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1. PRECAUTIONS .................................................................. 1

2 . ACCEPTANCE INSPECTION .............................................3

3. STORAGE ..........................................................................- 4

4 . TRANSPORTATION ...........................................................4

5 . INSTALLATION ...................................................................5

6 . PERIPHERAL EQUIPMENT ...............................................6

6.1 Selection guide ............................................................................

6.2 Peripherals list ...........................................................................7

7. STRUCTURE ...................................................................... 8

7.1 Removal/installation of front cover ...............................................8

7.2 9
PARAMETER UNIT .....................................................................

8 . WIRING ............................................................................. I 0

8.1 10
Wiring Instructions .....................................................................

8.2 11
Main Circuit ................................................................................

8.3 12
Control Circuit ............................................................................

9. OPERATION ..................................................................... 14

9.1 14
Operation Mode .........................................................................

9.2 Pre-Operation Checks ...............................................................14

9.3 Pre-Operation Settings ..............................................................


9.4 Check Points during Test Run ...................................................17

I 0 . PARAMETER UNIT .......................................................... 19

10.1 Structure of the Parameter Unit .................................................19

10.2 Functions of the Parameter Unit ................................................20

10.3 Parameters ................................................................................

11. EXPLANATION OF THE PARAMETERS .........................49

11.1 Functions of the Parameters ..................................................... 49

11.2 Operation using the Programmed Operation Function ..............61

11.3 Five point flexible V/F Chavacteristic ......................................... 67

11.4 PU Disconnection Detection Function .......................................69

11.5 Auto Commission ...................................................................... 70

11.6 Selection of the Stall Prevention Function ................................. 76

12. MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION ................................77

12.1 Precautions for Maintenance and Inspection ............................ 77

12.2 Check Items ............................................................................... 77

12.3 Measurement of Main Circuit Voltages.

Currents and Powers ................................................................. 80

12.4 Checking the Inverter and Converter Modules .......................... 82

12.5 Replacement of Parts ................................................................ 83

13. TROUBLE SHOOTING .....................................................84

13.1 Clearing Up the Cause of Fault Checking the

Parameter unit display ............................................................... 84

13.2 Faults and Check Points ............................................................ 85

13.3 Protective Functions .................................................................. 86

13.4 Alarm Code Unit ........................................................................ 88

14. SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................89

14.2 Applicable motor capacity for Inverter power rating ..................91


AND TERMINAL SPECIFICATIONS ................................92
15.1 Internal Block Diagram .............................................................. 92

15.2 Specifications of Input/Output Terminals ...................................93


AND DC REACTOR ..........................................................

17. OPTION LIST ..................................................................


Connect the accompanying DC Filter (reactor) to chassis unit

(DC; reactor should be cooled with forced ventilation).

Do not connect the power supply to the output terminals (U. V. W.).

Disconnect all the connector of the printed circuit boards when the insulation resistance measure-
ment is performed.

Do not conduct the dielectric withstand voltage test.

Use the lnverter Chassis Unit by accommodating it in a suitable enclosure with the forced
ventilation. (Refer to the separate panel enclosure building guidelines)
Refer to Instruction manual for important safety information regarding wiring (section 8.1).

Mount the lnverter Chassis Unit in the vertical position for use.

Remove the front panel of the lnverter Chassis Unit and make sure that the voltage accross the
capacitors are fully discharged (CHARGE on light is off).
Work must not be performed on the MELTRAC inverter, until the capacitors have been completely
Discharge of the capacitors will take a minimum of 15 minutes after input power is off.
Complete discharge less than 25VDC can be confirmed by checking the capacitor residual voltage
using a DC voltmeter with 1188V. Scale and if no reading is obtained the scale should be changed
to the next lower range, the voltage check should contine, progressively using the next lower scale
until no reading is indicated on the lowest scale.
Cornplete discharge can also be confirmed by the CRG lamp, but as the CRG lamp cannot be
illuminated without main power supply.
Charge LED is near the terminal block T2 on the center left of control PCB.

Do not inserVremove PU from inverter or dedicated extension cable socket without first removing
power from inverter.

Set the acceleration time and deceleration time to the time period more than commercial accelera-
tion time and free running deceleration time.

Make sure to ground the lnverter Chassis Unit is accordance with applicable electrical codes
(grounding resistance 10 ohms or less or equivalent).

Do not use a motor which,has a rated capacity in excess of that of the lnverter Chassis Unit, even
if the motor load is lower.

When Walkie-Talkie radio wave equipment is used in the vicinity of the inverter, ensure that
the front panel of the lnverter Chassis Unit or of the cubicle is closed, to prevent the inverter

Installation area
(1) Make the length of a cable between the inverter and motor shortest possible (in order to reduce the
impedance between the inverter and motor).
(2) Avoid the area of high temperature and high humidity.
(3) Don't use the inverter at any area which is exposed to much-dust, corrosive gas, oil splash or vibra-
(4) If moisture or salinity exists near, take care to prevent it from entering the inverter unit.
* Since the force air cooling is used, specially keep in mind that the inverter is easily influenced by the

2. External wiring
(1) Keep the main-circuit wiring and control-circuit wiring 30cm or more away from each other. If they are
parallel to each other, minimize their lengths.
(2) Ground the shields of the shield cables of the frequency commands at one point on the inverter side.
(If they are grounded at two points on both sending and receiving sides, the circulating current will
flow and it will sometimes become a noise source.)
Route the shield cable through another duct or steel conduit, separating it from other control cable or
power cable.

3. Inverter Panel Cubicle (Enclosure) grounding

Ground the inverter box directly to the ground pole or the ground bus line (special Class 3 10Q or less) but
not through other box or equipment.
The ground cable size is 38mm2or more.

4. Noise countermeasure
Gain the operational power supply of the inverter box from the exclusive operation transformer. Provide
the noise killer on the relay which is connected to the operational power supply in order to reduce noise.
(As an example of the noise killer (for the circuit of 220V or lower), Okaya Denki brand CR50500BL is
If the thyristor control unit is connected to the same bus line, additionally provide ACL on the thyristor
control equipment side (in order to reduce the power voltage distortion).

5. Power voltage check for operation

Verify that the power voltage is within the tolerable variation range of the inverter.
(Even in case of the transient voltage drop soon after start of other load or the voltage drop due to the start
current, it does not drop beyond the rated setting voltage of 300V or less.)
Moreover, in case of the 400V system, verify that the line ground is not the one-line type but the neutral
point type or the isolated neutral type.
(The one-line ground of the line is not allowed in Electrical Facility Standard either.)

Check for shipping damage upon receiving your MELTRAC-A140E Chassis Unit.
If any damage is found, report it to the carrier immediately. Open the front panel of the Chassis Unit and check
inside for any visual damage.
Check the installation conditions as follows.

(1) Check whether the model of Chassis Unit is what you ordered?
(2) Check whether all the following accompanying items are there or not?
(3) Check the grounding conditions of the Chassis Unit.
(4) Check all mounting and connection screws for tightness, damages of all wires and cables in the main circuit,
control circuit, operation circuit and of incoming and outgoing terminal.
(5) Check all connectors for proper seating in their sockets.
(6) Check cooling air inlet.
(7) Check cooling air outlet.
(8) MELTRAC-A140E Chassis Unit require 380VAC-460VAC 3-phase 50Hz160Hz input power.

Model and accessories Table

MT-A140E-11OK MT-A140E-150K MT-A140E-220K MT-A140E-280K MT-A140E-375K


T50MH270A T36MH350A T25MH530A T16MH672A T14MH880A

I REMARKS I Refer to this Instruction Manual and Panel building Manual.


When temporarily storing the lnverter Chassis Unit which has been unpacked and inspected, take care the follow-

(1) To prevent the lnverter Chassis Unit from getting invasion of water and dust, place a desiccanting agent in the
lnverter Chassis Unit and seal it with vinyl sheet.
(2) Store the lnverter Chassis Unit in a place free from direct sun shine and vibration.
(3) Store the lnverter Chassis Unit in the rage of -10°C (14°F) to +60°C (140°F) of ambient temperature without
condensation due to abrupt temperature change.
(4) When storing the lnverter Chassis Unit for long time exceeding six months, check the storage condition of the
lnverter Chassis Unit every six months.
(5) When the lnverter Chassis Unit stored for 2 years or more is used, gradually increase both the control power
supply and main circuit power voltage in the rate of approximately 40 Volts/minute to energize the capacitors.
(When the rating voltage is directly applied to the lnverter Module Unit, it does not get damaged. However, its
reliability may be degraded.)

When storing the lnverter Chassis Unit in a panel board, follow the conditions described above.
If it is difficult to seal the panel board with a vinyl sheet, seal the opening of the board and place a space heater
inside the board to prevent occurrence of condensation.


When transporting the lnverter Module Unit, hang it using the hanging holes and transport it with care.

For the weight of the lnverter Chassis Unit, see "Paragraph 17. Specifications"
When the lnverter Chassis Unit is mounted into an force ventilated floor fixing enclosure, the reliability of the In-
verter Chassis Unit just depends on the installation method and circumference of installation, so make sure the

(1) Mount the lnverter Chassis Unit in the vertical position.

(2) Do not mount the lnverter Chassis Unit in a high-temperature and high-humidity environment (ambient tem-
perature and relative humidity of the lnverter Module Unit should be less than 50°C (122°F) or less and 90%
or less, respectively.)
(3) Forcedly cool the accompanying DCL by air at 5 meterlsec. (0.003 mileslsec.)
(4) Do not use the lnverter Chassis Unit in a condition where corrosive gas, splash of oil, and vibration exist.
(5) If the lnverter Chassis Unit is used in a dusty environment, mount an air filter on to the air inlet of the accom-
modating board.
(6) Since the lnverter Chassis Unit provides a forced ventilating fan, mount the lnverter Chassis Unit so that the
resistance of the fan's air path becomes minimum.


M- (8 INCHES) I/




(IN CASE OF MT-A140E-75K OR MT-A140E-11OK)

6.1 Selection guide

Name (model) Description Installation

Capacity must exceed kVA described in "Power sup-

ply Capacity" standard specifications (p. 26).
Power supply With the DC reactor installed, the power factor of Power transformer
capacity power source will be approximately 95%. This value
is less than or equal to the power factor when the
motor is operated using commercial power.

Line-side main
Select proper cable size
circuit cable
Circuit breaker
Circuit Breaker Select proper input circuit breaker

Install cooling fan to discharge heat (generated by

Cooling Fan
inverter and DC reactor) outside of enclosure.

AC contactor Select appropriate size AC contactor

Install to prevent inverter malfunction if surge voltage

is generated on power line from a thyristor converter
reactor for
or vacuum contactor on the same power system. Also
install when the supply voltage imbalance is greater
than 3%.

Use to reduce noise in the AM radio frequency band

Radio "Oise filter which may be generated by the inverter. For use on
inverter input side only.

Install the DC reactor specially designed for the

DC reactor for power MELTRAC-A. Power factor will be approximately
factor improvement
Reactor connecting
Select proper cable size

Brake unit (MT-BU) This brake unit improves inverter braking capability.
and discharge Use the brake unit in combination with a discharge Brake unit
resistor (MT-BR) resistor. P
--- Regenerative
Use when continuous or high braking capacity is
required and when operating and stopping high N
Power regenerative inertial loads (GD2) frequently. This unit is a high-
converter performance brake unit that saves energy by
(available soon) regenerating power back to the power source. Unit
advantages include no need for discharge resistors
and significantly cooler operation.
This filter reduces motor noise. The next largest
Sine-wave filter
inverter for the motor rating should be selected

Load-side main
Select proper cable size
circuit cable
6.2 Peripherals list

T h ~ stable IS based on motors uslng M~tsub~shl's

standard deslgn. (Note 1)

@ Voltage
Variable torque
motor rating
Wire (mm2) (Note 4) . Exhaust fan
(Note 6) type (accessory) (Note 2) (Note 3) R, S, T U, V, w P, PI (Note 5)

T75MH NF225 225A S-K100 (130A) (140A) (160A)

75kW MT-A140E-75K 60 EF-25ASB
175A (NF225 225A) (S-K150) 60 60
14 lOO/llOV
NF225 225A (174A) (192A) 50160Hz
90kw MT-A140E-1'OK
Tt;r; (NF400 JOOA)
60 60 80 12m3/min
NF225 225A (190A) (233A)
50HP) MT-A140E-1'OK
T$fF (NF400 35011)
(S-K220) 80
80 100 Suction port,
500 x 500mm
T36MH NF400 400A SKI80 (230A) (235A) (282A) or more
132kW MT-A140E-150K 100 100 100
350A (NF400400A) (S-K220)

T36MH NF400 400A S-K300 (260A) (285A) (318A)

150kW(200HP) MT-A140E-150K 125 150
350A (NF400400A) (S-K300) 125

400V NF400 400A S-K300 (278A) (305A) (340A)

160kW MT-A140E-220K 2x100
to ?: :T (NF600 50OA) (S-K400) 125 150
460V . EF-30BSB
T25MH NF400 400A S-K300 (322A) (350A) (395A) 14 100/11ov
(250HP) MT-A140E-220K 530A (NF600 500A) (S-K400) 150 150 2x100 50/60Hz
NF400 400A S-K400 (348A) (375A) (426A)
200kW MT-A140E-22M(
Tg?:F (NF6OO 600A) (S-K400) 2x100 2x1 00 2x1 00

Suction port,
NF600 500A S-K400 (383A) (410A) (470A)
220kw (300HP) MT-A140E220K
T$%E (NF6OO 600A) (S-K600) 2x100 2x100 2x100
500 500mm
or more
T16MH NF600 600A S-K600 (435A) (460A) (533A)
250kW(350HP) MT-A140E-280K 672A (NF600600A) (S-K600) 2x100 2x100 2x125

NF600 600A (487A) (515A) (596A)

280kW (400HP) MT-A1aE-280K
(NF800 800A)
(S-K600) 2x1 25 2x1 25 2x1 50

Tl4MH NF800 800A S-K800 (652A) (690A) (798A)

375kW ( ) MT-A140E-375K (NF800 800A) (S-K800) 2x1 50 2x1 50 2x200

Notes: 1. Motors of 75 kW or more are basically custom-made. Their characteristics depend on the number of poles, the protection
form, and the manufacturer. Check the specifications of the motor actually used.
2. Types in parentheses are applied when devices are run on commercial power. Select an interruption capacity that is suitable
for the short-circuit capacity of the power source. To use a leakage breaker, select one that accommodates harmonic surges
and has a sensitivity current of 100 to 500 mA.

3. The model in parentheses is the contactor to be used on the motor side when run on commercial power.
4. For cables outside the panel (R. S, T, U, V, and W), a larger size may be selected than listed in this table depending on the
cabling conditions and the cabling distance.
5. An exhaust fan is needed to discharge heat generated in the panel. Select a fan that can provide an adequate exhaust air flow
taking into account the pressure loss caused by the filter at the inlet port.
6. HP rating is only at 460V.

7.1 RemovaVinstallation of front cover

Turn the latch hook on the lower area of the cover with coin, and strongly pull the cover, and the lower area will 3
be opened.
For removal, slightly pull up the cover to disengage the hinge hook. I

* The parameter unit will remain on the body side.

For installation, reverse the above procedure.



Latch with key lock

Installation of the Parameter Unit
The PU may either be installed directly to the inverter or connected to the inverter by the optional cable so that
it may be hand-heldor installed to a panel. The PU may be installed and remove when the inverter is powered
up or running.
(1) Direct Installation to the Inverter
The PU is used on the front cover of the inverter (electrically coupled by the connector). For the model not
equipped with the PU, remove the accessory cover from the inverter front cover and install the PU to that

(1) Installation
1) Fit the fixing hole at the PU bottom into the catch of
the inverter front cover.
2) Gently push the PU into the installation space in
the inverter. The PU is fixed into the inverter by the
spring action of the top button of the PU.
- (2) Removal
1) Gently finger-push the top button of the PU.
(Arrow @)
2) Pull the PU toward you using the catch as a

Fixing hole Catch

[CAUTION] The PU should only be installed on the inverter when the inverter cover is installed.

(2) Connection Using the Cable

The PU may be installed not only to the inverter but also on the surface of a panel or may be hand-heldfor
adjustment, maintenance, inspection, etc. In this case, the dedicated cable (option) is required for con-
nection of the PU and inverter.

(1) Connection
Securely insert one end of the cable into the inverter
connector and the other end into the PU as shown on
the left. Insert the cable plugs along the connector
guides (as shown on the left).
(The inverter may be damaged if the plug is inserted in
the wrong direction.)
(2) Fixture
Secure the inverter-side cable plug with installation
screws as shown on the left.
Fix the PU-side cable plug so that the cable may not be
@.:@ /-
Insert along the guides.
disconnected by its own weight.

[CAUTION] The dedicated PU cable (option) may only be used to connect between the PU and inverter.

8.1 Wiring Instructions

Note the following when wiring to prevent miswiring and misuse.

Notes on Wiring
I (1) The power must not be applied to the output terminals (U, V. W), otherwise the inverter will be damaged.
1 (2) Connect only the recommendedoptional brake resistor between the terminals P and N. In addition, these
I terminals must not be shorted.
(3) Use sleeved solderless terminals for the power supply and motor cables.
(4) The common terminals SD, 5 and SE of the control circuit (isolated from each other) must not be
I grounded.
1 (5) Use shielded or twisted cables for connection to the control circuit terminals and run them away from the
main and power circuits (such as 200V relay sequence circuit).
(6) When rewiring after operation, make sure that the inverter LED has gone off and that the charge lamp on
the printed circuit board or beside the terminal block has gone off.
(7) The cable size for connection to the control circuit terminals should be 0.75mm2. Run the cables so that
they do not occupy much of the control box terminal block space.
(8) When the power supply voltage is special (Over 440V), remove the jumper between terminals X-XI on
the control PCB.

- Design Information to Be Checked

(1) The inverter will be damaged not only by
miswiring but also by a sneak current from the
power supply if there is a commercial power
supply switch-over circuit shown on the right. supply
To prevent this, provide electrical and mechani- I Sneak current
cal interlocks for MC1 and MC2.
(2) If the start signal (start switch) remains on after a power failure, the inverter will automatically restart as
soon as the power is restored. When a machine restart is to be prevented at power restoration, provide
a maanetic contactor MC in the ~rimarvcircuit of the inverter and also make UD a seauence which will
not switch on the start signal.
(3) Since input signals to the control circuit are at a low level, use two parallel micro signal contacts or a
twin contact for contact inputs to prevent a contact fault.
(4) Do not apply a voltage to the contact input terminals (e.g. STF) of the control circuit.
(5) Do not apply a voltage directly to the alarm output signal terminals (A, B, C). Apply a voltage via a relay
coil, lamp, etc. to these terminals.
(6) Since the wiring for the frequency setter and frequency indicator is a week-current circuit, prevent the
wiring from being induced by other power cable, control cable or equipment. Use the shield cable for
the setter and the twist cable for the indicator, and pas the cables through the exclusive duct.
(7) When parallelly routing the control cable, the main-circuit and other 200V or higher power cable, keep
them 30cm or more away from each other but don't run them near each other. If any control cable, main-

@ circuit power cable and other 200V or higher cable are inevitably crossed each other, cross them at a
right angle to each other and keep them 5cm or more away from each other.

8.2 Main Circuit

(1) Connecticon of the power supply and motor




The power supply cables must be connected to

R, S, T.
If they are connected to U, V, W, the inverter will
be damaged,
(Phase sequence need not be matched.)
Connect the motor to U, V, W.
In the above connection, turning on the forward rotation
Fig. 8.1
switch (signal) rotates the motor in the counterclockwise

(arrow) direction when viewed from the load shaft.

Note - I
Motore overlord protection must be provided in accordance with National Electrical Code.
8.3 Control Circuit

Output signals Control power supply terminal

I Alarm output
(Change-over Charge lamp
contact output)

Open collector outputs Control power

voltage rated at
Remove the short-
circuit bridge. 0
441 to 460 V
I Open collector outputs frequency
power failure IPF

Separate power
supply used as the
control power

Calibration potentiometer ('1)
(law iokn)

Multi-speed selection


Y Terminal block
Remove the short-
circuit bridge.
iI Second accel./decel. time selection
Thread size = M4

1I Current input selection

:I, - - - - _ _ _',- -•-Analog

Start self-holdingselection

Output stop
I -
s o
* signal output
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - L! *(OtoIOVDC)

i Reset

(Contact input common)

damaged if terminals
10I10E and 5 are
I onnected. Beware of

i Forwardrotation
I Reverse rotation
i Jcg modelexternal thermal
I relay input select Current input (4 to 20 mADC)
(Common is terminal 5)
i Automatic restalt after inetantaneous
power failure select
(switched between 0 to 5VDC and 0 to
I External transistor common

Control input signals (Common is terminal 5)

(Do not apply voltage to any terminals.)

1. Terminals SD and 5, which are the common terminals of the I10 signals.
Must not be grounded at the terminals.
2. Use shielded or twisted cables for connection to the control circuit terminals and run them away from the
main and power circuits (including the 200V relay sequence circuit).
3. Since the frequency setting signals are micro currents, use two parallel micro signal contacts or a twin
contact to prevent a contact fault.
('1) 4. This calibration potentiometer is not required when making calibration from the parameter unit.
(*2) 5. Input signal switching can be done from the parameter unit.
('3) 6. 2W 1K is recommended when the frequency setting is changed frequently.
(*4) 7. The output terminals other than the running (RUN) terminal allow alarm definition to be output in alarm
codes and nine functions to be assigned individually.
Using the STOP terminal Using the CS terminal
Connect as shown below to self-hold the start sig- Used to perform automatic restart after instanta-
nal (forward rotation, reverse rotation). neous power failure and switch-over between com-
mercial power supply and inverter.

Example: Automatic restart after instantaneous power failure
(1) Connect CS and SD.
(2) Set 0 in parameter 57.

Forward rotation ~ - ~ s T F I (Connect)

Reverse rotation '. '-

Using the PC terminal
Used to connect transistor output (open collector output) such as a
programmable logic controller (PC). Connecting the external power
supply common for transistor output to the PC terminal prevents a
faulty operation caused by a sneak current.

Note: AY40 requires DC24V power supply

I AY 40 transistor 1

\ .-.------.--.--.--.--.--:
.- Inverter
- - ? 2

Correct Connection Wrong Connection


9.1 Operation Mode

Select any of the following operation modes according to the application and operating specifications:
Operation Mode Description Remarks

The inverter is operated with the Factory-set to select this operation mode at 1)

start switch, frequency setting power on.' Inverter
potentiometer, etc. connected to
Operation using the the control terminals of the
external input signals inverter.
The inverter is started, s e t ~ n Prepare the parameter unit if it is not 2)
frequency, and operated at provided for the inverter. (See page 17 for Inverter
variable speed from the parameter the operating procedure.)
Operation using the unit.
parameter unit

Start is made by the external input

signal, and the running frequency
is set from the parameter unit.
The external frequency setting potentiom-
eter and the forward rotation, reverse
rotation and stop keys of the parameter
unit are invalid.
C2h; 751 3)

Combined operation
using the external input
signals and parameter The running frequency is set by The external input signal start switch is
unit 4)
the external input signal, and start invalid. Inverter
and stop are effected from the
parameter unit.

*Parameter unit operation mode may be selected at power on.

9.2 Pre-Operation Checks

After the installation and wiring procedures are complete, make the following checks before starting operation:

(1) Check that the wiring is correct. Especially check that the power supply is not connected to terminals U, V
and W.
(2) Check that there are no faults such as short circuit due to wire off-cuts, etc.
(3) Check that the screws, terminals, etc. are securely tightened.
(4) Check that the motor and inverter are grounded.

Insulation resistance test using megger

Perform the insulation resistance test using a megger in accordance with the procedure on page 74.
Do not conduct the insulation resistance test on the inverter terminals and control circuit terminals.
9.3 Pre-Operation Settings
The inverter is not provided with setting switches, potentiometers, or links for control purposes.
Use the parameter unit (FR-PU02E) to change or check the set values of various functions (e. g. acceleration1
deceleration time, electronic overcurrent protector) according to the load and operational specifications. (See
page 47 for the factory-set values of the functions.)
For the set value changing and checking procedures, see the section of the "PARAMETER UNIT" in this
manual (from page 19 onward).
The main items to be set before operation are as follows:

Item Description Ref. Page

External input signal operation mode

The maximum output frequency is factory-set as indicated below. The setting must be
changed when the inverter is run at a higher value.
(Maximum output frequency value set at the factory) p.58
* Voltage signal ..... 5VDC (or 10VDC) for 60Hz
Maximum output
* Current signal .....20mADC for 60Hz, 4mADC for OHz
frequency (Changing the maximum output frequency setting)
Change the values of "frequency setting voltage bias and frequency setting voltage gain" (or
"frequency setting current bias and frequency setting current gain") from the parameter unit. p.60
(Pr. 902 to 905)

Parameter unit operation mode

The maximum output frequency is up to the maximum frequency (factory-set to 60Hz). p.49

Factory-set to 15 seconds. Set the required value if the inverter is operated at other than the
Acceleratioddec above value.
eleration time The set time is the length of time until when the set value in "acceleration/deceleration
reference frequency Pr. 20" is reached.

Note: The operational characteristics are based on the Mitsubishi standard squirrel-cage
Electronic motor.
overcurrent Since the electronic overcurrent protector cannot be applied to a special motor, protect p.50
protector a special motor using an external thermal relay or the like. (For a constant-torque
motor, this function can be set in the parameter.)

Base frequency
setting (Pr. 3)
Set the ratings of the applied motor p.49
Base Frequency
voltage setting
Item Description Ref.Page

Set the specifications of the frequency setting voltage signal entered across terminals 2-5.
Operation at 0 to SVDC Operation at 0 to 10VDC
Set 1 in function number 73. Set 0 in function number 73.

setting input
signal setting (for
operation with
analog signal)
0 to 5
VDC +5v 7
Operation at 4 to 20mADC

4 to 20mADC input is only selected when terminals AU-SD are connected.

Hence, AU and SD must be connected to perform operation with this signal.

frequency To be only used to restrict the upper and lower limits of the output frequency.
Minimum Through setting may be made at less than the maximum output frequency, proper operation p.49
frequency cannot be performed if it is set to an unreasonable value.

Meter calibration Allows the meter to be calibrated from the parameter unit without using the calibration resistor. p.43
9.4 Check Points during Test Run
After checking .that the inverter start signal is off (in the external signal operation mode), switch on the no-fuse
breaker (NFB) and magnetic contactor (MC) in the inverter input circuit.
Perform a test run and check the operating status in the following procedure:

Power on ........................................ The inverter LED (4 digits) is lit

For operation using
external signals
For operation using
the parameter unit
- For full information on
operation, see the section of
(from page 19 on ).
When the power is switched on, the

I Operation
mode 1 inverter equipped with the parameter unit
is automatically set to the external signal
o~erationmode and also to the
donitoring mode.
press the(PU key to select the
parameter unit operation mode.

Direct setting
Enter the required frequency with
Start numeral keys and press the [WRITE]

Tum on the forward or reverse rotation
start signal (switch).,,
Slowly turn the frequency setting
I 2. setting
press the [i]key until the required ....The motor speed increases in
proportion to the rise in
frequency is reached and press the
potentiometer clockwise from zero to the key. frequency meter reading"
fully clockwise position. Il (frequency value indicated on
Press the [FWD] or [REV] key. the parameter unit).
(At this time, the monitoring mode is
selected automatically.)

Slowly turn the frequency setting

counterclockwise to the
fully counterclockwise (zero) position. Press the [STOP] key. ....The motor speed decreases
Turn off the forward or reverse rotation in proportion to the fall in
start signal (switch). frequency meter reading
(frequency value indicated on
'Note: If the parameter unit is not in the monitoring mode, a frequency increase or decrease is not the parameter unit). When
displayed the output frequency reaches
the DC dynamic brake
operation frequency, the DC
dynamic brake is applied to
bring the motor to a sudden
Check Points
(1) Check that the direction of motor rotation is correct. (See page 11 for the wiring and rotation direction.)
(2) Check that the motor is free from unusual noise or vibration.
(3) Check that the frequency meter deflects smoothly.
(4) Check that the "OL" code is not displayed on the parameter unit during acceleration or deceleration. If the
"OC' code is displayed:
Check that the load is not too large.
Increase the acceleration/deceleration time.
Reduce the boost value.

(1) The inverter is not started up if the forward rotation (STF) and reverse rotation (STR) start signals are
turned on at the same time.
The motor is decelerated to a stop if the above signals are switched on at the same time during opera-
(2) When ALARM is displayed on the inverter LED and the motor is coasted to a stop, make sure that the
motor has stopped, then reset the inverter by switching the power off or using the reset terminal.

10.1 Structure of the Parameter Unit (Option)

The FR-PU02E parameter unit is installed to the MT-A series inverter or connected to it by a cable (option)
and allows operation to be performed, functions to be selected (set values to be readlwritten), the operating
status to be monitored, and alarm definition to be displayed. In addition, the FR-PU02E has a troubleshooting
function, help function and parameter graphic display function.
The FR-PU02E parameter unit is hereinafter referred to as the PU.

,Display Mode select keys

13 character x 4 line liquid crystal display Used to select the PU operation and external operation (operation
screen for showing parameter graphic using switches, frequency setting potentiometer, etc.), setting mode
display and troubleshooting as well as and monitoring mode.
monitoring 20 types of data such as
frequency, motor current and I10 terminal Frequency change keys
states. Used to continuously increase or decrease the running frequency.
Hold down to change the frequency.
I Y Press either of these keys on the setting mode screen to change
the parameter set value sequentially.
On the monitoring, parameter or help menu screen, these keys are
used to move the cursor.
Illl~l~lllIlllllllllI Hold down the key and press either of these keys to

6 0 . O O
H ~ advance or return the display screen one page.

Operation command keys

Used to give forward rotation, reverse rotation and stop commands
in the parameter unit operation mode.

@@mq-- Write
to write a set value in the setting mode.
Serves as a clear key in the all parameter clear or alarm history
clear mode.
Acts as a reset key in the inverter reset mode.

Read key
Used also as a decimal point key.
Acts as a parameter number read key in the setting mode.
Serves as an item select key on the menu screen such as param-
eter list or monitoring item list.
Acts as an alarm definition display key in the alarm history display
Serves as a command voltage read key in the calib;ation mode.

-Function and numeral keys

Used to select the basic functions and enter the frequency,
parameter number and set value.

- Help key
Used to call the help menu screen for selection of any
help item.
Acts as a monitoring list or parameter list display key in
the monitoring or setting mode.
Press this key on any parameter setting screen to call
the corresponding parameter graphic display screen.

- Shift key
Used to shift to the next item in the setting or monitoring mode.
Press this key together with either of the A and V keys
on the menu screen to shift the display screen one
page forward or back.

- Clear key
Used to clear set data or a wrong value in the setting mode.
Acts as a graphic display stop key.
Press only when returning from the help mode to the
previous mode.
10.2 Functions of the Parameter Unit
The PU may be used in a wide variety of applications ranging from motor operation to monitoring as described

Note: A parameter will be referred to as Pr.

External operation andlor PU operation mode can be selected.

External operation ......The inverter is operated using the start switch and
frequency setting potentiometer connected to the inverter
terminal block.
PU operation .............. The inverter is started/stopped and running frequency is
set from the PU keys.
PU/external combined operation
Selecting the operation mode ..............The inverter is operated using the PU and external switch
and potentiometer.

The combined operation may be performed in either of the following methods:

1) The PU keys are used for start and stop, and the external potentiometer is
used for frequency setting.
2) The external switches are used for start and stop, and the PU keys used
for frequency setting.

The frequency may either be entered directly from the ten-key pad or by holding
Operating the motor
down the [A] (or [V])key.

The required function can be read directly or rewritten......p.30

Convenient functions
Changing the function set I All set value clear (initialization)...... p.36
Rewrite disable ...............................p.62
Frequency meter calibration ........... p.43
Reset selection ............................... p.61

The operating status (e. g. output frequency, motor current, input power) can be
checked, and I10 terminal states and up to eight past alarm definitions can be
monitored. The inverter is monitored by either the inverter LED display, PU main
display or PU level display.
10.2.1 Operation Mode
The inverter has four operation modes; operation by external input signals, operation by PU, Putexternal input
signal combined operation and programmed operation. The operation mode can be selected (switched) be-
tween the external input signal operation mode and PU operation mode by the mode select keys of the PU.
The other modes are selected by setting in Pr. 79. Pr. 79 also allows the operation mode to be limited (fixed).
The PU operation mode may be output as a signal (see Pr. 40).

Factory-Set Operation Mode

When the input power is switched on (or reset is made), the operation mode is set to the external input signal
operation mode. Hence, powering the inverter up makes it ready to operate with external input signals. In this
state, turn on the start signal (across STFJSTR-SD) to start operation.

Limiting (Fixing) the Operation Mode

The operation mode at power on may be limited, e.g. operation from the PU is enabled at power on without
switching the operation mode with the PU's mode select key. For full information on setting the operation
mode, see page 69.

Selecting the Operation Mode in the Factory-Set State (Pr. 79 setting is 0)

NFB Inverter Motor

34 input -+a Fornard

Start Reverse
switch rotallon

* Frequency

The invertor is inoperative if the frequency setting

potentiometer (setting signal) is not connected (input).

Press the [PU OP] key.

NFB Inverter Motor

34 input -9 MT-A

Switching between the PU operation and external signal operation must be performed after the forward (or
reverse) rotation signal of the PU or external input signal has been turned off.
This switching cannot be performed if this signal is on.
10.2.2 Operation
The motor can be started and stopped from the PU without using the external frequency setting potentiometer or
start switch.
The PU also allows jog operation.
Operating Procedure

(1) Directly entering (setting) the required frequency (Direct setting)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I I '
j [PU OP] [Required frequency value] WRITE] [FWD] (or [REV]) [STOP: I
I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I

Setting the running frequency ...........Repeating this procedure during operation

allows the speed to be varied.

Setting example To run the motor in the forward direction at 30Hz.

Note: The parameters, etc. are as factory-set.

Operation and keying

PU Screen Display Remarks
Power on

STOP E X T (1)


0 . OOHz Displays the latest (previ-
ous) set value.
0-400 (OHz in thefactoryset state)
0 . OOHz


[FWD] IIIIIIIII The motor starts.

(900rlmin for .:t' 4-pole
S T F FWD PU (5)

[STOP] The motor stops.

I(2) Directly entering (setting) the required frequency (Direct setting)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ - - _ _ - - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ - ~


I [PU OP] [Required frequency value] [WRITE] [FWD] (or [REV]) ;STOP: I
l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - I

SeRing the running frequency ...........Repeating this procedure during operation

allows the speed to be varied.

1- After running the motor at 30Hz again as set on the preceding page,
change the set value to 60Hz

I Operiation and keying

I PU Screen Display I Remarks
I I---
STOP PU 1 (7) 1
IIIIIIIII The motor runs at the pre-
ceding set value.




(3) Setting the required frequency by continuous speed change using the [A] or [V]key
(Step setting)
1 I
; [PUOP] [A](or[V]) WRITE] [FWD](or[REV]) CSTOPI I
I - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l

1- Change the preceding setting (60Hz) to 40Hz and run the motor in the
forward direction.

Operation and keying Remarks

PU Screen Display
Set 6 0 . OOHz, The previous set value is
+ displayed
0-400 (14)

Set 6 0 . OOHz, This value changes (re-
+ 59.99Hz duces) continuously while
0-400 ("'he m key is pressed.


[FWD1 The motor starts.

(1200rlmin for the 4-pole

[STOP] The motor stops.

STOP PU (18)

2: The set value is stored into
the inverter memory.
(Validanytime afterthe [A]
(19) or [V]key is pressed.)

Note 1: Holding down the [A] or [V]key gradually increasesthe rate of change of the set frequency.
Set to the target value by pressing and releasing the key as required.

Note 2: When the frequency has been set to the required value, the WRITE] key must be pressed
to store the set frequency.
(When the power is switched off or when the PU operation mode is switched to the external
operation mode and then switched back, the frequency returns to the set value as it had been
before the change (60Hz in this example).)

y STOP P U '


10.2.3 Changing the Monitor Screen
The inverter can be monitored by either the LED (red light emitting diode) display on the inverter, the 5-digit liquid
crystal display on the PU (PU main monitor) or the PU level meter. These displays are selected by the following
method: 3
1. Inverter LED display
Setting Pr. 51 on the PU allows selection from 16 types of data.
For full information on the setting method, see the explanation of Pr. 51.
Pr. 51 is factory-set to the output frequency display (Pr. 51 =I).

2, PU level meter
Setting Pr. 53 on the PU allows selection from 15 types of data.
For full information on the setting method, see the explanation of Pr. 53.
Pr. 53 is factory-set to the output frequency display (Pr. 53 =I).

3. PU main monitor
5 types of data can be selected in sequence by the SHIFT key as shown below.
Among the five monitor screens, the fifth monitor screen (selective monitoring) allows selection from 12 types
of data such as the frequency set value and running speed.

Additionally, Pr. 52 allows selection from four types of data such as the load meter and cumulative operation time.
For full information on the select items, see the explanation of Pr. 52.

1 (1) Monitor selection in the factory-set state

I _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ - - - - _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

( ~ i r spriot!ity
t screen) t screen)
(First prionty


(Output voltage monitor)

2 UVT 6

By pressing the [m] key, five types of data can be called in sequence. Press the [WRITE] key
on any monitor screen to always start from that screen (first priority screen). Example: By pressing
the [WRITE] key on the output voltage monitor screen, pressing the C f i 0 m ) key first calls the
output voltage monitor screen, which is the first priority screen. (The sequence of screens switched
by the cm) key remains unchanged from the above diagram.)
1 (2) Selecting a new monitor item in the selective monitoring mode

C w )[v ] [READ] [WRITE]


* For the items selectable,
see page 56.
I (35) I

I Monitor select screen (for the

I way of calling this screen, I
refer to the preceding page) I

1- Select the input terminal state screen in the selective monitoring mode.

Operation and keying Procedure PU Screen Display Remarks

[Pu OP] The following operation can also be

carried out in the external operation



IF (T )T)(m)


3 Voltage
4 A l a r m H i s B (39)

Hold down G ~ T )
[ V l [ V l [s'l
Without pressing ( S ~ T ]Key
[TI 181
El 7 Shaft Trg
Hold down ( m ) a n d press ['dl or
[A]to advance or return the screen
one page.

10 Therm OIL
1 1 Peak I

[READ] [WRI'TE] By pressing the (m) key, the

O S T R ORM O S T O other monitor screens can be called.

Note 1: In this state, the 110 terminal states selected here are first displayed with priority when the other operation mode
is switched to the monitoring mode. (Refer to the preceding page.) When first priority has been given to other
data, press the [WRITE] key with that monitor screen being displayed. The first priority screen then switches to
that monitor screen.
Note 2: When the selective monitor screen is not the first priority screen as in the above operation, the selected data is
erased from the memoryas soon as the power is shut off orthe other operation mode (such as external operation)
is selected.
In this case, the selective monitoring mode must be selected again by the above procedure.
When the selective monitor screen remains as the first priority screen, the selected data remains intact in the
I memory.
(3) Selecting any of the monitoring Items "load meter", "motor exciting current", "position pulse", and
"cumulative operation time"
When the "load meter" or "motor exciting current" has been selected, the output current monitor screen is
switched to a corresponding screen.
When the "position pulse" or "cumulative operation time" has been selected, the output voltage monitor screen
is switched to a corresponding screen. When any of these four items has been selected, therefore, the output
current or output voltage monitor screen cannot be used.

When "load meter" or. When "position pulse"

"motor exciting cur- or "cumulativeopera-
rent" monitor has tion time" monitor has
been selected, this been selected, this
screen is switched. screen is switched.
(First priority screen) -_---___-----.
--- ---
I - _ - - _ _ - _ - - - _ _ _ I - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I
L _ _ _ _ - - - - - -

(Selective monitor) (Alarm code monitor)

Screen Display in the Frequency Monitoring Mode

-[~ain monitor1 : Allows 20 types of data (note) to be monitored, e. g. frequency, motor

current, output current.
-1~evel meter] (display in %) : Like the main monitor, allows 15 types of data to be monitored in %.
(Different data from those in the main monitoring can be selected.)

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Indicates the stall prevention

120.00 FWD PU (48)
function is activated.
Indicates the operation

t t fI
: PU operation
: External operation
Indicates the operation PUj : PU jog operation
EXTj : External jog operation
STF : Forward rotation FWD : During forward rotation NET : Computer, PC link operation
STR : Reverse rotation REV : During reverse rotation PU+E : PUIexternal combined operation
--- : No command or STOP : At a stop PRG : Programmed operation
both ON JOGf : During forward jog operation
JOGr : During reverse jog operation

Note: For more information on the 20 monitor screens available, refer to page 59 (monitor/output signal selection).

e The following modes are displayed on the parameter unit:

(power on)

I External operation mode

Monitoring mode
[Setting ] ] (3)
PU operation mode
(1) Direct in

(2) Jog
nal operation
(4) Special operation
Monitoring mode Setting mode
1 f monitor 9 DC bus voltage (1) Parameter read
2 l monitor 10 Output current peak (2) Parameter write
3 V monitor 11 DC bus voltage peak (3) Graphicdisplay mode
4 Alarm history 12 Thermal load factor I
5 Speed 13 Input terminal monitor
6 Regenerative brake duty 14 Output terminal monitor
7 Input power 15 Frequency command' 1 I
. .

8 Output power

16 Output torque
$- +
Help mode (see page 34)
(1) Monitoring (4) Parameter clear (8) Troubleshooting
(2) PU operation 1) 0 to 899 clear (except calibration functions) 1) Motor does not rotate.
(3) Parameter 2) All clear (including calibration functions) 2) Speed does not increase.
1) Setting (5) Alarm history 3) Acceleration/deceleration time is long.
2) Parameter list (6) Alarm history clear 4) Output current is large.
3) Change list (7) Inverter reset
4) Initial value list
10.2.4 Changing or Checking the Function (Parameter) Set Values
By changing the parameters of the inverter, the function and performance of the inverter and motor can be matched
to the application. The factory-set values need not be changed when they are appropriate. The parameter numbers
are represented Pr.
Operating Procedures

(1) Directly entering the Pr. number, calling and setting the parameter

[PU OP] [SET] @ a a@ @ [READ] [WRITE]


*The function names (abbreviation) of parameters Pr. 0 to Pr. 9, which are most often used, are given below
the numerals on the numeral keys (0 to 9).

Isetting example I Setting Pr. 7 (acceleration time) to 3.5 seconds.

Operation and Keying Procedure PU Screen Display Remarks


Set P r . N O .
FOR P R . L i s t


[R EA Dl Current set To call the parameter function graphi-

seltins tally
@ [READ] [WRITE] (ern)
4- (55)
(Returns to the previous screen)

pq STOP EXT (53)
Press theR
to the)RM
]-( key to move

or (WT] After the setting is complete, press

the key to move to the next
(2) Calling the parameter list and setting the parameter

a a
C - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[PU OP] [SET] (KP[] ] [READ] [WRITE]
- - - - - - - - J

Set value

Isetting example 1 Setting Pr. 13 (starting frequency) to 1Hz.

Operation and Keying Procedure PU Screen Display Remarks


S e t Pr.NO.
FOR P R . L i s t


I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - !
[ V ] [V] ;

[READ] To call the parameter function graphi-

13 S t a r t F
0.50Hz cally

(Returns to the previous screen)


or (m) 14 L o a d VF After the setting is complete, press

the (SHIFT ) to move to the next

Note: Hold down the (SHIFT) key and press the [ V ] key.
10.2.5. Applying the Help Function

By pressing HELP in any PU operation mode, the inverter gives the operation guide.

j (1) [~onitoringmodel (m) -t on it or in^ (item) list 1


(2) ((HELP) + Iparameter (item) list 1 I
I (before Pr. number setting) I

(3) lSeningmodel (w) + [Graphic display]
I (after Pr. number setting) I

j (4) PU operation model (HELP) 1~ + e operation

y explanationI I

(5) General operation mode] (m)(-1 + I el^ (item) list]


(1) Help function in the monitoring mode

Operating and Keying Procedure PU Screen Display Remarks

]R- ( ] This operation may be performed on
any monitor screen.
Also this operation may be performed
ST0P PU (64) during inverter operation.


* Move the cursor (indicated by +) using the [ A ] (or [V]) key, then press the [READ] Key to select the
corresponding monitor item.
* Furthermore, pressthe [WRITE] key to store the data so that this screen is displayedfirst in the monitoring
mode after the monitor screen has been switched to another display screen.
(2) Help function in the setting mode (Part 1)

Operating and Keying Procedure PU Screen Display Remarks

Set P r . N O .
FOR P r . L i s t


2 Min.FI

Move the cursor (+) and press the [READ] key to select any parameter.

(3) Help function in the setting mode (Part 2) Operation example Pr. 0 (torque boost)

Operating and Keying Procedure PU Screen Display Remarks

Set P r . N O .
FOR P r . L i s t

0- 0 Trq.Bst1

(HELP) The function of the corresponding

parameter is displayed graphically.

F + (70)

-Sr On this screen, press the SHIFT key to graphically display the parameter of the next number.

(4) Help function in the PU operation mode (before frequency setting)

Operating and Keying Procedure PU Screen Display Remarks

-( Dl R E C T L Y

0-400 (71) b y operation exp~anationscreen

a To set the frequency (f), use the
0 to 9 numeral keys.
Fse t : 0 - 9 a Then press the p R I T E ] key.
Then:WRITE a Furthermore press the [FWD]or
[REV] key to start.
(5) Calling the help menu
Press the (HELP) key twice in any operation mode to call the help menu, with which various functions can
be executed.

Help Menu

Function Name Description

1. MONITOR Displays the monitoring list (items).

2. PU OPERATION Informs how to perform PU operation and PU-assistedjog operation via

direct input (direct setting from the ten-key pad).

3. PARAMETER Allows any of the following item executing methods to be selected:

1) Parameter setting
2) Parameter list calling
3) Parameterchange list (list of parameters which have been changed
from the factory-set values)
4) Initial value list (list of parameters set at the factory)

4. PARAMETER CLEAR Either of the following two items can be selected:

1) Parameter clear (returns all parameters to the factory-set values
with the exception of calibration parameters Pr. 900 to 905)
2) All parameter clear (returns all parameters to the factory-set val-

5. ALARM HISTORY Displays past eight alarms.

6. ALARM HISTORY CLEAR Clears the above alarms.

7. INVERTER RESET Resets the inverter.

8. TROUBLESHOOTING The inverter displays the most likely cause of mismatch in inverter
operation with operationlsetting or the cause of inverter fault.
- -- - - -- --

Operations in the help menu not previously described will now be described.
(5) -1) Parameter change list
Displays only the set values of the parameters which have been changed from the factory-set values.

Operating and Keying Procedure PU Screen Display Remarks

Help menu screen

1 SettingMODE Help menu screen regarding the pa-

2 Pr.List rameters
3+Set P r . L i s t
Only the parameterswhichhave been
changed in setting are displayed on
part of the screen.
(The screen shown on the left indi-
cates an example of Pr. 0 whose
value has been changed to 8%.)

(5) -2) Initial value list

Displaysa list of thefactory-set valuesof the parameters.Thisfunction is convenient when a typical set value
is lost.

Operating and Keying Procedure PU Screen Display Remarks

3 Set -Pr.List

[READ] Entersthesetting mode of the param-

eter at the cursor position.
(5) -3) Parameter clear and all parameter clear
Parameter clear and all parameter clear differ as follows: The parameter clear operation does not clear the
calibration parameters of Pr. 900 to Pr. 905, but the all parameter clear operation clears all parameters.
Clear indicates that the parameters are set to the factory-set values.

Operating and Keying Procedure PU Screen Display Remarks

( O F

3 C l e a r None


[WRITE] Clear Pr. Press the [PU OP], [CLEAR] or other

key to return to another mode.


[ V l [READ1 C L E A R ALL P r .
* Exec<WRITE>
[WRITE] Press the [PU OP], [CLEAR] or other
C L E A R ALL P r .
key to return to another mode.

(5) -4) Alarm history and alarm history clear

Operating and Keying Procedure PU Screen Display Remarks


Hold down (am)

and press [ V ]
6 Alarmclear
7 Inv.Reset

1 UVT 5 Alarm history screen

2 UVT 6



[WRITE] Press the [PU OP], or [ S H I m key to

return to another mode.

* The alarm history can also be displayed by pressing the SHIFT key in the monitoring mode.
(See page 26)

(5) -5) Inverter reset

If any protective function of the inverter has tripped the inverter, the following operation allows the inverter
to be reset via the keypad.
The inverter can also be reset by switching the power off or connecting the terminals RES-SD.

Operating and Keying Procedure PU Screen Display Remarks


Hold down [ S H l m and press [ V ] I N V . RESET

furlher [ V ] [V]

[WRITE] When another monitor item has been

selected on the monitoring first-prior-
ity screen, that monitor screen is dis-
10.2.6 Troubleshooting
Select this mode when the inverter operation appears faulty. The most likely cause of the fault is displayed.
This operation mode can be selected during the inverter operation (PU operation, external operation), alarm
trip (protection activated), etc.

Operating and Keying Procedure PU Screen Display Remarks


3 Pr.List

Hold down (SHIFT ) press [V]

further [V][V][V] 6 Alarmclear
7 Inv.Reset

(READ) Symptom menu.

2 M.Spd E r r o r Move the cursor to the item matching
3 M.AIDec E r r the fault and press the (READ) key.

The fault on each display screen are described below.

M. NOT RUNNING (Motor does not rotate)

The inverter has alarm-tripped (protection activated), resulting in output

ALARM shut-off. Press the [SHIFT] key to display the cause of protection activated.
< S H I FT>

The main circuit power of the inverter is lost, or open phase has occurred in
NO I I P Power the power supply. Check the power supply.
o r Phase L o s s

M.NOT RUNNING Both start signals STF and STR are ON or OFF.
b o t h a r e OFF

M.NOT RUNNING The output shut-off input terminal MRS is ON.
MRS i s ON

(1 00)

The inverter starting frequency (Pr. 13) set value is higher than the current
set frequency.
The current input select terminal AU remains OFF. (Not ON)
AU i s OFF

Neither of the FWD and REV keys are ON in the PU operation mode.
N O Command
F r o m PU

M . N O T RUNNING The inverter cannot be started because the inverter starting frequency (Pr.
Max.FI<StartF 13) value is higher than the maximum frequency (Pr. 1).

The inverter cannot be started because the forward or reverse rotation has
EnableFR S e t been inhibited by the value set in Pr. 78.
See Pr.78

The inverter cannot be started since the current limit function is operating.
C u r r e n t Limit Press the SHIFT key to display the assumed cause of activating the current
limit function.

M . N O T RUNNING The inverter cannot be started because it is the stop period in the
programmed operation mode.
TS Control

M . N O T RUNNING The inverter is not started because the operation of PI control has resulted
Under in a condition under which the inverter need not be started.
PI C o n t r o l

Restart cannot be made since the automatic restart after instantaneous

power failure select terminal CS is OFF.
CS i s OFF
Currently it is assumed to be after instantaneous power failure or in the
commercial power supply switch-over operation mode.
M.SPEED ERROR (Speed does not match the running frequency set value)

Since the running frequency set value is higher than the maximum
SetF>MaxFlIF2 frequency (Pr. 1) set value, the running frequency remains at the maximum
6 0 . 0 0 Pr1118
(110) frequency.

Since the running frequency set value is lowerthanthe minimumfrequency

SetF<Min.Fl (Pr. 2) set value, the running frequency has been risen to the minimum
60.00 P r . 2
(111) frequency.

Since the running frequency set value is within the frequency jump setting
Fjump W o r k i n g range, the running frequency has jumped.
S e e P r .31+36

The current limit function has been activated and forced the running
Current Limit frequency to reduce. Press the SHIFT key to display the cause of activating
(113) the current limit function.

The operation of PI control has caused the running frequency to be offset

Under from the set value.
PI C o n t r o l

M.A/Dec Err
(Acceleration/deceleration time is longer than the value set in Pr.7lPr.8)

Acceleration time set value (Pr.7) is displayed.

Frequency reached in the above set time (acceleration/deceleration refer-
ence frequency, Pr.20) is displayed.
Set 5.0s Deceleration time set value (Pr.8) is displayed.
0+ 6 0 . 0 0 H Z
Set 5.0s Frequency from which deceleration is made in the above set time (accel-
60.00HZ+O , (115) erationldeceleration reference frequency, Pr.20) is displayed.

] [v]
Assumed cause of longer accelerationldecelerationtime than the set value
is displayed.
'I Stall prevention function (current limit function) is implemented.
Set time is too short.
S e t Too L o w ?
Motor load is heavy.
(116) Pr. 22(stall prevention operation level) setting error.
M.Curr.High (Inverter output current value is larger than normal)

First, the running frequency, output current and output voltage of the
inverter are displayed.

(1 17) Press the [MI key to display the assumed cause of large output


Low I m p e d a n c e Is the motor a special motor other than the general-purpose 3-phase
Motor? induction motor?
If so, reduce the torque boost set value.
(1 18)
Related parameters : Pr. 0, 38, 46

Is the motor a constant-torque motor (motor for inverter)?

I Low T r q
Motor? If so, reduce the torque boost set value.
Related parameters : Pr. 0, 38, 46
(1 19)

Trq.Bst Since the torque boost set value may be inappropriate, check the following
Setting E r r ? relevant parameters:
See Pr.0,38, Related parameters : Pr. 0, 38, 46

Since the V/F pattern setting may be inappropriate, check the following
VIF Setting
Error? relevant parameters:
See Pr.3,14, Related parameters : Pr. 3, 14, 19, 47

The load may be too heavy.

L o a d Too B i g ? An open phase may have occurred between the inverter and motor.

If the fault could not be identified by the above operation.

If the cause of the fault could not be found in the inverter; the current running
frequency, output current and output voltage are displayed on the screen.

Press @m) to display the relevant assumed cause.
10.2.7 Setting of special parameters
The MT-A Series inverter provides the parameters required to control the inverter of the large-capacity motor.
(1) Hold time for starting (Pr.65)
If GD2 is large when blower or large-inertia load is started, some time is required from the start at the start
frequency to the stable operation. Since the acceleration (frequency rise) is started from the stable state, the start
frequency is held for the time (0 to 10.0 seconds) set at Pr.65 soon after the start.
(2) Optimal VIF pattern setting (Pr.140)
On the fan, pump and other load in which the necessary load varies in proportion to the square of the revolution
speed, it is thought to select the voltage which is lower than that for constant VIF, reduce the iron loss and
increase the efficiency accordingly as the revolution speed drops.
(Effecitve for the motor of 8 or more poles.)
For this purpose, the parameter Pr.140 is used to optimalize the V/F pattern. (Refer to P51.)
Sometimes effective for noise reduction.
(3) PWW mode change (Pr.72)
In order to reduce the keen noise offensive to the ear from the motor noise, set 1 at Pr.72.
In order to further reduce the noise at the low speed by the sine wave filter (optional), set 2 at Pr.72.
(When the sine wave filter is not provided, don't set 2 at Pr.72.)
10. 2.8 Calibrating the Frequency Meter

The PU allows the calibration (adjustment) of a meter connected across the meter connection terminal FM-SD
or AM-5 of the inverter.
When a digital meter is used, the PU allows the frequency of the pulse train output signal to be adjusted (across
terminals FM-SD).
(1) Calibration of the FM-SD output
Preparation ('I) Connect a meter across inverter terminals FM-SD. (Note polarity. FM is the positive
(2) When a calibration resistor has already been connected, adjust the resistancevalue to zero
or remove the resistor.
(3) When 1 or2 has been set in Pr. 54 to select the running frequency or inverter output current
as the output signal, preset in Pr. 55 or Pr.56 the running frequency or current value at which
the output signal is 1440Hz. This 1440Hz normally makes the meter full-scale.
* The motor need not be connected.
Operating Procedure (The following example indicates that the meter is calibrated to the running frequency
of 60Hz.)

Operating and Keying Procedure PU Screen Display Remarks
- -

( i ~ )(SET) 900 F M Tune -The current PU set frequency is dis-


Set the running frequency. 900 F M Tune

@I (WE] Run I n v e r t e r

(FWD) Forward operation is performed at

M n t r F 60.00Hz 60Hz.

Adjust the frequency meter reading to The frequency meter reading moves.
a predetermined position using the M n t r F 60.00Hz
[A] or [V] key.

Calibration is complete.
<MON I T O R >


Note: This calibration (Pr. 900) is only valid when any of 1 to 3, 5 to 14, 17, 18 and 21 has been set in Pr. 54 to output
a signal to terminal FM. When any other value has been set (signal output to terminal AM has been selected in Pr.
54), the absence of Pr. 900 is displayed on the screen as soon as this parameter is selected by the above operation.
(2) Calibration of the AM-5 output
preparation (1) Connect a meter of 0-1OVDC across inverter terminals AM-5. (Note the polarity. AM is the
positive terminal.)
(2) When 101 or 102 has been set in Pr. 54 to select the running frequency or inverter output
current as the output signal, preset in Pr. 55 or Pr. 56 the running frequency or current value
at which the output signal is 10V.
Operating Procedure (The following example indicates that the meter is calibrated to the running frequency
of 60Hz.)

Operating and Keying Procedure PU Screen Display Remarks

-(SET) The current PU set frequency is dis-

S 0 0 Cm) Run Inverter
Set +

Set the running frequency. 9 0 1 AM Tune

@ 0 (m) Run Inverter


0 Forward operation is performed at

M n t r F 60.00Hz

Adjust the frequency meter readingto The frequency meter reading moves.
a predetermined position using the M n t r F 60.00Hz
[A] or [V] key.

(m) Calibration is complete.

<MON I T O R >

Note: This calibration (Pr. 901) is only valid when any of 101 to 103, 105 to 114, 117, 118 and 121 has been set in Pr.
54 to output a signal to terminal AM. When any other value has been set (signal output to terminal FM has been
selected in Pr. 54), the absence of Pr. 901 is displayed on the screen as soon as this parameter is selected by the
above operation.
I 10. 2.9 Adjusting the Bias and Gain of the Frequency Setting Signal

The bias and gain functions are used to adjust the relationship between the input signal entered from outside
the inverter to set the output frequency, e.g. 0 to 5VDC, 0 to 10VDC or 4 to 20mADC, and the output frequency.
Parameters Py. 902 to Pr. 905 are used for this adjustment.
Output frequency
Adjustment examples
Frequency setting voltage bias setting ....
Set the output frequency to 10Hz at the set voltage of OV.
Frequency setting voltage gain setting ....
Set the output frequency to 60Hz at the set voltage of 5V.
Frequencyset voltage

Preparation: ~ e t ' (factory-set

1 value) in Pr. 73 to select input 0-5V for terminal 2.

Operating and Keying Procedure PU Screen Display Remarks

(P~P) Avoltage does not need to be applied

0.OOHz across terminals 2-5.

0 0 (wm) 902 E X T V b i a s The bias setting is 10Hz.

B Hz
Corn l e t e d (137)

If a voltage is being applied, the bias
setting is as shown above.

If you want to set the bias against the

set voltage across terminals 2-5. should be made in the following

(READ) 9 0 2 EXTVbias Preceding set value is displayed.

-Current set voltage across terminals
2-5 is displayed in %. The displayed
(138) value is changed according as the set

(wm) Value selected in Pr. 73 (5V in this

9 0 2 EXTVbias example) is 100%.
1V has been set, the bias setting is
as follows:


Operating and Keying Procedure PU Screen Display Remarks

(m) 902 EXTVbias --0.0% may not be displayed,

The bias setting is as follows:


A voltage does not need to be applied

across terminals 2-5, and gain setting
is made with 5V (or 10V) in the in-

9 0 3 EXTV a i n

set voltage across terminals 2-5. should be made in the following pro-


1903 EXTVgain
9 7 . 1 OIo

903 EXTVgain
-Factory set value
(Preceding set value is displayed.)

Current set voltage across terminals

(141) 2-5 is displayed in %. The displayed
value is changed according as the set
99.0% Value selected in Pr. 73 (5V in this
example) is 100%

Set voltage across terminals 2-5.

(m) 100.0% may not be displayed.


Note: Pr. 904, Pr. 905 (bias and gain of frequency setting current signal) can also be set in a similar manner.
Pr. 903 and Pr. 905 (gains) remain unchanged if Pr. 20 (acc./dec. reference f) is changed.

10.3 Parameters
Parameter List

Note 1: In the Screen D~splaysection, f indicates a frequency. V a voltage, and I a current.

Note 2: The operation factor indicates %ED of the built-in brake transistor operation.
Note 3: 0 parameters allow their set values to be changed during operation if 0 (factory setting) has been set in Pr. 77 (parameter write
disable). f7
Note 4: When the optional T-OPT20 is installed. 2 digit number is to be set. (Refer to T-OPT20 manual.)
Note 5: A140: factory setting value is 460V.
A160: factory setting value is 575V.

11.1 Functions of the Parameters

Pr. 0-Pr. 8 Note: Parameter is abbreviated as Pr. Setting multi-speed settings
Setting torque boost (manual)
Voltage at 0 Hz can be adjusted (biased) as necessary to
provide additional starting torque at low frequencies.
- 1st Multi-speed setting (high)
IPr 2nd Multi-weedsetting- .(medium)
3rd Multi-speedsetting (low)
4th Multi-speed setting
5th Multi-speed setting
6th Multi-speed setting
7th Multi-speed setting
Input terminals RH, RM, and RL alone or in combination are
used to select each speed.
Each preset speed can be set to any value between 0-400
Hz during operation of the inverter. The speed can also be
set by using the "[A] [V]"keys.
Up to 10 speeds can be set by combining these parameters
with JOG frequency (Pr. 15), upper limit frequency (Pr. I ) , or
lower limit frequency (Pr. 2).

Note 1: 1% of factory-setting (manual torque boost). A Speed 1

Note 2: When Pr. 80 and Pr. 81 have been set to select Primary
Magnetic Flux Control mode, there is no need to set this


Setting Maximum and Minimum frequency limit

(Pr Maximum frequency limit Minimum frequency limit
Maximum and minimum frequency output limit can be clamped.
Betweer l and SC
Between i and SC
Belwee~ and SC

I.When Pr. 24-Pr. 27 are set to 9999 (factory-set value), Speeds

4-7 cannot be selected.
2. Multi-speed selections take priority over the main speed
(between terminals 215 or 415).
3. Multi-speeds can also be set during PU operation and external
Note: To set a frequency of 60Hz or more, use Pr. 18.
lPr.1p g
4 Setting base frequency Settina accelerationldeceleration time

Base frequency Im Base frequency voltage

Check motor nameplate for base frequency and voltage
Acceleration time
Accelerationldecele~ationbase frequency
Accelerationldecelerationtime unit
Deceleration time
data. Enter frequency i n Pr.3, and voltage i n Pr.19. This
will establish the correct volts1Hz ramp. Example: Pr.3 = Set Pr. 7 to the time needed to reach the set value for the Pr. 20.
60 (Hz), Pr.19 = 460 (volts). Set Pr. 8 to the time needed to reach the set value for OHz.
Pr.19 can be set to any motor nameplate voltage provided it For Pr. 21 accelerationldeceleration time unit, the setting
is not higher than the voltage supplied to the inverter. range and the minimum setting unit can be set as follows:
Example: a typical high speed spindle motor nameplated Set value 0: 0-3600 seconds (The minimum setting unit is 0.1 seconds.)
330V, at 300Hz; set Pr.3 = 300(Hz) and Pr.19 = 330(volts). Set value 1: 0-360 seconds (The minimum setting unit is 0.01 seconds.)
A n incorrect setting of either Pr.3 or Pr.19 will apply the
wrong VIHz ramp to the motor resulting in motor heating,
and overvoltage trips on overhauling loads.
Setting 8888 in Pr. 19 results in voltage output equivalent
to 95 percent of power supply voltage.

b r a t i 0 4

Note: For a S-shaped accelerat~on/decelerat~on


pattern A (see Pr.


29) only, the value must be the time needed to reach the base
In general, it is important to set Pr.3 and Pr.19 to rated motor values. frequency (Pr. 3).
When Pr.19 is set to 9999 (factory set value), the maximum output- -(-he output wavelength for the wavelength setting signal (analog) is
voltage is as the same as the inverter input supply voltage. set by the gain (Pr. 903 or Pr. 905).

)Settinq value for electronic thermal OIL Pr. 9-Pr. 14
The current value (A) can be directly used as the set value to
protect the motor from overheating. Generally, this Pr. is set
to the motor rated current. This Pr. allows for the reduction
in motor cooling capability during low-speed operation.
When this parameter is set to "OA", the motor protection
function does not operate.
To use an inverter duty constant torque motor, set Pr. 71
(Applicable Motor) to "21"to select the 100% continuous
torque characteristic in the low-speed range. Then set the 1 Pr. 14 ( ( Pr. 140 ( Selecting applied load
rated current of the motor for Pr. 9 (Electronic thermal OIL).
The user can select the optimum output characteristics (VIF
The current value is factory set to the rated output current
characteristics) for specific applications or the load characteristic.
of the inverter. Change rated motor current setting.
The reduction ratio for reduction torque loads can be set
by Pr. 140. k=l to 2 setting possible. (As standard setting,
Adjusting the DC brake it should be set to be 1.75)

( Pr. 10 ( DC injeclion brake operation frequency I~r.14

se! value
I Output characteristics
DC injection brake operation time -1 DC injectionbrake voltage 0 Constant torque load

Setting DC injection brake torque (' voltage), time, and 1 I Reduced torque load
starting frequency allows the user to adjust the stopping
I Reverse boost 0% I
Forward boost 0%
accuracy according to the load. RT-SD %MI ON 1 Constant toraue load IPr. 14 = 0 of the same)
Setting 9999 in Pr. 10 causes the brake operation to slow to
the starting frequency set in Pr. 13. -rermid O N Constant torque load (Pr. 14 = 0 M the same)
Setting 8888 in Pr. 1 1 causes the DC brake to begin at MRS- RT-SD OFF mmt l w p l ~ n toward
g . = 3 w ttesame)
vh ( ~ r14
SD short circuiting.
I (I~CIOIYset value)
For constant toque loads such
For reduced toque load such as
I as conveyors and positive-
displacement machine.
centrifugal pumps and fans

I Base frequency
Output frequency(Hz)
Output frequancy (Hz)

* Factory-set value (for DC injection brake voltage): 1 OO/

1-1 pzEKq
For hoisting type applications. For hoisting type applications.

31Setting starting frequency Forward boost: Set value for Pr. 0
Reverse boost: 0%
Forward boost: 0%
Reverse boost: Set value for Pr. 0

Starting frequency m
1 Hold time at starting freq.
The starting frequency can be set to any value between 0 to 60
At the start time, the start frequency can be held for a cer- f
tain time. Therefore, overcurrent can be prevented when a
large inertia (GD2)load such as the blower is started.
Pr. 65 has a setting range of 0 to 10.0 seconds. It was set at
Base frequency Base frequercy
Output frequency (Hz) Output frequency(Hz)
0 second at shipment from the factory. m\ ,
Note: When Pr. 80 and Pr. 81 have been set to select Primary Magnetic /
Flux Control mode, setting for this parameter is ignored.
Pr. 15-Pr. 66
lm 15 Setting JOG operation

-1 JOG frequency JOG acceleration/deceleration time

For JOG operation, select JOG mode (short between the ter-

mw m
minals JOG and SD). JOG operation is started and stopped
output transistors
by a start signal (input at the STF and STR terminals). I I shut oll SD b------' I
output stop
JOG operation can also be performed by using the parame- k
ter unit. (Refer to the Instruction Manual.)

I Pr. 18 1 Setting high-speed maximum frequency limit

Use this parameter for operation at 60Hz or more.
When this parameter is set, the maximum frequency parame-
ter, Pr. 1, is automatically changed to this set value.
Before setting this parameter, confirm that the motor and
.i.~.:.:.:.:..:.;...:..:....:>..-.+:.:..:. ........
Jo"sD ~;~~~~:::!:;:~!::~;~:~.:g~~:$:<:.:~;::::~~$,:z:zc,~:;;:.;c~<:<~
.......... ...................... .......... . .. ...... ... machine can withstand high-speed operations.

Belween ;c-:.:.:-.;. _.
* ,, ,,,,,, , ,,

Forward I-[ See description of Pr. 3

Reverse >

-1 201See description of Pr. 7, Pr. 8

I ]
Selecting external thermal OIL relay input

Q The set values 0 and 1 switch the functions of the input

2211Pr.I 661
terminal JOGIOH. The JOG function inputs the signal
Setting stall prevention operation level

contact of the JOG operation select signal. When a ther- 1( Stall prevention operation level (current limiting operation level)
mal OIL relay is installed between the motor and the IPr.1High speed stall prevention operation level (current
inverter, or a motor containing a temperature sensor is limiting level reduction rate at 400Hz)
used, select the OH function which will allow an input from I Pr. 66 1 Frequency at which stall prevention level reduction begins
the relay or sensor. Set Pr. 22 for the stall prevention operation level (current

The set values 2 and 3 switch the function of the MRS terminal limiting level). Normally, set this parameter to 120% (equal
to the factory-set value).
to the b-contact input specification (normally closed input).
Setting 9999 i n Pr. 22 enables stall prevention operation
level to be set through the signal to the auxiliary input ter-
minal (Terminal 1).
Q To improve the acceleration characteristic of the motor for
high speed operation at 60Hz or more, the current limiting
level in the high frequency band can be reduced. Pr. 66
sets the frequency at which reduction begins, and Pr. 23
sets the reduction rate.
Q When Pr. 23 is set to 9999 (factory-set value), the current
limit of the set value for Pr. 22 remains constant at 400Hz.
1- ((Factory-setvalue) 1-

output transistors
shut off SD (7 output stop
SD 0
IPr661 4 0 0 ~output
~ frequency
rPr.24 1Msee description of Pr. 4. Pr. 24-Pr. 36
30 Setting regenerative brake
-I -
Selectinq multi-speed input compensator

A compensator signal input at terminal "1" enables speed

External brake resistor selection Maximumregenerativebrake duty ?/'
lTo use optional brake unit and brake resistor, set Pr. 30 to 1
(frequency) compensator to be made to multi-speed settings.
and Pr. 70 for %ED. For standard brake unit and brake resis-
Set value Compensator by auxiliary input tor, %ED is 5% (30 sec/lO min).
0 N o t c o m p e n s a t e d (factory-set value) lPr. 70 setting must match the allowable brake usage factor of
1 Can be c o m p e n s a t e d
the transistor in the brake unit.
=I[ Selecting accelerationldeceleration patterns lWhen Pr. 30 is set to be 0. Pr. 70 is not displayed.

Different acceleration/decelerationpatterns are provided.

The selection will depend on the application. lPr.pzq32pZq~pziq
1-0 (linear acceleration/deceleration) is effec- Frequency jump
tive for most applications. lTo avoid resonance during operation due to natural vibration

- (S-shaped acceleration/deceleration A) is of mechanical system, the resonant frequency can be
used to accelerate or decelerate to high-speeds. 60Hz or jumped. Three jump points can be set, and the jump fre-
more, in a short time. This set value selects an quency can be set above or below each jump point.
acceleration/deceleration pattern with the turning point of
lA frequency reference command within the frequency
the S-shaped curve at fb (base frequency). his pattern is
jump range will result in operation at l A , 2A, or 3A
suited for use with machine tools applications.
(below the jump frequency range).
.[set v a l u e 7 (S-shaped acceleration/deceleration €3) is
used to set constant, S-shaped acceleration or deceleration Range of jump (Operationis avoided in this range.)
at a frequency between f2 (current frequency) and f l
- IPr 33
(target frequency). This function can reduce shocks aris-
IPr35] 3A
ing at acceleration or deceleration.
i ~ 2 B .
IpiiGq 1- 1-1
(linear accalerallow IS-shaped acceleratiow IS-shaped acmleratlow - IPr33) 2A
' The operating frequency
deceleration) deceleration A) deceleration 8) $ IPr321 10 command within Jump will
be the operating frequewy
1A in me portion marked with..

Frequency semng signal

0 - Time
Notes: 1. When the value "9999" is set (factory-set value),
@(Set-"3"ctivates the backlash-reduction function for frequency jump is not executed.
use when the motor is connected to a high backlash load. 2. When Pr. 29 is set to "3",Pr. 33-Pr. 36 are switched to the
This function temporarily changes the output frequency backlash correction setting function. (Pr. 31 and
at acceleration/deceleration to reduce shocks (or back- Pr. 32 remain valid as the frequency jump function.)
lash). Use Pr. 33 to Pr. 36 to set the parameters for backlash 3. The operating frequency within the setting range is
reduction. applied to Jump during acceleration/deceleration.

" Using Pr. 31 and Pr. 32 ensures that the frequency jump function
will remain valid.
1 Pr. 42 1 ( Setting output frequency detection
Pr.42 Output frequency detection
Pr.43 Output frequency detection for reverse operations
The signal level is L when output frequency reaches or exceeds cceleration time
any set detection frequency (the value set for Pr.42 output
frequency detection.) The signal is H when output frequency is
lower than this detection frequency. This function is useful for the
ue boost (manual
operation or the open signal of an electromagnetic brake.

Note: When "9999 (factory-set value) is set for Pr.45, the set value
of Pr.44 is used for both alternate acceleration and
deceleration times.
Setting the alternate stall prevention operation function
JPr Alternate stall prevention (current limiting) operating current
Alternate stall prevention (current limiting) operating
Setting Pr.43 enables activation of frequency detection specifically
. .
for reverse operation. (In this case, the set value of Pr.42 is valid
This function can change the stall prevention (current limiting)
only for forward operation.) This function is effective, for example,
operation level within a range between 0 Hz to the frequency set
in changing the timing of electro-magnetic brake operation
for Pr.49. This function is effective when applying
. - low torque and
between forward (lifting) and reverse (lowering) vertical
speed against a stationary object (holding a load in position).
movement. The factory-set value is "9999, which will be the set
This function does not operate at acceleration, and is valid only at
value for Pr.42 for both for ward and reverse.
deceleration or at a constant speed.
When Pr.49 is set to " 0 (the factory-set value), the Alternate stall
prevention function does not operate. /'
- At acceleraCon
5e!" Note : The set value (%) indicates the ratio
for the rated output current of the
-3rn S
[Pr 4 8 1 e r a t i d c o n s l a n t speed

Operation frequency

jPI.\mp3qm 1- Setting alternate output frequency detection

Settina secondaw control functions In addition to the output frequency detection set for Pr.42 and

Alternate accelerationldecelerationtime Pr.43. output frequency detection can be set for Pr.50.

Alternate deceleration time This function can be output at any of the SU, IPF, OL, and FU

Alternate torque boost (manual) terminals by setting "5" (FU2) for any of the four digits (from the 1st

Alternate VIF (base frequency) to 4th digits) of Pr.40. The output signal is turned on at a

The accelerationldecelerationtime and the boost setting can be frequencies higher than or equal to the set frequency (See the

changed at the same time through the external contact signal description of Pr.42 and Pr.43.).

(input between the terminals RT and SD).

This function is effective in switching two motors that have different
parameters, such as lifting and traverse.
Note: Relationship between Pr.54 (FM, AM terminal function
Pr. 51-Pr. 56 selection) and Pr.158 is as follows.
~ ~ seqfzfe ~
~ r . 5 4set value FM'
output status
Remarks ]
Selecting monitor and output signal 1-21
Cray coad soon Pi.900 may be
Both FM and AM terminal read and writ'en.
m l n v e r t e r LED d~splaydata s e l e c t ~ o n m ~
u d~splaydata select~on output signal set in Pr.54. Cray coad soon Pr.901m y be
~ P maln display
U data select~on ~FMIFMIAM term~naltunctlon selecllon
FM termlnal output signal
read and

=AM terminal function selection set in Pr.54.

Calibration Pr.900and
1-21 Pr.901may be read and
AM terminal output signal
Set the monitor and output signal to the appropriate number 101-121
set in Pr.158.
selecting from the 22 signal types listed below.
Even when setting Pr.54 as 101-102, the same signal as when
There are two types of output signals: the FM terminal which is a setting at 22 will be output from the FM terminal.
pulse train output and the AM terminal which is an analog output.
Note: Pr.51 setting as 22 should be avoided, as this is a special
Different signalscan be output at the same time. Select the signals setting per formed exclusively by the manufacturer.
using Pr.54 and Pr.158.
actor^-set values Pr.51:l (The Alarm code is automatically
55Setting monitor reference
dis~lavedwhen a failure has occurred.), Pr.52:O. Pr.53:1, Pr.54:1,
pr.i 58:9999.
Frequency monitor reference I c u r r e n t monitor reference

Set the frequency or current value to be used as a refer ence to

indicate when frequency or current is selected to indicate the FM
terminal, AM terminal, and PU level meter.

selection (set value of Pr.5

Method of setting
by Pr.55 and Pr.56

144OH1 (FM termmal) 1440Hz (FM termnall
IOVDC (AM termlna0 lOVDC (AM terminal)
Full.scale (PU level mnlIo0 Full~scale(PU level m n n o r )

.--.......--- ....-.-------

a a

Output frequency
Frequency renlng
Output current
Output current peak value
Note: A monitoring function marked "N" cannot be selected. Opsrat~onspeed Load meter
Motor excttstlon current
Note: After setting "0" for Pr.52 (PU main monitor), the monitor
signals can be selected, TO display sequentially, use the Notes:l The maximum pulse train Output at the FM terminal is 2400 HZ.
SHIFT key. ("0" is the factory-set value.) 2 The maximum voltage at the AM terminal is 10 VDC.

Note: The load meter value IS ~nd~cated In %, w~ththe current value
set for Pr.56 representing 100%.
* Select s~gnalsfrom the frequency set value to the output
termlnal status of the PU maln mon~torby select~ng"other
monltor" of PU Operat~on.
** Motor torque d~splayIS val~donly when In the prlmary magnetlc
flux control mode.
Full-scale value ~nd~catlon IS based on var~abletorque Inverter
(pr.571 1pr.581 Pr. 57-Pr. 60
Restart opsration after instanhwous power failure or commercial switching
Restart coasting time after an instantaneous power failure or Fornard

switching across the line operation. Reverse

Keep the wiling distance
IPr.581Rise cushion time for automatic restart. Accakrat~on
hceleratlon within 30m.
Sentrp clear
This function allows the inverter to start into a spinning motor. I Operation Sample
Pr.57 (free running time) 4 Note : The acceleration/deceleration time
will the longest set values for Pr. 44,
Instantaneouspower failure Restart operation P Pr. 45. Pr. 7 and Pr. 8.
Set value restart enabledldisabled enabledldisebled
9999 (factory-setting) disabled enabled (5 seconds lree ~n lime)
0,O.lto 30' enabled enabled
Free run time meaning time taken until the control restarts after reset. Forward 2 I......................
. . . . . . . . ...... .......
................... ."..:.:.:.:.
When Pr.57 is set to "On, the free running time is set to 5 seconds. D&slerauon
This setting is appropriate for general operation. However, the time Ssn~npdear R
can be adjusted within a range, of 0.1 to 30 seconds according to
the inertia of the load (GD2 (WK2)) and the magnitude of torque. 1( Intelligent mode selection
(The system starts at this time if the load quickly decelerates to 2
Hz within the time set with Pr.57.) set function Operation
P ~ ~ u ~ t eet parameter
If this setting is applied to a load with a high rate of deceleration, O
overcurrent may occur. The unit must then be restarted after it has
operation mode
- -
stopped. -
Pr.58 Setting of output voltage (rise time) Tunes the inverter output voltage on line so
that the inverter output voltage is minimized
In general, setting this parameter to 0.5 seconds (the factory-set 4
during constant-speed operation.
mode ''Itage
value) is enough for operation. However, the output voltage rise Appropriate for energy-saving application
such as fan and pump.
time at restart control can be adjusted in the range of 0.1 to 5
seconds according to the value of the load requirements1
specifications (inertia or torque).

- 1
csc, ! ofrw i
sDo ! MC switching

Use only for restart alter

instantaneous power
failure and short circuils
between CS and SO in

I) Selecting remote setting function

Setting "Inor "2" for Pr.59 enables changing of the RH and RM
terminal functions to the remotely set input functions.
The functions equivalent to those of the remote setting box FR-FK
of the FR series setting box (optional) can only be obtained by
setting the parameters.

I Pr.59 set value

setting function
Frequency set value
storage function(')

X : Not available ii:Available

If the circuit between the RH and SD terminals or between the RM
and SD terminals has been opened for one minute or more, the set
value of operation frequency at that time is stored in memory. After
the power is turned off and then turned on again, operation is
resumed at this set value.
1( Slecting applicable motor

See description of Pr.13.

See description of Pr.22.
[m671 Retry function

No. of retries after alarm occurrence

Retry execution wait time
Erase display of No. of retry executions
Retry select
Retry is a function that makes the inverter automatically reset the
inverter alarm, restart and continue operations.
Alarm details made by retry may be selected in Pr.97.
Pr.97 sat value Alarm details made i n retry

0 Retry times exceeded, all retry other than CPU error (excludes inverter
1 Overcurrent cutoff (OC1-3)
2 Regenerative overcurrent cutoff (OV1-3)
3 Overcurrent cutoff (OC1-3), regenerative overcurrent cutoff (OV1-3).
Overcurrent cutoff (OC1-3), regenerative overcurrent cutoff (OVI-3). Pr.71 = 0,2 ................ Electronic thermal setting equivalentto V.T. capacity.
instant intermpbn
pmbh(IPF), i e t e vdtage protech,,
(UVT). Pr.71 = 21 to 26,33 to 36 . Elecbonicthermal setting equivalentto C.T. capacity.
4 Bmke tmnu'stor rnalfuncboninspecbbn (BE), gnwnd ovemrrent p m W n (GF).
parameter error (PE), shutdown through stall prevention operation (OLT).
Changing of PWM mode
built-in option malfunction. The MT-A series PWM mode can be changed by using Pr.72 when
Overcurrent cutoff during acceleration (OCl), overcurrent cutoff during
deceleration (OC3).
trying to reduce the audible sound from motor.
Pr.72 set value PWM mode
You can set Pr.67 to the number of retries to be made after an 0 No acoustic noise tuning
alarm has occurred. 1 Acoustic noise tuning
Pr.67 set value No. of retries 2 (Note 1) Sine-wave filter application
0 (Factory-set value) Retry is not made. Note 1: When the optional sine-wave filter is used, set 2 at Pr.72.
. 1 to 10 1 to 10 retries
Here, operation is impossible at 60Hz or more when 2 is
You can set Pr.68 to the wait time needed after the inverter alarm set at Pr.72.
is issued and before restart is executed. When "9999" is used as Note 2: With the optional sine-wave filter, next largest inverter for
the set value, the inverter will not execute a retry function. the motor rating should be selected.
You can see the accumulated number of restarts made by retry by
reading Pr.69. The set value of " 0 erases this aggregate number.
Notes: 1 The inverter automatically starts operation when the retry
wait time set for Pr.68 has elapsed. When this function is
active, the operator should be aware that the motor may
start unexpectedly!
2 When the reset function is activated before restart,
accumulated data, such as data of the electronic thermal
and the utilization rate of regenerative brake, is not reset
(in the different manner as by power-on reset).
See description of Pr.30.
Frequency command voltage range selection Pr. 73-Pr. 78
Set the input specifications for terminals 1 and 2 and use the 1 x 1 Reset selectionlPU disconnection detection
override function.
Pr.73 Terminal Terminal 2 Override
The Reset function (terminal RES) can be set to allow for reset
Te;p$l: ; ; ; T 4
voltage '1 (4 to 20 mA)
polarity anytime or only at alarm occurrence. This Pr. can also be set to
cause an inverter alarm stop when the PU is disconnected.
0 Reset input is always enabled (the
factory-set value).' After the parameter unit
is removed, operation
Set value , Reset input is enabled only when continues.
the ~rotectivefunction is activated.

Set value 2

Reset input is always enabled.
When the parameter unit is
disconnected, the inverter
LED dis~lavshows the
Reset input is enabled only when error d~splayand the
lthe protective function IS acavated./mverteroutput is shut off.
When the circuit between the RES and SD terminals is turned
on during operation, the inverter output is shut off, the contents
of the electronic thermal OIL and regenerative brake utilization
rate are reset, and the motor coasts.
Alarm code output selection

0 tof5v When an alarm arises, the details of the alarm can be output
0 te5v through the 4 bit digital signal at the open collector output terminal.
0 to 10v When programmed operation has been selected, this function

~ 1 ~ ~
0 to 5v displavs the operation block selection.
ON Active
10 0 t0flOV -I-- - Outout terminal
Set value
0 t0kl ov SU IPU OL . FU
Inactive Inactive
1 0
(factory-set v*l@ 1 By output terminal assignment (Pr.40)

14 0 to 10V
Inactive Active
15 0 to 5V
'I:Terminal 1 (auxiliary frequency setting input) is added to the main Normal operation .........................Same as setting 0
speed-settingsignal at terminal 2 or 4. When an alarm arises ..................Alarm code signal

'2:When override is selected, terminal 1 or 4 will be the main speed-

set-ting signal, and terminal 2 will be the override signal - -

(50 to 150% at 0 to 5V or 0 to 1OV). Note 1 : For the contents of the alarm code, see page 26.
'3:Frequency command signals with a negative polarity cannot be Parameter write inhibit selection
You can inhibit the parameter write function to prevent accidental
Notes: 1. When "the maximum output frequency at the maximum
or unauthorized tampering.
frequency voltage (or current) input signal" is changed1
Set value Write inhibit function
calibrated, set Pr.903 (Pr.905 for current signal). In this case, it Write function is enabled only when mn command is oli and inverter is in
is not necessary to give the voltagef (or current) signal to the 0 the PU OP mode. Exception: Pr.4 - 6. Pr.24 - 27. Pr.51 - 56, and Pr.900 -
1901 can be changed in any mode.
inverter.Just setting Pr.s works. Setting of AcceVDecel time is Write function is disabled in any mode. Exception: Pr.77 and Pr.79 can be
not affected by the set-ting of Pr.73 because the acceVdecel I
set when inverter is in the PU OP mode.
Wnte funcbon IS enabled In any mode Except~on Pr 22, Pr 23, Pr 48,
time is defined by the slope from zero Hz to the setting of 2 Pr49. Pr 60. Pr 66. Pr 71. Pr 79 to Pr 81 can onlv be set when run
Pr.20, accefdecel base frequency. I Icommand is off and inverter is in the PU OP mode. I
2. 1 shows factory setting.
Reverse run ~ r e v e n t i o nselection
3. When the set value of Pr.22 is "9999", the value of terminal
1 is for stall prevention level setting. Set this parameter to prevent problems with reverse operation due
Input filter time constant to incorrect start signal inputs.
setvalue I Direction of rotation I
You can set the built-in filter constant of the input section of the
external voltage or current frequency setting signal. This function is 1 ° 1 Both forward and reverse rotations are enabled

effective in removing noise from the frequency-settingcircuit.

1 I Reverse rotation is disabled.
2 Forward rotation is disabled.
If stable operation cannot be obtained due to the influence of noise,
use a higher filter time constant. The higher the set value, the lower Note: This setting is valid for both parameter unit operation and
the response. external operation.
Pr. 79-Pr. 145 Pr.71 must be set to either 20, 21, 22.
The following conditions are required for satisfactory operation
Operation made selection
under magnetic flux control:
The inverter operation mode may be operated by external signal or motor KW rating equal to or one size smaller than inverter
by the parameter unit. You may limit the operation mode to one of constant torque KW rating.
these two modes, or you may use both modes. number of poles equal to 2, 4, or 6.
OperaGon is enabled by switching between the parameter unit and the
Set value external operation source (the factowset value). one motor per inverter (will not work with multiple motors)
wire length between inverter and motor not to exceed 100 Ft.
I Set value 1 1 Operation is enabledonly by the parameter unit. I
I Set value 2 1 Operation is enabled only by the external operation source. 1 load characteristic requires high torque with some tolerance for
Operation frequency: Set by the parameter unit.
Setvalue3r1) Start signal: External signal is input. deviations from set frequency.
Operation frequency: External signal is input. Motor Rated Voltage
- . bv, the.Darameter unit.
Start sianal: Inout
Set the rated voltage for the motor in use.
Program operation
Set value 5 Operation start: STF; Timer reset: STR Settings may be made between 0 and 1000V.
Group selection: RH. RM, RL
Note: Set these parameters when tuning upon selection of the auto-
Set value 7 Parameter unit operation mode is prohibited.
tuning function.
Switchover between the parameter unit and external operation mode is
possible. I Pr. 84 1 Motor Rated Frequency
With open-circuiting across terminals RH and SD, the parametel Set the rated frequency for the motor in use.
Set operation mode is selected.
With short-circuiting across terminals RH and SD, the external Settings may be madebetween 50 and 1000Hz.
operation mode is selected. (Factory-set value is 60Hz)
Switchover operationis not available during the inverter operating.
Note: Set these parameters when tuning upon selection of the auto-
dote : 1. In the parameter unitlexternal signal combined operatio1

Set Value
mode, the followina sianals are made valid:
Operation Frequency Start Signal
tuning function.
Auto-Tunina SettinalStatus ..
In order to operate the motor at optimum characteristics under
.Direct setting and [A]/[r] key setting magnetic flux vector control, the auto-tuning method may be used
to measure motor constancy.
Terminal signal During tuning, the Pr. 96 value will be displayed on the main
Across 2-5 0 to 5VOC Forward rotation key
monitor and level meter sections ("3" or "103 will be displayed
Across 2-5 0 to lOVDC Reverse rotation kev

1 4 1 Across 4-5 4 to 20mADC

Across 1-5 0 to i 5 V D C
0 to i l O V D C
upon normal completion, and "9" upon faulty completion).
See oa. 17 for auto-tunina o~erationmethod.
Set value 1 Details
o II No auto-tunina- .(factow. settins).

I MUI~I-S~&~ selection
(Pr. 4 to 6. 24 to 27)
The program operation function can set operation events
I 1
I 01 I
I Auto-tuning when not operating motor.
Auto-tuning when operating motor.
determining start time, rotation direction, and operation frequency
1. When motor is connected. However, turn off motor when
for each of the three selected groups. This function enables
beginning to tune.
automatic operation in accordance with the preset schedule and
2. Auto-tuning is possible even when load (friction, normal load.
etc.) is coinected to the motor.
This function number can also be rewritten in the external
3. When selecting Pr.96 = "101" (auto-tuning when operating
operation mode.
motor), be careful because the motor is operating.
e With Pr. 79 set to 7, the parameter unit operation mode is
4. Tuning cannot be performed on high slip motors, high-speed
prohibited as described below, depending on terminal MRS signal.
motors or other special type motors.
Across terminal External Parameter operation mode
MRS and SD operation mode Refer to Pr.67.
ON Parameter unlt operation mode is possible. Refer to Pr.14.
Output stop
(close) Setting parameter is possible.
Parameter unit operation mode and setting
Parameter Unit Language Selection
OFF External operation parameter are impossible. 0 Allows selection of the language displayed on the FR-PU02ERl
(open) mode is passible. Switchover to external operation mode is
I forced. FR-ARWER four-language parameter (copy) unit (option).
Setting Pr.11 to 8888 at external operation mode starts dc injection
Set Value
Language Displayed
English (factory setting)
brake operation
1 German
2 French
Selecting Primary Magnetic Flux Control 3 Spanish 1
Motor KW rating No. of motor poles
Note : This function is invalid when the FR-PU02, FR-PU02E or
HP x ,746 = KW
Poles = ,p,120xF

F = motor nameplate frequency

I FR-ARW parameter (copy) unit used.

rpm = motor nameplate base speed

Select magnetic flux control mode operation by entering the motor
KW rating in parameter 80. Enter number of motor poles in
parameter 81. (factory settings of 9999 in Pr.80 and 81 selects V/
Hz mode).
IPr. 155 1 RT Terminal Activation Timing Selection -
Pr.155 Pr.905
The operation activated timing of the second control function Monitor by using the digital indicator
selection (terminal RT) may be selected. Pulse train output at the FM terminal can be used for digital display
Pr.155 set value 1

Second control function operation tirninq
Activated immediately according to terminal RT ONIOFF
(factory setting).
by the digital counter. The full-scale value described at Pr.54
provides 1440 Hz output. When you select the operation frequency
from monitor items, the rate of output frequency at this FM terminal
Activated ontj with terminal RT at 'OW and at constant speed.
(Even with terminal RT at "ON , function not activated

10 can be set for Pr.55.(Digital indicator)
I during acceleration/deceleration.) I
(Dinelindication meter)
Note: "1" and "1 1" settings should be avoided, as they are special
settings performed exclusively by the manufacturer.
I) Stall Prevention Operation Selection
The oDeration details of the stall ~reventionfunction are selected.
I Pr.156 set value I Stall prevention operation I
1 Operates (factory setting). I
1 0
Stall prevention does not operate during regenerative L J
operation. Note: The factory-set value provides the full-scale value and 1440 Hz
Besides the above, various setting values may be selected. For of FM output frequency at 60 Hz and ImA.
further details. refer to the o~erationinstruction manual. Terminal AM output calibration
1( Overload Alarm Signal Output Timer Setting This function is used for calibration when Pr.54 has been set to 101
The overload alarm signal may be output when the time set in - 118 (or Pr.158 has been set to 1-18) to select analog output to AM
Pr.157 is exceeded. terminal. As described at Pr.54, the value has been factory-set so
Pr.157 set value Output signal operation that 10 VDC output is obtained with each monitor item in the full-
0 sec. 0: OuQut according to overload (OL) operation (factory setting)
scale state. With this parameter, you can adjust the output voltage
0.1-25 sec. 0.1-25: Output following set time.
rate (gain) to graduations of the meter. Note that the maximum
9999 9999: No overload alarm signal output.
output voltage is 10 VDC. (For details on the calibration method,
I ]
Refer to Pr.54. refer to the instruction manual.)

I Pr. 900 ( Terminal FM output calibration -1 pziqPr.903((Pr.9041]

The parameter unit can be used to calibrate the meter connected Adjusting frequency setting signal gain and bias
to the FM terminal. This calibration function is common to all
monitors selected for Pr.54.
I Pr.902 I Bias for frequency reference voltage signal
Terminal FM has a pulse output as illustrated below. When Pr.900 I Pr.903 I Gain for frequency reference voltage signal
is set, the parameter unit can be used to calibrate the scale of the Bias for frequency reference current signal
meter connected to the inverter, eliminating the use of a calibration Gain for frequency reference current signal
resistor. (For details of the calibration method, refer to the You can set any value for the level of output frequency to the
instruction manual.) frequency setting signal (0 to 5 VDC, or 0 to 10 VDC, or 4 to 20
Meter type: (1 mA full-scale analog meter). mA).
I Meter W D ~ : 1
(1mA full-scaleanalog meter)
r I (60Hz)
A Factory-set value

-,,!l,,,~- l",A
0 FM Output

Pulse width TI: Adjusted by Pr. 900
Pulse width T2: Set by Pr. 55 ' f
(Valid only for frequency monitor)

I 0
Frequency setting signal 5V
1ov I
11. 2 Operation Ulsing the Programmed Operation Function
In programmed operation, automatic operation is performed under the control of the internal timer in accordance
with the desired tirne of day, frequency and direction of rotation set in advance.
11.2.1. Specifications
(1) Wiring


STF Programmed operation

Group select signals With 5 set in Pr. 79, the terminals operate as
RL indicated on the left.
STR Timer reset signal

SE 1 Common
With 3 set in Pr. 76, the terminals op-
Timer time-out signal erate as indicated on the left.

(2) Setting of the desired time of day, frequency and rotation direction
The above three items are defined as one point and every 10 points are grouped. Parameters Pr. 200 to
Pr. 231 are used for this setting.

Setting Point Rotation Direction, Frequency, Start Time of Day

Pr. 201
Pr. 202
Pr. 203
Pr. 204

Pr. 21 1
Group 2 I
Pr. 220
Pr. 221
Group 3 I I
30 Pr. 230
1) Setting the frequency and rotation direction
PU screen display

201 SetPRG 1
Direction Rotation direction-1 : forward rotation, 2: reverse rotation, 3 and up: error
30.00Hz 0: stop
Time Frequency- 0.1 Hz increments
(0 to 400Hz)
To make a stop, write 0 in the rotation direction and frequency.
When no setting is made, set 9999.
To select the time of day unit, use parameter Pr. 200 (programmed operation
minutelsecond selection).

2) Setting the time of day

PU screen display

2 0 1 SetPRG 1
Time 4: 3 0 s

Hour Minute -in units of minutes Pr. 200 = 1,3

Minute S e c o n H n units of seconds Pr. 200 = 0,2
An error results if 1:80 is input (in excess of 59 minutes or 59 seconds).
When no setting is made, set 9999.

3) Setting example

Operation pattern 35Hz

Forward 20Hz

t 0
4 1OHz

1 3 6 7.30 9

Reverse 30Hz
Time of day t


No. 1 Forward rotation 20Hz 1 o'clock 0 minutes + Pr. 201 1, 20, 1100
2 Stop 3 o'clock 0 minutes + Pr. 202 0, 0, 3:00
3 Reverse rotation 30Hz 4 o'clock 0 minutes 4 Pr. 203 2, 30,4:00
4 Forward rotation 10Hz 6 o'clock 0 minutes + Pr. 204 1, 10,6:00
5 Forward rotation 35Hz 7 o'clock 30 minutes + Pr. 205 1, 35, 7:30
6 Stop 9 o'clock 0 minutes -+ Pr. 206 0, 0, 9:00
The time of day is 0 when both the start signal and group select signal are entered.
No setting is made when either the setting or time of day is 9999.
4) Reference time of day
Programmed operation is performed under the control of the internal timer (RAM).
i) The timer range is 0 to 99.59.
When Pr. 200 = 0, max. 99 minutes 59 seconds
When Pr. 200 = 1, max. 99 hours 59 minutes
ii) Resetting the reference time of day
Cleared by the timer reset terminal, inverter reset terminal or power-off.
iii) The reference time of day can be set in PR. 231 if required.
Can be used for synchronising] to the time of day.
iv) When Pr. 200 = 2 or 3, the reference time of day is displayed instead of voltage monitor.
v) Timer accuracy
Instantaneous error + 0.16s
Accurnulative error (50ppm according to the accuracy of the crystal oscillator)
MT-A independent Error of max. 4.5s per day (24Hr X 60 X 60 X 50ppm 4.32s)

(3) Input terminals

0 The following terminals are made valid and invalid when programmed operation is being performed with
Pr. 79 = 5 (programmed operation):

Valid Terminals Invalid Terminals Terminals Used

RT No. 2 RH

OH No. 4 RM
No. 1 RL

(4) Mode switching

When the programmed operation start signal (STF) or timer reset signal (STR) is on, switching between
the PU operation mode and external operation mode cannot be made.
11.2.2. Detalled Description of the Functions
1) Parameters used

No. Name Range Remarks

0 - minutelsecond uniholtage monitor

Programmed operation 1 - o'clock/minute uniVvoltage monitor
Pr. 200 Minutelsecond selection O 1 O 2 - minutelseconduniffreferencetime of day monitor
3 - o'clock/minute uniffreferencetime of day monitor

1 Rotation direction 0 - stop, 1 - fqrward rotation,

0t02 O.1Hz
Pr. 201 Programmed operation 2 -,reverse rotation
O to 400Hz 9999
to 230 Program setting Minute or Set frequency
0 to 99:59 9999 : no setting
second Time of day

Pr. 231 Timer setting 0 to 99:59 0 Current timer time-ofday setting (RAM)

When the setting of Pr. 200 has been changed independently, the units of Pr. 231 and Pr. 201 to 230
The numerals do not change.
* When 2 or 3 is set in Pr. 200, the reference time-of-day monitor screen is displayed instead of the
voltage monitor screen.

2) lnput signals

Name Descrlptlon Signal Level Remarks

Group select signal Used to select the group for programmed May also be driven by transistor. When ic
Photocoupler isolated
RH, RM, RL operation. = lOmA, Vec c 0.5V should be satisfied.

Timer reset signal

Input to zero the reference time of day. Photocoupler isolated

Programmed opera-
tion start signal Input to start programmed operation. Photocoupler isolated

3) Output signals

Name Descrlptlon Slgnal Level Remarks

Time-out signal Output on completion of the operation of

Open collector output Permissible load
Inverter terminal the selected group and cleared on timer
(isolated) 24VDC, 0.1A
(SU) reset.
Only when
Group select signal Output during operation of corresponding Pr. 76 = 3
Open collector output Permissible load
Inverter terminal group's program and cleared on timer
(isolated) 24VDC, 0.1 A
(FU. OL, IPF) reset.

I '

11. 2.3. Operation Procedure

(1) After completion of the settings in accordance with 1, turn on the desired group select signal (for example,
connect RH-SD for group 1) and then turn on the start signal (STF). This causes the internal timer (refer-
ence time of day) to be reset automatically and the operation of that group to be performed in sequence in
accordance with the settings. When the operation of the group ends, a signal is output from the time-out
output terminal. (The open collector signal of SU is turned on.)

Start signal

Group 1

: I1
Inverter ouQut 0;
frequency i 11 12 13 14 IS 16

Sening ol group 1

signal (SU)
Note that the operation is not started if the timer reset (STR) is on.

(2) Use the programmed operation function with 5 set in Pr. 79. If any of the group select signals is turned on
during PU operation or data link operation, time scheduled operation is not carried out.

(3) If two groups are selected at the same time, the operations of the selected groups are executed in se-
quence of group 1, group 2 and group 3. For example, if group 1 and group 2 have been selected, the
operation of group 1 is first carried out, and after that operation ends, the reference time of day is reset,
the operation of group 2 is started, and the time-out signal (SU) is output after the operation of group 2
Start signal

Group 1

Group 2 RM

Inverter output
Setting of group 1 i Setting of group 2

Group 1 select
signal (FU) V/m//-B
Group 2 select
- (OL)
. . 0
signal (SU)
(4) To repeat the operation of the same group, reset the timer using the time-out signal as shown below.
1) To repeat the operation of only group 1 2) To repeat the operation of groups 1 and 2

Inverter Inverter

RH 8 -

RM -
RL -
STR 6'
su 2

Note: If the inverter is powered down, then up (including instantaneous power failure) during the execution of

the programmed operation, the inverter is brought to a stop afler the power is restored. To resume the
1 operation, turn the start signal off, then on again.
11. 3 5-Point Flexible VIF Characteristic
The VIF characteristic can be changed by linear interpolation made between five points set from VIF1 to VlF5.
An optional VlF characteristic can be set by setting VIF1 (first frequency) (first frequency voltage), VIF2, VIF3,
VlF4 and VlF5 from the parameter unit in advance.

Base frequency voltage

(Pr. 19)

Boost value
(Pr. 0)

Base frequency
vlf characteristic
(Pr. 3)

Set 2 in Pr. 71 from the parameter unit. (When Pr. 71 = 0 or 1, the standard VIF characteristic is provided.)
Set the desired frequencies and voltages in Pr. 100 to Pr. 109.

3 The setting must satisfy the following relationship:

frequencies are the same, a write error occurs.
F1 # F2 ;t F3 ;t F4 # F5 # base frequency if the set

If "9999 is set in any frequency, it is ignored.

:y Notes
(1) The VIF 5-point flexible characteristic functions for VIF control only.
(2) The VIF 5-point flexible characteristic does not function when Pr. 60 (intelligent mode selection) is se-
P' (3) The base frequency voltage may be set optionally between 0 and 1000V, but output voltage is clamped at
the base frequency voltage if output frequency is beyond the base frequency.
(4) Pr. 19 (base frequency voltage) must be set. (When Pr. 19 = 9999, Pr. 71 cannot be set to 2.)
(5) If "2" is set in Pr. 71, Pr. 47 (second VIF (base frequency)) does not function.
(6) When " 2 is set in Pr. 71, the electronic overcurrent protection is calculated as a general-purpose motor.
V/F1 to 5 adjustment (setting) range

Applicable Motor Selection (Pr. 71) # 2 Applicable Motor Selection (Pr. 71) = 2
No. Setting range Mlnlrnurn Factory
Functlon Name Settlng range Function Name
(Note 2) Increments settlng

Pr. 107 BCD input (offset) 0 to 400Hz VIF1 (first frequency) 0 to 400Hz, 9999 0.01 9999

108 BCD input (gain) 0 to 400Hz, 9999 VIF1 (first frequency voltage) 0 to 1000V 0.1 0

109 Binary input (offset) 0 to 400Hz VlF2 (second frequency) 0 to 400Hz. 9999 0.01 9999

110 Binary input (gain) 0 to 400Hz, 9999 VlF2 (second frequency voltage) 0 to lOOOV 0.1 0
- - - - - - --

111 BCDhinary selection 0, 1,2,3, 9999 VlF3 (third frequency) 0 to 400Hz, 9999 0.01 9999

112 Speed feedback range 0 to 400Hz, 9999 VlF3 (third frequency voltage) 0 to 1OOOV 0.1 0

113 Feedback gain 0 to 100 VlF4 (fourth frequency) 0 to 400Hz, 9999 0.01 9999

Stop position
0, 1, 9999 VlF4 (fourth frequency voltage) 0 to 1000V 0.1 0
command selection

115 Orientation speed 0 to 30Hz VlF5 (fifth frequency) 0 to 400Hz,9999 0.01 9999

116 Creep speed 0 to lOHz VlF5 (fifth frequency voltage) 0 to 1000V 0.1 0
11.4 PU Disconnection Detection Function
This function detects that the parameter unit (PU) has been disconnected from the inverter and brings the
inverter to an alarm stop.

LP Operation
When the PU disconnection detection function is selected from the parameter unit, this function detects that
the PU has been disconnected from the inverter and brings the inverter to an alarm stop.

Function Name Setting Range Factory Setting Description

0 : Reset input normally enabled. PU disconnection is not

75 Reset selection 0, 1,2,3 0

1 : Reset input enabled only when protective function is

activated. PU disconnection is not detected.

2 : Reset input normally enabled. PU disconnection is


3 : Reset input enabled only when protective function is

activated. PU disconnection is detected.

* When the inverter comes to an alarm stop, the alarm messages displayed are PU DISCONNECTED
(PU) and E.PUE (inverter LED).
&1 Notes
1. Alarm does riot occur if the PU has been disconnected from initial start.
2. This disconnection detection function judges that the PU is disconnected when the PU is removed for
more than 1 second.
3. When the FR-PUOI is used, this function can also be used but its alarm display is E. PE.
4. To resume operation, reset the inverter after checking that the PU is connected securely.
11.5 Auto Commission
If the motor used is not Mitsubishi's standard motor or Mitsubishi's constant-torque motor, the auto tuning function
allows the motor to be run with optimum operation characteristics under magnetic flux vector control.
Also, commission data (motor constants) can be copied to the other inverter by the FR-ARWE parameter copy
,\ /'
Note that a special motor, e.g. a high-slip motor or a high-speed motor, cannot be tuned. Also, the maximum speed

coperation procedure>
1. Checking the wiring and Before performing auto commission, check the following:
load (1) The motor is connected. However, the motor must be at a stop at the
start of tuning.
(2) Auto tuning can be performed if the motor is connected with a load
(e.g. friction, steady load). Note that as the load is smaller, commis-
sion accuracy is higher. Also note that if inertia is large, commission
accuracy remains unchanged.
(3) When "101" (auto commission is performed with the motor rotated)
has been set in Pr.96 (auto tuning settinglstate), note the following:
1) Enough torque is not provided during commission.
2) There should be no problem if the motor is run at about the rated
motor frequency (set value of Pr.84).
3) The brake is released.
4) No force is applied to rotate the motor.
(4) If "1" (tuning without motor rotating) is set in Pr.96, the motor may
run slightly.
Therefore, make tuning after fixing the motor securely with a me-
chanical brake or ensuring that motor rotation will not compromise
Note that slight rotation of the motor will not affect the tuning per-
(5) Auto tuning is not performed properly when the optional sine wave
filter (MT-BSCIBSC) is connected between the inverter and the mo-
tor. Disconnect it before starting auto tuning.

2. Selection of magnetic flux Select the magnetic flux vector control in accordance with page 59.
vector control

3. Setting of parameters Set the following parameters in accordance with the parameter settings
on this page.
(1) Pr.96 "auto tuning settinglstate" .............. Set "1" or "101".
*Set value"1" .................. Commissioned without the motor rotated.
*Set valueUl01" .............. Commissioned with the motor rotated.
(2) Pr.83 "rated motor voltage" ............ Set the rated motor voltage (V).
(3) Pr.84 "rated motor frequency" .......Set the rated motor frequency
(4) Pr.71 "applied motor" ...................Select the set value in accordance
with the following table:
Standard motor ..............Set " 3 .
Constant-torque motor .. Set "13 .

according to the rating plate of the motor. When there are two
or more rated values for a standard motor, etc., set 200V160Hz
of 400V160Hz.

Parameter settings

Tuning data '2

'1: The electronic overcurrent protection characteristic is selected at

the same time.
'2: The values measured by auto tuning are set automatically.
*3: Select "101" to increase tuning accuracy.
4. Switching the auto commis- In the PU operation mode, press the [FWD] or [REV] key.
sion command ON In the external operation mode, turn on the start switch (connect
terminals across STF or STR-P24).
Note: 1. When "101" is set in Pr.96, be careful to avoid hazard
because the motor rotates.
2. During auto commission, the input terminals are made valid1
invalid as indicated below:
Valid Terminals Invalid Terminals

RT, JOG, CS 2. 1 , 4

*To force the motor to stop during tuning

Terminate commission using any of the MRS terminal, RES
terminal and [STOP] key.

5. Commission state monitoring During commissioning, the value of Pr.96 is displayed on the main
monitor and level meter of the PU as indicated below. As on the PU, 1,
2,3,8,9,102 or 103 is shown on the inverter LED.
(When Pr.51 = "1" (factory setting))
*PU main monitor
2. Tuning in Error-acti-
vated End
1. Setting 3. Completion

I I I -111111 1 I
1 TUNE 2
Display .
I I 111111 I I
101 -,TUNE102 -

*PU level meter

Indicates tuning progress with 0% (start) to full-scale 100% (end).
*Inverter LED ---
Error-acti- 1
2. Tuning in
I.Setting 3. Completion

Displayed 0
-- Progress
2 -- 3
- - - vated
- - - -End
---- i
value 101 -- 102 -- 103 --- A
6. Auto commission end Check the value of Pr.96.
*Normal end ........ " 3 or "10 3 is displayed.
*Forced end ........ "8"is displayed.
*Error-activated end ........." 9 is displayed.
When commission came to a normal end in the PU operation mode, press the I
[STOP] key. When in the external operation mode, turn off the start switch
(disconnect terminals STF or STR-P24). This operation resets auto
commission and returns the PU monitor to an ordinary display. /
Note that if this operation is not performed, next operation cannot be stared.
When tuning resulted in an error-activatedend (Pr.96 value = 9) or a forced end I

(Pr.96 value = 8), auto tuning did not come to a normal end and the motor ?

constant was not set. In this case, reset the inverter (see page 69) and restart f
from operation step 1. 1

[Optional Setting of Motor Constants]
The motor constants (Pr.90 to 94) may either be set as appropriate by reading and changing the data measured by
auto commission, or without using the auto commission data:

H Setting the motor constants by reading and changing the auto commission data

<Operation procedure>
1. Change the set value of Pr.77 "parameter write disable selection" to "801". Only when the settings of Pr.80 and
Pr.81 are other than "9999, the parameters of the motor constants (Pr.90 to 94) can be displayed.
.& Though the parameters (Pr.82 to 99) other than the motor constants (Pr.90 to 94) may also be displayed, they
are to be set by the manufacturer and must therefore be set carefully without misoperation.
2. Set Pr.71 "applied motor" as indicated below:
Standard motor: Set "4". Constant-torque motor: Set "14".
3. In the parameter setting mode, read the following parameters and set the required values (Note 1):
Minimum Setting
Parameter Number Name Setting Range (Note 4) Factory Setting
Pr.90 Motor constant R1 0 to "", 9999 1 9999
Pr.91 Motor constant R2 0 to "**, 9999 1 9999
Pr.92 Motor constant L1 0 to "", 9999 1 9999
Pr.93 Motor constant L2 0 to "", 9999 1 9999
Pr.94 Motor constant 6 0 to "", 9999 1 9999

4. Return the setting of Pr.77 to the original value.

Note: 1. Only when the settings of Pr.80 and Pr.81 are other than "9999 (magnetic flux vector control is
selected), Pr.90 to 94 can be read.
2. Set "9999 in Pr.90 to 94 to use the standard motor constants (including the constant-torque motor).
3. Set "3" (standard motor) or " 1 3 (constant-torque motor) in Pr.71 to use the motor constants
measured by auto tuning. If "4" or "14" has been set in Pr.71 and the motor constants changed, the
original data measured by auto commission remain changed.
4. The motor constants measured by auto tuning have been converted into internal data I****).
When setting the motor constants, see the following setting example:
Setting example: When the Pr.90 "motor constant R1" value displayed is 2516 and it is desired to
increase the Pr.90 value slightly (5%), set 2642 (i.e. 2516X 1.05 = 2641.8) in Pr.90. (The value
displayed has been converted into internal data for internal use. Hence, there is no significance if an
optional value is simply added to the displayed value.)
Setting the motor constants without using the auto commission data
The motor constants of Pr.92 and 93 may either be entered in [R] or [mH]. Check the unit of the motor constants
before starting the setting operation.
Entering the motor constants of Pr.92 and 93 in [R] /)
<Operation procedure>
1. Change the set value of Pr.77 "parameter write disable selection" to "801". Only when the settings of Pr.80 and
Pr.81 are other than "9999, the parameters of the motor constants (Pr.90 to 94) can be displayed. Though the
parameters (Pr.82 to 99) other than the motor constants (Pr.90 to 94) may also be displayed, they are to be set
by the manufacturer and must therefore be set carefully without misoperation.
2. Set Pr.71 "applied motor" as indicated below:
1 I I
Standard motor
Star Connection
Delta Connection
Set value Constant-torque 15 16

3. In the parameter setting

- mode, read the following
- .parameters and set the required values:
Minimum Setting
Pr-No. Name Setting Range Factory Setting
Pr.90 I Motor constant r l I 0 to 1OR. 9999 0.001a 9999 I
Pr.91 Motor constant r2 0 to 1OR, 9999 0.001R 9999
Pr.92 Motor constant xi 0 to 1o n , 9999 0.001 R 9999
Pr.93 Motor constant x2 0 to 1OR, 9999 0.001 R 9999
Pr.94 Motor constant xm 0 to 5 0 0 9999
~ O.01R 9999

- table:
4. Set Pr.84 "rated motor frequency" with reference to the following
I Pr.No. Name Range Increment I Factory Setting I
Rated motor

5. Return the setting of Pr.77 to the original value.

Note: 1. Only when the settings of Pr.80 and Pr.81 are other than "9999 (magnetic flux vector control is
selected), Pr.90 to 94 can be read.
2. Set "9999 in Pr.90 to 94 to use the standard motor constants (including the constant-torque motor).
3. If the "star connection" or "delta connectionn selected in Pr.71 does not match the actual motor,
proper magnetic flux vector control will not be carried out.
Entering the motor constants of Pr.92 and 93 in [mH]
<Operation procedure>
1. Change the set value of Pr.77 "parameter write disable selection" to "801". Only when the settings of Pr.80 and
Pr.81 are other than "9999", the parameters of the motor constants (Pr.90 to 94) can be displayed. Though the
parameters (Pr.82 to 99) other than the motor constants (Pr.90 to 94) may also be displayed, they are to be set
by the manufacturer and must therefore be set carefully without misoperation.
5- 2. Set Pr.71 "applied motor" as indicated below:
Standard motor: Set " 0 .
Constant-torque motor: Set "1".
3. In the parameter setting mode, read the following- .parameters and set the required values:
Minimum Setting
Pr.No. Name Setting Range Factory Setting
lncrement I

I ! I

Pr.90 I Motor constant R1 I 0 to 1OR, 9999 0.001 R 9999

Pr.91 Motor constant R2 0 to 1OR, 9999 0.00112 9999
Pr.92 Motor constant L1 0 to IOOOmH, 9999 0.1 mH 9999
Pr.93 Motor constant L2 0 to 1000mH. 9999 O.lmH 9999
Pr.94 Motor constant x 0 to loo%, 9999 0.1% 9999

4. Set Pr.84 "rated motor frequency" with reference to the following table:
I Pr.No. Name Range Increment ( Factory Setting I
Rated motor
Pr.84 frequency 50 to 120Hz, 9999 0.01 Hz 9999

5. Return the setting of Pr.77 to the original value.

Note: 1. Only when the settings of Pr.80 and Pr.81 are other than "9999 (magnetic flux vector control is
selected), Pr.90 to 94 can be read.
2. Set "9999 in Pr.90 to 94 to use the standard motor constants or constant-torque motor constants.
11.6 Selection of the Stall Prevention Function
By setting Pr.156, stall prevention (overcurrent stall prevention) can be
disabled and the OL signal output delayed.


D: Driving R: Regenerative
Note: 1. When "Operation not continued at the time of OL signal
output" has been selected, the "E.OLT" alarm code (stop
by stall prevention) is displayed and operation stopped.

The transistorized inverter is a static unit consisting mainly of semiconductor devices. Daily inspection must be
performed to prevent any fault from occurring due to adverse influence by the installation environment, such as
temperature, humidity, dust, dirt and vibration, changes in the parts with time, service life, and other factors.

12.1 Precautions for Maintenance and Inspection

(1) The operator must check power ontoff by himself to prevent any person not in charge from misoperating
the inverter.
(2) For some short time after the power is switched off, the capacitor remains charged at a high voltage.
Before performing any inspection, make sure that the charge lamp on the printed circuit is off and check
that the voltage across the main circuit terminals P and N of the inverter is 30VDC or less using a tester,
etc. (For the location of the charge lamp, see the terminal block arrangement on page 115.)

12.2 Check Items

Have a proper understanding of the definitions of power and alarm indications provided for the inverter. Also,
have a proper understanding of the settings of electronic overcurrent protection, etc.

(1) Daily inspection (2) Periodic maintenance and inspection

Check for the following: Check the areas inaccessible during operation
(a) Motor operation fault and requiring periodic inspection.
(b) Improper installation environment (a) Cooling system: Clean the air filter, etc.
(c) Cooling system fault (b) Screws and bolts: Check that they are se-
(d) Unusual vibration and noise curely tightened and retighten as necessary.
(e) Unusual overheat and discoloration (c) Conductors and insulating materials: Check
During operation, check the inverter I10 voltages for corrosion and damage.
using a tester. (d) Insulation resistance: Measure.
(e) Cooling fan, smoothing capacitor, relay:
Check and change if necessary.
(3) Insulation resistance test using megger
(a) Before performing the insulation resistance test using a megger on the external circuit, disconnect the
cables from all terminals of the inverter so that the test voltage is not applied to the inverter.
(b) For the inverter, conduct the insulation resistance test on the main circuit only as shown in Fig. 12.1 and
do not perform the test on the control circuit. (Use a 500VDC megger.)
(c) For the continuity test of the control circuit, use a tester (high resistance range) and do not use the megger
or buzzer.

- -
Ground terminal

Fig. 12.1 Insulation Resistance Test Using Megger

12.3 Measurement of Main Circuit Voltages, Currents and Powers
(1) Measurement of voltages and currents
Since the voltages and currents on the inverter power supply and output sides include harmonics, accurate
measurement depends on the instruments used and circuits measured.
When instruments for commercial frequency are used for measurement, measure the circuits in Fig. 12.2
using the instruments in Table 2.

lnput voltage Output voltage

lnput current Output current

3-phase power
To motor

Instrument types
Fig. 12.2 Typical Measuring Points and Instruments
Table 2 Measuring Points and Instruments

I Measuring Point Measuring Instrument

Remarks (Reference Measured

supply "Itage 170 to 242V (342 to 506V) 50Hz

Across R-S, S-T and T-R Moving-iron type
170 to 253V (342 to 506V) 60Hz
Power supply side current R, S, and T line currents Moving-iron type
Power supply side power At R, S and T, and across Electrodynamic type p1 = w11 + W12 + W13
P, R-S. S-T and T-R
Calculate after measuring power supply voltage, power supply side current and power supply side
Power supply side power power.
Pf1 Pfl = --P1-x 100%
Rectifier type Difference between phases is within
Output side voltage
Across U-V, V-W and W-U (not moving-iron type) 1% of maximum output voltage.
(note 1)
Current should be equal to or less
Output side current than rated inverter current.
U, V and W line currents Moving-iron type
Difference between phases is 10%
or lower.

Output side power At U, V and W, and across Electrodynamic type P2 = WPl +Wn
p2 U-V and V-W
Calculate in similar manner to power supply side power factor.
Output side power factor
Pf2 Pf2= --P2
--x 100%
Inverter LED display is lit.
Moving-coil type 1.35 x V1
Converter output Across P-N (such as tester) Maximum 380V (760V) during re-
generative operation

Across 2-5 0 to 5VlO to 1OVDC

Frequency setting si(jnal Across 1-5 0 to i 5VlO to i IOVDC E
Across 4-5 4 to 20mADC E,0
Frequency setting power Across 10-5 5VDC rn
SUPP~Y Across 1OE-5 Moving-coil type 1OVDC
(Tester, etc. may be used)
(Internal resistance: 50k or Approx. 3.5VDC at maximum
Frequency meter signal Across FM-SD frequency (without frequency
meter) ?E
Start signal Across STF, STR, RH, RM, 8
Select signal RL, JOGIOH, RT, AU-SD .-V)
20 to 30VDC when open
Reset Across RES-SD ON voltage 1V or less (I)

Output stop Across MRS-SD

Continuity check
Across A-C Moving-coil type <Normal> <Fault>
Alarm signal Across 9-C (such as tester) Across A-C: Discontinuity Continuity
Across 9-C: Continuity Discontinuity

' Values in brackets indtcate those for 400V series.

Note 1 : Do not use a tester because an accurate data will not be obtained.
12.4 Checking the Inverter and Converter Modules
(1) Preparation Disconnect the external power supply cables (R, S, T), motor cables (U, V, W).
Prepare a tester. (Use 1Q range.)

(2) Checking
Change the polarity of the tester alternately at the inverter terminals R, S, T, U, V, W, P and N, and check
for continuity.
Note 1 : Before measurement, check that the smoothing capacitor is discharged.
Note 2 : At the time of discontinuity, the measured value indicated is a nearly infinite value. Due to the
influence of the smoothing capacitor, continuity may instantaneously be established and infinite not
indicated. At the time of continuity, the measured value is several to several ten ohms depending
on the number of modules, number of parallel modules, circuit tester type, etc, If all measured
values are almost the same, the modules are without fault.

Converter Inverter module

module (Diode) , (IGBT)

Fig. 12.3 Module Device Numbers and Terminals to Be Checked

12.5 Rep1acemen.tof Parts
The inverter consists of many electronic parts such as semiconductor devices. The following parts may deterio-

E,a rate with age because of their structures or physical characteristics, leading to reduced performance or failure of
the inverter. For preventive maintenance, the parts must be changed periodically.

9) (1) Cooling fan

The cooling fan cools heat-generating parts such as the main circuit semiconductor devices. The life of the
cooling fan bearing is usually 10,000 to 35,000 hours. Hence, the cooling fan must be changed every 2 to 3
years if the inverter is run continuously. When unusual noise and/or vibration is noticed during inspection,
the cooling fan must be changed immediately.

(2) Smoothing capacitor

A large-capacity aluminum electrolytic capacitor is used for smoothing the DC in the main circuit, and an
aluminum electrolytic capacitor is also used for stabilizing the control power supply in the control circuit. Its
characteristics are adversely affected by ripple current, etc. When the inverter is operated in ordinary, air-
conditioned environment, change the capacitor about every 5 years. When 5 years have elapsed, the
capacitor deteriorates more rapidly. Check the capacitor at least every year (less than six months if the life
will be expired soon). Check the following:
1) Case (side faces and bottom face for expansion)
2) Sealing plate (for remarkable warp and extreme crack)
3) Explosion-proof valve (for excessive valve expansion and operation)

J 4) Appearance, external crack, discoloration, leakage.

When the measured capacitance of the capacitor has reduced below 85% of the rating, change the
capacitor. For capacitance measurement, a handy device is available on the market.

(3) Relays
To prevent contact fault, relays must be changed according to the number of accumulative switching times
(switching life). See Table 4 for the inverter parts replacement guide. Lamps and other short-life parts must

<. ! also be changed during periodic inspection.

Table 4 Replacement Parts of the Inverter

I I I 1
Standard Replacement Interval Description
Cooling fan 2 to 3 years Change (as required)
Smoothing capacitor in main circuit 5 years Change (as required)
5 years Same as above
Relays Change as required.

If any function of the inverter is lost due to occurrence of a fault, establish the cause and make correction in
accordance with the following inspection procedure. Contact your sales representative if the corresponding fault
is not found below, the inverter has failed, the part has been damaged, or any other fault has occurred.
13.1 Clearing Up the Cause of Fault
Checking the parameter unit display
The display of the parameter unit is switched as follows to indicate the cause of a faulty operation.

Parameter Unit Cause of Faun Check Point Remedy

Acceleration too fast?

Increase acceleration time. Change fan.
OC During Acc Check for output short circuit or ground fault,
Remove obstacle to cooling fan. (Note)
Check for cooling fan stop.
Sudden load change? Keep load stable.
Stedy Spd Oc Main circuit device overheat Check for output short circuit or ground fault. Change fan.
Check for cooling fan stop. Remolve obstacle to cooling fan. (Note)
Deceleration too fast?
Increase deceleration time. Change fan.
OC During Dec Check for output short circuit or ground fault.
Remove obstacle to cooling fan. (Note)
Check for cooling fan stop.

Ov During Acc Acceleration too fast? Increase acceleration time.

Stedy Spd Ov Sudden load change? Keep load stable.

Ovewokage on DC bus
lncrease deceleration time.
(terminals P-N)
Ov During Dec Deceleration too fast? (Set deceleration time which matches load

Motor Overload Thermal relay for motor Reduce load.

Motor used under overload?
lncrease motor and inverter capacities.
Inv. Overload Thermal relay for inverter
Check the cause of instantaneous power fail-
Inst. Pwr. Loss Instantaneouspower failure
ure occurrence.
Check power system equipment such as
Under Voltage Drop of power supply voltage Large-capacity motor started?
power supply capacity.
Reduce load GD?
Br. Cct. Fault Brake transistor fauk Braking duty correct?
Reduce braking duty.
Ground Fault Ground fault occurred in output circuit. Check motor and cables for ground fault. Remedy ground fault area.

OH Fault External thermal relay operated. Check motor for overheat. Reduce load and frequency of operation.
Stall prevention or current limit function acti- Reduce load.
Still Prev STP Motor used under overload?
vated too long. Increase motor and inverter capacities.
Option Fault Option and inverter connected improperly. Check for loose connector. Securely connect.
Storage device (EEPROM) capacity exce-
Corrupt Number of parameter write times too many? Change inverter.
eded, faulty
Operation could not be resumed within the
Retry No, Over Check cause of alarm occurrence.
number of retry times set.
CPU Fault CPU malfunction Change inverter.
The PU has been disconnected from the con-
PU Leave Out Check that the PU is connected securely. Securely install the PU.
PU to Inverter Reset signal ON Turn the reset signal off
Check for miswiring to reset terminal
comms. Error Loose connection beween PU and inverter Securely connect
Check for loose connector
Inv. Reset ON Communication circuit fault Change inverter

Note: This alarm does not occur due to the cooling fan stop, but it will occur to prevent the power aevices from
overheating by the fan failure.
13. 2 Faults and Check Points

Fault Typical Check Point

(1) Checking the main circuit
Check that the power is applied (inverter LED display is lit).
Check that the motor is connected properly.
(2) Checking the input signals
Check that the start signal is present.
Check that both the forward and reverse start signals are not present simultaneously.
Check that the frequency setting signal is not at zero.
Check that the signal across terminals AU and SD is on when the frequency setting signal
is 4 to 20mA.
Check that the output stop signal (across terminals MRS-SD) or reset signal (across RES-
SD) is not on.
Motor does not rotate. (3) Checking the function (parameter) set values
Check that the reverse rotation prevention (Pr. 78) is not set.
Check that the operation mode (Pr. 79) setting is correct.
Check that the bias and gain (Pr. 902 to Pr. 905) settings are correct.
Check that the starting frequency (Pr. 13) set value is not greater than the running
Check that various operational functions (such as three-speed operation), especially the
maximum frequency, are not zero.
(4) Checking the load
Check that the load is not too heavy and the shaft is not locked.
(5) Others
Check that the inverter LED display (ALARM) is not lit.
The motor rotates in opposite direc- Check that the phase sequence of the output terminals U, V and W is correct.
tion. Check that the start signals (forward, reverse) are connected properly.
Check that the frequency setting signal is proper. (Measure the input signal level.)
Check that the following function (parameter) set values are proper:
Speed greatly differs from the pre- Maximum frequency (Pr. I ) , accelerationldeceleration reference frequency (Pr. 20),
determined value. accelerationldeceleration time increment (Pr. 21), bias. gain (Pr. 902 to Pr. 905), base
frequency voltage (Pr. 19)
Check that the input signal lines are not affected by external noise. (Use of shielded cables)
Check that the accelerationldecelerationtime set value is not too short.
Accelerationldeceleration is not Check that the load is not too heavy.
smooth. Check that the torque boost set value is not too large to activate the current limit function.
Check that the load is not varying.
Check that the frequency setting signal is not varying.
Check that the settings of the applied motor capacity (Pr. 80) and number of applied motor
poles (Pr. 81) are correct for the inverter capacity and motor capacity in magnetic flux vector
Speed varies during operation. Check that the wiring length is within 30m in magnetic flux vector control.
Check that the wiring length is proper in VIF control.
Remedy: Change the setting of special parameter 97 (Td compensation) to 0. This parameter is
displayed only when 801 is set in Pr. 77.
Note: Parameters Pr. 82 to 99, which are also displayed simultaneously when 801 is
set in Pr. 77, must not be set to protect the inverter from damage.
Check that the load is not too heavy.
Motor current is large.
Check that the torque boost (manual) set value is not too large.
Check that the maximum frequency set value is proper, i.e. it is not too small.
Speed does not increase. Check that the load is not too heavy.
Check that the torque boost set value is not too large to activate the current limit function.
I"PU to inverter comms. error" is dis-
played on the PU screen.
Check that the reset signal (terminals RES-SD) is not ON.
Check that the PU is connected securely. -
Note: Pr. indicates a function number (parameter).
13.3 Protective Functions
When any of the protective functions has been activated, switch the power off, then on, or reset the inverter with
the reset terminal (RES). (Inverter reset can also be executed in the PU help menu.)

Display Alan
Funcbon Description Alan
'Ode Output
Parameter unit Inverter LED
If a current not less then 120% of the rated inverter current flows in OL is shown
the motor during acceleration, this function stops the increase in (during motor rotation).
frequency until the load current reduces to prevent the inverter from
resultingin overcurrent trip. If a current not'less than 120% of the
rated current flows during steady (constant-speed)operation, this
stant-speed stall pre-
function also lowers the frequency until the load current reduces to
vention Current limit
prevent the inverter from resulting in overcurrent trip. (EOLT)
When the load current has reduced below 120%, this function Not prov~ded.
increases the frequency again and accelerates up to the set speed or Indicates a stop Provided by
continues operation. due to the acti- EDLT
vation of the display.
If the brake operating amount has exceeded the specified value due Stll Prew STP function for a
to excessive regenerative energy during motor deceleration, this (at a motor stop) long time during
Deceleration stall pre- function stops the decrease in frequency to prevent the inverter from constant-speed
resulting in overvoltage trip. As soon as the regenerative energy has operation.

I vention
reduced, this function reduces the frequency again and continues

When the inverter output current has reached or


oc During ~ c c nr
exceeded 135% of the rated current, the constant-speed StedY Spd Oc Provided
protective circuit is activated to stop the inverter. operation
OC During Dee
Ov During
€8" 1
When a. d. c. bus overvoltage is caused by During
Regenerativeover- regenerative energy from the motor or power line constant-speed Stedy Spd Ov Provided
voltage shut-off singe voltage, the protective circuit is activated to operation Eu"ut?
stop the transistor output and keep it stopped.
If instantaneous power failure has occurred in excess of 15 msec
(this applies also to inverter input power shut-oft), this function is
failure protection
activated to stop the inverter output end keep it stopped. At this time.
the alarm output contacts are open (across 0-C). (If the power failure Inst. Pwr. Loss
€I 7 Provided
is within 15msec. the control circuit operates without fault. If the (EIPF)
power failure continues for more than about lwmsec, the protective
circuit is reset.)

If the inverter power supply voltage has reduced, the control circuit
cannot operate propely, resulting in the decrease in motor torque
Undervoltage protec-
tion andlor the increase in heat generation. To prevent this, if the power
supply voltage reduces below about 3WV, this function stops the
Under Voltage Et'uT 8 Provided

inverter output. (EUVT)

If the brake transistor fault has occurred due to extremely large

Brake transistor
fault detection regsnerative brake duty, etc., this function detects that fault and
stops the inverter output.
Br. Cct. Fault E UT A Provided
The electronic overcurrent protection in the inverter detects motor Motor protection
overload during rated operation or motor overheat during low-

speed operation, activates the protective circuit, and stops the in-
verter output and keeps it stopped. When, for example, a
Motor Overload
EM7 5 Provided

multi-pole motor or more than one motor is driven, the motor(s)

cannot be protected by the electronic overcurrent protection. Pro- . (ETHM)
vide a thermal relay in the inverter output circuit. In this case, set- Inverter protection
ting the electronic overcurrent protection value to OA activates the
inverter pmtection only. (Activated at a current 120% or more of
the rated current.)
Inv. Overload
E~HT 6 Provided


'Indicates factory-set value when current level for stall prevention operation is set at 120%. When changed, stall prevention function
operates at the new set value.

If a ground fault current has flown due to a ground fault occurring in

I Parameter unh

Inverter LED

the output (load) side of the inverter, this functionstops the inverter
output. A ground fault occurring at low ground resisfance may Ground Fault
aclivate the overcurrent proteaton (OC 1 to OC3.)

If the external thermal relay for motor overheat protection or the

int~~rnallymounted temperature relay in the motor has been switched
External thermal on (relay contack open), this function stops the inverter output and OH Fault Provided
OIL operation " keeps it stopped. This protection is only providedwhen the external
thermal relay input function has been selected.
Stops the inverter output if the dedicated option used in the inverter
Bu~lt-inoption error Option Fault Provided
resulk in connection (connector) fault dunng operation.

Stops the output if the specifiednumber of write times (100.000

Parameter Error times) to EEPROM, which stores the function set values, has been Corrupt Memry
or a device fault has murred.

count over If operation cannot be resumed within the number of retry times set.
Retry No. Over F Provided
this function stops the inverter output.

If the operation of the built-inCPU does not end within a

CPU error predetermined period of time, the inverter self-determinesit as alarm
and stops the output.
CPU Fault ECPL" F Provided

Stops the inverter output if the parameter unit is disconnected.

unit dis-
connection error
This protecke function is achated only when the PU disconnection
detection function has been selected.
PU Leave Out Ef'lrE F Provided

I DC fuse
I ;~I;cles that the DC fuse has blown This function stops the inverter
I Either OCl. OCL and CC3 will be CFCE 9 Provided
displayed depending on whether (ECPU)
'under acceleration'. 'under
constant speed: or 'under
P-N kansistor
short-sircuited circuited. This function stops the inverter output. ERrr 9 Provided


If the cooling fins overheat because the m l i n g fan has stopped due
Heat sink Fin overheat Provided
to some problem or because the fins are dogged, the inverter output
will be stopped to protect the transistor.

Indicates that the cooling fan has stopped due to an abnormality. Provided
fan Fan stop
This function stops the inverter output.

Over frequency shut-


Stops the inverter output if the output frequency exceeds the set
value by 105% or higher due to a CPU abnormality.

CPU error Provided

"Exterrnal thernal OIL: operation is active o n l y when external thermal OIL input select f u n c t i o n is set.
13.4 Alarm Code Output
With Pr. 76 (alarm code output selection), fault contents can be output as a four-bit digital signal. This signal is
output from the inverter using the open collector output terminals provided as standard. Fault contents and
corresponding alarm code are shown in the table below. 3
Alarm Deflnltion inverter LED Output Terminal Signal OrJOff"
(Protective Function) Display (Alarm Code)

Normal operation - 0 0 0 0 0

During acceleration E. OCl 0 0 0 1 1

Overcunent shut-off mnslnt-speed E. OC2 0 0 1 0 2

During decaleration E. OC3 0 0 1 1 3

'0: output transistor off, 1 : output transistor on (common terminal: SE)

14.1 MELTRAGA140E Standard Specification

Model MT- 0- 0 MT-A140E-75K MT-A140E-11OK MT-A140E-150K MT-A140E-220KMT-A140E-280K MT-A140E-375K

110 165 220 330 420 550
(kVA) "1
Constant Torque 80 110 165 220 330 420
I I variable ~ o r q u e1I 144 1I 216 1
288 1I 432 1
547 1
722 1
I Rated current
Constant Torque I
325 I
432 I

5 Voltage 3-phase, 380V to 460V (max.), 50160Hz

Variable Torque 75 (100) 110 (150) 150 (200) 220 (300) 280 (400) 375 (500)
Applicable Motor *2
kW (HP at 460V) Constant Torque 55 (75) 280 (400)
75 (100) 110 (150) 160 (210) 220 (300)
Overload current rating *3 120%, 60 seconds
Output voltage '4 3-phase, 380V to 460V 50160Hz
Voltagelfrequency 3-phase, 380V to 460V 50160Hz
Allowable voltage fluctuation '5 323 to 506V 5 0 1 6 0 ~ ~
Allowable frequency fluctuation +5%
Power supply capacity Same as output capacity
Control system PWM control (V/F control or Primary Magnetic Flux Control can be selected)
Frequency control range 1 0.5 to 400Hz
I 0.06HU60Hz (Input terminal No. 2: lobiff0 to 10V, 9biVO to 5V,
lnput terminal No. 1: 1Obit/-1 0 to +10V, 9biV-5V to +5V)

""" ."" ............................................................................................................................................................................
Frequency setting 0.015Hz/60Hz (Input terminal No. 2: 12bit/O to 10V, 11biVO to 5V,
resolution (when optional Input terminal No. 1: 12biV-10 to +10V, 11bit/-5V to +5V)
T-OPT20 is mounted)
I Digital input I 0.01 HU6OHz (when parameter unit is used) I
Within +0.2% of the maximum output frequency (at 25'C +1O0C)/atanalog input
Frequency accuracy Within 0.02% of the set output frequencylat digital input
Base frequency can be set between 0 to 400Hz. Constant torque or Variable torque pattern
Voltagelfrequency characteristic can be selected.
( " I Torque boost I Manual and automatic torque boost I
I / I
ACCeler~ionideCelerationtirne setting 0 to 3600 sec (acceleration and deceleration can be set individually)
Linear or S-shaped accelerationldeceleration mode can be selected.
DC braking Operating frequency (0 to 120Hz), time (0 to 10 sec.), and voltage (0 to 30%) are adjustable.
Stall prevention operation level Operating current can be set (0 to 120%), presence or absence can be selected.

Current limit control Current limit can be set (0 to 120%) presence or absence can be selected.
Protection structure, cooling system Open type (IPOO), forced air cooling
Approximate weight kg (Ib.) 40 (88) 66 (146) 67 (148) 115 (254) 155 (342) 235 (519)

Analog DCO to 5V, 0 to 10V, 0 to +5V, 0 to +10V, 4 to 20mA

Frequency setting
signal Diclital Use of parameter units. 4-Digit+BCD or 16-bit binary (when the optional T-OPT20 is used)
3-wire input for forward and reverse rotation can be selected.
Up to 7 speeds can be selected (each speed can be set between 0 to 400Hz,
Multi-speed selection Run speed can be changed during operation from the parameter unit).
$, I Alternate acceleration1
zj deceleration time select 1 0 to 3600 seconds (acceleration and deceleration can be set individually.)
Jogging operation select A (JOG) mode select terminal is provided. '6

Current input selection Input of 4 to 20mA DC frequency setting signal (terminal No. 4) is selected.

Output stop Instantaneous shut-off of inverter output (frequency and voltage)

Alarm reset Alarm retained at the activation of protective function is reset.

Maximumlminimum frequency settings, frequency jump operation, external thermal OIL relay
input selection, Polarity reverse operation, auto-restart after instantaneouspower failure,
Operation functions
commercial power - inverter switch-over operation, forward/reverse rotation prevention, slip
compensation, operation mode selectionandun mode are selected.

Up to four can be selected among: inverter running, up to frequency, instantaneous power

failure (undervoltage), frequency detection, second frequency detection, program mode
.-C Operating status operation, during PU operation, overload alarm, regeneration brake prealarm, and electronic

2 thermal OIL pre-alarm. Open collector output

a. 2
Contact output ... 1C contact (230VAC, 0.3A, BOVDC, 0.3A)
"g --
Alarm (inverter trip) Open collector ... Alarm code output (4 bits)

a Select one from: output frequency, motor current (steady or peak value), output voltage,
frequency set value, running speed, motor torque, converter output voltage (steady or peak
For indicating meter value), regenerative brake usage rate, electronic thermal OIL load factor, input power, output
power, load meter, motor excitation current. Pulse train output (1440HzJfullscale) or analog
output (0-1 OVDC).

Select from: output frequency, motor current (steady or peak value), output voltage, frequency
set value, running speed, motor torque, overload, converter output voltage (steady or peak
Operating status
value), electronic thermal OIL load factor, input power, output power, load meter, motor
On parameter unit excitation current, integrationoperating time, and regenerative brake use rate.
or inverter LED
% Alarm definition is displayed when protective function is activated. 8 alarm definitions are
-mP Alarm definition
Operating Status Presence or absence of input terminal signals, and output terminal signals
Additional display
to parameter unit Alarm definition Output voltage, current, frequency, I10 terminal state immediately before protective function is
only activated

Interactive guidance Operation guide, troubleshooting, graphic display and HELP function

Overcurrent shutoff (during acceleration, deceleration, and constant speed), regenerative

overvoltage shutoff, undervoltage, instantaneous power failure, overload shutoff (electronic
Protectivelalarm functions thermal OIL), heat sink temp., ground-fault overcurrent, output short circuit, stall prevention,
overload alarm, brake transistor protection (with MT-BU), fuse off, overfrequency, and cooling
fan stopped

Standard accessory '

7 DC reactor to improve power factor (installed separately)

-10°C to +50°C (14 to 122"F), -1 0% to +40°C (14 to 104'F) when the totally enclosed
Ambient temperature
structure is used.
- Ambient humidity 90% RH or less (Noncondensing)
.g Storage temperature '8 -20°C to +65'C (-4 to 14g°F)
Ambience For indoor use; no corrosive gases, inflammable gas, oil mist, dust or dirt present.

Altitude, vibration Below 1000m, 5.9rn/S2 (0.6G) or less

Notes: '1. Indicatedfor rated capacity of 440V.

'2. Indicates maximum capacity when four-pole standard squirrel cage motor is used.
'3. % value indicates ratio of inverter rated output current. For repeated use, allow inverter and motor temperature value to cod lo less than that at 10W. load.
'4. Maximum output voltage can be set to any value below input supply voltage.
'5.400V series invertor: If the supply voltage changes by +lo% or-15% or 380 -440V, 50/60Hz, keep the short-barattachedbetweenterminals Xand XI on the control card (T-CNTX)).
If the change is +lo% or -15% of 440 - 460V, 50/60Hz, remove that short-bar. Refer to the instruction manual for details.
'6. Jog operation can also be performedusing parameter unit.
'7. This reactor is supplied together with the invertor. Attach the reactor whenever the invertor is operated.
'6. Indicatestemperatures that can be applied for short periods during transportation, eh.
14.2 Applicable motor capacity for Inverter power rating

LLTQ , Software to control either the variable torque applications or constant torque applications has been incorporated into
MELTRAC-A series inverter.
The user is able to select either the normal variable torque rating w~th120% overload capabil~tyor a next smaller motor
rating for use on constant torque applications which unit has 150% overload capability.

I Applicable motor capacity (kW) I I Supply voltage 380 to 460V class I

Variable Torque Application1 Rated output current (A)
Variable Torque1 Inverter Model
Constant Torque Application

11OkW (150HP)/75kW (1OOHP) 216N144A I MT-A140E-11OK[

Note 1: When selecting an applicable motor, make sure that motor full loadcurrent multiplied by 1.1 must
NOT exceed inverter rated output current.
Note 2: Motor horse power rating is only at 460V.

Supply Voltage Suffix Number

1 - 1 - 02UL UL, CUL listed

15. Standard connection diagram and terminal specifications
15. 1 Internal block diagram Rrnka . P Inn+in.-
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

. --- -,

NFB Inverter

I Ground

(Note 1) ' x
I Ground terminal


Normal rotation -
Reverse rotation
self-holding selection

Multi-step speed


Jogfihermal input
2nd acceleration-, log meter
deceleration time

Current input selection

Note: 1. If the control power is supplied from another power source, remove the short-circuit pieces from R-R1 and S-
S1,and input the same power as the main circuit. If the power of the main circuit is 440 to 460V, remove the
short-circuit piece from X - XI.
2. Connect the power factor improving DC reactor across the terminals P and P I .
3. The parameter unit is unnecessary for scale calibration.
4. If torque control is necessary, connect the optional brake unit (MT-BU) and brake resistor across P and N.
5. Be sure to ground the inverter and the motor.
6. It is possible to output the abnormality content as an alarm code and individually allocate ten kinds of function.
15. 2 Specifications of inputloutput terminals

Terminal code Terrninal name Rating and others Application Reference page

3-phase 200-230V Install the power coordinative AC reactor if the

AC power 50160Hz inverter uses an especially large capacity
R, S, T input termi- power supply of specially, the voltage phase P10-11
nal 3-phase 380-460V imbalance is 3% or more and a thyristor con-
50160Hz verter is provided in the same system.

Inverter Connect the 3-phase induction motor.

U, V, W output - The output voltage should not exceed the P10-11
terminal input voltage.

The terminal is used a regenerative motor
.-2 brake by connecting the optional power
P regenerative converter (MT-RC) and Model
a, Converter regenerative unit.
2n output - -
u terminal Never attempt to connect anything other than
m N the power regenerative converter (MT-RC)
and brake unit (MT-BU). If P and P1 are short-
.-2 circuited, the inverter will be damaged.
.-c Power factor
cu ~rnprovingDC - Connector the power factor improving DC -
2 Pf '1 reactor connec- reactor which is provided as an accessory.
t ~ o ntermlnal

AC power terminals R, The power terminals R and S are connected

S and T and the same by the short-circuit bridge. Even if the inverter
Control rated power consump- power is turned off, the fault display and fault
R1, S1 circuit power tion 50 VA (provided output signal will be maintained since the P12
terminal on the printed-circuit power is supplied from the other system.
board) In this case, be sure to remove the short-
circuit bridge.

&- Ground terminal - Be sure to ground the circuit. -

Normal Input 4'7 kR Normal rotation is commanded by a short
Opened"Itage DC 21 circuit across STF and SD, and stop is com-
STF 'Otation start
input signal 27 current manded by a open circuit. In case of the pro-
DC 4-6 mA Photo-
terminal gram operation mode, the program operation
coupler insulation P14
start signal is commanded across STF and
Reverse SD. If the circuits are simultaneously shorted
Controllablewith Open across STF and SD and across STR and SC,
STR collectorOutput Or stop is commanded. In case of operation, it is
input "gnal
voltage contact point
decelerated and stopped.
C signal
CI If the circuit across STOP and SD is shorted,


DC 21
the self- holding start system is selected. After
the circuit across the start signal terminals
STF and STR-SD has been shorted once, the
.-$2 to 27 Shorted current start signal will be maintained to continuously
-0 Start self- DC 4-6 mA operate the inverter even if it is opened.
2 holding coupler insulation In order to stop the motor or change the rota-
selective tion direction, open and close the circuit across
S terminal with Open the terminals STOP and SD, and close and
Output Or non- open the circuit across the start signal termi-
'Ontact point nals STR (STF) and SD. The self-holding
signal start system prevents the inverter from auto-
matically restarting when power failure has
been rectified.
Terminal code Terminal name Rating and others Application Reference page

When the circuit across RH and SD is shorted,

operation is possible at the set frequency 4
(0 to 400 Hz) with the parameter unit.
lnput resistor 4.7 W2 Operation is possible at the set frequency 5
Opened voltage 21 to (0 to 400 Hz) for a short circuit across RM
27 V DC Shorted and SD and at the set frequency 6 (0 to
current 4-6 mA DC 400 Hz) for a short circuit across RL and SD.
Photo-coupler insula- If any plural circuits across RH, RM and RL to
RH,RM,RL tion SD are simultaneously shorted, the low-speed P49
side terminal has the priority.
Controllable with open
collector output or non- In case of multi-speed selection, a maximum
Multi-step voltage contact point of 7 speeds can be selected with the combina-
speed signal tion of short-circuits across RH, RM and RL to
selective SD when he multi-step speed frequencies (0
terminal to 400 Hz) are at 24 thru 27 with the
parameter unit.

When the JOG mode is selected, select 17

(setting value 0) with the parameter unit, short
lnput resistor 4.7 W2 the circuit across JOG and SD, and use the
Opened voltage 21 to circuits across the start signal terminals STF
27 V DC Shorted (STR) and S in order to start and stop the
current 4-6 mA DC operation. Moreover, when the external
2 Selection
Photo-coupler insula- thermal input terminal is selected, select
.-m and external
+- JOG,OH tion 17 (setting value 1) and connect the contact P51
3 thermal point of the thermal relay across JOGIOH and
.-c input termi-
V Controllable with open SD. If the thermal relay is activated, the inver-
w nal
3 collector output or non- ter is stopped and held and the abnormality is
.-B voltage contact point output. Even if the contact point of the thermal
signal relay is automatically reset, the inverter is not
4d restarted. To reset, short the circuit across
o RES and SD, and reset the power.
lnput resistor 4.7 WZ When the circuit across RT and SD is shorted,
Opened voltage 21 to the 2nd acceleration-, deceleration time 44
27 V DC Shorted or 45 (0 to 3,600 seconds) and the 2nd
2nd accel- current 4-6 mA DC torque boost 46 and 2nd VIF 47 are
eration-, Photo-coupler insula- selected. Set the acceleration-, deceleration
RT deceleration tion time with the parameter unit. P54
time selec- When the circuit across RT and SD is opened,
tive terminal Controllable with open it is operated with 7 and 8 acceleration-,
collector output or non- deceleration time (0 to 3,600 seconds) and
voltage contact point the torque boost 0 and VIF 3.

lnput resistor 4.7 W2 The inverter output is shut down to stop the
Opened voltage 21 to motor in the free run mode. It is used to shut
27 V DC Shorted down output of the inverter in order to stop the
current 4-6 mA DC motor with the mechanical type brake or
Photo-coupler insula- similar. Make the interval between the
output stop tion -
MRS terminal terminals MRS-SD short-circuitedfor 20
msec or longer.
Controllable with open
collector output or non-
voltage contact point
Terminal code Terminal name Rating and others Application Reference page

This is provided to reset and cancel a stop

condition of the inverter resulting from activa-
Input resistor 4.7 kR tion of the protective circuit in case of an
Opened voltage 21 to abnormality. Each section of the control
27 V DC Shorted circuit is immediately brought into the initial
fqeset current 4-6 mA DC state, and the output of the inverter is simulta-
RES terminal Photo-coupler insula- neously shut down. Open the reset input after -
tion Controllable with the circuit across the terminals REC and SD is
open collector output shorted for 0.1 second or more. Though the
or non-voltage contact initial reset is automatically executed in the
point signal inverter when power is supplied, 0.1 to 0.2
seconds are required after power is supplied.
During resetting, the inverter does not output.

Input resistor 4.7 kROpened When the circuit across AU and SD only is
voltage 21 to 27 V DC shorted, operation is possible with the 4-20
Current input Shorted current 4-6 mA DC mA DC frequency setting signal which is input
AU selective Photo-coupler insulation across terminals 4 and 5. When the circuit -
terminal across AU and SD is open, the input signal
Controllable with open across terminals 4 and 5 is invalid. If the multi-
collector output or non-voltage step speed terminal is input the multi-step
contact point signal speed has the ptiority.
tu The common terminal on the positive side of
c External
13, transistor the external power is connected to prevent a
cn PC Power "Itage range malfunction resulting from the back-flow cur- -
3 22 to 26 DC Current rent
L1 positive consumption O0 mA when the output (open collector) of the
V sequencer (PC) or the transistor which has the
.- terminal externai power supply is input to the inverter.
- Input resistor 4.7 kR Opened When the circuit across CS and SD is shorted,
.+d voltage 21 to 27 V DC the automatic restart control is possible with
Instantane- Shorted current 4-6 mA DC the instantaneous power failure and recovery
6 CS ous restart Photo-coupler insulation (recovery time is not limited). If it is undesirable P56
!;elective that operation is automatically restarted after
terminal Controllable with open the instantaneous power failure and recovery,
collector output or non-voltage open the circuit across the terminals CS and
contact point signal SD.

Contact point Common terminal for contact point input signal

SD input common - and frequency meter. Insulated from the com- -
terminal mon terminal of the control circuit.

10 f)ower terminal 5 Vk0.2 V DC Tolerable load Used as the power supply when the frequency
current 10 mA setting (speed setting) volume is externally
for frequency I0 V k0.4 V DC Tolerable load
10E setting current 10 mA connected. (Terminal 5 is common.)

When the input voltage of the terminal 2 is se-

lected to be 5 V DC with 73, the maximum
output frequency is gained at 5 V by inputting
Irrequency 0 - 5 V DC to terminal 2. Here, input is propor- P58
setting +
Input resistance 10 1 tional to output. (An input voltage of 5 V or
2 (voltage k!2 Max. tolerable higher is regarded as 5 V.)
signal) voltage 20 V DC
1.erminal When the input voltage of terminal 2 is sele-
cted to be 10 V DC with 73, the maximum
output frequency is gained at 10 V by inputting
0 - 10 V DC to terminal 2. Here, input is pro-
portional to output.
Terminal code Terminal name Rating and others Application Reference page
Frequency setting The common terminal and control circuit of the
5 input common - frequency setting signal are 0 V. Ground the -
terminal terminal.
When 0 to +I0 V (+5 V) DC is input, the max-
.-0 imum output frequency is gained at + 10 V
C (+5 V) and -1 0 V (-5 V) in case of 73
a Frequency (setting value 10-1 5). Here, input is propor-
.-c setting sub- Input resistance lo tional to output. In case of 73 (setting

C P61
2 input termi- value 0-5), the maximum output frequency is
.-2 nal Voltage k20 DC gained at +10 V (+5 V), and the inverter is not
- output at 0 to -10 V (-5 V). It is added to the
C signal at the terminal 2. +I0 V or +5 V is also
o switched with 73.
Frequency Input resistance 250R 4-20 mA DC is input. The maximum output
4 setting (current k2% Maximum toler- frequency is gained at 20 mA DC. 0 Hz com- PI6
signal) terminal able current 30 mA mand is gained at 4 mA DC.

This contact point output indicates that the

output of the inverter is shut down since the
protective function of the inverter operates.
Normally the circuit across B and C is closed,
Contact point output and the circuit across A and C is opened. In p88
Contact point capacity an abnormal situation the internal relay is acti-
vated to open the circuit across terminals 6
and C and close the circuit across terminals A
A 4
and C. When this signal is output, the motor
is brought into the free run state.

This open collector output is at the L level for

= the start frequency or more and at the H level
c Inverter Open collector output for halt or DC brake. When the protective
.g RUN operation Tolerable load 24 V DC function is activated, it is at the H level. Use a P88
3 terminal 0.1 A power loading of 24 V DC with a ripple of
+_lo%or less (equivalent to &phase full wave
V rectification).

.-2 This open collector output is at the L level

-o when the output frequency is within f 10% of
c the set frequency (factory-set at delivery.
0 Frequency Open collectorOutput Variable with 40), and at the H level for
O SU-X arrival Tolerable load24 Dc P55
acceleration-, deceleration and halt. Use a
terminal 0.1 A
power loading of 24 V DC with a ripple of
+lo% or less (equivalent to 3-phase full wave

This open collector output is at the L level

Instantane- when the protective circuit is activated due to
ous power Open the instantaneous power failure or insufficient
1PF.X failure load
24 DC P55
0.1 A voltage. Use a power loading of 24 V DC with
terminal a ripple of +lo% or less (equivalent to 3-phase
full wave rectification).
The function can be changed by setting the output terminal allocation function 40. (Page 11)
Terminal code Terminal name Rating and others Application Reference page

This open collector output is at the L level

when the current limit function or stall preven-
tor is activated and at the H level when it is
Overload Open Output reset. The function of each terminal can be
OLX alarm load 24 Dc changed by setting the output terminal alloca-
Tolerable P55
terminal 0.1 A tion setting function 40. Use a power load-
ing of 24 V DC with a ripple of +0% I or less
(equivalent to 3-phase full wave rectification).

This open collector output is at the L level

when the output frequency is more than the
detection frequency which is set with 42
Frequency Open collector output (setting value: 0 to 400 Hz) and 43 (setting
FU% detection Tolerable load 24 V value: 0 to 400 Hz) and at the H level when it P55
terminal DC 0.1 A is less than the detection frequency. Use a
m power loading of 24 V DC with a ripple of
c f10% or less (equivalent to 3-phase full wave
cn rectification).
3 Open collector Common terminals of open collector outputs
3 SE output common - RUN, SU, OL, IPF and FU Insulated from the -
terminal common terminal of the control circuit.
-0 Factory-set to become approx. 3.5 V DC
2 (when circuit across FM and SD is opened)
0 at 60 Hz, and is proportional to the output
Terminal for Photo-coupler insula- frequency. Connect to a 1 mA movable coil
tion Tolerable load type DC ammeter. P63
(frequency current 1 mA
meter) The output pulse frequency becomes 1,440
pulses/sect for the frequency set by 55
(setting value 0 to 400 Hz) or the current set
by 56 (setting value 0-3600 A).
Factory-setto 10 V DC for the full scale value
Non-insulation0 to 10 of each monitor, and is proportional to each
V DC Tolerable load monitor value.
current 1 mA (Load P63
AM' signalOutput impedance 10 M or The output voltage is set to be 10 V DC for the
terminal more) Resolution frequency set by 55 (setting value: 0 to
power 8 bits 400 Hz) or the current set by 56 (setting
value: 0 to 3600 A).
MT-A140E-75K Unit: mm (inches)

The h a t rhk b mounledoulsids lhe panel.

wl. 4% (88 I b )
DC Reactor wunrv)

MT-A140E-11OK MT-A140E-150K Unit: mm (inches)

DC Reactor for MT-A140-110K


DC Reactor for MT-A140-150K

1. The R. S. and T on the source input and the DC reactor are connected on the top; and U, V, and W on the source
output are connected on the bottom.
2. When the inverter heat sink is mounted outside the panel, less heat is generated internally. Thus, the overall unit
size can be effectively reduced.
3. All units include a DC reactor to improve system power factor (DCL).
MT-A140E-280K Unit: mm (inches)

The heal rink i. rnounwd oulslda Ae panel.

568 126.31
t---- WO (23.6'2) +

DC Reactor

4. Cool the DCL with forced air cooling at an minimum air velocity of 5 d s e c (16Wsec).
5. DC reactor is equipped with temperature sensor. Pleaseconnect it to the auxiliary signal input terminal with normally
open (NO) contact 0.6A. 125V Temperature sensor for overtemperaturealarm normally open contact. (0.6A, 125V)
L 778

+I + i
I -
Six row MID

Main options

Name Model Application, specifications and others Applicable inverter

InpuWoutput function T-OPT20 0 16-bit digital input Relay output (4 points)

Extended analog output (1 point) PLG feed-back control
@ 12-bit N D converter built-in for frequency command
m conversion

Computer link T-OPT21 0 RS422 and RS485 interface for calculation link
(serial communication)
m' PLG feed-back control
Common for
all models
PLC link T-OPT22 MELSCNETIMINI-S3(fiber optic interface)
O PLG feedback control
Parameter unit (in Japanese)
gm FR-PU02 Interactive type parameter unit with LCD display Option necessary
for inverter operation.

Parameter unit (in English) FR-PU02E LCD and numeric key pad of FA-PU02 are indicated in English
Option necessary for inverter operation.

AC reactor for power Necessary if the ratio of the power capacity to inverter capacity
coordination is 10 times or more and in the following cases
Depends on
o Thyristor converter load is applied to the same power supply.
o The power factor adjusting capacitor is controlled to be on
and off on the power side.
o An imbalance of 3% or more exists in the power voltage.
Radio noise filter FR-BIF For radio noise reduction
.-C Common for
Line noise filter FR-BLF For radio noise reduction all models
Connection cable of parameter unit FR-CBL Parameter unit connection cable

Brake unit MT-BU Brake capacity increase of inverter

Resistor unit MT-BR A combination of the brake unit and the resistor unit is used.

Power regenerative converter MT-RC Energy-savingtype high-performance brake unit in which the
brake energy generated by the motor can be regenerated into the
power supply

Sine wave filter MT-BSU-BSC Motor noise is reduced during inverter drive Refer to Pr.72

Functions of built-in options

Among the following option cards, one card can be stored in the inverter. Each card has multiple functions as shown below.

7 1 Functions
Option name PLG Extended Computer link
16-bit 12-bit Relay Output
analog output (serial commu-
digital input N D converter (4 points) interface
control (, point) nication)
(PLC Link)

(InpuWoutput function)

(Computer link)

PLC link)
." ,*,* - . 8 .
Built-in options
1* "1 /' . -.*
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Unit: mm (inches)

Name (model name) Specifications, structure and others Remarks

( Leakage current:

Radio noise filter 2-

FR-BIF.-200V series

1. It can not be connected to the output side of the inverter.
2. Cuttheleadwirestoheshortest possiblelength,andconnectthem
to the terminal block of the inverter.

I Straight type 1
2-$3.5 lnverter side Parameter unit side
2 0 . 0 8 1

Inverter side
Parameter unit side

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