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Introduction 2

The Right Enclosure 3

IP Ratings (Ingress Protection) 4

Mechanical Impacts (IK Code) 7

Materials 8

Surface Finishes 13

Construction 16

Internal Fittings 18

Lock & Hinges 20

Lifting Arrangements 21

Earthing & Bonding 23

Gaskets 24

Compartmented Enclosures 25

Environmental Considerations 26

Hazardous Areas 28

Thermal Management 32

RFI/EMI Shielding 34

Installation & Maintenance 35

Standards see GAMBICA website

Members of GAMBICA Enclosures Group see GAMBICA website


This GAMBICA handbook is intended as a In addition to Enclosures, GAMBICA covers
guide to specifiers and users of Enclosures Industrial Control Components and Systems,
for electrical and electronics applications. Power Electronics, Programmable
It has been produced recognizing that the Controllers and Systems Integrators,
Enclosure can form the most important part Hazardous Area Equipment, Laboratory
of any system. It protects the equipment Analytical and Nucleonic Instruments,
within from the effects of the environment Electronic Test and Measurement and
and the environment itself, including people, Automatic Test Equipment, Process
from the effects of the equipment. Measurement and Control Instruments
and Systems, Environmental Pollution
This handbook has been produced by Monitoring and Control, Fluid Measurement
members of the Enclosures Group of and Control Valves. Guides to member's
GAMBICA, Association for Instrumentation, products in some of these areas are
Control, Automation and Laboratory available on request.
Technology. GAMBICA's Enclosures Group
is the UK's professional organisation for A list of members of GAMBICA'S
manufacturers and suppliers of Enclosure Enclosures Group, together with a product
products. Members aim to apply the most guide to suppliers of various types of
up to date industry standards in design, enclosures, can be found on the web at
quality and production, to promote the www.gambica.org.uk together with hot links,
professional use of Enclosures throughout to member's web sites. Contact the
industry and to support development of members directly for details of their
international standards for Enclosures products and applications.
through participation in Standards



Conside r :

L Where it will be installed

L What it will be used for

L How it will be mounted

L The type of environment

L The degree of ingress protection required

L The weight of internal equipment

L Aesthetics

L The risk of physical damage

L Internal accessibility

L Which standards apply

L The maintenance requirements

L EMC or protection

L Controlling the operating temperature

L Accessories

L Security requirements

L Safety requirements

Standard general-purpose enclosures normally range in size from around 50 mm square up to

a maximum height of around 2400 mm. It should not be difficult to find an enclosure to fit
even the most awkward site, or to house the required equipment with maximum economy
of space, avoiding the expense of unnecessarily large enclosures.



The IP code defined in the standards BS EN 60529: 1992, EN 60529: 1991, IEC 60529: 1989
Specification for degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code) provides a means of
specifying the ability of an enclosure to protect its contents from external objects. The
standard applies to enclosures for electrical equipment with a rated voltage not exceeding
72.5 kV.

The standard provides Definitions, Designation and Requirements for degrees of protection
provided by enclosures for electrical equipment for:

protection of equipment inside the enclosure against ingress of solid foreign objects;
protection of persons against access to hazardous parts inside the enclosure;
protection of equipment inside the enclosure against the ingress of water.

The following extract from BS EN 60529: 1992 is reproduced with the permission of BSI and
explains the arrangement of the Code, which consists of 2 numerals and optional letters.
Complete editions of the standard can be obtained by post from BSI Customer Services,
389 Chiswick High Road, London W4 4AL.

4.1 Arrangement of the IP Code

IP 2 3 C H
Code letters
(International Protection)

First characteristic numeral

(numerals 0 to 6, or letter X)

Second characteristic numeral

(numerals 0 to 8, or letter X

Additional letter (optional)

(letters A,B,C,D)

Supplementary letter (optional)

(letters H,M,S,W)

Where a characteristic numeral is not required to be specified, it shall be replaced by the

letter “X” (“XX”) if both numerals are omitted).
Additional letters and/or supplementary letters may be omitted without replacement.
Where more than one supplementary letter is used, the alphabetic sequence shall apply.
If an enclosure provides different degrees of protection for different intended mounting
arrangements, the relevant degrees of protection shall be indicated by the manufacturer
in the instructions related to the respective mounting arrangements.
Details for the marking of an enclosure are given in Clause 10.


4.2 Elements of the IP Code and their meanings

- A brief description of the IP Code elements is given in the following chart.
Full details are specified in the clauses indicated in the last column.

Code letters IP

First Against ingress of solid Against access C1.5

characteristic foreign objects to hazardous
numeral parts with
0 (non-protected) (non-protected)
1 ≥ 50 mm diameter back of hand
2 ≥ 12.5 mm diameter finger
3 ≥ 2.5 mm diameter tool
4 ≥ 1.0 mm diameter wire
5 dust-protected wire
6 dust-tight wire

Second Against ingress of water

characteristic with harmful effects C1.6
numeral 0 (non-protected)
1 vertically dripping
2 dripping (15° tilted)
3 spraying
4 splashing
5 jetting
6 powerful jetting
7 temporary immersion
8 continuous immersion

Additional Against access C1.7

letter to hazardous
(optional) parts with
A back of hand
B finger
C tool
D wire

Supplementary Supplementary information

Letter specific to: C1.8
H High voltage apparatus
M Motion during water test
S Stationary during water test
W Weather conditions


4.3 Examples for the use of letters in the IP Code

The following examples are to explain the use and arrangements of letters in the
IP Code.
For more comprehensive examples see Clause 9.

IP44 - no letters, no options;

IPX5 - omitting first characteristic numeral;

IP2X - omitting second characteristic numeral;

IP20C - using additional letter;

IPXXC - omitting both characteristic numerals, using additional letter;

IPXlC - omitting first characteristic numeral, using additional letter;

IP3XD - omitting second characteristic numeral, using additional letter;

IP23S - using supplementary letter;

IP21CM - using additional letter and supplementary letter;

IPX5/IPX7 - giving two different degrees of protection by an enclosure against both

water jets and temporary immersion for “versatile” application.

When deciding which IP rating to specify for a particular application,

care should be taken not to over specify as the cost of an enclosure
often increases with the rise in IP rating.



The IK code defined in the standard BS uses a separate two numeral code to
EN 50102: 1995 Degrees of protection distinguish it from the old differing systems.
provided by enclosures for electrical The standard came into effect in October
equipment against external mechanical 1995 and conflicting national standards had
impacts (IK code) provides a means of to be withdrawn by April 1997.
specifying the capacity of an enclosure to
protect its contents from external impacts. EN 50102 specifies the way enclosures
should be mounted when tests are carried
Before the advent of EN 50102 a third out, the atmospheric conditions that should
numeral was added to the IP code to prevail, the number of impacts (5) and their
indicate the level of impact protection - e.g. (even) distribution, and the size, style,
IP66(9). Non standard use of this system material, dimensions etc. of the various
was one of the factors leading to the types of hammer, designed to produce the
development of the standard, which energy levels required.

IK code and impact energy (Values changed in Amd 1: 1998)

IKcode IK00 IK01 IK02 IK03 IK04 IK05 IK06 IK07 IK08 IK09 IK10
Impact energy (joules) * 0.14 0.2 0.35 0.5 0.7 1 2 5 10 20
To test for resistance to higher impacts an energy of 50 joules is recommended

Impact test characteristics

IK code IK00 IK01 to IK05 IK06 IK07 IK08 IK09 IK10
Impact energy * <1 1 2 5 10 20
R mm (radius * 10 10 25 25 50 50
of striking
Material * polyamide 1)
polamide 2)
steel 2) steel 2) steel 2) steel 2)
Mass kg * 0.2 0.5 0.5 1.7 5 5
Pendulum hammer * YES YES YES YES YES YES
Spring hammer * YES YES YES NO NO NO
Free fall hammer * NO NO YES YES YES YES
* not protected according to the standard

1) R100 Rockwell hardness according to ISO 2039/2

2) Fc 490-2, Rockwell hardness according to ISO 1052



A variety of different materials are used in Stainless Steel
the manufacture of enclosures. Those in Stainless steel is commonly used in areas
common use are listed below, together with where hygiene, cleanliness or corrosion
their advantages and limitations. Choice of resistance are important. Grades 304 and
material clearly has a major bearing on the 316 are the most common and a thickness
degree of protection afforded by the of 0.75 mm to 2 mm is suitable for most
enclosure. enclosure applications. Stainless steel
enclosures are an effective protection
Mild Steel against more aggressive environments.
Mild steel is the most widely used material Care should be taken to ensure the correct
for general-purpose indoor or outdoor grade of material is selected.
applications. Standard enclosures are
manufactured from steel up to 2 mm thick. Grade 304 is used for standard stock
enclosures covering the majority of industrial
Mild steel sheet is an ideal medium for applications, in particular for the food,
fabrication, hole punching and forming into beverage and dairy industries. Grade 316
shape. It is easily welded to form a is a more expensive option, covering those
permanent bond and component parts are applications where the enclosure is to be
easily joined together. The two most sited in a highly corrosive environment, in
common grades of steel used in the particular, salt laden atmospheres.
enclosure industry are CR4 and CR2.
CR4 is easy to form into angles and . May be used in many aggressive
commonly used in the construction of wall environments
mounted and floor standing enclosures. . Provides excellent corrosion
CR2 is a ductile material, which lends itself resistance
to be pressed into shape reducing the need . May be less expensive than
for welding. Pressed enclosures are limited surface treated mild steel
to smaller sizes. . Does not deteriorate when subject
to exposure to sun light (ultra-
Different gauges (thickness) are available violet radiation)
from 0.75 mm. However, it is not always . Alternative grades and finishes
the thickness of the material that determines available to enhance appearance
the strength of the enclosure but rather the and corrosion resistance
construction and how the material is . Low maintenance
formed. For example, the position and
number of return folds makes a significant Disadvantages
difference. Good design may allow for a
. More expensive than mild steel
reduction in enclosure cost and weight.
. More difficult to work


Pre-Plated Steel produce castings of intricate shape and with

Zinc is the most common pre-plated steel thin varying wall thicknesses. It is however
for enclosures and is usually available in the difficult to machine and results in rapid tool
same thickness and size as mild steel. wear caused by its high silicon content.

It is often used in the manufacture of EMC Corrosion Resistance

enclosures. The corrosion resistance of aluminium and
its alloys is due to their ability to form a thin
Pre-Coated but protective coating in the presence of
oxygen or water. This oxide, unlike rust on
There are many plastic coated steels which
steel, is continuous and adherent. Should
are typically used in the production of
the surface be damaged, the oxide film is
electronic housings and racks.
immediately reformed. In aggressive
environments localised corrosion may occur
but structural integrity is unlikely to be
Aluminium is used in either sheet, extruded, affected.
sand or die cast forms. A thickness of 1
mm to 4 mm is typical. Where two dissimilar metals are in electrical
contact with each other in the presence of
Die casting is the most common method an electrolyte, they adopt a potential and a
used in the production of enclosures. current flows in the electrolyte from the
Molten aluminium is forced into a steel die metal having the negative potential to the
at high pressure by the action of hydraulic positive. This results in increased corrosion
rams. The process produces components of the former metal; an important factor
with good mechanical properties and close when components such as fixings or cable
tolerances. glands made of other unprotected metals
are used with aluminium enclosures.
LM6 (Al Si 12) is a medium strength casting
alloy with excellent foundry characteristics,
high ductility, impact strength and shock
resistance, together with high resistance to
corrosion. The alloy can be used to


Aluminium Enclosures in Hazardous Areas Cast iron is not a single material but a term
The use of aluminium alloys for some applied to a large family of materials. Cast
applications of equipment is controlled by irons have many attributes, some of which
legislation derived from the concern of are of particular value for the production of
incentive sparking achievable from the enclosures for electrical and electronic
impact between aluminium and rusty steel. equipment. Foremost is their high strength
BS5501: Parts 1-9 Atmospheres. General and fire resistance when compared with
requirements restrict the use of aluminium materials such as mild steel or GRP. This
in enclosures for mining applications to enables them to be used in severe service
alloys containing not more than 6% conditions, such as in process plants and
magnesium and titanium. For potentially mines. Ductile irons are particularly valuable
explosive atmospheres other than mines, when the enclosures have to be flame-proof
the alloy must not contain more than 6% by or explosion proof. Of all the cast metals,
weight of magnesium but with no limit on cast iron has the best founding
aluminium content. characteristics, which means that it is well
suited for making components, which must
Use in Marine Environments be pressure-tight.
The correct choice of aluminium alloy is
essential and it is recommended that one A wide range of cast irons is available for
with a higher silicon content is selected. use in both benign and aggressive
Avoid possible corrosion caused by environments. Further protection may
electrolytic action from dissimilar metals. readily be given through the applications of
Insulation materials should be used for coatings, such as hot dipped galvanising or
separation purposes when installing the electro-plating. Alloying allows good low
boxes on steel structures. Metal parts lying and high temperature performance to be
outside the enclosure, such as fixing screws, achieved, whilst maintaining all the
should be manufactured from austenitic advantages of a cast product.
stainless steel. Cable glands made of brass
with chrome or nickel finish give no cause The casting process is a most energy
for concern. efficient and cost effective way of making
complex-shaped components, including
Cast Iron enclosures. It offers the designer almost
The use of this material for enclosures is limitless freedom to place metal where it is
mostly restricted to outside use, where high required and is suitable for producing both
strength and protection from vandalism are one-offs and long production runs, and both
required. It is also used for enclosures in small and large components.
hazardous areas where there is a risk of


Plastic Materials enclosure with an ABS base and a

Plastics are capable of providing a tough polycarbonate lid. When exposed to flame,
durable product of excellent appearance. it is not necessarily self-extinguishing.
The properties of a number of materials
may be varied by means of additives. The GRP (Glass Reinforced
following descriptions relate to standard Polyester)
materials and for further information on The good mechanical properties of this
performances in a particular situation, the material include insulation, strength, hardness
manufacturer should be consulted. and stability over the temperature range -
50°C to + 150°C. Its self-finishing quality
Polycarbonate and durability have widened its range of
Many different types are used for producing applications.
enclosures and with the correct choice, it
may be used in a variety of locations. The electrical advantage of GRP is that it is
an excellent insulator and can offer double
This material has good impact resistance insulation properties. Its use reduces the risk
which varies only marginally over the of electric shock in the event of impact.
temperature range - 50°C to + 120°C. In Where busbars are being fitted, use of GRP
the long term it should not be exposed to enclosures may allow reduction of the
temperatures higher than 80°C. Outdoor clearance between the bars and the
exposure may cause some loss of enclosure, offering benefits of size reduction.
mechanical strength and yellowing in
appearance. An agent to combat the effects It should be noted that when any work is
of ultraviolet light can be added in the carried out on the enclosure, cut or exposed
manufacture of the raw material. Exposed surfaces, holes or edges should be treated to
to flame it is self-extinguishing. avoid moisture ingress. Damage to the
Polycarbonate releases no toxic gases on surface may also result in moisture ingress
burning. Contact with methyl alcohol, into the material through the exposed glass
alkaline solutions, amines, gaseous ammonia fibres.
and its solution should be avoided.
GRPs with a range of properties are available.
ABS (Acrylonitrile Manufacturers can supply more detailed
Butadiene Styrene) information on the grades of materials used
in the construction of individual enclosures
Usually produced in the same designs as
and the results of tests to which they have
polycarbonate enclosures, ABS is a cheaper
been subjected. Engineering specifications,
material with characteristics similar to
details of mechanical, electrical and physical
polycarbonate but not suitable for such
properties, as well as flame and chemical
extremes of temperature and having a
resistance are normally available.
lower impact strength. ABS and
polycarbonate may be combined offering an


In its unfilled state - without its glass fibres, PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride)
polyester is brittle but offers crystal clear PVC is used for moulding small plastic
transparency, making it suitable for windows boxes. It has excellent resistance to mineral
or clear fronted enclosures. It may be acids (both dilute and concentrated), alkalis
wiped clean with soap and water. If a and detergents. Resistance to alcohol-based
detergent is used, it should be rinsed well solvents is good but poor to ketones,
with clean water: Solvents and abrasives aromatic bases and hydrocarbons. Although
should not be used. Deep scratches are not it is a self-extinguishing material, PVC does
easily removed and should be filled. give off toxic and corrosive gases when
burned. PVC has a low UV resistance and
GRP is resistant to mineral acids, many can be brittle.
organic acids, oxidants and reducing agents,
neural and acid salt solutions, greases and Nylon
oils, and some alcohols. Resistant, does not
Nylon is used for moulding small boxes and
mean that it is entirely impervious - over a
can become brittle in dry atmospheres. It
period of time, for example, some machine
can be affected by moisture and has poor
tool oils can affect its integrity.
resistance to acids although good resistance
to alkalis.


The type and quality of finish required on an It is important that enclosures
enclosure depends very much on its supplied primed or otherwise in need
ultimate environment and application. of further treatment are properly
Other considerations are appearance and finished before they are taken into
life expectancy. service. Not to do so is false
Is the enclosure to be used indoors or
outside? Within these two areas there are Aluminium
still many variations. Indoors may mean a For industrial use aluminium enclosures are
farm building, a dairy, a chemical plant, a normally painted. They may be anodised or
power station. Outdoors can mean 'alochromed' but these finishes are not very
anything from the North Sea to tropical hard and scratch easily. Anodised finish is
Africa, with many other climates and non-conductive whereas alochrome is
environments between. conductive. Other forms of treatment are
How important is appearance, not just on
installation but over the longer term? Pre-Treatment for Painting
Where the enclosure is strictly functional, Paints suitable for protecting steel are
the fading of colour may not be a cause for generally suitable for aluminium, the
concern. Scratches can easily be retouched requirements being that the paint be lead-
with standard paint. In another application free to avoid galvanic attack of aluminium.
scratch resistance may be vital to avoid a
shabby appearance or prevent corrosion. The presence of air-formed aluminium
oxide on the surface can result in poor paint
Manufacturers offer a variety of treatments, adhesion. One method of addressing this is
some as standard, others as specials. to use an etch primer containing phosphoric
acid and zinc chromate. An alternative to
No Additional Finish etch-primers is a conversion coating. This is
Where the material of the enclosure has its produced from solutions containing
own, suitable “natural” finish, no further chromates and either fluorides or
treatment is necessary. This eliminates phosphates applied by dipping the
maintenance costs. An obvious example is component in hot solutions.
stainless steel, brush polished for a grained
finish or shot-blasted for a satin finish, both Paint with special properties such as stoved
of which are intended not to show finger factory-applied polyurethane paint provides
marks, or electro-polished for a higher shine. increased wear and scuff resistance. Plastic
Because of its natural corrosion resistance, coating of either thermo-setting or thermo-
glass reinforced polyester needs no plastic type can be used but good pre-
additional finish. treatment to ensure adhesion is necessary.


Metal spraying provides a high quality finish such as the preparation procedure,
and protection of welded joints. Tin and type of paint, and number of coats applied.
zinc coatings are used to improve the
electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of In recent years many manufacturers have
the enclosure. switched from wet paint to thermosetting
powders (powder coating) which offer
Anodizing protection against a variety of environments.
The anodizing process consists of converting Typically, powder coating film thickness is 60-
the surface layers to a hard oxide coating by 80 microns and does not normally require a
electrolytic means. For maximum primer or undercoat. The powder is applied
protection, the thickness applied should be to the chemically prepared surface
25 microns. Anodizing is of benefit where electrostatically and the object passes directly
appearance is required to be maintained and into the curing oven. It then liquefies to give
weathering prevented. a continuous uniform bonded finish.

Stainless Steel Powder can be divided into three categories;

A wide range of finishes are available: polyester, epoxy and epoxy/pol. Polyester
powder should be specified where
Mechanical Polishing protection against ultra-violet light is required.
The products are available in grained Epoxy powder should be specified where
(brushed) or glass bead (satin) finish. protection against mechanical damage or
chemicals is required although it should be
Electropolishing noted that this surface will quickly lose its
Produces an exceptionally bright lustre and gloss and deteriorate to leave a dusty
improved evenness of the surface by residue. Where resistance to all of the
immersion in an electrolytic bath. above is required a hybrid referred to as
Epoxy/Pol is available which offers good
Coatings general protection in the majority of
Stainless steels are durable and resistant to applications.
corrosion. They will however, accept
chemically produced coatings, vitreous Off the shelf, powder coated
enamels and conventional paint. enclosures are usually finished in
grey (RAL 7032) but they can be
Steel overpainted using two pack air
drying finishes.
Various methods are used, depending upon
the location and duty of the enclosure.
For more severe, wet or corrosive
environments, zinc coating by spray or dip
Some manufacturers still prefer traditional
can be used but this is dependent on the
wet paint. Acrylic, polyurethane, and some
thickness of the material as process
unspecified types are all offered. Their
deformation can often occur.
durability depends upon a number of factors


Iron or phosphate can be applied in a The economic moulding of plastic

number of film thicknesses with zinc enclosures in non-standard colours demands
generally giving the best protection. long runs. Typically this is based

The majority of enclosure manufacturers do on a minimum quantity of moulding

not recommend the use of a hot-dip material.
galvanising process because distortion can
occur. If an alternative to the self-colour injection
moulded plastic enclosure is required, or a
Colours textured finish, then paint can be used in
Producers of steel enclosures tend to offer accordance with the manufacturer's
the same basic colours. This has an recommendations. Compression moulded
advantage to users in that they can mix GRP can be painted with two-pack
equipment from different manufacturers and polyurethane paints but surface preparation
still preserve a colour scheme. However, to form an adequate key can be expensive.
care must be taken as shades and textures
may vary slightly. Special colours are Colour finishes can be provided to either BS
generally available, but may incur a surcharge or RAL colour standards, with additional
and a delay in supply. quantities of the appropriate paint (e.g. RAL
7032 grey) available in an aerosol or tin.
Most manufacturers have highly automated Colour charts are produced by paint
painting lines geared to standard finishes. manufacturers.
Leaving an enclosure unfinished may cause
an interruption in the normal process and Note that BS and RAL colour standards are
takes time. Hence the anomaly that a not fully cross-referenced.
primed enclosure may cost more than a
standard paint finish.


There are many differing types of enclosure Welding
construction. The list below gives some One of the most common methods of
indication of the construction techniques. construction is to cut the basic components
from sheet steel and form into shapes prior
Design to welding. Dependent on the specification
As with car design the strength of the of the enclosure various types of welding
modern enclosure comes more from the can be used.
attention the manufacturer has paid to the
design than from the material thickness. An enclosure with a need to achieve only a
low ingress protection could be produced
Most wall and floor mounted metal using simple spot welding techniques. The
enclosures available today are produced most common approach today as the
from sheet of 0.75 mm to 2 mm thickness demand for more tightly sealed enclosures
with the folding and welding techniques grows is to seam weld all the sections so
used providing rigidity and strength. The ensuring no penetration risk between the
thicker the material the higher the potential various welded elements of the enclosure.
cost of the enclosure. In addition the
difficulty of making cut-outs or holes for
components increases with thickness.

Mounting plates are thicker to allow for

drilling and tapping holes for components.
These are also available with various
mounting systems to overcome the need
for drilling.

Other design features allow for the

environment in which the enclosure is to be
installed, for example, gutters to ensure any
water runs away from the gasketed areas.

Enclosures are often manufactured using

more than one technique, for example a
floor standing enclosure could have a rolled
frame, folder and welded doors and panels,
die cast hinges and fixing parts. Plastic top
and bottom covers could be added to
extruded aluminium side walls to give an
aesthetically pleasing enclosure.


Self Assembly and Bolted Extruding

Construction Plastics and metals such as aluminium can be
Modular self assembly systems transfer the extruded to shape. The raw material in
assembly process from the manufacturer to molten or semi-molten state is pushed
the customer and offer speedy delivery of through a die to give the desired shape of
enclosures and busbar systems. The the component. Large production quantities
equipment is delivered in kit form with are required to compensate for the cost of
resultant savings in delivery and storage the die.
costs. The customer should confirm that
adequate training and back-up are available Glass Fibre Moulding
from the manufacturer to ensure that the GRP enclosures can be manufactured on a
system is assembled correctly and efficiently. one off basis by hand 'lay-up' of the fibre
By its nature, this type of construction will mats. However, it is more usual for
allow modifications to panel layouts to be production quantities to be manufactured by
accommodated after delivery/assembly, a hot press method with heated materials
whilst keeping associated costs and delays to and a form of punch and die or a vacuum
a minimum. forming technique.

Casting Injection Moulding

Various materials are suitable for casting or The process of injection moulding
die-casting. Die-casting is used for high enclosures involves the conversion of
volume production runs. Sand casting can plastics granules into a moulded form. The
be used for one offs. Casting can introduce material is heated to its molten state and
design features into the enclosure such as injected, under pressure, into the forming
internal fittings. tool. This process is suitable for both
thermo-plastic and thermo-setting plastic
Vacuum Forming materials.
This system is used for plastic materials or
thin metals. The material is drawn over a
moulding form to give the finished shape.


An enclosure provides a housing for Mounting Studs/Inserts
equipment, generally for reasons of safety, This method of fixing equipment is normally
security, environmental protection or reserved for wall mounting enclosures or
combinations of all three. A variety of non-metallic products. The studs and
fittings may be incorporated within the inserts are traditionally positioned to
enclosure to assist in the mounting of this accommodate the manufacturer's standard
equipment, including: accessories.

Mounting Plates
Mounting Rails
These are usually in the form of plated or
More common in mainland Europe, these
painted sheet steel, sometimes folded along
systems are readily available and take the
two or more edges to give extra rigidity and
form of various standard lengths of 'DIN'
attached to the enclosure with nuts and
rail or top hat shaped profiles and bracket
bolts, studs or fixing rails. The fixing rail
systems that allow them to be fitted
method normally allows the mounting plate
anywhere in the enclosures. These systems
position to be adjusted between the front
are fitted as accessories and therefore tend
and rear of the enclosure.
to pick up their main fixing positions from
the mounting plate fixing studs, bolts or rails.
Mounting plates are available in other
materials such as aluminium, fibreboard, and
The rails may also be fitted to the doors of
stainless steel dependent on the supplier
the enclosures.
and application. Also available are pre-
punched mounting plates that allow captive
Racking Techniques
nuts to be fitted to hold equipment so
obviating the need to drill and/or tap the 19 inch rack enclosures have been designed
plate. On larger enclosures partial height especially for the electronics industry to
mounting plates are now available. allow 'prepacked' modules such as modems,
video equipment etc., to be fitted easily and
quickly. A standard width between front
fixing holes has been established at 482.6
mm (19 inch - hence the name) although
other dimensions such as 515 mm - IEC
60917 Series and 600 mm are used. New
standards such as ETSI and metric modular
are becoming more popular.


These racks have many fixing options Special Brackets

including drawers, sliding rails and fixed or Many manufacturers offer accessory brackets
sliding trays. The normal 'racks' are often to assist users with the installation of
designed without ingress protection in mind equipment. These may range from simple
due to the benign environment in which angled brackets to allow the fitting of a
they are installed. In order to offer an IP profile rail for terminals to a full system to
facility, enclosure manufacturers have support monitors or other equipment. Full
designed accessories to allow rack mounting details can be found in manufacturers
systems to be installed in an ingress literature.
protected product.
In its simplest form this could be two
Many other useful accessories are available,
vertical rails that when fitted to a 600 mm
including drawing pockets, earthing bars and
wide enclosure offers the 482.6 mm (19
cables, internal lighting, power distribution
inch) front fixing option. Variants on these
panels, door switches, door stays and cable
include variable depth versions, partial height
retaining rails.
rails and swing frames.

Swing frames are in essence a simple frame

with the two vertical rails to provide the
482.6 mm (19 inch) punchings. These
frames may be full or partial height and are
fitted with hinges and brackets that allow
them to act as an inner door and hinge out
to offer access to the rear for servicing.



Enclosures are fitted with locks and hinges doors, a need that leads to interlocking
for two main reasons - to enable easy systems which isolate the supply to the
access to the interior and to prevent internal equipment before the door can be
unauthorised access. opened. In considering this, it is also
important to respect any other safety needs
However, with tampering, vandalism and of the apparatus. Can the supply simply be
unauthorised use of equipment on the turned off without any hazards arising from
increase, there is a need for more the effects of the disconnection of
sophisticated security measures to be built associated equipment? Is there a sequence
into products and systems. Enclosure to the shut down procedure, which must be
manufacturers offer a number of options. followed?

The simplest form is probably the insert Much of the above relates to the larger
lock, when operated by a key rotates a enclosure, but particularly in the Electronics
simple cam or tab to engage behind the industry there is a need for smaller, but
enclosure body. none the less secure, locking systems. In
this sector a range of quarter turn fasteners,
Various lock inserts can be fitted for pawl latches, push and slide action fasteners
increased security. and similar devices have been developed.

With larger enclosures, the locking Just as it is important that any lock ensures
mechanism has to perform other functions that doors locate correctly on to their
apart from just securing the door. gaskets, so it is necessary to ensure that the
Depending upon the IP rating of the hinge design is such that the lid or door fits
enclosure, a gasket may be fitted to provide properly at that edge. A simple 'piano
a seal. It may be necessary to have a design hinge' type of approach can result in leaks.
of lock that will secure the door at more A hinge design that in itself pulls the
than one place. This can give rise to a appropriate edge of the door tightly into the
whole range of rod-latch systems. Any lock gasket needs to be used. When considering
fitted must not degrade the designed sealing larger, sheet metal cabinets, care must be
capability of the enclosure. If the enclosure taken to ensure that the hinge does not
is sealed to IP65 it is important that the lock allow or cause distortion.
is no less in specification, or water and dirt
may enter the enclosure. Locks and hinges are essential parts
of the enclosure system and it is
The need to secure against unauthorised important that they are given proper
access is not the only reason for fitting consideration when selecting the
sophisticated locking systems. Many enclosure, if the design integrity of
enclosures contain high voltage electrical the completed installation is to be
equipment and it may be essential that this preserved.
is isolated prior to opening the access


An important feature of any large enclosure An eyebolt should not be surface finished
is the facility to allow it to be lifted and after it has been tested and stamped as the
transported. process could anneal the metal, affecting its
The most common method of lifting large Safe working loads are given assuming a
or heavy enclosures is by eyebolts screwed vertical lift on the eyebolt, although by the
to the top surface of the enclosure. use of slings with links (shackles) attached to
Various methods of fixing the eyebolts the fixed eyebolts it is possible to lift from a
are employed. The most common is a single hook. The angle of sling reduces the
collar/nut in a strengthened section on safe working load of the eyebolt by as much
the underside of the top of the enclosure. as 75%.

Eyebolts manufactured in accordance with A preferred method is to use a parallel

the relevant national or international lifting beam as shown below:
standard and certified accordingly should be
used, the thread diameter dictating the safe
work load (SWL) from tables in the


Practical Advice joints within the suite to reduce the

size and weight of each lifted section to
. Personnel performing lifting help transportation.
operations should be suitably
qualified, trained and familiar with . Where possible, before lifting, remove
the relevant standards. They heavy items such as large transformers
should also be aware of their from the enclosure and transport
responsibilities under health and safety separately.
. Use dedicated lifting points as indicated
. Reduce the risk of the enclosure in manufacturer's literature.
becoming unstable while being lifted by
designing to ensure, where practicably . Consult manufacturer for purpose
possible, the weight distribution is designed lifting aids.
evenly dispersed. Maintain a low
centre of gravity by positioning heavy . Always check that the thread size on
items towards the bottom of the the eyebolt corresponds to the thread
enclosure. size at the lifting point on the
. For a suite of enclosures intended to
be bolted together, try to design the



In the interests of electrical safety, all metal parts should be bonded and then earthed.
Traditionally, this has applied to doors, panels, mounting plates and gland plates. Facilities for
the connection of an earth conductor are usually provided on these components and the
main body of the enclosure.

The manufacturer's dedicated earth points should be positioned such that bonding to the
main body can be achieved by short conductors, which reduce the probability of damage to
the conductor by snagging. If a dedicated earth point is not provided and a fixing is made
through a hole in a panel or gland plate, then a suitable means must be used to ensure that
adequate metal-to-metal contact is achieved.

Dedicated earth points on enclosures can be identified by the use of Symbol 417 -
IEC 5019-a:

Protection against electric shock can also be achieved by total insulation against indirect
contact. The enclosure should be made of insulating material eg. GRP and carry the Symbol
417 - IEC 5172-a visible from the outside to indicate 'Double Insulation'.


Gaskets are fitted to enclosures to provide a . Use of an extruded shaped gasket,
seal against ingress of solid objects or which is fitted to an edge or flat
moisture to conform to a chosen protection surface and has particular physical
rating. Some enclosures have no gaskets properties.
because the conditions in which they are
required to perform do not demand the Electromagnetic Compatibility
fitting of one. (EMC)
Special electrically conductive gaskets are
available to provide protection against radio
frequency interference (RFI). These gaskets
may or may not protect against the ingress
of particles and moisture. They may take
the form of:

. carbon filled silicon elastomers,

. silver filled silicon elastomers,

. carbon composite gaskets,

. conductive wires in a silicon material,

Gaskets are usually applied by four different

. wire meshes over elastomer cores,
. copper beryllium finger strips,
. Use of an adhesive strip on the rear face
of the gasket which is then placed on
. wire mesh strips.
the enclosure.
The choice of EMC gaskets should be
. Use of a gasket material which foams
discussed with the manufacturer with
and sets, as part of the manufacturing
regard to the application.

. Use of gaskets moulded and designed

to fit a particular location in the
enclosure, fitted by the customer and
mechanically sandwiched in place
between the gland plate and the


The majority of compartmented enclosures In Type-tested assemblies to BS EN 60439-1:
are produced in mild-steel but stainless steel 1994 Specification for type-tested and partially
and aluminium options are also available. type-tested and partially type-tested
assemblies these separation arrangements
Various methods may be employed to are classified in terms of various “Forms of
achieve the division of enclosure sections internal separation”.
(columns) into sub-sections or
compartments:- Increasingly, attention is given to the manner
in which cables enter or leave this type of
a) Enclosures bolted together to form enclosure since users may require that
sections sub-divided by horizontal external cables can be connected or
barriers, individual doors being provided replaced without the need to shut down
for the sub-sections or compartments the entire enclosure assembly. BS EN
formed within each section. 604439-1: 1994 includes an informative
annex (Annex NC): Guide to the internal
b) Enclosures welded together to form the separation of assemblies which gives
individual sections, the sub-division of additional information about the typical
the sections being achieved by the methods of construction which may be
inclusion of horizontal insert plates. empolyed to achieve varying levels of
segregation. However, it emphasises that
c) Enclosures of fully welded construction the form of separation is still subject to
with all sub-divisions formed at the agreement between the manufacturer.
fabrication stage.

In the switchgear and controlgear industry in More information on this subject is

particular, further divisions within a suite of contained in the GAMBICA technical guide,
enclosures are often required in order, for A Guide to the Specification for Low Voltage
example, to segregate busbars, individual Switchgear and Controlgear Assemblies - BS
incoming or outgoing circuits, and the EN 60439-1: 1999 which is available from
terminals for external conductors. GAMBICA.


Outdoors enclosure to breath (through controlled
When an enclosure is used outdoors ventilation) although this may reduce the IP
consideration must be given to the rating.
prevailing weather conditions and extremes
of temperature. Condensation
Condensation is often mistaken for water
These conditions will determine choice of ingress. It is caused by a difference in
material e.g. GRP, stainless steel, aluminium; temperature between the inner and outer
the design of the enclosure e.g. surfaces of an enclosure and normally forms
requirements for improved sealing, venting, on the same side as the prevailing wind.
rainhoods; the addition of extra equipment The most common solutions are to fit anti-
e.g. heaters, vents, thermal management condensation heaters, controlled ventilation
systems; and special finishes e.g. anti- or use of anti-condensation paint.
condensation paint.
Apart from water lying in the bottom of the
Standard steel enclosures generally are enclosure, moisture may condense on the
designed to meet the demands of industrial components causing electrical 'leakage' and
environments. Failure to take account of 'tracking' as well as component corrosion
other conditions can result in damage to the and degradation of insulation.
enclosure and contents.
Remember the temperature effect. Water
The Cooling Effect vapour is always present in the air and when
A standard enclosure will probably allow air is cooled the 'dew point' is reached, the
rainfall to run around the outside of various air is then saturated and further cooling
gasketed areas. If the internal temperature results in condensation. Looking for the
is reduced rapidly the pressure inside a high cause of moisture in an enclosure on a
IP rating enclosure may be significantly lower 'warm' day may mean that the obvious is
than the ambient pressure outside, thereby missed and the condensation has
inducing a suction effect through the evaporated, only to return when the
gasketed areas. This could result in temperature drops again.
moisture around the gaskets being drawn
into the enclosure. Corrosive Environments
In certain applications enclosures will need
This effect may be avoided by reducing the protection from chemicals and selection of
number of gasketed areas in contact with the right material is determined by the
the rain by choosing an enclosure with chemicals involved. The most likely choice
gutters and/or fitting a rainhood. is stainless steel but even then care must be
Alternatively it may be possible for the taken to ensure the correct grade is
pressure to equalise quickly by allowing the selected.


Some non-metallic materials have excellent example by paint flakes entering the
resistance to certain chemicals and poor production process.
resistance to others. Advice should be
obtained when selecting a suitable material In practice most users choose stainless steel
and construction as, for example, the designs which have few external features,
components within the enclosure may need for ease of cleaning. Various non-metallic
protecting from harmful gases. products offer the same benefits but a
stainless steel enclosure will maintain the
Marine, Coastal and Off-shore best appearance.
Coastal, external applications can usually be
covered by referring to the previous Care must be taken when using a
'Outdoors' element of this section and then hose to clean the enclosure and
paying particular attention to the treatments surrounding area. Often very high-
or materials chosen to address the extra pressure hoses exceed the IP rating
corrosion likely from the salt laden of the enclosure, resulting in
atmosphere. unexpected ingress. Condensation
can also be a problem in cool areas
Off-shore specifications depend on the (see below).
intended location of the enclosure e.g. a
relatively low IP rating enclosure in an
accommodation area through to a very
high rating on a ship's deck.

Some users have very clear

specifications for such equipment
but if in doubt contact a GAMBICA
Enclosure Group member.

Hosedown Areas
Enclosures in these areas are usually in
processing plants when the environment is
subject to special regulations. The
enclosures chosen are usually free of surface
treatment to avoid contamination, for


Hazardous Areas are those locations where Zone Classification
a potentially explosive atmosphere may Having established the hazardous
exist. This is an atmosphere in which substances, the likelihood of the explosion
dangerous quantities of flammable risk also needs to be considered. This is
substances may occur in the form of gas, simplified by a zoning method in
vapour, haze, dust or fibre capable of International and European standards as
combining with air to form potentially follows:
explosive mixtures.
Zone 0 - Hazard continuously present or
Use of equipment (including enclosures) in present for long periods
Hazardous Areas is highly regulated, with
equipment generally requiring third part Zone 1 - Hazard likely to be present
certification, whether mandatory or not.
Selection of equipment must take into Zone 2 - Hazard unlikely to be present
account the regulations of the country in or only present for short
which it is to be used and the acceptability periods of time, for example
of the third party certificate to that country. under fault conditions

Prior to selecting equipment (including Temperature Classification

enclosures) for Hazardous Area use, the
In order to establish the suitability of
Gas Grouping, Zone Classification and
apparatus for use in a hazardous area from
Temperature Classification assessments
the view point of hot surfaces, apparatus is
must be made.
awarded a T-rating, corresponding to its
maximum surface temperature under certain
Gas Grouping
conditions: EN50014 or IEC 60079-0. The
In Europe hazards are classified and grouped T-rating or T-class, can then easily be
as follows: compared to the Auto Ignition Temperature
or Spontaneous Ignition Temperature of the
Group 1 - Those found in Mining hazard in which it is to be used, thus
Only (underground establishing safety from ignition from hot
firedamp methane) surfaces. For example T6 = 85°C which is
Group II - Those found in Surface the highest temperature the apparatus will
industry and “Off-shore” reach when operated under the most
installations onerous conditions.
11A - Typically butane
11B - Typically formaldehyde Protection Concept
11C - Typically hydrogen or
Various concepts of Hazardous Area
protection are available to suit a particular
application. The “Enclosure Specification”
chart shows suitability of each concept and
the type of enclosure that is applicable.


European Regulations C = Gas subdivision, most critical

In the European Economic Area (EEA*), category, including hydrogen,
applicable regulations are in the form of acetylene and carbon disulphide
Directives. These are not applied directly
but implemented by national regulations in T6 = Temperature class:
each country. T6 = maximum 85°C

For electrical equipment in hazardous areas A 'new approach' Directive becomes

the Directives currently in force are: mandatory from 1 July 2003 but became
available for use as an alternative to the 'old
. 76/117/EEC (as last amended by approach' Directives from 1 March 1996.
97/53/EC) and 79/196/EEC (also at last Called the ATEX Directive, 94/9/EEC, it
amended by 97/53/EC): Electrical covers both mine and surface industries and
Equipment for use in Potentially introduces, for the first time in Europe,
Explosive Atmospheres, with the latter requirements for mechanical hazards and
relating to 'Equipment Employing potentially explosive atmospheres arising
Certain Types of Protection'. from dusts. The Directive gives the essential
safety requirements that must be met by
. 82/130/EEC (as last amended by equipment, including enclosures and
98/65/EC): Electrical Equipment for Use protective systems, for use in hazardous
in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres in areas. European Harmonised standards
Mines Susceptible to Firedamp (EN's) may then be used for demonstration
of compliance with the essential
These 'old approach' Directives remain in requirements of the Directive.
force until 30 June 2003 and refer to specific
technical standards (the EN 50014 series) The ATEX Directive introduces the
and their issues and amendments. They following changes:
require specific information to be present
on the product's certification labels, for Equipment is classified by group and
example: category according to its intended use:

EEx ... de…11…C…T6 Apparatus group 1 (mines)….

Equipment category M1 and M2
EEx = Equipment conforms to types of
protection standardised by Apparatus group 11 (surface) …..
CENELEC (European Standards Equipment category 1,2 and 3
EN 50014)

de = Type of protection used:

* EEA comprises the 15 countries of the European
Union (EU), Iceland, Liechenstein and Norway.
d = flameproof enclosure Switzerland is not part of the EEA but because of its
membership of the European Standards Organisations,
uses the same technical standards.
e = increased safety

11 = Gas grouping:
11 = surface industry an


Under this Directive apparatus is marked as In Great Britain the ATEX Directive is
follows: Implemented by Statutory Instrument
1996 No. 192, The Equipment and
CE … Ex …11…2…G and D Protective Systems Intended for Use in
Potentially Explosive Atmospheres
CE = CE marking, which has to be in a Regulations 1996. Northern Ireland has its
specific format own regulations, but both will use the BS
EN's, the UK harmonised standards, as a
Ex = Use of equipment in potentially way of demonstrating compliance.
explosive atmospheres, again in a
specific format Both the 'old approach' and 'new approach'
Directives require the use of a specific
11 = Equipment group: explosion protection mark, the 'Epsilon x'
11 = surface industry symbol. CE marking may not necessarily be
an indication of compliance with the ATEX
2 = Equipment category Directive, since it can also mean compliance
with other applicable 'new approach'
G = Gas Directives.

D = Dust

Protection Code Principle of Concept Zone Suitability Type of Enclosure Application
IP Rating Impact Material Examples of Special
Resistance Limitations Requirements

Non Incendive EX N Non sparkling in normal use Zone 2 IP54 (min) 7 Nm Portable equipment Luminaries, motors,
EXn 1m drop test junction boxes

Increased EEx e Non sparkling and non incendive Zone 1 & 2 IP54 (min) 7 Nm Luminaries, motors,
Safety junction boxes

Intrinsic Safety EEx i Electrical energy is limited below 'ia' Zone 0,1,2 IP 54 (min) None Instrumentation,
that which could cause an 'ib' Zone 1,2 control, low power
explosion devices

Pressurized EEx p Pressurization prevents entry of Zone 1 & 2 IP40 7 Nm Normally metal To withstand 1.5x Control panels,
the external gas and purging is construction max operating Motors, Computers
necessary before power is pressure with min and instruments
switched on 200 Pa

Flameproof EEx d Must be capable of containing an Zone 1 & 2 Suggest IP54 7 Nm Generally cast Special Motors, junction
explosion alloys/iron consideration of boxes, luminaries
flame paths at and control devices
flange joints

Oil Immersion EEx o Immersing incendive devices in Zone 1 & 2 Sealed and open 7 Nm Normally metal Requires pressure Heavy current
oil. BSEN 50015 does not allow (see note 1 below) reservoir construction relief value to IP23, apparatus,
sparkling devices enclosures are over pressure test Transformers and
permitted of 0.5 bar for 1 min instrumentation

Sand/Powder EEx q Covering devices with Zone 1 & 2 Factory Sealed 7 Nm Normally metal Electronic
sand/powder quenches explosions (see note 1 below) construction assemblies, power
caused by sparks or hot surfaces supplies

Encapsulation EEx m Encapsulating devices in insulating Zone 1 & 2 N/A 2 Nm Plastic enclosures Electronic
material must have min. 1 components
mm wall thickness
Note 1 IEC 79-14 Zone1
BS 5345 Part 1- Zone 2

The management of the operating Fans may vary in size, power, design and air
temperature of the enclosure can be a very flow characteristics. Some high air flow fans
complex matter. Equipment may need to be may have a low pressure stall limit. Fans can
heated to protect it from frost or maintain a be used to draw air in or out of the
working temperature when the system is enclosure and should be used with an
shut down to prevent condensation. inlet/exhaust louvre or grille. If any intake
Alternatively equipment may need to be fan is used without an exhaust or with an
cooled to prevent malfunction. undersized or restricted exhaust a positive
pressure will result. In special circumstances
Below are given some types of thermal this can be used to help prevent ingress of
management devices and their typical usage. particles. Fans will only cool to around
ambient temperature and are therefore of
Thermostats limited use in high temperatures. An
Used to switch thermal management advantage of fans and units containing more
devices at predefined temperature limits. than one fan is that they can be used for the
cooling of hot spots.
These can be installed in enclosures to
Heat Exchangers
maintain working temperature or prevent Air to air heat exchangers work on the
condensation. A fan may be used to principle of two separate air circuits passing
increase the thermal power output and each other in opposite directions and
assist the flow of warmed air. separated by a thin (usually aluminium)
dividing wall.
Heat exchangers allow a higher degree of IP
Raised covers, louvres, louvre plates or bolt
protection due to the use of separated air
on grilles are used to give a natural air flow.
circuits. The enclosure temperature will be
The IP rating of the enclosure may be
cooled to just above the ambient
affected by the method used. Any cooling
will only be to the level of the ambient
temperature and there could be heat
Where the ambient temperature is high an
pockets formed within the enclosure due to
air/water heat exchanger may be used with
the absence of a forced air system.
the water being used as the cooling
medium. However, a prerequisite of this
system is the availability of a continuous
Fans used with louvres, louvre plates or water supply.
grilles give an air throughput for the
enclosure. Unless filters are used,
contaminated air may be brought into the


Coolers The cost of coolers is high when compared

These are based on the principle of a with other forms of thermal management
refrigerator. The internal air of the but may be the only solution to problems in
enclosure is kept to a sealed air circuit, high ambient temperatures. The IP rating is
which passes through the cooler. Coolers generally unaffected.
can be roof mounted, 19 inch rack
mounted, door or side panel mounted and Many manufacturers offer expert guidance
may incorporate a microprocessor for and information in the field of thermal
function indication and control as well as be management control.
linked to a central process computer.



Radio frequency interference (RFI) and contaminants build up on the conductive
Electromagnetic interference (EMI) can be surfaces over a period of time so reducing
prevented from penetrating or escaping the conductive effect. This is more
from an enclosure by ensuring it acts as a common in designs with “butt” joints.
Faraday Cage. This means providing a Gaskets sealing with a wiping action offer a
electrically conductive shield over all the level of self cleaning and so retain their
surfaces. Doors and ports have to be shielding levels without maintenance for
electrically sealed to their apertures. In longer.
practice this need not be continuous
provided the frequencies being shielded Shielding windows can be provided by using
cannot escape. Some manufacturers offer a material with a lamination of conductive
solutions using dual function gaskets that mesh but this will need connecting to the
both shield and retain a level of IP rating but door or aperture continuously around its
this is often less effective than two separate edge.
gaskets dedicated to their own function.
In January 1996 the European Directive on
The overall levels of attenuation vary Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) came
dependent upon design, gasketing used and into force. This Directive demands that all
maintenance. The latter is very important as products susceptible to or capable of
emitting EMI must be designed so that their
function is not unduly degraded in the
presence of EMI and that they do not emit
interference that would unduly affect
equipment in their environment. The
Directive has caused an increased demand
for shielding products and filters. If you are
in any doubt about the effect of this
Directive contact a GAMBICA Enclosure
Group member for clarification.

Enclosures themselves are outside the scope

of the EMC Directive since they neither
produce nor are susceptible to EMI. They
do not have to carry the CE mark as far as



It is important that users of electrical enclosure itself has been damaged in
equipment, including enclosures, ensure that transit.
the equipment is given proper care and . Do not insert a knife into the packaging
attention by competent personnel. The to cut tape or other wrapping material
following notes are intended to provide as you risk scoring the paint finish and
guidance on a general level only. Any creating a potential rust site.
regulations or manufacturer's instructions . Do not drag enclosures - use approved
concerning installation, safety or specific lifting methods.
hazardous area applications must be strictly . Clear swarf from work and make sure
adhered to. work surfaces are free from debris
before working on enclosures.
Installation . Empty the enclosure of any debris
Before commencing the work of installing before installation as it may form a focus
the equipment, study the installation for condensation which may cause
instructions supplied by the manufacturer. corrosion.
. When marking out do not score paint
If the equipment is to be lifted, use all of the surfaces outside drilling sites.
lifting points supplied, ensuring that the . Use sharp cutting tools to avoid cracking
securing bolts or eye bolts are of the paint and repaint bared hole edges.
correct size and thread. Check that the . Use punches in preference to drills on
lifting equipment used is adequate to handle steel enclosures.
the load and do not lift in any other . Seek manufacturers advice on care of
direction or from any other point other than seal and paint selection before removing
that intended in the design. During lifting seals or over-spraying.
do not induce additional stress by rapid . Remember that all work on the
acceleration or deceleration. Set down enclosure should seek to maintain the IP
gently to avoid mechanical shock. integrity. For example, cable entries
should have glands with similar or higher
Heavy or awkward equipment should be IP rating.
moved into position with the aid of skates, . Check the loading of equipment to be
such that the weight is distributed evenly to fitted as distortion of mountings or
avoid deformation. It should not be doors may affect the sealing.
dragged into position or moved on rollers as . Check wall mounting brackets are
such handling can result in damage to the sufficiently robust for the purpose.
surface finish or the structure itself. . Final inspection should be conducted
before transportation from the
The following are common sense tips which workshop.
can help to ensure a successful installation:

. Inspect outer packaging on delivery as

damaged wrapping may mean the


Site Installation For floor fixing enclosures, it is essential that

. Ensure adequate site access is available adjacent sections of an assembly are bolted
for the size and weight of the together and aligned prior to final tightening
enclosure. on the floor fixings. Any swarf or dust that
. Ensure walls/floors are plumb, level and has accumulated within the enclosure must
in good condition. On external be removed and any doors or covers that
locations, site on the lee (out of the were taken off must now be reassembled.
wind) side of building where possible.
. Canopies are recommended to deflect Cabling
direct rainfall, as are pedestals to All external cabling associated with the
raise enclosures from wet floors. enclosure should be firmly supported so as
. Floor standing enclosures which are not not to increase stress on either the
designed to be free standing should be enclosure fixings or the enclosure itself.
bolted back to a wall or stanchion for Any damage caused to the surface finished
stability. by the cutting of gland holes must be
. Cable entries must be supported rectified prior to the fitting of the gland.
outside the box, so that no stress is
caused to the enclosure, as deformation Inspection
may degrade the sealing. Before putting the equipment into service,
. Earthing continuity should conform to ensure that the enclosure has been fully
local standards. reassembled and all gaskets are in place.
. Check loads on doors and swing frames All external surfaces should be inspected for
as opening them may cause the scratches and damage with the purpose of
enclosure to become unbalanced and repairing such damage.
tip over.
The installation should comply with the
Mounting relevant standards as specified by the user.
It is essential that the equipment is mounted Selection of the enclosure should conform
on a level surface. If the enclosure is bolted to the required BS or equivalent.
to an uneven surface, the doors or covers
may not fit correctly and the integrity of the Maintenance
enclosure will be degraded. A planned maintenance programme is
advisable, checking gaskets, paintwork,
For wall mounting enclosures, ensure that hinges, locks, etc, for signs of physical
the designed fixing method i.e. internal holes damage, tampering and corrosion.
or external fixing brackets are used. The
size of fixing should fit comfortably into the
hole or bracket provided.


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