01 ABB Industries LVS Profile
01 ABB Industries LVS Profile
01 ABB Industries LVS Profile
ABB Industries (L.L.C), formerly known as Asea Brown Boveri Ltd., was
established in Dubai in 1992 to promote ABB Group business activities in the
UAE as well as in the neighboring Gulf countries.
- Oman
- Qatar
- Kuwait
- Bahrain
- Iran
Low Voltage Systems A low voltage switchgear
solution provider, evolving to
meet your growing needs.
Professional services…
The other vital role of our unit in Dubai is providing a full scope of
services to our customers in the region, including testing,
commissioning, retrofit, modifications, upgrades, annual maintenance,
and training in our high tech facility.
Gurvinder Singh
Quality and Environment
Contributing to economic and social developments
Quality Environmental
ABB constantly works to improve the quality of our ABB's products, systems, solutions and services are
products, systems, and services so that we can continue designed to improve our customers' businesses - centered
to be a leader in the Automation and Power Technology around improving grid reliability and increasing industrial
markets. productivity - while lowering environmental impact.
Quality improvement is based on use of tools and We seek to minimize the environmental impact of our
techniques that have been taught for decades to technologies and products, passing on this expertise to
employees of leading companies. customers and suppliers, at the same time as trying to
ensure that our business is environmentally friendly.
ISO 9001, ISO 14001
& OHSAS 18001
Social Responsibility
ABB Industries (L.L.C) is certified to :
• The international quality standard • An active supporter of Emirates Enviromental group
ISO 9001:2000 • A Founding member of the UAE Corporate Social Responsibility
• The international environmental Network
standard ISO 14001:1996 • A Founding Member Board of the Emirates Green Building Council
• A Founding Member of WWF’s UAE Corporate Club
• An active mentoring partner of Mohammed Bin Rashid Programme
FIRM For Leadership Development
• An active committee member of the Dubai Men’s College & Dubai
Women’s College Business Program Advisory Committee