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of Optometry
P e e r- r e v i e w e d J o u r n a l o f t h e Spanish General Council of Optometry
ISSN: 1888-4296
April-June 2011 | Vo l . 4 | n . 2
35 GRIN optics
José Antonio Díaz Navas
Case report
37 Selective inner retinal layer involvement in early syphilitic retinitis as evidenced by spectral domain OCT
Stephanie A. Klemencic, Tricia L. Newman, Leonard V. Messner
Original articles
63 Functional and refractive results after one month of AcrySof toric intraocular lens implantation
Francisco Alba-Bueno, Saida González, Marc Biarnés, Joaquin Cabot
B.P. Koirala Lions Centre for Ophthalmic Studies, Institute of Medicine, Tribhuvan University, Maharajgunj, Kathmandu,
Mechi Eye Hospital, Birtamod, Jhapa, Nepal
*Corresponding author. B.P. Koirala Lions Center for Ophthalmic Studies, Institute of Medicine, Maharajgunj, Kathmandu, Nepal
E-mail: (G.S. Shrestha).
1888-4296/$ - see front matter © 2010 Spanish General Council of Optometry. Published by Elsevier España, S.L. All rights reserved.
50 G.S. Shrestha et al
An estimated 153 million people over 5 years of age are Sample size and study design
visually impaired as a result of uncorrected refractive
errors, of which 8 million are blind. Approximately A cross-sectional school-based study was conducted in
12.8 million children in the age group 5-15 years are visually 1150 students in three government schools of Jhapa:
impaired from uncorrected or inadequately corrected 429 students in Durga SS, 413 students in Amarjyoti SS, and
refractive errors, estimating a global prevalence of 0.96 %. 1 308 in Gyan Niketan SS; and 1086 students in a private
Poor vision and an inability to read material on the school of Jhapa: Little Flower English HHS from June,
chalkboard due to refractive error can profoundly affect a 2009 to October 2009. Distribution of students is given in
child’s participation and learning in the classroom. 2 It also Table 1. All the children attending the schools visited were
has serious social implications for the child in school. included in the study. Very few children, who were absent
According to the National Blindness Survey of Nepal of 1981, at the time of the school visit, were left out. There were
refractive error was identified as a primary ocular disorder around 18 private schools (available at http://enepal.
in 1.3 % of the 39,887 examined persons of all ages (Brilliant, asia/schoolout.htm#Jhapa. Accessed on December 26, 2010)
1988). 3 In the study done by the Refractive Error Study in and 376 government schools in Jhapa. 6 As the population
Children (RESC) group, refractive error was the major cause was drawn from the schools which were easily accessible to
of visual acuity of 0.5 (20/40) or worse in at least one eye in the hospital, it was anticipated that prevalence of refractive
89.5 % of children in China and 56 % in Nepal. The study error different than that found in earlier studies in Jhapa.
further reported that reduced vision, because of myopia, Among these school children, 48.6 % were male and 51.4 %
was an important public health problem in school-age were female giving ratio of 0.94.
children; and more than 9 % of children could benefit from Jhapa is the esasternmost and one of the developed
prescription glasses. 4,5 districts of Nepal, lies in fertile Terai plane of Mechi Zone,
The purpose of this study was to gather information on covers an area of 1,606 km 2 with Chandragadhi as its district
the refractive status of students so that an effective headquarters, and has a total population of 217,608 children
approach can be planned to tackle the burden of readily below 14 years of age. Male female ratio is 1.03. Jhapa
correctable refraction problems in school children. Children borders Ilam district in the north, Morang district in the
were also provided with glasses and medicines when found west, the Indian state of Bihar in the south and east, and
necessary. When encountered with diseases that could not the Indian state of West Bengal in the east. The district is
be managed at schools, they are brought to Mechi Eye divided into 47 Village Development Committees (VDCs)
Hospital for appropriate management. and three municipalities. Jhapa is the home to about
Refractive error among school children in Jhapa, Nepal 51
Table 1 Distribution of students in private (PS) and government schools (GS) by age and sex
Distribution by age and sex PS, n (%) GS 1, n (%) GS 2, n (%) GS 3, n (%) Total, n (%)
5-7 years 174 (16) 88 (20.5) 122 (29.5) 77 (25) 461 (20.6)
8-10 years 280 (25.8) 165 (38.5) 121 (29.3) 84 (27.3) 650 (29.1)
11-13 years 356 (32.8) 104 (24.2) 103 (24.9) 78 (25.3) 641 (28.7)
14-16 years 276 (25.4) 72 (16.8) 67 (16.2) 69 (22.4) 484 (21.6)
Male 490 (45.1) 231 (53.8) 202 (48.9) 163 (52.9) 1,086 (48.6)
Female 596 (54.9) 198 (46.2) 211 (51.1) 145 (47.1) 1,150 (51.4)
Total 1,086 (100) 429 (100) 413 (100) 308 (100) 2,236 (100)
99 ethnic people. Majority includes Bahun (25.07 %) and those children. A cyclopentolate drop was instilled two
chhettri (14.9 %) with minorities of Rajbanshi, Satar, Meche, times at an interval of 10 minutes, and refraction was
Koche, Limbu, Dhimal, Gangain, Rai, Dhangad, Tamang, carried out after 45 minutes from the first instillation.
Uraon, Magar, Gurung, and Newar. Almost all the villages This process was followed by subjective refraction after
and towns are linked by roads. Jhapa has a literacy rate of 3 days.
66.93 % which is highest in Nepal after the capital city — Fundus evaluation was done with a direct ophthalmoscope.
Kathmandu. 6 Fundus evaluation with dilated pupil was carried out
All the schools were sent written information detailing when the vision was not fully corrected.
the purpose of the eye examination, and permission was
sought. All the parents were advised to be present on the Diagnostic criteria
day of examination. Those parents, who couldn’t visit on
the day of examination, were sent a letter stating their The diagnostic criteria used for refractive error was
children’s ocular health status. They were advised to visit 0.5 diopters or more for myopia, 1.00 diopter or more for
us in the hospital for further clarification. The team hypermetropia and ≥ 0.75 DC for astigmatism. Presenting
carrying out the school screening consisted of an vision is defined by the visual acuity in the better eye
ophthalmologist, two optometrists, an ophthalmic assistant unaided or using currently available refractive correction in
and a driver. spectacle wearers. Best-corrected vision was the visual
acuity in the better eye achieved by subjects tested with
Tools and examination refraction. A diagnosis of amblyopia was made if the vision
was 6/9 or worse after a careful eye examination including
The materials taken with the team were internally funduscopy through dilated pupil and cycloplegic
illuminated Snellen vision chart (model AME 20, appasamy), refraction.
torch lights, hand held slit lamp (Heine Germany), direct
ophthalmoscopes (Heine Beta 200, Germany), retinoscopes Statistical analysis
(Heine Beta 200, Germany), trial set, universal trial frames
(Emami), RAF rule. All data were entered in the statistical package for social
The students underwent the following examinations: studies version 14.0 for evaluation. Chi-square test was
performed to analyze differences in the refractive error
— Uncorrected, presenting and best corrected visual acuity between male and female, among different age group, and
was assessed in internally illuminated Snellen vision chart between government schools and the private school. P value
at 6meter distance to maintain the standard of visual for confidence interval of 95 % was considered significant at
acuity assessment. the p < 0.05 level for prevalence estimates.
— Extraocular movements and cover tests were performed
using torch light, and convergence was tested using RAF
rule. Result
— Anterior segment examination was carried out with the
help of a torch light and portable slit lamp biomicroscopy Visual acuity in school children
(Heine, Germany).
— Retinoscopy and subjective refraction was performed in A total of 2236 children between 5 and 16 years of age were
all the children. A cycloplegic refraction was performed examined in the four schools that were included in the
with cyclopentotale HCL 1 % in all the cases of study. Unaided visual acuity was normal (6/6) in 2044
hypermetropia, strabismus, and amblyopia, unstable end (91.4 %) students. Presenting VA was normal (6/6) in 2068
point of refraction, scissor reflex, anisometropia more (92.5 %) students. 110 students (5 %) had presenting VA
than 1.00 D, high refractive error, and the cases where 6/9-6/18, 58 (3 %) students had visual acuity 6/18-6/60
vision couldn’t be improved with normal refraction, and (Table 2). Out of 35 students (1.6 %) who wore glasses,
suspected case of pseudomyopia. When family history of 24 students (1.1 %) had presenting visual acuity 6/6. Unaided
strabismus, amblyopia or high refractive error was visual acuity worse than 6/12 (0.5) was present in
present, cycloplegic refraction was also considered in 85 students (3.8 %). After refractive correction, visual acuity
52 G.S. Shrestha et al
Table 2 Distribution of uncorrected, presenting, and best corrected visual acuity (VA)
VA Unaided, n (%) Presenting, n (%) Wearing glasses, n (%) Best corrected, n (%)
5-7 431 30 (6.5) 0.7 (0.5-1) 159 15 (8.6) 0.8 (0.4-1.4) 272 15 (5.2) 1.0 (0.5-1.8) 0.15
8-10 596 54 (9.1) 1 (0.7-1.3) 251 29 (10.4) 1 (0.6-1.6) 345 25 (6.7) 0.9 (0.6-1.6) 0.09
11-13 582 59 (9.2) 1.1 (0.8-1.5) 319 37 (10.4) 1 (0.7-1.5) 263 22 (7.7) 1.2 (0.7-1.9) 0.24
14-16 435 49 (10.1) 1.3 (0.9-1.8) 245 31 (11.2) 1.1 (0.7-1.8) 190 18 (8.6) 1.3 (0.8-2.3) 0.35
x 2 = 4.4, x 2 = 0.8, x 2 = 2.54,
df = 3, df = 3, df = 3,
p = 0.22 p = 0.85 p = 0.46
Male 980 106 (9.8) 1.34 (1-1.8) 430 60 (12.2) 1.5 (1-2.2) 552 46 (7.7) 1.3 (0.8-2) 0.01
Female 1064 86 (7.5) 544 52 (8.7) 518 34 (6.2) 0.09
x 2 = 3.7, x 2 = 3.6, x 2 = 1,
df = 1, df = 1, df = 1,
p = 0.05 p = 0.06 p = 0.3
Total 2044 192 (8.6) 974 112 (10.3) 1070 80 (6.9)
CI: 95 % confidence interval; GS: government school; PS: private school.
p significant at 0.05 by chi-square test between sex and among age group.
*p significant at 0.05 by chi-square test between private and government school.
was significantly improved (x 2 = 81.3, df = 3, p < 0.01) to schools. But male students of private schools had significant
6/6 in 98 % students. Forty-five (2 %) students were prevalence of refractive error (p = 0.01) than male students
amblyopic. After refractive correction vision worse than of government schools.
6/12 (0.5) was present in 0.2 %.
Magnitude and distribution of refractive error in
Prevalence of refractive error in school children school children
Prevalence of refractive error is shown in Table 3. A total of The magnitude of refractive error is given in Table 4. Myopia
192 students (8.6 %) had refractive error. Refractive error was the most common refractive error in 44.8 % (86/192)
was prevalent in 9.8 % (106/1086) male and 7.5 % (86/1150) followed by astigmatism (34.9 %) and hypermetropia
female. Males had significantly higher refractive error (20.3 %). Myopia of 2.0-6.0 D was the most common type of
(x 2 = 3.707, df = 1, p = 0.05, ODD = 1.3) than females. refractive error in 48.8 %. Similarly astigmatism less than
Prevalence of refractive error which was 6.5 % (ODD-0.7) in 1.0 D and hypermetropia less than 1.5 D were common in
age 5-7 years increased to 10.1 % (ODD = 1.3) in age 61.2 % and 66.7 % students. Distribution of magnitude of
14-16 years in the children suggesting that refractive error myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism was insignificantly
was prevalent more in elder children. But, statistically the different between male and female.
increment was insignificant (x 2 = 4.4, df = 3, p = 0.22). Overall, mean score for myopia, hypermetropia, and
Prevalence of refractive error in private school was 10.3 % astigmatism was —2.8D ± 1.9 (Range, —0.5 to —9), +2D ± 1.3D
(112/1086). Like wise prevalence of three government (range, +1D to +6D), and —0.8DC ± 1.2 (range, +1.8 to —4D)
schools were 7 % (30/429), 6.9 % (28/413), 7.1 % (22/308) respectively for confidence interval of 95 %. Emmetropia
respectively. (Figure 1) was observed in 1762 (78.8 %) whereas
The prevalence of refractive error was insignificantly hypermetropia around + 0.5 D after cycloplegic refraction
different among these government schools (x 2 = 0.03, df = 2, was observed in 282 students (12.6 %).
p = 0.9). But, refractive error was significantly high in At the age of 5-7 years (Figure 2), mean score for myopia
private school than government schools (x 2 = 6.7, df = 1, was —0.9 ± 0.7 (range, —0.5 to —2.25). It was increased to
p < 0.01). Age distribution of refractive error was not —1.7 ± 1 (range, —0.5 to —4 D) at the age 8-10 years,
significantly different between private and government —2.7 ± 1.7 (range, —0.5 to —6.5 D) at the age 11-13 years,
Refractive error among school children in Jhapa, Nepal 53
Table 4 Magnitude of refractive error Age 5-7 Age 8-10 Age 11-13 Age 14-16
Percentage of cases
Myopia 60
<2D 36 (41.9) 19 (37.3) 17 (48.6) 0.4 50
2-6 D 42 (48.8) 28 (54.9) 14 (40)
>6D 8 (9.3) 4 (7.8) 4 (11.4)
Total 86 (100) 51 (100) 35 (100) 30
Hypermetropia 20
≤ 1.5 D 26 (66.7) 15 (75) 11 (57.9) 0.3
> 1.5 D 13 (33.3) 5 (25) 8 (42.1)
Total 39 (100) 20 (100) 19 (100) 0
–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5
≤ 1 DC 41 (61.2) 22 (62.9) 19 (59.4) 0.8 Refractive Error in Diopters
> 1 DC 26 (38.8) 13 (37.1) 13 (40.6)
Figure 1 Distribution of refractive error in school children.
Total 67 (100) 35 (100) 32 (100)
*p significant at 0.05 by chi-square test in different types
of refractive errors. 5
Myopia Astigmatism Hypermetropia
During the time of screening, other abnormalities were also Figure 2 Age distribution of mean refractive error.
seen. They were convergence insufficiency in 1.8 %,
conjunctivitis in 1.3 %, glaucoma suspect in 1.2 %, squint in
0.9 %, lens related (Pseudophakia, aphakia, congenital corrected visual acuity worse than 0.5 (6/12) at least in one
cataract) in 0.4 %, chalazion in 0.2 %, and nystagmus in 0.2 %. eye was 2.9 %, 2.8 %, and 1.4 %. In the same report, the
These students were referred to Mechi Eye Care centre for prevalence of refractive error was reported 4.8 % (hyperopia
further evaluation and management. Hence, a total ocular in 1.4 %, myopia 1.2 %, and astigmatism 2.2 %). The
morbidity including refractive error was seen in 14.6 %. prevalence of refractive error was found higher in our study
compared to Pokhrel (2000) report 5 although both studies
were conducted in Jhapa district. Our study was conducted
Discussion in school children while the Pokhrel report was population
based. Cycloplegic refraction was not conducted in all cases
Refractive error is one of the avoidable causes of blindness in our study as compared to Pokhrel report. Description of
and low vision. It can restrict progress in education, limit prevalence of refractive error was also different in our study
career opportunity and restrict access to information. So it from Pokhrel report. In Pokhrel report, the prevalence of
is essential to understand the pattern of refractive error in myopia was described as —0.5 diopter or less in either eye,
school children to plan effective programs to deal with the hyperopia 2 diopters or greater in either eye, and
problem. astigmatism of 0.75 cylindrical diopter or greater. In contrast
The prevalence of refractive error among school children to that, we assigned myopia as 0.5 diopter or more in better
in this study was 8.6 % (3.9 % myopia, hypermetropia 1.7 %, eye, hypermetropia 1 or more in better eye, and astigmatism
and 3 % astigmatism). The prevalence of unaided, presenting 0.75 or more in better eye. However, our finding was
and corrected visual acuity worse than 6/12 (0.5) was 3.8 %, comparable to other school based reports, e.g. Nepal
2.6 %, and 0.2 % respectively in our study. Thirty-five children (2003) 7 found 8.1 % in Kathmandu, Niroula (2009) 8 reported
had spectacle during assessment of presenting visual acuity, 6.43 % in Pokhara, Kassa (2003) 9 reported 7.6 % in Ethiopia,
24 students had visual acuity 6/6 with spectacle. In the and Kalikivayi (1997) reported 7.4 % in India. 10 But different
Pokhrel (2000) report, unaided, presenting, and best prevalence rates were found in other population based
54 G.S. Shrestha et al
studies, e.g. Jialiang (2000) 4 in 12.8 % in China, Trivedi computer education, competitive education and extra
(2006) 11 in 2.7 % in Gujrat, and Pokhrel (2000) in 1.62 % in curricular courses. These could be some of the possible
Jhapa. These findings suggest that prevalence of refractive reasons which have to be explored.
error is higher in school children and there is a variation in Ocular morbidity in our study (14.6 %) was seen slightly
refractive error in different geographical regions. higher than ocular morbidity in the Nepal (2003) report at
The prevalence of vision impairment was present in 11 %. 7 The reason could be the lack of awareness and poorer
5 students (0.2 %) had best corrected visual acuity worse accessibility to eye care system in Jhapa than Kathmandu.
than 6/12 for which obvious pathological condition couldn’t Mechi eye hospital is the only eye hospital that has been
be revealed. In Pokhrel (2000) report, the prevalence of providing comprehensive eye care and screening services in
uncorrectable cause of vision impairment was reported in the Jhapa district of Nepal since 1996. In Kathmandu, there
0.44 % had best-corrected visual acuity 0.5 (6/12) or worse are more than 5 tertiary eye hospitals, departments and
in the better eye. In Sapkota (2008), 12 the prevalence teaching institutes.
of vision impairment was reported in 0.86 % had best Finding of the prevalence of refractive error is the major
corrected visual acuity less than 6/12 in both eyes. 12 cause of visual disability in school children in Jhapa. The
Prevalence of visual impairment as reported high in both most encouraging fact about the visual disability is that it
the Pokhrel (2000) and the Sapkota (2008) study. Both can readily be correctable in 97.4 % (187/192) with spectacle
studies reported other causes of visual impairment like correction. Though programme has to be focused on all type
cataract, retinal disorder, and corneal opacity and of refractive errors, more provision is required to reduce or
unexplained, apart from refractive error. In our study,
eliminate visual impairment due to myopia in elder students.
pseudophakia and aphakia were noted in 0.4 %. However,
Though ethnic distribution of prevalence of refractive error
refraction in those cases could improve vision. But, our
is not studied and exclusive coverage of schools is not
study was limited to only few schools and sample coverage
attended, there is no reason to suspect that students
was poor. Owing to this fact we would have missed some
studying in other part of schools or area in Jhapa can
other important clinical conditions which could have been
experience refractive error different from students studied
prevalent in other schools.
in enrolled schools. Because, age group of the students
Prevalence of refractive error was found invariably
enrolled in the study had typical school attendance pattern.
increased with increasing age (Table 3). Statistically, the
increment was insignificant (x 2 = 4.4, df = 3, p = 0.22). Male There is an apparent need for parental as well as school
(9.8 %) had significant (x 2 = 3.7, df = 1, p = 0.05, ODD = 1.3) education programs along with effective strategies for
prevalence of refractive error than female (7.5 %). Myopia providing school-based vision screening, quality optometric
was the most common refractive error (44.8 %) which was services, and provision of providing affordable spectacles.
followed by astigmatism (34.9 %) and hyperopia (20.3 %).
Myopia range 2-6 D was most common (Table 4) in 48.8 %
followed by myopia less than 2 D in 41.9 %. Astigmatism less Acknowledgements
than 1.5 D was common in 66.7 %. Number of myopic
students was found increased from 7 % at 5-7 years of age to We would like to heartily thank Mr. Ajit Thakur, Optometrist,
38.4 % 14-16 years of age. This finding was in an agreement and Mr. Kishor Rijal, Ophthalmic Assistant, for helping during
with studies by Nepal (2003), 7 Pokhrel (2010), 13 Sapkota eye examination and data collection. We would like to thank
(2008) and Niroula (2009). 8 The ratio of number of myopic Mr. Mike Hollenback for helping us edit the article.
male students with myopic female students was 1.4
(Table 4). But, the ratio of number of hypermetropic (1) and
astigmatic (1.1) males and females students was almost Conflict of interests
equal. This finding suggests that males were more at risk of
developing myopia than females. Amblyopia was present in Authors declare that they don’t have any conflict of
2.01 % children. If this number of amblyopia is considered interests.
out of 192 children having refractive error, it would be an
intense problem (23.44 %). Some sort of preschool screening
Programme should be initiated to reduce its significance. References
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