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Distributed Pilot Assignment For Distributed Massive-MIMO Networks

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Distributed Pilot Assignment for Distributed

Massive-MIMO Networks
Mohd Saif Ali Khan*, Samar Agnihotri* and Karthik R.M.+
*SCEE, IIT Mandi, India, + Ericsson, Chennai, India
Email: {saifalikhan00100, samar.agnihotri r.m.karthik}@gmail.com
arXiv:2309.15709v2 [cs.NI] 11 Oct 2023


Pilot contamination is a critical issue in distributed massive MIMO networks, where the reuse
of pilot sequences due to limited availability of orthogonal pilots for channel estimation leads to
performance degradation. In this work, we propose a novel distributed pilot assignment scheme to
effectively mitigate the impact of pilot contamination. Our proposed scheme not only reduces latency,
but it also enhances fault-tolerance. Extensive numerical simulations are conducted to evaluate the
performance of the proposed scheme. Our results establish that the proposed scheme outperforms
existing centralized and distributed schemes in terms of mitigating pilot contamination and significantly
enhancing network throughput.

Index Terms

Distributed Massive MIMO, Distributed Pilot Assignment, Pilot Contamination


The rapid growth and adoption of wireless communication based data services has prompted
the development of technologies that can improve the capacity, reliability, and efficiency of cellu-
lar networks. By reaping the benefits of mMIMO and Ultra Dense Network (UDN), Distributed
mMIMO is emerging as a promising technology [1], [2]. It abandons the concept of distinct cells
but instead deploys a large number of distributed access points (APs) throughout the coverage
area [1]. As there are no traditional cells, the inter-cell interference that plagues cellular systems
is eliminated. Further, as the user equipments (UEs) are very close to APs, this may provide high
coverage probability in the network, thus improving quality-of service to the users. However, as
in traditional mMIMO systems, channel estimation is a critical challenge in distributed mMIMO

networks. One commonly employed approach is blind convolution techniques, such as matrix
decomposition-based signal detection. However, these methods often have high computational
complexity. To mitigate this complexity, researchers have explored leveraging the channel hard-
ening property of mMIMO systems [3]. However, in distributed mMIMO, the channel hardening
is not always guaranteed [4], so getting the estimates using matrix decomposition-based channel
estimation is not a viable option.
Pilot-based channel estimation presents a simple and low-complexity approach that can be
employed within the distributed mMIMO systems to obtain channel estimates. However, before
deploying such solutions in the networks an associated issue of pilot contamination needs to
be addressed. Pilot contamination arises when the same pilot sequences are used for estimating
channels of more than one user, leading to estimation errors and subsequent performance degra-
dation. In a practical system, as it is almost impossible to assign orthogonal pilots to all users,
the users may reuse the pilots. To minimize the impact of pilot contamination, pilot assignment
(PA) should be carried out so that it minimizes the contamination. A lot of work on pilot
assignment in distributed mMIMO networks exists, but most of it is centralized in nature [1],
[5]–[11]. In [1], the authors have proposed two pilot assignment schemes namely random pilot
assignment and greedy pilot assignment based on throughput improvement. In [5], the authors
have proposed a scalable scheme which performs joint pilot assignment and AP-UE association.
In [6], the authors have proposed a graph coloring-based pilot assignment, where the AP-UE
association takes place initially and then pilots are assigned using graph coloring. If the pilot
assignment fails, the AP-UE associations are updated, and so is the pilot assignment. In [7],
the authors have proposed a pilot assignment scheme based on Hungarian matching algorithm.
In [8], the authors have proposed a clustering based scalable pilot scheme where UEs in the
same cluster are allocated the same pilots. In [9], the authors have again exploited the graph
theory, but instead by graph coloring, they have used weighted graph approach. In [10], the
authors have tried to exploit the interference-aware reward, calculated by treating noise as a
interference, for the pilot assignment and AP-UE association jointly. Along with random pilot
assignment [1], that can also be implemented in distributed manner, there are a few distributed
schemes [12], [13]. In [12], the authors have proposed a survey propagation based distributed
pilot assignment scheme that incurs high signaling overhead due to messages passing among
the feasible groups. Also, for the proposed scheme the computational cost increases drastically
as the number of users-to-pilots ratio increases. In [13], the authors have proposed a distributed

multi-agent reinforcement learning-based pilot assignment. This, however, demands centralized

training, resulting in increased signaling overhead, sensitivity to the training data, and lack of
explainability of the model.
To address these challenges, a distributed pilot assignment scheme for distributed mMIMO
systems is proposed in this paper. The novelty of proposed work is rooted in distributed scheme
that jointly performs the pilot assignment and AP-UE association. In this scheme orthogonal pilot
signals are allocated to the topmost UEs of each AP, determined by the largest large-scale fading
coefficient. Subsequently, each AP independently associates itself with these topmost UEs with
different pilot signals. The proposed scheme not only reduces latency in distributed mMIMO
networks, but also improves the overall spectral efficiency. We compare the performance of the
proposed scheme with existing schemes through extensive numerical simulations and establish
its superiority in terms of scalability and overall system throughput.
Organization: The paper is structured as follows: Section II presents the system model.
Section III introduces the proposed distributed resource allocation scheme. Section IV evaluates
performance of the proposed scheme and demonstrates its effectiveness. Finally, Section V
concludes the paper by summarizing our work and discussing its future directions.


We consider a distributed mMIMO network configuration comprising of T UEs and M APs.

The set of UEs is denoted as T , while the set of APs is denoted as M. Each AP is equipped
with A antennas, while each UE is equipped with a single antenna. Both the APs and UEs are
uniformly distributed over the coverage area. To facilitate the coordination and processing of
UE signals, the APs are connected to a Central Processing Unit (CPU) through a front-haul
connection. To minimize computation cost and front-haul overload, a scalable architecture is
employed [5]. This architecture leverages the observation that more than 95% of the received
signal strength is concentrated in a few nearby APs [14]. We consider the TDD mode for our
operations and assume channel reciprocity. To model the wireless channel, we consider a standard
block fading model with a resource block of length Lc . The channel coefficient ht,m ∈ CA
represents the spatially correlated Rayleigh fading channel between the tth UE and the mth AP.
It follows a complex Gaussian distribution such that ht,m ∼NC (0, Rt,m ), where Rt,m ∈ CA×A
represents the spatially correlated matrix that incorporates large-scale fading coefficient (LSFC),
denoted by βt,m , that accounts for various factors such as path-loss and shadow-fading and can

be calculated by utilizing periodically broadcasted synchronization signals from the UE t to

the AP m, [5]. We assume that these channel vectors of a particular UE for different APs are
independent and this assumption is reasonable as APs are distributed over a large area.
Let Lp denote the number of mutually orthogonal pilots such that the length Lp of each
resource block is used for pilot training and the remaining for information transmission. As
number of orthogonal pilots is smaller than the number of UEs, so pilot reuse comes into play.
Let Tp be the subset of UEs sharing the pilot p. Following [5], the received signal yp,m ∈ CA at
the mth AP when the pilot p is transmitted by UEs belonging to Tp is given by :
yp,m = Lp τt ht,m + nm , (1)

where τt is the uplink transmit power of the UE t ∈ Tp and nm ∼NC (0, σ 2 IA ) denotes the noise
at the mth AP. The MMSE estimate of channel ht,m is given by

Lp τt Rt,m Ψ−1
ĥt,m = t,m yp,m , (2)
Lp τt Rt,m + σ 2 IA is the correlation matrix of yp,m . The pilot sharing not
where Ψt,m = t∈Tp

only leads to poorer channel estimation, but also affects ĥt,m , which becomes more correlated
and thus increases the interference among the UEs.
The association of the UE t and the AP m is denoted by a indicator variable dt,m , which
equals ’1’ when the UE t is served by the AP m, and ’0’ when the UE t is not so served. The
received uplink signal at the AP m is given by
yum = τt ht,m dt,m xt + nm . (3)

The payload signal xt ∈ C is the unit power complex signal sent by the UE t and the power
associated with it is denoted by τt . The combining vector vt,m ∈ CA is assigned to the UE t by
the AP m. The estimate of xt is x̂t = t∈T dt,m vH u
t,m ym .

The uplink spectral efficiency (SE) is [5]

SEut = (1 − )E{log2 (1 + SINRut )}, (4)

where SINRut represents the uplink instantaneous signal to noise plus interference ratio of the

tth UE and is given by [5]

dt,m vH 2
τt | t,m ĥt,m |
SINRut = T M
, (5)
dt,m vH
τj | t,m ĥt,m |
2 + zt
j=1,j6=t m=1

where zt = m=1 dt,m vH
t,m ( t=1 τt Ct + σ 2 IM A )vt,m , and Ct is the error correlation matrix for
the collective channel of the UE t.
The precoding vector, st,m ∈CA , assigned to the tth UE by the mth AP and the received
downlink signal at the tth UE respectively, are:

√ ĥt,m
st,m = τt,m q , (6)
E||ĥt,m || 2

ytd = hH
t,m dj,m sj,m xj + nt , (7)
m=1 j=1

where nt ∼NC (0, σ 2 ) is the thermal noise, xj ∈ C is unit power complex signal sent to the tth
UE and τt,m is the downlink power assigned to the tth UE by the mth AP, allocated using the
fraction power allocation [5].
By utilizing the use-and-then-forget bound [15], the downlink spectral efficiency (SE) is

SEdt = (1 − ) log2 (1 + SINRdt ), (8)

where SINRdt represents the downlink instantaneous signal to noise plus interference ratio of the
tth UE and is given by
dt,m hH 2
|E{ t,m st,m }|
SINRdt = M
, (9)
dt,m hH
z − |E{ t,m st,m }|
2 + σ2
where z = j=1 |E{ m=1 dj,mhH 2
j,m sj,m }| .


We propose a distributed pilot assignment scheme to address the limitations on the number
of mutually orthogonal pilots (Lp <T ) and mitigate pilot contamination. A key prerequisite for
distributed mMIMO is that each UE be served by at least one AP. Additionally, each AP must

assign a given pilot to at most one UE to minimize pilot contamination. To guarantee that each
UE is served by at least one AP and to manage pilot assignment, a specific AP is designated
as the controller-AP for each UE. Therefore, in the proposed scheme first, a controller-AP is
assigned to each UE in a distributed manner. Then, pilots are assigned distributively to each
UE by its associated controller-AP. Furthermore, to fully leverage the benefits of mMIMO and
make the system scalable, each UE needs to be connected to an adequate number of APs. To
achieve this, a distributed AP-UE clustering scheme is employed in the final step based on the
constraint that each AP serves one UE per pilot1, thus minimizing pilot contamination while
providing significant power to the UEs.
For each AP m, we define a subset Um of UEs that includes, at most, the leading Lp UEs of
the mth AP, as determined by the decreasing order of the parameter βt,m . Let Tmc be the subset
of UEs with the AP m as their controller-AP. We define Lpt as the set of available pilots for UE
t, initially contains all Lp pilots.

A. Controller-AP assignment

For the controller-AP assignment, we propose a distributed algorithm. In the proposed ap-
proach, each UE is responsible for selecting its controller-AP from the set of available APs
using their respective LSFC values, by following the standard random access procedure [16]
with the broadcast signal [5]. However, there is a challenge when more than Lp UEs intend to
be allocated a particular AP as their controller-AP. This challenges our design requirement that
each AP can serve at most one UE per pilot. However, another issue is that, if a UE requests an
AP with a lower LSFC value to be its controller-AP, this could potentially lead to degradation
in the system performance. To address these, we propose a Controller-AP selection algorithm,
where each UE is assigned one AP from the set Mct of APs as its controller-AP. Also, an AP
can serve as the controller-AP of at most Lp UEs. The details of constructing subset Mct are
given in Algorithm 1. In order to identify the APs that are serving more than Lp UEs and require
some of their associated UEs to request a new controller-AP assignment, and the APs that are
just serving Lp UEs and so are unable to accept controller-AP requests for more UEs, the APs
are categorized into two set. The former are called the oversaturated-APs and are denoted as
MD , and the latter are called the inert-APs and are denoted as MI , respectively. The detailed

The number of users can grow but up to a certain extent such that T < M A, for the system to behave as mMIMO [1].
Therefore, the above assumption does not hinder the performance when numbers of users is very large.

procedure to select controller-AP distributively from the set of potential controller-APs is given
by Algorithm 1. The Algorithm 1 is carried out at the APs in cooperation with the UEs.

Algorithm 1 Controller-AP selection

1: Input: Mct = ∅, βt,m , Tmc = ∅, MD = ∅ and MI = ∅ ∀ t∈T , m∈M
2: Returns: Controller-AP assignment for each UE.
3: for each UE t ∈ T do
4: Calculate βtd as the difference between the largest and second largest LSFC values of
βt,m .
5: end for
6: Calculate γ th = ((βtd )max + (βtd )min )/2.
7: for each UE t ∈ T do
8: Mct = Mct ∪ mmax , where mmax = argmax βm,t .
9: for each AP m ∈ M do
10: if βmmax ,t − βm,t <= γ th then
11: Mct = Mct ∪ m.
12: end if
13: end for
14: Choose a controller-AP randomly from Mct .
15: end for
16: for all AP m ∈ M do
17: Update Tmc = Tmc ∪ t, where AP m is a controller-AP of UE t.
18: if |Tmc | > Lp then
19: Update MD = MD ∪ m.
20: else if |Tmc | = Lp then
21: Update MI = MI ∪ m.
22: end if
23: end for
24: while MD 6= ∅ do
25: for each AP m∈MD do
26: Arrange t ∈ Tmc in increasing order of |Mct |, where priority is given to a UE with a
larger LSFC w.r.t AP m to form a new set Tnew .
27: Set Tmc = ∅ and include first Lp UEs from Tnew in Tmc .
28: AP m unassigns itself as the controller-APs of all UEs in (Tnew − Tmc ).
29: for each UE t∈(Tnew − Tmc ) do
30: Update Mct ← Mct − MI − m.
31: Choose a controller-AP randomly from Mct .
32: end for
33: end for
34: Set MD = ∅, MI = ∅, Tmc = ∅ and repeat steps in lines 16-23.
35: end while

B. Distributed Pilot assignment

Now we propose a distributed pilot assignment scheme. In order to minimize pilot contami-
nation, we introduce a contamination matrix Ad, a binary indicator matrix, indicating whether
any two UEs can share a pilot or not. Every AP assigns distinct pilots to its serving UEs and
informs2 its neighboring APs in Mnb nb
m about its pilot assignment. The construction of Mm is

explained in Algorithm 2. If any two UEs have the same pilot and Ad indicates that these two
UEs cannot share the pilot, then the AP allows a UE to retain the pilot if either the cardinality
of set Lpt for this UE is smaller or its index is smaller than the other UE. The detailed procedure
for assigning pilots to UEs is outlined in Algorithm 2. The Algorithm 2 is carried out at the

C. UE-AP Clustering

The distributed UE-AP clustering is performed to improve the spectral diversity, as in [5].
Each AP serves at most one UE per pilot in order to minimize the pilot contamination. Initially,
each AP m chooses to serve each UE t ∈ Tmc . Then the AP m, for each pilot (except pilots of
UEs in Tmc ), chooses a UE to serve based on the largest LSFC.

D. Complexity analysis

The complexity of graph-coloring based pilot assignment algorithm in [6] is O(TMlog2 M +

2TM + T2 ). The complexity of scalable PA in [5] is O(TM + TLp + MLp ). The complexity of
IAR-based PA in [10] is O(T2 M + ML3p + TM2 ).
The complexity of our proposed Algorithm 1 mainly depends upon the execution in lines 24-
35, the while loop iterates at most M times, given that any AP can be a unsaturated AP at most
once, therefore its worst-case complexity is O(TM2 ). The complexity of Algorithm 2 depends on
finding the set Mnb
m for each AP. This has complexity of O(MLp ). The Algorithm 2 also depends

on execution of the while loop between lines 17-36. Assuming the while loop runs I times, the
complexity of execution of the while loop is O(IML2p ). Therefore, the overall complexity of
Algorithm 2 is O(MLp + IML2p ). The final complexity of overall procedure including AP-UE
association is O(TM2 + MLp + IML2p + MLp ). Putting everything together, the overall complexity
of our proposed scheme is O(TM2 + IML2p ). The actual execution time of the aforementioned

The exchange of information about pilots among APs is carried out via the CPU.

Algorithm 2 Distributed Pilot Assignment

1: Input:Mnb c
m = ∅, the set of neighboring APs, Tm , Lt , Um , count = 0, max iter and
ai,j = 0, ∀i, j, t∈T and m ∈ M.
2: Returns: Pilot assignment for each UE.
3: for each AP m ∈ M do
4: for t ∈ Um do
5: if t ∈ Um − Tmc then
6: Update Mnb nb c c
m = Mm ∪ mt , where mt represents the controller-AP of UE t.
nb nb
7: Update Mmct = Mm ∪ m.
8: end if
9: end for
10: For UEs t, t′ ∈Um , where t 6= t′ , then Ad{t, t′ } = 1.
11: end for
12: while any UE t ∈ T is not assigned a pilot and Lt 6= ∅ do
13: for each AP m do
14: for each unassigned UE t ∈ Tmc do
15: AP m assigns distinct but unused pilots from Lpt .
16: end for
17: end for
18: Each AP m ∈ M informs the other APs in Mnb c
m about the pilots of UEs in Tm .
19: for each AP m ∈ M do
20: for t ∈ Um do
21: for t′ ∈ Um do
22: if t and t′ have the same pilot then
23: if |Lpt | > |Lpt′ | then
24: The UE t′ is allowed to keep its pilot.
25: else if |Lpt | = |Lpt′ | then
26: The UE with lower index between t and t′ is allowed to keep its pilot.
27: end if
28: end if
29: end for
30: end for
31: end for
32: Each AP m ∈ M again informs the other APs in Mnb c
m about the pilots of UEs in Tm .
33: for each AP m do
34: for each UE t ∈ Tmc do
35: Updates the Lpt by removing the pilot of UE t′ for which Ad{t′ , t} = 1, ∀t′ ∈ T .
36: end for
37: end for
38: end while
39: if any UE t left unassigned then
40: The AP mct assigns an unused pilot to the UE t.
41: end if

processes may be substantially lower when compared to the complexities given above, primarily
due to opportunities for extensive parallel execution of various processes within the procedure.
In Algorithm 1, the formation of the sets MD and MI may take place at the APs independently.
Similarly, each AP in MD may run the while loop in Algorithm 1 in parallel. This may further
reduce the execution time significantly. In Algorithm 2, the pilot assignment is being carried out
in parallel at the APs, thus reducing the execution time.


For numerical simulations we have considered an area of 2000 × 2000 square meters in which
T UEs and 100 APs are uniformly distributed. Each AP is equipped with 4 antennas. We have
considered APs to be 10 meters higher than the UEs. We set Lc = 200, Lp = 10, τt =
100 mW and 1000 mW downlink power of each AP. We have considered bandwidth to be
20 MHz. To simulate the large scale propagation model, we have considered the 3GPP Urban
Microcell scenario and the local scattering model for spatial correlation same as in [17]. We
have averaged our results over 50 network instances and for each instance we have considered
500 channel realizations. For all the simulations, P-MMSE precoder [5] is used. For spectral
efficiency comparison we have considered centralized schemes, such as scalable PA [5], IAR-
sum PA [10], graph-coloring-based PA [6]; and a distributed scheme: survey-propagation-based
(survey) PA [12]. For a fair comparison, in scalable and survey-propagation, a AP can serve at
most Lp UEs.

A. Downlink Operations

1) Comparison with centralized schemes: Fig. 1 shows the plot of the 90%-likely downlink
SE for different numbers of UEs. The proposed distributed scheme outperforms the scalable
PA scheme by 2%, the graph-coloring PA scheme by 2%, and the IAR-sum PA scheme by 6%
in scenario involving 100 UEs. Similarly, improvements with 150 UEs are 3%, 18%, and 9%
respectively, and improvements with 200 UEs are 7%, 36%, and 7%, respectively. It can also
be observed that as the number of UEs increases, the 90%-likely downlink SE of all schemes
decreases, but our proposed scheme sees a lesser decrease than all other schemes. These results
demonstrates the superiority of our proposed scheme in terms of 90%-likely downlink SE than
all other schemes for all user scenarios.


1.14 1.16 1.14 1.1

0.71 0.69 0.65
0.5 0.45 0.42 0.42

100 150 200

Fig. 1. 90%-likely downlink SE vs T .

Similarly Fig. 2 shows the graph between average downlink SE for different numbers of UEs.
For T = 100, our proposed scheme demonstrates superior performance compared to the graph-
coloring PA and IAR-sum PA by 22% and 1% respectively. However, it is slightly outperformed
(by 1%) by the scalable PA. For T = 150, the proposed scheme outperforms both the graph-
coloring based PA and the IAR-sum PA, while achieving comparable performance to the scalable
PA. Finally, for T = 200, the proposed scheme surpasses all other schemes.

Fig. 2. Average downlink SE vs T .

2) Comparison with a distributed scheme: Fig. 3 shows the CDF of 90%-likely downlink
SE for distributed PA schemes. To decrease the computational cost of the distributed survey
PA scheme, we have considered the number of UEs to the number of pilots ratio to be 3. The
plot shows that the proposed scheme outperforms the survey-propagation-based scheme, thus
demonstrating its superiority.


0.8 0.1

0.6 0.08
1.4 1.6 1.8 2



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig. 3. CDF of downlink SE, when Lp
= 3.

B. Uplink Operations

1) Comparison with centralized schemes: Fig. 4 shows the plot of the 90%-likely uplink
spectral efficiency for different numbers of UEs. In a scenario involving 100 UEs, the proposed
approach outperforms the scalable PA technique by 1%, the graph-coloring-based PA scheme by
36%, and the IAR-sum PA scheme by 4%. Similarly, with 150 UEs, improvements are 3%, 72%,
and 6%, respectively, and improvements with 200 UEs are 11%, 105%, and 9%, respectively.
It can also be seen that when the number of UE increases, the 90%-likely downlink SE of all
schemes decreases, however our proposed scheme has a lesser decrease than all other schemes.

1.17 1.16 1.13

1 0.86
0.67 0.65 0.63

0.5 0.39 0.41 0.37 0.38


100 150 200

Fig. 4. 90%-likely uplink SE vs T .

Fig. 5 shows the graph between average uplink SE for different numbers of UEs. For T = 100,
our proposed scheme demonstrates superior performance compared to the graph-coloring PA by
approximately 17% and the IAR-sum PA by nearly 2%. It is, however, outperformed (by ≤ 1%)

by the scalable PA. The proposed scheme surpasses both the graph-coloring-based PA and the
IAR-sum PA by a significant margin for T = 150, while matching the scalable PA performance.
Finally, for T = 200, our proposed scheme surpasses all other schemes.

4 4.04 3.94
3.25 3.26 3.17
3 2.7 2.68
2.58 2.63


100 150 200

Fig. 5. Average uplink SE vs T .

2) Comparison with a distributed scheme: Fig. 6 shows the uplink SE plot for distributed PA
schemes. Again in order to decrease the computational costs in distributed survey PA scheme, we
have considered the number of UEs to the number of pilots ratio to be 3. In terms of 90%-likely
SE, the proposed scheme outperforms the survey-propagation-based scheme by 2% for T = 45
and by nearly 4% for T = 60. Thus, indicating the superiority of our proposed scheme.


0.8 0.1

0.6 0.08
1.8 2 2.2 2.4



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig. 6. CDF of uplink SE, when Lp
= 3.

C. Discussion

Superior performance of our proposed distributed scheme in terms of both 90%-likely downlink
as well as uplink SE demonstrates its ability to outperform not only distributed survey PA scheme,

but all of the aforementioned centralized schemes, and performance continues to improve as the
number of UE grows. This is primarily attributable to our approach’s priority of reducing pilot
contamination for each UE by assigning distinct pilots to UEs that are more susceptible to
contamination, thus improving fairness among UEs in terms of contamination. Although our
proposed scheme does not focus on improving the average SE, it still achieves greater average
downlink as well as uplink SE than IAR-sum and graph-coloring PA schemes in all scenarios.
However, our approach has a modest disadvantage in terms of both average downlink and uplink
SEs over the scalable PA scheme for low user density scenarios. This minor difference in average
SE demonstrates that, despite being distributed, our approach is competitive with centralized


Our work shows that the proposed distributed pilot assignment technique in distributed mMIMO
systems may substantially enhance spectral efficiency compared to centralized as well as dis-
tributed existing schemes. By using a distributed approach, this strategy not only boosts spectral
efficiency but also reduces latency and increases the network’s fault-tolerance capability. These
findings highlight the importance of using distributed resource allocation algorithms to achieve
optimal performance in distributed mMIMO systems. The positive findings of this study illustrate
the potential benefits of adopting distributed approaches in future distributed mMIMO network
plans and deployments.


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