Questions, Hints, Prescriptions and All That: 1 Monte-Carlo
Questions, Hints, Prescriptions and All That: 1 Monte-Carlo
Questions, Hints, Prescriptions and All That: 1 Monte-Carlo
Muhammad Alibordi
1 Monte-Carlo
1.0.1 Reading Prescription
Algoritm, repeats on random sampling, probability mass function, cumulative distribution
function, Linear Congruential Generators, Acceptance-Rejection method.
1.Random numbers fall mainly in the plain - George Marsaglia, 1968
2.A note on the generation of random normal deviates- Bos and Muller, 1958.
1.1.1 Task
• (From wiki)-Draw a square, then inscribe a quadrant within it,uniformly scatter
a given number of points over the square, count the number of points inside the
quadrant, i.e. having a distance from the origin of less than 1, the ratio of the inside-
count and the total-sample-count is an estimate of the ratio of the two areas, π4 .
Multiply the result by 4 to estimate π.
• Extend this whole problem for a full circle and repeat the procedures explained above
to get the value of π.
• Extend the problem to 3D. Compare the results.
1.2.2 Task
• Generate Random numbers for kinetic energy(∼ velocity ) of the incoming α particle
and also for scattering angle within the physical limit of atomic dimension and binding
• Plot cross section vs scattering angle and impact parameter vs scattering angle.
i xi
• Calculate mean (µ = N ) and standard deviation (σ = ( Ni xi − µ) ) for impact
parameter and cross section.
The x0 determines the maximal mode with a parameter γ equals to half of the full width
at half maximum.
1.3.2 Task
Data Reduction and Error Analysis, Bevington & Robinson, Reading- A.1, A.3, Section
5.3, Problem 5.6.
• Generate 1000 random numbers between x=-3 and x=+3, distributed according to
the Lorentzian distribution with mean µ=0, and half-width Γ = 1.0.
• Make a 20 bin histogram of the generated numbers and plot Lorentzian the curve on
the distribution.
2 Distribution
2.0.1 Reading Prescription
Permutation-Combination, Probability, Gaussian Distribution, Poisson Distribution, Bino-
mial Distribution, Integral Probability, Lorentzian Distribution, Exponential Distribution,
Breit-Wigner Distribution, Argus Function, Crystal Ball Function, Mean and Half Width,
comparison between distribution.
Statistical Methods for Data Analysis in Particle Physics - Luca Lista.
λn e−λ
(Note: All the symbols have their usual meaning other will be specified)
2.1.2 Task
• Check the convergence of the distribution and what are limiting values of λ, &n.
• Generate random numbers for all parameters within the limits of convergence.