrel;
barrel sizes (both box and pipes) and barrels
lengths. The advantage is that these then allow HWi = headwater depth at culvert inlet;
avoiding rigorous computations and facilitate a dc = flow critical depth;
ready numerical application.
x = independent variable of asymptotic relations;
7. Application of the developed
y = dependent variable of asymptotic relations;
For a pipe culvert with a single 1.2 m dia barrel K1 and K2 = are two slopes based on a logarithmic
and length 16 m, the following demonstrates scale for the asymptotic relationships;
the application of the model [Eq. 16] developed C1 and C2 = are intercepts based on a logarithmic
using logarithmic matching) for a specific design scale for the asymptotic relationships;
x0 = a reference of x used in the single asymptotic
Q = 2.8 m3/s relation developed;
D = 0.900 m β = transitional shape parameter.
A = 0.636 m2 References
Y = Q/AD0.5 = 4.639 1. FHWA, "Hydraulic Design Series Number
5, Hydraulic Design of Highway Culverts",
HWi = 3.072 m Publication No. FHWA-NHI-01-020, September
X = HWi /D = 3.413 2001, (Revised May 2005)
A model for prediction of pavement surface condition plays a vital role in Pavement Management System
(PMS). In developing countries like India, PMS is the needed approach for the optimum utilisation of the
available scarce resources. Pavement management System is concerned with optimal use of materials in
time and space, leading to cost optimization.
This Paper focuses on methodology involved in the prediction of pavement condition using probabilistic
techniques. As pavement condition prediction parameter like traffic loading, pavement materials,
construction methods and environmental condition are not deterministic therefore probabilistic
techniques is used i.e. the present study. Markov chains have the property that probabilities involving the
process will evolve in the future depend only on the present state of the process and so are independent
of the events in the past. The state of the transition matrix will be defined based on the Pavement
Condition Index (PCI) and element of the transition matrix will be determined by the probability
method. Fifteen cycles was carried out because the expected design life of the bituminous roads is
fifteen years. The probabilistic model requires only a minimal amount of data such as pavement class,
pavement condition of two consecutive years and the pavement length. PCI shall be utilized as index
and the present technique in pavement management systems will create good systems which may lead
to more savings of the roads maintenance funds and enhance the ability of the roads network to provide
better level of service.
1. INTRODUCTION pavement performance in developing country like
Prediction of pavement surface condition models India in general and the eastern province of Bihar
reflects the deterioration process of pavement in particular where such prediction models are not
conditions over the age and provides forecasting of existent. The aim of this study is to provide the
pavement condition over time. It plays a vital role in overall process for prediction of pavement condition
pavement management system. The pavement surface using Markov Chains, to compute the Pavement
condition is affected by parameters like traffic axle Condition Index (PCI) while incorporating the every
loads, environmental conditions, moisture content types of distress, their density and severity level for
etc. are themselves uncertain in nature hence the rate each sections of the considered pavement, to develop
of pavement deterioration is uncertain. Modelling a model based on temporal data and to validate the
uncertainty requires the use of probabilistic operation developed model by degree of fit and information
research techniques. In this context, the use of available with Road Construction Department, in the
Markov chain in prediction of model captures the Eastern state of Bihar in India.
uncertainties behaviour of pavement deterioration.
The most important advantage of this technique is 2. MARKOV CHAINS
that it requires only two years or any two threshold A Markov Chain is a special type of discrete-time
justified temporal data. The present study can be stochastic process, when the state of a system Xt+1 at
taken as the first step regarding assessment of time t+1 depends on the state of the system Xt at some
1. Assistant Professor, E-mail :
Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Patna
2. Professor
previous time t but does not depend on how the state The entry of 1 in the last row of the transition matrix
of the system Xt was obtained. This can be expressed corresponding to state 100(PCI of 0 to 100) indicate
as P(Xt+1 = j|Xt = i), where P is the probability of the a holding or trapping state. The pavement condition
state at time t+1 being j given that the state at time cannot transit from this state unless repair action is
t was i, assuming that the probability is independent performed. The state vector for any duty cycle t is
of time. This assumption is formally known as the obtained by multiplying the initial state vector X (0)
stationary assumption. This stationary assumption is by the transition matrix P raised to the power of t.
used because of the limited time period of the data Thus,
collected. If data were collected over a large period, X (1) = X (0).P
the quantity and type of materials used might change
over time and influence how a typical pavement X (2) = X (1).P = X (0).P2
section would determine. A Markov Chain can be ………………………..
summarized through a probability transition matrix
and the initial state probabilities. To model pavement ………………………..
deterioration with time, it is necessary to establish a X (t) = X (t-1).P = X (0).Pt
Transition Probability Matrix (TPM), denoted by P.
With this procedure, if the transition matrix
The general form of P is given below: probabilities can be estimated, the future state of the
road at any duty cycle t can be predicted. After the
several cycle operations, rows of the matrix come
to identical entries, the reason is that probabilities
in any row are the steady state probabilities for the
Markov chain i.e. the probabilities of the state after
enough time has elapsed that the initial state is no
The matrix contains all of the information necessary longer relevant.
to model the movement of the process among the
condition states. The transition probabilities pij 3. MARKOV TRANSITION PROBABILITY
indicate the probability of the portion of the network MATRICES
in condition i moving to condition j in one duty cycle. These are useful in representing the change in
Two more conditions apply to the process when it is condition of the system from one state to another
used to simulate pavement deterioration. First, pij = 0 over time. The key elements of any Markov transition
for i> j signifying the belief that roads cannot improve matrices are states and transitions. A method is
in condition without first receiving treatment. Second, presented herewith for computing the transition
pnn=1, signifying a holding state whereby roads that probability matrix from temporal data of pavement
have reached their worst condition cannot deteriorate
surface condition deteriorates over time. The element
further. Consequently, in pavement deterioration, the
of the transition probability matrix (pij) may be
general form of the transition matrix P is denoted by
estimated by using Eq. 1.
P 1.
Where, Nij = number of road sections in the network
that moved from condition i to condition j during one
duty cycle and Ni = total number of road sections
that started the year in condition i. The proportions
are likely to vary from year to year thereby requiring
A further restriction allowing the condition to an average to be determined for each pij to ensure
deteriorate by no more than one state in one duty accuracy in the model.
cycle is commonly used in pavement deterioration
modelling. The transition probability matrix is then 4. PAVEMENT CONDITION INDEX
denoted by P2. Pavement Condition Index (PCI) is a numerical
indicator of present pavement surface condition
that reflects the riding quality of pavement
surface. The PAVER method (Shahin M.Y. 1994)
for computing the PCI is a function of the types,
severity and the density of the distresses. It is
a numerical index that uses a scale from 0 to 100.
Fig. 1 shows schematic diagram on which PCI existing practice prevalent is to take up the maintenance
depends and PCI rating with rating score scale. work of any deteriorated pavement by simple observation
by the engineers of the concern department. Lack of any
scientific basis for denudation has led towards irrational
prioritizing the maintenance works leading to severe
wastage of inadequate resources. In the present study
adopted methodology was implemented on black topped
road in Patna, Bihar. As a study area a stretch of NH30
was selected for measurement of surface condition
because it caters maximum traffic with their axle loads
incoming and outgoing from the Patna city.
Visual surface condition survey was carried out on
NH30 for ten km of this road length and total considered
road length is divided into small section of 100 m
length towards approaching to rational data. PCI for
Fig. 1 Schematic Diagram for Rating Pavement
every selected road section was determined based on
Condition the measured value of density and severity level of the
distresses, according to the PAVER method guidelines.
For the development of transition probability matrix,
In spite of non-existence of pavement condition PCI was evaluated at the beginning of the year 2011
prediction model in developing country like India, and the end of the year 2011 as details in this contest is
there has not been much attention given to the area. The tabulated in Table 1.
Table 1 PCI Data Along the Chainage in Jan, 2011 & Dec., 2011
Chainage (X102)
Chainage (X102)
Chainage (X102)
Dec, 2011
Dec, 2011
Dec, 2011
Dec, 2011
Jan, 2011
Jan, 2011
Jan, 2011
Jan, 2011
0-1 52 47 25-26 54 48 50-51 90 81 75-76 84.5 76
1-2 78 72 26-27 95.5 86 51-52 46 41 76-77 70 63
2-3 86 77 27-28 97.5 88 52-53 97 87 77-78 100 90
3-4 94 84 28-29 62 56 53-54 95.5 86 78-79 60 54
4-5 91 82 29-30 94 83 54-55 100 90 79-80 95 85.5
5-6 97 87 30-31 91 88 55-56 95 86 80-81 97.5 87
6-7 90.5 80 31-32 92.5 83 56-57 90.5 81 81-82 96.5 86
7-8 100 90 32-33 91 82 57-58 95 85.5 82-83 70 63
8-9 91 82 33-34 96.5 87 58-59 90 81 83-84 91.5 82
9-10 74 67 34-35 56 50 59-60 71.5 64 84-85 94 84
10-11 100 91 35-36 97.5 87.5 60-61 100 90 85-86 100 90
11-12 96 86 36-37 95 85 61-62 82 73 86-87 92 82
12-13 90 81 37-38 100 97 62-63 95 85.5 87-88 91.5 82
13-14 96 86.5 38-39 96.5 86 63-64 55 49 88-89 95.5 86
14-15 100 90 39-40 81.5 73 64-65 91.5 82 89-90 86 77
15-16 84 75.5 40-41 96.5 87 65-66 74 66 90-91 94 84
16-17 85 77 41-42 97.4 86 66-67 92 82 91-92 74 66
17-18 96 86 42-43 92.5 82 67-68 97.5 87.5 92-93 56 50
18-19 95 85.5 43-44 97.5 88 68-69 87 78 93-94 74 66
19-20 90.5 81 44-45 60 54 69-70 90.5 81 94-95 96 86
20-21 88 79 45-46 91.5 82 70-71 77 69 95-96 93 83
21-22 92 82 46-47 86 77.5 71-72 90 81 96-97 96 86
22-23 100 90 47-48 74 66 72-73 90 80 97-98 96.5 87
23-24 90.5 80 48-49 100 90 73-74 84 75.5 98-99 91 82
24-25 98 88 49-50 96 87.5 74-75 78 70.5 99-100 78 71
Excellent 40 33 0 0 0 0 0 73
Present pavement
Very Good 0 9 7 0 0 0 0 16
Good 0 0 3 4 0 0 0 7
Fair 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4
Poor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Very Poor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Failed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total No. of Sections 100