Clinical Study: Extreme Oncoplastic Surgery For Multifocal/Multicentric and Locally Advanced Breast Cancer
Clinical Study: Extreme Oncoplastic Surgery For Multifocal/Multicentric and Locally Advanced Breast Cancer
Clinical Study: Extreme Oncoplastic Surgery For Multifocal/Multicentric and Locally Advanced Breast Cancer
Clinical Study
Extreme Oncoplastic Surgery for Multifocal/Multicentric and
Locally Advanced Breast Cancer
Copyright © 2019 Chaitanyanand B. Koppiker et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
Introduction. Breast conserving surgery (BCS) followed by radiation therapy (RT) has become the preferred alternative to
mastectomy for patients with early stage breast cancer (BC). Randomized trials have confirmed equivalent locoregional control
and overall survival for BCS and mastectomy. Extreme Oncoplasty (EO) extends the indications of BCS for patients who
would otherwise require mastectomy, ensuring better aesthetic outcomes and oncological safety. Methods. BC patients with
multifocal/multicentric (MF/MC) tumors, extensive DCIS, or large tumor >50mm underwent EO at our breast unit. Therapeutic
reduction mammaplasty (TRM) with wise pattern preoperative markings and dual pedicle technique involving parenchymal
rearrangement was used for oncoplastic reconstructions in majority of the cases followed by RT. Patient reported outcome measures
(PROMs) were assessed using the validated Breast-Q questionnaire. Results. Of the 39 patients in the study, 36 had unilateral and
3 had bilateral BC. Mean age was 47.2 years. Median tumor size was 75mm. 17 (43.6%) patients received NACT; none achieved a
complete clinical response. 28 (71.8%) patients were administered to adjuvant chemotherapy. 33(84.6%) patients received RT to the
breast with a median dose of 50Gy in 28 fractions and a boost dose of 10Gy in 5 fractions to the tumor bed. No major complications
or local recurrences were observed. Excellent Breast-Q scores were observed in patients undergoing EO after 12 months of follow-up.
Conclusion. EO followed by RT results in acceptable local-regional control, low rate of complications, and high patient satisfaction.
In selected patients, EO could provide a safe alternative for breast conservation surgery instead of mastectomy.
shown to have acceptable cosmesis without compromising carrying the nipple areolar complex (NAC) and filling in the
locoregional control or survival [16]. In the last decade, defect by appropriate mobilization of the internal local breast
oncoplastic breast surgery (OBS) has emerged as an inte- flaps.
grated approach to achieve optimal oncological outcomes Most of the cases in our study cohort have been operated
and cosmesis. This approach allows tumor excision with using the dual pedicle technique. NAC was carried on
wider margins during BCS without compromising the aes- superior pedicle and the inferior pedicle was used to fill the
thetic outcome [17]. In addition, OBS has shown comparable defect caused by excision of the tumor.
oncological efficacy with conventional BCS in achieving
adequate surgical margins and recurrence rates [18–21]. 2.2. Patient Selection. This is a single institutional study
In recent years, the technique of “Extreme Oncoplasty” involving retrospective analysis of prospectively collected
(EO) has emerged as a promising option in selective patients data. During the study duration, a total of 42 BC patients
with adequate breasts (cup size ≥ C) where in BCS is possible with large breasts having either MF/MC or large tumor (>50
inspite of large volume resections [22]. Indeed, EO could be mm) or previous oddly placed large scar or extensive DCIS
used to conserve breasts in scenarios for which mastectomy were included. All patients were initially recommended to
would be have been the treatment of choice offered by most have a mastectomy but agreed to breast conservation after
surgeons. These situations include (a) tumor size >50 mm, appropriate counseling by the breast oncoplastic surgeon.
(b) MF and MC tumors, (c) extensive ductal carcinoma For the purpose of this study, large breast is defined as
in situ (DCIS), (d) extensive intraductal component > 50 the one with a cup size of C or larger. Written informed
mm, (d) previously irradiated breast with a new or recur- consent was obtained from all patients for collection of study-
rent cancer within the same breast, (e) a locally advanced relevant medical data inclusive of clinical management and
breast carcinoma with limited or partial imaging response routine follow-up visits. Data collection included demog-
to neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT), and (f) patient with raphy, medical history, clinicopathological characteristics,
excision biopsy with inappropriate scar [22, 23]. Thus, EO details of adjuvant therapy, surgical intervention, postsurgery
provides an alternative to mastectomy, extends the scope of complications, and follow-up details.
breast conservation, provides better clinical outcomes, and Out of these 42 patients, 39 completed one-year post-
improves quality of life (QoL) [22]. surgery follow-up and were analyzed for surgical outcomes
There are very few reports in the literature which describe and patient reported outcome measures (PROMs).
the application of the EO technique in BC management.
Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyze the clinical,
postsurgical, and patient satisfaction outcomes in an EO 2.3. Clinical Management. BC diagnosis was based upon
study cohort at our breast unit. In this report, we describe clinical examination and radiological evaluation of breast and
our experience in a series of 39 BC patients who underwent axilla using Full Field Digital Mammography (FFDM) with
EO using wise pattern/vertical scar therapeutic reduction 3-D Tomosynthesis (Siemens Mammomat Inspiration) and
mammaplasty (TRM) technique. Ultrasonography (Siemens Acuson S2000). Histopatholog-
ical studies on Tru-Cut biopsy samples (majority of cases)
or vacuum assisted biopsy (for index tumors, Encor Ultra)
2. Material and Methods samples were performed for confirming diagnosis of breast
2.1. Surgical Technique. Our EO surgery technique encom- carcinoma. Similarly, ultrasonography and fine needle aspi-
passes excision of large volume of the breast dictated by ration cytology were used for investigating axillary lymph
the extent of tumor. This is facilitated by the technique node metastasis. Confirmed BC cases underwent EO surgery
of Therapeutic Reduction Mammoplasty (TRM) which is at a network hospital site. The oncologic management with
performed either by a wise pattern and/or vertical scar skin chemoradiation protocols was undertaken by a multidisci-
pattern. In some patients, the central wedge excision with plinary clinical team in accordance with the current NCCN
immediate nipple reconstruction (wise pattern) and in few guidelines.
patients nipple areolar grafting was performed. In exceptional
cases, lateral mammaplasty techniques were used. 2.4. Radiation Therapy. The Radiation Therapy (RT) dose
The surgery begins by marking out the wise pattern. planning was aimed at achieving a Biologically Effective
The next step is to localize the tumor and excise it with Dose (BED) of 50 Gy for all patients. The breast along
wide margins by going through one of the limbs of the wise with the supraclavicular region (if indicated) was irradiated
pattern. This localization is performed either preoperatively by 6 MV photon beams using Forward Plan Field-in-Field
by stereotactic guide-wire placement or by placement of wire Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (F-P FiF IMRT). Two
and needle on the operating table using a high resolution tangential fields along with multiple subfields were used for
ultrasonography. The tumor and its quadrant are then widely this treatment. CT images (5-mm thickness) were obtained
excised and further imaging of the specimen is performed at different transverse sections covering the region of inter-
using specimen mammography to ensure that the tumor is est with adequate margins to create a 3D image. Volume
excised with wide margins. After this step, the shaved margins delineation (CTV, Contralateral breast, Lung and Heart)
of the cavity are further excised and sent for frozen sections. on CT images was performed on an Eclipse contouring
Once clarity about the tumor margins of the excision cavity is station. Computerized treatment planning was performed on
achieved, the decision is made to use one of the pedicles for Eclipse treatment planning system (TPS) (Version 13.5.35).
International Journal of Breast Cancer 3
High energy linear accelerator (Elekta Synergy, Elekta Medi- images for this patient are depicted in Figure 1. The maximum
cal System, UK) with 80 leaves Multileaf Collimator (MLCi) and mean doses of RT received by the structures are tabulated
was used for tangential treatments to the breast field. RT plan in Supplementary Table 1.
was accepted if at least 95% of prescribed dose covers the
100% of planning target volume (PTV). Hot spot in PTV was 3.2. Study Cohort Demography. Out of 42 EO cases, 39
accepted up to 110% of prescribed dose. Tumor bed boost, patients with large breasts who had completed 12 months
wherever indicated, was performed using either an electron post-surgery follow-up were included in the study. 36 patients
portal or Simultaneous Integrated Boost (SIB) technique. had unilateral and 3 had bilateral BCs. Tumors were found
in the upper outer quadrant of the breast in 22 (56.4%)
2.5. Study Assessments. Postsurgery outcomes were assessed patients, lower outer quadrant in 06 (15.4%) patients, and
by oncosurgeons. Complications such as hematoma, seroma, lower inner quadrant in 06 (15.4%) patients. The mean age of
infection, skin necrosis, nipple necrosis, and wound dehis- patients at diagnosis was 46.3 years. Majority of these patients
cence were recorded. Complications were classified as were at stages II or III. Most of the diagnosed BC cases
“major” when they required surgical intervention and were IDC and/or DCIS. 17 (43.6%) patients received NACT;
“minor” when they were managed conservatively. We also none achieved a complete clinical response. In addition,
noted the time between completion of the surgery and start adjuvant therapy was administered to 71.8% of patients. In the
of the adjuvant therapy to ascertain any delays in the adjuvant postoperative period, adjuvant chemotherapy and/or RT was
therapy. administered to patients according to clinical indications. 32
(82.05%) patients received RT (Table 1).
2.6. PROMs. The Patient Reported Outcomes Measures Demographic distribution of study participants and their
(PROMs) were used to evaluate patient satisfaction and qual- clinicopathological characteristics are summarized in Table 1.
ity of life (QoL) after EO. To assess PROMs, a standardized The median tumor size was 75mm. Clear margins were
Breast-Q questionnaire was utilized. The Breast-Q module achieved in all the patients on frozen section as well con-
was divided into multiple independent scales. Higher scores firmed on final histopathology analysis. The average mar-
indicate greater patient satisfaction and functionality [24]. gin achieved distance was 5mm. No local recurrence was
observed (Table 2). None of the patients in our study cohort
3. Results experienced any delays in their adjuvant therapies.
3.1. Representative Case Study. A 40-year-old patient with 3.3. Postoperative Outcomes. There were no major postoper-
E-cup breasts presented with a large diffuse lump in the ative complications (defined as requiring inpatient hospital-
left upper outer quadrant (UOQ). Mammogram revealed a ization or returning to the operating theatre). There were 3
MF/MC tumor that extended from 3 o’ clock position to 12 o’ cases of minor complications including 1 case of seroma and
clock position measuring 11.8 x 7.9 mm. Tru-Cut biopsy sug- 2 cases of minor wound healing. All of them were treated
gested DCIS of intermediate grade. Immunohistochemistry conservatively in the outpatient settings (Table 3).
revealed ER (Estrogen Receptor)/PR (Progesterone Receptor)
positive status. The patient was initially advised mastectomy 3.4. Radiation Therapy. Of the 39 patients included in this
but insisted on conserving her breast and sought a second study, 32 patients underwent RT as clinically indicated. It was
opinion. Hence, TRM was planned. The tumor was localized not possible to obtain RT-related data from the remaining 7
with localization wires under mammography guidance. The patients as they were lost to follow-up. While 22 of these 32
patient was marked for wise pattern incision and excision of patients received RT to the whole breast alone, 10 received
the whole UOQ was performed. Specimen mammography RT to the breast along with the supraclavicular region. Out of
was performed to confirm complete removal of tumor. Shave 32 patients, 18 patients had left-sided lesion and 14 patients
margins were sent for frozen section evaluation and were had right-sided lesion. Forward Plan Intensity Modulated
reported negative. The skin over lower, medial, lateral, and Radiation Therapy (IMRT) was used to treat 27 patients. 4 of
superomedial quadrants was mobilized in the mastectomy the 5 patients who were treated using Volumetric Modulated
plane and other quadrants were used to fill the defect. Since Arc Therapy (VMAT) also received Simultaneous Integrated
the dissected sentinel node was positive, further axillary Boost (SIB). (Supplementary Table 2)
dissections were performed through the same incision. 2/16
nodes were positive. Though the tumor location was close 3.5. PROMs. PROMs data was collected from the study
to the nipple, the nipple core and margins of the NAC were participants after 12 months postsurgery with the Breast-
negative for DCIS on frozen sections. The breast tissue was Q questionnaire. Out of 39 study participants, 29 (74.3%)
reshaped and reconstructed. The NAC was used as a nipple- responded to the questionnaire. These PROMs were used to
areola graft. The post-op histopathology revealed Grade II assess patient reported satisfaction and QoL after EO. The
IDC with extensive DCIS and a lesion spanning 75 mm results indicated improvement in the following four areas
in UOQ. The patient received adjuvant RT, followed by evaluated after surgery. The mean scores for BREAST-Q
electron boost to the tumor bed. The patient was counseled scales (±standard deviation) were Satisfaction with Breasts
for adjuvant therapy and chose to have adjuvant endocrine (78.0±16.6), Satisfaction with Outcome (85.7±13.7), Psy-
therapy. The patient tolerated treatment well and is disease- chosocial Wellbeing (90.8 ± 11.5) and Sexual Wellbeing
free after 4 years post-diagnosis. The pre- and postsurgery (75.8±11.7) (Table 4).
4 International Journal of Breast Cancer
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 1: Representative Case Study. (a) Preoperative images. (b) Lateral view shows skin and breast tissue that will be removed. (c)
Mammography shows lesion in UOQ. (d) Postoperative images.
Table 2: Salient features of EO cohort. Conventionally, a RT plan encompasses a total dose of 45-
Characteristics(n =39) Extreme (>50mm)
50 Gy in 25 daily fractions over 5 weeks followed by a boost
of 10-16 Gy in 5-8 fractions. Nowadays, hypofractionated RT
N 39
(dose >2 Gy per fraction) delivered in fewer fractions over
Mean Age 46.3 a shorter treatment period is an alternative option [40]. In
Mean Volume 432.8 cc addition, a tumor bed boost delivered to selective patients
Median Span 75 mm by an electron beam of specific energy after whole breast
NACT 17/39 (43.6%) irradiation (WBI) has been shown to improve local control,
Margins (0.1 – 0.9mm) Nil particularly, in patients <40 years [41]. Currently, newer RT
Margins (>1 mm) 39/39 (100%) techniques such as Simultaneous Integrated Boost (SIB) have
been introduced to deliver boost dose concomitant to WBI,
Average Margin Distance 5 mm away (approximately)
thereby reducing skin toxicity and fibrosis [42]. Indeed, in our
Re-excision Nil
study cohort, the 4 EO patients who received an SIB-IMRT
Mastectomy Nil did not develop any major complications. This observation
Any Local Recurrence Nil indicates the feasibility of using SIB-IMRT for in patients who
Follow-Up 12 months have undergone EO surgery.
Despite the promising results related to post-EO surgery
outcomes and RT-associated complications, our study has a
stay. Therefore, choice of optimal RT technique is critical few limitations. This study only describes data from single
in OBS to ensure satisfactory oncological outcomes with breast unit with small number of patients (n = 39) with a 12-
minimal postoperative complications. month postsurgery follow-up. To overcome these limitations,
6 International Journal of Breast Cancer
Complications Number, %
(n = 39)
Hematoma (requiring surgical evacuation) Nil
Infection (requiring surgical drainage/debridement under general
Major Complications anesthesia
Skin Necrosis (requiring surgical debridement under general
Nipple Necrosis (requiring surgical debridement/complete nipple
Wound Dehiscence (requiring return to theatre for resuturing) Nil
Total Nil
Seroma (requiring aspiration) 1 (2.6%)
Hematoma (managed conservatively) Nil
Minor Complications Infection (requiring antibiotics) Nil
Skin Necrosis (managed conservatively by dressings) Nil
Nipple Necrosis (managed conservatively by dressings) Nil
Wound Dehiscence (managed conservatively) 2 (5.1%)
Total 3 (7.7%)
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