The First Fully-Digital C-Arm. 21 Century Mobile X-Ray Imaging
The First Fully-Digital C-Arm. 21 Century Mobile X-Ray Imaging
The First Fully-Digital C-Arm. 21 Century Mobile X-Ray Imaging
TFT flat-screen
versible crystalline structure. Only stationary
radiological equipment with its permanently
available mains voltage allows for continuous
control of the permissible temperature range,
Image processing/
storage thus guaranteeing disturbance-free operation at
reasonable costs. With indirect detection (Fig. 9),
Digital flat-panel the X-ray photons hit a scintillator consisting of
caesium iodide doped with natrium (CsI:Na),
which converts them to light photons and sends
them to the sensor matrix (photodiodes) made of
Patient amorphous silicon (a-Si) which lies behind it.
Since silicon is not sufficiently sensitive to X-ray
photons, the CsI scintillator is required for energy
conversion (similar to its use in an image intensi-
X-ray generator fier). The individual sensors of a cell are activated
via an address line, and the resulting X-ray profile
is scanned row by row and transmitted to the im-
Fig. 7: Video chain with digital flat-panel age processing system. Fig. 10 shows the func-
detector tional principle in a simplified way. Since this
detector concept has a higher resistance to envi-
ronmental influences, it is also suitable for use in
mobile C-arms.
As the efficiency of such a detector is determined Fig. 10: Functional principle of an (a-Si)
by a large number of inter-dependent parame- flat-panel detector
in one X-ray image in a clearly distinguishable operation of mobile C-arms – the operating
way has always been a prime concern in X-ray theatre – is usually not shielded against the elec-
diagnostics. This has now become possible thanks tromagnetic radiation emitted by MRI equipment.
to the high dynamics inherent in digital detector With the Ziehm Vision FD it is possible to generate
technology. Human anatomy provides many ex- completely distortion-free images of the human
amples where it is necessary to display very body irrespective of any electromagnetic influ-
bright and very dark areas simultaneously. Fili- ences, be they of natural or artificial origin. Proof
gree arteries or vessels can be visualised with of this significant benefit is furnished by the image
high contrast even if they are superimposed by of the fine-hole lead phantom, which is now dis-
another anatomical structure or organ. Calcifica- played absolutely distortion-free on the TFT
tions, coagulations or lesions become clearly screen (Fig. 16). Combining the significant benefits
visible. Spine, lung and tumour imaging can be of the first fully-digital C-arm described in detail
greatly enhanced. Fig. 13 shows an example of above, i.e. its high detective quantum efficiency,
high dynamics. The same image, acquired with a extra-ordinarily high dynamics and absolutely
conventional image intensifier, shows a major distortion-free image display, with the compre-
oversaturation or overexposure of the circle
located in the centre. Contrast decreases, the
contours become blurred, and so-called “bloom-
ing“ appears (Fig. 14). Greatly improved and arte-
fact-free visualisation possibilities also open up
in vascular surgery and cardiology when using
Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA) – a method
developed and introduced by Ziehm Imaging in
which contrast-filled vessels are displayed with-
out any interfering background.
[Curry] Christensen’s physics of diagnostic radio-
logy. – 4th ed. / Thomas S. Curry III, James E. Dowdey,
Robert C. Murry, Jr., 1990; 166-169, 175-179
Günter Stelzer
Director Special Projects and Education