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Alya Tugas Binggris

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Essay Topic : Corruption is a global phenomenon that strikes the

poor the hardest and hinders the economic growth and business
avctivities. Corruption starts from a corrupt nature.

1. what is the meaning of corrupt and corruption ?

Corrupt definition is dishonestly using your position or power to get
an advantage, especiallyfor money and Corruption definition is dishonest or illegal
behavior especially by powerful people (such as government officials or police

2. What is the Symptoms of corrupt ?

I would like to throw out 10 Symptoms of cottupt, and raise a number of questions
for consideration:
1. Personal greed that leads to an unfettered desire for money or power, with no
regard whatsoever to moral boundaries. The underlying anthropological cause
is the innate human impulse to own external goods, when it is not subject to
personal integrity. Is personal integrity less valued than it used to be? Is there
a need for religious or other types of motivation that were once stronger?
2. Decline of personal ethical sensitivity, either due to lack of education or
negative learning experiences, developed by downplaying perverse conduct in
the past. Should ethical education be put under review? Is it time for a
personal reassessment with sincerity and repentance, to learn more about its
influence in promoting positive learning?
3. No sense of service when working in public or private institutions. This is
seen, for instance, in those who use politics for their selfish interests, instead
of serving the common good through politics. How can we promote
politicians and leaders with a true service-oriented spirit?
4. Low awareness or lack of courage to denounce corrupt behavior and situations
conducive to corruption. That is the case of someone who is aware of

corruption and stays quiet. They simply cover for the corrupt individuals,
perhaps thinking that it is not their problem, or perhaps out of cowardice, so
as not to make their lives more complicated. Would it help to promote a
culture of denouncing corruption?
5. Cultural environments that condone corruption. Such as defending or even
admiring crooks (“you have to be pretty smart to evade taxes”).
Or rationalizing false arguments with no moral basis (“everyone does it”;
“take advantage while you can”; “life is short”). Who ought to promote that
culture? Social leaders? Everyone?
6. Lack of transparency, especially at the institutional level, but also in less
formal organizations. Knowing that what you do is seen by everyone,
wouldn’t that deter acts of corruption?
7. Regulations and inefficient controls. Increased regulations and control
mechanisms are probably not the answer. They are costly and tend to stifle
initiatives and administrative dynamics. But why not have better regulation
and more effective control in areas prone to corruption. Is that so difficult?
8. Slow judicial processes. In some other countries, we would have to add “and
unreliable” to that statement. Swift processes can have a greater exemplifying
effect than those that, by the time the sentence comes, the crime already is
nearly forgotten. Justice requires appealing processes and warranties, but not
if it means slowing down the administration of justice. Do we need more
judges, but also better processes?
9. Lack of moral criteria in promotions. Corruption is prevalent when there are
no criteria for proven integrity and responsibility in the promotion. Such
criteria are ignored when someone is promoted simply because of their loyalty
to whoever is in charge or those in control of the party. Or if it is only their
strategic or organizational skills that are evaluated. Obviously, someone can
be wrong when making a promoting someone, but there should be no problem
distinguishing between a simple mistake and culpable ignorance due to
negligence or a lack of ethical assessment. Is it an issue of ethical
10. Downplaying or reacting mildly to corruption charges. Little power of
decision within organizations to penalize acts of corruption to set examples
creates an environment conducive to perpetuating corruption.

3. Why do People Corrupt ?

People become corrupt because of: Extreme poverty and opportunity. A person
cannot be corrupt unless there is a chance to be so;
I. Poor leadership, especially by leaders, senior civil servants and top
II. Greed and dishonesty. Even rich people can become corrupt ;
III. Lack of ethical standards or codes of conduct that prompt people to act with
IV. A belief that they will not be caught and that even if caught, punishment will
be light;
V. Competition for insufficient goods and services.

4. Why is there so much corruption ?

Corruption has grown so widespread and sophisticated that it threatens to undermine
the very fabric of society. In some countries almost nothing gets done unless a palm
is greased. A bribe to the right person will enable one to pass an exam, get a driver’s
license, land a contract, or win a lawsuit. “Corruption is like a heavy pollution that
weighs on people’s spirits,” laments Arnaud Montebourg, a Paris lawyer.
Bribery runs especially rampant in the world of commerce. Some companies allocate
a third of all their profits just to pay off corrupt government bureaucrats. According to
the British magazine The Economist, as much as 10 percent of the $25 billion spent
every year in international arms trade serves to bribe potential customers. As the scale
of this corruption has increased, the consequences have become catastrophic. During
the last decade, “crony” capitalism—corrupt business practices that favor the
privileged few who have good connections—is said to have ruined the economies of
entire countries.
Inevitably, the ones who suffer most from corruption and the economic devastation it
spawns are the poor—the ones who are rarely in a position to bribe anyone. As The
Economist succinctly put it, “corruption is but one form of oppression.” Can this type
of oppression be overcome, or is corruption inescapable? To answer that question, we
must first identify some of the fundamental causes of corruption.

5. What impact does corrupt have on yourself ?

The impact of corrupt are given on yourself:
1. country can't be developed well
2. People can't get right justice.
3. Increasement of bribery, fraud,extortion,etc.
4. Increase in poverty.
5. Good People can't get sufficient salary although doing hard work. Corrupted
people can't get any problems.

6. What impact does corrupt have on others ?

The impact of corrupt are given on others:
1. corrupt undermines government revenue and, therefore, limits the ability of the
government to invest in productivity-enhancing areas.
2. corrupt distorts the decision-making connected with public investment projects
(Tanzi and Davoodi, 1997).
3. there is solid empirical evidence that the higher the level of corrupt in a country,
the larger the share of its economic activity that will go underground, beyond the
reach of the tax authorities.
4. corrupt discourages private-sector development and innovation and encourages
5. corrupt contributes to a misallocation of human resources.
6. corrupt has disturbing distributional implications.
7. corrupt creates uncertainty.

7. How to prevent corruption ?

Here are five ways that citizens and governments can make progress in the fight
against corruption:

8. How to deal with the corruption that has occurred ?

1. The organisation may need to deal with corruption where, for example:
1. An employee of the organisation reports that someone has demanded a
bribe from him/her which he/she has not paid.
2. An employee of the organisation reports that he/she has paid a bribe,
either voluntarily or under threat of personal harm.
3. An employee of the organisation, in the course of his/her employment,
commits fraud.
4. A subsidiary or business associate of the organisation pays a bribe or
commits fraud in relation to which the organisation could be
5. The organisation discovers that it has been the victim of bribery or
fraud committed by another organisation.
6. The organisation is involved in a cartel.
7. The organisation discovers that a payment it has received could
constitute money laundering.

9. What is your opinion about corruption in Indonesia ?

I think, the state of corruption in Indonesia continues to increase due to the lack of
punishment for the perpetrators of such corruption, it should be legal for the
perpetrators of corruption plus

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