A Slider-Crank Experiment To Determine The Action of Static Forces
A Slider-Crank Experiment To Determine The Action of Static Forces
A Slider-Crank Experiment To Determine The Action of Static Forces
Abstract A simple experiment to demonstrate the action of static forces in a slider-crank mechanism
is described. Despite the apparent simplicity of the set-ups used, the experiment was able to produce
measurements that were close to those predicted by kinetics analysis theory. More importantly, it was
highly successful in helping students grasp the fundamental concepts of static forces operating in
slider-crank mechanisms in an experiential manner.
One of the most important and common mechanisms is the slider-crank. It is found
in pumps, compressors, steam engines, feeders, crushers, punches and injectors.
Furthermore, the slider-crank mechanism is central to diesel and gasoline internal
combustion engines, which play an indispensable role in modern living.
The kinematics and kinetics of the slider-crank mechanism is well explained in
many textbooks on the mechanics of machines [1, 2]. Recently, there has been some
work reported on the use of specific software [3] and spreadsheets [2] to assist in
creating diagrams for students to understand the kinematics of slider-crank mecha-
nisms. However, a proper understanding of the kinetics is just as crucial as the kine-
matics of mechanisms. While a mechanism is designed primarily to provide motion,
it is expected to bear loads throughout its service life. In terms of the kinetics aspect
of mechanisms, physical experimentation is arguably more appropriate than soft-
ware in conveying the essential concepts to students. The loads borne by the slider-
crank mechanism may be static or dynamic. This paper details the development of
an experiment to illustrate the action of static forces in a slider-crank mechanism.
Fig. 1 shows a slider-crank mechanism. Let the force acting on the slider be Fp, the
velocity of the slider be vp, the force acting perpendicularly to the crank be Fc, and
the velocity of the crank at C be vc. In the absence of friction, conservation of energy
Fp v p = Fc vc (1)
If PC is produced to intersect a vertical to O at M, replacing vp and vc, as described
in equation (A3) of the Appendix, from equation (1), with OC and OM gives:
Fp OM = Fc OC = T (2)
where T is the torque developed at the crank. From the geometry of the system, we
r sin q = l sin f (3)
Values of r, l and q are typically known. Hence, this allows f to be determined using:
r sin q ˆ
f = sin -1 Ê (4)
Ë l ¯
The geometry of the system also provides the relation:
tan f = (5)
r cos q + l cos f
From equations (2) and (5), the slider force, Fp, required to maintain equilibrium
with a crank torque, T, in the absence of friction is given by:
Fp = (6)
tan f (r cos q + l cos f )
Under the action of force Fp on the piston, a side thrust, Fs, develops. It is expressed
Fs = Fp tanf (7)
Suppose that the slider is not frictionless, but has a coefficient of friction m with
the motion guides of the mechanism. The effective force, Fp¢, needed at the slider
to maintain equilibrium with the crank torque, T, is now given by:
Fp¢ = Fp - mFp tan f (8)
The coefficient of friction can be determined as shown in Fig. 2. Suppose the
slider has mass m and is tilted at some angle, j, to the horizontal. At the instant
when the object first starts to slide,
Fig. 2 Free body diagram showing the forces acting on a mass on an inclined plane.
The second part of the experiment involved determining the coefficient of fric-
tion between the slider and motion guides of the mechanism. The slider mechanism,
with the connecting rod detached, was placed on the table. The plumb was then hung
from the centre of the circular crank. As soon as the plumb was no longer swing-
ing, the mechanism was slowly titled (see Fig. 4). At the instant the slider first started
to move, the angle j was recorded and m calculated using equation (10).
The third part of the experiment involved calibrating the force transducer. For this
part, the connecting rod was reconnected to the slider-crank mechanism and the
mechanism firmly attached on the table using a clamp, in the manner shown in Fig.
5. The wires from the force transducer were attached to the strain gauge meter. The
weights were hung from the force transducer, from 0 to 1.5 kg, at intervals of
0.25 kg. At each loading interval, the strain gauge reading was recorded.
In the last part of the experiment, the action of the static forces was investigated.
The clamp was removed and reattached firmly on the slider-crank mechanism, as
shown in Fig. 6. For the first reading, the crank angle was set at 40 °. The force trans-
ducer on the slider-crank mechanism was anchored to the fixture. The second clamp
was used to ensure that the fixture was stationary. A 0.5 kg mass was then applied
by hanging two pieces of the detachable weight at the end of the cord wrapped
around the circular crank. This would produce a torque equal to the product of weight
and radius of the circular crank. The strain gauge reading was then recorded. This
process was repeated by increasing the crank angle at intervals of 10 ° to 130 °.
Fig. 6 The experimental set-up used to determine the action of the static forces.
2.45 50
4.91 95
7.36 148
9.81 190
12.27 238
14.72 290
Fig. 7 Graph of strain against force from the force transducer calibration experiment.
TABLE 2 Values from the experiment to determine the action of the static forces
A cost-effective experiment to demonstrate the action of static forces in slider-crank
mechanisms was found to yield results with good accuracy. The experiment was
easy to conduct and contributed much towards the experiential learning of students.
[1] K. J. Waldron and G. L. Kinzel, Kinematics, Dynamics, and Design of Machinery (John Wiley, New
York, 1999).
[2] D. H. Myszka, Machines and Mechanisms: Applied Kinematics Analysis (Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle
River, NJ, 1999).
[3] W. P. Boyle and K. Liu, ‘The offset slider crank: kinematic pseudograph analysis’, International
Journal of Engineering Education, 13 (1997), 198–203.
[4] B. S. Gottfried, Spreadsheet Tools for Engineers (McGraw-Hill, Boston, 1998).
Consider the graphical construction for velocity in a slider-crank mechanism shown
in Fig. A1. Let w be the angular velocity of crank OC and W the angular velocity
of the connecting rod, PC. If I is the instantaneous centre for PC,
v p c vc v p
W= = = (A1)
Simple rearrangement gives:
v p = vc (A2)