101 (2006)
101 (2006)
101 (2006)
There are many service applications where Ductile One solution to these limitations is to produce a
Iron is required to withstand arduous and abrasive composite casting whereby a tough, durable,
conditions. Careful selection of the grade of Ductile machinable grade of Ductile Iron is produced with
Iron is necessary and the RIT publication “Ductile Iron “cast-in” inserts of the required highly alloyed material
Data for Design Engineers” is most useful in this located in the critical areas.
The Magotteaux Group of Industries whose
The pearlitic grades of Ductile Iron respond well to headquarters are sited in Belgium, has developed and
quench and temper heat treatments as well as patented a unique technique for producing such a
localized induction or flame hardening to provide hard, composite material – called DUOCAST.
wear resistant areas. Chill casting and selection of
alloying, as in the case of Ductile Iron rolls, will further
extend the wear resistance and durability of Ductile
Iron castings. “Double Poured” rolls, where a hard
chilled (carbidic) wear resistant outer layer is
supported by a core of tough, durable Ductile Iron are
frequently used in steel rolling mills – considerable
skill and experience is required to optimize the
structure and performance of double poured Ductile
Iron rolls.
Figure 3. Schematic Drawing of Insert Design and Contoured Keying to Ensure REV – March 2006
Bonding between DI Casting and High Chrome Insert.