1687 1499 2014 220 PDF
1687 1499 2014 220 PDF
1687 1499 2014 220 PDF
With the rapidly increasing demand for high-speed data transmission and a growing number of terminals, massive
multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) has been shown promising to meet the challenges owing to its high
spectrum efficiency. Although massive MIMO can efficiently improve the system performance, usage of orthogonal
pilots and growing terminals causes large resource consumption especially when the coherence interval is short. This
paper proposes a semi-orthogonal pilot design with simultaneous data and pilot transmission. In the proposed
technique, we exploit the asymptotic channel orthogonality in massive MIMO systems, with which a successive
interference cancellation (SIC)-based channel estimation is applied to mitigate the mutual interference between data
and pilot. We derived the theoretical expressions of the achievable rates in massive MIMO systems with our proposed
pilot design. Further discussion on performance verifies the superiority of our proposed pilot design for high or low
signal-to-noise-ratios (SNRs) with any coherence interval length. And simulation results show that the proposed pilot
design can achieve a significant performance improvement with reduced pilot resource consumption compared with
the conventional orthogonal pilots.
Keywords: Massive MIMO; Multiuser; Semi-orthogonal pilot design; Interference cancellation
© 2014 Zhang et al.; licensee Springer. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
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Zhang et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2014, 2014:220 Page 2 of 14
pilot resource consumption, especially for short coher- where τop (τop ≥ K) and Dop respectively represent the
ence interval. length of pilot and downlink data. Following our study, the
Considering the pilot resource consumption as well as orthogonal pilots is also referred to as the conventional
the importance of channel estimation’s accuracy, an effi- pilot design and as a benchmark. Since hk changes over
cient pilot design is essential for achieving full potential of coherence intervals, without loss of generality, we take
massive MIMO systems. However, as far as we know, little the communication between the BS and users in a coher-
attention has been paid to pilot design in a massive MIMO ence interval as an example for deeper analysis. From
system. An exception [12] studied the pilot sequence Figure 1, a coherence interval is organized in three phases:
design which matters little about pilot resource consump- uplink channel estimation period, uplink data transmis-
tion. Therefore, in this work, we study the problem of an sion period, and downlink data transmission period.
efficient pilot design by exploiting the asymptotic channel The conventional pilot design in massive MIMO sys-
orthogonality [13] incorporated with successive interfer- tems utilizing orthogonal pilots can prevent pilot con-
ence cancellation (SIC) in massive MIMO systems. tamination within one cell and obtain relatively accurate
The technical contributions of this work are summa- channel estimates [2]. However, the required pilot over-
rized as follows: We present a novel pilot design with head is Top (τop ≥ K) for each user in a cell, which is too
low resource consumption. In the proposed technique, we large especially when T is small and K is large in mas-
allow simultaneous data and pilot transmission and insert sive MIMO systems. In the next section, we will propose
shifted pilot locations in slots, i.e., different users transmit a possible pilot design which can keep a balance between
pilots in different slots. It takes advantage of the asymp- the efficiency of data transmission and performance of the
totic channel orthogonality for massive MIMO. Hence system.
the mutual interference between data and pilot due to
a semi-orthogonal pilot design can be mitigated by SIC. 3 Semi-orthogonal pilot design
Numerical results show that the proposed pilot design In this section, we propose a semi-orthogonal pilot design
outperforms the conventional orthogonal pilots. In partic- with shifted locations, which reduces the pilot overhead
ular, for low or high signal-to-noise-ratios (SNRs), we also while guaranteeing the system performance due to the
theoretically prove the superiority of our proposed pilot merit of asymptotic channel orthogonality in massive
design. MIMO systems.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we The transmission scheme with the proposed pilot
describe the system model and transmission protocol of design is shown in Figure 2, where τpp and Dpp respec-
conventional massive MIMO systems. Section 3 addresses tively denote the length of pilot and downlink data, and
the transmission scheme of massive MIMO systems with q12 [1], q13 [1], q1 [1] refer to the definitions in Table 1. In
the proposed pilot design. We analyze the achievable rates the first coherence interval, when the first user trans-
of both the uplink and downlink in Section 4. In Section 5, mits a pilot, the other users are mute so that the BS
we deduce the asymptotic achievable rate as the SNR can estimate the first user’s channel without contami-
tends to infinity and zero. In Section 6, numerical results nation from other users. When the second user trans-
show that the proposed pilot design increases data trans- mits a pilot, the first user transmits data while the other
mission rates in various scenarios. Section 7 contains our users still remain quiet, and so forth. In brief, when one
conclusions. user transmits a pilot, other users whose channels have
already been estimated can transmit uplink data. And
2 System model with orthogonal pilots the BS adopts SIC to decontaminate interference from
We consider a cellular system composed of one BS with other users by exploiting the estimated channel informa-
M antennas and K(K M) single-antenna users. Let tion and gets all channel estimates. The channel estimates
ρp , ρu , and ρd be the pilot SNR, the uplink SNR,
√ and can be used in the following uplink data reception and
the downlink SNR, respectively. Denote gk = βk hk as downlink data transmission. As for the second coher-
the channel vector between the BS and the kth user, where ence interval, all users, except the one who transmits a
hk , the corresponding
√ small-scale fading vector, is i.i.d pilot, can transmit uplink data simultaneously during the
CN (0, IM ) and βk models the geometric attenuation as channel estimation stage. The BS can utilize the known
well as shadowing effects which is assumed to be constant channel information estimated either from the previous or
and known a priori. We assume channel obeys reciprocity the present time to remove the contamination from other
in TDD, i.e., the channel factors are the same for both the users.
uplink and downlink, and hk remains constant during a Remark 1. Note that the pilot overhead for each user
coherence interval of length T. in the ith(i > 1) coherence interval of the proposed
The transmission scheme of a conventional massive pilot design is T1 from Figure 2. And T1 KT especially
MIMO system with orthogonal pilots is shown in Figure 1, when T is small. As for the first coherence interval of the
Zhang et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2014, 2014:220 Page 3 of 14
Once the BS gets the first user’s channel estimate, the Lemma 1. [16] Let p and q are two mutually indepen-
first user starts uplink data transmission. By exploiting dent L×1 vectors whose elements are i.i.d CN (0,1) random
a.s. a.s.
the merit of massive MIMO, simultaneous pilot and data variables. Then lim pH p/L = 1 and lim pH q/L = 0,
L→∞ L→∞
transmission of other users has little impact on the first a.s.
where ‘ = ’ denotes almost sure convergence.
user’s uplink data detection.
Then we consider the uplink data detection of the first
Concerning the first user’s uplink data detection when
user after the BS has obtained all users’ channel estimates.
the kth(k > 1) user transmits pilot, the received signal at
The received signal at the BS when all users transmit
the BS is
uplink data is
yk [1] = ρp gk [1]ϕk + ρu gt [1]qtk [1] +wk [1] . (3)
data interference
yu [1] = ρu gj [1]qj [1] + z[1], (5)
The BS applies maximum-ratio combining (MRC) since
it is viable and common in massive MIMO uplink data
reception [2,16]. The uplink data detection of the first user where z[1] ∈ CM×1 is the additive white Gaussian noise.
when the kth user transmits pilot equals Following the steps in (4), the BS detects q̂1 [1] as follows:
to qtk [1], k > t ≥ 1), which are obtained before the present ĝk [1] ∼ CN 0, σk,1
2 I
M and g̃k [1] ∼ CN 0, ε 2 I
k,1 M is the
period. The processed received signal is
independent estimation error, where εk,1
2 = β − σ 2 and
k k,1
⎛ ⎞
rk [1] = ⎝yk [1] − ρu ĝt [1] qˆtk [1]⎠ ϕk∗ 2 ρp βk2
σk,1 = . (13)
t=1 σn2k [1] + ρp βk
⎛ ⎞
√ √
= ρp gk [1] + ⎝ ρu g̃t [1] qtk [1] + wk [1] ⎠ ϕk∗ Then we concern the uplink data detection of the kth
t=1 user when the k1 th(k1 > k) user transmits pilot. From
√ (7) and (12), ĝk [1] and gt [1] (t = k) are independent due
= ρp gk [1] +nk [1] ,
(7) to the fact that gt [1] is independent of gk [1] and nk [1].
Following the steps in (4), the uplink data detection for
k−1 k1 > k equals
where nk [1] = ρu g̃t [1] qtk [1] + wk [1] ϕk∗ means
the residual interference and noise during the kth user’s ĝH [1] yk1 [1] a.s. k1
q̂kk1 [1] = √k 2 = qk [1] . (14)
channel estimation in the first coherence interval. Based ρu ĝk [1]
on the assumption that {qtk [1] } is an independent
sian sequence, assuming g̃t [1] ∼ CN 0, εt,1 2 I
M , we have
As for the uplink data detection of the k th user when all
users transmit uplink data, we can achieve a similar result
⎛ ⎞
k−1 to (6):
E nk [1] nk [1] = ⎝ρu 2
εt,1 + 1⎠ I σn2k [1] I.
t=1 ĝH [1] yu [1] a.s.
q̂k [1] = √ k 2 = qk [1] . (15)
(8) ρu ĝk [1]
Obviously, nk [1] is independent of gl [1] for any l(1 ≤
l ≤ K), given rk [1] in (7), the MMSE estimate of gk [1] is From (14) and (15), the uplink data for the kth user in the
first coherence interval can also be precisely detected in a
ĝk [1] = Ak [1] (Qk [1] )−1 rk [1] , (9) massive MIMO system with the proposed pilot design.
where Ak [1] is defined as 3.1.3 Downlink of all users
k After all users complete the uplink pilot and data trans-
Ak [1] =E gk [1] r [1] mission, the BS starts downlink data transmission, which
√ H is the same for all users. The BS applies matched filter
(b) k (10)
=E gk [1] ρp gk [1] + n [1] (MF)-based beamforming since it works well enough in
√ massive MIMO downlink data transmission [17]. With-
= ρp βk I. out loss of generality, we consider the downlink data
We exploit the independency between gk [1] and nk [1] transmission of the kth user. The kth user receives
(b) (c)
in = and also apply it in = to obtain Qk [1].
H ydk [1] = ρd gH
k [1] pj [1]sj [1] + υk [1], (16)
k k
Qk [1] =E r [1] r [1] j=1
√ H
(c) √ k k where ydk [1] ∈ C is the receiving signal and υk [1] ∈ C is
=E ρp gk [1] + n [1] ρp gk [1] + n [1]
the unit AWGN. pj [1] is the beamforming vector for the
= ρp βk + σn2k [1] I. jth user and is defined as
Kydk [1] for example. Let gA and gB respectively denote the chan-
ŝk [1] = √
ρd ĝk [1] nel vectors at time slots ‘A’ and ‘B’ in Figure 2. Since the
H distance between ‘A’ and ‘B’ is no larger than T, it is rea-
ĝk [1] +g̃k [1] ĝk [1]
(d) sonable to approximately treat gB as gA , i.e., gB ≈ gA .
= sk [1]
ĝk [1] 2 Therefore, as shown in (20) for the k ≤ t ≤ K case,
√ the BS utilizes the estimate of gA to detect the second
gH [1] ĝj [1] Kυ [1]
+ k sj [1] + √ k user’s uplink data at time slot ‘B’. This is different from the
ĝk [1] ĝj [1] ρd ĝk [1] uplink data detection in (14), which is expressed based on
j=1,j =k
a.s. only one condition. As for the following channel estima-
= sk [1], tion process, it is performed in the similar way to that in
(18) Section 3.1. In this way, the k ≤ t ≤ K case for (20) estab-
lishes the main difference of the analysis for the ith(i > 1)
where we divide both the denominator and numerator of
(d) √ coherence interval from that of Section 3.1.
the last term in = by M and it vanishes as M → ∞. Equation (20) can also be extended similarly to the
Equation (18) shows that the downlink data can also be form in (4) and then we arrive at the conclusion that
accurately detected. qˆk [i] = qk [i].
t t
Similar to the procedure in (7), the BS first removes the
3.2 Communication in the ith(i > 1) coherence interval
data contamination from the received signal and generates
Note that, different from the first coherence interval, all
⎡ ⎛ ⎞ ⎤
users show the same transmission pattern in the ith(i > 1)
coherence interval as shown in Figure 2. Hence, without rk [i]=⎣yk [i] − ρu ⎝ ĝt [i] + ĝt [i − 1]⎠ qˆtk [i]⎦ ϕk∗
loss of generality, we take the kth user for instance. Its t=1 t=k+1
channel estimation is contaminated by all the other users’ ⎛
uplink data. As for the uplink and downlink data trans- = ρp gk [i] + ⎝ ρu g̃t [i]qˆtk [i]
missions, they are similar to the procedures elaborated for t=1
the first coherence interval in the above subsection and ⎞
we omit the detailed description due to space limitation. √
To be concise, we here briefly introduce the processing + ρu g̃t [i − 1]qˆtk [i] +wk [i] ⎠ ϕk∗
procedure of channel estimation in the following.
The received signal at the BS when the kth user trans- = ρp gk [i] + nk [i] .
mits a pilot is (21)
where nk [i] means the residual interference and noise dur-
√ √
y [i] = ρp gk [i]ϕk + ρu gt [i]qtk [i] + wk [i] . ing the kth user’s channel estimation in the ith(i > 1)
t=1,t =k coherence interval. Following the steps in (8), (9), (10), and
(19) (11), the BS computes
⎛ ⎞
H k−1 K
Then the BS gets the uplink data estimate qtk [i] of the
E nk [i] nk [i] = ⎝ρu 2
εt,i + ρu 2
εt,i−1 + 1⎠ I
tth(t = k) user:
t=1 t=k+1
⎪ ĝH k
t [i] y [i] σn2k [i] I,
⎪ √ ,1 ≤ t ≤ k − 1
⎨ ρ ĝt [i] 2 (22)
qˆtk [i] =
⎪ t [ i − 1] y [i]
ĝH k
⎪ , k ≤ t ≤ K, H √
⎩√ 2
ρu ĝt [i − 1] Ak [i] = E gk [i] rk [i] = ρp βk I, (23)
which uses the known channel estimate from the present and
coherence interval when 1 ≤ t ≤ k − 1 and uses that from H
the previous one when k ≤ t ≤ K. Hence (20) is separately Qk [i] = E rk [i] rk [i]
expressed based on two conditions.
√ √ H
Here, we assume that the variation of channel vectors =E ρp gk [i] +nk [i] ρp gk [i] +nk [i]
during a coherence interval is ignorable. Any two chan-
nel vectors between the same user and BS can be treated = ρp βk + σn2k [i] I,
as approximately equal if they locate within a distance of
T. Take the channel vector from the second user to BS (24)
Zhang et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2014, 2014:220 Page 7 of 14
Then the BS gets an MMSE estimate: ydk [i] = ρd gH
k [i] pk [i] sk [i]
√ signal(S)
ρp βk k
ĝk [i] = r [i] . (25) √
σn2k [i] + ρp βk + ρd gH
k [i]pj [i] sj [i] + υk [i] ,
j=1,j =k
Again, the channel can be decomposed as gk [i] = interference(I)
g̃k [i] +ĝk [i].From the
properties of
MMSE estimation,
ĝk [i] ∼ CN 0, σk,i IM , g̃k [i] ∼ CN 0, εk,i
2 2 I
M is the inde- where the signal, interference, and noise terms are marked
pendent estimation error, where εk,i
2 = βk − σk,i
2 and with S, I, and N, and gHk [i]pk [i] is assumed to be accurately
estimated at the kth user.
First, we derive the power of the intended signal in (28),
d . By applying Khintchine’s law of large num-
denoted by Sk,i
2 ρp βk2
σk,i = . (26) bers [19] and with some basic manipulations, we have the
σn2k [i] + ρp βk (e)
following equality in = with high probability for large M.
Thus we arrive at
2 for any ith(i ≥ 1)
Equation (26) is the unified form of σk,i
coherence interval by comparing (13) with (26). Analysis d
Sk,i =ρd gH k [i] pk [i]
in the next section shows that σk,i2 will be useful in the
ρd H
performance analysis of our proposed pilot design. = 2 ĝk [i] +g̃k [i] ĝk [i] ĝH
k [i] ĝk [i] +g̃k [i]
αk,i MK
ρd 2 H 2 !
E ĝH
4 Performance analysis (e)
= 2 k [i] ĝk [i] + g̃k [i] ĝk [i]
Given the processing procedure elaborated in the above αk,i MK
section, we are now ready to conduct theoretical perfor- (f ) ρd " 2 4 2 2
mance analysis of our proposed scheme. From Figure 2, = 2 (M + M)σk,i + Mεk,i σk,i
αk,i MK
the proposed pilot design saves more resource for data
transmission compared with the conventional orthogo- ρd (M + 1) σk,i
2 + ρ ε2
d k,i
nal one when K grows large along with M. However, due K
(h) ρd Mσk,i + ρd βk
to the semi-orthogonal pilot pattern, SIC-based channel 2
estimation is adopted, leading to a larger estimation error = ,
than the conventional one. In this section, performance (29)
analysis is presented to show explicitly the potential ben-
efits that can be achieved by our proposed pilot design. where E [·] means the expectation operator and pk [i] is the
In this section, we analyze the performance of the mas- beamforming vector:
sive MIMO systems in terms of both the uplink and
downlink achievable rates. The approximation of the kth ĝk [i] ĝk [i]
user’s achievable rate [18] is defined as pk [i] = √ = √ . (30)
K ĝk [i] αk,i MK
S ĝ [i]
Rk = log2 (1 + γk ) = log2 1 + , (27) The scalar αk.i = √k is a normalization factor [10].
By using Lemma 1, we can get the value of αk,i as M → ∞:
where γk is the associated signal-to-interference-noise- a.s.
ratio (SINR); S, I, and N stand for the power of signal, lim α 2 = lim ĝH 2
k [i] ĝk [i] = σk,i . (31)
M→∞ k,i M→∞
interference, and noise, respectively. Next the achievable
rate is calculated by evaluating the power of these items (f ) (h)
Besides, = exploits Lemma 2 in the following and =
term by term. 2 + ε2 = β .
utilizes the fact that σk,i k,i k
Lemma 2. Let x and y are two mutually independent
4.1 Downlink analysis
L × 1 vectors whose elements are i.i.d CN (0,σ 2 ) random
Here we first conduct downlink performance analysis H 2 ! 2 !
since it is much simpler than the uplink one. Assume that variables. Then E x x = (L2 +L)σ 4 and E xH y =
the kth user is of interest. Review the process of down- Lσ 4 .
link communication in (16) and replace pj [1] with pj [i]
(i ≥ 1) to formulate the downlink communication for any Proof. : It can be directly obtained by correlating the
ith coherence intervals: vectors in the element-wise way.
Zhang et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2014, 2014:220 Page 8 of 14
Using a similar technique to (29), we have the power of u
Sk,i = ρu ĝH
k [i] ĝk [i]
d , as follows:
the interference in (28), denoted by Ik,i
= ρu (M2 + M)σk,i
Ik,i = ρd gH
k [i] pj [i]
And the power of the interference in (34) is
j=1,j =k
ρd H !
= E g [i] ĝj [i]2 2
= ρu ĝH + ρu ĝ [i] gj [i]2
j=1,j =k
2 MK u
Ik,i [i] g̃k [i]
(32) k k
j=1,j =k
= Mβk σj,i2
j=1,j =k
αj,i MK
2 2 2
= ρu Mσk,i εk,i + ρu 2
Mσk,i βj
j=1,j =k
(K − 1) ρd βk
= ,
K 2 4
= ρu Mσk,i βj − ρu Mσk,i . (36)
(i) j=1
where = is based on the independency between gk [i] and
ĝj [i] (k = j) and the fact that the variance of gj [i] is βj IM .
The noise power in (28) can be readily obtained by Then the noise power in (34) is readily achieved:
Nk,id = E[υ ∗ [i] υ [i]] = 1. Then the downlink achievable
k k
rate of the kth user in the ith coherence interval is
Nk,i = ĝH 2
k [i]ĝk [i] = Mσk,i . (37)
2 +ρ β
ρd Mσk,i d k
Rk,i = log2 1 + . (33)
(K − 1) ρd βk + K u , I u , and N u into (27), the
Substituting the analyzed Sk,i k,i k,i
kth user’s uplink achievable rate of case 1 in Figure 2 is
4.2 Uplink analysis
There are three kinds of uplink transmission patterns in
⎛ ⎞
massive MIMO systems with the proposed pilot design.
The first kind of uplink communication contains only ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ρu (M + 1) σk,i
uplink data, i.e., case
1 in Figure 2, while the other two Ruk,i = log2 ⎜ ⎟.
⎜1 + ⎟ (38)
kinds of uplink communications, i.e., cases 2 and 3 in ⎝ K
ρu βj − ρu σk,i
2 +1
Figure 2, cover both the uplink data and pilot. Here we j=1
take the first kind of uplink communication as an exam-
ple since the respective analysis of the other two kinds of
uplink communications are similar. As for the second kind of uplink communication, we can
Assume that the kth user is of interest. Write down the write down the processed receiving signal for the kth user
MRC processed received signal at the BS based on (5) and during the k1 th user’s first channel estimation as follows:
replace ‘1’ with ‘i’ (i ≥ 1) to formulate the uplink data
transmission for any ith coherence interval. It gives uk √ √
k1 k1
yk 1 [1] = ρu ĝH H
k [1] ĝk [1] qk [1] + ρu ĝk [1] g̃k [1] qk [1]
√ √
yuk [i] = ρu ĝH H
k [i]ĝk [i]qk [i] + ρu ĝk [i]g̃k [i]qk [i]
signal(S) interference(I1 )
signal(S) interference(I1 ) √
+ ρp ĝH
k [1] gk1 [1] ϕk1
√ (34) interference(I2 )
+ ρu ĝH H
k [i] gj [i] qj [i] + ĝk [i] z[i],
1 −1
j=1,j =k
noise(N) √ k1
+ ρu ĝH H k1
k [1] gt [1] qt [1] + ĝk [1] w [1] .
interference(I2 )
t=1,t =k
where the signal, interference (composed of two parts) interference(I3 )
and noise terms are marked with S, I1 , I2 , and N. By apply- (39)
ing the similar analytical procedure for the downlink, it is
not hard to calculate the power of the desired signal, the
interference and the noise in (34) term by term, which are The main difference of (39) from (34) lies in the inter-
u , I u , and N u . The power of the
respectively denoted by Sk,i ference term. Hence we only compute the power of the
k,i k,i uk
desired signal is interference, denoted by Ik,11 :
Zhang et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2014, 2014:220 Page 9 of 14
1 −1
uk 2 H intervals is Nc . Then from Figure 2, the uplink achievable
Ik,11 = ρu ĝH
k [1] g̃k [1] + ρu
ĝ [1] gt [1]2
k rate of the proposed one, in terms of bps/Hz, is
t=1,t =k
2 ⎛
+ ρp ĝH
k [1] gk1 [1]
1 −1
k ⎜ K k −1
⎜ 1 Nc K K
= 2 2
ρu Mσk,1 εk,1 + ρu 2
βt 2
+ ρp Mσk,1 βk1 1 ⎜ uk1 uk
Mσk,1 R̃upp = ⎜ Rk2 ,1 + Rk2 ,i1
t=1,t =k TNc ⎜
⎛ ⎞ ⎝k1 =2 k2 =1 i=2 k1 =1 k2 =1,k2 =k1
1 −1
2 case
2 ⎝
= Mσk,1 ρu 2
βt − ρu σk,1 + ρp βk1 ⎠ . ⎞
t=1 ⎟
Nc K
(40) + T − K − Dpp Ruk,i ⎟
i=1 k=1 ⎠
Then the kth user’s uplink achievable rate when the
k1 th(k1 > k) user transmits a pilot in the first coherence (43)
interval is Meanwhile, from (33), the downlink achievable rate
(bps/Hz) of the proposed one is
⎛ ⎞
Nc K
d d
R̃pp = Dpp Rk,i . (44)
⎜ ρu (M + 1) σk,1
2 ⎟ TNc
uk ⎜ ⎟ i=1 k=1
Rk,11 = log2 ⎜1 + ⎟.
⎝ 1 −1
k ⎠ For comparison, we also provide the uplink and down-
ρu βt − ρu σk,1
2 + ρ β +1
p k1
t=1 link achievable rates R̃uop and R̃dop (bps/Hz) of the conven-
(41) tional orthogonal one in Figure 1 as follows:
u 1 K
R̃op = T − K − Dop Nc Rop,k , (45)
Further concerning the third kind of uplink communi- TNc
cation in a similar way, we can also get the uplink rate
of the kth user when the k1 th user transmits pilot in the 1
R̃dop = Dop Nc Rdop,k , (46)
ith(i > 1) coherence interval is TNc
where the kth user’s uplink and downlink achievable rates
⎛ ⎞ of the conventional orthogonal pilots Ruop,k and Rdop,k are
⎛ ⎞
⎜ ⎟
uk ⎜ ρu (M + 1) σ 2 ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
Rk,i1 = log2 ⎜
⎜1 +
⎟ ⎜ ρu (M + 1) σop,k
⎠ Ruop,k = log2 ⎜
⎟ (47)
ρu βt − ρu σ 2 + ρp βk1 +1 ⎝
t=1,t =k1 ρu βj − ρu σop,k
2 +1
2 +ρ β
ρd Mσop,k d k
& Rdop,k = log2 . (48)
2 (K − 1) ρd βk + K
σk,i , k < k1
where σ 2 = 2
. Here, the variance of channel estimate σop,k
2 for the con-
σk,i−1 , k > k1
ventional orthogonal pilots as shown in Figure 1 can be
ρp τop β 2
4.3 Performance evaluation easily obtained and σop,k
2 = 1+ρp τopkβ [16].
Observing (33), (38), (41), and (42), the channel estima- Remark 2. By comparing (43) with (45), the additional
tion accuracy σk,i
2 has an influential effect on the uplink uplink data transmission, i.e., cases 2 and
3 in Figure 2,
and downlink achievable rates. Obviously, The channel has an influential positive effect on the uplink achiev-
estimates of the conventional one are more accurate than able rate of the proposed pilot design for a small T.
those of our proposed one. However, an inherent merit Though at a cost of channel estimation accuracy, however,
of the proposed one is that it provides more available by exploiting the merit of massive MIMO, the proposed
resources for data communication, which is implied in pilot design can achieve a better tradeoff between pilot
(41) and (42). It makes a difference in performance eval- resource consumption and channel estimation accuracy.
uation. Assume that the number of concerned coherence It outperforms the conventional one in many scenarios.
Zhang et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2014, 2014:220 Page 10 of 14
And the downlink rates of both pilot designs at low SNR
lim R̃dop = Dop Nc R̄dk,op . (58)
ρpp →∞ Nc T are
Some remarks on the high SNR analysis show the pri-
lim R̃dpp = Dpp Nc Rdk,pp . (64)
ority of our proposed pilot design over the conventional ρpp →0 Nc T
5.2 Low SNR analysis lim R̃dop = Dop Nc Rdk,op . (65)
ρpp →0 Nc T
In the sequel, consider the performance of two pilot k=1
designs at an asymptotically low SNR. Following the steps Fortunately, based on the above analysis, we are able to
K achieve Theorem 1 characterizing the advantage of our
in (49) and based on the fact that σn2k [i] ≤ 1 + ρpp βj ,
j=1,j =k
proposed pilot design.
we have Theorem 1. The proposed pilot design outperforms the
(M + 1) conventional one for both low and high SNRs.
γk,i ≥ −(M + 1) + , (59)
1 − λpp,k
Proof. Assume that Dpp = Dop . Based on (55) to (58), we
βk2 have
where λpp,k = 2 . Furthermore, based on ρpp =
ρpp + βj 1
lim R̃upp − R̃uop > [(K − 1) Nc − k + 1]R̄uk,pp
2TNc ρpp →∞ Nc T
2TNc −K+1 ρop , we have k=1
1 K −1
+βk = + βj − βj + , and
ρop ρpp (2TNc − K + 1) ρpp
j=1 j=1,j =k
lim R̃dpp − R̃dop = 0. (67)
(60) ρpp →∞
where the last term tends to infinity at asymptotically low Therefore, it arrives at
SNR. Compared with λop,k , it arrives at the result that lim Cpp s
− Cops
≥ 0. (68)
u ≥ lim γ u , which is also applied to γ uk1 and ρpp →∞
lim γk,i op,k k,1
ρpp →0 ρpp →0
uk The similar result at asymptotically low SNR can be
γk,i 1 in (41) and (42). Define Ruk,op = lim Ruop,k and achieved by using (62) to (65):
ρpp →∞
' uk uk
Ruk,pp = min lim Ruk,i , Rk,11 , Rk,i1 , then we have Ruk,pp ≥ lim Cpps s
− Cop ≥ 0. (69)
ρpp →0 ρpp →0
Ruk,op .
As for the value of R̃dpp at asymptotically low SNR, it
arrives at The conclusion in Theorem 1 is independent of coher-
Mβk2 ence interval length T and number of concerned coher-
+ βk
1 ence intervals Nc . It provides a superior pilot design for
ρpp + βj
γk,i ≥
. (61) scenarios of small or large noise and interference.
(K − 1) βk + ρpp
6 Numerical results
Define Rdk,pp = lim Rdk,i and Rdk,pp = lim Rdop,k , then In this section, we present some numerical results about
ρpp →0 ρop →0
the performance of the proposed pilot design. The system
obviously, we ≥ Rdk,op .
have Rdk,pp
tested here consists of K = 5 users within the same dis-
Above all, the uplink rates of both pilot designs at low
tance from the BS. Without loss of generality, assume that
SNR are
the large-scale fading coefficients βk are all 1. In practice,
1 "
# the users can be scheduled according to their channel con-
lim R̃upp ≥ T − Dpp − 1 Nc − k + 1 R̄uk,pp . ditions. If it is not specified, the number of BS antennas is
ρpp →0 Nc T
k=1 set to be 128, and ρu = ρd = ρp .
(62) First, we compare the system overall achievable rate
of our proposed pilot design with the conventional one
under different numbers of concerned coherence inter-
1 "
lim R̃uop = T − Dop − K Nc Ruk,op . (63) vals with varying SNR. Figure 3 shows that, with the
ρpp →0 Nc T
k=1 proposed pilot design, the system overall achievable rates
Zhang et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2014, 2014:220 Page 12 of 14
Figure 3 Comparison of system overall achievable rates of two designs versus SNR. We set T = 10 and Dop = Dpp = 3.
with different Nc all surpass the rate of the conventional This results from the fact that the channel vectors tend
one when SNR varies from −1 dB to 40 dB, which ver- to be orthogonal as the number of BS antennas increases.
ifies Theorem 1. Further, the system overall achievable Moreover, the system overall achievable rates of the pro-
rate keeps increasing along with SNR when SNR is high, posed pilot design respectively outperform those of the
whereas that of the conventional pilot design tends to sat- conventional one.
urate. Besides, a larger Nc generally leads to a smaller Moreover, Figure 5 illustrates that the system overall
system overall achievable rate due to the accumulative CSI achievable rates of our proposed pilot design achieve a
estimation error. However, Nc impacts little on the com- more significant performance gain compared with those
parison of system overall achievable rates between two of the conventional one as the number of users increases.
pilot designs. This verifies again the priority of our proposed pilot
Then, we consider the performance of two pilot designs design when the number of users is large.
with various number of BS antennas. Figure 4 shows According to Figures 3, 4, and 5, we conclude that the
that the system overall achievable rates of both pilot proposed pilot design provides a performance improve-
designs improve as the number of BS antennas grows. ment compared with the conventional one at most SNR
Figure 4 Comparison of system overall achievable rates of two designs versus number of BS antennas. We set T = 20 and Nc = 2.
Zhang et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2014, 2014:220 Page 13 of 14
Figure 5 Comparison of system overall achievable rates of two designs versus number of users. We set T = 20 and Nc = 2.
under the above scenario due to the tradeoff between pilot pilot design win. This again strengthens the motivation
consumption and channel estimation accuracy. and effectiveness of our proposed pilot design.
Further, in Figure 6, we compare two pilot designs con- Generally, massive MIMO in many cases works at low
sidering SNR and the length of coherence interval T. We SNRs. We have analyzed the performance at low SNRs
assume that) the length
* of downlink data per coherence in both theoretical and numerical ways. Theorem 1 indi-
interval is 3(T−K)
4 , where · means rounding down cates that our proposed pilot design outperforms the
to the closest integer. Figure 6 shows that the proposed conventional one at low SNRs, which is later validated by
pilot design outperforms the conventional one at low and simulation results in Figure 6.
high SNRs no matter how long the coherence interval is, Concerning the high SNR analysis in both Theorem 1
which also coincides with Theorem 1. Besides, the shorter and Figures 3 and 6, this is due to the consideration
the coherence interval is, the larger the SNR region is, in that massive MIMO applies not only for future wire-
which the system overall achievable rates of the proposed less communication systems but also for current long
Figure 6 Comparison of system overall achievable rates of two designs considering SNR and T. We set Nc = 2.
Zhang et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2014, 2014:220 Page 14 of 14
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Part of this paper will be presented at the IEEE Globecom, Austin, USA, Dec. pilot design for massive MIMO systems using successive interference
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the NSFC under 61471114 and 61223001, and the Important National Science
& Technology Specific Projects 2012ZX03001038 and 2013ZX03003016. doi:10.1186/1687-1499-2014-220
Cite this article as: Zhang et al.: On massive MIMO performance with
Received: 7 August 2014 Accepted: 24 November 2014 semi-orthogonal pilot-assisted channel estimation. EURASIP Journal on
Published: 11 December 2014 Wireless Communications and Networking 2014 2014:220.
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