Journal Reflection Guideline Name: Class
Journal Reflection Guideline Name: Class
Journal Reflection Guideline Name: Class
Name : Class:
4. What do you think about the uses of this measurement in your daily life?
Journal Reflection Rubric
Learning objectives:
1. Students will be able to reflect the uses of learning measurement correctly
through journal reflection.
2. Students will be able to do writing words well and correctly based on
writing rules through observation report and journal reflection.
Criteria Score
4 3 2 1
Writing all the words well and There is no There is 20% There is 50% There is more
correctly mistaken in mistaken in mistaken in than 50%
writing words. writing words. writing words. mistaken in
writing words.
Observation steps:
1. Cut the thread along 5 spans of your hand.
2. Measure that thread by using ruler.
3. Measure the length of A4 paper by using span of your hand and ruler.
4. Fill the result in the observation result.
5. Compare the result with ONE another group.
6. Answer the questions given in the observation report accurately and critically.
Observation Report
Title of observation:
Observation Result:
(cm) (inch)
● After comparing the result, is your result same with other groups? Give the
reason either if it is same or not.
● Which unit is the most commonly used in daily life and which unit is easily used
to measure? Give the reason.
Observation Report Rubric (gak jadi)
Criterion Score
4 3 2 1
Writing all the There is no There is 20% There is 50% There is more
words well and mistaken in mistaken in mistaken in than 50%
correctly writing words. writing words. writing words. mistaken in
writing words.